Neuropathic Massage Therapy

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Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage


Table of Contents TOPICS IN WORKBOOK

Table of Contents 

Hyperesthesia Point Location, Page 63

Workshop Objectives, Page 4

Special Nerve Techniques, Page 65

Your Presenter, Page 11

Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques, Page 67

This Training Guide, Page 14

Osteopathic Massage Therapy, Page 71

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology, Page 17

Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy, Page 73

Cerebrospinal fluid and Axoplasmic Flow, Page 24

Neuropathic Massage Therapy, Page 76

Nerve Axoplasmic Flow, Page 31

Contraindications, Page 78

Manual Medicine, Page 35

Ancillary Technique and Methods, Page 84

Examination, Page 50

KinesioStretch Taping Technique, Page 93

Areas and Regions of Paresthesia, Page 54

Edema, Lymph Edema and Medical Herbalism, Page 98

Nerve Entrapment/Entanglement Regions, Page 58

Research, Page 102

Specific Entrapment and Entanglement Nerve Identification, Page 61

References, Page 106


Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Unlock the Healing Power of Touch: Neuropathic Massage Therapy Workshop Join us for an immersive workshop that delves into the art and science of neuropathic massage therapy. This presentation and hands-on experience is designed for healthcare professionals, massage therapists, and anyone interested in advancing their knowledge of natural healing techniques directed at the nervous system and neurological disorders.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

About the Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Workshop

Empower Your Practice: Elevate your therapeutic skills and embrace the transformative power of neuropathic massage therapy. Whether you’re looking to refine your technique or expand your service offerings, this workshop is your stepping-stone to becoming a specialist in nerve focused massage therapy.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

About the Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Workshop

This workshop workbook is accompanied by the Neuropathic Massage Therapy booklet authored by Dr. Gregory T. Lawton. The booklet contains photographs of the various manual therapy techniques referenced in this workbook and used for the treatment of neurological conditions.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

About the Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Workshop

Booklet for the Neuropathic Massage Program workshop.

NMT Workshop Highlights: What You Will Learn:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

 Fundamentals of Neuropathic Massage: Understand the physiological and neurological basis of neuropathic pain and how massage can alleviate discomfort.  Advanced Techniques: Master a variety of massage methods that target nerve pathways, promoting recovery and well-being.  Personalized Approaches: Gain insights into tailoring your massage practice to address individual needs related to nerve disorders and nerve function.  Holistic Health Integration: Explore how neuropathic massage therapy can be integrated with other natural health practices to enhance overall treatment efficacy.

NMT Workshop Highlights: Workshop Highlights:  Expert-Led Sessions: Learn from a leading practitioner with years of experience in neuropathic massage and holistic health.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

 Interactive Demonstrations: Participate in live demonstrations that showcase effective massage techniques for nerve-related conditions.  Peer Collaboration: Engage with fellow attendees to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and build professional networks.  Resourceful Takeaways: Receive comprehensive materials, including detailed technique guides, scientific studies, and marketing strategies for your practice.

Your Presenter GREGORY T. LAWTON, D.N., D.C., D.AC.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Dr. Lawton is national board certified in chiropractic, physiotherapy, radiology, and acupuncture.  40+ years of research in the field of brain, spinal and peripheral neurology.  Author of over 100 books and numerous health science articles.  Licensed in 3 healthcare professions in 3 US states.  50+ years as a health science educator.  Former vice president of large medical psychology practice.  Former vice president of large physical therapy group practice.  Founder of the Blue Heron Academy.  Founder of American Health Source.  Over 50 years in private practice at Clinical Health Maintenance.

About Your Presenter

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

“Neuropathic Massage Therapy is based upon the traditional treatment of nerves and neurological disorders that strongly emerged during the mid to late 1800’s. It was during that period that research into the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system led to the development of the nerve theories of osteopathy, chiropractic, and naprapathy. I am a student of all three of these manipulative and mobilization healing arts and sciences. In addition, I studied with therapists and doctors who either studied or practiced these professions during the 1800’s. In this workshop I am attempting to restore this knowledge to the massage profession from which it has mostly been lost or overlooked”. Dr. Lawton


Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide This manual covers a series of treatment techniques and protocols for the management of disorders associated with the central and peripheral nervous system. This topic requires a review of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human nervous system.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Neuropathic Massage Therapy is a form of massage that is used to treat various neurological conditions and disorders, for example diabetic neuropathy or multiple sclerosis. Massage therapy is often an effective choice for the treatment of neurological conditions and should be considered and applied, when appropriate before drugs like Naprosyn, Cortisone, Gabapentin, or surgery. Neuropathic massage therapy is effective in treating even solely subjective complaints and symptoms with no objective evidence of pathology.

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, AND DISEASE

Anatomy and Physiology Structure and Function

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Coordination

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are two branches of the autonomic nervous system that help maintain homeostasis by regulating the functions of the internal organs. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for action by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and metabolism, while the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to a calm state by decreasing these functions and stimulating digestion, urination, and sexual arousal. The two systems work in opposition to each other, but also in coordination, to keep the body in a stable condition.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Coordination

The controlling mechanism for this mutual coordination is the human brain and nervous system which are themselves maintained by the cerebrospinal complex composed of the cerebrospinal fluid and supporting vascular and lymphatic systems. A healthy brain and nervous system is defined by the harmonious balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and the achievement of homeostasis.

Neuroinflammation and Neurological Diseases Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide There is significant interest in understanding inflammatory responses within the brain and spinal cord. Inflammatory responses that are centralized within the brain and spinal cord are generally referred to as “neuroinflammatory”. Aspects of neuroinflammation vary within the context of disease, injury, infection or stress. The context, course, and duration of these inflammatory responses are all critical aspects in the understanding of these processes and their corresponding physiological, biochemical and behavioral consequences.

Neuroinflammation and Neurological Diseases

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Neuroinflammation is inflammation of the nervous tissue in the brain, spinal cord, and throughout the nervous system. Neuroinflammation is the root cause of many neurological disorders and the epidemic of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Neuroinflammation and Neurological Diseases

Neuroinflammation is the activation of the immune system in the brain, which can be triggered by various factors such as diet, infection, drugs, alcohol, environmental toxins, injury, or aging. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes progressive memory loss and cognitive impairment. There is growing evidence that neuroinflammation plays a key role in the development and progression of AD, as well as its symptoms.

Cerebrospinal fluid and Axoplasmic Flow Nervous System Physiology

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Flow

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS) which is the master control system for the entire body. It sends and receives a complicated frequency of signals with the body that dictate the function of the tissues & cells. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes, feeds, and protects the brain and spinal cord. It also provides valuable supply of essential nutrients to neuronal and glial cells. CSF also provides a medium to transport hormones, neurotransmitters, releasing factors, and other neuropeptides.

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Flow Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide The CSF maintains the electrolytic environment of the central nervous system by cleansing metabolic waste products from the brain and spinal cord. This rinsing process also plays a large role in stabilizing the critical acid-base balance throughout the CNS.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Cerebrospinal Fluid Stasis

When the CSF flow becomes stagnant it is classically referred to as CSF stasis. CSF stasis has been associated with vertebral structural imbalances, mechanical tension on the spinal cord, reduced cranial rhythmic impulses & restricted respiratory function. Reduced rates of CSF diffusion through key regions of the brain are a causative factor involved in degenerative disease.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Cerebrospinal Fluid Stasis

The CSF has two major pumps that help to establish healthy flow. The pump at the top of the spine is the occiput bone which makes up the lower portion of the skull. Flexion and extension motions of the occipital bone upon the atlas help to pump CSF through the brain and spinal cord. The other pump is at the bottom of the spine in the sacrum. Flexion and extension of the sacrum is also critical to help pump the CSF.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Cerebrospinal Fluid Stasis

Sedentary lifestyles and bad postural habits create an environment ripe for CSF stasis in the spinal cord. Sedentary lifestyles create poor core strength and muscle imbalances that lead to chronic vertebral displacement patterns throughout the spine. Sitting for long periods contributes to poor sacral motion and accelerated degenerative changes in the lumbo-pelvic region.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Cerebrospinal Fluid Stasis

Sedentary lifestyles and poor posture contribute to the formation of forward head posture. Forward head posture is characterized by muscular tension patterns (MTPs). The majority of these MTPs have stiff cervical muscles, reduced cervical ROM, and ligamentous injury and scar formation. The MTP is also characterized by inflammation, pain, and degenerative joint disease (DJD).

Nerve Axoplasmic Flow Nervous System Physiology

Nerve Axoplasmic Flow Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Axoplasmic transport or axoplasmic flow, is a cellular process responsible for movement of mitochondria, lipids, synaptic vesicles, proteins, and other organelles to and from a neuron's cell body, through the cytoplasm of its axon called the axoplasm.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Nerve Axoplasmic Flow

Since some axons are on the order of meters long, neurons cannot rely on diffusion to carry products of the nucleus and organelles to the end of their axons. Axonal transport is also responsible for moving molecules destined for degradation from the axon back to the cell body, where they are broken down by lysosomes.

Nerve Axoplasmic Flow Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Axoplasmic transport or axoplasmic flow, is a cellular process responsible for movement of mitochondria, lipids, synaptic vesicles, proteins, and other organelles to and from a neuron's cell body, through the cytoplasm of its axon called the axoplasm.


The Role of Manual Therapy Healing the Brain and Nervous System


Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) are both components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Together, they regulate the involuntary and reflexive functions of the human body.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

The PSNS controls the ‘rest and digest’ functions of the body and maintains the body’s internal environment. It is responsible for regulating digestive and sexual function while keeping heart rate and blood pressure steady. The SNS is the driving force behind the ‘fight or flight’ response and triggers several physiological changes that prepare the body to confront or flee a perceived threat.

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Certain forms of massage therapy, tuina, and spinal manipulation and mobilization “break” the cycle of stress and restore coordination to the CNS.

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Forms of massage therapy such as classical massage, Swedish massage, neuropathic massage, medical massage, tuina, naprapathy, and low force low velocity spinal manipulation or mobilization support the parasympathetic nervous system and tonify the sympathetic nervous system resulting in nervous system and somatic coordination.

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide When somatic coordination is restored the impediments to healing have been removed and the body’s innate healing powers can proceed.

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide Innate healing is the practice of treating cause over a symptom. It is the knowledge that our health practices, from our diets to our mindset, may affect our wellness. It is the truth that our bodies, down to each and every cell, were created to heal. Innate health is your ability to positively influence your own wellbeing, inside and out.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

A blockage in axoplasmic flow proximally may impair the function of tissues in distal regions of the nerve. For example, if a person has a proximal compression on the brachial plexus, everything distal to that site is more susceptible to pathology because there is a blockage in the axoplasmic flow and, therefore, a deprivation of nutritional supply to the distal nerve tissues. This may be the reason why patients present with comorbidity symptoms of brachial nerve entrapment and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

“Blockage of axoplasmic flow may impair the function of tissues or organs in distal regions innervated by the nerve.” Oakley Smith D.N., (1905) was one of the first physicians to investigate, discover, and develop treatments specifically for connective tissue compression of nerves leading to nerve dysfunction patterns and syndromes as well as somatic dysfunction.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

The treatment via massage therapy should not be forced high pressure compression or employ deep tissue therapy. Compressive forces and pressures above .5 PSI would result in nerve damage and reduced axoplasmic transport. This would cause a reduction in nutrition moving through the axon and to the cell body. “Compression of a peripheral nerve can disturb the intraneural transport (axonal transport) of a large variety of substances. This may be followed by morphological and biochemical changes in the nerve cell body. These central changes may affect the axon as a whole and confer on the nerve an increased susceptibility to trauma.”

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Somatic Coordination, incoordination, and Homeostasis

When it comes to treating nerve compression problems in the extremities, many approaches make the mistake of focusing on just one location. If someone has neuropathy in their hand due to median nerve injury or pathology, they may assume that the problem is limited to carpal tunnel compression. Effective massage treatment doesn't just target the wrist, but also addresses the entire upper extremity, shoulder, and neck regions. Massage therapists need to understand the anatomical path of the primary peripheral nerves and be familiar with common locations of nerve compression. By addressing these areas, they can reduce compression and entrapment of the nerve, reducing or eliminating symptoms and possible long-term impairment.

Fluid Dynamics

Dysfunctional fluid dynamics and edema, secondary to or as a part of inflammation, is a primary factor in most acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain conditions. It is a common cause of neuritis and in chronic conditions the cause of fibrosis related to fluid and protein accumulation in the connective tissues.


Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage: A Training Guide When we begin the technique and hands on portion of the Neuropathic Massage Therapy (NMT) workshop we will cover the following steps in detail:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage – A Training Guide

Patient Examination and Assessment

Areas and Regions of Paresthesia

Nerve Entrapment and Entanglement Regions

Specific Entrapment and Entanglement Nerve Identification

Hyperesthesia Point Location

Special Nerve Techniques Tapping Pincer or Pinching Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques

Spinal Osteopathic Massage Therapy – Along spinal ganglia

Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy Spinal Technique

Neuropathic Massage Therapy – Standard Swedish Massage Techniques

Examination Hands on training section

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

An examination is performed by locating the involved or pathogenic nerve and palpation of the nerve to determine its reaction to gentle palpation or challenge. When examining the nerve on the right of the body, always examine the nerve on the opposite side. When palpating examine the adjacent muscles for stiffness, hypertrophy, atrophy, or spasm.

Restoring the Power and Balance of the Nervous System: A Training Guide

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

If spasticity is present, such as in post stroke patients, then there is permanent nerve damage and/or destruction. In such cases standard massage or neuropathic massage techniques will not be effective. In cases where there is determined to be permanent nerve damage, we must utilize the Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy (SMT) protocol.

NMT Patient Examination Assessment  When you are performing a patient interview and assessment you are determining and assessing the physical, mental/emotion, and when appropriate, the spiritual dimension of a patient. All these assessments are made, not from a viewpoint of diagnosing disease, but rather to determine and to assess what physical or behavioral changes may need to be recommended to the patient and made by the patient to enhance the patient’s wellbeing, or to prevent illness or disease.

Areas and Regions of Paresthesia Hands on training section

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Peripheral nerve paresthesia is a condition characterized by abnormal sensations in the body’s extremities, such as tingling, numbness, or a “pins and needles” feeling. This occurs when peripheral nerves, which are located outside the brain and spinal cord, are damaged or irritated. Commonly experienced in the hands and feet, peripheral nerve paresthesia can also affect other areas and body functions, including digestion and urination1. While it can be transient, resulting from simple pressure on a nerve, persistent paresthesia may indicate underlying medical conditions such as neuropathies or systemic diseases.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

It is recommended to assess, locate, and palpate areas of abnormal nerve activity and sensation and to document these area on a standard body mapping illustration.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Always obtain an informed consent and release form from your patient. Never treat without one.

Nerve Entrapment and Entanglement Regions Hands on training section

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Nerve Entrapment and Entanglement:

In cases involving nerve entrapment or entanglement due to fascial and connective tissue adhesions or scars you will need to add specific nerve gliding, sliding, tensioning and stretching to the NMT treatment protocol.

Nerve Entrapment and Entanglement Regions Nerve entrapment syndrome, also known as nerve compression syndrome or compression neuropathy, occurs when a peripheral nerve is compressed or pinched, often as it travels through narrow anatomical spaces. This condition can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness in the affected area. Common types of nerve entrapment syndromes include carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve entrapment, and sciatica, among others. The causes can vary from repetitive movements, accidents, arthritis, diabetes, or anatomical abnormalities. Treatment typically involves relieving the pressure on the nerve, which may include rest, massage therapy, medications, or in some cases, surgery.

Specific Entrapment and Entanglement Nerve Identification Hands on training section

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Specific Entrapment and Entanglement Nerve Identification:

In many cases it will be necessary to locate a specific nerve and to determine the exact location of entrapment or entanglement and upon doing so to note that location and the level of entrapment or entanglement. For example, in the case of carpal tunnel syndrome from the lower cervical vertebra at C5 to T1 along the course of the brachial plexus nerve tracts and the pathway of the median nerve.

Hyperesthesia Point Location Hands on training section

Hyperesthesia Point Location:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

When during examination and treatment you locate hyperesthesia points treat them with the appropriate NMT protocol. In NMT we use the term hyperesthesia points to describe “Trigger” points, pain points, ashi points, fibromyalgia points, neurolymphatic points, and the entire collection of vague and non-specific point terminology used by various health disciplines.

Special Nerve Techniques Hands on training section

Special Nerve Techniques:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Special nerve techniques are a collection of NMT techniques employed to isolate and treat specific nerves for the purpose of increasing blood and lymph activity and to promote toxin and waste removal in and around the nerve. Tapotement (tapping) – light, mild, to moderate force applied with the fingertips. Pinching Method – Performed with the thumb and the forefinger following along the longitudinal pathway of the nerve but perpendicular to the nerve with small massaging motions, light shaking, vibration. When employing this method follow the nerve pathway and when adjacent to a nerve plexus treat into it.

Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques Hands on training section

Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Nerve glides, also known as nerve slides, tensioning, flossing or stretching, are exercises used in manual therapy to improve nerve movement and reduce pain. These exercises are designed to mobilize the nerves, which can become restricted due to various conditions, such as muscle strains, sciatica, herniated discs, connective tissue adhesions, and various nerve entrapment syndromes.

Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Objective: The main goal is to enable smooth movement of peripheral nerves. These are the nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. Technique: The exercises involve specific movements that stretch and mobilize the nerves without causing pain or discomfort. It’s like flossing the nerves through the tissues they pass through. Conditions: Nerve glides can be beneficial for conditions that cause nerve tightness or compression, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, and thoracic outlet syndrome.

Glides, Slides, and Tensioning Techniques:

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Upper Extremity Nerve Glides: For nerve pain in the arm or hands, exercises like the Median Nerve Glide can be prescribed. This involves movements that floss the median nerve, which helps in bending the wrist and fingers. Lower Extremity Nerve Glides: Sciatic nerve glides, for example, can help relieve pain associated with sciatica, affecting the lower back and legs. When employing nerve glides with a patient it is vitally important to know exactly how much tension and stretching can be safety applied.

Osteopathic Massage Therapy Hands on training section

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Osteopathic Massage Therapy (OMT): Osteopathic massage therapy (OMT) is recommended along the spinal column from superior to inferior. When using OMT follow the route of the spinal column downward and along the spinal nerve roots and the adjacent sympathetic ganglion. This technique is named more for its treatment location along the spinal vertebral ganglion than for the uniqueness of its techniques which are essentially the same as those employed in Swedish massage therapy.

Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy Hands on training section

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Scandinavian soft tissue and joint mobilization therapy is based upon Contemporary Naprapathic Manual Medicine, therapeutic passive exercise, and the American Manual Medicine Association manual medicine procedures and protocols. Scandinavian soft tissue and joint mobilization therapy is simply referred to as Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy or SMT and it is an evidence based system of manual medicine and passive exercise that focuses on gentle and progressive physical forces directed at somatic connective tissues such as muscles, tendons, fascia and ligaments, the mobilization of joints, and the joint complex which includes the soft and hard tissue structures of joints, as well as, the vascular and nervous system components of the joint complex.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Neuropathic Massage Therapy Hands on training section

Neuropathic Massage Therapy (NMT):

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

When treating neurological conditions, or imbalances of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system massage from superior to inferior and employ the following methods: 

Light to moderate friction in a straight line along the vertebral column.

Light to moderate circular friction along the vertebral column and circling outward from the spine.

Light to moderate spiral friction along the vertebral column and circling outward from the spine.

Light to moderate elliptical friction along the vertebral column and circling outward from the spine.

Light to moderate semicircular friction along the vertebral column and circling outward from the spine.

Contraindications FIRST DO NO HARM


Neuropathic massage therapy is always indicated in conditions involving the peripheral nervous system unless specifically contraindicated.

 Contraindications: Situations in which neuropathic massage therapy (NMT) should not be used). There may be exceptions, but only if ordered by a medical physician.  Open Wounds: Do not perform NMT over broken skin or recent unhealed surgical incisions.


 Thinning Skin: Avoid performing NMT to thinning or fragile skin in the elderly or in any medical condition where the skin integrity is compromised.  Skin Ulcers: Do not use NMT on patients with skin ulceration and/or infection.  Acute Cellulitis: This condition involves inflammation of the skin caused by bacteria (usually staphylococcus or streptococcus). If a patient has acute cellulitis, characterized by redness, pain, swelling, and warmth in the infected area, NMT is not recommended.

 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Do not use NMT with patients with a history or who have DVT (a blood clot in a deep vein). It can increase blood flow and dislodge the clot, potentially causing a pulmonary embolism.

Contraindications, Continued

 Uncontrolled Diabetes: NMT can worsen pinsand-needles sensations (peripheral neuropathy) associated with uncontrolled diabetes.  Active Cancer: Do not use NMT with patients who are undergoing cancer treatment unless prescribed by a licensed physician.  Lymph Node Removal: Do not perform NMT directly over areas where lymph nodes have been surgically removed or damaged by trauma.  Varicose Veins: Tortuous varicose veins may be both and indication and contraindication for NMT.

 Fever: Not recommended for patients with a fever.  Broken or Damaged Skin: Do not perform NMT techniques over broken or damaged skin. (Risk of infection)

Contraindications, Continued

 Pregnancy: Care is required during pregnancy.  Certain Medications: Patients who are taking blood thinner medications may observe bruising under the skin due to the increased circulation effects.

Contraindications, Continued

Patients who present with signs and symptoms of nerve disorders should always be evaluated by a medical physician to determine the cause of the condition, appropriateness of manual care, and the possibility of combined medical care.


Ancillary Methods

In addition to the main manual therapy protocols employed in the Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Therapy method we also use many ancillary techniques. The choice of which techniques, therapeutic modalities to use, is based upon the condition of the patient, the stage of the disease, and complicating factors. These ancillary techniques include:  Cupping  Red light or Bioptron Therapy  Castor Oil Packs  Infused Oil Treatment (IOT)  Dry Brushing  Gua Sha  Kinesio Tape (KinesioStretch Method)  Herbal Medicine and Supplementation

Ancillary Techniques Cupping

Ancillary Techniques Red Light Therapy

Ancillary Techniques Castor Oil Packs

Ancillary Techniques – Dry Brushing

Ancillary Techniques Gua Sha

Ancillary Techniques Herbal Medicine

Ancillary Techniques Nutraceuticals


Kinesio Tape for Neuropathy

Kinesio tape gently lifts the superficial layers of skin, creating a space between the skin, fascia, and underlying tissues. This lifting effect is thought to promote better circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help reduce swelling and inflammation. In applying kinesio tape for the treatment of neurological conditions we generally follow the pathway of major nerves.

As an ancillary part of our Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage Therapy treatment protocol, and at the end of a treatment session, we often send patients home with kinesio tape applied to an area or region that is afflicted with neuropathy.

Anchor tape from the origin of the nerve pathway and follow the pathway of the nerve

I Technique

Cross Technique With the cross-taping technique, we identify and cross over an area of localized pain

Theraband Kinesiotape Tension Chart Theraband kinesiology tape is a product that supports muscles and joints and provides pain relief. It is safe, effective, and easy to apply. The tape is latex-free, nonirritating, and allergy tested3. It lasts up to 5 days. The tape features stretch indicators for perfect application every time41. It has best in class adhesion and sticks and lasts like only the best tapes in the market.


Ginger Root Ginger oil supports lymphatic circulation, which plays a crucial role in reducing swelling and edema.

Medical Herbalism

Ginger oil is used for lymphatic drainage massage by mixing it with a carrier oil and gently massaging it over areas affected by swelling and edema. Ginger oil is extracted from the rhizome, which is an underground stem of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale). Although it may resemble a root, the rhizome serves as the base from which roots branch out. This aromatic rhizome contains potent compounds like gingerol and zingiberene, contributing to the oil’s distinct aroma and therapeutic properties.

Poke Root Potential Benefits: Anti-Inflammatory: Poke root has antiinflammatory properties.

Medical Herbalism

Immune Support: Traditionally, poke root has been used to support the immune system. Lymphatic Health: It’s used to promote lymphatic drainage and help with conditions like swollen lymph nodes. Topical Applications: Infused oils or salves made from poke root have been applied to the skin for various skin conditions, including sore breasts or swollen lymph nodes.

Geranium Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Medical Herbalism

Geranium essential oil contains compounds that exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. A study suggested that geranium oil’s anti-inflammatory qualities may benefit leg and foot swelling caused by edema. Lymphatic Drainage and Circulation: Geranium oil can promote lymphatic drainage and improve circulation. Geranium essential oil is derived by steam distillation of the leaves and stems of the Pelargonium graveolens plant species, which is native to South Africa. The oil has a pleasant floral fragrance and is widely used in perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. Its unique composition includes compounds like linalool, geraniol, citronellol, and limonene, which contribute to its therapeutic benefits.


Is Massage Useful in the Management of Diabetes?


Massage Therapy: An Evidence Based Framework


A Randomized Pilot Study of Oncology Massage to Treat Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy



Massage Therapy: An Evidence-Based Framework. rategies/2.01%3A_New_Page. Massage Therapy the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. Massage Therapy for Health: What the Science Says NCCIH.


Alternatives to Drugs & Surgery for Sciatica: Massage Therapy Dorsal. Is Massage Useful in the Management of Diabetes? A Systematic Review. The Effectiveness of Massage Therapy on Healing of Diabetic Neuropathy .... A randomized pilot study of oncology massage to treat ... - Nature. Massage For Neuropathy Full PDF - Massage-For-Neuropathy.pdf. Promising Approaches to Pain Relief | Massage Therapy Journal.

No part of this proprietary material is to be used for any purpose, other than clinical therapy and treatment provided to patients, by schools or other organizations, without the express written approval of Dr. Lawton.

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Dr. Gregory T. Lawton 616 – 570 - 0790

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage

Homeosomatic Neuropathic Massage


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