Essential marketing tools and strategies

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Contents The Concept .................................................... .................................................................. ... 3

Where the Idea Stems from .......................................................... ..................................... 4 Kiyosaki’s Financial Precepts and Effective Marketing ................................................. ......... 5 The Rich Marketer Poor Marketer Concept .................................................... ................... 6 In this eBook, our focus is going to be on a few important points ....................................... 6 When Is a Niche Not a Niche in Marketing ................................................. ........................... 7 When Is a Niche Not a Niche in Marketing ................................................. ....................... 8 The Need of the Niche ........................................................ ............................................... 8 Identifying Your Niche ........................................................

............................................... 9 Let us discuss some methods in which you can find your niche......................................... 9 Building a Unique Niche Approach to Business.................................................... ............... 11 Building a Unique Niche Approach to Business ................................................... ............ 12 How Big Should Your Niche Be? ........................................................... .......................... 13 Marketing Strategies and Your Personal Niche ........................................................ ........... 14 Marketing Strategies and Your Unique Niche ........................................................ .............. 15 Can Your Business Niche Really Be Unique?..................................................... ............. 16 To build your unique niche, these are the things you need to look

for .............................. 16 What Marketing Strategies Should You Adopt? ...................................................... ......... 17 Predominant compensation methods ................................................... ........................... 21 Performance marketing ................................................. .................................................. 22 Multitier programs .................................................. .......................................................... 22 Social Networking and Niche Marketing ................................................. ............................. 24 Social Networking and Niche Marketing ................................................. ......................... 25 The Big Three Social Networks .................................................. ..................................... 26 Mingling Business with Social Activities ...................................................

........................... 28 Mingling Business with Social Activities ................................................... ........................ 29 Using Tweeting for Business ................................................... ............................................ 31 Tweeting for Business ................................................... .................................................. 32 Building a Strong Online Reputation ................................................ ................................... 34 Building a Strong Online Reputation ................................................ ................................ 35 Drop Building a Powerful Business Presence .................................................. ................... 37 Building a Powerful Presence Despite the Current Economic Situation ........................... 38 Ten Things Rich Marketers Hide ..........................................................

............................... 40 Ten Things Rich Marketers Hide from Their Poor Counterparts....................................... 41

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The Concept

Before starting out with this eBook, we need to know what the terms surrounding rich marketer and poor marketer. This will help put everything in perspective. In today’s terms, a rich marketer is someone who has access to different resources and utilizes them. A rich marketer is someone who knows what it means to run a successful business and is able to cater to the market in the wisest manner. The rich marketer understands the importance of money and at the same time does not flinch from making an investment, either in improving the quality of the product or in promoting the product to the market, because it is the promotion that will bring in more money to do bigger .stuff In essence, a rich marketer is a person who knows what the market is all about and gives it what it wants. This helps the rich marketer to continue on the path of progress and go ahead in business .pursuits

So, where does the poor marketer falter? The truth is that the poor marketer has access to the same resources that the rich marketer has, but the problem is that the poor marketer does not know about them. The poor marketer delves in ignorance, like the proverbial frog in the .well The world has undergone a drastic change in the 21st Century. Like in the feudal ages, the world is no longer divided into ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’. The demarcation is not so simple at present. Today, the distinction is between the ‘knows’ and the ‘know-nots’. The people who know how to implement the methods that they have access to and the people who do not know about these methods, forget their implementation. This is what is creating the divide between the rich .and the poor today If you are reading between the lines, you will understand that the world of today has resources for everyone. Everything is

there for everyone to use. But, not everyone is using those things in the way .they should This is what we are going to see in this chapter—the divide between the rich marketer and the poor marketer. We are going to see what inspired us to come up with this concept. We will also see how the reality is true, in any age, but it is only the surficial aspects that tend to change .from one age to another

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Where the Idea Stems from With a plethora of information on “get rich quick” ideas and “self-help” aids, it is easy to wonder who we should listen to and who to ignore. Robert Kiyosaki of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” fame and a founding member of the Elevation Group is one of those people who when they speak on a subject are worth listening ?too. Why do I say that He has sat where so many of us are

currently sitting. In the current economic climate, with so many questions about whether or not any business or investment decisions we make will actually make or lose us money, he has already trod the path of indecision. He, like most of us, has sat facing unpaid bills and the pressures of an income cannot sufficiently cover household and family expenses and has learned how to turn things around. He has learned how to use .the economy to make his wealth His approach is not a simple get rich quick scheme, but a planned and focused approach to using the tools already in our hands to create a future that many can only dream, Education is the key to open this door of opportunity. Reflecting on the past, learning about trends and

using them to gain valuable insights into the present and future is the approach Robert advocates. As we do this in business and in our personal lives, we can turn around our financial affairs and reap the same rewards he has achieved .in this process Many of Roberts’s books have achieved bestseller status. He is a highly regarded in the business world and as an author who has helped countless ordinary people achieve their dreams of a better future. His websites and blogs detail the life choices that confronted him, to either stick with the status quo or see gaining wealth as something negative or to seize the opportunity and use the current economic climate to find a better way of dealing with the resources and assets at .his disposal Robert chose this path and the result is “Richer Dad,� an innovative approach to helping people make choices and decisions. Robert uses the education

approach to help people take charge of the financial planning of their lives and businesses. His online websites and EBooks provide free resources to help guide readers to make personal choices that will benefit them as they seek to .decide how to invest money safely This is a guide for those who are in business and who are seeking to use online marketing as a tool for their business success. The book describes the importance of creating a nichemarketing environment. It explores the common problems people make in online marketing and will assist you to identify your personal business niche. You will learn how to achieve an effective marketing strategy for your unique niche and how to use the proven Richer Dad principles to achieve dominance in a .highly competitive market place

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Kiyosaki’s Financial Precepts and Effective Marketing Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, is a popular name all over the world. He is an American, a fourthgeneral Japanese American, to be precise. He has written several books, all in the financial niche, all of them designed to be motivational and self-help books, intended to take people towards the path of progress in their business. He

is known for his keen financial insight. Most of his advice stems from his own precepts. He tells people of the many ways in which they can achieve financial liberation while managing their own .enterprise Kiyosaki does not differentiate between the different ways in which one might carry on their moneymaking tactics. He does not tell you to become a businessperson or an investor or a marketer. Instead, he tells you what you must do in order to attract wealth doing whatever you are doing. That is what .makes him a special author He has special views about the concept of marketing though. Though Kiyosaki has not spoken about marketing directly in any of his works, but his perceptions are all clear. He says that if you intend to have a great rapport with your clients, if you want to grow your business, then the one way in which you can do that is by increasing your network. When your

network is expanded, you can tap into it .to make the most of your business This does require some effort though, and that is the reason why everyone is not into it. It takes special expertise as well. That is what separates the successful people from the not-sosuccessful ones. Proper networking is needed to reach out to a niche, which is .where the real business prospects lie

The Rich Marketer Poor Marketer Concept Kiyosaki’s model is universally applicable. Our intention here is not to refute or criticize this model, but to see how well it applies to the world of marketing as it stands today. Marketing is an entirely different ballgame—you may feel that it is so different from the individualistic approach that has been used in the inspirational book—but if you scratch the surface, then you begin to see the .similarities In this eBook, our focus is going to be on a few important points We are going to see what it is that .1 makes marketers rich today. Yes, we must admit that we have a special fondness for Internet marketing, which is the way the whole world is going right now. The best way to become rich at present is by being an Internet based marketer, because that is what people can really use, at an individual and at an

organizational level, to take them to .higher realms of their potential Secondly, we are going to see that .2 there are so many different things that these rich marketers do not wish to tell their poorer counterparts, which in this case, are the people who have just started out and have still to carve a name for themselves in the Internet marketing world. It takes time; nothing is achieved without an effort, and there are many secrets that are keeping the goodies from them. In short, what are the different things that are making the rich marketers rich and are depriving the poor ones of the resources that these rich marketers ?have access to The third aspect of this eBook is the .3 possibility. Even if you are counted as a poor marketer at present, there is no reason why you should not climb the ladder and go higher. You have the access to the same things that the rich marketers have, only maybe you are

lacking in the knowledge and information about it‌ so here is your source to make .the most of those things The most important thing that .4 you would need is the change of the mindset. You have to shun the thought of debilitation from your mind. There is no reason why you cannot go higher. Everyone started out somewhere first, and in the marketing world, age is just a number. It does not matter what age you are‌ you can just go all out and popularize yourself .immensely in the marketing world Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

When Is a Niche Not a Niche in Marketing

One of the most important things that you need to know about being a rich marketer is how to tap into your niche. Your success depends on that. You need to know where your target customers are, and if you are able to focus on them, you will be building on your prospects. That is the real truth; there is no other truth .beyond that That is the reason we have decided to clear the air about the concept of niche here. You need to know where your special forte is and you have to play to their needs and interests. In fact, this is what will make you really popular and bring the people to you that you need to .promote your business to At the same time, you also need to be clear about the misconceptions of niche. There are marketers who have an illusion of what their niche is. They think something is a niche when in fact it is an asset for someone else. Having a precise idea about your niche is what can help

.you to succeed in your business When Is a Niche Not a Niche in Marketing Survival of the Fittest� is not merely a “ topic for discussion in a science classroom. In a competitive business environment, only the business that is able to successfully market itself and its products and service will survive. Weaker ones will simply lose their customer base and eventually go into liquidation or .bankruptcy. This is inevitable Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

The Need of the Niche To gain a top marketing position and remain there, it is essential that the focus be narrow and the commitment to be best be determined. Without this approach, focus can become too broad and it becomes easy to spend time and money on too many things, none of which will provide the competitive edge the business needs to survive. By creating a niche market focus, not only does a business define a place for itself and its products and services, but it is enabled to take advantage of an existing market for .that niche Many businesses that promote a product or service believe they have a niche market, because of what they are seeking to sell or provide. While this is true to a certain degree, the focus may still be too broad for the marketing strategy to be

considered a niche. A true niche is not only the product or service being sold, it is also about the target audience of the advertising campaign. Advertising strategies are specifically pitched to customers who already are interested in the products and services on offer and actively searching to purchase or use .them Most businesses market a large range of products to broad groups who may or may not be interested in what is being offered. Business strategies are often developed to advertise to a much broader potential customer base. By narrowing advertising strategies through a niche approach to marketing, valuable time, resources and money are not wasted. No matter how well advertising is presented, much of this style of advertising will only translate into a modest increase in .customer numbers By focusing on the niche approach to marketing, the conversion rate of traffic to

customers is much higher than for those businesses that focus on a broader marketplace. The added benefit for those who enter into the niche market is smaller market competition to contend with and therefore a greater opportunity for faster .success

Finding your niche is the key to successful marketing and in the remaining chapters, we will focus on how to identify your niche and how to market products and services to potentiate sales profits. This approach to business also frees the business owner to be passionate about their product or service with people who are going to be interested in it. The niche market is already an interested audience for .advertising campaigns Niche marketing has the potential to give a business immediate online marketing success. Robert Kiyosaki explains why The only way one will create wealth is to “ understand that wealth comes from us not to us. Wealth is a reward for services rendered. That is why you must help and truly give value to others and that’s when you will attract people and wealth. If you focus on a check you will make just a living but if you focus on relationship ”.you’ll make a fortune

Niche marketing takes this principle and potentiates it in the business .environment Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Identifying Your Niche When you have realized the importance of a niche for your business, you will understand that there are various things that you need to do in order to identify it. Your niche is the narrow area where your

business will focus on. It is the green pasture for you‌ the little area where you have the most lucrative prospects to take your business ahead. This is the area where you know your business has a demand, and hence the prospects are high. Instead of promoting your business to the whole wide world, just concentrating on this little niche market really makes sense, because here even if you market to only a 100 people, there is a chance that more than 80 people will view your business favorably, because you have already tapped into a market .that is interested in you Let us discuss some methods in which you can find your niche One of the best ways to get your niche .1 is to follow your hobby or passion and convert it into a business. This is a very easy thing to do and it will mostly come naturally to you because you are already knowledgeable about your hobby and it could be fun to promote something that

you are already excited about. So, if your hobby is fishing, you could start a business about something relating to fishing, such as maybe making and selling fishing rods. Who is your niche in this case? Your niche is all the anglers of .the world Doesn’t it make perfect sense? When you are a hobbyist yourself, it is easier for you to get in touch with the other anglers of the world. You know where they hang out, you know how to get in touch with them, and you know what will arouse their interest. In this case, you are a part of the niche, you are not apart from the niche. It helps you to have a clear focus about what you are going to do and that can .certainly help your business prospects You can also find a niche by finding a .2 specialized area of an existing market. Take this example. The cell phone market is a huge market. Now, if you think of getting into the cell phone manufacturing market, that is a very huge task that you

are planning to take up. Are you confident of meeting the demands of this very wide market? That is certainly a tall order! Then, suppose that you are able to narrow down your market. Instead of catering to the entire cell phone using fraternity, you decide that you will focus on a part of it. You decide that you will specialize in making cell phones for .students only

In that case, you do not have to go too far. You only have to take a look at the needs, requirements and preferences of the student community and you create devices for them alone. You are not interested in the other users of cell phones and what they are looking for because that does not form a part of your niche market. You only want to get in touch with people who are part of your .niche Naturally, you will be able to produce more sophisticated products because you can do research on what this specific market needs and you will be better .equipped to provide it to them Another way to identify a niche is to .3 find out a shortcoming or a lacking in an existing market. When refrigerators were first invented, they were made of wooden or metallic bodies and they did not have the rubber lining that they come with presently. Due to this, these refrigerators were immensely noisy and definitely not a

.pleasure to use Some smart cookie understood this shortcoming in refrigerators and then thought of a method to eliminate the noisy nuisance. Thus, the rubber lining was invented. You see the point‌ this was an add-on, something that was a failing of a previous product and now it .has become a complete industry in itself Maybe you should take a look around as well. There are several products out there that need some kind of finesse. Also, there are several services out there that can do with some better planning. You do not need a scientific mind for that. Haven’t you sometimes, after using a particular product or service, felt that if you had designed it, it would have been better? Now is the time where you can use all these ideas and opinions and create a niche for yourself‌ likeminded people like you who are also looking for those very things that you purport to give to them and make some money in the

.process Something that is the need of the hour .4 could be an excellent niche for you to deal with. There are so many things that are lacking in the world that we live in. You should have a keen eye for finding out about those things. Then sit down and think—why are those things lacking? Can you do something about it? Can you ?provide people with any solutions there In such cases, it might be required for you to up your skills a little. You might need to learn new things. You might need to invent something even. But do not let that faze you. The biggest marketers of the world, the most successful people, are those who have identified some unsatisfied need in the world and then .provided that to people Create a need. This is perhaps the .5 most difficult way of finding out your niche. It will take the greatest amount of creativity and effort. But, you can do it if you are given time. What did Bill Gates

do? He created a niche, he created a need. He created a whole new niche of people who wanted to use computers. And that created a million sub-niches of .its own You will need oodles of talent and inventiveness to develop a niche by creating a need. But, you should start by thinking about a new product‌ a product that will benefit humankind in some way. You may have some ideas on that already. There are a lot more people with such ideas than you might think. If you have something in your mind, do not nip it in the bud. Think about what you can do to implement it, after you have carefully assessed the worth of that idea. If you are sure, then you can go ahead and think about building on your concept‌ .and creating a need in the process Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week

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Building a Unique Niche Approach to Business

If you want to really shine in your business, transition into becoming the rich marketer, then you need to develop a unique niche approach to your business. Every marketer right now needs to have a niche—we have already established that fact in the previous chapter—but to really stand out, you will need to have a niche .that is unique Your niche must be just your own. That helps you build a stronger hold on the market because you do not have a competition. This kind of monopoly might be difficult to achieve, but once you have done it, there is no stepping back. There is nothing that can deter you from going .ahead Building a Unique Niche Approach to Business If you are already in business, you may already have a reasonable idea of what your unique niche already is. Most people enter into business, whatever its size, because they have an interest in the

product or service they are selling. Perhaps you have qualifications within the industry your business operates or you have previously sold products and gained experience with the produce you .are now selling yourself Your niche is the primary product you are selling and the secondary products are those products that support the primary product. If you do not have a primary product, then your primary product should be the product you are currently ranking .as your bestseller with customers If you are reading this eBook with the intention of starting your own business then consider the products or services that already have your personal interest. Investigate which of these are already in high demand with prospective customers. If you remain undecided about your business focus, choosing the product or service already in demand, will provide .you with a potential niche focus Knowing which product or service to sell

is at least in the early stages of developing a business, the easy stage. The important point is not to grow your niche too big too quickly without having identified the niche group to market it too. Most businesses fail by trying to expand too quickly and without the customer or .client base to support the expansion When determining how to market the niche, it is tempting to take advantage of all the Internet marketing tools and develop strategies more focused on optimizing a website for search engines in the hope of attracting new customers. This temptation may attract traffic to your website, but it is not necessarily going to mean those visitors will become customers who will remain loyal to your .business When we remember, the role that developing relationships play in building wealth potential, it is easy to understand why statistics show that the best way to increase business is to develop

relationships with your existing customers. This approach to customer service, contributes to customer loyalty to your products and services. Their word of mouth recommendation of your products .and services will attract its own traffic Building a niche focus group does not mean not implementing optimization techniques to build a broader customer base, but rather encourages the resources and financial assets be directed towards an already interested market base. This enables the business to reward customer loyalty and build on existing relationships, rather than constantly needing to build new ones to .maintain sales and profits

Robert Kiyosaki has described the importance of this service relationship approach to creating a customer niche. He highlights the principle that “wealth is a reward for services rendered!” As businesses provide products services to their customers, and customers recognize that they and what they want and need are the business focus and not just profit, they will return continuously .and will bring other customers with them ?How Big Should Your Niche Be This is an important question that needs to be answered before you can plan anything concrete about your business. All your business-related activities— planning strategies, creating a plan for your business promotion, hiring people to work for it—will depend on the size of your niche. If your niche is very narrow, you will probably require only a few resources to bring it to fruition, but if your niche is huge, then you will probably need a large number of resources to

.make it happen That is the reason why you have to think about the size of your niche. Maybe you could begin by making a fair assessment of the kind of resources that you have at your disposal. What is the budget you have? How many people are working with you? What is their expertise? What are your qualifications? What eligibilities do you have? And, most importantly, what are the visions that you have about your ?business These are the questions that you should ask yourself and get good answers to when you are planning on the size of your niche. You need to make sure that you select a size that works for you—a size in which you can fulfill your business’s goals .and ambitions Moreover, there is one very important thing. Whatever business you start with, one day you will need to expand it. At that time, you will want to widen your niche. That is why, even if you are choosing a

small niche now, make sure that there is scope for growth. Your niche should be able to grow when you are ready for it. Will you be able to implement techniques that will help you find more people to add to your niche, and hence aid you in ?growing your business The preliminary planning that you make for your business is what dictates its future. At the same time, I should tell you not to be too reserved and restrained in your thinking—there is a lot you can do if you visualize and plan hard. So, let !yourself loose

Marketing Strategies and Your Personal Niche

What you do with your chosen niche is a very important deciding factor for the way your business goes. Every business has a niche, whether they realize it consciously or not, and it is the niche that they cater to that matters the most. Now, every business has a different niche as well. That’s the reason no two businesses can implement the same kind of marketing strategies. You will need to have an air of uniqueness about your marketing methods, just as your business .niche itself is unique Here, pay close attention to this uniqueness factor, which is what can take businesses to the direction we want them .to go In addition, in this chapter, we are going to discuss the popular marketing strategies that rich marketers use today. These are the secrets that rich marketers won’t tell their poor counterparts, because they can do without the added competition. However, what they do not

realize is that there is place for everyone. If you help others in the online world, they .will help you too Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Marketing Strategies and Your Unique Niche ?Why Do You Need a Unique Niche Today, the main mantra of any business is that it needs to have a well-defined

niche that is its own. This is what helps it get an identity and establishes it in the .industry Consider two credit card companies. Both have approximately the same features and are competitors of each other in a way. They are doing similar business as well. At present, both companies are working with the same niche. Then, one of the credit card companies goes ahead and introduces special cards for students. This special student credit card has features like milder credit checks (which helps students because they do not have a credit rating yet), a lower spending limit (which helps students because they can manage their expenses better that way and ensure that they do not run long bills) and a low interest rate. Due to these features, this company wins over the trust of the student niche. Almost overnight, it overtakes its rival and its business .improves This is an example in which a specialized

niche can help your business. But let us .take this example further Now, in order to still focus their attention on a closer niche, the company offers some incentives to African-American students who want to take their credit cards. The niche becomes more concentrated now. These students go all out and order their credit cards. The business now spreads like wildfire, .though it is within a very small niche However, it does make sense. The company has now monopolized credit cards in the African-American community. People from this niche are going to consider just this company when they want credit cards. An intelligent move by this company is that it is catching people when they are young, when they are still students. Most of them are going to grow up and still think by default about the same company. So, even when they are adults, the company has already sold .their credit cards to them

In business, it is always the smarter cookie that turns out to be the richer marketer. It always works. You have to be one step ahead of your competitors if you .have to win the rat race

Think what they are not offering to the marketers. Then sit and plan your strategy to offer that same thing. Within the market, is there a group of people—a large group of people—on whom you can pay special attention and increase your business potential? Then do that. Go ahead with that group. This is your special niche. When you focus your attention on them, you are sure to .multiply your business It is always wise to have 1,000 customers in a closed niche than have 100 .customers in a wide niche Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Can Your Business Niche Really Be ?Unique Now, the question is, can you have a unique niche? Is it possible to have that? Isn’t it possible that your competitor has ?thought of it already These are the kinds of apprehensions that create apprehensions in the minds of even the most prolific marketer and hold them down. You cannot have such

skepticism in your mind when you are trying to enter the rich marketer category. Even if your competitor might have thought of this niche already, they have not tapped into it. In the business world, it is always the first person who takes the step that counts, that builds the .monopoly When Alexander Graham Bell applied for the telephone patent, he was lucky because several other people applied for the same patent in the next few days. Their machines were almost the same as what Bell had devised, but still today we know Bell as the inventor of the telephone, not any of the others. Bell was also a great businessperson. He immediately got to selling his units and made a successful—highly successful— .business out of it So, the timing surely matters. Something may be holding your competitors back, which is not your problem, because you haven’t encountered it. There is no

reason why a mere suspicion that your competitor may also be trying to enter into the niche should stop you from doing .things To build your unique niche, these are the things you need to look for Think whether there is a special group .1 within your larger group—a kind of subset within the universal set that you have been targeting for so long. What can you give to this special sub-niche? There might be some special features that they are looking for, they may have their own set of preferences and likes and dislikes. There might be some cultural points that you might consider as well. If there are things you can do that can help this special group feel more special, then why not go all out and give it to them? This .could be your own, very unique niche Maybe you could look at your own .2 personality‌ your own hobbies and passions. Consider an example. Maybe you are an artist; that is your hobby, not

your profession. Your profession is that you are a fashion designer. Now, there are many fashion designers in the business and competition is certainly quite tough. But, you can plan something special. You are an artist, aren’t you? You think of embellishing your T-shirts with your own artwork. You make unique artworks and print them on the T-shirts .and flood the market with them This can really get the people’s attention. The strength lies in numbers too. When people can see these T-shirts prominently displayed, they are going to be interested in them. Just make sure not to go overboard though, because fashion .should not be too commonplace

But, you get the point. Now you have something that your competitors don’t have. You have an advantage and you are leveraging it on your business. In the meantime, your business is popularizing your artistic talent as well. You are aiming .at two birds with one stone You have developed a special unique niche of your own—a niche of people who have become fans of your artwork. They wouldn’t want anything else right now. You have a huge edge over your competitors. It just took you some thought to develop this sub-niche; you had the .talent in you all the time There is another way to build a sub- .3 niche. Are you associated with something that people know you for? Maybe you have done some charitable work for senior citizens in the past. Or maybe you are Jewish. Or something like that. If you have such a cultural, religious or linguistic edge, you have an opportunity there to create a sub-niche of people like you.

Like attracts like in the world of business. Even today, in this highly liberal world that we are living in, people like to gather amidst other people who are similar to them. You might work this to your advantage in business. There is no harm in catering to a particular category of people; it is looked upon as philanthropy .rather than sectarianism What Marketing Strategies Should You ?Adopt Once you have a unique niche, there is one important thing that you have to think about. You have to think how to reach out to this niche. Unless you are able to promote your activities to this special niche you have created, your efforts will be futile. Hence, a very important part of the job will be to implement proper marketing techniques to reach out to your niche, to popularize your business within .the niche The following are some of the methods that you can use. In our subsequent

chapters, we are going to see one of these methods—which we have handpicked to be the best in the current reckoning—in much greater detail. And, all of these methods are implementable on the Internet, because that is the .weapon of the rich marketer of today Popularize your product through .1 articles. This strategy includes writing meaningful, informative articles and publishing them on the Internet across various directories. There are many article directories that will take your article submissions for free. You could consider the following places to put your articles; these are the best in the business right …now EzineArticles (/( Articles Base (/( (/Article City ( (/Article Alley ( (/Buzzle (

(/iSnare ( (/Go Articles ( Associated Content (/( (/Amazines (

Article Directory (/( There are many advantages of writing articles on these directories. First and foremost, you are giving out something to people for free—information. Most of the people in your market are looking for information right now. And, if you can give them this information for free, you are .directly adding them to your fan base Also, by giving them relevant information, you are establishing your stamp of credibility on them. You are telling them, in no indefinite terms, that you know what you are talking about. You are showing them your expertise, and this makes you different. You may notch up a good fan following of people who like to read your articles‌ and that is your unique niche right there. These people, who grow accustomed to your manner of giving information, will not want to buy products .from anyone else The second marketing strategy, and .2

this one is a personal favorite, is blogging. Have you tried blogging? This is perhaps the best way in which you can reach out to your unique niche and do the most of it. A blog is your personal space. It is the live recording of what you think and feel, in a chronicled manner. But, it is more than that. This is a place where people can read about you, and your business because that is our intention here, and they can post their comments. This has become a powerful tool of .creating visibility over the Internet today Blogs are same as well as different from articles. They are same in the manner that they contain content. They are similarly text-based and if you look just at the content on Notepad or something like that, you may not be able to tell whether the content will eventually land up on an article directory or a blog. But maybe the similarities end there. The reason is that blogs are highly interactive. When you are on a blog, it is possible for you to

receive comments from your readers. They can read your blog posts, comment on them, and even share them with their .own groups Blogs are the real new-age Internet marketing tools right now. They are so interactive that they can be shared through Web 2.0 tools such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Squidoo, HubPages and so many more. Each of these tools is designed in such a way that they can popularize content on the Internet. Once you have a blog post on Digg, for example, the friends of the readers who dugg your content will be able to read it too. They will be able to digg the content as well, which will add to its popularity. As a result, a lot of likeminded people are going to read your content and they may like the whole thing. With such social tools, you are growing your business at every minute or, to say it more precisely, you are growing your unique niche at every moment. This counts a lot for your

?business, doesn’t it In fact, if you carry on with this in the right manner, you might be able to take your business just where you want to take it, .and become a rich marketer You may also want to try putting up .3 press releases on the Internet. When you have devised a new product that you aim will cater to a new niche, or a special subniche within your existing niche, then you would do best if you would design a professional press release about it and submit it on a website like PRWeb (, which is a press .release directory Press releases are usually viewed favorably by the search engines because they contain updated information about something new that they feel people would like to know about. Hence, once you have a press release put up, people are immediately going to know about

it. Services like Google’s Google Alerts and Yahoo’s Shine are instrumental in popularizing press releases to a greater extent, which means your chosen people are going to know very soon about what .you want to tell them Internet press releases are different from offline press releases that you might find in newspapers and other publications. Here, the press releases carry a direct link to your business webpages. Hence, people who are interested in what they read can directly come and visit your website. They can find out what your business is about, and carry on from there. Do not underestimate the power of a great press release in popularizing your .business to your special niche Email marketing is another thing you .4 have to consider. In this method, just as the name indicates, you send out emails to a group of targeted people. What are these emails about? You have to carefully design them so that they do not look

spammy and they should contain some meaningful content for your customers. They can contain some subtle marketing strategy within them, but on the face of it, they would work the best if they look like they are part of a series or some tutorial that you are providing for free for your .chosen target group You cannot send emails to people just like that. You will need to solicit their permission beforehand. Most of the rich marketers of the Internet today have done so by collaborating with popular websites and creating opt-in forms on these websites. When people become members on these websites, they are asked whether they would like information from their partners. People who agree to that are the people who opt .in to get such emails Once you have such a list of people, you can start sending them emails. You should not send too many emails—just 1 email every week or two should be

sufficient to get your point across. Remember that you do not want to become a rich marketer at the cost of sounding too desperate. Also, build a powerful strategy right at the start. Once you have your strategy, do not shift from your path. You might have 10, 20 or 40 emails in a series—it does not matter, but it is necessary that there is a common .strand connecting them all You can make the most out of your email series by using autoresponders. Autoresponders are automated messages that are send out to someone when they take a particular action. For example, people may get an automated message as soon as they opt in to your service. This message invites them to the group. You can have more automated messages later on during the course‌ in fact, you can schedule the entire email series to be sent out through .autoresponders Take a look at these resources. Your

competitors are doing it already, and if you want to become a rich marketer, you need to use these techniques before they do. Also, email marketing is a wonderful way to personally contact people from your unique group, which makes them feel special and they start thinking quite .favorably about you One more marketing strategy that you .5 can consider to get in touch with your unique niche is to build a great sales page proclaiming what you do. This sales page could be as long or as short as you want, and you can make it as creative as you want to. A sales page is a blatantly promotional page, so it is very different from all the other methods I have discussed with you, but it can hit the mark .if you plan it well Basically, your sales page should tell people what your business is about. You need not tell them all the details right away, but your sales page could be a way of giving them a good

preliminary idea about your business. You could consolidate your sales page by giving people an option to opt in to some list so that they can be kept in the loop for .further information Today, marketers are designing immensely different sales page, using all the creativity that they have. It is possible to have audio clips and video clips in a sales page. There are also small people images that can crop up from the bottom right of the screen announcing the product and speaking to people about it that can be placed on the sales page. There are links to other social networking places that you can put on the sales page, where people can go visit and find .out more about you But, what really takes the cake on the sales pages are the testimonials. You should try to get good testimonials from your existing clients and put them on your sales page. This really makes a difference. People understand that your

product is something worth considering because there are a lot of happy people who have used the product. Even here, you have ways to be unique. You could !add video testimonials from people Speaking of videos, there is one more .6 very interesting and highly effective way to make your business reach out to your chosen niche. That is of video marketing. You can try this method out. Make a short video about yourself saying something about your business—it could be some kind of a tutorial video, or it could be a review, or it could just be an interview‌ anything you would like. Once you have such a video, put it up on websites such .as YouTube or Metacafe You will almost immediately see the jump in sales. Right now, YouTube is second to only Google as the most popular search engine in the world. People are coming here to find information. In fact, they are coming here to look for videos. When you make meaningful videos and post them

on YouTube, you are getting very popular. Your credibility is increasing. Also, you can add links for your business within these videos themselves. People can straightaway visit your website once they have liked your video; it is as simple as .that Do you realize the immense advantages of having a video about yourself or your business? You are automatically increasing your popularity by leaps and bounds. You are becoming some kind of Internet celebrity and you are stamping your credentials. People will trust you as a reliable source for information and as an authority, provided you post good content. And, since you are trying to locate your special niche within the niche, this is the method that can take you .there You may also want to try out affiliate .7 marketing. This is one of the ways in which you can go out and reach your unique niche. When you are marketing

through your affiliates, essentially you are placing an ad of your business on their websites, blogs or whatever. These people are generally those who have businesses related to yours. Thus, they have a good chance of bringing in your .special niche to you For example, if you have a business of selling pregnancy wear, then a website that gives pregnancy self-help information could be your affiliate website. You could put up an ad of your business on their website. When women come looking on that website for information about their pregnancy, they will see your ad and most likely they will click on it to visit your website as well. That is how simple it is to bring an interested person over to your .website through affiliate marketing

Affiliate means to associate with or be a member of something or someone. This means that affiliate marketing can be considered as a business that gives compensation or a reward for a person who brings another client into the business. There are many examples of affiliate marketing available both online and offline. One example is whereby a client is giving a certain money back coupon when they refer another client to .the vendor of a good or service Other examples are when a person is given gifts in form of cash or other rewards for referring people to the vendor. These examples are the reason why some people earn some money using affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is done through using certain levels. The levels are mainly four which can be used to make affiliate marketing a success. In the first level there is the merchant or vendor. From the vendor, the next levels are the network, the publisher

and the affiliate. These steps of marketing have an indirect connection with internet marketing at some point. This is attributed to the use of regular advertising methods by affiliates to get other .affiliates Advertising methods that affiliates use will include email marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing and search engine optimization. One form of strategic affiliate marketing is by using one website to drive and send traffic to another. This is one of the methods of internet, marketing that is normally unseen by advertisers. Other modes of online marketing are predominant than affiliate marketing. It is still on a low profile despite the fact that it is a big part .of online marketing There are some compensation methods that are normally made using affiliate marketing. These compensation methods given to affiliates are different and understanding them would be advisable.

-:The methods are  Predominant compensation methods  Diminished compensation  Performance marketing  Multitier programs Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Predominant compensation methods When these types of compensation methods are used, there is the revenue sharing and cost per share that is given. The percentage of programs that use Cost per Share (CPS) is 80%. 19% of the programs compensate on a Cost per Action (CPA) method. The remaining

percentage is normally used by Cost per .(Mille (CPM) and Cost per Click (CPC Diminished compensation methods Markets that are mature use a different mode of compensation. Less than 1% of these traditional affiliate programs currently use CPC and CPM. Such kinds of compensation procedures are mainly used in paid searches and display advertising. CPM will require the party advertising to avail the advert on the site and display it to visitors so that they can get a commission. When PPC (Pay per Click) is used, there is another step that has to be accomplished in order to receive compensation. It will require the visitor not only to view the advertisement, .but also to click on it

On clicking the advertisement, they are directed to the advertiser’s website. CPC had a lot of popularity when affiliate marketing was starting. However, there has been a continuous rise in click fraud such that the method is seen as an easy way to defraud some money from the internet. Though some of these methods have had a decrease in popularity in some areas, there are some which are still being used in other areas. A good example of an area that still uses these methods is China. When compared to the West, it has a different system to compensate affiliates. Most of the affiliates are being paid on a Cost per Day basis. Some of the networks in China will offer CPC and CPM despite .the reasons stated above Performance marketing In CPM and CPC, the publisher will not be interested by a visitor becoming a member of the audience that an advertiser is trying to target. The reason

behind this is that the publisher will already have gotten their commission. As a result, a lot of loss and risk is left to the advertiser if a visitor cannot be converted. In most cases, the highest risk is seen in .CPM CPS and CPA will need the referred visitors to do more than just have a look that the website that thy have been referred to in order to receive a commission. The advertiser has to make sure that the visitor is converted. To make a conversion, an affiliate will have to send traffic that is mostly targeted to the advertiser. This way, they will have a higher chance of making a conversion. Risk and loss in this situation is normally shared between the advertiser and the .affiliate In some cases, affiliate marketing can be termed as performance marketing. The term is used in reference to the compensation of the employees. Most of these employees are paid by

commission. However, there are added bonuses for performing more than the .baseline which they were given Affiliate marketing has been misunderstood to be like a sales team. This is not true due to two reasons. The first reason is that a person who is an affiliate marketer provides very small and sometimes no influence on a possible prospect. Secondly, an advertiser’s sales team will not have any control of any .prospect Multitier programs There is a type of programs that give commissions on a hierarchical referral network. Such programs are normally referred to as multitier programs. A good example of the same is when a publisher, say publisher “1”, gets a contact with an advertiser. Once they get this contract, they will get other publishers which we will call “2” and “3”. The two of the new publishes will sign up for the same system or program using the code that

.publisher “1” gave them Once they have signed up, any earnings that publishers “2” and “3” get in future will be paid as an additional commission (though at a lower rate) to publisher “1”. Very few affiliate programs have a two tier program. Those that are more than one tier are more or less like Multi Level Marketing (MLM) programs. However, MLM seems to have a high qualification and complex commission systems than .normal affiliate programs There is a payment necessary though. You will have to pay your affiliates for promoting you. Generally, you pay them according to the number of clicks that these people are able to

divert to your business. You could use a reliable service like Google AdSense. This service automates the entire process and you can easily find out how many clicks a particular affiliate has sent you and you can pay them in accordance to .that But the big benefit of affiliate marketing is that you are bringing people over to your website, and these are people who are connected to the niche that you are .planning to target However, if you really want to walk .8 over the competition, then the method that you should seriously consider is social networking. This is age of social networking. Everyone is one these websites right now, connecting with each other like never before. There are groups of people here, people sharing likes and dislikes and having common interests .and preferences If you could attract one of these people within a social networking group, then

you have a chance to attract so many more. Their entire friend’s group could be yours for the taking. When you are backed with a good product and good reviews from people who have used it, viral marketing through such social networking websites is something that could make you the richest marketer ever. People will like your stuff and then recommend it to others. This kind of popularity can increase with amazing alacrity. You will be surprised at the prospects you build up even when you .are sleeping Social networking is so immense, and such a potential tool, that you just cannot ignore it if you want to become a rich marketer. In the next few chapters, we are going to take a very close look at social networking and how it can make you a rich marketer. We are also going to see the top 3 social networking websites today, places where you can really reach .out into the open

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Social Networking and Niche Marketing

Quite assuredly, this is the age of social networking. People are using the Internet as a tool to get in touch with others. Even people living within the same house add each other to their social networking groups. The reason is that there are so many assorted activities that you can do here that it becomes a fun-filled rollercoaster ride rather than just being a means of communication. People are on each other’s social networks much more than ever before, and the rich marketer .has definitely not missed out on that fact The rich marketer, over the last 10 years, has gone out and created a very strong presence in the social networking world. Keeping up with what they want to do, the rich marketers have pulled the strings to build their strong niches here. They have built niches within niches, and they have increased their marketing practices many times over by just creating such a strong interactive base on these social .networking websites

If you want to make the transition to being the rich marketer as well, you need to understand this fact well. You need to jump up and reach the higher grapes if you want to be special, and in this case, that means the added effort that you might have to put in so that you can make a presence on the social networking websites. At the end of the day, you will find that this really helps you to find your niche, and not only that, you will be able .to impress them with what you can do You can make people within a social networking group your fan base. You can make these people look up to you for information and reliable resources to do things they want to do. If you are able to work on the trust factor in this manner, you will be able to actually reach out and convert them to being your customers, which is one of the most important things for you to do if you want to become a rich .marketer Social Networking and Niche

Marketing Creating niche traffic by advertising on social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a convenient and easy way to create a network of people who are interested in your services and .products Advertising campaigns promoted through social networks target products and services to a customer base that is that is more likely to be receptive to them. Customers choose to join your network because they believe they will benefit from the contact with you and your services or products. You are now in a position to capitalize on that trust relationship and provide them with those “extra mile� services that will reward them .for their loyalty to your business Providing those on your networks with ongoing information and resources will maintain their trust that you are a market leader and therefore a trusted provider of quality goods and services. This more

personal contact with the business representatives and the business itself, helps to keep the business relevant to its .customers Evidence for the success of social networking sites as an important business strategy, is its use by celebrities, companies and other corporations to stimulate interest in their activities and r products. Television channels for example, use social media sites to create interest in their regular television programs and this helps them to maintain top ratings for some shows .and to improve ratings for others

Politicians are increasingly using social networking as tools for their campaigns, highlighting their ability to communicate to a broad spectrum of supporters in a cost effective and efficient manner. .The advantage of social networking is the ability of informal and formal dialogue to take place between business and company in real time and supported by .use of video and photo technology A strong social network also enables business to link with likeminded businesses and share resources and knowledge of current market trends. In the past, this knowledge has helped Robert make predictions that have guided and driven his business decisions. Creating these networking relationships has the added benefit of providing back links to your website from other websites, an important strategy for Search Engine .Optimization There is clear evidence of the success of Social Networking as an important

marketing strategies for a niche business, When it fails it is often because there have been no strategies developed to maximize the benefits of using this medium. The goal is to actively engage people with you and your products and services so they are regularly updated with not only descriptions, but also with practical ways of using them. This information when tagged with back links to your website will potentially draw a loyal customer base to your website regularly. This traffic will create more .sales, than conventional advertising Because the content on our social networking site is focused on a niche market, it must focus only on the products and services you are providing and should not include other content, which is not directly related in some way to your .business focus Social network is possibly the key strategic action you can take to create an environment to sell your products and

services. With careful planning, social networking offers you a more consistent approach to advertising and building a niche customer base, than most other .forms of advertising and network building The Big Three Social Networks When it is about social networking sites, then the big three social networks of 2014 are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. There are countless social networking sites, but there are few sites that have over shadowed all the other social .networking sites These social networks have given the concept of global village a new dimension; people from all over the world are tied together in one place sharing their life's experiences, ideologies, cultures and even business now. These social networking sites have introduced a new pattern of business by converting a serious medium of business into a social, lighter, and fun filled medium but its objectives are still the same. They are

also playing an important role as an .online recruitment network These days, one of the most prominent social networking sites is Facebook. Currently, it is the most viewed and used social networking site with almost 135 million visitors every month. Initially it was made for young students to share their updates, pictures, videos and other content with their friends and family members but within a few years it has become a biggest craze in the world. People have become addicted to Facebook. Many new friendships and relationships have been built through Facebook. It is not only limited to social networking with friends and family but it also allows people to make their company pages and other social groups to exchange information about their business. Promotion of companies and organizations and advertisement on affordable price on Facebook is a latest

trend. It has opened up many opportunities for various new jobs as well, and has become the most popular and .successful social networks today Twitter is no doubt the most beneficial micro blogging network where people connect with the followers of same interest instantly. It has an excellent quality where people can send instant messages to other people of their interest. It provides a better opportunity to socialize. Trend or popularity is increasing day by day with approximately 50 million visitors every month. Twitter is mostly used by famous celebrities and personalities who like to tweet about their upcoming projects, personal and controversial matters. Like Facebook, it is not necessary to add people in your friend list to socialize with them; it allows you to message any one without following them. Here, you can meet new people every day, interact with the people of your niche and can share or market your

.business as well Contrary to the above two social networks, LinkedIn is smallest but more professional site with better recruitment opportunities. Here, a person builds their profile, uploads their CV and qualifications, and then adds their friends and other professional companies related to their interest or field as connections. Here, people can find more opportunities to contact with more senior and experienced professionals. Most companies hire through this social network. Its popularity is increasing rapidly. According to the estimation, its .monthly traffic is around 40 million Therefore, apart from all other social networking sites these are the three big social networks in 2011, working tremendously with increasing revenue per day and providing more opportunities for business and social networking around .the globe In the further chapters, we are going to

take a closer look at each of these three top 3 social networking websites that have revolutionized the world of niche .marketing Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Mingling Business with Social Activities

Facebook is the most popular social networking website today. Strictly speaking, Facebook is not designed for business, but that does not deter the rich marketer from using it for business. The very fact that Facebook has such a lot of people on it at any given moment of the day and the fact that there are a large number of applications that it is associated with makes it an option that .rich marketers just cannot ignore Rich marketers are using Facebook to create their social networking presence, and even domination. They are building their own little groups where they are popularizing themselves and then they are creating their monopoly. This is happening to such an extent that they are becoming go-to resources for people from all over the world who are trying to .look for specific information You cannot ignore such a huge phenomenon that has swept the world in such an emphatic manner. This chapter

tells you what this phenomenon is all about, and how marketers can use it to leverage their presence in the online .world Mingling Business with Social Activities Facebook ( is the most popular social networking site with a monthly traffic of 135 million. It is the best possible way for marketing today. Facebook was started as a social networking site for college going students to interact socially with each other and .share their activities, photos and videos Facebook is not only limited to social networking; it has now become the most powerful marketing site as well. It has started mingling business with other social activities very smartly and strategically. Facebook is used for the marketing of various products and companies. Different pages and profiles have been made to promote different .companies and personalities

In order to promote through different pages on Facebook, people make a specific page of their company and put their necessary information there. They use different tactics to make their page more attractive and popular like using an attractive profile picture, continuous updates about the products of the company and by adding new friends and requesting them to like their page. Through this kind of marketing, a person or representation of the company, like a PR man, establishes his own identity, along with company's information in front of the people. They keep on connecting with more and more people so that the .social network increases rapidly When most of the people visit or like the page, automatically the publicity of the product increases. Online description and display of new products make people aware about the new arrivals. Apart from that, option of invitation to the official or social event has played a significant role

in mingling business with social activities. People make invitees of their events through Facebook and save their money as it is free of cost here. Facebook is the most economical, easiest, fastest and .successful mode of promoting business It is getting new advertisements on affordable rates daily. Promotion of other websites, companies and individuals can be done through Facebook. It is also used for the promotion of other website's content by integrating Facebook plug-ins on different websites like sharing of clips from YouTube through these plug-ins. Apart from that, other online articles and videos from various websites are also being posted on Facebook. This has .increased Facebook marketing

Facebook has given a whole new meaning to the business promotion and marketing by converting a serious business medium into a social and interactive medium. Common people find it easy to promote their new business through Facebook than any other medium. Facebook has its own Marketplace page where masses can sell and purchase different things. This application page shows all the recent listings in your profile. This is more attractive than other pages and provides you complete range of products related to you and people in your network directly or .indirectly Hence, Facebook is a medium where people mix up business with social networking through joining or liking the business page of friends and friends of friends as well. Through this, more and more people get associated with your business directly and indirectly. Therefore, Facebook is considered as a

most successful medium of marketing by mingling business with all other social .activities

Using Tweeting for Business

Twitter is another very popular social networking resource that works on a totally different concept. This resource has become popular due to its use of micro-blogging. You can post small bits of content here, known as micro-blogs in general and tweets in particular, that tell people what you are doing. You can give people links to your business. You can create a base of people who follow you. Your followers can be followed by other followers. In a very short time, you might have a large number of people who are .following what you say on Twitter That can work amazingly well. These people have decided to follow you. So, by implication, these people are interested in what you want to say. They have faith in .your tweets Hence, the rich marketers will never want to lose out on this opportunity. Tweeting for business is what everyone is doing right now, and this is one area you should .focus on as well

Tweeting for Business Business in today’s world is no more limited to offices, documentations and business meetings only. It is more global and social now; tweeting for business is an interesting concept. Twitter ( provides a platform to the people in business to make more contacts and do marketing of .their company and products Twitter is a micro blogging site where people can do promotions but shameless and obsolete marketing is not allowed. It is not a way of starting or promoting a business. It is only a platform to promote your own self, your ideas and new products. It is used for forwarding your .business rather than launching it All you need to do is log on to the Twitter and become a follower. By following someone, you have the capability to show your likes and dislikes. It is not limited to be a follower only; you have to give feedbacks and opinions on different

subjects within limited 140 words; it should be crisp, short and unique. By posting your comments and feedbacks, you are showing your presence there. It is necessary that you develop a social interaction with different people on the site. If you do not interact with them and only post your ads then people might think that you are a scam. Make healthy relations with people so that they start following you. Only then you would be successful in convincing people about .your business plans and products Tweeting for business is like establishing a brand image. For example, when a specific brand is being launched the manufacturer uses many different ways to promote it and make people well aware about the brand. Advertisements also use the same technique, like they don't sell brands but they sell ideas. People usually accept and adopt them as a part of their life styles. Only after building an emotional relationship with the product,

the brand loyalty develops among the consumer. Similarly for promotion of business, you must build a relationship of trust with your followers and Twitter is the best available platform for this purpose. Writing a profile with your biography is the first and most important step, so that people know about your qualifications, experiences and business and will start .following you After that, you must keep on tweeting on other tweets. Do not hesitate to express your opinions and point of views on different subjects. If you do not agree with something, feel free to disagree but don't be rude; selection of words should be careful. Build arguments and support your point of view with solid proofs and statements. It will show others that you have some knowledge and you have an ability to be determined to your beliefs. This will definitely

increase your followership. Keep contact with your followers, discuss things with them, share your ideas about promotion of your business and fields of your interest, state about what your business wants, don't fear to give statements and don't be afraid of oppositions. Ask questions to others; it is a platform for two way communication and their responses will appear as a review for clients and followers. Always share links and informative things on Twitter and ask .people to follow Hence, tweeting for business is excellent way to compliment your company and show the internet presence. Do not confuse it with a social networking or just .any other business site Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week Absolutely FREE

Building a Strong Online Reputation

LinkedIn is a place to build a professional profile. You can write about yourself, build a resume for yourself, a profile for your business and go on to build your great online presence. When you have a substantial profile for your business, you will be able to reach out to the right people, and the right people will get .interested in you as well Here we are going to see how we can use LinkedIn as a very rich resource to build content. We shall see how this can be a social network to get touch with other likeminded people, probably even your competitors, and let them know your expertise. If you want to monopolize, a good LinkedIn profile that speaks for itself .is the need of the hour Building a Strong Online Reputation Building a strong online reputation through LinkedIn ( is a powerful way used in the internet today for establishing professional relationships. If

Facebook and Twitter are famous because of being the top social networking sites, then LinkedIn is considered as the best professional networking site. It has almost 55 million .members from around 200 countries You can use your LinkedIn profile as a best tool to establish yourself on the internet. It is very helpful in building a strong reputation online professionally. After registering into LinkedIn, create your profile. You must upload your .resume after that The most important step to make LinkedIn profile as your online resume is to state your summary strongly. The summary must be written in your own words. Mention why you think that you are best in your specified profession and why they should work with you. It is more like a cover letter of yourself to show how you are going to present yourself in front of the world to convince them to take your services. The summary should be

compact and effective. Always use strong keywords to describe your professional qualification so that it will become easy .for a recruiter to find you Use LinkedIn as a profile to explain about your past experiences in detail. Write about your qualifications in a well written or specified form so that it attracts the readers. Never exaggerate your good points. It should not seem that you are self-obsessed. Write an accomplished matter that will set you apart from your friends or mates. Try to get recommendations from those professional or experienced workers with whom you have even worked before or have some links. Recommendations will increase your chances of getting better .opportunities Do come up with your customized vanity URL, as it is quite helpful in building your reputation online because whenever people want to search you, they will use Google easily. Join all the relevant groups

in LinkedIn which are related to your qualifications and interests; it will help in building your resume with a better outlook .and impact If you are on LinkedIn, then you have fair chances of starting your own blog as well. In LinkedIn, there is a web section that allows you to share your web accounts .very easily Apart from the web sections and blogs, LinkedIn also provides access to the Twitter which helps you in sharing your tweets on LinkedIn. It is not at all like the other typical social networking sites to write your feelings and comments. This format of website is more professional and business oriented to attract more .employers towards your profile

Therefore, LinkedIn helps in building a strong reputation online which further helps you in getting more professional assistance and opportunities to prove your potentials. The employers who recommend you can be requested to write testimonials for you. This way, it will help you in building a strong and professional reputation on LinkedIn, which further aids in making your online resume stronger and more attractive to .new recruiters

Drop Building a Powerful Business Presence

It is no secret—all is not well with the world in the current scenario. It hasn’t been so since the last few years. This is putting a spanner in the works. It is keeping enterprising people from reaching where they want to reach. If you want to become a rich marketer, the current economic climate may not be .conducive to you But that is what being a rich marketer is all about. They have various secrets up their sleeve. They know what they can do .to turn the tide in their favor In this optimistic chapter, we are going to see how we can do that… turn the tide in our favor despite the complications that the present global financial situation has .put in our path Building a Powerful Presence Despite the Current Economic Situation Many people are reconsidering their dreams of having a successful business of their own. They look around, see evidence of bankruptcy, and wonder

about the wisdom of moving from secure employment into the unknown of self.employment Statistics would certainly suggest that this is a good idea; most small businesses shut down after 10 years or are sold for much less than the business itself is worth. This however, does not need to be the case. Robert Kiyosaki describes the establishment of the business a journey or a process. It will have a beginning, an end, and a lot of work in the middle. He defines a good business as the one that creates income, without endless effort on the part of the business owner to make the money. The business itself creates the wealth. It may take time to establish, but once established it continuously .makes money for the owner The process is the key to building a powerful business presence despite the current economic climate. Now while it is true that dreams do not make the business succeed it is equally true that

without dreams business won’t succeed. Once you own your dream, you can then build your plans Planning is essential because without planning there can be no progress. Plans provide the blue print for the business operation. However although most businesses have a business plan the reality is they do fail. Planning by itself is not enough to prevent failure. The difference between a successful business and one that fails is the reaction of the business owner when the inevitable problems occur and what the owner does .when faced with failure It is inevitable that mistakes will be made. Many people hit a shaky place in their business dealings, and scared off by the economic climate will at this point choose to close their businesses. Robert Kiyosaki however encourages people to keep going and creating learning opportunities from these mistakes. He suggests that instead of despairing, let the mistakes

drive you to learn why things are failing. .Seek answers in many places Making the commitment not to give up is only the first stage in becoming a powerful business presence. Building networks and focusing on services rather than just producing an income source are .essential Robert Kiyosaki has described this principle in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.� He reminds readers that there are ...three main ways money can be earned Personal Income .1 Portfolio Income .2

Passive Income .3 Most people focus on personal income, but Robert Kiyoski encourages people to focus instead on the other sources of personal income, because as he describes it, personal income is dependent on time and effort from the person earning it, whereas the other forms of income require little effort and money is being made, even when the .person is sleeping How does the principle apply to business? Most people put their effort and money into making the business earn the money. The focus must be on creating the niche and creating the network to advertise the niche. These will make more money than focusing resources and effort on the business .itself Do not create business plans that require you to work hard to create money, but focus your attention on creating business plans where investing and passive

.income sources do the work for you

Ten Things Rich Marketers Hide

In this concluding chapter of the Rich Marketer Poor Marketer eBook, we see some of the things that the rich marketers .try to keep away from the poor marketers As you read these things, you will find out that there is not much that people do not know‌ it is only that the rich marketers .try to reach earlier and try to dominate If you want to make the transition from being a poor marketer to being a rich marketer, then these are the points that .you should read quite closely Ten Things Rich Marketers Hide from Their Poor Counterparts Many of those who today are well-known entrepreneurs, successful and mega rich have one thing in common with each other. Each of them was at one stage poor students or bankrupt businesspersons and women who .refused to give up They started with a dream, an idea that began as a spark and that spark of an idea grew into the multimillion-dollar

companies with which their names are synonymous. What created the success for them? What was the key to their success when so many others have ?failed They had a dream and they lived that .1 dream and did not give up on that dream. That dream was a big dream and it drove them. They believed their dream even .when failure faced them in the face They learned from mistakes and turned .2 mistakes into success. They used failure as a learning tool to enable them to consider how to do things better next .time They started small and gradually built .3 up. Their focus was on building a niche and being the best in that niche. They did not allow their focus to become too big too quickly. This is the sure recipe for .success Their focus was not on the income but .4 on the product and building a loyal base of supporters through the product (or

service) they were offering. Networking was the key, it produced the market, and it produced the opportunity for expansion. They did not need to do it alone. Others .bought into their dream They explored and utilized every .5 available marketing strategy to build their dreams, with the focus firmly on building social networks to develop strong customer focused and customer driven products and services. Therefore, the .products sold themselves They invested time and energy into the .6 development of businesses that eventually produced income with little or .no effort on their part They explored and understood social .7 and economic trends to ensure they understood where the market was going and historically what to expect, understanding that history often repeats .itself They focused their time, energy, and .8 resources on the outcomes of their

research, and invested accordingly, .rather than following the crowd Although at times they did hesitate, .9 they kept the dream and did not allow setbacks to destroy the dream, but having learned from the setback, they allowed themselves to continue the .dream and take risks

As they took risks, they did not lose .10 sight of their objective to create successful businesses and have an in Those who have failed in business are those who have allowed the current economic climate drive their business decisions they have failed to do their research. They do not understand the rise and fall of the markets and the wealth cycles. This has prevented them taking full advantage of investments and portfolios that create income and lose what income they have earned. They have accumulated debt rather than focusing on escaping the debt cycle and failed to see the money market for what it .is They have succumbed to their failures and been scared off by them and they have given into the market trend that suggests that you cannot make money in today’s economic climate as a .businessperson :Robert Kiyosaki has the last word

The size of your success is measured by“ the strength of your desire, the size of your dream and how you handle disappointment along the ”.way

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