The 2019 Supplemental Report of the Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church

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2019-20 Cumberland Presbyterian Church

MINISTRY COUNCIL Programs & Resources

Letter from the Ministry Council President A few years ago, I met a minister at an ecumenical pastors’ lunch. Over time, my new acquaintance became a friend. Several months ago, he was diagnosed with Stage Four cancer and not expected to survive. The first time I saw him after his diagnosis, he asked me to pray for him, but he did not ask that I pray for him to win his battle with cancer, though I did. Instead, he asked me to pray that he does not waste the opportunity to use his cancer to bring glory to God. He desperately desired for people to see his faith in Christ regardless of his health situation. Similarly, as the President of the Ministry Council, my prayer is that our various Ministry Teams and Cumberland Presbyterian congregations and mission points around the globe (we are in 18 countries on 5 continents) do not waste the opportunity presented by the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic to bring glory to God. During this time, we have churches around the world doing ministry differently than they have ever done it before. While it was a forced change on many, it has opened up new doors of opportunity. I encourage us not to be afraid to walk through these new doors because on the other side will be new people we can share the Gospel with, in both word and deed. Please share this year’s Supplemental Report with your congregation and presbytery. God is at work in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in and through the pandemic, and we need to share that good news. Learning the unforced rhythms of grace, Rev. Mike Wilkinson

Letter from the Director of Ministries The Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPC) is a Presbyterian body formed during the Great Revival of 1800, on February 4, 1810, at the home of Rev. Samuel McAdow near Dickson, Tennessee. Cumberland Presbyterian congregations are governed by elected elders who make up a "session." Presbyteries are made up of ordained clergy and elder delegates from each congregation within their bounds. Presbyteries send delegates to synods and the entire structure is governed by the General Assembly. The Assembly charges various entities with the day-to-day operation of the denomination. The Ministry Council is an entity of the CPC that advocates for the health, education, and ministries of the congregations within the global Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Of our 682 congregations, the CPC has 626 congregations in the United States. Typically, the Ministry Council submits a formal report to General Assembly along with a “supplemental report” completed in April detailing the variety of ministries that took place the previous year. This year, COVID-19 interrupted so many aspects of what we used to think of as “typical” including the plans for General Assembly. In the absence of that gathering, we offer this report highlighting some of the ministries implemented and sustained by the Ministry Council, its four ministry teams, staff, and elected members. Grace and Peace, Edith Busbee Old

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Rev. Donny Acton Carla Bellis Rev. Kenny Butcher Rev. Dr. Michael Clark Juan David Correa Rev. Samantha Hassell Debbie Hayes Sydney Holder Madison Holland Rev. Phillip Layne Victory Moore Rev. Shelia O’Mara Melinda Reams Rev. Michael Sharpe Takayoshi (Ted) Shirai Rev. Tim Smith Charelle Webb Rev. Mike Wilkinson Lacey Young Kenneth Bean (Deceased)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Children and Family Ministry


Youth and Young Adult Ministry Adult Ministry



Leader Development Opportunities Legacy of Ministry Endowment The Symposium




Pastoral Development Ministry


Cross-Culture Immigrant Ministries USA Program


Evangelism and New Church Development Ministry


Global Missions


Congregational Ministry


Women’s Ministry


Communications Ministry


Global Missions Overview


Service and Giving


Acronym Key: APCE: Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators

GA: General Assembly

CMT: Communications Ministry Team

MC: Ministry Council

CP: Cumberland Presbyterian(s)

MMT: Missions Ministry Team

CPC: Cumberland Presbyterian Church

NCD: New Church Development

CPYC: Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference

OUO: Our United Outreach

DMT: Discipleship Ministry Team

PDMT: Pastoral Development Ministry Team

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Children's Fest small group activities

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CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRY Children’s Ministry in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church seeks to engage children at a young age through events such as Connect @ General Assembly, Children’s Fest, and The Middle. These events give young Cumberland Presbyterians a place to call their own and an opportunity to begin exploring their leadership strengths while making friends with other denominational peers. Here are words from children and younger youth who have participated in Cumberland Presbyterian children’s ministry events: Benjamin Wills, age seven from the Jerusalem CP Church, participates in Connect @ GA each year when he attends General Assembly with his parents. He calls it “his meetings.” Benjamin says, “I like my Connect meetings because I see my friends at General Assembly. We have field trips and we go on adventures. I like the teachers I meet at Connect. My Connect meeting at General Assembly is special because everyone is up for an adventure!”

• Connect @ GA is for K- 6th grade children who attend General Assembly. • Children’s Fest is for Cumberland Presbyterian children K-5th grade and meets in various locations during the summer months. • The Middle is for younger youth who have completed 6th and 7th grades and meets in various locations during the summer months.


Jorgia Deaton, age eight from Brenthaven CP Church, has attended three Children’s Fest events. “I like Children’s Fest because you get to have fun, travel to different churches, and learn about God in new ways. The leaders are nice and sweet, we get to learn new songs, and we make new friends from other churches." From Welti CP Church, seven-year-old Reese Sharpton says, “I like to go to Children’s Fest because it is a fun and exciting place for kids to learn about God.” Kiley Crenshaw, a seventh grader from Welti CP Church, says, “I think The Middle is a wonderful place to learn and grow with God.” Juana Cobos, age twelve from Welti CP Church, remembers her experience from The Middle as a place where you get to meet amazing people.

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Sharing Our Stories

Back: Sarah Rackley, Rev. Melissa Malinoski, Rev. Nathan Wheeler, Michael Keenan Middle: Grace Holland, Leanah Heflin, Ashley Wharton, Katy Barnes, Charli Ulhrich Front: Kier Hull, Maddie Taylor, Olivia Pruitt, Lacey Young, Emilee Jerrolds, Amelia Shelton

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YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY "I began my Kaleo experience in January of my senior year of high school, and it could not have come into my life at a better time. I was uncertain about my future. Where was I going to college? What degree would I pursue? What are my passions in life? My mind was flooded with questions. Throughout the year long program, each participant has a mentor with whom they meet once a month. Reverend Paul Earheart-Brown was my mentor. We would meet and read through the curriculum and then just sit and talk. Our conversation topics were all over the place. We would discuss the enneagram (personality types) and what it told us about one another. We thought about and considered what our lives would look like if we took certain paths. We dove deeply into our emotions, questioning what would keep us from fully succeeding in life. We talked about it all. Those are some of my best memories and have most certainly shaped how I view my calling and my place in this world. The Kaleo program does not give you answers. Instead, it raises questions. It makes you think about your personal intentions and how those intentions shape the way you move in the world. I am forever grateful to my mentor for leading me through those conversations and for Reverend Nathan Wheeler and Reverend Melissa Malinoski who led me into them in the first place. Kaleo is an experience I will never forget. It will continue to shape how I view my calling and my place in the world." REV. NATHAN WHEELER

Maddie Taylor, sophomore at Maryville College

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Rev. Jim Smith leads singing at A Day in the Park 8 |

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ADULT MINISTRY Adult Ministries have a lot going on this year. The base of writers and users of eVotions, (everyday online devotions) has expanded. We have developed new Discipleship Blueprints (leadership development events for churches and presbyteries) and we are growing new relationships with churches. We have created a Lectionary podcast to help pastors start their week of study and preparation. We are expanding senior adult programming. Encounter, our longest running adult curriculum, has undergone a redesign. One event which is still new for our senior adults is “A Day in the Park.” People from all over the denomination come together at Montgomery Bell State Park to enjoy fellowship and worship. Joni Hayes attended the event and wanted to share her experience: “A Day in the Park 2019 was a wonderful day, learning the history of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and enjoying fellowship with old and new friends. The resource center was set up with items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, and books. I bought a Whosoever Will sweatshirt that I wear all the time.


It was wonderful talking to the members of the Historical Foundation. They were dressed in period clothing and answered questions in character about the history of the CP Church. Visiting with people from other churches, worshiping with old and new friends, singing old hymns led by the Reverend Jim Smith, and hearing the Reverend Dr. David Lancaster’s sermon made for a great day. I’m looking forward to A Day in the Park 2020. Come see what makes the day so wonderful.“

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DMT Staff with other APCE colleagues

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LEADER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) "Most of us are not natural-born leaders. Leadership comes from experience and often a lot of education. The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) offered an opportunity for me to break out of my box, learn new skills, make new friends, and learn about curriculum and other resources available to me. As you read this, I will be newly ordained and pastoring two congregations full-time. I am not only responsible for leading people in worship, but also for walking people through the issues of everyday life. Each action I take requires me to know what tools I have in my tool kit.

• The 2021 APCE conference will be February 3-6 in Chicago, IL. • Discipleship Blueprints are customized leadership events created for churches and presbyteries. Visit our website for more information: https:// discipleshipblueprints/


APCE was a great experience for me and allowed me to add some tools to my kit. I was given a few days outside of my normal routine which helped me focus my attention on worshiping God and absorbing the information presented in workshops. This year’s theme for APCE was “Getting Outside of the Box.” I attended workshops on how to introduce art into worship through color, texture, and dramatic readings. I learned about Cumberland Presbyterian curriculum of which I was previously unaware and about several other groups which have useful curriculum. I learned about the significance of lament in worship. During our worship times, I was able to participate in different practices which made worship come alive. Having opportunities to expand my leadership skills is a benefit to everyone I reach. Occasions like APCE are important to all leaders. The larger the knowledge base from which we pull, the more effective we are at reaching others and connecting to them in ways we previously couldn’t. "As in all we do, this is done for the edification and glory of our God and King." Rev.Rebecca Zahrte, Madisonville, Kentucky DMT elected team member

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Rev. Rebecca Zahrte at her ordination with friend Meredith Hall

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LEGACY OF MINISTRY ENDOWMENT "I had the distinct privilege of presenting the very first Legacy of Ministry Endowment to honor Rebecca Zahrte at her ordination by Covenant Presbytery on March 14, 2020. I was Becky’s pastor from May 2011 through December 2014, and during that time, I had the amazing opportunity to show her the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus. God chose me to lead her back into a relationship with him and back to the church. Not only did I get to be a part of her story, but I also received an amazing friend and I am forever grateful! I chose to give to this Legacy Endowment in her honor because Rebecca Zahrte is a powerhouse for the Lord who has and will continue to make history for the Kingdom of God! Her compassion and love for God and God’s people is top notch! I am thrilled to be the first donor and for Rebecca to be the first honoree. In my own presbytery, the Committee on Ordained Clergy Care and the Theological and Social Concerns Committee recognized and celebrated the amazing ministry of our brother in Christ, Reverend Vernon Sansom. He has served all levels of the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination with a loving and compassionate heart. Vernon was honorably retired from ordained ministry by Red River Presbytery on April 12, 2020, after thirty-three years of ministry. Vernon has touched many lives, and Red River Presbytery will miss him terribly! We give this Legacy Endowment in his honor because Vernon has lived a life of service for the Lord and the Church. He has worked tireless hours so that others may come to know the love and forgiveness of God through Christ Jesus. That is something we celebrate and honor." REV. DR. PAM PHILLIPS-BURK

Rev. Terra Sisco, Marlow, Oklahoma

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Sharing Our Stories

Worship at The Symposium

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The Symposium A Symposium Story "The first time I read about The Symposium, I immediately knew I wanted to attend. I was excited for the opportunity to gather with other Cumberland Presbyterians for a time designated to grow and bring together people’s many experiences, hopes, and stories. I was also honored to be asked to preach at one of the worship services. I was already planning to go, and on top of that I was able to share a small part in serving the community that gathered. What a gift it was to share the good news of the gospel and to offer a word of encouragement to my fellow leaders in the Church.

• The Symposium in 2019 had 144 registered participants. More than half of those were ordained clergy or probationers. • The Symposium offered thirty-five different Workshops and Breakout Sessions. • 2020 Symposium will be November 5-7 at Dyersburg CP Church.


The Symposium ticked three boxes for me: fellowship, education, and the chance to be a participant. During the summer I was on maternity leave, causing me to miss summer camps. I truly did miss that time of fellowship with CPs across the denomination. The Symposium gave me a place to see my CP buddies, to be face-to-face with both ordained and lay leaders, and to enjoy being with them. The time in-between the education sessions was just as valuable as my time in them. Second, The Symposium was the type of conference I had been looking for. It was more cost effective than many other conferences, and it was helpful for me to meet with members of the Ministry Council and share ideas about needs specific to the CPC. Third, The Symposium was a place for me to step back and be a participant. I often lead worship and teach classes, yet at The Symposium, I was able to be a recipient, to experience worship, and learn from others in the classes and breakout sessions. I am so grateful I was able to attend, and I hope to attend again." Rev. Anna Brockman, Winchester, Tennessee

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Sharing Our Stories

Back: Revs. Sheila O’Mara, Rebecca Prenshaw, Karen Borchert, Lisa Cook, and Lisa Oliver Front: Revs. Anne Hames, Joy Warren, Stephanie Brown, and Lisa Scott Floor: Rev. Sandra Shepherd

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Gifts and Recognitions

• In 2019, 117 ministers, 76 spouses, and 21 children/teens were blessed by the Sabbath rest at Whitestone Country Inn • Register for a 2020 retreat - https:// • Visit the Pastoral Development Ministry Team website at Employee Assistance Program Information

The following presbyteries are participating in this healthful benefit for the ministers under their care – Choctaw, Columbia, Covenant, Cumberland, del Cristo, East Tennessee, Missouri, Murfreesboro, Nashville, North Central, Red River, Robert Donnell, Tennessee/Georgia, and West Tennessee. During the times of quarantine due to COVID-19, PDMT hosted several virtual meetings with pastors to check in, share ideas, and pray with each other. Kudos to all pastors who went/are going above and beyond to share the good news of Jesus Christ during difficult circumstances.


"One of the things I was most excited about concerning my ordination service was the prospect of serving communion to my 97-year-old grandmother. However, a few snafus prevented her from making the trip from St. Louis to Paducah, Kentucky, and I was unable to fulfill this wish. However, two weeks later I was able to travel to St. Louis; and thanks to the generous gift of a travel communion set from the PDMT, I was able to share the Lord’s Supper with both my grandmother and my aunt. It was a meaningful moment for all three of us as we united in our love of Christ through worship that spanned three generations." Reverend Dusty Luthy,

Paducah, Kentucky

2019 & 2020 Pastors’ Sabbath Retreats "Words cannot express my gratitude for the gift of a retreat in such a lovely setting with my sister clergy. We are unaccustomed to being treated with such generosity and care. Thank you. We spent many hours together swapping stories, sharing burdens that we dare not express in our communities, laughing together, and slipping away for periods of solitude and rest. This place is unforgettable, and the relationships built there will continue to foster health and hope as we return to our various ministries." Rev. Karen Borchert, Talbott,Tennessee

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Sharing Our Stories

Worship at the NCD where Paul Puluc is in leadership

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CROSS-CULTURE IMMIGRANT MINISTRIES USA PROGRAM "This ministry focuses on church planting, provisional church status, probationers and ministers serving immigrant communities in the United States through the Missions Ministry Team, particular churches, presbyteries, and higher judicatories of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior! We sincerely hope you are enjoying the richest blessings of God, both in your ministries and in your life.

• Most immigrant congregations in the United States are in large cities.

• There are around 60 different

cross-cultural ministries in the USA.

• There are two CP Korean presbyteries in the USA.

• We have Chinese, Japanese,

Korean, Latino, and Sudanese ministries in the USA.

• Grace Presbytery has the largest

number of CP immigrant ministries in the USA.

We are a Christian community of love and faith, centered in Christ to honor and glorify God in love and in service to people. We are a new church development made up of people from many different countries: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Venezuela. Comunidad Cristiana reaches out to the diverse Latino community in Memphis with the support of MMT and West Tennessee Presbytery. As a church, we are very grateful to you for the support you have given us since 2015. During the process of becoming a church, we have learned what it means to be part of a denomination that takes care of its churches. We are excited to be a part of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We are grateful for your financial and spiritual support which equips our pastor Paul Puluc to guide us effectively on our Christian journey.


Thank you, also, for the support provided to us through the Reverend Diann White. Her sermons bless us and working with her helps us to relate to our English-speaking brothers and sisters. We hope to continue growing and learning from you. May God bless you greatly in Jesus Christ."

By Paul Puluc, translated by Johan Daza

• MMT is promoting intercultural

ministry opportunities in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

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EVANGELISM AND NEW CHURCH DEVELOPMENT Worshiping Communities "I didn’t know what a Cumberland Presbyterian Worshiping Community was until Reverend Cardelia Howell-Diamond explained it to me. The flexible group structure intrigued me from the start. The foundation of my Worshiping Community is inclusivity for all of God’s people, so we are intentional about making space for those who have been hurt or excluded from other religious communities. The idea has been perfect for us as we’ve journeyed together these past eighteen months. We call ourselves The Community Table and we were born out of God whispering to a few people around my kitchen table, 'What if this group of people right here is God's Church?' A more unstructured meeting framework has allowed people (family, friends, and some new folks, too!) to engage with God in ways they might be too intimidated to try in a traditional church service/setting. Personally, The Community Table has been a refuge for me as my family navigates the difficult teenage years of my two kids. It has been a soft place to fall as I have struggled with some weighty questions. It has been life-giving for me to see people I love find respite in this little community. I am humbled and awed that God germinated and incubated this group in my house, and I am thankful for CP leadership for providing the fertile ground for us to continue to grow." Misty Granade, Huntsville, Alabama


Worshiping Communities are being created for those who do not know Christ, for those who want to know Christ, and for those who already know Christ and need a community to worship. Worshiping Communities are being started and led by Cumberland Presbyterians around the United States.

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Rionegro CP Church youth group members

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GLOBAL MISSIONS A Journey into the Unknown "There is nothing easy about New Church Development (NCD). There are fun and exciting parts, but sometimes it feels like taking one step forward and two steps backward. Just like in other aspects of our faith and church work, NCD work is spiritual warfare. You know that you are following the will of God when your journey leads you to unexpected obstacles. Really, it is no different from our personal faith journey. My family and I have done many amazing things during our time as missionaries in Colombia, and one of my favorites was starting a church in our house. It started small with one other family but now includes multiple families. In fact, we are starting to look at options for a new location to meet because we have outgrown our basement. It is exciting to be a part of something new, but it is hard. There are so many unknown factors. Will it be successful? When do we start asking participants to give their tithes? When do we start certain programs? How can we responsibly bring in more people? How should we lead our Youth Ministry? Are we being faithful and prayerful in our work? How do we reflect God’s presence in this work? During this process, I have learned God is in control. If we are faithful, God will take care of all the details. If it is God’s will, it will succeed despite us.


Recently, the NCD in the Colombian city Rionegro, was officially recognized by Emmaus Presbytery as a new mission work. We are making progress; our presbytery sees the fruits of our labor and believes in us. We have started an offering, a youth group with a youth minister, and other programs. We have grown to about thirty people and will soon start looking for a larger place to meet. Thanks be to God!"

Rev. Patrick Wilkerson, missionary

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CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRY The phone rang. “I need help!” the caller on the other end exclaimed, “The church is good overall, but we just need more. We could really use some direction. Can you help?” After listening for a few minutes and learning more about the congregation, it was easy for me to reply, “Absolutely, help is available.” For this congregation, help began with a Sunday morning visit, but the “visit” began well before I ever entered the doors. I checked the church’s website and did a quick survey of the neighborhood, the building, and the grounds of the church as I arrived. Once inside, I asked myself, “How did I feel walking through the doors as a first-time visitor?” and “Did someone greet me and welcome me to the church?” Then I spent time exploring the church, experiencing the worship service, and reviewing the congregation’s opportunities for ministry. I made several observations during the worship service: What was the congregational involvement? How was the sanctuary set-up? How was the service structured? What were the demographics of those in attendance? The list of observations can be extensive. Following the worship service, the pastor invited the session to meet. Discussion included the vision and current mission of the church, the needs of the people, outreach opportunities, the budget, and concerns of the elders. “So, can you help us?” the pastor asked again. I presented feedback and made suggestions. Ultimately, plans and goals were implemented.


“Can you help?” I hear this message many times throughout the week. Congregational Ministries answers this call and is prepared to help the local church engage in effective ministry with the congregation and community.

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Sharing Our Stories

Back: Kayla Needham, Rev. Dusty Luthy, Stacie Fernandez, Emrie Smith, Rev. Abby Prevost Front: Jessica Thomas, Brianna Clayton, Maddie Taylor, Taylor Sandiford, Audrey Adams, Ashlee Cassel, Emilee Jerrolds

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WOMEN'S MINISTRY “Women’s ministry is important because women are important. We humans belong to one another. Over the last few years, I have witnessed women coming together and accomplish the unimaginable. I loved watching Cumberland Presbyterian women stuff 12,000 envelopes in TWO HOURS, all to help children who have been sexually abused. I loved watching women from many faith walks and many backgrounds serve each other communion at the end of the CP Young Women's Ministry Retreat. Women feed bodies and souls. Women celebrate one another. Women make the world a more beautiful place through their words, art, and creativity. Women give life to the dead and dying of this world. Resurrection was proclaimed by women, for us all. We have the good news to share. I need the Women’s Ministry to share the good news with me on days I can’t remember it.“ Hannah Alderson, Huntsville, Alabama


“As a Christian, it’s important to gather for fellowship and worship. Communing with brothers and sisters in Christ has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up going to camps that shaped me tremendously as a young Christian; and when the camp chapter came to an end, I wasn’t sure what to do. I immediately started looking for other outlets to pursue my need for a Christian community. It is so important to be in a space that is safe and one that allows you to let your guard down. The Young Women's Ministry Retreat provides that opportunity for me. It is a space where I can be goofy with my friends and a space where I can worship in ways that are different from what are usually available at my church. Every year the retreat is exactly what I need. I meet God there, and God works through the activities, the conversations, and the worship. Every year it is meaningful. I pray that the Young Women's Ministry Retreat continues to be a safe and meaningful environment for old and new faces.”

Natalie Stephens, Dyersburg, Tennessee

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Sharing Our Our Stories Sharing Stories

Remote Ministry Council work by way of a Zoom meeting

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COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY The second quarter of the year 2020 has been a trying one to say the least. The COVID-19 pandemic is reaching what we hope are the worst levels in the crisis, and we all look each day for any sign of hope that the virus is receding. The season of Easter has been tempered somewhat by closed churches in the era of "social distancing" and live video, streaming worship services. While the MC has employed multiple field staff since its beginning, this is the first time that we have all had the need to work remotely, as have pastors, churches, and lay leaders across the denomination. While there have certainly been headaches and frustrations related to this new way of working, the adaptability of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church has been surprising and encouraging. Hundreds of churches have broadcast or made available worship services on social media, pastors have led prayer services and devotional times, Sunday school teachers have had interactive remote meetings with their classes, and worship teams have found ways to blend their instruments and voices across the Internet to continue creating beautiful music together.


Perhaps most importantly, this crisis is teaching us new skills that will impact the next decades. Google reports that in March and April of this year, searches for "gardening" and "planting" were nearly double their usual springtime highs. Many people around the world are discovering a new love for growing their own food! In the same way, this pandemic is cultivating new technological skills for pastors and church leaders that many never imagined they would need. As we regain our footing after the crisis has passed, new, digital ministries will have found fertile ground in which to grow and perhaps the CPC will discover a new harvest on the horizon.

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Sharing Our Stories GLOBAL MISSIONS OVERVIEW Australia

South Korea

We have five churches and missions, seven pastors, and several candidates and licentiates. The work in Australia is Korean

Brazil •

We have missionaries, an ordained pastor, one candidate, one CP church, and one mission

Belize •

We have one provisional pastor and church with a CP missions liaison couple working with the pastor and church

Cambodia and Laos •

We have a missionary couple working in both countries with a church in each country. We have a new worship center and mission school in Cambodia

The Philippines •

We have one church, three missions, five pastors, and two licentiates

Guatemala •

We have missionaries, two churches, and two missions along with a medical clinic and a children’s hot lunch program

Haiti •

We have six missions, six pastors, and six schools

México •

We have two churches, two ordained pastors, and two candidates

Spain and France •

We have four missions: Madrid, Bañeres, Zaragoza, and Lyon and six candidates

Cuba •

We have missionaries, two churches, three missions, three ordained pastors, several candidates/licentiates, a hot lunch program, and a new church building (Iloilo CP Church)

We have five pastors and five house churches and the pastors are in a special PAS program


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Pray for our mission fields and ministries around the world.

Educate your church about Cumberland Presbyterian missions.

Advocate and promote the Stott-Wallace Missionary Offering.

Subscribe to the free quarterly magazine: Missionary Messenger. Learn more about the Missions Ministry Team by emailing

Ministry Council | 2019-2020 Supplemental Report

Opportunities In Giving Builder’s Fellowship: Assists new CP congregations with their first building Clergy Crisis Fund: Provides emergency financial assistance for clergy in crisis Legacy of Ministry Endowment: Honors new and retiring pastors in support of the PDMT CMT audio and video equipment account: Provides new, professional equipment CP Women's Ministry Convention Offering: funds special projects selected by CP Women's Ministry CPYC Endowment: Supports the annual Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference C. Ray Dobbins Endowment: Sustains the work of THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN Disaster Relief Donations: Responds to natural disasters in the USA DMT Online Auction: November auction that supports DMT Event Scholarships: Supports attendance to DMT events Kaleo: Mentors young CPs for a year as they explore their call Loaves & Fishes Offering: Supports hunger programs through a November offering

In Service Beth-El Farmworker Ministry: Serve in Tampa, Florida, on a 27-acre facility with multi-faceted ministries Children’s Activities @ GA: Serve by providing adult leadership for GA children’s events Children’s Fest and Middle School Event: Serve in planning and leading Children’s Fest and Middle School Events around the denomination Coalition of Appalachian Ministry: Serve by networking church and community to provide service opportunities in the Appalachian Region National Farm Worker Ministry: Serve and assist migrant farm workers through opportunities for hunger relief, education, healthcare and spiritual growth Project Vida: Serve in one of the nation’s most impoverished neighborhoods in El Paso, Texas. Create change through community development THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN: Serve by contributing stories and photos to our magazine about the work of our CP churches around the globe Women’s Ministry Writers: Talented women writers serve in writing annual Bible studies and devotions

Memorial/Honor Contributions: Supports ministries of the MC Pocket Change Challenge: Supports CP youth as they attend DMT conferences Second Mile Projects: Supports ministries beyond a church’s OUO Stott-Wallace Missionary Offering: Supports our missionaries through congregational offerings World Emergency Donations: Provides global natural disaster relief Youth Worker Support: Serves CP youth workers Ministry Council | cpcmc .org | 31

Staff Names and Contact Information Rev. Elinor Brown Rev. Johan Daza Jinger Ellis Matthew Gore Rev. Dr. Chris Fleming Rev. Cardelia Howell-Diamond Rev. Kristi Lounsbury Rev. T.J. Malinoski Cindy Martin Edith Busbee Old Rev. Dr. Milton Ortiz Rev. Dr. Pam Phillips-Burk Jodi Rush Sowgand Sheikholeslami Rev. Steven Shelton Rev. Dr. Lynn Thomas Rev. Nathan Wheeler

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