Money is the Root of All Evil by Marlon G

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Is The Root Of All Evil


The ConTextos Authors Circle was developed in collaboration with young people at-risk of, victims of, or perpetrators of violence in El Salvador. In 2017 this innovative program expanded into Chicago to create tangible, high quality opportunities that nourish the minds,,expand the voices and share the personal truths of individuals who have long been underserved and underestimated. Through the process of drafting, revising and publishing memoirs, participants develop self-reflection, critical thinking, camaraderie and positive selfprojection to author new life narratives. Since January 2017 ConTextos has partnered with Cook County Sheriff's Office to implement Authors Circle in Cook County Department of Corrections as part of a vision for reform that recognizes the value of mental health, rehabilitation and reflection. These powerful memoirs complicate the narratives of violence and peace building, and help author a hopeful future for human beings behind walls, their families and our collective communities. While each author’s text is solely the work of the Author, the image used to create this book’s illustrations have been sourced by various print publications. Authors curate these images and then, using only their hands, manipulate the images through tearing, folding, layering and careful positioning. By applying these collage techniques, Authors transform their written memoirs into illustrated books. This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number ALN 21.027 awarded to Cook County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Money is the Root of All Evil Marlon “Money Bag P” Giles

I’m from where doing a robbery is like winning the lottery. Showing off all yo jewels will make u look cool. By the time u make it to the eighth grade, everybody has dropped out of school.

Started hustling weed at the age of ten is where it all begins. My big brother was locked up for murder. I knew where his stash was. I was left with a pound, hustling, riding my bike through town.

As I was outside chilling with some new girls in our neighborhood, some older guys pulled up trying to buy weed, but realized I was so young then the guy on the passenger side pulled out a gun to rob me for two nickel bags.

This is w h e r e th e robbing a g un a sp r e e b e n d sta r t gins. I th robbing ought it . A mon w a s ea s ste r w a s ier and b o rn. c ool t

o be ab le to ge


My life was taken from me at age 17 to 21. My life was put on hold. Jail taught me how to be a man.

Being incarcerated is similar to having cancer and going through chemo because nobody expects you to survive.

You watch people come in and out your life. Everybody expects the worst. I had to grow up fast. Learned life pretty much on my own.

Lea rn

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iv o r .

Learned how to be a father. We give the streets love but the streets don’t love us back. We live in the streets, we die in the streets. The streets are a myth. Jails turn boys into men fast.

Growing up was hard. No father and my older brother was kicked out at age 17. I was on 11th and California at age 12, leading up to a path of destruction. Didn’t get to graduate high school because my senior year I was in Cook County.

Age 18 when I was in Mt. Sterling. Although I didn’t get my high school diploma in high school, I still managed to get my high school diploma with a high school take home test that I ended up passing to finish my parole early.

One thing I did learn and use while incarcerated was if I can get paid 15 cents a day to work in chow hall, then I could work minimum wage when I was released.

I kept that same determination. I worked two jobs at the same time, KFC, Champs, Burger King, and McDonald’s.

I did whatever to get movement, even went to Daley College for business management. I always had movement. Being able to adapt to any environment.

“Money is the root of all evil.” Money will make people do anything. Everything. I’ve always had a million hustles. 75% were legit and 25% wasn’t.

ain a free But my whole goal was to rem again.

man, to not ever take my freed

om for granted

I worked two nine to fives, rapped, did porn, owned property, etc. The choices we make can cost us everything. Our present situation isn’t our final destination.

Nothing beats failure but a try. Everybody chases fast money!!! But what people don’t know is that there is no such thing as legit fast money, and for the last 18 years I was making legit fast money, owning my own transportation business.

I grew up fast, being incarcerated at a young age. As kids, peer pressure is what most of us go through!!! Ending up in situations we have no business being in. Sometimes we end up being guilty by association.

Which was the case for me during my adolescence. I was always around older guys; being 16 or 17 around 20 year olds was a big difference. Especially if it wasn’t for good reasoning.

9 0 % o f us ha ve no chance , growing up of us have fa in slums, maki mily struggles. ng it out with P a re out a backgro nts strung ou but gambling t on all sorts und. All , etc. At age of addictions, 10, I learned th n o t just on drug e importance s o f mo n e y a n d business.

I just wante

d to be rich

to provide

for my fam


Nothing was cool bout being incarcerated by no means. Being taken away from your family. Especially if you have kids. I went from having every luxury car and women I wanted, to being incarcerated, hoping, praying to see freedom again so I could change my environment.

Minor setbacks are for major comebacks. Never let anything the “T” out of can’t and it’ll turn into you can.

or anybody get in your way. Take

I’ve never told myself that I can’t do anything because I can and will be great. Being a survivor for not only myself but for my kids.

Coming from the trenches, it’s hard 2 stay focused and out of trouble to be successful.

Money comes and goes but it’s also the root of all evil. People will do anything for it. Money is power. Money can make you feel invincible.

There isn’t much you can do without money. People die to get money. People live to get money, and money will always be here whether you’re dead or alive!!!

t ro ho u ot t an o f fa m d a h a l l e il y . O ve v e n il , ” i r c a Y o u v y t’s n . th y o u c a n er e a ? B e ’ t im a so c n w a u s g in h y e i f e l if e pe a o p p e w it h l e r so o co n h ut m m m as o n ne it c r eit h y . A im e s e r a nd y ,h n a v d b ou c e d y “ an is l m o ’ t i ma oy alt ney g b ya e in in e nd li g th fe ar ej e ea lo u s,


I was embarrassed that I got arrested and have been away from my kids this long. We’ve spent a lot of time apart. I wouldn’t have ever thought I would be away from my kids five years and counting.

The only thing that matters to me is my kids. I live for my kids and them only. I lived my life already, now I live for them. Just trying to rebuild my family. Make up for lost time. My kids mean the most to me.

Being incarcerated I lost so much. all the time away from my kids. I lost my pops who was the hood mayor of 47th Street. He taught me how to hustle. I watched his grind, his thrive and even at the age of 60 he will still be on the corner of 47th Street screaming every time he sees me pulling up and one of my luxury cars this my son y'all, I love you Pops.

Being incarcerated sometimes can be a gift or a curse? I done lost so many family members. My brother Ra-Ra, which was our neighborhood “50 cent.” He was the first person I ever knew to get shot up over nine times and survive. It felt good seeing big bro hop out of that wheelchair like superman, riding through the hood back with the “S” on his chest. Then one day I called home and got the bad news that Ra-Ra got shot. I love you big bro…

I'll be back soon to finish living the great life that I once lived. But the only difference will be that the Playboy lifestyle will be over.

Gotta watch all the gold digging, treacherous, vindictive and scornful women that try and tried to bring you down.

, the fast life. All I knew was money, gorgeous women, fast cars people. I lost a lot of family but I'm still here.

They say jail preserves

Can't wait to get out just so I can take my baby girls shopping and to get pedicures and manicures. Just watch them grow also so they can take care of me like I always did them. LBVS.

Even missed out on my oldest boy growing into a man. Never got to see him throw a touchdown pass in college, like I did in his high school years screaming, “That's my boy!”

Love You Lil Silk.

Learn from my mistakes because I was set up by women I no longer wanted to deal with. Money, my money, became their motive to be disloyal. Which is why I chose the title “Money is the Root of All Evil.”

Marlon Giles I Am I am from 63rd and Richmond From basketball and football I am from BSC I am from the gutter where it’s like no other Where homies will screw your baby mother I’m from Big Bro Silk and P.B From who taught me everything about the streets And from when your riding clean you gotta carry your heat Cause people will think its sweet I’m from where it was hard to be legit And from where they told me I wasn’t gonna be shit I’m from where getting money can get you the baddest chick I’m from the Low End, 45th and Cottage From eating tacos with the vatos From out here you had to be All Well To stand on the corner to sell I am from where it’s either death or jail

Until the lion learns to write their own story, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter - African Proverb Copyright

2023 ConTextos

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