Is an open relationship ever successful

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Is an open relationship ever successful?

You may have heard some people bragging about the fact that they enjoy an open relationship. While this gives the partners to enjoy the freedom and the things they want to do, can an open relationship be successful on a long term? We do tend to get bored, after a while, no matter how much we love the other, due to the routine that settles in and which can create problems if the partners are not aware of it. Even if you use an Indian dating app, you may come across people that will state that they are after an open relationship. But, the question is, are you ready for such a relationship? Is it the right relationship for you and is it worth the effort? 1. Decide whether relationship







Based on your previous experiences and desires, decide which type of relationship works for you best. Having in mind that in a great number of cases one of the partners will cheat at one point during his or her relationship, even if married, it appears that monogamy is not for everybody. So, you can take advantage of a free online dating app to meet potential partners, but it is up to you what kind of relationship you seek. Just make sure that your partner knows about your thoughts if you really want to enjoy a beautiful relationship together. 2. Make sure to keep your honesty in all circumstances

Having an open relationship doesn’t mean that you can take off anytime you want and do everything you want. Even if it is open, it still involves the feelings and emotions of another person. So, if you agreed to having an open relationship, you still have to be honest to your partner and let him or her know what you plan on doing, where are you going, and if anyone else is involved in the equation. A dating game added in an open relationship can be fun, but if it is done in a secret manner, your partner may get very upset with you. 3. Your intimacy can be improved this way Believe it or not, an open relationship can improve the intimacy of two people in a great deal; at least this is what couples that have this kind of relationship claim. The freedom of doing whatever makes them happy, the lack of stress that the other will be angry or upset on the partner’s action, and the fact that the two can share details about what is going on in their lives, they all can make a relationship more fulfilling and satisfying. 4. Do be aware of jealousy and fear Even though two partners may find the idea of an open relationship as a better option for them, things may evolve in a different direction in time. Let us not forget that we are talking about people here, who have invested emotions and feelings into the relationship. Thus, the feeling of fear that you may lose your significant half to someone that is better than you or feeling jealous when you know that your partner is seeing someone else, both of these feelings can emerge, even in the case of an open relationship. So, it doesn’t matter if you are using a gaming app for dating or you met your partner the old traditional way because there are advantages and disadvantages in having an open relationship as well. is an Online Dating cum gaming service in India and already launched for the iOS users. Download the app now Click Here.

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