Jewish News Jewish Deaf Association Supplement issue 971

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7 OCTOBER 2016




Jewish News 7 October 2016




On 2 June 2002, at the age of 30, Andrew Goodwin woke up in his Brighton flat and found that he was profoundly deaf.


put in my hearing aids and couldn’t hear anything. I was worried and scared, something was not right. I tried to get out of bed and was immediately sick. “I fell on the floor and realised my balance had gone. I crawled to the phone to ring the doctor and realised I wouldn’t be able to hear them. I decided to go to work and I kept falling into hedges and walls on the way. At the bus stop, people looked at me with a funny expression. I realised I couldn’t hear my own voice and I was shouting. “Fear, shock, nausea and disorientation had set in. This was certainly not a normal morning,’” says Andrew dryly. Before this life-changing blow to his hearing, Andrew, already partially deaf, had gone through very difficult times over the years. Diagnosed with hearing loss in both ears at 18 months old, his parents had to fight to get him hearing aids. “The doctors didn’t seem that interested in helping me. Eventually I was fitted with a box hearing aid, which was strapped to my chest with wires that went into my ears.

all. “Mobile phones were still in their infancy and the internet was only just getting going. We had no idea how to access equipment that would help me. My health got worse. Because communication was impossible, I wouldn’t go to the shops to buy food. Without my parents’ support, I would have wasted away.” After months of struggling, Andrew was visit to the Jobcentre, Andrew was told he would referred to a charity specialising in helping be useless at retail. Stubbornly, Andrew got a people with an acquired profound hearing loss. sales job in a jewellery store, succeeding in retail “From the help I received there, I gradually for the next 20 years! started to turn my life around.” But now, three months after His relationship with JDA began in 2005 that fateful morning in 2002, when he joined LIPSYNC, a JDA social group Andrew had to give up his job and for young adults with hearing loss. “This is his hearing aids were redundant. what brought me to life. Despite overcoming all his “Despite all the challenges over the previous challenges with positivity years, I have a very positive and cheerful and dogged determination, he outlook. Thanks to the huge amount of found himself sitting on a cliff edge support I have received from friends, family in Peacehaven wondering how he and organisations such as JDA, I am now could go on. ready to use my experience to help others He battled on, fighting overcome whatever obstacles are stopping growing feelings of isolation and them from getting the very best out of Nathan Gluck JDA Advert:Layout 2 it 16/9/16 depression and the urge to end life – 13:36 as do I! ”Page 1

Andrew Goodwin is just one of many hundreds of people who are part of the JDA family. Over the next few pages, you will read their stories and understand the work we do. Your support will allow us to continue doing it. I used to chew on the wires.” When he reached school age, the local education authorities wanted to send Andrew to a mental institution. “My parents refused so we moved to Pinner, where I went to a mainstream school, which had a hearingimpaired unit. In his GCSE year, Andrew told the careers advisor that he wanted to be an architect. “‘There’s no point,’ the man told me. He said: ‘You will be on benefits for the rest of your life.’” In the late 1980s, during a

Your next birthday could be life changing! This is Max. He is 87 years old, deaf and lives in a residential home. Before JDA started visiting his care home regularly to give professional hearing support, he and other deaf residents spent every day in their bedrooms – lonely, bored and dreading every moment. Now, with JDA’s regular hearing support, Max is back in the game and getting the very best out life. If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or wedding, by inviting friends and family to donate to JDA as an alternative to traditional gifts, you’ll be helping JDA to end the isolation and loneliness of older people with hearing loss living in care. To share your celebration and support JDA, please contact Claudia at JDA on 020 8446 0502 or

Nathan Gluck is proud to be associated with the JDA for a period of over 15 years We salute the great work that the JDA and its professional staff and volunteers do. We wish you continued success in everything you do.

Main Office: 20 Wentworth Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 0RP

Tel: 020 8455 4210

7 October 2016 Jewish News




ANDREW IS NOW JDA CAFÉ CULTURE MANAGING Dcafe - JDA new signing café launches next month at JDA’s JDA’S PIONEERING OUTREACH SERVICE North Finchley community centre Easing the isolation of older people with hearing loss


hen JDA was looking for an inspiring role model to join their staff team, they approached Andrew. He is now managing the pioneering new residential homes visiting and training service. “Even though I had a great job, when the opportunity came up to join JDA, I couldn’t turn it down. It was perfect for me. I felt that everything I had achieved over the past 14 years had been leading up to this. “Our mission is to reduce the loneliness and isolation of older people in care homes, most of whom suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss. “Over the past few months, I have been developing and training a great team of volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds, to help me reach as many people in care as possible. So far, we have 10 volunteers, but we still need many more.” Since Andrew joined JDA, he has visited a number of care homes in the Borough of Barnet and has seen well over 100 residents. Their stories are many and varied. One care home resident told us: “My hearing aids hadn’t worked all week. They told me it would take six weeks until the NHS

JDA volunteer technicians in action

could help me. Within 2 days, Andrew came round and sorted me out. Without my hearing aids working, people spoke to me as if I was stupid and I felt sad and frustrated; I didn’t want to leave my room. Thanks to Andrew’s team, I can now enjoy chatting to people again and doing our afternoon quiz.” Another resident had severe problems with his hearing aids and had not had a hearing test for seven years. He told Andrew: “Through your intervention, I’ve now had hearing tests and am awaiting two new hearing aids. Hopefully I’ll feel more confident and can chat up the ladies!” Andrew sums up: “By getting round to people quickly and efficiently, we are starting to make a huge difference in people’s lives. Working with the NHS, we are helping to take the pressure off our wonderful but overstretched audiology service. A simple intervention at the right time makes such a profound and positive impact on the lives of older people with hearing loss in care homes.” Andrew is looking for reliable volunteers to regularly visit older people in residential homes. To help, please contact him on


t JDA, we see lots of great reasons to open Dcafe. It will be a place in which deaf people can come and meet in a comfortable, signing environment. Newcomers will be able to see the range of activities, services and opportunities on offer at JDA, make new friends and become a part of JDA community life … or they can just come and enjoy the coffee. Sue Cipin, JDA chief executive, says: “There is so much unemployment among the deaf community, who communicate using sign language. They try so hard to gain employment, but receive one knockback after another. It’s demoralising to have nothing to do, day in, day out and we’re finding that more and more deaf people just want to spend time together, here at JDA. “So, while providing a great new meeting place for the deaf community – which will be run entirely by deaf volunteers – Dcafe will enable unemployed deaf people to achieve new catering and organisational skills and hopefully help towards giving them future employment opportunities. “As the volunteers notch up each training certificate, we are already seeing their confidence and self-esteem growing.” Food will be prepared in JDA’s kosher dairy kitchen and using kosher ingredients. Along with Eddy’s wonderful cakes, Dcafe will serve freshly-made coffee, healthy soups and sandwiches, jacket potatoes and a daily special. It will open every Tuesday between 10am and 4pm. Dcafe is just one more way that JDA will ensure every deaf person gets the very best out of life. And that includes great coffee!

EDDY – OUR STAR BAKER AT Dcafe – Professional patissier, Eddy Potter-Laroy, will keep Dcafe well stocked with yummy cakes. He will also train keen volunteers in the art of baking. Eddy comes from the city of Ghent in Belgium. There, as a child at a deaf school, he developed a lifelong passion for baking and patisserie. He is bilingual, communicating in both Flemish Sign Language and British Sign Language and is much valued by JDA as a volunteer, helping in many ways.

A CORNFLAKE MOMENT “I brought my Dad to JDA’s Technology Room where he tried one of the powerful amplified phones.

Just one hour

I left the room with one handset,

with JDA’s hearing

leaving Dad holding the other.

consultant can

‘What did you have for breakfast Dad?’ I asked. ‘Cornflakes’ he replied. I burst into tears – of joy – as this was the first time in years I’d had a meaningful response from him by phone.”

be life-changing! Call Gabbie on 020 8446 0214

technology room


Jewish News 7 October 2016



A very special family


t first glance, the Freemans of Borehamwood appear to be just a regular family. Dad Jeremy runs his own digital agency and manages a region of business networking groups; mum Ravit runs her own cake

business; Chantelle, 13, is a typical teenager, dividing her time between homework and messaging friends, and brother Eytan, nine, is football crazy. What makes this family unusual is the fact they were all born deaf. The couple, who

WE HAD NO IDEA OUR DAUGHTER WAS DEAF When Nicole Metz started her new pre-school, staff noticed she wasn’t responding and wondered if she could hear properly. Nicole was sent for hearing tests and it was then – at the age of four – that her parents discovered that she was profoundly deaf in her left ear and severely deaf in her right ear. Her mother Louise says: “We were traumatised. Although we had noticed changes in Nicole’s behaviour, we had no idea she was deaf. But discovering it was almost a relief – as it explained so much. “Jody at JDA has been absolutely fabulous. She has become a friend and confidante. It’s good to know we’re not the only family going through this and to meet several of the other mums for coffee in Borehamwood. Jody’s helped us to claim Disability Living Allowance and is a great source of information and advice. “Nicole has been fitted with hearing aids and is doing well, but we feel much more positive about the future now that her cochlear implants have been approved – we’ve only heard good things about implants and we hope and pray she will benefit from them and live a normal life.”

have been married for 17 years, met through a mutual friend while bowling. Ravit says: “All our friends are hearing, so it wasn’t deafness that brought us together, but it helped as we understood each other more.” Ravit and Jeremy first contacted JDA at the suggestion of hospital staff when Chantelle was born. “Despite our own deafness, it was a new experience for us to raise a deaf child,” says Ravit. “JDA showed us how to cope and find activities to help the children thrive and gain confidence. Deaf children often get frustrated. We were told that art can be good therapy and it was for our daughter.” With help from JDA to enter mainstream Jewish education, Chantelle is now flourishing at Yavneh College. A cochlear implant has enhanced her hearing on one side and she wears a hearing aid on the left, where deafness is severe. “I choose not to use the FM system hearing link at school because it is irritating and makes me feel different,” she says. “Teachers usually put me in the front of the class and I can hear fine.” Eytan, who was born profoundly deaf, has bilateral cochlear implants and the best hearing and speech in the family. “I use the FM system hearing link at school because it cuts out the background noise, and I sit away from the window, where I can hear the teacher.” Inspired by the Great British Bake Off and Cake Boss, self-taught Ravit began her own cake business, Peaks & Swirls, three years ago, and the success of her themed birthday cakes are reflected in the comments from satisfied customers on Facebook. Following the loss of her mother, Bhila, five years ago, Ravit has been supported by JDA. She says: “My mother was the one who understood my deafness, so it is hard, but I will be forever grateful for the support JDA gave me at such a difficult time.” “JDA is an invaluable support network to us as a family,” adds Jeremy. “We know we can seek impartial advice and guidance on issues and not necessarily all deafness related. Additionally, JDA has a number of specialised

staff with first-hand experience of deafness and deaf children, which makes a huge difference as many organisations lack any deaf awareness and understanding of our access requirements.” Ravit believes deafness is a hidden disability that will always have an impact on a person’s quality of life, but that it is up to the individual to maximise opportunities. “Throughout my professional life, I’ve been restricted to jobs that do not require a lot of listening or communication, but I am so grateful for my design skills, which I have been able to use without restrictions.”

Sadly, Ravit has not found it easy to make new friends as a mum outside the school gates. “Most of the mums chat in groups, which I find very hard; it is easier for me to communicate on a one-one basis,” she reveals. “I get quite upset that the parents find it difficult to approach me, but I’m very happy my children have a wonderful large circle of friends, as it gives me hope that they won’t struggle in the future.” For Ravit’s cakes, call 020 8440 6810 or visit:

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7 October Jewish News





Born without ears, Kieran Sorkin didn’t like the attention. Now he can’t get enough of it


’ve got a pair just like that,” says Kieran as I present him with a gift of mirrored shades. “I’ll try them on though,” he adds cheekily and proceeds to pose in the glasses. Kieran currently has 22 pairs of sunglasses and it’s a precious and burgeoning collection because, up until two years ago, he couldn’t wear glasses at all. Born deaf, Kieran also had bilateral microtia, a rare congenital condition that meant he had no ears – just small lobes on the sides of his head. His mother Louise still gets emotional describing the moment she first saw her beautiful newborn son and realised there was a problem. “I was consumed with the idea that he hadn’t heard my heartbeat for the nine months I carried him,” she says now smiling at her chirpy 11-year-old. “It took my husband and I four months to learn how to even spell his condition and it was overwhelming when we heard that it affects only one in 100,000 babies. With those odds, I should do the lottery.” But Louise and David Sorkin were not defeatists as their son was cared for by Great Ormond Street Hospital, while they turned to JDA. Louise lights up when she

talks about JDA or “second family” as she refers to the charity’s many individuals who were there for advice, hands-on help and introduced them to other Jewish parents with deaf children. “JDA have always been on the phone when I need them,” says Louise, who is a nursery school teacher and has two other children, Mia, 14, and Zack, two. “They helped with his transition to primary school, told us our entitlements and just kept us going. JDA is on speed dial.” Encouraged by the positivity of his parents, Kieran never let his condition affect him and, with the help of a bone anchored hearing aid (a titanium prosthesis embedded in his skull), was able to hear. But he still had no ears and this did upset him. He was unable to ignore the fact he looked different to his school friends and that people looked at him oddly. “I wanted ears and kept asking if I could have the surgery I’d seen in a TV programme,” he says matter-of-factly. Two years ago that wish came true. Kieran went to Great Ormond Street for a six-hour operation performed by surgeon Neil Bulstrode, who used rib cartilage from both sides of the young boy’s chest

as frameworks for ears. The results were nothing short of a miracle and his parents burst into tears when the bandages came off, but there was pain immediately afterwards and disorientation, which Kieran took in his stride, never once regretting his decision . “I really like my ears,” he says. “I was worried they might be really big like an elephant’s, or small like a mouse, but they are normal like my mum’s.” Rolling about on the carpet with his little brother Zack, no one would never know what he has been through. “They wouldn’t realise how brave he has been,” says Louise. “But he has always been such a special boy. He never let anyone put him down. But the ears have made such a huge difference to his self-esteem and confidence.” Kieran’s hearing aid has to be replaced every two years and there are tests every six months at Great Ormond Street, so he will never truly escape the confines of his condition. But the on-going support of his own family and his family at JDA make things that much easier and, now that he can wear sunglasses when people look at him, he doesn’t mind at all.

The barmitzvah boy Becoming a man is important for all 12-year-old boys, but for Shimmy Bloch it is a big milestone


hen Shimmy Bloch woke to learn the results of the Brexit vote, his first reaction was to write a letter. ‘Dear Boris, you are naughty. You voted to leave. My granny can’t come to visit us now.’ This was not Shimmy’s first correspondence to people in power, having previously written to the Queen to invite her for tea, stating: ‘As it has to be kosher, you had better come to my house.’ Although she declined the invitatio, Shimmy did receive a reply from Her Majesty’s personal secretary. These are just two examples of how Shimmy has not allowed his deafness to stop him being an extraordinary cheeky, funny 12-year-old. And like other 12-year-old Jewish boys, Shimmy is now busy preparing for his barmitzvah in just a few weeks’ time. “As he attends a non-Jewish school, we wanted Shimmy to share his preparation with other Jewish kids,” explains his mother, Karen. “After asking JDA, we contacted Rabbi Lister of Edgware United synagogue, who has arranged the most amazing barmitzvah journey for him. “The JDA made a fantastic shidduch by introducing us to Sabrina Morris, a qualified teacher, who specialises in deaf education. Sabrina has interpreted for Shimmy so he has been able to get the full barmitzvah experience

and she taught all the boys some sign language so they could all communicate together. As part of the programme, Shimmy has learnt to lay tefillin, visited the butcher to find out about kashrut and the mikveh to learn about immersing new crockery and cutlery as well as team-building exercises and even helping at Norwood on Mitzvah Day.” Shimmy said the part he enjoyed the most was making doughnuts. Like any barmitzvah, Shimmy is really looking forward to celebrating with his family, notably the 25 relatives who will be coming over from South Africa. “He is working hard to receive an aliyah in shul,” says his father, Marc. “And we’re all going to eat in our succah!” explains his nine-year-old sister Ayelet proudly. The Bloch family hail from South Africa, but moved to England after struggling to find the right education and medical care for Shimmy in their native land. “Shimmy was born with a cleft palate and the surgery he had in South Africa was not successful, in fact it created obstacles for him having further successful surgery,” says Marc. “He has had three bone grafts in the UK, but more will likely be needed. The school situation was also looking bleak so I Googled ‘Jewish deafness in London’ and discovered JDA. They put me in touch with their family services

coordinator, Jody Sacks. “Jody has been such a big help. She helped us with the admin of moving, with the statement of education for Shimmy, put us in touch with a lot of support groups, like the National Deaf Children’s Society, applying for benefits and transport, filling in forms and so on. “Probably the most valued thing was helping us to find the right school, Blanche Nevile School for Deaf Children in Muswell Hill. We never imagined that Shimmy would be able to get a full mainstream education at a school which teaches total communication, that is using all types of communication, such as sign, oral, auditory, written and visual aids – whatever it takes!” “But the clubs are boring!” adds Shimmy, demonstrating his cheeky sense of humour. Like most 12-year-olds, Shimmy is into technology. “Jody from JDA gave him a volunteer job recently, serving tea and coffee and teaching technology in British Sign Language,” adds his father. “He has created his own website, Shimmynews, and he is always emailing people. He emailed the person at the BBC who is in charge of signing and asked them to come to visit his school. When I read the emails, it was clear that the person didn’t know if Shimmy was a child or teacher, that’s how confident and forthright he comes across!”

And it doesn’t stop there. Shimmy has also appeared on the Paul O’Grady Show with his school choir, KAOS, singing and signing True Colours as part of Deaf Awareness Week. There is a video on the KAOS website of the performance. “It’s easy to spot Shimmy,” says Karen. “He’s the only one wearing a kippah.” Marc and Karen are delighted with the progress Shimmy has made in his new school and with his barmitzvah experience. “We never imagined half of this would be possible, and so much of it has been thanks to JDA.”

onation go to –  – To make a donation go to –  –To make a donation go to –  –


Jewish News 7 October 2016



COULD YOU BE A GREAT VOLUNTEER? “FOR JDA I WOULD DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THEY ASK OF ME” JDA relies on a highly dedicated team of volunteers, each committed in their own special way. Here, they say why volunteering for JDA brings out the very best in them. Nathan Gluck Nathan Gluck is an independent hearing aid specialist and a cruc ial member of JDA’s new outreach service volunteer team. At JDA, he gives free, impartial information on NHS and private sector audiolog y. I have been a volunteer with JDA for over 15 years. I have seen time and again that JDA care for everyone extends way beyond hearing and goes to carin g for the whole person.

I am proud to be associated with JDA. Their ethos in ‘going the extra mile’ for everyone they enco unter, matches and reflects the ethos that I believe in passionately. We all understand each other so well because there is a sense of joint and common purpose in all our interactions. I love working with JDA.

Rochelle Lewis and Talya Tibber incredible We are members of the anising org , tee mit Hear!Hear! com and nts eve g isin dra fantastic fun s. nes are Aw f Dea ting promo eives no to be part of JDA. It rec We’re exceedingly proud ny we raise pen ry eve t tha w we kno government funding and ching rea far all but important and is crucial to such a sm charity. vember 2016 A LOL” on Tuesday 8 No Our Comedy Night “JD rk in wo JDA continue its great will raise funds to help en. ldr ilies with deaf chi supporting Jewish fam viding such be part of a charity pro It has been inspiring to hs. ple of all ages and fait excellent support to peo ship with e a wonderful relation hav s eer Hear!Hear! volunt of our lives. t par l cia spe a be always JDA members and JDA will

Kirsty Emmett Kirsty Emmett worked in ting primary education suppor g children with learnin disabilities. This led her to ge learning British Sign Langua and volunteering for JDA. n Eisen, a 92-year-old I look after JDA member Hele ng girl. I take her shopping lady with the spirit of a you has enough groceries to she on Thursdays and ensure week. keep her going through the ily and mine and reminisce. We chat, talk about her fam us! It’s therapy for both of e around the house, bills, I help her with maintenanc pendent as possible. inde and generally keep her as

WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS AND FUNDRAISERS! … to join JDA’s incredible team of volunteers ... and to join the Hear!Hear! committee ... and start up new fundraising committees for young people, climb mountains, run marathons, undertake sponsored bike rides and raise funds in all sorts of imaginative ways – the crazier the better! To play your part, please contact Sue Cipin at JDA on 020 8446 0502 or email Sue at

relationship between JDA is a community and the s like family. This members and volunteers feel reciprocal, with trust and relationship is rewarding JDA is truly special. e. tim r ove up and respect built

Jamie Cotsen Jamie Cotsen is Business Development Manager. His brother Jonny, who is deaf, teaches art and drama to hearing children in Cardiff. Jamie lives in Borehamwood with his wife Amanda and daughters Zoe and Rosie. Growing up with Jonny inspired me to work with JDA. When I first visited JDA and learned about the charity’s incredible range of services for people of all ages, I was superimpressed. I had no idea how much amazing work JDA does. Now I’m hooked!

The Marathon was my first fundraiser! It was worth all the hard work - it’s so important to help JDA be there for more and more people. I’m determined to spread the word about JDA, helping them to gain new supporters. Right now I’m selling advertising space for the ‘JDA LOL’ Comedy Night brochure. The money I raise is helping JDA support families with deaf babies and children – which is very close to my heart.

Michael Freedman Michael Freedman we ars a hearing aid and has som e knowledge of how sou nd works as he used to be a the atre technician. He has jus t moved to London from Leeds and is now a volunteer techn ician for the new outreach ser vice in residential


I’ve seen the work going on at JDA – AMAZING! And it’s so important that it’s for everyone from any bac kground. When I go into care hom es to fix hearing aids, I find older people sitting alo ne and isolated. We’re making an instant improvement . I helped one lady wh o was 101 and, once her hearing aid was working, the firs t thing she did was ring her bro ker to check her shares !


7 October 2016 Jewish News




A woman of substance It is impossible to imagine what it feels like to be Mira Goldberg. After her mother contracted rubella in pregnancy, she was born deaf and then, at aged two, when toddlers are still clinging to their mothers’ skirts, was sent alone to live in England. With no adequate education available for deaf children in 1950s Iran, residential education in England offered better opportunities for the tiny girl, and it would be her home for the next 16 years. Mira tells the story of her early life so efficiently it belies the fear and uncertainty she would have felt at the time, but she also has sweet memories of friendships formed. “When you live in a boarding school, it creates bonds and they are for life,” says Mira, who returned to Iran when she completed her secondary education. It was, however, a shortlived stay as it was no longer her home and, as no one could communicate in sign language, communication was a barrier. Back in England at the age of 18, Mira found JDA and like for so many others before her, the charity became her family. “They told me about their hostel in Stoke Newington and I moved in and the JDA’s executive director helped me to get my British passport and find a job as a computer clerk.

“Because of JDA, I was able to stand on my own feet and I was so grateful for that.” In time, Mira veered away to start her own family and had two daughters who were both deaf. Once they’d grown up, in 1999, Mira came back to JDA in a working capacity, supporting families with deaf children and offering role model guidance. She also produced a book of sign language in Judaism, which is sold through JDA. “It was conceived with two purposes in mind,” she explains. “To offer a basic explanation of Jewish practices to deaf people and as an historically important way of preserving specific British Jewish signs for future generations.” The world Mira inhabits now filled with mobile phones for texting, sign language interpreters and subtitled TV programmes is very different to the one she lived in as a child. “When I was younger, I would watch TV and try to read the facial expressions to understand what the story was about. When subtitles came along, I realised the stories weren’t as good as the ones I had imagined,” Mira laughs, and her positive disposition is what makes her so invaluable to JDA. From being a young adult resident of the JDA hostel to a trustee on its Board shows how big a part JDA has played in Mira’s life.

JDA Comedy Night raising funds to support families with deaf children

“JDA is vital in supporting vulnerable deaf people who have nowhere else to go for support. Elderly deaf people come here to socialise with each other, keeping them active,

stimulated, healthy and young at heart. I hope JDA will continue to be there for everyone from babies to elderly people – including me, one day in future!”

The Jewish Deaf Association is there for me, for all deaf children and our families - and for everyone with a hearing loss.

Hosted by award winning comedian Mark Maier plus 3 hilarious stand-ups Tuesday 8th November 2016 @ The Comedy Loft, 11 East Yard, Camden, London NW1 8AB Doors open 8pm for 8.30pm start (No reserved seating)

Tickets £35 from BSL interpreted / captioned performance For more information or to make a donation, please call Claudia Simon at JDA on 020 8446 0502,

living life

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contact or visit

Charity Registration No. 1105845

Telephone 020 8446 0502

Registered charity number 1105845

Lielle, JDA’s Poster Girl!

jewish deaf association


Jewish News 7 October 2016



JDA - Support for life Making the impossible happen…


any vulnerable deaf and deafblind adults have additional needs, including dementia. Janet, Janine and Lisa are of the team of “JDA Angels” who support them in their everyday life, enabling them to be safe, secure, healthy and happy.

healthier for longer. “We hold them firmly by the hand and make them feel cared for, valued and safe.” LISA SAYS: “Harry was 88 and had leukemia. He was ill for a very long time and I would accompany him to hospital appointments, manage his chemotherapy and look after him. He told me I was the daughter he never had.

JANINE SAYS: “It was the hottest day of the year when we took our Day Centre members to Herne Bay. David and Issy were both in their wheelchairs. Neither had felt the thrill of taking a dip in the sea for at least 30 years. “Lisa and I found a boat ramp. We pushed them to the water’s edge, rolled up their trousers, took off their shoes and socks and wheeled them into the sea. “It was an unforgettable moment when we saw the look of joy on their faces as they JDA Angels: Janine Greensite, Janet Coombs and Lisa Mansur

delightedly splashed their feet in the water. David, who has dementia, still talks about it!”

David on his way to the seaside

JANET SAYS: “JDA can be everything to its members. As they progress through life, it is their social club, somewhere to meet friends, a home from home in which their lives are enriched by cultural and educational activities. “As they become older and their needs more acute, JDA takes on the role of family, supporting them with whatever life brings. For some of our most vulnerable members,

JDA is literally their entire world. “With dedication, professionalism and love, our support workers ensure that their life isn’t reduced to a cycle of hospital visits. “Together as a community, they carry out Jewish traditions, with their own signed services. They see the blossom on the trees when we take them to the park. They are spirited back to days of ice creams on the pier when we take them to the seaside. And with us beside them, they can fight off those all too common experiences of isolation and depression – remaining happier and

Harry in the stands at Old Trafford

“Before he passed away, he told me that his lifelong dream was to watch Manchester United play at Old Trafford, as he was born in Manchester. “So I took Harry up to Manchester. He couldn’t believe he was there. He kept saying: ‘This is my lifelong dream.’ “Unfortunately, our side lost! But Harry didn’t care. Even in his final days, he couldn’t stop talking about the trip.”

JDA is our community’s only specialist hearing support service – and people will always need it.

Please remember JDA in your Will so that we can continue giving vulnerable Jewish Deaf and Deafblind people the lifelong support they need and ensuring that every person with hearing loss can get the very best out life.

Your legacy will mean that your memory, and our work, will live on, bringing light into people’s lives for years to come. For more information about leaving a legacy to JDA or supporting JDA in any way, please contact Sue Cipin. Jewish Deaf Association Julius Newman House, Woodside Park Road, London N12 8RP Telephone: 020 8446 0502


Registered Charity No. 1105845 Company Limited by Guarantee 4983930

jewish deaf association

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