antenatal booking form

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Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only

Thank you for your interest in the community midwifery service. As a team we strongly promote active birth. We encourage all women to use natural methods to help with the contractions of labour e.g. movement, massage, heat packs, water, and good mental attitude. This enables all women to be actively involved in the birth of her baby. We as midwives have seen the benefits of this approach. The philosophy of the community midwives is to facilitate a healthy pregnancy, an active and positive birth experience and ultimately a healthy mother and baby following discharge. A midwives role is to assess and advise pregnant women, to determine that everything is normal or make appropriate decisions if there is a deviation from what is considered ‘the norm’. The community midwives aim to facilitate women to achieve a normal, natural birth. To do this we actively encourage women to prepare the mind and body for pregnancy, labour and their adaptation to parenthood. This can be achieved by: 1. Education – e.g. reading/attending antenatal classes, preparing for parenthood. 2. Nutrition – maintaining a healthy balanced diet to nourish you and your baby, i.e. not eating for two. 3. Exercising – labour is a physical task which requires stamina and strength. It is not a job to be done lying down. It is essential to maintain a good level of physical fitness, whilst accommodating the possible limitations that pregnancy may cause. 4. Mental preparation – appreciation of the fact that this is a unique time which can be psychologically challenging and may unearth emotional issues which can sometimes be difficult. We look forward to meeting you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Community Midwives Team. Domino Midwifery Team

Patients Signature: Midwives Signature:

CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only

Please Fill in All Attached Forms and Post/Email to: Community Midwives National Maternity Hospital Holles Street Dublin 2 Email Address: ANTENATAL BOOKING FORM PREVIOUS OBSTETRIC HISTORY Date of Delivery

How many weeks?

Type of delivery e.g.: Normal/ Ventouse


Where did you give birth?


Any problems with you or your baby?

What type of pain relief options did you avail of previously? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only

Have you had any complications during any of your pregnancies or births?

Have you had any Miscarriages or Termination of Pregnancies. If yes, what year(s)?

What type of pain relief options do you plan using for this labour/birth?

FAMILY HISTORY Diabetes (Maternal side only): High Blood Pressure: Tuberculosis: Twins: Hereditary Diseases e.g., Haemophilia: Congenital Disorders e.g., Hip problems or heart problems from birth: Allergies/Other Major Problems:

CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only


Have YOU had any of the following?

High Blood Pressure: Thyroid Diabetes: Kidney Disorders: Jaundice (year it occurred): Tuberculosis: Mental Health Disorders e.g., Depression/Anxiety: Respiratory Disease e.g., Asthma: Neurological Problems e.g., Epilepsy: Heart Disease: Blood Disorder: Stomach/Bowel Disorders: Muscle or Bone Disorders: Allergies: Diet (vegetarian, coeliac): Are you taking any drugs\medication?: Other health problems:

CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only


Have YOU had any of the following?

Gynaecological Problems: Gynaecological Operations: Sexually Transmitted Disease: Operations: If yes, what type and year? Did you have any problems with the Anaesthetic? Blood Transfusion: Weight: Height: If you have a BMI over 35, you will not be suitable for the Domino Scheme.

MENSTRUAL HISTORY First day of last period:

Are you certain?

Date of pregnancy test: Did you need any assistance to become pregnant? Have you a regular cycle? Have you used any contraception in the 6 months prior to conception? If yes, what method? Have you any infertility problems? If yes, how long and any treatment? Date and result of last smear test: Have you previously had an abnormal smear? CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

Patient Name:

Hospital No: Office use only

If yes, did you require Colposcopy treatment? MISCELLANEOUS Do you plan to have a: Homebirth

Hospital Birth

Unsure yet

Our Homebirth brochure is available on the net: Do you smoke? – If yes, how many daily: Units of alcohol per week: Have you considered how you will feed your baby? Are you interested in Antenatal Classes? Have you been an in-patient in any hospital in Ireland or elsewhere in the previous 12 months? Yes


What questions would you like to ask us?

Thank You! We look forward to seeing you at your visit. Signature: _______________________________________ CMV V4 Jun 12 Antenatal Leaflets Pack


Contact No.: 01 637 3177 Email Address:

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