Summer Reading.

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summer reading magazine

Executive Editor/Editor-in-Chief - Laurence O’Bryan Associate Editor - Tanja Slijepčević Production Mananger - Hannah Jenkins Assistant Editor - Elisabeth Schaffalitzky Assistant Editor - Natashia Thewes Graphic Designer - Mirna Gilman

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Table of contents 04 Editor’s Letter 06 Reviews 08 Summer Reads 12 Fantasy 18 Historical 20 Memoir 22 The Summer I discovered a novel by Kenneth Weene 26 Mystery 30 Other 32 Paranormal 38 Traditionally published VS. Self Published 44 Romance 50 Science Fiction 54 Self-Help 55 Spiritual 60 Thriller 72 Interview with Wendy Jones 60 Womens

Editor’s letter Hi, You are very welcome to our Summer Reading magazine ‘17! Summer is a wonderful time for reading. Many of us take books to the beach, to the park and on our travels by plane, train and automobile. More books get read in the Summer than almost any other time of year. What better way to find new books to read than in a magazine that features great title and great offers. And if you look around inside our magazine you’ll find links to 5 FREE ebooks, which you can download and read on your Kindle or other reading device straight away. Don’t miss them.


There are pages or reviews, articles and details on lots of amazing Summer reads inside too. I know I spend a lot of time reading in the Summer, and finding new titles can be a chore. I hope your search will be made easier this Summer by our new magazine. We wish you the best for your Summer reading. And if you have any ideas for articles or things you would like to see covered in our magazines, let me know. Laurence O’Bryan Editor in Chief Summer Reading Magazine


reviews: Cindy Stones review of Memoirs of a Wandering Ninja by Terry Hodgkinson There are books that immediately captivate us and we stay up all night compelled to read through to the end, gobbling up the story in one sitting. Then there are books we must savor; read a chapter or two and contemplate for a while. Memoirs of a Wandering Ninja by Terry Hodgkinson is one such book. The book is a weighty five hundred and fifty-seven pages carved into seventeen chapters. That can be intimidating to some, but this is a book about life, understanding the self, others and the universe around us. The ideas are such that they need to percolate, resonate, and find their place to fit into consciousness. Michael Crichton, who wrote Jurassic Park, Zoo and other blockbuster novels was asked in an interview if he believed that man’s consciousness could be changed by words. His answer; “it is the only thing that can.” Hodgkinson begins with the Inner You, with the question: “who are you really?” This was popular in encounter groups in the sixties, appropriated from the deeper practices of wisdom or insight meditation. The simple question is not simple at all, and Terry Hodgkinson takes the reader by the hand and navigates the territory of the self by shining his light into the often-unknown places of the soul. What qualifies Hodgkinson to take the reader on such a significant journey? Terry is a master martial artist. A Sifu. And he masterfully wrote, what could be called, a treasure map leading to the higher self, by travelling “the Essential Path”. Terry has obviously walked the talk, and not only knows the way—he shares stories of his many travels into temples and monasteries seeking ancient wisdom—he knows how to open the reader’s mind to discover new ways of understanding the self.


Beyond the self lies the outer world and Hodgkinson explains how we construct that world through our perceptions and current understanding. Using examples from ancient practices, modern movies like the Matrix, and quantum physics, Terry takes us down into the rabbit hole and returns in a way that we can understand without watering down concepts. When discussing the nature of reality and non-reality, I was particularly impressed with his clear and concise explanation of quantum physics. Now you might be beginning to understand why this book is five hundred and fifty-seven pages! What Terry Hodgkinson has undertaken is a mammoth task of explaining the inexplicable, comprehending the incomprehensible, and simplifying the complex. The Tao Te Ching states, “The road you can talk about, is not the road you can walk upon.” Hodgkinson manages to talk about the unspeakable and point the reader to the road that becomes direct experience. The book is scattered with delightful and often poignant stories, anecdotes, metaphors and traditional teachings stories, foraged from his vast experience as a martial artist, a teacher, and a wanderer, he also includes exercises for developing the self. Memoirs of a Wandering Ninja is like an enjoyable handbook for life. You can find Terry’s book here: Cindy Stone is an author, registered psychotherapist/hypnotherapist, internal martial artist. Her new novel, Scorpion from The Myriad Series, is an epic adventure about the empowerment of a young woman who learns internal martial arts from the man who saves her when she is pushed into an oncoming subway train from a crowded platform. @cindystonewrite on Twitter. You can find Cindy’s book here


Top 7 Summer Reads

Who doesn’t love to grab a good book and hit the beach? No matter what your literary palate is craving, we have just the book for you. From dicey thrillers and out of this world adventures, to sentimental dramas and steamy romances, there’s even some hard-hitting non-fiction. It’s a good thing the days are getting longer, because if you are anything like me, you will want to read them all. So, find your mustread book(s) of the summer and don’t forget the sunscreen! Echo from Mount Royal by Dave Riese “I had discovered the secret of existence. One cannot escape life. Whatever happens, one must endure.” 1950s Montreal. A young woman from a working class, Catholic-Jewish family blindly falls in love with a handsome, wealthy, Jewish orthodox man. The courtship is a romantic dream, but class, religion and sexual secrets test their love, leading to a shocking, life-changing revelation. 8

Stealing Time (Volume 1) by KJ Waters #1 Best-selling novel, Stealing Time is a fastpaced time travel thriller set during the turbulent hurricane season of 2004. As Hurricane Charley churns a path of destruction towards Orlando, Ronnie Andrews and her best friend, Stephanie McKay, scramble to prepare for the storm. Ronnie seeks shelter at her boyfriend’s weather lab while Steph hopes she won’t have to face the hurricane alone. During the peak of the storm Ronnie is hurtled back in time to eighteenth-century London where she is caught in a web of superstition, deception, and lies. Accused of being a witch, Ronnie finds herself in a life and death struggle to return to her own time. Steph and her friend Nick are thrust into the middle of the hurricane where it quickly turns into a living nightmare as she is faced with losing everything.

Blue Hydrangeas: an Alzheimer’s love story by Marianne Sciucco A care facility is everyone’s solution for what to do about Sara, but her husband, Jack, can’t bear to live without her. He is committed to saving his marriage, his wife, and their life together from the devastation of Alzheimer’s disease.Jack has made an impossible promise: He and Sara will stay together in their beautiful home no matter what the disease brings. However, after nine years of selfless caregiving, complicated by her progressing Alzheimer’s and his own failing heart, he finally admits he can no longer care for her at home. With reluctance, he arranges to admit her to an assisted living facility. But, on the day of admission, Sara is having one of her few good days, and he is unable to follow through. Instead, he takes them on an impulsive journey to confront their past and reclaim their future.


Erasing Ramona by Peggy Rothschild Twenty-seven-year-old Miranda Burgess hasn’t seen her hometown since she awoke inside a strange house and discovered six dead bodies, including that of her boyfriend. With no memory of the prior drug-fueled night or who committed the murders, Miranda panicked and fled to L.A. where she changed her name and made a fresh start. Though hiding her identity and lying about the past have kept her safe for the last ten years, the nightmares haven’t stopped. Now Miranda’s new boyfriend has asked her to marry him and she longs to tell him everything. But, to do that, she needs to know what happened on that long-ago night. When her father dies suddenly, Miranda returns home to Mill Valley to say goodbye and look for answers. If Miranda succeeds in digging out the truth about that long-ago night, she may finally be able to stop hiding and build a new life. Too bad the killer has other plans.

Mercy’s First Semester by W.M. Bunche


Brought up in a deeply religious family, Mercy rebels against all rules during his teenage years. He stops attending church and drops out of high school. To avoid a sure path of self-destruction, Mercy enlists in the Army. After a career and two combat tours, Mercy returns to Brooklyn. Trying to forget about the lives that he has taken and return to normal, Mercy enrolls in college. Mercy’s First Semester is a story about redemption, forgiveness, family and the struggle to move forward. Mercy saved his men. Can he save himself?

Crown of Delusion (The Wars of Reckoning Saga Book 1) by Tanor Costa THE BATTLE FOR ELDERROCK BEGINS! When power-hungry Amar aligns with the Phantom Islands and assassinates King Hamen, he takes absolute control of Elderrock and its dominions. But an elderly mage and the king’s two young nephews escape. Can they rally an unlikely group of allies – Vikings, pirates, Samurai, bandits, and others living on the fringe – to join their cause and retake the kingdom? Can a teenager who’s no older than a boy gain the skills of a warrior and a great leader in time to lead a revolt? The answers await in… CROWN OF DELUSION Revelations Incorporated: Workplace Wisdom for the 21st Century by Brian Ray sWisdom and Intelligence are not the same thing, and a lack of either one can wreak havoc within a professional’s career. While universities and training programs give quite a bit of knowledge to professionals to increase their intellectual capacity, too much of that knowledge is merely theoretical in nature, making it difficult to be effective when faced with real-world situations in the workplace. This then is where wisdom comes into play, helping to balance things out. However, wisdom is severely lacking within the workplace these days, causing significant stress and problems for many professionals today, regardless of industry. So, how does a person get more wisdom and understanding about the reality of the workplace, and more importantly, the strategies and skills needed to deal with it all? Well, normally that would come from being mentored by the right people. However, in most cases a professional will find that 11 quality mentors are in very short supply. That is where this book can help.


When Twilight Falls, by Roger David Francis Tansley Close kept many secrets. The archway lead into the deepest recesses of the mind. As the occupants faced their demons, the vortex was drawing them in. The resdents were unusual, not least Les, an old man who was the Gatekeeper and puppet maker; and Joan the witch with her 13 black cats. What did the vortex want, what was its purpose?

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The Dragon Orb, by Mike Shelton The fate of a kingdom rests on the shoulders of three young wizards who couldn’t be more different. As the magical barrier protecting the kingdom of Alaris begins to fail, the three wizards are thrust into the middle of a power struggle. Will they all choose to fight on the same side, or end up enemies in the battle over who should rule Alaris?

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The Seventh Seal, by A. J. Dobbs

The Grey Eyed Storm: The Occuli, Book One, by Christie M. Stenzel The Occuli are a race of “people” with magical powers depending on their eye color, fighting for survival against evil forces who want to extinguish them to steal their powers & land! This multiple award-winning tale of magic, mystery & betrayal takes the reader on an unforgettable journey that’s just the beginning of the adventures of the Occuli!

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15 year old Daniel Stone’s world is thrown into turmoil when his 140 year old father is killed and he becomes heir to the 7th Seal of Thera. In the battle for “balance” Daniel must face his father’s killer!

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The Innkeeper’s Son: The Jester King Fantasy Series: Book One, by K. C. Herbel

The Bow of Destiny, by P. H. Solomon Haunted by his past. Hunted in the present. Uncertain what is real.

The Innkeeper’s Son - a youth is thrust into an adventure that leads to the king’s court. But perils await; monsters and giants prowl the land, not to mention a dragon that wants to eat him. As he struggles to survive and unravel his secret past, he becomes aware of a ruthless nemesis that has hunted him his entire life.

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An Arrow Against the Wind, by P. H. Solomon Haunted by his past. Hunted in the present. Buffeted like an arrow in the wind.

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Dragonfriend, by Marc Secchia Stabbed. Burned by a dragon. The traitor Ra’aba tried to silence Hualiama forever. But he reckoned without the strength of a dragonet’s paw, and the courage of a girl who refused to die. This is the tale of Hualiama Dragonfriend, and a love which became legend.

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False Gods, by Yolanda Ramos

A monstrous evil stalks Cormac in his new role as the Seventh Sentinel. His prime objective is to find and secure supernatural weapons of mass destruction left behind after the Great Flood by the Watchers and their offspring, the Nephilim. The rogue sentinels will do anything to stop or distract Cormac from his sacred quest.

The Temptation of Dragons, by Chrys Cymri Giving a dragon the last rites changed my life forever...

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Robyn Hood Outlaw Princess, by John Reynolds Robyn Howard, a rebellious schoolgirl, time travels back to Sherwood Forest as Robyn Hood, the leader of a band of outlaw women. After leading her outlaws in a series of challenges and actions against the Sheriff of Nottingham’s soldiers, and encountering romance,she is finally captured. The triumphant Sheriff holds a trial in the Nottingham marketplace and Robyn is condemned to death. Escape seems impossible.

Review: This Young Adult novel puts a fresh twist on the classic, with a little romance and even a little mystery. Definitely check it out. Out of all the redone classics I have delved into this is one of the freshest I have come across. Robyn’s adventure in Sherwood Forest is reminiscent of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in that people from her school life make appearances in her outlaw experience. You will have to read the book to find out more!

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The Crown Princess’ Voyage, by Dylan Madeley Chandra Kenderley rules over a restive empire, and there are few people she can trust. And though loyal people like former assassin Derek Wancyek have done everything they can, Chandra must set sail with that loyal remainder in the name of peace. This plays into the hands of an unseen foe. Chandra’s voyage will take her into the convoluted trap of an obsessed enemy; one whose plans encompass the world. The Crown Princess’ Voyage is the second book of The Gift-Knight Trilogy.

Review: “[A] riveting, action-packed story whose progress is livelier than its predecessor [...] The Crown Princess’ Voyage continues to hold tightly to and rests firmly upon its unique blend of attention to detail, complex character interactions, and a dialogue that keeps everything on track, making it a highly recommended pick for those seeking more than light fantasy reading.” - Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

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Invasion of the Ortaks Book1 the Knight, by Sveinn Benónýsson Over the peaceful lands of Esthopia, looms a dark threat of war, as the story of the Invasion of the Ortaks begins with this book, The Knight! It will keep you sitting on your edge of your seat in suspense, from the first page to the last, leaving you craving for more!

Review: It is a very great book. I had a hard time putting it down when I started to read. I look forward to read book no 2. I enjoyed this book and am excited to read the next book!

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The Mansion’s Twins, by Rose M. Channing A magical world, twisted by darkness... Twin sisters with newly discovered power... Ellie and Savannah escape their mundane lives to travel to the world of their birth. This once-beautiful land has been ravaged by a terrible storm, leaving it unbalanced and dangerous. The girls may be the only ones with the power to return the world to its original state, for the magic of twins is rare and powerful. Inside an enchanted mansion, Ellie and Savannah begin an exciting journey to restore their home.


This is a book of magic and relationships and that is what truly makes it enjoyable. This may be a YA fantasy, but as an adult I enjoyed every minute of it. I have read many YA fantasy books with magic, but not since the big Harry Potter series have I found myself so drawn into a magical book. This is the first book, but it certainly opens the door to the series to come. I am looking forward to digging into them. I was riveted to the pages of this book from cover to cover.

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The Shining City, by Joan Fallon

Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend, Bk 1, by Cheryl Carpinello

Set in Moorish Spain, The Shining City is a story of love and honour. Qasim has a secret that only his wife knows. But when his youngest son falls in love with the Caliph’s concubine, he sets off a train of unimaginable consequences and puts all his family in danger.

As her 13th birthday approaches, Guinevere finds herself having to make the decision of a lifetime: Will she choose wisely? Standing by to help her are not only Merlyn and Cedwyn, but also a painted dragon, unicorns, and red deer.

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Reign of the Marionettes, by Sheena Macleod

Guinevere: At the Dawn of Legend, by Cheryl Carpinello

When a plot is uncovered to kill Charles II and replace him with his Catholic heir, no one is safe from accusation.

Guinevere & Cedwyn’s latest adventure takes a dangerous turn; castle kids are kidnapped; and Guinevere Caught up in & Cedwyn the mass hystevow to rescue ria sweeping the country Elizabeth is forced to fight them. Their plan quickly unravels, and Guinevback to stop her husband’s execution. But, how can a ere’s impassioned decisions come crashing down woman take on the most powerful men in England? as Cedwyn chooses to turn his dream of being a knight into reality. Will courage be enough, or will Buy Here one make the ultimate sacrifice?

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American Gilt - DĂŠbut (Vol 1), by J.D. Peterson Based on the true story. Newport, R.I. 1880 - American dĂŠbutante Sara Swan Whiting has been trained for one purpose: to marry well. Sara is introduced to the wealthiest bachelors, hoping to find the perfect marriage. Destiny steps in when she meets Oliver Belmont, handsome and hedonistic son of financier August Belmont, but Oliver delivers Sara to shame and disgrace. J. D. Peterson weaves a tale based on this true account of scandal with research from books, letters and historical newspapers.


This was the best gilded age novel I have read in such a long time. It was full of colorful details of the era and very believable characters. Five Stars! - T.S. Mayo I literally could not put this book down! I love the settings and I love the characters - it’s like I know them personally. I felt transported into another time and place, which is exactly what I want when I dive into a book! Five Stars! A. Holmgren

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Shadow of the Raven (Sons of Kings Book 1), by Millie Thom A tale of Viking raids, ill-fated thralls, noble kings and their sons and friendship and love. Above all else, a tale of unforgivable betrayal and the ever-present desire for vengeance... In Mercia, an act of treachery destroys all that a young boy loves. But he vows to return one day to wreak his revenge. In Wessex, young Alfred learns the art of kingship at the successive courts of his father and elder brothers. And, like Eadwulf, he learns that a trusted kinsman can easily turn traitor.


Excellent read concerning the wars and invasions of the Danes into Saxon countries. Description of the Danes everyday life and religion was fully explored in interesting detail. The characters were well developed causing the reader to cheer for hopefully the freedom of the main character. Romance, betrayal, and war what more could you ask for in a historical read? Gael Ireland,

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Passport To Hiroshima The Unthinkable, Inspiring Journey of a Japanese-American Family Based on a True Story

Toshiyuki Nekomoto

Shizue Nekomoto

In a time when the Bushido Code of Honor still throbbed in the veins of Samurai descendants, first cousins, Toshiyuki and Shizue Nekomoto, heard their grandmother’s words on a matter of great importance. She had a wish only they could grant. “You must marry to preserve the family fortune and the bloodline of our ancestors.” Fulfilling their grandmother’s request, marrying out of love not for each other, but for their family would lead them to battles far beyond the clash of kingdoms and the steel of swords. Two weeks after the wedding ceremony, Toshiyuki went off to war leaving Shizue pregnant with their first child, Yorie. Propelled by selfishness and the betrayal of infidelity they were living on Nishi Hakushima Street, 800 yards from the hypocenter of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima; the area of total destruction.

Book excerpt: In seconds, not only will Hiroshima be forever changed so will the world.

Colonel Kubota sees the bomb dropped from the plane and watches its descent. He has no idea that this bomb is an armored beast with the power to wipe God’s world from the face of existence. He waits, ready to assess the damage and take control of the situation. The weapon of mass destruction grows larger, brighter, and closer to its target. He stops breathing. His heart pounds out the seconds. seven… six… five… Major Toshiyuki Nekomoto is one step outside the railroad overpass on his way to the Army barracks. Inside the Nekomoto home on Nishi Hakushima Street, Yorie plays mommy with a doll strapped onto her back with an Obi. Shizue holds Toshio, breastfeeding her hungry boy. His crying has delayed her going outside to wash the laundry. Inside Shizue’s womb beats the new heart of her three month fetus. Born and unborn, the children’s chances … the family’s chances of living through this almost ordinary August day are zero. Shizue hears the dreaded sound of the bomber growing stronger. The baby in her womb flutters like a fish thrown into a dry bucket. Her heart skips a beat. Neighborhood dogs explode into a barking frenzy, silencing the chirping of birds and the incessant chirr of cicadas. Shizue stops breathing. Each pounding beat of her heart ticks off the last seconds of promises tomorrow will never keep. four… three… two…

Excerpts from customer reviews:

…like nothing else you will read - Tracy …draws one in in a way that is unexpected - Southern Lady …from the book's opening three lines my interest was captured - Jay …should be mandatory reading for US history - Bill …more than just facts, dates and figures … this book tells the real story - Ben …a message of hope and peace - Charles 19 …emotional, had me rethink our actions in the past and the actions for the future - Michael …the characters in this book took me through all the emotions - love, anger, loathing, delight, laughter, surprise, disappointment, sympathy, disbelief, awe. - CAS

The Girl from County Clare, by Vicky Adin Heartbroken at leaving her family, Brigid flees starvation and poverty to find a new life in Australia. Her skill as a lacemaker soon draws attention, but life doesn’t always run smoothly in the harsh new landscape. A new start in New Zealand offers hope - until the day the man who seeks her downfall finds her. A B.R.A.G. Medallion recipient

FORGIVEN, by Geoff Lawson Forgiven is a historical fiction set in New Zealand and South Africa before and during the Anglo-Boer war. Rachel is intelligent, cultured and charming, but all is not as it seems. She reaches a new low in her life, but with Richards support, all becomes well until he volunteers to fight in SA and leaves her under a cloud.

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Sedahlia, by Cynthia D. Toliver Journey to Sedahlia, where human cords bind and racial lines divide two families, the Masters and the Lindseys. Three generations live and love in this family saga where desire and honor collide, rumbling through the families and the communities in which they live.


This edgy novel is realistic and earthy, honest and tempestuous, with human desire and violence a realistic aspect of life. This is life in all of its layers, love and life, disagreement and war, living and dying. Sedahlia is a beautifully penned story of the connections of life at the ground level. There is no glossing over of the realities of life. I respect the author for her sensitivity in presenting difficult scenarios with openness and realism through a story that needs to be told.

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A Spot In My Heart: Loving A Special Needs Dog, by Kelly Artieri

Country Joe and Me, by Ron Cabral A rare look at the life of rock star Country Joe McDonald as told by his Navy buddy Ron Cabral. Both Joe and Ron met for the first time in Japan while both serving in the US Navy that was in 1960 and they became lifelong friends having shared lots of experiences together in the military, education and music.

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Accepting the challenge of raising a bi-laterally deaf Dalmatian & learning to communicate in silence can be a daunting task. Kelly’s heartwarming stories describe Vinnie’s hilarious reactions to his world. Kelly is a passionate storyteller. Her writing style makes you feel that she is speaking directly to you. Her wit will have you laughing.

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Radio: One Woman’s Family in War and Pieces, by Alice H. Green and Peter H, Green This eyewitness account of World War II social history, women’s progress and the Golden Years of Radio is woven into one woman’s humorous and poignant autobiography of her family struggles and attempts to fulfill her creative dreams. This book is richly illustrated with 50 historical photos and sketches. Look for the Audiobook, coming in July!


Alice Green’s writing is fresh and...laugh-aloud funny...reminiscent of Cheaper by the Dozen. Thornton Wilder instructed Alice in creative writing. The section “We Bought a Crooked House” was hilarious.--Paula, on Amazon A heart warming story of a loving and hard working family during World War II. It brings back long forgotten memories of listening to the radio, Victory gardens, rationing books, women in new roles at home and work. Well done. --George Bohigian MD

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Academic Betrayal: The Bullying of a Graduate Student by Loren Mayshark Fueled by a desire to become a teacher, Loren Mayshark entered Hunter College in 2008, with the intention of gaining a master’s degree in two years. Six years and tens of thousands of dollars later, he abandoned his studies without attaining the degree. This is the tale of one young man’s journey through the labyrinth of American higher education, stymied by haughty professors, an inept administration, and ridiculous policies.


“Mayshark is a good storyteller; his ability to reveal one perplexing situation after another makes for engaging reading, and his observations about specific professors, their mannerisms, and their personal agendas are particularly memorable. There is a whistleblower quality to the story that should raise the hackles of anyone who has been subject to the injustices meted out by a bureaucratic organization.” -Foreword Clarion Reviews

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The Summer I Discovered a Novel by Kenneth Weene I was an early reader and an avid one at that. You would have thought that my father, a teacher, would support his younger son’s fascination with books. Not so! He discouraged my reading. My preference for a good book over a game of catch was a disappointment and frustration for the old man. Since we spent our summers in Maine—at the boys’ sleep-away camp that my parents owned—there were no books at all from late June until early September. Quite simply, that most wonderful place of all, the public library, was one hundred and sixty miles away. The only reading material available were the comic books other kids brought with them. Okay, they would do. I devoured them: Superman, Archie, Captain Marvel, Donald Duck; it didn’t matter. The best were the Classic Comics. Those graphic rehashes of great books by authors like Dumas, Dickens, Hugo, and Scott were a diet of delight, especially the ones that provided me with swashbuckling adventures to combat the boredom of my otherwise bookless life. I was eight and ready for third grade when a disaster struck that was followed by a miracle. To understand the story, one has to know that my brother and I suffered from Von Munchausen by Proxy. Quite simply, that means that our mother found meaning in having her children be sick. She did everything she could to make sure we spent a great deal of time in bed; most years missing as much school as we attended. Much as I disliked summer camp and the endless activities and presence of other kids that kept me from reading, it had a huge upside: Mom kept her distance. Surprisingly, her seemingly sickly children spent no time in the infirmary. At camp we were free of the major cause of our illnesses.

But that summer was a different story. For two different reasons, my mother decided that she needed me to be ill. “Kenneth has German measles,” she diagnosed one morning. “There’s an epidemic going around,” she explained to me as I was unceremoniously escorted from the pre-breakfast lineup before and down to the infirmary. “You’re contagious, and we have to keep you isolated.” Was I sick? No. In fact, during that and the subsequent stay in the infirmary that summer, the doctor was never allowed to see me. As for this epidemic, how could I, who had been out of the city longer than any of the other kids, be the only one in contact with it? Oh, and how come none of the other kids caught German measles from me? Why did she need me to be sick that lovely July day? My aunt and uncle had called to say they were bringing my cousin to camp a week early. Gerry was supposed to arrive on visiting day and stay for the second half of the season, but true to her form, my aunt had screwed up the plans. The problem was that there wasn’t a bed available, at least not in the cabin that housed our age group. Off I went to the infirmary that day without even my toothbrush; although that and other items suddenly appeared via a counselor who dropped them off with the nurse and never asked if I wanted anything. Neither did the nurse. As for Mom, she deposited me at the infirmary and hurried off. Oh, my god, nothing to read. Could I survive? Barely. There were a few comics left by other kids who had been legitimately ill. I devoured them and then read them again and again. What else was I to do? The nurse was singularly uninterested in making me comfortable. She, of course, realized that I had no business there and resented having to do anything for me. At least, she decided to bring me meals. Luckily, on one occasion, she bought a newspaper, not for me to read but because she was planning her day off and wanted to look at adds and movie times. “Please,” I begged. Eventually, she gave in and I read every page, even the obituaries and the ads, all of them, even the ones for chainsaws, cows, and refrigerators.

Desperation made the world more interesting. Finally, visiting day came and the boy who was supposed to leave making room for my cousin was gone. Yay! Freedom. No books, but at least I could be with other kids and do something besides staring at the ceiling. My freedom was not to last long. I relapsed. At least that was my mother’s story. Reality was a bit more complex and involved the one camp activity at which I excelled, horseback riding. The outside contractor who provided the horses had picked me to go on an overnight riding trip. How exciting was that? Best of all, only one kid from each age group was allowed. That meant that at least in Mr. Wilson’s eyes, I was the best. To be the best at something other than reading was an unattainable dream. Unfortunately, there was another kid who wanted to go on that horse-overnight. More importantly from Mom’s point of view was Davey’s parents. His father was a lynchpin in the Boston suburb in which they lived and a source of referrals for the camp. Davey wasn’t happy that he had not been selected to go on that overnight. I don’t know if he called his parents or sent them a letter, but Mom knew what had to be done. Again without warning, I was whisked into the isolation of fictitious illness. It was only the day the campers went home that I was released from the infirmary. I was hungry, so hungry for something, anything to read. The main building of the camp was an old farmhouse, probably built at the end of the nineteenth century. “Sit in the living room and don’t get into trouble,” were my father’s instructions. With so much work to do closing the camp, the last thing he wanted was to waste time on his eight-year-old son. Dad’s instructions didn’t forbid combing through every nock, cranny, closet, and cupboard looking for reading material. Next to the fireplace there was a cupboard. Nobody had cleaned it out or used it, at least not since my parents had bought the camp four years earlier. It was cluttered with the refuse of the girls’ camp that had preceded us. Mostly it yielded bits and pieces of old board games and limbs, heads, and torsos of various dolls that had met their demise at the hands of the girls who had once romped and played in that room. But, there was one treasure hidden behind the debris, a book. It was a copy of Jules Verne’s “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea.” I had never before read a novel. Children’s chapter books yes, but not a real novel. I dove in and was transported not only into the ocean and the future but onto a new plane of reading. It was my first adult book.

When my father came back to the living room, my body was curled up in a threadbare chair but my mind was somewhere in the mid-Pacific. “Where did you find that?” Dad demanded. The anger in his tone left no doubt that I had somehow sinned. “In there,” I squeaked and pointed at the cupboard. “Well, don’t let me catch you reading it again,” he said; but he didn’t take the book away. I read it straight through stopping only when I knew that he might catch me. Most of it was consumed hiding behind a great rock that stood near the old farmhouse. At night, a flashlight under the covers sufficed. When the book was finished, I started over. I had read it three times before we returned to Boston. I had planned to bring Verne’s classic home; but when it had come time to pack the car, I feared my father seeing that I had it. Back into the cupboard it went. School was to start in two days after we got home, days spent busily cleaning our apartment and buying clothes. It wasn’t until the next Saturday that I asked, “Please, Mom, will you write a note?” We argued back and forth for an hour before she wrote that precious note to the librarian. “Please let Kenneth have an adult card,” it read. “Over the summer he has graduated to reading grownup books and I think his reading should be encouraged.” I doubt she told my father what she had done; why awaken a sleeping bear. Third grade was to be a year of misery. I guess it was the price I paid for that note; I missed close to two thirds of school. At least, when I was stuck in bed, I had good reading material, books that an adult might read.

Novelist, poet, essayist, and short story writer Ken Weene draws on his personal experience as well as his career as a psychologist to help illuminate the human condition. He says, “If we can’t appreciate what is poignant in our own lives, how can we hope to celebrate that which is universal?” You can find more about Ken at his website and order his books on Amazon.

Personal Solicitor, by Michael Pickford Tyler Kane, Defense Attorney, takes on a client who is a normal looking young man with a story to tell that isn’t so normal. The clock is ticking. Will Kane and his team move fast enough? Will they survive the colorful characters and deadly situations they encounter? Can Kane unravel the evidence against his client before it is too late? Can he outwit the crafty Assistant DA in the courtroom? With murder, mystery, and engaging courtroom drama; you won’t be disappointed with Personal Solicitor.


Can’t wait to see more in this series! Truly enjoyed it!! Well written, left you wanting more, looking forward to more! Great book! A MUST read! Can’t wait to read more from this talented author!

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The Child on the Terrace, by Virginia Winters A vacationing Anne McPhail, Canadian doctor and genealogist, sees a lonely child on the terrace of a village in Spain. Does she belong to her minders? Anne McPhail doesn’t think so and soon Ari, a Mossad agent who saved her life in Bermuda recruits her to rescue the Israeli child. Should she trust him? Three days later, she is on the run with killers on their trail. How far will Anne go to save Naomi?

Review: Dr. Anne McPhail, once again stumbles into crime and political intrigue. A kidnapped Israeli girl is being held ransom by an arms cartel, to force the girl’s grandfather, an Israeli politician, to vote for continued settlements on the West Bank. Anne rescues the child and from there it’s cut and chase - By R B Fleming

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Stolen Breeze, by Mitch Davies

If you don’t know you’re committing a crime, are you innocent? Sailing to exotic locales as a crew member of the luxury yacht, Aurawind, sounded like a dream job, an unexpected windfall experience.

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Teaching Tara, by Jeri Lynn Stone When a New York Senator’s parents are murdered, Detective Tara Woods and her partner begins an investigation that leads them from murder to missing runaway teens to white slavery. Tara learns from a man who calls himself “Teach” the secrets that link the dangerous, gritty streets to the New York elite.

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Drive Thru Murder, by Colleen Mooney Brandy Alexander expects to order a box of cluck it! at the drive-thru, not hear gunshots and see someone in high heels and a black leather mini skirt climbing out of the pick-up window dragging a body. There’s no place like New Orleans to have a good crime!

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The Grievance Collectors: A Sip of Death, by Karla Hull “This is a tale of secrets, grudges, meticulously kept journals and one person trying to bring order back to her University.” Keeping students and faculty safe takes on new meaning as murder, an active shooter, and sexual predators create a tangled web of danger on the Harrison University campus.

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First One Down, by R.J. Belle Cold Case Detective Paul Sutton has dedicated his life to evil. Finding it. Ending it. To bringing justice to the dead and answers to the living. His life is spent straddling the line between the light of truth and the darkness of man’s blackest sins. The Detective Paul Sutton series begins with First One Down when Sutton is given a second chance to solve the case that’s haunted him for two years. Behind the mask of light lay darkness...

Review: Fifty Shades of Grey Mixed With Mary Higgins Clark...Started it last night and finished this morning....couldn’t put it down! Cannot wait to see Sutton’s next case!!!! Definitely a quick and fun read! -Reader

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Jurisdiction Terminated, by Judge Jack Gold/Deputy D.A. Marc Debbaudt An original crime novel involving the juvenile justice delinquency system from a true insider’s viewpoint. The honest private thoughts of an experienced juvenile court judge are revealed, the various participants are exposed, and you’ll witness what occurs in actual juvenile court proceedings that are closed to public scrutiny. When the Head of a major Los Angeles County official dies from a methamphetamine overdose, the curiosity of the judge lures him deeper into the maze of intrigue.

Review: A fun read with an amusing inside look at one part of a criminal justice system that is quickly corroding. The one time overriding goal of protection and rehabilitation of juvenile defenders seems to no longer be even a distant possibility. I notice that one of the authors is a now retired juvenile court judge--which no doubt accounts for the authenticity of the action throughout this little gem - Alan Geik, author Glenfiddich Inn

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The Long Harbor Testament, by Tom Minder

Dead on Arrival, by Sherry Lewis

Father Jim has a gambling problem, a girlfriend, and his brother Gabe just killed his bookie. Detective Mark Porfino investigates while a mob boss arrives to figure out why his protégé was found floating in the harbor.

Thirty years after Scarlett’s mother walked out on her family, Kat is killed less than 50 miles from their hometown. The news is unnerving. Scarlett had no idea Kat was living nearby. She’d ignore her mother’s death completely, but Kat’s ghost is hovering. They’re forced to work together to find answers, exposing old secrets in the process.

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Killer’s Countdown, by Wendy H. Jones Dead Women. A Ruthless Killer. A Detective with something to prove. Newly promoted Detective Inspector Shona McKenzie struggles to cope with her new job, the respect of her colleagues, and the need to solve the hardest case of her life. Will she succeed? A killer stalks the streets of Dundee, Scotland. Shona needs to use every trick in and out of the book to bring them to justice. The final revelation will shock you to the core.

Review: You can’t put it down, you haven’t time to eat and sometimes, you even stop breathing with the suspense. This is no run of the mill detective novel. The plot is unique and so are the characters. DI Shona McKenzie is grumpy, cynical and work-obsessed but yet she has charisma, and her subordinates and the reader love and respect her. The multiple murderer is also unique. He (or is it she?) has an almost justifiable mission to accomplish. Who will win in the end? You won’t know until the last page.

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Swim Season, by Marianne Sciucco Swim Season is the fast-paced, drama driven story of Olympic hopeful Aerin Keane, starting senior year in her third high school and trying not to win. But can she hide her natural talent and competitive streak? Especially when a 50,000-dollar scholarship is on the line?

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SuperGym, by Em Frappier There’s only one goal in the city of Famecili, to become the ideal. Toned, tanned, and beautiful. Benjamin Pratt’s SuperGyms will get you there by any means necessary.Maggie is not the ideal, and Mr. Pratt loves a challenge. There is a wall outside the city, and she is determined to escape. But, is freedom what waits for her on the other side?

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A Tapestry of Tales, by John ‘Grumps’ Hamshare

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A Tapestry of Tales is an anthology of my short stories as a valuable addition to your physical bookshelf. Something tangible to hold onto while my writing transports you into another world where reality gives way to imagination. My hope is that readers of all ages will find something entertaining within the pages and feel happier afterward.

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Scorpion, by Cindy Stone An ancient power. A modern mystic. The enemy unleashed... Avery, daughter of a wealthy & powerful New York family, is pushed from a crowded platform into an oncoming train. Saved by expert Martial Artist Aiden Kane they are thrust into a ten thousand year old battle for power with Taoist mystics, ancient secret societies, and global conspiracies. Avery must face her deepest fears, while Aiden’s incredible skills are tested as well as his capacity for love and redemption.

Review: “Enthralling stuff! A heady mix of esoteric mysticism and modern conspiracy - with unbridled thrills thrown in!” Alastair Gunn, Author of The Bergamese Sect

“An exciting tale of martial camaraderie, love, and awakening spiritual abilities that echoes the true life stories of all those who have journeyed to Wudang Mountain in search of their destiny.” Lindsey Wei, Yang Daoist, Author of The Valley Spirit

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I Was Just a Radioman, by Pamela Ackerson The day that will live in infamy was just the beginning... In 1940, still in high school, Henry P. Lawrence joined the Navy Reserves. A year later, in May of 1941, he’d be called to service, deployed to Hawaii. Their cripple the United States military. The attack at Pearl came hard and fast. I Was Just a Radioman is a collection of the memoirs of ARM Henry P. Lawrence, a WW II Pearl Harbor survivor, Black Cat, and decorated war veteran.

Review: This book is told very much in the style of a fireside chat...if you see it as an old man telling a story it is quite fascinating in places. When a book is this good it is hard not to want more.

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Across the Wilderness, by Pamela Ackerson The mysterious dreams had become a reality. Traveling through time, Dr. Karen Anderson found herself in the land of the Lakota, in the midst of the Indian wars, and the movement west. Swept into the arms of the dark-haired warrior, Standing Deer, from her modern-day hustle and bustle to the temporary serenity of life on the Plains...over the span of time, they fight for yesterday and together find the promise of tomorrow.

Review: If you think you may enjoy a unique time travel/ native American romance, I urge you to give this book a try. Pamela has a way with words that draws you in and keeps you reading well past your bedtime!

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The Use of Changing Magic, by D.L. Carter The Throne of the High King stands empty and so are the nurseries of the High Court Elves. A solution to both must be found before the magic of the Empire fails. Eioth has found a very odd book sitting openly in a library. The Use and Complexity of Sex Magic is a scholarly study of an almost unknown branch of magic. Now he needs a special woman.

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Embellished, by Karen Glista When Travis Kurth lures his sister Bekka in an online game, they find themselves forced into a dangerous new world. Near death, Bekka is rescued by Vallas, a human Prince who’s instantly beguiled by her beauty. The royal entourage falls under siege by humanoids. Bekka’s abducted and soon finds herself on an auction block, purchased with blood by Randar, a tusked, barbarian, Vadarc prince. War sweeps the land and as death comes calling, Bekka struggles to keep herself and those she loves, alive.


This is the first book I have read by this author and I know it won’t be the last. She has a wonderful command of words and the characters are brought to life in a way that will have you squirming, gritting your teeth and seeking revenge. The concept of this paranormal romance is different to anything I’ve read before and the action, intrigue, suspense, is all fantastically well done. This five star, good read novel took top billing at the 2017 International book awards. It’s an excellent read!

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Traditionally Published vs Self-Published 5 New Indie Titles You Will Love Until fairly recently, becoming a published author was excruciatingly difficult. The 21st century, with all its technological advancements, has simplified the process. Welcome to the generation of self-publishing. Uploading your manuscript to Amazon Kindle can take as little as 15 to 20 minutes, and from there you have an almost endless supply of ways to advertise. With an adequate book and decent marketing savvy, self-published authors are now able to compete with traditionally published authors. The rise of self-publishing has enabled writers to focus on what they do best, writing, and not worry as much about the strenuous business side of the publishing world. Additionally, self-published authors are free to write and structure their books as they see fit, as opposed to having their writing picked apart and then mutated into something a publisher feels will appeal to the masses. The best part is self-published authors keep 70 to 80% of their book sales revenue, as compared to 20% under the traditional model. While a self-published eBook generally sells for less per copy than a traditionally published eBook, statistics show that self-published authors, on average, are selling significantly more copies. Therefore, with a higher percentage profit per copy sold and a higher number of copies sold, it is likely there are some self-published authors making as much, if not more than the average traditionally published author. If you still doubt the prowess of the self-published author, here are five amazing publications that might just change your mind. 39

If you appreciate a little spirital guidence in your fiction and loved ‘Always With You’ by Elaine Stock, then ‘Unto Herself: The First Book of Maryam’ by Ellen Alabed is right up your alley.

Were Mary and Jesus Perfect Mediums? The Church has disguised Mary as a silent, unwitting pawn and grieving mother. But who was she really and what was her true role in the redemption theory? Little did they know Mary, the mother of Jesus, possessed spiritual and psychic gifts that could rock the world at its very core… It didn´t take long for Mary to realize that society´s ignorance would never allow her to unleash the powers she carried as a medium, healer, clairvoyant who could channel automatic writing… It´s not until her own immaculate conception, and continued romantic feelings for Joseph, that Mary realizes not all hope is lost…While she could never become the messiah, society may accept Jesus – if only he is truly the messiah she foresaw…The question is… will their secret remain veiled long enough for Mary to train Jesus to properly unleash his powers for good?...


Or will the danger around every corner cut all their lives short in a way you´ve never imagined...

If thrilling and suspenseful stories, like ‘Blackout: A Novel’ by Marc Elsberg, are what you find enjoyable, then ‘A Puzzle of Old Bones: A Dave Slater Mystery’ by P.F. Ford the next must read mystery for you.

Newly promoted Detective Inspector Dave Slater could groan when he’s handed his first case in his new role. This isn’t the first time he’s had to deal with dug-up old bones – and things get even worse when he gets to the scene to discover the skeleton is that of a little boy. Along with new partner DS Samantha Brearley, known as Watson, he tracks down a couple whose only son went missing years previously. But they are adamant that the remains found, and even a distinctive antique silver pendant discovered beside the body, can’t have anything to do with their missing son. When DNA results back up their assertion, Slater finds himself at a crossroads, the evidence pointing every which way. But there’s an unfortunate fact about digging – once you start, you never know what else you might find. And Slater soon begins to realize, there could be more than the bones of a little boy lying buried deep in the past. 41

If you relish Sci Fi and or Fantasy adventures like ‘The Lightless Trilogy’ by C.A. Higgins, then prepare for a nonstop, action packed experience when reading ‘Shatterbones’ by Robert Brown.

The first day of The Shattering nearly becomes an extinction level event when the hope for humanity’s future mutates into ancient monsters of folklore. Size, strength, and speed are among their abilities. A hunger for human flesh or blood are among their needs. Rounded up and placed in camps, the survivors of the apocalypse are helpless against the abilities their captors now possess. The choice to allow humans their freedom or keep them enslaved and used as cattle is made independently by mutants around the globe. A vampire called The Angel, decides she will not allow the world to remain a place where the slavery of mankind is permitted to exist. Gathering likeminded mutants to her cause, The Angel goes to war to free humanity. If she is successful in saving humans from their oppressors, how will she and her kind be able to coexist with man? If she fails, what future remains for the human race? 42

If you enjoyed Gabe Habash’s unforgettable coming of age story, ‘Stephen Florida,’ then ‘Fireflies in the Night: A Novel’ by Nalini Warriar is the next heart-wrenching, but quirky book to add to your list.

From the award winning short story writer of Blues from the Malabar Coast comes a novel about two sisters once bound by love and loyalty; a beautiful mother torn between tradition and love; a gentle and caring father who loves his girls but is caught in the middle and seduced by his wife’s sophistication.

Set against the lush background of wild animals and tea estates of Assam, India, this story weaves through the 50’s and 60’s and the India-China confrontation of 1962. Assam transforms the closeknit family: the sisters are thrust apart and the sexually frustrated mother uses her powers to manipulate the father. The sisters have to come to terms with the fact that the ties that bind them are no more. 43

If your cup of tea is paired with a steamy romance novel, like those by Nora Roberts, then put on a full pot and submerse yourself in the world of Grace Donovan’s ‘Saint’s Ride’ (Saints of Laredo: Book One).

Evie Delano walked away from a life of luxury and privilege many people would kill for. Forging her own place in the unforgiving West, she had finally found some measure of peace. All she ever wanted was to be left to live her life as she chose, but her father, a wealthy politician, would never let a valuable asset go to waste, especially not his daughter. Jack Hannity had fought his way up from a darkness most people could never imagine. For years, he was a rogue, a thief, and worse, a killer. And then the Saints rescued him, and he rode to save lives, hoping to make up for the man he’d once been. When the Saints fell, Jack turned to hunting bounties.


When Warren Delano put a bounty out on his own daughter to bring her home, Jack took the contract, knowing she wouldn’t come willingly. They never did. This should have been an easy ride. All he had to do was to get her home before she got them both killed.

Rescuing Lara, by Lyn Horner Winner in the 2015 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewers Choice Awards, Rescuing Lara is book one in Lyn Horner’s Romancing the Guardians series. This adult romantic suspense tale stars Lara Spenser, a psychic heroine who’s running for her life, and Connor O’Shea, a hunky ex-Special Forces hero Lara hires to be her bodyguard. Throw in murderous villains, Irish folklore, an ancient prophesy and steamy romance for a wild ride!

Reviews: “Lyn Horner has created a tension-filled life and death chase... softened by moments of healing and sharing... Picture a vibrant, multi-colored braided ribbon, each color being a subplot... a masterful work of art through words.” -Tome Tender “This book had it all... Lara and Conn are wonderful characters... The book has love, sex, suspense, prophecies and violence... There are six more Guardians out there and I can’t wait to read the next story in the series.” -Paranormal Romance Guild

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Jack’s Journey: His Life and Loves, by B.A. Hall Jack the boy was born into post-war Brighton, Sussex, to a Romany mother and gorger father where he experienced a traumatic childhood and turned to alcohol. In the Swinging Sixties Jack the teenager thought he had found the love of his life but fate intervened. He loved and lost and loved again.

“A great little book to take to the beach” - Amazon. A would-be romance novelist fails at writing; she signs up for a popular dating site to find a man to teach her about passion. While Sylvie dreams of the steamy scenes she thinks are necessary for a good romance novel, her unintentionally comical dates fall far short of her expectations.

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The Accidental Stranger, by Cj Fosdick Jessica Brewster is being watched. She shoots the grizzled thief stalking her before recognizing the green eyes that belong to the only man she ever loved. Has he bridged time to find her? She takes him into her home and heart. But his memory loss and puzzling clues curry doubt and mystery. Is he truly her son’s father or a stranger in her arms?

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Sylvie Writes a Romance, by Melissa Burovac

Wolfen, by Suzzana C Ryan A Legend and a love story. Lurking in the shadows is another society, one that Cassie would soon be introduced into, one she never dreamed existed. There, she would learn the true identity of the man she loved. As she’s catapulted into the dark unknown, Cassie Carson will learn she’s a witch, with powers yet to be unleashed.

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No Quarter: Dominium (The Complete Series), by MJL Evans and GM O’Connor Welcome to 1689 Port Royal, Jamaica. A time of piracy, strumpets, wild celebrations, political turmoil, and unexpected romance. Follow the thrilling adventures of Atia Crisp and Captain la Roche from the wickedest city on earth to the exotic Jamaican Blue Mountains.

Review: “The book itself is a great read. Set in the 1600s, it is very descriptive, and you get a real feel of the period. Set in the heady times of pirates in Jamaica, you get caught up in the story.” - Sally, “Could not put it down a real page turner, the characters in this book are unforgettable, the story is amazing. I would love to see this book turned into a movie!! Recommend this book. Loved Minuit, I want one.” Catherine Milmine, Goodreads

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Time for Honesty, by Mette Barfelt Sweet small-town romance, set in Norway! Solvik is a cozy town, but under the surface lays intrigues and jealousy.Emmelin inherits her childhood home and is confronted with decisions made in her younger days.Trying to justify her actions and make things right, she discovers she’s not the only one hiding secrets. In the midst of accusations and devious intentions, can she forgive her father’s betrayal? Is she ready to embrace the future and trust her second chance at love?


This was a well-written book and grabbed my attention from the beginning. I love romance, secrets, and mystery in a story. This novel has them all. It also had more. There was the husband I wanted to hit over the head with a frying pan, the secret that found ways to stay hidden and the lost love that burned through the years but was always just out of reach by some interruption of life. And through the entire story, little mysteries kept creeping up. I must not forget to mention the betrayals.

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The Draig’s Wife, by Lisa Dawn Wadler He’s given her no reason to like to him, but there are many reasons to marry him.

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Love, Lust, and Betrayal, by Ray Ross Reynolds Having met as virgins in college, a young couple’s innocent and romantic first love evolves into highly lustful desires. They experience menages trois, her latent bisexuality, group sex, and sexual seductions. Follow their titillating journey from their first erotic encounter on a college campus, to wanton campus sex games,

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My Perfect Life at Cornish Cottage, by S J Crabb Sophie Bailey has it all, until one day she wakes up to find that her husband is leaving her for a younger woman. With no job, no money, no self-esteem and the threat of losing her home, Sophie will have to push aside her heartbreak and act fast. What happens next sends Sophie’s world, Viral!

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ThE MC Series, by L. Ann Marie Have you ever heard of an MC that cherish their women? Alpha men with their strong women working together to make their part of the world better. I start with Knight. An autistic man that the government trained and his MC values (Book1 FREE). As the MC grows we see more women shining through, holding their own with their alphas. Every book has a different subject, domestic abuse, gang wars, human trafficking, disabilities etc.. This is life in the Badass Brotherhood.These are my stories.


Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase The entire series, all three, are EXCELLENT! Highly recommend reading all this author currently has available and she is on my”list” to track for future books! Cannot stress enough how well she plots, develops characters, keeps reader engaged, and the subtle and not so subtle ways of addressing social issues- I’d give more stars, if possible! Ruined reading of other motorcycle club books-true!

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Capturing Gabriel, by Lyn Horner What’s a handsome Colombian psychic with super-hero-power to do with a spirited Navajo beauty who invades his territory? Why, kidnap her of course. Gabriel Valdez is a Guardian of Danu sworn to protect an ancient secret. When Josie Tseda tracks him down in the mountains of Colombia, delivering an urgent message supposedly from the High Guardian, he distrusts her. But holding her prisoner may test his ability to keep his hands off her.


Josie is such a spunky character, I instantly fell in love with her. Gabriel, on the other hand, is a Latin lover and is hot, hot, hot. This book has sex, romance, secrets, and surprises. I . . . look forward to more. Paranormal Romance Guild “Capturing Gabriel by Lyn Horner is part romance, part action, part paranormal and 100% entertainment . . . this has heat, tension and a great author behind a wonderful plot!” - Tome Tender

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Science fiction

Revelations - The Cost of Foresight, by Robert J. Hamilton Captain John Russell returns to the Milky Way in order to resume his mission to stop the fanatical Dawn of Revelations cult from unleashing the apocalypse upon the Earth. However, he soon discovers that he has arrived centuries too late. Knowing he is the last hope to save billions of lives, John risks everything to return to his own time and finish the war before it even begins. But John has another challenge to face--the possibility that one of his crew may be secretly working for the enemy.


Revelations: The Cost of Foresight is a tantalizing story that combines time travel with incredible elements of sci-fi to take readers on a nonstop ride to a destination they just can’t figure out yet.

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A Spider Sat Beside Her, by K.E. Lanning On the International Space Station, Lowry Walker circles above a world drowned by global warming and inundated with social strife-until a terrorist attack on the ISS ensnares her in a deadly web of political corruption. A Spider Sat Beside Her is an allegorical tale of wounds to the heart, the body, the spirit . . . and the Earth.

Review: A captivating web of political and personal intrigue...a futuristic tale for our time.� - Sonja Yoerg, author of All the Best People

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Out of Balance? Be A Bounce Back Person, by Judy Helm Wright Do you have difficulty handling disappoint ments and loss in any of the six areas of life? This book provides methods of building resilience, setting boundaries, overcoming adversity and ways to shift negative mind chatter. Learn why T.E.A.R.S determine what you get in life. Written by a Family Relationship Coach for you

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Simplicity of Life: Why does being Human Complicate Everything? by Steve Leasock Simplicity of Life is an exploration into self-awareness and human existence as a whole with insights that offer alternative ways of thinking that will allow anyone to tap into a larger and more universal consciousness. Steve Leasock gives the reader an opportunity to become consciously aware on the path to self-discovery and personal growth with ideas about our existence, the universe and life--while leaving the confines of a conditioned mind and outdated belief systems behind.

Review: Steve’s knowledge is impressive, but even more so is his ability to help others connect the dots between matter, mind and consciousness. As I read this book I was reminded of the “Mind the Gap”. This is a wonderful book! - By Nikki Cordonnier, Belgium Suberb! Clearly a great deal of effort has gone into this thought provoking book. Barely a paragraph goes by without your mind reflecting on what Steve Leasock is proposing. I loved this book -By Mark Jenkins, Australia

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Fighting Back, by John F. Harrison When Eddie Caruthers defends a woman from harassment, his good deed backfires. Everyone close to him condemns his actions. Worse, the man he confronted seeks revenge, and innocent people become casualties in an undeclared war. With a shrinking list of allies and a growing roster of enemies, Eddie must outwit his foes and help the hidden victims he finds on his quest for justice. His journey explores the morality of violence, the lure of temptation, and the surprising road to redemption.


This compelling and important novel confronts real issues many tiptoe around. Nonconformists and outcasts everywhere will relate to Eddie Caruthers’s struggles to find himself and his place in a world that seems stacked against him. John Harrison shows us that flawed heroes can be a powerful force for good --- and deserving of love, acceptance, and forgiveness - Ruth Thomas-Suh

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Misdirect, A Novel of Spies, the Sahara, and Searching for God, by Beverly Nault A botched mission confined CIA field operative Eve Parker to desk duty. She’s determined to repair her professional credibility and personal life until her daughter’s fiancée is taken hostage, forcing her back to the field where her rusty skills and old-fashioned tradecraft threaten to sink her mission. A grueling Saharan camel ride and a young Muslim teen with questions about God test her fortitude and her faith leading to a climactic firefight against hostile enemies in a surprising ending.


Cheryl E. Rodriguez -Readers’ Favorite Seriously

engaging, Misdirect is filled with twists and unexpected events. Written with hidden layers of intrigue and suspense, the plot unfolds surprisingly. Nault does a spectacular job of convoluting the plot. Concealed truths, a massive terrorist threat, and an unbelievable covert mission create a thrilling tale of espionage. The characterization is masterfully written, the heroine is more than what she seems. She is a perfect blend of “real and raw!”

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Voices, a novel of the end times, by Steven Ira It’s been thirteen months since the Rapture of the Church, and now the two Beasts of the Revelation reveal themselves!

Review: I always enjoy “end time” fiction, and this book was no exception. I am now reading book two of this new series, and I am in Daniel’s corner hoping that he will continue walking in the Lord’s care, and follow that small inner voice to completion of his mission. New hero to follow, can’t wait to see how he guides those that follow.

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Review on Net Galley Confrontation. Aliens and Humans. Allies and Enemies., by Don Foxe

Trouble on the Straits, by Michael Marnier Ex-NavySEALCharley Manner’s retirement in the Florida Keys turns deadly when he discovers a body with a treasure map.

Politics and intrigue threaten Earth. Invasions and battles rage across the galaxy. Alien or human A Cuban drug lord wants the map & kidnaps Char- who are the enemy and who are our allies? “Conley’s sister, leading him across the Florida Straits frontation is a genuine gem of a read and is highly to Cay Sal Bank and Cuba. Charley’s SEAL training recommended.” BookViral. prepared him for dangerous situations but this may be more than he can handle.

“The action and flow of the story is continuous and seamlessly merging. Original, effective and memorable.” Deepak Buy Here Menon.

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Wake of Destruction, by Vince Olech

Fatal Analysis, by Tom Bierdz

psychological thriller.

Psychiatrist Grant Garrick, needy and vulnerable, gets tangled in a web of danger when he agrees to treat a suicidal woman via her sister and stretches his professional boundaries. A gripping, edge of your seat,

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Frank Burgess: retired military distinguished operator, working as a mercenary and hired to find a treasure in the African Continent replete with a Pandora’s Box full of surprises. Everyone who wants this treasure wants world domination. Is Frank rugged resourceful and unstoppable enough to keep the world safe from this dangerous artifact?

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Chuck Wilson Is Dead, by David Layne Bob Ellinger is a sometimes successful lawyer who drinks too much and cares too little. He never anticipated getting dragged into a political scandal, but when Chuck Wilson, the governor’s confidante and his sister’s boss, dies suspiciously and his sister’s possible involvement comes under scrutiny, it’s time for Bob to step up.

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Astrologer’s Proof by David John Jaegers Imagine a clandestine group of powerful people having enough data on human behavior to decide whether Astrology is real. For the first time in human history, thanks to technology, the information is available. Rufus is about to realize his dream. The Data Collection Group has the money, the hackers, the connections and the computing power to make it happen. Follow our merry band of data collectors as they conspire to obtain the mountain of data they need to prove Astrology’s worth.

Review: “Utopia is at hand when science and spirituality merge. But can such a state be ethically obtained when proof allies with deception in the name of science?” - Chanticleer Reviews “The story’s unhurried but absorbing, dishing out character dilemmas ... and spiritual insight...A wealth of white-hat hacking gives this enjoyable sequel a boost.” -Kirkus Reviews

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American for Sale, by Chuck Van Soye An American college professor, kidnapped in China and smuggled to Syria, is thrust into a perilous predicament as a looming prelude to being either sold for $10 million or beheaded by a twisted ideology. Can he turn the tables on his captors and become the spy who brings ISIS down? If you love espionage thrillers, especially one laced with geopolitics, the CIA, a beautiful Kurdish warrior, a bloody gunfight in the Iraqi desert, and super-secret Tweets, don’t miss this book.


This is a timely historic adventure novel where Bret Lee, retired Army officer, active Professor of Engineering, and Spy makes his dangerous escape from being kidnapped and held captive by ISIS to his secret mission whose object is peace in Syria. I was spellbound cover to cover. Extremely detailed and crafted with genius! The story could not be more relevant with today’s current events. Looking forward to reading more from Mr. Van Soye soon!

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Pretty Corpse, by Linda Berry With a serial rapist prowling the streets of San Francisco, Officer Lauren Starkley must outsmart the sadistic assailant before her daughter becomes the next victim. Starkley has to contend with a dangerous job, a rebellious daughter, a crush on her captain, and single parenthood.


It’s been a long time since I’ve had a night of justone-more-chapter reading, but Linda Berry’s Pretty Corpse did it for me! This is a book I’ve already recommended to a lot of my friends - V. Bailey Pretty Corpse, Linda Berry’s second novel after Hidden, is an atmospheric, fast-paced and well-plotted thriller - Gabriel Valjan

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Beltway Betrayers (Book 2): A Heart-Thumping, Powerfully Seductive Psychological Thriller A Genuine Romance Thriller That Will Get You Hooked! When Alex meets handsome and mysterious T.J. Gale, she’s drawn like a magnet to him. Opening the doors to a passionate love triangle that makes this psychological thriller a compelling read even for the most demanding readers. Walk into an alluring world filled with fierce battles, love, power, passion, and ruthless wealth. The threat is lethal.

Reviews: “This one reminded me of classic Jackie Collins.” Reads and Reels “Beltway Betrayers is awesome! This is one of the first Psychological Thrillers I’ve ever read and I am thoroughly impressed with it. ... MY RATING: 4.5 OF 5 STARS.” - Hadie’s Haven, Book Blogger

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America, Inc., by Mikael Carlson Sixty years after governmental mismanagement led to a global economic collapse that brought the world to the edge of oblivion, a new society has risen from the ashes - one dominated by corporations who serve a powerful elite class. In Manhattan, an underground group of terrorists aim to destroy an oppressive system and plunge the world back into darkness. Egos clash and opportunists make moves to seize their chance for power as the clock winds down to save the world from another catastrophe.

Review: “Mikael Carlson has jumped into the subject of the corporate state head first and the result is a masterpiece.” -- Ray Simmons for Readers’ Favorite

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The 2017 Winner of BooksGoSocial’s Book of the Year is Killer’s Crew by Wendy H.Jones! Description A man found hanging by the neck until dead A ship with a historic past A killer with a deadly personal quest DI Shona McKenzie is anticipating a peaceful Scottish summer when a hanging thrusts her into the midst of a fatal chase. As the body count mounts unravelling the difference between reality and fantasy is a deadly challenge. Shona and her team will need to use every trick in their arsenal to solve the puzzle and bring a killer to justice. Will they do it before more innocent victims die?

Reviews 5 Stars - I just couldn’t put it down, yet another fantastic read from Wendy H Jones. Following the murderers trail through the streets of Dundee, the great DI Shona McKenzie and her team have their work cut out for them. It’s the kind of book you just want to sit quietly with no interruptions and read till the end then wish the next one was out – Amazon Reviewer 5 Stars - Another spellbinding tale from Wendy H Jones, set in her own version of Dundee. DI Shona McKenzie is on fine form as chief detective as the story unfolds…the result is an un-put-downable thriller. Highly recommended – Goodreads Review 73 Get it here!

About the Author Wendy H. Jones lives in, Scotland, and her police procedural series featuring Detective Inspector Shona McKenzie, is set in the beautiful city of Dundee, Scotland. Wendy has led a varied and adventurous life. Her love for adventure led to her joining the Royal Navy to undertake nurse training. After six years in the Navy she joined the Army where she served as an Officer for a further 17 years. This took her all over the world including Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. Much of her spare time is now spent travelling around the UK, and lands much further afield. As well as nursing Wendy also worked for many years in Academia. This led to publication in academic textbooks and journals. Killer’s Countdown is her first novel and the first book in the Shona McKenzie Mystery series Click the image to see our interview with Wendy!


The Planck Factor, by Debbi Mack Grad student Jessica Evans decides on a dare to write a thriller novel. She concocts a nightmare scenario based upon actual science. However, Jessica’s fictional story takes her own life in a bizarre direction. Her research into the science behind the novel stirs up concern from an extremist group who intends to use it to cause mass destruction. Before long, Jessica’s running for her life. Can a grad student really prevent the apocalypse?


“I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Debbi! Having read her previous books, this book took a different route which came off very well. I highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys suspense and science mixed together!” - JRS “I enjoyed this mystery. Interesting scientific premise and the ending was a big surprise but everything became clear.” - Eileen Haavik McIntire

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Road to Redemption: A Global Spy Thriller, by Puja Guha Spy Game meets a Russia House with terrorism. Former spy Petra Shirazi is forced to work with her nemesis the Ahriman, a retired Iranian assassin, to stop a terrorist plot against international commerce in Washington DC.


“Puja Guha is a writer who knows the world of international finance, politics, and intrigue in a way very few have understood it before. But it’s her writing that shines above all else.” - Reed Coleman, NYT Bestselling author of Where it Hurts

“This fusion of thriller and romance tugs at our heart strings making the book unputdownable.” - Amazon customer

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The Price of Silence, by Ulla HĂĽkanson Amy fights for her life as her ex-fiancĂŠ steals her savings and the killers he is fleeing come after her.

Review: There are no words wasted in this lively, smart adventure into areas the average person never experiences. Hakanson has created a believable female protagonist/ heroine, Amy, who is faced with almost too many challenges to her stability. Starting from a beautiful location on the interior lakes in British Columbia, she is hit with nightmarish realities. There is criminal outrage, legal drama and loving possibilities ahead - for Amy and the reader. A taut, well plotted read to the last page!

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The Rejected Writers’ Book Club, by Suzanne Kelman A group of quirky writers go on a wild road trip to San Francisco to a publisher who holds the key to a long-buried secret.They’ll face their fears- landslides, haunted houses, and handsome strangers and have the time of their lives.

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Letters To Myself, by Sheryl Lee All Cassie wants is for her marriage to be the way it used to be, so when her husband leaves her Cassie is devastated and doesn’t know how to cope. A new house and a new life heralds the next stage in her life but life does not work out that easily. Now she must fight as hard to be free of her old life as she once fought to hold onto it.

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Saving Phoebe Murrow, by Herta Feely A story about the timeless struggle between mothers and their teen daughters with a razor-sharp 21st century twist. This harrowing debut novel for fans of Big Little Lies (Liane Moriarty) and Reconstructing Amelia (Kimberly McCreight) will make you question what’s needed to keep your children from harm. Saving Phoebe Murrow, set amidst the complicated web of adolescent relationships, tells a story of miscommunication and malice, drugs and Facebook, prejudice and revenge.


“A little frightening in today’s world. A must read for mothers!” - Joyce Chaplin, Colleton Co. Memorial Library “Feely’s novel reminds us of the heartbreaking fragility and mystery of the teenage mind...a finely crafted plot...compulsively readable.” - Washington Independent Review of Books

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The Forever 39ers, by Shari Busa Ortiz It’s been eleven years since Jill Castillo and her three best friends made a pact to remain thirty-nine forever. Unfortunately, Jill’s fiftieth birthday brings with it the onset of menopause and a midlife crisis, making it increasingly difficult to adhere to their agreement. Thankfully, Jill is able to rely on the always-present love, support, and humor of her lifelong friends, who are all discovering that “the change” can be quite disruptive in a multitude of ways.


The story chronicles a group of four long time friends as they navigate the ups and downs of life from celebrating birthdays, sending children off to college, and even bathing suit shopping. The author writes in a warm and humorous style. Delightfully entertaining!!! Thoroughly enjoyed reading Ms. Ortiz’s humorous take on the challenges of those milestone birthdays! Her wit, easy writing style and funny true to life experiences kept me wanting more

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