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SA nt t .i oBc hai asni Ol rtt hho deo xGCrhuerac ht

S t . B a s i l t h e G r e a t A nt i o c h i a n O r t h o d o x C hu r c h His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America.

His Grace Bishop THOMAS, Auxiliary Bishop of The Diocese of Oakland, Charleston, and the Mid-Atlantic.

REV. FATHER JAMES PURDIE, PASTOR 1520 Todds Lane Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: Office (757) 223-4159, Cell: (412) 327-4099 Email: OrthodoxHampton@gmail.com Web Site: www.OrthodoxHampton.com

Welcome visitors! If you are visiting with us for the first time, we greet you in the Holy Name of Christ, our Saviour, and hope you will join us in fellowship after worship. We are genuinely pleased to have you with us today. We must remind you that while the Orthodox Church prays for the unity of all, we do not practice “open Communion.” Only those Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting, and regular confession should approach the chalice.


For questions, please contact Fr. James Purdie. Blessings.


HYMNS ( AntiphonS )


in thy falling-asleep thou hast not forsaken the world;

Thou didst shatter death by Thy Cross, Thou didst open

for thou wast translated into life, being the Mother of Life. Wherefore, by thine

paradise to the thief; Thou didst turn the sadness of the ointment-bearing women into joy.

intercessions, deliver our souls from death.

And didst bid Thine Apostles proclaim a warning, that Thou hast risen O Christ, granting to the world the Great Mercy. HYMN OF THE DORMITION (TONE 1) In thy birth-giving, O Theotokos, thou didst keep and preserve virginity; and

HYMN OF THE DORMITION (TONE 2) Verily, the Theotokos, who is ever watchful in intercessions, and whose prayers are never rejected, neither tomb nor death could control. But since she is the Mother of Life, He Who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb did translate her to life.



My soul doth magnify the man, He humbled Himself, Lord, and my spirit hath becoming obedient unto rejoiced in God my Savior. death, even the death of the For He hath regarded the Cross. humility of His servant. For this cause also God highly The Reading from the exalted Him, and gave Him a Epistle of St. Paul to the Name which is above every name; Philippians. (2:5-11) Brethren, let this mind that in the Name of Jesus be in you, which is also in every knee should bow, of Christ Jesus; who, being in those who are in heaven, the and those who are on earth, form of God, did not think and those who are under the it robbery to be equal with earth, God, but emptied Himself, and that every tongue should taking the form of a slave, confess that Jesus Christ is becoming Himself in the Lord, likeness of men; and being to the glory of God the Father. found in fashion as a



The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (10:38-42; 11:27-28) At that time, Jesus entered a certain village; and a woman named Martha received Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to His teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving; and she went to Him and said, “Lord, dost Thou not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?

Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” As He said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore Thee, and the breasts that Thou didst suck!” But He said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” 5

OFFERINGS + Prayers of Health and Safety are offered for +

Joiner & Cooper Families Hovan & Fields Families Nixon & Rubinow Families Norton & Smith Families Batt & Hague Families Hamm & Perers Families Baker & Wheeler Families Zambonini Family Sydney, Tilahun Niko, Ellie Zosimas, Ruth Sherry, Karen Daniel, Irina Christopher, Daria Christopher, Daniel Sophia, George John, Nun Thecla Fr. Ilya, Ekaterina Angelina, Igor Alexander, Mark Alexandra, Aaron Tanya, Renee Adam, Michael Edith, Maryann Abigail, Emmanuel Grace, Elias, Meron


Adam, Thadeus Simerick & Butler Families Thompson Family Palomino Family Goodson Family Nadia, Rachel Shi Seraphim, Kurt Family Peter, Celeste Edens & Howell Families Brown & Bowman Families Ballard & Miller Families Scott & Allison Families Sheldon & Jacobs Families Magnus & Lewis Families Lauren, Frank Debbie, David Mary, Dimitri Nicholas, Stavros Katy, Maria Anne, Meaghan Jon, Fr. John Irene, Maria Ana, Irina Vasilii Arthur & Family Hylarion

OFFERINGS +++ Prayers of Loving Memory are offered for +++

Gabby Patricia Pheobe Mike Allie Fr. Neil Tatiana Sergei Ion Maria Agrepina Ion Maria Nadejda Marcie Lena Gerhard Mary Roger Kelly Lydia Victor Tatyana Alexander Evdokia Ephimia

Ephim Michael Alexey Alexander Alexandra Yuri Boris Valentin Valentina Vladimir Zinaida Elena Evdokia Michael Olga Joan Gerard Joan Steven Radovanka William Raymond Mary Jane Leonard Dan Rita

Holy Bread is offered by Anna Mary Vogt and Rhonda Mertins for the health, safety and memory of their loved ones.



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