The Writeous ISSUE 1

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Photography & Artwork: Laura Yearley

Wolfgang Tillmans, astro crusto 2012 © Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans, Greifbar 29 2014 © Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans, Lampedusa 2008 © Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans, Tukan 2010 © Wolfgang Tillmans

Earlier this year, I took a long awaited trip to the Tate Modern, on the breezy South Bank of London’s Thames River, where the obscene structure, previously a working factory, stands, solitude and ready to amaze one. As you enter the building, it feels cold, bare and almost abandoned. That’s of course until you see all the rushing crowds awaiting there exhibitions. On that particular spring day, I visited the Wolfgang Tillman’s photography exhibition, where the photographer exhibited over 200 fabulous prints, all over 1mx1m. The exhibition wasn’t just about looking, or wandering- it was about the sheer capacity of what one holds, and connotes different things to different people. For me, it was expressing his love and passion for international travel, as well as the love and passion for his identity. Tillman’s is an openly homosexual, and exhibits his “camp” essence throughout the exhibition, even glamorously showing off some sexual photographs, showing bravery- and boldness. As you walk through the exhibition – you begin to understand that what Tillman’s work is doing, isn’t showing off his elaborate use of a camera, or what a good photographer he is, but showing us things we don’t want to see. As you stumble into one of the middle rooms of this obscene exhibition – you are faced with the incredible homage of posters, leaflets and advertisements. Each connotes something extremely binary to the last. The first one I held stated “HIV – RONNY DIES AGED 19”. Tillmans’ was not using the shock factor, or using the story to shock – but was using an interpersonal connection with a complete stranger to someone who hasn’t ever known “Ronny”. To an outsider, like me, the exhibition wasn’t just art, or photographs; it was a dictionary of thoughts, an encyclopaedia of Tillman’s work, which was deeply rewarding to see.

Wolfgang Tillmans, Weed 2014 © Wolfgang Tillmans

Wolfgang Tillmans, Concorde L433-11 1997 © Wolfgang Tillmans


A hot drink is always a comfort on a rainy day. Whether it’s a classic tea or something different such as a personal recommendation such as Yorkishire Tea’s Bedtime Brew.


A way of unwinding on an evening is to stick a movie on, whether you are after a classic, horror or the type to get into christmas spirits.

bath The days are getting colder and it’s warming for the body and mind to take a moment for yourself to run a bubbly bath.

songs Headphones in and let the music play. Sticking on your favourite playlists to suit your mood as the rain hits your window.

“What does a successful person look like anyway?”

INTERVIEW WITH TORI WEST Editor of bricks magazine 24 year old Tori West previously worked for the big independent magazine I-D, before starting her own magazine at The University of the West of England, now she is known as one of the most influential female art editors in Europe. This interview will give you an insight on the publishing world and info on tori west herself, after asking tori some question I was able to find out more about bricks and any editorial advice that she would have for aspiring editors /creators. Tori: BRICKS started as a 64-page project as part of my final year of university. As part of my dissertation, I wrote a business plan on how I would keep it afloat, I was super lucky as they helped me fund the print when I graduated. I kept it going because I fell in love with how many interesting creative people I was meeting, most of the people I’ve worked alongside it are good friends of mine. The project provides me with a sense of purpose, I want to give young people a voice who don’t

necessarily have the platform themselves to share it. We live in such uncertain times, I just want to give people and myself, a sense of positivity, knowing there are people in the world who actually care. Me: I have read that Bricks magazine is self-published and so I wanted to know what’s kind of work goes behind publishing your own magazine and how it has benefited you? Tori: I currently put together all the content and run the business side of the magazine. I’ve met such brilliant people over the years that are now regular contributors, helping to put the issue and website together. I currently work as a Content Editor at Village, a communications agency in London that are launching their own Fashion News and Broadcasting platform. Starting the magazine has opened up so many opportunities, I previously worked at I-D magazine, Amuse and VICE as a Social Editor for a while, I now help create

content for Nike SB and signing on to an agency in Paris to help me get more art direction work. Me: What are the roles and responsibilities of a creator/ editor? Tori: It’s more editing and managing content, rather than creating it yourself, you find teams to do it It’s also a lot of creative direction work. Me: Finally, is there any advice that you could give to someone like me, who is interested in becoming an editor/creator or just interested in working within the publishing industry. Tori: Don’t rush into it, I’m full of ideas but I think if I got more experience and didn’t rush into them it would be more beneficial in the long run also, not to be afraid of expressing yourself. My work is so personal, for a long time I didn’t share it with the world as I was scared how people would react but in reality, people relate to you more if you’re honest.


arkest Dungeon is a game that I have a very love/hate relationship with. Darkest Dungeon very polished title, the graphics being very stylish and capturing the feel of a bleak and corrupted world, the darkness of every lidded eye, staring outward at the shambling unknown creatures really puts you in the moment when fights kick off and you realize your favourite heroes might not be coming home tonight. The style is excellent, and props go out to the artist for bringing out the feel of the world. The voiceovers from the deceased relative simply known as the “Ancestor”, while perhaps a bit histrionic, are sharp, and that narration does well to set the mood and slowly unravel the mystery of what dark horrors lie within the aptly named Darkest Dungeon. Presentation is immaculate, and I find myself enraptured by the style enough to write little snippets of my party’s travels after every successful foray

with a particular group, expositing into Discord as if a town crier or a woman amongst the party. However, presentation alone does not excuse some of the honestly baffling design decisions made by the people at Red Hook. Starting with the elephant in the room, the complete reliance on random-number-generation in lieu of actual challenge in many aspects. Traps, quirks, and even special boss enemies, are all dictated entirely by RNG. If a trap is to generate in a hall between the rooms you’re travelling, there is no way of knowing, unless RNG also dictates that you successfully scout it beforehand, or it dictates that you find a map marking its location. There is no cue otherwise within the halls to inform you that a party member may simply lose a chunk of their health and gain stress, and very little, if anything, you can do to prevent the damage other than hope the character with the most dodge or trap resistance is the one to trigger it. Quirks and diseases themselves can also be gained from interactions with enemies or static objects in the world, curios and treasures. To avoid spoilers, I won’t give names to anything, but there are several groups of enemies with a projectile attack that can simply stack blight, which is an acidic ‘damage-over-time’ type attack, or disease, which are negative modifiers to your party members that are permanent unless treated for a lump sum of gold in Hamlet’s sanitarium. Quirks gained after completion of a quest are weighted to be positive or negative depending on the percentage of stress that the party member returned with. Quirks gained whilst adventuring, however, are heavily weighted in the negative direction. Innocuous objects such as a stone relief, a small pool of water, or so much as a bookshelf, are primed to have a negative lasting impact on the hero, sometimes providing them with quirks that can force interaction with other curios, putting them at further risk of harm, even causing them to pocket items they find at times, essentially removing them from the game world. The stealing effect, and the very nature of quirks, are, of course, dictated almost entirely by weighted RNG. The nature of the negatively-weighted curios teaches the player early on to avoid touching them, even the

most innocuous ones, lest they be afflicted with bloodloss, a disease, blight, immense stress, or a negative quirk. It makes the hallways less interesting and overall bland. You learn to avoid touching things, passing up potentially useful items like a map of all the floor traps in the nearby areas, for fear of having one of your heroes crippled with no warning or recompense. The scenario of weighing your chances of getting some nice loot to Pay off your supplies spent thus far, or potentially starting a spiral of failure from looking at a bookshelf, while decent in theory, does not stick the landing in practice. Both friendly and enemy attacks are also RNG-dictated in many aspects. Resisting specific debuffs or statuses, inflicting stun and bleed effects, even certain healing spells, are entirely at the mercy of randomness. It is not uncommon to have an occultist member of your group heal an ally for 0 health and inflict bleed with the same spell, causing considerable damage to the party as a whole as you spend another turn trying to right the situation, missing opportunities to buff or debuff with other occultist casts. The heavy reliance on RNG, and the overall weight towards negative modifiers, enemy crits, even randomly spawned mini-boss enemies, feels cheap instead of difficult, which is my main problem with a game such as this. I imagine part of the draw for people is the complete randomness that the game has in store, as the world within is painted to be as bleak and unfair as RNG may make the encounters, but I can’t help but feel like the ‘crushing difficulty’ the game is regarded for simply doesn’t exist. The game has overall been very easy thus far, including several semi-successful forays into boss arenas and the downfall of hundreds of monsters before my men, and is only ever broken up when the “+++Monster Surprised” chance of a radiant torch somehow turns on my crew, leaving them surprised and randomly rearranged while the enemy takes two turns in a row to blight my plague doctor through their 60% resist before marking them for death and having the mushroom-shaped man send them to death’s door before I’m even given control, as I had lost several men via this exact course of action, through no fault of my own.

The nature of difficulty is also regarded with near-disdain, and it is more than likely you will continue grinding after successful raids on the Darkest Dungeon itself, due to the nature of the dungeon. After successfully returning from the Darkest Dungeon itself, one or more of your party members will be randomly selected to refuse re-entering the dungeon. That’s right, you did it, now grind for another six hours and do it four more times. While it may make sense in the canon, the unshakable horrors forever wracking the heroes’ minds, all it does in gameplay is pad runtime as you’re forced to build another crew to go wander around in the dark. The absurd reliance on RNG and extreme emphasis on grinding leaves a combination of bad tastes in my mouth that the presentation can’t wash away. Surface level, the game is pretty, but taxing, it seems exceedingly challenging, but once you’ve delved long enough, you begin to realize that the difficulty is merely a die being cast, and that the same quips in the ancestor’s brooding voice don’t do enough to cover it up. It’s almost poetic, the madman’s knowledge you gain whilst playing isn’t of some serpentine monster that crawled out of the ocean, it’s of understanding how little an impact you have.

CREATIVE MINDS This sections shows several sets of portfolios done by either photography, graphics and media students

These pictures very created for one of my media assignments which will then be used for London tourist website. The theme i decided to go for is futuristic and unusual that gives you a different perspective of London.

Gabby Jonutyte Creative Media student

Romy Backler Graphics student

The two collages are components from posters I created for my graphics exam last year. They were for a vivid dreaming exhibition at The Wellcome collection museum in London that I called ‘Dream Vivid’. They are meant to represent the structure of a dream and how unrealistic and surreal things go on when you fall asleep. The shapes image is my friend Isobel’s face being covered by shapes. The work is an imitation of Douglas Coupland’s work. According to him, This work was based on Facebooks technical development on facial recognition software that was being used with or without the user’s consent.

For photography, I wanted to explore the theme fragile/delicacy of skin, focusing on the different skin types and if people have scars or different colours that occur on the skin, showing the natural and Photography delicacy of human bodies. student

Natalia Holewa

For my photography project, my theme was interruption. I took pictures of a model doing ballet - to show the interruption of perfection and to show the harsh

Katie SiaPhotography student

What will the internet look like in 2040? You’re sitting on the beach, watching everyone around you using their new 3D touch watches, bringing everything to life. A photograph here, a photograph there, displayed for the whole world to see in one simple swipe of a finger and an image can be shared like a virtual hologram. Looking away from your own gadget for one minute is like a whole other world, when did people stop looking at the view around them? When did people stop interacting with their own friends and family when they’re sitting right next to them? Do people even react to emotions anymore, does anyone care? When did you become so immersed in technology?

People become so immersed that holidays are barely a thing anymore, no one looks at the view when a drone can live stream it to you and you can virtually go there. It seems so real and no one notices much difference, it’s a shortcut they don’t have to pay for. People love being lazy and having shortcuts, especially when their attention spans are short. The rare occasion someone does go on holiday, it doesn’t change them from looking at their technology, instead they take a photo and upload it as a 3D hologram on their data profiles. As if that will impress anyone now.

People’s attention spans have become far too short, unable for them to notice anything that is going on around them, not even to notice when something goes wrong, whilst some sort of artificial intelligence is picking up the pieces, sending medical history to a hospital when someone is injured, without friends and family around to try and help or even care to see what has happened. That’s not the worst of it, could you really trust someone having full access to your medical history? It becomes so much easier to hack into that they could alter it without you even knowing. Imagine being in a crowded room and feeling the lonliest you’ve ever been because everyone around you is too immersed in their own gadgets and 3D holograms to care about anyone else.

In 2040, the world has changed so much, a time when everything is so programmed and accurate; too accurate. Imagine a world where people are unable to make mistakes for themselves because their lives are pre-programmed into a set of data, unable to have a free choice about life. Imagine that, but imagine being the only one that notices for just that one minute you turn technology off but what is anyone to do about it now? It’s too late. The development of artificial intelligence has destroyed many people’s lives from replacing jobs. But that doesn’t matter when data is pre-programmed to tell you how your life is going to work. Replacement jobs? Easy when you have no freedom of choice and the job involves using technology. Everyone stops caring. Even children in schools from the ages of 5 are being told where they should work, imagine such vulnerable minds being moulded into something they have no choice over. A wave of cybercrime is always developing, identity theft, bank accounts being wiped. It can be committed so easily after you’ve allowed access, do you even know what you allow your data access too? But I guess it doesn’t

really matter because you have a preprogrammed life remember? Your precious technology will re-route your life based on data collected. That’s not even the worst of it, in some countries where they had control over

people before through blocking internet pages and stopping unapproved news and prevented people from leaving, it becomes so much easier to do. Governments track their every move, technology has become so advanced that they are able to monitor your every move and if you choose to rebel, it’s much easier for them to track you, especially when everyone is required to wear a tracking bracelet in those countries. How would it feel if you were them? Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know considering your life is controlled by data too, no one sees what happens when news is monitored about technology. The only good development in technology in 2040 is being able to efficiently find adaptable schedules and routes for public transport when there are delays and an artificial arm designed for tricky surgery so there is no risk of a shaky surgeons’ hand. Does technology all really seem worth it for only two advantages to it? A world of technology, are these shortcuts really worth it? Do we really need to push our boundaries, just so we can be lazy? Will we allow technology to replace us? Would you like to turn into a human robot with no freedom of choice? I guess we’ll find out or will it be much too late…? Written by Chloe Spriggins

Christmas Playlist November / December 2017

1. Last Christmas - Wham 2. Do They Know It’s Christmas - BandAid 3. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey 4. It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Michael Buble 5.Merry Christmas Everyone - Shakin’ Stevens 6. Hallelujah - Alexandra Burke 7. Merry Xmas Everybody - Slade 8. Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree - Kim Wilde 9. Happy Xmas (War Is Over)- Yoko Ono 10.Wonderful Christmas Time - Paul McCartney

LISA THE PAINFUL LISA: The Painful, is one of the best RPG’s I think I have ever played. his game opens with a beautiful, haunting introductory sequence, making excellent use of the fantastic soundtrack and Tsparse use of dialogue, while somehow wringing genuinely cinematic storytelling out of its very basic visuals and the simplistic tools available in the RPG Maker platform. Said sequence economically and sensitively relates the backstory of our protagonist Brad, a man who suffered traumatic abuse earlier in life and now battles a drug addiction while raising an adopted daughter in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. So after the first half hour or so you know that you are on board for a game which maturely deals with tough issues, while using gentle humour to endear you to the cast of characters. LISA is a game which is unlike any other, not in the regard that there are no other 2D based RPGs, but in that this game understands what real horror is without being explicitly a horror game. It’s not in monsters (well, not solely). It’s not in just setting up the right atmosphere. It’s in inhumanity. To give a brief summary of what LISA is, LISA is this: a look into the worst of people and what will happen when people fall victim to their cravings. Cravings like drugs, women, etc. Honestly, the way I’ve described this thus far sounds like I’m describing the works of a pretentious artist who assaults canvases with splatters of paint and calls it “sensitive issue #x”. This game, in addition to being one of the most jarring things I’ve ever witnessed, is also brilliantly funny. To give a little context, the basic premise of LISA is that the women of the world have up and ... they’re gone. This leaves a bunch of men who suddenly, having taken so many things for granted, to spiral down the steps of madness into what they’ve become, dead, alive, or mutated. Anyways, back to hilarity. In an apocalypse where everything has gone out the window, you’d have to imagine that toilets, let alone a functioning one, are pretty hard to come by. So how do you poo? In one part of the game, you come across a guy named Percy who is attempting to push one out while standing up, but isn’t very good at it. You can recruit him to your party by crushing a spider which is rushing towards him and will probably bite him if it gets too close. I don’t know why, but that cracked me up. Honestly, the entire game is filled with brilliant jokes, but at the same time, brilliant horror. An example of said brilliant horror? I’m not going to spoil all of it, but at a point in the game, you can reach a place called Dismal Island. On there you find a sex depraved ‘slave lord’ named Jim, who will ask you to become his “sweet boy” in replacement of “Jonathan”. The issue is, you’re just not Jonathan, and therefore, you’re just not cut out to be Jim’s sweet boy. What does that mean? The ending of this game especially got me. In the end, you truly understand the struggle of the main character, but at the same time, you understand why the world is against him. However, over the wide spectrum, you

see that nobody truly understands the situation they’re in except for Brad, the main character. For once in his life he will see a straight cut goal, something that he can achieve but not fail at like the rest of his life. As Brad says, “No. You don’t understand. I’ve been dead for 35 years. Today is the day I live”. All of that is pretty vague and the lack of context makes it hard to understand, but the ending will leave you in tears of sadness and joy as it deeply explores the human psyche and what drives us to be self-proclaimed heroes. And while LISA won’t hold your hand with the way it presents its subject matters in a pretty way whatsoever, it does a damned good job leading you through it, always holding you by the nose, for some unexpected twist or turn that could have permanent side-effects for you, or your party. Much with the intense plot, ridiculous, over-blown and insanely dark and grim humour that the game provides, the mechanical features of the game are rather astounding, as while many games would simply have a party member be in a knocked out state, LISA introduces a perma-death mechanic, in which certain enemies have the chance to instantly, and permanently remove a character from your party, and for as shocking as a mechanic that this may be, it is not so much of a big deal, as the game offers plenty of different characters to fill gaps, but it always keeps you on your toes knowing that at any point, and in any battle, you could lose a party member. LISA also pays homage to popular RPG’s of times gone, such as Earthbound. This is especially prevalent in the combat system, in which to say the UI and font was simply “inspired” by Earthbound, is an understatement. This is not to say that LISA is wholesomely copying the popularized form of turn based RPG mechanics founded by Earthbound, as LISA builds on it’s inspiration by featuring a grand total of 40 entirely different status effects that can change the tide of battle and really add to the pseudo-realistic vibe that LISA gives off. Effects such as Withdrawal exist, that characters who are hooked on the game’s feel-good drug, Joy, are prone to suffering from. Other such status effects are things such as simply making enemies too scared to even consider attacking. Such mechanics make for an even deeper understanding of the barbaric nature of the world of LISA, and the personal hell that Brad has to suffer through. There is something simply so appealing about the dark nature of the game being intertwined with even the battle system that set’s up the cruel, dark and depressing nature of the game, resulting in an experience that will stick in your mind for a while. So to summarize, play this game. It has so many interesting characters, jokes, twists, scares, battles, emotions, etc. I won’t even make a pro cons list because everything about this game is a pro. Buy it now!

-Worry less, speak moreT

eenage life, work, friendships, relation“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. ships, the list goes on and everybody handles them differently. However no one Not people or things.” seems to want to express their true feelings - Albert Einstien or reach out for some support weather its a slight worry or a problem thats embedAnxiety: ed inside, thoughts are powerful and everyone needs Anxiety comes in many different forms and can advice especially through college life. be triggered differently. I persoanlly suffer from speaking anxiety and know the challenges faced Frienships and relationships: and the feelings that can come from them. Most Many people I speak to there is always news or gosimportantly you need to speak to someone when sip about topics revolving around frienship groups, your feeling anxious otherwise no one will friends come and go, some stay to become life long understand and they will not be able to adapt to the friendships. People worry that they are alone, our feelings that you are experiencing. I have found by mind tends to focus more on the negatives rather than the positives and trick us into believing the false talking to teachers before class or even your friends the anxiety can settle to an amount where you are able acusations. Friendship is powerful, you dont need to get up and go. When tackling the problem face on I numerous amounts one strong friendship is more tend to find breathing techniques help this can be done powerful than 10 with a weaker bond. Some people find love easily its in their blood, on the by closing your eyes, breathing in for 5 seconds and out for 6, slowing down your heart is the key to feeling otherhand love can be a boundary. Throughout colalot better. Finally I always thought I was alone by the lege you meet new people, people you never thought you would meet and like, suprisingly it opens up new emotions that I was being presented with however, its not, I was soon to find out the people I would speak to doors and passages to exciting new adventures. also suffered with the same problem and just knowing Social media represents beautiful men and women that your alone contributes alot to pushing yourself to having partners and pressures us into thinking we do better and setting the boundaries high. NEED someone in order to be happy and accepted, but we dont, many celebrities and leading independant people are living their dreams and persuing happi- Tips: To conclude I wanted to share some things that I ness wether they are with a partner or not. personally thought that helped, I once went to a hypOnce you learn that you can live your life on your notherapy session for the purpose of helping with a own, you will be fine independatly. memory that I was always anxious about, when I went I had a 1 to 1 session where I explored and learnt about Self Appearance: In todays society an image of ‘perfection’ is built my brain and then was meditated into a mind set where this memory which I used to have negative thoughts up, which most of us feel like we don’t fit into, about all the time has no meaning and emotions athowever that frame of perfection is found tached. in every single on of us no matter what The second tip is more advice, always remeber you canrace, gender, weight or age, we are unique not please everyone, reflectivly you are NEVER alone, and beauty is present from both within your mind focuses on the negatives but learn acceptand shines outwards. ance. Finally get a jar, find some post it notes and everyOne of my best advice for improving day write something that made you happy or something your self esteem is finding the true defintion of beauty and placing your that made you proud, at the end of the year tip them out and see how much you have accomplished. self in it. Confidence comes with acceptance.

Creative Competitions People Not Borders I Am Me CompetitionFree to enter Creative Writing Ink Competition- Looking for short stories

and poems of any genre or theme. Can only submit one entry every month, but can resubmit work from the previous month if you didn’t win. Previously published work is not accepted. (If under

the age of 18, you must have the consent of a parent or guardian over 18 to enter the competition. Proof of permission will be asked for, entries without permission will be disqualified) Link to website: http://www. Prize: Publication on their website and an Amazon voucher worth £10.00. One winner every month Word Limit: Maximum of 3000 words 40 lines for poetry Closing Date: Last date of every month

Looking for short stories/poems/art work competition for adults and secondary students. Exploring imaginatively what it is like to be a refugee. Link to website: http:// and http://www. Entry Fee: £2 Prize: Voucher for Berkhamsted Arts and Crafts. Prize giving event: 31st January 2018- celebrate entries at a ticketed price Giving at the Greene Room, The Kings Arm, Berkhamsted High Street, with Lord Dubs as special guest. Word Limit: Maximum of 1000 words for short stories or 100 words for poetry Closing Date: 10th December Submit work by emailing: info@ (Attach as document with name, secondary school/adult category and phone number.

Submit work by emailing: info@ (paste your story or poem into the body of your email, no attachments)

Creative Ink Writing Prompt competition: Every Thursday a photo, illustration or story

starter is posted by Creative Ink. You are able to write a piece in any genre using what they have posted as inspiration. If you are using a blog to write your piece, Mr Linky allows you to leave a link to your blog. Put your name and blog link in the Mr. Linky box below the picture. Please link back to the writing prompts page on your post. You don’t need to leave a comment after linking. If you don’t have a blog, but want to participate, you can sign up for a free blog at (If under the age of 18, you must have the consent of a parent or guardian over 18 to enter the competition. Proof of permission will be asked for, entries without permission will be disqualified) Link to website:

writing-prompts/ All entries are automatically entered into the competition. Closing Date: 30th November 2017. Prize: £10 Amazon voucher. No entry fee.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.