Changing Times 2018 Back to School

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Volume 16, Number 4


T h e Vo i c e o f t h e C h r i s t i a n C o m m u n i t y "Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor." (Proverbs 21:21)

Š Danny Hahlbohm

Changing Lives . . . One Issue at a Time!

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“Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

The Lion or the Lamb or Both? "Look! The LION of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed! Then I saw a LAMB, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne!" (Revelation 5:5-6) John was looking for a Lion and he saw a Lamb. This strange, double picture of Jesus as He appears in heaven, is very suggestive. He was a lion in His conflicts and victories, and as such overcame all His enemies and ours also. But He was a lamb in the gentleness of His character and disposition. The lamb is an emblem of meekness and of unresisting obedience and submission. As we think about Christ, we soon see how true both of these pictures are. Like a lion, He has power and majesty and is dreadful to His enemies! As a lion He met and overcame Satan and triumphed over death and the grave. As a lion He is able to defend us from all our enemies, and the feeblest believer is

safe under His protection. He is the omnipotent God and has all power in heaven and on earth. At the same time, the other picture is just as true. He is like a little lamb in His gentleness. The whole spirit of His life on earth shows this. Never was a mother so gentle to her children, as was Jesus to the weary, troubled and penitent ones who came to Him. He was lamb-like, too, in the way He endured wrongs and sufferings. Other animals fight in their own defense, but the lamb does not resist. When Christ was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten in return. "Like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep silent before her shearers, He did not open His mouth." He is the same Jesus now in the midst of the throne and it is this astonishing combination of strength and gentleness which makes Him such a wondrous Savior! In Him, we have the union of all the truest qualities of love that our hearts so

From the Editor hunger for: tenderness, affection, patience and sympathy. Then, when we have laid ourselves down to rest in all this blessed warmth of love, we look up and see that we are in the bosom of Omnipotence! Mere gentleness may be very weak, but while He is a lamb, He is also a lion! "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne. He had seven horns and seven eyes."(Revelation 5:6). Here we have three other thoughts about Christ. 1. Not only did He appear as a lamb, but as a lamb that had been slain. There were wound marks on Him, telling that once He had been dead. One suggestion of the emblem of the lamb is sacrifice. Jesus was the Lamb of God, who took away sin, by bearing it Himself! Thus even in glory, the fact of salvation by His sacrificial death, is set forth to the eyes of all. Thus we are always to be reminded of the cost

And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and valiant men went with him, whose hearts God had touched. – 1 Samuel 10:26

of our redemption. 2. A second suggestion about Christ is in the representation of the "seven horns." The horn in the Bible is the symbol of strength and seven is the symbol of completeness. Jesus appears there as the omnipotent One, having all power. 3. The third symbol in the picture is the "seven eyes". An eye sees, and seven eyes represent the perfection of vision, seeing everywhere. The eyes of Christ are in all parts of the earth and on all events. This thought of the omniscience of Christ is dreadful to the unrepentant sinner, but to the Christian at peace with God, it has great comfort! Christ is watching over us and is ready to fly to our help and rescue at any moment. His eye is fearsome only to the wicked; to those who are His friends and are saved by Him, it gives no terror to think of the unsleeping divine eye ever looking down upon them with love! Save the Nations Ministries>

Back to School 2018 3


Changing Times

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A flower blooms no more sweetly, because it is gazed at by an admiring crowd. It would be just as lovely, if it grew in the depths of a great forest where no eye ever saw it. The stars look down with as much brilliancy into the desert, where no one looks up at them, as into the streets of the great city where thousands behold them. The sea breaks with as much majesty on an uninhabited shore as where its waves kiss the feet of multitudes. It is just so in all true Christian

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4 Back to School 2018

life and work. When one is doing any great thing, and shows by his attitude that he is conscious of it, more than half the greatness is gone from the performance. When a man knows that he is living a life that is very great in its service, when he is conscious that he is being noticed by others, much of the glory is gone from his life. We should live just as sweetly and beautifully when no one is looking upon us to see our deed and praise our life, as when the entire world is beholding. The eye of God is ever upon us and it is His approval and commendation that we should always seek to deserve. It is said of the great sculptor, Michael Angelo, that when at work he wore a little lamp fastened on his cap, in order that no shadow of himself might fall upon his work. Just so, we need to take care that no shadows of ourselves, of our pride, our ambition and our self-seeking shall fall upon our work for Christ. To labor in Chris-

tian work, that we ourselves may have the glory, is to dim and darken the beauty of all we do, and also to make ourselves vessels unfit for the Master's use. We are ready for the most sacred of all ministries, only when we are content to be nothing that Christ may be all in all. "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth; they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:1-4) Save the Nations Ministries >

Table of Contents From the Editor


















Feature Article


Personal Revival


The Christian Journey


Guiding Light


The Transformed Life


The Cross


The Triumphant Christian


Righteous Living


God Wants Our Life to Be an Open Book


By David Wilkerson God wants our life to be an open book. Therefore, He longs to rid us of all hidden sin-all dishonesty, underhandedness, deception, lying and fraud. That is why the Holy Spirit searches out everything in us that is not like Christ. And if we truly want to change, we’ll open up to His dealings. You can forget about getting counseling, seeking self-help or restoring relationships until you experience God’s change in each of these areas. Put everything on the back burner until you’re ready to renounce all your hidden sin. When you have submitted to God’s Word and the transforming power of His Spirit, you won’t have to convince others you’ve changed. As you walk in His truth, the Holy Spirit will commend you to the consciences of everyone around you.

"But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God" (2 Corinthians 4:2). The Greek word for commending means "God’s approval." Paul says, "You won’t have to impress anybody that you’ve changed. God will move on their conscience, telling them inwardly, `This person has my blessing and approval.´" No argument can refute the inner evidence that God’s Spirit has put in you. In fact, your change will either attract others or become a rebuke to them. The aura of Christ emanating from you will strike their very conscience. And that’s when you will find the power to influence others-through the changes taking place in you. You’ll find relationships being restored and you’ll recover your spiritual authority in

your home. You will no longer dwell on the changes that need to take place in others. Instead, you will be so encouraged by the changes God is working in you that you’ll realize, "Lord, I know everything is in Your hands and I resign myself to Your will. Just do in me what has to be done." Now is the time to give all your circumstances over into His hands.

Forget trying to be delivered out of your crisis. Instead, focus on God’s changes in you as He makes you an overcomer. Stay in His Word, call diligently on His name and trust the Holy Spirit. Make this the constant cry of your heart: "Change me, O God." © 2018 World Challenge. All rights reserved. PO Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771-0260 >

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Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. – Isaiah 58:8

Covington, LA 70434

Back to School 2018 5


Changing Times

Kindness Is the Great Law of Christian Life Especially at Home The story of friendship anywhere is a story of cost and suffering, but it is in the home that it must suffer the most and make the greatest sacrifices. When husband and wife hold hands at the marriage altar, they can fulfill their covenant of love only by mutually loving unto death. It may cost either of them a great deal to love as they have promised to do, until death separates them. Here is a man who loves his wife with a devoted affection. For ten years she has been a helpless invalid and he has carried her from the bed to the chair and up and down stairs and has ministered to her in a most beautiful way, failing in nothing that she needed or craved, pouring out his life's best treasures to give her comfort or pleasure. This is ideal. So it should be in all the home relations. Love that stops at no cost and at no sacrifice, should be the law of the home life. It should be the same with all the qualities of love. We are to exercise patience with every person we may meet, in all the relations of life, but we should show the sweetest and

most Christ like patience in our own homes. Kindness is the great law of Christian life. It should be the universal law. We should be kind to everyone, not only to those who treat us with love, but also to those who are harsh to us, returning to them love for hate. But in our own home and toward our own family, our kindness should not only be unvarying, but be always exceptionally tender. A writer suggests that members of a family, when they separate for the night or even for the briefest time, should never part in any but an affectionate way, lest they shall never meet again. Two incidents illustrate the importance of this rule. A distinguished man, when much past middle life, related an experience which occurred in his own home in his young manhood. At the breakfast table one morning he and a younger brother had a sharp quarrel about some unimportant matter. He confessed that he was most unbrotherly in his words, speaking with bitterness. The brother rose and left the table and went to his business, very angry. Before


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noon the younger man died suddenly in his office. When, twenty years afterward, the older brother spoke of the occurrence, he said that it had cast a shadow over all his life. He could never forgive himself for his part in the bitter quarrel. He had never ceased to regret with sore pain that no opportunity had come to him to confess his fault and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. The other incident was of the parting of a workingman and his wife. He was going forth to his day's duties and there was a peculiar tenderness in his mood and in their goodbye that morning. He and his wife had their prayer together after breakfast. Then he kissed the babies, sleeping in their cribs, and returned a second time to look into their sweet faces. The parting at the door never had been as tender as it was that morning.

Changing Times

is owned by Save The Nations Ministries, Inc. and is Published every other month by On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc.

For Advertising or Distribution call On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 3268, Covington, LA 70434 (504) 455-6900 • (985) 871-0238 • Fax: (985) 871-0241 For Editorial Department e-mail: • The appearance of advertising in Changing Times does not constitute an endorsement nor does it reflect the opinion of Changing Times or On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. • Changing Times is not responsible for the content of advertising inserts. The publisher and the editor reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article.

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Before half the day was gone the men brought him home dead. The wife got great comfort in her sorrow from the memory of the morning's parting. If their last words together had been marked by unkindness, by wrangling, or even by indifference, or lack of tenderness, her grief would have been harder to bear. But the lovingness of the last parting took away much of the bitterness of the sorrow. If we keep ourselves ever mindful of the criticalness of life that any day may be the last in our home relationships, it will do much to make us gentle and kind to each other. We will not act selfishly any hour, for it may be our last hour together. We will not let strife mar the good cheer of our home life any day, for we may not have another day. Save the Nations Ministries >



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I Am a Leader for Christ . . . I Am the Mother of a Prodigal, Part 1 By Kathy Davis How well I remember sitting one day with a group of fellow Christian leaders sharing prayer requests for our children. As I listened to their requests for safe, successful mission trips and fruitful youth group excursions, my own weary heart broke once again. You see, my prayer needs were so very different. The cry of my heart was for deliverance from darkness for one child, for freedom from addiction for another . . . for God to rescue and to save these two beloved children of mine. I did not share my requests that day. The Lord had much to teach me. The pain and fear of something going desperately wrong with your child takes you to a level of brokenness and utter dependence on the Lord that few things can. A Mother's Heartbreak The love of a mother's heart is fierce and our desire is deep for our children to not only know the Lord, but to passionately love and walk with Him. But what if the reality of our lives is a child furiously running from God rather than walking toward Him? What if the child we love so desperately is rejecting the truths we have taught and the Jesus we have tried to live out in front of them? What if our child is a prodigal? Oh, the heartbreak is relentless.

The loss of relationship is agonizing. The despair over their lifestyle is devastating. We are desperate to break through to their hearts as a painful sense of failure grips us and shame envelopes us. For a woman in Christian leadership, these feelings can be especially deep. If you are in that place today, my heart is with you sweet sister, and I want to encourage you. A Yielded Life One of the most compelling things that happens in this walk as the mother of a prodigal is what the Lord is doing in your own heart. The pain and fear of something going desperately wrong with your child takes you to a level of brokenness and utter dependence on the Lord that few things can. The result is a yielded life that God can work in and through. My prodigals have been true gifts in my life as the Lord has powerfully changed me through the experience of loving and battling for them. I pray your heart will resonate with mine to embrace the gifts of a yielded life . . . My prodigals have been true gifts in my life as the Lord has powerfully changed me through the experience of loving and battling for them. We will come face to face with our own weakness and our own

need for forgiveness. In doing so, we will also grasp a greater understanding of giving and receiving grace. Women in ministry will know the truth of the power of prayer and of God's Word. This truth is lived out as you come to fully understand that the battle for your child's life will be

won in no other way. No matter our love or our efforts, we simply cannot change a heart. Prayer and the power of God's Word transform a life as nothing else can (Isa. 55:11, Heb. 4:12, James 5:16). The full See LEADER PART 1 on Page 32

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Back to School 2018 7


Changing Times

I Am a Leader for Christ . . . I Am the Mother of a Prodigal, Part 2 By Kathy Davis As I wrestled with reconciling two simultaneous callings on my life, serving in women's ministry and mothering a desperately wandering child, I was keenly aware of how the Lord was impacting my own personal walk with Him. I struggled a bit, however, with how this trial would affect my ministry to other women. Our ministry impacts our life, and the circumstances of our life surely impact our ministry. What I learned was that we cannot separate ministry from life, nor should we. They are intertwined, and God intends them to be so. Our ministry impacts our life, and the circumstances of our life surely impact our ministry. The walk of REALTY SERVICES

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loving a prodigal is a platform that the Lord has given us to live out the truths we teach and to proclaim the gospel we believe. There are two keys: 1. We must be willing to be real. If we are honest, we know this can be a great challenge. We are leaders for Jesus and surely desire that every part of our lives reflects our love of Him, including our children. Thus, our tendency can be to hide or soften the reality of our child's life and what we are going through as the mother of a prodigal. Don't! The gospel is never more beautifully displayed than in brokenness. This doesn't mean you share every detail, but it does mean that you are open and real about your struggle. If you aren't, you will rob others of witnessing the powerful, sustaining grace of God as you walk through a deep, painful valley (Isa. 43:1–3). They may miss the faith-building miracle of restoration and redemp-

tion as the Lord takes hold of that beloved one and lifts them out of the miry bog and sets their feet upon a rock (Ps. 40:2)! The gospel is never more beautifully displayed than in brokenness. As you open your life to those to whom you minister, they will search your face for evidence of what is gripping your heart. Is it fear or peace? Are you reeling in anguish or standing in hope? We must fiercely trust God's sovereignty and His purposes in order to "be real" with a settled, peaceful confidence. This doesn't mean we have no fear or pain. It means we continually lay our fear in the hands of our Savior and depend on Him to be our strength and to help our unbelief. As we continue to step forward in faith, clinging to His promises, our belief in the trustworthiness of God is on full display. You are living out (Romans 4:20) in a place that touches every mother's heart. I will not waver in unbelief regarding the promises of God but

will be strengthened in my faith and give glory to God, being fully persuaded that God has the power to do all that He has promised. In addition, you need your "Aarons and Hurs" (Ex. 17:12). Your sisters cannot "hold up your arms" if they do not know that you are in a battle for the life of your child. The enemy would love to keep you isolated, battling alone. You are much more easily discouraged that way. Allow your sisters in Christ to stand with you, battle for you, and minister to your broken heart. 2. We must stay the course and not give up. He has promised to work all things "together for good" (Rom. 8:28), and He will. Often times this is very hard to see as we search for the good in this painful place. This is when (Proverbs 3:5) (becomes our battle cry: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean See LEADER PART 2 on Page 34

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A Garden Overrun with Weeds By Timothy Shay Arthur "Father, I don't like to go to school," said Harry Williams, one morning. "I wish you would let me always stay at home. Charles Parker's father doesn't make him go to school." Mr. Williams took his little boy by the hand, and said kindly to him, "Come, my son, I want to show you something in the garden." Harry walked into the garden with his father, who led him along until they came to a bed in which peas were growing, the vines supported by thin branches which had been placed in the ground. Not a weed was to be seen about their roots, nor even disfiguring the walk around the bed in which they had been planted. "See how beautifully these peas are growing, my son," said Mr. Williams. "How clean and healthy the vines look. We shall have an abundant crop. Now let me show you the vines in Mr. Parker's garden. We can look at them through a great hole in his fence." Mr. Williams then led Harry through the garden gate and across the road, to look at Mr. Parker's pea

vines through the hole in the fence. The bed in which they were growing was near to the road; so they had no difficulty in seeing it. After looking into the garden for a few moments, Mr. Williams said "Well, my son, what do you think of Mr. Parker's pea vines?" "Oh, father!" replied the little boy; "I never saw such poor looking peas in my life! There are no sticks for them to run upon, and the weeds are nearly as high as the peas themselves. There won't be half a crop!" "Why are they so much worse than ours, Harry?" "Because, they have been left to grow as they pleased. I suppose Mr. Parker just planted them, and never took any care of them afterward. He has neither taken out the weeds, nor helped them to grow right." "Yes, that is just the truth, my son. A garden will soon be overrun with weeds and briars, if it is not cultivated with the greatest care. And just so it is with the human garden. This precious garden must be trained and watered, and kept

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free from weeds — or it will run to waste. Children's minds are like garden beds; and they must be as carefully tended, and even more carefully, than the choicest plants. If you, my son, were never to go to school, nor have good seeds of knowledge planted in your mind, it would, when you become a man, resemble the weed-covered, neglected bed we have just been looking at, instead of the beautiful one in my garden. Would you think me right to neglect my garden, as Mr. Parker neglects his?" "Oh, no, father; your garden is a good garden, but Mr. Parker's is all overrun with weeds and briars. It won't yield half as much as yours will." "Or, my son, do you think I would be right if I neglected my son as Mr. Parker neglects his son, allowing him to run wild, and his mind, uncultivated, to become overgrown with weeds?" Little Harry made no reply; but he understood pretty clearly what

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The Lord God of hosts, He who touches the earth and it melts, and all who dwell there mourn; all of it shall swell like the River, and subside like the River of Egypt. – Amos 9:5

his father meant. "I send you to school," Mr. Williams continued, "in order that the garden of your mind may have good seeds sown in it, and that these seeds may spring up and grow, and produce plentifully. Now which would you prefer, to stay at home from school, and so let the garden of your mind be overrun with weeds — or go to school, and have this garden cultivated?" "I would rather go to school," said Harry. "But, father, is Charles Parker's mind overrun with weeds?" "I am afraid that it is. If not, it certainly will be, if his father does not send him to school. For a little boy not to be sent to school is a great misfortune, and I hope you will think the privilege of going to school, to be a very great one indeed." Harry Williams listened to all his father said, and, what was better, thought about it, too. He never again asked to stay home from school. Children Grace Gems © 2018 >

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Back to School 2018 9


Changing Times

Harsh Words and Kind Words By Timothy Shay Arthur William Baker, and his brother Thomas and sister Ellen, were playing on the green lawn in front of their mother's door, when a lad named Henry Green came along the road, and seeing the children enjoying themselves, opened the gate and came in. He was rather an illnatured boy, and generally took more pleasure in teasing and annoying others, than in being happy with them. When William saw him coming in through the gate, he called to him and said, in a harsh way,

"You may just clear out, Henry Green, and go about your business! We don't want you here." But Henry did not in the least regard what William said. He came directly forward, and joined in the sport as freely as if he had been invited instead of repulsed. In a little while he began to pull Ellen about rudely, and to push Thomas, so as nearly to throw them down upon the grass. "Go home, Henry Green! Nobody sent for you! Nobody wants you here!" said William Baker, in quite an angry tone. It was of no use, however. William might as well have spoken to the wind. His words were entirely Since 1993 unheeded by Henry, whose conduct FAMILY LAW became ruder and more offensive. Adopons Mrs. Baker, who sat at the winChild Custody · Child Support dow, saw and heard all that was Divorce · Community Property passing. As soon as she could catch Mediaon the eye of her excited son, she beckoned him to come to her, which 985-863-7729 he promptly did. 64242 Highway 41 ∙ Pearl River, LA 70452 "Try kind words on him," she said; "you will find them more powerful 4/16/2018 than harsh words. JJ-NOLA_ChgTimes_May2018_JJ_NOLA-ChgTimes_April2018 8:16 AM Page 1 You spoke very harshly to Henry when


he came in, and I was sorry to hear it." "It won't do any good, mother. He's a rude, bad boy, and I wish he would stay at home. Won't you make him go home?" "First go and speak to him in a gentler way than you did just now. Try to subdue him with kindness." William felt that he had been wrong in letting his angry feelings express themselves in angry words. So he left his mother and went down upon the lawn, where Henry was amusing himself by trying to trip the children with a long stick, as they ran about on the green. "Henry," he said, cheerfully and pleasantly, "if you were fishing in the river, and I were to come and throw stones in where your line fell, and scare away all the fish, would you like it?" "No, I would not," the lad replied. "It wouldn't be kind in me?" "No, of course it wouldn't." "Well, now, Henry," William tried to smile and to speak very pleasantly, "we are playing here and trying to enjoy ourselves. Is it right for you to come and interrupt

us by tripping our feet, pulling us about, and pushing us down? I am sure you will not think so if you reflect a moment. So please don't do it any more, Henry." "No, I will not," replied Henry, promptly. "I am sorry that I disturbed you. I didn't think what I was doing. And now I remember, father told me not to stay, and I must run home." So Henry Green went quickly away, and the children were left to enjoy themselves. "Didn't I tell you that kind words were more powerful than harsh words, William?" said his mother, after Henry had gone away; "when we speak harshly to our fellows, we arouse their angry feelings; but when we speak kindly, we affect them with gentleness, and excite in them better thoughts and intentions. How quickly Henry changed, when you changed your manner and the character of your language. Do not forget this, my son. Do not forget, that kind words have double the power of harsh ones." Children Grace Gems © 2018 >

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A Letter From My Grandmother By Lance Gargus I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. (2 Timothy 1:5) Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. ~Author Unknown This letter was written in 1988. My dad wasn't the only patriarch or matriarch concerned about their children and grandchildren. My grandmother on my mother's side wrote this letter from her deathbed. Even then pleading with all loved ones to turn around and see Christ and for all of us not to take our eyes off the prize. Here is her letter: Dear love ones, I love everyone of you all: Your daddy, you three kids, all the grand kids, my sister, and all the rest of my love ones. I don't like some of their ways, but I still love them. I don't know of anyone I hate. I just hope and pray all my love ones and everyone else will get saved before

it’s too late. For if we miss heaven, we have missed all. So don't let anyone cause you to turn back. So don't worry about me. The Lord is going to let me be alright. If I don't come back, I don't want any of you to worry about me for I go to rest. I love you all so much. And have wanted you to live for the Lord for so long. Please, don't worry about me. The Lord is going to be with me. Love to you all. I'm going to quit. Go to bed for I am getting sleepy. Love you all very much, Mother By Myrtle Mae Wren Cantrell ***** I look at your photograph, And I write about you, Realizing I am not who I was, No longer that teenager you once knew. Wanting to see you now, To tell you all that I have been through since you left.

Would you be disappointed in what I've become? Finding me in the midst of bereft. Recalling the moments we would sit together, Talking while you would tell me stories of the Lord, Sharing your faith with your grandson, Telling of heaven's great reward. You have touched my life even

now, Guiding me in some ways, Remembering the loved ones who sought the great light, May the Lord impart that wisdom on me to the end of my days. By Lance Gargus ©2018 All Rights Reserved >

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But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness, shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. – Malachi 4:2

Back to School 2018 11

Changing Times

Confessions of a Back Seat Driver By David Jeremiah Backseat drivers are one of our most "cherished" institutions. They're the objects of comedians' jokes, the subject of good-natured dinner conversations, and the dread of every firstyear teenage driver. But there is also a darker side to the backseat driver: They feel the need to be in control. We (and we're all guilty at times) don't think anyone can drive a car (or load the dishwasher, or mow the grass, or change the baby's diaper) as well as we can. But the place where backseat driving takes its most serious turn is not on the freeway leading into the city but on the road leading to the Kingdom of God. It's when we try to tell God how to lead and direct our lives that backseat driving can become a serious impediment to an abundant and spiritually successful life. Here are the truths we should be learning and affirming daily that will keep us from becoming back-

seat drivers to God on the days that life gets dangerous: 1. Remember Who Knows the Best Route When God rescued the children of Israel out of their slavery in Egypt; He did something which no doubt appeared very peculiar at the time. All the Israelites had to do was head east around the curve of the Mediterranean Sea and they would be home free. But (Exodus 13:17-18) says God did not lead them by the short route, "Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt." The short route went right through "the land of the Philistines," and God knew the Israelites would have retreated to Egypt in fear if they encountered these seafaring warriors. So He led them through the desert—and we have no evidence that God ever explained His actions until Moses wrote the Book of Exodus. Have you learned that the path God chooses for you is the best one—even if He doesn't explain why? 2. Remember Who Has Been

Down This Road Before The Book of Hebrews tells us that everything you and I experience in life has first been experienced by Jesus Christ (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15). He has been down every road we will go down. He has crested every hill, rounded every bend, and peered through every dark valley. In fact, we are told that, "though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). If Jesus stayed obediently on every road the Father sent Him down, can He not help you learn obedience on similar roads? 3. Remember Who Has Never Been Lost On the night before Jesus' crucifixion He said to His Father, "I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do" (John 17:4). Jesus was sent into the world for a purpose (Mark 10:45; John 20:21; I John 3:8), and He never got lost along the way. In spite of severe obstacles, He reached His destination—the cross of Calvary. Could not One with such singu-

lar focus guide you when you feel lost? 4. Remember Who Has the Perfect Driving Record All of God's work is perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4); His way is perfect (II Samuel 22:31); His knowledge is perfect (Job 37:16)— indeed, God Himself is perfect (Hebrews 4:15b). Never—not even once in the infinity of His existence—has God made a mistake or taken a wrong turn in the universe. And He will not mar that perfect record when guiding you. Do you really believe you are going to be the person with whom God makes His first wrong turn? God is always following us, offering His perfect and all-knowing words of direction and correction. Let's keep Him where He belongs—in the driver's seat. This article was excerpted from Turning Points, Dr. David Jeremiah's Devotional Magazine. Call Turning Point at 1-800-947-1993 for your complimentary copy of Turning Points. >

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Pansy Grandma By Donald Meh PANSY GRANDMA When I was of grade school age in the 1940’s, I would spend 2-3 weeks each year during the summer on my grandparent’s farm. I have many memories of those visits. There was no electricity and no plumbing. Horses were used for pulling all of the farm equipment, hay wagons, etc. There was a tractor on the farm, but it was rarely used because of the difficult time starting the engine using a hand crank. The cows were milked twice a day by hand, then, buckets of milk were carried to the hand operated milk/cream separator. Of course, the barn cats were always nearby at milking time, noisily anticipating a quick handout. Everything done on the farm was done manually, for that was all that was known back then. Grandma would re-fill the lanterns each day with fresh fuel. She would gather baskets of eggs from the chicken house twice a day. The laundry washing machine had a gasoline engine that grandma would operate, then, she would hang the clothes outside to dry. She would carry pails of fresh water to the house each day from the windmill pump down by the barn. The black iron cook stove in the kitchen burned dry corncobs that she would collect from the hog feed lot. The stove also provided hot water from its built-in tank for cooking and personal use. A fresh baked loaf of bread and cookies were always there to enjoy.

In those days there were no vacuum cleaners, no refrigerators, and no kitchen appliances. Open windows provided all the air conditioning needed. Saturday night baths were done in a metal tub on the kitchen floor, each of us taking our turn. Life was hard and the work was difficult, but grandma did it without complaining – and actually seemed to enjoy it. I remember her allowing me to “help out” with many of those chores. However, the things she enjoyed the most were growing flowers and tending her garden. She grew flowers and vegetables from seeds she carefully collected and saved from the previous year’s blooms and fruit. Although she had many varieties, her favorite flower was the pansy. Grandma grew them in small pots in the house, in window boxes outside, and some were grown in flowerbeds – pansies of all colors and sizes. I recall laughing with her as we looked at the different pansy “faces” on the flowers – each having its own personality. She always said she was my “pansy grandma” – and that’s what I called her. Those memories have stuck with me for more than 60 years. I don’t have any grandchildren and probably never will, but if you have them, spend quality time with them and fill their precious little heads with memories they will remember long after we’re gone. God bless! ©2018 All Rights Reserved >

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And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. – Matthew 4:23

Back to School 2018 13

Changing Times

Marriage Tuning Up Tired Marriages By Adrian Rogers Many couples today do not have a magnificent marriage. Many do not even have a mediocre marriage. In fact, many have a miserable marriage. And the devil knows that if he can hurt us at home, he can hurt us everywhere — in the church, in the school, in society, and in the nation. So Satan levels his biggest artillery at our homes. But in (Ephesians five), God has given the husband and wife some roles in order to have healthy, Christ-honoring marriages. What Can the Husband Do? We’ll start with the gentlemen. You are to be to your wife what Jesus is to the church. You are to give her three major things. Give Leadership You’re to give leadership. “For the husband is the head of the wife,


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even as Christ is the head of the church”. Now be careful. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Master of the church, but He is not the Dictator. Jesus never makes me do anything. And you are going to be have difficulty if you take this to mean you are the boss or dictator. You’re to be the head. It's not so much a chain of command as it is a chain of responsibility. To be the head means that you accept the responsibility. Give Love In addition to giving leadership, in verse twenty-five the husband is told to love his wife as Christ loved the church. What kind of love is that? It is a passionate love. He loved the church enough to die for her. You ought to love your wife that much. It is a purifying love. Jesus cleanses the church. Your chief assignment is to make your wife a more radiantly beautiful Christian. It is a protecting love. Men should love their wives as their own bodies . If you allow your wife to be hurt, you will hurt yourself. It is a providing love. “For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it”. See to it that her needs are met — physical, emotional, and spiritual. Give Loyalty A husband is also to give his wife loyalty. He is to “… be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh”. The word joined literally means “welded” or “fused” to his wife. You owe to your wife a sacred loyalty.

What Can the Wife Do? Now, let's look at the relationship of a wife to her husband. She is to be as the church is to Christ. Submit (Ephesians 5:22) tells her to submit. Now, this is opposite from the world’s advice of, “Demand your rights.” As a Christian, you don't have any rights. What rights does a dead man have? You're crucified with Christ. You are not our own. And when you refuse God's plan to submit, you are only hurting yourself. Support You also owe your husband your support. Jesus has given His work to us. He has no hands but our hands. He has no feet but our feet. You need to exalt His name. You need to advance His cause. Just as the church supports the work of Jesus, you are to support the work of your husband. Share Also, you are to have a sharing relationship. “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.”. What a wonderful relationship Christ and the church share, the most intimate of all relationships. There is nothing that Jesus doesn't share with the church. How the Lord manifests Himself to us.

And therefore, husbands and wives are to share together. Committment Now some couples leave divorce as an option if problems arise, but couples that get divorced and those that don’t have basically the same kinds of problems. The difference is not in the problems but in their commitment. Others rationalize, “I owe it to myself to be happy.” There's a Greek word for that: bologna! When you were at the marriage altar, you made a vow. You owe it to God, your spouse, your children, and yourself to keep that vow. Or maybe it’s too late for you, because your marriage is already broken. I'm not trying to heap more sorrow and pain on your head. You can't unscramble eggs. Take the broken pieces and give them to God. He can and will forgive and restore. I'm simply trying to tell couples that are married to find a way to work your marriage out in the grace of God. You owe it to yourselves and to God to have a magnificent, Christ-honoring marriage. © 2018 Love Worth Finding Ministries, P.O. Box 38300, Memphis, TN 38183, >

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Wake Up and Take Responsibility for Your Marriage By Angie Lewis Let’s suppose that God created you. If God created you then it would go without saying that you would want to get your answers and advice for your marriage from your Creator, right? But some of us don’t do that. We don’t follow the direction of God’s influence for our life and we experience major problems in our marriage because of it. For an example, if I boss my husband around and tell him what to do, where am I getting my advice and answers? Certainly not from the word of God. I used to follow my own selfish desires and go after whatever I wanted. I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong in my marriage. I was taught to be selfish even if I hurt others in the process. I was not being a responsible wife. I was only caring about myself. My error in thinking brought great misery to my marriage and strained it greatly. Thank God I found my way home. Eve was not created by God to control and overpower Adam. On the contrary, Eve was made to be a helpmate (to serve) to her husband. Isn’t that what helping is all about, serving? Eve didn’t believe in what God said about eating from the Tree of Knowledge, and Satan deceived her and she ate from it. Today, Adam and Eve’s everywhere are getting swindled and bewigged by Satan. I was deceived too. This is what’s happening in marriages today. We aren’t doing what God has told us to do. Just like Adam and Eve, we are listening to and relying on the wrong support threshold for our marriage. This is important to know because until people start realizing this as the major problem within themselves and marriage, they will continue to follow their own selfish ways. Is treating your husband with disrespect taking care of your responsibilities? Is cheating on your wife taking care of your responsibilities? Is rejecting your husband taking care of your responsibilities? Is disregarding the feelings of your wife taking care of your responsibilities? Is rebelling against God the right thing to do for your marriage? No! So why are you doing it? Couples absolutely need to wake

up and start taking responsibility for their marriage. It is not someone else’s responsibility to make sure you are both getting the love and respect you deserve. It is not your wife’s responsibility that you remain faithful. So why are you blaming your wife for your indiscretions? And it certainly is not the responsibility of your neighbor or your parents to support and love your wife, is it? It is not the responsibility of any state to separate a man and a woman from marriage. But we act as if it is! How can a state document divorce a husband and wife without God’s authority? Wake up! Don’t you think you are allowing too much outside advice influence what you do in your marriage? Be an adult and do what is right for you and the person you married. Why put the blame on those around you, instead look at yourself and see what you can do about it. For an example, if a husband will not remain loyal in his marriage, what should he do? He should first look at himself and wonder why he is such a foolish man that he won’t remain trustworthy to the woman he married and loved. A disloyal husband should not find any other reason of why he is unfaithful except through himself. Couples make the mistake of thinking they have a bad marriage because of the person they married, but it has nothing to do with that. It has so much to do with the fact that you are not allowing God to direct your life. You haven’t humbled yourself to God or to your marriage. Here is another example. If a wife will not allow her husband to lead the home and family on the foundations of God, what should she do? She should first look at herself and wonder why she is such a foolish woman that she won’t let her husband provide, protect, and care for her the way he is supposed to. A controlling wife should not find any other reason of why she is bossy and domineering other than through herself. It all comes down to knowing what your responsibilities are and See MARRIAGE on Page 32

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Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. – Matthew 9:35

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Back to School 2018 15

Changing Times

Education Develop a New Heart and Mind (Attitude) About Dating By Angie Lewis Many of you reading this may have already made the mistake of having romantic attachments and a faulty attitude when it comes to dating. But rest assured all of this can

be changed with the right attitude and biblical steps that put you on the right foundation. Whatever your circumstances were in the past, and no matter what the circumstances

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16 Back to School 2018

are today, you can begin to build and maintain a lifestyle of purity in your relationships. Start with a New Heart and Mind (Attitude) to build a new attitude we must first tear down the old attitude and start with a clean slate. "What was done was done" as the saying goes. God loves us greatly and gives us the opportunity to seek His ways rather than our own. Ask God to give you a new heart and a new mind by turning away from the old lifestyle in which you based your relationships on and repent of the old attitudes in your sincerity. Repentance is a change of direction based on a changed heart. Pray for this new direction and God will help you along the way. Have you acted selfishly or carelessly in your relationships with the opposite sex? Have you sacrificed purity for feelings? Perhaps you are in an improper romantic relationship now? Will you need to break it off so you can begin to develop a new attitude about dating? Probably so. Ask God to give you the courage and faith to do His will. Don't underestimate the power of God working in your life. Remember all believers have the power of the Holy Spirit within them seek the wisdom and principles of Jesus Christ and ask Him to help you build a new foundation in Him. Talk with Parents about Helping You Keep a Clean Slate once you have buried the past and it is dead and gone, you can now develop a new attitude dependent upon a Godly foundation. Ask your parents to help you maintain a clean slate through accountability. Accountability is very important in maintaining a new heart and mind about your relationships. Don't hide your relationships from your parents; instead talk to them about any new relationships or new friendships that you would like to get to know better. Be accountable for your actions and have your parent's involvement in any decision-making. Hopefully your parents will be giving you wisdom based on their love for Christ. Building a new foundation starts with Godly wisdom and accountability, both of which should come from your parents, which they receive from God. Of course, Jesus Christ and His principles show us the way to being accountable for our actions, having the support and encouragement of parents is a blessing in disguise.

When young people hide their relationships from their parents it can result in not understanding God's wisdom for their lives. Remember that no matter what, having a good relationship with Jesus Christ will put Him at the top of your priority list and will help you to live a life that is pleasing to Him. Prayer is your gateway to a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Establish Protective Guidelines For Your Relationships If we want to maintain a new heart and mind toward purity then we'll have to make some protective guidelines for ourselves that keep us from being tempted when with the opposite sex. This is one reason why I wrote in our new book about having "friendships in the Lord", which only means pure friendships with the opposite sex. An excellent guideline, in my opinion for Christian single people to follow is never be alone in the same room with someone of the opposite sex. Invite them over to your home only when your parents or roommate or someone else is there with you. Only meet them at events and functions where there are other people. This is how you keep yourself from being tempted. Put protective guidelines in place according to your circumstances. Finding New Friends you may find that your old friends are too obsessed with dating, sex, romance and the opposite sex. This will definitely be a determent to your sexual and emotional purity. The fact is, if you truly want to lead a Godly life and put on a new attitude about your relationships, you may need to cut off your old friends and find new friends in the Lord. Your old friends may mean well, but they just aren't on the same track as you when it comes to sexual and emotional purity. Friends can surely influence your heart and mind, and keeping company with friends of bad morals is a bad idea! Of course, pray for your friends and forgive them for their trespasses. I would strongly evaluate their negative influence on your new walk with Jesus Christ. The tables should really be turned here because it is YOU who should be a Godly influence to them! Let your friends see Jesus Christ working on your character so they may turn their life around too! © 2002-2018 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. www. >


Musical Instruments of the Bible Music fills the courts of heaven as heavenly beings praise our Lord and Creator. When God created the world, the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy (Job 38:7). God created man in His own image, to be a instrument of praise. He gave humans the ability to sing and to make music with musical instruments to complement the voice. Music was an important part of the worship service at the temple. Certain groups of the Levitical tribes were designated as temple musicians and singers, offering their praises to God. David had a real gift of music, providing soothing harp music to King Saul when the king was distraught. David also commissioned most of the instruments and songs for the temple services. He also wrote most of the songs in Psalms, the longest book in the Bible. Songs and poetry were also means to improve the memory, to help remember significant events or warnings. The Song of Moses is a good example of this. From the introduction of the harp and flute early in Genesis to the song of the redeemed in God's heavenly city, music fills the Holy Scriptures. A number of songs are included in their entirety in this compilation. Our prayer is that your heart will be filled with music as together we study what the Bible has to say about music, songs and musical instruments. The Shofar is the Rams horn Trumpet and the Silver Trumpet The shofar was (is) blown in different ways for different purposes. The Shofar is usually made from a ram’s horn, but longer spiral instruments are made from ibex horns. The shofar is the world's oldest wind instrument and an instrument of spiritual warfare. It is often translated in the Bible as trumpet. The word yovel is translated as "Jubilee" in (Leviticus 25), but as "Shofar", or trumpet, in (Joshua 6). The shofar is the sound of freedom or release from bondage! The shofar was to be blown in God's presence (2 Samuel 6:15), to crown kings (1 Kings 1:15), to call people to consecrate themselves (Joel 2:1), to announce the coming of God's judgment (Joel 2:1), and to herald the coming of the Lord (Revelation 11:15). It is also a call to the resurrection of the dead (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:52). The Tekieh is a single blast, rising at the end. It is a call to worship and praise. (Psalm 150:3) The Shavarim are three rising blasts. The Shavarim calls for repentance and humility. (Isaiah 58:1) The Teruah is a series of nine short blasts. It is a call to warfare, a celebration of victory or other celebration. (Psalm 47:5) The Tekieh Gadol (Gadol means great, big or high) is a very long held and loud Tekieh. This is the sound like that which the Lord sounded on

Sinai. Jewish tradition says that God took the two horns of the ram that was sacrificed instead of Isaac on Mount Moriah and that he blew one on Sinai, but He will blow the other to announce the coming of Messiah) That means this is the sound of the "Last Trumpet". The Harp It is well known that David played the harp and used it while he composed many of the psalms. He was called EquippingMen Men& &Women Women of Equipping of God God to play to Saul to comthrough Christian Education for over through Christian Education for over 35 40years! years! fort him when his spirit was troubled. BACHELOR, MASTER, DOCTORATE, Th.D., Ph.D. The harp (nevel in Ask about our “ Degree By Testing! ” Honorary & Combined & Accelerated Degrees Available for qualified applicants Hebrew) had a part in worship, prophecy “Accredited by TAC” and healing. The lyre (Kinnor in Hebrew) is smaller Affordable Quality Education—FREE Evaluation—Credit for Life Experience and a more portable, personal instrument. 888-837-4931 or visit The biblical harp was not heard in Israel for 2000 years, but has recently returned. Micah and Experience You Can Trust! Shoshanna Harrari Attorney CristiAn P. silvA made aliyah to Israel Criminal • Civil • Family Law • Wills and Trusts taking their harp makImmigration • Personal Injury • Worker’s Compensation ing trade with them. 504-301-2549 When they researched Our office staff speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French harps, they discovered 1818 Manhattan Blvd. Suite 2, Harvey, Louisiana 70058 that the ten stringed harp of King David was considered a symbol of Israel. (Psalm 144:9). Words in the Bible that refer to music or musical instruments. choir(s) cymbal(s) flute(s) gong harp(ist, ists, s) horn, ram's horns hymn(s) instruments stringed instruments music of the strings the strings lutes lyre(s) music(al, ian, ians) pipes players psalm(s) sang sing(er, ers, ing, s) sistrums song(s) sung tambourine(s) trumpet(s) trumpeters zither © 2018 The Old Time Gospel Ministry >

Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my robe?” – Mark 5:30

Back to School 2018 17

Changing Times

Health Study Shows Kids Who Eat This Perform Better in School By Dr. Don Colbert Statistics show there is a direct correlation between students eating a healthy breakfast and doing much better on school performance. In the past, this has not been proven through case studies. Now, there is ground breaking evidence which provides high positive expectations for the future.

following, students consistently listed all foods eaten over the period of twenty-four hours. The times of day were also included in this documentation. Other students who were provided with a healthy breakfast performed at much higher standards. These students were given fruits and veggies routinely for snacks through the day. A significant difference was referenced within the data collected.

During the case study, the quality of The Evidence Strongly Noted breakfast was ensured and student The evidence is noted in the Pubachievement followed directly. Final testing took place during lic Health Nutrition Journal, prointervals from six to eighteen viding strong standings to ensure children have a healthy breakfast months. provided to them. There is a posiPositive Results Arise tive link which is strongly associatPositive results were the conseed with increased school perforquence – the students who ate a mance for these children. higher quality breakfast outperThe Importance of Health formed their peers. Students who Improving the overall health of outperformed their peers did so by at least 50 percent in most cases. To the children is very important. date, this appears to be the biggest School budgets are already stretched study conducted in this area of these days which comes alongside The Following refinement. the increasing pressure for the chilCardiff Univ. created a study folChildren who consumed chips dren to academically perform at lowing five thousand students and sweets for the morning meal increased rates. If schools can probetween the ages of nine and elevdid not improve academically dur- vide breakfast to students on a regen. These students also attended ing the study period. Through the ular basis, this one factor can create over one hundred different schools.

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a foundation for the student to progress academically. School & Parent Responsibility Although, it is the responsibility of the parent to provide a healthy breakfast to the student, how many children are lacking in this area? And, how many are suffering academically due to this situation? If schools and parents would partner together to create a positive foundation for the children, then more positive changes could transpire in the area of academics. Programs which offer free breakfast, in addition to free lunches, for children should also be highly considered. Ensuring the future of our children comes one day at a time in the present, helping them to be able to fully succeed in life. Dr. Don Colbert is a graduate of Oral Roberts School of Medicine and shares his years of experience and research in nutritional medicine in all of his work. He is a national speaker, bestselling author and host of a national talk show titled Your Health Matters. © 2018 Dr. Don Colbert, MD PA >

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Study: Just 10 Days After Removing This From Your Diet Shows Dramatic Health Improvement By Dr. Don Colbert

You’re Not Alone!

Individuals who exhibit these Excessive sugar Depression • Grief • Anxiety • ADHD is destroying symptoms are at an increased risk Sexual Identity • Conflict Resolution children’s lives of developing heart disease as well Authority Issues • Career Counseling Chronic health as diabetes. They are more likely to Divorce • Abuse Dr. Lishunda Franklin, issues related to have a stroke and suffer from fatty Pharm D metabolic dis- disease of the liver. Crescent City Pharmacy Every person is different, but help is only a Big on Care, Easy on Cost ease in children WATCH Assessments call away for counseling that helps YOU! is a common, Servicing the Underserved The Univ. of California identiMichael Sanders, LPC, NCC, M.Ed Prescriptions • Household Goods growing concern fied individuals through the “Weight License: LA 4391 Food Items • Weekly Specials within the medi- Assessments for Teen & Children Adult, Child, Family Immunizations • CBD Oils (Hemp Derived Oils) cal community. A few of the areas Health Clinic” in the San Francisco Confidential, Certified, Professional M-F 8-5:30p, Sat 9-12p of concern include cholesterol lev- area. The clinic did not target weight Free Limited Delivery Area, Hablamos Espanol 504-303-4003 els as well as blood pressure chang- loss through their research program, 2240 Simon Bolivar Avenue, New Orleans 2601 N. Hullen, Suite 136, Metairie es in the younger generation. Sugar rather metabolic dysfunctions. 504-267-4100 intake is a huge concern among Recruiting for the program of study professionals within this age group. was limited to those with Latino Recent Studies background as well as those who Studies at the Univ. of California were African American. in conjunction with research taking The youth involved within the We appreciate your support! place at Touro Univ. are offering study were between ages of nine ~ Ace Indovina promising insights into sugar con- and eighteen (9-18). Each also held sumption. The universities are at least one of the markers (symp504-828-4233 reporting lower cholesterol levels toms) for metabolic syndrome. as well as improved blood pressures Food was provided to the particiin children simply through the pants for nine consecutive days reduction of sugar intake. The which included meals, snacks, and improvements are being seen as drinks. The amount of sugar proquickly as ten days’ time. vided in the foods were restricted Check out our 5-STAR RATING on Google! during the study and replaced with Metabolically Harmful Information gained within the starch. Blood tests were taken See what our patients research shows the true harm sugar before the study as well as after the are saying about us! is doing to the body. According to conclusion of nine days with conDr. R. Lustig, the harmfulness is not trolled fructose intake. based on the calorie content of Family Dentistry & Specialty Practice Assessment Results sugar, nor because one loses weight By decreasing the sugar intake by consuming less sugar. The data is from twenty-eight percent to ten perCOSMETIC AND FAMILY DENTISTRY showing sugar “in and of itself” is cent for this short period of time, "Your Place for Beautiful Smiles" harmful for the body metabolically. nearly every part of the individuals’ 1708 Manhattan Blvd, Suite C 504-361-5333 Schawarz, Touro Univ., is amazed health profiles improved. The particiHarvey, LA 70058 at the difference even ten days of pants did not see any changes in time makes in the health of indi- weight due to no calorie intake changviduals within the study. The end es during the assessment period. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER results are being seen across the Overall, the average blood presboard consistently within the sure lowered by five millimeters, research subjects. She also fully triglyceride levels lowered by thirSERVING FRESH PASTRIES supports the need for the parents to ty-three points, and bad cholesterol WITH CRAFT LOCAL COFFEE.. take a serious look at the sugar con- went down by ten points. Liver sumption of their children; it is functions in the youth were vitally important to optimal health. improved and blood sugar levels HOURS: SUN - WED 6:30am - 5pm / THUR - SAT 6:30AM - 8PM Metabolic Syndromes Explained decreased by approximately thirtyMetabolic Syndromes are con- three percent in all participants. sidered a “cluster” of conditions Amazing Results with One which include higher glucose Simple Change (sugar) levels within the blood, Making one simple change in the increase in higher blood pressure diets of children can create amazing readings, and more fat seen around health results. Being more mindful the middle (waist) of the body. of what children are eating, as it Typically, higher cholesterol levels relates to the amount of sugar conare also seen in patients with meta- tent, can provide better health for a bolic syndromes. These conditions lifetime to come! occur at the same time and provide © All rights reserved© 2018 Dr. increased health risks for the indi- Don Colbert, MD PA www.drcol1011 Village Walk · Covington · 985.246.3345 · viduals. > One day while Jesus was teaching, some Pharisees and teachers of religious law were Back to School 2018 19 sitting nearby. And the Lord’s healing power was present with Jesus. – Luke 5:17 Christian Counseling for the treatment of:


Changing Times


The 401(k) Option You Should Never Take By Chris Hogan

Kids’ N Every T ight uesday Night


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20 Back to School 2018

There’s a trend among 401(k) participants that keeps me up at night. I hesitate to mention it because if you don’t know about it, that’s one less person who’s losing money. Chances are you’ve heard about it, though. It’s the 401(k) loan. There. I said it. You know about it. Now, let me tell you why it’s such a bad idea. In theory, taking out money from your 401(k) sounds like a great option. Rather than the hassle of going through a bank, you can take money from your investment account as a short-term loan. The interest you pay on that loan goes back into your investment account, so you’re not really losing any money, right? Wrong. And I can prove it. Let’s say you take out $25,000 from your 401(k) for a down payment on a house. After all, you’d rather pay interest to yourself than the bank. You have five years to pay off that $25,000 — $5,000 a year plus interest — so you’d pay $425 a month (or more). What would happen if you left that $25,000 alone for five years instead of using it for the house? Your balance would be $40,000 and change, assuming a 10 percent rate of return. By taking it out, though, you lost $15,000. That’s $15,000 you can never get back because the growth was due to compound interest. And the story doesn’t end there.

You’ll spend the next five years digging yourself out of that hole to get back to your original 401(k) balance — instead of using that time to increase it even more. Let’s say your original 401(k) balance was $50,000. If you take out that loan, you’ll spend five years getting that 401(k) fund back to its original amount. However, if you spent those years adding $425 a month to that $50,000, you’d be nearing $115,000 in the end. Which balance would you rather have after five years — $50,000 or $115,000? I thought so. In my years as a financial coach, I’ve talked to thousands of people about their money. The biggest problem I see is debt. Whether it’s student loans, credit cards, or a 401(k) loan (which is debt, people!), being in the red keeps people from reaching their financial goals. And the only way to stem the tide of debt that has flooded our nation is to change the cultural and individual mind-set surrounding finances. Americans need to understand that a 401(k) loan isn’t the solution to their financial woes. That only puts a person deeper into the quicksand of debt. It’s time that we as a people (and our government) decide to take fiscal responsibility. It’s time that we stop blaming everyone else for our financial struggles, roll up our sleeves, and get to work to change our situation. What does that mean? We need a good dose of our grandparents’ approach to money. See 401(k) on Page 34


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Dave Says Financial Straight-Talk by Dave Ramsey

Vacation Home for Rent? Dear Dave, What is your opinion of buying a vacation home, then renting it out when you’re not there? J.P. Dear J.P., I see nothing wrong with it, as long as you’re buying with cash and you’re also debt-free. A vacation home is a wonderful “extra” as you start building wealth. Remember though, it’s still basically a very large, very expensive toy. In most cases it will go up in value, and if you rent it, it might become something of a money maker for you. But here’s another side to vacation home rentals. You’ll probably make some money, but in most cases there will be several weeks during a year when it sits empty. You’re not going to get rich renting it out. So, they’re not really great investment properties. What you’re talking about is more of a plan to

offset the annual costs of your toy. If you look at it that way, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. If you’re determined to go this route, be ready to deal with spills on the carpet and damage from your guests, along with general maintenance and repairs. There’s always something that needs attention when you own a property. But if you can handle all that emotionally and financially – and you’re not looking for it to be a big-time investment that will make you rich – you’ll be fine. —Dave Dear Dave, My wife and I are on Baby Step 2 of your plan. We have about $60,000 in debt left to pay off before we’ll be debt-free, and a household income of $140,000 a year. We have one child, but we would like to expand our family. We would have to do this using in vitro fertilization. We’ve talked to a

FINANCIAL doctor, and he’s given us a ballpark pay off a little more debt, pause the figure of about $20,000 for the pro- debt payoff, and try for a baby again. cedure. Should we wait until we’re Take some time, learn a little debt-free to have this done? more, and go from there – always Jim using cash for the endeavor. God Dear Jim, bless you two! Babies are wonderful, important —Dave things. Having kids, even the * Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey thought of having kids, is a big Solutions. He has authored seven emotional deal. But sometimes it best-selling books, including The can cause people to change their Total Money Makeover. The Dave financial plans and directions. Ramsey Show is heard by more than I would urge you not to accept 13 million listeners each week on the first opinion and pricing model 585 radio stations and multiple you receive on something like this. digital platforms. Follow Dave on I’ve heard prices of $35,000, but the web at and on that includes as many attempts as it Twitter at @DaveRamsey.> takes until your wife becomes pregnant. I’ve also heard of single attempts priced at $7,500 each. There are all kinds of options and Buying and Selling guarantees, because they underCoins, Gold & Silver Jewelry, stand someone who is willing to do this really wants a baby. Diamonds, Flatware If I’m in your shoes, I’m not accepting the idea that there’s one Rene’ de la Tour approach and one pricing structure Over 20 Years Experience to all this. I would explore other options, as far as doctors and clinics Dupre Coins & Precious Metals are concerned. Then, with your income, you could consider taking 985-373-1113 off a couple months from paying down debt and put some money 4962 Hwy. 22, Mandeville toward the IVF. If it doesn’t work


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Everyone tried to touch him, because healing power went out from him, and he healed everyone. – Luke 6:19

Back to School 2018 21


Changing Times

Satan Shows His Best and Hides His Worst; Christ Shows His Worst and His Best By John Piper

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Whatever it takes.

Matthew Henry was a British pastor who wrote a devotional commentary on the whole Bible between the years of 1704 and 1714. It is so spiritually insightful that the great evangelist, George Whitefield, read all six volumes four times, the last time on his knees. I consulted Henry’s commentary last Sunday on the text for the evening service, (Luke 14:25-33). This is the place where Jesus tells prospective disciples to count the cost before following him. He says that if anyone does not “hate” his family and his own life “he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). This is a hard saying and a high price for being a Christian. So Jesus says, "Which of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, “This man began to build and was not able to finish.” Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and take counsel whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks terms of peace. In other words, before you become a Christian, sit down and count the “expenses” and the “perils” of following Jesus. So Jesus is unashamed and unafraid of telling us up front the “worst”—the painful cost of being a Christian—hating family (v. 26), carrying a cross (v. 27), renouncing possessions (v.33). There is no small print in the covenant of grace. It is all big, and bold. No cheap grace! Very costly! Come, and be my disciple.

But Satan hides his worst and shows only his best. All that really matters in the deal with Satan is in small print on the back page. On the front page in big, bold letters are the words, “You will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4), and “All these things I will give to you, if you fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:9). But on the back page in small print—so small you can only read it with the magnifying glass of the Bible—it says: “And after the fleeting pleasures, you will suffer with me forever in hell.” Why is Jesus willing to show us his “worst” as well as his best, while Satan will only show us his best? Matthew Henry answers, “Satan shows the best, but hides the worst, because his best will not [counterbalance] his worst; but Christ’s will abundantly” The call of Jesus is not just a call to suffering and self-denial; it is first a call to a banquet. This is the point of the parable in (Luke 14:16-24). Jesus also promises a glorious resurrection where all the losses of this life will be repaid (Luke 14:14). He also tells us that he will help us endure the hardships (Luke 22:32). He also tells us he will give us the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). He promises that even if we are killed for the kingdom, “not a hair of your head will perish” (Luke 21:18). Which means that when we sit down to calculate the cost of following Jesus—when we weigh the “worst” and the “best”—he is worth it. Abundantly worth it (see Romans 8:18). Not so with Satan. Stolen bread is sweet, but afterward the mouth is full of gravel (see Proverbs 20:17). Grateful for the honesty of grace, Pastor John ©2018 Desiring God Foundation. Website: www.desiringGod. org. Email: mail@desiringGod. org. Toll Free: 888-346-4700. Used by Permission.>

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Personal Revival

Draw a Circle By Nancy Leigh DeMoss It's a challenge Life Action has issued repeatedly to men, women, teens, and even children. It's a simple expression of a heart prepared for God's work—and no matter how many times it's done, it keeps illustrating something critical about the revival we are praying and pleading for God to send. It involves a simple piece of chalk. This piece of chalk represents a turning point, a moment of surrender, a change of heart. It marks the difference between those who would pray, "Lord, change them" and those with the humility to plead, "Lord, change me!" It is a piece of chalk with which we kneel and draw a circle around ourselves and then look to heaven expectantly and pray, "Lord God, send revival, and begin it right here in this circle!" With all of our hearts, we are praying for revival in the church (the restoration of God's glory) and for spiritual awakening among the lost (the rapid expansion of His kingdom). Could it be that you have

a part to play in setting the stage for such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Could it be that God wants to use your life, your obedience, and your prayers? Are you willing? Begin with humility. Revival never comes to proud hearts, or to those who refuse God's help. Admitting our need for Him and our desperate hopelessness is part of what the Bible calls having a "broken spirit" (Psalm 51:17). This attitude of brokenness before the Lord is absolutely a prerequisite for His work to begin. Forsake selfsufficiency, and renew your absolute trust in God. Pray through (James 4:6-10). Get honest about your sin. God cannot bless with His presence those who are holding onto their sin. Open your heart to the probing of the Holy Spirit; let Him reveal what aspects of your life need to change and what sins need to be confessed. Renounce all of your sins; hold none of them back. Let God's cleansing power forgive, restore, and transform you. Pray through (Isaiah 59:2; Psalm 51; and 1 John 1:9). Repent!

Repentance means turning from everything I know to be sin today and anything God may show me to be sinful in the future. In other words, repentance is a thorough and complete change of mind about the sin in my life; and it is a full surrender to Jesus Christ as the Lord of my decisions, thoughts, behaviors, and priorities. Repentance requires that I make a clean break with sin; that I rid my life of sinful influence and instead pursue absolute, uncompromised purity in the power of the Holy Spirit. Begin by uprooting the sin God has brought to your mind first. Pray through (Ezekiel 18:30-32; Psalm 139:23-24; and Acts 26:20). Embrace and extend forgiveness. Revival involves more than dealing with our sin before God; we must also clear our accounts on earth. Clear your own conscience by seeking forgiveness from everyone you have offended, and make restitution wherever possible. Then extend free forgiveness to anyone who has wronged you, as difficult

as that may be. Jesus commands that we forgive! When we do, we will see His freedom and power released in our lives. Pray through (Acts 24:16; Matthew 6:14-15; and Ephesians 4:31-32). Align your life with God's Word. "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Colossians 3:16); immerse yourself in the Scriptures. Study the character of God; seek His face. Consider carefully the commands of Christ; follow in His steps. Heed the warnings the Bible issues. Submit to God as your King, and love Him as your Father. His law is perfect and will revive your soul. Pray through (Psalm 119). Pray fervently for revival. Demonstrate your desperation and desire for revival to come— plead, fast, grieve, seek, pray! Pray for your church, your city, your nation; pray alone, pray with others. Let your heart be broken for the See CIRCLE on Page 28





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Back to School 2018 23

Changing Times

The Christian Journey Why is God So Mean? By Pastor Doug Gilford “Why is the God of the Old Testament so mean?” she screamed, as she stormed out of the kitchen where she left me. This perturbed lady left me that day searching myself for answers. It felt like time halted, and all six billion people of the world stared at me, waiting for me to answer her. I felt shocked and shaken by her accusation against the God I knew. Unfortunately, as a young inex-

perienced pastor, I did not have an answer for her. Soon after, this lady stopped attending the church, and took her family to find their own solution. Today, over a decade later, that memory still haunts me. For so long, I have wished I could go back in time and properly answer her with what I now know to be true. I would tell her that the Old Testament God that she thought was mean is not. God has been showing grace and mercy to humanity throughout the ages as a patient, loving Father. Consider this verse for a moment. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should

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not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) (John 3:16) is everywhere. I have seen this verse plastered on the Golf Channel and at football and baseball stadiums—even on the face-painted football players. Most people have heard it, and probably most can quote it. The problem is that it seems like those that know this verse do not believe it or live it towards others. What’s worse is that this “over used” verse has become somewhat empty and hollow because of the lack of depth we ascribe to it. If we stop and examine God’s acts of kindness and protection, as well as provision throughout the Bible; the depth of (John 3:16) becomes striking. “For God so loved the world he gave…” Remember that this is what God has done since Creation. God gave dirt life and Adam became a living human. God saw that Adam needed help, so God gave him a partner, a wife named Eve. God gave them the Garden of Eden, a lush and fertile paradise full of trees and animals and food to live on. When the first couple sinned, they were embarrassed because they were naked. God gave them clothes of skin from a sacrificed animal. God covered their shame. Why? Not because he is mean, but because he is Love. Love covers shame. Love honors and does not allow shame to continue. God did not allow that in them and will not allow it in us. When judgement came to Noah’s land, God saw Noah’s righteousness and gave his family the Arc. It took one hundred and twenty years to build the boat, thus God was giv-





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ing the world time to change. Does that sound mean? No. When Abraham and Sarah were barren, He gave them a son. When Joseph was wrongfully imprisoned, God gave him a dream that brought his freedom. Even though Joseph’s brothers were hypocrites and terrible people, God used Joseph to save them and the entire nation of Israel from famine. God gave them another chance. After Israel's enslavement to Egypt for 400 years, God gave them freedom as he gave Moses, who would be an example of Jesus leading us out of our sinful slavery. As Moses led them out of slavery, in the book of Exodus, God gave them miraculous signs to help make them free. Then, while in the wilderness, they whined and complained about the food God gave them, food from heaven, both bread and quail. In these few stories from the Old Testament, we see a loving, caring, and intimate Father who leads, provides, forgives, and shows mercy. My point is that God, from throughout the history of this world, has been a God who loves the world so much that he gives. As an ultimate act of compassion, God gave his Son, Jesus, so that we would be saved from the fire of Hell. His begotten, beloved Son died so that humans could experience the presence of God. As God breathed into dirt, a man was born. When humans accept the sacrifice of Christ, God breathes supernatural life into us, and we become born again. Here He not only gave His Son, He gave us himself. The Bible says that “Jesus is the same, yesterday and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) The same love, mercy and compassion we see Jesus providing to the world in which He walked, we see God the Father doing throughout the Scripture. Jesus says, “the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing.” (John 5:19) Is God mean? I don’t think so. Not today, not ever. Doug Gilford, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Church -23051 Hwy 1088, Mandeville, La 70448. 985624-8652, www.cornerstonenola. com >

The Abundant Christian Life By Dr. Charles Stanley Jesus said, “[Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Unfortunately, many Christians live only an adequate spiritual life, rather than an abundant one. Though they go through the motions of being “good Christians,” they do not enjoy the power, peace, and joy that God intends believers to experience. To them, Christianity feels more like a burden than a source of delight and comfort, and habitual sins hold them in bondage. Letting Christ Live Through You When we received God’s gift of salvation, the Spirit of Jesus— also known as the Holy Spirit—came to live within us (Rom. 8:9). • What does the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life guarantee (Eph. 1:13-14)?

lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Paul knew that to have spiritual victory, He had to be “crucified with Christ” and let go of the right to run his own life. He didn’t have the power to be a holy person in His own strength. But as he surrendered to Jesus and lived by faith, Paul found the power to live a righteous, confident, joyful life. The spiritual principles that gave him success are no different for us today. • Have you ever surrendered control of your life to God? If so, describe what prompted that decision.

Guiding Light which you need God’s help to react righteously and wisely, and then commit it to the Lord in prayer. Closing: God does not call you to endure a tolerable Christian life— He wants it to be extraordinary. Experience the life He has planned for you—yield control of your life to Him, and stop trying to be righteous in your own strength. Trust Jesus to live through you. By guid-

ing and empowering you, He will take care of all your troubles. Prayer: If you did not already do so, pray through the steps above. Even if you made a similar commitment in a previous season of life, it can be helpful to reaffirm your reliance on Christ’s power for daily living. © 2018 All Rights Reserved >

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• Why do many believers


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• What beliefs or distractions

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Paul also wrote, “To me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil. One of the Spirit’s roles is to manifest the presence of Christ 1:21) • Explain what he meant. (See through our lives. In other words, verses 22-23 if necessary.) He helps us think, act, and react as Jesus would. As we develop in rela• Can you relate to both parts tionship with the Lord, we grow in of the statement in (Philippiour ability to allow Him to live ans 1:21)? Why or why not? through us. This means that our sucThe Next Step cess as believers isn’t dependent on If you feel compelled to let Christ our ability to follow rules or rituals. Instead, the secret is to humbly let live through you, pray the following: Jesus work in and through us. 1. Confess your inadequacy. • Can you relate to seeing your Acknowledge that you have tried to faith as a burden—a set of be a godly person but feel spirituduties and religious customs? ally frustrated or defeated. Explain. 2. Acknowledge that Christ is • Do you ever feel frustrated sufficient. Since He is God, He can at your inability to overcome give you wisdom for every decision certain sins in your life? and strength to overcome temptation and adversity. • The flesh is that part of us that wants to rebel against 3. Abandon your life to Him. God. Do you see fruit of the You must give Him permission to flesh in your life? (See Gal. live His life through you. Let go of 5:19-21.) your own efforts to “be good enough” or “do enough” to please Him. • Read about the fruit of the Spirit in (Galatians 5:224. Confess it to be true. Say out 23). Which qualities mark loud, “Jesus, please live through me. your life on a consistent basis I yield myself to Your will. Help me (Gal. 5:22)? remember that I am now dead to sin The concept of allowing Christ to and alive in You.” This is not a onelive through us is stated in different time commitment; you will probably ways throughout the New Testa- have to surrender multiple times in your life. When you fail, be remindment. In (Galatians 2:20), the aposed that you cannot live a holy life tle Paul puts it this way: “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is apart from the Lord’s power. • Name a specific situation in no longer I who live, but Christ

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Back to School 2018 25

Changing Times


Transformed Life

The New Life By Andrew Murray

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---For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16). "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Christ is our life" (Colossians 3:3, 4). We declare unto you the life, eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested unto us. God hath given us eternal life; and this life is in His Son. He that has the Son has life". (1 John 1:2; 5:11, 12) A glorious blessing is given to all who believe in the Lord Jesus. Along with a change in his disposition and manner of living, he also receives an entirely new life from God. He is born anew, Born of God. He has passed from death into life. This new life is nothing less than eternal life. This does not mean, as many suppose, that our life will no longer die, enduring into eternity. No, eternal life is nothing else than the very life of God. It is the life that He has had in Himself from eternity and that has been visibly revealed in Christ. This life is now the inheritance of every child of God. This life is a life of inconceivable power. Whenever God gives life to a young plant or animal, that life has within itself the power to grow. The plant or animal as of itself becomes large. Life is power. In a new life--in your heart--there is the power of eternity. More certain than the healthful growth of any tree or animal is the growth and increase of the child of God who surrenders himself to the working of the new life. Two things hinder this power and the reception of the new spiritual life. The one is ignorance of its nature--its laws and workings. Man, even the Christian, cannot conceive of the new life which comes from God. It surpasses all of his thoughts. His own distorted thoughts of the way to serve and to please God-namely, by what he does and is-are deeply rooted in him. Although he believes that he understands and receives God's Word, he still thinks humanly and carnally on divine things. God must give salvation

and life. He must also give the Spirit to make us understand what He gives. He must point out the way to the land of Canaan. We must also, like the blind, be led by Him every day. The young Christian must try to cherish a deep conviction of his ignorance concerning the new life, and of his inability to form correct thoughts about it. This will bring him to the meekness and to the childlike spirit of humility, to which the Lord will make His secret known. There is a second hindrance in the way of faith. In the life of every plant and every animal and every child of God, there lies sufficient power by which it can become big. In the new life, God has made the most glorious provision of a sufficient power. With this power His child can grow and become all that he must be. Christ Himself is his life and his power of life. Yet, because this mighty life is not visible or cannot be felt, the young Christian often becomes doubtful. He then fails to believe that he will grow with divine power and certainty. He does not understand that the believing life is a life of faith. He must depend on the life that is in Christ for him, although he neither sees, feels, nor experiences anything. Let everyone then that has received this new life cultivate these great convictions. It is eternal life that works in me. It works with divine power. I can and will become what God will have me be. Christ Himself is my life. I have to receive Him every day as my life, given to me by God, and He will be my life in full power. Father, You have given me Your Son so that I may have life in Him. I thank You for the glorious new life that is now in me. I pray that You will teach me to properly know this new life. I will acknowledge my ignorance and the distorted thoughts which are in me concerning Your service. I will believe in the heavenly power of the new life that is in me. I will believe that my Lord Jesus, who Himself is my life, will, by His Spirit, teach me to know how I can walk in that life. Amen. © 2018 All Rights Reserved >

How to Get Saved How may we get saved and know that, we are saved? The greatest question ever asked by a human being was asked by the Philippine Jailer, when he asked Paul and Silas, "What must I do to be saved?" Every person is either saved or lost. But what does it mean to be saved? It means to be saved from all sin, with all its wicked desires, habits and conduct; and, to be forgiven for all our past sins against God, ourselves and all others. It means to be saved from all the condemnation and corruption of sin and adopted into God's family. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord," who died that we might live. Sin brings forth death, but grace brings forth life and peace. There are two parts to our getting saved, namely: God's part and our part. God convicts us for our sins and then saves us, after we repent and trust Him. Conviction for sin comes to our hearts when the Holy Spirit awakens us and makes us realize how wicked and sinful we are; and that we are ruined and lost without God's salvation. After God shows us what a wicked and lost sinner we are, then we must repent of all our sins, and look up and trust Him to save us from all our sins. What do we mean by repentance? Sin is rebellion against God, inspired by the devil. Repentance is the reversal of that rebellion to contrition, submission and confidence in God. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." "Except ye repent ye will all likewise perish.” Contrition for sin means great sorrow and remorse for all our past sinful life and conduct. "Godly sorrow works repentance." We feel so sinful and wicked before God and man, and unworthy of the love of either. Contrition and sorrow for sin naturally produces the confession of, and for our sins to God and all others we have sinned against. This includes restitution, or the paying for all that we have stolen from others, or cheated them out of; and confession for all unkind words, slander, etc. Then we must hate and forsake all sin. "Good-bye, old world, I'm through." We abhor the old sin life, and turn and flee from it, crying for mercy. Repentance alone will not save us, but it does bring us to the place where God can, and will, save us. We must confess and forsake

our sins before God can forgive us of our sins. After our repentance is real and complete, we must trust God to save us. There are two reasons why we must trust God to save us: First, because we cannot save ourselves; second, because God can and will save us. We do not have to persuade God to save us, but let Him save us. When we uncover our sins, he will cover them by the blood of Jesus. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins." God loves us and wants to forgive us. "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." Faith is the final and only condition of salvation. Repentance reverses our rebellious attitude and enables us to trust God. Faith and trust restores us to favor and fellowship with God. He made us to trust and love Him. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." "He that cometh to God must believe that He is; and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." There is every reason to trust God, and not one reason to doubt Him. When we get to the place where God can trust us, it is not hard to trust Him. He is able and willing to save us, for He loved us so much that He gave His son to die for us. Oh seeking soul, if you have repented and forsaken all your sins, look up right now and trust Him with all your heart, and He will save you this very moment, and write your name down in heaven, and make you a new creature in Christ Jesus, and you will know that you are saved. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." "We know that we have passed from death unto life," free from all storm and strife. We have the witness within that we are now saved from all sin. The greatest thing in the world is the most real thing in the world, our own, personal salvation. Read the (Book of I John), and watch the word "know." It is not a "hope-so," but a "know-so" salvation. Save the Nations Ministries >

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Back to School 2018 27

Changing Times

CIRCLE Continued from Page 23

How Do I Mortify the Flesh? By Thomas Watson The flesh is a bosom traitor; it is like the Trojan horse within the walls, which does all the mischief. The flesh is a sly enemy—it kills by embracing. The embraces of the flesh are like the ivy embracing the oak; which sucks out the strength of it for its own leaves and berries. So the flesh by its soft embraces sucks out of the heart all good. The pampering of the flesh is the quenching of God's Spirit. The flesh chokes and stifles holy motions— the flesh sides with Satan. There is a party within us, which will not pray, which will not believe. The flesh inclines us more to believe a temptation than a promise. The flesh is so near to us, its counsels are more attractive. There is no chain of adamant which binds so tightly as the chain of lust. In the best of saints, do what they can, sin will fasten its roots in them, and spring out sometimes with inordinate desires. There is always something which needs mortifying.

"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." (Colossians 3:5). How do I mortify the flesh? 1. Withdraw the fuel that may make lust burn. Avoid all temptations. Take heed of that which nourishes sin. Those who pray that they may not be led into temptation must not lead themselves into temptation. 2. Fight against fleshly lusts with spiritual weapons through faith and prayer. The best way to combat with sin is upon our knees. Beg strength from Christ. Samson's strength lay in his hair; our strength lays in our head—Christ. This is a mystery to the major part of the world who gratify the flesh rather than mortify it. GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose: To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2018 >

help ordinary people seek and experience revival for themselves. It also equips individuals, churches, and ministry organizations with the tools needed to lead others to pursue spiritual awakening as well. One Cry resources include: • Life-changing principles for experiencing personal revival • Weekly prayer guides for praying biblically and passionately for revival • Practical ideas for facilitating prayer meetings for revival • Church-wide resources for seeking revival • Opportunities to pray with others from across the nation on monthly tele-net prayer calls • Access to an online library of revival-related articles, videos, and training tools • Stories of how God is working The innovative platform at One makes it easy for ordinary people to invite their friends to seek God. Entire church congregations and ministries can also use OneCry to mobilize to seek God together. Join us at today!

things that break God's heart. Pray for repentance, restoration, forgiveness, truth, and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit! Pray through (Isaiah 64 and Joel 2:12-32). However far from God you have strayed, however much sin and bitterness have accumulated in your heart, we believe that revival is just as possible as the sun rising tomorrow morning, so long as God is on His throne. And we believe that no one is outside the reach of His grace, power, love, forgiveness, and truth. Simply take up your own piece of chalk and draw a circle on the ground; step into it, and pray with passion, "Lord, send revival, and let it begin in me!" One Cry Launched in February! If you have a passion to experience revival in your now life and to share it with others, then the One Cry movement is designed for you! One Cry is a movement of Christians across the nation who have committed to seek the Lord together by turning to God in humble repentance, by praying with urgency for spiritual recovery and awakening, © Revive Our Hearts. Written by and by uniting with other believers in spreading the hope of revival. Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Used with perOne Cry provides resources that mission.>

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Every One of Us Casts a Shadow For none of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself." (Romans 14:7) Every one of us casts a shadow. There hangs about us, a sort of a strange, indefinable something, which we call personal influence that has its effect on every other life on which it falls. It goes with us wherever we go. It is not something we can have, when we want to have it and then lay aside when we will, as we lay aside a garment. It is something that always pours out from our lives, as light from a lamp, as heat from flame, as perfume from a flower. The ministry of personal influence is something very wonderful. Without being conscious of it, we always impress others by this strange power that exudes from us. Others watch us and their thinking and actions are modified by our influence. Many a life has been started on a career of beauty and blessing and by the influence of a noble act. The disciples saw their Master praying and were so impressed by His ear-

nestness or by the radiance they saw on His face as He communed with His Father that when He joined them again, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Every sincere person is continually impressed by the glimpses he has of loveliness, of holiness, or of nobleness in others. One kind deed often inspires others to act in a kinder way. Here is a story which illustrates this. A little boy entered a subway train and dropping into a seat was soon asleep. At the next stop, two young ladies came in and took seats opposite to him. The child's feet were bare, his clothes were ragged and his face was drained and drawn, showing marks of hunger and suffering. The young ladies noticed him and seeing that his cheek rested against the hard window-sill, one of them arose and quietly while raising his head, slipped her folded scarf under it for a pillow. The kind act was not only observed but now marked its influence. An old gentleman in the next

Righteous Living seat, without a word, held out a quarter to the young lady, nodding toward the boy. After a moment's hesitation she took it and as she did so, another man handed her a dime. A woman across the aisle held out some pennies and almost before the young woman realized what she was doing, she was taking a collection, for; everyone in the car was passing her something for the poor boy. Thus, from the young woman's one gentle little act, there had gone out a wave of influence touching the hearts of almost forty people and leading each of them to do something. Common life is full of just such illustrations of the influence of kind deeds. Every godly life leaves a twofold ministry in this world: of the things it does directly to bless others; and that of the silent influence it exerts, through which others are made better or inspired to do good things. Influence is something too, which even death does not end.

When earthly life closes, a godly man's work ceases. He is missed in the places, where his familiar presence has brought blessings. No more are his words heard by those who have many times been cheered or comforted by them. No more do his patronages find their way to homes of need, where so often they have brought relief. No more does his loving friendship minister strength or hope or courage to hearts that have learned to love him. The death of a godly man in the midst of his usefulness cuts off a blessed ministry of helpfulness in the circle in which he has lived. But his influence continues! The influence which our dead have over us is frequently very great. We think we have lost them, when we see their faces no more, nor hear their voices, nor receive the accustomed kindness at their See SHADOW on Page 33







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Utility atvs are recommended for riders 16 years of age and older. All atv riders should take a training course and read their owner’s manual thoroughly. Multi-purpose utility vehicles can be hazardous to operate. Pioneer is only for drivers 16 years and older. Driver and passenger must be tall enough for seat belt to fit properly and to brace themselves with both feet firmly on the floor. Passenger must be able to grasp the handhold. Never drive with more than one passenger. Always wear your seat belt, and keep the side nets and doors closed. All muv users should watch the safety video “multipurpose utility vehicles: a guide to safe operation” and read the owner’s manual before operating the vehicle. For both types of vehicles, always wear a helmet, eye protection and appropriate clothing. Avoid excessive speeds, and be careful on difficult terrain. For your safety be responsible. Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or on public roads. Respect the environment when driving. Always wear protective clothing. Crf/fs are intended for off-road operation only. Parents need to consider a rider’s age, size, ability and maturity before allowing them to ride. And never use the street as a racetrack. Obey the law and read the owner’s manual thoroughly. Pioneer, Honda SXSs are registered trademarks of Honda Motor co., Ltd. (09/14)

But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing. – Luke 9:11

Back to School 2018 29

Changing Times

30 Back to School 2018

CHRISTIAN Community Referrals

ATTORNEY Bono Law Firm 3801 N. Causeway Blvd., Suite 206 Metairie, LA 70002 504-835-9909 AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS Bergeron Automotive 3525 Veterans Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 504-888-2131 Honda of Covington 100 Holiday Square Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 985-892-0001 Premier Automotive Group Toyota of New Orleans 504-940-0000 Premier Nissan of Metairie 504-455-5800 Premier Kia of Kenner 1-866-744-5083 Hammond Pre-Owned 100 S. Morrison Blvd. Hammond, LA 70403 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Covington Garage 105 West Jessie Jones St. Covington, LA 70433 985-893-4333 Zoom Tech 815 Asbury Dr. Mandeville, LA 70471 985-624-5080 BRIDAL SPECIALTY Second Line Handkerchiefs (Backyard Printing, LLC) 1960 Surgi Drive • Mandeville, LA 985-231-7789 BUS CHARTERS Gaten's Adventures Unlimited "For All Your Traveling Needs" 465 Morris Road, Hammond, LA 985-345-7629 · 877-855-8572

CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Larry Holmes Bourgeois Bennett 111 Veterans Blvd. Metairie, La 70005 504-831-4949 CATERING Dickey's Barbeque Pit 69292 Hwy. 21, Covington, LA 985-871-2225 ESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEY Legacy Law Center Chris Kane, Attorney at Law 800 Ramon St. Mandeville, LA 985-246-3020 FURNITURE American Factory Direct 218 New Camellia Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 985-871-0312 American Factory Direct Room Shoppé 68490 Hwy. 59 Mandeville, LA 70471 985-871-1120 GLASS SERVICES A-1 Glass Services, Inc. 1247 Collins Blvd. Covington Residential • Commercial • Auto Truck • Mobile Glass • Patio Shower Doors 985-892-5312 HARDWARE STORES Mid Point Feed & Seed True Value Hardware Open Mon – Sat 7:30-5:00 19744 Hwy. 40, Covington, LA 985-892-2002HURRICANE SHUTT

LONG TERM CARE FACILITY Good Samaritan Living Center 615 Hilltop Drive Franklinton, LA 70438 985-839-6706 Trinity Neurologic Rehabilitation Center 1400 Lindberg Dr. Slidell, LA 70458 985-641-4985 PHARMACY Lee Road Family Pharmacy Your Trusted Family Owned Pharmacy 19705 Hwy. 40, Covington 985-400-2595 PLUMBING Elliot’s Plumbing Residential & Commercial Renovations, Additions Gas Lines & Service 985-966-5598 POWERSPORTS Honda of Covington Powersports 152 Holiday Square Blvd. Covington, La 70433 985-892-9730 REAL ESTATE Beverly Hobbs Shea High Road Properties, Inc. 406 Ox Lot Square Covington, LA 70433 504-669-8826

HOME IMPROVEMENT Cool-Vue Aluminum 504-464-9194

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LEADER PART 1 Continued from Page 7


19130 West Front: tel/985.892.5396


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3357 Highland: tel/225.383.1754 10870 Coursey: tel/225.296.4981


advertising service, llc 315 Industrial Parkway Dr. Bogalusa, LA 70427

• Cold Web Press • Prepress Service

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Changing Times

impact of this truth alone reorients your life and your response to the tribulations we face in this world. God will challenge and deepen your humility. God is giving you an opportunity to be "poured out like a drink offering" for the sake of the gospel. In a place where a mother's heart can become mired in a sense of failure, we learn to lay aside our pride, yield to His mysterious ways, and determine to be more concerned for His glory than our comfort or our relief. Full surrender must become the position of our heart and all that we hold dearly in our hand. We will come face to face with our own weakness and our own need for forgiveness. In doing so, we will also grasp a greater understanding of giving and receiving grace. Faith must grow into an unshakable trust (a settled quietness, a confident hope, no panic) especially in the face of things that we don't understand (John 13:7). In that place of trust we learn that HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS! He is Almighty, Redeemer, Comforter, and Provider. The circumstances in front of you, no matter how dark, no matter how confusing, do not change His character. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). But, oh, how He is changing us . MARRIAGE Continued from Page 15 acting on them with the right wisdom and care, that’s all. The right wisdom will come from your Creator and the wrong wisdom will come from somewhere else. We need to be careful in our walk and discerning in wisdom. Not all wisdom that our ears hear will be from God. Don’t let yourself remain deceived any longer. Wake up! And start taking responsibility for your marriage.

. . conforming us to His image. We must stand in the truth that God is sovereign and does nothing without purpose. The "hard" in which you are living is part of the Lord's planned story for your child—and for you— and has eternal purposes only He understands. We want to fight against this road; He calls us to surrender it. We want to fix, to intervene, to rescue. He asks us to do what He has taught us to do—pray, claim, and stand on His Word, then trust His sovereignty, get out of His way, and let Him work. We fear that our child's behavior may destroy "God's plan" for his life. God reminds us that no plan of His can be thwarted (Job 42:2). Maybe, just maybe, we have a plan of our own for our beloved child (or possibly for ourselves) that we need to lay down to His greater design. We may be concerned that this trial could hinder our ministry. On the contrary, I believe the Lord intends to enhance and deepen it. "I know the plans I have for you [and for your child], declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). Soak in this promise of God, and be encouraged. Jesus tells us to watch with Him and pray (Matt. 26:41) as He works all of these things together for our good and for His great glory! ©2001-2018 Revive Our Hearts > …while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13 NIV) At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. (Titus 3:3 NIV) Your Marriage Can Be Restored! © 2002-2018 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. www. >

985-520-6059 102 Smar t Place, Slidell, LA 70458 P • 985-641-4005 F • 985-649-0949 info@SouthernSmilesNor 32 Back to School 2018

Jenni M. Triola, DMD


SHADOW Continued from Page 29 hands. But in many cases, there is no doubt that what our loved ones do for us, after they are gone is quite as important as what they could have done for us had they stayed with us. The memory of beautiful lives is a blessing, softened and made more rich and impressive, by the sorrow which their departure caused. The influence of such sacred memories is in a certain sense, tenderer than that of life itself. Death transfigures our loved one, as it were, sweeping away the faults and blemishes of the mortal life and leaving us an abiding vision in which all that was beautiful and pure and gentle and true in him remains to us. We often lose friends in the competitions and strife of earthly life, which we would have kept forever, had death not taken them away in the earlier days, when love was strong. Often is it true, "He lives to us, who dies; but he is lost to who lives." Thus even death does not quench the influence of a godly life. It continues to bless others, long after the life has passed from earth. Therefore, we need to guard our influence with most conscientious care. It is a crime to carry impurity to men's homes. It is a worse crime to send out a printed page bearing words infected with the virus of moral death. The men who prepare and publish the vile literature, which today goes everywhere polluting and defiling innocent lives, will have a dreadful account to render, when they stand at God's

gate to meet their future. If we would make our lives worthy of God and a blessing to the world, we must see to it that nothing we do shall influence others to do evil in the slightest degree. We should keep watch over our words and deeds, not only in their intent and purpose, but also in their possible influence over others. There may be liberties, which in us lead to no danger, but which to others with a less stable character and less helpful environment, would be full of peril. It is part of our duty to think of these weaker ones and of the influence of our example upon them. We may not do anything in our spiritual strength and liberty, which might possibly harm others. We must be willing to sacrifice our liberty, if by its exercise, we endanger another's soul. This is the teaching of Paul in the words: "It is a noble thing not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that makes your brother stumble" (Romans 14:21). "Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall" (1 Cor. 8:13). How can we make sure that our influence shall be only a blessing? There is no way, but by making our lives pure and holy. Just in the measure that we are filled with the Spirit of God and have the love of Christ in us, shall our influence be holy and a blessing to the world. "Be very careful, then, how you live and not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity." (Ephesians 5:15-16) Save the Nations Ministries >





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But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” – Luke 13:12

Back to School 2018 33

Changing Times

FINANCIAL Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®

C J Ladner Insurance Agency, Inc. 1972 N. Hwy. 190 Covington, LA 70433 985-892-5030

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Live Music Friday Nights Cocktails • Beer • Wine 22132 Level Street Abita Springs, LA 70420


401(k) Continued from Page 20

LEADER PART 2 Continued from Page 8

They lived on less than they earned. They didn’t take out loans every time they wanted to make a large purchase. They saved up the money until they had enough to buy it, whether it was a car or a washing machine. They understood the value of hard work and took on extra jobs when finances got tight. And they definitely didn’t buy things they didn’t need to impress the neighbors. That’s a relatively new phenomenon—and a dangerous mind-set to have. The total household debt in the United States is roughly $12.8 trillion. Of that, credit card debt accounts for $1 trillion. How can we as a nation expect to prosper if we live beyond our means and hope that someday we’ll magically turn our finances around? I understand that life happens and some problems cost money to fix. But rather than getting a 401(k) loan to pay for life’s mishaps, why not prepare in advance and put money aside? Then, when Murphy’s Law comes knocking, you already have the money to make it go away. I’d rather be prepared for a crisis than spend time and energy scrambling to fix it. The 401(k) loan is simply a symptom of a much larger cultural problem. But change has to start somewhere. And one place to draw a line in the sand is by deciding that the 401(k) loan is off the table. It’s not an option. Period. Not only does it keep people in debt, but it also robs them of money they could be earning in their investments if they hadn’t taken out the money in the first place. And no one comes out ahead in that equation! *Chris Hogan is the #1 national best-selling author of Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age. It’s a Financial Number and host of the Retire Inspired Podcast. A popular and dynamic speaker on the topics of personal finance, retirement and leadership, Hogan helps people across the country develop successful strategies to manage their money in both their personal lives and businesses. You can follow Hogan on Twitter and Instagram at @ChrisHogan360 and online at or >

on your own understanding." If you're struggling with worry and fear today, nestle in His grace and dive afresh into His promises. Allow Him to be "a shield around [you] and the lifter of [your] head" (Ps. 3:3). There will be days when you are so weak and discouraged that you may wonder if you should continue in ministry. "We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses" (Heb. 4:15). Remember, He knows your frame, understands your weary heart, and sees the enemy's attempts to discourage you. (Nehemiah 6:9) is powerful here: They all wanted to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done." But now, O God, strengthen my hands. Claim this, and ask JehovahJireh, the God who provides, to help you remain steadfast in your work. How well I remember considering stepping out of leadership because I did not want to bring dishonor to God through my family situation. He showed me that I was to remain in ministry and allow Him to help me honor Him in that place of struggle. Ah, ladies, the Lord may speak more powerfully through your life in this prodigal journey than He has ever spoken through your words. The Lord may speak more powerfully through your life in this prodigal journey than He has ever spoken through your words. We see all that is broken . . . God sees all that He is doing. We see the ashes . . . God sees the beauty. We don't have to understand it all to honor Him in it. We just have to remain yielded before Him in obedience, in steadfast faith and unwavering trust. He is deepening your faith, expanding your ministry, and doing "far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" in your life and in the life of your child (Eph. 3:20). To God be the glory! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Cor. 1:3–4). ©2001-2018 Revive Our Hearts>

For the man was over forty years old on whom this miracle 34 Back to School 2018 of healing had been performed. – Acts 4:22


Mahalia Jackson Theater December 26, 2018 800.380.8165

Shen Yun’s unique artistic vision expands theatrical experience into

a multi-dimensional, deeply moving journey through one of humanity’s greatest treasures—the five millennia of traditional Chinese culture.

This epic production immerses you in stories reaching back to the most distant past. You’ll explore realms even beyond our visible world. Featuring one of the world’s oldest art forms— classical Chinese dance—along with innovative multimedia effects and all-original orchestral works, Shen Yun opens a portal to a glorious civilization of unrivaled beauty, artistry, and inspiration.

We invite you to a world where philosophers and poets alike sought harmony with the Dao, or “Way,” of the universe. Where maidens danced with ethereal grace and generals fought with explosive athleticism. Where timeless tales of valor and virtue were born. Where heaven and earth intersected, and even magic was possible. Back to School 2018 35

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