September 2013 issue 14

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Harmony Hearth Brooms And Faancy Hats Handmade Besoms Sacred to the Goddess and the God. Represents the Element of Water. The Broom or Besom is a purifying and protective instrument, used to cleanse the area for magick or to guard a home by laying it across the threshold, under the bed, in windowsills or on doors.

Handmade Witch Hats Time to conjure up a new look for the stylish witch that you are! Let your spirit take flight in one of these handmade magical adornments. Boost your supernatural presence with one of these haute hats.


For more information and pricing please contact Anne at

Gensha Publishing Maxine Byers Lazy Witch CraftyWitch Walt Crocker Jeff Harrison Karen Charboneau-Harrison Zan Gertrude Moon La Lady Zephyr Laurie Brown Anna Hooper Patti Wigington Diana Palm Lady Ti-Eagle Alena Orrison Crafty Witch Maxine Byers Janie Bass



Questions? Comments? Ideas? If you have something to say, we want to hear it! Letters to the editor can be sent to


FROM THE EDITOR Seriously? Where did Summer go? As I speak the wind is howling and tiny droplets of rain, the first we’ve seen for a while, are falling against the window. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the reprieve from 100° weather! Day in and day out of relentless heat sure gets old! I LOVE the fall, the cooler weather, the autumn colors, the crunch of the leaves under my feet. The county fairs are one of my favorite fall activities. I LOVE all that greasy fair food, the corn dogs, the cotton candy, the deep fried twinkies and of course all the carnival rides! This year I was able to check ‘Ride a Camel’ off of my bucket list, *see picture. Doesn’t everyone have Ride a Camel on their bucket list????? I also love to go through all the animal barns and the craft barns and see what the local 4H’ers have been up to. What FUN! This fall has also been a busy one for us here at Elemental Magick, the magazine is taking off like wildfire keeping us all on our toes, with new writers, poets and contributors we are working harder than ever to bring to our readers a fun and informational magazine. Our goal here at Elemental Magick has always been to give the Seeker in all of us a place to come together and share information and ideas. To expand our knowledge of the Craft and provide an informational magazine that you, the reader will enjoy. We are constantly working to expand our readership worldwide. One of our new projects is to bring our magazine to our pagan troops now serving in the armed forces. I urge everyone who reads and enjoys our magazine to share it with a friend, and if there is something that you would like to see in the magazine, please let us know. If you have an event or calendar of events that you would like published, regardless of WHERE in the world you are….. we would be happy to include the information for FREE. We also offer advertising space and if you submit an article then your advertising is also FREE. So grab a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy this month’s edition of Elemental Magick. Happy Mabon, Maxine


1: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel ends 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins 10: Birthday of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke 14: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in 1486 14: Birthday of author Ellen Dugan 17: Television welcomes Bewitched in 1964 19: Full Moon -- Harvest Moon at 7:13 am 21: International Day of Peace 22: Fall Equinox or Mabon 22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere) 29: Celtic Tree Month of Vine ends 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins

11: Crafting Day, 11am-2pm, Spirit Lake, Id 19: Full Moon/Drawing Down the Moon, 7:30pm, Spirit Lake, ID 25: Crafting Day, 11am-2pm, Spirit Lake, Id Contact Janie Bass, 208-964-4396, for more information and directions.

2nd Thursday of month, 7:30 pm Meetings at 706 W Garland, Spokane, WA PO Box 4061, Spokane WA 99220 PUBLIC INVITED. 509-838-8155 Membership $25 per year, first visit FREE Or $5.00 each meeting September 12th ~ 7:30 pm Kyle Bailey, Speaker Egyptian Shamanic Priests, Masters and teachers of the laws of Truth Balance and Universal Order



International Angel Day Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. was guided to create this worldwide event in 2006, and since then each year hundreds of Angel Therapy Practitioners® join her in celebrating this very special day! When Doreen Virtue prayed for ways to help bring peace to the world following the September 11, 2001 tragedy, she was guided to create a day where people around the world would connect with God and the angels in prayers for peace. Since that time, we've held International Angel Day each September. Most of the events are educational, in which audiences learn how to clearly hear the Divine voice, so that they can feel more at peace. Ten percent or more of all proceeds are donated to local children's charities. These events are non-denominational, positive, and life-affirming. International Angel Day is celebrated all over the world aiming to raise funds for children's charities and to spread loving angelic energy to all parts of the globe & universe. It’s a Day when you ask Archangels to help you in your Life. During this time you can call on Archangel Michael to help you explore and understand the next steps in your Divine life purpose, Archangel Raphael to lead you in a healing experience and help you overcome physical challenges to manifest health and relationship wellness, and Archangel Metatron will help you understand your own unique purpose in relation to Indigo Children and Adults and how the ongoing spiritual revolution led by Indigo Children and Adults is inspiring the Indigo in all of us! Thousands of people around the globe will be invoking the angels’ love and healing on this eighth International Angel Day in order to raise a huge light for world peace, and enlightenment. Powerful energies will be available to us to boost our vibrations to much higher levels, and to bring healing, love and compassion. So on this day lend your voice and prayers and ask for Angle guidance for yourself and those around the world who need the comfort of an Angels arms.


The Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic Tree Calendar is a calendar with thirteen lunar divisions. Most contemporary Pagans use fixed dates for each "month", rather than following the waxing and waning lunar cycle. If this was done, eventually the calendar would fall out of sync with the Gregorian year, because some calendar years have 12 full moons and others have 13. The modern tree calendar is based on a concept that letters in the ancient Celtic Ogham alphabet corresponded to a tree. Although you don't have to follow a Celtic path to celebrate the Celtic tree calendar months, you'll find that each of the themes in the Celtic tree months ties strongly to Celtic culture and mythology. Rowan Moon: January 21 - February 17 The Rowan Moon is associated with Brighid, the Celtic goddess of hearth and home. Honored on February 1, at Imbolc, Brighid is a fire goddess who offers protection to mothers and families, as well as watching over the hearth fires. This is a good time of year to perform initiations (or, if you're not part of a group, do a self-dedication). Known by the Celts as Luis (pronounced loush), the Rowan is associated with astral travel, personal power, and success. A charm carved into a bit of a Rowan twig will protect the wearer from harm. The Norsemen were known to have used Rowan branches as rune staves of protection. In some countries, Rowan is planted in graveyards to prevent the dead from lingering around too long.

Ash Moon: February 18 - March 17 In the Norse eddas, Yggdrasil, the world tree, was an Ash. The spear of Odin was made from the branch of this tree, which is also known by the Celtic name Nion, pronounced knee-un. This is one of three trees sacred to the Druids (Ash, Oak and Thorn), and this is a good month to do magic that focuses on the inner self. Associated with ocean rituals, magical potency, prophetic dreams and spiritual journeys, the Ash can be used for making magical (and mundane) tools -- these are said to be more productive than tools made from other wood. If you place Ash berries in a cradle, it protects the child from being taken away as a changeling by mischievous Fae.

Alder Moon: March 18 - April 14 At the time of the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, roots in the water, bridging that magical space between both heaven and earth. The Alder month, called Fearn by the Celts, and pronounced fairin, is a time for making spiritual decisions, magic relating to prophecy and divination, and getting in touch with your own intuitive processes and abilities. Alder flowers and twigs are known as charms to be used in Faerie magic. Whistles were once made out of Alder shoots to call upon Air spirits, so it's an ideal wood for making a pipe or flute if you're musically inclined.


Willow Moon: April 15 - May 12 The Willow moon was known to the Celts as Saille, pronounced Sahl-yeh. The Willow grows best when there's lots of rain, and in northern Europe there's no shortage of that this time of year. This is a tree associated with healing and growth, for obvious reasons. A Willow planted near your home will help ward away danger, particularly the type that stems from natural disaster such as flooding or storms. They offer protection, and are often found planted near cemeteries. This month, work on rituals involving healing, growth of knowledge, nurturing and women's mysteries.

Hawthorn Moon: May 13 - June 9 The Hawthorn is a prickly sort of plant with beautiful blossoms. Called Huath by the ancient Celts, and pronounced Hoh-uh, the Hawthorn month is a time of fertility, masculine energy, and fire. Coming right on the heels of Beltane, this month is a time when male potency is high -- if you're hoping to conceive a child, get busy this month! The Hawthorn has a raw, phallic sort of energy about it -- use it for magic related to masculine power, business decisions, making professional connections. The Hawthorn is also associated with the realm of Faerie, and when the Hawthorn grows in tandem with an Ash and Oak, it is said to attract the Fae.

Oak Moon: June 10 - July 7 The Oak moon falls during a time when the trees are beginning to reach their full blooming stages. The mighty Oak is strong, powerful, and typically towering over all of its neighbors. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids. The Celts called this month Duir, which some scholars believe to mean "door", the root word of "Druid". The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune. Carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you'll stay healthy the following year.

Holly Moon: July 8 - August 4 Although the Oak ruled in the previous month, its counterpart, the Holly, takes over in July. This evergreen plant reminds us all year long about the immortality of nature. The Holly moon was called Tinne, pronounced chihnn-uh, by the Celts, who knew the potent Holly was a symbol of masculine energy and firmness. The ancients used the wood of the Holly in the construction of weapons, but also in protective magic. Hang a sprig of Holly in your house to ensure good luck and safety to your family. Wear as a charm, or make Holly Water by soaking leaves overnight in spring water under a full moon -- then use the water as a blessing to sprinkle on people or around the house for protection and cleansing.

Hazel Moon: August 5 - September 1 The Hazel Moon was known to the Celts as Coll, which translates to "the life force inside you". This is the time of year when Hazelnuts are appearing on the trees, and are an early part of the harvest. Hazelnuts are also associated with wisdom and protection. Hazel is often associated in Celtic lore with sacred wells and magical springs containing the salmon of knowledge. This is a good month to do workings related to wisdom and knowledge, dowsing and divination, and dream journeys. If you're a creative type, such as an artist, writer, or musician, this is a good month to get your muse back, and find inspiration for your talents. Even if you normally don't do so, write a poem or song this month.


Vine Moon: September 2 - September 29 The Vine month is a time of great harvest -- from the grapes of the Mediterranean to the fruits of the northern regions, the Vine produces fruits we can use to make that most wondrous concoction called wine. The Celts called this month Muin. The Vine is a symbol of both happiness and wrath -- passionate emotions, both of them. Do magical workings this month connected to the Autumn Equinox, or Mabon, and celebrate garden magic, joy and exhilaration, wrath and rage, and the darker aspect of the mother goddess. Use the leaves of the Vines to enhance your own ambition and goals. during this month. The month of Vine is also a good time to get balanced, as there are equal hours of darkness and light.

Ivy Moon: September 30 - October 27 As the year comes to a close and Samhain approaches, the Ivy moon rolls in at the end of the harvest season. Ivy often lives on after its host plant has died -- a reminder to us that life goes on, in the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Celts called this month Gort, pronounced go-ert. This is a time to banish the negative from your life. Do workings related to improving yourself, and placing a barricade between you and the things that are toxic to you. Ivy can be used in magic performed for healing, protection, cooperation, and to bind lovers together.

Reed Moon: October 28 - November 23 Reed is typically used to make wind instruments, and this time of year, its haunting sounds are sometimes heard when the souls of the dead are being summoned to the Underworld. The Reed Moon was called Negetal, pronounced nyettle by the Celts, and is sometimes referred to as the Elm Moon by modern Pagans. This is a time for divination and scrying. If you're going to have a seance, this is a good month to do it. This month, do magical workings related to spirit guides, energy work, meditation, celebration of death, and honoring the cycle of life and rebirth.

Elder Moon: November 24 - December 23 The winter solstice has passed, and the Elder moon is a time of endings. Although the Elder can be damaged easily, it recovers quickly and springs back to life, corresponding to the approaching New Year. Called Ruish by the Celts (pronounced roo-esh), the month of Elder is a good time for workings related to creativity and renewal. It is a time of beginnings and endings, births and deaths, and rejuvenation. Elder is also said to protect against demons and other negative entities. Use in magic connected to Faeries and other nature spirits.

Birch Moon: December 24 - January 20 The Birch Moon is a time of rebirth and regeneration. As the Solstice passes, it is time to look towards the light once more. When a forested area burns, Birch is the first tree to grow back. The Celtic name for this month is Beth, pronounced beh. Workings done in this month add momentum and a bit of extra "oomph" to new endeavors. The Birch is also associated with magic done for creativity and fertility, as well as healing and protection. Tie a red ribbon around the trunk of a Birch tree to ward off negative energy. Hang Birch twigs over a cradle to protect a newborn from psychic harm. Use Birch bark as magical parchment to keep writings safe.


Television Welcomes Bewitched



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Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial. But the outward lack of feeling may, in some individuals born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving way because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. This is because they are conscious of certain shortcomings in themselves of worldliness, of practicality, of sophistication and of outgoingness. So they bring the art of self-concealment to a high pitch, hiding their apprehensiveness about themselves and their often considerable sympathy with other people under a mantle of matter-of-factness and undemonstrative, quiet reserve. They are still waters that run deep. Yet in their unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable fashion, they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty, with a good understanding of other people's problems which they can tackle with a practicality not always evident in their own personal relationships. Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, making good spouses and parents, but their love making is a perfection of technique rather than the expression of desire, and they must be careful not to mate with a partner whose sex drive requires a passion they cannot match. They are intellectually enquiring, methodical and logical, studious and teachable. They combine mental ingenuity with the ability to produce a clear analysis of the most complicated problems. They have an excellent eye for detail but they may be so meticulous that they neglect larger issues. Also, although they are realists, they may slow down projects by being too exact. They are practical with their hands, good technicians and have genuine inventive talents, Thoroughness, hard work and conscientiousness are their hallmarks, and they are such perfectionists that, if things go wrong, they are easily discouraged. Because of their ability to see every angle of a many-sided question, they are unhappy with abstract theorizing. Appreciating the many different points of view as they do, they find philosophical concepts difficult, and they vacillate and have no confidence in any conclusions at which they arrive.


With these qualities, they are better as subordinates than leaders. Responsibility irks them and they often lack the breadth of strategic vision that a leader needs Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. Their self distrust is something they project on to other people and tends to make them exacting employers, though in the demands they make on those under them they temper this attitude with justice. They have potential abilities in the arts, sciences and languages. Language especially they use correctly, clearly, consciously and formally, as grammarians and etymologists rather than for literary interests, yet they are likely to have a good memory for apt quotations. Although they are well suited for careers in machine drawing, surveying and similar occupations, they are better fitted for a job in a library or office than a workshop. Their minds are such that they need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. They are careful with money and their interest in statistics makes them excellent bookkeepers and accountants. They also make good editors, physicists and analytical chemists. They may also find success as welfare workers, ministering to those less fortunate than themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries, technologists, inspectors, musicians, critics, public speakers and writers especially of reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years. If they go in for a business career their shrewdness and analytical ingenuity could tempt them into dishonesty, though they usually have enough moral sense to resist temptation. Female Virgoans may find a career in fashion, for they have a flair for dress, in which they can be trend setters. In any profession they choose the natives of this sign readily assimilate new ideas, but always with caution, conserving what they consider worth keeping from the past. They love country life but are unlikely to make good farmers, unless they can contrive to carry out their work without outraging their sense of hygiene and cleanliness. Their faults, as is usual with all zodiacal types, are the extremes of their virtues. Fastidious reticence and modesty become old-maidishness and persnicketiness; balanced criticism becomes carping and nagging; and concern for detail becomes overspecialization. Virgoans are liable to indecision in wider issues and this can become chronic, turning molehills of minor difficulties into Himalayas of crisis. Their prudence can become guile and their carefulness, turned in on themselves, can produce worriers and hypochondriacs.

Traditional Libra Traits‌.

On the dark side....


Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring. They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered. Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity. Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity. In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality.


Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings. The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle. In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.

Yesod is the astral, etheric level of existence, which is why one of its titles is the Foundation. It is in the Astral that thought-forms are fed and gain in energy and substance until they are physically manifested in Malkuth. Therefore, the Astral Plane is the Foundation for the Physical Plane. Yesod is the mysterious, shadowy realm of the Moon where magickal energy is stored and drawn upon. Until something is fully formed in Yesod, it will not make its appearance here in the material world. As Ted Andrews says in Simplified Magic "It is that level in which our mind can build the images that connect us to all others in our life. Through this level we can increase our understanding of the rhythms, fluctuations and tides of organic growth and cyclic changes going on around us. It is here that we can touch our subconscious, psychic and biological functions of life and awaken and stimulate them into greater activity. It is at this level that we can build thought forms and images that will pull increasing energy from the other levels." Remember that when we work on the Tree the energy from each of the ascending Sephiroth must be imaged and given form in Yesod to come to life here. The Magickal Image is a Beautiful, Erect Man. Beautiful means perfect in form, Erect means with erect phallus - the generative force. Indeed the genitals and reproductive systems of both sexes are connected to Yesod.


Shaddai El Chai has been translated as Almighty Living God. Interestingly, Shaddai translates literally as Breasts or Mountains, El translates as God (without gender affiliation so read Godhead or Divine One) and Chai is Life. Think about these images and what they mean to you. Yesod is called the Treasurehouse of Images, meaning that the forms of all archetypes, all thoughts, all emotions, all experiences are stored at this level. It is also called the Sphere of Illusion, for while the images are there, they are not given total life until they manifest here by our activation of them. The Experience of Yesod is the Vision of the Machinery of the Universe, meaning a vision of understanding that the Universe works through a Divine Plan and that you are a part of it. It does not mean that you will be privy to understanding exactly how each and every minutia works but that there is truly a rhythm, a cycle to all things. Perfumes work through our emotional response on a subconscious level, bringing into play forgotten memories stored in the subconscious, emotional reaction and synapse stimulation. This is why we use incense and oils in rituals - to contact directly the subconscious mind. Sandals symbolize walking the Path to the inner Self.

All Moon Gods and Goddesses belong to the sphere of Yesod. Suggested Exercises: 1.The Virtue of Yesod is Independence; the Vice is Idleness. Work on your independence, acting thru your truth and note what areas bring out the laziness in you. Work to change where appropriate. 2.Remember and contemplate past lives and/or dreams. 3.Work on your ability to visualize. 4.Work with divination tools; listening to your inner voice; honoring your feelings.

Western Esoteric Qabalah is a blend of traditional Qabalistic teachings, Gnosticism, Hermetic Philosophy, NeoPlatonism, Neo-Pythagoreanism, Alchemy, Astrology, and Tarot. All of the Western Wisdom traditions can be understood through the medium of the Qabalistic symbol - the Tree of Life. That being said, we use the name Qabalah which is obviously Hebrew, and a large proportionate amount of what we are dealing with here had its beginnings in the Hebrew Qabalah, the oral tradition of mysticism practiced by the ancient Hebrews. Scholem who is one of the foremost scholars of Jewish Qabalah states that its beginnings were in Jewish Gnosticism and Neo-Platonism a philosophy and theory developed by the Greek Plato. In this theory, Plato espoused that the universe was made up of emanations of energy which hierarchically descend and radiate from the Godhead through intermediate stages finally forming physical matter and the world we live in. This theory of Emanations is where the idea of the Sephirotic spheres was developed. Traditional Hebrew Qabalah today, on the other hand, functions as a part of the spiritual practices and wisdom of Judaism. In Orthodox Judaism, Qabalah is used only to interpret the workings of God, the Penteteuch (the first 5 books of the Bible) and the Holy texts of Judaism. Qabalah is a part of this tradition and is used in a very specific way. Hebrew Qabalah of today tries not to vary from its beginnings in Judaism's mystical traditions and is still taught orally, although utilizing various texts as well, only to men over 30 years of age. The Sephir Yetzirah-Book of Formation is the first important text, originating from the oral tradition and was written down sometime between the 3rd-6th centuries C.E. It contains six brief chapters and is the first book in which the word Sephiroth appears.

This book describes the creation of the Universe in terms of the Hebrew alphabet and symbolic numbers undoubtedly related to NeoPythagoreanism. The Sephir Yetzirah then became the foundation of later texts. The next flurry of writing and work with the Holy Qabalah was in the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance. Other important texts include the Bahir, written around 1200 CE in southern France. Here we have the first references to the Secret Tree (the Tree of Life) and the description of the Sephiroth as vessels of the Divine Light. It is theorized that the Bahir was probably assembled from other texts that were probably of Eastern origin. Then between 1280-1286 CE, Moses de Leon wrote perhaps the greatest text on QBL, the Zohar, a series of commentaries on the Bible and on mystical cosmology. For generations considered an ancient work written in Ancient Aramaic, a language which is the root of Hebrew and Arabic, Moses de Leon felt that his work would be taken more seriously if rather than naming himself as the author, instead should be attributed to an ancient author, thus 2nd century rabbi Simeon ben Yohai. There exists no complete translation in a European language - Simon and Sperling translated only 35%, while Kabbalah Unveiled contains three more books. At this time Spain was a hotbed of knowledge under Muslim rule with scholars studying alchemy, astrology and with much tolerant exchange of ideas between Muslims and Jews, even Christians, in Muslim Spain. Another important work, Gates of Light, Sha'are Orah, was also produced at this time which is an excellent text on Hebrew names of God.

In the Renaissance man considered himself the jewel in the crown of the Universe, becoming the measure of all things, rather than the lowly sinner atoning for the fall. Hermetic philosophy came to the fore and another great exchange of ideas with Qabalah being studied by the Christian Scholar magicians. Under this influence Qabalah now was grasped by Christians as a universal system and a great tool. A few Jewish converts to Christianity helped speed this occurrence. This exchange of ideas and interest dovetails with Hermeticism as a major interest of the time. In 1460 CE Cosimo De Medici, realizing the value of the Hermetica, asked his translator to do it first before even a text of Plato's Republic.



Correspondences: Colors: Browns and greens, earth tones Gemstones: Citrine, chrysolite, peridot, bloodstone Trees: Bay, larch, hawthorn Gods: Demeter, Brighid, Freyja, Vesta Herbs: Wheat, valerian, witch hazel, skullcap Element: Earth


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10 Reasons to Help a Ghost Cross Over

by Diana Palm

Not all that long ago, people were afraid to approach the topic of ghosts. Many people were afraid to tell their friends if they saw a ghost, and didn't even want to admit if they believed in them. The popularity of ghost shows on television has changed that perspective, and now people are excited to talk about ghost sightings and other supernatural experiences they have. Shining light on this topic has increased awareness and acceptance of a phenomenon that was once taboo. Let's face it; ghosts have been present in every culture since the beginning of time. Ghosts and spirits are all around us, and (sooner or later) you will most likely have your own experience to share. Belief in ghosts has gone from being a little dark secret (one that most certainly would have earned you a pass into a mental hospital) to being a fabulously entertaining pop-culture fad. But what is the truth about ghosts? Why are they here? Why bother crossing over a ghost when they are so much fun to communicate with? To help you better understand this topic, I will explain what happens when a deceased person becomes a ghost and why they should be crossed over. As most of you know, ghosts were once living people with their own families and friends. They had hobbies, love stories, and hardships just like everyone else. Upon death, a critical choice was made to stay on the earth plane rather than progress into the light to be reunited with loved ones in spirit. This choice can only be made by the individual, and a newly departed is never doomed to roam the earth as a ghost from an outside force. A ghost is a ghost primarily because they chose to stay here and not travel further in their spiritual journey. The reasons for such a choice are many; some fear that God will punish them for something they did about which they feel guilty, while others feel an obligation or duty to stay behind and help their living loved ones. There are also those who died so abruptly that they don't even know they are dead. What many people don't realize is that a ghost is in a type of holding pattern until they can eventually go into the light to continue their soul's evolution. They often appear to be in their death state, with gaping wounds, emotional problems, pain, drunkenness, and guilt. Ghosts are souls that need to be healed and released of their earthly concerns. Many people wonder why a ghost who feels that way would not just go into the light themselves. The reason is simple: following death, they have a certain amount of time that they can freely go into the light. If they choose to stay behind for any reason, the window of opportunity closes for them. The window to the other side will eventually open again, but it may be two hundred years into the future. In the meantime, they are stuck between the earthly plane and the spirit world in a sort of noman's land. A ghost has limited ability to move about the earth and visit loved ones; often they are trapped in the location of their death. They can also return to their home or other familiar


place to which they feel attached. However, they cannot check in on their living loved ones or help them heal from grief. In fact, having the ghost or unhealed soul of a love one hanging around will often prevent a family from healing their grief. This is never the intention of a ghost, but their energy is so low and unhealed that it impacts the living in ways that can be harmful. Most ghosts need a living person to help them find the light. Telling a ghost to go into the light doesn't really work, because when they chose to stay behind, they temporarily lost their connection to the light. Or, it became so dim that they cannot see it and often mistake a living person's soul light for the light. This is how many people end up with ghostly attachments that drain their energy and make them sick. For this reason, it is best to have an experienced light worker do a healing and cross over ghosts for you. Many people become emotionally attached to their ghosts and feel as if they are betraying them by sending them away. This is FALSE. If you have become attached to a ghost, the best thing you could possibly do for the ghost is to heal it and send it into the light. Once the ghost has entered the light, they are no longer a ghost; the healing light lifts their vibration and transforms them into the classification of a spirit. Spirits can move about freely and visit all their loved ones; their vibration is higher and their emotional wounds are healed. They will still appear to have the same personality so that you will recognize them, but they are in the light, where they need to be. Some ghosts will convince their living host that they don't want to go away. They may say that they are happy and want to stay with you. Of course they are content to stay; you have become their light source (or, more appropriately, their living battery). Ghosts need energy to survive on this plane, and if you have one around you or your home, they are most certainly draining your energy. Don't let this type of plea boost your ego. . If a ghost really does care for you, they will come back to visit after they are released and healed. In fact, some of my favorite visits from spirit come after I have crossed over a ghost. They often come to visit me in dreams to provide thanks. They will show me that they are

reunited with loved ones and pets and they are healed. Remember, a spirit can come and visit anyone anywhere. They are no longer trapped in one location or held hostage to an unhealed drama. Are there more ghosts now, or are we simply more aware of them? I believe there have been ghosts since the beginning of life and death on earth. Every civilization has records of encounters with the spirit world. Ancient cultures had their "seers," who were people tapped into the vibrations of the spirit world. Modern day mediums share this sensitivity and are able access information from unseen dimensions. Until recently, this gift of spirit communication was something that the average person could not experience unless a ghost or spirit decided to pay them a visit. However, the field of paranormal investigation has opened up the possibility for everyone to experience the spirit world. Through the creation of devices sensitive enough to detect subtle energies, everyone is able to gather verification that ghosts and spirits are real. The evidence may come in the form of a picture, audio recording, or electromagnetic spike. So aside from personal experiences, there are readily available methods of capturing evidence of other worldly encounters. This helps to validate what seers and mediums have known all along: the spirit world exists all around us at all times. Most of us welcome any contact we get from our loved ones in spirit. But what about the invisible occupants in your home that move things, mess with your appliances, and cause your family turmoil? Are we obligated to help them? Yes, I believe we are. If a ghost has found a way into your life, there is a reason for it, even if you encountered it while conducting a paranormal investigation. Despite what the ghost may tell you, what they really need is help moving on.

Here are the top ten reasons to cross over a ghost: 1. Ghosts simply cannot make the transition into the light themselves and need assistance. 2. Having a ghost in your home can cause sickness and loss of energy. 3. Ghosts can pull you into their drama and prevent you from living your life. 4. Ghosts are doomed to experience their pain and other lower vibrational feelings until they are healed. This low energy contributes to the overall energy of our planet and affects the living. 5. Ghosts cannot move about freely to visit their loved ones; they must become healed in the light to enjoy the perks of the spirit world. 6. Grieving families cannot heal as long as their loved one remains a ghost. 7. Ghosts are stuck in their emotional drama; until healed, it is a constant replay of tragedy. 8. If a ghost avoided the light due to fear of punishment, the overriding feeling is still fear. The accompanying feeling may be guilt or shame. These feelings can be felt by the living and affect them adversely. 9. A ghost may have a sense of purpose for staying behind; however, they are more effective to help once their own vibration is healed. 10. Healing a ghost and lifting the vibrations on the planet affect the living immediately. You will often notice that after ghosts are healed the living feel more energetic, alive, and positive.

Diana Palm (Wisconsin) is a spiritual healer, certified Reiki master, and medium. She teaches classes on paranormal investigation, Theta Healing, and mediumship, and works with paranormal investigative groups to clear haunted locations. She appears weekly on the radio program Saturday Night Paranormal. Visit her online at araup0813&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=paraup0813

The Apparition When by thy scorn, O murd'ress, I am dead, And that thou thinkst thee free From all solicitation from me, Then shall my ghost come to thy bed, And thee, feign'd vestal, in worse arms shall see : Then thy sick taper will begin to wink, And he, whose thou art then, being tired before, Will, if thou stir, or pinch to wake him, think Thou call'st for more,

And, in false sleep, will from thee shrink : And then, poor aspen wretch, neglected thou Bathed in a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lie, A verier ghost than I. What I will say, I will not tell thee now, Lest that preserve thee ; and since my love is spent, I'd rather thou shouldst painfully repent, Than by my threatenings rest still innocent. By John Donne


Hello Children and Friends, It's time to rummage through my cupboards and closets to see what we can find this month that will help you with your magick. I do have several things to talk about today so let's get started!! Trees to Wands and other Magickal items - This is one from my closet. Many of you around the U.S. and other parts of the World have been experiencing severe storms, floods and winds. Also, the Fall and Spring are times of the year where trees are pruned for either Winter safety or Summer growth. Should you be fortunate enough to be in an area where limbs and trees have either been pruned or are down due to storms, you have the perfect opportunity to harvest limbs for making wooden wands, wooden runes, alter discs and individual designed candle holders. There is a really great article in this issue concerning trees and their energies. If you haven't read it yet, please do so. It's very good and will give information of what powers different trees/woods can and will bring to your magick. I'm particularly fond of Rowan and Willow but about a month ago I was in my favorite part where the Ground's Crew were trimming up trees. I asked if I might have a few of the limbs for my Crafting (I didn't go into any details) and was happily told, "of course. Take all you want!" Thrilled at being able to have limbs of assorted types and thicknesses, I grabbed as many as I could fit into my little car (my hubby was very pleased I hadn't driven our new truck that day!). Anyway, I made it home with several Walnut, Maple and Poplar limbs with leaves attached (that way I can remember what type of branches they are). I plan on putting the leaves into containers for use in fire work this winter and when things slow down for me this fall I'll cut down the branches for their different uses. The reason I really like using downed branches/trees is that I feel I'm giving each on a new life. If I harvest limbs from trees myself, I MUST make a fine offering to the tree and to nature. When using limbs/trees that are already down, I still make an offering, usually of water or stone, but if I'm out walking and haven't anything to offer, I can do an acknowledgment to the tree and a quick prayer of thanks. Also, I'm keeping branches out of local landfills. Maybe not many but some. Remember, if you use your wood for a candle holder, NEVER, EVER let it burn when you aren't present!! OH, and a thought with a memory. On our first Yule together, my hubby and I walked a mile up hill (yes, I know) to get a tree to decorate.


We didn't have a saw that year BUT we did have a heavy duty bread knife which we used. It did take a long time to "saw" through it. That piece of pine reappears every year and has a place of honor under our tree! Lemons and their magickal uses - Lemons have long been interwoven into our homes as well as our magick. Though they were not found naturally in the U.S. and many countries around the world as soon as they were acknowledged for their healthy and magickal abilities, ancients began to grow them. They were used in profusion in Egypt, Greece and Rome as well as throughout the Mediterranean. Used medicinally for coughs and colds as well as enhancing the immune and growth systems, Lemons are excellent in removing negativity from homes, cars, offices, clothing and the body! Scott Cunningham tells us that Lemons bring us longevity, love, and friendship as well as purification. Lemon juice mixed with water can be used to wash amulets, jewelry and other magickal objects that are obtained second hand. It's gentle and you don't have to wait for a full moon to cleanse something you need to use right away. Lemon water can be used for mopping floors in a new home or one that needs deep cleansing to eliminate negative energies, like after fights or arguments. Add lemon juice to your laundry particularly if you work in an angry or negative environment. Mix yourself a plastic container of lemon juice and water to add to your bath or to pour over yourself in the shower. Now to the actual Lemon itself. If you are having problems with negativity in your home (often a problem to renters in houses and, particularly apartments, cut Lemons in half and place a half in each corner of every room of your home. When the Lemon half turns black, replace it with another! Get the blackened halfs out of your home immediately, don't leave it in the garbage until the next day!! You can use cheaper Lemons for this. You can use this idea in a care that's having problems or a used car. Be sure to put Lemon in the trunk as well and change it out regularly. Lemons can also be used as negative absorbing "pomanders" (think of Orange Pomanders made and used during the winter and at Yule, same idea). To put Lemon scent into your homemade candles, use finely grated Lemon peel. DON'T use the pithy white of the Lemon. Sprinkle the grated Lemon peel after you pour your was and mix it in as needed with a long bamboo stick. Don't forget all the magickal benefits you add to drinks and food when you add lemon and lemon zest!!

From water with lemon to all sorts of teas and lemonade, you put wonderful purifying magick in your body as well as longevity. Add a little love to that special dinner with fresh squeezed lemon juice or freshly grated lemon peel. Expressed Lemon oil can be added to beeswax salves and in making body lotions. Add to other oils (called carrier oils) for use as anointing oils for candles, rituals and spells. Dab a bit behind your ears to give protection in your office or for that special date. Dried grated peel can be added to sachets and to you shoes! Think of all the negative energy you walk through every day. Make a sachet bag for each of your shoes using Lemon peel or just sprinkle some dried grated peel in. The smell better already and you'll feel the difference the next time you wear them. The Power of Cider Vinegar - Specifically Apple Cider Vinegar. Used for centuries as a hair, scalp and skin wash, it also will give sun-burn relief. Combining Cider Vinegar in a one to one mix with olive oil to treat chapped skin. Dabbing a little Cider Vinegar on bug bite help to relieve itch and sting. Use as a disinfectant after washing a superficial scrape. (NO DEEP CUTS OR WOUNDS PLEASE). Cider Vinegar can also be used as an underarm deodorant after washing your arm pit, wipe with a cloth soaked with it. Allow to air dry and reapply as necessary. Cleanse muddy energy in a home by washing floors, windows, sinks, tubs and toilets with Cider Vinegar. Add salt to your vinegar and water mix to add extra "negative energy" cutting power. THIS MIX WILL KILL PLANTS!!! Magickally Cider Vinegar is a good "Repellant" for trouble makers and to get rid of annoying neighbors using any one of a half dozen recipes for "Four Thieves" Vinegar. If you are wanting to get rid of that neighbor causing problems, just sprinkle (I've poured it) on their doorstep, front porch or, in an apartment, across in front of their front door. I've never known it to fail! Just don't get caught! I LOVE Vinegar Spell Jars!!! You can add a whole week's items to eliminate from your life over a week, take it out far from your house, dig a hole, and bury it. Go home and put another one together for the next week!! That's magick!!My grandmother use to keep one on her kitchen cabinet, dumping it down the outhouse once a week and starting another!!! The concept of this type of Vinegar Spell Jar is to rid yourself and your family/household of any personal bad habits or situations that arise during the week, stopping problems before they get out of hand or drive you crazy. Grandma used a large mason jar, the really solidly made ones. You could use a heavy duty pickle jar with a metal screw on lid. The ingredients don't have to be exact on this, pretty much anything around the house that can be painful, cause pain, stop someone including yourself or a member of your family from doing something that shouldn't be done, thought, bought, etc. The main thing is to make sure that whatever you put into the jar will dissolve or start breaking down in an acid base. No plastics or synthetic-type things that don't desolve. Use iron nails, metal tacks, cotton, wool or silk fabrics, thread and thin strings. For writing spells on, I prefer to use either tissue paper (I save the tissue paper I get in my shoes and presents), and in a pinch, toilet paper.

Add any and all hot spices from your spice cupboard (things like crushed red pepper flakes, really hot pepper powders and any supper hot dried peppers you can find, freshly chopped really hot onion and garlic) just any spice or herb that will burn the mouth and or skin. Combine in the jar at least a tablespoon of each hot herb you have, along with a few of your iron nails and/or tacks, add at least one cup of strong cider vinegar(you'll want to cover your herbs, nails and tacks). Add more vinegar if necessary. You can also add any salty or briny pickle juice or juice from any spicy hot pickled vegetable such a peppers, green beans, asparagus, etc. Put the lid on this mixture and gently swish it around to begin the "action". When a problem arises you need help with, write it down on a piece of tissue paper, tear it into smallish pieces and sprinkle into the mixture. Swirl the jar at that time and then a few times a day as you pass it. If you have lots of problems in a week, dig a hole and dump the Jar. If you've not put much in, let it go for another week. Be careful not to overfill the Jar with problems. Should this happen and you can't go dump your Jar, add more vinegar and hot peppers! I would change it AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH as a minimum. The Magick of Sweet, Sweet Honey - We're talking about fresh golden honey, strained but NOT heated. Real tasty honey, right from the hives! RAW honey, the kind you get from health food stores or the farmers market. Honey has been used since the beginning of time as an offering to nearly every deity around the world. Queens and world Beauties have bathed in honey and milk. Honey was and is often used as a face mask, to heal blemishes and skin infections. Mixed with my old favorite cinnamon, honey is said to be a good treatment for heart diseases, bladder infections, high cholesterol, colds, upset stomach (do be careful as using too much cinnamon can irritate ulcers!), gas, stimulate your immune system, kill influenza germs and even treat fatigue in older individuals. What can't it do!!! Grandma used honey for sweetening any weighty situation where tempers were flaring and smeared it on baby bottoms where diaper rash was beginning to show. I do remember her mixing honey with coffee, letting it cool and pouring small amounts in and around her plants, particularly her prize peonies so they'd have huge blooms she could sell for Memorial (Decoration) Day. Though honey should NEVER be used for human babies or in formula mixes for any bird or animal or used in food for individuals having diabetes, most people can use honey with little to no ill effects. I often use local honey during pollen season to ease my allergies naturally. Use raw honey and herbs/spices to make an anointing substance for candles, pouring over ritual breads and cakes or to use in spells in much the same manner as you would use oils. Mix raw honey with herbs such as lightly crushed fresh mint in a sterile mason jar with lid. Allow it to sit in a cool place, inverting it every few hours to mix the fresh mint oil with the honey. After three days or so, strain out the mint using a sieve, putting the honey back into the jar. Use the minted honey to sweeten the dispositions of your family and visitors. Continued on page 66 27

Mabon History: The Second Harvest By Patti Wigington, Guide

Global Traditions: The idea of a harvest festival is nothing new. In fact, people have celebrated it for millennia, all around the world. In ancient Greece, Oschophoria was a festival held in the fall to celebrate the harvesting of grapes for wine. In the 1700's, the Bavarians came up with Oktoberfest, which actually begins in the last week of September, and it was a time of great feasting and merriment, still in existence today. China's Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated on the night of the Harvest Moon, and is a festival of honoring family unity.

The Science of the Equinox: Two days a year, the Northern and Southern hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight. Not only that, each receives the same amount of light as they do dark -- this is because the earth is tilted at a right angle to the sun, and the sun is directly over the equator. In Latin, the word equinox translates to "equal night." The autumn equinox takes place on or near September 21, and its spring counterpart falls around March 21. If you're in the Northern hemisphere, the days will begin getting shorter after the autumn equinox and the nights will grow longer -- in the Southern hemisphere, the reverse is true.

Giving Thanks: Although the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving falls in November, many cultures see the second harvest time of the fall equinox as a time of giving thanks. After all, it's when you figure out how well your crops did, how fat your animals have gotten, and whether or not your family will be able to eat during the coming winter. However, by the end of November, there's not a whole lot left to harvest. Originally, the American Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated on October 3, which makes a lot more sense agriculturally. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated on October 3. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued his "Thanksgiving Proclamation", which changed the date to the last Thursday in November. In 1939, Franklin Delano Roosevelt adjusted it yet again, making it the second-to-last Thursday, in the hopes of boosting post-Depression holiday sales. Unfortunately, all this did was confuse people. Two years later, Congress finalized it, saying that the fourth Thursday of November would be Thanksgiving, each year.


Magic and Mythology: Nearly all of the myths and legends popular at this time of the year focus on the themes of life, death, and rebirth. Not much of a surprise, when you consider that this is the time at which the earth begins to die before winter sets in!

Demeter and Her Daughter

Inanna Takes on the Underworld The Sumerian goddess Inanna is the incarnation of fertility and abundance. Inanna descended into the underworld where her sister, Ereshkigal, ruled. Erishkigal decreed that Inanna could only enter her world in the traditional ways -- stripping herself of her clothing and earthly possessions. By the time Inanna got there, Erishkigal had unleashed a series of plagues upon her sister, killing Inanna. While Inanna was visiting the underworld, the earth ceased to grow and produce. A vizier restored Inanna to life, and sent her back to earth. As she journeyed home, the earth was restored to its former glory.

Perhaps the best known of all the harvest mythologies is the story of Demeter and Persephone. Demeter was a goddess of grain and of the harvest in ancient Greece. Her daughter, Persephone, caught the eye of Hades, god of the underworld. When Hades abducted Persephone and took her back to the underworld, Demeter's grief caused the crops on earth to die and go dormant. By the time she finally recovered her daughter, Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds, and so was doomed to spend six months of the year in the underworld. These six months are the time when the earth dies, beginning at the time of the autumn equinox.

Feasting and Friends: Early agricultural societies understood the importance of hospitality -it was crucial to develop a relationship with your neighbors, because they might be the ones to help you when your family ran out of food. Many people, particularly in rural villages, celebrated the harvest with great deals of feasting, drinking, and eating. After all, the grain had been made into bread, beer and wine had been made, and the cattle were brought down from the summer pastures for the coming winter. Celebrate Mabon yourself with a feast -- and the bigger, the better!

Symbols of the Season: The harvest is a time of thanks, and also a time of balance -- after all, there are equal hours of daylight and darkness. While we celebrate the gifts of the earth, we also accept that the soil is dying. We have food to eat, but the crops are brown and going dormant. Warmth is behind us, cold lies ahead. Some symbols of Mabon include: •Mid-autumn vegetables, like squashes and gourds •Apples and anything made from them, such as cider or pies •Seeds and seed pods •Baskets, symbolizing the gathering of crops •Sickles and scythes •Grapes, vines, wine You can use any of these to decorate your home or your altar at Mabon.



Autumn is a wonderful time to get crafty, thanks to the bright colors of the season. Make your own harvest candles, gourd rattles, and autumn God's Eyes to decorate your home for the coming Sabbat.

As the Wheel of the Year turns with each season, you may wish to use different types and scents of incense for your ceremonies and rituals. While incense isn't mandatory for a good ritual, it certainly can help to set the mood. To make your a blend of incense for Mabon, the autumn equinox, we'll be using scents that remind us of the fall season, and the second harvest of the year. You can make incense with sticks and in cones, but the easiest kind uses loose ingredients, which are then burned on top of a charcoal disc or tossed into a fire. This recipe is for loose incense, but you can adapt it for stick or cone recipes if you wish. As you mix and blend your incense, focus on the intent of your work. In this particular recipe, we’re creating an incense to use during Mabon. It’s a time to celebrate the season of balance and harmony, as well as the gratitude and thanksgiving of the harvest season.

You’ll need: • 2 parts sandalwood • 2 parts pine • 1 part rosemary • 1 part cinnamon • 1 part dried apple • 1 part dried oak leaf Add your ingredients to your mixing bowl one at a time. Measure carefully, and if the leaves or blossoms need to be crushed, use your mortar and pestle to do so. As you blend the herbs together, state your intent. You may find it helpful to charge your incense with an incantation, such as: Mabon, a season of dark and light, balance of day turning to night. Counting my blessings in all I have and do, love and harmony, and gratitude too. Mabon herbs, bring balance to me, As I will, so it shall be. Store your incense in a tightly sealed jar. Make sure you label it with its intent and name, as well as the date you created it. Use within three months, so that it remains charged and fresh.


This herbal infusion can be used as a skin wash or a cleanser for your ritual space. By infusing the herbs in water, you can take advantage of the medicinal properties as well as the magical ones. A quart-sized jar, like the type used in food canning, is ideal for this because it allows for a tight seal, and they hardly ever break.

Here's How: You'll need a handful of each of the following:  Spearmint or peppermint  Sage  Honeysuckle Place the herbs in the glass jar. Pour boiling water over them until the jar is filled. Screw the  Goldenseal lid on loosely, and allow to steep for four to six hours. Strain out all the plant material. Cap the  Marigold jar, and store in a cool place. Use as a skin wash or to asperge your home or sacred space.

An apple garland is really easy to make. You can make it any length you wish, and it makes your house smell good in the process.

You will need:       

several large apples of any color lemon juice dried bay leaves scraps of fabric cinnamon sticks raffia florist’s wire.

Start by peeling and coring the apples, and then slicing them horizontally into circles about 3/8” thick. Fill a bowl with the lemon juice, and place your apple slices in it. Allow them to soak for about ten minutes – this prevents them from turning brown and discolored. Remove the apple slices from the bowl and pat them dry with a paper towel. Bake your apples for about six hours at 200 degrees. If you like, before baking you can dust them with a mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Once your apples are completely dried out, the fun really begins. Using the florist’s wire, begin stringing the apples. The wire should go straight through the apples, but if you have trouble, make a hole with a toothpick. Between every few apple slices, string some bay. You can also alternate the apples and bay leaves with bows made from your fabric scraps. Make your garland as long or as short as you like – or until your kids get bored – and then knot each end around a cinnamon stick. Tie a piece of raffia around the ends as well, and then drape your garland on your wall, across your mantel, or over your front door. Another variation on the apple garland is to make a smaller length and then bend it into a circle, forming an apple wreath (see photo). Tie a piece of fabric – or bend a leftover bit of florist’s wire – to the top so you can hang it on a nail or hook.


Dionysus Greek God of Wine and Ecstasy The Greek god Dionysus was lucky to even survive long enough to become an adult. The story of the premature birth of Dionysus is an interesting one. Dionysus was the son of the beautiful and gentle mortal Semele, who had been a moon goddess during the reign of the Titans, and the mighty Zeus, ruler of the Olympian deities. Zeus and Semele had been having a love affair for quite a while...only Semele had no idea who her lover really was since Zeus always came to her in another form, refusing to disclose his identity. But Hera, the wife of Zeus and Queen of Mount Olympus, didn't have any trouble figuring out what her husband was up to and decided to put an end to it. Hera, disguised as Semele's nurse, convinced her to make Zeus take an oath that he would grant her a single wish. And he did. Semele then asked him to reveal his identity, his true self. Zeus knew what would happen should he grant her request and was heartbroken. But Semele refused to change her request, and Zeus had no choice to to comply since he had sworn an oath. So he changed into his true form, and his thunderbolts filled the room. Semele was struck by the lightning and died. Zeus, with the help of his trusted assistant Hermes, had to rescue Dionysus from Semele's womb as she lay dying. They stitched the premature infant into his thigh, and Zeus carried him there until the baby was ready to be born. (Needless to say, Hera was not amused with this turn of events!) So Hera had the newborn Dionysus killed by a couple of Titan assassins who tore him to bits, even though he kept trying to escape them by changing forms to hide from them. When he died a pomegranate tree began to grow where his blood had fallen. Disconcerted by this, the Titans decided to be on the safe side and boil the pieces of his body in a great cauldron. Luckily he was resurrected by his grandmother (though in some accounts it was by his half sister, Athena) and was entrusted to the goddess Persephone for safekeeping.


Persephone, in turn, hid him with a king and his wife, who disguised him in girls clothing and hid him in the women's quarters of their palace. Eventually, of course, Hera discovered he was still alive and resumed her campaign of harassment, driving his royal foster parents insane and causing them to kill their own son when they mistook him for a deer. To protect the infant god, Hermes changed Dionysus into a baby goat and took him to a group of mountain nymphs (the Hyades) to be raised. They doted on the child, feeding him honey and doing everything they could to help him feel wanted. While living in the mountains with the nymphs, Dionysus invented the process of growing grapes and making wine. (Who wouldn't need a drink after all he'd been through!) As he grew to manhood, Hera found him again and drove him into a state of madness. Dionysus started to wander mindlessly though the Greek countryside where he became known as "The Wanderer". He developed quite a following of men and women who worshipped him in the mountains, drinking, dancing ecstatically to frenzied music, and otherwise behaving like "wild ones". personality tests Their celebrations alternated with periods of deep meditation and extended contemplative silences. ( The word "orgy" comes from these gatherings where the celebrants reached an ecstatic state and felt that they were "at one" with the Greek god.) Dionysus was rapidly becoming well-known as a result of his followers and their wild celebrations. Naturally, Hera soon heard of him. Rather than deal with her next moves, Dionysus did the smart thing and simply "took off". Travelling to Egypt, India and the Aegean Islands, Dionysus had many adventures and acquired many friends and worshippers, teaching the locals to grow grapes and make wine wherever he went.

In some versions of the myths of the Greek god Dionysus, he traveled as a warrior with his troops and became a military hero. During a foray into the Middle East, while warring with the king of Damascus, Dionysus built a bridge from vines and ivy that allowed him to cross safely across the Euphrates river. And the river Tigris got its name from one of the myths of Dionysus-Zeus had dispatched a tiger to help him cross the river. During his travels abroad, Dionysus continued to gather more followers, which was very threatening to the rulers of these countries. Many of them opposed him, and there was often great bloodshed. Frequently Dionysus used the "trick" of turning the ruler, or his family, or the citizens of his country (especially the women) completely mad . . . often with horrific results. In one of the more dramatic myths, Dionysus and his followers, the Maenads, had been arrested by the king of Thebes, who instantly went mad and mistook a bull for Dionysus and shackled the bull instead. The Maenads escaped and ran throughout the countryside brutally killing all the livestock. Then they returned and tore the king to pieces, with the assistance of his mother who tore off his head, having been driven insane as well. Dionysus tired of his travels and began to yearn for home. To make the trip, Dionysus boarded a ship scheduled to sail to Greece, not realizing that it was actually a pirate ship. The sailors, unaware that he was a god, turned the ship around to sail for Asia where they planned to sell him into slavery. Realizing their intent, the Greek god Dionysus foiled their plans. Turning their oars into serpents, causing vines and ivy to engulf the mast and rigging, Dionysus turned himself into a ferocious lion. While all of this was happening the air was filled with the eerie sound of flutes and ghostlike beasts floated around the ship. Crazy with fear the pirates jumped into the ocean and quickly turned into harmless dolphins. Given his spectacular success in foreign lands and with his worship now being established world-wide, his divinity could no longer be ignored on Mount Olympus and Dionysus was asked to come home and take his rightful place among the other Greek gods. Even the vengeful Hera finally accepted him. In addition to his having been resurrected from the dead himself, Dionysus brought his mother Semele back to life, descending into the Underworld and escorting her back to live on Mount Olympus.

By bribing Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, with a sprig of myrtle to gain admittance, and then by standing up to Thanatos, the Greek god of Death, dionysus secured Semele's release.Although Semele had to change her name and live in an apartment, so that her presence among them would not be scandalous, even Hera was willing to accept her presence there. Dionysus married Ariadne, a princess who had been a moon goddess during earlier times when the Titans ruled. Ariadne had been engaged to the hero Theseus who had deserted her. Dionysus fell in love with her and together they had several children, none of whom achieved great fame. The Greek god Dionysus was one of the few Greek gods who were faithful to their wives (perhaps because he'd already sown his wild oats before settling down). The recurrent themes of life and death, run though the legends of Dionysus. They teach us that the journey from being the Divine Child to a fruitful kingship requires the "giving up" (death) of the old self and rebirth in a more mature form. The myths of the Greek god Dionysus remind us that the possibilities of intense, ecstatic experience (whether through alcohol, other drugs, dancing, or spiritual experience) include both a dark side with the potential for great harm to ourselves and others, as well as a bright potential for communion with others, including a greater power, and for works of healing.


The Sacred Smoke Blessing ~ by Anna Hooper


Our American Native Indian Elders have taught that

before a person can be healed or heal another, one must be cleansed of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits, or negative energy - cleansed both physically and spiritually. This helps the healing to come through in a clear way, without being distorted or sidetracked by negative "stuff" in either the healer or the client. Remember that no matter the details of your actions, God knows what you are trying to do, and in the end you can't do it wrong, there is no wrong, God and the master spirit guides in the world unseen will understand your actions and bless your efforts. Pick a time when you are not likely to be interrupted. You may want to play some appropriate music such as a Coyote Oldman CD or something similar. It's not important if it's not possible. You may want to include some of your favorite readings, or do this with a loved one. Basically that's it, good luck and be well. Remember, God and your spirit guides understand what you are trying to do, so THERE IS NO WRONG WAY to do it. It is very popular among many novices to use abalone shells in smudging. There are many Native elders who are pleased to see so many new folks smudging themselves, but some are concerned that abalone shells are being used when burning the herbs. On the Pacific Northwest Coast, for example, some holy men have said that abalone shells represent Grandmother Ocean, and that they should be used in ceremonies with water, not burning. In any case, smudging is a ceremony that must be done with care. We are entering into a relationship with the unseen powers of these plants and with the spirits of the ceremony. As with all good relationships, there has to be respect and honor if the relationship is to work. Native people throughout the world use herbs to accomplish this. One common ceremony is to burn certain herbs, take the smoke in one's hands and rub or brush it over the body. Today, this is commonly called "smudging." In Western North America the three plants most frequently used in smudging are sage, cedar, and sweet grass. CEREMONY; Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves the burning of special, sacred plants and herbal resins, then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the smoke around a person or place. The spirit of the plant then purifies whatever is being smudged. This ceremony does tend to drain the person doing it, so allow so rest time for afterward. The smudge stick is sometimes hard to keep smoldering so when you first light it, blow out the flame after it gets going and then blow or fan it with a feather into smoldering embers to really let it take hold or else it might burn out.

If it does burn out, just re-light it again and keep it going. An alternative to a smudge stick bundle would be to burn loose sage in a dish or bowl. OPEN; After you get the stick smoldering, ask the Creator, spirit guides, and plant spirits to bless the smoke so that it will trap any and all negative entities and energies and cleanse your spirit. Do this by rubbing your hands in the smoke, and then gathering the smoke and bringing it into your body, or, rub it onto yourself; especially onto any area you feel needs spiritual healing. While doing this, pray to the Creator and the unseen powers/spirits of the plant(s) to cleanse your spirit and for help with the cleansing of the dwelling. Ask God (the Creator) and your spirit guides to be with you and guide your actions. You may to additionally use the Light Invocation by Dael Walker: I invoke the Light of the God within; I am a clear and perfect channel; Light is my guide. Repeat it three times. Note: Sometimes, one person will smudge another or a group of people. To do this, have the person stand facing you. Use your hands or a feather to lightly brush the smoke back and forth through the person's aura starting with the left foot (left being the receiving side of the body) and move the smoke up the left leg, proceed up the central chakra line, around the top of the head, back down the center of the body, moving the smoke outwards to the sides. Once you have completed the front, have them turn clockwise. Start with the head/crown chakra, move the smoke through the central chakra line, out to the sides and down and out away from the right foot (right being the giving side of the body) Look for dark or foggy parts spots in the person's spirit-body and brush the smoke into these "holes in their spiritbody." This helps to heal the spirit and to "close up" the holes. Sometimes it's a good idea to pay close


attention to the heart area. Some traditions do this four (4) times as 4 is the number of balance and harmony. Others hold that particular feathers/wings bring in the qualities and medicine of the bird's origin and that wings should be moved in the same fashion as a bird's wing in flight. DWELLING CLEANSING CEREMONY 1st Sage Use sage to drive out the bad influences/negative energies/entities. Starting in the center of the lowest level of the dwelling and moving in a counterclockwise direction, take the sage smoke to all corners, closets, and rooms. Open any closed drawers to chests or cabinets. Push the smoke with your hands or feather into every bit of space – lingering over dark or cold spots that "feel" uncomfortable. At the doorway of each room, direct the smoke completely around the door frame. Do this at all entrances/exits/closets of each room, especially the front, back and/or side doors to the dwelling. Once an area has been has been cleansed, stand in the center of the area and offer the smoke to the six directions, always in the sunwise, following the path of the sun (east-south-west-north). Then to Mother Earth (down), Father Sun (up), and finally to the Great Mystery within all things (brought to your heart). 1. Facing the East, lift the smoke in that direction, saying: To the Spirit of the East, where the sun

rises, the place of new beginnings and the promise of Spring, I thank you. 2. Facing the South, extend the smoke in that direction, saying: To the Spirit of the South, the

place of summer and rapid growth, the place of our heart and emotions, and the place where we learn survival and endurance and develop a trust in life, I thank you. 3. Facing the West, lift the smoke, saying: To the Spirit of the West, where the sun sets and we find healing and self knowledge that gives us the power to use our head and our hearts to serve and to teach, I thank you. 4. Facing the North, lift the smoke upward, saying: To the Spirit of the North, the place of winter and intuitive understanding, of healing, and the place of beginnings and endings, I thank you. 5. Extend the smoke downward, saying: To Mother Earth, the place of nurturing and hope, I thank you.


6. Extend the smoke upward, saying: To Father Sun,

you who are the source of all power, whose rays illuminate the whole world, illuminate our hearts also, so we too may do your work. Thank you Holy Ancestors. To the Creator, the Never-ending Force that is all, I thank you. In the last room, after all the spaces have been smudged, open as many windows and doors as practical to allow the smoke to be purged from the interior of the dwelling and fresh air and chi to flow back in. The idea is to let out through the windows and open doors the unwanted stuff trapped by the smoke. Focus on any negative entities/energies/unwanted feelings to leave the dwelling, to never bother it or its occupants again. Ask the smoke to carry the energy away, back to Mother Earth and ask her to transform it and use it for her healing and support. 2nd Cedar Use cedar to drive out negative energies and bring in good influences. Cleanse yourself again with the cedar. Repeat the dwelling cleansing as above except this time move in a clockwise direction. In the last room, after you have thanked the directions, spirit guides, and Creator, ask for their blessings on this dwelling and its occupants. Focus on attracting whatever positive energies you want and blessings for the dwelling. Think about all the nice, fun and good times to be had and visualize those energies coming in. 3rd Sweetgrass Use sweetgrass to bring in good influences. Cleanse yourself again with the sweetgrass. Repeat the dwelling cleansing as before in the same clockwise direction. In the last room, after you have thanked the directions, spirit guides, and Creator, focus your intent to cleanse, clear, and purify. You may also want to add lavender to the sweetgrass as lavender draws in loving energy and spirits. 4th Candle Take a lit candle over the whole house in the same clockwise direction and push its light into every corner. This "lighting-up" of a house is taught to us by the People of the Pacific Northwest Coast. CLOSE; Once the blessing of the dwelling/persons is complete, re-cleanse yourself, any assistants, and tools. The ashes should be totally burned (avoid using more than needed). Respectfully return the spent ashes to Mother Earth, perhaps at the base of a tree, a shrub, or a rock. Never dump the ashes into the garbage or trash.

COMMON HERBS USED IN SMUDGING Although different tribes and traditions use different herbs for shamanic smudging, some of the most popular herbs include desert sage, white broadleaf sage, juniper, pinon (sometimes in resin form), sweetgrass, copal (in resin form), mugwort, lavender and sacred tobacco. Here are some general uses for the different herbs often used for smudging: Cedar Cedar is burned while praying either aloud or silently. The prayers rise on the cedar smoke and are carried to the Creator. Cedar is also spread along with sage on the floor of the sweat lodges of some tribes. Cedar branches are brushed in the air to cleanse a home during the House Blessing Ceremony of many Northwest Indian nations. In the Pacific Northwest, the people burn cedar for purification in much the same way as sage - it drives out negative energy; but it also brings in good influences. The spirit of cedar is considered very ancient and wise by Pacific Northwest tribes, and old, downed cedar trees are honored with offerings and prayers. This plant can also be used to purify, especially for negative emotions. Cedar needles are used in a similar way to cleanse and bring balance to the emotions and to the male/female (yin/yang) elements. Copal Gold Resin Primarily a fire and water element though can also be used as for fourelement general purposes. When burned, the scent is sweet, resinous, slightly woody, mildly earthy and spicy. Was a holy incense used by the peoples of Mesoamerica. Traditionally used as incense in divinatory and cleansing ceremonies. The resin contains aromatic chemicals called terpenes, which make it volatile and flammable. Used by Mayan shamans prior to ingesting mushrooms.

Frankincense Resin Primarily a fire element though can also be used as for fourelement general purposes. Frankincense Is the resin of an African tree and produces a rich, dense smoke when burned. Used extensively in meditation and healing. In numerous religious traditions, frankincense's spiritual scent was believed to confer divine blessing. Juniper Primarily a fire element though can also be used as for fourelement general purposes. Has a sharp, piney scent. Excellent to stimulate and revive when tired in body, mind or Spirit. Used in ancient times for ritual purification of temples. Smoke believed to aid clairvoyance. Also useful for purification and to stimulate contact with other worlds. Burned during the Plague to resist disease. This herb is also used to purify and to create a safe and sacred space. Juniper was often carried in a medicine pouch or a pocket for protection. Lavender Primarily an air element. Has a light, aromatic, and refreshing scent. Useful for attracting peace, happiness and restful sleep. Also reduces depression, grief, and sorrow. Aids in meditation and divination, and often said to aid in manifestation. Known as Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike, and Lavender. Traditionally associated with fairies and elves. This herb will restore balance and create a peaceful atmosphere. It will also draw loving energy and spirits. To clear one's actions and to promote forgiveness, lavender flowers can be added to the mixture to bring the quality of spiritual blessing.

Myrrh Resin Primarily an earth element though can also be used as for four-element general purposes. Produces a lot of smoke when burned, very earthy, and piney scent. It is gathered from an almost leafless Middle Eastern shrub called the Commiphora Molmol. It was used by the ancient Egyptians in rituals of Healing and Passing. It is one of the ingredients used by the Egyptians to embalm bodies. Useful for spirituality, meditation, happiness, release, transformation, strength, confidence, and stability. Mugwort This herb can used to stimulate psychic awareness and prophetic dreams. The Lakota also believe that when Mugwort is burned it "makes the bad spirits sick", and they move away from it. Mullien Mullien is effective for healing emotional trauma that originates from relationships with other people and it provides protection when beginning a new project. The smoke is very grounding and calming. Osha The root of this plant can be burned as an incense or carried for good luck and protection from bad influences. Osha is also a preferred gift for Native American elders.


Pinon Resin Primarily fire element though can also be used as for four-element general purposes. Has a pleasant and meditative fragrance. Is cleansing, strengthening, warming, and used by Native American cultures for its spiritual and healing properties. Produces a thick stream of smoke, and is excellent for refreshing the senses and reviving a tired soul. Sage Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out bad spirits, feelings, or influences, and also to keep bad spirits from entering the area where a ceremony takes place. In Plains nations, the floor of the sweat lodge is frequently covered with sage, and participants rub the leaves on their bodies while in the sweat. Sage is also commonly spread on the ground in a lodge or on an altar where the pipe touches the earth. Some nations wrap their pipes in sage when they are placed in pipebundles, as sage purifies objects wrapped in it. Sage wreaths are also placed around the head and wrists of Sun dancers. Sage, Desert Primarily air element though can also be used as for four-element general purposes. Has a somewhat sharp, light and refreshing scent. One of the most sacred herbs among Native Americans. Used to purify the mind, body and spirit before prayer, meditation, ritual or ceremony. Also used to purify sacred items such as pipes, magical tools, tarot decks, and eagle feathers. Can be used for area, house and personal cleansings. Some people carry a small amount of Sage in a pocket or medicine pouch to insure personal and spiritual safety. This plant will drive out negative energies, spirits and influences. Use this to purify people and places before any sacred ceremony. Sage, White This sage is used just like desert sage, but many people prefer White Sage because of the sweeter aroma it gives off.


Sweet Grass On the Plains, sweet grass is usually braided together in bunches as a person's hair is braided, although friends have said they have seen it simply bunched and wrapped in cloth. Either way, it is usually burned by shaving little bits over hot coals or lighting the end and waving it around, letting the smoke spread through the air. This latter method is how we were taught to burn sweet grass in the sweat lodge allowing the purifying smoke to get to all parts of the lodge. We were taught that it was good to burn sweet grass after the sage or cedar had driven out the bad influences. Sweet grass brings in the good spirits and the good influences. As with cedar, burning sweet grass while praying sends prayers up to the Creator in the smoke. This herb is used to bring positive energy in after negative energies are banished by using sage. Sweetgrass brings sweetness and beauty into one's life and surroundings. One can offer a prayer to this effect as the braid is lit. Yerba Santa This herb can be used to purify and to set and protect boundaries. The name of this plant reflects its nature. Yerba Santa means sacred herb. One last item, should you have any crystals or rocks in your space, you may want to raise their vibration after the smudging by ringing a bell, or ringing a brass bowl near where they sit. Finally put out the smudge and after closing the windows and doors sit down and relax for a while and begin to enjoy your cleansed environment. You might want to redo the smudge ceremony at least every 6 months, or more often if you feel the need. You might want to try and time the smudging to a new moon or at the change of seasons. ~ by Anna C Hooper

1123 N. Government Way Coeur d Alene, ID 83814 208-818-0303

COMMUNITY DAY Sunday, Sept.15th 2013 Noon to 5 pm.

You are invited to bask in the healing energies at The Healing Sanctuary where all healing services are offered FREE once a month. Come and receive Reiki healing, foot massage, chakra balancing, sound therapy, storytelling, featured artists, local vendors, and much, much, more depending on the healers available. The list of holistic healers and artists is growing, therefore Community Day promises to offer a mixture of new and old modalities each month. This is a day of giving back to the community so all services are donated FREE to the Community! We are now featuring an artist every month as well, and as new ideas are presented we will expand on what is offered. Please come and share in the healing and love! This is also a wonderful day for healers and artists to promote your services / art. Although all services are donated on this day you will be able to sell products and gift certificates. It is a good day to offer a discount or advertise an upcoming workshop. If you are a healer or an artist and would like to volunteer / promote your time / art please message me, I would love to have you.

*Please no smoking on the premises, thank you

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You will need: • Offerings • Offering bowl • One unlit candle • Matches • Pen or pencil • Small piece of paper • Fireproof container Note: Offerings may include any grain that is locally grown or anything that has ripened or bloomed recently. Clean, fresh water or a stick of incense may also be used as your offering. You may wish to take your offering outside to be left at the base of a special tree or stone after your ritual is over. This may be performed at any time of day; however, dusk may be the best time because Fall is like the evening of the year. [Opening. Some people like to ring a bell or beat a drum as a clear cut beginning. All parts may be spoke aloud or silently as you see fit.] Shining Ones, I ask for your presence and guidance during my ceremony of the Fall Equinox. (Light your main candle now) As I connect with the Well of Wisdom, the Fire of Change and the World Tree, I honor my Patron/s, the memory of my ancestors and the nature spirits who surround me. With Mother Earth supporting me in all I do, I proclaim my Fall Equinox festival within this sacred space. Here at the edge of space and time and reality The power of my faith opens the door I am a being of energy Fire in the Head This day, This night, In complete balance. All beings, naturally seek a life in balance. All of nature seeks a balance To be out of balance, means one is without. Without time, Without love, Without peace. Without the Shining Ones. Drained and lost, Sometimes not understanding the emptiness felt. Life out of balance is a life changed. As water exposed to too much cold or heat becomes unrecognizable. In this rare moment a quick breath twice each year. I revel in this balance As in the checkbook figures that balance As in the new life offsetting the passings As in the day after the night As in the cool of winter after the heat of summer As in the wisdom of age after the impulsiveness of youth Each life, each dream are like the seeds carried by the winds. From dandelion puffballs, Some land on asphalt, Without water for balance, They cannot sprout


Some land in rivers, Without soil for balance, They cannot sprout Some land in the forest, Without sun for balance, They cannot sprout Some land in the meadow, All is in balance, They grow into maturity [Pause for a moment to meditate on what in your life is out of balance. When the answer/s comes, write it on your piece of paper. Then continue, either speaking the following parts or just visualizing the concepts.] Dandelion seeds are sometimes like my life So much I cannot control, So much I cannot foresee I have faith, In myself, in my ancestors and in the Shining Ones I open my heart to my life taken Like rain sweeping the seed off the asphalt Like the current washing the seed onto the shore Like the wind blowing the seed away from the forest To the place, To that perfect meadow Where all is in balance So every hope, dream and desire Can sprout and grow into its potential If I can dream it, If I can visualize it If I can work together with others If I have faith, I will attain my goals [Make an offering into your offering bowl. Use the main candle flame to set your scrape of paper on fire and place it in a fireproof dish to burn out. Meditate how to create balance in your life as the flames consume your issue.] [If you have any additional praises, divination or requests this is the time to do so. These can be any healing requests, offerings of poetry or individual prayers as well as statements of gratitude.] State or just concentrate on the following concepts My prayers have been given but my path does not end here. From this sacred space, I will continue to seek balance in my life. Balance the individual with the community Balance the preserving with the replacing Balance the responsibility with play Balance the should’s with the want’s Balance the savings with the splurges Balance the tears with the smiles I will be open to the Shining Ones, my ancestors and the nature spirits whenever they come to show me the way. I am grateful for the gifts they have given me and will give in the future. I now declare this Festival of the Fall Equinox ended in peace and love. So Be It

"Sky Rock" Petroglyphs ~ by Lady Ti-Eagle

Outside Bishop California, in the same area as Ghost Canyon, are the Sky Rock Petroglyphs. They are in an area called the Volcanic Tableland. They weren't well known by the white man at the time I went there. I was taken there by a Medicine Man of the Paiute Indians. The area is sacred to the Paiutes and I always entered with total respect. The petroglyphs were only visible from the air, on a huge boulder that was approximately 20' high. The path to get to the area was not very easy to find so the area remained hidden for many years. I ventured to the area various times alone because of the sacredness of the area and the energies that were there. It was amazingly powerful. One day I broke one of my rules and took a friend of mine there. He didn't live in the area and I was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to find it again if he came alone (which was highly unlikely). He had an appreciation for Sacred Places, and knew he'd like this one. We were sitting on the boulder, he was drawing some of the designs on a sketch-pad, and I was just enjoying being there. Soon, I felt like we were being watched. I had seen three ravens that were hanging around, but there was something else that was watching us that wasn't visible. I didn't say anything to John, as I didn't want to alarm him, but soon he commented that we were being watched. He was referring to the ravens and said nothing about our unseen visitor. Well, visitor isn't right, we were the visitors and the other energy was in HIS territory, but that's another thing. Soon the guardian of the area was talking to me. He wasn't pleased! He said to me "hurt anything here on this rock and you won't get down from here unharmed". "Hey", I replied somewhat irritated, "We're not going to harm anything here, I'm just enjoying the area and the sacredness of the site and my friend is only sketching the drawings." I heard no more, but knew he hadn't left his post. After about an hour, I felt it was time to leave this wonderful place, and we carefully climbed off the rock. To get back to our car, we walked about 1/4 mile across the flat tableland, then started our descent across the face. From the top to the base is an approximate 100' vertical drop. The trail that runs across the face is fairly narrow. About 3/4 of the way down, something HUGE brushed by me, from right to left, from downhill toward the uphill side. It touched head and shoulders all the way to my knees. I stopped abruptly and looked up the hill, wondering what had just passed by me. John was behind me on the trail and asked me what was wrong. "Didn't you see that?" I asked. No, I didn't see anything. Then I heard what had brushed by me.

"You're far enough from the site and can do no harm, now I can return to my post." Well, evidently I was mistaken on what I had heard, as he got really pissy! "NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID! I SAID, You're far enough from the site and close enough to your vehicle that you're out of danger and I can return to my post. You're a friend and are welcome here anytime." I could see him then, he was a HUGE Eagle, with about a 15' wingspan. A few weeks later, another friend of mine found the area, but went in from the top on dirt roads. He was camped near the petroglyphs and had evidently not identified himself nor stated his purpose for being there. The Eagle was NOT happy! That night was warm enough that he left the back of his camper shell open for ventilation. It started to rain and the wind blew the rain into the back of the camper where he was sleeping. He got up, got into the driver's seat and turned the truck around. The wind switched direction, blowing rain into the back of the camper again. This happened two more times, each time he moved the truck the wind shifted. Finally he just shut the camper to stay dry. The next morning he was enjoying coffee and breakfast at his campsite and the "BIGGEST EAGLE I'VE EVER SEEN! landed near where I was sitting." I have since moved from the area and I believe the government has closed the area to prevent vandalism. I certainly hope so. I'll always remember my big winged friend and hopefully someday I can return for a visit. Blessings, Lady Ti-Eagle I'd love to hear comments or feedback. Please write to me at


The magick of colors

White Always burn at least one white candle to symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit. Elemental spirits, Angels, Gods of wisdom, divination and prophecy. Purification and cleaning on all levels, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance. White can be a replacement for any other color. Yellow Elemental air. Deities for trade, travel, knowledge and magick. Vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, and trade. Confidence, joy, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, speaking and writing and visualization. Gold Sun-deities, solar energies, and masculine energy. Abundant self-confidence, creativity, perfection, financial richness, success in investments, luxury, worldly power, magickal power, overcoming bad habits and addictions. Orange Deities of good luck and good fortune. Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, prosperity, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters. Copper or Bronze Love-goddesses, love and passion, positive relationships in love, friendship in business, career promotions, successful negotiations. Red Elemental fire, deities of love, passion, sexuality and war. Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertively, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, love and passion, fertility. Magenta Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. Life purpose, life path.


Pink Love-goddesses, softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing. Green Elemental earth and elemental water. Nature and fertility deities, Mother Goddesses. Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals. Turquoise Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humanity. Blue Elemental water and elemental air. Deities of the sea and sky, truth and wisdom. Peace and tranquility, calmness, truth, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection. Violet Elemental spirits, angels, and Gods of divination and prophecy. Psychic abilities, divination, counter-acting negativity and black magick, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, third eye. Brown Elemental earth, stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis. Gray Neutralizing negative influences, putting a halt to action. Silver Moon-goddesses, female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities and psychic workings. Black Elemental earth, deities of the Underworld. Repel and banish evil and negativity, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.


A Few of My Favorite Things……



Pagan Parenting A Family’s Mabon By Alena Orrison

Author’s Note: I realized as I started compiling information for this month’s article, that I carefully edit family rituals so that they can be performed by a mom, dad, or both (or any other family combination). Frequently, the rituals you will find online for families have the mother acting as High Priestess and the father as High Priest. My family isn’t set up that way, so I usually change the ritual to be doable with just one adult. My husband isn’t Pagan, although he allows me to teach the children as I see fit. Not only that, but he works out of town so is rarely home for Sabbats anyway. I execute all of our family rituals myself. I wanted to let you all know, that, as with any ritual, modify it to fit your needs. Have a Happy and Blessed Mabon! September is a wonderful month. It’s a month of endings and beginnings, balance, celebrations and rest. In most places, school is starting. Children get new shoes, pencils and notebooks. Summer is ending, autumn is beginning, and everywhere you can see people trying to get the most out of the last warm days while at the same time preparing for the cooler days to come. There are still wonderful things you can do with your family outside, and even some good indoor activities for those rainy fall days. Go apple picking! Even if you don’t preserve fruits at all, now is the perfect time to visit a local orchard and pick a few crisp apples for eating. Make a crisp, dry some in the dehydrator or oven for snacks, or even a small batch of applesauce. They are also wonderful hollowed out, stuffed with butter, cinnamon and sugar and baked in the oven. Don’t forget to cut an apple crosswise and show your child the pentagram inside. You can then use the cut apple as a stamp, simply dip in paint and stamp on paper. Smaller children love doing this!

Collect nature items for your family altar! I don’t know about you, but my kids are great at finding pretty leaves, feathers and stones. Take the family on a walk and gather decorations for your altar. Autumn colored leaves, pinecones, and nuts last a long time. Flowers are better potted or in a vase, although dried flowers can be beautiful too - and they will last longer. While you’re out gathering leaves, keep an eye out for branches, feathers, stones and shells to make wands. When you get home, help your child cut the branch to the desired length, then glue on decorations. Allow them creative license as this is their wand; you can make your own more functional if you like, but children love to have it whimsical.


Now would also be the perfect time to discuss (and perform!) cleansing and consecrating tools and the use of a wand. It’s not for turning each other into frogs, but for directing energy.

Another fun activity you can do with leaves is to glue them on a piece of construction paper, add decorations like drawings, sequins, and glitter. Allow to dry completely, then laminate. Your child now has a special autumn placemat, or use it in place of an altar cloth or as a wall decoration. Make tombstone rubbings! This can spark a discussion of family history too, especially if you are able to visit cemeteries where your ancestors are buried. All you need is some blank, unlined paper and crayons without the wrapping. Lay the paper on the tombstone and rub over with the side of the crayon. You can use these as decorations or make a book. If you are lucky enough to visit a cemetery where you have family resting, you have the perfect opportunity to tell your children stories of family members or go home and research the ones you don’t know. Make a family tree and use it for decoration at Samhain.

An old favorite is to make bird feeders out of gathered pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed. It only takes a few minutes to make and even the toddlers can do one. Simply go for a walk and gather pine cones. At home, help your child tie a long string onto the pine cone (trust me, it’s easier to do it before you add the peanut butter), then let them spread peanut butter all over the pine cone and then roll it in birdseed. Find a tree branch to tie it on and watch the birds enjoy a treat!

Whatever you do this month, make it memorable and fun. Enjoy your children and the last rays of summer sun!


Like a lot of other holidays, the root meaning of Labor day has been forgotten in this country. It has become the last day of the summer before school starts and everyone must barbecue in their back yards or go on one last camping trip. In the pagan past, the holiday that celebrated last day of summer was called Lughnasadh, Since most people lives were all labor back then, Lughnasadh celebrated the beginning of the harvest. According to legend it was also to celebrate the sun god Lugh, who died of exhaustion after cleaning the plains of Ireland for agriculture. The communities would get together and celebrate what was, hopefully, going to be a bountiful harvest. I guess you could say that it was the original Labor Day because the folks celebrated the results of their hard labors throughout the summer. And their lives depended on it. If the harvest was poor, many of them would not live to see the spring. It was also the favorite season for handfasting, or marriage. According to Wikipedia: "The first Labor Day in the United States was celebrated on September 5, 1882 in New York City. In the aftermath of the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the 1894 Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with Labor as a top political priority." The law that established Labor Day as a national holiday was rushed through congress in just a few days. One of the provisions of the law was that there would be a national parade to celebrate the holiday. The Sunday before Labor Day Monday was dedicated to the spiritual aspects of the workers and their families. So it seems that back then Labor Day actually meant something other than the ceremonial end of summer, a last day to watch football, barbecue and get the boat out of the water. As Labor Day has lost power, so have the unions. They have also become as corrupt as the companies that hire the workers that work for them. Unions depend on their strength in numbers and manufacturing and union jobs are slowly giving way to service jobs in this country. Maybe we should have a "working class day" or a "middle class day" to celebrate all workers. That way white collar workers can have their day as well. Or we could just call it "end of summer day."

Walt Crocker Walt grew up in Lafayette Square, near downtown St. Louis. He is now semi-retired after years in the restaurant and entertainment industry. His poetry has appeared in two published works: Stepping Stones and At Day s End. He is the author of three books.


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Morning Light Weekday Yoga Class AA New Soil, New Roots Dances of Universal Peace Unity Choir Al-Anon Serenity Seekers AA New Soil, New Roots Commit To Life Series Commit To Life Series Guided Meditation Morning Light Weekday Yoga Class Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group Morning Light A Course in Miracles Study Group Morning Light Weight Watchers Community Dinner Commit To Life Program Morning Light Weekday Yoga Class AA New Soil, New Roots Unity Choir Al-Anon Serenity Seekers Crosswalk Outrageous Wild Women of Unity AA New Soil, New Roots Commit To Life Series Commit To Life Series Guided Meditation Morning Light Weekday Yoga Class Attitudinal Healing Peer Support Group

Founded in 1913, we are a welcoming spiritual community offering metaphysical study, prayerful support and a deep belief that change begins within the individual. If you are looking for a spiritual home and want to build a better life and world, then join us. Everyone is Welcome! Unity believes that all people are created with sacred worth. We welcome all people and seek to serve them in spiritually uplifting and emotionally caring ways. We strive for our ministries, publications and programs to be free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, sexual orientation, or social or economic background. Our sincere desire is to create a spiritually-aware community that is nondiscriminatory and supports diversity.



"Glimmer me the Moon and I will give you peace. Let me hold it in my hand and I will give it to you. Let me wear it and you will always be in my heart. Envelope me with the warmth of its glow And I will wrap you in its softness." By Gertrude Moon

Ah, the Moonstone, the constant reflection of the Moon here on Earth. Lovely Lady, stone of Diana, Selene, and Isis. Beautiful shimmer of the night sky; wearable, accessible, powerful, opening my eyes to the Other World. As you can probably tell, I love Moonstones, though I have very few. I find them alive with energy and a true reflection of the Moon herself. As I write this I'm wearing a beautiful Moonstone ring that found me. I love the inner gleam these stones pick up when set in silver (the metal of the Moon), totally complementing each other whether in a simple setting or gussied up with silver filigree or other stones of color, the Moonstone always reflects her timeless allure. While doing my research, I've found that much has been written about Moonstones. Whether used in magick spells, rituals, ceremonies or personal health, Moonstones have a long, long history of residing with man-, or perhaps I should say, woman-kind. Moonstone is interlaced through history. The name was coined by the Ancient Greeks because of their display of the Moon's ethereal silvery light and often used it as a talisman. The Romans claimed that the stone was particles of moonbeams and sacred. In India, Moonstones were and still are thought of as magickal, carrying much power. In the Far East, Moonstones are considered a dream stone, place under the pillow and slept with to provide a better connection with the "Sleep World" providing more flexibility and flow with life. Ancient Egyptians connected Moonstones with Isis and these stones have been found in great numbers in tombs.


Lowly in birth, Moonstones are a form of feldspar found pretty much throughout the world where conditions were right when formed. Found in India, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Germany, Tanzania, Mexico and the United States, it's no wonder that seemingly all civilizations have woven it into their societies. Moonstones are found in a broad spectrum of colors a shimmer of moonbeam in each stone. Colors depend upon what minerals were in the soil where the stone was formed. They are often found in and around cave entrances where they've been washed out by water but also around great rock formations. Colors range from colorless to white, gray, brown, yellow, orange, green or peach as well as a beautiful rainbow form but always distinguished by a shimmer of the moon caused by the rays of light entering the layers of the stone and being refracted back and forth by deeper layers before leaving the crystal. This gives them their moon-like glow. Nearly always cut in a domed cabochons, Moonstone can also be found for sale in rounded and flat-puffed beads as well as chip beads. I like using chip beads in my magickal work as a chip strand usually cost only a couple of dollars at most and I usually need only a few at a time. Folklore says Moonstones should be used for protection, all kinds of protection! Remember they bring down the power and energy of the Moon. They are also excellent when buried in a freshly planted garden, or hung from tree branches to reflect the Moon's light (wouldn't this be a lovely garden to walk in!).

It brings good luck and is said to awaken passion and tenderness between lovers! It contains psychic powers for reading the future. Though some believe the stone should be placed in the mouth to do such readings, I prefer to wear mine on my hand or around my neck! The wonderful soft energy of the Moonstone, like the Moon itself, is perfect for magick work. Place it on your altar for a permanent Moon connection or just when doing ritual or ceremonial work during the Full Moon phase. She will always be at home in your collection of magick tools. Though many believe that making an elixir of rain water, honey and Moonstone will cure almost any malady, I don't recommend it as you just never know for sure if all the minerals and chemicals have been leached out or stabilized. In parts of the world, young women often toss a Moonstone in a wishing well in hope of seeing the reflection of their future intended. Placing a Moonstone cabochon in the bottom of a scrying bowl of water enhances the viewing (I've used this technique often and I find it works beautifully). Wear Moonstone when working on weight issues. Rub the stone or beads over the area of the body you are wishing to reduce and visualize the fat melting away (I haven't tried this yet but I plan on it!). Give a Moonstone to a sailor or someone ready to take a trip, particularly a cruise. It's gently energy will encourage stamina as well as good fortune. Moonstones also encourage understanding and insight, both important when travelling. Moonstones bring calmness and help to attune the body to normal rhythms of

the biological forces in the body; provides the body with a sustaining force and rejuvenating energy. It also stimulates confidence and composure; and allows one to understand all problems and challenges encountered with amazing diplomacy and aplomb.  Energy - Receptive  Planet - Moon  Element - Water  Birthstone - June  Zodiacal Sign - Cancer  Deities - Diana, Selene, Isis, all lunar goddesses  Associated Stone - Quartz Crystals  Substitute - Mother-of-Pearl  Associated Metal - Silver  Colors - Clear, white, gray, blue, green, yellow, pink, peach and rainbow. Always showing a moon-like shimmer.

Associated Powers - Love, divination, psychic work and foreseeing, sleep and dreams, gardening, protection, youthful energies, dieting. Mohs Hardness Scale - 6-6.5 As you can see, this marvelously mesmerizing stone should be found on every home altar, magickal tool box, and worn constantly! It can be worn for all but the most heavy or dirty work, the Moonstone will help you through your daily work, you evening entertainment and your nightly lovemaking! We can all use a stone like this! REFERENCES: "Making Magic Work", "Shimmerlings Jewelry", "Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic", by Scott Cunningham "Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystal", by Melody "What is a Moonstone?",

Up Up & Away As I ease into my chair, my eyes close and I am seeing something; don't know what. Slipping into the trees, yet not touching the ground. I feel the top of the trees on my bare feet. Up further into the stars, touching them, leaping into the obis. The cold air makes my heart slow down. Soaring along the milky way. I see my breath freeze as I blow into my hands, am I standing still? I am weightless yet I can move again, further up and down. I move for I don't know how long, but I feel so relaxed. I take a deep breath and start moving down, slow at first, then faster until I feel the whisper of the branches brushing my body. I hit the ground running, then to a skidding stop. Another deep breath I am awake. I am in my comfy chair. I'll keep my eyes closed and dream another, oh what fun to be in the stars.

Silver Wolf 51

DEAR GERTRUDE Dear Gertrude My brother is dying and only has a few months left in this world. The woman he is married to is a psychotic B**** and refuses to allow his family to visit him or him to visit his family. One moment she has locked him out of his own house, and the next she is on Facebook ranting that his family could care less if he lived or died. My brother is too weak to fight back and seems to have accepted his fate. He says this is the woman he will be with at the end and we should accept his wishes. As a witch I want to do VERY BAD things to her, as a Wiccan I know that Karma WILL catch up to her, but what can I do NOW, while my brother is still alive? How can I make him have the courage to break free from her, or what can I do to make her understand that he needs his family, especially now! HELP.... Feeling Wicked Dear "Wicked", Thank you for writing. I DO understand your dilemma, very similar to the challenges I had with my step-mother when my father was dying. Without the power of attorney or other legal courses, it's unlikely that you will visually see your beloved brother unless he puts his foot down and hard. I know you really love your brother and your desire to contact him is good and true. Because of this you are open to a few things that should aid you in making your desired connection. Here are a few suggestions. All it takes is one to break through the "door" to your brother's life again. 1) APPEAL TO YOUR BROTHER'S HIGHER SELF. Since you cannot currently talk to your brother personally, call to his higher self, his ethereal self. Usually when I do this I sit with a candle and a picture of the person I want need to contact (should you not have a picture, write his name on a piece of paper). If I have a piece of clothing or something he has given me, I like to include that, too. I hold it, touch it, caress it. It helps me make that total contact with the person. When you can be totally alone and will not be disturbed for a long, long time, light the candle (I like using white but whatever color calls to you for this), lay out the picture and hold onto the item. Pour yourself some coffee or whatever AND pour a glass or cup of whatever your brother would like to drink. Make it so he'll feel at home. You will now sit in front of the flame and FOCUS on totally on your brother, what he looks like in the picture or visualize him. Call to him OUT LOUD!! Use his nickname or whatever he was called when you were younger. Call him several times, telling him you need to talk to him, that is very, very important you contact him. (Don't be too surprised if he calls you while you are doing this so keep your phone handy but only answer it if it's him!) You should begin to feel a calmness and his presence. Sometimes this feeling is very, very strong which usually indicated you have connected him directly .


If the feeling is there but not very strong, then you've connected with his higher self, which is fine. He may be physically busy at this time, having medical interference or any number of other things that could be blocking the connection. Don't be disheartened, this contact is just fine. Now sit and tell him all you want him to know. If you're angry about this situation, explain it to him calmly and completely. Let him know you want to spend time with him before he passed from this Earth and that he will need to take action to make this happen. He is sitting there with you so let it out!! Remember, this isn't the time to belittle him, his wife, any children or actions that have been do. Let him know you are unhappy (angry) about whatever, tell him what you want and let it go at that. Tell him all the things you've been wanting to tell him without getting nasty. Poor your heart out to him. Cry if you need to. Yell if you must but let it out. When you are done, thank him for coming and ask him to come again if you call. Allow him to leave after you've said good-bye. Sit there a few minutes and come back to this world. Snuff your candle and put everything away. You may do this "Higher Self" connection as often as you feel it's necessary. This may be the only contact you get with him but it can and will be a very strong connection. 2) PUTTING HER KNICKERS IN A TWIST! This next action is for your sister-in-law. It's a bit of a giggle and fun at the expense of your brother's wife but sometimes it's necessary to be a little "wicked"!! Go buy a pair of underpanties (knickers), something you think she'd wear (I personally prefer some type of white cotton for this but use whatever suits her best). DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE USE A PAIR OF YOUR OWN!! You'll see why soon. Turn the panties inside out and slip a piece of paper or cardboard in between the fabric so as you write on it, it won't bleed through to the other layer of fabric

With a black or red permanent pen/marker (Sharpies are great for this), write her name so it can be read. Now write what you want her to do in this matter. If it's to let you see your brother, put that. If it's to immediately go far, far away from your brother and family, put that. Whatever it is you are wanting to let her do, put it down. If necessary, flip the panties over and continue writing. When you are done, turn them right side out and roll, twist and tie them all up. Place them in a ziplock baggie and take them to a fast flowing river if possible. If there isn't a river near by, find a garbage dumpster at a distant diner or store, one that is a long way from where you live and toss the baggie in. As you toss the knickers away, say something like, "I'm turning you over to the Universe Because I know you haven't a clue. Now you know what I want, You know what you must do!" I'd read/say the chant at least 3 times!! And yes I realize I've put plastic into the environment but I'm trying to get the panties to float a long way down river and hold the magick in to keep it away from me, my home and family. If you prefer NOT to use a bag, that's up to you!!! In saying this, you've turned her future over to the Universe and, though you've vented your feelings, it's now up to the Universe to forward in its time and way, the outcome that is best. NOTE: This spell could also be done on a man using boxers or briefs.

When dealing with someone of this type, I always prefer to get any spell, etc., I've done on them as far away from me and my home as possible. I know that my anger usually comes back at me but in this case you're acting on behalf of your brother, an ill family member. This is protection in a family situation and it is more than permissible for you to defend and protect you family core. Do whatever you need to do. Trust me, I could come up with much worse for her than this BUT I think you can go with it from here. All, I'd say is ask your Deity for assistance and the Universe to carry out the significant force of action called for. I know your desires will be answered. Good Luck and Many, Many Blessings to you and your family during this trying time. Sincerely Gertrude Moon, CC

September 2013 Quick Reference Full Moon: September 19th

New Moon: September 5th

Sabbat: Mabon on Sept. 21st (March 20th-Southern Hemisphere) Meanings: Second Harvest, Autumn Equinox Symbols/Decorations: gourds, pomegranate, autumn flowers & leaves, red poppies, nuts, grains, acorns, pinecones, wreaths, grapes, apples, vines, wine, cornucopia Plants/Herbs: rue, yarrow, thistle, hazel, mums, narcissus, lily, milkweed, fern, honeysuckle, passionflower, ivy, cedar, rosemary, saffron, marigold Incense and Oils: pine, sweetgrass, apple blossom, gardenia, bergamot, jasmine Colors: brown, yellow-green, orange, dark reds, deep yellow or gold, purple, indigo Stones: yellow agate, amber, peridot, cat’s eye, aventurine, clear quartz, carnelian, yellow topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli, amethyst Food/Beverages: breads, grains, berries, nuts, grapes, acorns, seeds, beans, squash, root vegetables, hops, apples, pomegranates, roast goose or mutton, wine, ale, ciders & berry juices Animals/Mythical Beasts: dog, wolf, stag, blackbird, owl, eagle, birds or prey, salmon, goat, trooping faeries, snake, jackal Activities: preparing for cold weather, walks in forest, gather seeds pods, herbs and dried plants, wine making, harvesting, stalk bundling, offerings to land, organize, rest after labor Spell/Ritual Work: protection, prosperity, security, self-confidence, harmony and balance; cleansing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clutter Deities: Baccus, Ceres, Isis, Nephthys, Freya, Dionysus, the Green Man, Puck, Herne, Cernunnos, Oak King, Persephone, Demeter, John Barleycorn, the Wicker-Man, the Corn man, all wine Deities.


Invoke or Evoke, which is Witchy? During meet and greet and just before performing an esbat celebration I was asked by one of the group about the difference between Invoking and Evoking. When I was asked to write an article for Elemental Magick Magazine I thought this might be a good place to start. In order to be as through as I could, I did some extra research on the subject and found loads of long winded explanations on the subject. Some diatribes included ideas like; the difference is the same as the difference between affect and effect. Really!? (Not to belittle those awesome writers.) Even I still have to look up affect and effect up as a reminder before using those words. In reality the concept is a great deal simpler than all that. It also begs the question; why do I even need to know? The easy answer is because we use the ideology every day. To invoke is to bring something in and to evoke is to bring something out. A neat rule of thumb is in-voke (bring something in) and e-voke (the e is for exit or to bring something out). Cool right? Ok so now we know the difference, but do we really use this principle as pagans. Sure we do. In rituals, spells and even in everyday magick. Let’s break it down. We have all read, listened to, or even spoken the “Invocation of the Goddess” and the ‘Invocation of the God”. What are we truly doing here? The poetry and semantics are in fact beautiful, yet in reality those words are not just describing our Deities. In actuality we should be attempting to bring their glorious attributes of the deity(s) into ourselves. Channeling them so to say. So next time you hear in ritual or read their invocations feel their divine energies entering you and filling you with their power, love, light and aspects. Let the God and Goddess fill you with their gifts. So now you say, invocation is easy and I knew that but I have never used the concept of evocation. I guarantee you have. We all use it in spell casting and in our everyday magick to name just a few. We bring forth energy and power from within our selves in order to manifest our desires. Here is an easy example how we use it everyday magick. We evoke our power from within and just for fun I will incorporate the witches pyramid. We all have our favorite dish of food we like make. We evoke our knowledge of how to make it. Then we dare to make it the best tasting dish ever. Next by preparing it our will brings it into existence. The silent part, well lets face it, we all have that secret ingredient we never divulge. Now we have come full circle back to Knowing, we have manifested the best dish ever and the dinner party will be a success. All and all just remember is the Magick all around us and residing within us to either let out to create or to gather in to aid us. So whether your circumstance calls for invocation or evocation, sometimes you just have to say, does it really matter what we call it? Just feel it, just use it and just do it. 54

Brightest of Blessings to You All

Siobhan See

Mama Em's World Of Magick Something Witchy This Way Comes... Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. From steampunk to Statues, Hand poured candles to items for the ‘little witches’, Amulets and pendents you name it Mamma Em;s World of Magic has it ALL 1.5" solid glass ball This 1.5" solid glass ball is gorgeous for scrying or just for simple decoration. It comes with a silver stand and also a special box for safe keeping, should you need to put it away. Also included is a small glass square stand, if you need to save space. You'll love this piece! Price: $15.00

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Triquetra Sealing Wax Kit Customize invitations, greeting cards, spells, rituals, and more with enchanting wax stamps. Boxed kit (3 1/8 x 4 1/2) includes natural wax and a metal seal. Price: $12.00

Pentagram & Triple Moon Scrying Bowl A wonderful scrying bowl depicting the triple moon symbol of the goddess with large central, full moon containing a pentacle. The rest of the bowl is further decorated with Cletic Knotwork and simulated gems. Measures approx. 3" high x 5" across the opening. Price: $22.00 Like Us on Facebook!

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Lavender is one of the most popular herbs. Second only to rose petals as a potpourri ingredient, it produces one of the most used oils in aromatherapy. Every herb garden has it. The list of ailments it’s been used for in the past is huge. It has a host of magickal uses. So why is it not thought of more often when one thinks of magickal plants these days? Lavendula angustifolia (formerly officinalis) is the hardy English lavender that you find in herbals of old, strong in oils both fragrant and healing. It’s not really native to England , but the Romans took it there so long ago, and it’s been so widely planted there, that it’s been officially adopted. The name ‘lavendula’ comes for the Latin for ‘to wash’- lavare. It’s been used for centuries to wash and scent clothing, linens and people, which probably created its association with cleansing and purifying. Lavender is a woody perennial, a small shrub, which can be evergreen in warm climates but not in my Zone 4 (USA) garden. This is one of the few plants that the deer leave alone in my garden; presumably, rabbits would also leave it alone. The flowers attract butterflies and bees, and I have seen hummingbirds feeding from them occasionally. I have never seen an insect pest on my lavender plants, not even on little ones in the greenhouse. The leaves, flowers and even woody parts are fragrant, but the flowers are what is normally used by the home herbalist. The leaves are good for sachets & potpourris or if you are running a steam distiller to make essential oil. The little shrubs do not like an acid soil, and will not do well on it unless lime is added to the soil. They need very good 58drainage or the roots will rot;

this is especially a problem where there are wet winters. Add sand or perlite to the soil if it is heavy, or create mounds to plant the lavender plants in. Established plants are drought resistant, but young ones aren’t. Make sure new plantings stay well watered. While lavender prefers full sun, mine get a half day (morning sun) and are doing well. True, the flowers lean towards the east, but the plants are strong and not leggy. Fertilize the plants in early spring with a balanced fertilizer like fish emulsion, and then very lightly a couple of times in summer. Too much fertilizer- especially one high in nitrogen- will encourage a big, lush plant that is low in essential oils (and thus low in essential oils and magickal attributes) and not prepared for a cold winter. Make sure the plants aren’t spaced too closely; good air circulation prevents fungus and rots. If leaves fall on them in autumn, rake them off. Being shrubs, lavenders need pruning. In their first year, prune very lightly, just pinching the tips to make them bush out. In later years, remove about a third of the growth in spring, shearing them into a roughly rounded shape. At this time, remove any dead or damaged branches. Lavender can be very slow to leaf out in spring, so don’t get too eager to cut branches out. At this same time, clean out under the plant, removing any branches that lay on the ground (unless you are trying to start a new plant- more on that later) and remove mulch; you want good air circulation under there. . In summer, after the first bloom is over, cut the dead flower stems off close to the plant and it should bloom again, although not as abundantly. Do NOT trim back hard in autumn. I don’t like to cut lavender back hard at any time; I’ve only done that when a plant has gotten very

old, hasn’t been tended and the center has died out. Even then, do not hard prune a plant all at once; never remove more than 1/3 of a plant in a year. I am in zone 4 and never mulch my lavender, and have had very, very few losses. Those losses I think are due to wet winters rather than cold, although a completely open winter with cold winds can take a toll; we normally have enough snow on the ground to protect the plant. If you do mulch, don’t do it until the ground has frozen. Mulching warm ground runs the risk of having the plant not stay completely dormant, making it more sensitive to cold. There are several ways to start lavender plants. If you want named varieties, the fastest and surest way is to go to a reputable nursery. I prefer local independent nurseries; they are more likely to carry plants that will grow well in your area whereas the big box stores carry whatever a buyer tells them they can have, whether it does well in the area or not (although I have found some real treasures in big box stores, too). It’s a bonus if they grow their own plants rather than ordering them in; they’re already acclimatized to the area! If you want a lot of plants, the least expensive way is to start them from seeds. Lavender seed needs to be stratified (given cold treatment) to germinate well; you can put the seed pack into the freezer for a couple of weeks before planting, or sow the seeds outside in autumn and they’ll germinate in spring. Sow on the surface of the soil or cover with a very thin layer of perlite; the seed needs light to germinate. Place in a cool spot for germination and do not allow to dry out. They are slow to germinate, so don’t give up too soon! Lavender will also grow from cuttings, but they are a little trickier than some

plants: the best way is with ‘heel’ cuttings, a semi-hardwood cutting with a little bit of the branch it’s growing off of attached to the base, taken in midsummer. They are fairly slow to root. If you don’t need many plants very quickly, though, and either have existing plants or a friend who does, layering is the easiest method. Select a low branch, gently push it towards the ground, pile soil over it, and then place a stone on it to keep it from popping up. Allow them a few months to form roots before cutting it from the main plant and moving it- you can do it in early spring and cut it in fall, or do it in summer or autumn and leave it for a year. While there are many species of lavender, L. angustifolia is the one that will grow in most situations as well being the one with the most healing properties. It comes in numerous varieties and colors. Some of these are: ‘Munstead’, the one you see most often. The blooms what we think of when we think ‘lavender’. ‘Hidcote Blue’ is a darker, bluer purple; the foliage is a little greener than ‘Munstead’. Lavendula officinalis rosea is a pink variety, so called; the flowers are so pale they are almost white. The foliage is grayer than the above two. Lavendula officinalis ‘Alba’ has clean white flowers. These plants are all about the same size when mature and seem to all have the same scent. Lavender plants work well in many garden situations. They combine well with other gray foliaged plants like lamb’s ears and Veronica incana (both of which are also deer resistant); it works very well in a moonlight garden (especially ‘Alba’). They were used in knot gardens and are a must have in an English cottage garden. Because of their drought resistance when mature, they can be used in a xeric garden. They thrive in rock gardens, loving the sharp drainage. The color is subtle enough that they blend into most color schemes, and they are wonderful companion plants for roses. My favorite way to use them is along a path, where you can brush against them and release their scent. My path has Munstead, Hidcote and rosea

interplanted and I love the look of it. Because of lavender’s attributes of cleansing and protection, I feel it provides a clean, safe, magickal entry to our housenow if I could just get people to use that door instead of the back door! Unfortunately, having them along a path means that they get snow shoveled onto them if you live in cold country. I do get some breakage from this, but so far the plants are surviving it well. Lavender has a wealth of uses. The oil is used by all aromatherapists and just about any massage therapist. It’s considered an antiseptic and used to treat burns. Lavender tincture is a staple of herbal medicine, used for headaches, anxiety and stress. One PubMed document states that when tincture of lavender was trialed against an antidepressant, it didn’t work as well as the antidepressant, but when it was combined with the antidepressant, the combination worked faster and better than the drug alone! Most people today don’t realize it, but lavender can be a culinary herb. It’s used a lot in herbal tea blends, and there is a variation on Earl Grey black tea that includes lavender. It’s one of the ingredients in the French Herbes de Provence and in Moroccan Ras El Hanout spice/herb blends. It can be used in shortbread, scones, pudding, jams, ice cream, mixed with thyme and used as a rub on lamb, lemonade, sprinkled on cake frosting- I’ve even had chocolates with lavender in them! If you don’t grow your own lavender, make sure it’s grown without pesticides if you are using it medicinally or in food. Personally, I don’t even like to use non-organic herbs in magick, but I realize that sometimes one doesn’t have a choice. Magickally, lavender is useful in love spells, to bring peace, for protection, to aid in clairvoyance and divination, for consecration, to allay bad dreams, to aid sleep, and it acts as a sort of ‘booster’ when used in other spells, increasing the efficiency of the spell and making it last longer. It is a purifying herb, so a bath with lavender flowers in it can be a good thing if you are hanging onto negativity, or want to make sure your motives are pure before starting a spell.

Because of its ability to sooth and create a tranquil atmosphere, it’s a good thing to use before a stressful meeting (or family gathering!). Put lavender sachets in the room where the meeting will take place, or burn lavender incense or candles dressed in lavender oil. And while sage is what is most often used to cleanse an area, lavender works well, too – in a pinch I’ve used a spray of lavender essential oil in vodka to cleanse an area of negative vibes! Another time lavender incense or candles dressed with lavender oil are useful is when you are practicing divination or trying to make psychic contact. Not only does lavender aid in these practices, but it protects you from psychic attack, too, always good to have when you’re in that open state. It’s a good thing to have around at any time, given its ability to bring peace and healing. Lavender is masculine and associated with Air and Mercury. It was traditionally put on the bonfires of Midsummer Eve; for a personal sized ritual, you can burn it as incense or put it on a grill. One idea I’ve had that I haven’t tried out yet is to make and use a lavender wand when doing rituals or spells associated with Air. A good tutorial on how to make one is here 06/04/how-to-make-lavender-wands/ ; the intent in the tute is to make a decorative/fragrant item (and there is certainly nothing wrong with that!) but there is no reason one cannot make it with intent and consecrate it. Given that the magickal tool associated with Air is a wand, it just seems to fit well. Lavender may not be thought of as being as magickal as some other plants like white sage or elder, it’s a well used item in my magickal tool chest.


Medium’s Guilt By Emily Brown

We’ve all heard of “Survivor’s Guilt”. The survivor of an accident or incident carries unnecessary guilt since others involved were not so lucky. The survivor feels guilty for living, while the deceased’s family and friends suffer through their grief. But have you ever head of “Medium’s Grief”? Allow me to share my own story. A year ago, I received a text message from my best friend of fifteen years, saying a very heartfelt goodbye. Within seconds, I was on my home phone with the police in her town, while I continuously called her from my cell phone, trying to get through and talk her out of taking her life. I was not quick enough. Her spirit arrived to me while I was on hold with a police officer nearly 800 miles away. I yelled and screamed at her to go back to her body and wait for help, that people were looking for her and she needed to live. But it was no use. She had succeeded in ending her life. The heartbreaking, soul shattering whole-body ache that followed felt like it was consuming me. I couldn’t leave my bed. My entire face was swollen from crying, and I kept trying to keep myself closed off from all of the people (both living and dead) that were trying to comfort me. After a few hours, I received a call from my friend’s significant other, confirming the news I was already painfully aware of. My friend was gone. I spend my life convincing other people via personal messages from the beyond that this physical existence is not the end of our journey. I explain on nearly a daily basis that the soul carries on and not only watches but also takes part in the life of those who meant the world to them. I speak to the dead. I knew all I had to do was call out to my friend that I was ready to talk, and she’d come right to me. But having someone that close to me leave their physical body in such a rush, of their own accord, was not something I was prepared for. I felt like part of my own soul had been ripped out. Everything about losing someone close to you is painful. No matter how someone leaves this physical existence, the survivors always feel like there’s something more they could have done, something they could have changed or a new doctor they could have gone to, etc. The fact of the matter is, when it’s time for us to go, nothing can change that. And I’ll be the first to admit that even though I know better, I’m guilty of it as well. I spent days going over every minute of the week


preceding my friend’s death all the way up through the moment I knew she was gone. I examined our conversations from every angle. I looked for signs I might have missed. I scolded myself for not calling her that morning, like I usually did. I scrutinized myself for not knowing what tragedy was ahead. I blamed myself for not being able to save her. I should have known. I should have I known. The night before I flew out for the memorial service, my friend Alexandra, who is also a medium, called to check on me. My friend had been speaking with her after death, since I was not yet ready to deal with communicating with her myself. I expressed my concern with how horribly I was handling this death, since I know the soul goes on. Alex said something to me that was so profound, I’ll never forget it. She said, “Honey, even us mediums have to grieve.” During my trip from Nevada to Idaho for the memorial service, I had the pleasure of meeting several of my friend’s family members, as well as her life partner. I fell in love with each and every one of these people. I felt their pain and shared their tears. And the immense guilt set in when I realized, I was going to heal differently from this than they were. I had an unfair advantage. I would eventually be able to communicate with her. We’d be able to communicate in an almostnormal fashion. Her friends and family had a much different outcome. And then the guilt set in.

When I got home from the memorial service, I was finally able to speak to my lost friend. She came right to me, and we had a long chat. She did what all spirits who leave of their own accord do. She told me there was nothing I could have done differently. She was ready to go. She told me to stop looking for the signs that this was coming, because she hadn’t left any. And then she did something that threw me for a loop. She told me to get my laptop and start taking notes. The next hour I spent feaverishly typing every word she said, and formatting it into a letter to her significant other. She spoke as she did in life, poetically and full of love and laughter. She answered questions, gave explanations, and expressed her love. I copied and pasted her heartfelt words into an email and sent it off. The more I spoke with her family and friends, relaying her messages to them, the more the guilt set in. I felt worse and worse that while these people could (as anyone can) speak out loud to her, they could not hear or see her respond in the way that I could. They were grieving. They needed answers and closure. And here I was with this ability to communicate with the dead while they were left struggling for confirmation that she was okay on the other side. Finally, I realized I could still do the one thing I had always done when I had a problem. I could ask her for advice. So I sat in a quiet room and I silently begged her to come help me. Soon she was there with me, and I was tearfully expressing my feelings and asking what to do. Her answer was simple, yet terrifying; You have a gift.

Even in death she was so poetic. She’d known about my ability since the beginning of our friendship. She’d always been encouraging and supportive. And here she was now, telling me that the days of keeping this secret were over. And so it began – a new life I had to adjust to, where I struggle to relay messages of love and hope to total strangers. And the only way I get through it without having a nervous breakdown, is knowing she’s with me, all the time, pushing me along, and encouraging me to overcome my fears and silence. I will admit, I still feel guilty, but less so. It’s a process and I’m still learning to adjust to it. But with every message I relay from a lost loved one to a living person who needs to hear it, I get one step closer to being okay with this gift. With every person who tearfully hugs me and says ‘thank you, I needed to hear that so much!’ I build my confidence and self esteem in this ability. And as hard as this year has been without the physical relationship I miss so much with my best friend, her spirit has gotten me to where I am, and I am thankful for that. In loving memory of DDD – 03/06/1982-08/24/2012

-Emily Brown- Psychic Medium for over 16 years, lives in Minden, Nevada. To stay in contact and keep informed of what’s going on in my world, check out or follow my Facebook page at

Plain and simple. You have done a wonderful job of relaying the messages I’ve asked you to give to my loved ones. That alone should have alleviated your feelings of guilt! You need to be vocal and public about what you can do. I wish you could see how much you have helped the most important people in the world to me already with the things you have said to them. Don’t feel guilty because you can talk to me this way and they can’t. Give them the outlet to do so through you when they need to. For anyone who needs it! Not just me.


Mabon Ritual for Children By Alena Orrison

This ritual is one that I found years ago and modified to fit our family. I hope you enjoy it! Supplies:  fallen autumn leaves  blue, green, red, yellow, gold and silver candles  elemental symbols for each direction, if desired  matches or lighter  basket  small item for each person as offering (stone, shell, feather, etc)  sliced apples  juice Place the candles in their corresponding directions, with the empty basket in the West. To cast the circle, everyone walks in a circle, scattering the leaves. Song to open and create focus:

We are a Circle, Within a Circle With no beginning And never ending.

Call the quarters, lighting the corresponding candle. West: Crystal rivers ageless flow from wells beyond the time we know. Be with us now, the harvest over. Welcome, spirit of the water. North: Deep the land of ancient earth and ageless cycle of rebirth. Be with us now, our harvest home. Welcome spirit of the stone. East: Still the air of timeless frost. A gain to partner every loss. Be with us now, harvest prepared. Welcome spirit of the air. South: Ancient blaze of wisdoms light. Beacon in the timeless night. Be with us now, our harvest gained. Welcome spirit of the flame. Light the gold and silver candles and all chant: Lord and Lady We call to thee Join us in our revelry Be here with us now The children should stand or sit quietly while the parent(s) say: Blessed be this season of Mabon, time of the second harvest, harvest of fruit and wine. Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death, Light and Dark. Tonight the darkness conquers the light, leading us deeper into the waning year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter; all things pass, all things fade. What rises must also set. In our time of harvest and preparation for winter we should be thankful for what we have and remember those who are less fortunate. Lord and Lady, we share your gifts of the harvest and thank you. So mote it be!


All put donations in basket and say what they are thankful for this season. When all have finished, sliced apples and juice are fed to each other. Parent(s): Lord and Lady of the Harvest, we thank you for joining us and ask your continued blessings. Stay if you will, go if you must, Blessed Be! Extinguish the gold and silver candles and say: Lord and Lady Our thanks we give We ask for your blessing as you depart Hail and Farewell and Blessed Be! Dismiss the quarters, extinguishing each candle: South: Ancient blaze of purity, our thanks for attending. Stay or go as you shall please, hail and farewell and blessed be. East: Timeless breath of clarity, our thanks for attending. Stay or go as you shall please, hail and farewell and blessed be. North: Eternal stone’s stability, our thanks for attending. Stay or go as you shall please, hail and farewell and blessed be. West: Endless river of empathy, our thanks for attending. Stay or go as you shall please, hail and farewell and blessed be. Open the circle: The circle is open but unbroken. Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again.

May We Never Hunger... By Alena Orrison As Mabon is the celebration of the second harvest, we have here some lovely recipes that can be made with the bounty of the earth. Enjoy! Mabon Rowan Ale Note: This is to be made a year in advance in preparation for next year's feast. Ingredients: 1 pound of Rowan Berries, Service Berries, Rosehips or Raspberries (really, and late summer berry will do) 4 Cups Sugar 3 Quarts Strong Ale Partially crush the rowan berries. Place in a 4 Quart container with a lid. Sprinkle the sugar over the fruit. Fill the container with the ale and over loosely. Fermentation should begin within 48 hours. When rapid bubbling has ceased, strain, cork and store for 1 years time. This should bring the joy of the sun to your feast and protect all who drink it.


Easy Mabon Cake Ingredients: 1 box spice cake mix 1 can (21 oz) apple pie filling 3 eggs 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Frozen whipped topping, thawed, if desired Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pan). Grease or spray bottom only of 13x9-inch pan. In large bowl, beat dry cake mix, pie filling and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 2 minutes. Batter will be thick. Spread half of the batter in pan. Mix sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle half of the mixture over batter in pan. Spread remaining batter in pan; sprinkle with remaining sugar-cinnamon mixture. Bake 32 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean; cool completely. Serve with whipped topping. Store loosely covered. Morning Harvest Muffins Note: If you wish to make them a little bit healthier with more fiber, use 1½ cups all-purpose flour and 1 cup whole wheat flour Ingredients: 2½ cups all purpose flour ½ cup old-fashioned oats 2 teaspoons baking soda ½ teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg ¼ teaspoon ground clove ¼ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup white sugar 2 eggs ⅔ cup oil ¾ cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup carrot, peeled and shredded (about 2 carrots) 1 cup Granny Smith apple; cored, peeled and shredded (about 1 apple) 1 cup zucchini, shredded (about 1-2 zucchinis) ½ cup crushed pineapple Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line muffin tins with paper liners. In a large bowl combine the flours, oats, baking soda, baking powder, spices, and salt. Set aside. Place the shredded apples, zucchini, and crushed pineapple in a fine mesh strainer and press until most of the juice is extracted. Transfer to the bowl of dry ingredients and add the shredded carrot. Toss to coat the fruits and vegetables with flour, then make a well in the middle of the mixture.


Directions to the Shop 313 W Davidson is located in a residential area between Lincoln and Government Way just south the Kootenai Medical Center. Davidson is the second left turn off Lincoln after you cross Ironwood. Then a left turn on Pansy.

Continued from page 27‌.. This same idea can be used by mixing other culinary herbs, such as crushed red peppers, rosemary, cinnamon sticks, etc to make "Energy" or "Power" honey. The honey sweetens and or purifies a situation and whatever herb you place in it will carry that plant energy in to the mix. Hot red pepper honey is a great energizer to dress a candle or mix with tea. Honey is often used in HooDoo for all kinds of spells, particularly money spells. I've found several different honey spells for money but I thing the easiest would probably be placing several coins in a jar and adding twice as much honey as it takes to cover the coins. Place the lid tightly back on the jar and gently turn the jar up side down and right side up several times chanting something to the effect of: "Honey, make me money Money is what I need. Spin these coins around and around So money lands at my feet." Do this in the morning when you get up and in the evening when you go to bed. You should receive the money you need after a Moon Month. It will probably come in bits and pieces so SAVE IT as it comes to you so you'll have it when you need it. If you have a need for money for something else, do another bottle. I like using pennies as the honey usually renews the copper shine and I can use the copper honey for really interesting rituals and spells calling for copper. I'll be honest, I did go to Lucky MoJo Curio Co., on line to see what all they carry dealing with honey and the do have a lot along with lots of really interesting information. If you haven't added Lucky MoJo to your favorites list on your computer, I do recommend them as there is lots and lots of really old information available. I've checked their spells and such against several other sites that deal with old magick and they have really brought a lot of reference material together. Well Children, I think it's time for me to slip into bed and get a little rest. May the Great Goddess guide you. May she open your eyes so you can more easily see your path and walk gracefully. Many Blessings Gertrude Moon, CC


HOW TO GRATE, EXPRESS OIL, AND SAVE LEMON PEEL We're back to the Organic Lemons again and will be gathering lemon peel and oil. WASH the Lemon well. Be careful of your knuckles while doing this!! Grate with the smallest bladed part of your grater or, better yet, a wood hasp tool (these can now be found in cooking department of your favorite stores). Make sure you do this into a bowl and as you grate off the yellow of the Lemon skin, move the Lemon around to another yellowskinned part. You DO NOT want the with "pithy" part of the Lemon in this grating peel. Now you'll be squeezing out the oil from the grated Lemon bits (that's why the smaller bits are better). I like using a roughly 6 inch by 6 inch square of clean muslin, dampening the material a bit and squeezing all the water out, placing a tablespoon of the peel in the center, picking up the four corners and begin twisting the muslin with Lemon peel over a clean glass or bowl. Squeeze it until nothing more runs out, loosen the fabric, mix the peel around a little and do it again! Keep doing this until the peel in the fabric is very, very dry. DO NOT THROW THIS OUT but put it into another dish or a clean bottle or jar. Repeat the squeezing process until all the peel has been squeezed and you have a bowl of Lemon oil and a bowl or jar of dry Lemon peel. Store unused Lemon peel in a plastic bag in your freezer. Freezing will burst any oil pouches left and adds to the fragrance in your candles.

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