Digital First Magazine – March 2024 – Most Innovative Company in 2024

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Unlocking the Future: Innovations and Leadership in 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Digital First Magazine! In this issue, we delve into the exciting realm of technological advancements that are shaping our world in 2024. From artificial intelligence to blockchain and augmented reality, these aren’t just buzzwords anymore—they’re the driving forces propelling us into the future.

As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, Digital First Magazine stands as your trusted guide, keeping you informed about the latest trends and groundbreaking developments in business and technology. Our goal is to help

you stay ahead of the curve and make sense of the ever-changing digital ecosystem.

In today’s digital age, effective leadership is more important than ever. Leaders must adapt to the challenges of the digital era and inspire innovation and resilience in their teams. That’s why in this issue, we shine a spotlight on the Most Innovative Companies to Watch in 2024, showcasing the trailblazers who are shaping the future of business.

Our cover story features Ekaterina Serban, Head of Privacy and Information Security at Bosch. With over 16 years of experience in Supply Chain, Logistics, and Global Operations, Ekaterina brings a wealth of expertise to the table. She’s a seasoned leader who has successfully built and led high-performing global teams, driving strategic transformations towards modern digital and IoT organizations. Her insights into privacy and cybersecurity governance are invaluable in today’s data-driven world.

As you go about your daily life in this fastpaced and ever-changing world, it’s important to take a moment to recognize and appreciate the unsung heroes who make it all possible. Every convenience, breakthrough, and positive change we experience is the result of a team of dedicated innovators who work tirelessly to make the world a better place, one bold idea at a time. So, let’s take a moment to acknowledge and express gratitude for their hard work and contributions to our lives. Enjoy Reading.

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Dr. Cameron Lippert, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, ElectraMet ElectraMet

Revolutionizing Industrial Water Treatment with Sustainable Solutions and Cutting-edge Technology

Pioneering Digital Transformation Through Collaborative Innovation knowmad mood MUST-WATCH TECH COMPANY IN 2024



Almaquin Enterprises

Mike Hewitt Owner, Almaquin Enterprises

Transforming Landscapes and Improving Lives


7 Digital First Magazine March 2024
8 Digital First Magazine March 2024 CONTENTS Mediatica Pioneering Excellence in Digital Storytelling and Innovation Julián Galeano Chica, CEO of Mediatica 98 60 Club Caddie Elevating Golf Management with Cutting-edge Solutions MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANY TO WATCH IN 2024 72 Crafting Unforgettable Campaigns that Redefine the Industry Chad Tons CEO of Infinity Marketing Team Infinity Marketing Team


9 Digital First Magazine March 2024
Aaron Hamilton Cook, Producer, BioWare 4 Principles for Game Production




Afke Schouten, Founder, AI Bridge Facilitating Organizational AI Transformations


Andrea Pezzetta, Chief Data Officer, Ipsen Empowering Organizations via Connected Data

Dr. Grace Pérez, VP, Chief Digital Program Officer and Executive Lean Leader, GE Healthcare

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Want to Sell or find Investor for your Business?

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With over 16 years of extensive experience in Supply Chain, Logistics, and Global Operations, Ekaterina specializes in B2B and B2C business, IT, digital, privacy, and information security across diverse markets including the US, Mexico, China, India, Malaysia, Turkey, UK, Germany, and Russia. She has a proven track record of successfully building and leading high-performing cross-cultural global teams, as well as driving strategic transformations towards modern digital, compliance, and IoT organizations. Her expertise also extends to establishing privacy and cybersecurity governance, risk management, and operational resilience frameworks.

Ekaterina is also recognized as a “Next Horizon Leader” in the new generation of global leaders, with a commitment to making significant impacts in her field and beyond, particularly in preparing industries for the digital era and strategically shaping the future landscape while cultivating future global leaders. She is an expert speaker on leadership, emerging technologies, cybersecurity, privacy, AI, digital transformation, women in the technology industry, diversity and inclusion, the future of industries.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Ekaterina shared her professional trajectory, the most favorite aspect of her current role, insights on the future of cybersecurity, personal leadership style and approach, the best piece of advice she has ever received, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Digital First Magazine

Hi Ekaterina. Please tell us about your background and areas of interest.

I was born and raised in a multicultural family, and I pursued an international mindset from the early stages. And having my father as a great leader and a role model predefined many unconscious traits in my development as a leader, and the most important as a Female Leader.

I studied international economics and law, as well as having an executive education at Harvard Business School. I have gained an experience of building a career and working in different fields (logistics, supply chain, IT, legal and compliance related), and many countries as well.

I can say that throughout my entire career I was the one who was (and is) creating and implementing a vision for the team and organization and being a visible leader as a pioneer of change. Always leading by example and I inspire employees to take smart risks and to drive positive change in their professional lives.

On a private note, I am a mom of two fantastic daughters and enjoy having time with my family.

What aspects do you enjoy the most of your current role?

It’s never boring. There are several aspects of my role that I find particularly rewarding and


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enjoyable. Firstly, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute strategically to the organization’s overall privacy and information security. Being able to develop and implement comprehensive strategies that align with business objectives allows me to have a significant impact on the organization’s success.

Secondly, I enjoy the continuous learning and problem-solving aspects of the role. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for innovation. Staying abreast of emerging threats, technologies, and best practices keeps me engaged and motivated to find effective solutions to protect our organization’s sensitive information.

Thirdly, I value the collaborative nature of the role. Working closely with cross-functional teams, executives, and stakeholders allows me to leverage diverse expertise and perspectives to address challenges effectively. Building strong relationships and fostering a culture of privacy and security awareness throughout the organization is fulfilling and rewarding.

You are an International Partner at World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF). Can you please tell us about this organization and your role in it?

The World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). WBAF is committed to collaborating globally to empowering the economic development of the world and aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start up to scale up to exit, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide.

I am an International Partner for Germany, and the Forum interacts with leaders in all areas of society, first and foremost in business and political spheres, to help assess needs and establish goals, bearing in mind that the public interest is of paramount importance. We engage a wide range of institutions, both public and private, local and international, commercial and academic to help shape the global agenda.

According to you, how has cybersecurity changed over the last few years?

In recent years, privacy and information security have undergone profound changes driven by digital transformation and the proliferation of AI technologies. Organizations now prioritize robust measures to safeguard sensitive data amidst evolving cyber threats. AI-driven technologies have revolutionized cybersecurity practices, emphasizing the need for adaptable frameworks that uphold privacy principles in dynamic digital environments.

Security and Resilience are two interlinked concepts. From your perspective, why is it important to equally focus on building resilience?

Focusing equally on building resilience alongside security is paramount for organizations, particularly in the context of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain quantum computing, Web3, etc. As AI continues to advance, it introduces both new capabilities and potential vulnerabilities, necessitating organizational resilience to adapt to evolving cyber threats. In the broader spectrum of

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emerging technologies organizations must fortify their resilience strategies to navigate increased complexities and mitigate risks effectively. This balanced approach ensures that organizations can maintain operational continuity, safeguard sensitive information, and uphold stakeholder and customer trust in the face of cyber incidents and disruptions.

What is your leadership style and approach?

I consider myself as a new generation of global leaders, I call it “Next Horizon Leader”. Today’s leaders are expected to be collaborative, transparent, innovative, visionary, boundary-pushers, trendsetters, pioneers, trailblazers and future-oriented. I am

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deeply convinced that companies’ greatest asset is their PEOPLE (yes, people- not technology or/ and data!).

And I see as my mission to develop new global leaders, the individuals who anticipate and navigate upcoming challenges and opportunities with a strategic focus on shaping the future landscape.

What does working in privacy and information security mean on a practical level, and what kinds of skills/personality traits are an asset in the field?

Working in privacy and information security entails the dual responsibility of safeguarding business interests while ensuring regulatory compliance. On a practical level, this involves collaborating closely with IT and business teams, executives, and stakeholders to develop a holistic approach to privacy and information security. This approach, encompassing both operational and strategic aspects, is aligned with business objectives. Effective communication and leadership skills play a pivotal role in emphasizing the significance of these matters and cultivating a culture of security awareness across the organization.

What are some of the roadblocks you face to doing your job well? What do you do to overcome those challenges?

There are some of them:

Number one is the current complex regulatory landscape in the world and especially in Europe right now. It requires a thorough understanding of various regulations and standards, as well as ongoing efforts to ensure compliance across all aspects of the organization. Next 2-3 years many industries will face massive impact from

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upcoming digital regulations, especially when it comes to digital platforms and services, connected products. And what I see right now many companies still underestimating upcoming impact and not putting this topic in the board room. And this is a part of my job as well to prepare business for those regulatory changes and advocate for a proactive approach to compliance, positioning it as a strategic enabler rather than a mere obligation.

Number two is rapidly evolving threats and lack of organizational buy-in. The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, with new threats and attack vectors emerging regularly. However, many people believe that cyber related risk and disruptions won’t affect them and it’s “happening only in a movie”. Building a strong security culture within an organization requires active engagement and buy-in from leadership, employees, and stakeholders. And on that matter, we work on ensuring that privacy and information security initiatives are aligned with the organization’s overall business objectives and risk tolerance, and that it seen as a strategic priority for the organization.

Number three is cross-organizational silos. There may be differences in knowledge and understanding of cybersecurity risks and best practices among various departments and external suppliers, especially when it comes to the supply chain. There may be resistance or skepticism from some departments or external suppliers regarding the need for measures or the perceived impact on their operations. Therefore, we are building collaborative partnerships across different departments and with external parties in overcoming siloed thinking and organizational barriers.

In your academic or work career, were there any mentors who have helped you grow along the way? What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Throughout my professional career, I have been fortunate to have several mentors who have played instrumental roles in my growth and development. These mentors have provided guidance, support, and valuable insights that have helped shape my career trajectory.

One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received from a mentor is to embrace continuous learning and never stop seeking new knowledge and skills and be open for new opportunities. This advice has encouraged me to stay curious, be open to new ideas, and continuously strive for personal and professional growth. It has inspired me to pursue opportunities for learning and development, whether through formal education, professional certifications, or informal mentorship relationships.

Another piece of advice that has resonated with me is to embrace failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Failure is inevitable (nobody is perfect) in any journey of growth and success, and it is how we respond to failure that ultimately shapes our resilience and determination. This advice has taught me to view failures as valuable learning experiences, to reflect on what went wrong, show your vulnerabilities and to use those insights to improve and grow stronger.

Overall, the guidance and wisdom imparted by my mentors have been invaluable in shaping my career path, instilling a mindset of continuous learning and growth, and empowering me to overcome challenges and achieve success.

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Where would you like to be in the next 5 years?

My goal is to continually progress in my career while also making significant impacts in my field and beyond, particularly in preparing industries for the digital era and guiding GenZ towards success. Ultimately, I aspire to embody the qualities of a “Next Horizon Leader” – bold, yet humble, and dedicated to making a positive difference in the world.

I view it as my mission to cultivate future global leaders who possess the foresight and skills to tackle upcoming challenges and seize opportunities, strategically shaping the future

landscape. I firmly believe that opportunities don’t happen, you create them.

What advice would you give to aspiring cybersecurity professionals?

I would advise embracing continuous learning, building a strong technical foundation, and gaining hands-on business experience. Cultivate a security mindset, prioritize ethical behavior, and stay adaptable to the fast-paced nature of the field. Lastly, network actively, maintain integrity, and approach privacy and information security as a mission to protect and defend the digital world.

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Empowering Companies to Embrace a Data-Driven Mindset

Do you think that data science is perceived to be more important than ever before?

Data science, and more broadly, data-driven decision-making, will become the prevailing norm. What was once confined to academia and a handful of tech giants is becoming readily available to all. In the present day, anyone has the opportunity to use data science platforms and programming languages to leverage data.

However, the integration of data science into corporate practices remains far from the norm, particularly within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This discrepancy is due to a deficiency in both data culture and data literacy among staff and executives alike. Companies are gradually recognizing that capitalizing on their data is giving them a significant advantage over the competition.

Leaders should define distinct data responsibilities and allow employees the flexibility to dedicate time to these tasks
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Dr. Sandro Saitta is passionate about helping companies to become even more data-driven. He has worked in various industries to foster usage of data. He is currentlytheFounder&CEOofviadata(www. Sandro gained experience in a wide range of companies such as Swisscom (consultant), SICPA Security Solutions, Expedia, Nestlé Nespresso and the Swiss Data Science Center. Sandro is a lecturer at Business School Lausanne (BSL) and HEC Lausanne. He is a member of the executive committee of CDOIQ Europe and co-founder of the Swiss Association for Analytics. Sandro holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Dr. Sandro shared his insights on the importance of data science in today’s business environment, his career trajectory, key roles and responsibilities as Founder & CEO at viadata, significant career milestones, pearls of wisdom and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Throughout my two-decade career, my core vision has remained steadfast: I am dedicated to empowering companies to embrace a datadriven mindset and further amplify their capabilities in this direction

What can leaders do to promote a data driven decision-making culture in their organizations?

To begin with, leaders need to have a clear vision of the organization’s direction and the strategies to achieve those goals. Equally important is demonstrating the strong connection between the data strategy and the company’s overall strategic roadmap. It is crucial that this strategy is communicated throughout the entire organization.

Moving on, leaders should define distinct data responsibilities and allow employees the flexibility to dedicate time to these tasks. It is not sufficient to merely outline tasks; providing the necessary time and resources is essential for effective execution.

Thirdly, customized training programs should be established. Employees should gain an understanding not only of how data can be harnessed to drive decisions, but also of the significance of data collection and quality.

Lastly, embracing a data-driven mindset necessitates organizational transformation. Leaders play a pivotal role in guiding and managing this transformational journey.

Dr. Sandro, please tell us about your past work experiences, career growth journey, and your long-term vision.

Following the completion of my PhD in Data Science, I have engaged with a diverse array of companies spanning various industries as well as academia. My professional journey has encompassed sectors such as telecommunications, chemistry, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and online travel agencies (OTA). I like dynamic environments, as they offer me an opportunity to glean insights from new colleagues, clients, and

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suppliers. My roles have been multifaceted, ranging from data scientist to team leader.

Furthermore, I like sharing my experience in the field of data science, with different audiences. I am fortunate to serve as a lecturer in several executive programs, including the CAS in Data Science & Management at HEC

Lausanne and the EMBA program at Business School Lausanne.

Throughout my two-decade career, my core vision has remained steadfast: I am dedicated to empowering companies to embrace a data-driven mindset and further amplify their capabilities in this direction.

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What are your main activities as Founder & CEO of viadata?

Through viadata, I embarked on a fresh entrepreneurial venture, extending my commitment to assisting enterprises in their evolution to become even more data-driven. The name “viadata” encapsulates the idea of a journey through data.

This encompassing mission entails a range of responsibilities, including providing guidance to leaders, charting out data science roadmaps, nurturing employee skills through training, and recruiting future data talents. I am positioning myself as the primary point of contact of companies for all matters pertaining to data and artificial intelligence. When the need arises, I ensure the integration of appropriate partners into the project to achieve comprehensive solutions.

With viadata and your involvement into the CDOIQ Europe event series, you interact with Chief Data Officers (CDO) and data leaders. Can you share on the importance of the role of CDO and how you see it evolve?

The position of Chief Data Officer (CDO) holds a pivotal significance for multiple reasons. Firstly, it conveys a resounding message to employees, underscoring the value of data as a corporate asset. Secondly, the C-level nature of this role highlights the integration of the data strategy into the broader corporate strategy framework. Thirdly, it designates a person responsible for the data and AI roadmap, in charge of both the defensive aspects (governance, quality, etc.) and the offensive facets (analytics, machine learning, etc.) of the data strategy.

Data literacy is fast approaching the same level of significance as mathematical and English proficiencies
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Currently, the majority of CDOs possess a defensive background and function, aiming to organize, enhance, and safeguard data. A limited number of CDOs have a primarily offensive background in domains such as data science and AI. Nonetheless, the role is evolving, as evident by new titles like Chief Analytics Officer, Chief AI Officer, and Chief Data & Analytics Officer. Anticipating the future, companies might encompass multiple data-related roles, reflecting the intricate nature of the CDO position.

You are also a Lecturer at Business School Lausanne (BSL) and in the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Data Science & Management at HEC Lausanne. Can you please tell us about the programs/courses taught by you and their significance in today’s digital era? The primary aim of these programs is to empower executives with enhanced data proficiency. Our curriculum spans a broad spectrum, including areas ranging from data strategy and governance to data science and machine learning. In the courses I personally facilitate, my approach involves demystifying artificial intelligence, offering real-world application examples from my own experiences, and showing the limits of data-driven methodologies.

In the past, there was a necessity to substantiate the value of such programs. However, in the current landscape, they are more and more recognized as indispensable. I do believe that in our contemporary epoch, possessing a certain degree of data literacy is imperative for professional success. Data literacy is fast approaching the same

level of significance as mathematical and English proficiencies.

What are your thoughts about ChatGPT?

Do you feel that data science jobs may become obsolete or can the AI chatbot help data scientists in diligent tasks?

I perceive ChatGPT as a novel tool with the potential to enhance individuals’ productivity. While its utility within companies is still under scrutiny, there are certain considerations to be addressed. These models, although highly versatile, lack company-specific data, raise privacy challenges, and pose environmental sustainability concerns. It is possible for companies to fine-tune such tools, but this process remains complex and resource-intensive. Recalling a few years back, there was a buzz around Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) and the broader concept of automating data science. As anticipated, data scientists are here to stay, and their roles will be there in the foreseeable future. This resilience stems from the fact that key responsibilities involve human interactions, an aspect that ChatGPT cannot replace. While ChatGPT and analogous tools can assist data scientists – for instance writing code – I think other trends, like no-code platforms, have more impact on data scientist jobs.

In your opinion, what key personality traits are common among successful data scientists?

In my experience, exceptional data scientists don’t necessarily require mastery in technical skills such as programming and statistics. Throughout my observations, I have identified three distinct personality traits that significantly set impactful data scientists apart.

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While ChatGPT and analogous tools can assist data scientists – for instance writing code – I think other trends, like no-code platforms, have more impact on data scientist jobs

First and foremost, a passion for data and AI characterizes remarkable data scientists. Their dedication comes from a genuine love for their work and the wish to always learn more.

Secondly, I have noted that curiosity furnishes data scientists with a remarkable advantage. Curiosity translates to a propensity for asking questions, thereby gathering a deeper comprehension of specific domains.

Lastly, I firmly believe that successful data scientists tend to exhibit humility. Recognizing that data science is a collaborative endeavor, humility facilitates seamless integration within a team, fostering an positive working environment.

What has been your most career-defining moment that you are proud of?

During my tenure at Expedia, I was engaged in an initiative centered around forecasting the value generated by hotels. This project had started prior to my arrival at the company. Along the way, we found the existence of duplicate entries within the hotel database. Demonstrating the value of Machine Learning (ML) for deduplication, we were able to substantiate the need for a new team member. This concept resonated with me on multiple levels. Beyond the AI-driven value generation, it underscored the prospect of team expansion and job creation, which I am very proud of.

What is the best career advice you’ve received and how have you sought to put this into practice?

One piece of advice that profoundly resonated with me is related to the art of selecting your battles. While transforming companies to become more data-driven, there is a natural inclination to tackle every opportunity that

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While transforming companies to become more data-driven, there is a natural inclination to tackle every opportunity that presents itself

presents itself. However, a valuable advice and lesson I have learned is the importance of focus and strategic decision-making. It is wiser to prioritize and concentrate on a single project to its completion rather than dispersing efforts across numerous initiatives.

What are your passions outside of work?

Beyond my commitments to work and family, sports constitute a significant part of my recreational time. I practice tennis, mountain biking, and bouldering. Bouldering holds a special place in my heart due to its self-competitive nature and the supportive community it fosters. Apart from sports, I enjoy playing board games with friends.

Additionally, I am an avid reader of science fiction books.

What advice would you offer others looking to build their careers as data scientists?

Focus on developing your soft skills. Most data scientists are very good in Machine Learning and programming with Python and R. Too few are able to summarize a project in one minute, make a persuasive presentation and explain the overall context of their project. To evolve in your career, you will have to convince people, to tell stories, to communicate. With the right soft skills, you will have more impact, get access to better positions and be more successful.

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Almaquin Enterprises

Transforming Landscapes and Improving Lives

Headquartered in Fort McMurray, Almaquin Enterprises Limited specializes in providing comprehensive water and wastewater management solutions that ensure regulatory compliance for various municipal and industrial applications. The company is supported by a team of dedicated professionals passionately committed to advancing water and wastewater solutions. As a trustworthy partner, Almaquin has built its reputation on innovation, sustainability, and a steadfast dedication to the communities and clients it serves. Today, Almaquin is paving the way for a future where everyone has access to clean, safe

water through its commitment to excellence, profound respect for the environment, and an unyielding resolve to make a difference.

The Almaquin Journey

Under the leadership of owner Mike Hewitt, Almaquin began its operations on February 3, 2017, evolving from a sole proprietorship established in 2006. Mike leveraged his extensive two-decade experience in camp operations, proposal development, and technical background in water and wastewater treatment to establish Almaquin. His decision was influenced by a diverse career spanning various roles and industries,

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Mike Hewitt
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Owner, Almaquin Enterprises

each contributing a unique set of skills and insights into the complexities of water and wastewater management.

Mike’s prior leadership roles at ATCO Structures and Logistics, including Proposal Manager and Deputy Project Manager, provided opportunities to apply technical expertise in water and wastewater solutions to develop bid responses to large federal requests for proposals (RFPs) and manage projects. He also gained hands-on operational experience at Metro Vancouver’s SeymourCapilano Filtration Plant while controlling the treatment processes at Canada’s largest direct filtration facility. For Mike, this

comprehensive experience laid a foundation for understanding the operational challenges of meeting system demands and optimizing performance and efficiency.

Similarly, his work as a Shift Supervisor in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, overseeing front-line operations at a Class IV water treatment plant (WTP) and coordinating with operators in the distribution system, strengthened Mike’s understanding of the intricacies of managing large-scale WTPs and the importance of continuous improvement and adherence to safety and regulatory standards. His previous experiences with Canadian Natural Resources and Tervita further cemented

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Filter effluent flow control valving

the importance of compliance, safety, and effective water and wastewater operations management.

What Sets Almaquin Apart from its Competitors?

Almaquin’s distinction in the water and wastewater industry stems from its comprehensive approach, deeply rooted in a blend of technical

prowess, diverse global experience, and a broad professional network. The foundation of Almaquin’s services is its technical expertise, accumulated through years of hands-on experience in various aspects of water and wastewater treatment, from operational management in large urban centres to critical roles in remote and challenging environments.

Almaquin Enterprises’ distinction in the water and wastewater management industry stems from its comprehensive approach, deeply rooted in a blend of technical prowess, diverse global experience, and a broad professional network

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On-site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation

In addition, Almaquin’s solutions are enriched by international exposure, with significant projects undertaken in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), among others. This global experience has not only broadened its understanding of different technical and environmental challenges but also fostered adaptability and innovative problemsolving skills. Almaquin has a robust network of professionals across a range of disciplines beyond water and wastewater operators, including tradespeople, engineers, logistical

experts, and other specialists, enabling Almaquin to assemble multidisciplinary teams tailored to the specific needs of each project. This team approach facilitates the creation of customized solutions that integrate seamlessly into clients’ existing operations, in consideration of both technical requirements and the broader operational context.

Most importantly, Almaquin’s commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient, and sustainable solutions sets it apart. This commitment is reflected in every aspect of its operations, from choosing the most appropriate

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technologies and practices to ensuring that solutions contribute positively to the environment and the communities served.

Maintaining the Highest Standards of Regulatory Compliance

Almaquin delivers water compliance solutions across municipal and industrial sectors by providing certified water and wastewater operators. These professionals stay current with the latest treatment technologies and regulatory requirements, crucial for executing the treatment processes that meet required health, safety, and environmental standards. Almaquin prioritizes professional development, offering operators certified up to level 4, addressing complex water quality challenges and safeguarding public health and protecting the environment.

The company employs a comprehensive approach to maintain regulatory compliance and industry excellence. This includes continuous education, rigorous monitoring of regulatory updates across all government levels, and integration of compliance into

Almaquin Enterprises contributes to ensuring compliant water for both municipal and industrial applications through its dedication to providing certified water and wastewater operators
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Jar testing to optimize coagulant and polymer dosing

project planning. Almaquin’s initiatives extend to quality assurance, proactive regulatory engagement, environmental stewardship, client collaboration on compliance significance, and efficient incident management. Through these strategies, Almaquin assures that its operations not only meet legal and industry standards but also contribute to sustainable environmental practices.

Navigating Complex Challenges with Expertise

Almaquin adeptly addresses the complexities of water treatment operations and project management, distilling intricate engineering principles into practical, operator-friendly formats. This transformation is crucial for revising operations manuals and crafting

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competency tests that mirror the real-world demands of water and wastewater treatment systems. By simplifying engineering documents and aligning test content with practical operational scenarios, Almaquin ensures that operators are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for safe and efficient system operation.

The company excels in creating comprehensive operations manuals and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that cater to the nuanced needs of WTPs and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). This includes a thorough documentation of operational processes, maintenance routines, troubleshooting steps, and emergency protocols. Almaquin values operator input, incorporating their feedback to refine these documents further, enhancing both relevance and applicability.

Almaquin Enterprises ensures its services meet regulatory requirements and guarantees compliance through a structured and comprehensive approach, emphasizing adherence to legal standards, continuous education, and proactive project management

Project management, particularly in commissioning new WTPs or revising operations manuals, is executed with meticulous attention to coordination, communication, and review processes. This structured approach extends to Almaquin’s proposal development, where a blend of technical insight, strategic planning, and collaborative review underpins their ability to secure complex contracts. The company’s methodology emphasizes a deep understanding of client requirements, accountability, interdisciplinary cooperation, and a commitment to long-term partnerships, fostering its reputation as a reliable and expert industry partner.

Almaquin has developed a series of tools that contribute to its operational efficiency, illustrated through the successful initiatives at the Lake Cowichan WTP. These tools not only standardize processes and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements but also enhance the overall performance of the plant by improving staff competency, equipment reliability, and emergency preparedness. The protocol involves the creation of SOPs and process control narratives, training and competency matrices, streamlined reporting, equipment maintenance and troubleshooting, emergency response

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planning, inventory management for critical spares, quality monitoring and compliance, facility classification, and advancement of operator certification.

Social Outreach

Almaquin supports volunteer organizations that seek to strengthen capacity in under-resourced communities and provide disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts

Almaquin supports volunteer organizations that seek to strengthen capacity in under-resourced communities and provide disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

Operators Without Borders (OWB) is collaborating with the Nakuru Water and Sewerage Company (NAWASCO) in Kenya on a certification initiative. This partnership began in November 2022, motivated by NAWASCO’s efforts to expand and improve their water and sanitation facilities. These upgrades were recognized by UN Habitat and the Global Wastewater Initiative (GWI), highlighting NAWASCO as a candidate for this project. The program’s aim is to bolster internal capacity through train-the-trainer approaches, essential for enduring water and wastewater management practices.

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The 2022 phase of the project concentrated on wastewater treatment certification and training. Plans for 2024 include extending the program to encompass water treatment processes. In support of this expansion, Almaquin is contributing to the initiative’s success by dispatching a volunteer certified operator to Nakuru in May 2024. This operator will provide level 1 water distribution training to NAWASCO’s local operators, ensuring they are well prepared for their certification exam.

Needs4Water, led by Asmahan Rabo, operating near Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, extends its services to the rural regions of East Africa, including Kenya and Somalia. The organization focuses on enhancing water quality for communities caught in humanitarian crises and delivers critical services that improve access to clean and reliable water. Asmahan brings to her work her deep understanding of water quality analysis and a strong desire to support underprivileged areas. Needs4Water utilizes Asmahan’s fluency in English, Swahili,

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Arid conditions of the Ethiopia landscape

and Somali, her water quality assessment skills, knowledge of standards like ISO/ IEC 17025, and advanced testing techniques to tackle water quality issues effectively. Almaquin supports Needs4Water’s efforts, furthering Asmahan’s vision of positively impacting public health and environmental sustainability.

Success Stories

Almaquin’s contribution to winning bids for securing complex O&M contracts, including North Warning System O&M, CFS Alert, 5-Wing Goose Bay and Kandahar Airfield Utilities, combines technical knowledge, strategic planning, and effective communication in proposal development and project management. This approach, emphasizing a comprehensive understanding of requirements, multidisciplinary collaboration, and long-term

Almaquin is looking to broaden its reach into the Arctic and remote communities, providing water and wastewater operational support on large construction projects that necessitate the establishment and oversight of multiple camps
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Nanofiltration membranes

relationship focus, positions Almaquin as a strategic and reliable partner in the industry.

Almaquin leverages its experience in developing marketing materials and winning quotes to stand out in the competitive water and wastewater management industry by focusing on several key strategies. These key strategies include tailoring proposals to client evaluation criteria, highlighting technical expertise and innovative solutions, demonstrating a commitment to compliance and quality, strategically using testimonials and case studies, clearly communicating value and return on investment, utilizing visual elements and professional formatting, employing active engagement and thought leadership, and leveraging digital marketing and social media platforms.

A recent highlight for Almaquin was the awarding of the contract to manage the Class 3 WWTP at the Correctional Service Canada (CSC) minimum security facility at William Head. This project not only involves operational responsibilities but also includes a mentoring program for inmates interested in wastewater treatment careers as part of their rehabilitation.

Over the years, Almaquin has successfully managed and optimized WTPs and enhanced remote camp facilities through a series of key projects, showcasing their proficiency in delivering comprehensive, efficient, and reliable water management solutions. For a project in South America, Almaquin played a pivotal role in finalizing commissioning of a WTP for a mining site camp that was behind schedule. The on-site Almaquin field representative took

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Anthracite filter in run mode

decisive action to familiarize himself with the site’s water process, coordinated with subcontractors, and oversaw the critical commissioning of the SCADA system, ensuring the project’s success.

Another example is the Haiti earthquake response in 2010. In the aftermath of the magnitude 7.0 earthquake, Almaquin deployed a Facilities Manager to the heavily affected areas of Port-au-Prince, assisting a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) project to construct three temporary facilities for displaced government workers, integrating

Well head protection with buried lines to pumping station, reservoir, and generator

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Disaster response for provision of potable water
Over the coming years, Almaquin is poised for significant growth and expansion, particularly in areas that align with its core competencies in water and wastewater management while embracing opportunities for innovation and community engagement

self-sufficient power and essential services. Despite facing numerous challenges, including supply shortages and public health concerns, the deployed team successfully initiated the project, managed operations working with local staff, and successfully transferred the facilities to the Haitian government. This project demonstrated Almaquin’s ability to operate in crisis situations and led to further projects aimed at enhancing Haitian government organizations, including the Haitian National Police and the Port-au-Prince Department of Public Works.

A Bright Future Ahead

Over the coming years, Almaquin is poised for significant growth and expansion, particularly in areas that align with its core competencies in water and wastewater management while embracing opportunities for innovation and community engagement.

Almaquin is also looking to broaden its reach into the Arctic and remote communities, providing water and wastewater operational support on large construction projects that necessitate the establishment and oversight of multiple camps.

Additionally, the company is developing training courses that will count towards Continuing Education Units (CEUs), essential for operators to keep their certifications current. This step further underlines Almaquin’s commitment to professional development within the water and wastewater sector.

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Facilitating Organizational AI Transformations

How would you define AI? How do you expect AI to develop in the future?

In my view, the academic and business perspectives on artificial intelligence diverge in focus and application. Academically, AI is often conceptualized as the study of algorithms and systems that enable computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes a range of methodologies, from rulebased systems to machine learning and deep learning models.

However, in a business context, my understanding of AI takes a more practical bent. Here, AI serves as a tool for enhancing decision-making processes. Specifically, it is about leveraging AI technologies to make predictive or rule-based judgments about individual entities—be they people or items— within an operational business process. These AI-driven decisions are usually embedded within specialized applications tailored to meet organizational goals.

AI departments will not operate in isolation. Instead, they’ll be partially integrated into various business functions, requiring a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach
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As the Founder of AI Bridge in Zurich since 2020, Afke specializes in facilitating organizational AI transformations. She also collaborates on Data & AI Strategy and Academy initiatives at Xebia Data as well as with Datentreiber. Since 2023, she has been a member of the GRDigital FachRat in Switzerland and represents HWZ on the boardofZurich’sDataandAILeadership Day. At HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft, she has been the Head of Major AI in MAS of Digital Business since 2019, where she also directs studies for CAS AI Management & AI Transformation and teaches part-time. Additionally, she is a part-time partner at Future Work Forum, a leading think tank.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Afke shared her insights on the role of AI in the future, professional trajectory, her top two priorities as the Founder of AI Bridge, her secret to striking a work-life balance, future plans, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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A lot of the work we are doing is evangelizing, helping people understand why they need to become AI literate and how to do that

Therefore, while the academic view may prioritize the intellectual quest to make machines ‘intelligent,’ the business perspective focuses on the application of these intelligent capabilities to achieve tangible business outcomes. I firmly believe that the role of AI in organizations will grow to become even bigger than the size and significance of traditional IT departments. However, there’s a key distinction: AI departments will not operate in isolation. Instead, they’ll be partially integrated into various business functions, requiring a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. This essential shift requires that organizations undergo an AI Transformation to build these cross-functional teams and fully leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

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If you were a CEO of a traditional company that wants to become AIdriven, what would be the first business problem that you would use AI to solve?

Becoming AI Literate: No single AI strategy or use case suits every organization, as each company has unique needs, capabilities, and contexts. The feasibility and impact of any AI use case can vary significantly from one organization to another. Therefore, I strongly recommend that CEOs acquire a fundamental understanding of artificial intelligence. This includes learning about what AI can and cannot do, understanding the breadth of potential applications, and most importantly, understanding what it takes to transition a company into an AI-driven organization. In my experience, the executives who invest the time to become well-versed in AI are the ones who successfully lead their organizations into an AI-driven future.

Afke, please tell us a bit about yourself and how did you start out in the industry. My journey into data science and AI management began already during university where I studied mathematics and econometrics. My first professional role was as a data scientist allowed me to work on projects focused on customer segmentation and quantifying the value that lies in aggregator data sets.

I later transitioned into management consulting upon relocating to Switzerland, an experience that proved invaluable for me. During this period, I gained deep insights into project management, business goal alignment, and effective stakeholder engagement.

When the first AI wave came to Switzerland in 2013, I got the opportunity

to lead a team dedicated to supporting the Sales functions through Analytics and AI. Since then, I’ve consistently worked at the intersection of business strategy and data science. This unique mix of experiences has given me over a decade of expertise gathering in AI Management.

What are your top two priorities as the Founder of AI Bridge?

The mission of our company is to help organizations generate true value with AI. We do this by equipping stakeholders on all different levels in the organization, starting at the top with the board of directors and executive board, all the way to equipping data scientists with the necessary skills and know-how on how to engage with their business stakeholders. A lot of the work we are doing is evangelizing, helping people understand why they need to become AI literate and how to do that. At the same time, we work a lot with organizations that are further along their maturity journey and specifically supporting them in defining and implementing their strategy and use cases.

Why do you think there are still so few females in the technology sector?

How can we get more women into technology?

Navigating the issue of gender diversity, and diversity in general, in the technology sector is a complex topic, and frankly, it’s an area that demands attention. The journey towards inclusivity begins in educational institutions, where we must actively encourage and demonstrate the value of STEM subjects to young girls. While steps have been made, progress is slower than I would like to see.

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I find inspiration in a diverse group of thought leaders, mostly entrepreneurs and subjectmatter evangelists who are at the forefront in their respective fields

Additionally, industries dominated by men often present fewer opportunities for individuals with family responsibilities, which traditionally impacts women more. This isn’t just a problem within the tech sector; it’s a broader societal issue that requires targeted efforts.

I am optimistic, however, because I do see incremental improvements. Although the pace of change is not going at the speed as I’d like to see, the fact that we are moving in the right direction gives me hope for more equitable opportunities for future generations.

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What do you feel has been your ‘careerdefining’ moment?

A pivotal moment in my career was the founding of AI Bridge, a venture that for me personally represents both an opportunity as well as a responsibility to steer the industry in the right direction. The initial motivation came from a sense of frustration shared by many of my data scientist peers. These frustrations arose partly from misaligned expectations on their side and partly from a lack of AI literacy among management.

At that same period, I encountered many business stakeholders questioned by the lack of value after hiring data scientists. They had an eagerness to make things work; yet the missing piece was simply the know-how on how to make AI work in an organization.

Realizing this frustration on both sides, I felt that operating as an independent entity would enable me to make a more substantial impact on the industry. My role as a program director at a local business school has allowed me to increase this impact. Through both of these capacities, I’ve been able to influence hundreds if not thousands of professionals, gradually ensuring a more AIliterate market, one step at a time.

What do you think is the best part of being a woman in the tech industry?

It’s challenging for me to provide an outsider’s perspective on gender dynamics in the tech industry, given that I’ve always been a woman working in this field. What I can say is that one of the aspects I most appreciate about working in tech is the opportunity to collaborate with intellectually stimulating individuals.

Days when I can engage in in-depth discussions about statistical methodologies— and then directly link those conversations to real-world business value—are particularly rewarding for me. These are the moments when I feel most energized and fulfilled in my career, as they include both intellectual stimulation and practical application.

Where or whom do you seek motivation and inspiration from? How?

I find inspiration in a diverse group of thought leaders, mostly entrepreneurs and subjectmatter evangelists who are at the forefront in

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their respective fields. What motivates me is their ability to drive meaningful change within their field. To stay connected with their insights and achievements, I actively follow them on LinkedIn. Beyond that, I also engage in faceto-face conversations with these individuals whenever possible. It provides a richer, more nuanced understanding of their perspectives and allows for a deeper level of engagement. These interactions serve as both a source of inspiration and knowledge, this fuels my own drive for both being innovative and being the best in my field.

What is your secret to striking a work-life balance?

I adhere to a “work hard, play hard” philosophy, a balance between professional diligence and personal fun. My approach to the workday is highly organized and focused, enabling me to achieve a very high level of productivity that gives me the time back in the evenings and weekends to mentally disengage from work.

Outside the office, I focus on many different physical activities— You’ll find me regularly in the gym, but also up in the Swiss mountains for hiking or skiing. I even have the honor of playing for the Swiss national korfball team. All the sports does not only keep me physically fit but also serve as a good counterbalance to my work commitments.

In addition, I place a high value on quality time spent with friends. Whether it’s engaging in meaningful conversations or participating in activities that leave us laughing so hard it hurts, these moments provide a different but just as important form of balance. The combination of intense work, sports, and

social engagement creates a good work-life balance for me that helps both my professional and personal well-being.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Five years from now, I envision myself continuing to specialize in aiding organizations with their AI transformations by helping boards of directors setting a long term vision with AI and supporting the executive board in crafting their strategy for implementation. By that time, AI Bridge will have established itself as a globally recognized brand in the industry. Leveraging deep industry experience, and innovative methodologies of delivery, we’ll have become the go-to resource for businesses looking to integrate artificial intelligence into their operations effectively and responsibly. Our reputation will be built on a foundation of successful case studies, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of both technological and business considerations in AI implementation, meaning the AI bridge will be built in many more organizations than today.

What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the tech industry?

What do you wish you had known?

Recognizing that men and women often have different approaches and skill sets is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of a diverse team. I advocate for having more than one woman on a team, and therefore also encourage women to ask for this proactively, to ensure a more balanced and inclusive environment, which can ultimately lead to greater success for everyone involved.

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Revolutionizing Industrial Water Treatment with Sustainable Solutions and Cutting-edge Technology

In a world where the demand for clean water is increasingly strained by burgeoning populations and environmental pressures, the quest for innovative solutions has become paramount. In recognition of the evolving needs of manufactures that make the products we rely on and the recyclers trying to reduce waste, ElectraMet technology was created as a metal separations company for industrial applications struggling with dissolved metal impurities. While initially developed to address concerns with lead in drinking water, ElectraMet quickly evolved based on customer

inquiries regarding how to remove copper from industrial production fluids and waste streams. “We quickly pivoted to industrial applications where we found our solution could have a transformative impact, particularly in addressing copper-laden waste streams,” explains Dr. Cameron Lippert, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at ElectraMet.

ElectraMet was established on the principle of leveraging ubiquitous carbon materials and electrochemical processes to solve realworld separation challenges. Driven by microelectronics’ & surface finishings’ need

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Cameron Lippert,

to comply with effluent limitation guidelines and water recycling objectives, the company has applied its innovative and highly selective technology to onsite removal and recovery aligned with discharge compliance requirements, constricting operating budgets, and a push towards reducing carbon footprint.

“Embedded within our design philosophy is a commitment to sustainability,” affirms Dr. Lippert, a seasoned entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in developing and commercializing innovations. Before

his entrepreneurial endeavors, Dr. Lippert spearheaded multimillion-dollar technology projects at the Center for Applied Energy Research, spanning from carbon capture to advanced battery chemistry. Central to ElectraMet’s ethos is simplicity in system design, a natural ally to sustainability, lowering barriers to entry for new water treatment technologies and facilitating widespread adoption. Leveraging the efficiency of electrochemistry, ElectraMet streamlines processes, achieving results in

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fewer steps than traditional methods, and thereby driving their mission forward.

A Versatile Solution for Comprehensive Metal Recovery

ElectraMet’s engineering allows for removal and recovery across all concentration ranges for copper, which separates it from traditional solutions that solely focus on either low or high concentrations, such as ion-exchange, chemical precipitation, or electrowinning. This broad applicability for copper presents

Leveraging the efficiency of electrochemistry, ElectraMet streamlines processes, achieving results in fewer steps than traditional methods, and thereby driving their mission forward while delivering significant customer value

outstanding application in microelectronics and battery recycling applications. These market segments see exceptional value in ElectraMet’s automation, data accessibility, removal process verification, and onsite metal recovery. The elimination of hauling combined with onsite recovery of solid recyclable metal provides tremendous carbon footprint reduction.

“For battery recycling, we not only eliminate impurities but also offer real-time monitoring to ensure that product purity or discharge compliance meets specification,” explains Dr. Lippert. “ElectraMet solutions enhance product value through removing copper and manganese impurities from

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James Landon, CTO and Co-Founder

process streams or recovering valuable metals from wastewater discharge and assuring compliance. Either way, both the customer and environment win. We enable companies to do the right thing the right way.”

Within battery recycling, ElectraMet has separated itself by removing and recovering highpurity copper from mixed-metal streams while significantly impacting nickel/cobalt stream value by removing trace manganese. The selectivity of ElectraMet cartridges is a result of a decade of research and development. With commercial installations for copper and manganese to below 0.5 ppm without impacting other metals, the selectivity and operational impact cannot be equaled by traditional technologies. The ElectraMet system empowers battery recyclers to maximize metal yields, minimize treatment footprint and complexity, and reduce labor.

Most microelectronics fabs have transitioned from aluminum to copper technology in pursuit of

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smaller geometries. Due to various process steps in the building and assembly of semiconductors, dissolved metal waste is produced and needs remediation. Per co-founder and CTO James Landon, “Chelators and complexing agents are more prevalent in today’s processes to produce innovative products. Slurries for the polishing steps in semiconductor fabrication use complex chemistries to control the product quality, and the ability to remove the metals from these waste streams continues to be a challenge. ElectraMet systems are purpose built to remove and recover copper and other metals from microelectronics streams.” As semiconductor fabs push towards sustainability, the need to recover metals onsite and eliminate hauling materials to and from fabs is critical.

Redefining Environmental Responsibility

ElectraMet stands at the forefront of environmental stewardship, significantly mitigating the ecological footprint of water treatment processes, particularly through the elimination of sludge production and the associated costs. Remarkably, for every metric ton of copper recovered onsite with ElectraMet technology, the customer prevents the 4.6 metric tons of CO2 emissions that would have otherwise been emitted

Within battery recycling, ElectraMet has separated itself by removing and recovering high-purity copper from mixed-metal streams while significantly impacting nickel/cobalt stream value by removing trace manganese

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At the heart of ElectraMet’s success lies its patented, advanced electrode technology, providing a stable interface for metal collection while allowing for tailored designs to meet the specific kinetics of various metals separations

during mining operations. This reduction in environmental impact is further underscored by the elimination of hauling chemicals or resin into and offsite and the elimination of copperbased sludge disposal.

Intelligent design and material science remove metals to less than one part per million (<1 ppm) while permitting 99.99% water recovery, setting a new standard in the industry.

“Accurate monitoring of metal concentrations aids waste treatment operators in maintaining

compliance while data availability alerting production-line operators to potential upsets that may impact product quality and revenue,” emphasizes Dr. Lippert. With a remarkable efficiency rate of 99.99%, ElectraMet removes metal impurities and facilitates their return to end-users for on-site or off-site recycling, further closing the materials loop and promoting sustainability.

Automation plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes, significantly reducing the need for operator intervention, often limited to the harvesting of solid, high-purity metals like copper and silver from the system. Contrastingly, conventional methods relying on chemical additions and precipitation necessitate extensive supervision, including the handling and disposal of sludge waste products.

At the heart of ElectraMet’s success lies its tailored carbon electrode technology, providing a stable interface for metal collection while allowing for customized designs to meet the specific kinetics of various metal separations. Currently, ElectraMet has achieved success in removing a range of metals, including copper, silver, manganese, cadmium, gold, platinum group metals, nickel, cobalt, and lead, with ongoing exploration into new applications.

Flexibility is inherent in ElectraMet’s systems, which can be seamlessly scaled to accommodate the size and requirements of diverse operations. Dr. Landon affirms, “Our modular systems ensure adaptability to many application environments for metals separations. ElectraMet has developed a mobile benchtop unit for deployment to customer sites to demonstrate real-time separations on a small scale, expediting the validation process directly with customers.”

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Club Caddie

Elevating Golf Management with Cutting-edge Solutions

In the realm of golf course and country club management, few names resonate with innovation and excellence as distinctly as Club Caddie. Born from the shared passion of four seasoned golf industry professionals, the genesis of Club Caddie traces back to the acquisition of Flushing Valley Golf Course & Banquet Center. Faced with the constraints of conventional point-of-sale systems, their collective vision ignited the creation of a solution that truly grasped the intricacies of golf operations. This vision manifested into Golfler, later evolving into the sophisticated software suite

known today as Club Caddie—a testament to unwavering dedication to advancing golf course management.

At the heart of Club Caddie’s ethos lies a commitment to democratizing access to cutting-edge, cloud-based management solutions across a diverse spectrum of golf facilities. “Our mission is founded upon a modular approach, tailored to cater to the distinct needs of various golf operations, be it daily fee facilities, private country clubs, or golf simulators,” shares Ryan Hutson, VP of Support at Club Caddie. “We consider ourselves partners in our customers’ success,

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At the forefront of golf course and simulator facility management, Club Caddie distinguishes itself through its versatile, cloud-based solution tailored to the diverse needs of its clientele

providing indispensable tools and unwavering support to thrive in the competitive landscape of the golf industry.”

The pivotal acquisition of Club Caddie by Jonas Software in 2020 marked a watershed moment in its trajectory. Acknowledged for its promise by Jonas—a company traditionally discerning in its startup acquisitions—the collaboration has propelled Club Caddie’s growth and innovation. “This partnership has allowed us to explore new horizons and expand our portfolio, all while remaining steadfast to our core mission and values,” adds Ryan.

Revolutionizing Golf Management Through Customer-Centric Innovation

At the forefront of golf course and simulator facility management, Club Caddie distinguishes itself

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through its versatile, cloud-based solution tailored to the diverse needs of its clientele.

“Our platform embodies an all-encompassing approach, accessible from any location, elevating both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction,” affirms Ryan.

Central to Club Caddie’s ethos is an unwavering dedication to customer success. The company wholeheartedly embraces user feedback, incorporating it into the continuous evolution of its software. This customercentric philosophy, coupled with the firsthand industry expertise of its team, ensures that every feature and workflow is meticulously crafted to address the real-world challenges encountered by users.

Each component of Club Caddie’s software undergoes stringent testing by industry professionals, guaranteeing not just adherence but surpassing of client standards and expectations. By engaging professionals intimately familiar with the nuances of golf course operations, Club Caddie assures that its solutions are not only effective but also finely attuned to operators’ needs. “Our steadfast commitment to excellence and relevance is what distinguishes us, positioning our software as the pinnacle of golf course management solutions,” asserts Ryan.

Furthermore, Club Caddie actively solicits insights from a diverse array of stakeholders, including PGA Professionals, Food and Beverage

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Club Caddie actively solicits insights from a diverse array of stakeholders, including PGA Professionals, Food and Beverage Directors, and Event Coordinators

Directors, and Event Coordinators. This invaluable feedback fuels a cycle of continuous improvement, empowering the company to refine and enrich its software to meet the dynamic demands of the golf industry. “By integrating suggestions and observations from those entrenched in our system’s daily use, we ensure that Club Caddie remains at the forefront of technological innovation, delivering an unparalleled user experience,” elaborates Ryan.

Pioneering Affordable Excellence in Golf Management

Dedicated to democratizing access to toptier golf course management solutions, Club

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Caddie remains steadfast in its commitment to affordability without compromising quality. The company achieves this through a modular system, meticulously tailored to accommodate the unique requirements of each facility. “Our software’s intuitive interface and adaptable configuration options ensure that golf courses, regardless of size, can harness the power of our technology without sacrificing quality or functionality,” affirms Ryan.

Looking towards the horizon, Club Caddie eagerly anticipates its continued leadership in golf management software solutions. Firmly

rooted in its ethos of responsiveness to user input, the company remains committed to integrating customer feedback into its development pipeline. “In the upcoming year of 2024, we are particularly enthusiastic about the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our offerings, as well as the refinement of our Food & Beverage module based on insights gleaned from industry directors. These initiatives underscore our unwavering dedication to innovation, user satisfaction, and operational excellence,” concludes Ryan.

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Empowering Organizations via Connected Data

*The author writes this article on a personal capacity, with no relation to her current employer.*

Do you think that data science is perceived to be more important than ever before? And what has been the impact of AI on data science?

I do think that data science is perceived to be more important than ever before because of the

buzz around AI. One of the biggest impacts of AI on data science is AI potentially helping to streamline the cleaning of datasets, recognizing anomalies faster than traditional data quality management processes. Clean (and high quality) data is a must for AI as well as analytics, and if AI can be leveraged to do the heavy lifting, there is tremendous value for data scientists and AI outputs.

I am a true believer that real-world data has and will continue to make a difference in evolving precision medicine for patient care
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Andrea Pezzetta currently serves as ChiefDataOfficerforIpsen,leadingdata strategy, analytics strategy, and data governance. She is a global visionary delivering innovative, strategic data, analytics, and tech-driven solutions across healthcare and pharma. Her career has focused on bringing the right capabilities to business users for the nearest, real-time insight generation possible. Andrea has extensive healthcare and pharma industry data knowledge, from drug discovery to commercialization and product utilization. Andrea holds an M.S. in Information Science from Pennsylvania State University, an M.P.A. from Rutgers University, and a B.A. from Ball State University.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Andrea shared her insights on the impact of AI on data science, her career trajectory, key qualities required to become a successful leader, significant career milestones, future plans, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Andrea, can you tell us about your professional background and areas of interest?

I fell in love with data very early on in my career while working for a large payor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For the first few years of my career, my interests were streamlining processes and cleaning data to feed into data warehouses for analytics and reporting. Following that, I moved into analytics and reporting in the healthcare and Commercial pharma space. During that phase

and at that time, I was very passionate about having analysis ready data and trusted data because back then, most of us spent so much time validating and then cleaning data, less time was spent on gleaning insights. I moved into more strategic roles focused on data strategy, first on the Commercial side of pharma and then to R&D. Both roles focused respectively on identifying fit-for-purpose datasets for Commercial and research purposes.

I ’ve been very fortunate to work for some amazing companies as well as incredible teams

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My biggest goal is to drive data transformations via generating analytics ready data, providing self-service access to the right teams, and providing companies with trusted data that the business can depend on for insight generation

and people to evolve healthcare and pharma. The one area of interest that has been with me throughout my career is real-world data. I am a true believer that real-world data has and will continue to make a difference in evolving precision medicine for patient care.

Brief us about your roles and responsibilities as Chief Data Officer at Ipsen.

I am responsible for the company’s data strategy, analytics strategy, and data governance.

What’s the top challenge you’ve found in data transformation?

The top challenge I’ve found is change management. Change is difficult to manage particularly during the beginning of a data transformation journey. With a lot of preparation, communication, and commitment to providing people with the tools to lead change, you can get ahead of the challenge. When people realize we are all on the same journey for the better of the company and they relate to the transformation vision, you are heading in the right direction for success.

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What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion? How important is it to have authentic conversations with leaders, professionals, and changemakers to create more acceptance across the globe?

Diversity and inclusion are extremely important in every company. Bringing diverse people together brings broader perspectives to the table, which can help a company in many ways including their competitive advantage. I see a very different world today, and a much better one than I did when I started my career in data and analytics. For example, there are many more women in the tech, data and analytics space than 25 years ago which is awesome.

I am a big believer in authenticity and authentic conversations between leaders, professionals and changemakers. It takes all of us to lead change and drive acceptance across the globe.

In your opinion, what qualities constitute a good leader?

In my opinion, integrity, respect, authenticity, humility, and good listening skills constitute a good leader.

What is the top data issue that kept you awake at night as a CDO?

The top data issues I think every CDO or CDAO faces at some point is change management. Change management is one of the most important ingredients in a CDOs remit.

What has been your most career-defining moment that you are proud of?

Being part of a team that successfully transformed a global pharma company from a siloed

approach to data and analytics to a more holistic approach. We rolled out an analytics infrastructure across seventeen markets resulting in a single version of truth for datasets across the organization.

What are your passions outside of work?

My passions outside of work include deep sea fishing, snow skiing, hiking, cooking, and spending quality time with friends and family.

What is your biggest goal? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

My biggest goal is to drive data transformations via generating analytics ready data, providing self-service access to the right teams, and providing companies with trusted data that the business can depend on for insight generation. With the ever-increasing amount of data today, it’s important to ensure data foundations are built to empower analysts, data scientists and business users with the full continuum of analytics. In five years, I will most likely be focused on the same mission but with a lot more data.

What advice would you give to new CDOs?

Build relationships to ensure you have the support you need from the top down in your company for data initiatives. Foster relationships with other CDOs and participate in CDO communities so you have a network to collaborate with, share learnings, sort through challenges, and brainstorm new ideas. Ensure data literacy always accompanies any data and analytics transformation.

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Infinity Marketing Team

Crafting Unforgettable Campaigns that Redefine the Industry

The story of establishing the Infinity Marketing Team (IMT) began at global powerhouses

Nike and Adidas. Chad Tons, the CEO, was one of the original “Nike Student Representatives” at the University of Southern California (USC), collaborating with the university athletics program’s brand partnership to create Trojan + Nike branded events and campaigns. “Recognizing the creative event executions, I developed while just a student leader, Nike launched my career after graduation,” Tons recalls.

In Nike’s newly-established Sports Entertainment Department, Tons handled global entertainment productions, grassroots

PR, events, and experiential marketing for top talent. “I learned from the best in crafting key sports entertainment campaigns,” Tons notes, citing projects like the Brazil Soccer Team World Tour, Track & Field Championships, Tiger Woods Japan Golf Tournament, and the Nike Basketball Global Tour.

Tons then transitioned to Adidas America, becoming their youngest Sports Marketing Manager. There, he conceptualized activations for renowned events like the 2000 Olympics, Boston Marathon, and the inaugural Women’s World Cup. “After a few years, I decided to take my learnings into an entrepreneurial venture,” Tons reflects.

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Chad Tons
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CEO of Infinity Marketing Team
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IMT is renowned for its exceptional Creative & InHouse Innovation team, consistently pushing the boundaries of technology and art

In 2001, he founded IMT with the Hawaii Visitor & Convention Bureau as his first client. “I began literally setting up 20x30 booths and handing out Hawaii’s famous chocolatecovered macadamia nuts while registering thousands of participants in a database,” Tons reminisces.

During that first year, Tons also secured larger multi-million-dollar client contracts to execute bold, innovative campaigns, including an award-winning HP partnership that endures to this day. “With our ever-growing, global team of multi-disciplinary creative and technical experts, Infinity is now a leading industry

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trailblazer,” Tons asserts. “We’ve won over 150 recognized craft awards and are consistently recognized as a top Experiential Marketing Firm on annual industry lists throughout the last 20+ years.”

Pioneering Creative Excellence and Innovation

IMT is renowned for its exceptional Creative & In-House Innovation team, consistently pushing the boundaries of technology and art. “Our creative and innovation team remains at the forefront of both technology and art,” states Tons. IMT’s Innovation team is known for developing Intellectual Property that combines clients’ latest offerings with emerging technologies to captivate audiences and impress clients. From digital scavenger hunts for millions of State Farm targets to pairing artistic LED flowers with the latest HP notebooks at festivals, IMT continues to set the standard for innovative campaigns.

“What sets us apart from competitors are the wildly innovative campaigns we produce,” Tons explains, “and what keeps clients returning is the flawless execution of our integrated full-service team.” IMT distinguishes itself by delivering a focused strategy for each client, consistently producing groundbreaking return on investment. “Experiential today is more than pretty stuff with a logo; it’s about results,” Tons emphasizes.

For IMT, ensuring that the experience is unforgettable for campaign audiences is paramount. “In 2022, our campaigns—the State Farm Gamerhood Challenge and the HP REGEN at Coachella—have been racking up wins across the marketing and advertising, creative media, and gaming industry annual award shows,” Tons shares proudly.

For IMT, ensuring that the experience is unforgettable for campaign audiences is paramount
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The Evolution of IMT

When Tons launched IMT, the term ‘experiential’ in the marketing field was still relatively unknown. “At the time, the world’s largest brands were settling for slapping their logo on an event or handing out unremarkable branded souvenirs,” Tons reflects. However, Tons believed that IMT could offer much more, prioritizing consumer affect and embracing technology and creative product integration. “We were competing with traditional advertising and public relations dollars to fund our campaign concepts,” Tons explains.

With each successful campaign, Tons gained the trust of world-class client partners, who entrusted him with budgets and creative license. One such campaign, the YOU+HP Experience launched in 2006, sent seismic waves across the industry. “It was the most aggressive experiential mobile tour ever created,” Tons proudly states.

“It housed over 40 HP products, had on-site sales that outsold HP partner stores, and was attended by over two million consumers during its run.”

The remarkable sales results of the campaign marked a significant shift in the industry. “It was the first time that strategies for national brand campaigns and public relations efforts all shifted to accompany an experiential platform,” recalls Tons, who is now proud to have led this change.

Shaping Experiential Marketing

IMT specializes in selling branded consumer experiences that captivate consumers through Experiential Marketing Campaigns. “For those unfamiliar, experiential marketing is a specialized, multidisciplinary, technologyinfused subfield within advertising and marketing,” explains Tons.

IMT’s globally renowned corporate clients sell futuristic and everyday products and services, utilizing experiential marketing to embed products, brand ethos, and advertising throughout consumers’ lives. “We prioritize memorable experiences that create instinctual and conscious associations with brands and corporate goods,” Tons states proudly.

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Over the last two decades, Tons and his team at IMT have led the shift in the marketing world towards experiential marketing. “As the industry grew, the importance of quantifiable results and ROI mechanisms continued to grow,” Tons notes. “We’ve evolved from simply focusing on ‘brand visibility’ to strategically targeting touchpoints, registration, tie-ins to martech stacks, consumer surveys, and pinpoint accuracy on defined target markets.”

IMT sets the bar high with each project, aiming to conceptualize and produce groundbreaking campaigns recognized as

IMT specializes in selling branded consumer experiences that captivate consumers through Experiential Marketing Campaigns
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industry game changers. “Luckily, my in-house talent and contracted partners are unparalleled in their creative genius, diversity of experience, and engineering capacity to deliver the best of the best,” Tons adds. Throughout the journey, Tons works closely with clients and his team to exceed expectations and adapt to any challenges.

Groundbreaking, innovative, and disruptive— these principles guide IMT in every strategy and campaign produced. “The name Infinity captures our ongoing drive to harness exponential shifts in technology, society, culture, and diverse consumer trends,” Tons explains.

IMT boasts best-in-class Creative and Innovation teams, complemented by an in-house Fabrication team of creative engineers and builders. “Our project ideation, management, and execution expertise have ensured returning clients and global accolades over the last two decades,” Tons proudly states.

With over 5,000 annual groundbreaking events, tours, and activations and a client roster spanning entertainment, education, fashion, technology, food & beverage, automotive, travel, and finance, IMT possesses a breadth of industry awareness and depth. “We produce wow-generating, tech-infused experiences to captivate audiences while consistently delivering a jaw-dropping 300% return on investment for clients,” Tons adds confidently.

Redefining Experiential Marketing Through Game-Changing Campaigns

Throughout the years, IMT has consistently stayed at the forefront of the industry, pioneering campaigns that disrupt the norm and elevate clients’ brands with wildly successful marketing results. “We help clients make bold decisions with big results,” Tons affirms.

In 2012 at CES, IMT made a groundbreaking decision with HP and Intel to create their entire product experience off the traditional show floor. “It was the first tech art-meets-EDM interactive environment ever developed,” Tons explains. Despite not having an official presence, multiple HP and Intel products won ‘Best In Show’ at CES, showcasing the power of IMT’s industry influence.

In 2017 at Coachella, IMT conceptualized and enacted the first-ever tech-brand

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Throughout the years, IMT has consistently stayed at the forefront of the industry, pioneering campaigns that disrupt the norm and elevate clients’ brands with wildly successful marketing results

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‘festivalization,’ initiating HP’s 7-year partnership with the festival. “Our landmark Antarctic geodesic dome and jaw-dropping tech-art installation became the crown of the festival, winning numerous industry awards,” Tons proudly states.

In 2022, IMT advised State Farm to shift from traditional sponsorships to creating their own proprietary eSports event, resulting in the State Farm Gamerhood Challenge. “It garnered 1 Billion impressions and won multiple awards,

including ‘Brand of the Year’ at the Tempest Awards,” Tons recounts.

In 2023, with the Super Bowl held at State Farm Stadium, IMT urged State Farm to redefine how a company leverages naming rights. “State Farm took their spot to TikTok, competing with the event’s massive live viewership with a viral TikTok post,” Tons explains. Partnering strategically with the World’s #1 most-followed TikTok Creator - Khaby Lame, the post garnered over 220 Million viewers, surpassing the Super Bowl’s live viewership.

Uniting East and West for Global Innovation

The acquisition of a stake in IMT by Pico Corporation marked a significant milestone, bringing together East and West under the new IMT-Pico umbrella. “Under the new IMTPico umbrella, our offerings have expanded significantly,” Tons explains. “We now boast 2,000+ event professionals on staff, offices and facilities in 44 cities globally, 5 million sq meters of gross exhibit space, and 100,000 sq meters of production facilities.”

With the merger, the greatest creative minds in the world now collaborate together, driving innovation and pushing boundaries. “For me personally, the plans are to continue innovating and changing the game,” Tons asserts. “The future is gamified - virtually augmented and immersive, strategically integrated across platforms and consumer experiences.”

Tons emphasizes the importance of making space for the diversity of consumer segments to feel empowered, meaningfully engaged, and interconnected. “Here at Infinity Marketing Team, the future is NOW, and we’re just getting started,” Tons concludes confidently.

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Empowering Women in Tech to Learn, Inspire, & Grow

Grace, can you tell us about your professional background and areas of interest?

My professional background is deep rooted in continuous learning with an entrepreneurial mindset. I’m drawn to working in environments where I have a strong sense of purpose. At GE HealthCare, we see possibilities through innovation. We’re partnering with our customers to fulfill healthcare’s greatest potential through

groundbreaking medical technology, intelligent devices, and care solutions. Better tools enabling better patient care. Together, we are not only building a healthier future but living our purpose to create a world where healthcare has no limits.

Prior to joining GE HealthCare in August 2021, my professional journey included leadership at Microsoft, Chevron, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, The United States Department of Labor, and IBM.

It’s awesome to work for a company where there is a strong sense of purpose, knowing the products we develop build a healthier future for everyone
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Dr. Graciela (Grace) Perez, GE HealthCare VP, Chief Digital Program Officer and Executive Lean Leader. At GEHC, Grace is responsible for the global digital program execution and driving a Lean and Agile mindset across the Science and Technology organization. Grace earned a Doctor of Science from the University of Massachusetts, a Master of Science from Harvard, a Master of Science from the University of Illinois, and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is certified as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Professional Facilitator, and Agile Scrum Master.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Digital First Magazine, Dr. Perez shared her professional trajectory, insights on diversity and inclusion in tech, key qualities required to become a successfulleader,futureplans,pearlsof wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

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Innovation and the ability to transform with Lean is important to me. I have served as a transformation and change agent in over 59 countries across my career. Bringing diverse individuals and teams together is the secret sauce for innovation, and I actively invest personal time and energy beyond “my day job” to drive this. This drive has enabled me to serve as Chair of our Hispanic/ Latino colleague resource group and serve as a Segment Leader for our Women in Tech network. I also serve on the Board of The WomenTech Network (WTN).

At GE HealthCare, I am responsible for strategic global digital portfolio and program management, and deployment of the GE HealthCare Business System (Lean) across the Science and Technology organization, with a focus on product, engineering, precision healthcare, R&D, and Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML).

Overall, GEHC’s smart products and services generate shareholder value with about $18B in revenue, and more importantly enable critical capabilities for our patients, clinicians, and providers. It’s awesome to work for a company where there is a strong sense of purpose, knowing the products we develop build a healthier future for everyone.

You are a global ambassador, mentor, and Exec. Board Member at WomenTech Network. Can you please tell us about this network and your role in it?

WomenTech Network (WTN) was started by an amazing and inspiring woman, Anna Radulovski, and it is one of the world’s leading communities for women in tech

with more than 8,000 Global Ambassadors representing 172 countries. 70,000 tech leaders have collaborated with the network to cultivate a diverse global network that reaches 3.5 million people. The annual conference is affordable for a global audience with over 500 virtual presentations.

In my personal time, I support WTN’s mission to empower women in tech through leadership development, professional growth, mentorship, and networking events. In 2022 and 2023, I proposed successful business cases for GE HealthCare (GEHC) to be a headline sponsor of the annual global WTN conference. This included a Women in Tech Summit hosted by our amazing GEHC team in Bangalore, India, and a Career Growth Day for 55 mid-career women in tech with active mentoring on career roadmaps by GEHC female executive leaders at our Waukesha, Wisconsin site.

In addition, GEHC has sponsored 14 inspiring presentations at the global WTN conferences, with our female leaders sharing their experience and insights. We want to attract more women to the amazing tech opportunities in healthcare. This work could not have been accomplished without the support of all genders of colleagues at GEHC who believe in the power of bringing together women in tech to learn, inspire and grow.

Another area where I have worked in the past is mentoring and coaching Founders of tech start-ups. This is an area I recently put on hold due to time constraints, and it is an area where I still have a lot of passion. I will return as a mentor and coach to founders in the future, and if you are reading this

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and want to get involved, contact Founder Institute ™. The next generation of founders are incredibly inspiring, as they are solving problems to create a better world for all of us.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion in tech? How important is it to have authentic conversations with leaders, professionals, and changemakers to create more acceptance across the globe?

I think having diversity and inclusion in tech is very important. The most generous statistics show 29% of all tech colleagues across organizations are women with less than 10% holding the most senior executive positions across tech companies globally. Equality data also shows women and underrepresented minorities receive less pay for the same work across the globe. Why do these numbers matter? They tell us we can do better. Inclusion of diverse experiences

and expertise are important in the design of products that are used by all of us. Several studies show that innovation increases with increased diversity, equality, and inclusion. Innovation in healthcare directly correlates with improved health for you and me.

We have a long road to drive inclusion and diversity across tech. There have been improvements, and it’s important that these conversations are happening now. To create a work environment with diversity, equality, and inclusion, we need to directly acknowledge the challenge, and together, actively engage across all races and genders to create the best products and services to meets the needs of everyone. Associations, like WomenTech Network and The Female Quotient ™, and even our internal colleague resource groups across genders and races, help to start these conversations and provide opportunities to increase awareness and take action. Globally, our

The next generation of founders are incredibly inspiring, as they are solving problems to create a better world for all of us
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people, products, communities, and businesses depend on it.

During a recent healthcare tech conference, GEHC sponsored The Equality Lounge ™ right in the middle of our GE HealthCare booth and Executive Leaders openly participated to drive authentic conversations (our CEO, Chief People Officer, Chief Diversity Equity, and Inclusion Officer, Chief Data and Digital Officers, as well as our partners and customers provided their insights). The entire day was devoted to presentations about diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in healthcare and it was the most well attended day at our booth.

75% of healthcare employees at USA hospitals are female – they use our products. The increased interest in our booth, leveraging The Equality Lounge™ in partnership with The Female Quotient ™ and HIT (healthcare IT) Like a Girl ™, tells me our customers, partners, and employees care about it.

Changemakers commented openly in social media, during the conference, stating how the GEHC booth was innovative “beyond the normal marketing of products” to bring forth meaningful conversations about healthcare tech and the importance of DEI. We are all part of the solution here and increasingly, our people, communities and customers demand greater representation across all genders and races because they know it leads to better products and services for all of us.

According to you, what are the traits that make a good leader?

A good leader listens and learns from their teams. They also elevate their colleagues around them and lean into everyone’s strengths, rather than harping on their

weaknesses, to work as a solid team. A good leader isn’t threatened by colleagues who think, look, or act differently from them. They embrace differences, seeking to learn rather than forcing everyone to conform to what is comfortable to them. The most successful leaders I have known have built teams where there is a demonstrated understanding that everyone’s contributions and diverse ways of thinking are valued.

I believe in servant leadership, where you prioritize team, community, and organization first, rather than focusing on a personal (often hidden) agenda that only serves the leader. And by “Leader”, I do not mean “Managers with direct reports”. We all lead in one way or another.

Sometimes I hear about the need for Leaders to “leave a legacy”. To me, Leadership is more about leaving the people you work with, the work environment, the community, and the business in a better place than when you arrived. This is most challenging during periods of change and transformation, so focusing on what we can control during turbulent times, keeping our teams informed with transparency, putting in the effort to earn & sustain genuine trust, openly sharing the human side of leadership, and focusing on people’s strengths, are really the ingredients that make a good leader. This, coupled with a growth mindset to continually learn and improve, is what transforms leaders from good to great.

What are your passions outside of work?

I like to climb tall mountains, cycle, create things, read, and spend time with God, partner, family, friends, and dogs (pretty much family too!).

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The most successful leaders I have known have built teams where there is a demonstrated understanding that everyone’s contributions and diverse ways of thinking are valued

Where or whom do you seek motivation and inspiration from? How?

I’m an avid reader – it helps me learn how to listen with compassion – a lifelong pursuit. I read, learn, and have so many questions while reading, yet must sit with the information and continue to learn. Often the answer to the question comes a few pages later or during a conversation about the book with a friend.

My favorite topics include neuroscience, physiology and biophysics, AI/ML, Lean startups, and data science. I am so fortunate to have an inspiring partner, good friends, and family with whom to engage in these topics. A highly accomplished hiking friend, accompanied by her Scottish Terrier, Braveheart, bring an endless wealth of knowledge and inspiration during long hikes.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years it’s not so much where –rather how I see myself. I want to see the results of making a difference in the world around me. I want to continue to leverage my God given talents and see myself growing to be a better person, partner, sister, aunt, daughter, friend, and animal lover at the same time.

What advice would you give to aspiring women professionals?

Rather than reaching for the stars, reach for the cosmos. By this I mean, my advice is to learn everything you can from everyone, and then stretch your sights to beyond what is possible. Sometimes our biggest obstacles become our greatest teachers.

This is why representation of diversity across our leadership is so important. If aspiring

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I want to continue to leverage my God given talents and see myself growing to be a better person, partner, sister, aunt, daughter, friend, and animal lover at the same time

women professionals do not see women and underrepresented minorities in roles they aspire to, it is less likely they will be inspired to achieve those roles. We must break through gender and racial barriers by demonstrating what is possible for everyone in professional careers – especially in tech because the growth in this sector is phenomenal.

We break barriers by ensuring our leaders represent the population and customers they

serve. If only one population holds leadership roles, then only those “types” of people will be inspired to work towards those levels in the organization and they will tend to think alike. And, as I mentioned, this stifles innovation. So, my advice is don’t be afraid to be “the first” or “only” in your organization, as you are likely inspiring a whole ladder of others to follow you to the top. Be the seed that results in a field of opportunity for you and others.

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knowmad mood

Pioneering Digital Transformation Through Collaborative Innovation

knowmad mood is a distinguished digital transformation consultancy firm dedicated to guiding organizations through the intricate landscape of technological evolution. With a blend of talent, technology, and business acumen, knowmad mood strives to empower its clients to navigate the challenges of today’s market with innovation, ultimately delivering tangible value.

Embedded within the core ethos of knowmad mood is the principle of “Growing Together.”

“Since our inception, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to fostering mutual growth alongside our clients. This

ethos resonates deeply within every member of the knowmad mood family, underscoring our dedication to client success,” shares Suhrit Majumder, Director of International Business and Partnership – Atlassian Line of Business at knowmad mood.

Setting itself apart from the competition, knowmad mood prides itself on its status as a homegrown Spanish technology firm that has eschewed external investment to fuel its growth. As Majumder puts it, “We have achieved remarkable year-on-year growth, maintaining a trajectory of 20-25%. Our decision to go public in December 2022 on the BME Growth Market further solidified our position in the market.”

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Eduardo Llado, Commerical Director - US José Manuel Rufino Fernández, CEO & Co-Owner Miguel Ángel Sacristán Salvador, CSO & Co-Owner
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Suhrit Majumder, UK Country Head

With a global presence spanning over 2,500 employees and offices across the US, South America, UK & I, and mainland Europe, knowmad mood is poised for expansive growth, both organically and through strategic mergers and acquisitions. Majumder highlights, “This expansion is driven by our commitment to providing clients with comprehensive support and 24/7 coverage worldwide.”

Internally, knowmad mood operates through 23 distinct Technology Communities, centers of excellence. Majumder explains, “These communities encompass a wide spectrum of expertise, ranging from Digital Consulting & UI Development to ALM, Agile, Front end, Mobile, e-commerce, QA & Testing,

DevOps, IOT, Cloud, and beyond.” With more than 2,200 consultants specializing in various technology communities, knowmad mood offers clients a comprehensive suite of services, from requirement analysis to complex transformations, consolidations, migrations, system administration, and talent acquisition.

Beyond its expertise in technology communities, knowmad mood extends its proficiency across a diverse spectrum of industries, ranging from retail and telecommunications to pharmaceuticals and travel. Leveraging its understanding of industry-specific challenges and opportunities, knowmad mood tailors its

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solutions to meet the unique needs of each sector. Whether optimizing operations for a premier department store, revolutionizing processes for a global retail giant, or streamlining project management for a leading telecom company, knowmad mood demonstrates its versatility and effectiveness across a multitude of industries.

At the heart of knowmad mood’s operations lies a clear sense of purpose, encapsulated by its mission, vision, and values. “Our purpose is to use technology and innovation to grow together and build a better, more sustainable world. We aspire to lead the forefront of technology and innovation, setting an example of sustainability for the world, and delivering

value to clients while nurturing technological talent with purpose,” explains Majumder.

Penetrating the Market with Strategic Expansion Plans

knowmad mood employs a trifecta of strategic approaches when venturing into new markets. “Our first strategy,” explains Majumder, “is that of following the customer. We prioritize servicing our large global clients, even in regions where we lack a physical presence. This customer-centric approach often leads us to establish our own offices in those locations, ensuring proximity and personalized service.”

Building upon this customer-centric model, knowmad mood’s second strategy revolves

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around aligning with its technology partners. Majumder elaborates, “We have cultivated strong partnerships with industry giants such as Atlassian, Microsoft, and AWS. By leveraging these alliances, we gain deeper insights into local market demands, enabling us to strategically expand our international footprint.”

Majumder further underscores the significance of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as a pivotal avenue for growth. “M&A serves as our inorganic pathway to entering new markets,” he notes. “For instance, during the launch of our UK office, we acquired a Scottish-based Atlassian consultancy firm. This strategic acquisition not only facilitated our market entry but also set the stage for future expansions.”

knowmad mood’s relentless pursuit of global expansion underscores its commitment to driving digital transformation on a global scale. “As one of the largest Spanish Digital Transformation Consulting firms,” Majumder emphasizes, “we are steadfast in our mission to extend our expertise and capabilities to a broader audience. Our goal is to serve our current and future clients on a global scale, delivering unparalleled value and innovation.”

At the core of its expansion strategy, knowmad mood emphasizes its network

of diverse technology communities. “These communities play a pivotal role in our ability to contribute to the digital transformation landscape,” Majumder affirms. “By fostering continuous upskilling and reinvention, we ensure that we remain at the forefront of technological excellence, empowering our clients with cutting-edge solutions and insights.” Within this ecosystem of partners, knowmad mood collaborates closely with renowned companies such as Atlassian, Microsoft, AWS, Goolge, Red Hat, IBM and several others. These strategic alliances bolster our capabilities, enabling us to offer comprehensive solutions and remain responsive to the evolving needs of our clients. Through a meticulous blend of customercentricity, strategic partnerships, and targeted M&A initiatives, knowmad mood is poised to continue its trajectory as a trailblazer in the digital transformation arena, transcending boundaries to deliver impactful solutions on a global scale.

Empowering Clients with Versatile Solutions

knowmad mood offers a diverse array of services to cater to the unique needs of its clients. “We provide comprehensive solutions to our clients,”

Through a meticulous blend of customer-centricity, strategic partnerships, and targeted M&A initiatives, knowmad mood is poised to continue its trajectory as a trailblazer in the digital transformation arena, transcending boundaries to deliver impactful solutions on a global scale
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Majumder asserts. “Whether they require skilled consultants for short-term projects or long-term engagements, squads tailored to achieve specific goals over extended periods, or assistance with fixed projects such as migrations and consolidations, knowmad mood is equipped to deliver.” Managed Services are also a key offering, wherein knowmad mood assumes responsibility for managing and administering entire services within its clients’ organizations, both internally and externally.

Furthermore, knowmad mood extends its expertise across various business lines and industries. Delivering specialized solutions that span from application lifecycle management to governance, addressing areas such as DevOps implementation, knowledge management, change management, SLA management, and governance, alongside a wide array of other technical and technological competencies. The execution of these services is orchestrated seamlessly by four expert teams within knowmad mood:

1. Customer Relationship Team: This team serves as the initial point of contact, diligently interpreting client challenges and devising preemptive solutions. Majumder emphasizes, “Our customer relationship professionals go beyond introductory meetings, engaging in continuous research and development to anticipate client needs and streamline the pre-sales process.”

2. Pre-sales Team: Once the client’s vision is clarified, the pre-sales team springs into action. Majumder explains, “knowmad mood boasts a global, specialized force for each business line, crafting comprehensive proposals tailored to meet the precise technical requirements of our clients.”

3. Project Management Office (PMO) or Bid Team: With a meticulous focus on compliance and feasibility, the PMO or bid team ensures the proposed solutions are not only innovative but also sustainable and compliant. Majumder underscores the importance of their analysis, stating, “This team plays a critical role in confirming the viability and integrity of our proposed solutions.”

4. Delivery Team: Finally, the delivery team brings the client’s vision to life, exemplifying knowmad mood’s commitment to agility. Majumder elaborates, “Operating within an iterative framework, our delivery team grants clients the flexibility to submit tickets, suggest changes, and make requests directly within the actively managed project management system.”

Through this holistic approach, knowmad mood empowers its clients to navigate complex challenges with confidence, leveraging innovative solutions and agile methodologies to drive business success.

Navigating Digital Transformation

Organizations often face a dual challenge when embarking on their digital transformation journey “Firstly,” explains Majumder, “organizations require a starting point to initiate their digital transformation journey, a point that can vary significantly from one organization to another. Secondly, they need internal champions who can not only oversee individual projects but also navigate the entire transformation journey.”

Majumder emphasizes the importance of having a guiding architect to ensure a smooth transition, stating, “In large enterprise organizations, it’s easy to lose sight of the main goal amidst the day-to-day projects. In such

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instances, clients rely on us to serve as the architect responsible for guiding them through this journey.”

One notable collaboration exemplifying knowmad mood’s expertise is with one of Spain’s premier department stores. Majumder recounts, “We engineered a refined testing and QA process that significantly reduced the time required to execute an extensive suite of over 100,000 test cases monthly.”

Similarly, knowmad mood partnered with one of the world’s largest retail brands to revolutionize their operations. “By automating repetitive tasks and workflows,” Majumder states, “we dramatically reduced manual labor for routine incident responses, optimizing their operational efficiency.”

Additionally, knowmad mood has been instrumental in collaborating with a squad within one of the UK’s largest telecom companies. Majumder explains, “We aided in streamlining the management of their project management tools, developing out-of-the-box solutions and scripted applications to facilitate their internal tool consolidation process.”

These examples underscore knowmad mood’s profound expertise and proficiency across a global suite of over 110 software vendors. “This level of specialization and integration,” Majumder notes, “is essential in today’s saturated IT landscape. For organizations seeking to optimize their technology usage, knowmad mood stands as a strategic ally, offering the guidance and technological acumen necessary to thrive in the digital era.”

Fostering Innovation

knowmad mood’s mission extends beyond mere solution delivery, emphasizing the cultivation

of enduring partnerships that adapt and thrive within the dynamic IT landscape. Majumder highlights the company’s focus on leveraging AI and machine learning technologies to drive efficiency and automation across various industries. “Our industry-specific projects,” Majumder notes, “have yielded significant advancements in sectors such as Travel, Pharmaceutical, Telecoms, and more.”

Aligning closely with its clients’ evolving needs, knowmad mood remains at the forefront of technological innovation. Majumder emphasizes, “We evolve hand in hand with our clients, talents, and progress, enriching our clients’ businesses within a collaborative ecosystem fueled by our technological expertise.”

Central to knowmad mood’s success is its commitment to nurturing talent and fostering collaboration. Majumder affirms, “We believe in the power of our talents to drive impactful change in society and shape the future of technology. Our collaborative approach ensures that our clients’ projects are not just solutions but transformative endeavors.”

Furthermore, knowmad mood forges alliances with premier providers and strategic partners, meticulously selected to ensure optimal service delivery, partnering with leading industry experts and highly coveted collaborators. “We work closely with our partners,” Majumder explains, “to showcase their talents and capabilities, while also pushing the boundaries of their tools to cater to evolving requirements.” knowmad mood’s collaborative ethos, coupled with its relentless pursuit of innovation, cements its position as a trusted ally in navigating the complexities of the digital landscape, driving meaningful change, and propelling businesses toward success.

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Pioneering Excellence in Digital Storytelling and Innovation

In 2010, Mediatica emerged as a pioneering force in the LATAM region, seizing a pivotal moment when the digital landscape lacked specialized media buying expertise. With foresight and determination, Mediatica embarked on a journey to redefine the standards of brand storytelling in the digital sphere.

“At our inception, we faced a landscape devoid of dedicated digital media buying entities,” reflects Julián Galeano Chica, CEO of Mediatica. “We saw an untapped potential in harnessing the power of digital platforms for brand engagement and sales.”

As traditional agencies remained entrenched in conventional advertising approaches, Mediatica embraced the digital frontier, carving out a niche that prioritized performance-driven strategies. By assuming responsibility for brands seeking to thrive in the online arena, Mediatica spearheaded the development of tailored products and streamlined processes, tailored to meet the evolving demands of a dynamic market.

“Our commitment to innovation and excellence propelled us to the forefront of the industry,” adds Julián Galeano Chica. “We were honored to receive prestigious accolades

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Julián Galeano Chica,
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Driven by a culture of curiosity, Mediatica leverages cuttingedge technologies and data-driven insights to craft robust media planning strategies

from industry giants like Google and Meta, affirming our dedication to delivering tangible results for our clients.”

Mediatica’s journey of growth and expansion has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a steadfast dedication to pushing boundaries. In 2023, the company extended its footprint across 12 LATAM markets, partnering with esteemed brands such as Marathon Sport, Nike, Cinepolis, and Subway, among others.

“Our success lies in our insatiable curiosity and our unwavering commitment to innovation,” emphasizes Julián Galeano Chica. “We encourage our team and our clients to embrace experimentation and stay ahead of emerging trends, ensuring that we are always poised to deliver exceptional results.”

Driven by a culture of curiosity, Mediatica leverages cutting-edge technologies and datadriven insights to craft robust media planning strategies. By integrating data seamlessly into every aspect of their operations, Mediatica ensures precise targeting and maximizes engagement with high-intent audiences.

“As a company born in the digital age, we are uniquely positioned to deliver impactful results,” concludes Julián Galeano Chica. “Our journey is defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence, a commitment to innovation, and a steadfast dedication to driving success for our clients.”

Mediatica’s Evolution Towards Regional Excellence

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, adaptability, and innovation are the cornerstones of success. For Mediatica, the journey toward regional prominence has been defined by a commitment to pioneering processes, leveraging cutting-edge tools, and embracing the everevolving needs of clients.

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“Our focus has always been on delivering tangible results for our clients,” emphasizes Eduardo Galeano. “To achieve this, we have developed robust processes and tools that enable us to monitor performance in real-time, ensuring that we are constantly optimizing towards our clients’ goals.”

As Mediatica’s reputation for excellence grew, so did its responsibilities. With the trust of multi-country brands resting on their shoulders, the company found itself at the forefront of innovation, setting new standards for success in the digital arena.

“The recognition from industry giants like Google and Meta underscored the effectiveness of our approach,” reflects Julián Galeano Chica. “It was clear that the time had come to expand our reach and deliver our proven product to even more clients.”

Driven by a vision of becoming a leading regional network, Mediatica embarked on a strategic expansion initiative. The goal was clear: to compete with the established players and manage large multi-market brands with precision and expertise.

“Our expansion strategy is founded on the principles of standardization and adaptability,” explains Eduardo Galeano. “While we aim to offer a consistent product and process across markets, we recognize the importance of tailoring our approach to meet the unique challenges and opportunities present in each region.”

Indeed, navigating diverse markets requires agility and flexibility. As Mediatica establishes its presence in new territories, the company remains committed to establishing processes,

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Eduardo Galeano

nurturing talent, and fostering collaboration with clients.

“We are acutely aware that every market has its own nuances and intricacies,” acknowledges Eduardo Galeano. “Our approach is to embrace these differences, adapting our processes and tools to suit the needs of each market while maintaining our core principles of excellence and accountability.”

Central to Mediatica’s ethos is the concept of being “digital first, but not digital only.” While the company’s expertise lies in performance-driven digital campaigns, the evolving needs of clients have led to an expansion into traditional media management.

“As clients seek to diversify their investments, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering measurable results,” asserts Julián Galeano Chica. “Whether it’s digital or traditional media, our focus remains on driving ROAS and aligning with our clients’ business objectives.”

Crafting Omnipresent Narratives

Being a prominent player in the landscape of digital marketing, Mediatica goes beyond merely ensuring consistent brand storytelling; the company embraces an omnichannel mindset that seamlessly integrates every media solution to drive tangible business performance.

“Our approach is rooted in the belief that every media effort should contribute to a cohesive narrative across channels,” affirms Julián Galeano Chica. “Our goal is to deliver executions that not only engage audiences but also generate valuable data insights that inform and enhance all aspects of our clients’ marketing strategies.”

At the heart of Mediatica’s clientele are businesses seeking to thrive in the digital realm, spanning industries such as e-commerce, insurance, automotive, finance, retail, real estate, and education. For these clients, Mediatica serves as a strategic partner, offering

As Mediatica establishes its presence in new territories, the company remains committed to establishing processes, nurturing talent, and fostering collaboration with clients
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expert guidance on performance strategy, data integration, creative optimization, and measurement.

“Our clients rely on us to navigate the complexities of digital marketing and drive meaningful business outcomes,” explains Julián Galeano Chica. “From advising on campaign optimization to providing comprehensive dashboards for real-time insights, we empower our clients to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve.”

In the Latin American market, universities traditionally focus on lead generation, often inundating prospects with a deluge of leads with minimal conversion rates. Mediatica challenges this paradigm by emphasizing quality over quantity, demonstrating that fewer leads, strategically targeted and nurtured, can yield superior results.

“We work with universities to refine their lead generation strategies, ensuring that every lead contributes to the bottom line,” Julián Galeano Chica emphasizes. “By prioritizing the value of each conversion and optimizing the media mix accordingly, we help our clients achieve greater returns on their marketing investments.”

Mediatica’s commitment to driving business evolution extends beyond delivering impressive metrics; it lies in the transformative impact on clients’ bottom lines. By leveraging data-driven insights, strategic guidance, and innovative approaches, Mediatica empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age, forging stronger connections with their audiences and driving sustainable growth.

A Journey Towards Future Excellence

In digital marketing, companies need to continually adapt to evolving platforms and technologies to stay ahead of the curve. For Mediatica, this ethos is encapsulated in a mindset of “Learn, forget, and learn again,” as the company navigates the ever-changing landscape of third-party platforms.

“At Mediatica, we recognize the importance of agility and adaptation,” states Eduardo Galeano. “Our training program ensures that our team remains at the forefront of industry advancements, continuously updating their skill sets to deliver innovative solutions for our clients.”

With a commitment to pioneering new solutions, Mediatica leverages the latest advancements in AI to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and boost productivity across all facets of the agency. “The integration of AI solutions holds immense potential for transforming our operations,” Julián Galeano Chica notes. “By automating tasks and providing valuable insights, AI enables us to work smarter and more efficiently, driving tangible results for our clients.”

Central to Mediatica’s success is its culture of curiosity and innovation. With a relentless pursuit of new solutions, the company fosters a pioneer mindset among its team members, encouraging them to embrace change and challenge the status quo. “Our organizational culture thrives on curiosity and pioneering spirit,” affirms Julián Galeano Chica. “We are constantly seeking new ways to add value for our clients, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital marketing.”

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By leveraging data-driven insights, strategic guidance, and innovative approaches, Mediatica empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age, forging stronger connections with their audiences and driving sustainable growth

Looking ahead, Mediatica anticipates the challenges posed by the impending cookie shutdown, recognizing the need to develop innovative solutions to capture crucial signals for decision-making. “The evolving digital landscape presents both challenges and opportunities,” acknowledges Julián Galeano Chica. “We are committed to staying ahead of the curve, anticipating future trends, and developing proactive strategies to address emerging challenges.”

As Mediatica continues to expand its network across 12 markets, the company remains poised for further growth and expansion, with plans to venture into additional key markets to better serve its clients. “The future holds limitless possibilities for Mediatica,” concludes Julián Galeano Chica. “Our journey towards excellence is ongoing, driven by our unwavering commitment to innovation, adaptation, and delivering unparalleled results for our clients.”

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4 Principles for Game Production

Game development is a complicated beast. There are a vast number of concepts and topics to consider at any given moment. Priorities frequently shift. Technical hurdles are encountered regularly. The “Iron Triangle” creates a perpetual balancing act. Being an effective producer in the game industry at any level and on any project can require a lot of folks.

There’s an added challenge to cultivating a career as a producer in games. Every organization and studio leverages the role differently. The responsibilities and titles remain

wildly inconsistent throughout the industry. Some studios will offer their staff a better title to make up for a lack of pay. Others will take a more conservative approach, delaying advancement in the title for as long as possible to avoid putting someone in a position where more is expected of them than they are capable of.

Regardless of how an organization, studio, or team leverages producers, there are typically four principles that will be prioritized in differing orders based on the needs of the business and its production ethos. People, Product, Problem Solving, and Process. There

Learning how to improve at “people” is often deeply challenging and personal work. It involves developing a high degree of self-awareness, situational awareness, and empathy
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Aaron Hamilton Cook came from humble beginnings in the Appalachian Mountains in Tennessee, and he now works as a producer in the game industry. He graduated from Full Sail’s Recording Arts B.Sc. and Game Design M.Sc. programs. He’s a US Air Force veteran, recipient of Advanced Achiever and Valedictorian in his masters, and has been published several times. His professional career began in 2009 in music where he worked as a session musician, tracking, and mixing engineer. After graduate school, he transitioned his focus to working in military and medical simulation as a human factors engineer where he worked on contracts for DARPA, ONR, AFRL, and various other agencies. While working in simulation, he hadasidehustleworkingasahumanfactors engineer contractor on AAA games including The Witcher 3 and Dying Light.

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Capable producers fulfilling product owner responsibilities will need to be effective in focusing

a development team’s attention in the proper direction

is no “right” or “wrong” way to prioritize which principles are needed from production staff, nor is there an incorrect way to prioritize them for any individual producer in question. However, It is beneficial if the organization and the producer are aligned on the order in which these principles are prioritized. Each concept often requires multiple years of study and practice to develop a fluent and personal approach.


Among the core responsibilities that producers are often faced with is that of leadership. There are a variety of theories on what makes effective leaders. Some posit that leadership is an inherent trait, something you are just born with. Others propose that leadership consists of skills that can be cultivated. Regardless of which theory someone chooses to subscribe to, leadership is quite often the keystone in building a solid foundation for one’s approach as a game producer.

Great producers are, at least to some degree, people-oriented. There are a number of styles and techniques producers employ to be effective at managing and leading people. Judy Nelson outlines a number of effective techniques and behaviors to employ to be effective as a producer in her book, “Intentional Leadership: Using Strategy in Everything You Do And Say.” Some of the key takeaways include conducting yourself in the same ways you would want your team to behave, providing examples of success with correcting undesirable behavior, and being proactive rather than reactive.

Learning how to improve at “people” is often deeply challenging and personal work. It involves developing a high degree of self-awareness, situational awareness, and empathy.

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Some of the best producers are fantastic product owners. Product ownership, when viewed through the lens of an Agile development environment, ultimately boils down to priority ownership. Capable producers fulfilling product owner responsibilities will need to be effective in focusing a development team’s attention in the proper direction. This often requires an ability to communicate and clarify vision.

Producers often are the owners of roadmaps, timelines that outline what will be done, when it will be done, and by whom. This is where the practical day-to-day of product ownership comes into play. Producers need to gather

estimates and work to ensure the accuracy of those estimates. Effective producers work to ensure there is an accurate predictable forecast for delivery timelines. There are a variety of methods to approach road mapping and timelines, but the most practical and broadly applicable method is through the use of Gantt charts.


Game industry professionals in production roles will always need to assist in problem-solving. In some development environments, producers can be leveraged as a floating resource bouncing between teams and disciplines facilitating

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Great producers take the time to understand problems and work closely with the folks who will need to implement the solution to develop a proposal that mitigates risk and minimizes adverse impacts on the schedule and the product communication, identifying problems before they occur, and developing solutions in partnership with the team to avoid or counter the problems looming on the horizon.

While not required, being data-driven as a producer helps immensely in problemsolving. It is often beneficial to analyze the project data at regular and frequent intervals to keep an eye out for problems in the various reports. Proactively addressing problems early is always more cost-effective than waiting. Great producers take the time to understand problems and work closely with the folks who will need to implement the solution to develop a proposal that mitigates risk and minimizes adverse impacts on the schedule and the product.


Process ownership adopts a variety of different names. Strictly Agile development environments call these folks Scrum Masters. Under a more traditional waterfall environment, they might be project managers. Sometimes process owners are called business analysts or development directors. Some organizations

partner with process ownership with product ownership. Regardless of the studio culture and production philosophy employed, anyone in a production role benefits from understanding process management.

The two main camps in game development, and in software development more widely, are Agile Scrum and Waterfall. In reality, most studios employ a hybrid model borrowing from each other based on business needs. In addition to managing the process for dayto-day development, process ownership often involves a degree of managing gate reviews, scope versus capacity, and data integrity. Employing systemic solutions and agreed-upon approaches are at the core of process management.

Process-owning producers will need to define service-level agreements and work to generate buy-in so that everyone on the team has the same understanding and same application of the process that they often help define and refine. Often this requires a piecemeal solution from a variety of methodologies, models, and past experiences to create the right process for the team, project, product, and business.

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