Al Hakam - 8 September 2023

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Hazrat Khalifatul Masih encourages Ahmadi women to embrace legacy of female companions: Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

With renewed enthusiasm, prioritise faith over worldly pursuits: Huzoor delivers Friday Sermon at Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

Islam is cradle of fundamental human rights

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V concludes Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

Stuttgart, 3 September 2023: At approximately 16:00 local time, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived for the bai‘at ceremony, Zuhr and Asr prayers and the concluding session of Jalsa Salana Germany 2023.

After taking  bai‘at  of the attendees in the main hall, Huzooraa led Zuhr and Asr prayers, which was followed by the formal concluding session. Huzooraa called Hafiz Zakir Muslim Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran. Hamid Iqbal read out the Urdu and Stefan Härter Sahib read out the German translation of the verses. Huzooraa then invited Murtaza Manan Sahib to read an Urdu poem of the Promised Messiahas

Huzooraa then invited National Secretary Talim to announce the names of Ahmadi graduates who achieved outstanding results and achievements in their educational pursuits during the years 2019-2023.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then came to the podium to deliver the concluding address. After reciting  tashahhud,  ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Huzooraa said that he had

Even if faith ascended to the Pleiades

Hazrat Abu Hurairahra, narrates,“When Surah al-Jumuah of the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we happened to be there in his company. When he recited the verse, ‘Wa akharina minhum lamma yalhaqu bihim’, that is, ‘And others from among them who have not yet joined them’, one of those present asked, ‘Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?’ The Holy Prophetsa did not pay attention. The man repeated the question thrice. At that time, Salmanra the Persian was also sitting among us. The Holy Prophetsa turned to him, placed his hand on him and said, ‘Even if faith ascended to the Pleiades [completely disappearing from the earth], there would be some from his people [in another version, “one man” is mentioned instead of “some people”] who would restore faith [back] to earth.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab alTafsir, Hadith 4897)

Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC),
Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL, UK | ISSN 2754-7388
| Friday 8 September 2023 | Issue CCLXXXVI
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Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s address at the TI College Convocation, 1950
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Prophet Muhammad Seal of the Prophets
ﺎﻨﻛ لﺎﻗ ﻪﻨﻋ ���ا ﻰﺿر ،ةﺮﻳﺮﻫ ﻰﺑأ ﻦﻋ ﻪﻴﻠ� ���ا ﻰﻠﺻ ﻰﺒﻨﻟا ﺪﻨﻋ ﺎﺳ��ﺟ ﺔﻌﻤ��ا ةرﻮﺳ ﻪﻴﻠ� ﺖﻟﺰﻧﺄﻓ ﻢﻠﺳو ��ﺑاﻮﻘ��ﻳ ﺎﻤﻟ ��ﻨ� ﻦﻳﺮﺧآو ﻢﻠﻓ ���ا لﻮﺳر ﺎﻳ �� ﻦﻣ ﺖﻠﻗ لﺎﻗ نﺎﻤﻠﺳ ﺎﻨﻴﻓو ،ﺎﺛ��ﺛ لﺄﺳ ﻰﺘﺣ ﻪﻌﺟاﺮﻳ ���ا ﻰﻠﺻ ���ا لﻮﺳر �ﺿو ،ﻰﺳرﺎﻔﻟا ﻮﻟ لﺎﻗ ﻢﺛ نﺎﻤﻠﺳ ﻰﻠ� هﺪﻳ ﻢﻠﺳو ﻪﻴﻠ� ۔لﺎﺟر �� ﺎﻨﻟ ﺎﻳ��ﻟا ﺪﻨﻋ نﺎﻤﻳ��ا نﺎ� ء��ﺆﻫ ﻦﻣ ﻞﺟر وأ
Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

in God

“The truth is that trust in God alone is the one thing that can make man succeed and achieve his goals. Allah the Exalted says:

ہبسح وہف ہللا یلع لکوتی نمو

“[And he who puts his trust in Allah — He is sufficient for him (Surah at-Talaq, Ch. 65: V. 4)].

“Allah becomes sufficient for him who puts his trust in Allah the Exalted, provided he progresses in everything honestly with a sincere heart and with the true understanding of trust in God. And he should be patient and steadfast. He should not withdraw by becoming intimidated by adversities. This world is a temporary, transient place as is everything in it and so too are the affairs associated with it. Therefore, it is essential for man to grieve over it less and be more concerned about the Hereafter. If concern for religion comes to prevail over man, God Himself becomes the surety for his worldly affairs.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 10, [English], p. 319)

been narrating various rights that Islam awards for the last few years in Jalsa Salana UK. Huzooraa said he would continue this theme.

Huzooraa said that with regard to business, loans and financial dealings, Islam has clear injunctions. Huzooraa recited Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V. 283:

“O ye who believe! when you borrow one from another for a fixed period, then write it down. And let a scribe write [it] in your presence faithfully; and no scribe should refuse to write, because Allah has taught him, so let him write and let him who incurs the liability dictate; and he should fear Allah, his Lord, and not diminish anything therefrom. But if the person incurring the liability be of low understanding or be weak or be unable himself to dictate, then let someone who can watch his interest dictate with justice. And call two witnesses from among your men; and if two men be not [available], then a man and two women, of such as you like as witnesses, so that if either of two [women] should err [in memory],

then one may remind the other. And the witnesses should not refuse when they are called. And do not feel weary of writing it down, whether it be small or large, along with its appointed time [of payment]. This is more equitable in the sight of Allah and makes testimony surer and is more likely to keep you away from doubts; [therefore omit not to write] except that it be ready merchandise which you give or take from hand to hand, in which case it shall be no sin for you that you write it not. And have witnesses when you sell one to another; and let no harm be done to the scribe or the witness. And if you do [that], then certainly it shall be disobedience on your part. And fear Allah. And Allah grants you knowledge and Allah knows all things well.” (Surah alBaqarah, Ch.2: V.283)

Huzooraa said this verse had great detail and was clear. By following these injunctions, not only would financial dealings be smoother, but peace would be established in society as well. Huzooraa said people often quarrelled with one another in these matters, and in today’s age, the so-called educated world has realised rules and regulations need to be written for these financial matters. However, Islam promulgated these rules in detail at the very outset.

With regard to the importance of paying loans, Huzooraa presented the following  hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairara in which the Holy Prophetsa said:

“A man of the Children of Israel asked another man of the Children of Israel to lend him one thousand dinars. The second man required witnesses. The former replied, ‘Allah is sufficient as a witness.’ The second said, ‘I want a surety.’ The former replied, ‘Allah is sufficient as a surety.’ The second said, ‘You are right,’ and lent him the money for a certain period. The debtor went across the sea. When he finished his job, he searched for a conveyance so that he might reach it in time for the repayment of the debt, but he could not find any. So, he took a piece of wood and made a hole in it, inserted one thousand dinars in it and a letter to the lender and then closed (i.e., sealed) the hole tightly. He took the piece of wood to the sea and said. ‘O Allah! You know well that I took a loan of one thousand Dinars from so-and-so. He demanded a surety from me, but I told him that Allah’s guarantee was sufficient and he accepted Your guarantee. He then asked for a witness and I told him that Allah was sufficient as a Witness, and he accepted You as a Witness. No doubt, I tried hard to find a conveyance so that I could pay his money but could not find one, so I hand over this money to You.’ Saying

that, he threw the piece of wood into the sea till it went out far into it, and then he went away. Meanwhile, he started searching for a conveyance in order to reach the creditor’s country.

“One day the lender came out of his house to see whether a ship had arrived bringing his money, and all of a sudden he saw the piece of wood in which his money had been deposited. He took it home to use for fire. When he sawed it, he found his money and the letter inside it. Shortly after that, the debtor came to him, bringing one thousand dinars and said, ‘By Allah, I had been trying hard to get a boat so that I could bring you your money, but failed to get one before the one I have come by.’ The lender asked, ‘Have you sent something to me?’ The debtor replied, ‘I have told you I could not get a boat other than the one I have come by.’

The lender said, ‘Allah has delivered on your behalf the money you sent in the piece of wood. So, you may keep your one thousand dinars and depart guided on the right path.’”

(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 2291)

Huzooraa said this was the level of faith a debtor should have in the one who was taking the debt. These are the standards that should be within each one of us; it is then that we will be fulfilling the pledge of bai‘at we have taken.

Speaking about those who are in debt, Huzooraa also narrated the following hadith:

It was narrated from Mihjan that Hazrat Uthmanra heard the Holy Prophetsa say:

“Allah will shade with His shade on the Day when there is no shade but His a person who gave more time to a debtor who was in difficulty or waived a debt for one who had a lot of debts.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 532)

Huzooraa said that contrary to the above standards, in today’s age, people act with deceit and falsehood and create disorder in terms of loans.

Hazrat Aishara narrated:

“The Messenger of Allahsa often used to seek refuge (with Allah) from debt and

sin. I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how often do you seek refuge from debt?’ He said: ‘Whoever gets into debt speaks and lies, and makes a promise and breaks it.’” (Sunan alNisa‘i, Hadith 5454)

Of course, the prophets would never act in such a way, but in this narration, he was giving a lesson to his ummah

Once, a person asked the Promised Messiahas to pray for him to escape the debts he owed. In response, the Promised Messiahas exhorted him to recite a lot of  istighfar as it removes difficulties and enables one to be successful.

A Jew once came to demand the loan he had given to the Holy Prophetsa. He was extremely harsh in his demeanour, which angered the Companionsra. However, the Holy Prophetsa told his Companionsra to calm themselves as he owed the Jew the loan and the Jew had the right to demand it. Observing these high morals of humility and restraint, the Jew accepted Islam.

In another narration, the Holy Prophetsa was asked to offer the funeral prayers of someone. The Prophetsa asked if the deceased died in a state of debt to which he was informed that he only owed two  dinars. The Prophetsa said he would not offer the funeral prayers as the person still owed money to someone. Hazrat Alira paid the loan so that the person could have the honour of having his funeral led by the Prophetsa. The Prophetsa therefore led the person’s funeral and prayed for Hazrat Alira as well.

Huzooraa said this was the care the early Muslims paid in terms of helping those in debt; however, it is the responsibility of the one in debt to pay off their loans.

With regard to how the Prophetsa took care of those who sacrificed their lives for Islam, Huzooraa narrated the following hadith:

Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullahra narrated that his father was martyred on the day of the Battle of Uhud and was in debt and left six

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 2
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Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words Trust

(orphan) daughters. Hazrat Jabirra, added:

“When the season of plucking the dates came, I went to Allah’s Messengersa and said, ‘You know that my father was martyred on the Day of Uhud, and he was heavily in debt, and I would like that the creditors should see you.’ The Prophetsa said, ‘Go and pile every kind of dates apart.’ I did so and called him (i.e., the Holy Prophetsa). When the creditors saw him, they started claiming their debts from me in such a harsh manner (as they had never done before). So when he saw their attitude, he went round the biggest heap of dates thrice, and then sat over it and said, ‘O Jabirra, call your companions (i.e., the creditors).’ Then he kept on measuring (and giving) to the creditors (their due) till Allah paid all the debt of my father. I would have been satisfied to retain nothing of those dates for my sisters after Allah had paid the debts of my father. But Allah saved all the heaps (of dates), so that when I looked at the heap where the Prophetsa had been sitting, it seemed as if a single date had not been taken away thereof.”

With regard to the rights of the general public, Huzooraa said that Islam established all their rights and referenced Surah alBaqarah, verse 84:

“And [remember the time] when We took a covenant from the children of Israel: ‘You shall worship [nothing] but Allah and [show] kindness to parents and to kindred and orphans and the poor, and speak to men kindly and observe Prayer, and pay the Zakah’; then you turned away in aversion, except a few of you.”

All types of rights have been mentioned in this verse – the injunction is a command to take care of the whole of humanity, not just those close to us. The Muslims are told to establish these rights and to never forsake them.

Showing how Islam shows respect to people from all faiths, Huzooraa narrated the following hadith:

Hazrat Jabirra bin Abdullah narrated:

“A funeral procession passed in front of us and the Prophetsa  stood up and we too stood up. We said, ‘O Allah’s Messengersa! This is the funeral procession of a Jew.” He said, “Whenever you see a funeral procession, you should stand up.”

Huzooraa said the clerics of Pakistan oppose this instruction of the Holy Prophetsa  as they desecrate the graves of Ahmadis. Huzooraa said that due to these actions, Pakistan was also in a poor state of affairs.

Huzooraa said that the Holy Prophetsa taught a Muslim must like for another Muslim brother what they themselves preferred:

“No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.”

In another narration, the Holy Prophetsa said no race had superiority over another.

The Promised Messiahas also emphasised this point in the fourth condition of the bai‘at: “That he shall not inflict injury on any of Allah’s creatures.” The Promised Messiahas also said that to help and show compassion to humanity is a great form of worship and a potent means of gaining the closeness of Allah. However, he noted that people did not pay attention to helping others, and mocked those who did.

Huzooraa said it was the responsibility of

Ahmadis to uphold these morals and then teach them to the world as well.

The Promised Messiahsa said that the faith of one who serves and helps humanity is protected by Allah. However, this service should be from the heart, not for show and public display. There are lots of people who act for public display.

Huzooraa referenced the following hadith:

“Hakim bin Hizam reported to Urwa bin Zubair that he said to the Messengersa of Allah: ‘Do you think that there is anything for me (of reward with the Lord) for the deed of religious purification that I did in the state of ignorance?’ Upon this, he replied: ‘You accepted Islam with all the previous virtues that you practised.’”

In another  hadith, a person was blessed to accept Islam because he would feed birds. The Promised Messiahas explained that Allah does not waste good deeds:

Huzooraa said that today’s so-called Muslim clerics – like that of the Taliban –only defamed the image of Islam by calling unto killing and murder. As a result, they are in the wrath of Allah even today.

Huzooraa stated that in order to uphold the rights of the general populace, government intervention in the market becomes permissible under specific circumstances and to a certain degree. Huzooraa said that Hazrat Umarra would ensure market price control and would see to it that the price of goods would not become too low, as that could undercut other vendors.

Once, Hazrat Umarra  was walking through the market when he saw someone selling dried grapes at a very low price, which other vendors could not afford to do. Hazrat Umarra instructed that he should either take his goods away from the market or sell them at a similar price as other vendors of Medina, which was a suitable and reasonable price. (Islam Ka Iqtasadi Nizam, Anwar-ul-Ulum, Vol. 18, p. 53)

Then, Allah mentions in the Holy Quran that your should obey Allah, the Prophetsa and those in authority over you.

The Promised Messiahas says that “those in authority over you” in a physical sense can mean a king, and spiritually refers to the

to keep the benefit of the public in mind, including their protection, food, shelter, etc. The Holy Prophetsa said that everyone was a shepherd who was questionable about the condition of their sheep.

In another narration, the Prophetsa said:

“If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid Paradise for them.”

If Muslim governments kept these Islamic teachings in mind, then all these riots, disorders and wars would not take place between them. Huzoorsa said that giving social assistance to the public was an Islamic injunction that the Western world has adopted and the Muslim world has forsaken.

In a narration, the Holy Prophetsa said that if someone dies in the condition that they are leaders over a people and they deceive them, such a person will have heaven forbidden upon them.

Hazrat Abu Bakrra also emphasised and established a lot of rights for the general public and ensured that these rights were spread throughout the Muslim world. He

It is clear from the life of the Holy Prophetsa that many converted to Islam by merely observing the high morals of the Holy Prophetsa

The Promised Messiahas said that if an Ahmadi sees their Hindu neighbour’s house burning and does not go and help them, they are not from his Jamaat. In the same way, if an Ahmadi sees a Chrisitan about to be murdered and does not help them, they are certainly not from his Jamaat. He said on oath that he had no personal enmity against anyone; rather, he had true sympathy with every human. He only desired the reformation of their religious beliefs.

Referring to the history of Islam, Huzooraa said the Khulafa of Islam carried out great services for the public. For example, Hazrat Umarra established a large river so that water and sustenance could reach all people and linked the sea to the Nile during his era. Hazrat Umarra also had various buildings and bridges constructed for the benefit of the public, including mosques, courts, army bases, roads and resting places along the road leading from Mecca to Medina.

Huzooraa said we should keep in mind that Islam was the first to establish these rights and give such benefits to the public.

Imam of the Time.

Huzooraa said that even today’s Western governments, if they accommodate us, honour our rights, and grant us permission for the propagation of faith, then it is imperative to adhere to the general laws of the land here, provided they are not in explicit contradiction with the clear directives of Islam. Unlawful activities of any sort must never be undertaken under the premise that this is a non-Muslim government, so do as you wish.

Huzooraa then presented a hadith, which recounts an incident involving a military detachment sent by the Holy Prophetsa

The amir of the detachment tested the obedience of the soldiers by asking them to jump into a fire. Some were willing to do so, but he stopped them, saying he was joking. When this event was reported to the Holy Prophetsa, he stated that obedience should only be in matters that are in accordance with Allah’s commands (ma‘ruf). The Holy Prophetsa said to them: ‘‘Whoever among you commands you to do something that involves disobedience to Allah, do not obey him.”

With regard to the responsibilities of the rulers, Huzooraa quoted Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra who said rulers’ responsibility was

ensured that members of other faiths were not attacked and their places of worship were protected. The payment of jizya was made easy for the non-Muslims as well.

Towards the end, Huzooraa prayed that Allah may give Muslim countries the sense to act upon these rights. Huzooraa said that to date, he had spoken about 25 categories of rights that Islam had established. It was the responsibility of every single Ahmadi to establish these rights and to spread this teaching throughout the world. It is essential we educate the world about the beautiful teachings of Islam – both to non-Muslims and Muslims.

In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayer and prayed that Allah may enable all the attendees to safely travel back and said we should all still be careful with regard to the Covid-19 virus.

After silent prayer, Huzoor announced the total attendance of Jalsa Salana Germany 2023 which was 47,237.

Various groups then had the chance to read  taraney (choral poems) before Huzooraa

Before departing from the hall, Huzooraa conveyed his  salaam to everyone, concluding Jalsa Salana Germany 2023.

3 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023

This Week in History

A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

8 - 9 September

8 September 1894: On this day, the Promised Messiahas notified Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra through a letter that he had received his contribution and shared that a new book, Anwarul-Islam, and an important announcement regarding Abdullah Atham were being printed with the help of his financial contributions. Hazrat Ahmadas graciously produced the summary of this book and details of the prophecy regarding Atham in this letter for Hazrat Seith Sahibra. On the same day, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter from Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira, informing him of the best outcome destined by God Almighty in the matter of Abdullah Atham. Huzooras shared that to expound on the whole emerging situation, he had prepared an announcement, and 5,000 copies were being printed and would reach him in the coming days. Hazrat Ahmadas guided him to rejoice because God had shown His clear sign in favour of Islam with the victory of the Muslim camp. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, pp. 331-333; 603)

9 September 1913: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira composed some verses in Punjabi containing prayers.

On the night of 9 September 1913, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira was suffering from pneumonia. Huzoorra was in great distress and wrote some poetic verses in Punjabi containing prayers. In those verses, he calls upon God as the only true Helper in difficult times, notes the fair-weather nature of human friendships, and expresses a strong desire to be a beacon of Islam. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 3, p. 463)

9 September 1927: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-

Maudra advised the Muslims that the principle that is required for their progress is in fact their religious progress; thus, “the more their power of faith and conviction grows, the more they will move towards progress.” (“Communal harmony, Unity Conference and Muslim rights: Hazrat Musleh-eMaud’s 1927 visit to Shimla”, Al Hakam, 24 February 2023, Issue 258, pp. 13-16)

10 September

10 September 1982: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh inaugurated the Basharat Mosque in Spain with his Friday Sermon. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Part 4, p. 817)

10 September 2004: During his Friday Sermon on this day, delivered from Belgium, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa spoke on the reasons behind the failure of the UNO and other such organisations.

11 September

11 September 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra called on the secretary of the religious and ethics department in the League of Nations, and a topic of mutual interest, world peace, was discussed in detail. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 540)

11 September 1927: On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a lecture at the Elphinstone Hall in Shimla, British India,

and made the Muslims aware of their individual and national responsibilities.

For more details, see “Communal harmony, Unity Conference and Muslim rights: Hazrat Musleh-eMaud’s 1927 visit to Shimla” (Al Hakam, 24 February 2023, Issue 258, pp. 13-16).

12 - 13


12 September 1959: The Noor Mosque in Frankfurt, Germany, was inaugurated by Hazrat Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra. This was the Jamaat’s second mosque in Germany and the fourth in Europe. This mosque is well known as the one where the heavyweight boxer, Muhammad Ali once prayed and visited.

(Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 20, p. 525)

12 September 1969: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh delivered a speech in which he urged the Jamaat to memorise the first 17 verses of Surah al-Baqarah. Huzoorrh said:

“It is my heartfelt desire that every Ahmadi should memorise the first 17 verses of Surah al-Baqarah, which I have just recited. [Ahmadis should also learn] its translation and should also know the commentary of these verses, as much as possible. […] I hope that you will respond

to this appeal, which I have made from the depths of my heart, and memorise these verses.” (Tarikhe-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 25, p. 124)

13 September 1924: On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered two lectures in Portsmouth, England, wherein he shed light on the second advent of Jesusas and elaborated on the heavenly call of God for this age. (Al Fazl, 14 October 1924)

14 September

14 September 1907: To enjoy the blessed audience of the Promised Messiahas, renowned Indian politician and influential community leader, Sir Mian Fazli-Husain paid a visit to Qadian on this day. He was accompanied by his father, Mian Husain Bakhsh, an ex-civil servant and magnate of Batala. Sir Fazl-i-Husain later founded the Unionist Party of Punjab and also reached the highest political rank for a native Indian, member of Viceroy’s Executive Council. (“Coming from every distant track: Sir Mian Fazli-Husain meets with the Promised Messiah”, Al Hakam, 18 March 2022, Issue 209, pp. 12-13)

14 September 2012: During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned Muhammad Nawaz Sahib of Karachi, who was a police employee and was martyred while on duty.

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 4 8 - 14 September
A view of the Government Offices at Shimla
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira | Image: library

Only in Islam do we find standards of absolute justice

Huzoor’s address to external guests at Jalsa Salana Germany

Stuttgart, 2 September 2023: At approximately 5:12 pm local time, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, began his second address of the day to non-Ahmadi guests at Jalsa Salana Germany.

This special session started with the recitation of the selected verses of the Holy Quran from Surah an-Nisa, Surah anNahl and Surah al-Hujurat, by Khawaja Abdur Nur Sahib. Then, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa came to the podium and spoke to external guests. A brief summary of the address is given below:

After reciting  tashahhud and  ta’awwuz, Huzooraa  thanked all the guests who accepted the invitation and participated in the gathering.

Huzooraa then said that he would address the major allegations levelled against Islam.

First of all, it is alleged that Islam’s teachings are extremist and encourage Muslims to use force to conquer lands or eliminate other religions and beliefs. It is also claimed that Muslims consider non-Muslims inferior and that Islam does not prioritise human values or bestow equal rights on certain sections of society, especially women.

One of the primary allegations against Islam is that it was spread by sword or force. In chapter 10, verse 100 of the Holy Quran, Allah says that if He had willed, He would have compelled everyone to accept Islam. This verse clearly proves that every person is free to practise their religion and nobody can compel anyone to convert to any religion.

Islam does not permit Muslims to propagate their faith coercively through the destructive powers of swords and bombs, but instead calls on them to use reason, evidence and love to win the hearts and minds of mankind.

Allah the Almighty has repeatedly commanded us to practise the highest

moral standards. Further, Islam does not tell Muslims to not show kindness, instead, it instructs them to treat all people with justice, benevolence and compassion.

The Holy Quran enshrines a timeless and magnificent standard of truth and integrity. The justice advocated by Islam requires that even if someone has been mistreated or prosecuted, it must never lead to seeking revenge.

Throughout history, wars and disputes have plagued society. Howeevr, only in Islam do we find the standards of absolute justice.

Another allegation against Islam is that it is a religion of warfare and bloodshed. However, Allah has never given Muslims to fight and take up arms. Where the Holy Quran grants permission to fight in defence, it is clearly under certain stringent


The battles fought by the Holy Prophetsa  were entirely defensive in nature. Prophet Muhammadsa and his companion migrated from Mecca because of persecution. Even then, they were not left to live in peace and the Meccan army intended to kill the Prophetsa and eliminate Islam. Under those extreme circumstances, Allah gave the permission to fight a defensive war.

The Holy Quran testifies that the ultimate objective of the Meccans was to eradicate all religions and demolish all places of worship. Hence, Allah gave the permission to take up arms against them.

If these are the actual teachings of Islam, then one might think as to why have the terrorists conducted such heinous acts in the name of Islam in recent years. The answer is that hateful extremists or politically motivated individuals have extrapolated entirely false conclusions from certain verses of the Holy Quran to serve their own evil desires. Islam does not permit these cruel practices.

Another golden principle for ensuring peace in society is given in chapter 16 verse 91 of the Holy Quran. Allah the Almighty commands Muslims to not only act with justice but go beyond this and treat all people with love and compassion without their religious affiliations. Muslims are encouraged to help everyone selflessly without desiring anything in return.

Huzooraa said, “In essence, the Holy Quran teaches us that serving humanity is a fundamental means of spiritual progress.”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa emphasised, “Islam teaches that it is essential to care for the sentiments and feelings of one another with sensitivity and consideration.”

Huzooraa explained, “In an age when women’s rights were not even deemed worthy of consideration, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophetsa of Islam enshrined forever countless rights of women and girls including the rights to education, to divorce, and to inherit.

“On one occasion, the Holy Prophetsa of Islam gave an analogy of a woman being like a rib. As such, they were delicate and to be treated with love and tenderness. If one analyses this statement carefully, one would realise how esteemed the status of women in Islam is. The human rib is designed to protect a person’s vital organs and so by describing women in such a way the Holy Prophetsa has pointed to the fact that women are fundamental to the survival of humanity.”

Towards the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:

“At the end, I pray that the people of the world may come to recognise their Creator and may all mankind, irrespective of their religious beliefs, live together in peace and with the spirit of compassion and respect for one another. Amin.”

5 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih encourages

Ahmadi women to embrace legacy of female companions: Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

Stuttgart, 2 September 2023: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived at the Lajna hall for an address at Jalsa Salana, Germany. To commence the formal session, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa called Naushin Islam Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran: Surah anNur, Ch.26: V. 31-32. The Urdu translation was read out by Huma Nurul Huda Sahiba. An Urdu poem written by Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra was then presented by Aniqa Shakir Sahiba.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then called Secretary Umur-e-Talibaat to announce the names of those Lajna students who achieved academic excellence.

Huzooraa then came to the podium to deliver his address. After  tashahhud,  ta‘awwuz and Surah alFatiha. Huzooraa said that at the Jalsa Salana UK, he spoke of the excellent examples of some pious Muslim ladies. He said, he would continue to narrate further such incidents in his address.

Huzooraa said, they sacrificed their lives and wealth for Islam and showed great levels of bravery. These women created examples for not just Muslim women but for men too. These incidents should be a means of increasing our faith, and thus, Huzooraa said, we should listen to them closely and make them a part of our lives.

With regard to obedience to Allah, it is narrated about Hazrat Hafsara that she was someone who would keep many fasts and would offer a lot of prayers at night for Allah’s sake. To attain high levels of worship, she would try her utmost to excel more than the men as well.

Huzooraa explained that as believers, we should emulate each other in terms of increasing faith, not in worldly matters. This is what the Companions did.

Hazrat Umm Habibahra narrated, that she heard Allah’s Messengersa say, “Whoever prays twelve (voluntary) rak‘at in a day and a night, a house will be built for them in Paradise due to them (the  rak‘at).” Since the Holy Prophetsa said this, she has never missed these voluntary prayers.

With regard to financial sacrifices, it is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra that “The Prophetsa offered a two-rak‘at prayer on Eid day, and he did not offer any (nawafil) before or after it. He then went towards the women, with Bilal[ra] accompanying him, and ordered them to give alms. And so the women started giving their earrings, etc.”

Huzooraa said that Ahmadi women carry out these kinds of sacrifices today as well and, as a result, are blessed in countless ways.

The Holy Prophetsa would encourage women to engage in beneficial activities and avoid useless ones. Huzooraa said some Ahmadi women write to him and ask if they can study music and other similar subjects. However, they must realise these things are useless; one should do things that are useful [for humanity].

The female companions of the Holy Prophetsa would try their utmost to carry out every good deed. Hence, it is narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra, “A woman from the tribe of Juhaina came to the Prophetsa and said, ‘My mother had vowed to perform Hajj, but she died before performing it. May I perform Hajj on my mother’s behalf?’ The Prophetsa replied, ‘Perform Hajj on her behalf. Had there been a debt to your mother, would you have paid it? So, pay Allah’s debt, as He has more right to be paid.’”

It is written in history that one of the very first martyrs of Islam was a woman:  Hazrat Sumayyara. The kuffar would torture her, once putting her in metal chains and throwing her outside in the scorching sun. The Prophetsa saw this and told her family to be patient. In the end, Abu Jahl murdered her in a barbaric way, and therefore history has it that she was the first female martyr of Islam.

During the time when Abdullah bin Zubairra fought Hajjaj, he met his mother, Hazrat Asmara, who was ill. She told him that she would not be content unless one of

two things were fulfilled:

1. “Either you become a martyr and I remain patient.”

2. “Or you are victorious so that my eyes are cooled.”

Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubairra was martyred and Hajjaj put him on a cross. She went to see him and instead of crying, she looked at Hajjaj and prayed regarding her son’s bravery.

Once Hazrat Asma bint Abu Bakrra said: “When Allah’s Messengersa and Abu Bakrra made the  hijrah, a group of Quraysh – including Abu Jahl – came to us and stood at the door of Abu Bakr’sra house. So I went out to them. They said: ‘Where is your father, O daughter of Abu Bakrra.’ I said: ‘By Allah, I do not know where my father is.’ So Abu Jahl, who was a vulgar and vile man, raised his hand and slapped my cheek, causing my earring to fall to the ground. And they left.”

Huzooraa narrated the arduous difficulties that Hazrat Umm-e-Salamara faced and asked all Ahmadis whether or not they were making sacrifices and enduring difficulties for the sake of their faith in the same way,

Hazrat Umm Salamara  narrated:

“When Abu Salama had decided to set out for Medina, he saddled his camel for me and mounted me on it together with my son, who was in my arms.

“Then he set out leading the camel. When the men of Ibn al-Mughira bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar bin Makhzoom saw

him, they got up and said: So far as you are concerned, you can do what you like, but what about your wife? Do you suppose that we shall let you take her away?’

“So they snatched the camel’s rope from his hand and took me from him. Abu Salama’s family, the Ibn ‘Abdul Asad, were angry at this and said: ‘You will not leave our son with her seeing (that) you have torn her from our tribesman. So they dragged my little boy Salama between them (and were pulling him apart amongst themselves) until they dislocated his arm, and the Ibn al-Asad took him away, while the (tribe of) Ibn al-Mughira kept me with them, and my husband Abu Salama went to Medina.

“Thus, I was separated from my husband and my son. I used to go out every morning and sit in the valley weeping continuously until a year or so had passed when one of my cousins of Ibn al-Mughira passed and saw my plight and took pity on me.

“He said to his tribesmen, ‘Why don’t you let this poor woman go? You have separated husband, wife, and child.’ So they said to me, ‘You can join your husband if you like’; and then Ibn ‘Abdul Asad restored my son to me. So I saddled my camel, took my son, and carried him in my arms. Then I set forth to make it to my husband in Medina.

“Not a soul was with me. I thought that I could get food from anyone I met on the road until I reached my husband. When I was in Ta’nim, I met ‘Uthman bin Talha bin

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 6

Abu Talha, brother of Ibn ‘Abdud Dar, who asked me where I was going and if I was all alone. I told him that except for Allah and my little boy, I was alone. He said that I ought not to be left helpless like that, and he took hold of the camel’s halter and went along with me.

“Never have I met an Arab more noble than he. When we halted, he would make the camel kneel for me and then withdraw; when we reached a stopping place, he would lead my camel away, unload it, and tie it to a tree. Then he would go away from me and lie down under a tree.

“When evening came, he would bring the camel and saddle it, then go behind me and tell me to ride; and when I was firmly established in the saddle, he would come and take the halter and lead it until he brought me to a halt. This he did all the way to Madinah.

“When he saw a village of Ibn ‘Amr bin ‘Auf in Quba’ he said: ‘Your husband is in this village (Abu Salama was there at that time), so enter it with the blessing of Allah.’ Then he went off on his way back to Mecca.

“She used to say, By Allah, I do not know a family in Islam that suffered what the family of Abu Salama did. Nor have I ever seen a nobler man than ‘Uthman bin Talha.”

Huzooraa said many of the women sitting in front of me have also migrated here for the sake of their faith. They should ask themselves if they are also following these examples and giving precedence to their faith over the world.

Hazrat Safiyyara (the sister of Hazrat Hamzara) migrated with Hazrat Zubairra to Medina. When Muslims suffered temporary setback during the Battle of Uhud, she immediately left Medina to see the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa instructed that she was not allowed to see the body of her brother, Hazrat Hamzara. However, when she heard of this, Hazrat Safiyyara expressed that she already knew how the disbelievers had treated the body of her brother and made it clear that it was no great sacrifice for Islam in her eyes. The Prophetsa allowed her to see the body then, which was in a very bad state. After seeing it, she remained in control of her emotions and prayed for the forgiveness of her brother.

A young female Muslim opposed her mother, who was going against an instruction given by Hazrat Umarra. At the time, Hazrat Umarra was listening to this young girl and got his son, Hazrat Asimra married to her. It is said Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Azizrh was from the children of this Muslim girl.

According to this narration, one night, Hazrat Umarra walked through the narrow streets of Medina in silence, observing the state of his people. As he passed by one mud-brick home, two voices caught his attention. Both were female: one older and hardened by life; the other, youthful and quietly determined.

“Tomorrow, when you take the milk to sell,” said the older voice – a mother’s voice – “Mix it with water. We’ll make more money for less milk when today you sold all the milk and brought back only a meagre profit.”

“Mother!” the younger woman exclaimed. “We cannot do such a thing. Didn’t you hear the Amirul Momineen, Hazrat Umarra, prohibit everyone from

doing so?”

“And where is the Commander of the Believers now?” retorted her mother. “Even if he can’t see us, Allah surely sees us,” the daughter responded firmly.

Huzooraa stated that Ahmadi women should follow the directives of Khalifatul Masih in this manner, whilst maintaining an unwavering faith in the omnipresence of Allah.

With regard to purdah, Huzooraa said Allah has instructed women to hide their beauty from non-Mahram men and to keep their gazes low. However, these instructions do not mean that women should be kept like prisoners. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that Islam never instructs that women should be confined within their homes, nor did Muslim women in the early days of Islam practise such seclusion. On the contrary, they would attend the sermons of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, participate in battles, tend to the wounded, engage in horse-riding, and both learn from and educate men. Regarding Hazrat Aishara, it is well-established that she would narrate the ahadith of the Holy Prophetsa to men. In essence, they enjoyed complete practical freedom. They were only commanded to cover the parts of their faces and necks connected to the head so that the paths leading to sin might remain closed. If they could exercise further caution, they were advised to don a niqab. However, the notion that they should remain confined to their homes and be detached from all educational and developmental activities is not a teaching of Islam.

The Holy Prophetsa would make the Companions compete with one another, for example, in horse riding races, archery, and other examples of strength. During one such display, the Prophetsa said to Hazrat Aishara that she could also watch this display. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra  said this narration shows us that Muslim women should not fear elements of warfare or get scared by seeing a sword, etc. They should be brave and courageous women.

Huzooraa said that in a previous address, he said that the niqab was not an Islamic injunction. However, women should not take this to mean they are free to just wrap their heads and go out in normal clothes. This is certainly not the case. They must wear a covering over their bodies and hide their beauty in public.

Huzooraa spoke of the relationship between a daughters-in-law and a mothersin-law. Hazrat Fatimara, the daughter of the Prophetsa, would take great care of her mother-in-law who was also named Hazrat Fatima (the mother of Hazrat Fatima). Hazrat Fatimara (the daughter of the Holy Prophetsa) would not let her mother-inlaw work in the house a lot and would take care of the matters herself. She would serve her, let her rest, fulfil her needs, wash her clothes, give her food, and help in every other aspect of the house.

Hazrat Fatima’sra  own mother-in-law said that she believed that she did not think any other daughter-in-law helped her mother-in-law as much as Hazrat Fatimara did. She continued by saying that her daughter-in-law was extremely helpful and truly thought of her as her mother.

Huzooraa said from this it is clear that women should be the caretakers of the house and men, the breadwinners. When

this balance of responsibilities is in place, beautiful atmospheres in our homes will be created, and children will be raised in a good manner.

Speaking on the bravery of early Muslim women, Huzooraa narrated that, Hazrat Zirarra was captivated by the Romans and could not be freed by the Muslims. A lot of attempts were made, but they were futile. Hazrat Khalidra was planning a rescue, and during the preparations, he saw a warrior rider on a red camel who was walking in front of the Muslim army who was approaching the disbelievers. This lone rider attacked the disbelievers fiercely and created piles of disbelievers among the Romans. The rider fought alone, and no Roman could get near them. People thought the rider was Hazrat Khalidra, but he was not.

Hazrat Khalidra himself was perplexed over who this rider was. Hazrat Khalidra met the rider and said to them that they had taken their anger out on Allah’s enemies and therefore wanted to know their identity. The rider remained silent and continued to fight. Hazrat Khalidra pushed the person to reveal their identity. The warrior said they were not remaining silent out of disobedience but because she was a woman. She said she was the sister of Hazrat Zirarra and would join the Muslims in releasing her brother.

Ultimately, Hazrat Khalidra and the Muslim army reached the Romans and asked for Hazrat Zirarra. They informed him that Hazrat Zirarra had created havoc among the Roman army and was sent as a captive to a Roman king. Hazrat Khalidra sent Hazrat Rafayra in pursuit, and Hazrat Khaulara said she would be remaining with them. They reached the disbelievers who had captivated Hazrat Zirarra

Hazrat Zirarra  was reciting couplets in which he was asking God to inform his people and his sister that he was a captive tied up. Huzooraa said this showed he knew of the bravery of her sister, who would come in an instant if she had found out. While he was saying these couplets, Hazrat Khaulara was nearby and said in a loud voice, “Allah’s help has come, I am your sister Khaula”. She raised a slogan of Allah’s greatness and attacked along with the Muslims who killed the Romans. Hazrat Khaulara untied her brother’s ropes and greeted him.

Huzooraa also spoke of a great woman who lost her husband, son, and brother but remained a strong fortress of patience. It was the mother of Hazrat Khalladra, Hazrat Hind bint-e-Amrra. In the Battle of Uhud, she put her brother, husband, and son on a camel

and brought them back to Medina, but was told that according to Allah’s instructions, the Uhud martyrs should be buried on the battlefield of Uhud. She thus took the bodies of her husband, son, and brother back to Uhud, where they were buried. Previously, when she found out about the death of her close family, she showed great patience and worried only about the health of the Holy Prophetsa

Hazrat Umme Umarahra fought with great bravery in the Battle of Uhud. Huzooraa said we narrate Hazrat Alira fought valiantly in Uhud but so did Hazrat Umme Umarahra. The Holy Prophetsa  said himself that he saw Hazrat Umme Umarahra fighting to his left and right during the battle of Uhud. She was also severely injured during this battle.

With regard to these great women, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said that once the women said to the Prophetsa  that the men were not greater than them, and thus they would also partake in battles. The Holy Prophetsa gave permission and also gave this lady a part of the booty of war, despite the men questioning why she was being given it.

Huzooraa said the Muslim women would also go to war to help the injured.

Hazrat Aishara also led a whole army after the time of the Holy Prophetsa and she did so because she was well aware of warfare. Huzooraa said that she later realised that the war was wrong and retreated, but the fact is that she knew how to fight.

Huzooraa said the female companions would partake in Jihad of the time, they were brave and would learn every skill. They would not merely sit at home. Huzooraa said:

“The Jihad of this age is the Jihad of the pen, to spread literature, and to preach. Thus, it is the task of women to fully partake in  tabligh and equip themselves with skills that will enable them to carry out tabligh They would learn the Quran, gain religious knowledge, and attain knowledge from the books of the Promised Messiahas and the ahadith. And they should also mould their morals according to Islamic teachings – it is then that they will be able to serve Islam. […] Always remember that to attain a high target, sacrifices are needed.”

Huzooraa said Ahmadi women must never get trapped in any kind of complex in terms of their faith. They should be the ones leading the world by example.

In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayers, which were followed by various choral poems, presented by members of Lajna Imaillah.

7 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023
Christian Buehner | Unsplash

With renewed enthusiasm, prioritise faith over worldly pursuits

Huzoor delivers Friday Sermon at Jalsa Salana Germany 2023

Stuttgart, Germany, 1 September 2023:  At approximately 2 pm local time, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, Khalifatul Masih V arrived to hoist the  Liwa-e-Ahmadiyya

After hoisting the flag and leading everyone in silent prayer, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa made his way into the main Jalsa Gah and delivered the Friday Sermon at Jalsa Salana Germany 2023, a brief summary of which is given below:

Huzooraa began by saying that,  Alhamdulillah, after a four-year break, Germany Jamaat has got the opportunity to hold their Jalsa Salana on a large scale. They shouldn’t only be happy that they will gather together and meet each other. The main purpose of the Jalsa Salana, as explained by the Promised Messiahas is to progress spiritually and give less preference to the world.

Hundred years have passed since the establishment of Germany Jamaat. Members here are very happy and excited. It is indeed a moment of delight that 100 years ago, the message of the Promised Messiahas reached Germany.

However, we should also focus on what we achieved in these hundred years. Many Ahmadis came here over the years. They came here as Ahmadis because they were hindered from practising their faith in their countries. After they came here and got religious freedom, they should concentrate on progressing in faith, and connecting their children to the Jamaat. If they did all that, then they will truly have the right to be happy after the completion of 100 years.

The Promised Messiahas has advised us about the  conditions of  bai‘at and our responsibilities. We should focus on how well we are fulfilling our duties. We should be mindful if we have forgotten our objectives or if we are fulfilling every responsibility.

The Promised Messiahas said that those who pledge allegiance should focus on the essence and not the outer shell. He gave the example of an egg. Allah the Almighty does not care about the shell and thus we should not be happy with it. One should make every sacrifice to fulfil the true essence of bai‘at

One should prefer faith over the world. What is ‘preferring religion over the world’? Is it secluding oneself fro them world? The Promised Messiahas said that he did not want the Muslims to become lazy. They should focus on prayers and every practice of religion. The companions of the Holy Prophetsa didn’t leave the world and at the same time stayed completely focused on prayers and faith. One should remember that until one absorbs the true meaning of ہللا الا ہلا ال [“There is none worthy of worship except Allah”], one cannot progress in faith. If we leave the book of Allah, we will not progress. Other nations just focus on worldly education and do not put their trust in God’s Book [the Holy Quran]. Surely, Allah the Almighty exists and the Book of Allah is our guidance. The only way to progress is to have complete faith in God Almighty.

Muslims as a whole are not strong because they don’t put their complete trust in God and the teachings of the Holy Quran.

The Promised Messiahas said that people fell prey to the world. However, those who believe in God and trust Him get victory over the satanic parties. One who wants true education should study the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is an ocean of religious insights and wisdom.

Among us, how many are there who study the Holy Quran and read it with full attention?

The Promised Messiahas said that the Holy Quran did a great service to the nations of earlier prophets. It clarified the false

stories that had crept in. Our opponents became hostile because we openly declare that the Holy Quran is the divine light and carries great wisdom. They consider it a story book but we declare that it is full of deep knowledge. So, every Ahmadi should focus on the Holy Quran.

To prefer faith over the world also means to have a great relationship with Allah the Almighty. The way to have a good relationship with God is to worship Him. If we offer prayers and worship Him, only then can we attain the nearness of Allah.

The Promised Messiahas said we should establish a pure relationship with Allah the Almighty. The root of true faith is possessing true love of God. Our trust is in the ways of God Almighty. If one has complete trust in Allah, no one else can harm them. One should offer daily prayers. One should reform oneself if one wants to get the full benefits of their prayers. They should do good deeds and also try all the means. Those

who do not find delight in prayers are the ones who do not concentrate in prayers or do not offer salat at all. One should offer prayers with full attention; only then will they get the delight of salat. Those who do not offer prayers consider salat a debt. One should pray that God may grant them the salat of the blessed and righteous people. Those who pray and still do bad deeds do not focus on salat and offer it as a mere habit.

We ought to ensure that we fulfil the obligation of offering salat, as it is incumbent upon us. Should we find ourselves falling short in the practice of prayers, it becomes imperative to focus on self-improvement and diligently safeguard this sacred duty.

The Promised Messiahas elucidated the concept by citing the example of a child who initially perceives words as mere lines and marks. With the passage of time, however,

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Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 8

Huzoor meets groups of Ahmadis from around the world, including Arabs, at Jalsa Salana Germany

Messe Stuttgart, 2 September 2023: During the Jalsa Salana Germany 2023, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa met with various international groups of Ahmadis. Among those who had the privilege were also Ahmadis from Russian-speaking countries and Arab Ahmadis, both of whom Huzooraa met on the evening of 2 September. We were able to attend the evening mulaqat held with Arab attendees, which included both Arab Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis.

At approximately 8:30 pm local time, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa arrived for the meeting.

Huzooraa asked how everyone was, who was attending for the first time, and who had accepted Ahmadiyyat recently. He also asked whether those who had joined Ahmadiyyat had seen anything unIslamic in the Jamaat, to which everyone was silent. Huzooraa smiled and said the silence affirmed that nobody had seen such.

Huzooraa said the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas was to call people to the fulfilment of the rights of Allah and His creation. May Allah enable us to do so.

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the child gains wisdom and comprehends their significance. In the same way, we ought to persist in offering salat, whilst maintaining our focus upon it.

The Promised Messiahas said that the instructions of the Hakam and Adl should be understood with great respect. One should not be mistrustful, because having faith and trust is the only way to progress. If we have fully accepted the Promised Messiah of the age as the  Hakam and  Adl, we should obey and follow his commandments.

The opponents did not recognise the Promised Messiahas even after 100 years. We should focus on saving them and try to spread the message of the Promised Messiahas to every person in the world. Hundred years have passed since the establishment of the Jamaat in Germany, but we have not fully conveyed the message of Islam to all the Germans.

The Promised Messiahas emphasised the necessity of disseminating the message of true Islam to both the Arabs and the people of Europe. There remains considerable ground yet to cover in order to fulfil this solemn responsibility.

One ought not to be daunted by the apparent progress witnessed in Europe or the Western world. Instead, it is crucial to bear in mind that our acceptance of Ahmadiyyat

Huzooraa said that due to his previous engagement, the time for the meeting with Arabs had to be reduced, but nevertheless, he would spend time with them. Upon this, Huzooraa opened the floor for any questions or comments.

An Arab lady requested prayers for the wedding of her daughter and asked if Huzooraa could bless some rings she had brought with her. Huzooraa graciously accepted the request and blessed the rings.

One person asked what Huzooraa prays for during silent prayers (du‘a). To this, Huzooraa said he recited Surah al-Fatiha, sends salutations upon the Holy Prophetsa, and then prays according to the situation.

A Syrian Ahmadi asked for prayers and informed Huzooraa that he is a new Ahmadi. Huzooraa told him to endeavour to increase his connection with Allah the Exalted.

A lady from Palestine thanked Huzooraa and the German Jamaat for her being able to attend the Jalsa and also requested prayers for her mother, who is the Sadr of the Lajna of Palestine. She also said she had brought a gift from sisters in

is not motivated by worldly gains, but rather to forge a living relationship with Allah

Explaining the purpose of his advent, the Promised Messiahas said that the purpose of his appearance is to spread Tawhid [Unity of God], high morals and spirituality.

One should pray that God Almighty may save and protect us from every spiritual illness. We should focus on moderation.

Hence, these are the things that bring us close to God Almighty. We should look into ourselves if we are following them.

We should also focus on high moral standards. On the inauguration of the mosques in Germany, many people expressed that Ahmadis have good morals. Nonetheless, it is not merely a matter of displaying high morals; following this, one should also take the opportunity to introduce the principles of true Islam Ahmadiyyat to the world.

As articulated by the Promised Messiah, our spiritual progress will become evident when we impeccably honour both the rights of Allah and the rights of His creation. When our own Community, as well as the broader populace, discern a marked distinction in our conduct and our children likewise draw lessons from our actions, then we may consider ourselves truly advanced in faith and spirituality.

Amir Sahib Germany was asking me about their next-century targets and tasks.


An Arab lady asked Huzooraa if she could recite some couplets before Huzooraa from an Arabic  qaseedah of the Promised Messiahas Lovingly, Huzooraa accepted and listened to two couplets. The lady recited the couplets with great affection.

A brief discussion was also held on the persecution of Ahmadis in Algeria. Huzooraa prayed for all the Ahmadi Algerians who were suffering due to their faith in the Promised Messiahas

The few things I have expressed in the light of the saying of the Promised Messiahas should be first looked into if we are following them or not.

Huzooraa  then asked the following questions:

1. Have we truly established a connection with Allah?

2. Have we obtained the highest levels of worship and prayer?

3. Are we punctual in our prayers, even if it means leaving our worldly trade, businesses, and jobs?

4. Or is there simply an emphasis on building mosques?

5. Are we consistent in reciting the Holy Quran and actively seeking Allah’s guidance and then implementing it?

6. Are we making our best efforts to attach our children to the Jamaat?

7. Do we prioritise their religious faith and knowledge alongside their secular education?

8. Have we fostered a sense of mutual connection among Ahmadis, exemplifying kindness toward one another?

9. Are we merely displaying high moral standards among non-Muslims and introducing them to true Islam?

10. Or are we merely just exhibiting good morals to show we are good and

Another Arab Ahmadi from Canada informed Huzooraa that he had come here to be blessed with a mulaqat with Huzooraa and to see him. He also requested prayers for his family members.

Huzooraa then spoke to a new Ahmadi. He said he is from Syria and accepted Ahmadiyyat two years ago. He requested Huzooraa to pray that Allah may enable him to also perform bai‘at by putting his hand on Huzoor’saa blessed hand.


Huzooraa pointed out that in many instances when he had the opportunity to address non-Muslims and non-Ahmadis, they expressed that it was their first exposure to the beautiful teachings of Islam.

Therefore, Huzooraa said, it is clear that you are not utilising your relationships to introduce Islam as we should. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa questioned the purpose of distributing hundreds of thousands of leaflets if they do not effectively introduce Islam. One should first evaluate the standards we have achieved in fulfilling the rights owed to God and His creation. Each individual should conduct their own assessment.

Huzooraa further expounded that as we commence this new century of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat›s existence in Germany, we must do so with invigorated enthusiasm and an acute focus on spiritual matters. The emphasis should be on prioritising our faith above worldly concerns. We must continually counsel our children and next generations, imparting moral values to them. This passion should be passed down from one generation to the next.

Huzooraa prayed that may Allah the Almighty enable us to do so. Amin

9 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023

Al Hakam

Prophets of Allah

Prophet Muhammad Seal of the Prophets

raise among every people a Messenger

لوسر ا ا دمحم امو

“And Muhammad is only a Messenger” (Surah Aal-e-`Imran, Ch.3: V.145)

When writing about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa – the greatest prophet to have graced the Earth with his presence and teachings – one cannot help but wonder where to begin. So much can be said about this perfect and noble Messengersa that attempting to summarise his life and character in one article would certainly fall short of doing justice. No matter how extensively one describes this Chosen One, Muhammadsa, the heart remains unsatisfied. His life, message, and every aspect of his being illuminate the heart, and even reciting the durood sharif is truly an honour for us Muslims. Simply being a follower of his is a blessing in and of itself.

Holy Prophetsa, the epitome of prophetic eminence

Without a doubt, the Holy Prophetsa is renowned as the paragon of all prophets and the epitome of humanity’s finest. It was through him that Allah the Almighty unveiled the perfect religion and brought the sharia to its ultimate culmination. He stands as the master of all prophets and the pinnacle of their ranks.

The Holy Prophetsa is reported to have said, and this has been mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his tafsir, that:

“If Mosesas and Jesusas were alive, they would have no alternative but to follow me.” (Ibn Kathir, Tafsir ul Quran, Surah Aal-eImran, Ch.3: V.81)

The Holy Prophetsa, the final law-bearing Prophetsa, was and always is blessed until the Day of Judgement. He stands as the greatest guide. If any Prophet were alive in his time, they would have obeyed him. This is why he led them during the Night Journey when they convened in Jerusalem. He will also act as an intermediary when Allah gathers His servants and delivers just judgements. This special role belongs exclusively to him.

In light of the Holy Quran: Prophet’ssa names and some facts

The Holy Quran refers to the Holy Prophetsa in various names and also highlights some of his attributes. He is frequently addressed in the second person as Muhammad, Messenger, and Prophet, peace be upon him. The name ‘Muhammad’, which means ‘praiseworthy’, is mentioned four times in the Holy Quran:

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.41)

“But [as for] those who believe and do good works and believe in that which has been revealed to Muhammad — and it is the truth from their Lord” (Surah Muhammad, Ch.47: V.3)

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” (Surah Al-Fath, Ch.48: V.30)

The Holy Quran also refers to the Holy Prophetsa by the name Ahmad. In Surah asSaff, when Jesus prophesied the coming of the Prophet after him, he said:

“‘and giving glad tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. His name will be Ahmad.’” (Surah as-Saff, Ch.61: V.7)

Abrahamas, the forefather of the prophets, prayed to Allah for the raising of a Messenger who would recite His signs, teach the book and wisdom, and purify people (2:130). This prayer found fulfilment in the Holy Prophetsa. Moreover, in Deuteronomy 18:18, a Messenger sent to the world is foretold; once more, this prophecy was none other than that of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

As previously mentioned, the Holy Prophet’ssa name appears four times in

the Holy Quran. The Quran affirms the Holy Prophet’ssa possession of impeccable qualities (20:2) and draws a comparison to Mosesas (73:16). He stands as the Seal of all Prophets (33:41) and the ultimate guide (36:2), whose path leads to earning God’s love (3:32) and achieving an elevated spiritual status (4:70).

The Holy Quran affirms that the Holy Prophetsa was sent as a Prophet to the world following an interval in the succession of Prophets (5:20).

A brief look at cultural and geographical dimensions of preIslamic Arabia

Geographically, Arabia can be divided into three dimensions: (i) flat land, (ii) mountains, and (iii) desert. (Sirat Sayed alAnbiya, Shiekh Abdul Qadir Sahib, p. 2) It is known for being a dry and hot land that produces dates, grapes, figs, pears, and more. One of the popular foods in the region was tharid. Arabia was never centrally governed; instead, it was generally inhabited by tribes and vagabonds. Each tribe had a poet who was held in the highest regard. In preIslamic times, when a tribe was on the brink of war, they would call upon their poet. The poets would recite poetry, and the tribe whose poet delivered the most eloquent poem would often win the war. Speaking of conflicts, in pre-Islamic Arabia, fights between tribes often originated over trivial matters. A clear example of this reality can be seen in the Battle of Basus. (Ibid., pp. 9-13)

Muhammadsa, the orphan who adopted world

The Holy Prophetsa was born in Mecca around the year known as the Year of the Elephant, which saw the notable event of the failed attack on the Holy Ka’bah. His father’s name was Abdullah, and his mother’s name was Amina bint Wahab. He was born into the Quraish tribe in Mecca. Prior to his birth, his mother, Amina, experienced a dream in which she witnessed a radiant light emanating from her being. On the blessed day of Prophet Muhammad’ssa birth, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, carried him to the revered Kaaba, symbolising the sanctity of his arrival.

The Holy Prophet’ssa father passed away before his birth – while some accounts state that he passed away soon after his birth. His mother, Amina, passed away when Muhammadsa was six. Soon after, his guardianship was entrusted to Abdul

Muttalib. Then, when his grandfather passed away, he was entrusted to Abu Talib, his uncle and the father of Alira

“The mother of Muhammadsa passed away, and as a result, he became an orphan without a mother or father. At a young age, being away from home and loved ones, the grief at the loss of one’s mother when one’s father has already passed away is not a minor one. Hence, these happenings left a deep and ever-enduring effect on the heart of the Holy Prophetsa. Undoubtedly, the Prophetsa was sent as Rahmatullil-‘Alamīn, however, due to external causes, occurrences of this nature had a very deep influence on the disposition of Muhammadsa. To some extent, these initial grievances were the reason behind his immense love for the poor and special sympathy for the less fortunate; thus, his nature became exceptionally distinguished. The Holy Quran mentions the orphanage of Muhammadsa in the following words:

Did He not find thee an orphan and give thee shelter? So the orphan, oppress not.” (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssa, Vol. I, pp. 136-137)

Young Muhammadsa and the sign of Bahira

Regarding the early life of the Holy Prophetsa, history provides us with many insights. Whether it is the events known as Shaqq al-Qamar, his involvement in al-Fijar, or his compassionate actions in Hilf al-Fudul, the noble character of the young Muhammadsa was evident from the outset. He was indeed recognised as Sadiq and Ameen by the Meccan residents, highlighting his remarkable noble character.

At the age of 12, Muhammad’ssa uncle had to travel to Syria. Due to the long and arduous journey, the young Muahmmad’ssa uncle initially planned to leave his nephew behind in Mecca. However, seeing his nephew’s emotional attachment and tears, Abu Talib took him along.

On this journey, in a place called Busra in southern Syria, a Christian monk named Bahira noticed rocks and plants prostrating as the caravan passed by. Based on divine scriptures, he recognised that a Prophet was present in the caravan, pinpointing the young Muhammadsa. Bahira informed Abu Talib, urging him to protect Muhammadsa Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra, in his works, has stated that the authenticity and details of this event, according to the science of narration, are weak. However, if this did indeed occur, it wouldn’t be surprising,

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 10
Jalees Ahmad
��ابتا الإ امہعسو امل نییح یسیعو یسوم ناک ول
رہقت الف میتیلا اماف یواف امیتی کدﺠی ملا
ﻰﻓ ﺎﻨﺜﻌﺑ ﺪﻘﻟﻭ ﻻﻮﺳﺭ ﺔﻣﺃ ﻞﻛ
ﺪﻤ�� ﻢﻠﺳﻭ ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ﷲﺍ ﻰﻠﺻ متاخو ہللا لوسر نکلو مکِلاجر نم دحا ابا دمحم ناک ام نیبنلا
“And We did
وہو دمحم یلع لزن امب اونماو تحلصلا اولمعو اونما نیذلاو مہبر نم قحلا
ہللا لوسر دمحم
� دمحا ہمسا یدعب نم یتای

as previous scriptures have foretold the arrival of Prophet Muhammadsa. (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets, Vol. 1, p. 138)

Muhammadsa in the Bible

The Holy Prophet’ssa lineage can be traced back to Ishmaelsa, while the offspring of Ishmaelsa stood as kin to the progeny of Isaac, known as the Israelites. He was, as stated in the Holy Quran, a Prophet likened to Moses (73:16).

“According to the Bible, the Ishmaelites lived in Paran, and Paran, according to Arab geographers, is the territory extending from Mecca to the northern border of Arabia. Paran, therefore, is part of Arabia, as certainly as the Quraysh, are the descendants of Ishmaelas. The divine glory that was to rise from Paran was, therefore, to rise from Arabia.” (Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran, p. 69)

It is a customary practice of Allah, according to His infinite wisdom, that He reveals the forthcoming of a Prophet to one of His Messengers, as He desires. The Holy Quran has already mentioned Jesusas informing his people about the arrival of a Prophet named Ahmad.

The Bible has also mentioned the arrival of the Holy Prophetsa. It is widely recognised that Deuteronomy 18:18 refers to a Prophet who will come after Mosesas. A basic examination of the description provided in Deuteronomy aligns entirely with that of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa:

“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy, 18:18)

“Convey thou in the name of thy Lord Who created” (Surah al-‘Alaq, Ch.96: V.2)

The descent of the Holy Quran during the sacred month of Ramadan marked a pivotal moment in history, a transformation that reshaped Arabia and left an enduring impact on the world, evident even in the present day. Prior to the revelation of the Holy Quran, Arabia grappled with tribal strife, social inequality, and ethical deterioration. The verses of pre-Islamic Arabian poetry vividly depict this portrait of Arabia before the advent of Islam. Therefore, delving into the annals of early Islamic history makes it unequivocally apparent that the revolution

Hadith 3)

It was at this very moment that Waraqah bin Nawfal, a cousin of Hazrat Khadijahra, informed him that the same angel who had appeared to Muhammadsa was the very angel who had brought revelation to Mosesas

When he was commissioned Prophets of Allah are recognised among their own people as virtuous and noble individuals. As previously mentioned, the Holy Prophetsa was known as Sadiq and Amin (truthful and trustworthy), and Prophet Salihas was also renowned for his noble qualities. However, as was the

noble attributes.

Holy Prophet’ssa expanding message

Although the Holy Prophetsa was raised as a Prophet for all of mankind, he was initially informed:

“And warn thy nearest kinsmen,” (Surah ash-Shu‘ara’, Ch.26: V.215)

When this verse was revealed, the Holy Prophetsa advised his household members that their relationship with him would not spare them from divine wrath; instead, it would be their own righteous deeds that could save them. (Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al-wasaya, Hadith 2752)

Initially, Allah the Almighty instructed him to warn only his closest relatives. Allah Almighty later revealed in the Holy Quran:

this is a Book which We have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfil that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around her.” (Surah al-An‘am, Ch.6: V.93)

Then, the Holy Prophetsa was told:

“And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, for all mankind” (Surah Saba, Ch.34: V.29)

It was only after this that Allah the Almighty revealed to him that he was the prophesied Messenger in both the Old and New Testaments, designated for the People of the Book.

Every single point can be compared to the Holy Prophet. A wealth of literature is already accessible on this topic, and there’s no need for me to delve into it extensively. Furthermore, by examining passages such as Habakkuk (3:3-7) and Solomon (5:1016), it becomes evident that the arrival of the Holy Prophetsa fulfils the prophecies outlined in the Bible regarding the advent of the greatest of the Prophets. (For a more thorough exploration of this, refer to the books Muhammad[sa] in The Bible and Introduction

initiated by the Holy Prophetsa was a monumental achievement gained through the grace of Allah.

The incident that followed is widely recognised among Muslims and in the history of Islam. Upon his return, the Holy Prophetsa said to his noble wife:

to the Study of The Holy Quran

The man who emerged from the cave of Hira as a Prophet

By the age of 25, Muhamamd, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was married. His wife’s name was Khadijara, who, by profession, was a businesswoman.

As a young man, he had a habit of retreating to the cave of Hira, where he would spend time contemplating. Surrounded by a society deeply immersed in idol worship, gambling, adultery, drinking, and immorality, our revered master, Muhammadsa, sought solace and tranquillity far removed from these vices. He would ascend the mountain, find a spot within the cave, and remain there for days, bringing provisions with him. It was within this setting that the revelation of the Holy Quran commenced during the month of Ramadan when Allah the Exalted bestowed the following words upon the pure heart of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa:


ينولمز ينولمز

“Wrap me! Wrap me!” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Tafsir, Hadith 4957)

The first person to accept Muhammadsa as the Messenger of Allah was none other than his wife, Hazrat Khadijara

This incident is widely known and familiar to Muslims worldwide. Nevertheless, there’s a particular aspect I would like to emphasise. It is the manner in which Hazrat Khadijara consoled and supported the Holy Prophetsa in that critical moment. Just take a moment to envision the state in which the Holy Prophetsa found himself. Having undergone a transformative and fearful experience, he turned to his wife and said:

“I fear that something may happen to me.” Hazrat Khadijara replied, “Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You maintain good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, generously serve your guests, and provide assistance to those afflicted by calamity.”

norm during the time of a prophet, people acknowledged these virtues. Yet, as soon as the Prophet declared his mission, they started to deny these attributes. The same pattern occurred with our master, the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammadsa

When it was revealed to the Holy Prophetsa, “And warn thy nearest kinsmen,” (26:214), he went out, climbed as-Safa mountain, and called out to the people there. As they assembled around him, he inquired, “‘If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?’ They said, ‘We have never heard you telling a lie.’ Then he said, ‘I am a plain warner to you of a coming severe punishment.’”

Upon hearing this, Abu Lahab exclaimed:

کل ابت

“May you perish!” And went on to say. “You gathered us only for this reason?”

Then, when Abu Lahab went away, God revealed:

بتو بہل یبا ادی تبت

“Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab at-tafsir, Hadith 4801)

Hence, Prophets of Allah often face denial, even from those who are well acquainted with them and aware of their

“Say, ‘O mankind! truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no God but He. He gives life, and He causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet, the Immaculate one, who believes in Allah and His words; and follow him that you may be rightly guided.’” (Surah al-A‘raf, Ch.7: V.159)

In a remarkably beautiful and emphatic proclamation, this verse affirms that the Promised Prophet, as prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments, has indeed been fulfilled through the advent of the Holy Prophetsa. A study of (Matthew: 6:10) and Prophet Jesus’as prayer will affirm this.

Then, Allah the Almighty revealed to the Holy Prophetsa:

الا کنلسرا امو

“And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all peoples.” (Surah al-Anbiya’, Ch.21: V.108)

Then, another point that must be remembered is that Surah al-Ahzab, in which the Holy Prophetsa was given the title “Khatam-un-Nabiyeen,” was revealed after the hijra. In fact, through a study of history and the context of the verse, we can confidently assert that the revelation of the

11 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023
قلخ يذلا کبر مساب ارقا
کتریشع رذناو
ما رذنتِلو ہیدی نیب یذلا قدصم کربم ہنلزنا بتک اذہو اہلوح نمو یرقلا “And
اریذنو اریشب سانلِ ل ۃفآک الا کنلسرا امو
کلم ہل یذلاۣ اعیمج مکیلا ہللا لوسر ینا سانلا اہیای لق ہللاب اونماف ۪ تیمیو یحی وہ الا ہلا ال ۚ ضرالاو تومسلا ہوعبتاو ہتملکو ہللاب نمؤی یذلا یمالا یبنلا ہِلوسرو نودتہت مکلعل
نیملعلِ ل ۃمحر
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Surah spanned from the 5th to the 7th year of the Hijrah.

“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets” (Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.41)

One could argue why the Holy Prophetsa did not announce this title right from the beginning. From this, it is clear that the prophets of God only proclaim what they have been commanded by Allah. Allah the Almighty gradually revealed to the Holy Prophetsa that he was a Prophet for all of humanity over time, rather than all at once.

Holy Prophet’ssa method of taking bai‘at

In Islamic history, the initial significant bai‘at happened when the Holy Prophetsa met 12 men, including five prior converts, from Yathrib in Aqabah during his 12th prophetic year. They pledged allegiance to him. After the bai‘at, the Holy Prophetsa said:

“If you remain true to this pledge in honesty and steadfastness, then you shall gain Paradise. But if you show weakness, then your matter is with Allah the Exalted, for He shall do what He wills.” (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets, Vol. 1, p. 304)

Upon their departure, the Yathrib group asked the Holy Prophetsa to send someone for continued Islamic education. He sent Hazrat Mus‘abra bin Umair, marking the First ‘Aqabah Pledge in history.

Around 70 people travelled to meet the Holy Prophet the following year. Concerned about growing persecution, he arranged a private night meeting in pairs. During this meeting, he explained Islam and recited Quranic verses, after which all pledged allegiance to him.

Among them was Hazrat Abdullahra bin

Kaab, who later narrated:

“I witnessed the al-‘Aqabah pledge of allegiance at night with the Prophetsa when we jointly agreed to support Islam with all our efforts.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab manaqib al-Ansar, Hadith 3889)

The Holy Prophet’ssa approach was straightforward: he would offer his hand, and the Companionsra would hold it, pledging their allegiance. The Holy Quran has already shed light on this. In Surah alFath.

When people came for bai‘at, the Holy Prophetsa would grasp their hands. Believers pledged to follow his decisions, and with women, a verbal oath was taken. In this regard, Hazrat Aishara narrates:

“The Holy Prophetsa used to take the pledge from the women only verbally after reciting this verse [of Surah al-Mumtahinah, Ch.60: V.13] ائیش ہللاب نكرشی ا ‘[…] they will not associate anything in worship with Allah.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-ahkam, Hadith 7214)

Various titles of the Holy Prophetsa mentioned in the Holy Quran

The Holy Prophet is recorded in the Holy Quran as:

یبنلا (3:69)


“the Immaculate one” (7:158)

ریشبو ریذن

“a Warner, and a bearer of glad tidings” (11:3)

نیملعلِ ل ۃمحر

“a mercy for all peoples” (21:108)

ۃنسح ۃوسا

“an excellent model” (33:22)

نیبنلا متاخ (33: V.41)

ارینم اجارس

“a Lamp that gives [bright] light” (33:47)

میرک لوسر

“a noble Messenger” (69:41)

The Holy Prophetsa has also been referred to by names that mirror his state at various times. For instance, he has been called:


“who art bearing [a heavy responsibility]” (73:2)

“In view of different significations of the word لمزم the verse has been variously interpreted. The simple explanation is the one given in Bukhari. After his first spiritual experience, when the angel of God came to the Holy Prophet with Divine revelation, he rushed home very frightened. The fright was quite natural because the experience was quite novel. The Prophet asked to be wrapped in a mantle. As wrapping also implies the sense of joining together and uniting, the meaning of the verse may be something like this, “O thou who art to unite the nations of the world under one banner!” The Holy Prophet has been described in the Hadith as رشاحلا i.e. the Joiner and Uniter of the nations of the world (Bukhari, Kitab Manaqibun-Nabi).” (Five Volume Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 3245)


“wrapped [thyself with thy mantle!]” (74:2)

“According to the different meanings of the root word, رثدملا would mean: the effacer or obliterator; the reformer or the one who adjusts or puts things in order; the vanquisher; the one who is ready to leap upon and ride the horse. The word has also been interpreted as one entrusted with bearing the heavy load of the responsibilities of a Prophet (Qadir). The word also means, one adorned with the best human natural

powers and qualities and prophetical dignity (Ruhul Ma‘ani). All these epithets fully apply to the Holy Prophet. Traditions show that after a few verses of the Surah had been revealed, further revelation ceased for several months (Bukhari). As revelation was a novel spiritual experience for the Holy Prophet, its cessation was intended to make the fright that had affected his mind wear away, and to attune him with the majesty and dignity of the Divine Word.” (Five Volume Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 3254)


“an admonisher” (88:22)

Moreover, the Holy Prophetsa is recognised as Ibn Abdil Muttalib (Sahih al-Bukhari 2930) due to his descent from Abdul Muttalib. He is also known as Abu Qasim (Sahih al-Bukhari 3539) since Qasim was a son born to him and his wife, Hazrat Khadijara

Further, the Holy Prophetsa is known by various names and titles, including Mustafa, Mujtaba, Saadiq, Ameen, Kaamil, Khair alBashar, and numerous others.

How the Holy Prophetsa established Tawhid [God’s Oneness]

A study of the lives of the Prophets will undoubtedly reveal that the true message they all brought was from the One God and centred around establishing Tawhid [Allah’s Oneness] in the world. The concept of One God has been at the core of the teachings of all prophets.

Undoubtedly, the Holy Prophetsa was also entrusted with this mission. Raised as a Prophet of Allah in Mecca, Arabia, a land where idol worship prevailed and up to 360 idols were housed within the Kaaba, the task of establishing the Oneness of God was bestowed upon the Holy Prophetsa. This responsibility extended not only to Arabia but also to the entire world.

A teaching that reinforced the concept

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 12
متاخو ہللا لوسر نکلو مکِلاجر نم دحا ابا دمحم ناک ام نیبنلا
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of God’s Oneness, as mentioned in the Holy Quran and shared by the Holy Prophetsa, is the belief in the arrival of prophets to all nations:

“And there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent.” (Surah Fatir, Ch.35: V.25)

Tawhid, in its truest sense, can simply not be established without this belief. Further, we read:

“And We did raise among every people a Messenger.” (Surah an-Nahl, Ch.16: V.37)

Through these teachings and verses, the Holy Prophetsa established that Prophets were sent to all nations in the past, each imparting the message of the One God.

On this very topic, Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra explained:

“When a nation considers that God sent prophets or awtar to them exclusively-no one else it also creates a delusion that this nation has its own, unique god. Once this misconception spreads among everyone, it will create a sense of national gods in the world, instead of an all-embracing view that God Almighty is the Creator of all people. Every community will hold the insular belief that they have an exclusive god who belongs only to them and disregards other nations; it will present a very narrow concept of God.” (Unity of God and the Teachings of Muhammadsa, p. 11)

Thus, after stating that prophets had been sent to all nations, the Holy Prophetsa was told to announce:

“Say, ‘O mankind! truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allah” (Surah al-A‘raf, Ch.7: V.159)

In this context, when we contemplate the insight shared by Hazrat Muslehe-Maudra, we recognise that the Holy Prophetsa proclaimed a universal religion that amplifies the essence of Tawhid Prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa about Latter Days and condition of Islam

1400 years ago, the Holy Prophetsa, while addressing his Companionsra and describing the future of Islam, said:

“A time is soon coming to mankind when nothing of Islam but its name will remain and only the written form of the Quran will remain. Their mosques will be in fine condition but will be devoid of guidance, their clerics will be the worst people under heaven, corruption will come forth from them and return among them.” (Mishkat alMasabih, Kitab al-‘ilm, Hadith 276)

The essence of this hadith foretells a period when outwardly Islamic practices will persist, but the true essence and guidance of Islam will be lost. It was then that the Holy Prophetsa said that the Mahdi will come to revive the faith. A study of Surah al-Jumuah shall reveal this very matter.

Hazrat Abu Hurairara narrated:

“While we were sitting with the Prophetsa, Surah al-Jumua was revealed to him, and when the Verse, ‘And He (Allah) has sent him (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims)...’ (62:3) was recited by the Prophet, I said, ‘Who are they, O Allah’s Messenger?’ The Prophetsa did not reply

until I repeated my question three times. At that time, Salman al-Farisira was with us. So Allah’s Messengersa put his hand on Salman, saying, ‘If Faith were at (the place of) AthThuraiya (Pleiades, the highest star), even then (some men or man from these people (i.e. Salman’s folk) would attain it.’ (Sahih alBukhari, Kitab al-Tafsir, Hadith 4897)

God created the Heavens and the Earth.” (Sunan ad-Daraqutni, Kitab al-eidayn)

Then, with regards to the Promised Messiahas and his Khulafa, he said:

“Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah wills. He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood for as long as He

the Holy Quran is those prophets who were khulafa of another prophet. For example, the Prophets of Israel were all the khulafa of Prophet Mosesas. Alluding to these khulafa, Allah the Almighty states, “Surely, We sent down the Torah, wherein was guidance and light. By it did the Prophets, who were obedient [to Us], judge for the Jews”. (Surah al-Maidah, Ch.5: V.45)

The third type is “non-prophet khulafa of a prophet, with or without temporal powers, such as godly people learned in the Law. Their mission is to protect and preserve the law from being tampered with.” (Five Volume Commentary, Ch.24: V.56, p. 2289)

Jesusas and Imam Mahdias: Separate descriptions of Jesusas and Ahmadas, the anticipated Messiah

Concerning the latter-day Messiah and Mahdi, as mentioned above, a misconception has taken root among Muslims, suggesting that Jesusas was raised and will subsequently return. It is not within the scope of this context to engage in a theological debate, as this subject has already been extensively explored in writing. However, it is worth noting that the Holy Prophetsa saw the anticipated Messiah – whom we recognise as Ahmadas – in a dream.

Then, in another place, we read:

“What befell the children of Israel will befall my Ummah, step by step, such that if there was one who had intercourse with his mother in the open, then there would be someone from my Ummah who would do that. Indeed, the children of Israel split into 72 sects, and my Ummah will split into 73 sects. All of them are in the Fire Except one sect.” He was asked: “And which is it, O Messengersa of Allah?” He said: “What I am upon and my Companions.” (Jami‘ at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Iman ‘an rasulillahsa, Hadith 2641)

In relation to the Mahdi, the Holy Prophetsa stated:

“For our Mahdi there are two signs that have never appeared before since the creation of the Heavens and the Earth, namely that the Moon will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadan [i.e., on the first of the nights on which a lunar eclipse can occur] and the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day [i.e., on the middle one of the days on which a solar eclipse can occur]. And these signs have not appeared since

wills, and then bring about its end. Kingship shall then follow, to remain as long as Allah wills and then come to an end. There shall then be monarchical despotism, which shall remain as long as Allah wills and come to an end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood.”

Prophet Muhammadsa then became silent.”

(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Kitab alRiqaq, Bab al-Andhar wa al-Tahdhir)

These were the prophetic words of the Holy Prophetsa in which he laid out the future events of Islam.

In the Five-Volume Commentary, under the aforementioned verse of Surah an-Nur, we read about the three types of Khilafas the Holy Quran mentions.

The first kind is those khulafa who are prophets of Allah, for example, Prophet Adamas: “I am about to place a vicegerent in the earth” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch. 2: V. 31), and Prophet Davidas: “O David, We have made thee a vicegerent in the earth” (Surah Sad, Ch.38: V.27), both of whom the Quran says were khulafa

The second type of khalifa mentioned in

Below, I have provided two ahadith from Sahih al-Bukhari in which the characteristics of both Jesusas and Ahmadas – the anticipated Messiah – have been referenced as two separate people.

The Holy Prophetsa, upon seeing Jesus on the night of the Miraj, said: “Jesus was of red complexion, curly hair, and a broad chest.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab ahadith alanbiya, Hadith 3438)

Then, with regards to seeing Ahmadas, the latter-day Messiah and Mahdi, the Holy Prophetsa said:

“I saw in my dream a man of brown colour, the best one can see amongst brown people, and his hair was long enough that it fell between his shoulders. His hair was lank and water was dripping from his head, and he was placing his hands on the shoulders of two men while circumambulating the Kaaba. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ It was replied, ‘This is Jesusas, son of Mary.’” (Sahih alBukhari, Kitab ahadith al-Anbiya, Hadith 3439 - 3440)

Hence, the two descriptions distinguish between Jesus of Nazareth and the Jesusas of the Latter Days as two distinct individuals.

Majlis Ansarullah Canada holds annual shura and ijtema

Syed Mukarram Nazeer

Canada Correspondent

Majlis Ansarullah Canada’s 29th shura and 36th annual ijtema were held on 18 to 20 August 2023 at the Baitul Islam Mosque Complex.

The academic competitions were held in marquees, and sports competitions were conducted at Ahmadiyya Park and Aiwane-Tahir. Separate sports were held for saf-e-

awwal (aged 55 and above) and saf-e-dom (aged 40-54) ansar

Two workshops were conducted on “Timely Marriage” by Secretary Tarbiyat Jamaat Canada, Shahid Mansoor Sahib, and “Mental and Physical Health” by Dr Mahmood Nasir Sahib and Dr Aleem Khan Sahib.

On Saturday afternoon, Zaheer Khan Sahib of the UK delivered a speech on the topic of the blessings of Khilafat. In the evening, a question and answer session was

held in Urdu with Amir Jamaat Canada, Lal Khan Malik Sahib, and Zaheer Khan Sahib. On Sunday, a question and answer session was held in English with Amir Sahib Jamaat Canada.

A team of eight members live-streamed the event on social media. 2,550 viewers benefited from it. This year, 2,623 ansar brothers from across the country were able to attend the ijtema in person. Moreover, 201 guests also attended the event.

13 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023
ریذن اہیف الخ الا ۃما نم ناو
الوسر ۃما لک یف انثعب دقلو
اعیمج مکیلا ہللا لوسر ینا سانلا اہیای لق
<< Continued from previous page
Sulthan Auliya | Unsplash

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s address at TI College Convocation, 1950


On 2 April 1950, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra addressed the convocation ceremony of the Talim-ul-Islam College Lahore.

A day prior, The Civil and Military Gazette wrote under the heading “Tomorrow”:

“Convocation and Prize Distribution of Talim-ul-Islam College, Lahore, 11-30 am, College Hall. Hazrat Mirza Bashirud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Community, will deliver the address.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 1 April 1950, p. 2)

The same announcement was published in the 2 April issue as well.

The event was attended by various dignitaries, including the Mayor of Lahore Corporation, Mushtaq Ahmad, Deputy Commissioner Rehabilitation, Syed Jamil Hassan, Deputy Commissioner Lahore, SS Jafri, Zafarul Ahsan Lari Chairman of the Lahore Improvement Trust, Deputy Director Talimat-e-Aama Punjab, specialists in the education department, and editors of various periodicals.

The Civil and Military Gazette published a report about this address, and wrote:

“Have New Outlook And Character –Mirza Bashir-ud-din

“TI College Convocation

“(‘C. & M. G.’ Report)

“Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmed, head of the Ahmadiyya community, advised graduates of the Talim-ul-Islam College, Lahore, on Sunday to step forward with courage and confidence to serve their religion, country and millat ‘as valiant sons of Islam chosen by the One True God.’

“Emphasising that the eternal law

of God was ‘seek an unending struggle and not rest,’ the head of the Ahmadiyya community referred in his convocation address to the obligations which new graduates owed to their alma mater, their family, their country and their religion. He stressed the need of acquiring new outlook and new character, to be determined by the change in environment and in the light of new responsibilities, that fall on them due to the creation of a new State.

“‘You have to establish the name and reputation of a new country,’ which was more difficult than guarding ‘the name and reputation of a famed one,’ he added.

“Continuing, he said: ‘Young persons of old countries are like children, who step into a rich inheritance. But you are like parents, who have their children to think of. Generations to come will have to build, to some extent at least, on foundations laid down by you. If your foundations are wrong, the superstructure raised upon them will also be wrong.’

“After the convocation address, Mirza Nasir Ahmed, Principal of the College, reviewed the progress of the ‘refugee’ institution, which had to start from scratch after evacuation from Qadian and the head of the Ahmadiyya community gave away prizes to students, who had been conspicuous in academic, social and sports activities.

“Guests were, thereafter, entertained to lunch.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 3 April 1950, p. 3)

In its issue of 5 April 1950, the same newspaper published a group photo of the TI College students with Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra

At the beginning of his address, Huzoorra said, “Human life goes through various changes, and these very changes become

a source of making one’s life interesting. If these changes are removed from one’s life, it does not remain interesting anymore. [...] Hence, in fact, life is the name of change. No progress is possible without revolutions. In fact, progress can be defined as leaping forward gradually, meaning by passing through various pious changes.” (Al Fazl, 3 April 1950, p. 2)

Huzoorra continued:

“God Almighty is an eternal truth. He is also called Immutable with respect to His being, however, in terms of attributes, He possesses infinite states as well. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Quran:

[“Every day He (reveals Himself) in a different state. Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?” (Surah ar-Rahman, Ch. 55: V. 30-31)]

Commenting on this, Huzoorra said:

“The attributes of God Almighty continue to manifest themselves upon mankind in different aspects. Hence, obviously, mankind would also need to be harmonious with the [Divine] attributes that are being manifested at the time. [...] In short, the point that has been stated in the above-mentioned verses is that God Almighty manifests His attributes in a different state from time to time, and along with this change, mankind is also required to change themselves in accordance with the attributes of Allah the Almighty that are being manifested. In this way, mankind moves forward towards progress.

“If one ponders over world history, one finds that in different eras, mankind has advanced in a certain direction. [...] Those minds that are able to mould their direction completely in accordance with the prevailing direction guided by the Divine

attributes succeed in becoming the leaders of their time, possess certain capabilities, and thus make a name in history.

“The Holy Prophetsa has indicated this point through the prayers of istikharah. No doubt, one reaps the fruit of their effort, however, it is a fact that inappropriate endeavour goes in vain. [...] It is possible for one to attain each and every knowledge and perform all kinds of duties, however, it is impossible for one to attain perfection in each and every field. It is only Allah the Almighty who is aware of one’s intellectual abilities, and it is He alone Who knows which of the beneficial sciences and useful works are appropriate for them, as per their own capabilities and the needs of their time, country, and nation. Therefore, [the Holy Prophetsa] stated that regardless of whatever good work one is performing, they must pray to Allah the Almighty before beginning, and for this, he has taught the following words:


knowledge and seek power from Thee out of Thy power, and I beg of Thee out of Thy boundless Grace, for Thou hast power and I have no power, and Thou hast knowledge and I have no knowledge, and Thy knowledge encompasses the unseen. O Allah! If it be within Thy knowledge that this task is for my good, both materially and spiritually, and in respect of my

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 14
Ata-ul-Haye Nasir
نبذکت امکبر ءآ ا یابف ناش یف وہ موی لک
،کتردقب کردقتسأو ،کملعب کریختسأ ینإ مہللا ملعتو ،ردقأ الو ردقت کنإف ،میظعلا کلضف نم کلأسأو اذہ نأ ملعت تنک نإ مہللا ،بویغلا مالع تنأو ،ملعأ الو ہردقاف ـ یرمأ ۃبقاعو یشاعمو ینید یف یِل ریخ رمألا اذہ نا ملعت تنک نا مہللا ۔ہیف یِل کراب مث یِل ہرسیو ۔یِل ینع ہفرصاف ـ یرمأ ۃبقاعو یشاعمو ینید یف یِل رش رمالا ہب ينضر مث ۔ناک ثیح ریخلا یِل ردقاو ،ہنع ینفرصاو [“O Allah, I seek good from Thee out
The Civil and Military Gazette, 5 April 1950

ultimate end, then make it possible for me and bless me therein, but if it be within Thy knowledge that it is harmful to me in my spiritual and material life and in respect of my ultimate end, then turn me away therefrom, and enable me to attain good wherever it may be and cause me to be blessed therewith.” (

“In other words, ‘O my Lord, I seek from You the best decision in regards to the work which I intend to perform, the knowledge which I intend to attain, or the duty which I am going to take since You are aware of my hidden abilities, intentions, personal needs, and requirements of my family, nation, country, and the world as a whole. Moreover, I also beg You to grant me the ability and help to fulfil my responsibility, according to whatever your verdict is. Thirdly, Your immense grace may shower upon me in order to fulfil the responsibility in relation to the matter that is appropriate for me [in Your eyes], towards which You guide me and help in achieving that. And may I achieve a great outcome from my effort instead of an insignificant one. [...] O God, if the task which I intend to carry out is good in Your sight, for myself, for my religious and worldly needs, and that I could obtain the best result of whatever efforts and hard work I will exert, then enable me to perform that task, grant me support to carry out this task in the best possible way, and make its outcome beneficial for me as much as possible. On the contrary, if Your knowledge suggests that this work is not suitable for me, my religion, or the world, or that a satisfactory result could not be achieved through my efforts and hard work, then You may put hurdles in this work, and instil reluctance towards this matter in my heart as well. And create the means for whatever else is beneficial for me, and bring my attention to it and inculcate the desire for that in my heart.’

“How perfect is this prayer, and how elegantly attention has been brought to the fact that every good work is not suitable for every era and individual! [...] Thus, in order to obtain the best possible outcome, one is required to carry out those tasks that are beneficial for their respective nation and mankind in a certain era, and they also possess the capabilities to perform those duties in the best possible manner. [...]

“As I have stated earlier, all the beauties of human life are linked with an unlimited series of changes. Moreover, with the creation of mankind, Allah the Almighty has also provided the means for a limitless series of changes. However, a certain change [in one’s life] could only be a source of progress once it is based on correct principles; on the contrary, if it is based on incorrect principles, it might cause regression. Moreover, remaining at rest, in itself, holds hidden means of regress. A nation that ceases to leap forward, continues to regress.

“Therefore, our youngsters are required to always keep in mind this point that in this world, ceasing to leap forward is synonymous with death. The one who will stay at rest, will face failure or be pushed behind, which is synonymous with death. Thus, upon finishing their education, they are required to never assume that now it is time for them to rest, but rather, they must

realise that it is time to act, instead of rest.

“As I have already said, from the perspective of Islamic principle, it is imperative for one to always leap forward, and their progress is linked to the fact that not only do they need to leap forward but to do so in the direction towards which God Almighty’s attributes are guiding. The method for this is that whatever they do, it should be done after prayer [dua] and after seeking help from God Almighty.

“I wish to particularly call the attention of the students who have finished their university education and obtained degrees, that when they had begun their studies, they might not have known that the Holy Prophetsa has taught to perform istikharah for every significant work. It is possible that they might have shown negligence towards prayers [du‘a] while choosing subjects for their study. But now that their first phase has been completed, the second one is before them, which might become the prelude for many other achievements. Hence, they are required to choose for themselves a pathway by seeking prayers from God Almighty in accordance with the method taught by Islam. [...]

“Islam is a living religion, which has its role in every field of life and expects one to perform acts as per its commandments. If we claim to believe in Islam, it is essential for us to accept that we should follow [the commandments of] God and His Messengersa in every sphere of our lives. Moreover, we will also need to accept that the Will of Allah the Almighty has a great role in the progress and regress of the world. [...] If we believe in God, we must believe in a living God, and if we believe in a living God, then we ought to believe that the works of our daily routine have a connection with Him, and our progress or regress is dependent upon His Powers and Blessings. [...]

“Therefore, I advise those youngsters who are going to pursue their respective fields after finishing their education, that the law of God Almighty requires them to never rest at ease, but rather, they should prepare for a never-ending strive and try to leap forward at all times in accordance with the Quranic teaching. You are also required to always seek prayers from Allah

the Almighty that He may enable you to perform good deeds at their appropriate times and to utilise the correct methods, and then He may grant you the best and most extraordinary results of those efforts.

“Remember, you are not only dutiful to your own being, but rather, you are also dutiful towards the institution that educated you, the family that spent money on your education – whether directly or indirectly – the country that made arrangements for your education, and then your religion as well.

“The duty that you have towards your educational institute requires that you utilise your knowledge in the best manner. University education is not the ultimate purpose; rather, it is the first step towards setting the ultimate goal. The degrees that are given to you by the university, hold no value in themselves; rather, it is you who give value to those degrees through your future practice. [...]

“Therefore, you need to continuously strive to [...] enhance your knowledge and to never consider the college education as the reward of your life, but rather, you should deem it as the seed for the nourishment of your knowledge, and to strive to make this seed fruitful to its capacity by utilising all means. So that, as a result of this endeavour, the value of those degrees may increase that you have gained today, and may the honour of this university also increase that has granted you these degrees. Moreover, may your nation be able to feel proud of you, and may your country be able to hope for the best possible result and witness their fulfilment as well.

“You are the citizen of a new country, citizens of an apparently small country among various big countries of the world, your country is not a wealthy one, rather, a poor one. You had been living under the protection of a foreign rule in peace and ease. Thus, you are required to mould your morals and characters, and you will have to establish the honour and reputation of your country in the world. [...] Though it is a very difficult task to retain the honour of countries, the even greater task is to establish their honour. And this very heavy duty has been put on your shoulders. You are a new generation of a new country,

thus, your responsibilities are far greater than the responsibilities of new generations of already-existing countries. [...]

“You will have to keep in mind the coming generations while fulfilling responsibilities. The coming generations would be compelled – to an extent – to build on the foundations that you would establish today. If your foundation is faulty, the building that will be erected on it will also be faulty. [...] Thus, since you are the first brick of Pakistan, you are bound to keep in mind that there remains no flaw in your methods and practice. Otherwise, the foundation of Pakistan will continue to be faulty forever.

“No doubt, it is a difficult duty, however, at the same time, it holds greatness as well. If you build Pakistan on firm foundations through your sacrifices, your name will be remembered with such honour and love that its example cannot be found in the coming generations. Hence, I advise you to approach your new objective with determination, perseverance, and courage and to continue to do so. [...]

“Therefore, O youngsters, who have been chosen by the One God! O brave soldiers of Islam! Centre of the country’s hopes! Worthy sons of the nation! Step forward, since your God, your religion, your country, and your nation are looking at your future with both sentiments of love and hope.” (Al Fazl, 3 April 1950, pp. 2-4)

15 AL HAKAM | Friday 8 September 2023
The Civil and Military Gazette, 3 April 1950 Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra addressing an event at the TI College, Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad is sitting next to Huzoor

100 Years Ago...

Tabligh in Ashland and reports in daily newspapers of America

Al Fazl, 4 September 1923

Article in a daily newspaper

Last week [August 1923], I sent a report on our tabligh [preaching] activities in the city of Ashland, [Oregon, America]. The daily newspaper there [in Ashland] published a long article with my picture in their paper. A copy of this newspaper has been sent to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] and the editor of The Review of Religions English. A few words from this article are given below for the information of the readers of the [Al Fazl] newspaper:

“The person who is being talked about with great interest everywhere in the city of Ashland these days is Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, a respected scholar from the East. Wearing a green turban, he is inviting the Christians of our city to the religion of Muhammad, [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him], with his eloquent speech. Some people here are very surprised that just last week, they made a donation to the church at the request of their pastor for the purpose of sending Christian missionaries to Arab countries. And what we see today is that the missionaries of the Prophet[sa] of Arabia have reached here. However, we should understand that as we revere our

religion, the people of the East also have great esteem for their faith, and so they have the right to send their preachers to our country. Dr Sadiq is the editor of The Moslem Sunrise magazine. In the last three years, he has converted seven hundred Christians to Islam. For them [i.e., the new converts and other Muslims], a mosque and a mission house have been established

in Chicago. There is an Asian dome on top of this mosque. Their day of worship is Friday, and they [also use] the lunar [Hijri] calendar. They deny the Trinity and consider Jesus to be a human prophet. They follow the law of the Holy Quran and the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The Ahmadiyya Jamaat, founded by Prophet Ahmad[as] of India, [is a sect in Islam] that is doing missionary work on behalf of Muslims.”

Preaching at Williamson [sic., Williams]

From Ashland, I [Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib] went to Williamson [sic., Williams], a nearby town. The population of this city is 6,000. It is a mountainous area. The markets and streets are narrow here. Most of the people residing here work in coal mines. There are 50 coal mines in this area, and coal worth 40 million rupees is produced annually. All of these mines belong to the people, and the government does not interfere. A lot of people own the land. Whoever has a coal mine on his land is its owner. The company mines and extracts coal under a contract with the owner. Every day, trains loaded with coal travel all over the country. Big, strong, and powerful engines are made to pull these

loads. A single engine pulls around ninety carriages loaded with coal. These carriages are larger and more spacious than the Indian ones. The entire train is around one mile long. Each worker in the mine earns a minimum of twenty rupees per day and a maximum of forty rupees.

In this country, manual labour is not considered lesser in any way. The boys and girls of highly affluent people take up a daily one- or two-hour job at a very young age. They clean the windows of a shop, sweep [the floor], wash the steps, or bring the goods from the market. Moreover, they are proud of their earnings.

On 10 July [1923], the daily newspaper of this city published the news of my arrival here [in Williams] and used words of great appreciation. This news spread across the city, and we had a good opportunity for tabligh [preaching]. Three ladies converted to Islam, and many people have come close to accepting it. May Allah the Almighty grant them the strength to accept Islam.

Muhammad Sadiq, USA,

16 July 1923.

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 4 September 1923 issue of Al Fazl)

Peace forum hosted by Majlis Ansarullah Masroor Region, UK

Majlis Ansarullah UK, Masroor Region, successfully hosted a peace forum on 27 August 2023, with the primary focus on deliberating ways to establish lasting peace. The event was held at Ruskin Drive Church in Worcester Park.

The forum commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran with its English translation, followed by a welcome address by Ayub Nadeem Sahib, who extended warm greetings to the participants and emphasised the significance of coming together to discuss the topic of world peace. A notable guest speaker, from the Khalsa Centre Tooting, also addressed the audience. His speech emphasised the importance of unity among diverse communities in the pursuit of peace. His

perspective offered valuable insights into fostering understanding and cooperation among different groups.

Hafiz Mashood Ahmad Sahib, a missionary, delivered an address that focused on the spiritual and moral dimensions of achieving peace in the light of the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsa.

The event also included an interactive question-and-answer session where attendees had the opportunity to engage with the speakers. This segment facilitated a deeper exploration of the themes discussed throughout the forum.

The peace forum concluded with a silent prayer. Attendees were encouraged to reflect on the insights shared during the event and carry them forward in their personal lives and interactions.

The event was attended by 32 members, among whom five non-Ahmadi guests participated.

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 16
Ullah Nazim Tabligh, Majlis Ansarullah, Masroor Region, UK
Photo courtesy of AMJ UK
Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra | Image: library

Friday Sermon

Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford, UK

11 August 2023

Islam Ahmadiyyat: Faith-inspiring stories

After reciting the tashahhud, ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

The blessings of Allah the Almighty that are showered upon the Community of the True Servant of the Holy Prophetsa in accordance with the promise of Allah the Almighty are mentioned in the report during Jalsa. In the report, I said that it is not possible to mention everything in such limited time with regards to how Allah the Almighty bestows His blessings; how Allah the Almighty opens the hearts of people towards the Community; how Allah the Almighty strengthens people’s faith and how He leaves the enemies unsuccessful. People write countless incidents to me and I will mention some of them today as well, because these incidents become a means of strengthening the faith in the hearts of many Ahmadis.

In relation to how Allah the Almighty enables fortunate souls to enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat through various means of tabligh [preaching] and how new chapters of the Community are being established, Hameed Sahib, the local missionary in Congo Kinshasa, where we also have an FM radio station, writes the following,

“After listening to our radio programme in Uvira, the imam of the local mosque, Isa Sahib, contacted us and then came to the mission house. He understood the message of the Community and pledged allegiance. As a matter of fact, not only did he pledge allegiance, but he returned to his village, Kiliba Ondezi, and started doing tabligh as well. As a result of his tabligh, 24 individuals entered Ahmadiyyat. When our central missionary went there for a visit, another eight individuals pledged allegiance. In this manner, a jamaat was established there.”

Now, on the one hand, we see how Allah the Almighty enabled this good-natured imam to listen to and understand the message, and on the other hand, the [socalled] scholars in Pakistan know nothing besides opposing the Community.

Umar Munawwar is a mu‘allim and was sent to a village in the district of MaiNdombe in Congo Kinshasa for the purpose of tabligh. He visited a mosque belonging

to Wahhabi Muslims and distributed pamphlets to the people as well. Some mischievous youngsters started raising a hue and cry outside the mosque and started pelting him with stones. It is often said that people in Africa are unlettered and therefore willing to listen to what we say, but there is opposition there as well. The mu‘allim protected himself from the stones and continued preaching to the others, who were extremely impressed by his patience and forbearance. As a result of this, some of those who had left the mosque, came inside again and started listening to what he was saying. Questions about the Community were asked, allegations were raised and many questions were answered. One mischievous young man who was talking boldly said: “You go to London in order to perform Hajj, whereas the Holy Prophetsa performed all of his pilgrimages in Mecca.” The mu‘allim said to him: “Tell me, how many times did the Holy Prophetsa perform Hajj?” Upon this, the young man said: “The Holy Prophetsa performed Hajj every year since he was born.” The mu‘allim said: “The Holy Prophetsa only performed Hajj once.” The imam and elders sitting in the mosque reprimanded the youngster and said that he was just creating disorder. Nevertheless, these mischievous individuals were embarrassed and left. Afterwards, the imam of the mosque took the delegation of the Community home, where two other imams and some other individuals were present as well. As such, 40-42 individuals were positively impacted by the tabligh of the Ahmadiyya Community and pledged allegiance and a new chapter was established there as well.

Imam Tamane of Guinea Bissau says, “To this day, we have been told that the [Ahmadiyya] Community does not accept the Holy Prophetsa, the Quran or the Hadith. However, today we have witnessed the Jalsa programme.” He says, “With the blessings of this Jalsa, we have had the opportunity to see and listen to your Khalifa, who imparted guidance purely in light of the teachings

from Allah the Almighty, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, the Quran and the Hadith Today, I am convinced that false propaganda is being spread against the Community, and false propaganda is always spread against divine communities.” The imam from this very mosque says, “Today, I enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat and shall preach the message of the Community to all my people.” By the grace of Allah, he is doing tabligh and new local chapters are being established.

Therefore, as for our opponents in Pakistan, they should not oppose us merely for the sake of opposition, rather, they should listen to, read and understand our teachings, and then present whatever allegations they may have. This is what the Promised Messiahas said time and time again; that people oppose him, but they ought to first listen to what he has said.

The Amir of Liberia has written about how Allah the Almighty grants us support in spite of opposition, “Two years ago, a few people from the Ganaglay town of the Nimba County entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Prior to this, they were either Christians or non-religious. After pledging their allegiance, arrangements were made on a person’s veranda for the moral training of these people and for them to pray. One day, after completing the prayer, the local missionary Murtaza Sahib encouraged the people to pray that Allah the Almighty may grant them a suitable plot of land to build a mosque. This area is the centre of Christianity and non-religious people, and they do not see Muslims in a positive light, therefore, it was extremely difficult to procure land to construct the mosque. As he was still talking about this, Mr Dahn, a nonreligious person who did not even believe in God, was sitting there, and stood up to say, ‘Ever since the missionary has been coming to our village, I have witnessed his very good morals. He meets everyone, and eats from the same pot, to the extent that he even comes to sit with me, an atheist and drunkard, and asks how I am. I have never seen such morals before. I have a plot upon

which I wanted to build my home, but today I donated this land for the construction of the mosque.’ A few days later, he also pledged allegiance, gave up drinking alcohol completely, undertook a revolutionary change, and continued to progress in his sincerity. He progressed in his sincerity to such a degree, that people witnessed how he changed into a completely different person. The construction of the mosque began there, and the people complained to the chief that he should not permit the building of the mosque. However, Mr Dahn said with great courage, ‘I gave the land for the mosque, and it shall be built here.’ Thus, the construction of the mosque was completed, and this was the first mosque in the area. It was named Masjid Noor.” This is how, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, non-Muslims and even atheists who do not believe in God, not only attain certainty in the existence of God, but also accept Islam as the true religion.

In the Nyanza Lac city of Burundi, the Community faces a great deal of opposition as other Muslims reside there as well, and the imam of the Sunni mosque made every effort to close down the Community’s mosque. He even tried meeting with government officials, but to no avail. Our mu‘allim, Hamza Endowimana, called that imam for a question and answer session. During this session, the topic of the death of Jesusas was discussed. When the mu‘allim proved the death of Jesusas through Quranic evidence, this self-proclaimed scholar was left with no answer. Consequently, he started to fight with the mu‘allim and issued an edict of disbelief against the Community. Thereupon, a Christian stood up and supported the Community’s stance, making it clear to the cleric that the Ahmadiyya Community is indeed Muslim. [The Christian] said that the imam’s concept of Islam does not make sense, whereas theirs [i.e., the Ahmadiyya Community’s concept] is easy to understand. On the other hand, a quarrel broke out among those clerics in their mosque, leading the government to get involved. The government had to shut down

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their mosque for three months.

They wanted to have our mosque closed down, but their own mosque closed down instead. This is the scheme the so-called scholars are employing everywhere in their attempts to close down Ahmadi mosques. Similar to what happens in Pakistan, if the mosques are not shut down, they break the minarets or arches. Nowhere in the law of Pakistan is it stated that Ahmadis are not permitted to build minarets, however, the government has no choice but to bow down to these so-called scholars and clerics. In any case, they are exerting their full efforts to cause harm in any way, however, God willing, they themselves will all perish. In Pakistan, we are prohibited from publishing the Holy Quran, let alone its translation. Publishing even just the Arabic script is considered an unforgivable crime. In fact, some people have faced such harsh treatment, and there have been cases as well, just because they were listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran, or playing a recording of it. This is now the Islam now of these self-proclaimed clerics. These clerics have completely distorted the religion. In parallel, observe how Allah the Almighty is opening paths for us; how we are publishing the Holy Quran in various countries of the world, and how the copies of the Quran that we publish are liked everywhere, especially the translations. No matter what language they are in, people are attracted towards it.

A mu‘allim in Darus Salam, Tanzania, says that he went to distribute pamphlets in an area. He also sells books of the Community, through which tabligh contacts are made. He says, “One day, I received a phone call from a non-Ahmadi person who lived 30 kilometres from me, that he wished to purchase the Swahili translation of the Holy Quran.” The mu‘allim told him he could find the Quran in a nearby area. However, the person replied, “I really like the translation and commentary of the Community. By all means, others have also translated it, however, the way in which the Community has translated it is what I enjoy, as it makes logical sense, and so this is the one I wish to obtain.”

Bilal Sahib, a missionary in Mali, says, “The Ahmadiyya Community had the honour of holding a Quran exhibition. A student came to the stall and was introduced to the French translation of the Quran. He

was informed that of the French translations of the Quran, the translation done by the Community is the best. Upon this, this young man said that he already had a copy of the French translation at home, which is better than the one produced by the Community. In any case, he went home and brought the Quran. He then spent over an hour stating how his translation was better than ours. He continued to compare the two translations. He was just-natured and in the end, had no choice but to deem the translation of the Community to be much better, and in reality, it was much easier to understand the Quran through it. He then purchased a copy of the Quran to take with him.”

There is an incident about how knowledge of the true teachings of Islam and belief in Allah the Almighty increase amongst the Muslims, who are pious-natured, owing to the teachings of the Community and the literature of the Promised Messiahas. In the Jorhat Book Fair, a gentleman named Jalimaus, who is a software engineer, came to the Community’s stall and began looking at the picture of the Promised Messiahas and the Community literature. After a while, the aforementioned gentleman began speaking with our missionary, who was on duty and had tears in his eyes. He said: “Today, if I am able to stand before you as a Muslim, then it is only due to the Ahmadiyya Community. The Ahmadiyya Community has conferred a great favour upon me.” He was asked whether he was an Ahmadi and what favour the Community had conferred upon him. He replied: “I am not an Ahmadi, but I drifted so far away from religion that I became an atheist. However, in my home, my father has a few old books of the Ahmadiyya Community that were written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas Qadiani. I studied those books in which the Promised Messiahas gave proofs for the existence of God Almighty, which opened my eyes and left me astounded. I became convinced of the existence of God Almighty.”

In this way, even people who had become atheists are able to find belief in their faith again owing to the literature of the Community. He further said: “I now regularly study the website of the Ahmadiyya Community. The arguments presented by the Ahmadiyya Community in favour of Islam strengthen my faith and also

increase my knowledge. It is because of the Ahmadiyya Community that I am a Muslim today.”

In the West, there are countries such as Sweden or Denmark that try to dishonour the Holy Quran, but when the beautiful teachings of Islam are presented to them, the attitudes of the opponents change. Thus, today, it is the Ahmadiyya Community alone that is striving to elevate the status and rank of the Quran and is explaining its true teachings to others. A German lady says that there was an exhibition of the Holy Quran and literature of the Ahmadiyya Community. The exhibition comprised different topics about Islam in light of Quranic verses and extracts from the Ahadith. These references highlighted how Islam is not an extremist religion. This lady said: “Your Community has explained the teachings of Islam in a manner that is easy to understand for us. I see no reason why we should oppose Islam or the Quran.”

How does the propagation of the Holy Quran and the literature containing Islamic teachings affect people? I will present another incident in this regard. “At the Golaghat Book fair, a Muslim professor named Shabana Yasmeen came to see our stall. (The person sending this report says) when she saw our stall, she was very happy. She picked up the Assamese translation of the Holy Quran (this exhibition was taking place in Assam) and said to her fellow professor: ‘My dream has come true today. For quite some time, I have been in search of the Assamese translation of the Holy Quran. I had a teacher who asked me for the Assamese translation of the Holy Quran on countless occasions. But because I did not have it, I was not able to provide him with it. This pained me greatly and I would have regretted being a Muslim [and not being able to provide the translation despite that]. After the demise of my teacher, today I have finally obtained a copy. Even if this cost thousands of rupees, I would have bought it.” It is only due to the blessings of Allah the Almighty that even in far-off places, where the Holy Quran and other Islamic books are not available for Muslims, the Ahmadiyya Community is able to fulfil their spiritual and religious needs through organising book fairs.

Then, during the Dhemaji Book Fair, there was a lady, Banti Dowaras Bogagohaian, who is currently constructing a temple for Shiva and propagates her faith – she is a Hindu. When she saw our stall, she was left astounded that in an area where there are very few Muslims, there is an Islamic book stall. She came to our stall and started a discussion. She returned very happy and content. The next day, she visited the stall again and brought fruit for everyone at the stall. It pleased her greatly to see the Holy Quran. She bought the Quran, and said: “Today, you have fulfilled a dream of mine.” She bought the Holy Quran and held it against her chest. She also took a picture with it.

The missionary for the Czech Republic, an Eastern European country, says that a youth came to our stall and said: “I have come to the conclusion that there is a God, but I do not know which religion will take me to God. For a number of years now, I have been studying various religions, but I have come to the conclusion that only the Ahmadiyya Community provides answers

to everything in a way that satisfies my heart and mind. I feel a sense of spirituality here.” The Muslim clerics should answer the following question: Who is propagating the teachings of the Holy Quran to all these people?

There are also faith-inspiring incidents about how Allah the Almighty creates the means for avenues of tabligh to be opened. We are completely restricted in Pakistan; however, in other places, despite certain hindrances, Allah the Almighty creates ease. A missionary from GuineaBissau writes, “Last December, we visited Cape Verde Island. During this visit, a great need was felt for our Community to have a radio programme that could help spread the Community’s message even faster. However, despite many attempts, the Community was not being registered there, which subsequently meant that we could not have a radio programme.” He says that after completing the visit, a large number of leaflets were printed in GuineaBissau and were sent to Cape Verde, where they were widely distributed. He says, “After reading the leaflet, one person called the Community mission house and said that he wished to obtain more information about the Community, and so a meeting was arranged. He was informed about the Community, and then he said, ‘Why don’t you share your Community’s teachings on the radio?’ We told him that we have been trying, however we have been unable to secure a radio programme. Upon this, he said that he had his own radio station, and he was the director. We could conduct our programme with his radio station and spread the message of the Community.” In this way, Allah the Almighty opened a new avenue.

A missionary from Mali writes, “Ahmad Touray, who is from a village in the Koulikoro Region, came to the Jalsa Salana Mali and said that in Mali, there is a sect that does not give much importance to prayers and the pillars of Islam.” This sect does not give importance to prayers or the pillars of Islam, yet they still call themselves Muslims, whereas, [according to them] Ahmadis are not Muslims. He continued to say that, “he belonged to this sect, but his heart was not content. (He was pure-natured and expressed that although they say that there is no need for the pillars of Islam and faith or for prayer, his heart was not content with this). One day, he was listening to the radio and it happened to be a radio programme of the Community in which the proper manner of offering prayer was being taught. He listened to this very attentively, after which he constantly listened to the Community’s radio programme, which developed certainty within him that these people are true Muslims. However, the people in his village told him that all of the Islamic scholars have expelled them from the pale of Islam. He says, ‘When I saw people here offering prayers and tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayer], I felt contentment in my heart. I do not know much about religion, but whatever I do know about Islam, I have witnessed here with my own eyes and I wish to enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat.’”

As I said, Ahmadis in Pakistan are banned from reading, listening to or even owning a copy of the Holy Quran, the final law-bearing book, and it is considered a great crime for them. Yet it is this very same

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book that the Ahmadiyya Community is using to spread the message of Islam to the world and thus reforming the world. The missionary in Micronesia, Serjeel Sahib, says, “Some time ago, a person by the name of Simon Gidon contacted me for a copy of the Holy Quran. Some time passed after that, and then unexpectedly, I received a message from him saying that he wished to come and meet me. When he arrived at the mosque, he said that he had read the Bible his entire life and in great detail, but despite his attempts, its teachings did not sit well with him and he was unable to understand anything. But when he started reading the Holy Quran, it was as if every word was entering his heart. He was astonished as to how it was possible for him to have been wrong his entire life and remain deprived of the Holy Quran’s teachings. After this, he went to his mother and told her that he was going to the mosque to enter the fold of Islam. His relatives were also present there and told him that he was making a mistake and chastised him. Upon this, he replied, ‘You can do whatever you like, but I am already a Muslim at heart.’” He says, “When Simon mentioned this to me, he had tears in his eyes.” Not only has he entered the fold of the Community, but he now bravely propagates its message.

Through the Ahmadiyya Community, pure souls around the world are entering the fold of Islam. The Amir of Spain writes, “After doing a great deal of research, a Spanish man by the name of Francisco Khaisos became a Muslim in January 2023. He accepted Islam as the true religion, but contemplated the lack of unity amongst Muslims. He felt that after the era of Hazrat Alira, the Muslims had been unable to unite (he had studied some Islamic history), and he felt that now Muslims could only be united under a system of Caliphate. Where could he find such a system of Khilafat? In March 2023, he came into contact with an Ahmadi named Tariq Sahib, who suggested that he research Ahmadiyyat. Hence, he researched Ahmadiyyat for three months, and after becoming content, he pledged allegiance and he now regularly attends the Friday prayers and other events.”

Khromov Turghan is from Tajikistan and resides in Kyrgyzstan these days. He says, “I work here in Kashgar and there were also some Ahmadis where I work (he then named some of them). I had conversations with them about the Community for about three years, after which I was convinced that Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam, that the Promised Messiahas is the Imam Mahdi, and that Jesusas has passed away. Hence, I pledged allegiance and entered the fold of the Ahmadiyya Community.” He then requests prayers saying, “Please pray that Allah the Almighty grants me the ability to serve in the cause of Islam, makes me righteous, and enables me to act according to the ten conditions of bai’at.”

A missionary from Russia, Ataul Wahid, writes, “Allah the Almighty drew the attention of a young man towards Ahmadiyyat. He lives in a small city and we came in contact with him about a year and a half ago. His father had moved away from religion, however, Marcel’s mother was an Orthodox Christian. Marcel (this young man) has an older brother who is also Christian. [Marcel’s] attention was drawn towards Islam due to his father’s native roots as he was originally a Muslim. And so, he

was drawn towards Islam and accepted it, however, he accepted Sunni Islam. Even after accepting Islam he says that he would have many questions about the teachings and the local cleric could not provide satisfactory answers. The uneasiness grew and it was during this time that, through the internet, Allah the Almighty connected him to the Ahmadiyyat Community in Russia, from whom Marcel started receiving satisfactory answers to his questions. He says, ‘I went to many places in order to try and understand Islam, but I found the true Islam in Ahmadiyyat.’ Hence, he pledged allegiance.”

The missionary-in-charge in the Philippines says, “There are 139 people on an island here who pledged allegiance, including the principal of a school and two imams, as well as four imams of mosques. One of the imams of a mosque, Haji Isa said that the mosque for which he was an imam now belonged to the Ahmadiyya Community. Another person has gifted some land beside the mosque to the Community as well, where a mission house is intended to be built during the year, so that a permanent local missionary may be appointed. This imam also presents financial sacrifices. (It is not that he simply collects money; rather, he has a shop and a business and he makes financial sacrifices as well). One day, he said that he made a financial sacrifice of five hundred pesos, and then, in order to strengthen his faith, Allah the Almighty gave him a hundred thousand pesos unexpectedly from somewhere the very next day.”

This is how Allah the Almighty guides pure-natured people Himself.

The missionary from the Sikasso Region in Mali writes, “Marwan Kolibali came to the Ahmadiyya Mission house and said that he wished to pledge allegiance. He said that he fondly listened to Radio Ahmadiyya and agreed with the majority of the aspects related to the Community, but his heart would not let him pledge allegiance. He said that the day before, he fell asleep as he was listening to the radio and he saw in a dream that the moon was sparkling brightly in the sky and there were pictures of two people on the moon. One picture was large and the other was small, and the children nearby were crying out, ‘These are the pictures of the Imam Mahdi and his Khalifa. They have arrived.’ Marwan Sahib says that he asked an elder nearby whether he could see the pictures as well (in the dream), to which he replied that he could not. However, he says that his heart was content with the fact that Ahmadiyyat is the true Community that is announcing the coming of the Imam Mahdi.” When he saw pictures of the Promised Messiahas and the Caliphs, he recognised the larger picture to be of the Promised Messiahas and the other picture was of me and he said that these were the very pictures which he saw in the dream.

The Amir of the Community in Spain writes, “Carlos took the pledge of allegiance this year. He had become a Muslim earlier and was thus named Abdus Salam. In a dream, he saw the Promised Messiahas inviting him towards peace. After that dream, one day his wife was showing him something on the internet when he saw a picture of the Promised Messiahas. He remarked that this was the same person who was inviting him towards peace in his

dream. Upon this, he started conducting research on Ahmadiyyat, and after a few days, he saw another dream. [In the dream], the Promised Messiahas said to him, ‘I am the Imam Mahdi and Messiah.’ Following this dream, although his heart had accepted Ahmadiyyat, he did not formally pledge allegiance and continued his research. He saw the Promised Messiahas in a dream for a third time, and this time there was an expression of displeasure on his face. Upon this, he contacted the Community immediately and pledged allegiance.”

Despite the relentless efforts of our enemies, new converts express steadfastness in their faith. An elderly member from Mahdi Abad, Burkina Faso, by the name of Syeed Wajeka says, “When the majority of our village accepted Ahmadiyyat, one of my cousins living in Saudi Arabia called us there and covered all of the travel expenses. When we arrived there, he took us to visit the Holy Ka’bah and said, ‘These are the holy sites of Islam. Islam originated here, not in Pakistan. Thus, adhere to the Wahabi beliefs here and renounce Ahmadiyyat. I said, ‘Did you bring us here to tell us this?’ He nodded in affirmation. Upon this, I responded, ‘I stand in the shade of this holy place and pray that a time never comes upon me in my life where I have to reject Ahmadiyyat.’” He further states, “At the Holy Ka’bah, I prayed that Allah the Almighty may take my life in a state of belief and that I never turn away from faith. After this, I swiftly returned to Burkina Faso. It so happened that the same cousin came to Burkina Faso to visit his family and relatives and Al-Hajj Ibrahim preached to him. As a result, he too entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Thus, the one who sought to move us away from Ahmadiyyat became an Ahmadi himself.”

In relation to the resolve and determination in the face of opposition, the Amir of the Jamaat in Burkina Faso says that the mu‘allim of the Dori Region, Umar Dicko, said, “One day, a group of Wahabi clerics came to my house and told me to renounce Ahmadiyyat, otherwise, they would kill me.” Umar Dicko responded, “You may kill me, but it is impossible for me to renounce Ahmadiyyat, nor will I cease propagating it.” Upon this, they left enraged. The next day, armed men came to his home and the other Ahmadi members advised him to go to Dori. That night, the mu‘allim remained occupied in prayer along with his family and sought guidance from Allah the Almighty. The mu‘allim saw a person in a dream by the name of Ismail. He said, “O Umar! Where are you going?” He replied, “Dori,” to which the man responded, “Alright.” The next morning after this dream, he migrated to Dori with a taxi driver, who ensured that he arrived safely. Upon arriving in Dori, his wife called and informed him that armed personnel came in search of him. In this way, Allah the Almighty also saved his life.

A villager in Osun, Nigeria, by the name of Badr Aderemi, had the opportunity to accept Ahmadiyyat. He is a farmer, and prior to accepting Ahmadiyyat, he was an active member of a group that was opposed to our Community. He says, “The missionary in the village introduced me to the Community, and my interest in learning more about the Ahmadiyya Community grew. After doing research for some time, I accepted Ahmadiyyat. After pledging allegiance, I had to endure severe opposition

from the other villagers. I was given three months’ time to renounce Ahmadiyyat, otherwise, my home would be destroyed. I was very worried. One day, I went to work in the fields. A severe storm was bearing down, and I was certain that when I returned, my home would have been destroyed in the storm. When I returned home, I saw that all the other houses to the right and left of my house had been destroyed. Approximately 50 houses had been destroyed. Not only were the roofs of the houses destroyed, but their entire structures were also reduced to rubble. During that time, I was reminded of what the enemies said to me: ‘Because you accepted Ahmadiyyat, you will one day return to your home to witness that it has been destroyed.’ Upon this, I prayed, ‘O Allah, if this is Your Community, and if the Promised Messiahas is the same Promised Mahdi whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophetsa, then do not let my house fall.’ When the rain subsided, I entered my home. I saw that every room was unharmed and no damage was incurred, despite the fact that many houses nearby had been destroyed. After this incident, my faith in Ahmadiyyat has strengthened and I am certain that this Community is a Divine Community.”

In every country of the world, Allah the Almighty manifests such incidents and His help for the Promised Messiahas – who taught us the true teachings of Islam. This is the greatest proof of the truthfulness of the Ahmadiyya Community. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, these incidents are strengthening people’s faith. May Allah the Almighty enable the world to see this as well and enable them to attain certainty and conviction in their faith.

Now, I shall mention some deceased members and lead their funeral prayers [in absentia]. Along with this I would like to say that these days Covid is spreading once again. People should take precautions in this regard.

The first deceased member I will mention is Amatul Hadi, wife of Pir Ziauddin. She was the daughter of Hazrat Dr Mir Muhammad Ismailra. She recently passed away at the age of 92.

[Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.]

Her son, Pir Shabbir Ahmad, is the Vice President of the Community in Islamabad, and [her other son] Brigadier Dabir Ahmad is an administrator at the Fazl-eUmar Hospital. He dedicated his life after retirement. She also has two daughters. Her son writes, “Ever since childhood, my siblings and I have observed our mother pray and recite the Holy Quran with regularity. She would regularly give alms and watch MTA. She actively participated in various financial schemes of the Community. She was part of Daftar Awwal for her contributions to the Tahrik-e-Jadid Scheme.” In 1971 during the war between Pakistan and India, her husband Brigadier Zia Uddin was in eastern Pakistan, which is now Bangladesh. He stayed there for a long period of time. Her son, Pir Dabir says, “My mother and younger sister were also there. After some time, my father sent my mother and younger sister back. My mother used to remain worried but she never expressed her concern to us children, rather, she would continue to reassure us. Six months later,

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نوعجر ہیلا
اناو ہلل

her husband returned. On Eid, she always advised us to look after the poor and give them monetary gifts. Twice annually, she would donate large sums to Humanity First. (Dr Noori Sahib also mentioned this about her). She would donate for installing water wells, hand pumps, for children’s education and to provide food to the poor.”

Her daughter, Amatul Kabir Tallat says, “She recited the Holy Quran aloud and never engaged in backbiting. She would also stop others from backbiting. She had a bond of devotion with the Caliphate. She watched MTA and regularly listened to the Friday Sermon. She would always advise us that there are great benefits to reading the literature of our Community. She was also keen on reading and always had a book by her bedside that she would read. She was very friendly and amicable.”

Her granddaughter says, “Whenever we memorised a new chapter of the Holy Quran, she would give us a reward to encourage us. I remember that after Fajr, she would consistently engage in reciting long prayers and in the remembrance of Allah. She would advise me to do the same. After getting ready in the morning, she would study the Holy Quran with its commentary. She would also read Hadiqatus Salihin and Ruhani Khazain, and then have breakfast.”

May Allah the Almighty grant her His mercy and forgiveness and elevate her station. May He also instil her virtues amongst her children as well.

The next mention is of respected Saqib Kamran, who was a life-devotee and currently serving as Naib Wakil Sami-oBasri. He passed away by Divine decree at the age of 42. The doctors believe that he passed away due to food poisoning and another tragedy is that approximately 45 minutes prior to Saqib Sahib’s demise, his son, Arif Kamran, who had also eaten the same food, passed away.

[Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.]

Saqib Kamran’s great paternal grandfather, Hazrat Chaudhry Maula Bakhsh Sahib Talwandira from Jhanglan, Gurdaspur pledged allegiance to the Promised Messiahas. Kamran Sahib dedicated his life [for the service of Islam] and enrolled in Jamia Ahmadiyya and after graduating from there was appointed in various places. Allah the Almighty blessed him with one daughter and two sons. Rumaisa Kashifa is 17 years of age and Ghalib Kamran is 13 years of age. His youngest son passed away with him. The entire family fell ill and Allah the Almighty saved the others.

After graduating from Jamia, he was posted to Nazarat Islah-o-Irshad Muqami. Later he was selected to specialise in the subject of Hadith. Under Wakalat-e-Talim Tahrik-e-Jadid, he was then sent to Syria in order to acquire further education in the Arabic language, however due to the circumstances there he had to return or perhaps another reason. Thereafter, in December 2018, the studios of Tahrik-eJadid were established and he was appointed as the Naib Wakil Sami-o-Basri Tahrik-

e-Jadid and he continued to serve in this position until his demise. Allah the Almighty granted him the opportunity to serve for 18 years. His mother, Sadiqa Begum says that Kamran was born before the Waqf-e-Nau scheme was launched and she requested Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh to accept her two young sons in the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh accepted her request and included them in the scheme. His wife says that he had a very beautiful character and it is impossible to describe in words. He paid great attention towards his prayers and had great love for Khilafat. He would take great care of property belonging to the Community. He showed a lot of love to everyone he had a relationship with. He would take care of everyone and every member of the Community. He would always strive to provide his children with an excellent upbringing. His mother has also said that he never spoke with a raised voice before his parents just as it is mentioned in the Holy Quran to not utter any word expressive of disgust before one’s parents. He would never disclose the secrets of his friends nor reveal the confidential matters of the Community. His wife says that if they heard about a certain matter from outside, they would ask him about it and he would say that the information was a trust and therefore he would not say anything about it to her. He paid great attention towards offering prayers in congregation and he would also advise his children about this as well. He would always strive to take care of his children and wife at home and try to fulfil all their needs. He was extremely faithful to all his relations. His daughter, Rumaisa says, “My father was extremely humble and pious. He always looked after the poor; was very wise and insightful; always showed obedience and was regular in offering his tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayer]. He had a very unique way of providing us with moral training and would be able to teach us with just the mere gesture of his eye. He would always be thinking about our moral training and he would always tell us that we are Waqf-e-Nau and to always be mindful of this. I would be able to ask him so many different questions and regardless of whatever state he was in, he would never show any reluctance to answer my questions.”

Rohan Ahmad, who is a missionary and currently imprisoned due to his faith, says, “I had the opportunity to work for a long time under his supervision and training. He always guided me like a compassionate friend. He was very kind natured, a good person, and possessed great leadership skills. He was a very sincere servant of the Community and his generosity and compassionate nature were unparalleled.”

Also pray for those who have been imprisoned due to their faith that may Allah the Almighty grant the means for their swift release. May Allah the Almighty grant the deceased His forgiveness and mercy and elevate his status. May He also grant patience and steadfastness to his children, wife and mother and enable his children carry on the legacy of his virtues.

The third mention is of Professor Dr Muhammad Ishaq Dauda from Cotonou,

Benin. He recently passed away at the age of 60:

[Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.]

He belonged to the Dauda family of Benin whose members were the very first people to accept Ahmadiyyat in Benin. The very first Ahmadi in Benin, respected Zikrullah Daud was his paternal uncle. His father, Isa Daud served as the Deputy National Amir of Benin until his demise. In 1980, whilst he was still a student, the deceased accepted Ahmadiyyat through the preaching efforts of Zikrullah Daud. After accepting Ahmadiyyat, he along with his uncle, preached to his own parents. After some time, his parents accepted Ahmadiyyat as well. In 2022, he acquired a PhD in Zoology from a university in Senegal. Upon returning to Benin, he was appointed as a professor at Parakou University in Benin. Owing to his intellectual abilities, he attended many conferences within the country and abroad. He had the opportunity to serve as President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Benin for a long time. He entered the scheme of Al-Wasiyyat while he was still a student and in this way, he had the honour of becoming the very first musi of Benin. His wife, Rehana Dauda, who is currently serving as the National Secretary for Tarbiyyat says, “I accepted Ahmadiyyat after my marriage through the tabligh of my husband. He first taught me Yassarnal Quran and then the Holy Quran. He was a very noble, trustworthy, and compassionate person and looked after the poor. He would always be ready to serve for any work related to the Community and he was regular in his tahajjud. He would always advise me to recite the Holy Quran in the house, so that through this God Almighty’s mercy will be bestowed upon our house.”

She further says, “When he was working as the Deputy Dean of the university, one day a woman came crying to him and said that her daughter was failing and asked him to pass her. She said that if she did not pass, then her husband would no longer pay her fees and would beat her. She brought a lot of money with her and wanted to give it to him. Dauda Sahib said, ‘If people are to pass by paying money, then the poor will never be able to pass. You have brought this money here in order to bribe me, however, I am an Ahmadi and will not do such a thing. You should take back this money and submit the fees and if there is any shortage, I will give you more money. However, to accept a bribe and thereby pass your daughter cannot happen.’ In any case, she left the bag of money with him and left. I told him that the bag of money was still there and so he picked it up and took it to the accountant [of the university]. [Upon having the money returned], the lady asked how she knew where she lived because she did not even know her. The woman [who was returning the money] replied that the accountant at the university told her. He had in fact taken the money, given it to the accountant and told him to return it. Following this, a meeting was called in

the university and the entire matter was discussed before all the professors of the university and the executive stated that there was a total of 300,000 francs, whereas this was only 150,000 francs. However, it was the accountant himself who was responsible for this. In any case, his opponents wanted to remove him from the position of Deputy Dean by accusing him of accepting a bribe, but they failed in their efforts and later the staff of the university and his colleagues openly expressed that he was a very trustworthy individual. He would always take care of the poor widows of the local area, help fix their houses and treat their children with kindness. He would show love to every member.”

Upon his demise, many of the professors from the Agricultural Department at the University of Parakou came to express their condolences. Professor Dr Ibrahim says, “He was an extremely humble and honest person. He was commonly known in the university as ‘Papa Bonheur’ (which is a French word) and means one who gives blessings to everyone. If anyone was in need, he would give them whatever he had in his pocket and never let them go emptyhanded. He had great trust in Allah the Almighty.”

Ishaq Dauda had immense love for the Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas and Khilafat. He had so much love for the Holy Prophetsa that he would pray, “O Allah! The Holy Prophet’ssa age was 63, so do not let me live longer than that.”

He told a missionary once that when he went to France for heart surgery (he became a heart patient), the doctor at the hospital tried to take his ring off which had “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?” inscribed on it, and he said, “Do not take this ring off, this will remain with me till my demise because these are the blessings of Allah the Almighty which I am always mindful of.”

Mian Qamar, who is currently serving as the acting Amir and is the Missionary In-charge, says, “When I was the regional missionary in Parakou, as soon as he would receive his salary, he would place his Wasiyyat contributions and other financial contributions related to the Community from it into an envelope and bring it to the mosque straight away and ask for his receipt. He was always smiling and at the time of every hardship and difficulty, he would say, ‘I am praying and I have also written to the Khalifa of the time for prayers. Allah the Almighty will create ease.’”

He is survived by his wife, two daughters and two sons. His eldest daughter, Aziza Muqsita Dauda is currently completing her PhD in Agricultural studies. Both sons, Raqeeb Dauda and Masroor Dauda are studying in the field of computer studies. May Allah the Almighty enable his children to follow in the footsteps of his good deeds, grant the deceased His mercy and forgiveness and elevate his station. After the Friday prayer, I shall lead the funeral prayers [in absentia].

(Official Urdu transcript published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 1 September 2023, pp. 2-7.Translated by The Review of Religions.)

Friday 8 September 2023 | AL HAKAM 20
Editor-in-chief: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Executive editors: Ataul Fatir Tahir, Aqeel Ahmed Kang | Research coordinator: Awwab Saad Hayat | Associate editors: Jalees Ahmad, Ata-ul-Haye Nasir Translations: M Adam Ahmad | Design: Tahmeed Ahmad | © Al Hakam 2023
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