Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 12 VOL 2

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"when they thought it was over , King Jesus opened heaven"



4 SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT ISIS Should a Christian consult horoscopes? ISSUE NO 12 VOL 2 JANUARY 2020

VISION ROMANS 15:20-21 20 Accordingly I set a goal to preach the gospel, not where Christ’s name was already known, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; 21 but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture], “They who had no news of Him shall see, And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”

MISSION 1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 17 For Christ did not send me [as an apostle] to baptize, but [commissioned and empowered me] to preach the good news [of salvation]—not with clever and eloquent speech [as an orator], so that the cross of Christ would not be [b]made ineffective [deprived of its saving power].














EDITOR'S NOTE Your majesty NEW BEGINNINGS Hello beloved, its 2020 finally. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2020 has to be one of those years for me like the year 2000 that had everyone talking, planning and forecasting over. We’ve had people setting 2020 goals or vision 5 years ago , which marks this year as a year like no other. It’s said by many known leaders, to be specific, The WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE that 2020 is the year of the Bible. We all know that in our different ministries, the overseers have a Word that the Lord has given him/her to cast as the vision of the Lord ,year of the Lord, Luke 4:19). What has the Lord said to His servant about this year? Well for me it’s NEW BEGINNINGS (ISAIAH 43:19) AND REBUILDING BROKEN WALLS (NEHEMIAH 2:20). This is very powerful for me and I’m personally excited about this occurring in this time we are living. As there is a buzz this early time of the year with the title: “NEW BEGINNINGS”. We all love new beginnings but what part are we playing? A man of God spoke something very profound: “it will only be a new beginning if only we start to truly love our neighbors. (1 Peter 3v8, 4v8)”. Now that hit home. Let’s focus more on our love for others and fear of the Lord. Let’s not be taken away by New Year’s resolutions that glorify the flesh and allow God Almighty to let His will be done in this year. Please remember that the end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers (1 Peter 4v7). And when the time is right Master Jesus will make it happen (Isaiah 60:22). For God is not in a hurry. Cheers to spiritual growth, understanding, insight, an impactful life, soul harvesting, purpose and favor! Glory be to God for the opportunity to write the note and may He continue to richly bless you. Write me your comments and thoughts to our email: it might just be printed :-) If you happen to be a new reader, WELCOME ABOARD BELOVED. That’s it for now till month, you’re loved by Him and I.


Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Boldly Proclaim! Message taken from Ephesians 6:14-15 (NKJV) Ephesians 6:14-15 (NKJV):Â "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace..." Courage is the ability to face danger and opposition fearlessly. It's also the will and ability to stand for what's right in spite of opposition. So being courageous for the Gospel means being willing and ready to do what's right and necessary to share its truth, in spite of what may oppose us from proclaiming it. Boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Christ comes from a burning passion that's set ablaze by the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. When we are more concerned about the spiritual condition of those who are lost to Christ, than our own lives, nothing in this world will have the power to stop us from boldly proclaiming the truth. Ask the Holy Spirit to burn His heart and compassion for the lost inside of you. Let the power of His unconquerable love move you to reach out fearlessly to those who desperately need to be snatched out of the fires of hell - so they can spend their eternity in the presence of our loving, Heavenly Father. Boldly proclaim the Gospel!


WHICH CHURCH IS THE TRUE CHURCH OF GOD? source : end times bible

Which church is the one true church of God? This is one of most debated questions in human history. While searching for truth, many people have struggled with this question. Literally thousands of churches, denominations, and religious organizations throughout the world and throughout history have laid claim to the title "the one true church of God." Even today, many people remain convinced their denomination is the anointed one of God. As a result, it's not difficult to see how people can easily become frustrated in regard to this question. So how does a person searching for truth find the one true church? With so many options - Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and literally thousands of alternatives, the average Christian can not reasonably be expected to examine the tenets of each and every one. Yet each of these groups harbors a certain number of adherents who believe their church is the "one true church of God," while all other groups are inferior or even outright evil. Some even promote such a declaration as their official position. In light of these circumstances, many will honestly wonder: does a "one true church of God" exist? And if it does, where is it? To find the answer, one needs to consult the definitive authority on the matter - the bible, the very Word of God Himself.

If you want to call yourself a Christian, Christ must be the basis of your faith, not the pronouncements of a church

According to the bible, the one true church of God does exist, but it can't be identified by man-made tradition or human declaration or doctrines or rules. And it doesn't gather in a single building every Sunday. Such ideas are worldly conceptions of what the church should be. The one true church of God is comprised of various individuals from every walk of life, who live in a multitude of places stretching from one end of the earth to the other. Each of these individuals is a part of the body of Christ, and the very Spirit of Jesus Christ resides in their hearts. Christians In Name Only One of the problems with identifying the one true church of God is that not all people who call themselves Christians are really Christians. The Lord Jesus Himself revealed that on the Day of Judgment, many will claim they lived their lives for Christ but will be exposed as "Christians" in name only: "Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, 'Lord! Lord!

Jesus didn't intend to build his church upon Peter, a fallen human being. Rather, He announced He would build it upon this concept: "You (Jesus) are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God" This is the central truth upon which every person's faith should be built. It reveals that salvation isn't found in buildings or church names. Neither is it found in the traditions or the doctrines of man, or through good works or a good heart. Salvation is found exclusively through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.' But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God's laws.'" Matthew 7:2123 (NLT). Who are these people? These are people who use Christ's name here on earth for their own purposes, be it to acquire fame, wealth, adulation, or some other selfish ambition. Yet these same people actually reject Christ in their hearts. This passage frightens many true Christians, who begin second-guessing their own standing with God. But such thinking comes from Satan. If you truly believe in Christ and trust in Him, you need not worry about your failure to adhere to some doctrine of which you are unaware. If you believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Son of the living God, who died for your sins, then your salvation is secure. And, in the words of Jesus, you are also part of His church: "Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.' Jesus replied, 'You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.'" Matthew 16:16-18 (NLT).


Some say these verses identify the Roman Catholic church as the true church of God. They claim Peter was the first pope, and the Vatican is built upon his final resting place in Rome. But this is a clear misinterpretation of the context and meaning of Jesus' words.

Everything Must Point to Jesus For members of the one true church, Jesus is central to all things. Any teaching, belief, tradition, or doctrine that fails to glorify Jesus is false. "Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.'" John 14:6 (NLT). Jesus did not say, "This or that church is the way, the truth, and the life." He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." If you want to call yourself a Christian, Christ must be the basis of your faith, not the pronouncements of a church. In fact, the very definition of the word Christian is "follower of Christ," and Jesus Himself explicitly stated His criteria for all who wish to follow Him: "Then he said to the crowd, 'If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.'" Luke 9:23-24 (NLT) To be a true Christian, you must replace your own selfish ambition and worldly desires with the will of God. Christ must be the dominate influence in your life, not human traditions. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their insistence that others follow their rigid and burdensome traditions: "Jesus replied, 'You hypocrites! Isaiah was right-

- when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.' For you ignore God's law and substitute your own tradition.' Then he said, 'You skillfully sidestep God's law in order to hold on to your own tradition.'" Mark 7:6-9 (NLT). Living for Christ requires suffering and an unyielding willingness to sacrifice everything that is not of Christ in order to serve Him: "He said to another person, 'Come, follow me.' The man agreed, but he said, 'Lord, first let me return home and bury my father.' But Jesus told him, 'Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God.' Another said, 'Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family.' But Jesus told him, 'Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.'" Luke 9:59-62 (NLT). Nothing is inherently bad about burying one's father or saying goodbye to one's family. However, the true Christian is outfitted with tunnel vision, his eyes focused solely on Jesus Christ. The true Christian doesn't let worldly pursuits distract from the Lord's will. Few stories from the Gospels make this as clear as the story of the rich man who approached Jesus asking how to receive eternal life: "Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. 'There is still one thing you haven't done,' he told him. 'Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'


At this the man's face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions." Mark 10:2122 (NLT). This man possessed great earthly wealth, and he allowed his love for this wealth to distract him from what should have been his primary pursuit: the Kingdom of God. If you want to follow Jesus Christ, you must never allow anything else to take priority over His will. That includes church doctrine.

Jesus As High Priest of the Church The one true church of God is not dependent on a worldly leader as its final authority on spiritual matters. The true church of God gives final authority to its High Priest, Jesus Christ: "So Christ has now become the High Priest over all the good things that have come. He has entered that greater, more perfect Tabernacle in heaven, which was not made by human hands and is not part of this created world. With his own blood not the blood of goats and calves - he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever." Hebrews 9:11-12 (NLT) Only worldly churches seek out human counsel as a final authority. When they do this, one blind man leads another, and they both fall in a ditch. If this is the case, where can mankind turn for wisdom in a time of confusion? God has sent us a Counselor, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit If earthly organizations are not responsible for salvation, then who are the members of the one true church of God? No matter what worldly church a person attends (if any), the only way they can become members of the one true church of God is if they allow the Holy Spirit to enter their lives. Members of the one true church of God must be born again. Jesus explained this to Nicodemus nearly 2,000 years ago: "Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.' 'What do you mean?' exclaimed Nicodemus. 'How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?' Jesus replied, 'I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don't be surprised when I say, 'You must be born again.'


The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit.'" John 3:3-8 (NLT)

When you believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, accepting His blood as payment for your sins, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. You then become part of the Body of Christ, the one true church of God: "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." Romans 8:14 (NLT). The Holy Spirit is the very Spirit of Christ. It is the means by which He identifies the members of His church: "It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us." 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NLT). If belonging to Christ requires the Holy Spirit, how can you know for sure if you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit? This is a good question, and it requires a personal examination of your relationship with God. The presence of the Holy Spirit in your life will lead to great transformation. Being "born again," you will become a new creation, meaning the sinful desires of your old life will give way to the desires of Christ. It isn't necessary to be struck by lightning or to have some Hollywood epiphany. The transformation may be gradual, but it will be noticeable: "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT). The Holy Spirit provides wisdom and council to those who listen, and the Holy Spirit gives glory to Christ. This is how you will know if the Holy Spirit is your advisor: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, 'The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.'" John 16:13-15 (NLT)

Does the Spirit within you glorify Jesus and the Word of God? Does it remind you that you're a sinner in need of Christ's saving grace? Does it continually speak to you, directing you to follow God's commandments and love your neighbor as yourself? If so, this is confirmation that the Spirit of God is within you. The Holy Spirit also reveals God's will to members of His church. "But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets. No one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spirit. And we have received God's Spirit (not the world's spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit's words to explain spiritual truths. But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, 'Who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?' But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 (NLT) The Holy Spirit also reminds us of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this way, we are never without His counsel:


"But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative - that is, the Holy Spirit - he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you." John 14:26 (NLT). Salvation Many earthly churches and religious organizations claim to have a monopoly on salvation. But only one path to salvation exists, and it has nothing to do with the doctrines of earthly churches and religious organizations:

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, 'Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.' Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. For 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" Romans 10:9-13 (NLT). Salvation is equally available to both Jew and Gentile. Even though they may observe different religious traditions, both are saved when they "call on the name of the Lord." For salvation comes not from the traditions of man or from his good works, but only from God's mercy through the blood of Jesus Christ: "He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit." Titus 3:5 (NLT). The ability to wash away sins and give new life through the Holy Spirit is NOT a power enjoyed by self-righteous humans or earthly religious groups. It is the exclusive domain of God Himself: "God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT). Earthly religious organizations should never boast of their ability to save souls, because salvation doesn't come from churches or mosques or synagogues. No earthly organization can take credit for God's amazing grace. Salvation is a gift from God, bestowed by His saving grace for all who believe in Christ. Salvation is not a complicated matter. It doesn't require years of theological study. It doesn't require good works or religious rituals. No traditions of man are necessary, nor is membership in a religious organization, or weekly attendance in a fancy building. All that is necessary is a personal relationship with your Creator:

"And this is the way to have eternal life - to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth." John 17:3 (NLT). This relationship is available to everyone willing to trust in Christ - don't let anyone convince you otherwise! For what man can close a door which God has opened? Conclusion Members of the one true church of God live by the laws of God's Kingdom, not by the human laws of this earthly kingdom. This isn't an indictment of the churches here on earth, only a reminder that a church is not an end unto itself. A person's focus should be on Jesus Christ, and a church is worthless unless it aids in furthering this purpose. The one true church lives through the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit resides in the hearts of individuals of varying circumstances. Some are rich; some are poor. They are people of many different races, languages, and nations. And they are people of many different religious upbringings, members of many different earthly religious denominations. Some are Catholic. Some are Protestant. Some are neither. Do you find this concept difficult to accept?

Then ask yourself where your true allegiance lies. Is your ultimate authority a religious group? Or is your ultimate authority Jesus Christ? For a person can only obey one or the other: "Don't you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master?" Romans 6:16 (NLT)

Do you believe the church you attend on Sunday is infallible? Do you believe a particular denomination is the only path to truth and salvation? If so, you're putting your faith in a human created organization and not Jesus Christ. According to Jesus, this is not the road to Him: "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other." Matthew 6:24 (NLT). Which is your master? The traditions of man, or Jesus Christ? ------------------------------------------------------Britt Gillette is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy and the author of Coming To Jesus and Signs Of The Second Coming. Receive his book 7 Signs of the End Times for FREE when you sign up for his monthly newsletter.




I got the chance to have a chat with South Africa's anointed worshiper, vocal coach, songwriter and mentor NONTSIKELELO HLOMELA . May we be


enlightened further with this exclusive interview. Q. Who is NONTSIKELELO personally and professionally and where are you from? A. Nontsikelelo is a 36-year-old lady. I was born

a woman of

in Uitenhage –Eastern Cape, South Africa in a Christian family. I am a qualified Medical technician worked at the National health laboratory. I got born again in 2001 and after that my life was never the same. Q. When and how did you become Born Again?

uncommon worship

A. In 2001 – At church the pastor called an altar call but I was scared to go to the front. At the back I confessed with my mouth and believed that Jesus died and rose again. When I got home while-

washing the dishes with my sister and worshiping I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. We were both on our knees. Q. Who does NONTSIKELELO say, THE SON OF MAN is? A. The Son of man is the One who broke the law and introduced grace. The One who created a free passage for us to commune and enter the Holy of Holies. The One who carried lack, sickness, rejection so we may be liberated from all. The One who showed us how to use the power that is given freely to us – to heal others and call things that are not as if they are. He is part of trinity and the One who introduced the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Q. When I say the name Jesus what comes to mind? A . Saviour, Redeemer & Teacher. Q. You first began with poetry then transitioned to song writing. Did you ever think then that music would be your occupation? A. Never. I was even a spiritual dancer at church and I would only assist when the vocals are few in our Praise team. But God had other plans for me and I had to be obedient to His plans. Q. You’ve had the grace of performing for different tourists and sharing the stage with R.Kelly , Hugh Masikela and TandieKlaasen. Share with us that experience and what did you learn from them? A. I learned that Music is a calling and a burning fire to all musicians – no matter what genre and belief. I remember my conversation with mama Thandie Klaasen & Hugh Masikela telling me how they fought against apartheid and segregation through all odds. It made me realise the power music has. I also felt blessed to have shared the stage with people of great wisdom and experience. Q. You are a qualified medical technician. Is there any plan whatsoever to practise in that field? A. I am working fully at my organisation – Ntinga

Q. Not only are you a worshiper, songwriter but also a vocal coach. Tell us how you got into vocal coaching and with song writing is it a gift or it’s a skill that anyone can learn? A . It is a skill both vocals and song writing. I also did some research online and through my learned friends who are my band members and also through understudying other musicians. Q. In your earlier years you weren’t a gospel artist as you were known as Qwathikazi. What does the name mean and whats that defining moment that lead you to being a gospel artist known now as Nontsikelelo. A . Qwathikazi is my clan name – I had to change from the name because of the genre but to me the message is still the same. There is no major transition. Q. 2019 was definitely the year King Jesus had “finished preparing a table for your enemies and was time for them to watch you eat”. You released an album titled “UNCOMMON WORSHIP” with powerful songs like “ANGELS BOW, AVULEKA AMASANGO etc”. Who was behind the writing and sound production? A . I have the best production team – Sam Ngonyama as Producer, Thapelo as Musical director and Minister Harry and Pastor Romeo as the recording stable directors – JOM records. Both powerful songs are written by Minister Harry and I am honoured to be ministering both of them. Q. Talking about the single AVULEKA AMASANGO, YOU FEATURED SA’s anointed Minister Takalani Ndou. How did the collabo come about and what inspired that song? A. It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I connect too much with Takalani Ndou’s ministry and she is very humble and a dear friend to me. Q. For some one listening to your album what do you want to impart to the listener? A. May all who listen to my music receive the liberty to worship and worry of nothing.I believe that my ministry will heal, liberate, deliver and bring back hope to those are giving up.

Music and Arts Academy (NPO)which I started in 2015, where we mentor young musicians and artists and equip them for the industry. This is keeping me very busy and is aligned with my calling. Thus I don’t see myself practising as medical technician again.

Q. You’re about making God known through uncommon worship. What does that mean? A. Jesus Christ is the ruler of all kingdoms. There are still many who have not received Him and those who have never heard of Him. I believe that God will use me to reach all corners of South Africa, Africa and the whole earth to introduce and reassure them that Jesus lives.

Q . You are a praise and worship leader at your church. Share with us the work that goes into that and what attributes would one need to become one? A. It’s a privilege to lead worshipers and it’s also a big task. Worshipers get a lot of attacks thus a worship leader should always intercede for its members and also for the Pastor and even the church members. Meaning one should always seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. I believe most of the time a worship leader is appointed by the church or team members – it’s not about how good one is but how matured the person is to lead others. Q. Define a worshipper and how can one know they are called to be a worshipper? A. Every born again Christian is a worshiper. It’s a mandate for every Christian to worship in truth and in Spirit. We are all called to worship – “let everything that has breath praise Him” Q. How important is that we children of God be very selective of the music we listen to, especially the genre? What impact does it have on the inner being? A. We need to be Spirit led on what we listen to. It’s not about the genre but the message. You can listen to House, Hip Hop or anything as long as the message does not defile the gospel. Q. Given the opportunity, which country is on the top of your list and collaboration? A. Nigeria – I love Nigerian worshipers. I listen and follow a lot of them and I connect greatly to their ministry. But any country’s collaboration will be a blessing to me. Q. If Jesus were to visit you for one day, what would you say to Him and how would you spend the rest of the day with Him? A. I will thank Him for taking the cup and dying for me. I will just flow and have no specific topic, question or program. I will just allow a free flowing conversation and just commune with Him. Q. There is POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, share with someone who doesn’t seem to grasp that exactly? A. I have seen demons trembling and leaving I just the call of the name Jesus. Believing in the name changed my whole life and used a nobody to a somebody. I’m a witness of the Power of the name of Jesus. Q. What message do you have to the Church, regarding the end times and especially this “NEW AGE GOSPEL”? A. We need to be aligned with the Word of God. There are many false prophets, leaders etc.

being aligned to the Word and communion with God gives us a discerning Spirit. Then we can differentiate what is of God and what is not. Q. What most do you miss about the “old time true gospel”? A. I miss the love that churches used to have. When a new comer would receive love and a warm welcome from members of the church without being judged. Q. Lastly, advice you can give to young people desiring to join the gospel industry? A. May they seek guidance and be rooted in Christ. Have patience and believe that all things will work together for their good. Work as the God blesses work. Q. When people hear the name Nonstikelelo. What do you want them to know? A. I am loved and highly favoured by God. Its only grace that has kept sane till this far. ! Q. How can people get in touch with you and access your music and schedule? A. They can follow me on facebook – NontsikeleloHlomela. My music is in all digital platforms – iTunes, Google pay, Spotify etc. Q. Last words and plans for 2020? A. May the Holy Spirit lead and I will Go .

facts about meeeeee!

A Legacy is ….?

The love you will leave behind

In my bag you will find….? Phone, lip gloss, pen and small notebook

Can’t live without? The Word – it’s my map

Daily mantra? Thank you Lord

Purpose is…….? Jesus be known

Favourite Artist? Minister Harry

I dream of ....?

Lipstick or eyelashes?

building the biggest Music and arts academy in Africa

lipstick 2020 is….

What people don’t know is that I …….?

A year of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

Am very shy I will retire the day ……?

If it weren’t for Jesus I would …….?

I die

Be nothing Best advice ever received?

Can’t stop thinking about? How I can assist the community

Never demand until you’re in demand “ Pastor Solly Mahlangu”

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Watch Your Words! Message taken from 1 Peter 3:10 (NKJV) 1 Peter 3:10 (NKJV):Â "For He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit." The verses that precede this one add context to the way a believer should act in order to inherit, or walk in, the blessing of the Lord. As much as faith is required to walk in our inheritance as believers, it's powerless when we deliberately turn our backs on righteous living and refuse to walk in love. Paul warns us that living in habitual sin and purposefully ignoring the teachings of the Word will result in our faith being shipwrecked, and our confidence to believe God for His promises destroyed. The devil has a strategy to steal, kill and destroy everything good in our lives. What he really wants to steal is the Word. That's because without the Word - there's no faith. Without faith, we stand powerless to overcome and reign in life. So don't let him have the last word! Fill your mind and heart with God's words! Trust the Holy Spirit to make them alive to you, empowering you to speak and live by their truth. This way you'll be more than a conqueror and walk every day, in your promised inheritance




Self-examination is one of the key elements to success. God constantly calls us to look at our actions and thought processes. We even see David asking God to examine him. What a powerful way to express that through God examination and personal development, we will ultimately alter the course of our lives for His will. What takes you away from examining yourself?

I believe it begins with poor time management. If you go to my last article in the November edition, I talk about “6 ways to have better time management”. When we aren’t proactive in scheduling our days and saying no to unproductive favors, it leads to exhaustion. It’s hard to scrutinize yourself when you are constantly on the go. We believe that God will talk to us in our busyness, but it’s in the still and alone time that we can hear what God wants from us. It’s only when we can shut everything else out and do some real soulsearching, that we can catapult our lives in a way that God has purposed.


Why don’t you want to examine yourself?

All you have to do is reflect. Give yourself

time to learn, gain knowledge, understanding

#1 God may show you a different path then

and apply the wisdom you have obtained.

you planned. Proverbs 16:9 states, “In their

Wallowing in your sorrows never helps; It’s a

hearts humans plan their course, but

hindrance to where life is leading you. Yes, life

the Lord establishes their steps.” It’s okay to

is rough and sometimes unbearable, but God

plan and prepare, but if God says to shift, then

will guide you to the freedom you seek when

you must shift. It is only in His steps that we

you are intentional about it. And a lot of

finish our race. You can prepare for one thing

times who you’ve become is based in your

not knowing you are preparing for your

past which becomes a reality. Who you

calling. So, don’t base your preparation with a

didn’t want to become you’ve become and

one-track mind. This is why personal

now your perspective on life is tainted.

development is key because without it you

And most of us can feel when we are starting

will run into faith issues. Without faith it’s hard

to get off track. Again, sit in those moments so

to let go of your own steps for God’s plan. Be

you don’t become a victim of your past. It’s not

open to God’s will and brush yours to the side.

cool seeing an adult operating out of their

immaturity because they won’t look at

#2 You are scared to see the results. Not too

themselves. When you don’t want to change,

many of us want to unpack who we are to

pride starts to seep into your hearts and

ourselves. You prefer to run away from yourself

deceiving yourself is fairly easy to do. Humbly

which is the exact opposite of purpose

ask God to break down that wall before it gets

preparation. When you find yourself being


confronted by God, stay in that space. Don’t

avoid the sins you committed that you regret.

#5 We are also unsure of how to change. It’s

Your life starts to shift from those events and

actually pretty simple. Prayer, meditation,

now you have years of bad habits that

studying the Bible, and working your talents

could’ve been stopped when the sins

and gifts. I like to call it #StayInPractice. You

happened. They begin to have a hold on you

don’t have to know everything about your

and the things people do to harm you start to

future. Just lean closer to God and He will

take shape in your lives. Now you’re doubly in

direct your preparation. Yessss. Direct us Lord.

trouble. At what point will you break the

He knows all, so if you are in Him, He will show

barriers in your life and move forward?

you how to transition. You can also seek a coach (ME, lol) or mentor; Someone who is

#3 We often believe self-examination is all

ahead of you that can walk this Christian life

bad, but it isn’t. It’s where you began to

with and for you.

understand your talents, gifts, and value system. You get to go back to things you love

Why is self-examination necessary?

to do that you don’t do anymore. With the

busyness of life, we create an unhealthy

You have to see where you measure up. Just

priority of work, watching everybody’s lives on

like going to the doctors, it gives you a great

social media, and watching Netflix, forgetting

idea of your mental and spiritual state. We

the great things about ourselves and what

usually go to the doctors for yearly checkups;

makes us happy.

the dentist for six months to a year checkup. When something is wrong you go more

#4 Facing past traumas are another reason we

frequently, and when something is deadly

don’t look within. Stop believing you must

surgery is the option. We have to examine

relive your experience.

ourselves, our actions and thoughts regularly.

Not once a year but once a week and no less than once a month. You can easily get back into bad habits and disciplines without it. It only takes an hour a week. Don’t wait too long because major surgery will be needed for your heart. Self-examination also allows you to get to the original you. Before life hit you hard; before you got deep into your sins, the original you has been screaming, “Get back to me.” Before you were born, God created a soul special to the years and decades you are on this earth. Use the wisdom you have now to cover the original you that you will soon discover through your weekly exams. Where do you go from here?

God can speak to you and show you why you are on earth and you won’t be scared. You will be able to navigate life better. You will have higher self-esteem and confidence in God that you never had. Philippians 3:12 states, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”

Dr. Myles Munroe stated, “When purpose (the reason why you exist) is not known, abuse (use wrongfully, harmful, improper) is inevitable (will happen, unavoidable). Are you abusing the life God ordered for you? If you are, prepare your purpose through selfexamination today because TOMORROW IS TOO LATE TO BE GREAT.

As always, be blessed and stay sunny on the inside.


What sort of New Year’s resolution should a Christian make?? SOURCE: WWW.GOTQUESTIONS.ORG

Answer: Answer: The

practice of making New

Common New Year’s resolutions are

Year’s resolutions goes back over 3,000 years

commitments to quit smoking, to stop drinking,

to the ancient Babylonians. There is just

to manage money more wisely, and to spend

something about the start of a new year that

more time with family. By far, the most

gives us the feeling of a fresh start and a new

common New Year’s resolution is to lose

beginning. In reality, there is no difference

weight, in conjunction with exercising more

between December 31 and January 1. Nothing

and eating more healthily. These are all good

mystical occurs at midnight on December 31.

goals to set. However, 1 Timothy 4:8 instructs

The Bible does not speak for or against the

us to keep exercise in perspective: “For

concept of New Year’s resolutions.

physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding

However, if a Christian determines to make a

promise for both the present life and the life

New Year’s resolution, what kind

to come.” The vast majority of New Year’s

of resolution should he or she make?

resolutions, even among Christians, are in relation to physical things. This should not be.


Many Christians make New Year’s resolutions

If it is God’s will for something to be fulfilled,

to pray more, to read the Bible every day, and

He will enable you to fulfill it. If a resolution is

to attend church more regularly. These are

not God-honoring and/or is not in agreement

fantastic goals. However, these New Year’s

with God’s Word, we will not receive God’s

resolutions fail just as often as the non-

help in fulfilling the resolution

spiritual resolutions, because there is no power in a New Year’s resolution. Resolving to start

So, what sort of New Year’s resolution should a

or stop doing a certain activity has no value

Christian make? Here are some suggestions: (1)

unless you have the proper motivation for

pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5)

stopping or starting that activity. For example,

regarding what resolutions, if any, He would

why do you want to read the Bible every day?

have you make; (2) pray for wisdom as to how

Is it to honor God and grow spiritually, or is it

to fulfill the goals God gives you; (3) rely on

because you have just heard that it is a good

God’s strength to help you; (4) find an

thing to do? Why do you want to lose weight?

accountability partner who will help you and

Is it to honor God with your body, or is it for

encourage you; (5) don’t become discouraged

vanity, to honor yourself?

with occasional failures; instead, allow them to motivate you further; (6) don’t become

Philippians 4:13 tells us, “I can do everything

proud or vain, but give God the glory. Psalm

through Him who gives me strength.” John

37:5-6 says, “Commit your way to the LORD;

15:5 declares, “I am the vine; you are the

trust in him and he will do this: He will make

branches. If a man remains in me and I in him,

your righteousness shine like the dawn, the

he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can

justice of your cause like the noonday

do nothing.”


If God is the center of your New Year’s


resolution, it has chance for success, depending on your commitment to it. is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. We are Christian, Protestant, evangelical,

because there is no power in a New Year’s resolution.

theologically conservative, and nondenominational. We view ourselves as a parachurch ministry, coming alongside the church to help people find answers to their spiritually related questions.


Born Again?

Beloved, sometimes we hear certain words and because of our preconceived notions, we can miss what is really trying to be communicated to us. One phrase that exists in most Christian circles that can turn others off because there is a lack of understanding is the term “born again.” A lot of times when people hear the term “a born again Christian,” they think of someone who is really extreme, radical, out of touch, or unsophisticated. But do you know what Jesus said? “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 When Jesus used the Words “born again,” He was not just talking about a change of lifestyle, a new beginning, or even referring to a person’s amount of zeal. He was not figuratively speaking or using a metaphor. What He was talking about was literally being born of God’s Spirit and becoming supernaturally alive! He was talking about an invisible dimension that is as real as our first birth. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:5-6 Jesus was talking about our first (natural) birth and a second (spiritual) birth. The first birth happens when we were birthed into

Father wants us to get in touch with the fact that His Spirit is inside each of His children. God wants us to tap into this power! He is the “life force” that has given us supernatural abilities. Beloved, we should not let the false concept that the world has spun about being “born again” keep us from fully realizing, that because we were “born again” at our second birth, we now have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead residing in us. “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11 Beloved, I want to encourage you to embrace the Biblical meaning of being “born again,” for it is what separates us from the world and creates a way for God’s Spirit to dwell in us.

this world from our mother’s womb – we were born in the flesh. But at the second birth, when we receive Jesus, we literally receive the substance of God’s Spirit. God’s Spirit literally comes inside us, and when that happens we receive another nature. We are given God’s own character because His Spirit comes and inhabits us.



GOD IS IN CHARGE by: Pastor Ntsako Scripture reading: Genesis:7.16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in. Psalm:37.25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

The sooner we realize that we live under God's care, the better we'll enjoy this gift of life. Many years back, God gave His only Son to redeem us. We were bought with a precious blood, He's in charge of our lives. If He can leave a wonderful place, His glorious throne, to come on earth and take away our sins, how much more can He still do for us now. Regardless of what might happen, or what people can say, I know I am the beloved of my Father in heaven. And for that reason, I will forever be grateful and worship Him. What a great joy of waking up every morning and know that God is by your side and He will never leave nor forsake you. The above scripture in Genesis, it's about the story that is well known. When God destroyed the earth with water but spared the life of Noah and his family. He gave Noah every instructions and measurements of building the ark. God was in charge of Noah's life and He saved him from the flood.

Noah could only build the ark and take in every animal and birds as instructed by God. Above all, God was in charge. The last part of Gen 7:16 indicates that God SHUT HIM IN. Noah was responsible to build the ark, but God closed the ark. We can only obey God's Word and He will take care of the rest. God closed the ark when it was flooding, and He is still in charge today for every flood that take place in our lives. We are the righteousness of God, not by works but by grace. And David said: “God will never forsake the righteous one, nor will their children lack bread “. May God close you inside the ark of victory, the ark of healing, the ark of love, the ark of abundance, the ark of prosperity, and every ark of good things. Now child of God, fear not, move in total dominion knowing that God is in charge of your life. Confession: In me there is God, my life is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, victory is guaranteed because God is in charge….

4 FACTS ABOUT ISIS BY:OPENDOORSUSA.ORG ISIS is without question one of the worst persecutors of Christianity in the world. Barbaric, well-funded and well-organized, the terrorist organization is a formidable, malignant foe both to democratic countries and our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. One of Jesus’s most challenging instructions is to pray for our enemies, which means we are called as Christians to pray for ISIS. To help understand who ISIS is and how we can pray regarding them, here are four facts you might not have known about the terrorist group: ISIS’s origins start with alQaeda ISIS was originally founded by Osama bin Laden protégé Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and for a brief time, combined with al-Qaeda. They were known as “The Land of Two Rivers,” or more popularly as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). … but were too extreme, even for them....

"ISIS’S ULTIMATE AIM, AS THEIR NAME IMPLIES, IS TO FORM A MASSIVE ISLAMIC NATION RULED BY STRICT SHARIA LAW". For Al-Qaeda, the problem in the world is all infidel/non-Muslim cultures, specifically Western Christian cultures; however, Zarqawi and ISIS believe the “umma” (global Islamic community) needs purging. For ISIS, much of Islam is apostate for failing to adhere to Sharia law. Both in rhetoric and in action, ISIS quickly went farther than al-Qaeda was willing to go, and when Zarqawi refused to listen to al-Qaeda’s warnings, the groups separated. After Zarqawi’s death, Muharib al-Juburi took charge and announced the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).

In 2013, the name was changed to ISIS when the new leader, Abu Bakr alBaghdadi announced the territorial expansion of the state into Syria. ISIS’s radical ideology targets more than just Christians While Christians certainly are ISIS’s primary target, they have also committed genocide against Shia Muslims, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans. Basically, anyone who disobeys Sharia law are infidels. ISIS’s mass executions and horrific sexual assaults of women and young girls are carried out against any group they deem an apostate. According to a New York Times report in July of 2016, more than 1,200 people have been killed by ISIS—or ISIS inspired attacks—outside of Syria and Iraq. ISIS wants to be more than just terrorist group

ISIS’s ultimate aim, as their name implies, is to form a massive Islamic nation ruled by strict Sharia law. To that end, ISIS is highly organized, establishing governing structures throughout the territories it rules. ISIS has a cabinet, governors, financial and legislative bodies, and a bureaucratic hierarchy that is run by a council.


ISIS releases annual business reports, most recently releasing a 400-page document with detailed mission reports, achievements and strategy. Some of that included over 1,000 They also mentioned in their M assassinations. .K reports social media-friendly infographics of their operations.


ISIS is one of the well-funded terrorist groups in the world According to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, in 2006, when ISIS was still known as AQI, “it was already bringing in approximately $70 million through criminal activities.” ISIS today is funded largely through oil smuggling and exporting, as they currently control seven oil fields and two small refineries in the northern part of Iraq. They also pillage resources from any territory they take. When ISIS took control of Mosul, they stole $425 million from the city’s central bank alone. However, today, according to CNN, ISIS earnings have plunged by 80% in the last two years due to loss of territory and restricted access to oil. So how do we pray? - Pray that God would enable those fighting against ISIS to continue to gain ground. The less territory ISIS holds, the fewer people they can oppress, the fewer resources they have and the less powerful they look. - Pray for the leadership of ISIS, that God would miraculously soften the hearts of the hundreds of men who make up the leadership hierarchy. - Pray for ISIS’ allies to continue to distance themselves. Even among militant Islamic terrorist groups, ISIS is seen as extreme. Pray that ISIS would become increasingly isolated and vulnerable.

- Pray for those indoctrinated and brainwashed by ISIS. ISIS is very good at giving aimless, directionless and lonely people a sense of mission. They make them feel powerful and important. - Pray for those caught in the lies of ISIS, that God would shine His truth. - And of course, continue to pray for our brothers and sisters bravely resisting ISIS. Pray that God would give them favor, protection and use them to show the love of Jesus that extends to even those who hate Him most.



In 2015, Mike lost his income. I asked him to move into my house to help him out until he could get back on his feet.

I have so many stories where God has provided for me, but I want

I own my own home and received a monthly pension from my late

to share two, very personal ones with you.

husband. (He passed away when we were separated as a result of h is alcoholism).

About ten years ago I was in a bad marriage. My husband was not a

bad man, but he was an alcoholic which resulted in some poor

Mike and I knew that by living together, we were willfully sinning.

decisions. He did not have a relationship with Christ. Every day I

It weighed heavy on our hearts and we sought counsel of Christian

prayed that God would change his heart. I had a very close

friends and finally our pastor. If we married, I would lose my

personal relationship with Christ at the time.

pension. How could we survive?

When he left me and my sons and I was single again, I prayed that

Yet, we wanted to honor God and please Him. Our pastor

God would give me a Godly man. I ended up in a difficult

reminded us that by pleasing God, He would take care

relationship that caused me many struggles and heartache. I

of us.He also reminded us that our current situation was NOT

wondered why God didn’t answer my prayers. Why didn’t He want

pleasing to God. We prayed and asked God for guidance.

me to be happy?

He answered very quickly and we knew that we were to get married .That very night, Mike moved into a spare bedroom in our

During this time, I stopped going to church and ceased seeking God

home and the wedding was scheduled for May 14th, 2016.

in all I did. Looking back THAT was why He didn’t intervene! Each night, we watch TV together and do our couples devotion, Late in 2014, I began to seek God again. Shortly after, He placed a

then we retire to our own rooms.

man in my life who was on fire for Him! Mike is kind, compassionate, giving, selfless and loves God with all of his heart.

Yes, I lost my pension, but God knew that we needed some help.

He helped fan the flames of my own passion for our King of Kings!

Mike is a licensed Master Plumber. Within a few days, calls started coming in for work for him. He was going into business for himself

God DOES want us to be happy. He DOES want to give us what our

– God took care of that and has been providing steady work ever

heart desires, IF it is according to His will and if we are seeking


Him first.

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Your Way Out Message taken from 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT) 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT):Â "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure." If you ever feel temptation to fall into bad habits, to step back into fear, or to doubt God's promises concerning you, has got the better of you; or the struggle to gain control of the tug-of-war between your flesh and spirit is too tough - it's time to rejoice! Why? Because God has made a way out for you! If we choose to get in the habit of daily building up our spiritual strength by spending time in the Word, taking its truth to heart and letting it take root in our minds - it will cause our faith to become stronger and louder than any temptation that tries to lure us away from having victory in Christ. God's Word will teach you that problem you're facing is no problem at all when you stand strong in faith and firm on God's promises because He is faithful to fulfil His Word! Temptation has no power over a believer who is rooted and grounded in the Word and full of the power of the Holy Spirit! So pursue the things of God and see how temptation can never compete with the power that flows from you.

young , married &

BORN AGAIN A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Created by God for us.

1. Who are you individually (personally &

We can never learn enough and this couple does exactly that. They teach , encourage and live. Enjoy and make sure you have a note book with you, you will definitely be taking notes. Here's the love story of Melvin and Kimberly Ellis

SoulSense Ministries, a space where people can learn

professionally)? We are Melvin and Kimberly Ellis, co-creators of and grow in their knowledge of God as well as practically apply scripture to their everyday life. Melvin is an IT Develop manager and Kim is a Family Nurse Practitioner. We have 2 daughters, Farrah (6) & Fallan (2).

2. How and when did you meet? We met in college in a Music Voice class Spring 2005. 3. How long did you date before you got married? We started dating October 2005 and married October 2009 so 4 years. 4. How did you individually know that He , She was the one? Melvin: I just couldn’t be without her. I felt like we were in sync but I guess my first indication was that we both were deep thinkers and I could get lost in our conversations. She was just so cool and her intellect matched mine! Kim: I'll have to agree with Melvin. I know this sounds corny but I think the song by Jill Scott ‘A Long Walk’ is a good picture about our humble beginnings. I remember our first conversation, we were on the phone for hours talking about a plethora of topics. On our first dating anniversary, Melvin really went all out to ‘wine and dine’ me. The day after, I called my mom and said that ‘I'm going to marry this man!’ 5. Whe did you get married? October 3, 2009 6. Take us through the process of the wedding celebration how was that and if there is any changes you could have made? The wedding was great! We had a ton of family and friends there. We had great food, drinks, and tons dancing. We will both agree though because hindsight is 20/20, we would probably do a destination wedding because really the traditional wedding is not really for he couple... it's for the family and we have gone on a destination wedding and they're absolutely fabulous but overall we enjoyed our wedding and people still talk about it to this day!

7. How has your relationship changed from dating to marriage? Absolutely! The biggest change is that we inserted God in our marriage. We did not date in a godly fashion so there were issues that we had during our dating season but the moment we allow God to guide our marriage, it was like two different people in a relationship. A COMPLETE 180! 8. If you could change the perception that people have about marriage, what would it be? Melvin: Don't isolate yourself as a couple! You don’t have to do life alone! There are so many resources amongst the Kingdom of God that can save you from many issues. It would be foolish to not seek advice from those that have gone before you! Kim: Yes, so good! What I would add is that marriage is STILL valuable! It's not just a piece of paper. God loves marriage so that means that, as Christians, we should honor the union between man and woman!

Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate . -Matthew 19:6

9. For the single person out there, wondering when they are getting married ,what advice would you give them? Kim: As a woman, I know that this is a struggle for many women. But what I wish I could tell a single lady and what I see that was a strength of mine is to do your work on yourself. You have to do that self work so you can bring a whole person into a marriage. This ultimately benefits your marriage! If you are waiting for marriage to complete you, you are setting yourself up for a trap of Satan. I see so many people bringing baggage to their marriage, now mind you, there are real issues that every married couple will face but they can't get to those issues because they are working through each other's individual baggage. So do yourself a favor and work on yourself prior to getting into marriage so you can bring your FULL self into the partnership! Melvin: To piggyback off that, for the men out there, learn how to lead yourself so you will be able to lead a family. You are not going to have all of the answers because this is your first time going through these experiences. Someone being dependent on you (your wife your children) but you have to have a firm foundation and at least be sure of yourself. So I always tell men make sure that you're able to manage and lead your own life before going into a situation where you have others depending upon you! 10. How do you deal with problems that you encounter as a married couple? If we're honest, it's a combination of Prayer, communication with each other, and pulling in others for advice and guidance. We are not perfect in these areas but typically one of us initiate a pause for prayer together, we're-

constantly trying to refine our communication with each other, and the goal is get with a sherpherding couple on a monthly basis. 11. Challenges you’re facing as a married and born again couple? Well, to know that God loves marriage is to also to know that Satan hates marriage! It angers him so much to see unity in the body of Christ and marriage done God's way is so powerful! He can't stand it! The stage of life that we're currently going through is really maturing in what it means to be a husband and wife in this stage of life. We have been married for 10 whole years and we are totally different people (as we should be) from when we got married. Trying to change and mold to the movement of life is presenting the most pressing challenge for us. We are now going through the stress of Aging and ailing parents, raising children, & changing careers/aspirations...all of which presents stressors on your marriage. So, what we have been focused on is refining our communication so the other person knows clearly with the other person needs in the relationship.

12. Things you wish you were told about marriage? We actually recorded a whole podcast over this very thing. isodes/episode-45-what-i-wish-iknew-before-i-got-married 13. The best advice ever received? I would have to say it's start with the end in mind and realizing that there is an ultimate goal here. You have to have clear focus so you don't get distracted as you're going and coming in your life. Our marriage is supposed to glorify God and bring people towards him, that's why we say it's a Ministry!

let no one separate -Matthew 19 : 6

Therefore what God has joined together,


the Ellis's


THE GAINING OF WISDOM We are so honored to share this beautiful article written by Uncle Angus Buchan . A Born Again, spirit filled servant of the Gospel. Thanking you once again Angus for sharing this article with us. He is an Author, Evangelist, Farmer, Husband, Father and Grandfather. The gaining of wisdom It’s said there’s no fool like an old fool. And as I get older I have to keep reminding myself I don’t know everything. In fact, the older I get, the more I realise how little I do know. But Job 28:28 says: “The fear of God, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil, that is understanding.” ‘Fear’ here doesn’t mean that we should be afraid of God – I’m definitely not afraid of God, He’s my best friend, the One who allows me to sleep peacefully at night. ‘Fear’ here means ‘reverence’. When we start to revere God, He gives us wisdom. It touches me so deeply to see people giving God a place in their lives.

That’s something God has really impressed upon my heart, because I tend to speak too much and

It’s so wonderful to see an employer humble

listen too little. We need to listen twice as much

himself in front of his staff and pray, and

as we speak, that’s why God gave us two ears and

sometimes ask forgiveness for the way in which he

only one mouth.

lost it the day before. If your staff respect you, you’ll be the most successful farmer in your area.

We must also be prepared to ask counsel from

Humility is a sign of a wise man, a man who has

other people. A foolish man is one who thinks he

been blessed with incredible favour from God.

knows everything. In my 40 years of farming, I’ve

When you meet such a person, they’ll speak mostly

learnt the most from my farm workers. Many were

about you and very little about themselves. This

totally uneducated, yet they taught me more than

too is a sign of wisdom. The best way to learn is to

any agricultural manual. Encourage your people

ask other people questions and not to talk about

to participate in your business venture. That’s a


wise thing to do.

The scripture also says, “to depart from evil, that is

The Bible tells us that one will chase a thousand

understanding”. We cannot continue to act like

but two can chase 10 000. When we work as a

spoilt children, when we have ‘come of age’. If you

team then things get done well. Finally, as I’ve

have a childish attitude, and like to jump up and

often said before, let us learn from those who are

down and stamp your feet when you don’t get

older than us. Let’s give them a chance to share

your own way, you’ll receive no respect from those

their wisdom with us.

around you. But if you depart from evil and forget about yourself and start living for other people, you’ll become extremely successful and wise. The Bible also talks very clearly about being perceived as wise men and women by keeping quiet and not saying anything.

All we need to do is listen.

God bless Angus Buchan


How to Pray During Marital Conflict by: Andreas J. Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger

Be Armed and Ready

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes

Young couples are often inadequately

of the devil. For we do not wrestle

prepared for the conflicts that they are

against flesh and blood, but against the

sure to encounter in their marriages.

rulers, against the authorities, against the

Learning how to resolve conflict is one of

cosmic powers over this present darkness,

the most vital skills to develop in marriage.

against the spiritual forces of evil in the

The potential causes for conflict are

heavenly places. Therefore take up the

virtually limitless; among the most common

whole armor of God, that you may be able

are issues related to sex, finances, and in-

to withstand in the evil day, and having

laws, not to mention parenting (for couples

done all, to stand firm. (Eph. 6:11–13)

with children). Paul’s words to believers, in general, are applicable to both spouses as

Husband or wife, any struggle in marriage


is ultimately not against your spouse!

You’re engaged in a joint spiritual battle against the spiritual forces of evil—the devil and his demons—who are bent on destroying your marriage and poised to exploit any weakness or chink in your marital armor. Therefore, it’s vital that you put on the whole armor of God, both individually and jointly, and that you regularly pray with and for each other.

Here are some things you can pray:

Pray for Protection

Pray that God would build a spiritual wall of protection around your marriage and family that Satan won’t be able to penetrate or destroy. Made up of fallen creatures redeemed by Christ, married couples are in desperate and continual need of spiritual protection. Pray, therefore, that God would build, not merely low hedges, but towering walls of protection around your marriage and family. Pray that he would build an impenetrable spiritual wall as you put on the whole spiritual armor of God. As Paul wrote to the Colossians, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught” (Col. 2:6–7). Wives, pray for your husbands, that they will take his responsibility as spiritual leader in your relationship seriously. Husbands, pray for your wives in areas where they may be vulnerable or need encouragement and support as “the weaker vessel” (1 Pet. 3:7), and nurture and protect them. Also, pray for marital unity, as unity provides protection. As Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matt. 18:20).

Pray for Unity

It’s vital that you put on the whole armor of God, both individually and jointly, and

Pray that God would grant you spiritual

that you regularly pray with and for each

unity in your marriage and (if you have


children) your parenting.

Jesus warned his followers not to yield to

Conflict is a recurrent reality in this

lust which, he said, was tantamount to

redeemed yet fallen state, even among

adultery (Matt. 5:28). He also taught

Christian couples. Therefore, pray that

them to pray, “And lead us not into

there would be genuine contrition,

temptation, but deliver us from evil

repentance, and humility where your

(or the evil one)” (Matt. 6:13). Wives,

spouse has sinned against you or you

therefore, pray for your husband that God

against your spouse. Pray that God would

would strengthen him by his grace when

graciously enable you to forgive each

he encounters sexual temptation. Pray

other and for genuine and thorough

that he would be like Joseph who

reconciliation to take place. In this way,

remained strong in the face of persistent

you’ll grow even closer and your marriage

temptation and even ran from it when

will become more intimate and tender as

needed (Gen. 39; see especially Gen.

you’ll realize that we all fail at times and

39:12). Husbands, pray that your wives

need each other’s forgiveness. Pray for

would be pure, holy, and godly (1 Tim.

unity of purpose in your marriage: that

2:9–10; Titus 2:5; 1 Pet. 3:2, 5), staying

you pull in the same direction and have

away from gossip, slander, and any other

the same desires—to please, revere, and

sin or spiritual defilement. Pray for

honor God with your lives and the

each other—for wisdom, for relief from

decisions you make. Ask God to enable

stress, for kindness, just as Peter wrote

you to “maintain the unity of the Spirit in

that husbands should be considerate

the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3), looking

toward their wives (literally, treat them

to the Spirit to unify you and to transcend

“according to knowledge”) so that their

differences in background, gender,

“prayers may not be hindered” (1 Pet.

temperament, and other areas. As the

3:7). Wives, pray that by God’s grace your

psalmist exclaimed, “Behold, how good

husband will treat his sisters in Christ “in

and pleasant it is when brothers (and

all purity” (1 Tim. 5:2).

sisters!) dwell in unity” (Ps. 133:1).

Pray for Wisdom and Direction Pray for Purity and Kindness Pray for wisdom, guidance, and direction Pray that God will strengthen your spouse

individually and jointly.

when he or she faces temptation and that

“If anyone lacks wisdom,” James urged,

he will enable him or her to be

“let him ask God who gives generously”

considerate toward the other.

(James 1:5).

Later, he wrote, “You do not have,

If you don’t have any children yet, pray that

because you do not ask,” and added,

God would allow you to have children. If you

“You ask, and do not receive, because

do, pray that God would allow you to be

you ask wrongly” (James 4:2–3).

devoted parents and to lead your children to trust Christ and follow him in

Your marriage is meant to be a steady

committed discipleship. In addition, pray for

ship, secure amid the high waves and

spiritual fruit to be borne through you and

torrents of the culture and the spiritual

your spouse individually and jointly. This

enemy threatening to engulf and entangle

includes growth in godly character and the

you. Pray, therefore, for wisdom,

pursuit of Christian virtues, which Paul calls

guidance, and direction, both individually

“the fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22–23). Pray

and jointly. Remember, you’re no longer

that your home, marriage, and family be

two but one (Gen. 2:24; cf. Eph. 5:31)!

increasingly characterized by love, joy,

While spouses don’t lose their

peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

individuality—in fact, a healthy marriage

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

encourages each spouse to develop his or her unique identity to the fullest—they are


to be one and unified in jointly moving in the same direction. This calls for wisdom

Andreas J. Köstenberger (PhD, Trinity

and a sense of God’s calling. Again, pray

Evangelical Divinity School) is the director

that God would show you how to partner

of the Center for Biblical Studies

in your joint mission for him. Pray for

and research professor of New Testament

unanimity. Pray for your husband to lead

and biblical theology at Midwestern Baptist

well or for your wife to be able to respect

Theological Seminary. He is a prolific

you. Pray that God would enable you to

author, distinguished evangelical scholar,

honor each other by living out your God-

and editor of the Journal of the Evangelical

given roles toward each other.

Theological Society. He is the founder of Biblical Foundations, a ministry devoted to

Pray for Fruit

restoring the biblical foundations of the

Pray for lasting fruit to result from your

home and the church. Köstenberger and his


wife have four children.

At creation, God charged the first

Margaret E. Köstenberger (ThD, University of

humans, male and female, to “be fruitful

South Africa) serves as associate professor

and multiply and fill the earth and subdue

of theology and women’s ministry and

it” (Gen. 1:28). In fact, being fruitful and

faculty coordinator of women’s programs at

exercising joint dominion as God’s

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

representatives is a big part of what it

She is the author of Jesus and the Feminists

means for humanity to be created in

and the coauthor (with Andreas

God’s image and likeness. Normally, such

Köstenberger) of God's Design for Man and

fruitfulness and multiplication will mean

Woman. She and her husband, Andreas, live

having children and raising them to love

in Missouri with their four children.

and serve God (Eph. 6:4).


14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?”



ELEVATION CALLS FOR SEPARATION by: Minister Monica Recently, I have experienced a great deal of separation from close relationships. From Godly friendships with friends, co-workers and even family members. Relationships where we were once close knitted, spoke almost every day, sent funny text messages and hung out frequently, to every so often a “Hey how are you?” and “ I continue to pray for you.” At first, I admit I was offended and a bit saddened. I asked God, “Well what’s the point of building relationships only for there to be a separation that takes place. Isn’t it better to be alone? That was my flesh speaking. That’s not the case. For every season in our lives, God strategically places someone or additional persons to equip us with knowledge and wisdom in order for us to grow to enter the next season of our lives. These persons are assigned to plant seeds of encouragement, motivation, teachings, revelations of the word of God and unconditional love. The godly relationship God ordains is required for spiritual maturity, discipline, and accountability. We are stronger together. Think about where you are now. Would you have gotten this far without your pastors praying you through and declaring God’s prophecy over your life? What about your mentor/coach supporting you at your lowest, sending you ontime text messages/emails propelling you to go forward. Okay, how about that middle of the night prayer that caused the enemy to flee, and you were able to sleep in peace? DON’T FORGET!

Instead, cherish those moments, be grateful for that person and the time that you spent with them. Don’t dwell on the separation. It could be that God is calling that person higher or God is elevating you to another level and this person can’t go. I was reminded of Joseph. Joseph was sold off as a slave by his brothers but as a slave, he gained favor with Pharaoh by interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. Joseph gets promoted to the chief administrator of Egypt. ELEVATION. As a result of his promotion, Joseph saves his family from five years of famine in Egypt. Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years, there will be no plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance” (Genesis 45: 4-7 NIV).

Separation could just be for a season or maybe a lifetime. In the end, it’s God’s will. My advice is to love those God has placed before you. Express your heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. Choose love, not bitterness or unforgiveness. The time is now to say thank you and I love you. Be Encouraged, Love Monica.


Do you believe the prophets? We are living in the days whereby people do anything just to make a quick buck. The bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. In the house of God the Christians have turned into thieves and cheaters in order to make a living and the sad thing is that they are not even thinking about the consequences of their actions. The bible states clearly that we are going to stand before the great throne of judgement and give account for what we said and did. This is the scariest part. These days we see so many false prophets and they are neither even ashamed nor scared of leading God’s people astray. Many people are following these disciples of Satan who masquerade as men of God whereas they are not. The word of God says the prophets are His mouthpiece.

These false prophets say what people want to hear. They are spiritual masseuses. They only prophesy what is good and will make the people rejoice and have that false peace they give them. They are promised a good life and nothing is said about repentance or the imminent wrath of God. This is what was done by the prophets of Baal when summoned by King Ahab to tell him what God says. He loved them because they only prophesied good things to him and the prophets of God he hated because they never told him good news. This shows us that his prophets never told him about repentance hence the Bible says he was the most evil king of all times together with his wife Jezebel, they caused Israel to serve Baal and many other false gods thus provoked God’s anger. When the prophet speaks, the wise listen, Deut 22:18. The prophet is God’s mouthpiece, therefore whatever he says it is God Himself speaking through him.


The prophet Elijah declared drought to Israel for three years and it happened as he said. God uses the prophets to bring forth His message of rebuking people who seem to be getting out of hand. Amos 3:7 says ‘The Lord doesn’t do anything without first revealing it to His servant, the prophets. The Lord doesn’t take people by surprise. Everything is known before it can happen. God is a loving Father who doesn’t want us to perish. Forewarned is forearmed, but people do not take the word of god seriously; otherwise hell would not be so populated. People take the Bible as just another book and the devil works hard to make sure that it stays like that. These days there are people who even want to edit the bible so that it suits their lifestyle. They must as well go ahead and create their own heaven. The Lord is God alone and there is no other. When God does something, He doesn’t ask for anybody’s input or opinion. He is self sufficient. He is Omnipotent (has ALL the power), He is Omniscient (ALL knowing), He is Omnipresent (present EVERYWHERE). Who can compete with this? You cannot fight God and win, ever!

Let’s look at the book of Revelation. Things to happen have been revealed but the church today is worse than ever that it is so scary. Christians are doing thing we never even imagined can happen. How do you stand and renounce Christianity? Yes, they will clap hands for you because you are being politically correct. Unfortunately God is not a politician and He was never voted in by anyone to be God. His government has neither beginning nor an ending. He is not democratic. He is God. His Word is final. His heaven has only one entrance: JESUS. If you don’t like it, then tough luck. Create your own heaven where you will do as you wish. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! MAY YOU HAVE A GOD FILLED 2020!!!


The older we get, the more we think about investments and retirement plans. Will they produce the return we hope for? As we plan for our future on earth, God also wants us to plan for our future in eternity. In this study, Daniel Kolenda explores our eternal inheritance. “The bride of Christ will be prepared by the will of God through the work of the Holy Spirit and will include those who have yielded their lives and submitted to Him and laid themselves down on the altar.” – Daniel Kolenda THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST (PART 3)

At the ancient world’s bēma for athletic games, competitors were rewarded in accordance with their performances. Even today, in the Olympics, winners stand on platforms of differing heights— the first place platform is higher than the second place, and second place is higher than the third. This is the picture that we get from Paul’s language. One day, at the bēma of Christ, some will be rewarded in greater measure than others, based on the eternal value of their works. We don’t talk very much about these things, do we? We don’t think often about eternity. Our retirement plans, our investments and our physical fitness get a great deal of our time and attention. Yet these things are so fleeting.

Think about this: if you retire at 65 but live to be 80, that would mean you have 15 years to enjoy what you spent your life to gain. Then it’s over. All that work, all that saving and investing and wise living —for what? You will expend all of that effort for a measly 15 years of reward. But in eternity—a thousand years from now, ten thousand years from now, a million years from now—you will still reap the rewards of the seeds you planted in this mortal life. How much thought have you given to your eternal “retirement plan?” Remember Jesus’ parable of the minas. The servant who increased his master’s investment ten times, received authority over ten cities. The servant who increased his master’s investment-

five times, received authority over five cities. And the servant who earned no interest at all, lost even the little investment he had to start. Reward in the age to come is not automatic, and we will not all be rewarded the same. So now is the time to invest! Esau offers us another picture. Though he despised his birthright and relinquished the privilege to carry on his father’s heritage, he was still a son. Esau did not forfeit his sonship, but he did forfeit his inheritance. There will be people in the age to come who will always be God’s sons and daughters, but will have forfeited certain eternal rewards for temporal gain. The Scripture says of Esau that he could not get his inheritance back, though he sought it with many tears.

For Christians too: on that Day, it will be too late to regain an inheritance we lost by wasting our time and energy in this age. In the story of Esther, of all the virgins brought to the king’s palace, only one was chosen. Only one ascended the throne. Scripture tells us that the other women remained a part of the king’s house, but only one became a queen. What was different about Esther? Rather than focusing on herself in her preparations, she asked her caretaker how to please the king. She took his advice, and was chosen from among the others to be the king’s bride. Likewise, the bride of Christ will be prepared by the will of God through the work of the Holy Spirit and will include those who have yielded their lives and submitted to Him and laid themselves down on the altar.

God will form them and fashion them and purify them into a bride for Christ. We hope you enjoyed this Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda. Be on the lookout for the third part of “THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST” ( A Glimpse of Eternity (PART 1) in the next issue!. -------------------------------------------This Bible Study Introduction has been taken from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda’s book, “The Judgment Seat of Christ.” Rediscover the amazing Truths that surround the Judgement Seat of Christ, one of the forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself.


Are we watchmen of God? by: Pastor Bongani Gama Ezekiel 3:17-21,33:7-11

Introduction Ezekiel was called by God to prophesy in a time when the People were too focused on their idols. This was during a time when the people were carried away to Babylon. God calls Ezekiel and he sends him to his people, He sends him there and He knows that his people are stubborn Ezekiel 2:3. God calls Ezekiel a watchman for the house of Israel (He calls him to be watching over the welfare of His people). The fact of the matter is God has the best interest of His people at heart and He really tries to make sure that His people are not repeating the same mistakes all over again. What is a watchman? someone looking over something/someone The work of a watchman In those times a city was built on high mountains for protection, when the enemy approaches from a far a watch man would then warn the people of the danger .

Ezekiel was to warn People even though they were stubborn Ezekiel 3:17-18 because judgement was coming to the people if they do not repent Ezekiel 5:6-8 . Today as Christians we are given a task of a watchman by Christ Matthew 5:14-16. We are supposed to shine as a light in communities we live in, in our classes in our work places amongst our colleagues we are beacon of light that should be too bright to put off we should not hide our light . Christ says Go into all the world and preach the Gospel Mark 16:15. Warning the people is our task as Christians today. Jesus Christ said that He came to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19: 10.the soul of a man is much more precious to Christ and so should we see it. Sometimes as the Christians it is much easier to look and criticize but Christ, He never did so because He came to save all, because He had something to offer What are the tools of a watchman Ezekiel 2:7 the command was that he should speak God’s words. He should use the word coming from God not his own. That is why in Ezekiel 3:1-4 he is told to eat the scroll and go and speak . Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any twoedged sword, and piercing as afar as the divisions of the soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” God gives Him His Word to go and use to WARN his People that is why 1 Peter 4:11 says whoever speak must speak as an oracle of God . Ezekiel was not supposed to go and improvise with words to God’s people .They had to know exactly what God expects from them and he gave details that is why in Ezekiel 3:1 God says to Him “ son of man ,eat what you find ,eat the scroll and go and speak to the house of Israel”

Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus gave the great commission and He highlights an important aspect He says in verse 20, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded. Teaching people the whole counsel of God is important and only that teaching is coming from God that is what we use to warn people. Reasons for warning people Ezekiel was asked by God to make sure that people know that he was talking to them through his prophet Ezekiel 2:5. Today we know according to Hebrews 1:1 God has spoken through his son and his son has said we must Go into all the world to all the nations. Our task is to make sure that Christ is known so that people must know that he sent his disciples so that no man can have any excuse Acts 17:30

Some people are searching for the truth but they do not get to be preached to because people are sitting with the truth and not sharing it our task is to share the good news. I like what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:6 ‘ I planted, Apollos watered and God gave the increase we do not add anyone in the church God does the adding and he uses us to deliver the words that saves to people after all the gospel is the power of God to save ‘ Hebrews 9:27 “and in as much as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement” Judgement for all is quite inevitable and God warns people prior judgement that we should live a morally good motivated life because the consequences are going to determine the destination of all

Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 “the conclusion, when all has been heard is fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person For God will bring every act to judgement, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” Jesus was quite clear in His day when He was preaching that we are all going to face judgement and in He said in John 12:48 “He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings, has one who judges Him, the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day” The world is heading for judgement, but God prepares a way that we cannot be condemned because He loves the world John 3:16 Conclusion I guess the question that we should be asking is that: “are we really watchman. Are we doing our best to make sure that we teach about God, not only verbally but with the lives that we live. Remember whatever you do in word or in deed do all to the glory of Christ Colossians 3:17”.

may the peace and grace of King Jesus abide in you in abundance~ Pastor Bongani

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

Give Yourself to the Word Message taken from Proverbs 4:20 (AMP) Proverbs 4:20 (AMP):Â "My son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; open your ears to my sayings."

There is no denying, the Word works! According to 2 Timothy 3:15, all scripture is God-breathed. It is inspired by Him and holds within it His heart, His wisdom, and His truth! In Romans 8:6 we are told that God's Word is life and peace; and in numerous passages, we are reminded that God is duty-bound and bent on watching over His word to perform it. The only hindrance to having its promises fulfilled in our lives is either our unwillingness to completely trust in and believe it, our impatience to see it fulfilled - or even our reluctance to give ourselves completely to it. Which means: to surrender every part of ourselves to it. As we meditate on God's Word and surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit, allowing its truth to transform us, the Word will powerfully go to work in and for us. Embrace the Word wholeheartedly, trust it and love to do what it teaches, knowing its ways will always lead to victory and blessing, regardless of the time or journey it takes to get there in the natural.



and y l t en u q ne’s e o r e f ng or som more i y a Pr ntly f kes us ties to e i a ferv tion m portun him or a op salv ive to pel with s it sens the go re sha her.


Even those most faithful to God occasionally need to pause and think about the direction of their lives. It’s so easy to bump along from one busy week to another without ever stopping to ponder where we’re going and where we should be going. Once, when the people of God had become careless in their relationship with him, the Lord rebuked them through the prophet Haggai: “Consider your ways!” (Haggai 1:5). He urged them to reflect on some of the things happening to them, and to evaluate their slipshod spirituality in light of what God had told them. Ten Questions The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up, and get our bearings. A great time for us to “Consider our ways.” To that end, here are some questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God. 1. What’s one thing you can do this year to increase your enjoyment of God? Our enjoyment of God comes primarily through the means of grace he has given us. He has promised to bless us most directly and consistently through means such as his word, prayer, and the church. One specific suggestion I’d offer would be to include some meditation on Scripture along with your daily reading. It’s better to read less — if necessary — and yet as the result of meditation remember something, than to read more and remember nothing.

2. What’s an impossible prayer you can pray? There are more than a dozen “but God” statements in Scripture, such as in Romans 5:8, which reads, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Situations that were humanly impossible were transformed by “but God” (Ephesians 2:1–7). What’s a “but God” prayer you can pray for the coming year? 3. What’s the most important thing you could do to improve your family life? If your family doesn’t practice family worship, beginning there is the single best recommendation I could make. Just ten minutes a day, simply reading the Bible, praying, and singing together — an event that requires no preparation — is all it takes. My little book titled Family Worship can tell you more. 4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year? Would it be a personal spiritual discipline (that is, one you practice alone), or an interpersonal spiritual discipline (one you practice with other believers)? Once you decide, determine the next step to take and when you will take it. 5. What’s the single biggest time-waster in your life, and how can you redeem the time? Social media? TV? Video games? Sports? Hobbies? It’s easy for any of these (or something else) to take too much of our hearts and time. Is repentance required? Trying to stop, by itself, is probably not the answer. Actively replacing it with something better helps us in “making the best use of the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

6. What’s the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church? While we often stress the fact that individual believers are the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 6:15), the New Testament actually says seven times to one that the church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:23). We mustn’t let our frequent emphasis on our personal relationship with Christ minimize the importance of our service to Jesus through his body. How can your church be stronger this year because of you? Serving? Giving? Praying? 7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year? Praying frequently and fervently for someone’s salvation makes us more sensitive to opportunities to share the gospel with him or her. Will you commit to praying for at least one person’s salvation every day this new year? 8. What’s the most important way, by God’s grace, you will try to make this year different from last? Obviously, God’s sovereignty rules over all things, and there is nothing we can do about much that he brings into our lives. On the other hand, under his sovereignty he gives us a measure of responsibility over many areas of life. In which of these would you most like to see a change from last year? You may find that your answer to this question is found in one of your answers above. To which of them do you sense the Holy Spirit calling your attention most urgently? 9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year? For many, it might be as simple as designating a time exclusively for prayer instead of praying only “on the go” types of prayers. For others, it might be learning the simple, biblical practice of praying the Bible.

10. What single thing can you plan to do this year that will matter most in ten years? In eternity?Short-term deadlines tend to dominate our attention. Busyness and fatigue often limit our vision to just getting through today. But don’t let the tyranny of the urgent distract you from something you’re neglecting that would have enormous long-term impact on your soul, your family, or your church.


The value of many of these questions is not in their profundity, but in the simple fact that they bring an issue or commitment into focus. For example, just by making a goal to encourage one person in particular this year is more likely to help you remember to encourage that person than if you hadn’t set that goal. If you’ve found these questions helpful, you might want to put them someplace — on your phone, computer, calendar, or wherever you put reminders — where you can review them frequently. I hope this article will help you to “consider your ways,” to make plans and goals, and to live this new year with biblical diligence, remembering the principle that “the plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance” (Proverbs 21:5). But in all things, let’s also remember our dependence on our King, who said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). ---------------------------------------------------------Don Whitney is professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is the author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible. His website is


Divine Exchange

In “running the race” (Hebrews 12:1), at times we become weary and exasperated. Knowing that God wants me to communicate all things with Him and to be “real” and honest with Him, I recently, in exasperation, cried out to Father, “What do You want from me?! What more?!” Immediately I felt His response back to the cry of my heart, “All of you. I gave you all of Me, and so you must give ALL of you.” His weighty Presence and revelatory response immediately awakened and strengthened me. He spoke into me of His Covenant that is a dynamic Divine exchange! In covenant with the LORD, my life is poured out, like Messiah Jesus’ life. Just as in a marriage covenant, it must be a continual, never-ending, poured out life. Praise God, we are not alone in this poured out life. Jesus went before us that we can follow Him to do what He did, but with His victory already sealed and His Spirit to

Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, And He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors. Isaiah 53:12

empower us in the journey. The LORD speaks, “I gave you ALL of Me, so you must give all of you.” Beloved, you are in an amazing Divine, intimate love exchange with the LORD. Keep coming to your Source, with emptying and giving up ALL of yourself. Keep taking from His broken bread and wine, and keep pouring it back out!





Who are you personally and professionally and where are you from? Well, I have a few different roles I’d say. I’m first of all a daughter of God. But I’m also a mom myself, a wife, a student and Theologian. I’m from Switzerland and I still live there. How and when did you become Born Again? It was 10 years ago that my actual neighbour converted me to Christ. I share the full story on my blog ( How and when did you get into blogging? And why Christian Blogging? I wanted a space where I can process and share my thoughts. Because I’m studying Theology there are a lot of thoughts and question in my head, especially concerning Christian living. I started in 2016. What is blogging? Blogging is the act of writing a blog. A blog is like an online journal or informational website. The individual blog posts normally appear in a chronological order What inspires your posts and what preparation goes into it? My quiet time with God is my inspiration for my blog posts. Everything I’m writing about, I first experienced in my daily devotional time with him. From there it’s just writing about insights from God and things I’ve learnt along the way. What do you want people to learn from your blogs? I want them to get in a deep and intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. My prayer is that people who read my posts get encouraged and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Other Interests? Photography and reading are my main interests besides writing. I took all the pictures of my Instagram (@mylampblog) myself. I absolutely love this kind of photoshoot! What is the secret to authentic, thought provoking blogging? For me the secret is not to think what others would say about my words. People pleasing is one of the greatest factors that prevent us from doing the things we know we should be doing. Another key factor is vulnerability. I try my best to share honestly and openly what I’ve been going through and how God is doing his work in me. What makes you different from other Christian bloggers? The same that differentiates every one of us: We all have different experiences, life lessons, cultural backgrounds and thoughts to share. I think that’s the most interesting part about reading blogs from different Christians. Every journey is so different and to see God writing his story in and through us just amazes me. Where would you like to see your blog in the next 2 years? That’s difficult to say because the outcome is completely in God’s hand. I devoted my blog and Instagram feed to him so that he can shine his light through my words. As far as I know, God is only revealing the next step to me. After that, he’s showing me the next move and so on. That’s why I have no idea where my blog will be in the next 2 years; it’s completely in God’s hand. Who is King Jesus to you? My everything. He’s my savior, my best friend and my leader. But he’s also the king of kings; he’s holy and mighty. Advice on how to start Christian blogging? Just start. Don’t think about the details yet. You don’t need to have it all figured out. Just write one post. And then the next. Everything else you’ll learn along the way Misconception people have about Christian blogging? To be honest, I don’t know if there aren’t a lot about Christian blogging. I only know one big misconception about blogging in general: That it’s all fun and easy. Well, it is certainly a lot of fun but also a lot of work. I spend hours upon hours writing, researching and working on my website. Last words to the Beauty&TheGospel reader? I’d love for you to check out my blog: and follow me on Instagram for more frequent encouragement.


Should a Christian consult horoscopes? by:

Answer: The purpose of a horoscope is to gain insight into a person’s character and foretell the future. The basic belief of astrology is that planets and stars exert an influence upon our lives. Those with special knowledge—astrologers—can predict events in a person’s life. It is distressing that most major newspapers have a horoscope column, and even more distressing that many Christians read their horoscopes. The Bible expressly forbids divination, sorcery, and hidden arts (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). God’s people are to heed God only (Deuteronomy 18:15). Any other source of guidance, information, or revelation is to be rejected outright. (See also Acts 16:16-18.) The Bible points to Jesus Christ as the only proper focus of faith (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 12:2). Our trust is in God alone, and we know that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Faith in anything besides God is misplaced. Astrology, then, opposes biblical teaching in at least two ways: it advocates faith in something other than God, and it is a form of divination. We cannot determine God's will for our lives through horoscopes. As Christians, we are to read the Bible and pray to God in order to gain wisdom and guidance. Consulting a horoscope is a violation of God's means of communicating with His children. We strongly believe that horoscopes should be rejected by Christians.

Devotions by the anointed Dr AndrĂŠ and Jenny Roebert

He Is Your Peace Message taken from Psalm 29:11 (KJV) Psalm 29:11 (KJV):Â "The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace." Who is the Lord to you? Many would ascribe all kinds of titles to Him, but the question at hand is this: Is He your Peace? More importantly, have you allowed Him to be your Peace? As you reflect on this past year, with all its challenges and victories, can you confidently say you are at peace? Jesus is the Prince of Peace He is the only One able to grant you peace that transcends all human understanding. In times of trouble, who do you reach for? When your soul cries out for help, who do you instinctively call out to, to settle your emotions and fill your mind with hope and peace? When you allow Jesus to be your peace, He gives you the strength to overcome - no matter how high, deep or wide the challenge. Before you become caught up in the thoughts and plans for the New Year ahead, take time to get alone with the Lord... Choose to lift your eyes to Him and surrender your life anew. Let His Spirit fill your heart with His overwhelming love, and wash your mind with the truth of His Word. You will find His peace and joy will be your portion. Learn to lean on, and completely rely on Him to lead you - to freedom from fear and victory over all circumstances. Let His marvellous peace flood your soul and strengthen you supernaturally, so in all things, you will not be moved - nor will you be shaken!

ANNOUNCEMENT s s e pr e m u s E s e i s m i s h . t t i e r e , o e p r o m e h th le .I nd c y a n i i e t d r H e ga a d a s e is a y e e a n s k n t i u e n z o i e a y T . g l sa l e a l l a l m a s ab e l n i h o wa a T g v . n a s i l s r l i to y Ca r u b a i l tr sa n o o n c o s free

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