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JOY ! Real Life

Real People

Real Christianity

Volume 30 Issue 02

What we learn from

the Storms of Life Tired of

Conspiracy Theories? Loving the Outcast Drastic Rise in

Christian Persecution in Africa

The Great Reset The Consequences of Nations Turning Away From God

Smile, Play, & Laugh With

Vision JOY! Magazine seeks to glorify God by educating and informing Christians of a Biblical Worldview and applying the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all areas of life.

Call upon the Lord for Wisdom “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” – James 1:5, NIV


n these trying times that we are living in, one hears – almost every day – of someone we know who is suffering. Whether it is from job loss, being unable to pay bills, relationship issues with spouses or family, health concerns, or a range of other horrible problems. No matter if one is a child of God or not, bad things happen to all of us in this fallen world. However, the blessing that we have as children of the Most High God is that we can always tap into His wisdom to solve and overcome our problems.

God wants to help us God will always answer us and give us direction, all that we have to do is ask. Ideally we should commit every day and every decision into His hand before we act, but in reality this does not happen and many only seem to call upon the Lord when they are in trouble. The good thing is that God is not moved by our circumstances, but by our sincere desire for Him to help us. This is faith in action.

Walk with the power of the Holy Spirit God loves us and wants to walk with us all the time. He sent His Son, Jesus, to overcome sin in this world and the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and guide – which is why it is imperative to be bornagain. You cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit if you have not submitted your life to Jesus. You cannot experience intimacy and trust in God if you do not have the Holy Spirit. It is essential to invite the Holy Spirit to lead us every day. Express desire, in heartfelt prayer, to be wholly submitted to God. Ask the Lord to make you holy, set apart for His purposes. Jesus died for us to make this access to God possible and He promises His blessing and eternal life in return.

Our ultimate purpose in this world Hard times come to expose what is really in our hearts and to hopefully cause us to seek God for help and guidance. The more that we are faced with problems and the more that we overcome these difficulties with God on our side, the more that we will be taking on the mind of Christ and become more Christ-like. This is our ultimate purpose on earth – to grow in Christlikeness.

Call upon the Lord Read the Bible daily and meditate on the scriptures. Apply them to your current difficulty and watch God help you out of a tough situation. God is faithful to every word in the Bible. Call upon the Lord for wisdom as often as you can.

God bless you,


Values Strive for excellence and integrity in all things • Provide interesting, accurate, and honest reporting at all times • Respect all Christian denominations • Encourage reader participation • Take personal responsibility • Always seek to unite the Body of Christ • Evaluate everything in the light of the Bible • Provoke readers to fulfil the Biblical mandate to be salt and light in society • Motivate readers to action • Be solution-focused






apologeTICS lIve IS CHRISt, to DIe IS gaIn

Phillipians 1:21

aPoStle Paul

IS RelIgIon a CRUTCH foR THe Weak?


Christianity is no crutch and many Christians throughout be history could hardly classified as weak. It takes courage, integrity, boldness and honesty to stand for Christ and His Word. PM 2021/01/19 02:49:08


Bertrand umanist and atheist, “Why Russell, wrote in his book, that: “Man I am Not a Christian” tal connections is the product of...acciden heroism, no intensity of fire, no can preserve an feeling and of thoughts the grave...The whole individual life beyond nt must inevitably temple of man’s achieveme debris of a universe in be buried beneath the ruin...” man is an accident Russell believed that by chance and chaos, of the cosmos, formed in the end, nothing directionless in life, and


Russell maintained that but food for worms. for weak people, religion is simply a crutch up to reality. who cannot bear to face

The courage of Polycarp

generation disciple When Polycarp, (second was arrested and and the Bishop of Smyrna), consul, he was brought before the Roman just curse Christ, and told...“Do this, old man, I will set you free.” a crutch. “86 years I have Some religions may be Polycarp responded: Christianity is never done me has However He and crutch. a atheism is served my Christ, t Christians throughou can I blaspheme my no crutch and many any wrong. How then “I have wild beasts” be classified as weaklings. history could hardly King who has saved me?” . “Bring them” Polyof circumstances, In some of the worst threatened the pro-consul the greatest the wild beasts I replied. “If you despise Christianity has produced carp progress, achievements, ” warned the consul. courage, the greatest will have you burned, ever known. prosperity and freedoms

from adversity Christianity is borne Certainly




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PM 2021/01/19 02:49:15



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Salvation Prayer Jesus, I believe that You died on the Cross for me. There You were wounded for my transgressions, You were bruised for my iniquities; and the punishment for my peace was upon You. I have been like a lost sheep, I have turned to my own way, but I believe that God laid my iniquity upon You. You died for me. Then You rose from the dead, You ascended into Heaven, and now seated on Your throne as Lord of all. Jesus, forgive me. I now turn away from my sin and put my trust in You. Fill me with Your Spirit, cleanse me, and take me as Your own.


Xhosa Yesu, ndiyakholwa ukuba wandifela emnqamlezweni. Apho walinyazwa ngenxa yeziphoso zam, Walinyazwa ngenxa yobubi bam, ubetho loxolelo lwam lube phezu kwakho. Ndifana nemvu elahlekileyo, ndiye ndalahleka, kodwa ndiyakholwa ukuba uThixo walibeka phezu kwakho ityala lam. Wandifela, Waye wavuka ekufeni, wanyukela emazulwini, kungoku nje uhleli esihlalweni sakho njengeNkosi yako konke. Yesu, ndixolele. Ngoku ndiyaguquka esonweni sam, ndibeka ithemba lam kuwe. Ndigcwalise ngoMoya wakho, ndihlambe, undamkele njengomntwana wakho.



God's free gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS made known in the Gospel “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’” – Romans 1:16-17


ver the last few issues we’ve seen how God has made Himself known through creation and conscience, and how His wrath for sin is taught through the Gospel. Thankfully, the revelation of God doesn’t stop there! The last and most glorious truth of all, revealed in the Gospel, concerns the righteousness of God, which is received by faith.

Martin Luther was terrified It was while agonising over Romans 1:17 that the great reformer Martin Luther was converted. At first the phrase “the righteousness of God” terrified him. The fact that God is righteous was only a source of torment to him. In his autobiographical writings Luther said, “I had been taught to understand this as the righteousness by which God is righteous, and punishes unrighteous sinners.” Luther had been taught that the phrase “the righteousness of God” was referring to an attribute of God — the objective fact that God is personally righteous (and therefore will judge unrighteous sinners). And of course that is not good news to us at all! The fact that God is righteous means He is extremely angry with us! So how can Paul call the righteousness of God “Good News”?

Hating the righteousness of God This is the thought that plagued Luther night and day! He could not understand what Paul meant. Despite a life of monastic discipline, Luther still felt a deep sense of his own sinfulness. No amount of religious effort could satisfy his tender conscience. At times Luther would be found in his room in the monastery unconscious, having fasted and beaten himself senseless in an attempt to somehow atone for his sins. This “righteousness of God” that he read about in Romans 1:17 stood opposed to him, it stood over him, cursing him. He hated the righteousness of God because it only condemned him as being unrighteous.

Righteousness is a beautiful gift But as Luther meditated day and night upon the meaning of Paul he finally, in a moment as the Holy Spirit pulled back the veil and gave him spiritual eyes to see the truth, understood that this righteousness of which Paul was speaking was not that attribute of God which was against Him, but rather the gift of righteousness that God gives freely to a sinner who believes in Jesus (it is received by faith, says Paul). And by this gift Luther suddenly realised that a sinner like him could simply be declared to be righteous. He too could receive this gift of righteousness because it is given freely to all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. 

This is written by Steve Johnstone, the founder of Barleyfield Christian Ministries. Visit for online evangelism & early discipleship resources

“Train up a child in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

etters to the Editor Midgey’s Moments


s it is now the hottest time of the year, some doggie advice from me to you is to drink plenty of water! At the moment, where I live, we are having a heat wave, so it is important for me to drink a lot – it cools me down and then I am also not thirsty! Arnie (my Aunty Trish) says that water is a very important gift from God. She has read that it is mentioned 722 times in the Bible! It is first mentioned in Genesis when God created it on the first day, and it is mentioned in the last little bit of Revelation, the water of life! When Jesus turned the water into wine at Capernaum, this was His first miracle (somehow I think that is Arnie’s favourite miracle)! Jesus was baptised in the waters of the Jordan, and when He was crucified, His side was pierced and water and blood flowed from Him! Jesus is the source of Living Water and so, if we thirst after Him, He will meet both our physical and spiritual needs! Thank you Jesus that I always have water to drink!

Woofs & licks,



ear readers, we love to hear your thoughts on the stories that we publish, what is going on around the world, and what the Lord has placed on your heart! Email your letter through to for a chance to be featured – please try to keep letters to 150 words as we have limited space.

Why are so many Christians anti-vaccines? Where is the sacrificial love of Jesus in this anti-vaccine campaign that is rampant among believers? Without a vaccine, Smallpox, Polio, and many other diseases would have ravished humanity. Vaccines have a good track record. A country needs 70% of its population vaccinated to reach immunity against a virus. This anti-vaccine message that is going around is very selfish. When you are vaccinated you protect your neighbour as well as yourself. Please think again! Jesus said, Love your neighbour as you love yourself. There’s no greater love than to lay down your life for your friend. J. McKenzie

Amir Tsarfati is brilliant Jackie de Lange did an excellent job interviewing Amir Tsarfati in your January issue of JOY! Magazine. Thank you for publishing it. I had the privilege of chatting briefly with him when he was last in South Africa and giving him a copy of Spiritual AntiSemitism, my book that refutes Replacement Theology. Because so many restrictions have been placed on churches worldwide, the Gospel now has to be spread in innovative ways and Amir is at the forefront of doing so. God is using him in a marvellous way. What thrills me most about his videos is that his theology is always thoroughly sound, especially his eschatology. No one is doing a better job of calling sinners to repentance

and preparing believers for the rapture, which is now more imminent than ever. John Haupt

Thank God for all His blessings I saw this message recently and it really made me think. A 93-year-old man in Italy was in hospital with Covid. He got better, and then he was handed the bill to pay for the ventilator for the one day that it was used. The old man started to cry. The doctor advised him not to cry over the bill. Yet what the old man responded made all the doctors cry. The old man said, “I don’t cry because of the money I have to pay. I can pay all the money. I cry because I have been breathing God’s air for 93 years, and I have never had to pay anything for it, but for using a ventilator in your hospital for just one day I have to pay €5000. I realise now how much I owe God. I have never even thanked Him for it before.” Let this sink in. Pheobe Millar

The Blood of Jesus has not lost its power I could not care less what pandemic the world is in. The Blood of Jesus has not lost its power. If your life belongs to Jesus, not even death will have a grip on you. Your body might die but your spirit will be with Jesus forevermore. If you do not belong to Jesus, you will be a slave to fear, obeying it’s every command. There is a peace that Jesus gives – it is a peace that surpasses understanding, the world cannot give you that peace. The peace knowing that even if COVID moves into my house and kills me, I will be at peace with my beloved Jesus. There’s one thing that I am sure of, the devil tricks you into believing a lie and when you do, he drags you into hell with him. Hell is not a place where the devil walks around wagging his tail and picking at people with

Send your letters to his big red fork, even satan himself will be locked up in hell, burning in the lake of fire for all of eternity. You don’t have to join him. Choose to believe in Jesus, and when you do follow Him. The Cross before us, the world behind us, we have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back! Pickard Henn

A depiction of Covid My niece passed away yesterday and her husband the week before. I sat and thought about how quickly Covid managed to take her and her husband – how cruel, how fast. Then the Lord sent me a picture: By the river of Covid, while we stood on the banks of the river – unable to reach, touch, and rescue those who have fallen into the river – this plague has made us all vulnerable and all those who have it will fall into the river. Only the strong will clamber out of the river, downstream, and be rescued. The others will be swept along into the mainstream until they reach the waterfall at the end without a lifeline or oxygen. As they disappear over the edge into the abyss at the end of their road, only those who know the Lord will see Him standing at the bottom with

outstretched arms to receive them into the Kingdom of God – Zion City of our God, our only comfort, reaching out to receive them and comfort us in our time of grief. Drene Tiessen

We should be having more children

OUR TROUBLED WORLD NEEDS ANSWERS We live in a troubled world that is becoming increasingly divided and fearful. The quest for identity has literally become a burning issue in many places. The Church understands this, and there is a growing cry on the lips of Christians for unity and revival.


After reading your recent article, “Should Christians have children?” and the very real concerns that people have, l came to the conclusion that l should have had more kids because l was depriving a child from experiencing the eternal love of Father God. Barry

God is a God of miracles I just want to bring honour to God. This morning my hosts, a doctor and his wife, decided to show me the rock pools here in Madwaleni in the Transkei. But it is raining the whole time so the roads are terrible. It was a scary ride to the pools. We parked the bakkie and then we had to walk to the river. It was simply and truly spectacular. I fell on my bum a few times as it is so slippery. But we enjoyed the adventure of it all and then had to start the trip back. Then, just past the »

Pictures of the beautiful Stained Glass Windows at the St. Peter’s Church in Mowbray, photographed by Lance Wiseman

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Changing hearts and perceptions about Israel in South Africa

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etters to the Editor bridge up the hill, we started sliding – just could not move. We had to get out of the bakkie and we started walking. Luckily we had phone reception and my doctor friend could phone one of the other doctors at the hospital to come help us with his 4x4. It was quite scary to slide down those slopes and of course there was the possibility of going over the edge, so we women decided to walk it out and when the friend came, he took us home first before going back to help. And even that trip was challenging and scary, but we made it. But here is the God thing. So my friend, the doctor, stayed behind to wait for his friend to pull him out and he says, while waiting, 4 men and 3 women came up the hill pushing a woman in a wheelchair. When they came to him, he checked and saw that she was dying. He asked them to help him pull the car out and they battled, but they did it. He then told them to jump in the bakkie and as quickly as he could, he brought them to the hospital. And I am just thinking – no cars ever drive these roads. These rock pools are in the middle of nowhere. God put the desire in our hearts to, even though it is raining, go to these pools. We knew the risk of getting stuck, but we did it anyway. If we did not get stuck, that woman would have died on the road. It would have taken her people at least 2.5 hours to get her to the hospital by pushing that wheelchair in the mud. The challenges here are simply enormous. How good is God! I am sure these people prayed and God answered. I had an amazing adventure and someone’s life was saved. God is good. Julita Lambrechts

My body is a temple If you are a Christian, then the Bible calls you God’s temple because God’s Spirit dwells

in you. That is why I don’t take any alcohol anymore. How can I pour something in my throat, knowing that His Spirit is in me? In other words, into His throat, knowing it will affect my speech, thoughts, actions, etc. Thinus Bosch

Discovering my purpose I am currently on a journey of discovering my purpose. I must say it has taken a lot of quiet times, seeking God and listening to the Holy Spirit. I realise, in a way, my true purpose has always been there, in my spirit struggling to shine through because of all the junk I was feeding on. The process is truly amazing and freeing all at the same time. Ncumisa Ndungane

The Bible in a Nutshell is amazing! I really enjoy your New Testament Bible in a Nutshell book. The setting is so amazingly beautiful and you learn so much of the Bible and the characters in a nutshell. Thank you. Fibromyalgia warrior (real name unknown) If anyone is interested in buying their own copy of The Bible in a Nutshell (English or Afrikaans), they are on sale nationwide at Checkers stores for only R99! Visit for more information.

Please pray for me My circumstances have changed since last year – work, financially, and my relationships with my husband and parents. I need to know what plans the Lord has for me, and if I have made the correct choices. I feel I’m in a sad situation, but I dreamt that the Lord approved that I need to make a change and now everything feels like it’s failing. Please pray for me. Zenta Lander

Never lose faith!

If Bible characters had

As we settle into 2021 and start to experience this year, let us constantly be reminded that joy is an important fruit of the spirit. For this reason, I have chosen to share some funny ‘tweets’ that may have happened had Twitter been around at the time the Bible characters lived.


Paddy’s testimony


y name is Paddy, I live on a farm in the beautiful valley of Riebeek Kasteel. I have two precious dogs, Charlie and Nguni. Last year on Christmas Eve I went to visit my sister who lives in Napier. I decided to spend the night at her home and return to the farm on Christmas afternoon. This was the first time I have ever left my dogs alone for a night.

A horrible Christmas day When I returned back home the next day, I found my male dog Charlie had broken a hole in the bottom of my fence and had gone missing. He was nowhere to be found. I was frantic – I was calling for him and looking everywhere. I started searching all over the vineyards. My heart was racing. I found out that the workers on the farm had been lighting fireworks on Christmas Eve and this must have terrified Charlie, causing him to panic and break the fence. I dropped to my knees and prayed for his protection and safe return.

Totally heartbroken I spent the next 5 days searching every nook and cranny of the vineyards, but to no avail. I put up flyers on every post in the local valley and reached out to all the WhatsApp and Facebook groups in our area. On day 6 people started contacting me from as far away as Krugersdorp (1400kms) with pictures of dogs that looked like Charlie that had been found. The response was amazing. A woman who lives near to me and walks her dog every morning contacted me saying that she may have seen Charlie on a neighbouring farm. I spent the next 3 days searching the neighbour’s vineyard, but no luck. I was totally heartbroken.

‘I prayed for strength’ My sister sent me a Bible verse from Psalm 34:17-18, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them, he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” I prayed for strength of my faith and a sign as to the whereabouts of my dog.

Praise the Lord! On January 4th, over ten days after Charlie had gone missing, I had a strange prompting to wake up extra early and drive to the neighbour’s farm. On my way, as I was driving and praying, I saw movement in a bush at the bottom of the sand road. Praise the Lord, there was my Charlie. He went absolutely crazy when he saw me and heard my voice. He had lost a lot of weight and was covered with ticks. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as he leapt into my arms. The lesson that I learnt through this is to never give up your faith in Jesus, no matter how difficult the situation may be. The power of prayer and faith is absolutely amazing. Amen! 

I know every mom thinks her kids are perfect, but my 1st born son really is perfect. Like, divine without sin perfection #boom

Goliath I HATE having to shop for sandals #NothingFits

Peter Crushed it #OneSermonThreeThousandConverts

Mark Bacon! Where have you been all my life?!?! #GodSaysAllFoodIsGood

Noah I can’t help but get a little bit nervous every time I hear thunder

Jeremiah A guy cries one time, ONE TIME, while giving a prophecy & he’s labelled the “Weeping Prophet” #HopefullyNooneRemembers

Jonah You will NEVER guess where I have been for the last 3 days #whaleofatime

David Done fighting with lions and Philistines. Taking a safer job playing my harp for the king #cantlose

Daniel If you see me in a lion’s den, help the lion GILLIAN FRASER is the Production Manager of JOY! Magazine. Email


The Storms of Life

—by Nico Bougas


torms are quite common on the Sea of Galilee in Israel. In the Bible we read of one of those very violent storms that had engulfed the disciples one day after Jesus had said to them, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake” – Mark 4:35. Jesus knew what He was about to do – His plans were made, He was going to the other side of the lake to minister there, taking His disciples with Him. The disciples did not know what lay ahead of them.

A windstorm swept over the lake

Storms of life are not punishments Many people have the idea that storms come into their lives when they have disobeyed God, but this is not always the case. Jonah ended up in a storm because of his disobedience, but the disciples ended up in a storm because of their obedience to the Lord. Obeying the Lord and serving Him is no guarantee of a trouble-free life. In fact, Jesus promised that we would certainly face trials and problems. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

So they got into a boat and started out. Soon after they had launched, Jesus fell asleep. He was perfectly relaxed for He is the Prince of Peace. He rested confidently in the will of His father. Jesus can be trusted They should not have been frightened in the storms of life. A windstorm quickly swept down on the lake This storm must have been especially fierce if it frightened these and began to swamp their boat. The disciples panicked and shook experienced fishermen who were used to these sudden storms on Jesus awake and shouted, “Master, Master, the Galilee. But there are three good we are going to drown.” Although the fury reasons why none of them should have of the storm did not awaken the Lord, the been frightened: Better to be with Jesus, in frightened cries of His disciples did. any circumstance, than to be In one sense, Jesus had fallen fast • First, they had Jesus’ promise that they anywhere else without Him. asleep, but in another were going to get to the other side. He did not promise an easy trip, but He did promise a safe arrival. sense He had not. For God does not “sleep on the job.” He is ever vigilant, watching over His beloved children. “Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.” – Psalm 121:4.

• Second, the Lord Himself was with them, so what was there to fear? They had seen His power demonstrated in His miracles. They should have had complete confidence that He could handle any situation. • Third, they could see that Jesus was at perfect peace. Jesus slept in the storm because He was truly secure in God’s will. As the psalmist said, “I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, Lord, make me live in safety.” – Psalm 4:8

When will we learn that we are safer with Jesus on a stormy sea than we are without Him even on the most placid lake? Jesus calmed the storm We are so easily prone to cry out, “Don’t you care Lord?” Of course He cares! Once awakened, Jesus stood and rebuked the wind and the raging waters. “Peace be still!” He commanded. That’s a pretty unusual way to deal with a storm, isn’t it? But the fact is, Jesus recognised that this particular storm came from the devil himself. Jesus was rebuking the one behind the storm. A better translation of Jesus’ phrase, “Be still!” would be “be muzzled.” Like a wild animal, satan was trying to stop Jesus and the disciples from reaching the other side and continuing His ministry.

Who is this man?

when, without warning, a tempest hit. Your boat began filling with water, and you wondered, is Jesus sleeping? Am I going to drown? Fear not! Jesus is the Prince of Peace and He can calm any storm.

As the lake’s waters grew calm and placid, Jesus turned to these quaking men and said, “Where is your faith?” Immediately their fear of Jesus is our Saviour the storm changed into fear of Him. “Who can this be?” They asked one another, amazed. “For He commands even the winds The greatest danger was not and water, and they obey Him!” – Luke 8:25. the wind or the waves, but In all their years of fishing on the lake the unbelief of the disciples. they had been in many severe storms, but never in one that had been completely quieted by one man’s command.

Their greatest danger The greatest danger was not the wind or the waves, but the unbelief of the disciples. Our greatest problems are within us, not around us. This is why Jesus gently rebuked them and called them men of little faith. Their unbelief caused their fear and their fear made them question whether Jesus cared.

Are you wondering if Jesus is sleeping? Are you being pummelled by a storm right now? Perhaps you thought that you were headed in the right direction,

We do not know what dangers and difficulties we may have to face and what hidden rocks and shoals are ahead of us as we go through life. But we do know our Saviour, and we may be sure that He will carry out His purpose and will see us safely over to the other side.

Claim His protection

Every child of God can claim His promise and protection and say with the Apostle Paul, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” – Romans 8:38.

Three types of storms: Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe points out that there are three types of “storms” that may blow into our lives: correcting storms, protecting storms, and perfecting storms. »


The Storms of Life CORRECTING STORMS Jonah faced this kind of storm when he disobeyed God and tried to run from the task that God had assigned to him. A great storm overtook his ship. Through that storm the Lord took hold of His reluctant prophet and put him back on course.

A result of disobedience A correcting storm is entirely the result of disobedience to God and His call. Maybe you’re caught in a lie or found cheating on a test, or stole something and got caught. When God allows you to reap the consequences of your actions, that is a “correcting storm”.

Stop and repent When Jonah finally admitted his folly and repented, the storm stopped. Sometimes, however, we make the storm worse by our failure to respond properly. Liars and cheats may continue in their course. In that case they have learnt nothing, and the storm will surely grow worse.

man of God. While we never get the sense that Joseph enjoyed the storms, we know that he appreciated what they accomplished for he could say to those who mistreated him, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” – Genesis 50:20

No reason to panic God used the storm on the Sea of Galilee to both protect and perfect Jesus’ disciples. They really had no reason to panic. After all, Jesus had said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side of the lake.” Jesus did not promise a smooth voyage, but He did say they would make it and He Himself was on board! When will we learn that we are safer with Jesus on a stormy sea than we are without Him even on the most placid lake? Better to be with Jesus, in any circumstance, than to be anywhere else without Him.

Do you have Jesus in your boat?

Are you connected to Jesus? Is He in your life? Have you accepted Him to be your Lord and saviour? There were other boats When the storms of life rage, in the sea that night. We don’t know what PROTECTING STORMS we have a Saviour who is happened to the fishermen who were in able to calm the storm. them. But in this particular boat Jesus Some storms are designed to protect us was present. When the storm raged the from something far worse. When God disciples did everything they knew to instructed Abraham to, “Take now your steady the boat. In their desperation they son, your only son Isaac, whom you love,” and sacrifice him atop Mount Moriah, He sent the patriarch into a remembered they were not alone. Jesus was in the boat! All they howling storm. Why did God command such a thing? The Bible tells needed to do was to let Him know that the storm was raging and us it was a test to see if Abraham would place his love for his son on that they were almost drowning. a higher plane than his love for the Lord. When it was all said and done, Abraham passed the test beautifully, and God prevented him God is in control from taking his son’s life. So the storm ended, and Abraham’s faith How can He be asleep when everything is in chaos? Do you and love for the Lord grew even stronger. Protecting storms may sometimes feel like the disciples and wonder if He really cares or cause us a great deal of alarm and discomfort, but they shield us if He can even see what you are going through? You are not alone. from something far worse. Jesus is all powerful. He got up, commanded the winds to be still, and in a flash of a second it was calm. When the storms of life rage we have a Saviour who is able to calm the storm.  PERFECTING STORMS Joseph endured this kind of storm. God used hardship and disappointment to turn a promising young boy into a seasoned

NICO BOUGAS is the International Director of Development of Hellenic Ministries. Email him on, visit

From Abused and Abandoned, to Empowered and Inspirational


tombi Qoyi was only 9-years-old when she ran away from her abusive, unreliable, and alcoholic mother, whom she lived with in an underprivileged area in Kwazulu-Natal. One morning, someone noticed that she had scratches down her throat, where her mom’s nails had violently clawed her. A social worker was immediately called, and young Ntombi was taken to a place of safety, the Child and Youth Care Centre run by Give a Child a Family (GCF).


experienced true safety, the GCF Care Centre. Ntombi was welcomed back with open arms. She was extremely sensitive and shut others out, but for the first time in her life, she felt as if she was a real person.

A bright new start

GCF recognised Ntombi’s ambitions and enrolled her in an adolescent development programme. Soon after, she was placed with a family. At first, things were tough, but now after more than 10 years, Ntombi knows she found her forever-family. Her life took a Seeking, seeking safety Frightened and scarred from her abusive mother, turn for the better, and GCF sponsored her BA Degree in Psychology. Ntombi was extremely weary. She struggled at the She made her way back to GCF with a sense of gratitude, wanting care centre, as they tried to place her with foster to pay back her studies as an employee. She has continued working families to look after her. Ntombi wanted to stay at GCF and her responsibilities have varied over the years, including at the centre, as she was surrounded by people leading a personal life skills safety programme, which she has done who cared for her, rather than who beat with children from the centre, local schools, and early childhood development centres. While working, Ntombi her. As the GCF studied further to become a teacher. This made Care Centre is a The girl who did not it possible for her to be teaching children short-term soluduring the pandemic, some of whom have tion for removed trust anyone, felt learning impairments. children, Ntombi abandoned, and had was sent to a no sense of belonging new Children’s An inspirational story is today a woman Home by her In 2018 Ntombi went to the Youth Forum at the who inspires and Case Manager. Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting After refusing in London as a representative for young people encourages others. foster care, who spent their childhood in children’s homes. Ntombi was She called on the Commonwealth to be a offered two solutions to choose from. leader in the de-institutionalising of children’ homes and to always Either she was to move in with dis- have families as a first option for all children. tant relatives whom she had never met, or she would be placed with Ntombi finds her hope in Jesus an unrelated family that her mother Since Ntombi was a child and left GCF for the first time, she has always once knew. Ntombi opted for the latter, found her hope in Jesus, no matter the difficulties on her journey moving in with this new family who lived in through life. He has faithfully carried her, protected her, and she extreme poverty. She was scared, angry, and strongly believes that nothing will ever happen to her that He would hesitant. The next few years would be difficult, not allow. She has experienced that God never disappoints and that emotional, and frightening for this young girl. He remains the same. Her hope is in Him and she has allowed Him to work in her life to bring healing and progressive restoration to the broken past. The girl who did not trust anyone, felt abandoned, Running away again At 17 years old, Ntombi found herself running and had no sense of belonging is today a woman who inspires and away once again after suffering emotional abuse encourages others.  from a teacher whom had offered to help when times had gotten impossible at home. She made GIVE A CHILD A FAMILY is a child protection organisation promoting the rights her way to the only place in her life where she had and wellbeing of children. Visit

Mergon Foundation is a resource partner to ministries who expand God’s Kingdom and bring hope and restoration to communities across Africa and the Middle East.

rs of the Bibl e Characte

Noah I

s it difficult to be a believer in South Africa today? Most of us would probably say no. There are plenty of believers in our country as well as many ‘Christian things’ to be involved with that we can fairly separate ourselves from the world if we want to. But what if you were the only Christian in the entire country? Then would it be difficult? This month we’re going to look at a man who was precisely in that situation. He was the only godly man in the entire world. He alone stood against corruption and unrighteousness. His name was Noah.

A wicked humanity

—by Dr Victor Kuligin

him” – Genesis 6:22. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah, confirming it with a rainbow (Gen 9:8-17).

What can we learn from Noah?

We may be tempted to think that Noah’s account only has to do with primeval human history, with little relevance for us today. But we would be mistaken. Actually, the New Testament says quite a bit about Noah, and we would be wise to heed it. In Scripture, Noah is often cited as an example of godliness (e.g., Ezek 14:14; Heb 11:7). Peter says Noah warned the world of the coming judgement (2 Pet 2:5), but clearly they did not listen. Jesus used the Flood as a pattern of the judgement to come (Matt 24:37Noah was a godly man who 39). Noah is an excellent example of a godly man who remained faithful while remained faithful while living living in a godless generation. in a godless generation.

The Bible tells us that Noah was the only blameless person living on earth during his time (Gen 6:9). This must not have been easy, since God described the people at that time as wicked, corrupt, and violent. “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” – Genesis 6:5. In fact, humans were so evil that God decided to wipe out every human being except for Noah and his seven family members. The situation had become that severe. God decided to kill them all with a worldwide flood, and because Noah “walked with God” (Gen 6:9), God shared His plans with him. He commanded Noah to build an ark to save his family and a selection of animals to repopulate the planet afterwards. Noah obeyed God, doing “all that God commanded

The coming judgement Christians are called to behave similarly. Peter warns believers that when they refuse to participate in sinful behaviour with their friends, they will be slandered for it (1 Pet 4:4). Just six verses earlier, he cites Noah’s account (1 Pet 3:20). Peter implores Christians to stand firm in their faith. Why? Because just as in Noah’s day, the judgement of God is surely coming (1 Pet 4:5, 7).

Many scoff at the idea of a worldwide flood A lot of people today scoff at the idea that there was a flood

SERIES Primeval population By looking at the genealogies recorded in Genesis 5, we can calculate how many years had passed from the creation of Adam to Noah, the tenth generation. It was over 1600 years. How many people do you suppose were on the planet by that time? Humans who had lifespans roughly ten times longer than our current lifespans were populating the earth for over one and a half millennia. Noah, for example, was born when his father was 182 years old, and Noah lived until age 950 (Gen 9:29). The opportunity for extremely large families and couples producing many children have led some to conservatively estimate that the worldwide population at the time of the Flood was a billion people, roughly the entire population of Africa today.

in Noah’s day that covered the whole earth. This shouldn’t surprise us, though. Peter warns, for example, that “scoffers will come in the last days” who wilfully forget “the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water” – 2 Peter 3:3-6. In other words, just like the Serpent in Eden, they deny God’s judgement (Gen 3:4). But a holy God will not tolerate the wickedness of humanity forever. The Flood during Noah’s day teaches us this truth; Jesus reminds us of it, as do the apostles after Him.

took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” – Matthew 24:37-39. Almost all of Noah’s world went about their lives without a care for God. So many people behave similarly today. Unfortunately, the human heart has not changed since God described it both before and after the Flood as “evil continually.” – Genesis 6:5; 8:21

Righteousness commended

All that matters is that we find favour in God’s eyes, as was the case with Noah (Gen 6:8). The author of Hebrews writes, “By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not While the story of Noah and the ark is a yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared staple of children’s stories and Sunday The Great Flood is an ark for the saving of his household, school classes, Moses clearly didn’t by which he condemned the world and record the account so that we can a horror story, an became heir of the righteousness which is chuckle at all the cute animals coming apocalyptic nightmare. according to faith.” – Hebrews 11:7 in pairs to a big boat. The Great Flood is It is only by this same kind of faith – a horror story, an apocalyptic nightmare of massive proportions, where 99.9% of humanity is wiped out faith in the one, true God and His salvation offered through His only Son Jesus – that we can be saved. The Great Flood teaches in a slow-rising deluge. Unfortunately, though, it has become a favourite bedtime us that only the righteous will stand: only those clothed in the story or primary school craft project where little animals righteousness of Jesus Christ, who bore our sins and took upon are coloured in an array of silly hues and patterns. But Jesus Himself the great flood of God’s judgement. May we be reckoned with Noah as faithful heralds and heirs of righteousness.  certainly didn’t see it this way: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating DR VICTOR KULIGIN is an international author and speaker who served as a and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that missionary in Africa for 24 years. His latest book Meeting Jesus is available at Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and CUM Books. He can be reached at

Cataclysmic warning

Painting by Mark Keathley:


Smile, Play, & Laugh

with Jesus


or many centuries when artists painted Jesus’ portrait they didn’t put a smile on His face. It has been the same in sermons, books, and Gospel movies. Almost always, Jesus was portrayed as serious, if not sombre, as He went about preaching the Gospel, healing sickness, and discipling anyone who was interested.

—by Bill Gaultiere

Of course, Jesus didn’t always smile, but He smiled a lot! To see the smile of Jesus is the most important expression on His face for us to notice. Sadly, few people appreciated Jesus’ smile. Fewer still understood discipleship to Jesus as a playful and joyful adventure. For centuries, no one imagined Jesus laughing — that was thought to be blasphemous! How sad it is that a veil of solemn religiosity has covered our minds so that we don’t see Jesus as He really is: free and full of life!

Do you see Jesus’ smile? What do you see in Jesus’ face? A blank stare? A frown? Or maybe your vision is cloudy and you’re not sure what you see? Can you see Jesus’ smile as He looks at you? A warm, welcoming, joyful smile? How about a shining face of great delight!?

Can you see Jesus’ smile as He looks at you? A warm, welcoming, joyful smile? How about a shining face of great delight!?

Our view of God is a BIG issue!

Everything about us, theologically and psychologically, is based on our image of God. We even misinterpret the Bible without realising it, projecting our own concept of God into what we read. Negative images of God have led to Christianity being a dour, dutiful, or shame-based religion for many people. Following Christ is supposed to set us free from our burdens, not add to them! And yet I’ve talked to so many Christ-followers over the years who are inhibited from freely being their true selves. Many are so weighed down by their problems as to be depressed.

How sad it is that a veil of solemn religiosity has covered our minds so that we don’t see Jesus as He really is: free and full of life!

Years ago I personally struggled with depression — even as a dedicated follower of Christ focused on ministry to others. It may surprise you to know that many pastors struggle with depression and eventually burn out and leave the ministry. This is why bringing therapy and spiritual renewal to pastors is a special focus of our Soul Shepherding ministry.

We long for Jesus’ smile It is so important that we see Jesus’ smile. We long for it. We’re desperate for it. Really, we can’t live without it. One place I turned for help appreciating the smile of Jesus was a book from 1964 by Elton Trueblood that had a promising title, The Humor of Christ. I was so disappointed! He is a great Christian author and his book brought out many valuable insights about Jesus from the Gospel accounts, but it was boring! What can we say about a book about the humour of

Jesus that puts the reader to sleep?!

Following Christ is supposed to set us free from our burdens, not add to them!

A fresh look at Jesus That’s been the way of the Church for millennia — until recently. Thank God that in our generation there are some Christ-honouring artists, preachers, writers, and movie producers who are helping us to see that the joy of Jesus is not just a theological concept or a reality reserved for heaven, but it is a defining characteristic of His personality and it is meant to be part of the personality of anyone who calls Jesus his or her Lord and Saviour. I invite you to join me as we take a fresh look at Jesus in some Gospel scenes. More than that, I hope you won’t just look, but that you’ll also pray with me — and enter into Jesus’ smile with me! »

Let’s pray Dear God, show us who You truly are in the face of Jesus. Remove the veil of religiosity that has hindered us from appreciating the joyfulness of Jesus. Help us to consider Your Gospel anew. Show us that You are happy! You are playful! You have a sense of humour! You like to surprise people! You live with a spirit of fun and adventure! Lord, help us see that Your joyful spirit is consistent with Your holiness and Your earnest concern about the sin and pain that we struggle with in our world. Help us to appreciate that an essential way that You love us is to embrace us with a smile and invite us to be playful with You in our dayto-day life and work. Help us not to be so burdened down with our problems, worries, and pains that we miss the opportunity of a lifetime: in the midst of our stress we can participate with You in the grace-rhythms of Your wonderful, glorious, and joy-filled kingdom that is going on all around us all the time. We pray in Jesus’ Name and with Jesus’ smile. Amen.

Jesus turns water into wine and He invites you to dance with Him! (John 2:1-11)


Smile, Play, & Laugh

with Jesus Picture yourself with Jesus in these Gospel scenes

In the small groups, seminars, and retreats that we lead for pastors, lay leaders, and all kinds of servants of the Lord we facilitate personal encounters with Jesus. We have a great variety of creative spiritual formation exercises that we use to help people to connect meaningfully with Christ, listen to Him, and share their hearts with God and one another. Enthusiastically meditating on Jesus’ smile is one of the most important things that we can do! To help you smile, play, and laugh with Jesus I’d like to invite you into some of my Gospel meditations on the joy of Jesus spilling out to you!

Fish with Jesus. Laugh with surprise at how He provides! (Matthew 17:24-27; see also Matthew 22:15-22)

It is so important that we see Jesus’ smile. We long for it. We’re desperate for it. Really, we can’t live without it. Come to Jesus like a child and join the fun! (Mark 10:13-16; see also Matthew 18:1-4)

Don’t work in your own strength—listen to Jesus say with a wink, “Just throw your nets on the other side.” Rejoice in what He does! (John 21:1-14)

Share your heart with Jesus. See His playful, winsome smile. Living water will bubble up in you and overflow to others. (John 4:1-42)

Climb a tree to see Jesus. Jump down to follow Him on a new adventure! (Luke 19:1-10) 

Playfully, Jesus naps in the story to see what you’ll do. He’s inviting you to rest in Abba’s arms with Him. (Mark 4:35-41) BILL GAULTIERE, PhD, is a psychologist and spiritual director. He and his wife Kristi lead the ministry of Soul Shepherding, Inc. to cultivate intimacy with Jesus for pastors and leaders. Visit

The Bible in a nutshell

New Testament

A compilation of commentaries on books of the New Testament – summarised, explained, and beautifully illustrated, guaranteed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of the foundation of our faith, the Word of God.




While stocks last

For Important Decisions, Go Beyond Your Friends & Yourself


few years ago I had to make an important decision. Our church was looking to purchase a building when one possibility, and then another, emerged. Should we go forward at all, and if so, which one? I asked everyone on our staff to share their views. After hearing them all, I was still unsure. Sometime afterwards, I realised what was still lacking: none of us had ever been involved in purchasing a building. Neither they nor I had any idea of the potential pitfalls with such a move, and so I needed to go beyond my current scope to get some weightier wisdom. In 1 Kings 12, newly installed King Rehoboam was trying to figure out how he would rule over Israel. He began well. He consulted the elders who had served under King Solomon, his father. Foolishly, he rejected their sound advice, preferring that of his peers who, like him, had never made decisions in the highest office. The tragic consequence was that the kingdom was split into two, with all twelve tribes except Judah rejecting his leadership.

Seek wisdom This must serve as a warning to us all, but particularly those of us who are young. It is not uncommon today to see mostly young people make decisions that are similarly ruinous in the area of romantic relationships, finances, and their careers. Often, the root cause for such shipwrecks is our pride. It hurts our ego to have someone speak into our life with a contrary view. But we face another enemy. While Rehoboam chose poorly, at least he gave himself the choice in the first place. In a world that says that you are enough, many people nowadays don’t even consider approaching those older and wiser. Nowadays we have to contend with the pride from within as well as external ideas that tempt us to become gods to ourselves. Don’t fall for either, but rather eagerly seek wisdom from those who have made solid choices. Such people may not be your best friend, but that is no reason for you to not listen to their wisdom.  TENDAI CHITSIKE is the pastor of Every Nation Church in Makhanda. Email:

The Greatest Love Story


ebruary is known as the month of love. Two of the greatest love stories known to us are all about love, but end in the tragedy of death. The story of Romeo and Juliet is one; another is the story of Saint Valentine, a priest who was martyred for his love of Christ. Great love ending in death.

Christianity is the greatest love story There is one story that trumps all other love stories, and this one is true! God in His amazing love gave Himself, through His precious Son Jesus Christ, for the entire lost and hopeless humanity. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was raised to life for us! God then offers us this precious gift of eternal life. This is the Good News that we are ALL called to share.

God is already in love with you, even if you don’t know Him My friend, if you have never received the free gift of eternal life then please do it today. There is a life-changing prayer on page 4. Pray it and invite Jesus into your heart. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16 

GRANT AND THEUNISINA NEYT run Evangelism and Fire Ministries. Email: or visit for more information.

Relationships that



became captivated by the life of David as I prepared for a men’s conference in London. Pastor Agu Irukwu, Senior Pastor of Jesus House RCCG London, invited me to speak at ‘Mandate’ on the theme of ‘Elevate’. As I prayed and pondered about it, my thoughts turned to the life of David and the people God sent into his life. I was drawn to how David related to them and how this determined his elevation from shepherd to King of Israel. Similarly, the people that God sends into our lives and how we choose to respond to them determines our destiny.

God used relationships to elevate David I considered how David was doing what he had been doing for years: his life was spent out in the fields looking after sheep, the youngest son in a Jewish family. This was, he would have assumed, the life he was going to live for the rest of his days. But God had other ideas! The truth is that David the shepherd was destined for other things, and God used relationships to raise him from the sheep pastures to leading a nation.

God sends people across your path every day Each of the people that David received in his life were from God. The way he related to them determined his trajectory and his velocity. It also determined his altitude in life! I believe that today, God sends people into our lives, and how we choose to relate to them determines our trajectory, our velocity, and our altitude. God elevated David, and as we explore the people and relationships in his life, I believe that God is going to encourage you with something deeper and more profound.

Soul Food On Sunday This idea of elevation inspired me so much that last year I expanded it into a 12-talk-series that was broadcast on Facebook as part of my “Soul Food On Sunday” series. #SoulFoodOnSunday was launched during lockdown as a way to reach out to my friends, and encourage and pray for them. The series has now been published as an eBook: ELEVATE – the relationships that determine our God-given destiny. 

“I love the drama around the life of King David and how much we learn from his walk with God. Matt has done a fantastic job to extract more fresh treasures from that story. I particularly enjoyed the personal applications and loved to learn a bit more about Cinnamon too. Well done!” Jean Symons, Senior Leader of Doxa Deo Church, South Africa

MATT BIRD is a global speaker and Founder CEO of Cinnamon Network International whose mission is to help churches transform communities. Matt is also the founder of Relationology, helping businesses build profitable relationships and Issachar Global encouraging people about how to live and lead. He lives in Wimbledon UK with his wife Esther and their three teenage children. Visit

Matt Bird



he World Economic Forum (WEF) recently launched what it referred to as, “The Great Reset Initiative” with regards to the global implications of COVID-19 in 2020. WEF is, in essence, trying to take credit for the global ‘resetting’ that is taking place in all the nations, when in truth, God had already pressed the reset button at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdowns.

God works all things for good

—by Dr Pearl Kupe righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


Reset of the Church

Reset number 2 is to reposition the Church and the Body of Yahshua from a ‘backbencher’ position to its original front runner position. Matthew 5:13-14 reads, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” The Church and the Body of Christ must step into to its salt and light leadership position and give apostolic and prophetic guidance to the nations.

The challenges presented by the coronavirus have been huge and have changed the global landscape immensely. Nothing happens unless God allows it to happen. Even that which is triggered or initiated by the devil, can be turned around by God Our world is changing for the good of all. While we continue to drastically, yet God is pray for relief from Covid-19, let us also ultimately in control. recognise the re-setting work that God is doing during this time.


Reset of mindsets

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Reset number 1 is to ensure against the Church and Body of Christ’s conformity to the world. We live in a loveless world of selfishness, immorality, legalised sexual promiscuity, and gender confusions amongst other things. As minds are being renewed and reset during this time, the fear of God is also being prompted in line with Psalm 111:10 which states that, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…”. The Great Reset is also to ensure that the Church and Body of Yahshua prioritise Kingdom agenda over personal agenda in line with Matthew 6:33 which encourages us to “…seek first the kingdom of God and His


Reset of the family

The lockdown period has required families to spend more time together and has laid a foundation for the restoration of the family unit, which has been divided and broken in our modern world. Many families are now spending much more quality time together as they work from home.


Reset of economies

Sadly, many economies around the world have been devastated. There is an urgent call for the creation of new Ubuntu and social justice-based economic plans, as well as community-focused economic blueprints to be developed. There are new entrepreneurial and technopreneurial opportunities and witty inventions that must be explored in line with Proverbs 8:12.


Reset of governments and leadership Daniel 2:21 says, “And He changes the times and the seasons; He

Klaus Schwab – Found er of the World Economi and Executive Chairman c Forum

While we continue to pray for relief from Covid-19, let us also recognise the re-setting work that God is doing during this time.

removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding”. New leaders are emerging around the world to ensure alignment of the nations to their redemptive purposes.


Reset for Revival

I recently received a WhatsApp message that said, “While the world is living in survival mode, God wants to shift His church into Revival Mode. There is a wave coming, not of Covid, but of the Mighty Spirit of God.”

We must turn to scripture, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God…” – Romans 8:28 In 2021 and beyond, allow God to reset you as an individual, as a family, as a ministry, as a community, and as a Nation. #KeNako #ReSetForRevival  DR PEARL KUPE is an attorney and an international consultant to world leaders and international organisations. She is the international president of the Global Forum for Women Entrepreneurs. Email or visit or follow her Facebook page, Kingdom Transformer Pearl Kupe


LOVING THE OUTCAST A story of abuse, forgiveness, and redemption


andra, a 54-year-old woman, shuffled along the main street of Nigel, a small town on the Eastern outskirts of Johannesburg. Carrying a shopping bag, wearing a plain well-worn dress and slippers, with untidy hair, she could have been mistaken for a “street lady”, but she was not. Her husband had thrown her out of her house.

An anxious woman

—by Mike MaGrath in a vice-like grip, and pulling his body tightly against my own. We proceeded up the walkway to Sandra. It must have looked to her as if I was leading a drunk man. When he put one foot forward to take a step, it seemed to have a will of its own. Martin’s foot shot out and then waved about a foot above the ground before deciding where to land. It would then come crashing down in the nick of time, just when it looked as if he would land on the ground. Of course this could not happen because of my firm grip. Sandra’s normally glazed eyes got bigger and bigger, her mouth fell open as we finally reached the porch. “Hello Sandra, this is my prayer partner Martin,” I said. “Hello,” Martin shouted in his normal shrieky voice. I think that Sandra was having second thoughts about this pastor and his interesting friend.

I first met Sandra when Dirk, a friend of mine, brought her to the church where I served as pastor on the East Rand. I received a call from her two days after we met. Her voice, spoken with a slight Afrikaans accent, was slow and drawn out. “I’ve got anxiety, pastor”. I offered to pray for her over the phone. After a short, but what I hoped sincere, prayer for inner healing, I said goodbye – Dealing with the telling her that if she did not feel better in Suffering from deep depression challenge of depression about two days’ time, she should call me. Sandra, suffering from deep depression, is a very difficult thing. Two days later, I got the call, “I’ve still got worked as a live-in housekeeper for my anxiety”. Totally at a loss of how to help friend Dirk. So deep was the depression that her, I looked to the Lord for direction. He even previous shock treatment did little showed me that I needed to visit her. I arranged to see her the to help. Dirk told me that she would get up and, in a dazed state, following morning. make him his breakfast before he left for work. After that she would slowly tidy and clean up the house. Then she would sit at the kitchen window from noon until 5pm when she cooked supper. During that I took my prayer partner and went to visit her I took my friend and prayer partner Martin along with me, who was time she drank tea and chain smoked, just staring out of the kitchen suffering with Cerebral palsy. In his mid-forties, Martin’s condition window, hour after hour. had steadily deteriorated, he could hardly walk unaided. We had to walk up a long path from Sandra’s gate to her front The start of Sandra’s heart breaking story door. She was waiting for us on the front porch. Because Martin had Dealing with the challenge of depression is a very difficult thing, difficulty walking, I helped him by grabbing his immobilised left arm, something I was not qualified to do. I asked Sandra to tell me

“I should have had courage to leave when that abuse started, to protect my children, but I was too afraid. Now my son is dead and my daughters are gone…”

her story. The story that she told me was that she came from an Things only got worse and worse upper middle class family. She had attended a public school. In So bad were the beatings that Sandra had lost a number of teeth and high school, she had a good number of male admirers due to her her nose was badly broken. She was too afraid to lay charges. Her exceptionally good looks. With all this, she had eyes for only one fear was such that she suffered a mild form of insanity and she went boy, Connor. He was two grades higher than her and a few years through shock treatment. As soon as her eldest daughter turned 14, older, having failed more than once. He owned a motor bike, she ran away from home and went to live with her boyfriend’s family. smoked, and drank – a real tough guy, both feared and admired by She escaped the toxic environment, trying to seek refuge. The same many pupils, including Sandra. Connor dropped out of school and thing happened with the younger sister when she was 15 years old. started an apprenticeship as a Fitter and Turner. Sandra continued Sandra never asked them to return as she thought this would be a to date him, and near the end of her final year she fell pregnant. She safer option for them; Connor could not care less. Their son was in and completed her matric before marrying Connor. Her parents were out of prison and sadly died in a bar fight at the age of 31. After more against their marriage, but she was smitten than 34 years of marriage, Connor started and did not listen to their advice not to bringing home his girlfriends. Sandra would marry. This made Connor mad, so he gave have to sleep in the spare room. So bad were the beatings Sandra an ultimatum: choose – them or me. that Sandra had lost a She chose him! He pressured her to ban her Enduring abuse, kicked out number of teeth... parents from seeing her or the baby boy. of society Listening to this heart-breaking story, I asked Sandra why she did not leave Connor The dark pit of alcohol and abuse Connor went on to qualify as a fitter and turner, and was very good and the house. She explained that she had no money or any friends at his trade. Soon he was earning a good wage. The couple had two to go to for help. She felt like she had no choice. She was all alone. daughters after their son, but life at home had become very bad. Connor controlled every aspect of her life, even preventing her Connor was drinking heavily every weekend and coming home at all from having any contact with their daughters. Her parents were hours of the morning. In his drunken state he would physically abuse deceased by this point. Then, one day when Sandra was in her midSandra. She tried to keep it quiet at first, but sometimes her cries would fifties, Connor’s girlfriend – who was by then permanently staying bring the terrified children to plead with their father to stop “hitting with them – demanded that Sandra be kicked out of the house. As mommy”. He was drinking all week by then and soon migrated to also Connor violently threw her out, she managed to stuff a few items into hitting the children. Furthermore, he now also verbally abused Sandra, a shopping bag. The poor broken woman stumbled along the road with nowhere to go and no-one to call for help. All she could do was » calling her a whore in front of the children and their neighbours.


LOVING THE OUTCAST A story of abuse, forgiveness, and redemption cry out to God in desperation, with tears streaming down her face. “God, please help me”. That is exactly what God did. He used His son, Dirk, who passed her at that very moment on his way to the post office. At first he did not recognise her. As he walked past, he tried to think who she was. He then remembered Sandra from his school days. Turning back, he came up to her and said, “Is that you Sandra?” Hearing her brief story, God asked him to take her in as a housekeeper. He was very loath to do that because of what people would say. It was a battle with his pride, eventually the Lord won.

The importance of self-forgiveness

A wonderful surprise

That following Sunday I eagerly looked for Sandra at church, but she was not there. I was worried that had she fallen back into guilt. I did not hear from Sandra the next week, so I decided that I would call her. No answer. Two weeks later, I received a phone call from her. “I phoned to give you some good news”. Her voice was upbeat; she was obviously a new person. “I went for an interview today for a job as sales lady in a ladies boutique. Not only did I get the job, but I will be starting at the end of this month.” Two months later, Sandra had enough money for a deposit to rent a flat of her own. God was with her every step of the way. Her flat was soon furnished – not only from her income, but also gifts from her new church friends. She had found a new job, a new home, new friends, a new life. Her faith God loved and looked in the Lord grew and grew.

I told Sandra that Martin and I would pray for her. I asked the Lord how we should pray. We prayed and I kept on getting the thought, “forgiveness”. Ah, now I had it. after this lost, broken She needed to forgive Connor! I asked child of His. her whether she had forgiven Connor. A happy ending of victory “I have”, she said. I believed her when I After 6 months, Sandra’s oldest daughter saw her earnest reply. Had I heard right – happened to walk into her shop. The forgiveness? The Lord showed me with clarity, SELF-FORGIVENESS. encounter was unreal, filled with emotion. They went for coffee – “Have you forgiven yourself?” The floodgates opened. I have never what a joyful reunion. They met the following weekend; her daughter witnessed sobbing like that before. She cried from her heart for brought her sister along. The family had a chance to reconnect and what seemed like ages. “No, how can I? I should have had courage start over on a new path. The last news that I have heard regarding to leave when that abuse started, to protect my children, but I was Sandra was that she is living in victory, united with her two daughters too afraid. Now my son is dead and my daughters are gone…” and their families. God loved and looked after this lost, broken child “Ask God to forgive you, and your children as well, as if they of His; restoring the years that the locusts had eaten. What a reminder were in the room,” I told her. She did this. Immediately, I could see that He is always near, waiting for us to call upon His Name. Our God a burden had been lifted. Her shaking body relaxed and I saw what is great, He is faithful, and He is our Redeemer.  seemed to be a hint of a smile. We left with every hope that Jesus would comfort and restore her. MIKE MAGRATH is a retired pastor. Email him on

Biblically based answers for tough questions

Our children are being ‘brainwashed’ at school and by the media. We feel so helpless. What can we do?

A. The Lord delegated authority to parents and made “weapons of our warfare” available that are “mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” – 2 Corinthians 10:45. Never forget “the reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen and dissolve) the works the devil (has done)” – 1 John 3:8, Amplified. We have two mighty weapons: prayer and the Word. Set a wall of protection around them and do everything in your power to lead them to genuine faith in Christ. Ask the Lord to put a desire in their hearts to read His Word regularly. God has promised to pour out His Spirit on our “sons and daughters” – Acts 2:17-21. You are not alone as you stand in the gap for them. Heaven is behind you.

ASK VAL Email questions to: I fellowship with anybody who also believes the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Why do some people feel it is necessary to belong to a particular church or group? A. God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33). He always plans everything to the finest detail. When Jesus fed the 5000, He first organised them into small groups (Mark 6:39). He knows how humans best operate because He made us! The New Testament says much about “churches” in various cities, homes, and halls, and Hebrews 10:25 commands believers not to neglect meeting together, especially in these End Times. The Lord gave ministry gifts to anointed leaders for a purpose (Eph 4:11). Christians must “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account…” – Hebrews 13:17. How can shepherds lead and feed a scattered flock? Or “give account” for someone who rarely visits the sheepfold? If believers neglected meeting together regularly, there would be no churches, leadership, authority, or facilities! Our ‘wisdom’ must submit to the Word.

People of all ages are committing suicide in frightening numbers. What happens to their souls? A. Jesus said that there are only two groups of people in the world – those who are ‘saved’ and those who are ‘lost’. People on the ‘narrow way’ are Heavenbound; those on the ‘broad way’ are hell-bound (Matt 7:13-17). No one can comment with certainty about the state of a person’s soul. Remember the thief on the cross? His family and friends would have had difficulty believing he went to paradise. We must leave that judgement in the hands of God, who always does the right thing (Gen 18:25). The Lord came to bring fulfilment, joy, and peace and “to destroy the works of the devil” – 1 John 3:8. We must not fail to share the Good News about Jesus and challenge everyone to decide where they wish to spend eternity. “For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” – Romans 10:13-14. 

Val Waldeck is an author, kindle publishing consultant, and Bible teacher. If you need help writing, or with your book, see


Matt Chandler warns that has been

love emptied of its meaning in this post-truth culture

—by Leah MarieAnn Klett


merican Pastor Matt Chandler says that Christians must recapture the biblical meaning of “love” to have an impact in a post-truth culture where the word has more to do with “Tinkerbell and Peter Pan than it does with the Holy God of the Bible.”

We are living in a culture that has distorted love “The darker it gets, the brighter you’re going to shine,” Chandler recently told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered virtually for the Passion 2021 Conference. “If you’re going to make the kind of impact in these days that I think God’s going to help you make, you’re going to need two things. You’re going to need the love of God and the power of God.” According to Chandler, “love” is a word that has been “emptied of its meaning” in a largely post-truth culture. “If we don’t recapture the biblical meaning of this word, how will we ever love “One way to tangibly the world with the love of God?” live out God’s love in a he asked. “The love of the world sinful world is through for the world will be completely vibrant prayer.” inadequate for us to shine like stars in the darkness.”

What is biblical love? To define “love,” Chandler cited 1 John 4, which reads, “This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” “You cannot rightly define love by looking at humanity alone,” he said. “God’s love is made visible and defined in Jesus initiating His love towards you ... He came towards you, not from you.” Because God is loving, He is

“The love and goodness of Jesus are so great that He absorbs all of God’s wrath towards you so that those of you who believe by faith are fully, truly, and forever forgiven. This is the only kind of love that can heal the world.”

violently hot with wrath towards sin and the sinner, Chandler said. Yet today, love “has a lot more to do with Tinkerbell and Peter Pan than it does with the Holy God of the Bible. In our day and age, love and wrath cannot commingle,” he said. “That word is so thin, what we ended up doing is we just embrace the thinness of these sayings” like “love is love” and “God hates the sin and loves the sinner.” “If you can’t define a word, you’re left with slogans,” says Chandler, who is also the president of the Acts 29 Network – a ministry that plants churches.

Jesus’ love will heal this world

of the saints,” he said. “If you do anything in 2021, learn how to contend in prayer that will rock the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Chandler emphasised that believers need only to look to the reality of the Cross and reality of hell “to see how deep and severe” God’s love is for His people. “Love does not look like you get whatever you want, whenever you want it,” he declared. “That’s not love. That’s actually wrath. It is the love of God that confronts sin in your life. It is the love of God that calls you into holiness. It is the love of God that empowers you by His Holy Spirit to live into the life of Christ that the Spirit has sealed inside of you.”

Chandler explained that to say that God has no wrath towards sin and sinners is to The Passion Conference say that God “doesn’t love anything enough Passion Conferences were launched in 1997 “It is the love of God that to be wrathful.” Yet the love and goodness by Pastor Louie Giglio and grew to be one of confronts sin in your life. of Jesus are so great that He “absorbs all of the largest Christian young adult gatherings It is the love of God that God’s wrath towards you so that those of in the world. Its mission is to call “students calls you into holiness.” you who believe by faith are fully, truly, and and leaders from campuses across the forever forgiven,” the pastor said. “This is the nations and cities around the world to live only kind of love that can heal the world. for what matters most.” Though the annual This love made manifest in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Passion Conference was forced to largely go digital due to COVID-19 Christ is the kind that expands across the globe.” restrictions, the message of this year’s conference remained the same: “To do whatever it takes to make sure the Good News is spread around the world.”  How can we live out God’s love? One way to tangibly live out God’s love in a sinful world is through “vibrant prayer,” Chandler said, adding that the prayers of the LEAH MARIEANN KLETT is a reporter with the Christian Post, where this article people of God can “move” the Heavens. “Prayer is the hard work was first published. Visit for more important articles and topics.


What are the


salm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” The psalmist is speaking of the nation of Israel. God chose Israel as the nation through which He would bring His promised Messiah (Deut 18:15; Mal 4:5-6; Isa 7:14-16). He promised to provide, bless, and protect the Israelites if they followed Him. But the Old Testament gives us heartbreaking details of what happened when they turned away from Him (Eze 5; 20:8; Isa 1). Israel’s history shows us some of the consequences that can befall a nation when its people turn away from the Lord God.

answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still’” – Exodus 14:13-14. What followed was the miraculous parting of the Red Sea (v21-22).

Sin always has consequences

In contrast to this miraculous intervention, the Bible gives us examples of God refusing to intervene when destruction came upon Israel. Second Kings, beginning in chapter 24, details the end of God’s blessing on Israel. God’s chosen people had defied the Lord, built idol temples, and filled their lives with fornication, Many applicable scriptures in the Bible No other nation on earth will ever have the position that Israel has murder, and adultery. They had desecrated the temple and ignored the Law for generations. God sent prophets in God’s grand plan. It would be a mistake to call them to repentance, but they to “claim” many of the specific promises would not listen and often killed those that God made to Israel, because they The good news is that God messengers (Luke 11:27-28). The Lord had were for a specific time and purpose. For knows who are His and warned them repeatedly, and, when they example, nations today are not promised promises to reward them. refused to listen, He sent judgement in the bumper crops and healthy livestock if form of invaders who took them captive they obey the Mosaic Law (see Deut 28:4); and destroyed their cities (2 Kings 24:12that promise was for Israel under the Old Covenant in the Promised Land—the blessing was specifically tied 14). The once-great nation had been brought low and lost the to the land of Israel (v11). But many of the general principles found blessings God desired to give it. The general principle we learn from in Scripture are applicable to everyone. We can learn from Israel’s this is that sin brings negative consequences. Galatians 6:7 is God’s history what generally to expect when nations honour the Lord and warning to individuals and to nations that He will not be mocked. We reap what we sow. what generally to expect when they rebel against His commands.

Stand firm of God’s promises

Many nations were judged by God

As long as the Israelites honoured the Lord, destroyed idol temples, and kept God’s commandments, the Lord was actively involved in their defence when other nations fought against them. Exodus 14 is the first example of the Lord as Defender for the newly formed nation of Israel. As Moses led the people out of Egypt, Pharaoh and his armies raced after them. The people were terrified and began to doubt whether Moses knew what he was doing. But then “Moses

Many nations of antiquity are non-existent now, having brought God’s judgement upon themselves for their sin. Edom (Jer 49:1722), Assyria (Zeph 2:13-15), Sodom (Gen 18:20), and Babylon (Jer 51) were all wiped out, according to the biblical prophets, for their evil before the Lord. There remain no representatives of the Hittites (Exo 23:23), Moabites (Zeph 2:8-10), or Philistines (Zeph 2:5) due to their stubborn rebellion against the Lord.

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When we honour the Lord and obey His commands, we reap the benefits of living honourably, morally, and honestly.

Sow honour, reap rewards God blessed Israel in prospering them when the people honoured Him. God had brought them into a land that was “flowing with milk and honey” – Numbers 14:8. When they obeyed Him, He promised to provide all they needed and to protect their lives (Exo 23:2526). He cared that they lived peacefully and happily (1 Kings 4:25; Psa 29:11; Prov 19:23). He commanded them to honour His Sabbaths so that they would have rest (Lev 19:30). But, when Israel followed wicked kings into idolatry and harlotry, God sent famines and pestilence on the land that He loved (Eze 5:17). We learn from this that the Lord delights in prospering His loyal servants (Psa 25:12-13; Prov 13:21). Material wealth is not proof that God is blessing a nation, since evil kings and countries prosper too. But, when we honour the Lord and obey His commands, we reap the benefits of living honourably, morally, and honestly. A nation that honours God’s laws reaps that benefit as well. History shows that those that do not are often destroyed from within.

Christians need to live within God’s laws

Big . Bold . Biblical Accessories

God is watching, He

God gives us His laws for our own good. He knows all, and He will created us to fellowship with Him and walk judge righteously. in righteousness. When we do that, we are living within the healthy boundaries He established and are protected from much of the heartache and catastrophe satan devises. But, when a nation turns away from the true God and becomes its own god, the Lord removes His protective hand and allows that nation to experience the world it has demanded. Romans 1:18-32 shows us the progression of people and nations that have defied God and redefined morality.

God is righteous and just The good news is that God knows those who are His and promises to reward them, even when all others have turned away. Malachi 3:13-18 contains one of the most comforting passages in the Old Testament. It reminds us that God is watching, He knows all, and He will judge righteously. Even when a nation turns away from God, individuals within that nation can still follow Him and know that their names are written in God’s book of remembrance. 

GOT QUESTIONS provides Biblical answers to tough questions. For more info: www.


Getting to Know God

God is

UNCHANGING —by Dr Victor Kuligin


he psalmist writes, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations. For I have said, ‘Mercy shall be built up forever; Your faithfulness You shall establish in the very heavens’” – Psalm 89:1-2. The Bible often repeats this truth: God’s promises are unfailing; they last forever. But why? Once we begin to investigate God’s character and nature, we immediately see why. God’s promises never fail because God is unchanging.

God’s immutability

What about Nineveh? But what about those situations in the Bible where it appears God changes His mind? For example, God told Jonah to warn Nineveh that in forty days He would destroy the city (Jon 3:4). But once the Ninevites repented of their evil ways, God relented and didn’t bring the destruction He threatened. Isn’t this a clear example of God changing His mind? However, we must keep in mind that all of the Bible is inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16). Prophets like Jonah were only able to speak because God’s Spirit inspired them to do so (2 Peter 1:20-21). Clearly God is not going to contradict Himself. When we have very clear Bible passages telling us that God does not change, but we have a story in the Bible where it appears that He does change, we need to interpret those accounts in light of the Bible’s clear teaching. Again, the Bible does not contradict itself because God does not contradict Himself.

We call the unchangeableness of God His immutability: God does not change in His being, purposes, or plans. Before we consider what this practically means for us, let’s establish this truth from God’s Word, one passage from the Old Testament and one from the New. “Of old You laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You will endure; yes, they will all grow old Jeremiah and Ezekiel like a garment; like a cloak You will change So what happened in the case of Nineveh? The Bible often repeats this them, and they will be changed. But You are The prophets give us a clue. God tells truth: God’s promises are the same, and Your years will have no end.” Jeremiah that built into His warnings of unfailing; they last forever. – Psalm 102:25-27 judgement are the possibility of repentance “Every good gift and every perfect gift is and God relenting of that threatened from above, and comes down from the Father of judgement. “The instant I speak concerning lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” – James 1:17 a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to Both passages establish that God is unlike anything else in all destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, creation. All we see in the world varies and changes, but God remains I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it” – Jeremiah the same forever. 18:7-8. God says the same thing to Ezekiel too (Ezek 33:14-16). It’s not that God changed His mind. How can He? He already knows the beginning from the end (Isa 46:10). He is perfect in Change implies imperfection This makes perfectly good sense. Nothing stays absolutely, knowledge and knows everything (Job 36:4). perfectly the same. That is the situation with everything subject to change in creation. God unlike us If God were subject to change, that would imply that He could “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should either get worse or get better. If He could get worse—heaven repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He forbid!—He could turn back on His promises of salvation for us. And not make it good?” – Numbers 23:19. if He could get better, that implies that today He is not as good as He We usually change our minds because we learn something not can be. In other words, He would not be God. previously known by us. But this is impossible with God because

3 Points to Ponder on:

God’s immutability is the guarantee that whatever He promises will come to pass. For those who have faith in His Son Jesus, He will surely save us because He too “is the same yesterday, today, and forever”.

He knows all things (1 John 3:20).

What about prayer? This knowledge that God does not change should profoundly affect us. Perhaps this truth about God is no more helpful than in prayer. While it is popular to believe that in prayer we somehow change God’s mind, nothing can be further from the truth. “He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for He is not a human being, that He should change His mind.” – 1 Samuel 15:29, NIV It is better to view our prayers as part of God’s ordained purposes. God commands us to pray so that we can participate in His plans. He already knows what is going to happen, that is clear. Prayer is not a means by which we change God, but rather a means by which God changes us and our circumstances.

Find your rest in God’s immutability. Find your peace in God’s unchanging nature. He is in control, trust in Him. God’s guarantee God’s immutability is the guarantee that whatever He promises will come to pass. For those who have faith in His Son Jesus, He will surely save us because He too “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” – Hebrews 13:8. For those whom God has promised He will eternally judge, unless they repent, that judgement will surely fall upon them. “For I am the Lord, I do not change” – Malachi 3:6. Find your rest in God’s immutability. Find your peace in God’s unchanging nature. 

DR VICTOR KULIGIN is an international author and speaker who served as a missionary in Africa for 24 years. His book Snubbing God: the High Cost of Rejecting God’s Created Order is available at CUM Books. He can be reached at



t is interesting how many times I have heard the following sentences during these trying times: “My chest feels tight,” “I am struggling to breathe,” and “I am constantly tired.” Have YOU experienced any of these? Usually these lines are directly linked to stress. I recently overheard my eldest son (13) say, tongue-in-cheek, “This online schooling is stressing me out.” The fact is that we live in a high-tech, fast-paced world where instant results are expected. This is placing massive pressure on family time, our health, and most importantly our time with the Lord.

1. Are you reading the Word? I recently heard a story about a well-known pastor who is facing difficulties in his church. On consulting with his mentor the mentor replied, “I gave you a book 3 years ago, did you read it?” This mentor knew that the young pastor would face this specific challenge and wanted to prepare him. I want to ask you the same question today: Are you reading the Book that we were given? We received the Word to teach us and guide us through all circumstances.

2. Why worry about tomorrow? Matthew 6:34 says, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Jesus Himself gave this instruction. Why then do we still stress and worry? Was He wrong?

3. Do you pray your stress away? Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart.” As you ponder these points, be honest with yourself and start implementing them one by one. You will soon see the difference! 

GAWIE DE LANGE is the General Manager of JOY! Magazine. Email




ast year, in the middle of a global pandemic, the Far East Broadcasting Association (FEBA) celebrated 75 years of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the most persecuted, unreached people of the world. Now a global media and radio ministry, FEBA was originally planted as a result of a vision God gave two young men, Bob Bowman and John Broger, while they were still students. Today FEBA’s broadcasts are reaching into the hearts and homes of millions of people and turning them to Christ. These people previously had no knowledge of Christ and may have lived and died without ever having known Him.

Radio stations in more than 50 countries FEBA’s first broadcast was aired from Shanghai in 1945, but by 1948 all missionary work was banned due to communism and they had to find an alternative. This led to the planting of an ideally located station in the Philippines – known as KZAS FM. International broadcasts were then aired from Manila via shortwave to China, and with time the ministry expanded to cover most of South East Asia, Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Mongolia, India, Africa, and the Middle East. Today there are AM and FM stations located in over 50 different countries around the world.

New technology offers different options When new technologies emerge that show promise at reaching specific people groups or large numbers of people, FEBC adopts use of them, such as internet and satellite broadcasting, podcasting, MP3 players and, most recently, cell phones/memory cards/speaker boxes

—by Eva Pretorius

to reach listeners living in restricted countries.

The 10/40 window and beyond The ministry that initially aimed to focus on countries within the 10/40 window has far exceeded its borders. (The 10/40 window stretches from 10°N to 40°N of the equator and includes North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This densely populated region is home to the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and the least amount of Christians.)

Ready, willing, and eager The story of this ministry is not only one of perseverance and commitment to a vision from God, it is one of readiness, willingness, and eagerness to serve God’s people irrespective of circumstances. Having been ready in season and out of season, FEBA stations across the world have remained faithful in their calling to preach the Gospel until all have heard. Not only to preach, but to demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ, in seasons of peace and in seasons of crisis.

Broadcasts serve listeners practically and spiritually FEBA’s broadcasts fulfil the role of serving listeners both practically and spiritually. At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company) Philippines started broadcasting emergency programmes to keep the public informed. They covered impact stories, like how the outbreak affected the economy and mental health. Staff members who were not able to commute to and from work because

“Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” – 2 Timothy 4:2

of the strict travel bans imposed, were willing to remain at the station for days to ensure that broadcasts continued. Their ability to respond rapidly to the needs of their listeners demonstrates their influence in society. In the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Mozambique, Malawi, and other countries where our broadcasts are present – this readiness also translates to inspiring people to follow Jesus Christ.

A listener’s testimony In Pakistan, a man gave his life to Christ in response to seeing the love of Christ demonstrated in others and FEBA was ready to disciple him. “This year we had two suicide attacks in a church four miles away from my hometown. I was surprised to see that all these Christians were praying for their enemies. They were badly affected, wounded, bleeding, and yet praying ceaselessly for the terrorists and the country of Pakistan. This really impressed and attracted me to know more about their faith. One Christian friend of mine introduced me to the Bible and also told me about your broadcasts in my own Sindhi language. Now I read the Bible in my bedroom and secretly listen to your broadcasts every day.”

More than half the world still needs radio to hear the Gospel. One Radio Purchased = One Radio Donated


Practical aid to widows Radio FOT, our station in the North western province of Lichinga, Mozambique, has a network of over 500 000 listeners. Many of them were once Muslims. Radio FOT recently helped six widows, who lost their husbands to HIV/AIDS and other illnesses, to start a sustainable farming business. The station provided the tools and seeds that the women needed to start cultivating onions, cabbages, and maize. Today the women are all born-again Christians and can testify of the goodness of God to others. This ministry was built and is now being sustained by believers like you and me; people who believe in the vision that God gave the two young men 75 years ago. You can be a part of this vision by partnering with us today. If you feel led to help us continue to reach the most isolated, persecuted, and oppressed people of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, visit or contact us on 012 335 5708. 

Buy a Degen DE13 solar wind-up radio for R750 and we’ll donate the second radio or the funds to one of our FEBC fields where people have little, or no exposure to Christ.

Banking details: Standard Bank Gezina Branch Code: 014 845 Account no: 20 10 84 77 5

ABSA Bank Ben Swart Street Branch Code: 632 005 Account no: 40 55 31 35 41

Contact us at +27 12 335 5708 or scan the QR code


Are we Fugitives of the Law? T

he last twelve months have brought the realities of death close to home. Many of us were either effected or affected by the pandemic. Before long, the tune “knock, knock, knocking on heaven’s door” became a famous background track as we were daily bombarded with the statistics of how many had died or been infected.

Our nation’s own fugitives

—by Rev. Gideon Mpeni called “man of God” is the head – he no longer considers himself to be under God and His Word. This is fulfilling what the Apostle Peter warned: these are men “who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them…” – 2 Peter 2:1. They are their own authority, fugitives and rebels to the Law of God, just like the people they are leading (2 Tim 4:3).

As though the pandemic wasn’t enough, the last four months of 2020 This world revolves around humanism showed us that there were yet more surprises in store for us – two Moving from street corners, we arrive in the home, turning on the public figures became fugitives of the law. One a religious figure – a TV or checking our phone or laptop. There we see that in most of the self-acclaimed “prophet” who defied the legal requirements set by the media platforms, “the spirit of the age” and secular humanism reigns court – decided to run away to his home country. A week later, South supreme, standing against anything that calls itself God or Christian. Africa’s former president ran away from the proceedings of the state The late R.C. Sproul rightly pointed out that “humanism has taught that capture enquiry. man is the measure of all things. Man is the One wonders if these leaders are a ultimate, autonomous norm; that is, he is a litmus test of what our society has become law unto himself. His reason, not subservient This is not the time to avoid or, should I say, has been? What can we learn to divine revelation, is the basis of ethics”. our responsibilities as from these current issues? That’s exactly where we find ourselves Christian citizens. as a generation. It’s this worldview that is ready to put the institution of marriage up These problems are not new for demolition and transformation. We need to consider the Gospel implications of these events. What we’re seeing today is not new. The great church leader Augustine of North Africa, in the early 5th century, reflected on But it doesn’t stop there similar concerns in his book, The City of God. In contrast, he described Hear the arrogant tone of most so-called “human rights” activists: they the City of Man as one that is filled with mixed passions and claim it’s a human right, while they promote the butchering of the unborn allegiances and compromised principles. Let’s take a walk through babies. Or listen to those who claim to be wise (Rom 1:22) and scientific this City of Man to observe how it looks. with no regard of the dignity of humanity (Psa 8) and the sacredness of life (Gen 1:26-28). See how they treat human embryos as materials for medical experimentation. Or consider the rampant immorality and acts of violence, the killing of farmers in many parts of South Africa, the tribal The City of Man: We see, at first glance, a church on almost every corner. We hear wars in many parts of Africa, the rape and prostitution of millions across choruses sung with loud voices. This is a place that appears to be the continent. All these are but symptoms pointing to a pandemic that the household of God, the place where Christ is the head (Eph 1:18; is ravaging our generation. But it seems we’re not as vigilant against this 4:12; 5:23). But what do we find? Man has taken centre stage. The so- pandemic as we are with others (including COVID-19).

As we look at the dangerous signs of moral collapse and cultural decay appearing on our contemporary landscape, we soon see that this generation is running away from the Law of God and is in desperate need of the mercy and grace of God.

The City of God: The problem is that we humans are sinful by nature, separated from Christ, with no hope in the City of Man. To make matters worse, we are by nature without God in the world (Eph 2:14), not only because of what we do, but also because our minds by nature are hostile to the Law of God (Rom 3:10-23, 8:5). The Law of God was presented to Moses on Mount Sinai, and according to the standards set for us, we’re all guilty and fugitives of God’s law. Fugitives of any law deserve justice, and justice demands punishment, and punishment deserves satisfaction. Our state, by nature, is desperate.

God is merciful But we move from Mount Sinai to another mountain – to Mount Calvary, the place where the justice of God was satisfied, where the fugitives of the Law are reconciled to a Holy God (2 Cor 5:18-21; Gal 4:4-5) and brought into the City of God. By grace we are brought out from the hopeless City of Man and into this place where righteousness, immortality, and eternal dominion dwells (1 Tim 6:16).

Secular humanism reigns supreme, standing against anything that calls itself God or Christian. Now is the time to pray This is not the time for silence or to avoid our responsibilities as Christian citizens. As we look at the dangerous signs of moral collapse and cultural decay appearing on our contemporary landscape, we soon see that this generation is running away from the Law of God and is in desperate need of the mercy and grace of God. So let’s pray together for our society; let’s pray that many people will, by grace, be rescued from the City of Man and made citizens of the City of God.  REV. GIDEON MACGOVERN MPENI is a part-time lecturer at Mukhanyo’s Johannesburg campus. He’s the pastor at Florida Baptist Church and has previously served at Hope Missions International and Jahari Christian Academy.


HOW FAR ARE WE ON GOD’S WATCH? “He answered and said to them, when it is evening, you say, fair weather; for the sky is red. And in the morning, foul weather today; for the sky is red and gloomy. Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot see the signs of the times!” – Matthew 16:2-3


—by Prof. Gerrie Bester

atching the world news on TV, or listening to happenings around the globe on the radio, is like strolling through the book of Daniel, hiking across the ‘prophecy plains’ of Isaiah, or wandering in the midst of the strikingly accurate realities of Zechariah. Yet, in all this, the Bride of Christ seems to be so confused. Why is this? We see the elect being deceived as prophesied in Matthew 24:24. When will we realise the true importance of being equipped with knowledge and sharpening our swords in spiritual warfare, to prevent perishing like the prophet Hosea foretold?

Where are we on the hourglass of time, or God’s watch, so to speak?

been ‘sold’ to us as a cure for a world-crippling pandemic might be the mark of the beast that we have been warned about. The Bible is, however, very clear on the details pertaining to the mark of the beast that seem to sometimes get lost in these theories. Or maybe it’s true? Should we not investigate the Word of God and set aside, just for a brief moment, social media platforms where you can find your opinion supported, whether true or not? We read and hear about a DNA-altering vaccine that “all will be given,” not knowing that viruses already ‘inject’ RNA and DNA into our cells anyway and our bodies are more than able to fight this through the immune system that our Creator breathed into us. Is there a real danger for us as believers? Should we not seek the truth from the Word of God on this? Is there something that we Are we losing our footing are not being told, or is it simply paranoia? as things seem to move It’s time to find out the truth.

The world is upside down – but is the ‘new normal’ not merely the puzzle piece of ancient prophecy falling into place? Is this the end that has been prophesied for so uncontrollably fast? long? It sometimes seems so close that we may feel as if we are in a place where we Who is the Antichrist? no longer need to look for signs, but listen Ever-so-often a new ‘potential candidate’ is for sounds. Where are we in our faith stance, Bride of Christ? Are we pushed to the forefront as the possible Antichrist, yet we have a clearlosing our footing as things seem to move uncontrollably fast? Why cut list of characteristics from the Bible that we can use to identify are so many people captured in fear and anxiety, even though we’ve him. So many opinions, but how do we measure them? What if we studied and discussed these prophecies for years? could use the Word of Abba Father as a plumb line to measure these uncertainties and theories?

Conspiracy theories abound

How do we walk through the “mine field” of conspiracy theories without being overwhelmed by the chaos, uncertainties, and lies of false teachings and ungrounded opinions? Is that not what true faith is, in which the Bride is to be clothed? Walking in the promise of Abba Father as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1)?

Why did Brexit happen?

Is the vaccine the mark of the beast?

Is 5G dangerous, or is it something much bigger that we are being prepared for? Brainwashing or reality? Are we perhaps missing the

We are confronted by the possibility that the vaccine that has

Why did the UK withdraw from the European Union? Does it have anything to do with the revived Roman empire, as prophesied? What is the next move to watch out for from the UN – a one world ‘peace organisation’? What role does the Church play in this?

Is 5G dangerous?


Why are so many people captured in fear and anxiety even though we’ve studied and discussed these prophecies for years?

Looking for the TRUTH, straight from the Word of God? How do I use the Bible as the plumb line for measuring these uncertainties, opinions, and theories? Are we being manipulated into a one world order, according to scripture?

real threat? Is social distancing more than just safety? Maybe a strategy, or is there nothing to it? What are they really preparing us for?

Are we prepared for what is to come? What is the peace treaty of which the Word of Abba Father speaks? A very specific peace treaty, described for a very specific time, yet every time Israel sits at the table to sign any peace treaty, theories are catapulted into the hearts of people and social media is flooded with predictions. There have been many peace treaties over many years that have been signed with Israel. In actual fact, peace treaties are quite common in the Middle East and are just as easily dishonoured and broken. What should we look for as “the sign of the times?” How do we identify the treaty described in the Word and how does it differ from the others? Will the Bride even be here when all these things happen? What about the rapture then? Is there a rapture of the Bride? Is it How do we walk through the not time that we study the Word to mine field of conspiracy theories see what Abba Father says?

without being overwhelmed?

The Bible is very clear – you just need to read it Studying Matthew 16:2-3 we see the phrase, “signs of the times.” The Greek word for signs is the word semeion, which means – signs. But listen to this. It is not just any sign that this Greek word describes. Semeion means “that by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known.” In other words, to start off with – it is distinguished from other signs. Clear-cut signs. What if we took each of these clear-cut signs and compile a list of characteristics from the Word of Abba Father, instead of jumping to premature conclusions at every world happening? Would that not make sense? What if we could go on a journey to press deeper into the Word of Abba Father. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Join us on our 12-week course as we seek the Truth, straight from the Word of God.  PROF GERRIE BESTER PhD CA(SA) leads Roaring Truth Ministries. Email He is also the Dean of Emet Academy of Learning. Visit for more information.

Bride of Christ! We have no option but to equip ourselves with HIS truth.

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Why Not Here & Now?

—by Daniel Kolenda


s a missionary-evangelist who has worked on six continents and seen many amazing miracles, this is one of the most common questions people ask me: “Why do incredible miracles happen in Africa, or other third-world countries, but not in the Western world?”

I have heard well-known and well-intentioned ministers give entire teachings about why God does not do such miracles in the West. I have even heard them use Reinhard Bonnke’s Gospel meetings (where I happen to preach) as examples of their theories. Some of the explanations are rational, describing in detail why it works this way. And I must admit, for a long time, I gave similar answers to this question when people asked me. But one day while reading God’s Word and praying, it suddenly occurred to me that all of these explanations were really just excuses for unbelief. In fact, the question itself reveals the problem.

Where did we get the idea that God does greater miracles in third-world countries than He does in the West? Simply by asking the question, many people have accepted its premise as fact – that God really does His most powerful works outside of the West. But on what data do they base this assumption? Where is the hard evidence for it? There is certainly nothing in Scripture to support it. And I can tell you from anecdotal experience – as one who ministers all over the world – that the power of God is the same everywhere. It is the same in the Western world as it is in Africa, Asia, or in any other country. Before the Covid lockdown last year, I returned from a tour of the United Kingdom. Incredible miracles had occurred in every service. These were not meetings held on a campaign field in Africa. We held them in traditional cathedrals in Britain. Yet we saw amazing miracles – blind eyes opening, deaf ears hearing, tumors disappearing, and many parts of the body instantly healed.


One story stands out to me. A lady in one of the meetings told me that when she was three years old, she had a stroke that paralysed the right side of her body. She had lived with the paralysis into her adult life. But that night, as I prayed for the sick, she felt the power of God come on her body. Something began to happen on her right side, and suddenly she realised her right arm could move. Then she realised her right leg could move. God’s power completely healed her. But that was not even the most amazing part of the miracle. Because the paralysis began at such a young age, the lady’s right foot had stopped growing. It was shriveled up and stunted, requiring her to wear a small, special shoe on her right foot. But when God’s power came on her, she and her mother watched as her right foot literally grew to the same size as the left foot. When she left the meeting that night, her right foot had outgrown the special shoe she had worn to the meeting!

“Testimonies of astonishing salvations, healings, deliverances and miracles occur every night of every campaign through the power of the Gospel and the power of prayer offered in faith. Some pastors have reported that so many miracles took place during the four or five days of our Gospel Campaign, that it would take the local churches a year to hear all of the testimonies!” – Daniel Kolenda

Join hands with us to bring Africa to Jesus

After four years in a wheelchair the Lord healed this girl at the CfaN Gospel Campaign in Europe

Faith is the currency of God’s Kingdom You cannot tell me that these kinds of miracles do not happen in the West. Hebrews 11:6 says, “He that cometh unto God must believe.” Reinhard Bonnke said it this way: “When you do business with men, you need money. But when you do business with God, you need faith!” Faith is the currency of God’s Kingdom. Listen to the psalmist’s insight into Israel’s difficulties in the wilderness: “How often they provoked Him in the wilderness, and grieved Him in the desert! Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” – Psalm 78:40-41. The children of Israel had seen greater signs and wonders than any generation that lived before them. They knew that God was powerful, yet somehow they subjected God to a set of parameters and constraints rooted in their unbelief. The Bible says that God was provoked – even grieved – by the limitations they put on Him.

Unbelief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy Did you realise that doubt is prophetic? Words of unbelief can become a self-fulfilling prophecy! Even Jesus had to face this. When He returned to His hometown, “He could do no miracle there...” – Mark 6:5. I can imagine what the locals asked each other: “Why do miracles happen other places, like Capernaum and Jerusalem, but not Nazareth?” It is because the unbelief in Nazareth was Where did we get the literally enough to limit what Jesus could do among them. I idea that God does would like to see the rise of a new breed of sceptics – sceptics that greater miracles in question uncertainty, doubt their doubts, and mistrust unbelief. third-world countries This is the kind of sceptic Jesus was. Mark 6:6 tells us that Jesus marvelled at the Nazarenes’ unbelief. He could not believe that than He does in they did not believe! the West?

It is just that simple Most Christians can easily believe that miracles occurred long ago, or that they will occur again in the distant future (I have often heard Christians refer to the “great revival” that is still coming). But they have difficulty believing God for miracles right here and right now. The devil does not mind if we have faith for another time and another place. But Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is.” The one who comes to God must believe! It is just that simple. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). His Word, His power, and His promises are always the same. Many Christians today can testify to this. They are witnesses to God’s mighty power demonstrated right here and now. The bottom line is this: there are no excuses. Stop buying into the devil’s lies. Stop limiting God with unbelief. Let us begin to agree with God’s Word instead of the enemy’s word. Let us stand on God’s promises until we receive everything He has for us, in Jesus’ Name.  DANIEL KOLENDA is a missionary evangelist who has led more than 21 million people to Christ through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous and remote locations on earth. As the successor to evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Kolenda is the president and CEO of CfaN, a ministry that has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history.

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