FORWARDER magazine issue 62

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BOOST IN UK-MADE FORKLIFT PARTS following post-Brexit port delays

PANDEMIC-PROOF SUPPLY CHAIN with Steve Rushton of Crown Couriers

POST-BREXIT EFFICIENCIES with streamlined customs clearance from Descartes



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We delve into the opportunities (and the challenges) presented by Britain’s departure from the EU. Related topics Global trade agreements Border control Import/export balance

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ince new rules on exports, imports and tariffs were

implemented at the start of this year, the UK’s forklift industry has looked to buy locally in Britain when it comes to acquiring

the components and parts that they need to service and maintain the lift truck fleets that are in operation at the nation’s vital warehouses and distribution centres. Like spare parts, trucks imported from the EU – even machines That is the view of John Maguire, managing director of Narrow Aisle

destined for rental fleets – are facing delays and can be subject to tariffs

Ltd – manufacturer of the Flexi range of articulated forklift truck-based

or tax, which a lot of truck dealers are unprepared for.

intralogistics solutions. All the original parts and accessories needed to ensure that Flexi lift Narrow Aisle has been supplying space-saving Flexi lift trucks built at

trucks operate at optimum efficiency can be acquired by accessing

its Black Country factory to a broad range of end-users for almost four

Narrow Aisle’s dedicated online spare parts store - www.flexitruckparts.

decades and since Brexit the company estimates that enquiries for its

com. Orders received by 4pm are picked, packed and despatched to the

range of British-made trucks, parts and other accessories have grown

UK to maximise truck uptime, while, a click and collect option means

by over a third.

orders can be picked-up directly from Narrow Aisle’s Tipton spare parts hub within two hours of being confirmed.

There is no doubt that the well-publicised customs delays at ports are resulting in longer delivery times for many vital forklifts and spare parts

All Flexi spare parts are covered by Narrow Aisle’s no quibble warranty

that are imported from the EU to the UK. The fact that forklift dealers

and any items which – for any reason – are unused can be returned and

may now have to contend with additional documentation, import duties

a refund issued to the customer’s account.

and VAT at the point of entry on all incoming goods manufactured in the EU is also making UK-made parts increasingly attractive.

John Maguire says:’s clear design, product images

and descriptions will help customers identify the parts and spares they need And, according to John Maguire, it isn’t just UK-built lift truck part sales

with ease, so anyone looking for top quality OEM Flexi parts is sure to find

that are benefiting from the supply chain delays and costs associated

exactly what they need for immediate dispatch and fast guaranteed delivery

with importing from the EU: demand for Narrow Aisle’s Flexi trucks is

same day or overnight. No doubt, as time passes, the current problems

growing too with sales enquiries for both new and short-term rental

around the importation of trucks and truck parts from the EU will ease, but

trucks more than 30 per cent up in the first two months of 2021 when

in the short term at least, Britain’s lift truck dealers who need cost-efficient

compared to the same period a year earlier.

spare parts in a hurry are turning to UK suppliers. FORWARDER magazine







growing number of British online retailers are seeking to ease

Under the ‘rules of origin’ criteria that form part of the Brexit

the extra customs and tax administration and costs involved

agreement, products that are not made in Britain, attract tariffs when

in trading with the EU by shifting stock from UK warehouses

re-exported from the UK into the European market. So, by bringing

to storage facilities on the Continent.

products that are produced outside the EU and destined for the European market directly into the mainland - rather than exporting

The addition of VAT, customs duties, and in some cases tariffs, on

shipments sent from the UK to customers across the channel – not to

to the UK and re-exporting to the EU, companies can make significant tax savings.

mention delays at ports and increased shipping costs – are prompting many businesses, including e-commerce firms, to reconfigure their

The supply chain stress of companies that export from the UK to the

European supply chains.

EU is being ramped up a few more notches by significant, yet under-

Charlie Walker, Marketing Director, online fulfilment and logistics

reported, delays at many of the nation’s ports.

services specialist Walker Logistics The hold-ups are a result of goods having the wrong, or incomplete, By fulfilling orders from distribution hubs located within mainland

paperwork and although the UK Government has been happy to brush

Europe, UK exporters are able to avoid the need for their EU-based

the problems off as mere teething trouble, the issue has become so bad

customers to pay the VAT charges and customs duties which have been

that earlier this year DPD decided to put all UK to EU road deliveries

effective since 1 January.

on hold.

The changes to the tax regime are driving many online retailers and

The nation has, understandably, been so obsessed with the pandemic

their logistics service partners to conclude that they have no option but

that the delays to freight at British ports since the start of this year

to invest in distribution networks within the EU.

have not been as big a story as they otherwise would be. It is frankly incredible that despite the long run up to Brexit, since the start of

And, according to Charlie Walker, it is not just British companies that

this year the increased bureaucracy involved in servicing customers in

are opting to use European warehousing: he believes US and Asia-

Europe, seems to have taken many exporters and courier companies

based traders who export to Europe are choosing to shift stock out

by surprise.

of the UK too. The big problem for carriers is that if just one parcel on a truck is lacking the correct paperwork then the whole truck can be held up at the border and potentially turned around and sent back to the depot.


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Before it suspended its services, 20 per cent of DPD’s parcels had incorrect or incomplete data attached.

Our relationship with RIF Europe enables our UK-based customers that sell in to the markets of Europe to optimise their supply chain efficiency and make impressive cost savings.

Everyone knew Brexit was coming so why didn`t couriers get their act together?

Walker has integrated its order processing systems with RIF’s, which means that the company’s clients’ relationship with their logistics provider

To help online retailers and other exporters overcome the tax and

is not affected.

Our clients continue to deal directly with us.

customs issues and port delays, a number of UK order fulfillment, warehousing and logistics companies, such as Walker Logistics, are

Of course, the fall out from Brexit is also forcing Europe-based

promoting the benefits of warehousing in Europe.

companies that export in to the UK to rethink their supply chain strategies and Charlie Walker says there is a trend – particularly

The Netherlands is proving an attractive location and with Rotterdam

among American-owned companies – to appoint UK-based fulfillment

being Europe’s largest port and Schiphol airport in Amsterdam now one

specialists to manage the storage and delivery of orders for the British

of the world’s major air freight hubs, its obvious that the country has a


lot to commend it to the logistics community. It is the same situation but in reverse. Previously these companies At the start of this year, Walker Logistics signed a partnership agreement

have located their European inventory in a facility within the EU but

with Dutch third party logistics services provider, RIF Europe. The deal

since Brexit many have been prompted to seek dedicated UK-based

allows Walker to offer its clients the opportunity to hold stock and fulfill

supply chain support and Walker has successfully managed a number of

orders bound for mainland Europe from RIF’s multi-user distribution

these migrations in recent months.

hubs, which are located on the outskirts of Amsterdam close to Schiphol Airport. Part of the RIF Group, RIF Europe provides end-to-end freight, logistics and fulfilment services. The company’s modern DCs provide in excess of 10,000 square metres of warehousing space.

FORWARDER magazine







escartes Systems Group, the global leader in uniting logistics-

As predicted in Descartes’ 2020 research, Brexit has had a negative

intensive businesses in commerce, today announced the

impact on both business and the economy. Of the companies surveyed,

findings of its latest Brexit research report: Beyond Brexit:

90% have experienced disruption in their ability to trade in and out of

The Realities of Brexit for UK-EU Cross Border Trade. Following its

the EU in 2021 – with 20% experiencing significant disruption since the

2020 research on Brexit preparedness of UK companies, this latest

transition period ended. Despite the high level of concern revealed in

report analyses how business has been affected by both Brexit and the

the 2020 survey, 40% of companies have actually experienced worse-

COVID-19 pandemic and the level of uncertainty around the future.

than-expected EU supply chain performance, according to Descartes’

Undertaken by SAPIO Research during March 2021, the interviews

latest report. Additional key findings include:

with supply chain managers assessed the specific elements of EU trade that have been affected, the resulting disruption and the expected performance of supply chains in 2021.

• 80% of businesses reported disruption to their cross-border trade with the EU or Northern Ireland (NI), rising to 93% for medium and large enterprises

Key findings include...

• 40% have experienced delays in their supply chains

• Mixed performance: 43% of businesses have been impacted

• 37% have experienced increased cost of imports

negatively by Brexit in 2021 – but 19% of businesses are thriving in

• 36% have had to manage customs declarations

a post-Brexit world. The combination of COVID-19 on top of Brexit created unprecedented • Disruption reality: 90% of businesses have faced disruption since the end of the Brexit transition period.

challenges for businesses of every size, in every market. Confidence has been affected. Three quarters (76%) of companies confirm that COVID-19 disrupted their Brexit response.

• Economic impact of Brexit: 53% expect their 2021 turnover to be lower than if the UK had remained in the EU – and the average

However, a significant finding is that almost one fifth (19%) are actually

reduction is 29%.

thriving in a post-Brexit economy, with 35% of electronics, computer and telecommunications companies enjoying a positive outcome.

• Pandemic impact: 76% had their Brexit response disrupted by COVID-19.

Preparing early proved essential, allowing these companies to take a holistic approach by working closely with experts who understand the complexities of global trade and by putting solutions in place for

• Early preparation has proven key to success, with those businesses that started their customs filing preparations in 2019 (24%) and early 2020 (33%) thriving most.


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customs declarations.

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT DESCARTES Descartes is the global leader in providing on-demand, softwareas-a-service solutions focused on improving the productivity, performance and security of logistics-intensive businesses. Customers use our modular, software-as-a-service solutions

The research findings underline that with the next phase of Brexit

to route, schedule, track and measure delivery resources;

changes – an end to deferred import declarations from July 2021, and

plan, allocate and execute shipments; rate, audit and pay

safety and security filings required from 1st January 2022 – there are

transportation invoices; access global trade data; file customs

lessons to learn about the value of preparation and acting ahead of

and security documents for imports and exports; and complete

deadlines. When it comes to successful global trade, planning is not just

numerous other logistics processes by participating in the

essential for compliance – it makes a tangible difference to successful

world's largest, collaborative multimodal logistics community.

business operations.

Our headquarters are in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and we have offices and partners around the world. Learn more at www.

Brexit has thrown many businesses into a spin, but the companies, and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

that prioritised Brexit preparation are thriving and provide a best practice blueprint that the rest of the market can now follow. Our research highlights that with the changes due from July through to January 2022, early preparation is, once again, crucial to avoiding expensive disruption. Pol Sweeney, VP Sales & Business Manager UK, Descartes For the full research findings, see Descartes’ Brexit Realities Report and for additional Brexit resources visit Descartes’ Brexit Resource Centre.


FORWARDER magazine





fter the Brexit transition period finally ended on 31st

so long as it is running an approved ETSF solution. Additionally,

December 2020 and with Covid-19 protocols causing

an inventory system designed to group goods at truck-level could

disruption to travel, it is clear that the logistics industry

further strengthen the ETSF set up, meaning once a truck physically

has seen a challenging start to 2021. Despite fair warning for

arrives at your site, the system will trigger the clearance of all its

businesses, there have been numerous reports of severely delayed

consignments so they can be appropriately managed.

journeys caused by increased customs documentation and ‘Brexit red tape’, exacerbated by the need for hauliers to provide negative

An ETSF system gives visibility and audit records to HMRC and Border

Covid tests to travel. The required volumes of declarations has also

Force so that if they do want to put a hold on any consignment,

led to significant wastage of fresh produce, damaging businesses and

the site operator knows instantly which goods are on hold awaiting

impacting whole sectors.

paperwork or physical inspection – this can also be conducted at the operator’s site. Thereby ensuring smooth declaration processes and

Indeed, some 3PL organisations actually halted deliveries in January

reducing the impact of delays and hold-ups at the port.

to the EU or Northern Ireland due to the increase of documentation, showing the true impact of Brexit on supply chains. This not only

Certainties for customs clearances

disrupts logistics operations, but is fundamentally damaging to the

As we have seen, ports such as Dover have faced severe disruption

UK economy. The government was reportedly encouraging UK

following the end of the Brexit transition period, delaying goods for

companies to set up in Europe to avoid trade disruption, which

more than half of UK companies trading with the EU. For trucks

would inflict companies with yet more costs and take capital away

needing to transport goods, any clearances that can be moved inland

from the country. And with fears of a double-dip recession due

will notably benefit supply chains, especially those looking to quickly

to Brexit on top of the already fragile economy due to repeated

clear and distribute or sell products on. This is especially relevant

lockdowns, it is clear that the economy is suffering.

for organisations operating with JIT arrival of parts on trucks. Delays at the border will have a significant impact on their ability

Many have been prepared, but for those that haven’t and that may

to do this, leading to loss of produce and resulting in extra costs.

be in the midst of Brexit-induced disruption, how can a smooth declaration process be achieved in order to reduce issues at the

Certain product categories still require clearance checks at the

border and prevent further economic loss?

border for safety reasons, such as meat and dairy products. However, performing as many clearance checks as possible inland

Creating suitable borders

both speeds up the process for those vehicles that can go straight

For organisations importing a large number of items the entire

to the ETSF and also unlocks efficiencies for those that will still have

customs process can be significantly accelerated by implementing

to complete clearances at the border, benefiting companies that

an ETSF (External Temporary Storage Facility) located at your own

transport different items across multiple categories.

business’ site, away from the port. Goods arriving into the UK can be


moved to your site (e.g. a business’ premises or distribution centre),

Businesses that import or export from the EU have to be fully aware

where the customs formalities can be managed electronically. In

of customs clearances requirements to protect their operations

other words, the customs border is effectively moved to your

from economic loss. Import customers declarations from the EU

own premises, so customs declarations can be pre-lodged ahead

will be required from July 2021. Safety and Security filings (S&S) for

of the goods arriving, enabling the site to operate as if it is the

goods moving from the UK to the EU have been a major cause of

Customs Frontier from a HMRC and Border Force perspective,

disruption for haulage and freight companies, as customers are

FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

The lesson from the end of the Brexit transition period is that companies need to act now and not wait until deadlines if they want to operate without disruptions.

required to submit the shipping instructions up to 2 hours before arrival. This has caused significant disruption and extra costs to the

Minimising disruption

wider supply chain, affecting both businesses and consumers. From

Now the transition period has ended, businesses need to capitalise

1st January 2022, safety and security filings will also be required

on smart solutions to mitigate any more disruption due to Brexit,

from road carriers bringing goods into the UK from the EU.

and with Covid protocols impeding the movement of goods, the time to act is now.

In addition, traders, hauliers and carriers moving goods through a UK port using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS)

With Brexit causing much uncertainty, a streamlined import or

are now required to register with the HMRC for the service in

export process that effectively manages customs clearances can

order to transport goods through customs. The extra red tape and

help to support the already struggling UK economy. A double-

permissions needed can cause unnecessary delays and disruption

dip recession is a serious concern and the economy is performing

if organisations are not successfully registered for the GVMS.

poorly. Covid will continue to be a challenge for the remainder of

Companies should consider having a solution that incorporates the

2021 but companies have the opportunity to prepare against further

paperwork required to easily move goods, in order to optimise the

Brexit disruption and introduce some certainty and security into

process. By ensuring certainty of their own clearances, businesses

their cross-border operations.

can avoid hold-ups and unlock efficiencies where possible to reduce the risk of further economic damage.

For more information see Pol Sweeney, VP Sales & Country Manager UK, Descartes






Hopefully the most short-lived section of FORWARDER, we'll bring you word on how the industry is recovering from this crisis and focus on positive stories about a world bouncing back. Related topics SARS-CoV-19 coronavirus Government measures Industry reactions

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ong Crendon, Buckinghamshire, UK, 10 March 2021 – Softbox,

When correctly managed, the

a leading global innovator and provider of passive temperature

ULT Shipper can be used to store

control packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical, life

vaccines for in excess of 30 days.

science and cold chain logistics industries, is proud to support Pfizer

Through a process called ‘Re-Icing’

in the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines through the supply of a high-

the dry ice in the Softbox ULT

performance temperature-controlled parcel shipper developed

Shipper can be topped up ensuring

specifically for ultra-low temperature applications.

maximum thermal protection of the highly temperature sensitive

Softbox supported Pfizer with the development of the highly specialised

mRNA vaccines.

and reusable ultra-low temperature (ULT) shipper to help them on the distribution of ultra-low temperature vaccines and storing them at Point of Use (POU) sites.

Softbox’s extensive knowledge and experience in temperature control packaging solutions and the cold chain industry was the right choice for us. They immediately understood the unprecedented task at hand that was

Ultra-Low Temperature vaccines, such as that developed by Pfizer–

in front of us with the distribution of the vaccine, and quickly started to

BioNTech, uses mRNA (messenger RNA) technology and must be

work with us to develop a unique packaging system that does not waste

stored at temperatures between -90°C to -60°C to ensure that the

any precious vaccine and creates a seamless experience for customers.

vaccine’s quality and efficacy is maintained. The ULT shipper is capable

Their technical capabilities and innovative approach helped us achieve an

of maintaining the required temperature during shipping of Covid-19

excellent result in a very short period of time.

vaccines between -90°C to -60°C for at least 10 days unopened.

Tanya Alcorn, Vice President, Biopharma Global Supply Chain, Pfizer

The highly innovative shipper utilises high performance insulation

We are immensely proud to be playing such an important role in the

materials, incorporated in a robust and reusable construction, in

fight against Covid-19. We worked extremely hard during 2020 to help

conjunction with dry ice, to ensure long term ultra-low temperature

Pfizer develop this highly innovative ULT shipper; establishing one of the

control. Based on current guidelines, the Softbox ULT Shipper can be

world’s largest fleets of reusable temperature-controlled parcel shippers

opened twice a day, for up to three minutes at a time. This allows

in the process and setting up two world-class service centres to support

clinicians at Point of Use (POU) sites to access the vaccine vials required

ULT shipper refurbishment. It’s a huge honour to have the opportunity to

for each day’s immunisation clinics without exposing the remaining

support the distribution of these vital vaccines at the right temperature,

vaccine stored within the shipper to ambient temperatures, thus

maintain their integrity and help save millions of lives.

ensuring integrity of the vaccine is maintained.

Kevin Valentine, CEO of Softbox For more information about Softbox visit: FORWARDER magazine





t eve

Ru s h t o n h a s

Refine your automation

been appointed as

Even prior to COVID-19, multi-national corporations had seen



the opportunity to optimise logistics by integrating a contact-free

of Crown Couriers Limited,

automated delivery process. By simply removing small but lengthy tasks,

having joined the company as

such as filling in manifests to confirm proof of delivery (POD), delivery

General Manager less than a year

has become seamless with intelligent touchless barcoding technology.

ago. Steve shares his key insights on navigating through the

Seeing the triple-bottom-line

challenges of the pandemic –

As well as reducing waiting time for your customers and

prioritising both efficiency and

drivers - the touchless technology reduces spread of COVID-19 and

safety for delivery drivers and

ensures that both customers, drivers and warehouse operatives remain

clients across the UK.

safe throughout the process. The speed of the barcoding system also reduces checkpoint queues, and lost revenue accumulated during

We’re delighted to announce Steve’s appointment as the company Director. Despite the challenges triggered by the pandemic

waiting time. By minimising the waiting time, you also reduce the amount of fuel used, lowering your company’s carbon footprint.

– the Company has continued to grow and has ambitious plans to expand further. Steve brings with him a wealth of experience in the

Gamify delivery

logistics industry and will be an invaluable contributor to the success of

A cost-effective way to make your deliveries quicker with your logistics

the company’s strategy going forward.

service would be to add a specific time limit needed for drivers to

Tim Seagers, Founder & Managing Director, Crown Couriers

hit their checkpoints. Incentivising drivers and fleet managers to go the extra mile with a gamified experience adds a new level of job

Additional time spent indoors has resulted in a global acceleration in

satisfaction by providing them with new goals to aim towards. With

online purchasing and further strain on the supply chain. Many businesses

quicker journeys, bonuses and levelled awards are added to ensure that

have been unable to keep up with demand – losing opportunities to

delivery KPI’s are being achieved.

provide customers with new products and services. Amending business supply chains has been all too common across all sectors

Boost real-time visibility

this year, with disruption in Chinese parts exports and to large-scale

Managing your fleet becomes more challenging without indications of

manufacturing across Europe, according to Deloitte’s Resilient Leader Guide.

their location. Using location tracking software in your delivery vans may indirectly communicate that you mistrust your fleet and their

Implementing alternative supply chain solutions has become an

professional integrity. Not to mention, the customer tracking experience

important factor when structuring contingency plans to fulfil consumer

is integral – with an increased opportunity for package theft with the

demand in the face of future challenges.

boom in online purchases; being able to confirm the location of your

Steve Rushton, Director, Crown Couriers.

packages will ensure customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Opting for a check point scanning system will direct your fleet to meet their

Commencing his role as general manager at the beginning of the first

expected arrival time and will also reassure your customers that their

lockdown, Steve has helped the business to adapt its logistics strategy to

packages are on route and ready for immediate collection on arrival.

meet the needs of their variety of clients. From his appointment as the new director, Steve shares the ways in which Crown have optimised and

Being able to provide regular milestone updates that are systemically

tracked each clients’ supply chain, to swiftly and safely meet the demands

integrated into the delivery process is a key for functionality for

of their end customer:

logistics providers.


FORWARDER magazine


Tracking your ROI Being able to digitally track your scanning success rate will help you to identify areas in need of improvement. With barcoding, Crown have been able to measure the success rate of time-pressured deliveries so that they can be assured that they are effectively sharing the load. Providing visibility to our customers’ and to the end consumer is an essential part of assuring clients receive a tangible return on investment.









s a provider of key infrastructure, Network Rail in

collaboration with Suttles could not stop work when the COVID-19 pandemic caused nationwide lockdowns and

brought the world to a standstill. The organisations have gone above and beyond to keep their workers safe, recognising the need to do more to protect their workers’ health and safety. Rejecting the idea that health and safety simply consists of providing the

The second prong to COV-RID is that it can be used in thermal fogging

standard hard hats and face masks, the organisations have recognised that, at

equipment. This enables 100% any size or shape space to be quickly and

its heart, what is essentially important is people. Therefore, they have taken

safely treated with the unique COV-RID High Level Disinfectant. Thermal

it upon themselves to revaluate the way they clean and disinfect and, in turn,

fogging enables you to fill any enclosed area with COV-RID, removing

have set new industry standards - the ‘Suttle Standard’. In implementing an

99.99% of viruses and 99.999% of bacteria from the treated area. The

innovative system on their Network Rail site, Suttles are not only sanitising

product has the benefit that as the fog is dry. This means after fogging

their workspaces, but also ensuring their staff feel their workspaces are

you are left with dry surfaces, with no wet or sticky residue to wipe

clean. Most importantly, they are removing hazardous and toxic substances

down. Therefore COV-RID is also safe to be used in areas which contain

from the work place and not subjecting staff, colleagues, and contractors to

electrical items and machinery. COV-RID thermal fogging provides a fast,

potentially toxic and hazardous cleaning materials/hand sanitiser.

safe, and effective method to treat 100% of the space with a high-level disinfection with which traditional cleaning methods cannot compare.

COVID-19 has put unprecedented demand on individuals, business, and society to clean and disinfect more regularly and thoroughly. Network

Finally, as the third prong of the method, Network Rail/Suttles have issued

Rail/Suttles have partnered with Knights Security Group to implement

50ml bottles of COV-RID Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitisers to all their staff,

new practices and standards in the cleaning process, fostering innovation

alongside providing sanitiser stands and refills on-site, thus reducing their

and changing the way we think about cleaning; ultimately, making the

environmental impact. Despite being alcohol-free, the COV-RID Hand

process simpler, quicker, and safer.

Sanitiser is EN14476 tested and proven to remove Coronaviruses.

They achieve this by a three-prong method which is underpinned by

All COV-RID products are alcohol-free, which removes issues such as

Knights Security Group’s unique high-level disinfectant called COV-RID

flammability, unpleasant odours, and high alcohol content vapour causing

that is EN14476 tested and proven to remove Coronaviruses. Derived

intoxication – important issues to consider in a construction environment.

from plant oils, the COV-RID High-Level Disinfectant was specifically

Its formulation is also skin friendly without causing the all-too-common

developed to be non-toxic and non-hazardous while still removing

feeling of dry or flaky hands, the COV-RID hand sanitiser leaves the skin

99.99% of viruses and 99.999% of bacteria.

feeling comfortable, silky, and smooth, thus encouraging frequent use.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT AIR FRANCE KLM MARTINAIR CARGO The Air France-KLM Group is a global airline group with a strong European base. Its main areas of business are passenger


transport, cargo transport and aeronautical maintenance. Air

ince the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the world has

France KLM Martinair Cargo is the Air France-KLM Group’s

been eagerly awaiting vaccines to defeat the virus. Air France

dedicated air cargo business. Air France-KLM Cargo is a member

KLM Martinair Cargo (AFKLMP) understands how important it

of SkyTeam Cargo ( offering an even

is to keep vital supply chains running smoothly. To deliver the best possible

larger network coverage.

service for these essential shipments, Air France KLM Martinair Cargo has set up a customer COVID Service Centre dedicated to managing all Covid-19 vaccine shipments. After a successful trial period in a few selected

In recent months, Air France KLM Martinair Cargo has successfully

countries, this new 24/7 service is available worldwide from today.

transported millions of doses of Covid-19 vaccines, delivering hope to many destinations around the world. In particular to different countries

Air France KLM Martinair Cargo has launched a new product to ensure

in South America and Africa. UNICEF’s Humanitarian Airfreight

that Covid-19 vaccines get the special attention they require. The

Initiative is now fully underway and AFKLMP is a partner committed to

Customized COVID Vaccines solution is available for all temperature

making this crucial mission a success.

ranges and container types, and offers a variety of premium features such as highest priority on board, 24/7 dedicated service, monitoring

Air France KLM Martinair Cargo currently operates approximately 710

and intervention, and specific security measures. All shipments booked

weekly flights to 105 destinations within the long-haul passenger and full-

as Customized COVID Vaccines will bear the mandatory special handling

freighter network. Our range of destinations and handling options is even

code SHL (Save Human Life).

more extensive through cooperation with our partner Delta Cargo.

Understandably, at this exceptional time, a great deal of attention is devoted to combating the coronavirus crisis and everything that comes with it, such as the transportation of vaccines. I am grateful that we can make an essential contribution to this. Our extensive experience and know-how, our dedicated and well-trained teams, combined with our wide product range and global network, are the most important pillars to provide our customers with the best possible service. GertJan Roelands, SVP Sales & Distribution AFKLMP Cargo 18 MARCH 2021









ustainability, digitisation and adopting exciting new

has participated in this event has the power to do things differently,

technologies are key to building back from the coronavirus

every one of us has a part to play in making our industry better, and we

pandemic, according to presenters at this year’s Summit of

all need to ask ourselves what part will that be?

the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), hosted for the first time ever as a virtual event along with a digital prize-giving for the International Awards for Powered Access (IAPAs) on 18 March 2021.

In answer to questions about the post-pandemic future, she added: Construction work is holding up and the figures from February 2021 show we are back to pre-pandemic levels already, albeit a lot of that

The theme of the IPAF Summit will consider the question of sustainability

is catching up on the existing pipeline; we are keeping an eye on the

in powered access, the challenges of operating safely and effectively in

pipeline for the future, and we need to do all we can to make sure that

the post-Covid-19 era, and the opportunities of digital and technological

the UK is a great place to do business in future.

innovation for safer work at height. Søren Brogaard, the new CEO of Trackunit, presented along with Peter Suzannah Nichol, CEO of Build UK, said during her Summit-opening

Douglas, CEO & MD of IPAF, about the organisations’ collaboration in


How do we grow and build sustainable businesses? Pay

producing the new ePAL application for mobile devices, which is set to

suppliers on time, treat staff well, and invest in new technology. That’s

revolutionise the way operators store and share training certification –

what IPAF and Build UK have in common. We benchmark our members,

via digital PAL Cards – and log their equipment time.

and most now pay their suppliers within 30 days – while we’re not there yet, we have made great strides on this issue. We also want to make our

It was also announced that IPAF would be establishing a new ePAL Committee

industry more efficient, reduce waste and increase productivity. Why

that will drive future improvements to the app and wider safety of the

have one form when you can have ten, seems to be our industry’s mantra

industry, gathering feedback from IPAF members, equipment manufacturers,

at times, and so we are building a new prequalification framework, the

contractors and most importantly from operators themselves.

Common Assessment Standard. We think this will save the industry up to £1 billion a year, not to mention reduce paperwork and free up

Peter pointed out the new app will bring tremendous benefits from an

key staff for other more productive tasks. Last but by no means least

environmental and sustainability point of view. Reducing the physical

we focus on people: Recruiting, training and retaining talent. Without

assets of the PAL Card issuing and certification process from a typical

the right people, we can’t operate. It is up to all of us to take our

year’s output that currently amounts to a 130-metre stack of printed

enthusiasm, passion and skills into schools to encourage young people

paper and plastic that is shipped from supplier, to IPAF, to Training

into our industry. How we train people is really important and IPAF is

Centre and on to candidates.

definitely a leading light in that department. We need to provide more

puts it all in the bin and starts again… the new app will lead to us

apprenticeship places and encourage young people into them. Finally,

reducing the number of steps in processing a PAL Card and cut down

working flexibly has seen a major shift in the past year. Everyone who

on all that waste.


FORWARDER magazine


And then, after five years, the candidate

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

He referenced small incremental changes across United Rentals, such as switching to LED lighting, moving away from petroleum-based lubricants or utilising sophisticated routing software to reduce emissions from fleet deliveries. He felt the access industry was ahead of other plant

Søren explained the app has been

long in the making, at least in terms

in terms of the capability of electric machines, and that contractor

of an industry wish-list… and now it is finally here. It will allow us to

end-users are becoming more aware of sustainability across the board.

communicate directly with operators and offer a centralised database of operator activities – ePAL is our commitment to enable collaboration

Karel also drew comparisons with the automotive industry, emphasising

between the operator and the digital eco-system.

the importance of investing in and focusing on battery technology to drive innovation and affordable.

He ran through a digital demo of the new ePAL app, adding,

We all

know filling out or populating paper operator log-books has been a

The awareness of this issue is good in Europe

and especially in Scandinavia, and the US is beginning to catch up in this regard and so demand for electric-powered solutions is rising there.

little bit of a challenge. For the first time, this app will offer a centralised database that records an operator’s activities that can be anonymised

The conversation touched on how powered access rental embraces

and shared to the benefit of the industry as a whole. We can also use the

and embodies the circular economy, the importance of enhancing the

app to encourage and make it easier to report an accident or near-miss

life-span of machines and batteries, utilising tools such as the Equipment

incident through the new IPAF reporting portal. My hope is we can all

CO2 calculator from the European Rental Association (ERA), and

share in a safer, digital future for operators.

looking at end-of-life strategies for powered access machines.

Karel Huijser (JLG), Pierre Boels (Boels) and Norty Turner (United

Participants agreed the pandemic would not halt the drive for

Rentals) closed the Summit in a virtual round-table discussion

sustainability; as Pierre said: ‘Going green is irreversible.’ It has in fact

moderated by Murray Pollok, Managing Editor of Access International,

presented opportunities to ‘go green’, such as less business travel and

who began by asking,

more use of video conferencing, but Norty said:

is the powered access industry doing enough

I believe events such

to be sustainable?

as this will return to being ‘in-person’ once the pandemic is over.

Pierre thought powered access was ‘in a good place’ but also remarked that,

The event was hosted by Mark Durden Smith, a TV presenter in the

everyone…wants power from wind turbines, but not necessarily in

UK. Thanks to the support of event sponsors, registration for the

their back yard.

He felt the industry could be proactive in marketing

cleaner electric-powered machines but is limited by a need to balance

event was free and more than 1,000 participants from no fewer than 67 countries worldwide.

costs and what customers are willing to pay. Peter Douglas, CEO of IPAF, said, Norty countered:

It’s fantastic that despite the

Is any industry doing enough? I don’t think so… but

pandemic, attendees from all round the world were able to benefit from

we need to push hard to find new opportunities to do more. Pierre is

a high-quality series of speakers and to participate in the celebrations as

right, what will ultimately drive it is the economics behind it. Just look

we announced the IAPAs winners. We thank CMC, Sinoboom, Trackunit,

at the automotive industry, it is really starting to flip. We will need to

ZTR, Hinowa, Alimak and Imer Group for their sponsorship.

see similar in the construction industry, to get the economic imperative in balance with what the market will pay.

Those wishing to view a recording of the IPAF summit, read all about the IAPAs-shortlists and category winners, or to view the sponsor of Covid-19 support videos can do so free of charge via the website. FORWARDER magazine







aving warned of various threats to the COVID-19 vaccines

warehouse in Gauteng, South Africa. While in both cases a quantity of

supply chain late last year, international freight insurer TT

counterfeit goods was seized and arrests made, it remains unclear what

Club is now reporting a spate of disruptions to effective

volume of fakes had already been manufactured and shipped.

distribution across the globe. Latin America is the latest region to report extensive serious malpractice.

All actors in the global supply chain must be increasingly alert to a

In Mexico a variety of Pfizer vaccines and others from three Chinese

range of risks due to criminal activity targeting vaccine supply. From

manufacturers (both genuine and counterfeit) have been offered for sale at

theft and illegal sale of authentic vaccines to counterfeiting, substitution

up to US$1200 per dose. Many have been subsequently administered. And in

with fake pharmaceuticals and contamination, the threats posed by

Brazil, water-filled and empty syringes have been found on the black market.

criminals attempting to take advantage of this very high -value cargo, are widespread.

A range of COVID-19 vaccines have been posted for sale on the dark net. The prices, in Bitcoin, ranging from US$250-300. There is no way

Mike Yarwood, TT Club’s MD Loss Prevention, warns the risks should

to determine whether these vaccines are genuine, or even exist at all,

not be underestimated,

placing potential users at huge risk.

It is probable that the market for counterfeit

pharmaceuticals is worth US$400 billion a year and the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that up to 1 million people die annually

As the WHO and altruistic charitable organisations such as the Gates

from counterfeited drugs. The current and future supply chain challenge

Foundation, with its Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation

to distribute the COVID-19 vaccines, in all their forms, from various

(GAVI), strive to ramp up vaccine supply to the poorest nations, there

countries of production, will mean that these figures are likely to grow.

needs to be appropriate investment in the security of the subsequent

Multiple incidents have already been reported.

supply chains, maintaining the integrity of the cargo.

In the Netherlands, upon opening the trailer doors of a full truck load

Indeed, TT urges equal attention by all governmental agencies to the

of pharmaceutical products, the consignee was faced with ten male

end-to-end vaccine supply chain to avert fatal undermining of the

migrants who had been hiding in the trailer. The cargo was contaminated

substantial R&D efforts globally.

and destroyed. While in the UK, three arrests were made following the theft from a truck of COVID-19 lateral flow testing kits worth over

Yarwood concludes,

Should the responsibilities of the pharmaceutical


companies and organisations funding the supply, end at the point of production and sale, leaving local governments to manage security

Recently two counterfeiting organisations focusing on COVID-19

through the supply chain? A degree of uncertainty will prevail and

vaccines were successfully broken up. In one case more than 3,000 saline

security effectiveness differ from region to region. Operators who are

filled vials were being sold as authentic vaccines and seized in Chinese

called upon to transport, store and deliver such vital supplies therefore

police raids. Another report noted that 400 vials, the equivalent of

must be super vigilant in guarding against loss through theft and the

around 2,400 doses, were discovered as containing fake vaccine in a

infiltration of fakes into the supply chain.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


he latest ONS retail figures reveal Lockdown 3 continued to

Only High Street household goods stores showed any sign of resilience, as people decided they were tired of staring at the same magnolia walls and started DIY projects around their homes. The quantity of household goods sales increased by 16.1% in February compared with the previous month and 5.1% compared with February 2020.

have a devastating impact on the High Street in February. A rise of 2.2% in sales won’t save the High Street while online

That is the only glimmer of light for the High Street, however. The final

sales are snatching 36.1% of the entire retail spend, warns ParcelHero.

proof that the 2.2% climb against January’s results is little more than a bounce involves comparing this small growth with the monthly rise in

Figures released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)

the value of online sales. Online soared 4.6% against January and a jaw-

show a slight rise of 2.2% in the value of retail sales against last month

dropping 77.6% YOY. E-commerce captured 36.1% of all retail spending

(February). This is just a bounce, though, as sales figures hit rock

for February.

bottom, says the home delivery expert ParcelHero. Of course, the High Street has proved over time to have more lives It says that the true measure of the health of the High Street involves

than a cat. These figures don’t necessarily mean it is doomed. Over the

comparing February’s sales against last year’s, rather than against

next few months, the year-on-year comparisons will become stronger,

January’s truly terrible results. The value of sales was down -4.4% against

as we start to compare current results with those during the period of

February 2020. ParcelHero’s Head of Consumer Research, David Jinks

the first lockdown in 2020.

M.I.L.T. says that figure more accurately reflects the problems facing High Street retailers during Lockdown 3.

However, to see any signs of a genuine High Street resurgence, we need to wait to see the results of ONS figures for April and May.

There’s a name for these results among financiers: dead cat bounce.

These will give a more accurate picture of whether online will continue

It means a temporary, short-lived recovery before a fall continues.

to dominate or if consumers will venture out to town centre stores

Today’s ONS retail results look dire when you look past the initial

once more.

bounce. Actually, the value of sales has collapsed -6% over the last three months (December 2020- February 2021) when compared to the

Only stores that embrace their website as their most important shop

previous three months (September-November 2020).

window and ensure their online service matches the standard of their in-store experience will survive. Our report revealing the measures High Street retailers can take to ensure they have a future is available at:






A system of transporting goods by aircraft. Related topics AOG (aircraft on ground) OBC (on-board couriers) Air charter

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ince the start of 2021, IAG Cargo, the cargo division of

Airfreight is ideally suited to the just-in-time manufacturing processes

International Airlines Group (IAG), has transported over

favoured by automotive manufacturers. A report from the Economist

8,000 tonnes of automotive spare parts, indicating a confident

Intelligence Unit, published in October 2020, predicted double-digit

start to the year for vehicle manufacturing across the world. A significant proportion of IAG Cargo’s shipments were delivered via

growth in global new-vehicle sales in 2021, and a recent report from ING cites predictions from Moody’s of a rebound of 11-12% in aggregate organic revenues of European auto parts suppliers in 2021*.

95 charter flights and arranged by IAG Cargo’s specialist charter team that was formed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve seen an increase of requests to charter our aircraft to transport automotive parts across the world. The use of airfreight in the

IAG Cargo has seen an uptick in requests to transport automotive parts

automotive industry continues to grow and given the need to operate

in 2021, indicating that assembly plants around the world are ramping up

on a just-in-time basis, only air cargo can transport time-critical spare

production. Popular routes include Germany to South Africa, Mexico

parts to its destination in hours rather than weeks. In addition to our

to the UK, and Southeast Asia to the US. The consignments include

Charter service, our customers benefit from our Critical service - so

engines, pistons, doors and tyre rubber and the majority of the charters

whether it’s a last-minute order or emergency replacement equipment

utilised the group’s Boeing 777s and 787-Dreamliners.

we can support them to move critical shipments across the globe via our extensive network. Freddie Overton, Regional Commercial Manager for Europe & Africa, IAG Cargo

ABOUT IAG CARGO IAG Cargo is the single business created following the merger of British Airways World Cargo and Iberia Cargo in April 2011. With the combined strength of five airlines – British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, Vueling, and Level.  In 2020 IAG Cargo had a commercial revenue of €1,306 million. It has a combined workforce of more than 2,250 people. Its parent *The Economist Intelligence Unit, The global automotive sector to see

company, International Airlines Group, is one of the world’s

double-digit growth in 2021, Oct 2020, and ING Automotive sector

largest airline groups with 533 aircraft on 31st December 2020.

outlook: Recovering after traumatic 2020 Jan, 2021

FORWARDER magazine







robust global air cargo market has virtually completed its

measure - the apparently modest global growth number is masking what

recovery to post-Covid volume levels inside 10 months,

lies underneath. Volumes from China to Europe, for example, were nearly

according to airline performance data for February 2021

5x higher in the four weeks of February 2021 than in the similar weeks in

from industry analysts CLIVE Data Services and TAC Index.

2020. This was caused by the dramatic drop in volumes because of the factory closures a year ago in response to the COVID outbreak. Volumes

For the four weeks of last month, chargeable weight stood at just -1%

from Europe were down by -11% for the same period. Demand is increasing

compared to February 2019 and was 2% ahead of the same month of

and there are a lot of passenger planes sitting around that could start flying

2020. Niall van de Wouw, Managing Director of CLIVE Data Services,

cargo, but I don’t think that will happen proactively. Given the high financial

says airline passenger departments will be ‘dreaming of such a recovery

risks, when it comes to adding capacity, airlines are more likely to follow

in passenger demand.’

the market as opposed to trying to stimulate it. But, if it makes sense, they will surely fly those aircraft. Air cargo has been resilient and, bit-by-bit,

To give a meaningful perspective of the industry’s performance, CLIVE

has clawed back the losses we saw only a few months ago. In April 2020,

Data Services’ first-to-market data will focus on comparing the current

volumes were down -39% but are now back to the pre-Covid level. Who

state of the industry in the context of 2019 volume, capacity and load

would have thought that possible inside 10 months? It’s a recovery airline

factor developments until at least Q3 of this year. This will be produced

passenger departments will be dreaming of.

alongside the 2020 comparison.

Niall van de Wouw, Managing Director, CLIVE Data Services

Capacity in February 2021 was -8% and -5% versus 2019 and 2020

The volume, capacity and load factors continue to be reflected in higher

levels respectively, while CLIVE’s ‘dynamic loadfactor’ – calculated on

prices, TAC Index says.

both the volume and weight perspectives of cargo flown and capacity available – was up +5% pts on February 2019 and +9% pts on the same

Volatility remains high (also intra month) and, given the much higher

month of last year. The overall dynamic load factor of 69% was at the

pricing levels than a year ago, is having a major impact. Looking at PVG-

same level as January 2021 while month-over-month volumes climbed

EUR, for example, if you are 10% off with your procurement today

7%, despite February being three days shorter than January, as capacity

(which would be RMB 3.20) compared to 2020 levels, it would have

rose 5% over January.

meant a deviation of 18%. This presents a very risky environment for freight forwarders and potentially an immediate loss on their gross

These are tricky months to compare due to the Chinese New Year and

margins of 8-10%. So up-to-date pricing information on a weekly basis is

Leap Year variances, so we have to be careful in how we read the market.

an absolute necessity to manage these volatile periods. We also assume

To give a meaningful view, it makes senses to keep an eye out to 2019 before

the spread of spot rates is likely to remain high.

the pandemic took hold and, on that basis, air cargo demand is now nearly

Robert Frei, Business Development Director, TAC Index

at par with pre-Covid volumes despite much less capacity in the market. If we normalize for last year’s Leap Year, we can see a 2% growth in global

The latest data from TAC Index shows that while the monthly pricing

volumes compared to February 2020 but that does not tell the tale by any

average seems ‘mundane’, weekly rate levels reveal a lot of volatility.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT CLIVE DATA SERVICES CLIVE’s ‘dynamic load factor’ analysis refreshes the way air cargo capacity usage is traditionally measured to reflect modern day reality. It is based on the fact that airlines’ cargo capacity nearly always ‘cube out’ before they ‘weigh out’ as a result of an aircraft’s higher capacity density (available kgs per cubic meter) than the average density of the goods moved by air. Consequently, CLIVE says, traditional load factors, based only on weight, underestimate how full planes really are, and thus give a distorted picture of how the industry really is performing. CLIVE’s air cargo industry intelligence consolidates data shared TAC Index says the Baltic Exchange Index in February was +2% over

by a representative group of international airlines operating to

January, taking into account Chinese New Year starting February 12,

all corners of the globe. Based on both the volume and weight

which is normally considered peak season. But when looking at the CNY

perspectives of the cargo flown and capacity available, it uses

impact on the PVG-EUR lane, compared to previous years, in the two

weekly analyses to give the air cargo industry the earliest

weeks prior/post CNY, TAC Index observed:

possible barometer of market performance each month.

• 2019 – overall period +8% • 2020 – overall period -4% • 2021 – overall period -13%

ABOUT TAC INDEX TAC Index weekly pricing publications have changed the way

February 2021 saw the largest drop in yield, compared to the last two

forwarders, carriers and shippers as well as analysts can get

years, during the four weeks around CNY. In absolute terms this period

insights into the developments. The fact that the indices are both

compares as follows:

fully antitrust and financial market compliant means they can also open up opportunities for the introduction of risk management

• 2019 – average RMB 20 /kg

tools that were not available to the air cargo industry.

• 2020 – average RMB 17.5 /kg = -11% to previous year • 2021 – average RMB 31 /kg = +79% to previous year or +63% higher than 2019

TAC Index is consolidating data shared by a representative group of international freight forwarders (a combination of global companies, SMEs, master loaders and local heroes) as it only using transactional

TAC Index adds that interesting observations can also be made when

data. Statistical filtering using the proprietary algorithms is applied

comparing PVG with HKG. On the HKG-EUR lane, rates were flat

to generate truly representative general cargo indices. Their

compared to PVG-EUR - which increased by +7%. HKG-USA rates,

definition can be found on the website

meanwhile, went up +2%, whilst PVG-USA prices dropped by -1 %. FORWARDER magazine







ilk Way Technics, a member of the Silk Way Group, specialized

in providing a wide range of services for the maintenance and repair of numerous aircraft types, celebrates its 15th anniversary.

Founded in 2006, the company initially focused on providing maintenance services for CIS-manufactured aircraft before expanding its client base to include international airlines operating flights to Azerbaijan. Thus, in 2010, with European Aviation Safety Agency certification came the opportunity to service Boeing, Airbus, Embraer, ATR and Gulfstream aircraft. Since then, the company has been recognized as a global aircraft maintenance organization by the aviation authorities of the United States, Bahrain,

Credit: Silk Way Technics

Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, amongst others. Today, Silk Way Technics’ customer base includes not only leading

The Silk Way Technics hangar complex covering 26,000 m² at Baku’s

domestic carriers Silk Way West Airlines, Silk Way Airlines and

Heydar Aliyev International Airport is the largest in the Caspian and

Azerbaijan Airlines, but also airlines from the CIS countries, Europe,

Central Asian region and is equipped to carry out maintenance of

and the Middle East, including Aeroflot, Etihad, Jazeera Airways,

several aircraft simultaneously.

Kuwait Airways, Qatar Airways, Sibir, Ural Airways and others. Silk Way Technics’ staff consists of professionals with a world-class level of expertise backed by internationally recognized qualifications.

The acquisition of valuable long-term experience, as well as the continuous modernization of our technical base and technological infrastructure are our most important achievements. Thanks to this,


Silk Way Technics provides comprehensive services for Azerbaijani

Silk Way Group, founded in July 2006, is a dynamically developing

on our laurels, however, and are constantly improving our capacity to

group of companies that occupies a leading position in the

provide maintenance for the latest-generation aircraft.

Azerbaijani economy. The group was reorganized into three

Emin Safarov, Director General, Silk Way Technics

companies in 2019 – Silk Way Airlines, Silk Way West Airlines and Silk Way Technics, providing air cargo transportation and aircraft maintenance services. For more information visit:


FORWARDER magazine


carriers as well as other leading global airlines. We are not resting

The ultimate in blue-sky thinking We’ve been developing our air freight experience for decades and we’re now proud to announce the launch of Allair - our dedicated air freight services division. We’ve built great relationships with international air carriers around the world offering a full, market-leading logistics package. All delivered by industry experts and supported by transparent, leading-edge information management. We make logistics simple, no matter what the challenges.

Logistics specialists working across: • Automotive • Aerospace • Ornamental Aquatic • Military • Projects

For exceptional air freight service:

Call: 0333 988 4848

FORWARDER magazine







n a further expansion of its global aerospace customer base, CEVA

Our experienced team will drive service standards and greater

Logistics has been awarded a contract to manage in-factory logistics

efficiency to improve the Collins Aerospace’s operations. Our

support for Collins Aerospace in Singapore. The two-year contract

transparent working methods and wide-ranging experience across

is based on solutions designed by CEVA that will be implemented at the

the aerospace sector have proven to be a winning solution for Collins

customer’s Changi North site.

Aerospace in Singapore. Continuous improvement is essential to the successful operation of any contract and that, alongside safety, is

Collins Aerospace – a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies – is one

embedded in the CEVA Logistics culture. We look forward to a long

of the world’s largest suppliers of aerospace and defense products. It

and productive working relationship with Collins Aerospace.

provides maintenance, repair, overhaul engineering, sales and support

Elaine Low, Regional Managing Director for Southeast Asia and

for its commercial and military customers across the Asia Pacific region.

Pacific, CEVA Logistics

Wide range of Contract Logistics services at customer site


At the Changi North site, CEVA Logistics will provide a wide range of

CEVA Logistics, a world leader in third-party logistics, provides

Contract Logistics services including inbound receiving to inventory,

and operates transportation and supply-chain solutions for

pick and kit, as well as outbound dispatch of overhaul aerospace parts.

large- or medium-size national and global companies. CEVA

Picking and kitting will focus on three main areas: power and control,

Logistics offers a broad range of services in both Contract

mechanical and interiors. These areas are responsible for electrical

Logistics and Freight Management thanks to its approximately

systems, engine control, air management systems, cargo and hoist

78,000 employees and 1,000 facilities in more than 160

systems, actuation and flight control, evacuation, portable water

countries. CEVA Logistics’ experienced specialists focus on

systems and lighting.

seamlessly designing end-to-end customized solutions to meet the complex and rapidly evolving supply chain needs, whatever

All services will be provided by CEVA’s experienced aerospace employees

the business sector. CEVA Logistics is part of the CMA CGM

who have diverse skills and extensive knowledge of in-factory logistics

Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics.

within the aerospace industry.


FORWARDER magazine




hroughout March, American Airlines is increasing its summer schedule by restarting 10 routes to the U.S. from airports

Further information can be found at

across the UK and Europe including; Barcelona (BCN), Dublin

(DUB), Frankfurt (FRA), London Heathrow (LHR), Madrid (MAD), Milan (MXP), Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG), and Rome (FCO).

American was the first U.S. airline to introduce VeriFLY, a mobile health passport which helps customers understand and verify their travel

In addition, as part of American’s alliance with Alaska Airlines, the

requirements. Customers can use the free VeriFLY app when travelling

carrier will launch new service from LHR to Seattle (SEA), beginning

on American from all international destinations to the U.S. and on all

March 30, operated on American’s Boeing 777-200. The service will

direct and connecting flights from the U.S. to the UK. American’s joint

initially operate three times weekly, until June 3 when the frequency

business partner, British Airways, is also trialing VeriFLY on flights from

will increase to daily.

London to the U.S.

We will be here for when our customers are ready to fly,. With cleanliness and safety top of mind, we have taken extensive steps to ensure it’s safe to travel including earning STAR certification from the Global Biorisk Advisory Council for our entire fleet of aircraft, and all of our Admirals Club lounges. This is testament to the robust Clean Commitment protocols we have instated over the past year, to ensure our customers feel confident and comfortable when they fly American. Tom Lattig, Vice President EMEA Sales, American

Clean Commitment American’s multifaceted Clean Commitment is designed to provide customers with peace of mind throughout the travel journey. American’s health and safety protocol includes mandatory face


covering requirements, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing measures, and

American’s purpose is to care for people on life’s journey. Shares

partnerships with leading health and safety institutions for guidance on

of American Airlines Group Inc. trade on Nasdaq under the

health matters. For more information please click here.

ticker symbol AAL and the company’s stock is included in the S&P 500. Learn more about what's happening at American by

Restarting transatlantic travel safely

visiting and connect with American on Twitter

American Airlines is committed to reopening travel safely and has been

@AmericanAir and at

working directly with local and international government officials to establish acceptable travel protocols.

18 MARCH 2021









EKO Logistics has joined the Sustainable Air Freight Alliance

The aviation industry has been proactively stepping up sustainability

(SAFA) to accelerate its global decarbonization program and

programs to meet new regulations, helped by advancements in aircraft

help clients achieve their own sustainability goals.

technologies and greater fuel efficiency, as well as progress in relation to the use of biofuels. The International Civil Aviation Organization

The Sustainable Air Freight Alliance (SAFA) is a buyer-supplier

(ICAO) has established its Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme

collaboration between shippers, freight forwarders and airlines to

for International Aviation (CORSIA) to focus on the purchase of

track and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from air freight and promote

credits and lower carbon fuels, while the International Air Transport

responsible freight transport. Its reporting airlines are AirBridgeCargo

Association (IATA) is targeting a reduction in net aviation CO2

Airlines, American Airlines, Cargolux, Cathay Pacific, Delta Air Lines,

emissions of 50% by 2050.

LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa Cargo, Polar Air Cargo, SAS and United Airlines. SAFA’s membership also includes global shippers; h & m hennes

SAFA provides a collaborative platform for sharing and learning

& mauritz ab, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Louis Vuitton, LVMH Moët

sustainability information, best practices, and innovation to help achieve

Hennessy, Mowi ASA, NIKE, Inc., and PUMA SE.

company goals. Airlines report on qualitative data, including carbon efficiency for fleet (average), per trade lane, per flight classification,

We have a responsibility to join other global business leaders in this

and per aircraft model. This encapsulates policies and compliance,

initiative because our industry must do more to protect our planet for

sustainability governance, greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint disclosure

future generations. This is not a cliché, it’s a reality. SAFA is a tangible

and targets, and alignment with ICAO goals for sustainable fuels offsets.

opportunity for us to contribute to the positive decarbonization work being undertaken by the aviation industry, airlines and companies like

This carrier-specific data enables shippers and forwarders to more

SEKO to make a positive difference. Companies which lack a sustainability

accurately measure carbon footprint, set their own GHG reduction

strategy will see their growth threatened because clients will take their

targets and track progress against them.

business elsewhere if their partners do not take this seriously. This is a collaborative effort in which we can do more and act faster by working

SEKO Logistics is already a partner in the U.S. Environmental

together. Joining SAFA will enable us to help our clients achieve their

Protection Agency‘s (EPA) SmartWay program to confirm the

own sustainability goals too, which is how it should be.

company’s annual fuel usage and freight emissions data and comply

James Gagne, President & CEO, SEKO Logistics

with the EPA’s targets to enhance the sustainability of global supply chains. SEKO has also introduced home compostable packaging into its eCommerce fulfilment operations to replace single-use plastics, is adopting solar energy solutions at major facilities in Europe and the U.S., and piloting a ‘Green Lane’ carbon calculator, which it ultimately intends to deploy globally for clients.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? We are working on sustainability initiatives in our own operations and facilities globally, but the simple fact is that 75-80% of our carbon

Further information can be found at

footprint is related to our indirect procurement of transportation. As members of SAFA, we will engage more proactively with our partners and be part of a community to advocate for decarbonization. We will

The Sustainable Air Freight Alliance was established by BSR, a team of

access better data from airlines to help manage our carbon calculations.

sustainable business experts that works with a global network of more

Air transport represents around 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions and

than 250 member companies.

although improvements in aircraft fuel efficiency will make an important contribution to reducing this, the industry needs transformative change

We’re proud to welcome SEKO Logistics as a new member of

to meet the climate needs of our planet. All around us, we see some

BSR, and the Sustainable Air Freight Alliance (SAFA), a collaboration

outstanding initiatives, such as United Airlines’ recent announcement that

which seeks to track and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from air

it intends to be carbon neutral by 2050. This reinforces the very clear and

freight and promote responsible freight transport. We look forward

simple message to our industry; sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’

to working with SEKO on their journey to become a more sustainable

in logistics but a determining factor in who customers and consumers will

company, contributing to our movement to create a more just,

choose to do business with.

sustainable world.

Shawn Richard, Vice President – Global Air Freight, SEKO

Sarah Mouriño, BSR Director, Transport and Green Freight

ABOUT SEKO LOGISTICS We provide a suite of logistics services which enable you to use your supply chain as a competitive differentiator. As a customer centric organization, we are powered by the expertise of our people and our in-house-developed, best in class, configurable technology. It is this combination which gives SEKO its strength. With over 120 offices in 40 countries worldwide, SEKO’s unique shareholder management model enables you to benefit from our specific industry sector expertise, coupled with vital incountry knowledge and unparalleled service at the local level. This unique model provides you with hands-on service and support, personal relationships, creative, customized solutions, responsiveness and reliability, flexibility and consistence. We have a flat management structure, with just three layers between you and the CEO, making us ‘fast on our feet’ in delivering solutions that can meet your exact requirements. This lean and nimble structure increases our decision-making speed and gives us an ability to implement customized solutions which far exceed those of our competitors. For more information visit our website at

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A system of transporting goods by ship. Related topics Shipping lines Biofuels Ships' parts

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he global economy has been suffering the effects of the

go with is methanol, according to Project Manager Werner Plenkmann. As

COVID-19 pandemic for the better part of the last year. The

of today, retrofitting existing engines is already possible and regular (also

shipping sector was hit especially hard and is still expecting

known as grey) methanol is competitive compared with other alternative

to see a decrease in transport volumes one year later. Meanwhile,

fuels. Sufficient availability of grey methanol already exists, he explained,

major issues such as climate change and sustainability slipped into the

a green methanol economy will be based on the increasing demand and

background. Although inland navigation, short sea shipping and river-sea

will replace grey methanol step by step in the next years.

shipping are already CO2-efficient, there is still potential to make the European fleets greener.

Accordingly, Ingvar Landälv, who has more than 45 years' experience in gasification technology-based process plants, broke down the complex

During today‘s digital workshop Greening of Inland Navigation,

chemical processes of bio-methanol production for the audience and presented

Short Sea Shipping and River-Sea Shipping, six high-level speakers

a list of methanol projects currently under development. Unfortunately, he

presented and discussed different the sectors potentials and issues,

noted, the amount of green methanol on the market does not yet match the

while at the same time presenting solutions to make these modes of

amount actually needed to cover all the planned projects. These still depend

transport even more climate- and environment-friendly.

highly on subsidies as already emphasised by Theresia Hacksteiner.

In her key note speech, Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General EBU,

Overall, it is nearly impossible to predict which alternative fuels and

emphasised that the Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) sector plays a

technologies are the most promising, said Friederike Dahlke-Wallat,

key role in realising the EU’s climate goals. To unfold the sector’s full

Naval Architect at the Development Centre for Ship Technology and

potential, however, a strong policy framework as well as investments in

Transport Systems (DST). Their contributions to the CCNR studies on

infrastructure and fleet renewal are essential. Between 2021 and 2027,

energy transition towards a zero-emission inland navigation sector shows

the sector’s ifnrastructure and ports needs are around EUR 47 billion,

how a future alternative fuel mix could potentially look like, but in reality it

where it is currently only receiving less than EUR 2 billion CEF Funding.

is a question of cost and infrastructure. The best option now is to take it

Besides the obvious lack of financial support for fleetrenewal towards

case-by-case and become aware of the obstacles and challenges that need

zero emission, the sector needs access to research programmes to test

to be overcome in order to make inland navigation greener, she explained.

and validate greening the fleet actions, Hacksteiner stated. Benjamin Weinacht also underlines this case-by-case strategy when it Policy frameworks and subsidies are also key aspects in the process of energy

comes to the certification and regulation of alternative fuels. As managing

transition, according to Saeed Mohebbi, Advisor electrical safety and alternative

director at CMB, he sees great potential in hydrogen dual-fuel engines that

fuels at the Swedish Transport Agency. He highlighted the importance of

promise a wide range of industrial applications, from ships to trains and

regulations and guidelines on a national and regional level to help companies

power generators. CMB has an entire division (CMB.TECH) dedicated to

and authorities make the transition from fossil to alternative fuels.

hydrogen powered technology and infrastructure to produce and distribute the clean fuels of the future. Weinacht emphasises the importance of first-

For ARKON Shipping, a medium-sized shipping company from Haren/Ems

movers in this field, as they lay the groundwork for large-scale application.

with a focus on European Short Sea Trade, the alternative fuel solution to

In his words:

Small steps create big success. FORWARDER magazine







elenor Maritime believes its new platform can help facilitate

Environmental awareness is climbing higher on the public and industry

the digitalisation of the shipping industry, with secure, reliable

agenda, Lunøe notes, while commercial pressures, heightened for many

and cost-effective sharing of data right across the globe. CEO

by the ramifications of the global pandemic, are exerting an ever-tighter

Lars Erik Lunøe sees a new wave of connectivity ahead.

grip on individual owners. A more effective approach to data can ease the pressure on both these fronts, he says, delivering benefits for

It’s a bit more complex than that.

Lars Erik Lunøe is quick to dispel the impression that Telenor Maritime is a mobile provider at sea.

stakeholders across the shipping spectrum. We’re exhibiting at the Blue Economy Hall at Nor-Shipping 2022, which is focused on enabling commercial opportunity through responsible use of resources and environmental care. That concept

The firm, founded as MCP in 2002, before being bought by Norway’s

of the ‘blue economy’ is at the heart of sustainable shipping and our

Telenor (a mobile operator with 180 million global customers) in

strategy – we see commercial and environmental success as intrinsically

2006, is primarily known for delivering mobile services for cruise and

linked. If we can provide the platform for shipowners to collect, share

ferry vessels, as well as building and operating offshore 4G networks

and use data in a smarter, more ‘joined-up’ way we can help them

connecting the energy industry. It is an acknowledged leader in the

with some of the major challenges they face. For example, collecting,

niche, boasting contracts with over 100 shipowners, covering more than

comparing and analysing engine and fuel consumption data across fleets

500 vessels and connecting 25 million passengers.

will deliver the understanding to optimise energy use, control costs and reduce emissions. More effective tracking of vessels will provide greater

However, Lunøe, who assumed the CEO role two years ago, is eager

security, control and ensure that individual assets deliver in accordance

to lead an evolution of the business, fine-tuning its image from ‘mobile

with customer agreements and KPIs. The potential is so great it can be

specialist’ to ‘communications partner’ at sea. Central to this drive is an

almost overwhelming for companies looking to start their data sharing

expansion into the merchant fleet, where the business will deliver not

journey. So, that’s something we’re focusing on now – approaching major

just calls and online demands but ‘data and digitalisation.’

shipowners with case studies explaining what is possible and where they can start. It’s a real eyeopener.

The potential is huge for the firm, but greater, he stresses, for the

End-to-end solution

industry as a whole.

But to build this digital future, the industry needs the right foundations.

Overwhelming ambition

And, until now, Lunøe argues, that’s been lacking.

Shipping has been slow to embrace the benefits of digitalisation when compared to onshore industries. That’s definitely changing now,

Satellites have traditionally been seen as the solution for enabling

with shipowners and operators keen to start utilising data. However,

remote, deep sea connections, but this comes at a price. That is fine,

the problem is a) they’re not always sure what for and b) they lack the

the Telenor Maritime CEO says, for cruise ship operators that generate

infrastructure to enable the sharing of data across fleets, assets and

income from their passengers’ digital lifestyles, but not so feasible for a

organisations. We’re working to address that now.

dry bulk vessel operating on wafer thin margins.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

The majority of ships don’t need huge bandwidth to share businesscritical data, but what they do need is reliable, secure, end-to-end global coverage with a cost-effective price tag,. The merchant fleet has different requirements to passenger ships, so they need a different solution. With the purchase of Finnish-based KNL Networks in December last year, Telenor Maritime believes it can now fill that gap in the market.

Empowering transformation KNL Networks has built something unique: A closed, cyber secure, lowcost MESH network that uses short-wave radio to connect installations across the globe and facilitate seamless data sharing. Each installation, for example on an offshore platform or operational vessel, becomes a system component, acting as both a receiver and base station for data transfer. The more installations, the more robust the network becomes.

Community connection

KNL worked out they needed around 70 such installations to cover the

A comment that brings us back to Nor-Shipping, where Telenor

world, serving customers ranging from polar research vessels operating

Maritime is a key Blue Economy partner, as well as exhibitor. Although

at the extremities to tankers plying busy routes.

keen to expound the virtues of digital connections, Lunøe, speaking from a country that has experienced various degrees of lockdown for

There are now around 100 installations up and running.

over a year, is a firm believer in the power of face-to-face contact.

KNL Networks demonstrated breakthrough innovation and

Teams, Zoom and the like works well, he states, but when it comes to

technology that we believe can empower the digital transformation of

building contacts and explaining an idea like KNL’s MESH network and

the shipping industry. Telenor Maritime has the size and market presence

digital transformation to owners ‘physical’ meetings just can’t be beaten.

to truly commercialise that solution, helping it fulfil its potential and deliver data that makes a difference.

I think we’ve all missed that. Modern technology is excellent for maintaining relationships, but when it comes to building them and

Here he expands to move from shipowners wishing to analyse,

making initial connections it’s, well… it’s not optimal. I think that’s why

harmonise and utilise fleet data through to regulators, class societies,

we’ll be looking forward to events like Nor-Shipping so much. The Blue

port authorities and cargo owners that would also benefit from real-

Economy Hall is the perfect arena for us and it’ll be so refreshing, so

time insights and intelligence.

welcoming, to feel the tangible sense of connection and community once again. We believe this proposition can help truly change the industry.

Efficiencies are multiplied when you don’t just connect assets

The importance of that message demands a real connection.

and organisations, but the whole industry. That could unlock even greater benefits as we work towards a healthy, profitable and thriving

It seems MESH isn’t the only form of networking key to shipping’s

blue economy.

digital future… FORWARDER magazine



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lobal safety solutions leader Survitec has unveiled a new

will wick away moisture while an inner three-ply laminate ensures any

face covering with protective features designed to reduce

droplets are dispersed into the fabric structure. Any bacteria and virus

the spread of viral and bacterial infection, helping maritime

is “denatured” within two hours as per ISO18184:2019 requirements.

workers more confidently follow social distancing rules.

The silver chloride treatment intrinsic to the material’s anti-viral properties allows the face covering to be handled without transferring

Developed in cooperation with oil majors and asset owners, Survitec

the virus. Additionally, this means that it is safe to dispose through the

Protect 360 is a hydrophilic snood-type face covering that incorporates

standard textile recycling process.

Polygiene ViralOff®, a self-cleaning textile treatment technology proven to reduce 99% of known viruses from adhering to material surfaces.

Survitec Protect 360 is compatible with marine and offshore wearables and should be considered as a key addition to the equipment

The Survitec Protect 360 has been tested to protect against SARS-

offered to protect maritime and offshore workers, including crews

CoV-2, H3N2 and H1N1 and is compliant with ISO18184:2019.

transferred to vessels, rigs and wind turbines by helicopter. Disposable masks are not recommended for helicopter passengers due to the risk

Conventional surgical masks and N99-, N95- or N90-type face coverings

of foreign object debris (FOD) should rotor downdraught rip the mask

are usually disposable and uncomfortable to wear. Survitec Protect 360 is self-

from the wearer’s face. However, the Survitec Protect 360 is suited to

cleaning, reusable and washable – it can be machine washed up to 15 times.

this environment because of its snug fit and silicone band and is designed

Christina Bracken,

specifically to be worn with marine and offshore wearables.

Product Category Manager, Life-Saving Appliances, Survitec

Mark Lutman, Technical Sales Manager, Survitec

For greater comfort, Survitec’s new face covering uses Lycra® Xtra™

As of July 2020, the wearing of face coverings is mandatory at all

Life. This ensures the face covering retains shape and when combined

heliports, as per Scottish Government regulations and endorsed by

with its added silicone band also provides an important non-slip

Step Change in Safety and Oil & Gas UK (OGUK). The wearing of face

advantage, ensuring the covering remains in place to mitigate against

coverings for outbound and inbound flights are also mandatory.

the risk of cross infection. Survitec Protect 360 is part of Survitec’s face covering portfolio, which Other virus protection masks on the market are typically

includes the Virustatic Shield that utilises a Viruferrin™ coating and was

hydrophobic in that they are designed to provide a barrier between

introduced to the market in April last year. This extended portfolio

the wearer and the microscopic water particles and mucus splatter

provides Survitec customers with a choice of face covering style and

caught on the masks external surface. This splatter can stay alive on

anti-viral technology.

the material, going on to cause infection when the mask is touched or removed. However, the hydrophilic nature of Survitec Protect 360


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT SURVITEC Survitec is a global leader in survival and safety solutions to the marine, defence, aviation and energy markets. Survitec has over 3,000 employees worldwide covering eight manufacturing facilities, 15 offshore support centres and over 70 owned service centres. It is further supported by a network of over 500 3rd party service centres and distributors. Survitec has received Z-17 approval as a class-approved service provider from seven major classification societies, and also has ISO 9001 certification, the international standard for quality management systems. Throughout its 160year+ history, Survitec has remained at the forefront of innovation, design and application engineering and is the trusted name when it comes to critical safety and survival solutions.

FORWARDER magazine



Ocean freight visibility at its best

Track all of your containers in real-time Do you realize what strategic and financial benefits you can gain from improved supply chain visibility? Our container visibility solutions – Container Track & Trace and Container Sailing Schedules – connect carrier information with actual vessel positions so you enjoy real-time information on the status of your container cargo. That way, you can take action before things go wrong in your logistics supply chain, as well as enjoying benefits such as: Greater customer satisfaction

Enhanced operational efficiency

Inventory optimization

Lower detention & demurrage charges

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Profitable carrier contract negotiations


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Contact us for a free trial and see how you can save time, money and resources!

Container Track & Trace Full overview of all your containers with quick access to all details Automatic event notifications and alerts so you can take action Immediate response to predicted delays to adjust supply-chain logistics and reduce D&D charges

Container Sailing Schedules Transparency in the sailing schedules of all major shipping lines and alliances World’s most accurate and comprehensive data to enable informed decisions, e.g. most suitable service from A to B or performance comparisons

Improve your visibility with our solutions FORWARDER magazine







KT Allseas (part of Allseas Global Logistics), has announced

Port owner, Peel Ports, believe the new service will offer customers

it will operate a number of supply chain critical container

greater reliability and competitive freight options.

vessel sailings from Shanghai and Ningbo to Liverpool. The

first service due to depart Shanghai on 4 April, with two additional

The Port of Liverpool is uniquely positioned to offer proximity to

sailings on the 22 and 25 April.

market benefits, which will allow goods to reach their end destination more reliably. This is a need which has been crucial in response to

The new initiative by DKT Allseas, is intended to provide relief to

demand patterns that have been seen this year.

customers who are facing increased ocean freight rates, as well as, reduced reliability due to the knock-on impacts of the global pandemic.

A port’s proximity to markets also has other indirect benefits, not only acting as a strategic gateway, but as a facilitator of supply chain activity,

The service will have a 28 day transit time and the vessels will be feeder

and as a catalyst for reducing carbon emissions of a journey.

size, rather than panama or larger. This will offer multiple benefits to cargo owners as it will significantly reduce the chance of port delays, as

DKT Allseas understand the importance of building supply chain

there are no multi-port callings, and will ship directly into the heart of

resilience, moving away from the UK’s historical over reliance on

the UK market, where many of Allseas’ customers are located. It also

southern ports, and moving their customer’s cargo entry point, to ports

offers guarantee that once space is booked, the cargo will be shipped.

which are closer to the end destination

This service which is under our own direct charter, has been born out

Cargo owners need assurance during these challenging times that

of necessity and frustration with the current supply and demand issue.

their supply chain partners can be both reliable and provide innovative

By taking a progressive approach we can offer a guaranteed service,

solutions to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. The Port of Liverpool

without deviation or additional Port calls from Shanghai and Ningbo into

continues to demonstrate its strength, agility and resiliency to relieve

Liverpool, at a sensible price. We hope that the demand particularly by

pressure on traditional routes and provide a gateway direct into the

North UK customers, can support a longer term, frequent niche service

heart of the cargo owning community of the UK. We continue to play

from China direct into Liverpool.

a vital part in the transformation of UK logistics by enabling innovative

Darren Wright, Managing Director, Allseas Global Logistics

solutions like this. David Huck, Managing Director, Peel Ports


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at



DKT Allseas are part of the wider group of companies within

Peel Ports Group is the UK’s second largest port group, owning

Allseas Global Logistics. It is an established shipping line agency

and operating six of the UK’s most important ports (Liverpool,

who service partnerships with some of the major shipping lines

Heysham, Manchester Ship Canal, Medway (Sheerness /

representing niche Global markets including; SCI and Bahri, the

Chatham), Clydeport and Great Yarmouth). It also operates a

national shipping lines of India and Saudi Arabia respectively.

container terminal in Dublin and owns BG Freight Line, which provides short sea container services between the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe and feeder services between the UK and Ireland. Peel Ports Group has recently acquired Quality Freight (UK), which provides chartering and port services from a 40 acre multi modal facility at Ellesmere Port in Cheshire. Peel Ports handles 60 million tonnes of cargo every year. 13% of the total UK major ports traffic flows through ports operated by the Group. Headquartered in Liverpool, it employs around 1,600 staff, and had revenue of £760m and EBITDA of £266m for the year ended 31 March 2019.

FORWARDER magazine




A system of transporting goods by road. Related topics Groupage Couriers Last mile

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17 MARCH 2021





sennder was founded in 2015 by David Nothacker, Julius Köhler and Nicolaus Schefenacker and is now the leading digital European

ichelin has announced its partnership with sennder,

freight forwarder, offering shippers access to our connected fleet

Europe’s leading digital freight forwarder, to provide

of thousands of trucks. In a traditional industry sennder is moving

carriers with greater access to Michelin suite of innovative

fast and focuses on the digitalization and automation of all road

tyres on special terms.

logistics processes. sennder manages over 10,000 trucks across Europe with an over 800-people strong team. By leveraging

The partnership will give sennder’s carriers customised access to

its proprietary technology, sennder builds an ecosystem that

a suite of Michelin tyres; that are low-rolling resistance, saving fuel

leads the industry into the 21st century with a new degree of

consumption and durable, increasing tyre mileage, making journeys

transparency, efficiency and flexibility. sennder is backed by

more cost-effective and sustainable.

some of Europe’s leading investors including Accel, Lakestar, HV Holtzbrinck, Project A, Next47, SCG and Perpetual. Additionally,

Carriers can choose the tyre best suited to their needs. For example,

sennder joined forces with industry champions Scania and Siemens

Michelin’s long-haul MICHELIN X® LINE TM range, which offers low

to assure innovation and state of the art offerings.

rolling resistance, or the new MICHELIN X® MULTI TM ENERGY TM range that is designed for both short- and long-haul transport and saves drivers up to 1.2 litres of fuel per 100 kilometres1.

We attach great importance to digital mobility and fleet solutions. In Europe alone, we have 1,000 staff members working on the

As part of the partnership, Michelin will provide sennder carriers access

digital Michelin Services & Solutions portfolio. We are therefore

to its retreading services that replace the tyres’ tread, recycling the

looking forward to working with sennder to explore new, innovative

casing – reducing wastage and making tyres increasingly cost-effective.

avenues.” For more than 130 years, Michelin has been successfully developing tyres, services and solutions to improve long-term mobility.

sennder and Michelin’s collaboration will initially focus on Northern

Our partnership with Michelin is focused on innovation that makes European

Europe and Iberia, with plans to scale it across other European markets

road freight fit for a sustainable future, benefiting carriers and shippers alike,

throughout 2021.

said Franck Marcaire, Head of Value Added Services at sennder. In addition to sennder’s fast payment terms and exclusive fuel cards, our carriers now have access to premium MICHELIN tyres and services, through a digital hassle-free process. Michelin’s retreading services and low rolling resistance tyres fit perfectly alongside sennder’s digitalised logistics offer that we have built around data and low-carbon fuels. Philip Cordes, Vice President Marketing B2B Europe North, Michelin FORWARDER magazine







lphabet (GB) today launches its Driver MOT Guide, a mental

good nutrition, and adequate sleep and rest. However, the pandemic

health resource to help fleet managers prioritise and check

has added several new pressures, and greatly increased day-to-day

their drivers’ wellbeing, as well as their vehicles, and advance

uncertainty while removing many of our usual coping strategies. This all

conversations around mental health in the fleet industry. This comes as

turns up the volume on our anxious or negative thoughts. As we spend

new research from Alphabet shows nearly two thirds of fleet drivers

a significant proportion of our days engaged in our work, the working

found their mental health has been affected, when driving for work during

conditions and the environments created by employers, have profound

the pandemic. Younger age groups were most likely to be impacted, with

effects on wellbeing and psychological resilience. Alphabet’s Driver

67% of 18–24-year-olds and 44% of 25–34-year-olds acknowledging

MOT guide is a valuable resource for fleet managers and source of

their mental health was often affected. Darker days and harsher weather

support for drivers navigating their way through a very difficult time.

conditions of winter have only added to the strains placed on fleet drivers. For the fleet industry, the topic of duty of care remains an important 50% of fleet drivers surveyed said driving this winter had caused their

focus, but often with an emphasis on vehicle maintenance and bad

mental health to decline, and 20% often looked to reduce travelling in

weather preparation in the winter months. Alphabet, working with

winter months to prevent additional anxiety and stress caused from

mental health expert and Psychologist, Kimberley Wilson, has created

tougher driving circumstances, such as reduced daylight and poor road

the Driver MOT guide specifically with a focus on driver wellbeing; to

conditions. This winter has been even bleaker as we navigate our third

highlight the importance of mental health during an increasingly difficult

national lockdown, so it’s more important than ever that employers

time. The guide offers fleet managers support and advice to encourage

prioritise positive mental health and wellbeing for all staff. Having faced

open conversations with employees around mental health and personal

ongoing changes and restrictions for nearly a year, it’s no surprise the pandemic

wellbeing, across the fleet industry and beyond.

has added to mental health concerns. In fact, Alphabet’s research showed that 35% of fleet drivers have seen their stress levels increase, correlating with a

Soon we will be marking a year of living under lockdown restrictions and

reported rise in working hours and workloads. Over half of drivers added

continued uncertainty, so it is understandable that many will be experiencing

that road structures and additional traffic calming measures introduced since

mental health concerns. Now, more than ever, the fleet industry needs to

last March, have caused further stress.

shine a spotlight on mental wellbeing and create an open forum to accelerate discussions around mental health. It’s important that drivers are not only

Kimberley Wilson, BPS Chartered and HCPC Registered Counselling

aware of the resources available to them, but also feel empowered to make

Psychologist and Author of How to Build a Healthy Brain, added:

use of them and be their authentic self within the workplace. By establishing

Mental health can be thought of as the balance between the pressures

supportive, ongoing dialogue and discussing mental health in the right way, we

that our minds and bodies are under, and the resources that we have to

can shape how it’s perceived within our organisations and across the industry.

deal with them. But lifestyle factors also play a crucial role in supporting

This needs to be at the heart of our duty of care as employers, to ensure

our resilience. The most effective protective measures we have for

drivers are kept safe and feel comfortable seeking the support they need.

positive mental health are supportive relationships, regular exercise,

Nick Brownrigg, Alphabet (GB) CEO


FORWARDER magazine


Driver MOT guide:


Your mental health resource

es e in king ng.


It’s good to talk about mental health. The following guide provides a checklist to help equip and empower fleet managers to engage in the topic of mental health with their drivers, especially as our working environments can often have the biggest impact on our wellbeing.


Check in If you notice someone is quieter, or perhaps more irritable than usual, this may be a sign they are struggling. A simple 10-minute call can make a big difference

I more i are st

Planning Driving schedules should be carefully planned to help reduce stress and ensure proper breaks can be taken


Proactivity Encourage your drivers to be proactive about looking after their mental health and creating a positive work-life balance



nough rest mance, ositive


Emphasise the importance of getting enough rest to your drivers. This will improve performance, prevent additional stress and help aid positive mental health

Promote the importance of physical wellbeing and eating well, as this can help to improve self-esteem and cognitive function

Pro a


the help, hin your e,


Make sure your employees are aware of the help, tools and support available to them within your organisation, to help create an inclusive, compassionate atmosphere

Ensure sufficient mental health training is provided for all managers and regular refreshers are offered


k’ plan pic yees,

Feedback Provide drivers with opportunities to feedback, so you can continually improve your employee mental health plan. Use this to highlight how changes are being made

health by their ons could

Speaking about a ‘mental health at work’ plan creates an open dialogue around the topic and encourages input from your employees, helping to remove stigma

Pro so y m

Language Anyone can struggle with their mental health at any time. Try not to define a person by their behaviour as certain phrases or definitions could be unhelpful or cause offence


Disclaimer: The information Disclaimer: provided in this guide is for general information purposes only and is correct to the bestT of our knowledge he at the time of publication inf (March 2021).ormation provided Neither AlphabetNeither nor the author can be held responsible for any actions or consequences Alphabet arising from acting or refraining from taking any action, as a result of reading this. nor the author can b Registered officeRegistered address: Alphabet (GB) Limited, Alphabet House, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 office 0FB. Tel: 0370 50 50 100. ALMAR 291.1 ALMAR 291.1 Exp 05.03.2022 Exp 05.03.2022

FORWARDER Alphabet magazine ISSUE62





WITH EUROPEAN DELIVERIES Our main aim is to ensure that local businesses who need to export to Europe or Ireland can continue to do so with minimal disruption. Our team has been working flat out to support businesses that are having to adapt and accommodate these new processes at short notice from the Government. The last 12 months have been difficult enough for businesses serving European customers, as Covid-19 lockdowns both here and in other countries have delayed the movement of freight. We want to emphasise that businesses should not be deterred by these


challenges and instead should give customers in the EU confidence

he Pall-Ex Group of Companies are committed to supporting

to continue buying goods from the UK. We recommend maintaining

local businesses with accessing European customers, despite

communication with customers to manage expectations and choosing

the on-going challenges of Brexit.

a logistics provider with sophisticated tracking technology that gives customers clear visibility of their goods during transit.

Both the Pall-Ex and the Fortec network are reassuring customers

Mark Steel, Managing Director, Pall-Ex’s International Business Units

that services are continuing, with additional support available to help businesses continue trading internationally.

The timing of the UK’s exit from the EU over the Christmas period means many businesses were on the backfoot with preparing for the

While goods being transported to and from Northern Ireland, the

changes. We have seen some major players in the logistics sector choose

Republic of Ireland and mainland Europe have faced delays, Pall-Ex’s two

to suspend their services between the UK and Europe, but the entire

network memberships have ensured they have the resources needed to

Pall-Ex Group remains fully operational and we retain strong links with

adapt to the new rules.

our international partners. We want to reassure customers that we are here to support them through these challenges and that we remain

Its preparation for Brexit has kept disruption for customers to a

committed to working together through this tough transition period.

minimum by providing guidance on changes to paperwork, freight

Kevin Buchanan, Group CEO, Pall-Ex Group

labelling and EU pallet regulations, plus the addition of EORI numbers. Additional information on exporting freight is available in Pall-Ex Groups An Economic Operator Registration and Identification number is an identification code now required by every business trading with the EU to track and register customs information. Its well-established network of haulage partners across Europe ensures that our entire membership can continue to deliver palletised freight to countries in the European Union.


FORWARDER magazine


Guide to Logistics & Haulage after Brexit.

5 MARCH 2021




idecell Inc., the leading Internet of Things (IoT) platform

COVID-19 created an urgent need for the leading fleets in the world

provider for digital fleet transformation, has been announced

to reduce risk and manage costs by enabling keyless digital access to their

as a Bronze Partner to Logistics UK’s Van Excellence scheme,

fleets, automating the interpretation of vehicle data, issuing digital keys,

an innovative programme which recognises excellence within the vans

and dispatching job work orders as needed. For our business, it created

market and improves operational standards.

opportunities to help our many customers and partners meet the shifting consumer and enterprise demand for digitising fleet operations quickly.

Ridecell Fleet IoT brings the power of IoT to owners with large vehicle

We are excited to partner with Logistics UK and are looking forward to

fleets. Automating fleet-related workflows for vehicle maintenance work

sharing our learnings and expertise with their members.

provides capabilities that today are either manual, tedious, or just not

Aarjav Trivedi, CEO, Ridecell

possible. The product ensures vehicles are optimally managed, serviced, and secured with digital control of the immobilizer to remotely prevent

Administered by Logistics UK, Van Excellence was created in 2010 to

vehicles from being restarted: it can also schedule vehicle usage and issue

promote the safe operation of vans, represent the interests of the

digital keys, replacing the need to hand out and track physical vehicle keys.

sector, and celebrate operators demonstrating excellent standards. Central to the scheme is the Van Excellence Code, a set of minimum

Operational efficiency is vital to businesses and Ridecell is bringing a fresh approach to the management of Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) fleets in

best practice standards all van operators should aspire to achieve, covering safety, efficiency and sustainability.

the UK with its innovative solutions. We are therefore thrilled that Ridecell is supporting the Logistics UK van programme as the latest Van Bronze Partner

For more information on Van Excellence, including how to join the

and look forward to seeing the content it shares with our members on the

scheme, please visit, email

safe operation of vans via Logistics UK’s member-to-member forum. or call 03717 11 22 22.

Will Reeves, Sector Development Manager, Logistics UK


Switching to zero and ultra-low emission vehicles is an important focus for

market still to reach maturity, options are limited for operators and reducing

the logistics industry, as it works to achieve the government’s zero emissions

the financial support will hinder this transition. After the financial impact of

target by 2050. It is therefore disappointing to see the changes announced

the COVID-19 pandemic, to enable operators to make a change within the

today to the government’s plug in car, van and truck grants, which have been

lifecycle of their normal vehicle, it is imperative that government lays out a clear

reduced for the vast majority of available models. Logistics UK’s members are

policy road map to enable operators to invest confidently, while encouraging

committed to making the switch to alternatively fuelled vehicles, but with the

manufacturers to develop and launch a wider range of suitable vehicles. FORWARDER magazine







ew electric vehicle (EV) charge point protectors are part of

This is the latest success for Brandsafe, which has maintained growth

a package of safety and impact protection equipment from

and expansion in the wake a raft of new projects and a strong forward

specialist Brandsafe that have been specified for Amazon’s

order book for the next 12 months.

new North East warehouse and distribution centre. Paul Roehricht, UK strategic account manager, said the company is seen

The move sees Brandsafe supplying its impact resistant protection

as a leading supplier of industrial safety and impact protection products

posts, bollards and highly visible HLGV and car wheel stops to provide

and integrated systems for several major international logistics and retail

improved levels of EV charge point safety and protection at the 148,477


sq. ft. logistics facility at Follingsby Park in Gateshead.

capability to meet the specific requirements of global customers and add

This is another prestigious project for us, showing our

value through bespoke planning and consultancy services. It vindicates The work also sees the company, which is working on the product

our continued investment in products and services to deliver time

specification side with architects SMR Architects and main contractor

critical, complex and high-profile contracts. We continue to strengthen

TSL, providing consultancy and project design alongside a package of

our relationship with Amazon, who are benefiting from our expertise,

aftersales service and support.

quality products and support resources.

The Gateshead site is part of plans by Amazon to boost its North East distribution activities, boosting services to millions of customers across the region. It’s anticipated that the facility, which is set to employ around 1,000 people when it opens in 2022, will operate as a freight consolidation centre, with HGVs delivering goods from larger storage facilities and vans before distributing these to the local area. Armco rails and safety barriers featuring integrated safety ends, corners and post caps together with pedestrian handrails, polywrap column protectors, security caging and fencing, and cycle shelters, are among hundreds of items of equipment also being installed by Brandsafe’s service team, to meet the requirement for safety and impact protection around the site. These are being manufactured at the company’s Milton Keynes site and involve close cooperation between product supplier and contractor teams as part of an extensive scope of work to provide added safety planning services and expertise.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Using the tailored risk assessments from DriveTech means that businesses will get a more accurate picture of the nature and weight of risk that any driver is likely to be exposed to based on their vehicle


type, the nature of their journeys and work demands. It will lead to more

riveTech, part of the AA, is urging businesses not to overlook

specific outcomes which will enable further support and training to be

the importance of driver risk assessments as the UK navigates

better tailored to a driver’s or organisation’s needs.

its way back to ‘business as usual’. The leading driver risk

management and training specialist has launched a new online driver

We’ve continued to invest in our digital offering to ensure we can

review for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to ensure all businesses have

deliver tailored risk management support online for businesses and

easy access to risk assessment tools.

drivers. Our new assessment for drivers of HGVs will be pivotal in helping businesses evaluate and identify risk in their fleet and what

With human error a factor in up to 95% of all road incidents (RoSPA),

next steps to take. As we move along the government’s roadmap to

businesses have a key role to play in fulfilling their duty of care to their

easing lockdown, it’s vital that businesses don’t overlook driver risk

drivers and other road users when it comes to minimising this risk.

assessments as society changes once again. All businesses will be

DriveTech has extended its support for businesses with the launch of

impacted differently and face varying challenges, whether this is the

the online assessment tailored specifically for lorry drivers. This joins

traffic building on the roads again or passengers returning to public

a new suite of training modules which also covers light commercial

transport, so understanding each driver’s risk profile is important and

vehicles and passenger carrying vehicles, as well as car drivers.

now it’s simple, quick and cost-effective to do. Leo Taylor, Head of Product Solutions, DriveTech

Online risk assessments are easily accessible and can be carried out on desktops, laptops, tablets or even smartphones, so ideal for remote

For more information on online driver assessments visit:

workers. They’re quick to complete, so minimise the downtime of

employees and are therefore cost effective.

training-product/driver-risk-assessment 23 MARCH 2021



FORWARDER magazine





reight transportation has long been an essential, cost-

Further, AI can also interpret and organize data from numerous

effective shipping method around the world. The trucking

sources across the supply chain, helping to better identify problem

industry is particularly robust in the United States, with a

areas. From there, fleet managers can work to mitigate some of

rich history dating back to at least World War I. And technology

the glaring issues that impact productivity, efficiency, and profits.

has always been part of the story, but we’ve come a long way from

Over time, AI may serve to help trucking companies to reduce miles

the early days of the interstate highway system, when the bulk of

driven, improve routes, and streamline the entire logistics process.

roads were unpaved. Machine learning takes AI a step further. The tech’s interpretation of According to the Federal Highway Administration, only about

data is constantly refined, effectively changing the way fleets operate

3% of interstate freight was shipped via trucks in the early 1930s,

and communicate, for the better. As AI systems ‘learn’ such information

with railroads handling most of the load. Nearly a century later,

as the most efficient route to and from a particular location, future

however, the trucking industry has evolved into the top contender

shipments can be adjusted accordingly for optimal efficiency.

in interstate freight: In 2019 alone, the trucking industry raked in more than $791 billion in revenue, transporting the majority of U.S.

Merging traffic management with technology

freight by weight.

When collecting and interpreting data, traffic patterns and management techniques are also an important part of the equation.

And as technology continues to advance at breakneck speeds,

Within fleet management, dealing with traffic comes with the

trucking industry leaders are working to incorporate various

territory, but some routes may be more problematic than others.

technological innovations into their business plan. In order to

With help from AI, driving routes can be specifically designed to

retain a competitive edge into the future, fleet managers must

avoid gridlock and congestion in major cities, as well as similar

embrace emergent tech, from autonomous vehicles to sustainable

events that can bring trucks to a standstill.

infrastructure. Traffic management is a big piece of the puzzle, helping to create infrastructure that will last generations and

Like the trucking industry itself, the field of traffic management is

improve efficiency.

constantly evolving and improving. Traffic lights are arguably the most well-known traffic management tool, and many more forms

Let’s take a look at how traffic logistics and AI are combining to

of traffic management have been used over the years, to varying

create sustainable trucking routes.

degrees of success. For example, lighted ramp meters designed to limit the flow of vehicles merging onto the interstate were first

AI, machine learning & real-time tracking

introduced in the 1960s.

To those fleet managers who aren’t up to speed on emerging tech, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) may seem out of place in regards

Since that time, urban areas have become increasingly congested

to logistical considerations. Yet the reality is that AI is already helping

with passenger cars, to say nothing of the freight trucks attempting

to improve fleet efficiency, while also boosting a company’s bottom

to pass through. In fact, American commuters waste an estimated

line. For starters, no matter the cargo or fleet size, AI and machine

54 hours annually stuck in traffic, which negatively impacts public

learning are invaluable when it comes to processing the massive

safety, individual health, and the overall economy. Trucking

amount of data collected by on-vehicle sensors.

companies can’t afford significant delays in heavy traffic areas, and should thus advocate for sustainable traffic management solutions.


FORWARDER magazine


Fortunately, an increasing number of cities are utilizing intelligent

Along with various social justice topics such as global inequality,

transportation system (ITS) technologies to improve traffic flow and

sustainability is a driving force in the global economy. An increasing

reduce gridlock. Some of the most common forms of ITS include

number of consumers willing to ‘change their shopping habits to

roadside cameras and traffic apps that transmit real-time data for

reduce environmental impact’, according to research from the IBM

better route planning. Yet digital tech isn’t necessarily required

Institute for Business Value. And make no mistake: The push towards

for improved traffic management or sustainable infrastructure.

more sustainable products impacts every facet of the supply chain,

Roundabouts are a prime example of how city planners can improve

to include shipping, logistics, fleet management, and beyond.

traffic flow and increase roadway safety without having to heavily invest in digital tech.

Therefore, in order to stay ahead of the competition, fleet managers should consider their environmental impact and work

Improved traffic control for a healthier planet

to reduce emissions. Learning about technological advancements

It’s important to note that shorter and/or more efficient routes

in traffic control management, and then embracing that tech, is a

benefit much more than a company’s bottom line and overall

great place to start.

reputation; Interestingly, ITS and general traffic management techniques have been found to significantly reduce fossil fuel

Indiana Lee, contributing writer

consumption and air pollution. In this way, sustainable traffic

management can also benefit trucking companies looking to reduce their environmental impact.




FORWARDER magazine




The use of railroads and trains to transport cargo, as opposed to human passengers. Related topics Belt & Road Initiative HS2 Rail terminals and depots

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52 52 FORWARDER magazine


8 MARCH 2021




softening of buying rates post Chinese New Year has enabled

Davies Turner launched its own direct weekly fixed-day rail consol

Davies Turner to reduce the rates for its Express China

import service from China to the UK in November 2018 and has seen

rail freight service, which is the only direct weekly fixed-day

it go from strength to strength. Bookings have increased continually.

intermodal service between China and UK. On departure from Wuhan, China, the rail service heads direct to

Furthermore, as a result of new rail services being launched in China,

Duisburg in Germany. Containers are then trucked under bond to the

the UK’s leading independent freight forwarding and logistics company is

nearby port of Rotterdam for transport by ferry to Purfleet, then on-

also recommencing its FCL service, which has proven popular in the past.

carried by truck (still secure in the same container) to Davies Turner’s regional distribution centres across the UK, where they are discharged,

Our weekly LCL volumes on the overland rail freight service have

customs cleared and delivered to final destination.

increased from just two High Cube 40-foot consol containers per week when we started the service in 2018, to six or seven, 40-foot

Cole concludes:

With a transit time of around 24 days from China

HC consols per week now. The new rate of USD300.00 per 500 kg /

to Dartford, our direct weekly Express China Rail service for consol

1 CBM will become applicable from mid-March and delivers a reduction

and FCL traffic continues to offer a reliable and much faster service

of USD70 per 500 kg / 1 CBM on LCL shipments compared to the

versus the all-ocean alternative from ports on China’s North Eastern

current rate. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on air freight

and Eastern coasts.

capacity and the well-documented, ongoing problems in the deep sea/ ocean freight market have seen more and more shippers, traders and coloading freight forwarders taking advantage of the cost and time savings, as well as the greater reliability of the intermodal overland option. Tony Cole, Head of Ocean, Davies Turner FORWARDER magazine







he 100th freight train arrived at HS2’s main construction site in Buckinghamshire this week, as the latest figures show that construction of the UK's new high speed railway has helped

the rail freight industry bounce back from the pandemic. In Buckinghamshire, the first 100 trains – operated by DB Cargo and Hanson for HS2 contractor EKFB – have so far delivered 150,000 tonnes of aggregate for use around the Calvert Railhead. Transporting this material by rail instead of road has already taken the equivalent of 7,500 HGVs off local roads. The temporary 26,200 sq/m Calvert Railhead site is being built by HS2’s

Despite taking a major hit last year, the amount of freight on Britain’s

main works contractor EKFB – a team made up of Eiffage, Kier, Ferrovial

railways in the last three months is now 2% above pre-pandemic levels.

and Bam Nuttall – and will be the main construction and logistics hub

Construction traffic, including HS2, showed the largest increase, according

during work on the central section of the HS2 project.

to figures released by the Office for Rail and Road earlier this month.

New temporary access roads will then be used to move people and

Across the whole HS2 project, 15,000 freight trains are set to haul 10

materials from the railhead, helping to take construction traffic off

million tonnes of aggregate to construction sites – taking the equivalent

local roads. Once HS2 is complete, the railhead and temporary access

of 1.5 million HGVs off the UK’s roads.

roads will be removed and the site landscaped, leaving only a small infrastructure maintenance depot.

We are excited to have reached this 100th freight train milestone into the Calvert Railhead so quickly, already removing thousands of

We are serious about reducing the impact of construction on the

HGVs from the road in the local area. EKFB strives to be at the forefront

local community and promoting sustainable construction methods.

of carbon reduction in the construction industry, so reducing our impact

That’s why I’m so pleased to see material arriving into Calvert by rail

on the environment and delivering our section of the HS2 project with

instead of road. We’ve been working closely with Network Rail, EKFB

as little impact as possible is aptly demonstrated through our use of

and the Freight Operators for a number of years to make this possible,

rail over road.

and to deliver not only low carbon journeys for our passengers, but also

Peter Bimson, Project Director, EKFB

cut carbon in construction. Ambrose McGuire, Project Client Director, HS2


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT CALVERT Each train arriving at Calvert carries around 1,600 tonnes of aggregate (crushed rock) from quarries in the west of England and is the equivalent of around 70 HGVs. In the first year, 180 of them are due to arrive on site. That’s the

At the peak of construction, more than 650 people will work at the

equivalent of around 12,000 HGVs off the road and saving

Calvert Railhead. They will be some of 4,000 jobs set to be created by

30,000 tonnes of carbon.

EKFB over the next two years working a 80km section of the railway between the Chilterns and south Warwickshire, including 17 viaducts, 81 bridges and three ‘green tunnels’.

The latest rail freight quarterly figures from the Office of Rail and Road show that following a dip in Q1 and Q2 of

The railhead is also next to a section of disused railway which is being

2020/21, the total amount of freight moved by rail in the

brought back into use as part of the East-West rail project which is set

UK has bounced back and actually grown by over 2% in Q3

to link Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford, Aylesbury and Cambridge. The

in comparison to the same quarter of 2019/20. In terms

two teams are working closely together on their construction plans,

of absolute volumes, the construction sector has seen the

with HS2 set to deliver three bridges and 3km of earthworks along the

largest increase, rising by 0.07 billion net tonne kilometres

southern edge of the Calvert site on behalf of East-West Rail.

compared with the same quarter last year. According to the ORR, this is in part due to increased activity from HS2 construction. The full data can be found here:

FORWARDER magazine




The transportation of large, heavy, high-value or critical (to the project they are intended for) pieces of equipment. Related topics Heavy lift Abnormal load OOG (out of gauge)

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3 MARCH 2021




reen Channel Forwarders in India are pleased to report a

recently handled shipment of a wheel loader arriving from Shanghai in China to Ennore Port in Chennai.

As the vehicle was heavy and over-dimensional, it needed careful handling and operating while loading it onto the trailer at the discharge port. Green Channel also handled the custom clearance of the shipment and delivery to the consignee at Torangallu, Bellary District, Karnataka. • Cargo Weight: 27,300kg • Cargo Dimensions: 821 x 335 x 389cm




ast week, Benteyga Shipping Mauritania Group (BSMG)

discharged oversized and heavy cargo from MV. Slom Scover. The cargo consisted of electrical equipment for mining projects.

The BSMG team was ready to discharge the cargo swiftly and load it onto trucks. They received a congratulatory certificate from the receivers for their professional handling and coordination. Photos of the unloading are shown in the gallery below. Zein Mounir at BSMG comments,

If you need any services in Mauritania, please do

not hesitate to contact us!

FORWARDER magazine







n January, KGE Baltic were invited to handle a difficult project of a

Vestas Wind System (WTG 136) delivered from various origins in Europe to the Asmolovichi jobsite in Belarus. It was necessary to

deliver the goods in very short notice with only 3 weeks to prepare for such huge dimensions so KGE had to make all arrangements quickly. The first parts of the project, which were located in Denmark and the Netherlands, are outlined below. They were delivered by multimodal transport to the base in Asmolovichi in a sequence with around 1-2 days in-between loads. • 3 OOG loads transported directly from Denmark to Belarus:

Nacelle - 12.86 x 4.00 x 3.41 / 66,300kg

Hub - 5.46 x 3.74 x 3.43 / 32,000kg

Drive Train - 7.23 x 3.50 x 3.20 / 61,100kg

The remaining cargo consisted of 6 windmill tower sections which

• 1 x Low-Bed (Blade Gripper)

were sent by the customer from Spain to Ventspils Harbour in

• 1 x Curtain Trailer (Stand)

Latvia by breakbulk vessel. After the vessel arrived, the KGE team

• 1 x 40' Container (Spare Parts)

performed all arrangements including accepting the vessel on berth,

• 1 x Flatbed Trailer

unlashing & unwelding, discharging from vessel & pier, loading onto trucks, dismantling the harbour gates to leave the port, all transit formalities, surveys, drone filming and more. The specifications of the 6 pieces were: • Top Section - 32.36 x 3.26 x 3.67 / 58,000kg • Mid Section One - 8.20 x 4.98 x 4.99 / 81,000kg • Mid Section Two - 21.84 x 4.18 x 4.98 / 78,000kg • Mid Section Three - 26.88 x 3.93 x 4.18 / 82,500kg • Mid Section Four - 28.00 x 3.67 x 3.93 / 68,000kg • Bottom Section - 12.33 x 4.39 x 5.30 / 82,000kg All the cargo was delivered to the job site safely and in perfect condition. The KGE team executed the project with professionalism and made all possible efforts to ensure there were no issues or delays.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT PROJECT CARGO NETWORK Project Cargo Network is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organisation established in 2010 to provide heavy lift and project cargo specialists access to a trusted, worldwide network of agents who handle their specialist shipments, whilst working professionally and safely under a strict Code of Conduct. Today, PCN has an international presence that extends to over 260 specialist members in more than 115 countries.


lphatrans recently completed the delivery of a long crane beam by truck from Kiev in Ukraine to Wolvertem, Belgium. The dimensions of the beam are 24.02 x 1.80 x 2.08m with

a weight of 40.05mt. The route took the beam through the territories of four countries on the journey. Another successful and smooth delivery from Alphatrans! 24 MARCH 2021




embers in Ukraine, Alphatrans are pleased to share the recent delivery of a spray dryer. Their scope of work included...

• Port Formalities • Reloading

• Delivery by Truck

23 MARCH 2021



FORWARDER magazine







ntonov Airlines has safely moved 370 tonnes of new machinery parts on three AN-124 flights to a mine in Brazil from Australia in time to keep work at the plant going.

Antonov’s loadplanning engineers designed tailored frames to carry two of the pieces of equipment. The cargo was loaded and unloaded using Antonov’s in-house engineering solutions for the oversized project cargoes. The flights, chartered by Chapman Freeborn, made a number of technical stops because of the total weight of the cargo, as well as COVID-19 restrictions for crew rest at the airports on the route.

ABOUT ANTONOV AIRLINES Antonov Airlines specialises in the transportation of outsized

Rapid COVID-19 tests were conducted during each 14-hour rest

and project cargo worldwide using its fleet of seven AN-124-

window prior to the next leg of the flight being cleared.

100 'Ruslan' aircraft with up to 150 tonnes payload, its 60-tonne payload AN-22, and its unique 250-tonne payload AN-225

Antonov completed the flights to deadline for the new parts to be

'Mriya', which is the largest aircraft in the world, as well as

delivered in time for the mining machinery to be updated so that the plant

smaller AN-74 and AN-26 aircraft.

could continue to run efficiently and safely. Cargo included a giant drill shaft and a transport cradle, which was required for upgrading machinery

More than 30 years after launching as the first company to offer

at the final destination with minimal down-time affecting operations.

the AN-124-100 commercially, Antonov Airlines continues to deliver air cargo solutions across the aerospace, defence, energy,

The timeline was challenging – initially our flight plan was six days in

humanitarian, industrial, automotive, and oil and gas sectors.

total, however we needed to change this to nine days after assessing the load, In the end it came together with some meticulous planning and by

Antonov Airlines is a division of Antonov Company,

changing some legs of the journey to avoid delays and closed runways.

headquartered in Kyiv, Ukraine, and a Ukrainian state-owned

Ana Bocchini, Cargo Broker, Chapman Freeborn

enterprise, which designs, develops, produces, and maintains the AN aircraft. Antonov Airlines is member of leading international

This was a challenging project, which we had to complete to a tight

project cargo specialist group The Heavy Lift Group.

deadline. Using three AN-124 aircraft to airlift these special project cargoes allowed us to perform the programme of round-the-world

Antonov Airlines’ headquarters is at 1, Akademika Tupoleva

flights successfully. The flights were a success thanks to well coordinated

Str., Kyiv. Its Ukrainian sales team is on hand to receive outsize

efforts and good communication between the teams at Antonov Airlines

cargo charter enquiries and can be contacted collectively at

and Chapman Freeborn.

Volodymyr Goncharov, Commercial Executive, Antonov Airlines


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


Throughout the project, the logistics experts at C.H. Robinson worked as an extension of their customer's team by working through the details and proactively discussing any potential issues ahead of time. Constant communication was required with all parties involved

.H. Robinson recently took on a project to deliver two LOX

to ensure all documentation was in place so the cargo could be

tanks, each weighing 203.5mtn, from China to Houston.

unloaded without delay.

The tanks were received at the port in Shanghai and loaded

onto the ocean vessel, one on deck and one under deck. Once safely

Once the vessel arrived at the Port of Houston, an experienced C.H.

secured, the vessel set sail to Texas and was on the water for a total of

Robinson project manager was onsite to ensure the tanks were safely

eight weeks before it reached the Port of Houston.

offloaded from the vessel and onto a barge for the next leg of their journey.

22 MARCH 2021






Any place where persons and merchandise are allowed to pass, by water or land, into and out of a country and where customs officers are stationed to inspect or appraise imported goods. Related topics Cargo handling Container terminals Drayage

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62 62 FORWARDER magazine





upplying the locked-down nation with its five-a-day, Port

The pandemic has seen niche industry players play a significant and

of Dover’s Refrigerated Cargo Terminal (RCT) at Western

growing role in the delivery of major infrastructure projects. As a

Docks is boosting fruit and vegetable imports thanks to a

smaller player right now, DMA is fortunate to be more agile, flexing

commercial partnership with property specialist DMA Group.

resources and timescales to make buildings work.

Created to meet year-round consumer demand for ‘out of season’

For more information about DMA Group,

produce, DMA’s experts advised on the latest temperature-controlled chiller technology to optimise freshness. To house 25 percent of the UK’s entire banana imports, along with mangoes, melons and pineapples sailing into dock (based on 2019 figures), DMA installed eight industrial blast chillers specifically designed to sustain the exacting temperatures and environments. The impressive 9,600 sqm cold storage facility will become central to Dover’s handling of future cargo demands. Five years in the making as part of the Dover Western Docks Revival (DWDR), delays to works would be catastrophic – even in a pandemic. Due to quickfire planning between Port of Dover and its engineering partner DMA Group, works continued at full speed over the spring and summer, completing on time and to budget. Steve McGregor, Group MD at DMA Group, said:


Making buildings work since 1803, property services specialist

to be involved in such a momentous move for the UK cargo business. We

DMA Group has a long and proven track record of supporting

are especially thrilled by the many new job opportunities it’s creating.

schools, colleges and universities. The company offers a complete ‘life of building’ package that embraces design, refurbishment,

This momentous project demanded the highest operational commitment,

installations, redecoration, fit out and maintenance, including

performance, and collaboration from DMA’s onsite team.

a 24/7 emergency callout and repair service. Its unique BIO technology platform saves schools time and money whilst providing full transparency.

FORWARDER magazine







he Port of Milford Haven has confirmed its compliance with

The Port of Milford Haven’s Board formally declares its compliance with the

the Maritime & Coastguard Agency’s Port Marine Safety Code

Port Marine Safety Code to the MCA every three years. Further information

(PMSC). The confirmation comes following an audit by leading

about the Port Marine Safety Code can be found at publishing.service. For further information, visit

maritime consultants ABPmer. The Port Marine Safety Code is a national standard that applies to all harbour authorities. The Code and its accompanying guidance provide


an essential toolbox to ensure the control of risk and the maintenance

• The Port of Milford Haven is the leading energy port

of safety in ports and in the marine environment.

in the UK and the biggest port in Wales • In 2020 the Port safely facilitated around 1800 shipping

Port of Milford Haven’s Harbourmaster and Marine Director Mike Ryan is proud of the Port’s continued compliance with the Code. This is further endorsement and confirmation of everyone’s commitment here at the Port of Milford Haven to providing a safe operation for all port users,

said Mike.

movements carrying a total of 33.5m tonnes of cargo • For the fourth year running there were zero lost time incidents at the Port during 2020 • Approximately 95% of the UK’s international trade – imports and exports – is carried through UK ports • The Ports Industry directly contributes around £7.6 billion

Monty Smedley, ABPmer’s Lead PMSC Auditor, who conducted the audit, said:

in GVA and accounts for 101,000 jobs.

I am very pleased to confirm to the Port of Milford Haven’s

Board that their harbour operations demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the Code, with many examples that we considered to be industry best practice.

ABOUT PORT MARINE SAFETY CODE The Port Marine Safety Code ('the Code') sets out a national

The MCA’s Ports and VTS Policy Manager, James Hannon, who leads PMSC

standard for every aspect of port marine safety. Its aim is to enhance

compliance for the UK government said:

The Code is recognised across

safety for everyone who uses or works in the UK port marine

the industry and has been developed in partnership by the UK government

environment. It is endorsed by the UK Government, the devolved

and industry over the last two decades. The resources set out how

administrations and representatives from across the maritime

ports can assess risks, design safety management systems, and also install

sector and, while the Code is not mandatory, these bodies have

governance processes to ensure that a Designated Person is able to evaluate

a strong expectation that all harbour authorities will comply. The

controls and report directly to port duty holders and boards.

Code is intended to be flexible enough that any size or type of harbour or marine facility will be able to apply its principles in a way that is appropriate and proportionate to local requirements.


FORWARDER magazine



ost-Brexit trade disruption and ongoing congestion are causing critical build-ups of containers at UK ports, according to the

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

latest data from Container xChange.

The UK’s leading container terminals struggled to cope with the

Efforts by container lines to avoid Brexit disruption and delays

pandemic driven surge of imports last year resulting in lengthy delays

at southern terminals by launching new services into the port of

for hauliers and vessels and an excess of containers building up in ports.

Liverpool are also now coming unstuck, with the port struggling to handle increased volumes. This is reflected in an accelerating excess of

Since the UK departed the European Union on January 1 and started

containers at the port.

trading under a post-Brexit customs and regulatory regime, the latest data from Container xChange, the world’s leading online platform for

In 2020 the average CAx reading at the port of Liverpool for a 40 ft

buying, selling and leasing shipping containers, indicates the situation

container was 0.59. In 2021 this has climbed t0 0.75. For a 20 ft container

has worsened.

the CAx reading in 2021 is 0.82, up from an average of 0.68 last year.

Under Container xChange’s Container Availability Index (CAx), an

European gateway ports have also suffered disruptions and delays due to

index reading of 0.5 describes a balanced market. Below 0.5 means

pandemic driven container traffic surges. However, container availability

there is a shortage of containers. Above 0.5 means there is an excess

at leading hubs is currently better balanced than in the UK.

of containers. At the port of Rotterdam, the CAx average reading for a 40 ft container At the port of Felixstowe the average reading of the CAx so far in 2021

this year is 0.51, compared to an average of 0.40 in 2020. At Antwerp,

for a 40 ft container is 0.95, up from 0.79 in 2020. The CAx for a 20

shortages have been a problem, with an average reading for a 40 ft

ft box has increased from an average of 0.78 in 2020 to 0.90 this year.

container of 0.21 in 2020 improving to a more balanced 0.41 this year.

A similar picture is apparent at the port of Southampton where the

Similarly, at Hamburg, the average CAx reading for a 40 ft container

CAx reading for a 40 ft container is 0.86 in 2021, up from an average

in 2020 was 0.27 suggesting critical shortages. This year the average

of 0.71 last year. For a 20 ft container the CAx reading is 0.85, up from

reading has improved to 0.49.

an average of 0.72 in 2020. The UK’s leading gateway terminals for container traffic suffered congestion for much of 2020 prompting carriers to cut some calls and ship cargo in from European hubs via the Channel Tunnel, ferry services and feeder services instead,” said Dr. Johannes Schlingmeier, CEO of Container xChange. Based on the build-up of containers at ports in 2021, it seems the situation has further deteriorated. We are now seeing critical levels of boxes building up at Southampton and Felixstowe. PostBrexit cross-Channel shipments are more complicated under dualCustoms regimes and this could be a factor in logistics bottlenecks.

8 MARCH 2021









ippon Paint Marine is seeing liner operators increasingly postpone dry-dockings as they look to keep vessels operational to meet the recent surge in demand for container shipments.

Container ship owners want to push dry-docking schedules as much

as possible because of the high freight rates and capacity shortage. Although the shipowner’s classification society has the final say in accepting any plans to postpone a five-year dry-docking, we are beginning to see deferments of several months. John Drew, Director, Nippon Paint Marine (Europe) In the worst case, the hull may need to be blasted. This can add According to the coatings’ manufacturer, the marine coating division

to the vessel’s in-dock time and will be more costly. There is also the

of Japan’s Nippon Paint Group, postponed dry-dockings could possibly

environmental aspect to consider,

said Drew.

impair the long-term performance of hull coatings, possibly resulting in increased fouling, fuel consumption and emissions.

Some major operators set to dock ships at yards in China during January and February have deferred their plans until market demand abates,

Most coating systems are designed to perform reliably for 60 months.

apparently creating empty slots at the yards.

Hull performance needs to be monitored very closely indeed if drydockings are to be postponed as any commercial gain from a bullish

If further dry-dockings are postponed this year, there could be

market could be lost.

repair yard capacity issues later when the market readjusts. Any major

Michael Friis, Sales Manager Denmark, Nippon Paint Marine

changes to the sector’s current dry-docking schedules are likely to have commercial repercussions later, possibly for both yard and owner.

Drew added:

Hull coatings have a very precise service period

calculated at the time of application and based on many variables.

Nippon Paint Marine, the world’s fifth largest coatings producer, recently

As a coatings manufacturer we advise that ship operators follow the

launched a completely new antifouling system based on hydrophilic and

application and performance guidelines for coatings designed with a

hydrophobic nano domain technology.

60-month operating window. FASTAR is a self-polishing antifouling paint that incorporates a unique Nippon Paint Marine also suggested that long delays past the 60-month

nano-domain resin structure designed to minimise the effect that

dry-docking life could ultimately result in extra surface preparation

seawater temperatures, vessel speeds and other external factors have

requirements when ships eventually do enter dry-dock.

on coating performance.


FORWARDER magazine



Get connected to industry-leading rail expertise RSSB’s Affiliate membership brings the planning, operational and safety expertise of the UK railway industry to the heart of your port operation. We’ve worked collaboratively with the rail industry since 2003, leading research projects that have transformed the safety and efficiency of Britain’s railways. But our specialised knowledge benefits more than just the UK rail industry itself. We can provide solutions and recommendations across the whole spectrum of port-side railway planning and operation. We offer RSSB Affiliates around the world direct access to this collective knowledge, as well as to our foremost experts on safety and standards. Our engineers, risk modellers, human factors specialists, and rail experts provide globally respected services, resources and consultancy. RSSB Affiliates include ports, international railways, construction, manufacturing, oil & gas and the financial and insurance sectors, to name a few. If you would like to find out how RSSB Affiliation can support your organisation, contact Chris Leech. Email: or telephone: +44 7535 217 407.

FORWARDER magazine

A Better, Safer Railway








P WORLD today announces that Southampton, Britain’s

A new Border Control Post (BCP), including UK Border Force and port

second largest container terminal, will benefit from a major

health inspection facilities, to enable multiple government agencies to

programme of investment in 2021 designed to take it up to the

expedite checks on cargo entering the country.

next level as a premier international freight and logistics hub. A £1.5m extension of a quay crane rail by 120 metres to ensure that the

DP World Southampton is part of DP World, the leading global

world’s biggest cranes can service all berths at the terminal. Additionally,

provider of smart logistics, and one of its two UK deep water ports

other quay cranes will be relocated or decommissioned in order to

with freight rail terminals which were awarded Freeport status by the

maximise utilisation, speed up quayside loading and unloading, and save

Government last month. The new infrastructure investment totalling

customers’ time.

£40m is designed to provide customers with speed, security, reliability and flexibility and will include:

DP World Southampton is the most productive port in Britain, turns container trucks around faster than any of its competitors and at 30

The dredging and widening of the berths to ensure that DP World

per cent also has the highest proportion of its containers moved by

Southampton will be able to continue to accommodate the world’s

rail. At DP World we think ahead to create smarter trade solutions and

biggest ships. This project, which was conducted in partnership with

this £40m programme of investment will ensure that our Southampton

Associated British Ports, was completed before Easter and will improve

terminal continues to grow as a major freight and logistics hub. Our

flexibility for customers with immediate effect.

aim is to partner in our customers’ business success and we are already seeing a surge of interest from companies which want to take advantage

A £10m investment in a new class of eleven hybrid straddle carriers.

of the customs zone and tax benefits resulting from Southampton and

These vehicles, which lift containers moved by the quay cranes and

London Gateway becoming Freeports.

then service onward forms of transport via road and rail, consume up

Ernst Schulze, Chief Executive, DP World in the UK

to 40 per cent less fuel than diesel-electric powered machines and will be among the most sustainable in the world.


A planned £3m investment in the redevelopment of the yard for the

DP World in the UK is at the heart of Britain’s trading future,

storage and delivery of customers’ empty containers. Once completed

providing the right trading infrastructure and smart logistical

this will increase capacity by 25 per cent and create more flexibility for

solutions for our customers. We believe in the UK market and

port users.

have the ambition and the resources to boost growth, support businesses, create jobs and improve living standards.


FORWARDER magazine


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ABOUT WFS Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Paris, WFS (www.wfs. aero) is the world’s largest air cargo handler and one of the leading providers of ground handling and technical services with


orldwide Flight Services (WFS) has become the first

annual revenues of over EUR1.3 billion. Its 22,300 employees serve more than 270 airlines at 175 major airports in 22 countries on five continents.

cargo handler at Milan Malpensa Airport to be awarded Authorised Receiver status by Italy’s Customs authority.

The approval means freight forwarders can now clear and offload cargo directly at WFS’ cargo terminal at the airport, which offers significant time savings and productivity efficiencies. We are honoured to have received Authorised Receiver status, which reflects our ability to meet all of the strict requirements of the Customs authority. As the world’s largest air cargo handler, WFS is continuing to grow its services at Milan-Malpensa and will continue to look for these types of opportunities which benefit both our airline clients and their freight forwarding customers. Massimiliano Introini, Managing Director, WFS in Italy WFS now handles 11 airline customers in Milan, including American Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Air Europa, China Eastern, China Cargo, Air Serbia, Ukraine International and BlueAir. WFS opened a new 8,800 sq. mt. cargo handling terminal in Milan in 2018 capable of handling some 47,000 tonnes a year, and equipped with facilities to support customers’ premium products, such as a dedicated temperature-controlled cool zone for pharmaceutical shipments.

30 MARCH 2021







he UK’s ports sector is growing fast, with a string of new

By becoming an Affiliate of RSSB, a ports company gets access

developments, expansions and refits either underway or

to RSSB’s expertise, analysis and tools – nothing short of the rail

being planned amid a move to low-carbon freight. Ports

industry’s collective intellectual property. They can also draw on

companies are also realising that rail plays a growing part in their future.

RSSB’s consultancy. This could include upfront design input to

It offers the chance to move freight faster and more cheaply than ever-

make sure infrastructure operates efficiently. And it could cover

more congested roads, as well as supporting decarbonisation.

advice to make sure rail facilities are safe and secure and that ports understand and follow all the standards they need to.

But seizing this opportunity means designing, building and operating new rail infrastructure to connect ports to the rest of the national

RSSB can also help ports to:

network. Yet ports’ traditional expertise lies in the maritime side

• Build a business case for investing in rail facilities through

of operations: container ship facilities, container handling, road

tools to plan and measure sustainability, low-carbon

transport and large cranes, with an emphasis on customs and

investment and socio-economic impact

logistics. Switching from road to rail comes with unique risks, and

• Gather and analyse data to spot emerging risks

the stakes are high. Not managing risks well can lead to Health &

• Keep workers safe and healthy with training

Safety Executive fines, tarnished reputations through bad media

and monitoring, and support their mental well-being

coverage, and dented revenue if ports’ access to the rail network

• Create and use good safety-critical communications.

is blocked. Ports companies also have duty to go as far as they can

Our analysis shows communications are a factor

to protect their employees’ health and safety.

in 20% of rail accidents • Investigate incidents in a way that gets to the heart

So what’s the best way for ports to fill gaps in their expertise and

of what’s causing them

avoid costly mistakes?

• Build a better safety culture that brings lasting changes

Filling the expertise gap

• Validate consultancy work already underway

to how people think and work They can turn to consultancies. But the Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB) offers another option. It’s the independent, trusted and not-

Getting the benefit of safety insight

for-profit rail industry organisation behind the standards that help

The Port of Felixstowe has already had the benefit of RSSB expertise.

make Britain’s railway one of the safest in the world.

By opening a new terminal, the port significantly increased its rail capacity. RSSB specialists assessed how the port managed the risk

We bring together experts in everything from safety risk

of safety incidents.

modelling and human factors to depot design and managing the risk of human error. All this is essential in helping ports plan, develop

We found out how human error was contributing to operational

and run their rail infrastructure in the right way,

incidents, and how the design and operation of the port could

Mark Phillips, Chief Executive, RSSB

be tweaked to reduce the likelihood of these errors. We made recommendations to change systems, and the port asked us to follow up by assessing progress since the initial study. Dan Basacik, Principal Human Factors Specialist


FORWARDER magazine



WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

We’ve introduced a new safety management system and a safety culture programme. We considered which industry to benchmark ourselves against, and rail has many similarities. RSSB can help us

Seeing the links between ports and rail

create a wider safety network outside of our traditional industry

The work showed how transferrable lessons from rail are to ports,

network, which will help us see different perspectives and share and

particularly when it comes to investigating the underlying causes of

learn best practices.

accidents to stop them happening again. We even use the sinking of

Andrew Byrne, MD, DFDS

the Herald of Free Enterprise to show rail audiences how frontline staff as well as wider systems and processes and organisational

Find out more about RSSB Affiliate membership at

culture all play a part in incidents. The science behind safety, health

and human factors cuts across all industries, and lessons from one sector often apply in another. DFDS Seaways Immingham became an RSSB Affiliate in 2020 because it saw how maritime and rail overlap.





TECH & DIGITALISATION Digitalisation: leveraging digitisation to improve business processes.

(Digitisation: converting information from a physical into a digital format. Digital Transformation: the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve problems.) Related topics Robotics Drone technology Cloud data

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17 MARCH 2021

Further information can be found at



omau introduces its RACER-5-0.80 (Racer-5 COBOT), a new paradigm in collaborative robotics which meets the growing demand for fast, cost-effective cobots that can be used in

restricted spaces and in different application areas. Countering the belief that collaborative robots are slow, Racer-5 COBOT is a 6-axis articulated robot that can work at industrial speed up to 6 m/s. With a 5 kg payload and 809 mm reach, it ensures optimal industrial efficiency while granting the added benefit of safe, barrier-free operations. Furthermore, the cobot can instantly switch from a collaborative mode to full speed when operators are not around, letting its 0.03 mm repeatability and advanced movement fluidity deliver unmatched production rates. Racer-5 COBOT enables systems integrators and end users to automate

Our new Racer-5 COBOT delivers the speed and precision the small

even the most sophisticated manufacturing processes without sacrificing

payload collaborative robotics market was missing. We estimate the

speed, precision or collaborative intelligence. With this powerful

global market for compact collaborative robots to reach a 5-year CAGR

industrial robot operating in dual modes, our customers are able to

of up to 45%, which will largely be driven by the global need to reduce

install a single, high-performance solution rather than having to deploy

process complexity and eliminate non-value-added activities. By adding

two distinct robots. With advanced safety features fully certified by

advanced safety features to our top-selling Racer-5 industrial robot, we

TÜV Süd, an independent and globally recognized certification company,

have created a fast, reliable and user-friendly cobot that can be used in

the cobot can be used within any high-performance line without the

any situation where cycle times and accuracy are paramount.

need for protective barriers, which effectively reduces safety costs and

Pietro Ottavis, Chief Technology Officer, Comau

floorspace requirements. Racer-5 COBOT also features integrated LED lighting to provide real-time confirmation of the workcell status. Finally,

Made entirely in Comau (Turin, Italy), Racer-5 COBOT has a rigid

electrical and air connectors are located on the forearm to grant greater

construction that facilitates higher precision and repeatability year

agility and minimize the risk of damage. All this enables Racer-5 COBOT

after year, making it particularly suitable for assembly, material

to ensure higher production quality, better performance, faster cycle

handling, machine tending, dispensing and pick and place applications

times and reduced capital expenditures.

within the automotive, electrification and general industry sectors. In addition, the compact cobot can be easily transported and installed almost anywhere, helping our customers optimize their processes and protect their investment. FORWARDER magazine







EODIS, a leading global logistics provider, has partnered

GEODIS' remotely operated

with Phantom Auto, experts in long-range remote operation

forklift programme contributes

software for unmanned vehicles, to develop a forklift truck

to: (1) reduce injuries and increase

that can be controlled from a distance. This innovative programme is

overall safety in warehouses, (2)

aimed at improving comfort and safety, and creating job opportunities

reduce the number of people

for people with physical disabilities and others that are historically

physically inside warehouses to

under-represented in the logistics industry.

enhance worker comfort,


create new future-proof remote The first successful tests took place in France (Levallois and Le Mans) as

operator jobs that can be carried

part of a multi-year cooperation between GEODIS, Phantom Auto, and

out within a office environment,

Fenwick-Linde1 to create the first remotely operated forklift, capable

(4) hire individuals who may have

of being controlled from thousands of miles away. It is the precursor of

physical disabilities restricting their

a revolution in the nature of work in the logistics industry, expanding opportunity to people from historically underrepresented demographics (e.g. women, people with physical disabilities, geographically-isolated). This cooperation stems from a creative idea from a GEODIS manager and was developed in the framework of the GEODIS internal innovation program. The solution uses a Fenwick forklift combined with Phantom’s secure, network-agnostic, and interoperable remote operation software

use of traditional forklifts, as well as individuals from other historically

to enable remote workers to operate the vehicle, unlocking efficiency

under-represented demographics, (5) recruit from regions outside of

and equipment utilization gains. For example, one remote worker can

where warehouses are located, including areas of higher unemployment.

operate multiple forklifts at a number of warehouses at different times of the day, all from one central location.

Phantom Auto’s technology enables dynamic balancing of workforce allocation, safer warehouses, enhanced worker well-being,

GEODIS remote operators, also referred to as digital drivers, will be

and employment opportunities to those who otherwise could not

able to 'teleport' between different vehicles and between different

physically drive forklifts. This innovation will be of benefit to the wider

warehouses with the click of a button, all from the safety of a distant

community and indicates the future of logistics operations. We believe

office. Phantom’s software provides GEODIS’ remote operators with

that technology should serve people, and that is what this partnership

real-time eyes and ears all around each vehicle, enabling them to safely

with Phantom Auto illustrates.

and confidently guide the vehicles from wherever is convenient.

Stéphanie Hervé, Chief Operating Officer Western Europe, Middle East & Africa, GEODIS


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Phantom is proud to have partnered with GEODIS in Europe in this groundbreaking initiative, which delivers multiple benefits in efficiency and the provision of a safer working environment. Shai Magzimof, Co-Founder, Phantom Auto 1

Fenwick-Linde is the French subsidiary of Linde Material Handling.

Phantom’s remote operation software can help people with physical

Linde Material Handling GmbH, a KION Group company, is a

disabilities not just to get from point A to point B, but also with actual

globally operating manufacturer of forklift trucks and warehouse

employment opportunities, and we are thrilled that GEODIS is using

trucks, and a solutions and service provider for intralogistics. With

our technology for good.

a sales and service network that spans more than 100 countries, the

Elliot Katz, Co-Founder, Phantom Auto

company is represented in all major regions around the world.



Founded in 2017 in Silicon Valley by a team of real-time

GEODIS is a top-rated, global supply chain operator recognized

communication and robotics experts, Phantom Auto specializes

for its commitment to helping clients overcome their logistical

in remote operation of all types of unmanned vehicles with

constraints. GEODIS’ growth-focused offerings (Supply

customers throughout the world. Phantom Auto’s interoperable

Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics,

solution enables people to remotely monitor, assist, and operate

Distribution & Express, and Road Transport) coupled with

fleets of unmanned vehicles from up to thousands of miles

the company’s truly global reach thanks to a direct presence

away – including forklifts, robots, trucks, passenger vehicles,

in 67 countries, and a global network spanning 120 countries,

and more. The company’s proprietary software delivers secure,

translates in top business rankings, #1 in France, #6 in Europe

low-latency communication over volatile wireless networks for

and #7 worldwide. In 2020, GEODIS accounted for over 41,000

reliable sensor streaming and safe control of vehicle functions.

employees globally and generated €8.3 billion in sales.

FORWARDER magazine






utomation Anywhere, a leader in robotic process automation

Through this collaboration, Google Cloud will also integrate

(RPA), and Google Cloud have announced a strategic, multi-year

Automation Anywhere’s RPA capabilities with services such as Apigee,

collaboration to accelerate intelligent automation adoption with

Appsheet, and AI Platform, enabling customers to scale the application

enterprises on a global scale. With this partnership, Automation Anywhere’s

of automation with API management, low- or no-code development, or

Automation 360 platform will be available on Google Cloud, and the two

the development of ML workflows. Automation Anywhere and Google

companies will mutually develop AI- and RPA-powered solutions, bring

Cloud will jointly develop solutions geared toward industry-specific use

RPA capabilities to multiple Google Cloud products, and closely align go-

cases, with a focus on financial services, supply chains, healthcare and

to-market teams to help global businesses scale RPA capabilities.

life sciences, telecommunications, retail, and the public sector.

By partnering with Google Cloud, we can help organizations leverage

Additionally, Automation Anywhere will migrate Automation 360, its

intelligent automation capabilities at a massive, global scale, and dramatically

cloud-native, web-based automation platform to Google Cloud as its

decrease the amount of time that teams spend on their most common,

primary cloud provider, and will become Google Cloud’s preferred RPA

repetitive business tasks. Intelligent Automation can be an important asset

partner. Automation Anywhere solutions will also be available in the

in digital transformation, particularly as global enterprises adapt to a new

Google Cloud Marketplace, making it deployable across cloud, hybrid,

reality of distributed work. We’re delighted to work closely with Google

and on-premises environments, and providing customers with a single

Cloud to support business transformation with cloud and automation.

view and management pane across all assets and environments.

Mihir Shukla, CEO & Co-founder, Automation Anywhere Today, RPA has become an integral part of businesses’ digital transformation According to new research from Automation Anywhere, more than

efforts. ‘Front office’ employees at financial services companies, call centers,

half of businesses plan to increase their investments in automation in

human resources or finance offices, IT centers, and more handle thousands of

the next year, with 67 percent opting to deploy RPA in the cloud in the

manual, repetitive tasks each day, such as invoice processing, lending decisions,

next 12 months, driven in part by the need for remote work solutions

and employee onboarding. In the back office, IT teams and developers spend

amidst the global pandemic. Automation Anywhere has deployed more

time managing APIs, entering data, and ensuring that new, cloud-native

than 2.8 million bots to some of the world’s largest enterprises.

applications can connect with legacy, on-premises systems. RPA, along with machine learning (ML), computer vision, deep learning and analytics can help

As businesses increasingly run in the cloud, RPA provides the means

businesses streamline these processes and better support their employees

to streamline processes across both cloud-native applications and legacy,

with the development of AI-powered software bots capable of managing an

on-premises systems - ultimately helping employees spend less time on

infinite number of tedious front-and-back office tasks.

repetitive tasks and more time supporting business-critical projects. We are proud to partner with Automation Anywhere to help businesses

Automation Anywhere on Google Cloud will be generally available

quickly deploy and scale RPA capabilities on Google Cloud, and to address

beginning in May 2021.

business challenges with solutions specially designed for industries. Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud


FORWARDER magazine


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Siemens Healthineers confirms increased efficiency in the handling of dangerous goods transports. Heiko Ansorge, Head of Supply Chain Solutions for the Service Business at Siemens Healthineers, emphasizes that the company has been able to achieve noticeably faster, more

or many companies, entering the world of digitalization is still

secure and more transparent processes thanks to INFr8.

Using the

costly and complex. The INFr8 dangerous goods platform

web-based platform, we have the certainty that in case of an input error

makes it quick and inexpensive, whether using the web interface

on a dangerous goods document, the authorized partners at the airport

or opting for EDI communication. For example, the Geis Group, based

can change it on the platform without having to go through lots of

in Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt, digitalized the registration of dangerous

formalities, thus ensuring the timely departure of our urgently-needed

goods for its customer Siemens Healthineers within a few weeks with

spare parts on the way to the customer.

the support of the IT service provider DAKOSY. Looking ahead to the next few months, Geis, Siemens Healthineers Our challenge was that we needed a really efficient digital solution for

and all other users of the platform can expect further innovations.

Siemens Healthineers' registration of dangerous goods – and we needed

DAKOSY, provider and operator of INFr8, plans to integrate the

it fast. DAKOSY presented its dangerous goods platform to us, featuring

automated generation of dangerous goods accompanying documents

the alternative usage variants EDI and web. An interface programming

for maritime transport (IMO) and road and rail transport (ADR and

with subsequent testing would have been too time-consuming. We were

RID) by the end of the year.

able to start with the web solution quickly,

says Jochen Maul, Manager

of Logistics, explaining the decision-making process, and continues: INFr8 now supports us with very good features, thanks to which we have been able to greatly reduce documentation errors and to minimize the data entry work for dangerous goods declarations. The features include the integration of the IATA database, which validates the corresponding dangerous goods data when the UN number is entered, as well as an option to store master data, and also the so-called ‘snippets’, behind which individual text elements, such as emergency contact numbers, are hidden. Mr. Maul also points out that the digitalized dangerous goods declaration can be used to automatically generate and print out the shipping label and the accompanying ADR document - including the calculation of tunnel codes and dangerous goods points. Both these functions have become indispensable, and have decisively contributed to the optimization of processes. 3 MARCH 2021







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FORWARDER magazine







any logistics businesses are failing to keep their workforce

Only when used correctly and consistently can digital solutions make

at the heart of their digital transformations, leading to

a tangible difference to business operations and outcomes. So while

employee dissatisfaction and hindering the success of

it’s vital to get the C-Suite on board in order to secure funding for

digitalisation initiatives, new research has found.

exciting new technology in the first place, it’s equally as important that those who will be using the technology day-to-day are convinced of its

Only 37% of the sector’s employees react positively to the

benefits. In order to ensure optimum return on investment, businesses

implementation of new technology, and just 8% appreciate the benefits

should always take a collaborative approach, explaining to employees

of new technologies, according to the Connected Enterprise report,

the reasons behind any new digital technologies and providing as much

produced by digital transformation specialist Nexer in partnership with

support as needed for them to feel comfortable using them.

applied futurist Tom Cheesewright.

Colin Crow, Managing Director, Nexer

The report also shows that 29% of logistics businesses find their that

According to the research, only 9% of logistics businesses’ employees

employees are reluctant to embrace new technologies, and 17% of

tell them that business technology improves their day-to-day life.

business leaders would like to implement more technology but worry

Furthermore, 17% said that they regularly receive complaints from

that they will face resistance from employees.

employees following the implementation of new technology.

The research suggests that a lack of adequate consultation and education

It’s important to bear in mind that while digital transformation

prior to the implementation of new business technologies may be behind

makes companies more profitable, enhances the customer experience

employees’ negative reactions.

and enables them to keep up with competitors, it should also always improve the employee experience. If a new technology will not ultimately

Tellingly, less than a third (29%) of businesses in the logistics industry said

make the daily responsibilities of employees simpler or more efficient –

that their workforce finds it easy to learn how to use new technologies,

following the appropriate training – then it is not the right technology

while 57% said that some or many of their employees find it a struggle.

for that business, and will likely not be a success in the long term.


productivity. Working with businesses in the manufacturing, field service,

Nexer is a leading digital transformation expert, specialising in

wholesale distribution, construction, retail and fashion industries, its

Microsoft Dynamics. It advises, implements, develops, and manages

leading product lines include Microsoft Dynamics 365, Internet of Things,

Microsoft Dynamics applications, alongside other technologies, to help

AI, Business Intelligence, Connected Field Service, the Smart Office and

clients strengthen their market position, grow revenue, and improve

Smart Retail. For more information, visit


FORWARDER magazine






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SA Global, a digital supply and freight forwarding company

Going live with ClickRF is an important milestone of RSA Global’s

based in the UAE, has launched the digital freight platform

digital transformation aiming at digitizing 100% of our customers’

ClickRF (Click for your Road Freight). ClickRF is a digital

interactions with us. ClickRF complements our digital Click Eco-System

marketplace for all road freight services across the UAE and GCC

comprising ClickSC (freight management system) which will also go

region providing shippers and transporters with an aggregator service

live soon, ClickRF and ClickWM (warehouse management system). All

for fast, convenient, and transparent transport solutions. The platform

these systems are supported by RiA and simplify and accelerate our

is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and RSA Global’s voice-enabled

customers’ supply chains significantly.

intelligent assistant RiA. Being the first of its kind in the region, RiA

Karthikeyan Hariharan, Chief Operating Officer, RSA Global

carries out administrative tasks on behalf of ClickRF’s users saving them For ClickRF demo enquiries, please visit

time and effort.

For more information and questions about the platform, please contact Through ClickRF shippers can inquire rates for any land lane within

us here:

the UAE and GCC region, compare and negotiate offered rates, book shipments, instantly track and trace them, perform online payments, and receive e-invoices, amongst others. In turn, transport providers can


bid and adjust rates for requested lanes, manage orders, manage their

RSA Global is a freight forwarding and supply chain solutions

drivers & fleet, receive online payments, and continuously optimize their

company headquartered out of the UAE. Its focus is to

operational processes by utilizing the system’s smart data. All steps are

provide the emerging markets of the Middle East, Africa,

facilitated via a transparent real time communication between the supply

and India with seamless access to the world. The key to RSA

chain stakeholders through the single window interface WhatsApp.

Global’s success is the combination of cutting-edge frontend technology and a deep operational expertise adding true

We are extremely excited about the launch of ClickRF. While ClickRF

value to its customers’ businesses.

solves major pain points of shippers and transporters at the click of a button such as low supply chain efficiency, increasing costs and lacking

With 550 people working in over 25 facilities across the UAE,

transparency, the platform’s unique feature is RiA. A first of its kind IVA

Kenya, India and China, RSA has the right set-up in place to

(interactive virtual assistant) that is built on a groundbreaking platform

deliver the world’s products to the consumers in its targeted

of AI, ML and NLP. UAE is just the first market; we will be taking this

emerging markets at the click of a button. RSA Global caters

across our entire network soon.

to a wide customer base from different key industries including

Abhishek Shah, CEO & Co-Founder, RSA Global

eCommerce, F&B, Petrochemicals and Chemicals, Automotive, FMCG and Oil & Gas industry.


FORWARDER magazine


Our people ...not ‘planes, ships or trucks...





Where time is of the

Where cost, not time, is of

Where the focus

essence, we certainly

the essence, we again

is Europe, we still

speak your language.

speak your language.

speak your language.

Download the new app

Just search for

Aspen Freight

for iOS, on the App Store.

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...Android version coming soon.

+44 (0)20 3918 0500 FORWARDER magazine 1 Meadlake Place • Thorpe Lea Road • Egham • Surrey • TW20 8BF





odern technologies have now permeated logistics,

Machine learning tools can dig into the collected data to discover

freight, and transport, like many other industries. The

trends, patterns, and other anomalies. They do this while the

result is FreightTech, or rather ‘freight technology’,

operation is still active, and with incredible precision. It means an

which is an offshoot of similarly industrial technologies. The

operation can continue moving forward at lightspeed while gaining

difference is that these are tailored for logistics. The list includes

valuable insights from the AI systems. Data-backed decisions are

the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud computing, machine

much more informed, accurate, and successful.

learning, real-time data systems, advanced GPS, and more. One study found that up to 98% of third-party logistics providers, Many of these technologies are churning up the waters in the

or 3PLs, and 93% of shippers believe data-driven decision-making is

transportation industry, and with good reason. Through the

essential to the future of the supply chain. It ties back into real-time

collection and application of real-time data solutions mixed with

operations, because data-driven decisions are not just possible, but

advanced analytics, the logistics industry will see monumental change.

also fast and responsive thanks to the constant collection of data.

Which technologies are evolving freight and transportation, and

Optimized processes

what does that mean for the future?

Through increased transparency and more readable information, logistics and freight processes can be enhanced considerably. Data

Real-time operations

solutions can help optimise network routes, discern faster delivery

Traditionally, logistics was a paper-heavy industry, so it has

and exchange times, forecast equipment services, and even enable

significantly benefited from the move to digital solutions. What big

preventive fleet maintenance.

data and advanced analytics have also opened the door to, however, are real-time operations. Administrators and fleet managers can

By equipping a truck with IoT sensors, for example, nuanced

make decisions, on-the-fly and deliver remote commands with the

performance data can be collected. That information can be

help of accurate and up-to-date information.

trawled to find patterns or details about the inner workings of the equipment. Maybe the system has learned to identify a potential

They can direct the fleet to avoid developing weather problems, find

breakdown thanks to a decrease in engine performance or mileage.

new routes around heavy traffic, and send out alerts for accidents

That allows managers to take action before there are major delays

or major traffic events. Each vehicle can be monitored, also in

in the operation.

real-time, to estimate delivery times or provide support. If a truck breaks down, for example, managers know exactly when and where

Those same IoT sensors can be attached to goods to inform

to find them to offer support.

decisions about a trip. Alerts might detail a temperature drop or increase that could prove disastrous. They might be able to measure

Data-driven decision-making

impact or pressure, alerting drivers when there’s too much strain on

While real-time solutions will play a key role in the future of

transported goods, reducing damage during transit. Ultimately, the

logistics and freight, big data and data-driven operations are

technology boosts transparency and allows for optimised reactions

equally important. They are similar, but they’re not the same thing,

to the environment and beyond.

especially when machine learning and AI come into the picture.


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

a problem is discovered after the produce has already shipped, they can track the goods all the way to store shelves to remove


them before consumer safety is compromised. This changes freight

Fleet managers cannot remain at a control base for all hours of the

completely, allowing for in-the-moment decisions and reactions to

day and night. Yet, there are drivers on the road 24/7. This presents

the entire supply system.

a rather unique conundrum where fleet support must always be on, even without the resources to do so. Advanced freight software,

Overall security also benefits from the increase in transparency.

powered by data analytics and AI, can provide the solution.

The goods can be measured and tracked along every stage of the supply chain, eliminating the potential for swapped or counterfeit

Using big data to inform reactions and commands, machine learning

goods. If they are stolen, it’s much easier to identify the party or

tools can provide drivers with the necessary support they need

parties involved.

while managers are away. Imagine Alexa or Siri, tailored to logistics operations, and in a much more intelligent way. A smart system can

FreightTech and Advanced Freight Software Solutions Are the

handle all manager-specific tasks — like phoning in roadside assistance

Future of the Industry

or finding more optimised routes — without a human present. Through data-driven processes and solutions, freight technology is Driverless vehicles can also be empowered by these advanced

creating an entirely new field. Data-driven decision-making is now

solutions, as they’re fed commands and updates while out in the field.

possible, in real-time, along with advanced automation, to help boost productivity and accuracy.

Security & transparency Blockchain is an emerging and revolutionary technology that’s just

Additional technologies such as blockchain enhance security and

starting to make waves in the logistics industry. In particular, it

transparency, empowering things we’ve never seen before, like the

improves security and productivity by creating a more open and

option to remove contaminated goods from any point in the supply

transparent operation.

chain. Simply put, FreightTech is the future, and the industry already realizes the benefits of these advanced solutions.

Walmart began using blockchain, alongside its suppliers, to eliminate foodborne illness events and track fresh produce, like lettuce. If

Emily Newton, Editor-in-Chief, Revolutionized






Building apps for the freight industry

We create tailor-made apps for freight and logistics companies, so you can communicate better with your customers and clients.

Increase your visibility to your clients and customers

Increase customer loyalty and engagement

Take bookings and orders directly from your app

Market your company more directly, saving money

Provide your customers with a social platform

Maximise your value to your customers

Build brand recognition

Stand out from the crowd

Some of the benefits of FreightApp 86

FORWARDER magazine


Some of the functions Company profile Easy access to your company overview.

Employee directory Showcase the brains behind your business and have a searchable directory with profiles for each of your staff members.

Quote request

Allow your customers to request a quotation directly from the app.


A simple and user-friendly contact form to handle any customer enquiries.

Company news

The perfect feature for keeping your customers updated with latest news and posts.


Air freight? Sea freight? Include all your company services.

Get in touch with the team today...

Track & trace

Track your shipment’s location and delivery with your chosen third-party platform intergrated with your app.

Capacity & return loads

List your capacity / return loads with real-time notifications directly to your customer mobile devices.

Job section

Recruitment platform on which companies can post their latest vacancies. Candidates can apply directly from the app.

Booking form

Make it easy for clients to get in touch with their requirements directly from the app.

Push notifications

Schedule your notifications to be sent at specific times or send geofenced notifications to your clients based on their location.

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EXHIBITIONS & EVENTS Opportunities to network and promote your services. Related topics Conferences Expositions Networking

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15 MARCH 2021




rigade Electronics is pleased to be involved in the first Hillhead

Brigade’s Backsense® obstacle detection system, remains one of the

digital event at the end of March. As road safety experts, who

most affordable, yet reliable products on the market. Backsense® radar

play an active part in advising legislators and government, Brigade

uses Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology,

helps operators to understand legislation and safety system compliance

transmitting a continuously varying radar frequency signal with unique

including FORS, CLOCS, DVS and Van Excellence. The conference will

time stamps to each instance of the wave. This gives more accurate

feature over 50 free-to-attend seminars and panel sessions.

detection than alternative radar products using Pulsed Radar technology. The programmable detection beam can be set from 2m to 10m width

In addition, Brigade will have a virtual booth to promote a full suite

and 3m to 30m length. Bespoke detection areas can be programmed to

of vehicle safety systems, including its Elite and Heavy Duty range of

calibrate-out fixed objects or bodywork.

camera monitor systems, radar detection systems, and digital recording and reversing alarms. Staff will be available to answer questions via live

To complement Backsense, Brigade’s Object Detection On-Screen

chat, Zoom or email.

Display (OSD), works in conjunction to warn the driver of obstacles in the danger zone. The system overlays 5-stage audible and visual radar

New to Hillhead, Brigade will be launching ZoneSafe, Radio Frequency

data onto the camera image on the monitor. This reduces driver stress

Identification (RFID) technology, which creates detection zones around

and distractions by providing all information in one place.

vehicles and mobile plant. Vehicle-mounted antennas detect RFID tags which can be worn by workers, placed on objects or positioned within

Brigade’s BRIDGE is a fully managed service for 4G enabled digital

restricted areas. When a ZoneSafe tag enters a detection zone, the

recording systems that means operators do not have to set up and

vehicle operator will automatically receive a visual and audible alert via

maintain their own servers or manage SIMs and mobile data. Brigade’s

the in-cab control unit which will enable them to take action. A vibrating

digital recording (MDR) systems capture footage from up to eight

tag will also warn a detected worker of an approaching vehicle. ZoneSafe

vehicle-mounted cameras.

RFID technology does not require line-of-sight and tags will be detected regardless of obstructions, blind spots, adverse weather or poor visibility.

Brigade has a carefully chosen network of service partners (BSPs) who supply product, installation and support to Brigade’s customers across

Brigade will also be promoting the new generation Backeye®360,

the UK. This is ideal for large fleets or those who operate at multiple

BN360-300, a high definition four-camera system designed to

sites. The Brigade Service Partner Network also provides support or

eliminate blind spots and assist low-speed manoeuvring by providing

back to base, onsite and warranty work to keep vehicles on the road.

a complete real-time surround view of the vehicle in the driver’s monitor. The Backeye®360 provides flexible calibration options for

To register for Hillhead digital visit

almost any application with an even clearer picture for better clarity

or visit Brigade for more information

and customisable views for individual vehicle requirements. FORWARDER magazine





WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at



his May, 2000 supply chain, logistics and technology executives

months. Combining specific case studies and interviews with live,

will be logging in to join Reuters Events Supply Chain Europe

Q&A panel discussions and - new for this year - a series of interactive

2021 (19-20 May, Online) and explore how best to execute a

workshops and roundtables, Supply Chain Europe will deliver the

digitally collaborative, valued-based and customer centric supply chain.

connectivity and learnings that supply chain leaders have been starved of.

This year’s edition of the leading supply chain event for the European flexibility that supply chains must embrace, now. No matter the industry,

Discussion pillars that are the driving force behind this year’s agenda:

strengthening operations against risks and for customer demands is

• Positioning supply chain as the driving force in your business

critical, creating the backbone for a sustainable and digital future for

• Digitally enabled visibility to maximize supply chain resilience


• Crucial strengthening of supplier and partner relationships to

market, focuses on the crucial transformations and increases in

protect business continuity The event will feature the expert, industry leading insights of a stellar speaker line-up including, David Boulanger, CSCO, Arla Foods, Linzell Harris, SVP Global Supply Chain, AstraZeneca, Karen Reddington,

• Delivering empirical successes of sustainable supply chain excellence • Technology innovations to power supply chain performance

President, FedEx Express Europe, Ewan Andrew, President, Global Supply & Procurement and Chief Sustainability Officer, Diageo, Jennifer

Click here for a full breakdown of the agenda and speaker lineup plus

Han, Head of Supply Chain – Food and Refreshments, Unilever and Paul

details on how to secure your place at Supply Chain Europe 2021

Campbell, SVP Supply Chain Europe, PepsiCo. Why you must join this crucial supply chain event

ABOUT REUTERS EVENTS Grown through endeavour… powered by results

Supply Chain Europe 2021 has been created to provide the industry with the crucial information and connections that are needed to bring

Operating from a single central London base, Reuters Events is

strategies to life. This has been sorely absent over the past twelve

now one of the largest and fastest growing events companies anywhere in the world. Reuters Events serves a diverse range of industries and places a focus on the challenges and opportunities resulting from technological and strategic innovation.


FORWARDER magazine


ABOUT SUPPLY CHAIN EUROPE 2021 Investing in your supply chain is key to executing a digitally

However, despite the impressive efforts to respond quickly, there

collaborative, value-based and customer centric operation. Reuters

are still huge amounts optimization and reconfiguration needed. Old

Events is bringing together the best supply chain leaders and specific

fashioned, linear supply chain models that lack a digital structure

subject matter experts that you need to hear from - and connect

do not provide the required flexibility of operations and are not

with - to deliver a successful evolution of your supply chain.

sustainable for the future. They will place your business at increased risk from impacts and shocks. A reanalysis of your partner network,

Given the extraordinary events set in motion by the ongoing global

digital processes and delivery capabilities is now critical.

pandemic, historical supply chain and logistics models have been forced to adapt fast to ensure companies can still rely on them to

Supply Chain Europe Virtual 2021 is the only place to set yourselves

deliver for their customers.

up to thrive through 2021. Bringing together retailers, manufacturers, logistics and technology leaders, the entire suite of executives will provide a 360-degree view of how to maximize your network and operations, eradicate silos and deliver a flexible and sustainable supply chain future.

FORWARDER magazine







eli BioThermal, the global name in temperature controlled

The latest award adds to the tally of accolades Peli BioThermal has

packaging, was announced as winner of the Best Temperature

won worldwide for its outstanding services and industry leading

Control Packaging Provider - Passive category at the annual

product portfolio.

Asia-Pacific Bioprocessing Excellence Awards 2021. Visit to learn more about the wide range of

For the third year running Peli BioThermal successfully scooped an

Peli BioThermal products and offerings.

accolade at the prestigious awards event, which celebrates industry leaders and trend-setters in the biopharma sector.

Peli BioThermal is a division of Peli Products SLU, which is the European arm of Pelican Products, Inc., which is a portfolio company

As the company continues to expand its infrastructure and operations

of Behrman Capital, a private equity investment firm based in New

in Asia, Peli BioThermal celebrated its third triumph at the coveted

York and San Francisco.

ceremony, which recognises excellence within the biologics sector. The company won the award for its innovative, high-performing passive packaging serving the biopharma industry.

ABOUT PELI BIOTHERMAL Peli BioThermal Ltd. offers the widest range of temperature

We are honoured and delighted to win this third award in

controlled packaging and service solutions to the global life sciences

succession is a fantastic achievement. It is amazing to win an award

industry. The company is the recipient of two Queen’s Awards for

for our outstanding passive packaging products, repeating our previous

Enterprise: International Trade in 2018 and Innovation in 2017. The

success in 2019 when we also won this award category. As the company

company’s products ensure that delicate biological materials arrive

expands its presence in Asia we are excited to accept this latest award

intact and effective, despite exterior environments. Peli BioThermal

which recognises our ongoing commitment to delivering excellence and

is dedicated to developing innovative products designed to fulfil the

innovation to the biologics sector in Asia and the rest of the world.

complex needs of the global life sciences industry. The company’s

Benson Teo, Senior Director of Sales, Asia, Peli BioThermal

customers benefit from its extensive expertise in ensuring that temperature stability is maintained throughout the distribution

The award was presented virtually at the 5th Annual Asia-Pacific

chain. The company also offers a complete portfolio of services and

Bioprocessing Excellence Awards 2021 ceremony on 17th March 2021,

software to support end-to-end temperature-controlled packaging

which was attended by more than 500 representatives from Asia’s

asset management. Outside of Europe, the company does business

leading biologistics businesses.

under the name Pelican BioThermal LLC. For more information, visit


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


Our Meeting Manager system allowed the delegates to schedule dedicated time with their fellow agents, in order to strengthen their relationships and pursue business. We were really pleased to see so many members attend; not only were they able to re-connect with

iven the Global Pandemic’s affect on travel, online meetings

one another, but the feedback we’ve had shows that business has come

have become the next best way for Freight Forwarders to

about as a result of their discussions.

connect and discuss business.

Jess Baker, Group Operations Manager, Specialist Freight Networks

Kelly Bunyan is the Owner and Managing Director of a group of

One network member stated:

I'm loving it... these meetings (the only

successful freight networks, headquartered in London, UK: World

option at the moment to have ‘contact’) are re-charging my batteries!

Freight Network (WFN), Specialist Freight Networks (SFN) and International Freight Network (IFN).

Another commented:

It is so nice to see old and new friends, to see

that they are well and with their companies running well even during Kelly and her team recently ran successful online meetings for all 3

this pandemic situation. It’s a pleasure to be part of this big family and

networks in the group, providing the platform for network members

just I wait for the next conference in any part of the world. It doesn’t

to book 1-to-1 appointments in advance, with their network partners.

matter where, if the partners are there.

Kelly told us:

Kelly concluded,

I’ve been running freight conferences for many years

The meeting was a huge success and I commend

now, and I know that our members are sorely missing the annual events.

our members for their hard work. Forwarders are very resilient and

It’s not only the best way for them to connect with their partners and

adaptable and by sticking together, we are continuing to thrive, even in

establish business, but it’s very much a ‘family reunion’, too, with lots

difficult times.

of fun and laughter. Building those friendly and trusting relationships is good for business! I therefore decided that the next best thing was to provide my members with the opportunity to meet virtually. The meetings were run for the members free of charge, as a thank you for their ongoing support.









he UK and Ireland’s premier supply chain event will include

New initiatives will include a bespoke match-making service connecting

three days of seminars and an awards ceremony on the 19th

shippers to each other and to exhibitors.

of October A dedicated Freight Forwarders Village is designed as a marketplace to

London, UK, Wednesday 3rd March 2021: The Multimodal 2021 team

showcase products and services in a cost-effective way.

has committed to new October dates for the free -to-attend networking and learning show at the Birmingham NEC, now in its 14th year.

Nominations for the Multimodal Awards voted categories, which recognise excellence in air, road, rail, maritime, and freight forwarding

The event brings logistics buyers together with supply chain innovators

services are open.

at an exhibition that will also include a programme of seminars and panel debates covering the latest industry trends.

A new tech category is being launched this month.

The annual Multimodal Awards evening will take place at the VOX

The categories are voted for by the thousands of readers of the

Birmingham, UK on the 19th of October, hosted by football legend

Multimodal Newsletter and exhibitors and visitors to Multimodal.

Kevin Keegan. Entries for the three judged Awards, the Ship per of the Year Award, We have been building the Multimodal supply chain community since 2008, and after such a difficult few months, we are looking forward

the Sustainability Award and the Young Logistics Professional of the Year Award are also open.

to hosting the industry once again We have used the time that we could not meet in person to develop new ideas and have continued

Key vertical sectors attending include manufacturing, retail, agribusiness,

to provide networking and learning opportunities with the launch of a

chemical, automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, fast moving

series of digital webinars hosted on an App platform that enables live

consumer goods, food and drink, fashion, recycling, and construction.

questions and 1-2-1 video chat. The App, called Swapcard, promotes making connections and we will continue to use it to support more

As well as the Multimodal Awards, the Multimodal Mixer, sponsored

networking and discussion at the live event this autumn.

by Forth Ports, on the 20th of October will provide a relaxed

Robert Jervis, Logistics Portfolio Director, Clarion Events

networking opportunity.

Multimodal 2021, which represents every logistics sector under one roof,

To nominate a speaker, enter and award, or find out more about

will include an exhibition, a learning programme and networking events.

the exhibition visit


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Host sponsor


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Documented permission to pass that a national customs authority grants to imported/exported goods so that they can enter/leave the country. Related topics Bonded warehousing Customs brokerage Duties & taxes

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96 96 FORWARDER magazine


24 MARCH 2021




lobal freight transportation specialist Dimerco has commenced

We are proud to be leading the market in providing best-in-class

operations at Indonesia’s first and only eCommerce Bonded

eCommerce fulfilment services in Indonesia. Dimerco is the only

Logistics Center (BLC). The 10,000+ sq m bonded warehouse is

logistics company licensed to handle eCommerce cargo in this region

the first of its kind in the region and will provide an integrated, multimodal

and our vision is to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ solution at this first

transport service to customers and deliver significant benefits, including

bonded logistics center.

faster eCommerce fulfilment and reduced costs.

Jeffrey Shih, Chief Executive Management, Dimerco

The new facility utilizes eCommerce+ for rapid clearance and manages

Dimerco will be able to move goods faster than standard B2C

domestic deliveries, typically with a lead time of 1-3 days, compared to

eCommerce operations as they will already be in the BLC warehouse

direct B2C deliveries where standard lead time is up to 14 days. In a

ready for local delivery, while fully automated processes ensure

bonded warehouse such as Dimerco’s BLC, B2B2C shipments achieve

maximum efficiency and keep costs low. The BLC operation, which

faster customs clearance and there is no requirement to pay duty and

commenced since August, 2019, has now a potential throughput of over

tax in advance, which is a major cash-flow advantage for customers.

150,000 units per day and is operated with the support of Dimerco’s local strategic partner (Uniair Cargo). Dimerco has over 30 years’ experience operating in Indonesia and a strategic partner with a domestic network in including over 100 branches and agents, delivering to more than 3,000 districts and destinations.

FORWARDER magazine







escartes Systems Group, the global leader in uniting logistics-

Descartes’ e-Customs is a solution for submitting customs declarations

intensive businesses in commerce, announced that CPG

to HMRC’s Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF)

Logistics Ltd, a long-established logistics services provider in

service and the new Customs Declaration Service (CDS) required for

the UK, is using Descartes’ e-Customs solution to help its customers

trade with Northern Ireland. As a cloud-based solution, vital customs

comply with post-Brexit customs requirements, including preparation

and shipping data is secure and continuously accessible. E-Customs is

for further Brexit changes that are coming July 1.

part of Descartes’ extensive portfolio for Customs and Regulatory Compliance for global trade which includes customs and security filing

Established in 1991, CPG Logistics operates from the UK supporting a

for many countries across the globe, product classification and duty

broad range of companies, many of which operate within highly regulated

determination and restricted party screening.

industries. In order to support its clients in successfully navigating postBrexit customs complexities, CPG Logistics started its preparation in

We’re proud to be supporting CPG Logistics as it continues to

2018, gaining its Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status for its

strengthen its capabilities post-Brexit. However, the lesson for those

custom bonded warehouse and then deploying Descartes’ e-Customs

who, unlike CPG Logistics, have not prepared is that they need to

to cope with the increase in demand for customs declarations.

implement a customs filing solution now to minimize the impact of enforcement at year end.

CPG Logistics is benefitting as an early adopter of technology for Brexit.

Pol Sweeney, VP Sales UK & Ireland, Descartes

Results of recent research - Beyond Brexit - The Realities of Brexit for UK-EU Cross Border Trade by Descartes shows that companies like CPG that prepared early have successfully made it through the


transition. However, the study also revealed that 33% of British traders

Descartes is the global leader in providing on-demand, software-

still do not have a solution. The recent delay in security filing and rolling

as-a-service solutions focused on improving the productivity,

deferment of customs declarations for imports gives unprepared traders

performance and security of logistics-intensive businesses.

more time, but the lesson learned is that they need to act now.

Customers use our modular, software-as-a-service solutions to route, schedule, track and measure delivery resources; plan,

It was absolutely crucial for us to start preparing for Brexit ahead

allocate and execute shipments; rate, audit and pay transportation

of 31st January 2021 to minimise business disruption. Despite so much

invoices; access global trade data; file customs and security

uncertainty caused by Brexit, the support we have received from the

documents for imports and exports; and complete numerous

Descartes team and the ease in which the e-Customs solution has been

other logistics processes by participating in the world's largest,

able to integrate with our current SAP system has been world-class.

collaborative multimodal logistics community. Our headquarters

Richard Lord, CEO, CPG Logistics

are in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and we have offices and partners around the world. Learn more at


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Organisations and bodies that provide essential support to the freight and logistics industries. Related topics Warehousing Insurance & legal Vehicles & equipment

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he World Logistics Passport (WLP), a unique loyalty program

The MoU was signed by His Excellency Francisco Bustillo, Minister

established to increase trading opportunities between

of Foreign Relations of Uruguay and His Excellency Sultan Ahmed

emerging markets, is expanding in South America – with

Bin Sulayem, Chairman of Dubai's Ports, Customs and Free Zone

Uruguay’s Ministry of Foreign Relations today signing a Memorandum

Corporation (PCFC), signaling a clear commitment from the government

of Understanding (MoU).

of Uruguay to grow the country’s trade volumes. Minister Bustillo commented:

We understand that the signing of this Memorandum

More than 10 countries are now part of the major policy initiative

of Understanding contributes to the formation of relevant business

– trading nations include India, South Africa and Indonesia, amongst

alliances for the international economic insertion of Uruguay and, above

others. In addition, major multinational corporations including UPS,

all, capitalizes on the credentials and prestige that our country has

Pfizer, Sony, Johnson & Johnson, and LG are also engaged with the WLP.

garnered internationally. It is also positive in as much as it facilitates the transit of goods, favoring a possible reduction in freight costs, which

As one of the first South American countries to engage in the program,

if it happens, could favor our export sector and the entire economy.

today’s announcement follows the registration of Montevideo Free

In addition, this memorandum of understanding will provide a constant

Airport and solidifies the country’s standing in the WLP.

exchange of knowledge and commercial experiences, which will be extremely beneficial for public and private agents.

Uruguay’s location offers the WLP a connection to targeted gateway countries including Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile. The region will also benefit

Since its launch, the World Logistics Passport has been welcomed by

significantly from the infrastructure and logistics expertise of Dubai-based

governments and business around the world for the numerous benefits

WLP partners, such as DP World and Emirates Skycargo, who will play an

it delivers to local economies, traders and homegrown business. Our

important role in advancing Uruguay’s trade with the rest of the world.

rapid and continued inclusion of new members and partners underscores the importance of increasing trading opportunities between emerging


markets. We now stand together in a club of 11 trading nations

The WLP is a unique loyalty program which overcomes non-

and reimagine how goods and services move around the world.

tariff trade barriers by incentivizing increased trade through

Mike Bhaskaran, CEO, World Logistics Passport

demonstrating how it is possible to build a resilient trade ecosystem

more efficient and cheaper trade processes. Traders and freight forwarders get increased benefits the more they trade through

The WLP creates opportunities for businesses around the world to

member hubs. The benefits include cost and time savings, and

improve existing trading routes, and develop new ones, through the

faster customs clearances. Unlocking these benefits allows

world’s first logistics loyalty program for freight forwarders and traders.

nations and regions to gain access to new markets, diversify

It overcomes non-tariff trade barriers by incentivizing increased trade

trade in existing products and increase market shares in key

through more efficient and cheaper trade processes.

export products in developing economies.

FORWARDER magazine







hile 2020 saw a record slump in new car sales in the UK*, strong demand for the international movement of classic and super cars has given Rhenus UK’s newly

established Full Vehicle Logistics (FVL) business a major boost. In its first six months of operations alone, the finished vehicle logistics service transported 86 high performance cars, worth more than EUR 100,000,000 in total. Utilising a mixture of air, sea and road transportation, the new highly specialised FVL solution from Rhenus provides a bespoke logistics service to discerning car enthusiasts, dealers and OEMs. The majority of the shipments by Rhenus FVL over its first six months of operations have concerned the export of new or classic cars from the UK to either the Far East or mainland Europe. These shipments were completed through a mixture of road, air and ocean transport solutions, with the choice of transport being decided based on the specific needs of the customer. Rhenus has a proven track record supporting automotive OEMs through a range of transportation services for finished vehicles, vehicle parts and sub-assembly projects – all underpinned by its extensive European network. With the introduction of Full Vehicle Logistics, it has increased its capabilities to work on additional specialist automotive movements, from transporting one-of-a-kind prototypes through to managing full customs clearance for individual vehicle shipments across the globe. Aimed at car enthusiasts, specialist dealerships and manufacturers, the FVL service has been even more successful than expected for Rhenus UK.


FORWARDER magazine


ABOUT RHENUS The Rhenus Group is a leading logistics service provider with global business operations and an annual turnover of EUR 5.5

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

billion. Rhenus has business sites at 750 locations worldwide and employs 33,000 people. The Rhenus Group provides solutions for a wide variety of different sectors along the complete supply chain; they include multimodal transport operations, warehousing, customs clearance as well as innovative value-added services.

Despite the headwinds of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global recession and now Brexit, we’ve seen strong demand for our new specialist service. Our proven capability within the automotive sector, coupled with our focus on quality and communication at all stages has evidently hit the right mark with discerning supercar and classic car owners. To lessen the impact of Brexit on the automotive industry, the Rhenus joint-venture, Cuxport, located in Northern Germany’s Cuxhaven, has implemented optimised customs processes, leading to a significant increase in EU/UK-vehicles being handled through the port. This increase has since produced an extended, now daily shipping schedule between Immingham and Cuxhaven for European markets and has paved the way for a significant business award. Spencer Davern, Air & Ocean Director, Rhenus UK Rhenus UK’s success bucks the otherwise gloomy trend in the UK car market, which saw sales in 2020 fall to a level not seen since 1992. However, luxury car makers have reported remarkable resilience, boosted by strong sales in China and the Far East. The launch of Full Vehicle Logistics has allowed Rhenus to further expand its automotive offering and focus on the movement of complete cars via air, ocean or road. With Brexit now a reality, Rhenus believes there is a benefit to businesses keeping their transportation needs under one roof, with a provider that can deliver complete support from start to finish, including customs clearance.



FORWARDER magazine







he latest version of the RHA conditions of carriage (2020)*

A further issue clarified in the 2020 conditions is connected to liabilities

were released last year, effective 1 September. TT highlights

for loading and unloading cargo from a vehicle. Clause 4 now states that

changes to three clauses in particular: protecting carriers’

unless otherwise agreed in writing, responsibility for loading cargo onto

obligations if delays in transit result from the customer’s omission,

the vehicle and the unloading of the cargo at the consignee, rests with

clarifying the issue of liabilities for loading and unloading cargo from the

the customer. Further, the customer is also required to indemnify the

vehicle, and providing a useful definition of ‘commencement of transit’

carrier from and against all and any loss, damage, death or injury that

with its implications on liability in the event of damage or loss prior to

might arise during such operations.

that point. Yarwood goes on to profile another clause that has been altered, Although relatively small, these changes can have significant impact

TT has recently been active in reporting the increase in theft from

on the liabilities sustained by carriers under certain circumstances,”

warehouse premises, a consequence primarily of pandemic related

says TT Club’s Mike Yarwood. “Since Brexit, for example, there have

backlogs and delays. This includes from loaded trailers awaiting

been a number of occasions of hauliers arriving at UK ports seeking to

departure. In this regard, Clause 7 of the new conditions sees a

cross the EU border without the necessary documentation or permits.

material change to the definition of commencement of transit. This is

Documentary errors, potentially by the customer, cause delay, which

defined as after the consignment has left the premises from where the

if perishable cargoes are involved can result in extensive losses. Under

consignment is collected.

clause 5 (4) of the new conditions, a carrier has the right to suspend or possibly even terminate the performance of the service, and in addition

This is of significant assistance to the carrier when no alternative secure

damages such as loss of business and driver’s wages could be claimed

parking facility is available enroute to the destination or the driver does

from the customer,

not have sufficient driving time to reach a secure parking location. In

he explained.

the spirit of security, it would now be advantageous from both a liability TT Club and commercial law firm Hill Dickinson have worked together

and a security perspective to leave the loaded trailer at the shipper’s

to outline the important clause changes that effect the customer-

premises until the driver’s hours allow a more seamless delivery option.

carrier contractual relationship. Hauliers and other stakeholders who incorporate the terms of the earlier, 2009 version are encouraged to

TT Club consistently advises carriers to review their STCs on a regular basis

alter their own Standard Trading Conditions (STCs) in line with the

in order to maintain control over their risk profile. In this instance, the

new provisions.

RHA have provided a valuable service in up-dating some of the clauses of these conditions of carriage, which it would be wise of carriers to adopt. *


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

That agility is matched by the performance of the products themselves. Despite their tonnage, Raniero trucks are surprisingly nimble, with a very small turning radius and excellent manoeuvrability in tight spaces.


ith the future of diesel forklifts under increasing

They can be used for indoor and outdoor applications, as there are no

pressure from ever-tighter regulations on emissions,

emissions, enabling owners to lower their carbon footprint and maintain

sales of electric trucks have been accelerating. The only

a safer, quieter working environment for operators. Raniero can even

remaining stronghold for diesel has been heavy-duty applications that

offer 12-tonne capacity models for working inside shipping containers.

demand lifting capacities of 8 tonnes or more. Small wonder the range is proving highly successful in some of world’s

But with an imminent end to the subsidy on red diesel and the entry

most demanding applications, including steel, timber, paper, recycling,

of big-hitters Raniero to the UK marketplace, all that is set to change.

automotive, special waste management, logistics, textiles and energy.

According to Stewart Gosling of Red Diamond Distribution UK, importers for the Raniero range:

Raniero electric forklifts provide the strength and performance of

In recent years, electric trucks have

diesel trucks but with the added benefit of sustainable operations and

proved themselves more than a match for IC engine trucks, for both

lower running costs in the long-term. And they are readily accessible

indoor and outdoor operations. Nearly every aspect of their performance

through the Red Diamond Distribution network – from 18 fully equipped

is superior, they are dimensionally smaller, more dependable, require less

sales and service centres nationwide.

maintenance, and deliver significant savings in terms of whole-life costs. The only issue was capacity but with the introduction of the high-capacity Raniero range that is no longer an obstacle. Acknowledged as the world’s leading manufacturer of heavyduty lift trucks, the current Raniero range spans 5 to 32 tonnes, including the largest electric forklift on the market. Renowned for its innovative approach to design Raniero also boasts the manufacturing flexibility to meet individual customer requirements regardless of the size of the order or its complexity.









lobal freight transportation specialist Dimerco has announced

America, Greater China, Southeast Asia, Europe and Northeast Asia

the roll out of phase two of its radical restructure, aimed

into a Centralized Service Centre (CSC) will foster faster response

at driving quicker response, greater flexibility, and business

and enable coordinated sales & marketing communication on a global

resilience in the face of increasingly challenging and disruptive supply

basis. Ultimately, the organization restructure is aimed at enhancing

chains. Dimerco initiated its planned organization restructure in

our competitiveness in a challenging international logistics market,

2019 and reports that the company is already seeing positive impact

allowing us to provide a best-in-class logistics service with operational

resulting from the changes implemented to date, with both revenue

and management excellence and optimized customer service.

and profitability up for 2020, despite the difficult trading environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Phase two of the reorganization will see the creation of a flatter, less

Effective 1st October 2019, Dimerco Express Group set up an

hierarchical structure, with a focus on managerial specialization, team

Executive Management Board (EMB) as part of organization

leadership and intelligent applications, Mr. Jeffrey Shih, Chief Executive

restructure, based on managerial specialization, team leadership

Management (CEM), on behalf of Dimerco confirms, commenting,

and intelligent applications. The EMB is led by Mr. Jeffrey Shih and

We believe that team leadership, underpinned by a common vision,

includes five Executive Management members, including Mr. George

will facilitate clear communication and coordination, and enable strategic

Chiou, President of Air Freight and Ms. Wendy Chien, Managing

decisions to be made based on a global perspective by bringing together

Director of Contract Logistics in Taipei, Mr. Johnny Kao, President

complementary skills and competency from multiple countries with

of Ocean Freight in Shanghai and Mr. Herbert Liou, President of

diverse business cultures across our network.

Ocean Freight in Los Angeles. Dimerco is being restructured to focus on Business Intelligence Technology developments and

Members of the Dimerco Executive Management Board (EMB), established

applications with the company’s Business Intelligence Technology

in phase one of the restructure program and made up of five senior

(BIT) Division. BIT supports three business units – Air Freight,

management specialists heading up air freight, ocean freight, and contract

Ocean Freight and Contract Logistics – for business development,

logistics, will each be better equipped to make strategic decisions based

service optimization and increased operational and management

on the broader knowledge and shared experience of the team, supported

efficiency. Dimerco’s BIT provides exceptional visibility and enables

by Dimerco’s intelligent IT application and cloud networking technology.

access to information in real time from any location with internet

Dimerco will continue to invest in developing its IT systems, embracing the

connection, ensuring operations run as smoothly as possible,

latest available technology to ensure consistent levels of service quality and

working seamlessly with the company’s teamwork and contingency

enhanced visibility, allowing pre-emptive exception management.

plan, including multimodal transport and air chartering. Although the initial outbreak of COVID-19 occurred immediately after

Mr. Jeffrey Shih concludes,

Dimerco believes that a flatter

organizational structure will further improve management efficiency, while the integration of regional management teams from North


FORWARDER magazine


Dimerco’s first restructure in 2020, the company has nevertheless achieved increased revenue and profitability for the year.

Kam Freight Services is a leading, independent logistics provider with over 35 years’ experience in the shipping and forwarding industry. Located close to Heathrow airport we are able to offer our clients an efficient and bespoke service with a truly global reach.

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WAREHOUSING • 24/7 secured warehouse & yard • The latest technology in CCTV & surveillance • Competitive rates for storage • Racking facility for easy inspection and call out • Strategically located for efficient distribution

T +44 (0) 208 573 2522 • F +44 (0) 208 848 7922 • E Unit 1 Swallowfield Way, Hayes, UB3 1DQ

FORWARDER magazine







eli BioThermal, the global name in temperature controlled

All three systems are cost-effective and easy to pack-out compared to

packaging, announces expanded dry ice shipper options

other dry ice frozen shipping products. Additionally, Peli BioThermal

to support exponential growth in cell and gene therapy

shippers undergo constant stress tests in ambient temperatures of

shipments worldwide, as well as continued need to transport

30 degrees Celsius to ensure the payload remains within temperature

pandemic payloads. Available parcel sizes range from 1.1 litres to

range for expected durations.

179 litres and cover temperature ranges of minus 65 degrees Celsius to minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Peli BioThermal continues to work on utilising dry ice in even more platforms to continue providing solutions for payload protection of temperature

Cell and gene therapies are highly individualized and patient-

sensitive shipments. For more information about Peli BioThermal’s dry ice

centric, which creates a drastically different supply chain than we

parcel offerings, visit

see for mass-produced pharmaceutical products. This supply chain

parcel or go to to learn more about the wide

introduces individuals who are not always familiar with cold chain

range of Peli BioThermal products and offerings.

packaging. Our job is to make easy-to-use temperature controlled solutions for these applications.

Peli BioThermal is a division of Peli Products, S.L.U., which is the

Greg Wheatley, Vice President of Worldwide New Product

European arm of Pelican Products, Inc., which is a portfolio company

Development & Engineering, Peli BioThermal

of Behrman Capital, a private equity investment firm based in New York and San Francisco.

Peli BioThermal’s expanded range of dry ice parcels can replace liquid nitrogen systems on short journeys that include a courier. The easyto-pack parcels are available in single-use Sherpa Systems™ and


DeepFreeze™ shippers, as well as the reusable Crēdo Cube™ shippers.

Peli Products, S.L.U. is the global leader in the design

The Sherpa Systems shippers range in size from 5 litres to 179 litres,

and manufacture of high performance protective cases,

DeepFreeze products are available in 1.1 litre to 8 litre sizes, and Crēdo

temperature-controlled packaging solutions, advanced portable

Cube shippers include 5 litre and 17 litre sizes.

lighting systems and rugged gear for professionals and outdoor enthusiasts. Their products are used by professionals in the

Sherpa Systems use Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) insulation and are molded

most demanding markets including fire safety, law enforcement,

with density to achieve required performance standards. DeepFreeze

defense / military, aerospace, entertainment, industrial and in

and Crēdo Cube shippers, by contrast, feature high-performance VIP

numerous outdoor markets. Peli™ products are designed and

(vacuum insulated panels) that protect the payload and require less dry

built to last a lifetime. Headquartered in Torrance, CA, Pelican

ice, lowering transportation costs. Dry ice products provide frozen

Products, Inc. operates in 25 countries, with 23 international

payload protection with durations from 96 hours to 225 hours.

sales offices and twelve manufacturing facilities across the globe. For more information, visit or


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

At our new facility, we furnish warehousing and distribution services for our customer Globus Baumarkt as well as well-known regional and global manufacturers and retailers of industrial goods and food products.


On their behalf, our employees implement a future-oriented logistics

ogistics provider Dachser began operations at a new distribution

strategy designed to help them grow.

centre at its Magdeburg location in mid-February. At the

Christian Schäckel, General Manager, Magdeburg logistics centre

40,000 m2 facility, the family-owned company provides logistics

services for its customer Globus Baumarkt and other companies in the

A strong partner in the region for over 25 years

region. The expansion created 40 new jobs.

Dachser has been operating in the Magdeburg region for over 25 years. Some 170 employees are responsible for ensuring the smooth execution

Dachser’s new facility comprises 84,000 m2 and includes two warehouses

of logistics services.

with a total logistics area of 40,000 m2. One of the warehouses has been specifically designed for the storage and picking of food and non-

In addition to classic transport services, we also handle storage of

food items and covers approximately 8,000 m2. The second warehouse

industrial goods and food products and provide value-added services

for contract logistics activities has an area of 32,000 m2. Through the

such as display-build and finishing,

expansion, the office and social space at Dachser’s Magdeburg distribution

facilities are located in the Gewerbegebiet Nord commercial zone in

center now cover some 1,880 m2. There is also an additional 3,000 m2 of

the north of the region, providing convenient access to the A2 and A14

outdoor storage adjacent to the site. Including the distribution centre 40

highways. From Magdeburg, the logistics provider serves destinations

kilometres away in Oschersleben, Dachser’s Magdeburg logistics centre

such as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Austria with daily departures.

now provides 55,000 m2 for logistics operations in total, and space to

Dachser’s Air & Sea Logistics branch in Langenhagen, near Hanover,

accommodate some 80,000 pallets.

connects the Magdeburg logistics centre to all the global markets.

Schäckel says. Dachser’s Magdeburg







emand for online shopping has rocketed in the last year.

Paul says:

It is important to us that our customers receive

According to recent ONS data, in January 2021 internet

the product exactly as it is described on our website, in perfect

sales made up over a third of total retail sales in the UK,

condition and protective packaging. We’ve tested out a variety

an increase of 81% compared to the year before. With the world of

of boxes over the years and have come to a size and shape that

ecommerce moving so fast, how can pick and ship businesses keep up?

keeps shipping costs as low as possible without sacrificing quality or protection. We keep the line of communication between us and

Paul Futcher, director of The Cigar Club, saw a 32% increase in

our customers strong, by being quick to respond to queries, and

his business revenue between 2019 and 2020, despite the lucrative

using delivery technology that updates the customers on the status

nature of his industry. Here he provides his insight on how other

of their package as well as exact delivery times.

businesses can continue to grow alongside shifting customer demand and the increasingly higher expectations for pick and ship services.

Don’t neglect SEO With more people searching online for products, ensuring you get

Refine your delivery process

your business in front of them at the right time will ultimately lead to

With technological advances across the delivery process, and so

an increase in sales. One way of doing this is by using an SEO company,

many businesses in the online shopping space needing to stay on

who specialise in increasing both brand visibility for relevant organic

top of their competition, customers have become used to top notch

searches, and the quantity of traffic to your website.

virtual retail experiences. They expect to be in the loop from the moment they click buy, through to the product arriving at their

Through using an SEO company, The Cigar Club managed to

doorstep. The quicker it arrives the better.

win relevant and lucrative featured snippets, which are boxes of information that appear at the top of a search results page. This

The Cigar Club thought carefully about each stage in the customer

led to a big growth in product page visits. For example, winning the

experience journey to improve how they coordinate orders, and

featured snippet for the search ‘Montecristo No 2’ led to an 822%

ultimately to refine their pack and ship process.

increase in visits to this page.

Rake in the customer feedback and show it off Simply put, reviews are super important! According to Podium, 93% of consumers say that online reviews influence their purchase decisions. Shopping online is a busy space to operate in, and people want reassurance that they are making the right decision before they commit to a purchase.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at Paul says:

These customer reviews have really helped us grow

as a business, as with so many options for products to choose Through using the review platform ‘’, The Cigar Club has

online, our positive reviews help communicate to new customers

accumulated over 730 company reviews and 166 product reviews.

that we really do care about providing a high quality product with

Their efforts to ensure their delivery is efficient and products are up

efficient service. Also, by putting these reviews on our homepage

to standard, have led to an extremely high overall review rating, with

we have been able to create a personal feel for those browsing our

the most common phrases including 'excellent service', 'efficient

products. We’ve always tried to keep this personal touch there

service' and 'prompt delivery.'

in all our transactions, as this is what makes our cigars unique. Particularly when online shopping is a wholly solo task, adding in

With these positive reviews firmly under their belt, The Cigar Club

real-life perspectives on our products really makes a difference.

added a widget displaying them on their website homepage, to build trust with customers browsing their site which truly shouts about

In summary

the quality of their service....

Changing and refining the way your business operates can be an intimidating feat to undertake. But by paying attention to your logistics process and putting some time into boosting your online visibility, you can put yourself in a much better position to stay ahead of the competition and succeed. Paul Futcher, Director, The Cigar Club






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o ensure that the organisation’s Vehicle Inspection Service (VIS) continues to offer a market leading service for its members, Logistics UK recently teamed up with Renault

Trucks to use its world-class vehicles in technical inspection training for its VIS engineers. Held at the Woodland Grange Conference Centre in Royal Leamington Spa, the training session formed part of Logistics UK’s’ commitment to continuous professional improvement for its staff, ensuring customers receive the best possible service and the highest standards of safety are maintained. It is essential for the safe and efficient inspection of vehicles that Logistics UK’s VIS is always striving to maximise the effectiveness and

engineers are trained regularly and their competency assessed; this has

efficiency of the service we offer to our customers. We were delighted

been a great opportunity to work in partnership with Renault Trucks

to work in collaboration with the team at Renault Trucks on this training

to achieve this aim.

project and we thank them greatly for the loan of their vehicles. Our aim

Chris Lipscomb, Director of Operations, Logistics UK

is to ensure that safety, quality and consistency remain at the forefront of the VIS team’s activities, enabling our highly qualified and experienced

The vehicles were used for ‘topside’ and ‘underside’ procedural

engineers – who all hold irtec qualifications and are members of the

inspection training for area and senior engineers, with a view to rolling

IRTE (Institute of Road Transport Engineers) – to continue to deliver

out familiarisation training to the wider inspection team imminently.

an exceptional service to all customers. Mick Parcell, Head of VIS Health & Safety & Engineering

The Logistics UK VIS team of engineers covers the UK and Republic of

Improvement, Logistics UK

Ireland and works with some of the biggest names in logistics across a wide range of industry sectors such as retail, construction and 3PL

Due to the training taking place in Warwickshire – not too far away

(third party logistics) operations. It also provides this service to many

from both our head office and the Renault Truck Commercials dealer

small and medium-sized enterprises. VIS’ wide range and type of vehicle

point in Nuneaton – we were delighted to be able to assist Logistics

inspections are carried out on everything from vans and heavy goods

UK with two T460s from our Used Trucks by Renault Truck selection

vehicles to buses and specialist lifting equipment. All the inspections are

to support the delivery of its VIS training programme.

accredited by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Alex Williams, Head of Brand & Communications, Renaults Trucks For more information on the service, please visit: FORWARDER magazine





forwardingjobs is a global recruitment solution for the freight and logistics industry. It combines all of the proven recruitment methods available to today’s professional recruiter under one roof, thus allowing you the beauty of just one point of contact: your account manager. 116

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If you compare our rates to the average agency fee of £5,000 per job, you can save thousands. In simple terms, the more vacancies a company has, the more our service can save you. As your business grows, your account manager will recommend various cost saving recruitment methods that will become available. Our account managers take a long-term view of your business and are keen to develop the number of vacancies they handle with you, whilst offering you a tailor-made solution that will grow with you.

We appreciate that the needs of a small company will be very different from those of a top-25 forwarder and we have taken all of this into consideration.

forwardingjobs has packages available to suit any recruitment budget.

The full service includes... » Featured job listings » 30-day coverage on the job board » Brand awareness on the website

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FORWARDER magazine




1. jobboard It combines all of the proven recruitment methods available to today’s professional recruiter under one roof, providing you with the beauty of just one point of contact: your account manager. » A job board used correctly alongside several other methods can provide a larger forwarder with considerable costs savings.

» We would, however, recommend for sales and senior appointments an upgrade to Talent Consulting if the role is business critical.

» This is available on a contract basis only and is pre-agreed on an annual job-posting tariff. Service is payable quarterly in advance.


A combination of both is highly recommended across all of your vacancies, to guarantee overall delivery, depending on timescales and seniority of the role.

2. talentconsulting This service is our platinum product and works well when our clients are considering the full picture, not just the recruitment fee. It guarantees that you get the best person for the job using our in-house freight forwarding Talent Consulting team. »

Talent Consulting is highly recommended for forwarders looking for fast-track sales growth. it will predominantly suit sales, senior appointments and business-critical recruitment needs.


A combination of both services is highly recommended across all of your vacancies to guarantee overall delivery, depending on timescales and seniority of the role.


Craig Headford

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pecialist technology providers Freight Software

After leaving Europa, Richard launched a new IT

Group (FSG) has strengthened its team with

consultancy business Innovate Freight at the end of 2020

the appointment of a new Managing Director

which will continue under separate management.

Richard Litchfield at its Forward Computers business. Richard comments,

The freight and logistics sector

Forward Computers is the UK’s leading independent

is experiencing significant changes, the customer is

supplier of freight forwarding software to the logistics

ever more demanding, with higher expectations and a

sector and was acquired by Freight Software Group in 2019.

requirement to deliver goods quickly, reliably, and cost-

FSG is also the parent company of BoxTop Technologies.

effectively. With the onset of Brexit, transport operators are focused on optimising processes and there is a growing

The Forward Computers team of 23 is one of the longest

opportunity in the market to support operators of all

established freight software development companies,

sizes, so I’m really excited about joining the Group at

providing an end-to-end solution for a wide range of

such a dynamic time. Forward Computers has a long-

operators in the UK, Europe, Asia and the US.

established product developed over two decades and I’m looking forward to working with the team and our

With 20 years’ experience in the transport and logistics

customers to evolve our services, with new product

sector, Richard Litchfield was previously Group IT

development plans for 2021 already in progress.

Director at Europa Worldwide Group and Vice President / Global Head of IS Road Logistics at Kuehne & Nagel

Christopher Hewlett (CEO) of Freight Software Group

in Switzerland. He was responsible for designing and

(who was also previously MD at Forward Computers

implementing Europa’s Leonardo bespoke IT system

too) comments,

providing solutions across the operation from road freight

the Freight Software Group and leading the Forward

We’re delighted to have Richard join

to finance. At K+N, Richard had global responsibility for

Computers team. Having spent his whole career inside

Road / Rail IT Demand and all associated transportation

the freight sector, building vast experience in co-ordinating

management system (TMS) solutions, identifying best

and managing the many disciplines across the industry and

practices for each country and region.

covering all levels of national, international and domestic forwarding he brings with him unique insight.


FORWARDER magazine








&H Worldwide, the award-winning aerospace

About B&H Worldwide

logistics provider, is further expanding its

Established in 1988 in the UK, B&H Worldwide is a

leadership team in Asia with the appointment of

market leader in the highly specialist aerospace logistics

Eddie Chan as Station Manager responsible for business

industry. Over the last 30 years it has expanded globally

development in Asia. Eddie first joined B&H in February

and today operates from ten strategically located

2020, bringing with him more than 15 years’ experience

aerospace hubs around the world and has a customer

of the international aviation logistics business. He will be

base which includes airlines, spare part stockists, MROs

based out of the B&H Worldwide facility in Hong Kong.

and repair vendors. Its innovative, in-house designed IT solutions are highly tailored to suit customer operating

Originally from New Jersey in the US, Chan moved to Hong

models and its FirstTrac software sets the benchmark

Kong in 1995 where he worked for MNX. Since 2014 he

for the aerospace logistics industry. Information on B&H

has been based in Singapore where he has gained extensive

Worldwide’s leading logistics solutions can be found at:

experience of the Asian aviation industry. He will work

closely alongside B&H’s Singapore-based BDM Chris Allen to develop sales opportunities throughout Asia. Chan will report to Group Head of Sales, Michael Haskins.

The aviation logistics market is fast moving

and dynamic across the South East Asian region and we are delighted to welcome someone of Eddie’s calibre to our team there to support B&H’s further growth and development.

says Michael.

FORWARDER magazine









n the 17th of March, Steve Rushton, former

Steve Rushton, newly appointed company Director

general manager of Crown Couriers Limited


has been appointed as company director –

and integral by embracing a positive work culture that

to support the rapid expansion of the Tamworth-based

We aim make our drivers feel valued

promotes work life balance.

logistics company. To reinforce the evolution of Crown Couriers, the business has continued to expand upon its

Outside of their driver partnership scheme, Crown

services to greater adapt to the demand of their wide

promotes an ‘open, honest and transparent’ workplace

client portfolio.

environment, not exclusive to Crown’s Tamworth Head Quarters, but also for their new London branch based in

We’re delighted to announce Steve’s appointment as

Heathrow. Steve comments that

autocratic companies

company director. Despite the challenges triggered by

are breeding grounds for stressful workplaces, which is why

the pandemic – the company has continued to grow and

we actively promote an inclusive and engaging environment

has ambitious plans to expand further. Steve brings with

to motivate and maximise employee potential.

him a wealth of experience in the logistics industry and will be an invaluable contributor to the success of the

With their mission being, “to be the market leader in

company’s strategy going forward.

providing bespoke logistical solutions across all industries

Tim Seagers, Founder, Crown Couriers

- by setting the standard and exceeding customer expectations, through investing in IT and people”,

Providing greater depth and assistance on the A to B

Crown adopts a people-centric approach. Nurturing

journey, to deliver bespoke logistical solutions is at the

the businesses internal employees, its network of

forefront of Crown’s priorities – alongside ambitious

sole-trader-drivers and their client-base, to continue

future projects to support more self-employed driver-

delivering exceptional logistical services, is at the heart

sole-traders and SMEs. Crown ensures that drivers of

and soul of the company’s precedence.

all levels of availability can join the Crown crew; offering flexible driver opportunities that sole-traders can collect to formulate their own work schedule to their convenience.


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he International Cargo Handling Coordination

We are delighted to welcome someone of Richard's

Association (ICHCA) is pleased to announce

capability to ICHCA. We are committed to extending

the appointment of Richard Steele as the new

ICHCA’s delivery and reach.

Richard’s skills and

Head of ICHCA International. He will take over the role

experience will ensure that we move confidently

with effect from 1 July 2021, on the retirement of the

forward. He has proven leadership and organisational

current postholder Richard Brough O.B.E.

management ability which will be invaluable to our future. The ICHCA board is very excited about the journey

Reporting directly to the Board, Richard Steele will lead

ahead as we continue to build on the exceptional work

the organisation. ICHCA provides a focal point to help

of our outgoing Head, Richard Brough.

improve cargo handling throughout international supply

John Beckett, Chairman, ICHCA International

chains as well as representing its members, and the cargo handling industry, in front of national and international

Richard Steele said:

I am excited to join ICHCA at

agencies and regulatory bodies as a recognised non-

a time where there is real opportunity to build on the

government organisation.

success of this internationally recognised and respected association and to create new value-add services and

Richard is a safety and skills professional with a Masters

representation for our members.

in Training and Development who has been involved in the ports industry for over 21 years. He is currently the

PSS are clearly sad to be losing Richard after 11 Years

Chief Executive at Port Skills and Safety an organisation

of outstanding service where he has really driven the

that he has led for 11 years. Port Skills and Safety is

agenda, with his team, for safer ports. However, we

a subscriber organisation for UK ports with a remit

wish him every success as he moves into the International

to share best practice, develop safety guidance and

Arena and with the comfort that our respective

standards and produce qualification frameworks for the

organisations will continue to strive for ever greater

industry. Before PSS, Richard was the senior Learning

safety in the Maritime sector.

and Development Manager for Associated British Ports

David Brown, Chair, PSS

for 10 years. Prior to ports, he worked in the nuclear industry on safety and skills provision.

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Are you looking for an exciting new role, working with like-minded,

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VACANCIES Powered by

PRODUCTS IN OUR PORTFOLIO Our portfolio of products combines digital and print media with industry-leading communication and engagement. A complete marketing consultancy for the Freight and Logistics industry.

FORWARDER magazine

Industry-leading digital/printed

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If this Telesales career is of interest and you want to be successful, learn and develop your sales knowledge then this role is for you. Please email your CV to

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G international was established in 2009 to provide high

DG’s competitive pricing, customer service obsession and global

levels of customer service to a range of clients importing

network of highly respected and experienced partners allow us to

into the UK from Asia via sea and air. The company has

consistently deliver cost-effective, efficient solutions that exceed

grown rapidly since then and now offers a range of logistics services

expectations and add value to any supply chain.

across diverse industry sectors. DG is poised for significant growth, with a strategy to grow to double in

DG’s growth has been underpinned by a commitment to a set of shared

size over next three years. The leadership team is experienced, dynamic

values that creates a high performance culture. We have employed

and client-centric, and the focus for growth is around new technology

self-motivated people who are empowered to make decisions to

offerings that compliment current services and additional market share

accelerate our growth.

from emerging markets.



The role

Your role as Procurement Specialist, will be both strategic and hands-on. You will lead and support procurement projects by developing sound sourcing strategies informed by commercial knowledge. You will use your knowledge and experience to negotiate competitive pricing around shipping contracts for freight forwarders.

Responsibilities • Act as a commercial lead for freight forward shipping contacts by way of sourcing and negotiating the most competitive prices available • Negotiate best fit solutions to meet business needs • Negotiate with 3PLs and be prepared to challenge, when necessary

Requirements • Significant experience of working within the Logistics’ and supply chain industry • Be able to develop a robust supply base and ensure the ongoing efficiency • Experience gained in a fast moving company culture where you have had to build procurement process • A track record of delivering savings and service targets • Flexibility to think strategically but have a hands-on, pragmatic approach


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Personal attributes • A strong understanding of end to end procurement • Significant experience in the Logistics industry (Essential) • Strong negotiation and influencing skills • Highly developed communication skills and a proven track record of managing and collaborating with senior stakeholder relationships internally and externally

What you’ll get in Return • In return, you can expect to be given considerable responsibility for implementation, and work closely with a small leadership team where your efforts and success will be noticed. • We offer a competitive remuneration package, including free gym membership, private medical care and an employer pension contribution of 5% (based on the employee contributing 5%).

We are an equal opportunities employment business and agency working on behalf of our clients and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age. • +44 (0)1394 337 263

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Responsibilities • Claiming UCN’s for Customs Entries • Completing Customs Entries • Sending Clearance instruction Requests where applicable • Send out reports to customers • Data entering on spreadsheets • Interacting with customers, colleagues and visitors alike

Responsibilities • Generate leads and cold call prospective customers


in a positive and quality service manner

• Working as a sole player and/or team player as and when required

• Any other ad hoc tasks as and when required and instructed by the Line Manager and/or Managing Director etc.

What you’ll need to succeed

To achieve all of that, you will be able to demonstrate and show evidence of...

• Previous experience as a Customs Co-Ordinator (Essential) • A solid understanding of UK Trade Tariff Import/Export • Experience of using customs software (Essential) • Previous experience in Customs Documentation (Essential) • Intermediate understanding of the law and regulations surrounding customs clearance requirements

• Experience in road transport, logistics or haulage (Desirable) The role also involves being able to manage deadlines and sometimes difficult situations, therefore an element of negotiation is required to be able to meet timescales.

Personal abilities/skills

This role would suit someone who is looking for a customs entry role in a fast-paced, agile environment.

• A customer centric work ethic • Excellent telephone manner • Strong communication skills • A keen eye for detail • Motivational: focused & self-motivated, task completion/

tenacity, close supervision not required • Confident negotiation skills to manage difficult situations and timescales • Intermediate Microsoft skills both Word and Excel.


(create a sales pipeline)

• Generate custom from said pipeline. • Meet with customers/clients face to face or over the phone • Build / develop relationships with customers/clients • Understand the needs of your customers and be able to respond effectively with a plan of how to meet these

• have a good understanding of the businesses’ services and be able to advise others about them

What You’ll need to Succeed

To achieve all of that, you will be able to demonstrate and show evidence of:

• An excellent telephone manner for making initial contact and for ongoing communication with customers and business associates • Interpersonal skills for building and developing relationships with clients • Written and verbal communication skills – needed for communicating with a range of people, both internally and externally, as well as presentation skills • IT skills, including the use of spreadsheets • Decision-making skills • A flexible approach to work with the ability to adapt to a fast-paced, ever-changing environment • Initiative and the confidence to start things from scratch.

Personal abilities/skills • Tenacity and drive to seek new business and meet or exceed targets

• Teamworking skills and a collaborative approach to work • The ability to multitask and prioritise your workload • The ability to motivate yourself and set your own goals • +44 (0)1394 337 263 • +44 (0)1394 337 263

FORWARDER magazine









This is a fantastic opportunity to join DSV as a Tax Accounting Assistant based in Harwich, this is an opportunity to join a company committed to providing quality, innovative value, and logistics services.

The role • Tax Assistants provide support to an organisation’s tax or accounting department.

• Their role is a combination of administrative assistance and accounting support.


The Import Customs Manager will be expected to lead the Customs team to deliver department objectives and KPIs. A self-starter who is able to convey and implement their own vision to drive the team. Be able to create a culture that focuses on employees’ strengths through training and development. Have full responsibility for UK Customs processes and declarations. • +44 (0)1394 337 263 • +44 (0)1394 337 263



The role • Work with FCL (Full Container Loads) and LCL (Less Container Loads)


The main part of the job is to plan groupage, part loads and full load consignments from the UK to Central Europe. This include sourcing haulage and negotiating prices, cooperating with DSV offices abroad and colleagues within the UK whilst identifying and exploiting opportunities to increase both profitability and turnover and above all possess a ‘can do’ attitude. • +44 (0)1394 337 263

• Complete customs procedures and work with appointed routed agents and company operated services

• Prepare and provide documents to customers in accordance with the terms of shipment

• Carrying out all relevant administration in relation to the Export of products

• Completing all administration in relation to the export documentation, such as, invoices, packing documents, certificates, and other specific documents in relation to the product and export regulations for both UK and the receiving country. • Sending out order acknowledgements for all orders and providing customers with order updates and delivery scheduling. • +44 (0)1394 337 263


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Reporting to the Director, Customs & Security, the main purpose of the role is to support compliance in customs & security activities across the companies, safeguarding the company’s assets, as well as ensuring a safe and secure environment for employees and visitors and for customers’ freight • +44 (0)1394 337 263



To win new business and work to agreed budget targets. To strengthen market position by locating, developing, defining, promoting, negotiating, and securing new business by closing the sale. You will develop and maintain DSV Air & Sea services to existing and potential clients ensuring a profitable return for the company in accordance with company procedures, operational procedures and statutory requirements, including Health & Safety to the satisfaction of clients and ensuring the profit of the company • +44 (0)1394 337 263

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Job Overview

Your Role


We are looking for a Customer Care Specialist to join our road logistics operations. Do you have experience in providing first class customer service to customers and want to work for a global organisation with excellent career opportunities then this could be the role for you.

Your Role We are currently recruiting for a Logistics Customer Care Specialist to join our road logistics division at our site at East Midlands Gateway. As part of the role of the Customer Care Specialist you will be responsible for liaising with customers and relevant parties to ensure that customer expectations are met during the movement of cargo as well ensuring that we can maximise revenue on each market through co-ordinating the efficient operation and administration and building relationships with customers

Your Responsibilities • Process all bookings received from overseas partners and efficiently and accurately input them onto the internal computer system. • Process import and export bookings received from customers and branches and coordinate these consignments with our partners. • Build relationships with customers ensuring a steady flow of information and confirmation regarding imports especially. • Liaise with the Transport department to organize collections from the ports and to establish when the cargo is expected back • Book in deliveries of all consignments with UK customers, where relevant. • Provide the Warehouse and Transport departments with a manifest for each consignment giving clear loading and unloading instructions. • +44 (0)1454 628 779


We are currently recruiting for a Transport Co-ordinator to work within our Road Logistics team on a FTC until June 2021. You will be responsible for the day to day planning and execution of the domestic collection and delivery operation. As part of your role as a Transport Co-ordinator you will be required to plan and execute work with the fleet as well as allocating work within the partner network

Your Responsibilities • Constant communication via face to face, telephone and through messaging devices with drivers and other internal colleagues • Pre brief and de-brief drivers on their daily runs. • Liaise with drivers on the road over collection and delivery issues. • Record collection/delivery status and discrepancies in systems and escalate where appropriate. • Move freight between runs to ensure failed collections are minimised. • Allocate Collection and Delivery work to our Domestic Partners in accordance with their specific Service Level Agreements. • Liaise with the Nottingham / Dagenham Warehouses and Trailer Operations when required. • Respond to operational and financial KPI’s in order to drive efficiency in the Domestic Operation.

About Kuehne + Nagel

With over employees at some 1,300 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. As an employer, Kuehne + Nagel stands for equal opportunity and we are committed to diversity in our teams with regard to people with disabilities. We believe that you can make a valuable contribution to Kuehne + Nagel and look forward to receiving your application. • +44 (0)1454 628 779




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The company

The John Good Group is one of the UK’s leading independent family owned shipping, logistics and corporate travel providers. A key player in the shipping and travel industries since 1833, John Good is the third-party logistics (3PL) and corporate travel provider of choice to the SME sector. The John Good family remains actively involved in the business ensuring that the family heritage, values and history sit firmly at the heart of everything we do.

The role

Working within the freight forwarding division of 3PL provider John Good Logistics, as part of a team dealing predominantly with Import shipments to UK from across the world, predominantly Far East, India, Turkey, Europe.

Responsibilities • Carry out booking procedures accurately, with a ‘right first time’ attitude, to ensure customers receive a high-quality service. • Handling of Import processes and have confidence to offer guidance to clients accordingly. • Where appropriate, collect payment from clients without credit terms in place. • Obtaining, checking, and preparing documentation to meet customs requirements

Skills • Previous experience within an Import Forwarding role, preferably including Customs experience.

• IT literacy with a good working knowledge of a variety of software applications, including Microsoft Office.

• Adaptable to new working practices and embracing of Company Operating Systems and procedures.

• Confident communicator with good organisational skills • Experience of Cargowise One (CW1) preferred Benefits • Company Pension Scheme • 25 days Holiday excluding Bank Holidays

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Details • 10% commission • Car or car allowance • Pension / Healthcare / Childcare benefits • 25 days holiday plus bank holidays The company

Are you a commercially-minded Freight Forwarding Business Development / Outside Sales professional, with proven sales success? My client wants to talk to you today! My client is a global Freight Forwarder with a number of operational centres across the globe, in the USA, Europe, Asia, and Middle East. They have a proven successful history of providing excellent operational and customer support to their clients, giving you the perfect opportunity to go out and sell with confidence. They are now looking for a new BDM / Sales Executive / Outside Sales / Sales Manager candidate with proven experience and consistent billings above £500k per annum. You will need to be able to bring some business with you, and work independently, although a seat will be open for you at the office in London Heathrow. This is a real and very tangible opportunity for the right caliber of candidate – with strong Freight background, excellent commercial awareness, brilliant client relationships and the self-belief to confidently build a territory and develop a customer base. • +44 (0)1454 628 779

UK • +44 (0)1454 628 779


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MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS The consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial transactions. Related topics Contracted partnerships Management buyouts Valuation

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Further information can be found at

anilla Electronics Ltd, with the support of Literacy Capital,

Bela’s technical and highly proficient PCB design and manufacturing

has today announced the completion of its first acquisition

services perfectly complement Vanilla’s supply chain activities. The new

- leading electronics manufacturing services business, Bela

partnership will provide manufacturing customers worldwide with a fully

Electronic Designs Ltd. The strategic acquisition sees Vanilla strengthen its technical capability

scalable manufacturing service, from early product design, design for manufacture support, through to volume production. Dan Croft, CEO, Vanilla Group

in providing complex electronics design and manufacturing activities, whilst providing a stronger foothold on early product development to its global manufacturing customer base.

Thanks to all those who have helped me develop Bela over the past 35 years. This new collaboration is a great opportunity to provide a new level of growth. Michael, Dan and Matt will continue to develop those

Founded in 1986, by Mike Lafratta, Bela is now regarded as the one

values that we have held close, providing excellent customer service,

of the market leaders in the small to medium volume high complexity

beyond expectations, in the field of electronic design and manufacture.

manufacturing niche. Bela have worked hard to establish an excellent

Mike Lafratta, MD, Bela

reputation in the design and manufacture of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) and the management team has ensured that the business remains

Michael Knight, Operations Director at Bela, will step up to the position

close to its core values based primarily on service and integrity.

of Managing Director, leading the business with the guidance of Dan Croft and Matt Negus, CEO and CFO of the Vanilla Group. Michael said,

Vanilla Electronics, formed in 2002, provide supply chain services

this exciting partnership will enable Bela to further enhance our

to global technology manufacturers, consolidating their typically

engineering and manufacturing expertise offering our market leading

complex supply chains, leading to operational and financial benefits

capabilities to an ever-expanding premium customer base and a wider

and longevity in the relationships. Shipping over a million parts per day

global market. The synergies between the two family businesses are

from their 25,000 square foot automated warehouse, Vanilla offers a

compelling and with the planned investment, complimented by the

fully outsourced service. From design, material procurement, kitting,

desire and ambition of the team, the group can look forward to the

manufacturing, through to end-customer order fulfilment, product

next stage of growth with excitement and optimism.

returns, warranty, repair and re-supply. Vanilla continues to look at other acquisitions that add technical, regional and commercial value to the Vanilla Group and its customers.

FORWARDER magazine







n-demand fulfillment startup Cubyn announces today a €35

We see a huge opportunity for a neutral, cost-effective, and efficient

million round led by Eurazeo and Bpifrance Large Venture

fulfillment network in the e-commerce space. 15% of the Gross Merchandise

with new participation from First Bridge Ventures and Fuse

Value transacted in e-commerce globally goes to e-logistics. Still today,

Venture Partners, and follow-on funding from DN Capital, 360 Capital,

there is no scalable, efficient logistics solution aside from the ones offered

Bpifrance Smart Cities fund and BNPP Developpement. Cubyn will use

by siloed marketplaces. Cubyn is disrupting the traditional e-commerce

its new funding to double its team of 85 to 170+ employees by the end

third party logistics market from the ground up, offering a better, faster and

of 2021, and deploy its service internationally, starting with Spain and

cross-border service at a 30% lower price. We are also providing merchants

Portugal launching in April 2021 followed by Italy, UK and Germany.

with not just additional revenue streams, but with our international roll

The company will also open a 25,000 sqm automated facility in the Paris

out, we are now opening up new markets for them, outperforming other

area in the coming months, to increase its automation capabilities and

options available in terms of cost and delivery speed by far.

continue to drive costs and delivery times down.

Adrien Fernandez-Baca, co-founder & CEO, Cubyn

Cubyn made a major, strategic product launch into end-to-end

Cubyn merchants can integrate their e-commerce inventory in 1-click

ecommerce fulfilment in Q3 2019, a fast-growing and highly fragmented

and start scaling their sales without worrying about logistics, all while

market estimated at 500B€ worldwide. Since then, the company has

monitoring the process from one simple SaaS solution. When an online

built the best proprietary technology to streamline merchant logistics,

order is placed, it is automatically exported and processed from a

ranging from web apps to advanced optimization through algorithm and

Cubyn warehouse. Thanks to CarrierPredict, an in-house algorithm

warehouse robotics Cubyn’s technology stack enables the company to

developed to determine the most efficient carrier for each package,

operate a fully integrated fulfillment solution at a fraction of the industry

parcels are inserted into the most efficient carrier network. Cubyn

standard cost. This positioning allowed the company to grow its Gross

leverages shipping data from millions of parcels to improve the customer

Merchandise Value from 30 to 250M€ in 2020 for its first full year.

satisfaction for merchants and marketplaces alike. With the pandemic, e-commerce exploded worldwide as billions of people were confined at home. From March to June 2020, e-commerce penetration grew as much in three months as it did in the last 10 years. With a total of 55M€ in funding, Cubyn is the uncontested market leader in the booming European e-commerce fulfillment sector. Cubyn is a work-from-everywhere company currently employing 85 people across the globe, and will double its team in 2021 with hires in sales, tech, data, robotics and product. Since inception, Cubyn has processed over 5 million shipments from its warehouse in Paris.


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT CUBYN Cubyn is an on-demand logistics and fulfilment platform founded in 2014 by Adrien Fernandez-Baca and Mathieu Lemaire. Cubyn leverage technology to provide a logistics service allowing merchants to reduce their logistics cost by 30% and improve their customer experience.

ABOUT EURAZEO Eurazeo is a leading global investment group, with a diversified portfolio of €21.8 billion in Assets Under Management, including €15.0 billion from third parties, invested in over 450 companies. With its considerable private equity, real estate and private debt expertise, Eurazeo accompanies companies of all sizes, supporting their development through the commitment of its nearly 300 professionals and by offering deep sector expertise, a gateway to global markets, and a responsible and stable foothold Covid has accelerated the need for merchants to have a reliable,

for transformational growth. Its solid institutional and family

scalable and tech fulfillment solution. We’re excited to work with Cubyn

shareholder base, robust financial structure free of structural

to scale their business across Europe in the next few months, unlocking

debt, and flexible investment horizon enable Eurazeo to support

access to their cutting edge fulfillment tech for more merchants.

its companies over the long term. Eurazeo has offices in Paris,

Antoine Izsak, Bpifrance Large Venture fund.

New York, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, London, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Berlin and Madrid. Eurazeo is listed on Euronext Paris:

The team has built a world class fulfillment solution very efficiently

ISIN: FR0000121121 - Bloomberg: RF FP - Reuters: EURA.PA

in only 18 months very. Cubyn now has the best technology and processes to win the European Market and we are very excited to be part of this rollout phase. Louis Bô, Investment Director, Eurazeo

ABOUT BPIFRANCE Bpifrance is he French national investment bank : it finances

International merchants represent 60% of Cubyn’s merchants. Their

businesses - at every stage of their development - through loans,

integrations with some of the world’s best marketplaces along with

guarantees, equity investments and export insurances. Bpifrance

their European network coverage unquestionably make Cubyn the best

also provides extra financial services (training, consultancy), to

option for international merchants looking to expand in Europe. We look

help entrepreneurs meet their challenges (innovation, export

forward to working with Adrien and the team to help him optimize and

…) For more information, please visit : and

tailor the product through this crucial phase of the company’s growth.

François-Xavier Copé, Founding Partner, First Bridge FORWARDER magazine







aulage and warehousing companies normally own hugely valuable

Property History

commercial premises but these firms are often shocked to

Some haulage firms won’t have built some of their premises but will have

discover they can be worth even more than they think.

bought them. Capital Allowances apply to them too. In fact, previous owners of commercial property may have also been prevented from claiming

The industry is missing out on tens of millions of pounds of government

Capital Allowances themselves, and this could mean the current owners

tax relief because companies are underclaiming on a key tax benefit

could claim even more than they expect. It doesn’t matter if the purchasing

known as Capital Allowances (CAs), business tax relief consultants

company didn’t install all of the qualifying installations and equipment itself.

Catax warn. There may be a number of reasons why a previous owner did not make The Capital Allowances legislation operated by HMRC is the most

a CA claim — most likely they were either a non-taxpaying entity

relevant form of tax relief offered to owners of commercial property.

(e.g. a charity, local council or pension fund) or were not carrying out

But many company managers, and their advisers, remain unaware of

qualifying activity at the premises (e.g. a developer).

what’s really at stake — in fact the average claim is worth £52,000. Since 2014, new requirements mean purchasers of commercial property

So what are Capital Allowances?

need to be careful to ensure vendors sign elections concerning past

Capital Allowances (CAs) are a form of tax relief that relate to physical

Capital Allowances claims in order to transfer the value of any unclaimed

assets. They allow a company to offset its Corporation Tax bill against

allowances to the new owner. You must do this within two years, so

all the expenses associated with a commercial property.

if you’re not sure whether this was carried out, it’s important to get professional advice as soon as possible. If a company has bought a new

Most commercial properties will house the basics such as electrics,

build property then there cannot be any past owners as developers are

lighting, heating, air conditioning and security systems. However some

prevented from claiming, so that makes a CA claim a dead certainty.

industries require more plant and machinery and that, in turn, translates into larger Capital Allowances benefits.

The haulage and storage industry is a rich source of Capital Allowances claims,

Distribution Centres

but not all businesses are making the most

A large warehouse could have all the above and more. The addition of

of it. We regularly come across firms that

radiant heating, a sprinkler system, roof smoke ventilation systems and

aren’t using this tax relief at all, which is

dock levellers will all qualify, raising the value of claims.

remarkable. Claims are time limited by the government so once you’ve lost them, they’re gone for good. It’s a complex area so you can’t just rely on generalist accountants to understand how to get the most out of the scheme. Richard Armstrong, Partnerships Director, Catax


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at



Qualifying expenditure = Over £1.4m Client benefit = £122,000

Qualifying expenditure = £260k Client benefit = £98k

A company that bought a new build distribution centre for £4.7m

A business that constructed additional warehouse space at commercial

received £122,000 in Capital Allowances after our surveyors

premises rented to a book wholesaler received £98,000 in Capital

identified over £1.4m of qualifying expenditure. Qualifying expenses

Allowances after we identified £260,000 of qualifying expenditure.

included water, drainage, communication, security, mechanical and

This included construction costs as well as water, mechanical and

electrical installations.

communications installations.

ABOUT CATAX Catax is the UK’s leading expert in specialist tax relief. Since launch, it has recovered more than £350m of tax relief for its clients in the areas of Research & Development, Capital Allowances, the Patent Box and the Remediation of Contaminated Land.

FORWARDER magazine



Let Catax uncover the hidden value in your business today.

@Catax_Group Catax Group

Uncover your hidden value If you or your business own commercial property, we can help you uncover thousands of pounds in tax relief.

If you invest in your property portfolio, we can help you uncover thousands of pounds in tax relief.

commercial property. It covers almost all elements that would stay in the building if you turned it upside down and shook it!

With over 12 years’ experience, we have identified over a quarter of a billion pounds in tax benefit for our clients to date.

Do you own a warehouse, office, or other type of commercial property? If so, you could be entitled to a significant cash refund in the form of Capital Allowances!

Knowing what does and doesn’t qualify can be complicated. At Catax, we are the experts in specialist tax relief. Our team understands the process inside out, so you can be assured we will help you receive the largest possible claim – on average, we help our clients receive £54,000!

Our team of professionals break down the claims process for you – all you need to do is provide us with some details and we’ll take care of the rest. There are no complicated forms to fill out, no legal language to unpick and no tax law to get your head around.

Capital Allowances tax relief is a way to claim tax back for all the embedded items within your


FORWARDER magazine


Are you a commercial property owner? Are you a UK taxpayer?


Then it’s highly likely you are eligible for tax relief.

No risk-service. If no claim is identified, there is no charge. The process is made simple. All we need is a couple of hours of your time, then our specialists will take care of the rest. The experts in tax relief. The team has helped over 14,000 clients receive more than £350m back in cash benefits.

“I found the team extremely professional, knowledgeable and well organised. Very easy to work with at all stages.” Richard Stroud – Turpin Distribution Ltd Contact us on: 0797 970 0003 email: FORWARDER magazine ISSUE62 143 or visit:



WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at



K-based Field Service Management (FSM) software company,

Today’s announcement marks Totalmobile’s largest addition to date and

Totalmobile, has today announced it has completed the

its sixth acquisition in the last two years, delivering on a dual strategy

acquisition of Cognito iQ, a Newbury-based provider

of combining the most comprehensive suite of FSM products with deep

of workforce management and analytics technology, to add to its

sector expertise. It sets Totalmobile firmly on track to achieve its goal

comprehensive suite of software solutions.

to become the world’s largest regional FSM company by the end of 2021.

The market leading real time analytics solution provided by Cognito

In today’s world the ability to manage, analyse and then action

iQ collects data from multiple sources to provide a clear overview

operational data is critical for any organisation that is striving to provide

of operational performance. This enables even the largest and most

an exceptional service. With today’s acquisition of Cognito iQ, I am

complex of organisations to manage data in a more effective manner,

delighted to announce that we have added a market leading real time

empowering their customers - that include Hermes, Transport for

analytics software solution that enables any customer to drive continuous

London and Argos - to achieve continuous improvements in productivity

improvement across their operations. In addition, this technology strongly

and efficiency.

complements our existing solutions which are providing our customers with mobile working, dynamic scheduling, job management, staff rostering

The acquisition of Cognito iQ enables Totalmobile to add a best-of-breed

and lone worker protection capabilities. The acquisition of Cognito iQ

real time performance analytics capability to an already comprehensive

is the largest in the history of the company and comes shortly after

suite of end-to-end Field Service Management technologies, enabling

the addition of utilities sector specialist GeoPal. This highlights the giant

customers to manage data better and closely analyse ongoing operations

strides that we are making as we continue to accelerate our growth. I’m

via a control room that ensures services are being delivered efficiently

very excited about what the future holds and look forward to welcoming

and KPIs are being met.

our new colleagues and customers to Totalmobile. Jim Darragh, CEO, Totalmobile

This highly capable technology will be rebranded and launched as Totalmobile’s new ‘Analyse’ product, presenting a significant opportunity

Totalmobile, with its uniquely strong position in the field service and

to offer the product to Totalmobile’s existing customer base of over 1,000

mobile workforce management market, is the ideal springboard to take

organisations, covering a range of sectors, including Government, Health

the revolutionary Cognito iQ products to market on a very large scale

and Social Care, Facilities Management, Infrastructure and Housing.

from day one. We very much look forward to joining the Totalmobile Group to accelerate growth and deliver transformational solutions to

The addition of Cognito iQ also provides Totalmobile with a strong

our customers.

presence in the fast-growing logistics market, which has an increasing

Laurent Othacéhé, CEO, Cognito iQ

need for transformative and scalable technology due to a change in consumer behaviours accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.


FORWARDER magazine



rish waste recovery specialist RiverRidge has invested in an integrated vehicle camera and telematics solution to maximise driver safety and compliance, while mitigating insurance risk on

non-fault accidents. The company, which boasts some of the highest ISO safety standards in the sector, appointed the Simplicity Group to install the WEBFLEET

This is a strong example of connectivity saving a customer time, money

fleet management system from Webfleet Solutions, together with

and resources. WEBFLEET provides one hub, one interface and one easy

forward, side and reverse MANTIS Live cameras, across its fleet of 150

way of accessing and running multiple connected fleet solutions.

vehicles and trailers.

Beverley Wise, Sales Director UK & Ireland, Webfleet Solutions

We needed a fully connected vehicle camera and telematics solution

The MANTIS Live DVR is equipped with a 4G true multi-network SIM to

that was both robust and easy to use. Simplicity Group have achieved

provide the best connectivity available, ensuring vehicle cameras can be

this plus integrated our tachograph, maintenance and fuel management;

viewed live when needed. The MANTIS evidence centre takes data from

the result is a true fleet management solution supported by a local company.

Webfleet Solutions, which has built-in crash detection, and automatically

Tony Kirkpatrick, Transport & Logistics Director, RiverRidge

uploads footage to the cloud and the MANTIS Live Smart Phone App.

RiverRidge is using WEBFLEET’S OptiDrive 360 functionality to measure

The solution is also helping to drive down insurance costs for RiverRidge as

driver scores for safety and efficiency, while the integral Tachograph

Harry Girvan, Director of MANTIS Live, explains:

Manager remotely downloads drivers’ cards daily and automatically

vehicle is blamed for an incident when the driver is not actually at fault – and

analyses infringements.

the impact on insurance premiums can be substantial. With 24/7 MANTIS

All too often a large

camera coverage now in place, RiverRidge and their drivers now have Remaining driving time and distance updates show RiverRidge managers

irrefutable evidence to safeguard them in the case of non-fault incidents.

how long each driver has left before they need to take a break to meet Working Time Directive rules. Drivers use an app on their mobile

RiverRidge will also be using Bridgestone to monitor its fleet’s tyre

phone to conduct a daily digital vehicle maintenance check, which gets

pressures and make the appropriate interventions to reduce punctures,

automatically sent to the back office via WEBFLEET to ensure compliance.

cut vehicle down time and save fuel.

Underinflated tyres have a higher

rolling-resistance making them considerably less efficient. Maintaining Meanwhile, integrated CANbus fuel management also allows the

the correct tyre pressure will lead to longer tyre life for both the new

company to monitor fuel consumption.

Duravis regional tyres on the front vehicle axle and the Bandag BDU2 retreads on the rear. Andrew Frizzell, National Fleet Executive, Bridgestone Ireland 24 MARCH 2021





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The promotion and dissemination of knowledge and information about products and organisations both externally and internally. Related topics Website design Social media Promotional techniques

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21 MARCH 2021




evic Systems SE, part of Jost Group, introduces its new

We cannot wait to share with you the new and improved intelligent

Corporate Identity. They said... We are excited to revamp

features and software solutions of the new V500e. New electric

our visual identity to better represent our company values,

powertrain, connectivity and smart options will increase the efficiency

innovation and technology. This represents a new era for Sevic

and safety of our vehicles significantly. Stay tuned for more updates on

combined with the acquisition of the intellectual property and the start

this. You can subscribe to our newsletter here.

of production of our flagship V500e in the European Union. We are also readjusting our color scheme. The former dark blue and lime Our new logo is created from the circuit symbol of a battery, the heart

green will be replaced by two different shades of blue. The new colors

of all our vehicles. Simple but abstract shapes represent the refinement

reflect Sevic’s new products, brand mission and sustainability goals.

and novelty of our brand. Through our new CI we want to strengthen our commitment to clean and sustainable mobility. The monogram S

The darker shade of blue signifies power, stability and confidence.

created by this symbol ties the logo into our bespoke logotype and

It represents the durability, improved features and power of our

company name: Sevic. The new logo also acts as our symbol and

vehicles. The light blue indicates calmness, sustainability and security.

trademark. The word and figurative mark of our new logo and typeface

We carefully selected these colors to best balance our values of power

have officially been registered.

and performance with those such as sustainability and reliability.

We will stay true to our motto, Drive electric. Sevic. We believe that electric drivetrains and battery powered vehicles are the future of urban


mobility and logistics. To further empathize our strong value proposition

Sevic Systems designs, engineers, and manufactures compact

for urban logistics, we will also add the slogan “Deliver electric. Sevic”.

fully electric utility vehicles in Europe. Our innovative vehicles

We also have exciting plans for expanding our range for the last-mile

are ideally made for last mile solutions and help companies

delivery ecosystem. We already offer our models with cargo capacities

reduce maintenance, labor, and operating costs. We are

between 50kg and more than 500kg. We will further develop new

strategically based in the industrial heart of Germany and have

vehicles in this range in order to perfectly match our customers’ needs.

gained important experience from our various success stories in the mobility sector. Our mission is to develop and manufacture

With our new visual identity, we want to ‘electrify’ our appearance and

user friendly and fully electric commercial vehicles.By combining

become more modern and refined. This goes along with our desire to

innovation and creativity, we will convert our planet to electric

offer more customized solutions for our customers. Going forward

transportation and allow businesses to become more sustainable.

there are going to be more cargo options than ever. We have new

and Industrial. The company has 110 full-time employees.

designs and solutions on the way and are excited to introduce improved cargo boxes, platforms, and flatbeds very soon.

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Deep sector knowledge. Digital expertise. Professional & friendly service.

b e W n g i s de e h t for ht g i e fr stry u d in

+44 (0)1454 628777

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We have unrivalled experience in web design, web development and SEO, along with web hosting, support and maintenance, giving you ultimate peace of mind. As a part of Freight Solutions Consulting we are unparalleled when it comes to social media and digital marketing, meaning maximum brand exposure for your business. FORWARDER magazine magazine FORWARDER


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Freight Solutions is an outsourced marketing solution for the freight industry.

Traditional marketing

Digital marketing

App design

Print is not dead. Nor is the postal

The average adult spends most of their

The ultimate in customer engagement.

system. Both work perfectly well, so

day looking at a screen. Checking their

Mobile usage now outweighs desktop,

let‘s use them. In fact, in this digital

news feed, in front of their computer,

so give your audience a focused, useful

age, high-end print actually stands out

on social media, online shopping,

portal where you control the content

more than it used to.

watching TV. Be on those screens.

and they remain interested.


• FreightWebsite design


• Advert design for your own use

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• Postal mailshots

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Book a meeting +(0)1454 628 777 FORWARDER magazine



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hanks for your time, as always! Speaking of gratitude, we have a new section coming to next month's issue: GIVING BACK.

We'll be telling the freight world about your charitable work

and also how you're helping to get things back on track, whether locally in terms of Brexit or on the global stage in terms of the pandemic. So reach out to us with your stories and we'll do the rest. Please keep the great content flowing our way, and we’ll present it to the freight and logistics world, with love from FORWARDER. Tim, Designer, FORWARDER


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f you would like your editorial to feature in next month’s magazine, please contact our editor Rachel using the contact details to the right. If you would like to advertise in FORWARDER magazine,

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Your strategic growth partner

The leading management consultancy for the freight industry and has a range of services to assist freight companies with their growth strategy.

Our aim is simple... • Partner with our clients and agree a clear growth strategy • Provide the marketing platform to produce the right type of enquiries at the right pace

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Our mission

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Please get in touch today +44 (0)1454 628771 • +44 (0)7760 484848 FORWARDER magazine ISSUE62 159



Who wants to just fit in, like everyone else? Bring us your misfits, your non-standard, your oversized cargo. It’s where our passion for problem solving comes into its own.

We’ll find a way


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