Plus authority

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Plus Authority 1 Plus Authority 2 Disclaimer This e-book has been written to provide information only. Every

effort has been made to make this ebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this ebook should be used .as a guide - not as the ultimate source The purpose of this ebook is to educate. The author and the publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or .indirectly by this e-book Plus Authority 3

Table of Contents What is Google+?................................................... ......................................5 About Google+ Circles....................................................... ...........................8 Google Communities ............................................ ......................................10 Benefits of Creating a Google Plus Community ......................................12 Why Google+ Communities Matter........................................................ ..13 Getting Started With Google Hangouts .................................................. ....16 How Google+ Can Help You ........................................................... ...........21 Getting Started on Google+..................................................... ...................23

Using Google Groups ..................................................... ............................28 Google Labs Digital Chemistry ................................................. ..................33 Sharing on Google+ .................................................... ...............................34 Posting On Your Blog .......................................................... .......................35 Advantages of Search Domination by Google+ .........................................36 Conclusion................................................ ..................................................41 Plus Authority 4 Introduction Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you’ve probably at least heard of Google+. If you’re a small business owner, Google+ may seem like a large question mark for you. You

may be wondering, “Why should I care about Google+?” You don’t know how to use it, you’re wondering if you should even attempt it, and the biggest question of all is, “Where in the world will I find time for another social network?” These are all important things to think about, and believe me, .you’re not alone This book is going to show you how to ,use Google+ to build your authority increase your community, and share your .content with the rest of the world You can learn how to take advantage of all the features on Google+ and know how to make the many features work for you, but before you can even consider them properly, you need to .know exactly what Google+ is Plus Authority 5

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?+What is Google Google designed Google+ in an effort to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Basically, the user experience on Google+ is similar to that of Facebook. The idea with Google+, however is to make it easier to share content with “Circles,� which are specific sets of people instead of just publishing content on your wall for .everyone to see It is important to remember that social media isn't about you; it's about

everything around you. As you consider how your customers want to communicate with you, social media is .something that can't be ignored Users are always online researching for products, services, and brands. If you’re wondering why you should care about Google+, you should look at a few ways it can benefit you and your .clients SEO benefits—Think of the millions of • people who do Google searches every day. If you want to increase your Search Engine Optimization, SEO, you have to consider one thing—Google will always favor itself. When you share pages from your website on your Google+ page, you are helping your business rank higher in the Google Search Engine. It also increases your chance of actually having your target audience see you. In other words, it

”.gets you “out there Plus Authority 6

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Reaching influencers—Google+ is new, • and that’s one of the great things about it. Since it is new, it allows you to take your time. You can learn all about it, figure out what you

like about it, and grow slowly. Even though Google+ is new, there are already a lot of influencers on it. Since it’s in its early stages, you’ll have a smaller audience to reach out too, and you can begin to build relationships with these influencers at a pace where you can actually get to .know them More efficient sharing—If your • clients/prospective clients are using Google+, you’ll have the ability to target your content a way that is easy and efficient. It can be much more effective than other social networks. Using the “Circles” on Google+, you can place followers into categories. This is similar to email lists. You get to choose who your content goes to. By doing so, you can send your piece of content to your entire audience or specific circles of your

choosing. You may want to send out one type of information to prospective clients, and another type to those who are already your clients. This avoids the wasted time of your clients reading material meant for those who don’t .already know and trust you They’ll appreciate not getting “junk” email from you. They’ll only get valuable information intended for them. This makes sharing on Google+ much more efficient and .effective Are you still wondering if you should attempt Google+? The answer is yes! Google+ shouldn’t be your main focus just yet, because now Plus Authority 7

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it’s in its early phase. You should, however, take the time to experiment with it and see all the ways it can help you. If you jump onboard now, your business can grow .has Google+ grows If you feel like you’re trapped already in an unfamiliar swampland of social networks, you don’t have to dive right into Google+. No one will be judging you on how often you visit the site. Getting started will

only take you a few minutes. You can ,make an alert in your calendar once a week. Let it remind you to play around with Google+. Before long you’ll be remembering to go and post your newest blog or sale .without the reminder How you use Google+ will depend on what your goal are. When you first get started, you can post an article or ,two a week. After that you’ll want to engage with others by clicking the “+1″ button. This is similar to the “like” button on Facebook. You can also engage by sharing other’s relevant posts and joining the conversation by commenting on updates you find .interesting Plus Authority 8

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About Google+ Circles If the whole concept of “Circles” has you confused, don’t worry. It’s easy to relate to what a “Circle” represents by thinking of social circles. It’s simply a way of setting up —personalized social circles whether they are centered on work or personal activities. You can have a circle of friends, prospective ,customers, current customers business organizations, or any number of possibilities. The list is

endless. Think about it. You really don’t want to share the same information with friends as customers or business organizations with customers. Creating these “Circles” on your Google+ is the perfect .solution Creating Circles Circles are the way to organize your connections on Google+. The default circles you have are “Friends, Family, Acquaintances and Following.” You can drag people into circles individually or by highlighting multiple people at a time and dragging them all into one circle. You can also create a new circle by dropping a friend onto the Drop here to create a new circle” or “ simply hover over that circle to create a new one before you start .dragging your connections over You’ll probably want to create new circles .for different connections

When you add your first person who has already added you to a circle, you will get a popup notification that you can now share with Plus Authority 9

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them and see what they are sharing with you. They will be notified that you added them, but not see the name of the circle you added

.them to You will also be notified that they will .appear on your public profile You may not want this. If not, you can click on the “Change� link which will take you to your Google profile with a highlighted box where you can change the visibility settings to show people in all circles or just selected ones, select whether anyone on the web or just people in your circles can see that information and select whether to show people who have added you to .their circles You may wish to add people who are not on Google+ yet, adding them to a circle means that you will be able to send them updates via email. You may want to add people not on Google+ to circles in the hopes that when they do join, they will already be organized where I want them. You should be aware,

however, that those people haven’t signed up and might not really want to be opted into updates, but nevertheless it is there for those who feel that someone would be .interested in the updates Plus Authority 10 Google Communities Google Plus communities are theme oriented communication spaces that exist within the social network. All members of Google Plus can create or join a community of their choice to share and disseminate targeted information. Google Plus communities are meant to start discussion and exchange between .members on specific topics With Google+ Communities you are able to maintain a forum like group of people sharing the same interests. This is a huge improvement and is very valuable for a lot

.of users There are only three simple steps to get started with your own .community Go to .1 and click create community in the left sidebar > Create a .Community Choose if it should be a public or .2 private community You are shown a prompt to set the visibility of your community on Google Plus. You can choose between four types of :community Public: everyone can become a • member, and you see the .list of members and posts Plus Authority

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11 Public "after approval by the • moderators." Anyone can send a registration and may join if the moderator .approves Pricate: Users can find the community • and apply for registration. They are restricted in the fact that they do not .have access to the list of members Private: The community does not • appear in the search

.results. Only those invited can join Give it a name and decide if you want .3 to approve new members or not. When creating a community Google+, If you have a Google+ page, choose a distinct name to avoid confusion .during a search by a user See how easy that is. Google+ is easier than you think. With those three simple steps, you have started your first community. Now you can create categories to guide conversations. You’ll also want to add a tagline and add a brief description of your community. Your profile should have a picture that describes your community, and lets others know what it’s about. For Google+ purposes, the picture has to be at least 250x250 pixels even though only .200x250 pixels are visible That’s one thing you’ll want to keep that in mind when you create a

.logo or picture Note that: the visibility of the community cannot be changed after the creation. Once you’ve got your community started, you’ll want to refine the presentation of your community and invite members. To do :that you should Plus Authority 12

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 Add a visual content in connection with the theme of the community to make it easily identifiable ("Actions" > "Edit ("Community  Fill the "About" section: short description of the principle and the spirit of the community and add URL to other relevant .sources  Invite members: Actions dropdown menu> select "invite people." Then add names, circles, or email addresses and .send the request Create categories of discussion which can be created or modified by the owners of a community or moderators. These will act as filters and help organize community discussions. You’ll have to appoint one .or more moderator for the community Benefits of Creating a Google Plus Community

Creating or joining a community Google :Plus has several benefits Communities are indexed by the search • .engine Google Create and manage your own Google • Plus community and become a reference on a topic of expertise to increase .visibility/personal branding Communities allow you to meet other • members sharing a common interest, and provide a place to build relationships through social .networking It is advisable to create a "community • Google Plus" to promote a recurring event such as an annual exhibition or annual conference and share information about the before .and after the course of it Plus Authority 13 Why Google+ Communities Matter Many well-known brands have jumped on

the Communities bandwagon. The truth is, however, you don’t have to be a well-known brand. Anyone can create a community to .discuss most any topic There are two major benefits to creating a .community Introduce a brand—Communities • enable focused conversation around topics of shared interest. You can use Communities as yet another channel to introduce new people to your brand. You should remember, however, that Communities .are not for promotion Make yourself more findable in • search engines--Content from public communities are indexed and discoverable through .+search on Google and Google You may find it a benefit to couple +Communities with Google businesses pages. While Google has yet

to devise a mechanism where the two actually intersect, a business page can serve promotional functions, while Communities focus on topics of shared .interests Google has other features that may :interest you Huddles—This is a group chat for • ”.phones known as a “Huddle Instead of sending individual messages, Huddle pulls them Plus Authority

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14 together for a group chat. It is, unlike Twitter, still private to .outside viewers Sparks—This is a suggestion engine • that finds interesting Web items based on your interests. You can pick from categories of interest and share items you find with .others in your stream Instant Uploads—this is simply an • uploading app for your phone's camera. It instantly uploads any photos or videos to a private album that you can selectively .share with friends Hangouts—This is an instant • message/video chat feature. It’s similar to current features offered such

,as: Google Talk, Skype or Qik. You may have times when you don’t want to be available for chatting. If you go into a Hangout, however, you are giving the signal that you are available. You can signal availability in Hangouts to all of your hangouts or a few chosen ones. Hangouts also allow group chats with text or video for up to ten users. You can have an audio/video chat with up to 10 people using the Google Hangouts .service This seems like it would be perfect for the needs of an online classroom since one of the biggest issues online students report is a sense of disconnection. If you’re running and online course and want the students to get together in support groups without your intervention, for example,

like running and Plus Authority 15 scheduling a webinar, you can encourage them to run their own .Google Hangouts Plus Authority 16 Getting Started With Google Hangouts If it sounds difficult to run a Google .Hangout, it isn’t. In fact, it’s quite easy To do it, you simply have to do three :things Get a Google Plus account • Find some people you want to hang out • ,and circle them. Remember they also have to have Google Plus .accounts Click on “Start hangout” link on your • Google+ profile and invite the people from the Circle you want Of course, everything can’t be simple. There is a difficulty with this if you’re running a large class such as a MOOC or

.a miniMOOC The person organizing the Hangout has to have circled everyone they want to invite. This means that if they don’t know each other, which is the problem you’re trying to do in the first place, they have to share their details with each other outside of Google+. Until recently, having a sort of a public circle that people could subscribe to wasn’t feature of Google +. The solution was to make the Hangout public and then share the link with everyone. This wasn’t actually as easy as it seems, because you can’t schedule a hangout for the future, so .cannot share the link ahead of time Plus Authority

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17 That’s why Google created Communities. They work well for classroom Hangouts. It only takes a few simple steps to start your hangout through :your community Login to your Google+ account • Click on the new Communities link in • the right hand column Click on the Create Community button • and start a group and give it a name, description, etc. You can choose whether you want anybody to be able to join or if you want to approve ,individual members (note

.you will be able to moderate them later Invite people to your Community: you • ,can do that via G+ Circles .email or simply by sharing the link to it When you then start a Google Hangout, • instead of inviting your circles, invite the Community. All communities appear at the bottom of the list of Circles you can invite. This means that anyone in the .Community can join Once it’s set up, you’re ready to use the community events to schedule .hangouts There is another difficulty with organizing hangouts with groups who are not close. It is trying to figure out the best time and then scheduling it. While Google doesn’t help with agreeing on time, you can solve this problem by Plus Authority 18 using a poll on and .share the link in your Community

This will help you find a time that suits .most people Once a time that suits most people has been agreed upon, you can use the Events” feature. Simply on the events “ category under the Community name and add an Event. You can also just create an event the old fashioned way and invite the Community .to it To make an event into a Hangout event, ”you have to use the “Event options and click on “Advanced” first. There doesn’t seem to be a way of inviting communities to existing events, so if you have to invite a community, you have to invite it when .you’re creating the event What to do if your Community is too Large If you have a large community and you can only have 10 people in a Hangout, it’s possible that a small group who planned a hangout get

together can find themselves locked out of a hangout made available to the whole community. Here are a few things you may be able to do to help this :situation Use the community just as a jumping off • point for people to create their own circles or private communities .for their tutorial groups Use the RSVP feature on events to get • a sense of how many people might be coming and then simply have people who can’t fit create .their own hangouts Plus Authority

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19 Use the Hangouts on Air to broadcast • the hangout publicly. This means that people who don’t fit in can at least watch it and comment on it on YouTube. You can then rotate participants in and out. using the Hangout as a sort of webinar with the Hangout just being a place you join when you want to ask a question .or comment Google is aggressive in the pursuit of progress, however, if you feel Google+ is Google’s way to takeover Facebook, it isn’t. I’m not saying that if Google gets the chance, they won’t try to beat Facebook, but Google+ is more about data, and will be part of every

.Google product in the future The heart of Google+ lies somewhere else—It is about connections, data and people. With the social part of Google+, Google is gathering more data about internet users so they can give .them their personalized web Google+ is a data source To make their social strategy work Google needs data, which helps Google to figure out what kind of information they should give you back. How do they get this data? Before Google+ was :launched, they did things like You give it to them through your • behavior or what you actually tell Google Google spiders the web • Your social circle • (!Mobile (Android • Plus Authority 20 With the launch of Google+, they’re able to get data directly from internet

.users Plus Authority 21 How Google+ Can Help You If you’re thinking, “This all sounds well and good, but does it directly help me?” There are several things you :should look at Searches—Try to think of your Google+ • page as your brand hub. Your page, along with your profile ,image and recent posts is eligible to show on the right-hand side of our results when relevant to a customer’s search. Relevant posts can also show up within search results for your page’s .followers This is important, because now, when people search for your brand on Google, they can get the latest info straight from your Google+ page, on the right-hand side of .their search results

When your followers search for information relevant to your brand, content you've shared may appear .in search Your fans can speak for you—They can • use the “1” button to let .others know they like you Social extensions for AdWords—From • ads, to your site, to Google+, there are lots of ways for people to recommend your company. Social extensions let people see more recommendations you’re your customers across Google by linking your Google+ page to your ,AdWords campaign. Then the social interactions with your brand, including +1’s for your Google+ page, website, and ads is tallied. It’s simple—Ads Plus Authority

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22 with annotations average 5-10 percent more clicks, and AdWords social extensions let you show more of them to .people across Google With Google+, our mindset is transformed from where we are getting links from to who we are getting links from. The traditional stuff is still important, but we need to ask start

thinking about who. We need tools for looking at who is linking to who. Here's the thing - all the information we need for this is out there. Through Google+ you can see who you’re connecting to, and make your links and posts more .effective For businesses, having a Google+ Page is one way to reach out and be present in the Social Media channels. Users can add brands such as Fox News, the New York Knicks and ,Angry Birds to their circles check out their information and browse their photos. When users add a brand to their circles, it increases that .brand’s follower count Brands and businesses drive user growth, engagement, and repeat visits. Businesses will see Google+ likely as another great way to market themselves and get word out .about whatever they offer

As you can clearly see, activity and participating in Google+ can greatly change the results you and your network sees when searching online for .information Plus Authority 23 +Getting Started on Google If you’re all excited and ready to start, just go on to Google+ and let’s begin. When you go to Google+, you’ll +see the welcome screen. Google greets you on your first visit with popular .options Creating Your Profile—First, you need • to click on your name. It will be is at the top of the screen. This will .allow you to view your profile You’ll want to edit your Google+ profile so connections can learn .more about you In this section you will be able to edit • the information you have on your Google+ profile. Here is the place to

set the privacy levels. You can set them for everyone on the internet to see, your circles or extend circles—this includes people that .are friends of your friends .You can also set it for only you to see Then just click on “Continue to my • profile.” This will allow you to view .your profile Edit when needed—You can view your • .complete Google+ profile Anytime you feel you need to make changes, you can edit it. Edit your “About” section, photos, videos, etc., .anytime you want Add Connections—Now you get to start • to add people to your connections. Look for the “Show all >” link. You’ll find it in the right sidebar under “Suggestions.” It will show you people you have already placed on Google+ as friends. Add friends from your Google connections and see who has added you

.to their circles Plus Authority 24

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You can find people you connect with • on Google from here. If someone has a Gmail account, and you’ve emailed them, you’ll find them there. It also includes people you follow on the Google Buzz

feature. The “Find and Invite tab” allows you to choose the people you wish to add. It will also let you see who has added you if you click on the “People who’ve added you” .button Learn more about people—You can • click on a person’s box and link to their profile to find out more about them. It will show you all about them including: updates, people in their circles, circles they belong to, and people you have in common with ,them. This is, however .subject to their privacy settings Check your settings—If you want to • change your settings, simply click on the “options” symbol. You’ll find it on the right in a black bar at the .top of the screen Manage all your Google+ settings, • ,including notifications geolocations and tags—You can choose the notifications you wish to

receive. Here are two important settings :you’ll want to remember o Photos and Geolocation Info—This will let people know the location tagged to your photos. You should uncheck it if you don’t want locations to be tagged to your photos. You should beware, however, that technically if your photos were tagged on map view, and you took a picture of your house, you would be .telling the world how to get there o People With Tags that are Automatically Approved to Link to the Profile you’ve created—This means that everyone won’t be able to tag you. Only those who you want to tag you will be able to if you organize your connections :well. You can set it for circles, extended circles, all of your own “ ”.circles or public Plus Authority

25 Monitor Your Notifications—You’ll see a • red number beside your name in the black bar at the top of the screen when there is new activity for you on Google+. You can check each item and click on it to see more details, or skip that and go .straight to the shared posts Check Your Stream—After your profile • is set up, which includes both adding people to your circles and adjusting the settings, just click Home” to go to your main page. Here “ you can see the stream which includes the updates from all of your connections. Here you can read the latest updates from your Google+ connections. You can view updates from individual connections, or look in the left sidebar and click on the circles you want to see .updates from In addition to each individual update, •

here if you simply click on the down arrow that you will find on the right side of the update, you can link to the post. It allows you to share it on your profile. You will also be given the option report the post as abuse, mute that post or block .the sender Using Google+ 1—You may have seen • the use of the Google+1 on many places such as: blogs, search +results, websites, etc. Google works the way “Like” does on 1 Facebook. By using the +1, you can let people know you like this post. You can give a +1 to your favorite posts in your stream. You’ll also find the total number of +1s each updates receive and it will tell you who .gave it the +1 Sending Updates—If you want to end • an update, you’ll find a box below your stream that you can click on. By doing so, you can send

a photo, send a video, send a link or send .a location-based update You can send updates to the public, all • of your circles or only specific circles. All you have to do is choose who .you want to see the update It can be from one of your different circles, all of your circles, for extended circles as well, or even for .everyone on the internet Plus Authority

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There is also an option to email your • updates to people you’ve added to circles if they are not a part of Google+ .yet Chat with Friends—If you want to chat • with your friends, look in your left sidebar. You will find the option to .connect with people in Chat It’s similar to the chat feature you’re used to in your Gmail—Google Talk. Google Talk is now inside Google+. You can find an indicator that shows you if someone you want to chat with is online or if they are available to text chat. If so, you’ll see a green dot. A green video camera will show up of someone is available to chat by video. A chat window will appear hen you click on their name, and you can

.begin chatting Start a text, video, phone or group chat • —Look for a video icon, phone for Google Voice chat or find the + person if you want to add people and begin having a group texting chat. .Blocking someone is simple Just click on the “Actions” tab and drop .down to the block option Your Google+ chat options include: • ,Over all status of “Available Busy, or Invisible,” or you can set it so you’re only seen to certain .circles Use Hangouts for Video Chat with • Friends—If you’re not that competent with, or don’t feel you’re ready for video yet, you may feel a little uncomfortable with this at first. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it in no time. You can still connect by connecting with people through video by clicking on the “Start a Hangout” button. You’ll find it in the

sidebar at the right of your home page. To ,use this feature however, you will need to have a webcam. You’ll also need to install the Google Voice and Google Video plug .ins Check out the latest news in your • industry with Google+ Sparks—If you find something you want to save for easy access later, just click the “Add interest” button. You’ll find it at the top of search. It’s a great way to stay updated on all the news about topics you’re Plus Authority

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27 interested in or keep up to date on information about your industry. It will also be some content that you can quickly share with any circles .you choose Mobile Access—It seems like the whole • world wants mobile access to everything, and Google+ hasn’t let you down. You can access Google+ on your mobile device as well. Right now, the app isn’t available to all. Now, it is only for Android, .with iPhone coming soon If you have specified OS systems, you are able to access in your browser on Android,

iPhone, iPad and .Blackberry Plus Authority 28 Using Google Groups Like many of Google's applications, Google Groups is designed with ease of use in mind. For example, to search Google Groups for topics that interest you, you simply use a search box located on the Google Groups homepage. Results will be returned to you as they would be through any basic Internet search. You ,can search by date range language, group, or author using the Google Groups advanced search capability feature. Searching by date range can prove particularly interesting, since discussions stretch back 20 years and cover everything from technology to interior design. Once you've found a topic that interests you, you can

subscribe to the group and receive updates about new posts via e.mail You can also create your own group. It’s as simple as searching through existing groups, though you'll need to make some decisions about who can post to the group moving forward. Google Groups designates three different access levels :for its groups  Public Groups—As you might imagine, public groups have the fewest restrictions. Anyone can view discussions in a public group, though only members of the group ,can post messages .create pages and upload files  Announcements-only groups—These differ from public groups because only group managers can post content. A group like this might be useful for non-profit groups ,or other associations

Plus Authority 29 where group managers want to keep members informed about the latest news but don't necessarily want members' feedback .posted for all to see ďƒ˜ Restricted Groups—In restricted group, only members can read posts. In fact, restricted groups' posts don't appear in search results at all. Typically, members are personally invited by the .group's manager One of the first things you'll do once you've created a group is invite members. Invitations are sent by e-mail. While you don't need a Gmail account to join a group, you won't have access to some of Google Groups' features if you use another e-mail service. For example, if you won't be able to upload files or create Web pages

without the Gmail account, but you'll still be able to view and respond to posts through your own e-mail .account If you have a Gmail account, posting files and creating pages is fairly simple. After logging in to Gmail, you can click "more" at the top of your e-mail account homepage and select "groups" from the dropdown menu. You can also, as a Gmail user, go directly to and access a list of the groups you belong to. From the Google Groups dashboard, you simply click on the group you are interested in and a list of the group's recent discussions will appear on the screen, along with a menu bar that lets you contribute .to the group's content Plus Authority

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30 While Google Groups owes a lot to its Usenet roots, it has a number of useful new features that sets it apart .from the competition For the simple steps in order, here’s what :you do Joining Google Groups may seem quite complicated but it's really .quite easy Create a Google Account. Google .1 accounts are completely

free, and you don't have to enter any credit card info. If you .already have one, then just sign in Get yourself to the Google Groups .2 home page. You can just type "Google Groups" into Google Search .to get there Click on "Browse Group .3 Categories" and you can see all the .group categories Choose your language. After you .4 press "Browse Group Categories" you should see lots of columns. Find your language .and click on it Select any topic that appeals to you. .5 This will determine the .topic of the group you will join Plus Authority 31 Pick your region, if you desire a .6 group in the country you live in. You can narrow it down as far as to choosing your

.state, if you want Continue to narrow down topics. .7 You will eventually get to a listing of groups. Click on the group name that most appeals to .you Click on "Join This Group" if it .8 .seems to appeal to you Pick a name that you want to be .9 .known as in this group Then, press "Join Group" and wait to see .if you get in Remember that Google Groups are free so it won't cost a cent. They are a great way to advance your business or hold discussion groups on any topic. They can give you a great .benefit at NO cost Google Groups Benefits Google Groups is not the only application of this type. Yahoo! and Microsoft both offer similar services. They also both have some features that are not available in Google

Groups. You’re probably wondering what makes Google Groups useful to you. The biggest and most important difference is its Usenet archive. This archive includes more than 700 million messages. English isn’t the only language the discussions are in. If you ”,use the “advanced search however, you can look for discussions in more than 40 different Plus Authority

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32 languages. It also allows translation into English simply by the use of one click. The translations aren’t exactly perfect, but they will let you have an idea of what's being said. This allows you to get the most current information about your interests or business areas from .around the world Another good feature is that the ads on .Google+ are inconspicuous As you’ll find throughout Google, the ads are text-based and placed so they won’t interfere with the function. They also include ads that are what Google calls “relevant text ads." They only include ads that are related to the group content. Even though you might feel like

someone is spying on you, Google guarantees that there aren’t humans involved when it comes to matching ads to each individual content group. You should remember, money made from these ads are what lets Google offer its group service for free, therefore, they .are important Google lets you use up to 100 megabytes (MB) for storage of your pages and files. Overall Google Group .size, however, is unlimited Each single message can only have attachments of 10 MB total. If you’re working on larger presentations or ,media rich presentations .this limitation may be a bit of a problem You should keep in mind that you won't be able to upload files to archived Usenet groups, which work differently from those created .through Google Groups Plus Authority

33 Google Labs Digital Chemistry Innovation has always been a big part of Google, and it sets Google apart from other companies. Google engineers are allowed to spend a full 20 percent of their time working on special projects, many of which become popular Google applications. Before these innovations are cleared for official release, many get their start in Google Labs. Google Labs, which anyone can access at, gives you a chance to test some of the company's newest applications that .Google is experimenting on Some are new, and others are modifications to existing Google applications. After testing something, you can provide feedback directly to the project's leader. If the feedback is positive, Google will

continue developing the idea and add it to the company's list of .applications Plus Authority 34 +Sharing on Google When you share on Google+, your content is added to your Home page and to the Home pages of people you shared with who have .you in their circles Google+ has made it fast and easy to :create and share a post Click “Share what's new”—You’ll find .1 this in the share box at the top of your home page or + Share in the Google bar in the .upper right Put in your post. You can click to add a .2 photo, to add .a video, or to add a link Click “+ Add more people” then select .3 a circle or type the name of individual people you'd like to share

your post with. If you'd like to remove a circle or person, click the .X next to their name You can also lock your post or disable .4 comments by clicking the arrow in the right of the “+ Add more people” box. If you’ve shared to specific circles, you can send email notifications to everyone in the selected circles by ”.checking “Also send email .Then simply click the “Share” button .5 Plus Authority

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35 Posting On Your Blog If you’re a blogger, you may want to post .your comments on your blog Here are the steps to do that once you've .logged into Blogger Find your Dashboard, showing your list .1 of blogs. Click the orange pencil icon to create a new post Locate the Post Editor. Start by giving .2 your post a title, and then enter the post itself When you're done, click the gray .3 “Preview” button at the top to make sure it's ready to go. This will open a new tab in your browser where you can see what your post looks like on your blog. You can go back to the previous tab and edit your post ,further, or, if you're satisfied

.just click “Publish” to publish your post If you need to delete a post, simply select “Delete post” under the message you want to remove. Once you ,see the confirmation message click "OK" to delete the post. In order to delete, If you're the author of a post, you can remove it, as long as you're logged in through the same account you used to create the post. Group moderators can also remove any post from other members of that group. Replacing the text of the message will be, "This message ".has been deleted Plus Authority 36 Advantages of Search Domination by +Google When Google plus was designed, the engineers built in an SEO juggernaut this will dominate search results in a way that is better than other social platforms, and that isn’t a secret. When

,you use Facebook and Twitter they both don’t allow Google to access a lot of their data. This limits their SEO effectiveness. It isn’t that way with .+Google Think of it this way: you use Google+ did a search for your name. You’ll see that at least the top 50 would be Google+ in the results. It is even better than SEOmoz. If you think about the millions of people on the internet each day that do searches, you can begin to understand just how .broad the scope of Google+ can be Luckily for you, there are many ways to take advantage of this SEO domination to benefit yourself, your .business, etc Follow links—Google+ doesn’t just .1 allow you to link to your other profiles with others on the internet, it also allows you to embed followed links into your bio directly. You can select which anchor text

you want to use. The value of a link from Google+ is, in theory, like any other. It depends on the authority of .both the page and domain You can imagine how valuable your profile link can be if you increase your visibility. All you have to do is get them to engage with you, link to your profile, and share your posts with .them Plus Authority

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37 Embed links—Using Google+ you are .2 allowed to insert as many links into your posts as you want. You can do it directly. All you have to do is put in the full URL. When you do, Google will format it automatically as a link. As your post is shared, it will increase the value of the. It also increases value when you are linked to and when someone presses +1. If your post goes viral or is re-shared by highauthority profiles, the value of those links .increases Optimize title tags—Part of your title .3 tag comes from the first sentence of your post on Google+. It is important for rankings and click-through rates. Carefully chosen keywords and good quality first sentences are important. It will be the first impression people get of

you. You can increase your chance of ranking, you should make sure your post is widely shared and you .should give it a good title The power of unlimited editing— .4 Google+ is kind of like having your personal small platform for blogging. With ,unlimited editing power you can totally edit any post you want whenever you want. You can’t do this on Facebook or Twitter. With Facebook you have a little bit of editing ability, and on Twitter, you can’t .edit at all unless you delete You want to have the ability to make change or updates if you’re lucky enough to have your post go viral. Any media that I attached or any title tags can be edited if you need to edit them. Google+ is the only platform that gives you this level of control over the content you .post Plus Authority

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38 New content indexed quickly—When .5 you share your new content using Google+, Google will usually index the page rapidly. There is rumor that new URLs are checked immediately. This is rational. After all, replacing Twitter was part of the reason Google+ created its Realtime .Search

Previously, if you had to complete a web for if you wanted to index a website. This usually caused you to have .to wait for a few weeks Today, pressing +1 makes it extremely .easy to do Tagging—Tag your friends in a post by .6 @ putting either the + or the symbol in front of their name. Unlike Twitter this is their full name, so instead of using the @sign with a first initial and last name, you’d use firstnamelastname. Just like Facebook @ a menu will show up once you start typing with suggestions from your connections. You can tag people you are not connected. To fix it so people are NOT allowed to tag you if you don’t want them to, look in your settings panel under People whose tags of you are “ automatically approved to link to your ”Profile Connection to influencers—If you’re .7

looking for notification triggers for increasing your connection to ,influencers in the same industry Google+ lists several different ones. It depends on their account .settings as to which form you use them :Here they are Post Mention .1 Plus Authority 39 Post sharing directly .2 Join a circle by sharing a post .3 Post comments, comment on a post .4 after they do Include them in one of your circles .5 Make suggestions to them about new .6 people they may want to .add to their circles Either Tag them in a photo or tag a .7 photo of theirs Make suggestions about a profile .8 photo for them to use Make photo comments: after they .9 comment on it, when they are

tagged in a photo, or on a photo tagged by them Begin conversations .10 Invite them to an event, send them .11 updates/reminders of events You should be careful in the use of these. You don’t want to cross the line and be considered spam. This could ban you from .someone’s inbox forever Create more traffic by optimizing .8 your author pic—If your photo captures the eye, and you put in the right author tag, you can take traffic away from others. It doesn’t matter .if your rank is below theirs Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, and it will be their .first impression of you Try out a Google+ dashboard— .9 Social media reporting has greatly progressed Google Analytics. If social traffic seems like a matter of

life and death to you, you’ll want to bring the information front and center. By using the social media dashboard, all necessary metrics Plus Authority

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40 from traffic and social networks on Google+ can be viewed. This :includes

 Social Actions on site like the use of .+1’s  Social Network Revenue/Visit  Social Source Traffic Stats CircleRank Checking—This is a new .10 tool. If you paste your Google+ URL, it will allow you to keep an eye on your follower growth. You can check the viral status of your posts and see your CircleRank” score as it compares to “ .+other profiles on Google Plus Authority 41 Conclusion If you feel like you’re definitely behind the times technologically, it is never too late to become a late adapter. No ,matter how many eBooks you read unless you use Google+, none of these tips you learn will ever matter. It’s true that more users tend to be the more SEO and/or media types, but how to you think they became technologically

?savvy Learning how to and actually applying what you learn to use Google+ will be a great advantage for your business. You can do it by simply creating and fitting a few simple habits into your .daily schedule Make a genuine effort to spend at least • 10 minutes a day .working on your Google+ skills When you’re working on them, press • the +1 button for comments you like and feel should be .shared When you find something you feel is • ,worthwhile information .comment on it Be sure to add +1 Buttons on content • ,that you post. That way people who read them can let others know your post is .worthwhile Use all the features available to you. • You can start simple and

build, but the point is to practice, practice, practice until your .skills in Google+ become excellent Learn and use the shortcut keys. Being • able to use shortcuts when posting or commenting is very useful. Here are a few .shortcut keys while in Google plus Plus Authority 42  Q open chat  K scroll up within a single post  J scroll down within a single post  Return or Enter Start a comment  Tab and Return End a comment  Space Bar Scroll down your stream Take the time to circle great people • Be sure to make it easy for people to • .circle you Face it—it’s a technological world we live in. You can live in the past, and keep your business where it’s at, or you can move forward. The choice is

up to you. With all the help available to you, however, there’s no reason to be left behind. Google+ has given you a way to expand your business beyond your wildest dreams‌you just !have to be able to go for them

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