Onboard magazine summer 16

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Morgan Freeman interview Providing the answers Air apparent Management matters

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27/06/16 14:18




Captain Morgan Morgan Freeman talks to ONBOARD about his love for the ocean


Tender Worker A look at the expanding crew and rescue tender market


Boy Bait Sexism against males in the yachting industry is a real problem


The Road To Rio The Sailing World Cup marks the final stop before the Rio Olympic Games


Management Matters Shore based yacht management has evolved with the times


Deep Discovery Peter Campbell has dived every ocean known to man in his search for cultural treasures


Up and Away A look at the world’s biggest festival of free flight, The Coupe Icare


La Dolce Vita ONBOARD’s recommended Italian Marinas to visit this season


Providing The Answers Claire Griffiths looks at the latest developments in yacht provisioning


100 Air Apparent Frances and Michael Howorth on the innovations in the HVAC market


130 Grape Explorations A wine tour is a great excuse to explore the world’s different regions

REGULARS 05 Comment Why the Salty Seadog has learned to hate the MCA


07 Upfronts Tips, people, advice and myths 17 MY Opinion Joining your local marine conservation NGO 22 New Launch Perini Navi’s 70m Ketch Sybaris 26 Desire The latest eye catching innovations and design trends 36 Crew Profile Fitzroy Graham talks about his job as Second Engineer aboard Cocoa Bean 3 | SPRING 2016 | ONBOARD

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48 ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 3

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REGULARS 83 Food and Drink The latest food and drink trends for you to try over the summer months including a guide to ice creams and sorbets 86 Galley Gadgets A culinary collection for the galley 92 Table Talk

s favourite eateries in palates and pockets

ice to fit all

106 Six of Best Best buddies, six great wireless Bluetooth ear buds


110 Yacht Essentials Editor Chris Clifford recommends his favourite products and services for the season and beyond 123 Body The latest facts, fads and tips for beauty and well being along with a guide to safe sun care 128 Navigator A guide to Valencia, Spain’s third largest city and birthplace of Paella 139 Ask the Experts ns ers from the leading e perts in their field 141 Recruitment aurence e is discusses hy it is important for captains to be in the right frame of mind in an interview situation

Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executive Terry Hurley Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, Tom arro , Claire Griffiths, aurence e is, Ed Ewing, Sue Pelling, Adam Fiander Front cover Kristine Strobel



Distributed by Superyacht Distribution www.superyacht-distribution.com info@superyacht-distribution.com ONBOARD is published quarterly by Plum Titles Ltd 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: +33 (0) 4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.



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28/06/16 15:58


Consistently Inconsistent Why the Salty Seadog has learned to hate the MCA


f there is one thing I am consistent about, it is my hatred of inconsistency. Don’t get me wrong, despite my great age I am quite able to accept charge, more than happy to adopt a new practice if it is found better than the old, it is just that, being told one thing by one person and another person from the same organisation contradicting this. Who are the worst offenders Stand up and take a o C ou and your flag of convenience cohorts are your own worst enemy and what is more you are by your own consistent inconsistency damaging the superyacht industry and as a result your own cash revenue. When I was a captain I remember only too well that one Red Ensign authority refused my owner permission to carry a white rescue boat insisting that we had to have a horrid orange one instead y ans er as simple I threatened to change flags to a different Red Ensign. One group of tin pot islands suggested I could carry the white boat so long as I carried and had to hand orange covers that could e fitted in an emergency no I am T oking hile another offshore island manfully pun intended allowed me to carry the white boat provided I was prepared to pay fees to allo a surveyor to fly to Germany to have a look at the oat When I confronted the original flag ith my findings I was told not to be silly and of course I could carry the white rescue boat and whoever had told me I could not was wrong! I had wasted days of valuable time, used valuable owner resources and shipyard assets without good reason just because some bureaucratic prat was in a bad mood one day. Now I can take that nonsense from the MCA when it’s just a petty rule about a life ring or a rescue boat but when they start messing with people’s livelihood and careers I get really angry. Rules are rules and the need to get sea time before qualifying examinations can be sat are understandable but why are the MCA so bloody inconsistent when it comes to sea time? A Cadet serving in a containership laid-up in a river while awaiting cargo can count every day served towards qualifying sea time. A deckhand on a 100 metre superyacht gets no sea time while the yacht remains in a Spanish port while waiting for the owner and his guests to board gets no sea time at all. The C clearly elieves the deckhand is ust loafing around

in the bars of Barcelona rather than doing her job waiting for the cargo to arrive in its Rolls Royce. Such is their distain for yachting the MCA even refuses to discuss the matter with the deckhand who now despite her obvious talent for command is so disillusioned she is thinking of leaving the deck department in favour of Ham and Jam. Now I have nothing against the interior department in much the same way as I respect those who sell sandwiches on board easy et aircraft ut me, I ould rather fly the plane than clear up the sick bags. So it is really sad that someone as obviously talented as this young lady has had her career buggered up by inconsistencies carried out by the MCA. You think this is an isolated case? No it is not. On the very same yacht is a young man signed on as an engineer. Everyday he spends on board he gets one day of sea time towards sitting his engineering officer ualifications What makes me really mad in this case is that the female deckhand is clearly not being taken seriously by the MCA. Probably I suspect because she is a female and they are a very misogynist lot in that agency. Just read their publications and note how everything is referred to in the male gender. This particular deckhand is no slouch. She has over four years experience serving in some of the largest yachts in the world. She is the winner of a Slater Fund scholarship, managed by the Marine Society with Nautilus International and has a cadetship sponsored by Trinity House who have even discussed the possibility of her becoming a Junior Brethren and trust me, they don’t put those into packets of cornflakes er Captain speaks highly of her and the Chief fficer of the yacht she works invited her to join her present yacht having been impressed by the quality of her work and the dedication to her carer in other yachts. So why won’t the MCA give her a fair hearing? Why won’t they answer her e-mails even when the UKSA intervene and try to help her? You know why. Because the MCA comprises of a bunch of inconsistent bastards and I hate them for that and the fact that they don’t give a damn for the superyacht industry. ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 5

Salty.indd 5

27/06/16 18:20

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27/06/16 14:22




Beefy Bosun Arguably the best position to hold on a yacht. Not junior anymore, and not senior enough to have to behave like a grown up. The beefy bosun has reached the dizzy heights of being able to boss around his chamois technicians and make a few decisions, whilst still being able to be one of the lads out on deck. They can also bag the fun jobs and scoot around on a jetski, y’know for maintenance, make sure it’s running ok…take the charter guest’s kids out for a few hours on the water toys and generally have a good time whilst looking back towards the yacht making sure his old peers are hard at it on board. The extra pay packet will also come in handy to buy a couple more oversized watches to match is bulging biceps.

SUN SCREAM 7 million litres of harmful sunscreen finds its way from our bodies into the world’s oceans every year

BUBBLEICIOUS iBubble is the first autonomous diving drone that follows you and captures beautiful footage. Hands-free with a one hour battery life, safe to 60 metres and image stabilisation system. iBubble allows you to take your GoPro where it’s never gone before, and control it all from your wrist with a compatible bracelet. Genius.

HEALTHY EATING is hot hot hot right now. Seeing lots of chefs doing raw food and vegan courses to shake things up a bit. Not necessarily saying we’ll be skipping bacon and steak any time soon but it’s ok to have a bit of everything in moderation. Apart from wine. Wine should be consumed in excess.

IBIZA This uber trendy Balearic Island enjoyed a massive charter season in 2015, and by all accounts the bookings are already up with the yacht agents and provisioners for 2016.

CARPOOL KARAOKE Remember when unless you’d appeared on the Simpsons you hadn’t really made it in Hollywood, well now it seems James Corden has taken over the mantle. Our favourite has still got to be Stevie Wonder!

TOP GEAR Sorry Mr Evans, no matter how hard you try to battle this out on your twitter or on Radio2 show, the numbers speak for themselves. Even after bringing in your ‘friends’ to help, it’s just not the same as when Clarkson was at the helm. Only fools and passengers drink at sea

MYTHICAL MONSTER SCYLLA Scylla was a monster that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite its counterpart Charybdis. This area has been associated with the Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily. Scylla made her first appearance in Homer’s Odyssey, where Odysseus and his crew encounter her and Charybdis on their travels. The idiom “between Scylla and Charybdis” has come to mean being forced to choose between two equally dangerous situations.

ACTION FILMING Gopro not quite edgy enough for you? Drone impossible to control when you’re doing activities? Check out the Lily camera. It’s the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera. So, you literally chuck it into the air, it flies around behind you filming you doing whatever you’re currently up to.

Allan Villiers

MAN BUNS Unless you’re Leonardo di Caprio who can do whatever the hell he likes, then please don’t wear one. Not big, not clever and just a bit weird actually.

KEYBOARD WARRIORS seem to be out in force on facebook. So many self proclaimed experts are out there attacking people whom they’ve never met and probably never will. A very bold, and often foolish move in such a small industry.

HOURS OF REST A hot topic that will get even hotter during the season. Will crew demand their hours of rest or will they battle through with integrity, deliver a first class charter and welcome the tips?


Upfronts.indd 7

27/06/16 18:29


Distribution of Watersport Fun Products all brands out of one hand contact your local supplier for more information

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Point of Sports.indd 96

27/06/16 14:26

9/6/14 11:28 AM


FASHION FAUX PAS What crew consider the biggest fashion no-nos for charter guests this season Faded denim 5% Cut out swimwear 9% Onesies 18% Matching outfits on couples 19%

Sun Visors 20% Bumbags 10% Budgie smugglers 13% Football shirts 6%

HOLD YOUR BREATH Aleix Segura smashed the Guinness World Record for the longest underwater breath-hold this February with a time of 24 minutes 3 seconds


FACT The cast was deliberately kept indoors during the shooting period in order to look as pale as real submariners would on a mission at sea. STORY LINE While war correspondent Werner observes day-to-day life aboard the U-boat, the grizzled captain struggles to maintain his own motivation as he attempts to keep the ship’s morale up in the face of fierce attles, intense storms and dwindling supplies. VESSEL NAME U-96 DID YOU KNOW? The names of the Captain, Chief Engineer, 1st Watch fficer and nd Watch fficer of the 5 main characters) are never given. MODEL BEHAVIOUR The models were also used for Raiders of the lost Ark.

1992 There were no beaches in Barcelona until 1992. Today there are 7 beaches with a total of 4.5km of coastline


Sharkbanz are an easy way to add peace of mind to the everyday ocean swim, surf, or snorkel, but make no mistake: the technology is real. The Sharkbanz emit magnetic waves that disrupt its electro-receptors and quickly turns the sharks away

32°37’40”N,129°44’18”E Hashima Island, known as Battleship Island and lying 15km from Nagasaki, in southern Japan. The 16 acre island was known for its undersea coal mines and was the most densely populated place on earth in its heyday with a population of over 5,000 in 1959. The mines closed in 1974 and the island is now more famous for staring in the 007 movie Skyfall

OPEN TO QUESTION What’s your favourite yard to spend time in?

WILL LOMBARDET, ENGINEER STP, Palma de Mallorca in my opinion the best because it’s very complete with a lot of companies to choose from, most businesses are micromanaged with bosses caring for their customers and employees wanting to give the best and not afraid of working long hours and weekends. Also bars and restaurants at affordable prices.

ALEX WORLEY, CAPTAIN Yates Adriano, Mallorca. Small yard, no bullshit, family atmosphere, no needing to go through 20 different people to get a small piece of staging put under the boat. Extremely competitive and transparent prices, hands on approach of all works from the management down, excellent qualit & most importantly, Churrasco BBQ.

LUCY CARTER, STEWARDESS Rybovich Marina in West Palm Beach is the best for me. It is incredibly clean, the layout and facilities are thought out so well. Bar/Restaurant for crew with great prices, along with a pool, BBQ, crew lounge, pool and ping pong tables. There is also a shuttle service that takes crew anywhere within a 10 mile radius.

DIANA JOHNSON, DECKHAND I’m currently in Savannah, Thunderbolt Marina! The crew house and facilities are fantastic, great gym, games room, super duper fast internet, kitchen, lovely outdoor area, the marina held a great party for all the boats the other week! The yard workers actually make sure their shoes are clean and covered each time they board.

ALAN ALBOROUGH, CHIEF ENGINEER Rybovich, West Palm Beach. I have spent winters in La Ciotat, Cannes, Ancona and Brisbane as well as Rybo. Not regarding standard of work or access to vendors or contractors, but because the place is built around crew. I have no clue how much it costs a metre compared to elsewhere, they have to pay for the facilities somehow. ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 9

Upfronts.indd 9

27/06/16 18:30

Venice | Genova | Savona | La Spezia | Civitavecchia | Ostia | Cagliari Naples | Salerno | Crotone | Aeolian Islands | Palermo | Catania | Taormina Syracuse | Trieste | Ancona | Pescara | Ortona | Bari | Brindisi

finally, we are in


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27/06/16 14:28


PROTECT OUR OCEANS The oceans future is numbered



405 Ocean Dead zones where there is little to no oxygen due to fertilizer run-off and nitrogen pollution 25% of Posidonia meadows have been destroyed over the past 13 years due to climate change 90% of Tuna, swordfish, halibut, cod and flounder populations have been devastated by overfishing Our actions over the next 10 years will determine the state of the ocean for the next 10,000 years There is 1 tonne of plastic for every 3 tonnes of fish in the sea

FILM ON Camera stabilizers for a new generation of filmmakers. LUUV has reinvented the traditional steadycam. No matter what camera you have, or how experienced you are, film shake-free every time. The grip is flexible to minimise vibrations from your hand and a weighted gimbal keeps your camera rock steady by simply making use of gravity. The Plug & Play mount for fitting your camera, Gopro or smartphone is included. The electronic module can also be removed and attached to a bike helmet, handlebar or other object. The stabilisers are made from ABS plastic and stainless steel and the ultraLUUV includes rechargeable Li-ion batteries that are good for up to four hours of usage. www.luuv-stabilizer.com from €200

APPITALK Add some apps with these ONBOARD favourites Tripcast Tripcast lets you share your travel photos with the people who want to see everything. Start a trip, invite your friends and family to the album, and give them live photo updates. CityMaps2Go Save and remember places around the world. Including attractions, insider places and the addresses of your friends. Find inspirations from other posted articles. Serato Pyro The latest edition to auto DJ apps. Visually simple and easy to understand. Stand back or get involved and let the app mix and adjust your play list all day long.

I have a few favourite destinations but my number one would be Rovinj in Croatia. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful towns in Croatia positioned right on the sea with the St. Euphemia Church marking the highest point. It has something to offer for everyone whether you are there for a relaxing beach holiday, family holiday or a romantic getaway. The small and steep pedestrian streets provide hours of exploring with art galleries, shops, bars and some of the best restaurants in Croatia. There are many lovely beaches to visit and it is a photographers dream with all the amazing settings. The local hospitality is warm and welcoming and a sunset drink right on the waters edge at the Champagne bar Valentino is a must!

Nautical Etymology...

BLOOD MONEY Originally known as bounty money, it was the financial reward for sinking an enemy ship. The amount of the reward, however, was not based on the size or importance of the ship but on the number of crew members killed.

2.5m The size in square kilometres of the Mediterranean Sea making it the largest sea on the planet

If you can’t repair it, maybe it shouldn’t be on board Lin and Larry Pardey

ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 11

Upfronts.indd 11

27/06/16 18:32

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12 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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27/06/16 15:09


JACKET REQUIRED CRESSI START PRO Designed primarily as a rental BC for resorts and dive schools, the Start Pro gives beginners and leisure divers the stability of a jacket style BC and the convenience of weight integration. Diver operators will appreciate its bullet-proof construction using 1000 and 500 Denier Cordura and large, easily seen size markings on the shoulder.

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ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 13

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27/06/16 18:33

Why Compromise? Tenders, chase boats, SOLAS, limousines and bespoke builds for the discerning superyacht industry. Contact us for more information enquiries@wahooribs.com

14 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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27/06/16 15:15

BEACH Cool sounds for hot beaches Suso Saiz Los Cielos Siempre Hammock Everything and Nothing - Turn Away and Return Finis Africae El Secreto De Las 12 The Orb Star 6 & 7 8 9 Ned Doheny Get it up for love Kaytranada Bus Ride Cassiano Onda Nightmares on wax Om Sweet H(Om)e

RECORD HIGHS Expect altered states of hallucinogenic house and reality bending techno in the clubs of Ibiza this summer. Playlists by Acid Mondays

SUNSET After a day in the sun, these tracks provide the perfect tonic to watch the sun go down God Within Raincry (Spiritual Thirst) Burial & Four Tet & Thom Yorke Mirror Jame Blake Points Mark Pritchard Under The Sun Kate Aurelia Smith EARS S Huerco For Those Of You Who Have Never (And Those Who Have) Lahun Slow Love Global communication 76 14 CLUB The best Ibizan club floor fillers Kenny Glasgow Action Reaction (Acid Mondays remix) Lone Backtail Was heavy Acid Mondays Elevate Archie Hamilton Mind Blank Nightmares On Wax Aftermath (Acid Mondays remix) Verrina & Ventura Fugs Mood II Swing Closer (Acid Mondays remix) Octave One Eniac AFTER PARTY Get down while the sun comes up Wareika King’s Child (Ricardo Villalobos Remix) Apollonia Mouche Tsé Tsé (Melchior Productions Dub) Barac 490 Lawrence Nowhere Is A Place Ion Ludwig I’m Kloster S.Moreira Clean Or High Dorisburg Lemuria Fumiya Tanaka Munique Uncertain

For more details on where Acid Mondays are playing or to contact or book them visit: www.facebook.com/AcidMondays

BALEARIC BEATS Acid Mondays’ top spots to party this season Circoloco @ DC10

Wax the Jam @ Las Dalias


CircoLoco is the best night on the Island for us, it’s got some of the freshest line-ups around and always has respect to the old school. With the Garden, Terrace and Main Room there is something for everyone. We’re also very grateful to have been able to DJ there for the last 3 years.

The feel good party curated by Nightmares On Wax at Las Dalias. Featuring guests such as DJ Shadow, Bonobo, Daddy G (Massive Attack) and Andrew Ashong. The eclectic music policy and all inclusive attitude is the perfect place for people to have fun and express themselves.

Openlab is a radio station based in Ibiza but is broadcast worldwide via the web. Run by Robert Miles it is the only place for New Electronica, Experimental and Ambient music. Openlab do regular events around the island from Sunset sessions to multi media club nights.

ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 15

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27/06/16 20:36

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16 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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28/06/16 19:11


Sea of opportunity Joining your local marine conservation NGO is the first step in protecting our oceans says Brad Robertson


tarting a career in yachting is usually based on seizing opportunities to achieve your goals both professionally and personally. Climbing the career ladder, travelling to exotic places and gaining knowledge that will be with you for life. The yachting industry is full of opportunity, full of motivated people and full of water loving people. This combination, to me, says it’s the perfect platform for being able to give something back to the environment that actually provides the base of the industry, the sea. In the 7 years that I have been working with yacht owners, guests and crew I have met some really amazing people, that are at the top of their game and seriously good at their jobs. One of the biggest obstacles I have seen though is the lack of time these professionals have during and outside of their working responsibilities. So, how does the industry, which is so strapped for time, actually do something productive and meaningful to ensure the future of their jobs and the marine environment? The answer is pretty simple in my vie , find a small, local marine conservation G and ask them how to support and get involved! If you are based in the Caribbean there are various groups orking on a huge array of marine related issues, in the acific, once again, there are many small G s doing a esome ork but the area of the world that interests me the most is the Mediterranean and in particular the Balearic Sea. Everybody loves the underdog, the person or the team that is not expected to succeed. The way I see the Med is she is the underdog of marine conservation. A location that most people have given up on, that most people wouldn’t even dream of looking underwater due to the thoughts of it being a baron and polluted sea! This stigma is true in many places but not in the Balearic Islands, a true patch of marine paradise within a very sick sea! Of course we have our issues here in the Balearics, but we also have a very solid base to work from! So, the yachting industry has a hub, in the Med, that is one of the healthier places in this historic sea. The yachting industry

also has a platform to contribute to the conservation of the Balearic Sea, Asociación Ondine. With various projects underway and under construction, Asociación Ondine focuses on two subjects...Plastic Pollution & Marine Protected Areas. Basically we work towards a clean & healthy Balearic Sea. We assisted in the Balearic Islands becoming a ission lue ope Spot, the first in the editerranean and declared in y r Sylvia arle, ational Geographic Explorer in Residence and founder of Mission Blue. We work with local schools with our Dos Manos plastic pollution schools programme, we see up to 120+ yacht crew turn up to our beach clean-ups, we have a unique feature documentary in the pipeline as well as a plan for a new Network of Marine Protected Areas for the Balearics. We work with the Palma Superyacht Show as well as the Superyacht Cup alongside Sailors for the Sea with a common goal of making these events single use plastic free. The hands on support that Asociacion Ondine has and is receiving from local yacht crew and even some yachts is growing by the month, but what we really need the yachting industry to do is to dig deep and help us secure funding to continue with our programmes. We have various membership options from individuals to corporate opportunities and in the scale of things the mem ership costs pale into insignificance What we would love to see is individual yachts supporting a specific programme so if you have some creative ideas on ho we can make this happen please get in touch. It’s really time to bring yachting and marine research, conservation & education together. To give back to the environment that keeps us all employed is the right thing to do and I think there are many people in this industry that want to do the right thing but do not know where to start. Asociacion Ondine is your platform to give back to the marine environment. Embrace it! For more details visit www.asociacionondine.org ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 17

MY Opinion.indd 17

27/06/16 20:39

The C-Fury Yacht F70... ...more than a tender The modern yacht tender must switch roles quickly. Exploration, watersport and provisioning by day then as the sun goes - find the nightlife. The new lightweight C-Fury Yacht is built to excel. Resin infused with glass, aramid and carbon hybrid construction resulting in a lighter stronger and more capable craft ready to work hard. Up to 7 passengers, Day / Night operation and huge specification.

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18 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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27/06/16 15:21


Show time Tove Johnson looks at the importance of organising and attending yacht shows of international acclaim


acht shows are certainly impressive. They are a true celebration of yachting with gleaming vessels in array, a vibrant atmosphere and all that is new to the industry on display. However, they are much more than a shiny surface. They are also an invaluable tool for all the professionals involved in the superyacht industry, providing the ideal opportunity for them to inspect recent additions to the glo al fleet, net ork and learn about the latest developments. All at once and all in one place.

that are on the market and to meet the cre The finer details can be examined and an overall and informed impression can be formed. Lunches and dinners that are held on board allow the industry professionals to discover the exceptional level of culinary talent and the Chefs’ Competitions that are conducted during the Shows are fast becoming one of their highlights. Creativity, passion and technique are the ingredients for success and with each passing year they are found in greater abundance in the galleys.

MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association understands the importance of these Shows, which have the sustainability of the whole yachting industry at heart, and it plays an active role by organising the annual MYBA Charter Show and by supporting other boat shows that display potential and adhere to the values of the ssociation The ssociation takes pride in its collaborations which it believes are an intrinsic part of shaping the future. Partnerships such as that with the Palma Superyacht Sho have flourished due to the com ination of strengths, skills and resources essential to this industry. New concept shows such as the MYBA Superyacht Pop-Up Show in Montenegro are redefining the seascape y sho casing destinations that rokers may not e familiar ith and y highlighting their rapidly growing infrastructure.

Combined with the open forums, informative seminars and destination presentations, the Shows arm industry professionals with all that they need in order to safeguard their clients and provide them with the peace of mind that is of particular importance in this industry y collecting kno ledge they are able to provide the right advice and avoid complications, and this makes a orld of difference hen the time comes for a yacht to be chartered or sold.

From 2017, and for the next three consecutive years, the MYBA Charter Show itself will be hosted in a new and exciting venue, OneOcean Port Vell in Barcelona. A myriad of factors such as berthing capacity, ease of access for attendees, facilities and accommodation led to this decision but MYBA also hopes that this move will further speed up and enhance any progress in opening up the charter market regulations in these attractive cruising grounds. One could say that it is the Shows that show the way. ne of the many enefits of attending these Sho s is the opportunity to personally appraise the gro ing fleet of yachts

Yacht shows also provide the opportunity to meet with colleagues and competitors from all corners of the globe and share information as well as cement relationships. Friendships that are built in this industry transcend the barriers of competition and are based on mutual respect and common interests. The lively social calendars are proof of this unique camaraderie and although a Sho al ays entails a lot of hard ork and long hours, the evenings in the company of good friends are always rewarding. At the end of the day, however, it all comes down to doing business and the Shows are simply the perfect platform for this. They are a cost effective way for owners to promote their vessels and for the leading industry professionals to enhance their kno ledge When it comes to yacht sho s of international acclaim such as the MYBA Charter Show, the Palma Superyacht Show, the MYBA Superyacht Pop-Up Show and the Antigua Charter Show, it seems that the expression must-attend is more than ustified ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 19

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CAPTAIN MORGAN Away from the world of cinema, Freeman was an accomplished sailor with a love for the ocean, before a hand injury forced him to rethink his relationship with his favourite past-time


verything about Morgan Freeman smacks of a sense of grandeur. Recollecting his soul-penetrating stare, or the unmistakable syrup of his instantly recognisable gravelly tones, it’s no wonder that the veteran actor has appeared as the Vice-President, the President and even God in his decades long career as one of Hollywood’s most talented stars. ff screen, reeman s stately figure could often e found sailing the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, his “stomping ground” on the deck of a 1996 Shannon 43 Ketch. His fondness for life on the open waves, however, began over half a century ago. It as, he says, love at first sight

50 knot winds and seas that appeared mountainous to me in my little sloop. It was an experience I will never, ever forget. It’s like an exclamation point in my life.” In spite of the storm, Freeman’s love for the oceans remained undiminished, and hen he finally did make the ourney all the ay to the Caribbean in 1989 on board the Shannon 38 Sojourner, he found ‘his paradise’ in the form of the British Virgin Islands. “I used to spend most of my time down in the BVI,” he says, “I lived on the boat then, but now I go down after Thanksgiving and stay for a month or so.”

The first time I set eyes on a sail oat as in , the year old revealed previously, “Graceful as a swan, it was gliding sensuously on San Francisco Bay, and I was smitten.” It was si years after that first fleeting glimpse of a San ranciscan sailboat, however, that Freeman was offered the opportunity to take charge of a oat for the first time hilst orking in ermont

I guess the most salient thing about sailing is the quiet, the solitude

“The head of the Stowe theatre dropped in on us one morning and asked if anyone wanted to go sailing,” he once recalled in a conversation with the Shannon Boat Company, “Right away, I said ‘I do,’ so he brought us down to the shore and we all swam out to the boat. He asked us who was going to skipper, and I said ‘I will’.” His meagre knowledge on how to skipper a boat notwithstanding, Freeman’s day of “running into trees and pushing off sandbars” in that Vermont estuary meant that by the end of the summer he was hooked. “I was not only smitten, I was hooked for life,” he explains. “Ever since those halcyon days, sailing has been more than a pastime for me, it has been my refuge and my passion.”

Unfortunately in 2008, Freeman was involved in a massive car accident in his home state of Mississippi, where he broke his left hand, shoulder and elbow. Years later and the hand is still paralysed, with Freeman forced to regularly wear a compression glove to increase lood flo in the in ured area The in ury has also led to the left handed actor reluctantly giving up on flying planes, riding horses, and sailing. “It’s better to have two hands working than do it with one hand,” he told The Telegraph in 2014, “I’ve had to give up some fun things.”

t first, reeman indulged his passion at home, sailing the aters of the Northeast Coast, from Long Island up to Nova Scotia. It was, he says, a great education for what was to come. “I developed my skills as a sailor plying the waters off the coasts of Massachusetts and Maine,” he says, “I was a young man with a taste for the challenge; with the nor’easters, the fog, and the s ift current, my sailing skills ere honed to a pretty fine edge Before long, however, his attentions turned south, to the lure of the North Atlantic and beyond, and the “extraordinary and challenging eauty he as to discover there I first sailed south in , going to ermuda on a foot l erg designed sloop,” he wrote in the opening pages of his cookbook, published to raise funds for Grenada after Hurricane Ivan devastated the island in 2004. “It took 9 days to get there and we stayed for 6 weeks, anchored in the shelter of White’s Island in Hamilton Harbour.” The return journey held more in store for Freeman, as he encountered what he called his ‘survival storm’. “Two hundred and fifty miles east of e port e s, irginia, e ran into the worst weather I have ever experienced,” he recalls, “Sustained

The decision to quit sailing, even going so far as to put his Shannon 43, Afrodesia, up for sale, must have hit Freeman hard, such was his talent for the sport. At his zenith, Freeman would regularly take a forty-foot yacht from Grenada to Puerto Rico. “Sailing the open ocean is a challenge, you can’t just stop and call for help,” he says, “I guess the most salient things about sailing is the quiet, the solitude, and how it brings you in touch with yourself . You’re going to meet yourself out there one day.” Though Freeman is unable to take on the challenges posed by the sea as he used to, his recognition in the world of sailing continues. He is even the Chair of the National Sailing Centre and Hall of Fame’s Advisory Board, succeeding legendary American broadcaster Walter Cronkite. The role is “quite an honour,” according to Freeman, high praise indeed from a man who has an Oscar, a Golden Globe and the prestigious AFI Lifetime Achievement Award. His time on the seas, however, may well continue, in a fashion. “What I think I am going to do is go with a big strong woman who can handle the work,” he told The Telegraph, paving the way for Freeman to return to his beloved Caribbean realms, albeit as a skipper, rather than a sailor.

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SYBARIS Frances and Michael Howorth review Perini Navi’s 70m Ketch Sybaris


he largest and most advanced sailing project to come out of the Perini Navi shipyards since The Maltese Falcon the 70 metre Sybaris has been launched in Italy.

The ketch rigged yacht boasts a total sail plan of 5,842 sqm and has been constructed for an owner whose other yacht is the 52 metre motor yacht Rasselas. Built to uncompromising levels of quality, comfort and safety that characterise all Perini Navi yachts, Sybaris has taken design and engineering to the next level. The French naval architect Philippe Briand, was called in by Perini Navi to optimise the naval architecture and powerful sail plan. His advice included moving the mizzen mast further aft, for example, to provide more ‘clean’ air between the main and mizzen sails and improve sailing performance. This required close collaboration with the in-house design team, not least because the mizzen mast usually rests atop the engine room bulkhead, but also enhanced the layout of the cockpit by introducing space for a full size circular dining table between the mizzen mast and the 4m wide glass entrance to the main salon. The electric in-boom furling systems of the composite booms are the first of their kind produced y ondal Captain Guilliermo Sadagorsky from rgentina says, The fully mechanical reefing points on the masts supplied by Equiplite represent a real innovation in halyard-lock performance: gone are the days of “missing” the lock as the main halyard car engages automatically every time.” Electric variable speed captive winches and furlers, duly synchronised and monitored by the automated sail handling system, speed up tacking and jibing by dramatically improving the furling and deploy times of the North Sails 3Di wardrobe of sails. The reacher/blade winches, for example, pull a maximum load of 35 tonnes and have a maximum line speed of 75 m/min.

SPECIFICATIONS Length overall Beam (max) Draught keel down Construction

© Perini Navi

Displacement Main engine Range (power) Mast & Boom Spar material Main Mast height

70.00 m 13.24 m 11.74 m arine Grade luminium Alloy (SEALIUM 5383) 916.5 tonnes 2 x MTU 16V2000M72 5,600 nm Rondal Car on fi re 71.59 m

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28/06/16 10:19

towels.indd 24



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24 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

28/06/16 19:55


e recently engage their services to fit out a

m yacht eing uilt

in Italy with all the toys and 2

THE FULL PACKAGE Josh ichar son loo s at the enefits o using a single com any or all your ten er an toy nee s YACHT GARAGE OUTFITTING A very large part of our business is new build supply packages for tenders, toys, watersports, deck equipment, gym, safety gear, fenders, ropes etc. Superyacht Tenders and Toys represent the best value and supported packages in the industry with a proven track record. Having ridden, flo n, dived and driven all the products, e have an in-depth knowledge of them all and offer significant added value over traditional supply companies. We offer a single point of contact for all manufacturer warranty handling, and support you when cruising for the lifetime of the goods at no charge. Clients are set up with a log-in page for live order tracking. For large orders on yachts being built in Europe we are able to offer free shipping in most cases, and can normally supply ex-VAT taking care of all customs formalities.

use and maintain their equipment since many yacht toys, such as jetpacks, Flyboards, Quadskis, powered surfboards and Seabobs are not covered by traditional training courses. We also offer RYA jetski centre recognition as well as Powerboat, Windsurf, Kayak and Kitesurf courses. For more details: Josh Richardson Tel: +442380 016363 E: info@superyachttendersandtoys.com www.superyachttendersandtoys.com

ten ers

e receive all our or er

on time an as escri e

ter sales

service has een great ith rom t responses to any concerns. CAPTAIN VAUGHAN HILL, MY 11.11

Just ante to say than you to you an your team or your great or in su

lying the toy ac age to


really came to the

arty or us an your no le ge o the ro ucts an o tions availa le as a great hel MY ULYSSES

oul highly recommen as the go to com any or anything yacht toy relate LEE STEVENSON, MY HALO

GROWING TEAM We have recently welcomed Mark Peak to the growing team as Yacht Toy Specialist, increasing the company’s expert knowledge in this particular sector. Mark has a lead role in supplying yacht toys to new builds, recommending the best packages to suit owners and their guests. On delivery we offer inclusive training to yachts on how to

ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 25

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28/06/16 07:36


GAMES TABLE Designed and hand crafted in California to the ITTF spec and size, the Woolsey Ping Pong table is able to transform from a dining or conference table, and in a matter of seconds can be ready for game play. A solid Black Walnut top is suitable for years of play, with a Sugar Maple centre line for those intense doubles matches. €8,000 www.seanwoolsey.com

THAT’S WHAT I WANT The latest eye catching innovations and design trends



The iXOOST Exhaust Speaker is made using a real exhaust system from the automobile make and model of your choice, including most F1 cars. Included in the sound system is a dome tweeter, cone midrange, extended range and active sub-woofer speaker. It might not make as much noise as a working exhaust, but it comes close. €7,000 www.ixoost.it

Created from the engine cowling of a Boeing 737, this colossal, luxurious chair, spins weightlessly, on its highly polished spun aluminium base. The epic proportions of the high gloss flawlessly finished shell and dark interior upholstered leather, frame the hand mirror polished cowling opulently. €24,000 www.fallenfurniture.com

26 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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29/06/16 07:27

IN THE FRAME A special limited-edition camera born of the collaboration between Leica and fashion label Moncler. The silver finished Leica X features a leather trim in blue, white and red created by the Moncler designers. The world-famous tricolour design reflects the national flag of the label’s original home in France. €2,700 www.leica-camera.com

WHEELY GOOD Spanish design firm Bel & Bel have recently unveiled a fabulous vintage Vespa styled personal mobility vehicle. Electric powered, the Vespa Zero Scooter can reach a top speed of 20 km/h and covers roughly 30 km before needing a recharge. Each ZeroScotter can be uniquely designed to the owner’s specifications. €2,900 www.belybel.com

POP YOUR CORK You’ve already got the celebration going with a little bubbly. Crank the party up another notch with the Champagne Gun. This ridiculous contraption is part machine gun and part super soaker, using magnumsized bottles as its fuel. Just load your bottle, give the thing a healthy shake, and enjoy a stream of champagne that travels around 6 metres for up to 45 seconds. €450 www.champagnegun.com

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29/06/16 07:30

TENDER WORKER hris li or ta es a loo at the e an ing cre an rescue ten er mar et an recommen s his avourites BRIG BRIG have been at the forefront of innovation and design of inata le oats for years ll elements of the design and uild are carried out to military precision at their factory in kraine y a dedicated team of highly skilled, e military aeronautical engineers fter the collapse of the Soviet nion, the transition from ďŹ ghter ets to leisure craft as an easy one The same e acting standards and cutting edge technology has een applied to uilding their I s Today, IG are the largest manufacturer of I s in the orld ith their I S sold in more than countries Their o session ith uality and safety has seen the company ecome the o est selling rand in ustralia and across urope This scale of design and production ena les IG to offer a high end product uilt ith strong rand values and hand craftsmanship at un eata le value IG offer an e tensive range of I s to match any customer re uirement, the a ard inning agle Series range is from m to m or more details Tel or visit rig co uk

ZEPHYR ephyr achting, ased in the South of rance, are an esta lished yachting company split into t o key divisions u ury Tenders and Toys , and Training They provide a complete eginning to end service of supplying tenders, delivering lu ury ater toys to compliment the tender and cre and personal training to ensure the tender is operated in the safest and most en oya le ay ephyr offer a ide range of lu ury tenders such as i s, classic, custom and S S tenders The team has een formed from a range of ages, e periences, ackgrounds and nationalities ensuring each person rings something special to the customer e perience lthough located in rance, ephyr can supply tenders any here in the orld y orking alongside orld leading tender manufacturers around the glo e ll this is coupled ith competitive prices that customer deserve and the est after sale support or more details Tel or visit ephyr yachting com

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28/06/16 10:39

RIBQUEST Staffed by a team of dedicated rib fanatics, with over 20 years of engineering and rib knowledge behind them Ribquest have an extensive range of RIBs, from the extremely capable 4.8m right through to the robust 10m Adventurer. Their Commercial igid Inflata le oats offer a ide beam of 2.4m and 2.9m respectively, making them extremely popular within this market place. Ribquest RIBs offer true, deep ‘V’ multi-chine

hulls with a 24 degree dead rise and a high sheer bow, ensuring excellent seafaring abilities in all conditions. Recently Ribquest have launched the Supersport, which come in 6, 6.5, 7 and 7.5m. This new range can be bespoke and almost every aspect of the boat can be coloured or sized to suit your requirements. For more details Tel +44(0)121 788 1641 or visit www.ribquest.com

RIBEYE Ribeye’s Super Yacht Division has evolved from 18 years of RIB manufacturing and they are now a market leader in supplying tenders across the world seamlessly. The expert team are on hand to create the perfect tender to match the style and quality of the mother ship and its specific purpose e it a supercharged chase, guest or crew tender. The expanding range means there is a product solution for your tender requirement and a level of service to suit you and your team that extends to a complete delivery and installation of the new tender onto the mother ship by Ribeye personnel. The in-house design team can also assist with digital images of the proposed tenders and allow complete confidence that the tender ill fit in the proposed garage and operate with the lifting solution. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 1803 832060 or visit Superyacht@ribeye.co.uk

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27/06/16 14:29

SCORPION Founded in 1996, British manufacturers, Scorpion I S represent the est in ritish design, technology and uild uality and they currently provide and over ith the team s official chase oats Scorpion redefines the I , concentrating on uild uality and good design, creating a craft that is the future of oating, elegant, functional, efficient, ith outstanding sea keeping and yet fantastic fun to drive Scorpion I s are in gro ing demand as Chase oats for superyachts the Scorpion designed hull is ideal for to ing, or storage on oard Si es range from m to m and are availa le in out oard, in oard or ater et versions ach I is uilt to order ith the entire manufacturing eing done at their facility near Southampton in the For more details Tel: +44 (0)1590 677080 or visit scorpionri s com

ZODIAC MILPRO Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. is solely dedicated to the design and manufacturing of rigid hull inflata le oats Their meter I model range is availa le ith aluminum or fi reglass hulls and ith in oard or out oard engine propulsion esign innovation and superior uild uality are sho cased in their acht Tender and Adventure Boat models. Finished to e acting client re uirements and supported y a trained and certified service net ork around the orld Zodiac’s ISO9001:2008 registered facility is located in Delta, B.C. Canada. For more details Tel: +1 604 940 2702 or visit odiacmilprotenders com

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Superior sea keeping Adventure Boats and Yacht Tenders from 6 to 12 meters in length, designed and built to meet your operational requirements and to ďŹ t aboard your parent craft. Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. 7830 Vantage Way Delta, B.C. Canada V4G 1A7 Contact John MacKillop Tel: +1 604 940 2702 www.zodiacmilprotenders.com

Zodiac final.indd 96

23/12/15 13:24

WAHOO Wahoo’s reputation for quality British workmanship and finish gained further ground this year ith the launch of their SOLAS vessels designed to complement the Company’s tender, chase boat and limousine range. These latest vessels will see the light of day in August to accompany the launch of a prominent 110m mothership.In keeping with Wahoo’s pedigree, the SOLAS 6.2 continues the ‘no compromise’ approach with a perfect fusion of style, seakeeping, versatility and safety. The bespoke build division of the company has seen recent order wins for designs supporting the

important needs of those requiring wheelchair access. Notable recent deliveries include twin engine variants employing the very latest Mercury joystick system; the first time this has een seen in a vessel uilt in the In oard engine configurations are also currently in build. Wahoo prides itself on build excellence in the luxury sector, working closely with owners to satisfy e acting re uirements hilst simultaneously enefiting from a tried and tested platform. For more details Tel: +44(0)1329 339339 or visit www.wahooribs.com

C-FURY The C-Fury 4m catamaran hydrofoil RIB has gained a reputation as a compact and highly capable tender for yachts over 65feet in length. Stable, dry ride and great sea keeping are the hallmarks to the craft design. Their customers are serious cruisers who use their C-Fury Yacht as so much more than just a tender - they need the go anywhere ability day or night to maximise their cruising experience and mothership support. The new lightweight design has taken the capabilities even further, weighing in at 350kg. Performance with the Yamaha F70 is exceptional permitting water sports and effortless cruising. The highly versatile seating design allowing up to 7 seats or with the rear seat removed a pick up for transporting baggage, shopping or equipment. To achieve the weight target, C-Fury developped their resin infusion moulding processes, as a direct result the craft is even stronger than before. For more details Tel:+44 (0) 7813 834737 or visit www.c-fury.com

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28/06/16 10:47

Originator, Innovator, Fun Creator te hen hil loo s at truly es o e in ata les while minimising the workload for crew


n unwavering dedication to product innovation has helped FreeStyle Slides dominate the yachting industry s inflata le toy market since it created the orld s first sealed air inflata le aterslide, the reeStyle Cruiser, for the a y in Since then, the company has introduced eight different models of the reeStyle Cruiser ost slides feature straight, curved or S shaped descents, ut reeStyle Slides can create virtually any type of configuration that one can imagine

the IT material eigh less and re uire less storage space than standard slides, ut still feature the heavy duty dura ility and manufacturing strengths for hich reeStyle Slides is so ell kno n

The reeStyle Slides team orks closely ith each client, turning the slide or toy in his or her imagination into a reality n array of custom colour and logo options offer additional possi ilities for customisation We are the only truly espoke supplier of inflata le products in the orld, e plains Stephen hilp, Chief ecutive fficer of reeStyle Slides We love orking ith creative clients who want to construct their own personalised theme park on the open seas

ADJUSTABLE SLIDES The Cruiser is an inflata le slide availa le in ase heights ranging from metres The slides can e ad usted up to metres higher than the ase height small amount of Cruiser slides ill e availa le and ready to ship for last minute orders to the and Cari ean

With the most comprehensive line of espoke inflata le products in the industry, reeStyle Slides offers sea pools, ork docks, trampolines, clim ing to ers, rock alls, launchers, ake oard rails, ake oard ramps, pontoons and fenders The possi ilities are endless for visionary clients and charter yachts that ant one of a kind toys eyond product innovation, reeStyle Slides continually strives to ma imise the fun and safety of its inflata les hile minimising the orkload involved We ant everyone to en oy our slides and toys, not ust the guests ut the cre as ell, says hilp When cre mem ers give us feed ack, e take it seriously FreeStyle’s latest developments were created with the cre in mind They address the iggest pain points of o ning and operating toys set up, takedo n, eight and storage REVOLUTIONARY LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIAL reeStyle has ust introduced IT , an inventive ne material for slides up to metres Slides made from

SLEEKER, TALLER SLIDES reeStyle has increased the height of its on eg Support S slide The recently introduced S slide is availa le in heights up to metres, metres taller than the original S slide

RAPID INFLATION SYSTEM lso in development is an innovative, patent pending, rapid inflation system that ill e availa le as an option on all of our inflata le products SELF-CONTAINED SLIDE The reeStyle engineering team is hard at ork developing a self contained retracta le slide that ill e custom fitted permanently on a yacht ll of these developments ill make deployment, retraction and storage more managea le for the cre hile ma imising the fun for guests There s nothing e ant more than to improve the ease y hich our products are used, e plains hilp In addition to making products more user friendly, hilp and his team constantly are dreaming up ideas for ne inflata le toys In fact, one top secret product is currently in the orks at reeStyle Slides There s nothing like it on the market and it s sure to make a huge splash ith thrill seekers To learn more a out these ne Tel or visit

innovations freestyleslides com

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PERFECT ENGINEERING Fitzroy Graham talks to Frances and Michael Howorth about his job as the 2nd Engineer aboard Cocoa Bean What made you join the superyacht industry? I have three older brothers each of whom trained to become marine engineers on commercial ships. They have all switched over to ork on superyachts and hen I ecame ualified ith a degree in marine engineering myself they suggested yachts were a better route to travel. What as your first superyacht and hen and here did you join her? I have to confess that I had help from my brother with this one. He was working on board Harbour Island and they needed an extra engineer for a transatlantic crossing and I was hired to do just that. But when an engineer resigned shortly after I got there, I was taken on full time. How did you get your job on board Cocoa Bean? I cannot give credit to any one individual for where I am today in my career and in life. You need to understand that I am a praying Individual, I pray and ask God for what I desire then He, God makes it happen I prayed for a o , I prayed for a specific salary and asked God (my Father in heaven) to help me join a bigger yacht. If there is one thing I would like readers to know about me it is that I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. How long have you been aboard your current yacht? I have been sailing in Cocoa Bean for 18 months now. In answer to my prayers, Marcy at the Luxury Yacht Group crewing department contacted me and put me forward for the job and I eventually joined in Florida. I have not looked back since. What do you say to those who say oil and water do not mix? I don’t think that is necessarily true on superyachts. Engineers and deckies have to work together and there is no place for interdepartmental conflict ere on this yacht e are one ig happy family and I am just as likely to help out a colleague on deck as he is to help me down below. The important thing is to make sure we are all working well and safely. What do you least like about your currrent job? I am not so keen on the long periods I have to spend away from my home and when I am not there I really miss it. Working aboard a yacht affects your family life but I am blessed in that I have a very supportive wife who by the grace of God stays at home and looks after my 4 year old daughter. But I can be in real trouble if I don’t contact that little lady using Skype every single day! I personify the term Skype Daddy.

Which is favourite Mediterranean port for bunkering in and why do you like it? Gibraltar, the fuel is clean and cheap, the service good and I just love looking at that Rock! If you could recommend a Mediterranean supply service to another Engineer what would it be? I have been pretty well looked after by the Luxury Yacht Group. They not only manage this yacht but they are a great crew agency and go that extra mile to place crew who have got a good track record. If you had a magic wand what would you change in job? I would improve crew rotation opportunities for all ranks. Better rested crew are much happier and are a safer crew to work with. It’s when tiredness sets in that accidents happen and besides that rotation really improves crew longevity of service in a yacht. What advice would you give to someone thinking of working as an engineer on a yacht? Don’t even think of doing the job unless you have a real passion for engineering. It’s expensive and can be dangerous and the only way to do it is the right way. Don’t do it for the money. What makes you stand out as a superyacht engineer? I meet and frequently exceed my employer’s expectations, I am conscientious, jovial and easy to get along with. I am a joiner and am never a loner.

Quick Fire Favourite cuisine Indian Least favourite food Shellfish Your car Jeep Patriot Ideal destination Niagara Falls Favourite sport to watch English cricket Nickname Nico Best childhood memory Road trips with my Dad Treasured possession My wedding ring Guilty pleasure Eating Italian ice cream


What is your favourite restaurant or bar in the Mediterranean and why is it special? If you like mushrooms then Ca-Mea in Badalucco just above San Remo has to be on your list. They serve all kind of mushrooms cooked in so many different ways. I recommend Tagliatelle with Porcini and if they are available, try the raw Ovuli mushrooms.

Name Fitzroy Graham

What is the most funny superyacht experience you can recall? We were in the BVI once on another yacht and our owner streaked across a beach restaurant, jumped into the swimming pool and performed a handstand! But if you think that is funny you should have seen me when I went skiing last week for the very first time in my life

Number of crew 19

Age 25 Nationality Jamaican Previous yachts Harbour Island, Namoh Current yacht Cocoa Bean Charter Central Agent Luxury Yacht Group Charter Fee per week Low season €600,000 High season €650,000

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9 9

9 9

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Boy bait Sexism against males in the yacthing industry is a real problem and one that should not be looked upon lightly


t’s not a new subject. Females in yachting have the “traditional” role on yachts, cleaning and serving. Often they have to clean up after their male counterparts which isn’t exactly helping the equality issue but anyway this is a topic that’s been so widely covered that there’s probably not much we can add to that discussion. So, what about sexism towards men in the yachting industry? Today’s society seems so obsessed with feminism that men have been a bit forgotten in our plight to make women the stronger, as oppose to the weaker sex. So many men are frightened to have an opinion for fear of being attacked by the uber feminists who seem to use the F word as their cover all trump card, and being labelled a misogynist. “Bob” the butler, has years of experience working with VIPs. He made the move into yachting some years ago and was thrilled to be engaged as the chief steward on a 70m motoryacht. However all was not well when he arrived. As he later discovered, Bob was brought on board to replace the captain’s wife, whom the owner’s wife had taken a dislike to. The crew were in an awkward position, the interior crew felt loyal towards the ex chief who’d employed and trained them up, the captain was caught between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t just leave a well paid job, they sadly don’t


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grow on trees and he probably had a gigantic mortgage!), and poor Bob became the focal point for their miseries. “I felt the hostility virtually immediately, he e plained, at first people were just a bit off with me and I thought, ok we can make them warm up to me, but then the comments started. The guys started making digs about my sexuality because I enjoyed doing what they called women’s work. I thought if nothing else this would unite my interior team as the girls would surely call them out on their blatant sexism but quite the opposite! The girls joined in and I became the target of a rather nasty campaign.” Bob tried to be nice, he tried to e firm, ut in the end decided life s too short to ork ith narrow minded people and left the yacht. “The owner took me to his private residence where I run the household for him and his wife now, and to be honest I much prefer it!” so at least Bob came out a winner. And the crew in question got fired for eing se ist ullies so let s hope they learned their lessons; nice to see an owner taking sexism seriously.

The pack mentality of drunken women can be terrifying. What’s the worst thing to encounter… a stag party or a hen party?

“Charlie” the Chef had an issue with the stewardesses ganging up on him and acting like a “bunch of savages” whenever they had a drink off the yacht. “They’d come back to the yacht and in the end I’d have to lock my cabin door. They thought it was acceptable to crash in completely drunk and grope me k, first time I shrugged it off, ut it just got worse. I tried talking to the captain, I told him if I slapped their acksides and laughed I d pro a ly get fired not to mention slapped, so why is it ok for them to grab at me? He told me to man up. It continued with just plain nasty comments during the working day that I was “gagging for it”. They’d grab me when I was cooking, it was all I could do not to drop a pan of oil over them. They found it funny, I found it stressful. Needless to say I left after a season.” Charlie has a good point. The pack mentality of drunken women can be terrifying. What’s the worst thing to encounter… a stag party or a hen party? I think we sadly know the answer. We’re not saying men in groups out partying are innocent angels but generally the trouble comes from groups of women. Speaking to a local yacht bar owner in Palma, “John”, he told us, “We recently had quite a nasty altercation here where the police were called and it was between two women. Girls seem to get quite violent after a few drinks whereas most of the lads just get silly and pass out!” Certainly a shift in trends there then. John reported the majority of issues he’d had with drinks getting thro n or tempers flaring in the past years had been mostly women, “I’ve been running bars for years, it used to be the drunken sailors but now.. it’s the girls. And it’s harder to deal with, you can hit a bloke but you can’t hit a woman even if she’s just thrown a chair at you.” Classy ladies, real classy.

“Doug” the deckhand lasted only one season in yachting. Doug had a girlfriend ashore, however one of the stews on his yacht decided she wanted more than friendship and hat started off as eing a it of harmless flirting ecame unbearable. Stewy basically hounded him, and when he kept denying her advances, she started sabotaging his laundry. “She ruined my clothes, she did vile things to my sheets, she was just mental.” Doug remembers. “She started crying one evening in the crew mess then started hitting me! I tried to restrain her so she started hitting herself. Then she told the first mate I d tried to gra her They kne it was her, I’d told him all about the situation and the weird notes she’d leave me, and how I felt uncomfortable, but despite them understanding nothing was done about it. I can’t help but feel if the role was reversed and a male crew member had been hounding one of the stews and pestering her with sexual advances he would have been brought to the captain and disciplined. I resigned and walked away from the industry to save my relationship.” It s a very difficult su ect to deal ith in an industry ith such old fashioned views with women in “women’s roles” and the men doing the “actual hard work” (that’s a quote from a captain who shall remain nameless before he gets slammed for being stuck in 1952). With society and social media full of images and stories of women overcoming their hardships to get the same opportunities and pay, where does this leave such a male dominated industry? It’s another issue for the captains and heads of departments to deal with; as most captains will agree – driving the boat is the easy part. Dealing with crew, is the challenge.

BEST PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE It is in every company’s interest to ensure a workplace that is harassment free. A responsible employer will want to ensure the safety of its staff and a healthy conducive working environment. Harassment incidents lower the productivity and morale of the victim and other staff. Companies that do not have policies and processes in place may be thrown into confusion and scramble blindly when an incident occurs. It is therefore important for employers to establish a zero tolerance culture towards harassment. Establish a strong written company policy that: Explicitly prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace • Specifies, with examples, what constitutes sexual harassment • Identifies clear grievance procedures • Specifies disciplinary action will be taken, including termination • Extends the definition of workplace sexual harassment beyond the physical office space or yacht, and beyond staff directly employed by the company • Includes a non-retaliation policy Establish clear procedures to tackle grievances and complaints of sexual harassment • Allow employees to report to any one of several senior individuals • The process should allow employees to bypass onboard superiors • Check all complaints promptly • Ensure strict confidentiality and impartiality in the treatment of complaints of sexual harassment • Provide assurance against retaliation for victims and witnesses

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SEE THE LIGHT James Tupper looks at the new BGB Submersible Inductive Lighting System (SILS) using induction contactless technology to power LEDs for exterior lights


eveloped from a seemingly impossible idea, BGB SILS has proven the underwater lighting industry wrong by manufacturing and patenting a powerful contactless underwater lighting system without having to penetrate any surfaces such as the hull of a yacht.

vessel. Both units are positioned in place by marine grade adhesives. The operator can tune into the surrounding SI S ifi zone (approx. 50m) with their tablet, mobile device or Apple Watch and control the RGB-W coloured LEDs with a simple slide of a finger through a espoke G pp

The new BGB Submersible Inductive Lighting System (SILS) uses induction contactless technology to power the LEDs used within the exterior light. Electromagnetic induction is the near field ireless transmission of electrical energy between two coils that are tuned to resonate at the same frequency. The two coils may exist as a single piece of equipment or comprise two separate pieces of a singular unit.

SILS does not require any drilling or penetration of the hull in any way (an o vious enefit of using induction systems in the marine industry). The lights can be easily retrofitted ithout fear of leaks or ad orkmanship y an outside electrician and gives peace of mind that the vessel has not een eakened in any ay ith a hole.

BGB SILS operates by positioning the primary unit (the housing for all the inverter electronics and communication control) on the inside of the marine vessel, lined up with the secondary unit (the luminaires and drive circuitry) on the exterior of the

ames Tupper sales and marketing manager at G SI S spoke a out the feed ack he has received from the yachting industry, ll feed ack has een positive, from CEOs of major boat manufacturers through to captains, marinas, shipyard owners and even our competitors.”

In the early days of development ack in e visited Sunseeker to sho them an initial concept, the feed ack they gave us inspired us to continue development and gave us the confidence to continue the investment in the R&D.”

BGB’s manufacturing expertise and technological kno ho has een the driving force behind patenting the inductive control technology. SILS is manufactured in the UK under parent company BGB Innovation and will be available Autumn 2016. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1476 576280 or visit www.bgbsils.com

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MONTENEGRO Montenegro is the ideal charter destination while exploring the Adriatic Coast


f destinations were judged by their diversity of natural beauty then Montenegro or “Black Mountain” would undoubtedly be a global leader. Tiny and proud, Montenegro has something of the fairy tale about it. The land seems put together by magic. A cobalt blue fjord, a dark tor, fishermens huts in a sunny cove, a rocky path disappearing into woods, palaces, a church in a cave, an island built on the wrecks of enemy boats, all stitched closely into patchwork, with a logic of its own. This stunning country is situated between Corfu and Venice, with Croatia as a neighbour, which makes Montenegro sublimely positioned in some of the best cruising grounds in the world. One of the most impressive features along the entire Adriatic coast. Towering green limestone mountains sweep down into the clear blue waters of a series of inland bays that form the southernmost and deepest fjord in Europe. Part of SC s World Cultural and atural eritage, THE BAY OF KOTOR

Kotor is a mix of baroque, Austrian and Venetian architectural styles, little squares and grand palaces of old Kotor aristocracy. This town is also renowned for its numerous churches and cathedrals. Several kilometres along the winding road along the bay is tranquil Perast with its famous maritime past. From here you can jump on a boat to visit the nearby legendary isle of breathtaking beauty known as Lady of the Rocks. The other key resort is Tivat, which is fast ecoming the ne centre of the country s nautical tourism industry thanks to Porto Montenegro, a world class, full service Superyacht Marina.

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Budva is the hub of Montenegrin tourism.Budva Old Town lies on a small peninsula and represents a treasure chest of cultural heritage. Founded by the Greeks in the fourth century BC, and then fortified during the iddle Ages, the town forms the heart of the ‘Budva Riviera’, which runs for 22 miles, and is dotted with a series of sheltered coves and eight miles of sand and pebble beaches. During the summer months it turns into a City Theatre with numerous local performances and shows from abroad. For many people the highlight is Sveti Stefan six miles east of Budva. Here, the iconic tombolo, a rare geographical feature, made up of an island connected to the mainland by a sand spit is home to the superb Aman Sveti Stefan Island hotel. In front of Villa Miločer, the former summer residence of Queen Marija Karađorđević, lies the small King’s Beach, acked y gardens filled ith lush exotic planting, accessed through woodland, you have the secluded Queen’s Beach. NORTH OF THE COAST

Drive along the old serpentine road to Cetinje from Kotor and prepare to be dazzled by the views and charmed by the town.

majesty is by kayak. Gliding across the mirrored open waters or paddling along its serpentine rivers and lilly covered water channels will enthrall lovers of watersports and nature alike. Float past carpets of water lillies, see flocks of irds dance above the waters, and experience a complete sense of peace as you escape the modern world. SKI RESORTS

Ski centres Zabljak and Kolasin, located in the foothills of the mountains Durmitor and Bjelasica, are covered with snow for 120 days of the year creating perfect skiing conditions. Kolasin ski resort, only a three hours drive from the coast, has several excellent ski hotels and spas well worth a visit. For more details Tel +39 346 865 7585 or visit www.marineshoreassistance.com


The most impressive and mystic destination in Cetinje is the mausoleum of Petar II Petrovic Njegos on the mountain Lovcen. SKADAR LAKE

The largest lake in the Balkans is arguably Montenegro’s best kept secret. Offering 400km2 of protected wilderness to explore, it’s a must visit for anyone who enjoys adventures off the beaten track.The best way to experience the lake’s

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Bikini In 1913, thirteen years after women were allowed to compete in the Olympics, Carl Janzten introduced a two piece bathing costume to enhance their performance. Although just a tight fitting T shirt and shorts, it as enough to cause a scandal. In 1946, Louis Réard, a Parisian engineer, introduced an even smaller suit, made from just 30 inches of fabric, and called it the bikini after Bikini toll, the acific cean site famous for hosting the first atomic om test on July 1 of the previous year. The ikini hit mainstream hen the showgirl Micheline Bernardini debuted the suit at a popular swimming pool in the centre of Paris. DOLCE & GABANA Carretto Siciliano printed bikini www.farfetch.com €445

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HAPPY FEET li o s are the oot ear e rigueur or ost activity chill time te out in style ith a air o the season s est an rightest

From top clockwise 1. BENCH Bond Flip Flop €12.95 www.bench.co.uk 2. GANDYS Rubellite Red Slim Line Metallics €30 www.gandyslondon.com 3. QUIKSILVER Basis €22 www.quiksilver.co.uk 4. BENCH Stroll €12.95 www.bench.co.uk 5. GANDYS Maroon Marrakesh, print slimline metallics €30 www.gandyslondon.com 6. ROXY Porta €25 www.roxy-uk.co.uk 7. GANDYS Bohemian Mandela print €30 www.gandyslondon.com 8. ROXY Vista €22 www.roxy-uk.co.uk 9. ROXY Cabo €16 www.roxy-uk.co.uk

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SUITS YOU Genny Bardakou explains that tradition, innovation and style are the very foundations of yachtwear company Suitform


referred by the largest private yachts in the world as well as shipping companies, hotels and hospitals worldwide, Suitform is a Greek-based company founded in 1961 by Bardakos family. Suitform designs and manufactures men and ladies’ uniforms for a global clientele.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, it is a habit ARISTOTLE

According to the company’s policy, cooperation is the key to the perfect outcome. Suitform builds on the trust of highly competent people who are the driving force of the Company. The whole team, with unswerving commitment, works towards a common goal: better designs, better quality, better service! With its wealth of experience and thorough kno ho in the field of uniform manufacture, Suitform combines tradition, innovation and elegance with superb services to their customers. Fully aware of the demands of the market, Suitform always meets the customers’ requirements to the full. Each customer’s needs are dealt with individually by an entire team dedicated to meet his/her every need, working meticulously towards a unique outcome not only in terms of design and the quality of the materials and textiles, ut also of the fitting and comfort of the clothes.

Suitform does not compromise on quality throughout the manufacturing process. Thus, starting from the design of each item, the unique palette of colours, the high quality of textiles (made in Italy), it all comes down to a high-end product of everlasting elegance, combined with a modern touch.

For more details Tel: +30 210 4113671 or visit www.suitform.com

cellence in every sector is certified by the Bureau Veritas ISO 9001. Besides that, complying with all the parameters, the production as a whole, as well as all the materials used are environmentally friendly, attesting to how ecologically conscious the company is. That bears evidence to Suitform’s moto: “Elegance through deep respect for both the environment and the customers” Suitform is available directly from the ead ffice in Greece or from stockiest in Dubai and French Riviera.

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The road to Rio he ailing orl u in eymouth mar e the final sto e ore the io Olym ic Games in ugust ue elling revie s events in Guana ara ay


ith all teams selected for the 2016 Olympic Games utilising training time before the big event begins next month, the Sailing World Cup regatta at the London 2012 venue Weymouth last month, provided a grand stand like no other. After a slow start the wind came up and the 330 sailors from 43 nations who took part, and the crowds of spectators who flocked the venue to atch the action unfold, ere re arded with thrilling racing on the Dorset coast, once again. The Sailing World Cup is a series of five key regattas for all ten Olympic classes that takes place at different venues around the orld, and culminates in a final this year el ourne ustralia in ecem er ualification places for the top overall in each fleet go through to the final, hich means competition at each event is exceptionally high. The last event in the series efore the final in el ourne is ingdao, China Septem er here many of the ne ly cro ned lympians ill e among the fleet With the focus clearly on Rio, most of the key players were at the Weymouth event ith ust days efore the first race of the Olympic Games. Racing therefore was, not

surprisingly, intense Team G confirmed their lympic medal favourite status when seven of the British Sailing Team’s io representatives secured podium positions including five golds annah ills and Saskia Clark Women , Charlotte o son and Sophie ins orth er , Giles Scott inn , ick Thompson aser , en Sa ton and icola Groves acra In total the British team scooped 13 World Cup medals including five gold, four silver and four ron e medals It as also encouraging to see a host of new faces joining the Olympians at the top of the fleet on the podium, including young sailors Sophie Weguelin and Eilidh McIntyre who took silver, and Amy Seabright and Anna Carpenter who rounded off the Women s medal trio ith a ron e nother youngster to atch out for in the future is S Women sailor mma Wilson daughter of former ritish lympic indsurfer enny Way Wilson finished second in Weymouth, ust ehind eina Chen C orld champion With a month to go before the start of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro preparations at the sailing venue on Guanabara Bay are nearing completion. There is no doubt however, that competitors at the Rio Olympics have had to face some of the biggest challenges in the history of the Games including the

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much debated sailing location with its poor state of water in the sailing area, crime, and the ever increasing concerns about the Zika Virus. Being aware and following guidelines, however, will no doubt prove to be among the competitors’ greatest strengths. With Sugarloaf Mountain the back drop, the Statue of Christ the Redeemer keeping a watchful eye over the course, and a plan in place to continue to improve water quality, the stage looks set for some fantastic racing. ccording to ndy unt, World Sailing Chief ecutive fficer, ho carried out a final on site revie of lympic preparations recently, considerable progress has been made. “Construction at the Marina da Gloria is almost complete and the water quality is noticeably better, particularly in the launch areas around the marina.”

fast windsurfers, 30 minutes for the skiffs and multihulls, and minutes for the remaining fleets The medal races ill e significantly shorter ach fleet racing event ill consist either of a race series plus the Medal Race for the Laser, Laser Radial, Finn, 470 men and omen classes, and a race series plus the Medal Race for the RS:X men, RS:X women, 49er, 49er FX and Nacra 17 classes. The series ill e scored using the lo point scoring system (winner awarded one (1) point, (2nd) will be awarded two points, etc If a competitor fails to finish a race, or is dis ualified, they ill e a arded one more point than the total number of competitors. For example, if there are 10 competitors, they score of 11 points.

The schedule is for two races per day for the One Person Dinghy (Laser and Laser Radial), One Person Dinghy Heavyweight (Finn), and Two Person (470 men and women) Dinghy events. Three races per day are scheduled for the Windsurfer, Skiff and Multihull events.

On completion of the series, points from the competitors’ worst race will be discarded, and the remaining points added together to determine the rankings. The top 10, those with the lowest overall scores, will advance to the Medal Race, for hich points are dou led t o points for first st place, four (4) points for second (2nd) place, and so on.

The racing ill take place from ugust over seven course areas in Guanabara Bay on windward/leeward or trapezoid courses, ith optional finishing legs The target times for races for the opening series range from 25 minutes for the

Points earned in the Medal Race are then added to the total points from the opening series to determine the final rankings Any ties will be broken in favour of the competitor or crew finishing higher in the edal ace

©JesusRenedo/Sailing Energy

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MANAGEMENT MATTERS Shore based yacht management has evolved with the times, due to an increase in regulations and vessel size. Adam Fiander loo s at the enefits or oth a tain an O ner


ith the length of new superyachts under construction in the last few years ‘averaging’ 40m to 45m length, and the largest launch to date, currently, Azzam, at 180m, the number, technical complexity and size of yachts afloat is still increasing significantly Considering the potential for today’s captains of having to oversee responsibility for the environmental, security, safety and human relations aspects that govern today’s professionally crewed yachts; it’s little wonder the emergence of an increased num er of professional yacht management companies These veritable ‘white knights’ have the capability to offer owners, their captains and crew the kind of business, technological and logistical support they need to keep these (mainly!) wondrous floating assets operational, profita le, safe and fun Notwithstanding the ‘technical oversight’ services on offer from having an independent project manager in place, during either a ne uild, or for maintenance, or refit, the multi task’ role of today’s yacht management has become far wider than ust this one single aspect From a purely operational perspective, an experienced yacht manager with previous onboard experience will recognise, identify and respond more quickly and more cost-effectively to the needs of a captain, an engineer or a chief stew far better than someone from say a family office , or other shore ased organisation, without that person having at least some form of e pertise in the maritime environment Ocean Management’s Daniel Küpfer summarised succinctly when he said: “It might sound strange, but our primary role is to ensure a out pleasure y providing the correct regulatory framework for the yacht to operate, ensuring that the investment of the owner is well protected; and by relieving the captain and crew, as much as possible, of the burden of administrative and managerial work, we ensure they can focus more on their primary task, which is to provide the ultimate yachting e perience for o ners and guests

nother aspect is the potential financial leverage a yacht management company has with yacht service & equipment providers articularly in cases here a small fleet of managed yachts is concerned, these business relationships and the power to negotiate discounts and improved payment and delivery terms is likely to be far stronger than for an individual captain or chief engineer left to arrange supply terms and payment costs on his her o n So at exactly what length of yacht does professional management start to make sense? After all, cost implications to ensure experienced and professional ex-captains, master-mariners, ualified surveyors, naval architects, accountants and engineers acting as guardian angels can e significant There s no immediate ans er to this uestion of length, ecause much depends on the operational nature of the yacht Is the yacht commercially registered or private use, for example, and how many days cruising does she intend to do each year? On the question of yacht size in professional management, Hill Robinson’s, MD, Nick Hill, with something like 15 years experience as independent yacht managers, said: “Any yacht a ove metres significantly enefits from shore support On vessels under 50m, the captain has a lot to do, and would need shore support for today’s admin that in reality he/she doesn’t have time for when focussing attention on owners and guests during the season Captains on larger yachts are more secure in their position, and better at delegating tasks to their officers and management company for dealing ith class and flag surveyors, office admin, accounts, cre payroll and management etc ick Sevier, irector, Titan leet, agreed that m as a typical starting point and said: “For a 30m upwards, managing safety, administration, paying suppliers and crew, dealing with customs, maintenance and the charter of the vessel, means that a good management company allows an owner to enjoy his her yacht ithout the headache of running it

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Wilson Yacht Management, CEO, Allan Wilson, former captain and master mariner involved within yachting for the past 20 years, told us: “For us, typical yacht size in management is 50m and 500GRT, and if they are commercially registered they are legally obliged to have a DPA (designated person ashore) under International Safety Management (ISM) regulations. Also, over this length, crew numbers are 11+ and need approved seafarers employment agreements approved y the flag state Another we spoke to, Wright Maritime Group, based in Fort Lauderdale, have an average managed yacht length of 90m, although they do manage yachts in the 45m size range. CEO Capt nderson told us We have a relatively small fleet of yachts with a total crew compliment of approximately 600 seafarers employed. Financial planning, controls, reconciliation and reporting are eneficial regardless of si e Safety planning and support is also eneficial regardless of si e Cre administration ecomes more eneficial hen the count moves above 8, or when an employment lease company is contracted.”

During the past 5 years there has been an increase of port state controls and customs inspections

I Cap I-Cap Marine is a member of the I-Cap Group of companies, a financial services group with offices in the Isle of Man and Malta. I-Cap Marine can assist owners and their advisors to: Structure ownership, employ crew & operate payroll, register yachts & comply with flagstate regulations,maintain accounting records, arrange surveys, keep VAT & tax compliant, obtain legal advice, source financing & insurance and co-ordinate imports/exports and customs formalities For more details: Tel: +44 (0) 1624 717 717 or visit www.icapmarine.com

In a nutshell, the busier the yacht the more likely there will be a need for professional management. Perhaps the owner has had a bad crew experience in the past. If so, then for peace of mind and to remove the potential for any further issues, the decision to elect full management will be seen as a good one. Nick Hill concurred by adding: “During the past 5 years there has been an increase of port state controls and customs inspections, MLC has been introduced and there are more complications for charter yachts with VAT rules changing between EU states. In general there is more acceptance from captains and owners that they need help with regards to regulations and technical support.” In some cases, a finance house or ank ith a large amount of financial e posure in a yacht or ne uild, or a legal team will insist upon a professional management body being in place before funds are released and contracts signed. Of course smaller yachts are not discouraged from professional help y any means It can still e cost efficient for su m vessels to have professional services outside of a fi ed term contract cean anagement, for e ample, offer part time services based upon a daily and even an hourly rate, with set ‘packages’ available for some more common areas of regulation compliance. Besides what could loosely be described as the ‘basics’, such as yacht registration services and ensuring compliance with codes such as ISM, ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) and MLC (Maritime Labour Convention), there are two categories of yacht management support.

Wilson Yacht Management WYM offer shore-based management services covering daily and long term operational requirements of the Yacht, Owner and Captain. WYM provides a full range of services for both Commercial and Privately registered yachts to ensure they are maintained and operated to the highest standards. Their services include, Accounts and Budgeting, Crew Management and Payroll, Flag State and Classification Society Regulatory Requirements including Passenger Yacht Code, Flag State Commercial Yacht Codes, ISM, ISPS, MLC & MARPOL, Document Control and Operational and Technical support. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1482 648322 or visit www.wilsonyachtmanagement.com

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Contacts: Contacts: Janet Xanthopoulos Janet Xanthopoulos Yacht Ownership & Administration Yacht Ownership & Administration Les Villas del Sole Les Villas del Sole j.xanthopoulos@rosemont-yacht.com j.xanthopoulos@rosemont-yacht.com 47-49, boulevard d’Italie 47-49, boulevard d’Italie MC 98000 MONACO Harry Windsor MC 98000 MONACO Harry Windsor ROSEMONT YACHT ROSEMONT YACHT Yacht Management Tel : (+377) 97 97 21 41 Tel : (+377) 97 97 21 41 Yacht Management Services & Management h.windsor@rosemont-yacht.com Services & Management www.rosemont-yacht.comwww.rosemont-yacht.com h.windsor@rosemont-yacht.com

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These include ‘Management’, incorporating areas such as corporate and T services, technical support refits, safety security, operational support logistics and financial administration. Secondly, ‘Crew Services’, incorporating crew employment and labour law, working contracts and payroll, crew selection & recruitment, training and repatriation.

Like yachts themselves, yacht management has become more diverse and more sophisticated over time

Some providers offer everything as listed above, while others specialise in just some of these areas. Some whose principle staff may have come straight from private yachting backgrounds are more, let’s say, ‘touchy-feely’, while others, perhaps with staff who have had strong commercial shipping and cruiseliner backgrounds come across as being more comfortable with the technical, engineering and safety-training aspects.

Ocean Management The independent management division of Ocean Independence provides full and custom yacht support, consultancy, project management and employment services for yachts between 30m and 100m+. Their 215 years’ experience on board and in operational management, seamless shore side efficiency and outstanding audit results, are just a few of the reasons why clients choose to appoint Ocean Management. For over a decade, Ocean Management has operated and administered to the highest possible standards, including: MLC, ISM & ISPS certification, recognised by key flag states and achieved unrestricted Passenger Vessel Management certification, for large charter tonnage. For more details Tel: +41 43 399 22 77 or visit www.oceanindependence.com One of those companies who gave me the impression of being more technically-biased than others was Rosemont Yacht anagement, hose senior yacht manager, ualified pro ect manager and former naval architect, Harry Windsor, told us: “When you think there are now a lot of 40m to 60m yachts out there that are at least 7, 8 or 9+ years old, many of these need a shore-side manager with a real understanding of the technical issues facing a well used yacht. We talk regularly with our yacht client engineers and discuss their upcoming maintenance schedules well ahead of time.

Hill Robinson Built on a foundation of technical expertise, Hill Robinson know what is involved in first class, highly specialised yacht management. With multilingual office staff and presence around the world, Hill Robinson is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year committed to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity offering clear and unbiased advice. From mini ISM to complete management including everything from project management to offshore payroll, there is a solution to suit your needs and your budget. Their independence and significant fleet size mean that Hill Robinson is able to continually source the best possible solutions at the very best prices. It is this quality of service, attention to detail, value for money and delivering satisfaction that are the cornerstones of Hill Robinson’s portfolio of services. Supported by their cloud-based management software HRclick and HRipay. Hill Robinson provides a specialised management service, sharing the responsibility for all aspects of yacht ownership and operation. For more details Tel: +33(0)4 93 13 38 60 or visit www.hillrobinson.com

lanning ahead for ma or ork and scheduled refits, negotiating at an early stage with shipyards and having materials and equipment pre-delivered are the sort of things we do all of the time. I’ve known owners and captains suffering delays and high costs when a yacht has turned up for work at a shipyard without having a very clear scope of works and a specifications list essential to have clarified y all parties before any quote for work should ever be approved.” As I gradually got to know more about the companies I talked to during my research, I realised that like the yachts themselves, yacht management has become more diverse and more sophisticated over time. Whereupon years ago, management emerged as one or two-man band companies, usually ex captains or engineers, no adays some of the larger, multi office providers employ and pay the required retained salaries for the likes of surveyors, chartered accountants and naval architects, just to keep pace with today’s yachting needs. Titan Fleet’s Nick Savier agreed about how management has evolved when he said: “There’s a great focus on legislation

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We are an independent yacht management company committed to providing the Owner and Captain a full range of management services customised to individual requirements. Our services cover both Commercial and Privately registered yachts and ensures yachts are maintained and operated to the highest standards whilst maintaining full compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements including Passenger Yacht Code, Flag State Commercial Yacht Codes, Classification Societies, ISM, ISPS, MLC & MARPOL.

UK Office: 18a Hull Road, Hessle, East Yorkshire, HU13 0AH Tel: +44 (0)1482 648 322 fax: +44 8701 358555; ukoffice@wilsonyachtmanagement.com USA Office: 2019 SW 20th Street, Suite J105, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315, USA Tel: +1 (954) 524 9030; fax +1 775 806 9725; usaoffice@wilsonyachtmanagement.com www.wilsonyachtmanagement.com

FULL. FAST. RESPONSIVE. OVER 215 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE IN YACHT MANAGEMENT O ce a n M a n a g e m e n t G m b H + 41 4 3 3 9 9 2 2 7 7 m a n a g e m e n t @ o c ya c h t s .co m OCEANINDEPENDENCE.COM

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to the operation of yachts, particularly charter yachts and those in excess of 500gt, this has meant that shore-side management companies must no e highly certified and demonstrate further knowledge.“ Concurring with that view, Wright Maritime’s CEO, A.J.Anderson said ver the past five years, e have seen a higher level of business practices and general professionalism across industry sectors. I would suggest that management companies are becoming better at what they do. As incredibly good as I believed we were last year, I feel we are better this year. I think the same is true for the other management companies.” That’s not to say smaller size yacht management companies don’t still have a place within this market and for good reason. S aritime Services, for e ample, employ five full time staff including founder, Franc Jansen, who told us: “Currently the smallest yacht we manage is 50m and most are larger, so being a small company doesn’t mean we manage small yachts!

There’s a great focus on legislation to the operation of yachts, particularly charter yachts and those in excess of 500gt “Sometimes, with large management companies, attention to detail can suffer. At JMS we prefer to cut out the ‘middle-men’ so to speak, and offer a more personalised, fle i le service, with direct, one-to-one contact. We have 5 DOC’s; CISR, BVI, IOM, Jamaica and Marshall Islands. We offer offshore cre employment hich is fully C certified and have a recruitment section. We offer the same scope of services the larger companies do, but we like to do things a little bit better.

Rosemont Yacht Services & Management At the outset, Rosemont’s professional expertise extends beyond the complexities of yacht registration to include ownership structuring that provides for beneficial VAT planning and tax mitigation. They can also advise on and arrange yacht finance and vessel insurance. Rosemont’s Management team will ensure safe operation and compliance with International Maritime Legislation, in addition to the day-today maintenance and administration of the yacht. Our ability to take care of all aspects of yacht ownership provides owners with a single and dedicated point of contact for the on-going efficient management of their vessel. For more details Tel: +377 97 97 21 41 or visit www.rosemont-yacht.com

When it comes to servicing and managing our customer fleet in the Med, we take primary responsibility from our South of rance office and hen customer yachts are stateside or Caribbean cruising, then our close working relationship with Reardon Yacht Consulting, another small size management company based in Fort Lauderdale, means they can take over on a more localised level as required.” Today’s Yacht Management is not all about paperwork and regulation though, far from it. Various practical demonstrations, ‘role-paying’ and drills carried out either onboard, or conducted remotely as ‘table-top’ exercises, offer valuable training & insight for areas such as potential threats posed by piracy, terrorism and encounters with migrant vessels and what a crew’s legal, ship’s security and moral obligations would be in this scenario. Rosemont’s Harry Windsor, an advocate of this kind of thing, reminded me of the ‘chain reaction’ of events that can often lead to accidents when he said: “Accidents can happen as a result of catalogue of things. Maintenance is key and ‘what if’ style drills and practice e ercises for man over oard, fire, flooding and abandon ship, for example, conducted in conjunction with a yacht s flag state authority, the coast guard and the yacht s medical provider can teach a lot about accident prevention.”

Wright Maritime Group Wright Maritime Group is the quiet giant with an underlying goal that everything and everyone it influences is better off. Whether or professional that serves your interest has been influenced or assisted by Wright Maritime to provide the best service and product value. That includes yacht management companies, technical support companies, suppliers, shipyards, marinas, manufacturers, contractors and crew. Well informed owner’s and their representatives call Wright Maritime for advice and support in ensuring that their yachting experience is the best it can be while protecting their financial interests. For more details Tel: +1 954 523 0300 or visit www.wrightmaritime.com

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I-CAP MARINE I-Cap Marine can assist owners and their advisors, via offices in the Isle of Man and Malta, with:

STRUCTURING OWNERSHIP CREWING & PAYROLL YACHT REGISTRATION & FLAGSTATE COMPLIANCE ACCOUNTING & VAT COMPLIANCE ARRANGING SURVEYS OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE SOURCING FINANCE & INSURANCE IMPORTS/EXPORTS AND RELATED CUSTOMS FORMALITIES Contact: Kevin Perry Tel: +44 (0) 1624 717 717 | Mob: +44 (0) 7624 496 060 Email: info@icapmarine.com | Web: www.icapmarine.com I-Cap Marine Ltd is a member of the I-Cap Group of companies and is approved as a Representative Person by the Manx Ship Registry and is a member of the British Marine Federation.

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THE SOFT APPROACH Specialist software providers with platforms designed to ease the administrative workload of captains and crew, management companies and owners

Latitude365 Latitude 365 announced in June that its yacht management soft are uilt specifically for yacht accounting and e pense approvals is now being used by more than 150 yachts, ranging from 16 to 140+ metres in length, around the world. Yacht captains, pursers and numerous yacht management companies have adopted Latitude365 accounting software, which seamlessly and securely connects users on oard a yacht ith those in the office ashore. A stand alone application rather than a cloud based system, atitude gives users full offline access to the program, then allows them to synchronize their data with a secure remote server when convenient. This proprietary process works reliably even with slow connections like VSAT and 3G. Along with bank level encryption, this makes Latitude365 a secure way to seamlessly share sensitive financial information from vessel to shore For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 69 96 86 00 or visit www.latitude365.com

Total Superyacht This new kid on the block is making waves because, unlike some management software, it focuses on providing an all-encompassing solution for compliance. Developed by the trusted www.SuperyachtOS.com team, with the support of veteran DPA’s, it slashes the administrative burdens usually associated with ISM, ISPS & MLC compliance. This modern platform includes a unique checklist app that removes the need for Excel sheets and printed work lists and transforms everyday operations for all departments. The app serves as a great training tool for new crew, provides greater consistency of service to guests and comes fully populated with over e pert checklists that are easily modified to suit individual yachts. . For more details Email: app@SuperyachtOS.com or visit www.TotalSuperyacht.com

iBOS SpecTec SpecTec’s asset management solution for luxury yachts, IDEA.NET, is entirely web based and keeps you in full control of your equipment and all related maintenance and procurement duties. Not only is the user interface self explanatory and easy to use, but the solution also provides the full functionality of a modern Asset Management system, such as reduced equipment breakdowns and overall costs, optimum stock control of expensive spare parts, rapid access to critical technical information and orkflo ena led procurement, including approvals For more details Tel: +49 211 303 66 28 or visit www.ideayacht.com

Cello Marine has the capability to store and control an unlimited number of vessel and seafarer details. Storage of all ualification documents are secure and accessi le oth in the office and online, ith notification arnings when documents need to be renewed. The creation of MLC 2006 documents are also created natively within Cello Marine. Having already stored seafarer information, payroll processing is now easy and compliant. Cello Marine can interface with most banking platforms as well as foreign exchange houses and pre-paid credit cards, allowing a seamless end-to-end approach to payroll management. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 612343 or visit www.ibosltd.com

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FLYING HIGH Nigel Watson looks at how heli yachting can add a unique experience to any superyacht charter

POWDER DRY AND COLD Heli-skiing, particularly in the more remote parts of the world, drops you straight onto pristine powder with blue skies and sunshine above. When visiting these environments we always partner with local heli-skiing operators to ensure our guests enjoy the ultimate experience, safely.

KEEPING IT COLD Alaska is wonderful for glacier waterfalls and salmon fishing. Perhaps Heli fly fishing is not the sort of thing that immediately comes to mind. The point to point nature of helicopters mean that the river bank becomes just another place we can operate to and from. So pack your fishing rod and lures and come aboard.

SOME LIKE IT HOT Volcanoes in Hawaii are common place, whilst some are active one of the largest, Mauna Kea, offers one of the most exciting downhill descents on a bicycle. Check out your route from above before flying down on two wheels - take the helicopter to the top, drop off the bike team and we will see you back onboard.



he smile you see on the face of a passenger following a helicopter ride over something spectacular is, for all of us ho fly as professionals, one of the great re ards of being a pilot and helicopter operator. Helicopter adventures remain both exciting and challenging. Our goal is to complete them safely whilst providing the magic that ensures they will never be forgotten.

Heli-rafting in Provence is all about getting off the yacht quickly and changing your environment, giving you an amazing experience and then putting you back onboard for cocktails and dinner. The Gorge du Verdon is a great introduction to rafting during a Riviera cruise program. A helicopter drop-off close to the village of Castellane allows the transfer to the rafting company. Then a short ride down to the river and we are away. The flood of the river dictates the ride and there are always places either en route or at the end where a picnic can be delivered and eaten, then a short ride back to the helicopter and we are on our

Heli yachting is a niche within one the most exclusive activities in the world. The helicopters may be private and embarked or visiting charter aircraft from local operators where the yacht is cruising. In both cases they offer adventure and wonder for those wishing to take part.

way back to the yacht.

Over the years we have operated throughout the world and these moments are recounted riefly elo The only ay to truly understand the e perience is to come and fly for yourself

restaurant’s Michelin star mirrors the star of the returning crusader

Helicopters are the closest thing to a magic carpet you are likely to e perience our first helicopter ride should e memora le, use the helicopter to its full potential and fly the dream

FOOD TASTES BETTER Arriving by helicopter at Alan Ducasse’s provencal hideaway, ‘La Bastide de Moustiers’ remains one of those special things in life and over the years we have shared this experience on many occasions. The suspended across the valley, a reminder of the history of these mountain villages and a hallmark of the outstanding food you will find there today. This summer Luviair celebrates its 10th anniversary. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 811365 or visit www.luviair.com

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21/6/16 13:50

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Don’t become a victim of corporate espionage. Ian Sweeney suggests sweeping for bugs regularly and examines technical surveillance counter measures


he rich and powerful often own or charter luxury yachts for their enjoyment as well as the enjoyment of their equally rich and powerful friends and associates. Everyone onboard is there for a relaxing day in the sun or to enjoy a weekend or longer vacation. Guests onboard could be well known celebrities, political leaders, titans of industry, and/or media moguls who all naturally assume their privacy will be respected. It never occurs to them that there might be audio taping equipment installed onboard that could invade their private conversations and activities. What if these audiotapes were made available to the press or to other interested parties? How much “ransom” could be asked for such tapes? These are the risks people take when they go aboard a yacht, whether they’re the owners, the owner’s guests or if they are chartering the vessel. Bugging people in their private quarters with listening devices is an all too common practice. These devices have een found in offices, homes and even cars a enforcement is legally allowed to do this when they have a court order. However there are plenty of unsavory characters known as “electronic mercenaries” who ignore laws and are simply seeking information that they have no right to have. They’ll sell the information to the highest bidder, or try to blackmail the individuals on the recordings hoping to extort as much money as they can to keep the information private. If someone wants to install a listening device on a yacht, there are plenty of opportunities. It can be done by a member of the crew, by someone hired to come onboard to repair a piece of equipment, and it can even be done when the ship is in dry dock at a shipyard. Someone can actually come onboard saying they are the police, dressed in what looks like an authentic uniform with ID that appears totally legitimate. They could “search” the boat and while doing so illegally install wiretaps. People who are determined to snoop on others go about this very carefully. They would put the yacht under surveillance to learn the crew’s daily routine and whether they are following any security measures. They would be looking at who delivers the food or any other provisions. This would all be done by an

entire team of individuals, each with a different task, just waiting for their opportunity to install listening devices. In addition, there would be an entirely different team who would be listening to all the tapes trying to decipher all the information to find something of importance. This takes a huge amount of time when you think about 24 hours a day for how many different listening devices in all their locations and for how many days in total this could possibly come to. Even privately owned yachts are put up for charter when not in use by the owners due to the enormous cost of running a yacht. When someone charters a yacht they are not subject to a background check. If they can pay anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000 per day, they can come onboard with all their luggage and God knows what else. This leaves anyone and everyone who goes onboard this yacht in the future at risk for being blackmailed or having their private conversations, activities and information go up for grabs to the highest bidder. If the owner of a yacht has a competitor in business and if a certain competitor ants to find out hat the ne t ne innovation might be or what merger may be taking place, or what discovery or transaction might affect a given stock price in the future, they could easily charter their competitor’s yacht and install listening devices. These could be installed in any room onboard as well as in all communication systems. They could also sabotage the electronic systems to disable the vessel and even plant explosive devices that could be triggered remotely at some later date. This is the danger people innocently place themselves in when going onboard their own yacht, those of a friend or business associate or when they charter a yacht for what they think will be a nice vacation. Although these super yachts provide all the luxury anyone could dream of for a vacation, a yacht is in fact an extremely vulnerable place to be for anyone, but especially high profile people of great ealth and influence For more details Tel: +44 (0)207 781 9247 or visit www.miasconsultants.com

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DEEP DISCOVERY Over the course of his career, Peter Campbell has dived every ocean known to man in his never-ending search for lost cultural treasures and astonishing underwater archaeology Words: Jake Taylor

© Elaine Ferritto

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ith 71% of the Earth’s surface covered in the deep blue abyss of oceans, with constant and shifting tidal movements, it comes as no surprise that beneath the rolling waves lies an entire world of barnacle-encrusted history just waiting to be explored. From forgotten shipwrecks resting on the sands of the ocean floor, to the perpetual myth of tlantis like cities lost forever to the crushing pressure of seawater, the world’s oceans are at once our greatest resource and our greatest mystery. It’s a seemingly impenetrable graveyard for human history that sits patiently in the never-ending dark until someone arrives who is ready to brave the unpredictable currents to bring some of those secrets back up to the blinding light of the surface, for all the world to see. That man, to all intents and purposes, is underwater archaeologist Peter B. Campbell. “A lot of people look out at the sea and see a hindrance, but I feel that water is a great help when it comes to archaeology,” explains Campbell, who has over a decade of diving experience, as well as a score of archaeological grants at sites across the globe, to his name. “Cities like Athens, Rome, London and New York have hundreds or thousands of years of building on top of history, he continues If you ant to find out a out ancient life in an unexplored area of Rome then you have to wait for a plot of land to open up, hope it is in the right place, and excavate in a short amount of time before building development starts. You don’t need to worry about this at sea; the sites are time capsules without generations of buildings on top of them.” As over-ground archaeologists scour the dust and dirt of desert sites under the sun’s punishing glare, Campbell slips silently below the waterline in order to traverse the world unseen beneath the waves – from Civil War-era Ironclads to the excavation of untouched underwater cave systems. Not only has Campbell cemented his reputation as one of the orld s leading e perts in the field of ocean archaeology, his years of trawling the depths in search of cultural treasures have come at a price. Over time, Camp ell has seen first hand the hidden damage eing continuously wrought on the world’s oceans by humanity. “We are really starting to see the effects of the longterm environmental impact our species has had on the oceans,” he muses, “We have witnessed the Great Barrier Reef in Australia wither and die, with only a few surviving sections remaining – these sections may not last another 15 years. Another effect of global warming has been warmer temperatures and changes in currents

as a result, which has led to species moving into areas they did not previously inhabit.” This migration of underwater animals is beginning to have an impact on the submerged bounty of archaeological discoveries that for years have been spared from the ravages of time by the sea’s protection. “Ship worm, which eats wooden timbers, is now spreading into the Baltic Sea and threatening the well preserved remains of shipwrecks from every period,” Campbell explains, “Zebra mussels adapted to the Great Lakes and have grown in such large quantities that they have forever altered the lakes’ ecosystems and are slowly destroying the wooden shipwrecks which are regarded as some of the greatest preserved underwater sites in the world. Many of the things we had been warned about or had seen regionally have come to pass or intensified over the last decade.” Whilst the problems facing us in our ongoing quest to preserve the sprawling habitat beneath the sea are great – “the public,” says Campbell, “is largely unaware of scale of pollution in the seas that occurs from everyday life” – the proliferation of modern technologies have meant that under ater archaeology, for one, has enefitted greatly as well. “I believe we are currently in a golden age of discovery,” he says, “We are making discoveries at a faster rate than ever before. Shipwrecks, sunken cities, submerged paleo-landscapes where our earliest ancestors once lived before rising sea levels 18,000 years ago are all areas where we have made great strides over the last decade.” Campbell appears to have found his calling directing projects in Greece and Albania. “In Greece we may have discovered one of the largest ancient ship graveyards ever found,” he says of his most recent projects, “A typical successful field pro ect may find t o or three ancient sites, but last year we found twenty-two in just two weeks. Albania is a special place since scuba diving was outlawed by the communist regime for many years, inadvertently preserving underwater sites while the rest of the Mediterranean was being plundered by treasure hunters and artefact collectors.” “Few places allow you to dip below the surface and see every time period represented,” he continues, “It at once teaches you the differences between past cultures and connects them together. So while there are oceans with better archaeological preservation or more diverse marine biology, no other body of water rings so clearly with the voices of the Athenians, the merchants of Carthage, or the might of the Roman Empire.”

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A BLUE CRUISE Experience the Turkish hospitality, culture and cuisine on a gulet cruise


eople from all walks of life are fascinated with exploring ancient kingdoms and lands that appeared in their school textbooks, and which still exist today. A Blue Cruise along the Aegean and Mediterranean coastlines of Turkey and Greece takes people to Biblical destinations, Greek city/states and Byzantine wonders. Western civilisation is wrapped into a wonderous journey by boat, exploring antiquities not normally accessible by land. With over a decade of feedback from our cruising guests, it’s our conclusion as Southern Cross Blue Cruising that the route from Bodrum to Göcek covers the best of these ancient highlights that the Turkish Riviera has to offer. BODRUM

By starting your Blue Cruise in the lively town of Bodrum, you can begin your Carian journey by exploring the Castle of Saint John, constructed by the Knights of Saint Peter in 1480 as a haven against Central Asian invaders. Today, the castle is home to the Museum of Underwater Archaeology, the largest collection in the world of reconstructed, off-shore shipwrecks found along the Aegean and Mediterranean. Take time while in Bodrum to explore the Mausoleum of Halikarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The vast majority of her masonry was used to build the Castle of Saint Peter after the Mausoleum was destroyed with subsequent earthquakes. Embarkation day in Bodrum harbour is normally a late afternoon procedure, so we suggest a short hop to a nearby anchorage to watch the Aegean sunset on the for ard deck of your yacht The first night on board is an ideal opportunity to become acquainted with both the boat and the crew.

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After a deep sleep with the gentle lapping of the sea, it’s off to the ancient site of Knidos. She is the only surviving city of the Dorian Hexapolis, and a centre renowned for virtues of culture, medicine, craft, and twin harbours. Fitness freaks can run up the ancient theatre steps, whilst calmer folk can stroll about what was once a downtown shopping arcade. DATÇA

Our next stop is the sleepy town of Datça, with an open door to fertile fields of tomatoes, grape vines and olive oil production. ue to difficult access y land, Datça remains a quiet hamlet. Lush valleys, an exploration of Byzantine ruins and the restored Ottoman Mehmet Ali Aga mansion are among the many explorations available. ISLAND OF SYMI

Postcard impressions aside, this charming neo-classical drop on the Dodecanese map includes pastel, candy-colored houses sweeping up the hillside, cozy bays, the infamous Symi Shrimp dish and the mysterious monastery at Panormitis, purportedly serving as a retreat, asylum, guest house or hotel, as one prefers. The fortress at Loryma was the base for many ancient battles and is a magnificent spot to sit and watch the sunset, with a cocktail filled picnic asket organised by the crew.

beautiful, natural waterways lie in a maze of tall reeds that wind beneath the Lycian tombs carved high into the local cliffs. GÖCEK

Entering the Gulf of Göcek, one of the highlights is snorkeling around the submerged Byzantine baths where Cleopatra purportedly bathed at Manastir Bay. Another highlight in the Göcek vicinity is Tersane Island, which was formerly called Telandria. From there, it’s a pleasant cruise to Bedri Rahmi cove. Bedri Rahmi Eyübo lu as one of the first discoverers of the Blue Voyage and famously painted a fish on a rock behind a fountain in 1973, launching his art career, which is why the inlet has been named after him. 2016 is the year to explore Turkey without crowds, loud anchorages or crowded berths.


Next we cruise to Serçe Bay, home to many shipwrecks due to its strategic location as a shelter from harsh weather, but with a hidden breakwater at the entrance to the bay. One of the highlights of the Lycian coastline is Caunos, located adjacent to the wetlands of the Dalyan delta. These

For more details visit www.southerncrossbluecruising.com

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All systems GO! Martin Dickson explains that even in a busy charter season onboard electronics failures need not be a headache

© StuartPearce | Bluewater


ummer brings the buzz, adventure and responsibility of cruising with owners and guest trips. New and updated IT and AV systems are switched on, testing skills and nerves to the limit when problems arise that require immediate corrective action. Whether in land-based residences or onboard a superyacht, technical hitches can occur anywhere and any time The responsi ility to fi them often rests on the shoulders of Chief Engineers and Captains. Flare COO Martin Dickson describes a typical, high stress situation for a Captain.“Maybe it is 2am, and an electronics issue arises that the owner is keen to resolve instantly. Faced with racks of technical hardware, and feeling bleary at this time of the morning, the situation can be overwhelming,” says Dickson. We give our clients confidence in dealing ith pro lems like this They know that they can pick up the phone and we will be there.” When a call comes in, whether from a villa or a vessel, Flare deploys a technician who can be at the scene ‘virtually’ within moments. Very often, the Flare engineer diagnoses and resolves faults remotely. Sometimes they need to be physically present, which is when Flare’s strategic locations around the Mediterranean, in Antibes and Palma, help ensure speed of deployment and efficiency in resolving any issue ut the real secret to lare s superior service is its fle i ility, says ickson ather than a one si e fits all approach, e provide a espoke service tailored specifically to each client We understand that no two situations, or vessels or homes, are ever the same ur a ility to respond fast and fle i ly to clients needs helps give us the edge and keeps our clients happy.” The uality of service relies on the e pertise of lare s technicians ired for e cellence in certain specialisms as ell as road multidisciplinary knowledge, Flare’s engineers are a source of pride for the company. CTO Adam Kirkwood says, “Our team is

amazing. We value them for their incredible knowledge and the great service they offer our clients.” lare s technical a ility and e perience allo s it to ork ith any operational and lifestyle electronic system, regardless of who designed and installed it. The company undertakes to design and install systems that will integrate and notably gives all software codes to owners rather than holding onto them. This helps the owner should they wish to choose a different IT support service provider. “It’s good to know that clients are choosing us because we are the best and not because we have their software codes,” says Dickson.

Very often, the Flare engineer diagnoses and resolves faults remotely

Dickson and Kirkwood founded Flare in 2013, after 30 years in the industry helped them to identify where it fails yachts and homeo ners lare fills a gap in the market for a relia ly rapid and e pert support service Clients seem pleased The iT officer for adiant, a superyacht uilt to a high specification says, lare has al ays given us a great service. Their team’s knowledge and professionalism are hard to eat and ensure that any pro lems are rectified ith ease This summer, rela in the kno ledge that lare is only a phone call away. For more details Tel: +34 672 32 75 18 or visit flare tech com

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UP AND AWAY ing loo s at the orl s iggest estival o ree ight he ou e care that rings aring an reams emotion an creativity antasy an thrill an all the leasure an assion o ying


his could only happen in France. The man in front of me at the bar mutters, peering at his beer. It is green, and served in a re-usable plastic cup that costs a refundable two euros. Lose the cup, lose your two euros. Beer dyed a wacky green colour is not the only thing about the annual Coupe Icare Festival that “could only happen in France”. Held each year in mid-September to mark the end of the summer flying season in the lps it attracts 100,000 like minded souls over a four day weekend. They come to celebrate their shared passion for all things in the air: paragliders, hang gliders, wingsuits, speed wings, paramotors, balloons, sail planes, even on occasion rocket-fuelled Jetmen from Dubai. They crowd into the tiny village of St Hilaire du Touvet, which sits on a grassy plateau high above the Isere Valley. Half an hour to the west is the city of Grenoble; day-trippers come by shuttle bus or ride up the old-style mountain railway that climbs steeply up to St Hilaire from the valley below. Once up, the feeling is of being ensconced in a nest, looking out across the valley towards the mountains beyond. Behind, the limestone bulk of the Chartreuse dominates, its thousand-foot cliffs forming a perfect backdrop to this most Alpine of scenes. The summit of the mountain also provides a perfect launchpad: for paraglider pilots who hike up at dawn to take off and fly slo ly do n, drifting like utterflies or wingsuit pilots who Base jump from the cliffs before swooping across the festival at 200km/h, opening their parachutes with a bang once out in the safety of the valley. At the heart of the festival though is a spectacle the like of which you will see nowhere else in the world. Like a Rio Carnival of the sky, the Masquerade Launch at the Coupe Icare, held on the Saturday and Sunday, is a riot of colour and imagination. In front of a crowd of thousands paraglider and hang glider pilots take off in fancy dress, competing for the coveted first pri e, yes, but mainly simply setting out to take part and elicit the biggest cheer from the appreciative crowds. lle , alle , allle roar the spectators as a man

dressed as a toy plane, complete with propeller, pulls up his paraglider and starts running towards the edge. That edge is quite something: the launch may be smooth astroturf, but the cliff at the end is very real. Launch marshals watch the wind and conditions, and direct the show. It is a carnival atmosphere but safety is still paramount. They will hold the show if the wind isn’t right. oping off in giant strides the flying toy plane finds his rhythm and takes off smoothly into the air, the ind filling his glider and carrying him instantly aloft e turns to ave at the cro d elo and flies a full circle, looking down on hundreds of upturned faces. The smiles say it all as the people shield eyes against the sun. This is not your average Saturday afternoon paragliding, nor is it your average fancy dress parade. The roots of this carnival of the air stretch back to the ay hen three hang glider pilots first fle from the plateau here ang gliding as in its infancy, the sport started life in California in 1971 and spread from there, and every flight as still experimental. One of those three pilots was Daniel Pernoud, who also happened to be president of the St ilaire tourist office Spotting the potential, ernoud set a out organising the first Coupe Icare that September. The name, Icarus Cup, echoed the light of Icarus, the oy ho fle too close to the sun in Ancient Greek mythology. Pernoud invited 50 pilots and gave them a challenge: to take off and land on a spot in the valley The traffic literally came to a stop on the main road between Grenoble and Chambery. Two years later, there were 200 pilots and two landing targets, a red one for even numbered pilots, yellow for odd. A decade later and the weekend gathering could call itself a festival rganisers added a film festival, a secondhand market, trade tents. And then paragliding arrived. With the birth of this second aerial discipline many thousands of people found it was suddenly easy and cheap to take to the air. While hang gliders have a triangle-shaped rigid frame and the pilot lies face

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© Bruno Lavit

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down, head forwards, in a paraglider the pilot sits back, as if in an easy chair. Paragliders are also lighter and easier to transport and assemble than hang gliders. Combined, this all meant a paragliding boom across the Alps. The Coupe Icare rode that wave well into the 1990s, adding festival style circus tents to accommodate visitors who came to party in the festival atmosphere as much to fly, and building the Masquerade Launch into a TV spectacle that is today broadcast across France. Typically the Coupe Icare now sees 6,000 pilots and 100,000 spectators. Now, it attracts pilots from across the world, keen to take their place and showcase their skills in front of the biggest crowd they’ll ever see. Acrobatic paraglider pilots jump from helicopters and tumble down to within metres of the crowd; speed wing pilots launch from above and loop the loop; paramotors, a paraglider with a propeller on the pilot’s ack, fly spectacular slaloms around inflata le pylons, sho smoke trailing behind them.

Coupe Icare attracts pilots from across the world, keen to showcase their skills in front of the biggest crowd they’ll ever see

And it is not only pilots who come. Artists and musicians arrive too. One, Tura, an artist from Brazil, is famous for his record reaking lantern displays e and his team in ra il spends months hand making thousands of paper lanterns, which he then hands to crowds gathered on one of the launches late in the evening. As the stars come out above he lights the first alloon, and then that one lights the ne t, and so on. Soon, hundreds, thousands of paper lanterns fill the sky, as if the heavens have come alive The scene is magical, especially if you have had one or more of the Coupe Icare’s infamous green beers. Elsewhere, jazz bands play until midnight, while the thump of the DJ pulsates well into the early hours. Restaurants and bars, usually quiet unless at the peak of the ski season, thrum with conversation and people from all over the world. One vast marquee hosts the most prestigious air sports film festival in the orld undreds cro d inside to atch their friends and colleagues spin and fly on the ig screen, hether paragliding from the summit of verest or flying kites above the beaches of the Mediterranean, all aspects of flying for fun are included Go ro has a lot to ans er for By Sunday evening it is all over. The trade stands are dismantled, the last pilots have flo n do n to the valley below, and the crowds are heading home in snaking lines of traffic nce more, people are arth ound and the Coupe Icare and its dreams are packed away for another year, once more. Coupe Icare 2016, 22-25 September 2016 www.coupe-icare.org

Photos from top to bottom: Johan Chemin, Bruno Lavit, Johan Chemin, Ilan-Ginzburg, Ilan-Ginzburg

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AIR PLAY If you want to join the gliding gang these are the accessories that you will need GENIE LITE2 www.ukairsports.com €1176

PLUSMAX PLUSAIR HELMET www.ukairsports.com €100

ZENITH THOR 200 EVO www.parajet.com €3,400

FLY GIN WINDY SUIT www.ukairsports.com

FLYMASTER LIVESD www.ukairsports.com

FREE RIDE www.ukairsports.com




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LA DOLCE VITA Make sure you spend some time in one of these Italian marinas and visit some of the fabulous cultural sites these areas have to o er

MARINA DE STABIA Marina di Stabia Resort is set in the heart of the most sophisticated tourist area in Italy, a jewel in one of the world’s most appealing cruising grounds and locations as Pompei, Sorrento, Amalfi, Ischia and Capri. With 77 superyacht berths up to 100m, a modern and elegant Yacht Club with a Michelin Starred Chef, a swimming pool and garden-bar, a waterfront gym, a Captain’s Corner Bar & Pub, 24/7 security service and a helipad, Marina di Stabia offers a relaxing experience. Marina di Stabia Resort offers twenty-first century berths in a setting of incomparable beauty, with Mount Vesuvius and Mount Faito spanning the marina and the profile of the Sorrentine Peninsula, Capri and Ischia on the horizon. Location: 40°43.03’N / 14°2.32’E Max length: 100m Max draft: 5.50m

No of berths: 40 Channel: 69 www.marinadistabia.com

PORTOMIRABELLO Opened in September 2010, PortoMirabello is a truly unique Italian urban marina built on the sea: a 40,000 m2 artificial peninsula and an expanse of water with an overall area of around 270,000 m2. Berths from 25 to 130m, are equipped with fixed jetties and double bollards designed for superyachts. Protected by the Tino and Palmaria islands and a 620 m breakwater, permitting leisurely navigation 300 days a year, PortoMirabello is set in an extremely prestigious environmental context, near sites of incredible historical value offering breathtaking views such as Lerici, Porto Venere, Cinque Terre and Portofino.

MARINA GENOVA Marina Genova is one of the most modern centres for superyachts. Just 10 minutes from the city centre and five minutes from the international airport. Marina Genova consists of three large docks with 500 berths, most of which are 30 to 130 metres, exclusive shops dedicated to yachting, a boutique hotel and eight food outlets: from fine restaurants to a quality pizzeria, a typical trattoria, a Ligurian focaccia outlet, Asian cuisine and an ice-cream parlour. Marina Genova is one of the Med’s nautical centre of excellence, capable of offering the very best in terms of logistics and service.

44°05’.803 N / 09°49’.989 E Max length: 130m Max draft: 12 m

44° 25.040’N / 08° 50.273’E Max length: 130m Max draft: 15m

No of berths: 46 Channel: 73 www.portomirabello.it

No of berths: 68 Channel: 71 www.marinagenova.it

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SEVENTH HEAVEN YACHT CLUB - ISLAND OF ISCHIA The marina known previously as Heaven’s Quay, has now been renamed. The Yacht Club, located on the northern part of the island of Ischia can accommodate 12 mega yachts. The pier, which is 140 metres in length, is complete with all of the essential necessities including water, electricity and mooring posts. The Seventh Heaven Yacht Club will now figure prominently among the most prestigious ports and marinas that are currently managed by the Luise Group. Location: 40°45’ 13’N/13°53’ 20’E Max length: 120m Max draft: 5.50m

THE MARINA MOLO LUISE Located in Naples, a little more than a day’s cruise from Cote d’Azur and Greece, Marina Molo Luise offers a strategic position for cruisers and large yachts to berth in this splendid part of the world. Here dutyfree or duty-paid bunkering is available, along with the expert services provided by J. Luise Associates. Situated in the city centre and near Pompeii, Herculaneum and Vesuvius area, this is a must see cultural destination and one of the most visited areas in all of Europe. The islands of Capri and Ischia are a short 18 miles away. Location: 40°49’63’N / 14°13’53’E Max length: 95m Max draft: 8m

No of berths: 140 Channel: 9 www.luise.com

No of berths: 12 Channel: 69 www.luise.com

MARINA MOLO VECCHIO Located in the Old Port area, the marina has a multitude of services and facilities to welcome your yacht in Genoa. Redeveloped as an exclusive leisure area incorporating cafes, restaurants, cinemas, shops, medical centre, gym and an aquarium. Founded in 1997, Marina Molo Vecchio has welcomed yachts ranging up to 90 meters, always combining high standards of service with a warm and friendly welcome.

PORTO SAN ROCCO The traditional home of yachting in the Adriatic Sea, and ideal for exploring the Italian, Croatian and Slovenian coasts. Situated in Muggia, close to Trieste, the heart of the Adriatic sailing scene on the north coast of Italy and is rich in maritime history. Porto San Rocco is a world-class marina for yachts and superyachts, with 546 fully-serviced berths up to 60m, and outstanding five-star facilities. From Muggia with its Venetian port to the white cliffs of Duino, Trieste is a succession of magical settings where guests are welcomed by those who truly know what seafaring means.

44° 24.5’ N / 08° 55.2’E Max length: 150m Max draft: 10m

Location: 45°36’ 37’N / 13°45’ 9’E Max length: 60m Max draft 7m

No of berths: 18 Channel: 71 www.mmv.it

No of berths: 54 Channel: 74/16 www.portosanrocco.it

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laire Gri ths

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The superyacht provisioners have been squirrelling away behind closed doors all winter: Stacking, packing an sna ing their choicest fin s into the ar est corners of their cupboards, so that come summertime, ‌‌Dadadaaah!

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The Standard for Connoisseurs of Fine Wines and Spirits T: +33 (0)4 93 39 44 56 E: cave1862@orange.fr www.1862wines.com

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You can’t really say that chefs don’t have a sense of humour, can you? Didn’t you know they were sniggering into their sugar puffs when they peeked from behind the backstage curtain and winced as you waded through the snail porridge (thanks Heston), pinched your nose as you gulped back the black smoothie sludge, and did your damnest to do sophisticated as you puffed like Magic Dragon on liquid nitrogen puddings? No-one is saying oak moss vapour, saffron tagliatelle and all that molecular malarkey isn’t fun..it certainly is but, superyacht chefs, guests, owners and their tastebuds have opted to take time out from the test tubes and gone right back to basics with their food and wine requests. That’s what yacht agent and provisioner Giuseppe Solina of Easyacht4u has been gauging from the order sheets for a while now; Chefs are looking for best quality local products, according to the area they find themselves, port y port In arseille they might make a bouillabaisse, in Naples dress some tripe, or in Genoa, a pesto Genovese, surely? Says Giuseppe, ‘We have increased our offer in the cupboards, though still being faithful to one of the things which most distinguished us in the past few years: the best quality of local typical products. That’s exactly what Chefs ask for more and more frequently: top-quality food on the basis of local daily availability. We have a team of people committed to checking the daily availability of local food and its quality’.

Local and simple are the watch words in the kitchen for the season ahead. Artisan and ethnic is what we’re looking for Easyacht4u covers an area that reaches from Genova to the Gulf of Naples, Sardinia and southern Italy The closer Chefs get to the south of Italy, the more they re uest top uality local products from fish to wines made from the grapes cultivated on the volcanic slopes of Mount Etna. It s a trend also reflected in land lu ing life throughout the western world; Local and simple are the watch words in the kitchenfor the season ahead. Artisan and ethnic is what we’re looking for with a focus on venison, wild boar, wild salmon or maybe rabbit - but add the odd cricket in there too just to shoogle things up a bit (yes, as in locust. Apparently….) Nathalie Yta at CRYS have seen great interest in their home made smoked salmon, that is based on a traditional method with moderate temperatures C They e pose the fillets in the smoke of noble woods such as oak, beech and elm during the 24 hour process. CRYS are also seeing an uplift in ‘healthy’ foods, I and gluten free options across the board on their order sheets. Last season Nathalie tells us that “a client wanted a Camembert, a real one, ‘moulé a la

louche et bien coulant’, which was going to be complicated because the client was in italy. So after calling a freind we were a le to find this cheese ut, they had to rent a helicopter to go get the cheese and ring it to the client It as pro a ly the most expensive camembert there ever was”. Meanwhile, the glorious, damp, dank, dark and pungent perfume of the wine cellar is irresistibly luring us down to savour its temptations nd hat do e find this year, we ask Hervé Thoron, Managing Director and Partnerof 1862 Wines and Spirits based at Cannes? Well, there’s the Grey Goose partnership with Chef Alain Ducasse who together have created the Grey Goose Ducasse. Says erv It s different from the last one because it’s distilled using toasted wheat grains. Then last, but not least, they’ve also produced the VX: a blend of vodka and cognac distillate’. At 1862, Rosé wine and champagne always sell well all year long and especially during the summer. ‘After the success of their Ice Imperial in hite, o t Chandon

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Chef Recruitment Land or Sea based

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has adapted it in Rosé with the Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé’ That’s going to be a big seller from the cellar he reckons. The vagaries of vegans and a simpler life are seeping down to the cellars too, ‘We’ve noticed during the last couple of years that the vegan trend has extended its influence on some clients They ask for vegan wines where there’s been no utilization of any products from animal, such as fertilizer, for example’. Basic, simple and chemical free, isn’t only what we want from our food, but a lot more people are asking for organic or low sulphite wines too. To help sate their thirsts Hervé is keen to see more people ordering wines from small vineyards that he and his colleagues have specially selected and keep in stock. Hervé and his team, scale mountains and scourge valleys to maintain their reputation of never missing a delivery deadline. Last year that meant waiting for an order of expensive Tequila that could only be sourced in England to arrive before hitting the road with a four-hour window before his delivery deadline to a yacht in Viareggio expired. He made it with minutes to spare. Jessica Evans, Consultant at Onshore Cellars at Antibes is constantly extending the wine list to offer as much variety as possible to clients. This year that includes branded Cava, where the yacht name can be printed on the Cava label to wow guests at large events or boat shows. ‘Dom Perignon 2003 and Krug Vintage 1995 have been

our most popular Champagnes this year, and with the red Bordeaux popular choices have been Haut Brion, Chateau Palmer and Chateau Lynch Bages. Like Hervé, this year she and the team have seen a shift to natural wine; ‘The healthy lifestyle is always trending’, she says, ‘ so we have extended our natural wine list to accommodate this. In a perfect world natural ines ould e unfiltered, unfi ed and completely unsulphured. In reality this is not always possible but the winemaker strives to create this while maintaining taste’. In natural wine, chemical fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and Hebrides aren’t used in the wine growing or making process. Says Jessica, ‘Domaine de Botheland Cote de Brouilly 2014 is a good example. We love every order that comes through. It’s exciting when people ask for rare wines and rare vintages. We enjoy the challenge of finding these uni ue items for our clients Nathalie at CRYS adds “this year’s new product for us is the Veuve Clicquot Rich. It is a new champagne dedicated to mixology. Rich invites you to experiment according to your own tastes and customize

your champagne the way you want with ingredients such as cucumber, grapefruit zest or even some bergamote tea. So as the provisioners re-stock their shelves, re-pack their vans and re-route the SatNat, yacht guests, owners and crew from here more or less to eternity know that they can eat well and be merry. And there’s nothing in the whole world that is better than that.

IS PASTA AN ENDANGERED SPECIES? We’re not joking! In the last five years pasta sales dropped 13% in Europe and 25% in Italy as diners focus on proteins and shed carbs ... or shun gluten ... or subscribe to Paelo dining. Even carboholics have more nutritious alternatives ... quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, spelt, barley, chia. So it looks like a trend. Vegetable spiralizers are selling like, well, hotcakes. Chefs will experiment with vegetables ribbons - zucchini, asparagus, beets, sweet potatoes for example, replacing pasta. Maybe spaghetti squash will have its limelight moment.

Basic, simple and chemical free, isn’t only what we want from our food, but a lot more people are asking for organic or low sulphite wines too

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THE GREAT PROVIDERS rom the reshest ro ucts to the finest ines e recommen our avourite yacht rovisioners on the e iterranean

EasYacht4U Offering the best quality provisions for superyachts in Italy, Sardinia and Sicily as acht are ualified and highly experienced in choosing the finest daily provisions on the market, always guaranteeing high quality at reasonable prices, thanks to the support of selected local and international suppliers. The company assist chefs and cre in finding provisions for the galley and the interior departments, offering a tailored service and taking care of the needs of yacht guests. They can also meet any specific re uest from the most demanding palates and know that happy guests means happy captains and thus always keep guest satisfaction as a priority. For more details Tel: +39 344 388 36 39 or visit www.ey4u.com

1862 Wines & Spirits 1862 is the date of creation of this renowned establishment. The oldest wines and spirits cellar in Cannes welcomes you in a warm and authentic atmosphere, right in the heart of the city centre, between the Old Harbor of Cannes and Meynadier Street (just a step from the Palais des Festivals and La Croisette. Hervé and Julien, their two sommeliers, will dispense their expert advice in order to guide your choices among 850 references of wines (Grand Crus of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Provence, Rhône Valley, World wines) and 400 spirits and liqueurs (Whisky, Rhum, Armagnac, Cognac...) On board delivery 7 days a week and the possibility of a duty free option. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 39 44 56 or visit www.1862wines.com

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Onshore Cellars Onshore Cellars provides not only wine provisioning for yachts, but a complete solution for wine supply to yachts, villas and private clients throughout the world. With hundreds of wines in stock, free impartial advice, bespoke storage solutions and wine sourcing, they are pioneering a change in the way your owners buy and access their wines. By utilising their complete solution you have the continuity of one supplier no matter where you are in the world. Don’t risk provisioning wine in unknown ports, you can rely on them to deliver whenever and wherever you are. By being ex-yacht crew Onshore Cellars know and understand the industry, so have streamlined wine provisioning with their online store and made the process simple. For more details Tel: +33 (0)787 474091 or visit www.onshorecellars.com

Yacht Pantry As well as working with their trusted local suppliers T is no a le to offer a complete range of fine foods ready to import on request. They can arrange smaller shipments by air or larger shipments by truck, handle all customs and import clearances and deliver direct to your yacht. Fresh berries from Rungis market, ready to eat Thai Mangoes, fresh Canadian Halibut to wild Maldon Oysters. TYP have carefully put together their import to order catalogue ut if there is something you need that they have overlooked, chances are they can now source it........fresh from the world’s markets. For more details Tel: + 385 91 528 2538 or visit www.yachtpantry.com

Essentials Yacht Provisiong Essentials Yacht Provisioning in Palma have been in the provisioning business for 15 years and know from their own yachting experience that quality and timing are paramount, so their standards are high. Luckily they have a huge amount of superb produce available in Mallorca, including some fantastic local wines and olive oils. Fresh meat and fish are prepared, packed and la elled to order Galley stores and interior supplies are delivered in easy to unpack crates and more importantly, on time! They have an excellent, eclectic wine selection in stock for immediate delivery, as well as a wide range of spirits, soft drinks, beers and bottled water. Organic, Vegan, Halal and Kosher products can all be sourced and Essentials Yacht Provisioning will go out of their way to track down anything unusual for your guests. For more details Tel: +34 630 355 974 / +34 971 870 640 or visit www.eypmallorca.com

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Come and see us at the Monaco Yacht Show 28 September – 1 October 2016






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SUMMER FAYRE The latest food & drink trends for you to try over the summer months TRY THIS... KOMBUCHA

SPOTLIGHT ON... COLD BREW TEA What happened did you hit the snooze button on the teas made? Nope. Forget Liptons: cold brew tea is a different kettle of fish. Only without the kettle (or the fish). Compared to hot brewing, the process produces fewer bitter catechins and caffeine, resulting in a sweeter, smoother taste and a naturally refreshing drink. But I’m a tea purist. Then you’ll love it. It’s a brew without the baggage literally, it’s loose leaf, so no fruit infusions, no sweeteners and no milk. No milk? I’m outraged! No, you’re probably just over-caffeinated. Chill with a soothing Darjeeling, Keemun or Oolong cold brew. So where can I buy it? Twig Teas offers all of the above varieties on its website www.twigteas.com


This year’s coconut water. By that we mean the latest faddy, slightly healthy drinks trend is Kombucha Produced by fermenting tea using a "symbiotic 'colony' of bacteria and yeast" (SCOBY). Prepare to be sick of hearing about it by the end of the season.



Spirulina is a natural “algae” (cyanbacteria) powder that is incredibly high in protein and a good source of antioxidants and is typically recommended for vegetarians for its high natural iron content. HEALTH PROPERTIES

The number of apple

varieties around the world. Even if you tried a different apple every day it would take you nearly 20 years to sample them all


Though it does taste like pond scum, Spirulina has some great health-boosting qualities: Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids, contains Omega 3, 6 and 9s but is especially high in Omega-3s. It's extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system. Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk, making it excellent for children, the elderly and during pregnancy. Some research has also suggested that Spirulina may be helpful for those with allergies and allergic reactions. HOW TO CONSUME SPIRULINA

When choosing Spirulina, make sure to choose one that is organic. Try to add Spirulina to your smoothie every day. It is best to get in about 2 tsp per day, and 2 or more tsp during illness or during pregnancy. NUTRITION PER 100G

Add a bunch of basil + 2tbsp of parmesan + a garlic clove + ¼ cup of almonds + ¼ green chilli to a blender. Blitz the lot together.

GIN THE KNOW Try one of our favourite gins from Spain this season

Add the juice of a lemon + salt and pepper, to taste. Mix with a spoon or give it another quick buzz.

GUT SOOTHING PASTA SAUCE Fiery pesto with a soothing afterburn

Calories 290 Calories from fat 65 Total fat 8g, saturated fat 3g Cholesterol 0g

Sodium 1048mg Total Carbohydrates 24g Dietary fibre 4g Sugars 3g Protein 57g




The nose is bright and awash with orange blossoms and coriander. Quite nice, very inviting, and decidedly contemporary. The fresh vibrancy of the citrus flavour works well in gin cocktails like the gimlet or even a dry martini.

A classic gin relying on a single botanical, Juniper. Unlike some others in this single-botanical category which are best described as experiments, this is quite serious. It mixes with the profile of the juniper coming through beautifully.

Heavy handed with the juniper, with a touch of citrus to lighten, it brings a pine-laden and heavy herbaceous perspective to almost any cocktail. It’s worth a closer look for a taste of the history that has helped this gin endure for nigh over three centuries.

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UNDER THE GRILL CHRIS BENSON Chris has been a chef for more than 32 years, and with a burning desire to travel joined the superyacht industry as a chef in 1997. He has worked on many high profile yachts and has operated as a freelance chef for the past 3 years.

THAT’S EXPENSIVE... HOP SHOOTS At €1000 a kilo, often called the most expensive vegetable in the world, hop shoots, which resemble asparagus, only emerge once a year in the spring and disappear quickly, making them difficult to forage in the wild and hence rare. When cooked the leaves take on a kale-like quality, with a faint tang of Chinese leaves like Choi Sim and there’s a nutty quality to the stems. Try blanching for a few moments in boiling water, then dress with oil and vinegar.


What is your favourite dish to cook? I still like the old style food when it is cooked in the classic way, I love filet of boeuf Rossini as long as the fillet is pink and the sauce is homemade in the classic way.

BEACHOUSE IBIZA COCO CHILLI MOJITO 45ml White Rum 3 lime slices 6 fresh ripped mint leaves

What is your favourite restaurant? I do like the 360 restaurant in Dubrovnik as the food is great, service is not over the top and you have a superb view of the old town, and it is not too expensive.

Muddle mint leaves and chili pepper in a glass. Place ice in the glass and incorporate the rum, coconut cream milk, and brown sugar. Squeeze the juice of the lime into the drink. Mix all ingredients with a spoon and top with a splash of sparkling water. Garnish with a mint sprig and chili pepper slice.

If you were not a chef what would you be doing? The school that I went to, the girls and boys had to do metal work, wood work, cooking, and needle work. I was no good at metal work or wood work but good at needle work and cooking, so if I had not been a chef maybe a tailor, who knows. What is your favourite kitchen gadget? My favourite gadget is the Paco jet ice cream machine as it is simple to use and the results are fantastic. What is your favourite type of food? As I like hot food I would have to say chilli, it appears in lots of menus in lots of places around the world. What three factors do you look for in food? The first and most important is taste, has to be appealing to the eye without going over the top with garnish, and last but not least freshness. What is the one ingredient everyone needs in their galley? That one for me is an easy answer and that is salt, without salt most food would be tasteless, the use of salt can make or break a dish. What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to eat it? I made a Black Forest gateau just like I had in the 70s, it was like going back to my childhood. What is your most memorable food moment? It would be hard to say as there has been so many. One memory I have is when a Captain took me to Joe’s king crab restaurant in Miami. It was an upmarket restaurant with lots of rich people. When the crab claws arrived they come with a hammer and a paper bib. The crab claws were very tasty it was all so fun smashing the claws and seeing the crab shells flying around the restaurant.

30ml coconut cream 1 tsp brown sugar 2 thin slices red chili pepper

700 The percentage of

the recommended daily vitamin K intake provided by 100 grammes of Swiss Chard

FOOD FAD.... OKEY POKÉ Poké is popping up everywhere this year. If you haven’t yet heard of poké (pronounced POH-kay), that’s bound to change soon. Poké is a mix of raw cubes of seafood in a soy sauce-based marinade. It’s often garnished with seaweed, cucumber, avocado, or tobiko, and served over rice or greens.

WATERMELON MAN Be honest you’ve never liked coconut water. Too dry, too… coconutty. Its successor, though, is genuinely drinkable. According to Beyoncé, “the future of clean, natural hydration” is watermelon water. The water content in watermelon is extremely high at 92%. It is rich in beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B5 and smaller amounts of B1, B2, B3 and B6. This big fruit is a rich source of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and smaller amounts of copper, iron and zinc.

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27/06/16 21:18


SUN WORHSIP Tired of prodding coals, run out of gas? Well, a group of entrepreneurs has created an outdoor stove that can cook a meal in just 10 minutes using nothing but the sun’s rays. The gadget, known as the GoSun Stove, absorbs heat from the sun to reach temperatures of over 290°C The device is totally portable and cooks enough food for four people. €320 www.gosunstove.com

CULINARY COLLECTION You may not need them but you could certainly get used to them

HEATWAVE No one enjoys cold food that’s supposed to be hot, except morning-after pizza, which is totally acceptable. But for many campers and adventurers alike, its’ an all too often problem. The microwave works using laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductors (LDMOS) to evenly disperse heat, devoid of traditional vacuum tubes or magnetrons. Easily recharged with solar panels it heats for 30 minutes. €150 www.wayvtech.com

APEELING The shape of Sfrido’s peeler recalls a stylised ribbon: a continuous band that gently bends and twists and eventually encloses the blade. The curves created by these dynamic lines enable you to hold the object in a natural way, guaranteeing an ergonomic grip. €26 www.alessi.com

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28/06/16 20:37

BEER WE GO In recent years, the growler has seen a rise in popularity thanks to its ability to allow you to bring fresh draft beer home. But it won’t stay fresh for long. The uKeg Pressurized Growler solves that issue. It maintains perfect carbonation from the first pour until the last. The double-wall vacuum-insulated stainless steel vessel keeps the beer cold while the regulator cap keeps any air from leaking out, providing a pour that is just what the brewer had in mind to begin with. €150 www.growlerwerks.com

CUTTING EDGE STOP IT Sterling silver round topped champagne stopper from William & Son. Over the past 15 years the company has established itself as one of the most distinctive, and the most definitively British, of luxury goods companies; a master maker and retailer. €300 www.williamandson.com

Taylors Eye Witness 5 Piece Revolving Copper Bolster Knife set contains 10cm Paring knife, 13cm All purpose knife, 20cm Carving knife, 20 cm Cooks knife and 20cm Bread knife. Featuring comfortable easy grip handles, complete with anti bacterial black hard coated blades and stylish copper plated bolsters. Its compact black and clear perspex revolving knife block is perfect for keeping your knives to hand. €50 www.taylors-eye-witness.co.uk

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28/06/16 20:34

PURÉE MAGIC Exquisite menus at the touch of a button, making short work of everything from smoothies and milkshakes to soups and sauces


Ingredients 250g Green apples with skin

90g Mâche salad

200g Simple syrup

10g Fresh mint leaves

150g Baby leaf spinach

20g Lemon juice

Method • Place the spinach in a pacotizing beaker and dice with the 4-blade cutter of the Pacojet Coupe Set • Add the remaining ingredients to the pacotizing beaker and mix well Pacojet is a unique, versatile cooking system that enables professional chefs, to micropuree fresh deep frozen foods without defrosting, into an ultra-fine texture. Pacojet guarantees exquisite, consistent results for every serving, offering unprecedented creativity as well as efficient working. Pacotizing produces perfectly smooth farces, colorful and aroma intense herb or vegetable concentrates, flavorful mousses, sorbets and ice creams. For more details visit www.pacojet.com

• Freeze at -22°C for at least 24h • Pacotize and serve



500g Sour cream 100g Icing sugar 60g Lemon juice 8g Milk powder 100g Cooked red beets, diced

Ingredients 400g Green asparagus diced

5g Salt

200g Whipping cream

5g Agar Agar



• Mix asparagus, whipping cream and salt in a pacotizing beaker

• Mix sour cream, icing sugar, lemon juice and milk powder.

• Freeze at -22°C for at least 24h

Fill into a pacotizing beaker • Add the red beets • Freeze at -22°C for at least 24 hours • Pacotize and serve

• Pacotize twice • Pour the pacotized asparagus mixture in a pan, add agar agar, mix well, heat up and cook for 2 minutes • Fill into mould, refrigerate and serve

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PERFECT BLEND A good blender can blitz ingredients within seconds, making short work of everything from smoothies and milkshakes to soups and sauces 1








1. Bella Extract Pro Blender www.lakeland.co.uk €80 2. Lakeland Stainless Steel Power Blender www.lakeland.co.uk €92 3. KitchenAid Diamond Vortex www.crateandbarrel.com €140 4. Nutribullet Graphite Blender www.lakeland.co.uk €130 5. Smeg Red Retro www.crateandbarrel.com €234 6. KitchenAid Artisan www.lakeland.co.uk €232 7. Davina Personal Blender www.lakeland.co.uk €40 8. Sage The Kinetix Control Power Blender www.lakeland.co.uk €260

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28/06/16 09:47


FROZEN ASSETS Scoop up these delicious recipes for home made ice cream. They are simple and will make you rethink the store bought options


ce cream is a cream, or custard-based frozen dessert. It is thought to have originated in Italy in the 1600s and to have been made popular through the French court. The simplest ice cream recipes are based on cream, sugar and crushed or puréed fruit. Custard-based ice creams have a more unctuous texture than those made from pure cream. The cream can be infused ith a flavouring, such as vanilla or cinnamon, or mi ed with a fruit purée before it’s churned and frozen. 1. RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE ICE CREAM Ingredients 75g cream cheese,1 cup sugar,1½ cups pureéd, strained raspberries, 1 cup whipping cream,1 cup whole milk Method • In a large bowl, whisk cream cheese until smooth; add sugar and continue whisking until combined. Whisk in raspberries, followed by cream and milk until fully incorporated. Pour mixture into ice-cream maker; process according to manufacturer instructions. 2. RED VELVET ICE CREAM WITH MARSHMALLOW SWIRL

Ingredients 300g soft cream cheese,¾ cup milk,¾ cup heavy cream,¾ cups sugar,½ cup buttermilk,1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon red food colouring, 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, teaspoon salt, ½ cup marshmallow ice cream topping Method • Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze. • Spoon some of the ice cream into a freezer safe container, followed by some of the marshmallow topping. Continue to do this until all of the ice cream and topping are added to the container. Freeze until the ice cream has hardened. 3. HUCKLEBERRY ICE CREAM Ingredients 2 cup half-and-half, 4 eggs, ½ cup sugar, ¼ tsp. salt, 1 cup whipping cream,1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 cups huckleberries Method • In a medium saucepan, whisk together half-and-half, eggs, sugar, and salt. Place pan over medium- high heat and whisk mixture until bubbly. Strain into a large bowl and cool; then whisk in cream, vanilla, and berries. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about 2 hours. • Pour mixture into ice-cream maker and process.


4. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Ingredients 2 cups whole milk,1 cup sugar, 4 egg yolks, pinch of salt, 2 cups double cream, 2 cups whipping cream, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 1 broken cup dark chocolate Method • In a saucepan, whisk together milk, sugar, egg yolks, and salt. Place pan over medium high heat until mixture reaches a simmer. Strain mixture into a large bowl, then whisk in half-and- half, cream, and vanilla. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled. • Pour mixture into ice-cream maker. After straining mixture in step 1, add 1 cup broken dark chocolate and stir until melted 5. LEMONADE ICE CREAM Ingredients 3 cups whole milk, 6 egg yolks, 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp lemon extract, zest of 3 lemons, 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice,1/3 cup undiluted frozen lemonade concentrate Method • Heat the milk to a boil in a heavy pan. Cover and remove from heat.Beat the egg yolks and sugar together. • Pour the hot milk into the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Turn the mixture to the sauce pan and cook over low heat until it thickens slightly. • Add in lemon extract, zest, and juice. Allow the mixture to cool. • Freeze the mixture in ice cream maker.Once it starts to set and thicken, add in the lemonade concentrate and continue mixing until set up.Place in freezer 6. BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM Ingredients 2 cups whole milk,1½ cups brown sugar, 4 egg yolks, pinch of salt, 2 tbsp unsalted butter, 2 cups double cream, 2 cups whipping cream, 2 tsp. vanilla extract, Candied Butter Pecans, 1 cup pecans Method • Whisk together milk, brown sugar, egg yolks, and salt. Cook over medium high heat until mixture reaches a simmer. Lower heat and whisk mixture for 5 minutes. Strain mixture into a large bowl and whisk in butter; then incorporate half-and-half, cream, and vanilla. Cover and refrigerate. • In a heavy skillet over medium heat, combine pecans, sugar, and butter, stirring constantly until sugar has browned. Remove from heat; spread nuts on foil. Once nuts have cooled, break into bite-size pieces and reserve. • Pour ice cream mixture into ice-cream maker; process according to manufacturer instructions. Once ice cream is made, stir in reserved pecans.

The best ice cream makers

SAGE SMART SCOOP Pre-set programmes for sorbet, gelato, frozen yoghurt and ice cream, 12 automatic hardness settings plus manual selection dial, Beep or ice cream van tune when ready, 1 litre ice cream bowl €368 www.lakeland.co.uk

MAGIMIX LE GLACIER This chrome machine makes 1.14 litres (2 pints) of your favourite home made dessert in less than half an hour. Comes with large feed, stainless-steel bowl. €72 www.johnlewis.com

CUISINART DE LUXE Ice Cream De Luxe Makes delicious ice cream, frozen yoghurt or sorbet. Fully automatic for effortless preparation Large freezing bowl makes 2 litres in 20-25 minute. €92 www.lakeland.co.uk

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VERY NICE ONBOARD s avourite eateries in Nice to fit all alates an

oc ets

LA TERRASSE With definitely the best views in Nice, La Terrasse offers haute cuisine 10 floors up in Le Méridien Hotel. You’ll experience a contemporary dining experience with simple yet superbly presented Mediterranean dishes. No real surprises here in a typical hotel restaurant, but during the day the pool deck and cocktail list is a bonus if you don’t want to tackle a full three course meal. Le Méridien Nice, 1 Promenade des Anglais. www.laterrasse-nice.com Tel: +33 (0)4 97 03 44 44 | €€€€

LE SAFARI Located right next to the Opera House, you will be served a wonderful mix of traditional French and Italian cuisine with a strong seafood option. The outdoor terrace lets you blend into the buzz of the old town atmosphere where you can quite easily spend a rather nice afternoon sipping reasonably priced rosé. It is advisable to book in advance for both lunch and evening meals. 1 cours Saleya www.restaurantsafari.fr Tel: +33 (0)4 93 80 18 44 | €€€

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27/06/16 21:29

NEGRESCO HOTEL NICE Chef Jean-Denis Rieubland, Chantecler

CHEZ PALMYRE Tucked away in a narrow street, this small and traditional eatery is a must for any visitor, but do book in advance to avoid disappointment. You will be served a meal built on seasonal local high quality produce and an immense attention to detail in the melange of flavours delivered in every dish. Popular with locals and returning tourist alike the final bill is worth every penny. 5 rue Droite Tel: +33 (0)4 93 85 72 32 | €€

Roast scampi with Espelette pepper, crispy veal head and rocket leaves serves 4



This little eatery offers probably one of the most unique views and positions in Nice. The terrace offers intimate and refined dinning with a hint of yesteryear as you hear the sea crashing against the rocks beneath. The lunch menu is fantastic value and if you’re celebrating an event, you can book a private room so you don’t spoil the other diners experience. 60 boulevard Franck Pilatte www.lareservedenice.fr Tel : +33 (0)4 97 08 14 80 | €€€€

12 Scampi (6/8)

1/2 Bunches of chervil/chives/

750g Veal head

flat-leaf parsley

3 l Stock

2 Eggs

220g Chopped shallots

100 g Fine breadcrumbs

150g Olive oil

250 g Rocket salad

Sherry vinegar, salt, pepper,

1 Head of garlic

flour, olive oil

100 g Cream

60 g Old fashioned mustard

4 g Espelette pepper

100 g Veal stock (demi-glace) PREPARATION

LA PESCHERIA In Nice, at the heart of designer hotel Boscolo Exedra, the restaurant La Pescheria offers modern and chic dining. A great venue for a business lunch or move onto the terrace to soak up a little more local atmosphere. The cuisine has a strong Italian influence and if your wallet can stand the pain, book up for a nice romantic dinner with that someone special. 12 Boulevard Victor Hugo www.nice.boscolohotels.com Tel : + 33 (0)4 97 03 89 72 | €€€€ SOCCA Nice's famous pancake dates back to 1860, made from chickpea flour and olive oil and baked in a wood fired oven

Scampi Shell the scampi and store in a cool place. Crunchy Veal Head Cook the veal head in stock for about 3 hours. Drain, leave it to cool and then cut into small cubes. Gently fry the chopped shallots in olive oil, add the chopped veal, vinegar, mustard and the demi-glace veal stock. Rectify the seasoning, add the finely chopped herbs and put to one side. Mould the veal head in half-spheres of 3 cm in diameter, place in a very cold fridge. Remove from the moulds, place them together two by two and fry “à l’anglaise” (flour, egg, breadcrumbs). Keep to one side in a cool place. When the time comes, fry in oil or clarified butter at 170°C. Use absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Rocket pesto Mix the rocket leaves in a blender, then add the olive oil with the crushed ice (be careful not to heat the mixture in order to preserve its bright green colour). Place in a cone or a pipette. Garlic cream Peel the new season garlic, blanch twice and cook in the cream. Mix until the mixture is like a mousse. COOKING & PRESENTATION Roast the scampi with the olive oil and Espelette pepper. On a plate, make three circles of demi-glace, pour the garlic cream mousse in the middle and then the crispy veal head. Draw 3 lines of rocket pesto and arrange 3 scampi. Decorate with glossy rocket leaves.

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27/06/16 21:31


Chill out Tom Harrow recommends wines from the fridge, light, bright but this time not white


ld orthodoxies are long dead. Can you remember the last time somebody looked at you askance for preferring red wine with your tuna steak? The rise of orange wines (ones that are left on their skins for a long time - macerated, or even partially fermented) throws another colour and style in to the mix for your summer drinking. Meanwhile the backlash against heavily-oaked, over-extracted, high alcohol reds has allowed a number lighter styles to grab the limelight, many of which are even better enjoyed slightly chilled. The reds that work well from the fridge invariably tend to be those with gentle tannins and moderate alcohol. If uncertain, ask yourself “would I drink this with a charry, bloody sirloin straight off the BBQ or a slow braised lamb shank?” If the answer is yes, don’t chill that wine. Some suggestions of those which do work, follow. Beaujolais From the humble Gamay grape, often overlooked but increasingly making some of the most exciting, digestible and best value quality wines. Beaujolais Villages (NOT Nouveau) with its fresh red cherry and redcurrant character is always best from the fridge, but also look out for the better cru wines from the lighter-styled villages of Brouilly, Fleurie and Chiroubles. Valpolicella The signature lunch time red in the Veneto and Italy’s northern lakes. Perfect dangled over the side of the boat, cooling in the water and served with simple charcuterie and salads. Interestingly, even its 15% ABV big brother, Amarone, can enefit from eing served chilled as its huge s eetness and concentration counteracts the tannins which become more pronounced when cool. (Lighter) Pinot Noirs Whether from Colchagua in Chile, or Baden in Germany, Australia or the south Tyrol, try chilling less expensive cuvées of Pinot

Noir, a naturally thin-skinned grape which yields correspondingly low levels of tannin. Pinot, with its dusky berry and forest fruit character is particularly suited to smoked fish or ar ecued shellfish s a rule all inot oir should e served at cellar temperature, or a fraction cooler, but it’s not advisable to start keeping your Chambertin in the fridge. Lambrusco Back to Italy and another often maligned wine whose popularity depends largely on whether a wine writer has recently rediscovered it and touted it’s revival. This is a shame because beyond the bland and saccharine commercial versions there is the delicious, savoury, artisan production Lambrusco which will change your opinion about sparkling reds. Good with a variety of antipasti, this is particularly suited to partnering with fatty, spicy salamis of Emilia Romagna, where it’s produced. Zinfandel A grape (from Italian roots, it’s a close cousin of Puglia’s Primitivo, for which the same rules apply) which can make a variety of styles of wine in its native California. Its tannins are less than Cabernet or Merlot and it tends to produce wines with a sweet maraschino cherry and liquorice character. Chilling Zin has the dual enefits of re structuring its soft tannins hilst masking its naturally high alcohol. It’s worth remembering this for other soft yet alcoholic reds. Bourgueil (and Saint Nicolas de Bourgueil and Chinon for that matter) In other words, Cabernet Franc-based Loire reds. These are some of my favourite wines, made from the leafy, blackberry scented brother of Cabernet Sauvignon, Franc wines in a cool climate are usually fresh, herbal, peppery, lighter in alcohol and tannin and perfect from the fridge. Global warming and a number of new generation growers have increased the fruitiness and energy respectively of the wines, once considered by some a little green and mean, but now making some of France’s most interesting reds.

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Donna counts herself lucky to do what she does, She doesn’t call it a job, to her it’s more a way of life, just a massive challenge that she works on every day. She says it’s her “dream job”. As an “Ex-Yachty” with 10 years at sea, she was grateful to come ashore, and take on such a challenge.

I fell into yachting, I was studying Psychology and Languages at Uni and came to the South of France to practice my French with a girlfriend during my summer holiday. We tried to get a job speaking French but we were a bit late in the season…someone suggested we tried a job on a superyacht. I didn’t know what a superyacht was so took a walk down to the IYCA and thought I would be up for that challenge. That night I met a Captain in a bar and he gave me 2 weeks work. I completed the summer and then ent and finished my degree. At the end of my degree I couldn’t resist another summer and that summer turned into a 10 year career at sea. It was then only natural, when I felt I had achieved all I wanted to at sea, to bring my skills ashore and seek employment in one the busiest yachting hubs of the world.

Start work very day is different and never in the same place, the travel is significant Although, on the whole it is planned so I know what is coming up for the next month and often beyond, the travel is quite routine, I use the same hotels, the same plane routes, the same airlines…I like to make my little homes away from home, makes it easier! In one hotel they give me the same room every time!

A typical morning If I m in the onaco ffice, of C , then my alarm goes off at 5.21am. I have a 9 min snooze and then I stumble out of bed at 5.30…I’m a bit OCD like that, can’t get out of bed on an odd number! It’s either a shower, dress and jump in the car with a hot water and lemon and a vegetable juice breakfast thanks to my fianc ho lovingly gets up ith me every morning and I m at my desk for 7ish. Or it’s straight to the car in gym kit for a workout in Monaco as the sunrises. We have a nice group of us who enjoy an early morning workout as part of our company’s Y.FIT regime.

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During the day If I’m at the shipyard it’s production progress meetings, catching up with the yard team and Owner’s team on site, understanding outstanding issues and milestones, fighting a fe attles and trying to keep the team on track. We have a laugh on the way, it’s important for team morale! I always take a walk onboard the project to see the actual happening and then normally a frantic dash for the airport, I’m a pro at being the last on the plane! If I m in the office, the phone rings aplenty and I’m trying to bring together everything learnt on site… whether it’s compiling budgets, updating the client, negotiating costs, submitting requests, team conference calls, it’s normally pretty busy. It’s nice though to be back with the team and get out for a lunch and catch up with colleagues and friends. We have the most stunning view from our office over the port of onaco and out to sea and I feel grateful every morning when I arrive.

End of the working day I try to leave by 6pm, before the day gets too long, and I tend to make calls all the way home so that the congestion on the roads doesn’t get to me! It’s about an hour back to Valbonne where I live ith my fianc

Drinks & dinner When I get home I’m normally greeted by dinner on the go, something healthy mid week, perhaps a glass of wine, depends what regime we are on that week! Friday nights though are commonly spent out, whether with friends, or just the two of us, it’s a nice way to get started for the perfect weekend!

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27/06/16 17:25


Talking Digital Adrian Hicks discusses the considerations for crew who want to upgrade their onboard communications


MR digital radio was introduced to the yachting market in 2012, offering a cost effective and scalable digital alternative to TETRA systems. Channel 28’s solution, the C Comm system integrated the market-leading Hytera hardware with a yacht’s systems allowing alarms, steward calls and other essential information to be delivered to individual handsets. Recent issues such as the interference at Barcelona station from a yacht in Port Vell show that some suppliers are putting the boat captains in danger of prosecution, through ignorance of good radio practice. WHY MOVE TO DIGITAL? Many crews function perfectly well with a single analogue channel, so why would a yacht consider the move to digital? The most significant is security simply sitting in onaco ith a scanner allows any user to monitor the schedule of the owner and crew in detail on most analogue systems. Going digital offers high levels of encryption as standard keeping your broadcast comms secure. Digitial provides a more effective use of the radio frequency spectrum. A typical analogue call would use one 25 kHz channel. Digital technology allows a single 12.5 kHz channel to carry two calls and further expansion allows a yacht to have four or six possible call slots. Selective calling allows decks, engineers and interiors to talk independently, but with the ability to easily listen and call across disciplines. And the captain can easily interrupt calls to make a priority announcement. Furthermore, the digital infrastructure offers impressive additional functionality. The handsets and the C-State interface are programmable tools, not just communication devices. Channel 28 works with yards and crews to interface with different on board systems, for instance alarms, steward call and task management nd it is simple to engineer yacht specific solutions such as bespoke interfaces to security systems, door / passerelle intercoms and GPS location of guests. The radio can recall lighting states and disable alarms allowing safe crew access to the yacht, turning the simple walkie-talkie into a toolkit for the busy crew member.

CONSIDERATIONS FOR INSTALLATION As a rule of thumb, any yacht over 30m should consider a repeater which is connected to a mast antenna and internal antennas. The local handsets transmit to the repeater which retransmits the signal through installed antennas, giving coverage both within all parts of the yacht and out to the tenders at a distance. The crew should understand the implications of a badly installed or configured system There are a limited num er of fre uencies recommended by the ITU for marine use. It is important that these are chosen correctly, especially when selecting the transmit and receive pairs for a repeater system. Knowingly choosing frequencies outside these bands or using the wrong frequency to transmit to the repeater can have dramatic effects. In a recent incident in Port Vell Barcelona the port police were called in to investigate a digital signal on the carrier frequency of the station communication causing a ‘failure of communications’. This was isolated to a number of yachts in the marina and was caused by an incorrectly selected transmitting frequency. The captain and crew have a responsibility for radio comms, and should be aware of the frequencies in use by the yacht, and the power of transmission.

Channel 28 provides the advice, support and backup with the experience of integration with a range of onboard systems. For more details Tel or visit www.channel28.co.uk

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28/06/16 09:36

AIR APPARENT Frances and Michael Howorth set out to explain in ‘simple sailor terminology’ HVAC on board superyachts and why its smooth operation requires cooperation from the entire crew

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irst things first, hat does C mean ike many things to do ith superyachting, the letters C sit among a string of sometimes incomprehensi le acronyms that include C IS, IS and STCW The term C is andied a out y those ho kno , ith an air of superiority that often leaves unior cre or those in other departments some hat in the dark So hat does C mean and hat is its relevance to those ho serve in superyachts

While the air conditioner or heat pump cools the air, it also dehumidifies it That is ecause arm air passing over the evaporator coil cannot hold as much moisture as it carried at a higher temperature, efore it as cooled tra moisture condenses on the outside of the coils and is carried a ay through drains The process is similar to hat happens on a hot, humid day, hen condensed moisture eads up on the outside of a cold glass of drink

C is a term in common use in the heating and cooling industry ashore and has een imported to superyachting from there It stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, three functions often com ined into one system on oard a superyacht

n going innovation alongside research and development at the likes of C specialists einen and opman in olland are creating yacht C systems that meet the highest possi le comfort re uirements for superyachts Cooling, air uality and lo operating sound levels all contri ute significantly to on oard am ience sing insulation, a sorption, special custom made air conditioning casings, mufflers and lo air speeds, specialist companies have developed super silent C systems especially for yachts to perfect the on oard indoor climate

Warmed or cooled or dehumidified air flo s through a series of tu es, called ducts, to e distri uted to all areas on oard ven though air conditioners and ventilation systems re uire the use of some different components, they oth operate on the same asic principles Their o is to transport heated or cooled air around an area Where air is to e cooled, a gaseous su stance called a refrigerant is pushed through coils, it loses heat condensing into a high temperature, high pressure li uid that flo s through copper tu ing into an evaporator coil t that point, the li uid refrigerant is allo ed to e pand, turning the li uid refrigerant into a lo temperature, lo pressure gas The gas then a sor s heat from the air circulating in on oard duct ork, leaving it full of cooler air to e distri uted throughout the yacht ean hile, the lo temperature, lo pressure refrigerant gas returns to the compressor to egin the cycle all over again

Special multi stage air filters ith the filter ualities to the same standard of an operating theatre in a hospital and the option to easily clean parts of the air conditioning system are standard re uirements on oard yachts and these on oard systems fre uently surpass the standards set in lu ury hotels ashore ne of the latest developments in this field is the integration of active acteria and virus removal filter systems In the galley, e tractor systems ensure that the same amount of air that is removed via the e tractors is lo n ack in as fresh outside air t the same time, a vacuum setting should keep food odours from spreading through the yacht n oard e ploration vessels, heating systems are very important for the more adventurous yacht o ners, ho like

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28/06/16 13:47

Pipe De-scaling - Waste Water Management - Air Purification Black water pipe de-scaling

Waste water Management

Completely sterilises walls floors & surface areas Leaves no visible residue on surface materials, glass or mirrors

Grey water sink & drain service

Cleanses your environment of 99.9% of viruses, health & performance affecting bacteria toxic moulds & mildew reducing illness on board

Tank emptying & cleaning service - Marine equipment & spare parts

info@marinevac.com +34 687 655 322 www.marinevac.com 102 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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to explore remoter and colder areas. No matter what the outside temperature, the yacht heating system must be able to maintain temperatures and humidity at a pleasant level and ensure that dust and soot are filtered out of the air. High-quality yacht heating systems are also important to keep valua le interiors, artefacts art ork and soft furnishings in good repair.

The right temperature and humidity level assure a feeling of luxury and contribute to the yachting experience Heinen & Hopman proper marine ventilation system is essential for yachting safety acht ventilation systems enefit the air uality on oard yacht and help optimi e the performance of engines and other equipment. A good ventilation system is not only needed to provide fresh air and keep odours from spreading though the yacht, it is also crucial to prevent health issues or pro lems caused y humidity, such as fumes and mould, hich often cause damage to e uipment and d cor or cause unpleasant smells This means that different parts of the yacht need different solutions to ventilation and often ducting must be completely separate. This is especially important when considering the ventilation of spaces as diverse as sanitary spaces, galleys, deck lockers, gar age rooms, fridge spaces, engine rooms and bilges.

Whether you are having difficulties with your air conditioning, ventilation or provision cooling system, or you simply have a question about some aspect of your system, Heinen & Hopman has the answer. With subsidiaries in La Ciotat, Antibes, Barcelona and La Spezia, Heinen & Hopman can be at your disposal anywhere on the Mediterranean coastline. Part of MY TECH TEAM Antibes, a co-operation between Heinen & Hopman, De Keizer Marine Engineering and Zenoro, they can offer you a complete package to refit your yacht. Specialising in HVAC Service & Sales, Electrical Support & Sales and Generator Set Service & Sales. For more details Tel: +33(0)4 42 04 86 85 or visit heinenhopmanfrance.com.

The correct deployment of C systems strongly influences the comfort on oard ners and charter guests e pect to rela hen stepping indoors, en oying a perfectly comforta le on board climate. The right temperature and humidity level assure a feeling of lu ury and contri ute to the yachting e perience Systems need to e silent, draught free and basically unnoticeable. lthough technically not part of C, yacht refrigeration is vital for a great yachting e perience and ecause the movement of air is involved it is often lumped under the same um rella While sailing through eautiful and arm surroundings, food and drinks on board need to be kept in optimal conditions. igh uality yacht refrigeration systems ecome y necessity a primary re uirement for keeping foods safe from decay and bacteria, and keeping rooms such as the wine cellar or trash storage at a specific temperature ormer merchant navy Captain, hil ooper formed C specialists enguin arine efrigeration in nti es during 1991, and has done much since to establish a high reputation for servicing almost everything to do ith C ssisted y a small nglish, rench and Italian speaking team, his firm supply, install and service all makes of marine air conditioning and refrigeration systems Specialising in refits, they are official dealers and agents for many of the main manufacturers including Condaria, arinair, Cruisair, Climma and have a close relationship with Heinen and Hopman. They can also help ith any re uirements for custom fa rication of ine lockers, refrigerators and free ers Working ith many



Captain, Phil Hooper formed Penguin Marine Refrigeration Sarl in Antibes in 1991, establishing a very high reputation over the following years. Assisted by a small English, French and Italian speaking team, they supply, install and service all makes of marine air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Specialising in refits, they are official dealers and agents for most of the main manufacturers. Including Condaria, Marinair, Cruisair, Climma and have a close relationship with Heinen and Hopman. They can also help with any requirements for custom fabrication of wine lockers, refrigerators and freezers. For more details Tel: + +33 (0)4 93 95 06 96 www.penguinmarine.com

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SUPERYACHT MARINA - Port de Sète, France YOUR NEW YACHT MARINA 50 moorings Yachts up to 70m Full service marina Situated in the heart of town Shopping services 30km from Montpellier International Airport

VHF channel 9 or 12


T +33 (0)6 10 92 77 81 www.sete.port.fr

Control your comfort






As a key supplier to many leading yachtbuilders, Heinen & Hopman ensures that onboard Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration systems meet the highest possible specifications. The result is a superior interior environment, providing owners with the absolute comfort they expect from the finest superyachts.

Meet us at the Monaco Yacht Show www.heinenhopmanfrance.com Follow us on:

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major brokerage, management companies and European shipyards, the firm also has good follo up and after sales service worldwide. The most significant changes for C over the last decade says Captain ooper, Is the si e of ne vessels and the huge capacities no needed to efficiently cool these vessels. He adds, “Focus is now more and more towards energy efficient products ith inverter drives for etter climate control, energy saving and reliability. He continues, “Additionally, control systems have now become much more complex with electronics and network connections. Changes in legislation regarding refrigerant gases have also made a significant difference, especially ith the demise of R22 refrigerant.”

Cooling, air quality and low operating sound levels all contri ute significantly to onboard ambience

Over the past 10 years Eric van Dijk of Heinen and Hopman has seen many changes and elieves the most significant to be the central monitoring and integration with other control systems on board. He says, “Yacht owners would like to see all systems regulated through one controller.” He adds, “Heat recovery from motor waste heat occurs more often these days and e have had to find ays to accommodate that rising requirement.” In the future, van Dijk believes, “The demand is more energyefficient and greener systems Communication system to system will get more important, everything will get smarter, making it easier for the on board engineers. In turn this will lower the chance of system downtime so the owner can sail his yacht problem free. Data is logged remotely, meaning we can check the history and look for possible causes to a problem. Here at Heinen & Hopman it means we get to solve most problems from a distance, but for more complex issues, we still maintain our 24/7 service team available. Keeping pace with rapidly emerging technology and legislation to ensure that yachts receive the best options with the best service and after sales support is the goal of Penguin arine The future of C says hil ooper ill focus on improving on board climate conditions and comfort. Water cooled inverters with brushless DC technology is an important advance in the reduction of on board power consumption. Further changes in legislation regarding refrigerant gases will impact existing refrigeration and chiller systems.” Whatever happens to the future of C systems yacht owners will as they have in all other areas of yacht operation become more and more demanding and the savvy crew member stays abreast of these requirements adapting their skill sets to keep themselves indispensable members of the on board team.


David Ballyn looks at environmentally sound, dry sterilisation and decontimination The truth is, most of the indoor surfaces you come into contact with have never been thoroughly decontaminated. No matter how many hours your crew or cleaners spend cleaning, there are some bacteria which simply cannot be removed with standard methods and products. MIST (Marinevac Interior Sterilisation Treatment) provides the ultimate purification system ith the proven capability to rid your environment of 99.9% of all health and performance affecting bacteria and viruses These include Influen a, S , Norovirus, Rotavirus, E-Coli, Salmonella and Legionella to name just a few. Constant exposure to the marine environment with high residual moisture content can encourage microbial growth of mould in duct work and air handling units. As these moulds, mildew and fungi develop in the dark recesses of the duct work, they multiply and spread like ildfire developing spores that carry mycoto ins into the air. Some mycotoxins have been associated ith allergies, respiratory inflammation and other complaints and health problems. IST completely sterilises alls, floors and surfaces to remove this hidden threat, leaving no visible trace or residue on surface materials, windows, glass or mirrors. The MIST system can also be used to sterilise air conditioning ducting directly through the air handlers, hich in turn filter through into the accommodation areas. Whether you are a private yacht or charter vessel, this service gives peace of mind that owners, clients and crew are living or working within a healthier, cleaner environment. The service can be carried out quickly and with minimal disruption to crew on board. Even the largest of super yachts could be treated within 1 day; the majority of jobs can be completed within 6-8 hours. Marinevac are able to provide before and after independent laboratory reports to fully illustrate the effectiveness of the treatment. Our MIST treatment is not only suitable for the marine industry but can be applied to private residencies, clinics, schools, care homes, nurseries etc. Our formula has been fully tested and carries no risk of toxicity usually associated with other products which rely on chemical action alone.

For more details contact Marinevac Tel: +34 687 655 322 or visit www;marinevac.com

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Best buddies Free yourself from the cords that tether you to your music with the latest wireless Bluetooth earbuds

JLAB AUDIO EPIC BT With best in class 12 hour battery time, splash proof and a 10 metre range these guys are a good investment. You’ll get the titanium over ear hook and eight gel-tips for complete comfort at a reasonable price for the technology. www.jlabaudio.com €90

BLUEANT PUMP MINI Mid range battery power at 6 hours fits well with the overall price and comfort of these buds aimed at fitness dudes. The mini is tuned to work with your Apple watch. The sound is solid, price is good and yes, sweat proof. www.myblueant.com €88

AYL QY8 BLUETOOTH Maybe you’ve never heard of AYL, but if you’ve done your homework you’ll know that they have an impressive sound quality and are excellent value for money. Wireless connection reaches up to 10 metres, The buds come with six earbuds and three pairs of ear hooks to you’ll definitely get a fit that feels good. www.pebble.com €52

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These breakthrough headphones deliver a superb 8 hour battery life, give comfortable fitting with a choice of three sizes of ear pieces. Jaybird offer eight vibrant colours to match your workout kit however they’re not cheap.

The light body design, low profile cabling is a nice touch meaning complete comfort if you’re using these whilst running and exercising. A four hour battery life and 100 hours on standby, mean they are perfect for a decent trip. The 10 metre range is good and the buds come with three sets of ear tips for comfort fitting.

www.jaybirdsport.com €130

www.brainwavzaudio.com €45

JABRA SPORT WIRELESS+ For all you jug-heads out there, apparently these buds are made to US Military standards for rain, shock, sand and dust. Do the US Army have really heavy rain?…. You’ll receive a set of seven different ear gels for complete comfort. Low battery life, with a 10 metre range. www.jabra.com €88

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BRINGING YACHT FURNISHING IDE AS TO LIFE The Finkeldei Manufactory is the ideal partner for furnishing a yacht whenever top quality and individuality are paramount. That is why you will find our upholstered furniture on six of the ten largest yachts in the world.

For almost 60 years, we have been creating custom-made furniture of the highest standards, hand-made in Germany. With our skilled specialists, even the most challenging furnishing projects are in the best of hands with us.

FINKELDEI Polstermöbelmanufaktur

Finkeldei Interiors GmbH & Co. KG . Alersfelde 41 . 33039 Nieheim . Germany . Tel. +49 5274 / 980 113 . info@finkeldei.com . www.finkeldei.com








Jardines de San Telmo, 5 Real Club Náutico 07012 Palma






Recinto Club de Mar local nº4 07015 Palma





Islas Baleares, nº49 Pol. Son Bugadelles 07180 Santa Ponça


Puerto Deportivo Alcudiamar, Local 16 07410 Puerto de Alcudia

Follow us for daily information /YachtCenterPalma

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Smooth Applicator George Balmforth looks at the build up steps, quality control and the standards of acce tance necessary or the er ect finish


hen facing the task of carrying out a ne uild pro ect or e tensive repairs to a filler system during a refit, there are a num er of issues to consider as an applicator and no matter ho is carrying out the ork, the thought process ehind the approach ill e of similar intent o ever, the reason the applicator is there is in essence to transform the steel or aluminium shell of a vessel into the idealism of perfection the o ner and cre imagine and demand fter the lasting, priming and steel preparation, the first fills ill e applied, hich is the first step in achieving said re uirements When approaching this task General Coating methodically carry out measurements of the steel s high and lo points to assess the surface and egin assem ling the step for step schedule of the filling process ore often than not, the average amount of filler applied to a hull or superstructure, ill e dependant on the technical specifications set out y the yard and the paint manufacturer o ever this may change should the applicator have assessed the situation differently n average the applicator ill agree on mm filler thickness and in most cases this ill suffice to fair the metal to the smooth surface finish e need for acceptance This ho ever may differ should there e irregularities in the manufactured metal su strate, eing flagged efore filling commences nce the initial filler has een applied, this ill then e follo ed y hat is kno n as a fine filler, applied in to a much thinner e tent The fine fillers o is to close small pores or air pockets that may e present and to give a completely closed film hich in turn also protects the under layers from aggressive solvents in the primer t this stage General Coating ill have inspected all surfaces along ith the client and o ners representation and have all aspects accepted efore proceeding Internal C is a vital aspect to have during to process to keep all pro lems to an a solute minimum, something hich General Coating pride themselves on

The primers which are applied once the fine filler is sanded ill al ays e epo y ased, and are kno n as finishing rimers, these ill al ays e applied according to the T S ut more often than not a minimum of t o finishing primers are re uired to give the ase needed for the sho coats and topcoats What is meant y this, is that the re uired film thickness has een achieved to the IS or industry standards of acceptance and the ne t step in the process can commence The final stages of the finishing process is hat is kno n as the all important sho coat and topcoats, hich essentially is hat the client along ith everyone else ill e looking at The sho coat is self e planatory to an e tent It is a polyurethane ased gloss coat applied and inspected to sho any defects such as deflections or dimples in the filer or primer allo ing corrections to e made here necessary This also gives a much smoother ase for the application of the topcoat General Coating al ays suggests a sho coat even if the paint manufacture has suggested it s not necessary, as e feel it gives the est finish possi le nce sanded and cleaned, the areas ould finally e ready for a Topcoat The topcoats vary according to specification and customer ishes, ut are almost al ays an acrylic or polyurethane ased product This can e almost any colour imagina le, ranging from etallic, pearlescent or standard colours and clear coats This is hat the client ill see hen he first steps on the oat and hat ill e the pride and oy of any o ner and cre o ever, the uild up to the topcoats are hat ill really give the desired finish, and if this is not done properly then it ill e seen and the paint o may most pro a ly e re ected General Coating pride themselves on our finishing a ilities and each of the necessary uild up steps, and ill al ays strive for the perfect finish or more details Tel or visit general coating com

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YACHT ESSENTIALS hris li or recommen s his essential ro ucts an services or the coming season

SYTT Superyacht Tenders and Toys provides the best value and supported tender and toy packages in the industry offering a one stop-shop for all tender and toy needs. Superyacht Tenders and Toys provides all of the popular yacht toy brands as well as fenders, ropes, gym equipment and submersibles. The team provides invaluable advice and assistance regarding the choice, specification, options,

build and integration of all items. All products are supported at no charge for the lifetime of the goods. Superyacht Tenders and Toys has outfitted the orlds finest yachts and offers industry leading knowledge, training advice and support which is second to none. For more detailsTel: +44 (0)2380 016363 or visit www.superyachttendersandtoys.com


Ocean Village and Marina Bay Ocean Village and Marina Bay offer tax-free marine fuel and berthing and no VAT on new boat purchases. The vibrant marina has a great selection of International restaurants, the luxury yacht hotel: Sunborn Gibraltar, friendly bars and shops, beauty salons, two casinos and even a medical centre. With a draft of 4.5m and over 200 berths accommodating everything from sailing boats to 80m+ superyachts, Ocean Village and Marina Bay provide a perfect base for exploring the coastlines of Morocco, Spain and Portugal, or even sailing across the Atlantic. Discover what Gibraltar’s premier marina has to offer. For more details Tel:+350 200 73300 or visit www.oceanvillage.gi

Gurit has a track record of more than 30 years of innovation in the composites industry ngineering the first advanced composite sailing boat, the company today supports the marine industry with a comprehensive offering from structural engineering to supply of composite materials across classes and from superyachts to production vessels. Supplying to numerous Americas Cup Teams as well as The Volvo Ocean Race, Gurit`s established and trusted materials range has proven its sound quality and reliability. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 1983 828 000 or visit www.gurit.com

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Greycoat Lumleys Greycoat Lumleys specialises in the recruitment of Interior Crew for Yachts worldwide and work hard to deliver an unrivalled service to their clients and candidates all over the world. Chefs, Stewards and Stewardesses at all levels are a speciality and they also cover all other on-board catering, hospitality and housekeeping roles, as well as childcare positions. Greycoat

Lumleys knowledgeable consultants have worked in similar professional capacities, either on yachts, in ski resorts, or in households, so they understand the demands of high level private recruitment. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 20 7233 9950 or visit www.greycoatlumleys.co.uk

Suitform Suitform is a Greek based company that designs and manufactures uniforms for a global clientele. Tradition, innovation and style are the foundations of this yacht wear company. The collection is conceived, designed and developed in Milan, combining everlasting elegance with a modern touch. The selection of materials used is based on quality, comfort and natural feel so as to give a high-end design. Working on an ad hoc basis, Suitform are capable of ans ering to every specific demand Their utmost aim is to enhance the uniform concept. Suitform is available directly from the ead ffice in Greece or from stockists in Dubai and The French Riviera. For more details Tel: +30 210 4113671 or visit www.suitform.com

Point of Sports Aquaglide launches the sportier Supersport 270 a totally ne concept in fast indsurfing and sailing The clue is that the unique hull is manufactured by using Hardbottom or “HB” material technology creates an inflata le cham er that is both incredibly rugged and amazingly stiff thanks to its ability to hold extremely high pressure. Aquaglide Supersport combines the thrill and e citement of sailing and indsurfing into a versatile, compact package that can go with you anywhere. Supersport also converts easily from a sailboat to a windsurfer. erfect for first timers or even for e perienced sailors in a breeze. The wide stable hull and ultra-light rig require very little wind, yet the design and durability of the hull and rig can handle winds up to 25 mph (BF5). For more details Tel: +49 8035/ 963929 or visit www.pod.international ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 111

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BWA Yachting BWA Yachting exists to help owners with the increasing demands of managing a modern superyacht. The broad range of marine agency services the company provides to captains, crews and managers includes fully integrated global packages, through to handling single port calls and last-minute specialist VIP concierge requests. BWA Yachting also provides its clients with advance itinerary planning and implementation of every aspect of a yacht s trip With glo al offices throughout the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and the Americas, BWA Yachting provides a seamless experience for clients, wherever in the world they are cruising. For more details Tel: +41 (0) 91 913 3240 or visit: www.bwayachting.com

Channel 28 Channel 28 have developed iPad and iPhone apps extending the CState integration service for digital radios and simplifying the management of handsets. The CState system integrates with Hytera digital Crew handsets to provide Alarm and Monitoring, Stewardess call, work tracking and GPS location for crew radios. The CState App extends this to deliver alarms to selected Crew mo iles, and simply configure the alarm routing to individual radios. Channel 28 supply and integrate complete bespoke and secure crew radio solutions for yachts from 20m, 120m and upwards. For more details Tel: +44 1306 257250 or visit www.channel28.co.uk

Port de Sète First and foremost a port and full service marina for yachts up to 70m, Sète is situated 30 mins from Montpellier airport between the Mediterranean and the “Etang de Thau” and links up both seas by a network of canals and bridges that make it reminiscent of Venice. Sète offers many attractions, mostly within a few minutes walk from the Marina, including art galleries, museums, ater ousting, ars and an indoor market, reno ned for fish and seafood. Quality restaurants serving local or international cuisine are in a undance near y ou ill definitely en oy S te and its theme ars, casino and festivals. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 10 92 77 or visit www.sete.port.fr 112 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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Prodive rodive provide a team of highly ualified and regulated (Lloyds Registered) professionals. Specialising in superyachts or assistance in mooring and anchorage, maintenance, mounting and dismantling of propellers lus, all under ater certified inspections for navigation and protection. Laurent Boulmier acquired Prodive in 2006 from a family run business started in 1965, and to this day Laurent runs a tight team of professionals who will assist in all technical areas and necessary maintenance for superyachts along the Mediterranean coast. For more details Tel: +377(0)9350 6100 or visit prodive monaco com

Pinmar Supply Based in Palma and Barcelona, Pinmar Supply provides a complete selection of marine supplies to both the trade and to yacht owners and their crew direct. Between them, the staff at Pinmar Supply have over 350 years of professional e perience from hich their customers can enefit It has a database of over 4,000 suppliers and 2 personal shoppers that know the local landscape and where items can be located quickly. With superior buying power and knowledge, they have distribution agreements with many of the major marine brands, enabling them to offer the best deals available. Buy from any of their retail shops and their worldwide team will ship to you any time, anywhere. For more details Tel +34 971 711 728 or visit www.pinmarsupply.com

Sevenstar Yacht Transport Sevenstar Yacht Transport is the world’s leading provider of yacht shipping services offering frequent sailings to an array of worldwide destinations and managing a fleet of over independent carriers The company is headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and runs a glo al net ork ith offices in the nited States, the UK, Australia and Turkey, with agents in Monaco, Germany, Russia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong,

Thailand, alaysia, Indonesia, e ico, Gi raltar and I Sevenstar’s dedicated partner DYT Yacht Transport speciali es in float on, float off yacht transport method utili ing t o semi su mersi les Sevenstar s goal is to make yacht transport as smooth and simple as possible for captains and crew. For more details Tel: +31 20 448 8590 or visit sevenstar yacht transport com

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Akka Limousine Captains’ testimonies again prove that Akka Limousine comes highly recommend as the most exclusive and professional car hire chauffeur driven service on the French Riviera, offering friendly assistance even at very short notice. Equipped with a rand ne fleet of lu ury vehicles such as ercedes S Class, luxury mini-vans and more upon request they have a fantastic knowledge regarding theexpectations for charters companies

and Captains for a ground transportation service. All the drivers are carefully selected and trained to offer an exclusive service with an excellent knowledge of the area, all of them English speakers and some with extra languages as Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and more. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 18 18 50 or visit www.akkalimousine.com



MiniCat is a small high performance catamaran that stows aboard taking minimum space and can be assembled in just 30 mins . What’s more remove the mast, bolt on a small outboard and this versatile boat doubles up as a useful crew tender when at anchor. Now celebrating 10 successful years, MiniCat comes in 3 sizes, and a choice of models/colours and can be spotted in marinas around the world. MiniCat is designed and manufactured solely in Europe from premium-grade materials and is a high quality and well-proven addition to the lockers of any discerning private or charter yacht. Years of extensive testing in all climates and conditions has ensured that MiniCat is ready to perform and entertain wherever you are. MiniCat comes with a comprehensive 2 year international warranty and fast delivery of orders is offered to all ports worldwide. For more details Tel: +420 776 749 175 or visit www.minicatamaran.eu

Flare consults on the design and installation of electronic and AV systems whether on board a superyacht or on terra firma They also provide ongoing technical support to existing vessels, with a gold standard service that their customers expect and understand that no two situations are ever the same. Convenient locations around the Mediterranean help Flare to provide a uniquely fast, efficient and friendly round the clock service that never sleeps. Whether you require seasonal support or help ith a refit in a editerranean shipyard, Flare and their team of expert engineers offer a responsive and premium service. For more details Tel: +34 672 32 75 18 or visit flare tech com

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YachtChefs.com YachtChefs.com is the Antibes based Chef Recruitment Specialist and your professional, but personal yacht chef agency to use when you next need to recruit a chef or ďŹ nd your ne t chef role rom ead Chefs to Cre Chefs, Chef Couples to Sole Chefs, YachtChefs.com are the go to company. As a captain, YachtChefs.com offers you access

to a global database of experienced superyacht chefs of all levels through a crew placement service which is available days a year, achtChefs com are registered in rance and operate in accordance ith C or more details Tel or visit www.yachtchefs.com

Yacht Center Palma

Gel Coat Doctors Gel Coat octors is a company speciali ed in yacht coating solutions The company repair, restore and maintain gel coat from oats They use original gel-coat avoiding painting solutions which do not offer the same quality as the original coating. Quite often boat owners chose a painting solution to repair damaged hulls or decks such as umps, cracks or scratches , or even to repair sun-bleached or worn out areas because most of the companies do not offer a gelcoat solution, on the grounds that it is not possibly to keep the colorimetry, brightness or durability of that brightness. or more details Tel or visit www.coatdoctors.com

Yacht Center Palma has 4 stores in Mallorca, two of which recently opened in Clu de ar alma and lcudiamar uerto de lcudia Their services include the sale of nautical accessories for yachts, care and maintenance service, charter and sport boutique. It has also launched a convenient delivery service to yachts through a practical and original tuk tuk for RCNP and the Club de Mar. Customers can place orders by phone or mail and recieve at different points of delivery. or more details Tel or visit www.ycp.com.es

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Luviair Luviair, based on the Isle of Man, is the market leader in global heli yacht operations ith a fleet of privately o ned helicopters onboard some of the largest yachts in the world. By choosing Luviair to operate your aircraft you can be assured of quality, dedication and experience. Safety will never be compromised

and the importance of being on time and within budget is ever present. Their mission is to exceed your expectations every day, every flight For more details Tel: +44 1624 811 365 or visit www.luviair.com

Easy-Tek Easy-Tek specializes in synthetic decking for Superyachts. Their kno ledge centre is an authority on certification and education for synthetic decking. As beautiful as the traditional teak deck, but also available in many alternative colors, Easy-Tek synthetic decking is half the price and double the lifespan. There is no maintenance for the crew and no colour changes or water stains so it saves a lot of time and money. Through the world wide installation service for superyachts, more and more yacht owners save money and labour. For more details Tel +31 (0) 294 237 975 or visit www.easy-tek.com

Pacojet Pacojet is now well-established as an indispensable gourmet device in the kitchens of the best restaurants and superyacht galleys around the World. Pacotizing intensifies the flavours of foods, natural colours are preserved and the resulting te ture is ultra fine These resulting creamy products ith the finest consistency serve as a base for exquisite savoury and sweet creations. The enefits of time saving, effective orkflo organisation and optimal use of foods make Pacojet an economically attractive investment. For more details contact info@pacojet.com or visit www.pacojet.com

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Antigua and Barbuda Flag Administration The Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping is the Maritime Administration of Antigua and Barbuda. In November 2011 the Mega Yacht Registry was launched to complement the internationally recognized commercial ship registry with over 1,000 vessels. Currently there are approximately 240 yachts of varying sizes on the register. The Antigua and Barbuda

Warsash Superyacht

flagged vessels are elcome in ports all over the orld and the Administration is listed on the ’white’ list for the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control with respect to its commercial ship registry, a testimony to its recognition as a uality flag For more details Tel: +1 268 462 1273 or visit www.abregistry.ag


Warsash Superyacht cademy is part of Southampton Solent University and home to the orld reno ned Warsash aritime cademy Their reputation for delivering high-quality superyacht training for cre , officers, captains and shore-side staff is second to none in the industry Warsash run over accredited, managerial and advanced maritime courses. Based near Southampton, there are over 120 highly experienced maritime lecturers and technicians, providing outstanding, hands-on professional development. Visit them at the onaco acht Sho and in the C W lounge at La Rascasse from 28 Sept to 1 Oct 2016 or more details Tel or visit www.warsashsuperyachtacademy.com

Hobie Kayak Kayaking has never been so easy and effective as with the Hobie Mirage Kayaks. By using the largest human muscle group, your legs, to drive the unique and patented Hobie Mirage Drive, you glide effortlessly through the ater The irage rive is a system ased on enguin s fins and is operated by leg power allowing “Hands free” operation. You only need one hand to steer the kayak. The Hobie Kayak uses the drop stitch method of construction that allo s for much higher inflation pressures This allo s for remarka le structural rigidity ithout sacrificing porta ility With the new Vantage Seating, it feels like you’re sitting on a luxury sofa, and you never ant to get out of your o ie ayak o ie inflata les easily fold up into their rolling travel bags making the Hobie Kayak the perfect choice when you are looking for an additional toy but are short on space. For more details Tel: +31(0)187 499 440 or visit www.hobie-kayak.com ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 117

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Finkeldei Interiors Finkeldei Interiors is the ideal partner for when you are looking to furnish a yacht with custom made upholstered furniture. That is hy you ill find their premium class products including armchairs, sofas, beds, ottomans, loungers, dining chairs, exterior cushions and tables on six of the ten largest yachts in the world. The company offer comprehensive services for

demanding furnishing projects including; consulting, production, delivery and assembly, sales service and refurbishment and maintenance. Finkeldei Interiors makes even the most challenging furnishing concepts possible. For more details Tel: +49 5274 / 980 113 or visit finkeldei com

General Coating General Coating is an innovative yacht finishing company based in Northern Germany. They offer a complete coatings packages, including, filling and fairing, finishing, antifouling as ell as all interior and tank coatings. They have painted some of the worlds most prestigious yachts and operate throughout urope in corporation ith ma or refit and ne uild shipyards. General Coating constantly strive to provide an on schedule on budget project, training their applicators and project managers in all the newest market and industry developments. Pushing forward with with a young and motivated team, they are quickly making themselves a name in the market. For more details Tel: +49 431 28933127 or visit www.general-coating.com

Concept Hand Tufting Concept Hand Tufting are specialists in the design and supply of bespoke, hand crafted carpets and rugs. Combining a wealth of e perience, the finest natural materials and a team of skilled carpet makers. Highly experienced in turning vision into a reality, considering the best manufacturing techniques, colour palette, bespoke dyes, and even the ideal yarn combination to fulfil your rief and udget Concept T have designed and installed bespoke carpets and rugs for yachts and superyachts globally. All rugs and carpets are handcrafted to meet IMO standards and can be specially treated to limit the effects of water damage. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1937 845080 or visit www.concepthandtufting.co.uk

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Buzz Marine Buzz Marine has been leading the charge to drive down onboard broadband costs by offering coastal solutions using 3G/4G net orks rom only , the ne range of Hubba X4 router/modems come with a hi-gain mini antenna domes to maximise effective range offshore and can connect up to devices via i fi or thernet u has recently launched a Global Roaming Data SIM with bundles available up to 1000GB per month to allow seamless connectivity across borders at a fraction of VSAT costs. For those wanting to save even more, the Duo version has the ability to enhance shore ased i fi net orks and repeat the connection onboard. or more details Tel or visit www.buzzmarine.co.uk

Mias Consultants Mias Consultants conduct security searches for clients throughout the UK and Europe. They use the same principles in security searches as they do with countermeasure sweeps. At MIAS headquarters they have an electrical engineer, a telephone engineer and network engineer as part of the sweep team. If MIAS conduct a sweep on a motor vehicle at least one technician ill e a ualified auto electrical engineer, on planes the team leader is a fully ualified aero engineer with British Airways, and the same applies for yachts. MIAS will not conduct a s eep ithout the fully ualified marine engineer They offer clients a whole range of security products to protect their privacy from encrypted communications to the new anti drone equipment protecting their privacy from paparazzi and other voyeurs. For more details Tel: +44(0)207 781 9247 or visit www.miasconsultants.com

Vandecasteele Houtimport Vandecasteele Houtimport provides a dedicated service to the marine and superyacht industry Stocking over , m of high quality and quarter cut Burmese Teak stored at their modern distribution facilities in Belgium. Orders can be processed and delivered worldwide within 2-3 days. The wide selection of Teak decking strips, margin boards, caprails and grade is one of the finest stockholdings in urope

Excellent choice combined with value, availability and service in an ecologically responsible manner provide the perfect trading partner. Dedicated to trading in harmony with both business and the environment are just some of the strengths of this family owned company, since 1883. or more details Tel or visit www.vandecasteele.be

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Pure pleasure cruising throughout Greece and Turkey

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Modesty Interiors Modesty was formed in 1999 by Phil Spear and Jon Winstanley and, due to a dedication to quality and customer service, quickly grew into one of the largest and most well respected carpentry companies in Mallorca. There are two sides to the usiness, one specialising in teak deck orks and the other in interior refits, e terior furniture, capping rails, gratings. They have protected a revolutionary system for producing prefabricated decks. Using non-invasive laser measuring equipment and CNC machinery, Modesty is able to measure, design and fabricate a new deck accurate to within 0.5mm over 45mts. For more details Tel: +34 971 910 211 or visit www.modesty.es

BGB Sils has proven the underwater lighting industry wrong by manufacturing and patenting a powerful contactless underwater lighting system. The new BGB Submersible Inductive Lighting System (SILS) uses induction contactless technology to power the s used ithin the e terior light SILS does not require any drilling or penetration of the hull, an obvious enefit of using induction systems in the marine industry. The lights can e easily retrofitted ithout fear of leaks or bad workmanship by an outside electrician. SILS will be available Autumn 2016. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1476 576280 or visit www.bgbsils.com

Station 53 Station 53 is widely recognized as a VSAT leader in the yachting industry. Yachts rely on Station 53’s technology to provide and maintain their VSAT and VoIP communications. A seamless network of 33 satellite beams delivers worldwide connectivity. Providing Trans tlantic and Trans acific glo al S T coverage connects their clients around the orld le i ility is key at Station o t o yachts are the same and every client is unique. Station 53’s unparalleled client and technical support supersedes the standards in the VSAT industry. For more details Tel: +39 (0) 245 508 400, +1 843 564 4028 or visit www.station53.com

CD Nautica Custom ribs and boats Custom RIB and boat builder CD Nautica has launched a new antifouling product, ‘All Dip’, in collaboration with All Dipping International. ‘All Dip’ is to be used in conjunction with ‘Marine Dipping’, a new technique and alternative to antifouling the underwater hull of a boat. The ‘Marine Dipping’ techni ue involves covering an o ect ith a remova le spray film, providing protection from sun, salt, shock and friction. ‘All Dip’ can be used for a number of different techniques on a boat, from changing its colour to protecting its e terior ith a resistant coating The film can also e applied to a range of materials including steel, fi reglass, ood, ru er and glass, and is easily peeled off without leaving traces of glue. For more details Tel: +39 389 1799508 or visit www.alldipping.it

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High Speed Internet for Boats Want high speed connectivity without expensive satellite costs? Enjoy up to 100Mbps download speeds Find out about our range of marine 3G & 4G routers and great value data plans Buzz Global SIM

Call +44(0)1929 775000 or visit www.buzzmarine.co.uk 122 | SUMMER 2016 | ONBOARD

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BETTER SHAPE UP The latest facts, fads and tips to help keep you in ship shape condition this summer YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Nourish your skin from the inside out with these healthy foods Food: Watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine and carrots Skin Benefit: Hydration to keep skin supple and youthful. Think about what a dried out sponge looks like compared to a soaked one. Unlike chugging glasses of water, which can run right through you, water rich foods like those listed above are retained in the body longer, making it strategically available to your cells throughout the day. You’ll get the added boost of important antioxidants, fibre and other nutrients too. Food: Salmon, olive oil, flax seeds, and walnuts

SPA OF THE SEASON Mandarin Oriental, Turkey

This Bodrum beauty has steamy hammams, lacquered wood terraces and hammocks a-swinging in the sea breeze. New to the programme is a health focused collaboration with the world renowned Mayo clinic, with whole body wellbeing at its core. Everything from your movement to your posture is assessed, as well as stress levels, fitness levels, even your skin.


WHAT IS IT? A form of yoga based on the movements found in boxing. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Free at some gyms, €20 per session at others. Alternatively, there’s a workout video that you can download for €10. WHAT DOES IT PROMISE? A hardcore variation of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga that strengthens, conditions and stretches the entire body. It helps prevent sporting injuries while reducing recovery time. WHAT’S IT LIKE? A session lasts for a hard hour, split into 12 ‘rounds’, each focusing on a different element but it is fun. BEST BIT? How great you feel after the workout. Loose, energetic and rather light on your feet.

Instant Heart Rate This sporty app lets you know how far you’ve run and will map out your route using GPS, so you can keep up with your fitness progress. Garmin Forerunner This action watch gives you audio prompts to help you stay on pace when you pair the Forerunner 230 with a compatible phone. Other connected features include automatic uploads to Garmin Connect™ and live tracking.

TRUE OR FALSE? Wearing hair ties damages your hair True: If they’re too tight, they can pull out too much hair and strain and damage the follicle, causing hair loss. Also, wearing them for long periods causes headaches and you certainly shouldn’t wear them in bed.

Skin Benefit: Less inflammation, and could possibly help to clear acne. The omega-3 fatty acids found in these foods help rebuild cell membranes so they hang on to moisture longer and protect you from dry, irritated or flaky skin. Food: Tomatoes, watermelon, broccoli, mangoes, strawberries, green tea, and pomegranates Skin Benefit: Sun protection. Not enough to ditch your sunscreen, but the above can increase the efficacy of your SPF. Rich in antioxidants, these foods fight the free radicals that can lead to brown spots and saggy skin, like the kind grandparents in Saint Tropez have. Reach for pomegranates first. They’re are a great source of “Pomphenol” and ellagic acid, one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. Food: Kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots and cantaloupe Skin Benefit: A more even skin tone and complexion. These foods are high in Vitamin A, which helps regulate and improve how skin sheds dead cells. So if it’s orange (and not a Cheeto) or dark green, go for it. Food: Eggs, beans and seeds Skin Benefit: Increased collagen, aka: firmness.

BROW BEATEN Whether you want to recreate the brow shape at home or maintain the general upkeep of the brows after a visit to the salon, these stencils are the must have for your beauty arsenal. Crafted from pliable plastic, easy to use, and easy to clean. Petite, Slim High, Medium High and Full Arch Stencils allow you to achieve and maintain your true eyebrow shape at home.

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27/06/16 22:18


24/7 Customer Support Competitive Rates

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US +I 843 564 4028 EUROPE +39 (0) 245 508 400 www.station53.com satsales@station53.com

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THE SLEEPER Trouble sleeping? Instead of tossing around in bed, watching the minutes click by as you try to sleep, try some of these acupressure points Around 58 percent of Europeans experience insomnia-like symptoms each night. These symptoms include waking without feeling refreshed, having trouble staying asleep and not being able to fall asleep quickly. Acupressure therapy and reflexology helps in distributing the energy evenly throughout the body and helps in relaxing the mind. Use these 6 major acupressure techniques while in bed, as a way to relax and prepare you for sleep. All it takes is 10 minutes. Breathe deep and slowly, close your eyes and‌. sweet dreams!




This point is about 3-4 fingers up from the bottom of the breastbone, at the same level as the nipples in the centre of the chest and sternum. Place your middle finger on the point and press firmly for about 1 minute.

This point is found in the centre at the back of your head, in a hollow under the base of the skull. Locate the hollow and place your middle fingers in this hollow. Press firmly for 1 minute.

This point is located directly between the eyebrows, in the bend where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Place your right middle fingertip between your eyebrows. Apply pressure for 1 minute.




This point is found on the bottom of your foot, at the centre of the indentation below the ball of your foot. Press down with your thumb, hold for 30 seconds, relax for 5 seconds, and repeat for 2 minutes.

This point is located in the inner side of the forearm, two and half finger widths from the wrist crease. Place the right thumb on the inner side of the left wrist and press firmly for 1 minute. Repeat on the other hand.

This point is located in the first indentation right below the outer anklebone. Squeeze the ankle on the point between your middle finger and thumb for 1 minute before pressing the other foot.

Blue Tree offer bespoke massages using traditional techniques and are available in your home or on your yacht throughout the Cote d’Azur. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 51 36 93 65 or visit www.bluetree-massage.com

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How to pick the right SPF for your skin type and block damaging UVB rays TYPE 1 Pale white skin that always burns and never tans. Celtic skin, londes and redheads have specific type of melanin in their skin pheomelanin, that puts them at a higher risk of developing skin cancer elanin offers skin a natural protection from radiation ut pheomelanin teams up ith rays to increase the damage they cause S at all times is a must




TYPE 2 air skin that usually urns and tans ith difficulty as some melanin ut not enough for an all over tan, hich results in patchy colour ast sian skins also tend to fit this category, they have a thicker dermis, hich contains more collagen than Caucasian skin, so sunscreen ith high protection to maintain the skins elasticity is important



TYPE 3 ight ro n skin that sometimes urns and tans uniformly Takes time to tan, hich often results in sun athing for longer and increased sun damage The risk of developing skin cancer is higher than average ecause skin is still prone to urning Wear S daily

















TYPE 4 oderate ro n skin that urns minimally then tans Tans ell ut can produce e cess melanin in some areas, resulting in discolouration Skin cancer tends to e common due to the elief this skin needs less protection Wear at least S every day TYPE 5 ark ro n skin that rarely urns and tans profusely Tanning is easy ut the sun can cause I post inflammatory hyper pigmentation, here conditions such as acne and psoriasis are orsened high S ill reduce the effects of I TYPE 6 eeply pigmented dark ro n and lack skin that never urns Darkens in the sun very quickly. Black skin has an inherent S ut still needs to e protected lthough skin cancer is rare, it s often more advanced hen diagnosed





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SLIP, SLAP, SLOP Protect yourself from the sun all year round with one of these suncreams













1. Clarins Oil spray SPF30 €30 www.clarins.co.uk 2. Demalogica Sport SPF30 €40 www.dermalogica.com 3. Elemis Liquid Layer SPF30 €40 www.elemis.com 4. La Roche-Posay Comfort Nutitive SPF50 €16 www.laroche-posay.fr 5. Badger ZInc oxide SPF30 €13 www.badgerbalm.com 6. ALL GOOD sunscreen Butter SPF50 €9 www.allgoodproducts.com 7. Origins Mega Defence SPF45 €36 www.origins.com 8. Dr Jackson’s Day skin cream SPF20 €104 www.drjackson.co.uk 9. Green People Scent free SPF30 €28 www.greenpeople.co.uk 10. Shiseido Anti aging SPF50 €29 www.shiseido.com 11. Murad Oil free SPF30 €34 www.murad.com 12. Soleil Sheer sunscreen mist SPF50 €30 www.soleiltoujours.com

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VALENCIA GUIDE Visit Valencia, Spain’s third largest city and the birth place of Paella with its thriving cultural, eating and nightlife scenes

Central Market

useo de Bellas Artes

Valencia Cathedral

Stay AYRE HOTEL ASTORIA PALACE Located next to the Plaza de España, this is Valencia’s smartest hotel with a nice mix of modern and classical design. Recent renovations saw the breakfast room move to the top floor, giving guests the est early morning views in the city. Tel: +34 963 98 10 00 www.ayrehotels.com | €€€ HOTEL BALANDRET ight on the each this stylish outi ue hotel can offer the weary traveller everything they need under one roof With only rooms, the hotel restaurant is open all day and the terrace is ust perfect for sipping cocktails and enjoying the view. Tel: +34 963 81 11 41 www.balandret.com | €€€ HOTEL LAS ARENAS BALNEARIO RESORT lthough first opening its doors in , it has taken on the shape of a hotel you might see in Las Vegas after large renovation pro ects If you re looking to e pampered the spa offers a wide range of treatments. Tel: +34 963 12 06 00 www.hotelvalencialasarenas.com | €€€

City of Arts & Sciences

MELIA VALENCIA PALACE With floors, this hotel offers the finest views across the city and is located next to the congress centre, so popular ith many usiness travellers It s large, clean and efficiently run y helpful staff Great value for money if a little sterile Tel: +34 963 03 00 00 www.melia.com/valencia | €€

VINCCI PALACE Behind the classical façade is hidden an ultra modern hotel perfect for a eekend getaway. The hotel offers any traveller the perfect ase close to the cultural highlights, restaurants and ars and shops s they say, location, location, location and when you add the style and value for money, you really can’t go wrong. Tel: +34 962 06 23 77 www.en.vinccipalace.com | €€€

Eat LA TABERNA DE MARISA uthentic, traditional and ith locally sourced ingredients, this eatery offers cosy dining upstairs and a vi rant tapas ar atmosphere on the ground floor fter opening its doors more than 15 years ago, the ideally located restaurant is popular with locals and travellers alike. Carrer dels Cavallers, 47 Tel: +34 963 92 18 27 CASA MONTANA ne of the oldest restaurants in alencia, this odega is situated in the ld isherman s district and first opened its doors in

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If you’re looking for authentic tapas, look no further. A massive selection of wine perfectly complements the amazing seafood tapas. Carrer de Josep Benlliure, 69 Tel: +34 963 67 23 14

Essential information VALENCIA YACHT BASE 39°25.4’N/0°19.3’W T +34 902 272 007 W valenciayachtbase.com

CA’SENTO A family-run restaurant in the historic neighbourhood of El Grau, down by the harbour. Ca’Sento has a great reputation for using first class local produce to deliver excellent local cuisine. Sit back, relax and enjoy the local fare in a modern and lively atmosphere. Calle Méndez Núñez 17 Tel: +34 963 30 17 75 LA PEPICA Adjacent to the beach and marina and founded in 1898, La Pepica’s reputation has reached royalty, movies stars and even Ernest Hemingway. With a wide selection of paella dishes and stunning seafood dishes the vast restaurant seats more than 400 guests. For pure enjoyment value, you can’t go far wrong with spending a nice long lunch at La Pepica. Avenida de Neptuno 6 Tel: +34 963 71 03 66 LA SUCURSAL Housed in the museum of Modern Art this cutting edge restaurant is the perfect complement to a morning of art and culture. Your wallet might not thank you but your belly certainly will. Calle Guillem de Castro 118 Tel: +34 963 74 66 65

Play DESTINO 56 If you re a gin aficionado make a ee line for Destino 56. With 15 craft gins on offer complemented by premium tonics, you can sit back, relax and listen to the crashing waves from the wonderful beach terrace. JIMMY GLASS JAZZ BAR a lover s mecca ficionados of modern jazz gather at this bar where an impressive range of local and international artists perform in an authentic and cosy atmosphere. Small cover charges apply. CAFÉ DEL NEGRITO This local legend has an amazing terrace offering any weary traveller the perfect spot to sip an Agua de Valencia and watch the world go by.

VHF channel 69 No of berths 80 Max length 120m Max beam 21m Max draught 9-11m

Essential Valencia

CALCUTTA All night and all morning sessions staged in this restored 17th century palacio are proof that Valencia never sleeps. A wonderful mix of musical genres run from midnight to 7am if you have the energy. JOHNNY MARACAS Down a couple of mojitos at the bar and join the seething mass of salsa dancers on the floor ndou tedly the est atin club in the city, the crowd is a nice mix of locals and visitors and the perfect place to improve your cha-cha-cha.

Culture CITY OF ARTS & SCIENCES The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias houses a science museum, opera house and a planetarium, as well as the largest aquarium in Europe.

VALENCIA CATHEDRAL Built between the 13th and 15th centuries this Gothic Cathedral has several styles of construction including; Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical. The interior will simply take your breath away. CARMEN NEIGHBOURHOOD A district that seamlessly blends a kaleidoscope of cultures with a plethora of bars, clubs and eateries. Whatever you’re looking for entertainment wise, you’ll not be disappointed. LA LONJA, THE 15TH-CENTURY SILK EXCHANGE Built between 1482 and 1533, this group of buildings has always been a centre for commerce. It is a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture and was classed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

VALENCIAN INSTITUTE OF MODERN ART IVAM has two adjacent sites which host major temporary shows, as well as a permanent exhibit by the sculptor Julio González and Ignacio Pinazo.

CENTRAL MARKET With 1,000 stalls piled high with the best seasonal produce, this is a dazzling reminder of what real food looks like. The art nouveau market is one of the largest in Europe.

MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES One of the most important museums in Spain and situated in a recently restored 17th century Palace of St. Pius V. It houses some 2,000 pieces of art from the 14th-17th centuries.

MICALET TOWER Dig deep and pay the €2 entrance fee for the climb up 207 steps inside the octagonal tower. You will be rewarded by the best view of the city once you’ve reached the top and recovered.

MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERAMICA Housed within the 18th century Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas, and opened in 1954, the museum contains exhibits from various centres of ceramic production in the Valencia region, as well as pieces from all over the world.

DRINK A HORCHATA The Moors introduced the tiger nut to the area many moons ago. Head to the horchateria Santa Catalina, order up a horchata with fartons… small dunking biscuits.

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GRAPE EXPLORATIONS ine tour is a antastic ay to e lore i erent regions aroun the orl hilst sam ling some o the finest ines rom reno ne vineyar s BURGUNDY CELEBRATION France

Burgundy has long been considered one of the world’s most celebrated regions. Home to 100 different appellations, more than 3,000 individual producers, and some of the finest remier and Grand Cru wines in the world, there’s plenty to shout about. Join us on tour for a series of sublime and exclusive experiences in beautiful Burgundy as we attend the world famous Hospices de Beaune charity wine auction, held just once a year; stay in luxurious 5* accommodation in the exquisite town of Beaune, and dine at a Michelin starred restaurant with arresting views over the roofs of Lyon. All this, alongside visits to prestigious producers, promises to make our Burgundy Celebration a truly unforgettable excursion. 19th - 23rd November 2017 - €3,534 incl flights SS: €506


South African wine is often said to straddle worlds both old and new, and as we taste the thoroughly modern fruits of a wine culture going back more than 350 years, we’d be inclined to agree. We take our trip, featuring renowned regions Walker Bay, Stellenbosch, Swartland, and Constantia during harvest, a busy time in the winemaking calendar, and one which promises much activity and excitement. As well as tastings at a range of excellent wineries, we have plenty of cultural visits. Take part in a game drive at Villiera Wildlife Sanctuary, around Stellenbosch, and enjoy lunch at a 300 year old family farm. 3rd – 11th March 2017 - €4,293 incl flights SS: €316

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SOUTH AMERICAN GETAWAY Chile, rgentina ruguay

The wild landscapes of Chile, Argentina, and ruguay have long nurtured, among other things, some spectacular vines rom Chile s and rgentina s ine making Spanish con uistadors in the th century, to cuttings rought y ruguay s as ue and Italian migrant population in the 1870s, there is a wealth of experience to draw on, making these countries some of the e World s iggest players There s plenty to discover, from iodynamic principles at lvaro spino a and eng Shui arrangements at ontes, to family run ineries in the co alley Sip fragrant Chardonnay and old Tannat, surrounded y sno capped mountains and sun soaked, vine lined path ays, on a day e cursion hich ill surely prove a feast for all the senses 12th – 26th February 2017 - €7,833 incl flights SS: €1,390


ur Gourmet malfi tour truly encapsulates the wonders of la dolce vita, as we travel through a part of Italy hose food and drink, gardens and villages all sho case the very est of hat the country has to offer Gourmet y nature as ell as y name, our tour offers a private cookery lesson, here e learn ho to make delicious regional dishes, and visits to local artisanal producers imoncello, uffalo mo arella, figs, and organic olive oil all feature alongside local wines, which run the gamut from fresh and floral to deep and fruit driven inally, e pay a visit to one of anti uity s most nota le ine producing civilisations at the ruins of Roman towns Paestum and erculaneum 3rd – 8th October 2017 - €3,098 incl flights SS: €348

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Sevenstar Yacht Transport is the world’s leading provider of lift-on lift-off yacht shipping services. Dedicated partner DYT Yacht Transport specializes in float-on, float-off yacht transport of yachts of any size. Utilizing our 125-carrier fleet, including 2 semi-submersibles, we offer frequent sailings to more than 50 destinations throughout the world. Where would you like to go? Sevenstar Yacht Transport Amsterdam, The Netherlands, phone +31 20 448 8590 info@sevenstar-yacht-transport.com sevenstar-yacht-transport.com

Let us do the work

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17-06-16 11:57



oin r laster Clarke in the incompara le Barcelona for el Nochevieja, and ring in the ne year in true sparkling style According to Spanish tradition, a grape should be eaten at each chime of the clock counting do n to midnight We say hy not take it that little it further and toast el año nuevo with a glass of ine We learn more a out Spain s famous u ly ith e clusive access to a local Cava producer, while on New ear s ve itself, a gala dinner party ensures a glamorous start to 2017. Then, after all that e citement, there s time on e ear s ay for you to e plore the enchanting seaside city, ith its orld class drinks and dining scene, at your own pace. 19th December 2016 – 2nd January 2017 €2775 incl flights SS: €373


Boutique bodegas and beautiful vineyards are par for the course in Rioja & Ribera. Bordered by river valleys and mountain ranges, and swathed in endless green vines, the land of these two regions is truly a sight to behold. It might surprise you to learn that, in the 19th century, Rioja was famed not for its red wines, but for its white. Influenced y ordeau , io a s evolution continues to gift us with some of our most beloved Spanish wines. Join us on tastings and dinners at a selection of wonderful producers, from Cenicera to Segovia; sample lively, fruity whites and comple , oak aged reds and try the specialities of the region, including the customary suckling pig 19th – 24th September 2016 - €2,649 incl flights SS: €316

For more details on these wine tours Tel: +44 (0)1730 263111 or visit www.winetours.co.uk ONBOARD | SUMMER 2016 | 133

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SMOOTH SAILING When it came to bespoke AV requirements restron as a ame ate s first choice


o er, fle i ility and elegance ere ust three demands for marine installation specialist arris Grant in its integration rief for the magnificent m superyacht adame ate uilt in the etherlands for a South merican client, adame ate oasts all the hallmarks of a orld class superyacht super interior design, uncompromised style and fla less attention to detail arris Grant had to skilfully negotiate a relative lack of on oard space and limited access during the uild and Crestron installation, hile minimising visual impact on the vessel s stunning interior features arris Grant on est ser perience in Crestron s Integration ards , for its aesthetic and technical tour de force, a fine e ample of ho a Crestron system can oth elevate and enhance interior lu ury very Superyacht o ner is different, ith their o n clear vision a out hat they ant an installation to achieve , says arris Grant s anaging irector eil Grant The strength of our technical approach means e can uild, refine and instantly reconfigure a system to deliver e actly the functionality that our client re uires through an elegant, natural, interface This espoke Crestron ased solution provides adame ate s o ner ith the same living e perience en oyed y the super prime resident, ith effortless access to audiovisual entertainment and environmental controls t the heart of the yacht s , communication and environmental systems is a sophisticated Crestron controlled igital edia and

installation hich stretches from o to stern igital edia matri s itcher provides the foundation for the entire Crestron system, handling signal routing, ultra fast s itching and lossless distri ution of I and other signals to all devices In addition, there is Crestron integration ith ridge, S T and T systems arris Grant orked ith a ard inning graphic designer Cra to create a espoke control interface that gives adame ate s o ner, guests and cre fingertip control over audio visual entertainment and environmental systems from their personal i ad minis n additional intuitive touch interface controls the T , audio and video servers, lighting dimmers and scenes, linds drapes, aircon and fan speed or fle i ility, the Crestron ased system is highly configura le, and control soft are can e uickly re ritten to suit the clients changing re uirements This outstanding pro ect not only delivered on the rief, ut also demonstrated the signature innovation and orkmanship y arris Grant that made it a clear Crestron a ard inner Second ngineer S astien ilippi, one of the system s key users, says of the finished install It s incredi le , IT and control systems have all een in use , ever since the o ner and his family oarded the vessel on the day of delivery We ve ust completed our first season at sea ith no issues or interruptions It s een a total success Crestron has een the orld s leading manufacturer of advanced control and automation systems for more than years Their solutions are uilt on a validated architecture, using est in class technology that integrates unified communications, presentation, lighting and environmental systems With offices all over the orld, Crestron offers a truly glo al operation ith local support ou can visit Crestron at the onaco acht Sho or more details visit crestron eu

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oehler loo s at the use o a vance com osite materials or refits an ne


umerous future owners enjoy visiting their designer of choice to plan and fine tune the visual appearance and technical features of their new yacht. Some also appreciate recurrent visits to the yacht builder to witness the genesis of their new vessel by the day of launch and handover. Careful considerations, attention to detail and deliberate choices mark the way from the initial idea to the final vessel While aspects like amenities, board electronics, fit out and finishing typically play an essential part of the considerations, the basic materials from which the yacht will be built at times are not part of the discussion. Why bother about the materials for the hull or the structure? When buying a new car, one would also focus on the design, performance, features and interior rather than the material base. For highly commoditized goods like cars it is more or less irrelevant which type of steel or aluminium is chosen for the basic structure of the car. Plus, the future car o ner has no means to e ert any influence on the material base of the car. For the build of a yacht, there is a clear difference when it comes to the materials used and the future owner can participate in the material selection. Without going into technical detail, material choice has an effect on performance, longevity, reliability

and maintenance needs of the vessel. Just like the design and the craftsmanship of the builder, the material base does play its role in delivering an outstanding result. Advanced composite materials revolutionized the way racing boats are built and have een an integral part of high performance yacht racing for decades. Demonstrating their superior characteristics even in the most demanding conditions, the materials today are being widely used in the superyacht building area, too. The lightweight and modern material provides the basis for top performance cruising as well as top notch offshore and inshore racing capabilities.

Material choice has an e ect on er ormance longevity relia ility an maintenance o the vessel The high performance materials achieve excellent structural properties while saving weight and without compromising on comfort and luxury. The lower maintenance effort for yachts built from advanced composite materials as compared to those built from steel or aluminium, in particular, is a clear advantage for yacht owners, charter and commercial operators as maintenance needs and time in the shipyard

uil s

can e significantly reduced The versatility of the material enables a higher level of design freedom than other materials, constantly pushing the boundaries and raising the bar of what is achievable, resulting in a num er of firsts in construction and build. The best yacht designers and builders in the industry rely on Gurit engineering services and advanced composite materials because of the extensive experience of the company. The numbers alone are strong: dozens of winning yachts and line honours winners were designed and built based on the company’s engineering capabilities and material range. With a heritage of more than 30 years, a passionate team including successful sailors with a deep understanding of the diverse needs from the designer to the uilder and the future o ner, the finest composite materials available are designed to meet and exceed what is necessary to ensure an outstanding result. In summary, spending a thought on the base material for the yacht pays off as does the collaboration with a renowned designer and experienced builder. Investing time during the design and build phase ensures future pleasure and contentment. For more details Tel: +44 1983 828 000 or visit www.gurit.com

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28/06/16 09:49

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27/06/16 14:57



no le ge rom the lea ing e

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DANIEL KERKHOF Regional Manager Benelux Crestron

GLEN TAYLOR International Sales RDT Ltd

GARETH ROSS Marine Field Specialist Sika UK

STEVE JONES Director BigOceanData













HDCP2.2 is the latest addition to be found on TV’s, BluRay players and even gaming consoles and media players for on-demand content. But what is it? It’s the latest evolution of copy protection invented for the movie producers of Hollywood, designed to create a secure connection between source and display, essentially so you can’t copy the content. HDCP itself has been around a long time however the 2.2 version is much stronger than the previous versions, and not backwards compatible. The expectation is that HDCP 2.2 will be required for most 4K content so to play the latest movies at sea, yachts will need to upgrade their hardware. Crestron DM supports 4K/ UHD and HDCP2.2, but it’s important to check the rest of the system from BluRay player to TV screens TV screens to be sure of a good result.

Successful telemedicine is all about a solution, not just a product.Medical incidents can occur hours, even days, from ER care or where the medical care system is unfamiliar. Confidence and trust in the product to be used at point of care is imperative. It needs intelligent battery management. Medical parameters must be clinical grade and appropriate to emergency care situations enabling accurate treatment and diagnosis support. They need to be obtainable by crew members. There needs to be an affiliation to an C that has experience in successfully handling high volumes of telemedicine calls. Whether it be the parameters, the ease and readiness of the product or the doctor’s advice, the important part is that all of these elements are joined up to enable provision of the best remote medical care possible.

A superyacht deck gets more punishment than any other part of the vessel due to foot traffic, exposure to UV and the constant wetting and drying causing a continual expansion and contraction of the deck. A good quality caulk will protect the deck from exposure to water and UV rays, making it watertight and weatherproof. However, there comes a time in the life of any teak deck when re-caulking is required. This may be because the deck has worn to such an extent that the caulk in the seams is too shallow to be effective or that the caulk has broken down chemically. Re-caulking a deck can be very messy so it’s always best to use a professional who will always use the best caulk such as Sika’s recently launched Sikafle C PRO. Aimed at professional users it offers the enefits of fast curing, durability and excellent weathering resistance.

Vessels tracking systems are both practical and fun. The owner can see where his friends are on their yachts (and also his other boats), and the crew can do the same when it comes to their mates. It keeps the sense of community going and can also can give ideas for impulse stopovers – to see where they are, who might be fun to join in an anchorage, and who might be best to avoid which is a great help I am sure you will agree! BigOceanData is a new system that has just been launched that. It is as accurate and close to real time as they come, and which will also look good on a stateroom saloon monitor. Overlays of weather, temperature, charting information and Google Maps add colour, interest and context, and everyone can enjoy the slightly guilty pleasure of following people without them knowing.

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27/06/16 23:15

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Laurence Lewis discusses why entering an interview in the right frame of mind is paramount


a few sentences highlighting your strengths, experiences and what you feel you can offer the yacht owner/management company. Practice delivering this mission statement with confidence and ease

First of all, you need to approach the interview with the appropriate frame of mind. All too often I hear “Ok, yes, I go and meet the owner/manager/ XXX for a chat”. Whilst an interview may be disguised as a chat, it is never a chat nor a conversation.

Be tough on yourself and ask yourself about your potential weak points vis vis the specific o you are applying for and ask yourself how you can overcome them and, even better, how to turn them into strengths. For instance, if you are looking for your first captain o , you ill inevita ly compete against esta lished, e perienced captains This at first can e perceived as a weakness: why should an owner take the risk of hiring someone who is not proven and tested?

t’s summer time in the Mediterranean, the yachting season is well under way and captains’ jobs are far and few between. Yet, bingo, you have secured an interview with a yacht owner. How do you best approach this meeting to ace the interview and get a job offer? How do you beat the competition? More than ever, marketing yourself efficiently is key in order to stand out from the cro d The competition is fierce, so put yourself in the driving seat during the interview.

This may come as a surprise, but there is a clear balance of power. Someone has something to give, a job, this is the yacht owner / yacht manager and someone is asking for something, and this is you, the captain going for an interview, in effect asking for a job. Understanding this balance of power is the key element to succeed at interviews. Put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and focus on his needs (yes his and not yours) as you need to tick some of his boxes and reassure him that you are the best captain for the job. Note the choice of the word ‘reassure’. Hiring someone is always risky, all employers worry about making the wrong decision, so you need to address this hidden fear by…selling yourself and sharing how you best meet the job requirements. Take inventory of your strengths and e specific, e precise and use real e ample hich illustrate why you are the best option. Describe how you and your crew went the extra length to make a charter spectacular, how you saved money in a refit, ho you managed to maintain cre morale in a period of intense operation etc etc.

A good approach is to tackle the situation head on and volunteer the information, it sho s you are confident I do realise that you are interviewing experienced captains with proven track records, however, I feel that I have a lot offer. I have been chief officer for years and have ac uired solid driving e perience having worked with highly respected captains. My last captain really supports me and feels I am ready for my first command I have been managing crew and have been in charge of hiring/ managing the deck crew. Etc etc… make it real… it is all about stating what you can do for the owner.

Indeed, as our industry is becoming more corporate you need to sell yourself and set yourself a goal for the interview in order to succeed. The only goal to set yourself is: to be offered the job you are being interviewed for, whether you accept the offer or not is a different matter, but at least you will make the decision to accept or turn the offer down. Have a ‘mission statement’,

At the end of the interview, if you are truly interested in a job, say so! This is very important.If an owner/manager likes a few candidates and is undecided, he will naturally be inclined to offer the job to the person who expressed an interest. Yet, most of the time this part gets forgotten and many captains leave the interview without saying how interested they are.

A few words about the ever so dangerous, “Tell me about yourself question”. You should be prepared to answer this. Here, the interviewer is not asking for a long and boring description of your career; he will want a snapshot of your strengths, experiences, what you can offer and why you are interested in the job on offer. Do not ramble or go into a long explanation, be short, precise and confident

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YACHTING JULY 08 09 11 12 13

RORC Cowes-Dinard-St Malo Race Week, Newport Pacific Cup Race,San Francisco Clipper Round the World Race Puig Vela Classic, Barcelona

23 28 28

America’s Cup, Portsmouth, UK Extreme Sailing Series, Hamburg Sydney International Boat Show

AUGUST 05 06 20 21 21 24

Falmouth Week Cowes Week Audi Hamilton Island Race Week Corsica Classic Palermo – Montecarlo Race Copa del Rey, Menorca

SEPTEMBER 01 Extreme Sailing Series, Russia 04 Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 06 Festival de la plaissance Cannes 10 America’s Cup, Toulon, France 11 2016 Rolex Swan Cup, Porto Cervo 15 Thousand Island Race, Montenegro 16 Southampton Boat Show 16 Trophee Pasqui, Villefranche 17 Interboot, Germany 18 Regattas Royales, Cannes 22 Sailing Championships, Sardinia 28 Monaco Yacht Show 28 Grand Pavois, La Rochelle 29 Auckland Boat Show


SPORT JULY 01 02 06 10 10 14 14 14 17

F1 Austrian Grand Prix Tour de France Moto GP Germany F1 British Grand Prix UEFA Euro 2016 finals The Open, Ayrshire, Scotland England v Pakistan, Lord’s British Golf Open, Royal Troon Moto GP Germany

22 22 26 28 31

London 2016 Anniversary Games F1 Hungarian Grand Prix Glorious Goodwood, Horse Racing US PGA, Golf, New jersey F1 German Grand Prix

AUGUST 03 05 07 13 14 20 21 27 28 29

Rugby League Super 8s Summer Olympics, Rio FA Community Shield, Wembley Premier League season starts Moto GP Austria Cycling, Vuelta a Espana Moto GP, Czech Republic Challenge Cup Final F1 Belgian Grand Prix US Open Tennis, Flushing Meadow

SEPTEMBER 04 Moto GP Great Britain 04 F1 Italian Grand Prix 04 Cycling, Tour Of Britain 07 Para Olympics, Rio 11 Moto GP, San Marino 17 Cricket, One Day Cup Final 18 F1 Singapore Grand Prix 30 F1 Malaysian Grand Prix 30 Ryder Cup, Minnesota

AUG 08

Men’s & Women’s RS:X Racing Men’s & Women’s Laser Racing Women’s Laser Radial Racing


Men’s & Women’s RS:X Racing Men’s & Women’s Laser Racing Men´s Finn Racing


Men’s & Women’s Laser Racing Men´s Finn Racing Men’s & Women’s 470 Racing Mixed Nacra 17 Racing


Men’s & Women’s RS:X Racing Men´s Finn Racing Men’s & Women’s 470 Racing Mixed Nacra 17 Racing


Men’s & Women’s RS:X Racing Men’s & Women’s Laser Racing Men’s & Women’s 470 Racing Men’s & Women’s 49er Racing


Men’s & Women’s Laser Racing Men´s Finn Racing Men’s & Women’s 49er Racing Mixed Nacra 17 Racing


Men’s & Women’s RS:X (medal race and victory ceremony) Men´s Finn Racing Men’s & Women’s 470 Racing Mixed Nacra 17 Racing


Men’s & Women’s Laser (medal race and victory ceremony) Men’s & Women’s 470 Racing Men’s & Women’s 49er Racing


Men´s Finn (medal race and victory ceremony) Men’s & Women’s 49er Racing Mixed Nacra 17 (medal race and victory ceremony)


Men’s & Women’s 470 (medal race and victory ceremony)


Men’s Women’s 49er (medal race and victory ceremony)


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