Summer 17 302 conference

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A Word from the Conference Chair Congratulations on being participants at the annual Anthropology of Religion virtual conference. Thank you for your many wonderful presentations and for providing all of us the opportunity to learn a little about your fascinating work on a vast range of religious beliefs and practices and the complicated ways that religious ideas shape our varied realities.. As scholars in an Anthropology of Religion course (a GE course with majors from all disciplines) we have been able to undertake individual research, explore our interests and grapple with the issues involved in ethnographic representation. Each scholar has been forced to confront how to present a critical glimpse of an aspect of a religious belief system, embedded in a particular culture, and raise questions about the relationship between the two. Please enjoy this opportunity for intellectual engagement and thoughtful reflection on the cultures and religions here represented in the work of your colleagues.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION...........................................................................................1 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE.............................................................................................................1 SUMMER 2017...............................................................................................................................1 A Word from the Conference Chair..............................................................................................2 EUROPE AND EGYPT..................................................................................................................4 The Catholic Religion Under a Microscope.................................................................................4 ASIAN.............................................................................................................................................4 Taost Cosmology and Its Influence on Teachers..........................................................................4 State Versus Practice.....................................................................................................................5 Hmong Religion............................................................................................................................5 BUDDHISM....................................................................................................................................5 The Dalai Lama in Relation to China Controlled Tibet................................................................5 Origins of Buddhism and Mahayana Beliefs................................................................................6 Buddhist Symbols.........................................................................................................................6 Buddhism and the Chinese Invasion of Tibet...............................................................................6 The Powerful Using the Peaceful.................................................................................................6 Buddhism, Mythology, and THe Buddha.....................................................................................7 PAGANISM & WICCA..................................................................................................................7 Wicca and Witchcraft, Oh My!.....................................................................................................7 Exploring Modern Pagan Beliefs and Practices...........................................................................8 HINDUISM.....................................................................................................................................8 The Four Purasarthas: A Hindu Way of Life................................................................................8 The Hindu Caste System..............................................................................................................9 Hinduism: What is God?...............................................................................................................9 ISLAM...........................................................................................................................................10 Salat: Islamic Daily Ritual..........................................................................................................10 Does ISIS Have Anything To Do With Islam?...........................................................................10 Sunni and Shia: Religious Culture and Conflict.........................................................................10 NORTH AMERICAN....................................................................................................................11 The Mormon Patriarchal Institution and Polygamous History...................................................11 Reach Into Your POscketbooks: The Church of Scientology.....................................................11 Feeding Our Faith.......................................................................................................................11 The Multiple Facets of the Amish Religion................................................................................12 Uncovering the Mormon Faith...................................................................................................12 SCientology................................................................................................................................12 OTHER..........................................................................................................................................12 LaVeyean Satanism: Dispelling Myths and Exposing Realities.................................................13 The Evolution of Abraham Into Religious Differences..............................................................13 The Impacts of Involvement of the Kingdon Plantae In Religious Beliefs Through Time........13 Religious Identity of Children and the Influence Of Parents.....................................................14 The Genesis of Geology.............................................................................................................14 A Hero’s Journey........................................................................................................................14 Zoroastrianism Cosmology & Myth and its Syncretism With Modern Religions......................14 Is Faith Compatible With Critical Thinking In THe Modern World?.........................................14


THE CATHOLIC RELIGION UNDER A MICROSCOPE Andrea Cuevas ABSTRACT This is a presentation that examines the Catholic religion, and focuses on the impact it can have on other religions as well as the impact it can have on our minds. In this presentation, I hope to broaden our minds to a whole new way of thinking that our religion not only impact who we are daily but also the crucial decisions we make in our daily lives. This can be anywhere from simple day to day decisions as well as perhaps influencing our mood and interactions we have with other people of another religion. By understanding more of the mental background of what religion does to our daily lives we can then only understand how the catholic religion influences those of its own religion and there values they then have towards society.


Photo by Topinambour TAOST COSMOLOGY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON TEACHERS Madison Hazen ABSTRACT This presentation examines Taoism in multiple ways. First, I will look at the history from which Taoism arose, known as the Warring States Period, and talk about how this historical context affected Taoist beliefs. Next, I will talk through main Taoist beliefs and the overall cosmology as put forth in the Tao Te Ching. Finally, I’m going to examine how these beliefs play out in a contemporary context. Taoism has ideals of solitude and a return to nature so I’m interesting in exploring how these beliefs survive in the interconnected, artificial world of today. For this last part, I’m going to focus on the article ‘Influence of Taoism on teachers’ definitions of guidance and discipline in Hong Kong secondary schools’ which is an example of Taoism in a contemporary context. My

hopes with this presentation is not only to give viewers an understanding of Taoist cosmology, but to show how Taoist beliefs and ideals are in play in today’s world.




Philip Pantages ABSTRACT This presentation takes a look at the religion of Falun Gong, more specifically focusing on its relationship with The Chinese Communist Party, and the party's maltreatment of members of the Falun Gong movement. Falun Gong has not been around very long, but in its short period of existence it has attracted quite a lot of undeserved negative attention. It is a spiritual practice that combines meditations and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy based on three tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and fore-bearance. The Chinese Communist Party eventually deemed these practices as unsafe for its country, which unfortunately led to the abusive treatment of the followers of Falun Gong.

HMONG RELIGION Gabriela Rivers Almansa ABSTRACT In my presentation I will explore the Hmong religion and culture through the lens of one of their biggest events, the New Year. The New Year is the only religious ceremony in which the entire community comes together, which is why I chose to focus on it. During this ceremony, many different ritual sacrifices are performed by the Shaman, Txiv Neeb. This tradition is centered around removing any evil spirits or influences that have gathered in the past year and promoting good fortune in the New Year. Sacred rites are also performed unique to each household, but during the Ntoo Xeeb ritual, all heads of household gather to promote the welfare of the entire village.


Mary Bone ABSTRACT This presentation discusses the complexity of the relationship between Tibet and Buddhism. A main distinguishing factor of Tibetan Buddhism is that it utilizes the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism along with Tantric and Shamanic practices. While Buddhism has been a prominent religion in Tibet, the religion has been forced into exile since Tibet was taken over by China. Throughout this exile the Dalai Lama has lived in India since he was forced to flee the country in 1959. Although, the Dalai Lama is exiled he still leads a groups of refugees that promote Tibetan language and culture.Â


This presentation discusses the origins of Buddhism from its creation by Siddhārtha Gautama to the present Mahayana form of Buddhism. It focuses on the different transitions of Buddhism. There is an emphasis on Mahayana transition and how Buddhism. It is an important topic as many people probably see Buddhism as one religion, yet many may have not known that Buddhism was constantly changing along with the rituals and practices that take place. By understanding how Buddhism was created and how it has changed, can help people if interested in Buddhism, which form is right for them.

BUDDHIST SYMBOLS Cheyenne Clark ABSTRACT In my conference presentation I want to talk about the important symbols used within the Buddhist religion, with a specific focus on the 8 auspicious symbols. The 8 auspicious symbols are a white parasol, a pair of golden fishes, a treasure vase, a lotus, a right spiraling white conch shell, and endless knot or lucky diagram, a victorious banner, and a golden wheel. The white parasol symbolizes the protection of beings from harmful forces and illness. The pair of golden fish symbolize the auspiciousness of all sentient beings in a state of fearlessness without danger of drowning in saṃsāra. The treasure vase symbolizes health, longevity, wealth, prosperity, wisdom and the phenomenon of space. The lotus symbolizes the primordial purity of body, speech, and mind, floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. The right spiraling white conch shell symbolizes the beautiful, deep, melodious, interpenetrating and pervasive sound of the dharma, which awakens disciples from the deep slumber of ignorance and urges them to accomplish their own welfare and the welfare of others. The endless knot symbolizes he ultimate unity of everything. The victorious banner symbolizes Buddha's victory over the four māras, or hindrances in the path of enlightenment. And the golden wheel symbolizes Gautama Buddha and the Dharma teaching.

BUDDHISM AND THE CHINESE INVASION OF TIBET Kyle Escovedo ABSTRACT As with all religious practices, Buddhism has faced global adversity. This analysis will briefly go over the fundamentals of Buddhism, its origins and significant eras in its history. One era in particular is the Chinese invasion of Tibet and its effects on the natives and its effects on the Tibetan Buddhist community as a whole. Beginning in 1950 the Chinese looked to incorporate Tibet into the People’s Republic of China (PRC) but as violence ensued many were forced to flee, Including the Dalai Lama, amidst a national uprising against Chinese forces. During which time the values held predominately by the Buddhist culture were challenged to a great extent. To further clarify, the aim of this analysis is not to delve into Buddhism as a whole but rather look at the impact of the Chinese invasion of 1950 and the significance it had on the Buddhist practitioners of Tibet

THE POWERFUL USING THE PEACEFUL Alexander Guerin ABSTRACT This presentation will explore the religion of Mahayana Buddhism and more specifically how it was utilized by elites throughout East Asian history to promote specific political agendas. Mahayana Buddhism developed within China as Buddhism spread out of India and gave rise to new religious ideas that leaders such as Empress Wu and various emperors in Japan employed to promote their own power. This research will reveal the ways in which political elites have used religious concepts to advance their power in the past, which can also be applied to modern theocratic political regimes. By understanding how religion was utilized in the past, we can better understand how it might be utilized by elites today.



ABSTRACT This presentation is about Buddhism. More specifically, about the Buddha and Buddhist stories or mythology in Buddhism. Most myths in Buddhism are about the life of the Buddha and they often provide a lesson. Buddhist stories and myth are not a very well known side of Buddhism in our society but they are very interesting and provide deeper insight into the beliefs of Buddhism.


Photo by MarcelGermain WICCA AND WITCHCRAFT, OH MY! Alysson Cochenour-Smith ABSTRACT This presentation is going to be about Wicca (Witchcraft) and how it came to be. It is going to focus on the practices of Wicca and why the Wiccan people believe what they believe. It will also focus on how it came to be and why it is still popular around the world. This is an interesting topic and a important one because many people don't see Wicca as an Religious practice but there is much more to it then people know. I also hope to apply why people still see Wiccan as an important religion and why they practice it. There are underlying practices and

this presentation is going to show what Wicca really is and all its roots and where it came from. This presentation should have readers and viewers alike learning what Wicca is. I also hope to show that Wicca can also apply to the philosophy of Religion and where it came from.


EXPLORING MODERN PAGAN BELIEFS AND PRACTICES Alyssa Lucas ABSTRACT This presentation seeks to examine Modern Paganism or Neo-Paganism and specifically, the connection to the natural world. The connection to the natural world within Paganism is well illustrated in the various beliefs, rituals, and practices observed within the broad spectrum of what is considered Modern Paganism. I will also be briefly addressing differences between old and contemporary paganism as well as various sub-categories of Neopaganism and the vast multitude of beliefs and rituals in relation to their cosmologies. i think this is a really fascinating topic because there are so many misconceptions about Paganism and there is much we can appreciate and learn about our relationship to the natural world.

. Photo by Graham Hills THE FOUR PURASARTHAS: A HINDU WAY OF LIFE Sarah Conner ABSTRACT This presentation looks at the four Purasarthas of Hinduism: Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. These are the four principles of the Hindu way of life, the four main ways a follower of the Hindu religion should follow in his or her life. The four Purasarthas are essentially the main discipline in religion; however, they are not well studied in ethnographies. According to the Hindu text, the Dharma is the main way of life and is described as being the way one lives in a good way. Artha is the second important, and is considered the things a person does to happy or well-off. Kama involves a persons desire or passion, which should be sought to have an enjoyable life. And finally: Moksha which is essentially liberation and involves the cycle of life and death and rebirth.



ABSTRACT This presentation discusses the Hindu religion, and more specifically examines the Hindu caste system and their lowest level of society, the “Untouchables”. This is a social rank, determined at birth, has been applied to a group of people who are seen as filthy, are given the lowest jobs, no education, and no livable wage. In recent years, from Gandhi in the 1930’s fighting against the discrimination of the “untouchables”, to now with millions of people wanting a different system, there has been more backlash to this caste system - a system which puts many within the Hindu system under humiliation and a life of unfair and evil standards. By understanding more about the caste system, we can learn more about Hinduism and the affects it has had on a large portion of our global population.

HINDUISM: WHAT IS GOD? Cory Monroy ABSTRACT This presentation will cover Hinduism, specifically it will focus on the concept of god. Hinduism is unique in that there are no religious authorities, no governing bodies, and no binding holy book. Hindus can choose to be either polytheistic, monotheistic, agnostic, and even atheistic. From a western perspective this makes Hinduism hard to understand because we are used to categorizing religion as being a particular way. We can learn much from understanding the many ways that Hindus choose to define their religion.

Photo by seier+seier SALAT: ISLAMIC DAILY RITUAL Molly Ballard ABSTRACT This presentation will delve into the practices and symbolism behind the Islamic ritual practice of Salat. The ritual practice of Salat is also known as the second Pillar of Islam. Being the second pillar, it is considered of the utmost importance as a foundation of Muslim’s lifestyle and a staple of the belief system of Islam. Salat is prayer that is performed five time throughout the day. No matter where you are, or what you are doing, it must be done. Many non-muslims consider this an unattainable goal, but Muslims argue against that. They insist that it isn’t a ‘chore’ or ‘burden’, it is a priority; you simply have to understand where your priorities lie. By understanding how and why Salat is performed, provides key insights into Islamic beliefs and prioities.


Alyssa Buie ABSTRACT This presentation analyzes the religion of Islam, most specifically on what being a Muslim entails. I contrasted this with why Islamophobia is so present in the world currently, and whether ISIS, the cause of much Islamophobia, has any connection with people who practice Islam. This was a topic I felt compelled to examine after all the recent political circumstances centered on Muslims and their religion, and wanted to shed light on the realities of what the religion of Islam actually believes versus what the world at large thinks they believe.



SUNNI AND SHIA: RELIGIOUS CULTURE AND CONFLICT Sierra Farquhar ABSTRACT This presentation is an exploration of the intricacies of the Islamic religion. It examines the similarities and differences between the Sunni and Shia, the two main groups of practicing Muslims. It focuses on the history and reasons for the distinction between the two groups, and examines their beliefs, practices, symbols, and rites. The presentation will explore Islamic symbols such as the star and crescent, the Qoran, and the Rub el Hizb as well as rites such as circumcision and marriage in the context of both the Sunni and Shia. This topic is intriguing because it is important to examine why certain groups believe the way that they do in order to increase understanding of the complexities of religious conflicts and beliefs.

Photo by Drew Zanki THE MORMON PATRIARCHAL INSTITUTION AND POLYGAMOUS HISTORY Kaetlyn Weidun Lehman ABSTRACT This presentation examines and defines the historical Mormon polygynous lifestyle and the issues that occurred before undergoing a change to the existing Mormon doctrine. This history will segue into the examination of the patriarchal hierarchy and gender inequality embedded within the LDS belief system that affects women within the Mormon Church. These two examinations collide as studies have shown how people of the LDS faith differ drastically in their attitudes toward premarital sex and differences in gender roles. This is an interesting topic of study during the current secular move towards feminist equality since many Mormon women are held to old religious standards while striving to define boundaries and find their role within family, church, and society.

REACH INTO YOUR POSCKETBOOKS: THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY Roak Ely ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Church of Scientology and its legitimacy as a religion. Many former members of the Church have come forward claiming to be victims or to have seen acts of violence and abuse from the upper tiers of the Church, and many have gone as far to say that it is a cult with the sole purpose of making money by exploiting innocent followers and abusing the tax exempt status that comes with church status in the United States. This is an interesting topic in an anthropological context because the wrongdoings of the Church correlate with the capitalistic culture of Western core nations; without the system of capitalism the Church of Scientology would have be seen as evil, but because they publicly follow the laws of our nations, they continue to operate with ease. Learning about this topic will further our understanding of the cult of Scientology and how an organization of the like can operate in Western society.

FEEDING OUR FAITH Jane Kuszmaul ABSTRACT This presentation examines the food rituals of Seventh Day Adventists, and how these food practices bring together communities and strengthen faith. By using diet to separate themselves from the rest of the population, Seventh Day Adventists mark themselves as the holy ones, who alone will reach salvation. Their dietary restrictions reach beyond this, because even though many followers do not follow all restrictions to the point, they find a sense of community in even thinking about what they are consuming in relation to their religion. Food is closely tied to community and culture, and as people in the first world become isolated from their food sources, connecting what they eat to some form of community is powerful.

THE MULTIPLE FACETS OF THE AMISH RELIGION Caitlin McCoy ABSTRACT This presentation will cover how the Amish religion came to be and the multiple aspects that embody it. I will review what the key beliefs and values are and what is viewed as improper or sinful through my research of a person directly from the community. I will not only uncover the tradition lifestyle of the Amish but discuss the school system and culture within the community and what role each individual plays within the community. As most know the Amish culture is very withdrawn and in light of technology, years behind the present world. Due to this, joining this kind of lifestyle is often difficult if not born into the society so I will present the process of joining the Amish community as well as what happens if someone decides to leave and the consequences of doing so. After this presentation the understanding of not only the Amish religion, but also the culture around it will be much clearer.

UNCOVERING THE MORMON FAITH Sarah McHale ABSTRACT This presentation explores the Mormon religion in inspecting its history and belief systems. Not only will it encompass an overview of these aspects, but will explore how these beliefs have affected its followers along with how society has responded to them. A re-occurring concept that is made apparent when exploring these ideas is the comparison to Christian ideology, so that will be highlighted as well. There are many alleged overlapping ideas that when analyzed, give way to certain confusing aspects of the religion and reveal the church's values. This is important to analyze because there are many misconceptions about the Latter Day Saints and in order to fully understand their theology, a deeper uncovering is critical.

SCIENTOLOGY Erica Westland ABSTRACT I will be looking the Church of Scientology. I will first introduce its origin, cosmology and some general beliefs. Much of my research led me to question if Scientology can be considered a religion using definitions of religion from our textbook as well as the definitions given by Ninian Smart’s “dimensions”


misconceptions and fraudulent characteristics from the media are dispelled and the efforts to do so are clearly depicted to demonstrate the religion’s direct opposition to these convictions. THE EVOLUTION OF ABRAHAM INTO RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES Irene Morena ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic religions, commonly known as the Abrahamic religions. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are religions in the world that have a great amount of followers. These three religions have some similar beliefs, but also have conflicting beliefs, especially in who they consider to be prophets. Each of these religions has their own sacred text. This is an interesting topic, because they are called the Abrahamic religions due to one of their similarities; they all consider Abraham to be the first prophet. By learning what the Abrahamic religions believe and how they have evolved, we gain insight into what other cultures and religions believe and observe.

Photo by birdfarm LAVEYEAN SATANISM: DISPELLING MYTHS AND EXPOSING REALITIES Maximillian Cox ABSTRACT This presentation elaborates upon the history of Laveyan Satanism, discussing the founding of The Church of Satan by Anton LaVey in 1966, to the status and objectives of the church present day. The overarching idea of Satanism as a proper, modern day response to organized world religion is made apparent by the religion’s uniquely blunt use of religiously provocative symbols, and practices. The self’s desires as sacred is reinforced in the religion’s unique belief system, and the profane is clearly addressed within Satanic Symbols. Common

THE IMPACTS OF INVOLVEMENT OF THE KINGDON PLANTAE IN RELIGIOUS BELIEFS THROUGH TIME Megan Nibbelink This presentation is shows the reader the vast variety and uses of medicinal, ornamental, and food crops (as well as their variety of uses) in ritualistic practices of a variety of religions. Plants are often overlooked as an "interesting" component of our human lives, however this is rather contrary to the fact. Plants are incredibly significant and useful to humans in nearly every aspect of our livesincluding the way we practice religion. While many believe a focus on a particular plant may be primitive, it has been included in a variety of practices, intentional and unintentional, throughout time, including more contemporary years.

RELIGIOUS IDENTITY OF CHILDREN AND THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTS Isabel Quintero ABSTRACT This presentation examines the influence of parents and society on the forming of religious identity of children. I will specifically be focusing on how life events in a child’s life, such as divorce and loss of loved ones create different perspectives on religion. I intend on exploring not only how parents influence their children but also how American schools influence children. Everything a child is taught from day one is from their parents and their belief, it is not until a child enters a school or social setting that it is faced with different views and beliefs. It is then when children begin to create their own religious identity and begin to question their beliefs. I believe it is important to understand what factors play into children forming their own ideas of religion, not only to measure the commitment level in different religions but also to understand the acceptance of other religious cultures children build over the years.

THE GENESIS OF GEOLOGY Julie Sounart ABSTRACT The topic of my study is about christianity and geology. In christianity the biblical teachings give dates of occurrences. These occurrences tell the a timeline of how and when the earth was created. Many christians live through their faith that the teachings particularly the dates of the occurrence depicted in the bible. Geologist however have a completely different set of dates that tell us how and and why the earth was created. In my presentation we will review what christianity is what the biblical dates tell us. I will also look at what geology is, how it is practiced and the dates established through scientific geological studies. The purpose of this presentation is not to discredit one or the other, rather to compile enough evidence that one gets an idea about what each topic is about and can decipher between the two topics.

A HERO’S JOURNEY Monique Balzar ABSTRACT No Abstract

ZOROASTRIANISM COSMOLOGY & MYTH AND ITS SYNCRETISM WITH MODERN RELIGIONS Rebecca Thomas ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Zoroastrian religion and its origins. More specifically it focuses on the influence that Zoroastrian cosmology and myth, had on the major monotheistic religions of the Jews, the Moslems and the Christians that came after. Based on archaeological and linguistic evidence Zoroastrianism is arguably the oldest continuously practiced monotheistic religion in the world. As a result of this it has influenced many of the monotheistic religions that came out of the same area of the world after its founding. Specifically looking at which of the Zoroastrian prophet Zarathustra’s religious philosophies were appropriated as original by the prophets of the newer religions as they shaped those religions.

IS FAITH COMPATIBLE WITH CRITICAL THINKING IN THE MODERN WORLD ? Jacob Turner ABSTRACT This presentation is going to analyze and explore the Christian world religion a long with its many sects around the world. Specifically, I would like to explore the definition of faith in various cultures around the world, within Christianity and compare it to non-christian religions like Islam or Buddhism. Then I will explore how faith and the process or skill of critical thinking are compatible, if they are at all. According to the bible faith is, "...the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) This will be a fascinating topic for me to explore because in our modern world we all have access to nearly all the information man has ever discovered literally at our fingertips

Photo by Belgian Chocolate

You are searching the world for treasure but the real treasure is yourself If you are tempted by bread you will find only bread. What you seek for you become. Rumi - Hidden Music

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