7 minute read

Mom Glow

Co-founder of new it skincare brand Summer Fridays, Lauren Gores Ireland knows a thing or two about achieving that coveted glow. And when it comes to motherhood, this new mom’s baby boy joy shines from the inside out.

MINI | Let’s jump right into it. Tell us about Summer Fridays and how the brand came to be.

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Summer Fridays is a clean skincare brand with quick results and good-for-you ingredients. My partner, Marianna Hewitt, and I launched in March with our first product, the Jet Lag Mask (which is a #momlife saver to the highest degree)! I was pregnant while formulating our products, so it was especially important to us to keep the ingredients super clean. I had to completely change my skincare routine at the time, which pushed us to create a line that was safe for mom, and safe for baby.

MINI | What is your current skincare routine like? How does Summer Fridays fit into the mix?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Morning: Caudalie foaming cleanser, Jet Lag Mask as moisturizer, Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen, and Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin Mist after makeup. Night: Caudalie foaming cleanser, Beautycounter matte toner, and a thick layer of Jet Lag Mask as an overnight mask (especially on my undereyes)! I [also] exfoliate with our Overtime mask twice per week at night.

MINI | What do you think is the key to great skin? Any rules of thumb you swear by?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | I always wash my

face, no matter how tired! It keeps my skin youthful and clear of breakouts. Outside of my own skincare routine, I drink lemon water all day to keep my skin hydrated. I’m also a believer in taking some solo time each day to unwind and de-stress from whatever it is you need a break from. A calm mind leads to your best skin!

MINI | Let’s talk motherhood! What has surprised you most about motherhood thus far?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | I have this deep appreciation for my role as a mother. It’s something I’ve always wanted, and I don’t take it for granted (even on my most exhausting days). Prior to having my son, I felt like a lot of people would make comments like, “You better enjoy your sleep now!” or “travel while you can!” or “enjoy that body because it will never be the same!” So perhaps what surprised me most was my ability to still have a life, and a career, and a body that I loved in this new stage of life. Of course, motherhood changes everything, but I think when approached with gratitude over fear, those changes feel remarkably freeing rather than constrictive.

MINI | What is your greatest parenting worry or fear?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Currently, I just hope he doesn’t terribly bang his head or knock his front teeth out while attempting to explore our world at 168645373 miles per hour! I’m sure my fears will become a lot more complicated as he gets older!

MINI | What is most important to you in raising your son?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | I want him to feel infinitely loved. Life throws us all a lot of curveballs, but if I can control anything, it’s love. I want him to feel 100 percent free to grow into whoever he’s meant to be, and have the freedom to change over and over again. He’ll have my love no matter the season of life.

MINI | What is your greatest joy of motherhood?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Motherhood allows you this beautiful opportunity to do childhood over again— but with

a new appreciation for how magical our world is! My son thinks the simplest things are so exciting—I’m talking really simple—like the sound of a vacuum, wet grass in the morning, or a smoothie for breakfast make him light up like its Christmas. It makes me take a step back and look at our world with a fresh view. Motherhood has a way of letting you hit the reset button on all things in life, and that’s an unparalleled gift.

MINI | What have you found to be hardest aspect of motherhood thus far?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | I really struggled with finding a balance between showing up for work and showing up for my son (not to mention, showing up as a wife, a friend, and a daughter to the people I love). This was probably my biggest hurdle during that first year, and it took a huge toll on me emotionally, physically, and mentally. But over time, I accepted balance doesn’t exist. I needed to learn how to embrace the imbalance, and to do it all with a grateful mind. I’m not any less busy now, but I’ve learned to accept the chaos and let go of the guilt. My son (and husband, and parents, and friends) feel best when I feel best, so “balancing” it all also means prioritizing time for myself.

MINI | What helps you to juggle motherhood and career?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Alone time. I really cherish my solo workouts, or coffee in the morning, or even a lunch date on my own. That downtime allows my mind to recharge and approach both my roles with a fresh start.

MINI | How would you describe your personal style? Has your style changed at all since becoming a mom?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Modern bohemian (with hints of glam on party nights). I wear more denim since having my son, and I love my APL tennies.

MINI | How about your wellness routine? What does your diet look like?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | I love to run a few days a week, and I mix in yoga on my in-between days. I also follow Be Well By Kelly’s nutrition plan. I don’t diet— and her plan is the best for living a normal life while fueling my body with good foods!

MINI | Where are your favorite places to shop? For yourself and your son.

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | For me: Jenni Kayne, Revolve, Intermix, Reformation, and Zara. For Ev: Miki Miette, Little Moon Society, Duke Alexander, Kickee Pants, Zara, and H&M.

MINI | If you could give your son one piece of advice, what would it be?

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | Forgive often and have empathy. The only story you truly know is your own, so don’t be quick to judge.

MINI | Favorite places to visit in LA with kids, GO!

LAUREN GORES IRELAND | My babe still thinks the neighborhood park is MAGICAL so we haven’t explored too many adventurous spots because he’s still so young!


CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO Beat Buds. It’s basically baby rap and my son is OBSESSED WITH THIS BAND!

FAVORITE KIDS BOOK The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

BEFORE KIDS, I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD Be so cool about showing up to work with avocado on my white pants.

IF THERE WERE MORE HOURS IN THE DAY, I WOULD Go on more dates with my hubby.

IDEAL DATE NIGHT Dinner at the house, under our string lights in the backyard.

FAVORITE LOCAL SHOP Sweet Laurel Bakery.



TYPICAL COFFEE ORDER Iced coffee with oat milk from Alfred.



photography by VANESSA TIERNEY