Vortexes, Cycles & Spin

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Science to Sage Dec 2011, Volume 5

I n t e r n a t i o n a l

M a g a z i n e

Cycles & Spin Interview Thrive Foster Gamble

Vortexes Free Energy Meet Genius & Forgotten Inventor

The Greek Blunder

Fractal Time Gregg Braden Jack Canfield

and so much more


Volume 5

Cycles and Spin Based-on the book InsideOUT the Wisdom of the Designer Universe by Karen Elkins http://www.insideoutbook.com/#


Paul Scott

Josef Tyls

• Evolve to Thrive Jack Can eld and William Gladstone

• Vortex & Toroid • Walter Russell on Spin Link to Nassim Haramein & E.A Rauscher • Scienti c Paper on the Origin of Spin Foster Gamble Interviewed by Jeane Manning • Producer of the movie “Thrive” Through Power” • About Victor Schauberger Stan Tenen • • •

Abraham, Monotheism, and the Alphabet Diagram 3.10 Torus Knot, Ring & Sphere Diagram An Idealized Embryonic Fruit and a Dancer’s Exchange of Angular Momentum Richard Merrick

ARTIST GALLERY Dan Willis - Fractal Art Karl Herrmann - Nature Series RECOMMENDATIONS From the Resources of the Book “InsideOUT, the

• The Greek Blunder Gregg Braden interviewed by Linda M. Potter • Fractal Time Billie M. Thompson, Ph.D

YOUtube links

Wisdom of Our Designer Universe” by Karen Elkins • •

Book, DVD’s, CD Plus Extra Ideas

Cover: Dan Wills Fractal Art http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

A Time Space Theory, Involving the Ear and Listening


Excerpts from “InsideOUT, the Wisdom of the Designer Universe” Miceal Ledwith • Mention - Torsion Vortex and Orbs

• Rediscovery Duality Jeffrey Armstrong


• The Bardo of Death & Rebirth Karen Elkins •

Jeane Mannings, Excerpts from her book ”Break

• The Golden Motor Cycle Gang Eliza Mada Dalian

Volume 4, December 2011


The book fuses the wisdom of the ages and cutting-edge science. The mission is to make visible our connection to all of life and our universe. Each month is dedicated to exploring another chapter and its ideas more deeply with experts unifying and expanding global community.

Karen Elkin Themed, designed , layout and production b Karen Elkins


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enterprises are dedicated to a golden

• Directory of Experts A-Z

beautifully tapestr y between the

age of wisdom. The goal is to weave a

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scientists, sage, alchemist, artist,

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Cover: Dan Wills Fractal Art

Science to Sage has a global network of contributors. I am grateful for their vision and fascination Lets discover together








All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors.


By Josef Tyls





“If you want to

nd the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of

Energy, Frequency and Vibration”. - Nikola Tesla 1899

Two Fundamental Forms There are two fundamental forms in nature that express the movement of energy in the cosmos, they are the Vortex and the Toroid, which are mutually connected by way of an interactive function. The Vortex, being a tornado form, generally terminates and connects to the center of a Toroid form. The Toroid or Torus being a doughnut shaped form at the epicentre or end point of the collapsing Vortex funnel.


These two interactions create an e ect which pulls and holds the form of our Milky Way galaxy which spirals around the Black Whole at the very center. The Vortex and Toroid are essential constructs in the dynamic

eld of

the three dimensional universe, by which energy/plasma moves from and to, between all states of matter. (These vortex are often shown in





religious text as we ascending to the heavens/ethers.

Movement In order to move all

uids and gases within

our three dimensional space and be free of restrictive friction and conserve energy, the liquids or gases must implode and rotate about their axis through a descending spiral, forming the typical vortex tornado pattern seen in nature, such as a funnel cloud tornado or water whirlpool




owing down a

This Effect

is also found within and around the human body such

as the Chakras /Vortices, and the energy which

ows through the body as Qi/

Chi, Prana, life force, and generates the toroidal magnetic eld that is the same as the earth, as described in many of the ancient eastern texts.

The Electric/Magnetic Fields of In uence (from a cell to a solar system)

Life Force Energy Accesses the Crown (NASA con rms earths crown)

Electric & Magnetic Fields Light & Illuminate. (aura or etheric energy eld) All life forms exhibit radiant energy, which emanates from the body. This energy has been described as the aura or etheric energy eld. The fundamental similarity with plasma is the charged state, which has the characteristics of a








glow and radiance emanating from the body like rays of light

The Torah and The Torus The oldest text which best describes this movement and the creation of matter is in the Hebrew TORAH. And the similarity to TORUS is amazing. In the


verse of GENESIS states ‫ וְאֵת הָאֶָרץ‬,‫ אֵת הַׁשָּמַיִם‬,‫ ּבָ​ָרא אֱֹלהִים‬,‫ּבְֵראׁשִית‬ ‫א‬. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth If we were to use a conversion number set for each letter of this verse we would

nd an interesting new level of a mathematical statement, which better

de nes the process of creation. The verse contains speci c instructions and coordinates as to the nature of the creation and exact movements to express the creation into form and function contained in the singularity of the matrix de ned as GOD or the IT. The hyper dimensional instructions are and state •

The ‘IT’ which occupies the entirety of what IS, referred to as the Universe or Cosmos, and contained within the IT, at the exact co-ordinances de ned by the vectors ‘X’ , ‘Y’, and ‘Z’, in order to set a start point in three dimensional space












The ‘IT’ in its entirety moved into an implosive vorticular pattern

Causing the creation of a TORUS at the focal point of the implosion vortex

eye, and by this action, rotate upon the axis of the TORUS, in a manner that creates all the polar dynamics of duality. “The heavens and the Earth”. The in and out function of a revolving Toroid From the exit eye of the TORUS forms an exhaust vortex relieving the

energy back to the universe.

In order to conserve energy and be able to move within a con ned or the de ned space, the motion of the movement must implode into a vortex pattern and come to equilibrium by expressing a toroid. Then ow out as an expansive vortex back to the universe to complete the energy balance.












____________________________________________________________________________ Wikipedi In mathematics, a Toroid is a doughnut shaped object, such as an O-ring. Its annular shape is generated by revolving a plane geometrical gure about an axis external to that gure which is parallel to the plane of the gure and does not intersect the gure. Our Milky Way galaxy is a beautiful example of the amazing structure.

Divine Order of the Vortex Since the beginning of recorded history, mankind has witnessed the e ects of hidden energy systems that a ect and orchestrate the physical world. These vortexes and tornado movements are based upon a descending spiral that operates upon the mathematical formula 1.618 to 1 to .618, also called by the ancient peoples, The Golden Ratio, Golden Section, Golden Proportion and many other references to the divine order within the Cosmos


Image by Richard Merrick copy write

This graph shows the movement wake of the sun (the still center line) and planets orbiting the sun as our solar system moves through the cosmos. Notice the unique harmonic wave which our solar system makes in the




cosmos, the melody of our journey through space.

As you can see in the Milky Way spiral galaxy, the macro aspect of this self organizing movement, is also the same movement structure, which has been witnessed at the subatomic level of matter. The evidence of this is within the atom collision photos provided from The Large Hadron Collider in Cern Switzerland.



Vortex & Flight

vorticular movement of energy and matter

also form around ying objects and are a source of turbulences and drag.




A C-17 Globemaster III from the 14th Airlift Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina. ies off after releasing ares over the Atlantic Ocean near Charleston, South Carolina, during a training mission on Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The "smoke angel" is caused by wing vortices at the plane's wingtips"Information presented on Air Force Link is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested." (http://www.af.mil/main/disclaimer.asp)

Non Manifest to Dense Form The vortexes unique implosion movement of energy moving and condensing from ‘non manifest - open still

eld hyper space’ into the dense form -

con ned material space matrix, to create the

elds which resonate as crystals,

called geometrical forms, also called Platonic solids



The best example of this e ect is when the element hydrogen and the element oxygen are exposed to an electric arc, which causes the two



combine by means of an implosive force during

the combustion stage. This process creates great pressure fusing the elements into the liquid called water, which is given the formula H2O Another great example of this is the creation of sugar through the process of plant photo synthesis. Whereby; the water molecule is cleaved releasing the oxygen to the atmosphere and capturing the hydrogen molecule. Through the respiration of carbon dioxide the plant cleaves the bond and releases the oxygen to the atmosphere, then combines the carbon and hydrogen elements to form the carbohydrate commonly know as sugar or polysaccharides The feature of this crystal is its cubic nature and contained within the cube is the star tetrahedron or stellated octahedron.








ElfQrin/CC 3.0

Energy can be summarized as a charge or charged element, charged particle or a plasma An electric eld will be produced anytime you have a charged particle. The electric

eld of a charged particle will be a three dimensional


that extends radially from the charged particle. The direction of the

eld will be away from a positive charged particle

and toward a negative charged particle This eld decreases as you get farther away from the particle. If a second charged particle is brought into the same region as the

rst, then the

elds will interact resulting in forces on the charged particles as described by Coulomb's Law. These forces are: Like charged particles will cause repulsions, and unlike charged particles will cause attractions. For a single charged particle there is no force on electric elds. This

eld is transmitted through space without direct physical

contact and is continuous. (Life without end.)

http://techcenter.je erson.kctcs.edu/RS/














Creating Energy?

Radiant Energy

The source of energy in the Cosmos, which the material universe operates upon, as suggested by Nassim Haramein, is the ‘black whole’ that exists and is contained within all elements and molecules at their center, and is the same energy focal point of all energy found in the Cosmos such as the center of the Milky way galaxy. http://theresonanceproject.org/research/laymen It is believed that this is also the key to energy systems which may be in use to produce free energy technology


Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices (with dolphins) - YOU-tube

In Dowsing terms, ley lines are energy lines, which encircle and cross the earth, forming an earth grid and also the Earth’s electromagnetic

eld. The

intersecting points of these ley lines are high energy areas upon the Earth called ‘focal points or hot spots’, which we know as the vortices of the Earth. NASA research has shown that the human energy

eld is tuned into certain

‘Earth Node Waves’ which are connected to the vortices of the Earth.

Earth vortices are analogous to the chakras in the human body. There are 9 major chakras in the body, counting two above the head within the etheric eld, which are not normally referred to. There are several minor chakras throughout the body. The arteries in the human body are analogous to the rivers and waterways of Planet Earth. Ley Lines are analogous to the nervous/



energy system in the human body



Earth’s Electromagnetic Grid

Nassim Haramein E.A. Rauscher Scienti c Papers “The

Click Here to View

NASA/Public Domain

Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis

Forces in Einstein’s Field Equations and Grand Uni cation Theory”, by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes In Surrounding Media of Black Holes and Vacuum Structure



– Quantum Processes with Considerations of Spacetime Torque and Coriolis Forces (PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.

Black Whole DVD $19.99 Black Whole explores the groundbreaking work of physicist Nassim Haramein. Through his work with The Resonance Project, Haramein provides insight into the structure of space-time and a new coherent model of the universe.

Crossing the Event Horizon 4 DVD Set $84. In this 4 DVD presentation, Nassim Haramein takes you on a journey through humanity’s evolution, exposing the changes necessary to produce an allencompassing Uni ed Physics; a uni cation of not only the four forces of nature, but also evolution and the occurrence of consciousness.



Click Here to Shop Direct

THRIVE film maker Foster Gamble interviewed by Jeane Manning A new level of thinking is emerging. It crosses the usual group boundaries of the political Left and Right, and between the consciousness movement, the New Age and spirituality movements and the liberty movement, notes Foster Gamble, creator, host, co-writer, and director of visual design for the Thrive (link to trailer) documentary film which premiered on November 11 and has gone viral online around the world. The film-maker said in a November 30 interview that he’s thrilled to see people finding common ground at a higher level of understanding of scientific principles, spiritual principles and principles of social justice.

The Thrive website describes the film as “an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, Thrive offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.”

In the following transcript, questions from Jeane Manning (JM) are in italics. The first question was about his website’s role in helping groups involved in energy, eco-agriculture, social justice and other causes. Foster Gamble (FG) replied that the Thrive Movement team does intend to help those groups connect. For instance the ThriveMovement.com website’s Resource Tree offers the ability to connect with groups that it recommends. FG: And we lay out practical suggestions of what each person can do, as individuals and in groups, and highly recommend that people continue to create this electronic network of networks. So we’ll see how the website grows, but mostly we’re looking to empower a self-creating movement rather than try to gather it under the umbrella of Thrive Movement or on our website. JM: What would that look like? “A self-creating movement” sounds like a torus (a whirlpool vortex turning inward then flowing back out of itself creating a donut-shaped dynamic form, toroid, that self-sustains. The torus pattern is found everywhere in nature, and in Thrive is called “the Code.”) FG: Like lots of toruses, connected center to center but each one independent. It’s the whole notion of decentralization of power that Elisabet Sahtouris described. When you go into the woods, you can’t find the boss. You can’t find the government. There are many, many systems operating independently but through cooperation and collaboration.

I remember seeing, on CNN at the beginning of the Occupy Movement, an interview with the police commissioner there. When asked how he was going to control this movement he rolled his eyes and said, “We’re not exactly sure. The usual protocol is: we would identify the leaders, call them in, tell them what the regulations were and then offer to give them a permit as long as they complied with all of our regulations.” He said, “With this movement, we can’t seem to find the leaders, and they don’t seem particularly interested in our regulations and permits.”

That’s part of the decentralization model – empowerment of all parts rather than concentrating power and decision-making in a very small group. And to do it that way makes it much safer as well as more just. JM: Like an analagous decentralized electrical grid and its empowerment of people, with the safety of neighborhood or home-sized power generating units? FG: Precisely. Because if a centralized power doesn’t like what you’re doing for some reason, they can just cut off your electricity. Whereas if people are independent or small communities are more independent there’s a lot more freedom. It’s the same thing with the New Energy Movement. A lot of people say to me “Why don’t we just create one organization and we’ll get all the inventors under one umbrella and we’ll centralize it?” That would be probably the most dangerous thing we can do, because then they could just shut down that one organization or take it over. If we’re going to get these New Energy technologies out, it’s going to be through a broad decentralization – of the businesses, of the technologies, of the inventors. JM:…from people in your social group, are there social pressures to conform? Society has been conditioned to laugh at so-called free energy. Has the film made a difference yet, in breaking through the mindset that this is just a subject to be ridiculed? FG: Jeane, I’m really glad that you asked that, because I am so excited about what is going on. Years ago when I was early in this field, some of my friends thought that I’d lost it, and didn’t I understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and “this must be some cult activity.” Then as I started predicting things and showing people certain energy developments, and predicting certain falseflag operations and the 2008 economic collapse and so forth, people started going “Hmm. On what basis are you predicting this sort of thing, and what else do you know?”

In relation to the energy technology, the most common question -- and by far in the biggest number of letters I’m getting from all over the world -- is questioning about and excitement about the New Energy Movement. Among people who are saying “how can I help,” even among our own investors in the Thrive Project, a common theme is “it seems like the most practical and highly-leveraged single change that we can m a k e i s b r i n g i n g o u t t h e s e n e w e n e rg y technologies.” So on our website under the Critical Mass Action section, one of the Critical Mass Actions that we’re gathering signatures with intent for is in relation to the New Energy Movement. We’re encouraging people to indicate if they would be interested in showing up for a mass event – an Occupy-type event in front of the Patent Office or the energy department or somewhere where we can make a public statement about the depth and breadth of the populace who won’t stand for the suppression of these energy technologies any more. Also, people want to end up contributing or investing in different projects. When there’s enough support, we can then trigger the mass action so we’ll have enough money to really support the inventors’ completing and rolling out their devices and we’ll have enough financial support to have a legal defense fund. So if there are trivial lawsuits filed against different inventors to just tie them up, we’ll have legal power to fight that, and have the funding for the security to protect these labs if these labs are raided as they have so often been in the past.

(For example the Movement could) just trigger an email message to the network and have half a million people show up, and have that on the evening news: “Here comes the FBI again, destroying someone’s lab or alternative energy device, supposedly in the name of national security. While we’re sending our young people off to fight wars of aggression to take other people’s oil and pollute the sky.”

It just doesn’t make any sense, once people realize that the alternatives are already available all over the world if we just have the political will and the funding to stand up for bringing these things out. JM:…Many inventors just need a little help to take their invention beyond proof-of-principle of their prototype… FG: I have tremendous respect for what the New Energy Movement has been doing and regret I haven’t been able to be more involved previously. Now people know why; I’ve been pretty much a hermit for eight years and staying under the radar. But now, as I do on the website, I will be promoting you and encouraging people to assist you as much as possible. Have you seen the new energy song by the Luminaries? They were kind enough to come and play at the premiere, the launch event for Thrive. They’re an amazing group of young people who are very conscious of what’s emerging, and singing about it in such a positive way. I encourage everyone to check out the Luminaries’ Free Energy on the Internet. JM: …I’m glad you featured Adam Trombly in your film. In the 1980s he was advocating a gradual transition to “zero point energy” technologies. I’d like your comment on how the world might look today if the transition had begun 25 years ago. FG: It’s an exciting notion for all of us to begin to hold in our minds. On a very practical level, imagine you don’t have to pay your energy bill any more because you’ve got a free energy device in the garage. You had to buy the free-energy device, which probably paid for itself in a few months. And now you’re not paying for the fuel in your car or to heat or energize your home. Imagine what that would do to your own personal economy.

Then imagine that happening all over the globe. Imagine people in rural Africa having access to the energy to run their wells, to light their homes. And imagine we no longer are burning fossil fuels – which obviously we are running out of and fighting over – so there’s less excuse for war. We’re looking at clean skies as we’re driving along. Even in Los Angeles you’re looking at pristine skies. And that’s just the beginning, on a very practical level, of this whole new paradigm. Because not only would it universalize access to clean safe energy, but it would also bring in the proof of the whole new paradigm of infinite abundance In our schools we’ve been told we’re living in a universe that’s winding down, that there’s not enough energy or food to go around so we have to amass a military force and protect ours while taking others’. All of that goes away when we realize that we have enough energy for everyone on the planet, that we have enough food for everyone on the planet and there’s also plenty of money to go around as we go to an honest money system instead of the scam that we’ve been involved in for 400 years. In my research it seems to be clear that population naturally levels off and even begins to shrink when people are healthy and prosperous and educated. All of those things become available with an honest money system, with access to inexpensive energy and to a new paradigm that we’re living in an open system and one of infinite abundance. JM: The money situation is such a huge part …You interviewed wise people in the film, like Catherine Austin Fitts. She has a vision of how it could be done differently, how people bioregionally could take back control of their lives?

FG: She’s a real financial visionary who’s also looked into localism and permaculture and what man does to align with natural forces – not only financially but in every other realm. And she’s someone who was at the highest level of finance herself, even offered a job on the board of governors

of the Federal Reserve, which fortunately she turned down. When she was the Undersecretary of Housing and Urban Development under Bush senior she began to see the levels of corruption. She told me that an average of $9 million a day has gone missing in every major city across the country. And that’s not just spent unwisely, but literally disappearing from the budget, going into somebody’s black box somewhere. So she started blowing the whistle on that type of corruption and was harassed horribly by the powers-that-be, dragged into the courts for ten years, her business was shut down, she was really broken financially. But this is a woman of relentless spirit and integrity. She never stopped telling the truth and does more than ever now. And is bringing forth new financial models based on positive return on investment rather than this debt-based economy that is driving us into the ground. I highly recommend people check out her website at Solari.com. In fact I will be doing an interview with her about these subjects on that website tomorrow. JM: You must have so much on film; will you be making more material available in mini-documentory form? FG: That’s been one of our great blessings. We had between 300 and 400 hours of film that we had to cut down to two hours. So yeah, it was such a privilege for me to interview these amazing pioneers, and we have edited down a tremendous amount of that. We already put up 200 clips on our website ThriveMovement.com. That’s separated out by sector and topic. So if you’re interested in economics, or environment, or health, or education or new energy technology, you can just go to those sections of the website. And we will be bringing out more of those. Our team is still editing them, refining them and we will be bringing those out probably more and more over the next year.

Among people who saw the movie early on before we released it, one of the common reactions was “I want one of those navigators.” For those who haven’t seen it, we have a motif of a high-tech magic carpet in a toroidal energy field that flies around through time and space and visits with these different pioneers and goes down into the atom and out into galactic clusters. We had a lot of fun doing that, and people seem to be enjoying taking the journey that way. With the website, our intention was to actually give everybody their own navigator. So the visuals on the website are as if you are sitting in your navigator and looking out into the cosmos. And then you have your own navigation system that we’ve developed the software for -- where you can navigate by what we call a sector navigator. We’ll soon be releasing the system for free for anybody who’s interested.

As I describe in the film, I was sitting on this school bus looking out of the window, and I don’t know if it was the blinking of light through the trees that put me in a particular brainwave state or what, but I was given a glimpse of this swirling energy pattern. At one moment I saw it as an atom. The way we were being taught about an atom at the time was with a nucleus in the center and then these electrons swirling around the outside. I was seeing that in the image and then it transformed itself into a solar system with the sun in the middle and the planets going around. I thought, “Aha. Those look pretty similar.” But then I got this feeling, chills throughout my body and a full-body realization that said to me, “Somehow I am that same pattern! Somewhere in scale between the tiny atom and the vast solar system, somehow I am that pattern repeated.” And I had no clue what that meant. But for quite a while I was like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters... Because I would go up to the physics lab after sports practice every afternoon and I was building things that I didn’t understand and that other people didn’t understand. They just left me a corner of the lab.

When I finished it, I said to everybody, “That’s it; that’s what I’ve been working to build.” They said, “It’s pretty but what is it?” I said, “I don’t have any idea. But that’s what I needed to build.”

FG: As you know, Nassim and I have worked together for years. We cracked up when we were getting to know each other and we found out that each of us had had such seminal visions on a school

JM: Could you elaborate on your experience back at age 14 when you had the vision that changed your life? Was it anything like the vision that Nassim Haramein described?

I was basically doing things to bend light. Finally I had…a light-generating device, and I took the beam of light and bent it and continued to bend it until it made an entire circle of light and came back in on itself and just created a floating ring of light. Kind of like the Ouroboros. (19-century chemist Friedrich Kekule said he discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after day-dreaming about a snake seizing its own tail. This symbol is known other cultures as the Ouroboros or endless knot.)

It’s a tool for whole-system thinking, where if you’re interested in Environment, for instance, you can click on the Environment sphere that rotates. It rotates around with 13 other spheres – one in the center and twelve around. This is a model for encouraging people to think wholistically…whatever they happen to be interested in, to think of that in relation to economics, in relation to spirituality, in relation to education. You can access any one of those areas, but it’s through a tool that keeps reminding you that each of these areas is tied together. You know, we have a hand, we have a leg, we have a heart, we have a head, but they’re really a part of a whole body that is guided by a unified consciousness. That’s what we’re trying to reflect in the website as well.

bus. It’s probably one of the better parts of our educational experience.

I’ve spent the rest of my life looking to understand what that was. I came to understand over the years that that is a representation of the toroidal dynamics, which is the only pattern which sustains itself in a homogeneous medium like water or air or electricity. The only pattern which continues, which sustains, is this whirlpool vortex. It seems to me that’s an important insight. If the universe has one thing it does to sustain a living system and our evolutionary imperative in order to survive on this planet is to figure out how to create sustainable systems, it would make a lot of sense to look and see “Okay, what is nature doing?” It turns out, if you understand this toroidal vortex sufficiently and you build a technology in the right geometry and out of the right kind of material and then you create a rotating toroidal field, at certain frequencies it will go into resonance with its ambient environment. It will just start accessing the energy, and if you have the right kind of wiring technology to capture and use it, it will start pouring energy out of the space that surrounds it. With all the different laboratories that I visited who have had some success in accessing that energy, the common denominator for me was that they all in some way understood and honor that basic toroidal field. This isn’t some obscure scientific concept, even though a lot of people haven’t heard the word ‘toroid’. Every magnet you ever played with has an invisible torus field. And it’s just that naturally occurring field that people are learning to access. Basically with a feminine approach. This where we have a lot to learn from the way that women have learned to blend with energy. In dancing. Blending with their emotions. Blending with each other in conversation. And honoring the wild force of nature rather than trying to crush it, contain it, explode it and then use that through dominance to somehow access our energy.

So in the feminine approach that I describe in the film, you realize that all energy surrounding us -from the atomic level to the human level to the

planetary level the solar system and galactic level -is doing this toroidal dance. Then if we’re willing to blend with that and access the energy through resonance -- literally through making music with what energy is already doing rather than this macho approach of trying to control it through explosion -then the universe pours out infinite abundance at our disposal. As long as we don’t violate it. JM: Regarding the dancing with the energy, on the Thrive poster I see a young person waking up, taking off a blinder. In her eye is an image of a white dancing figure. Is that purposeful? FG: I hadn’t thought of that in terms of free energy particularly. Yet that’s kind of our icon for Thriving -- a gender-neutral human figure with arms up in ecstasy. It’s the way we’ve all felt at some point, where you just can’t contain your bliss at being alive or succeeding in some task or being in love with someone or however we describe it. It’s a universal posture of actually being in harmony with life energy. That’s why that’s there. JM: Celebrating… Years ago I was talking about how we’ll feel when free energy devices are finally out in the open. We’ll have big street parties, dance in the streets. FG: We’ll have plenty of electricity to do it with. JM: You had the experience of being a person born into a privileged family. During your teen years were there pressures on you to fit into some societal role? FG: There certainly were. I went to a prestigious boarding school and then to Princeton, and a lot of my father’s friends were bank presidents and Supreme Court justices and high level senators and Congress people and so forth. So I got to hang out with those people; got to be in on conversations, particularly if I was playing sports with them, that most people don’t get to be in. So I learned some things -- some to my educational advantage and some to my horror – about how some of those people thought.

I was very successful in high school and college. I was an athlete and president of the student body in high school and valedictorian of my class and so forth. So I was courted by a lot of colleges, by corporations, by various social societies and so forth. I learned in retrospect that they look for talent and they want to capture that talent for their own purposes. During my time in schools on the East coast, I felt a tremendous claustrophobia, inside myself, that I didn’t understand at the time. But it was just a level of cramped thinking that I experienced – in history, and economics, in politics. I didn’t know the alternative to it, but viscerally it was offensive and claustrophobic to me. So when I finally came to the West Coast in the late 1970s and began to experience some new thinking and meeting some out-of-the box scientists and people who had alternatives to the traditional rightleft dichotomies politically, I began to get in touch with just how freeing it was to actually start thinking for myself rather than just memorize. There’s a version of history that you’re taught in school, and a limited version of physics that they’re allowed to teach in school, and the incomplete story of economics that I was being trained in. So I definitely stepped out of the mainstream, much to the horror of those organizations and family members and so forth who had certain expectations of me. But I’m glad that I had enough respect -based on what I had done already -- that they didn’t write me off. They thought I might be off on a tangent or something, but they continued to listen to me over the years and came to pay attention to some of the things I was learning.

So I’m happy to say there’s been wonderful reconciliation on many levels. My family and friends have given a tremendously warm reception to the film, and a number of them have approached me saying, “Let me know how I can find out more about New Energy, or how I can help with the funding of new energy.”

There really is a new era that is dawning all over the planet, and you can see it with the New Energy Movement, you can see it with Occupy, and I’m thrilled that Thrive seems to be a timely offering into that fast-emerging consciousness field. JM: A very important timely offering. And you have no idea I suppose how this is all going to turn out; you’ve just got a tiger by the tail? FG: I anticipated that it would be controversial. Frankly both my wife Kimberly and I are really surprised by how little the controversy is at all around the content of the film. People have been so frustrated by the economic collapse, and you know working hard at two jobs and not able to feed their families and losing their homes and losing their jobs and knowing that somehow they are getting really abused. Because it doesn’t make sense but they don’t know who’s doing it or how they’re doing it or what they can do about it. One of the reasons we created Thrive was to save them a lot of time. One of the things I chose to do, with the certain amount of privilege that was passed on to me by my grandparents, was use that time I had to follow the questions people don’t usually have time to do. To really follow the money, and find out why is the purchasing power of the dollar a mere fraction – like four per cent – of what it was a hundred years ago. And why can’t people afford to own their houses and cars, when 60 years ago they could – working even less. And who’s doing this and why. So I was able to follow those questions. And when they finally made sense to me - -what’s really going on behind the scenes that’s keeping us from thriving -- I thought, “Now I’m getting some traction.” But I still didn’t want to make the film until I felt I had a handle on sufficient solutions that were accessible and viable and were even more coherent than the problem.

Finally I came to that state, I’m happy to report. Despite all of the decades of research I’ve done into the bad news of what’s being done behind the scenes, I’m actually more optimistic at this moment in my life than I’ve ever been. That we do in fact have what we need to thrive, and people are starting to get their hands on the steering wheels of their own consciousness and on the switches and dials of what we can do something about. Through things like the awakening of the Occupy Movement, and like Anonymous -- having people’s back when it comes to telling the truth – what I’m seeing is that the planetary immune system is kicking in. And we vastly outnumber – I say in the film “at least a million to one in the US alone” -- we outnumber the small handful of people who are perpetrating what I call the global domination agenda to take over people’s lives worldwide. Even though they’ve already gained a lot of control, including of energy as well as food, education, media and so forth, they haven’t gained control of everything, especially the Internet. And now people are waking up and they’re speaking up. I’m actually very confident that we have what it takes to turn this thing around – in not-too-long an amount of time -- as long as people are willing to get themselves informed and have the courage to take action in whatever way taps their own passion and expertise. JM: Someone once called the people of the world “The Third Superpower.”

FG: In our film Amy Goodman said the only thing more powerful than organized money is organized people. And people are getting organized, and we’re also bringing down this house of cards, this perception of how money works that has worked to the advantage of a very small handful rather than to everyone’s advantage. So that is definitely crumbling. The exoskeleton of that old creature is crumbling.

The key thing is to explore new and viable ideas and have them on the table as the old one crumbles, so we can have a whole new way of relating to each other and the planet. And it is happening. JM: We quoted Paul Hawken in our book Breakthrough Power saying there are maybe a million diverse nonprofit groups helping to create change. Collectively it’s the largest movement on Earth, this push for a better world. FG: Exactly, and it’s a great example of what we were talking about earlier, of the decentralized movement. Because the powers-that-be can shut down an organization here or there. But when you have a million – and I heard recently that it’s approaching two million now -- organizations worldwide working independently though they’re starting to get linked together, for environmental and social and economic justice, truly that’s a force. When combined with thinking of Occupy and the protection of Anonymous and so forth, that’s becoming a force in which humanity is standing up for itself in a way that cannot and will not be stopped, I’m convinced. JM: You view things in terms of humanity rather than being chauvinistic about one country or continent, and I’m also glad that you interviewed people in other countries like Vandiva Shiva – one of my heroes. FG: Mine too. She’s been a tremendous spokesperson – for nature, and for humanity -worldwide for so long. She’s a very brilliant woman and they accessed her intelligence early on and trained her as a nuclear scientist. It was her sister who over a holiday sat her down and said, “Do you realize what you’re doing? Do you realize what nuclear radiation does to the planet?” She really listened to her sister, and ended up leaving that science but bringing all her intelligence and integrity to the worldwide movement for protection of seeds and organic farming and women’s movement and just humanity standing up for itself worldwide.

JM: I know you understand the difference between our destructive technologies and those based more on inward-spiraling-based motion instead of explosion. Specifically, Walter Russell spoke, as did Wilhelm Reich, about a life force in the atmosphere being affected by our nuclear radiation technology. FG: This is one of the key distinctions I think humanity needs to learn in order to survive right now, and I go into it in the New Energy section of our website. Just to hit on it briefly, Walter Russell was one of my major mentors; I studied his work for 20 years. He was a visionary scientist who had very profound visions which showed him, directly and intuitively, how the universe works, how energy works. But then he spent the rest of his life trying to figure out the right way to explain that science. He was an inventor as well, who put his theories to the test. His book Atomic Suicide makes the case that there’s nothing wrong with radiation; it breaks up rocks underground…to recycle the energy. (Words lost at end of an audiotape.) But when you bring that particular (radioactive) element to the surface and then start heating it up, it’s the single most dangerous thing that human beings have ever done. The greatest toxin that we know of. And people are more and more wanting to build more nuclear plants, despite what we’ve seen has hit Three Mile Island and then Chernobyl and in Japan still people are arguing to build these nuclear plants which then fuel nuclear weapons. Walter Russell pointed out that the most dangerous thing we can do is spread radiation around this planet, and it’s a mistake that we can’t correct. First it could wipe out all life as we know it, secondly just getting rid of all the radiation that we’ve brought to the surface could take a quarter of a million years or more.

Buckminster Fuller, who was another visionary scientist and a major mentor for me, addressed the subject by saying, “There’s nothing wrong with nuclear power or nuclear reactor, you’ve just got to be the right distance away, because the sun itself is

a nuclear reactor and obviously we depend on it for life as we know it, but we’re 92 million miles away from it and that’s just the right distance to be from that kind of nuclear reaction.” So it’s critical that we understand the difference between expanding-wave radiation which is all that physics has studied so far, and the opposite of that -- what Walter Russell called the genero-active wave, which is really the life-giving, the lifeorganizing part of the toroidal dynamic. It’s the compressing of energy that creates a seed or a foetus or a black hole. Physics doesn’t address this because it begins to get into realms of biology and what they call the “cword” or consciousness, which (physicists) don’t allow one another to address openly. But if we’re going to have a unified-field understanding, we have to include consciousness and the life force. As we do. Theoreticians like Nassim Haramein and inventors like John Bedini and Bruce DePalma, and Moray and Sweet and Inomata and Tewari – all these people are somehow with various approaches accessing the life force. If we come to honor that life force and align all of our systems – not only our energy systems but our educational systems and our economic systems and so forth – if we can align with the life force then we will truly be living on a totally abundant planet in harmony with ourselves and the planet. As opposed to just recognizing this death force of radiation and trying to access our energy by explosion and then fighting each other over the results. JM: Viktor Schauberger warned about technologies that break down the biosphere and said that would also degrade society… So the way you’re speaking, the human family could turn their technological systems around by using knowledge of this living geometry you talk about… Then society could turn around too; it could affect society in general if we choose different technologies?

FG: Absolutely. And there’s another section on the website; the central sphere of our 13 spheres in our sector navigator is Worldview. It’s how you see your reality, what your belief systems are. One of the things I’ve done in my quest is interview and read and talk with a lot of historians of the development of consciousness. I found a very clear common denominator in their theoretical discoveries – that consciousness itself is evolving through an octave pattern. In the same way that you see an octave in music with the tones, you see an octave in the vibration of the light frequencies with the rainbow and you see it in ourselves with the chakras and so forth. It turns out that all life energy evolves through an octave process. If we look to see where human beings are in that evolution, in the evolution that we can observe with our senses it goes from pure potential though subatomic particles to atoms, molecules and plants, animals and humans. Those are all building on each other. The power gained in each one of those stages is integrated by the entities that arrive at the next stage. So it’s a cumulative evolutionary process. There are seven sub-stages of the atomic elements, and seven substages of molecules and of plants and of animals. This is the work of Arthur Young in The Reflective Universe: Evolution of Consciousness.

When you go to the human level, this is what is so exciting. This model is so accurate that it’s predictive, so we can see where we are in human evolution. All these different consciousness historians, from Arthur Young to Duane Elgin, Ken Wilbur and others all seem to have come to the same realization -- that humanity is essentially in the fourth stage of our octave. Which equates to the fourth stage of the larger octave which is the molecules. What the molecule had to do to survive was to learn to balance ambient energy – the energy inside itself with the energy outside itself. Once it could do that, then it could sustain temperature. Our evolution as we know it is based on that skill that the molecule mastered.

Jump back to the human octave: We’re in the fourth stage, where what we need to learn to do is balance our relationship with energy inside and out. Inside we need to relax our body, let our emotions flow smoothly and responsibly, learn to open and focus our mind. And then on the outside learn to get along with other people, resolve conflict and be effective in our cooperation. Finally, with our environment learn to have our systems reconcile -- align with the forces of nature. If we can do that, then we will have succeeded with the revolutionary imperative for humanity on Planet Earth which Duane Elgin calls reconciliation. This isn’t just a nice thing to do. In order to make it on this planet, we need to master reconciliation inside and out. I asked Duane, “If we’re successful in that, what will happen? Are we home free from there on?” He said, “We can barely imagine what will be. There will still be risks involved, but it will be a planet that is living harmoniously with itself and then simply dealing with managing the vast, the unimaginable amounts of creativity that are unleashed when we’re not fighting inside ourselves and with one another and the planet.” That’s a vision that thrills me beyond my own imagination and fuels my activity on a daily basis. JM: Is there anything I didn’t ask that you’d like to address? FG: My whole orientation, now that I’ve got this information outside of me and offered hopefully a useful level of coherence. Now people are grappling with the information and its implications in their own lives, beginning to form community conversation groups and beginning to organize various forms of activism around the new understanding. What I personally want to be spending most of my life energy on is facilitating the solutions.

So I would like to encourage people to go to our website, to ThriveMovement.com. In addition to looking deeper into the information from the movie, look at the Solutions section of the website. In that we have a whole section on Liberty, which is, in my mind, the core philosophy that we need to grow into if we’re going to make it. That can inform all our activities. Also in that section we’ve got inspiring success stories that have been sent to us, and more coming in every day from people who are taking successful actions.

We also highly recommend to people – I say this as not a solicited plug – at the end of your book Breakthrough Power you have an excellent chapter on What You Can Do which also gives people specific things they can do in relation to the whole New Energy Movement that again don’t take a lot of money and time. They can help us all to coordinate this effort to bring in the understanding and the technology of new energy, to transcend both the political and the environmental challenges that have kept us from thriving to this day.

As well, we have a whole section on What Can I Do – actions that you can take with groups, actions that you can take individually that don’t take much money or time, and how to get yourself supported -emotionally, financially, in terms of communications skills and so forth while you’re doing that, and then how to join with others in critical-mass action.

JM: That’s a beautiful summary; thank you, Foster.

Go online and check things out! Thrive http://www.thrivemovement.com/ Solutions - http://www.thrivemovement.com/solutions 22 Sectors - http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_12_sectors Video Clips - http://www.thrivemovement.com/video_clips

Evolutionary Model http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=qONxvborPAQ


THRIVE film maker Foster Gamble interviewed by Jeane Manning

After a near death experience in 1926 Dr. Walter Russell, explained what the base substance of the universe is, and what interacts with it, to produce the material plane of matter. Contained within his book ‘The Universal One’ states; the cosmos or universe is comprised of a uid-type energy called the Luminiferous Aether. Wikipedia light bearing substance of super ne or gas like quality.





Upon this Cosmic Aether uid that pervades the entirety of the universe, the dynamic movement of frequencies



Walter Russell - insight by Josef Tyls or sound waves are impressed and create movement of the uidic space. This creates all of the known dynamic elds of interaction, which are experienced as the material elements, solids or constructs known to make up the material planes of matter, space and time The primary aspect of this dynamic movement are oscillations that create polarity and polar opposites, namely positive and negative, male and female, black and white, heat and cold, vacuum and pressure, and north and south.





This can be seen on Dr. Russell’s chart of elements as a detailed map of a side pro le of the wave form function c r e a t i n g elements

And as seen from a top down view of the e l e m e n t a l vortex ow form which resides upon a TOROID



One” is Walter Russell's rst expression of his new Cosmogony explaining the Mind-centered electromagnetic universe. Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to hide his cosmogony from the world for a thousand years. Though a century or more ahead of its time, “The Universal One”, uniting spiritual Cause and scienti cally observable E ect in a seamless whole, is now appealing to the many people--scientists and laymen alike--who are examining the nature of science and consciousness. In this 1926 historic volume, Walter Russell rst reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements. This is a universe of Mind, a nite universe, limited as to cause, and to the e ect of cause. A

nite universe, in which the e ects of cause are limited, must also be limited as to cause; so when that measurable cause is known, then can man comprehend and measure all e ects. The e ects of cause are complex and mystify man, but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing e ects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: 'I alone am I.' There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. When man knows this in measurable exactness then will he have no limitations within those which are universal."










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Walter Russell “The Universal One”

The Seed of Life ..is held together, within a cycle, within a sphere, within a spin, within a particular reality, within a galaxy, a vortex of energy, a fractal geometry, a repeating pattern, again and again.

by Karen Elkins

Fern, © Luc Viatour (CC BY-SA 3.0)/Fern/Photo of cymatics and Copyright Alexander Lauterwasser,GermanyCy::www.wasserklangbild er.de

Excerpted from Break Through Powe by Jeane Manning

Viktor Schauberger The Austrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885–1958) studied how hidden energy from the cosmos enters into nature’s spiraling motions, including those in owing water, in moving air currents, and other natural spirals. Out of his observations came energy-harnessing inventions that pointed the way to harmless power technologies. But most people missed



the cue.

Naturalist, Forester, Philosopher, and Inventor of “implosion technology” Schauberger spent countless hours watching vortexian turbulence—threedimensional spiralling—in the water of wild rivers. In a pristine ecosystem he saw a landlocked lake renewing itself with a whirlpool followed by a giant waterspout. At nights, by a waterfall in the light of a full

different way by working in harmony with nature’s creative movements

moon, he learned about the heightened energy state of cold water by seeing certain egg-shaped rocks oat

the sh could remain motionless in fastmoving water, with only slight movement of its tail ns to keep its position. How and why did this trout ee upstream instead of letting the current help push it downstream

Ke e p i n g i n m i n d h i s m o t t o o f “understand nature, then copy nature,” the observant genius made what he called “living machines.” Today’s main energy technologies use outward-moving explosion, such as fuel-burning and atomsplitting. By contrast, Schauberger’s machines operated on principles of inwardspiraling movements of implosion. In short, he generated electric energy in a radically

One of the turning points in his understanding of energy took place one day when he startled a large trout in a swiftly owing stream. He’d been wondering how

The observant forester eventually gured out that the sh’s shape and motions caused vortices to form and push the trout against the current. He also discovered a relationship between water’s temperature and its ability to form vortices.

Fish vs Airplane Wing









Fog (water particle) wind tunnel visualization of a NACA 4412 airfoil at a low speed ow (Re=20.000). The image is released to the public domain courtesy of Smart Blade GmbH (www.smart-blade.com) fi



Victor Schauberger was a ...

Over time, Schauberger’s tuning in to nature’s ways led him to understand levitation forces in water and resulted in unusual machines he built. Some had twisting pipes that had variations of an egg-shaped crosssection. These shapes increased an inwardspiraling ow inside those pipes that compressed and accelerated the uid in increasingly tight braiding toward the center Schauberger’s understanding of levitation forces began on a cool moonlit night one spring, early in the years when he hiked alone in the unspoiled forests. As he sat beside a waterfall he noticed a large sh darting back and forth in the river in twisting motions as if building up energy. Suddenly it disappeared up into a huge jet of falling water. He caught a eeting glimpse of it spinning wildly under a cone of water and then oating upward until it tumbled over a curve at the top of the waterfall










Schauberger realized that even while gravity’s pull on water creates a visible downstream





China clay applied to show air ow pattern over wing. Reverse ow and span-wise ow is visible./GNU UWAL Crew 3.0

ow, invisible levitation currents are going in the opposite direction in a river in its natural state. His developing understanding of temperature combined with his study of the vortex; he knew that water has its most potent energetic structure in cool and dark conditions. To imagine an “antigravity force”—how a ow of energy could pull anything upstream against the weight of gravity— picture the tunnel in the middle of a vortex swirling down a drain. With increasing suction it drags things downward into the gurgling drain. Schauberger suggested imagining such a whirlpool turned upside down. A trout would appear to be oating upward in along the axis of vortex spin. Schauberger said that with the right lighting it is possible to see the path of what he called levitation currents—as a tube within the misty veil of a waterfall.

Implosion generators Schauberger quit his job as royal forester when his employers began to log the forest greedily instead of selectively, and he regretted having built an innovative ume. But his rsthand observations of processes in unspoiled nature led to an understanding of principles he used later in his “biotechnical machines” ranging from a copper plow for agriculture to an implosion generator for powering a house Continuing to experiment, he built unorthodox water pipes. Because the water spiraled inwardly toward the center and pulled away from the pipe walls instead of pushing against them, water could move faster and with less friction through his pipes






This means that a new “free energy” science is possible. No energy had to be added to the system inside Schauberger’s unique twisted pipes, yet water was sucked forward with increasing speed in a seemingly frictionless ow. He based his energy inventions on suction instead of pressure, implosion instead of explosion, compression instead of expansion.

Antigravity accident One of the most dramatic moments in Schauberger’s research occurred when an associate disobeyed him and made an unauthorized test run on a machine in his absence. In the circular model, as usual Schauberger had imitated nature’s spiraling forms. In this case the gaps between the turbine and base-plate were whorls, mimicking the corkscrew shaped antler of a certain deer species. After it spun up to 20,000 revolutions per minute, the machine called a Repulsator ran itself without the starter motor. Schauberger’s 1941 letters to contractors indicated he built the prototype: (1) to validate his theories of levitational energy.”

ight and (2) to investigate production of “free




Apparently his associate was too eager to make the test run, and started it up while it was tied down in a hangar. The machine developed so much lift that it broke the cables anchoring it to the oor, shot up against the roof of the hangar and was destroyed in the collision

Life Story Viktor Schauberger’s life story is dramatic material. Aerospace journalist Nick Cook wrote a gripping account of the politics surrounding Schauberger’s levitation e x p e r i m e n t s . S c h a u b e r g e r ’s o t h e r biographers cover an attempt on Schauberger’s life and the later era when Hitler forced him to head a team of imprisoned engineers. That antigravity project extended until the end of World War II. In 1958, when he was seventy-three years old, two Americans persuaded Viktor and his son Walter to go to the United States. The Nazis had forced Viktor to work on his energy-generating device in a prison camp— or else say goodbye forever to his family. Now a consortium was promising to manufacture his bene cial energy devices. It was something that he had always wanted






That visit to America turned out to be an ordeal in a sweltering Texas summer. An atomic energy expert came down from New York, met for three days with the

Schaubergers, and reportedly wrote in a document viewed by them that Viktor was likely correct in his projection that his biotechnical innovations were the path of the future. But the Schaubergers’ hosts soon revealed their insincerity; they were not in any hurry to develop his generator In order to be returned home, Viktor had signed a contract during his stay in the United States that forbade him to ever write about or even talk about his past or future discoveries. The consortium now owned all the rights to his implosion-generator secrets. When father and son stepped on an airplane to go back to Austria that fall, Viktor was broken in spirit and Walter was lled with bitterness toward the United States that lasted throughout his life On the way home, Viktor cried repeatedly, “They took everything from me, everything. I don’t even own myself.” Five days after they returned home, he died, heartbroken. Instead of being rewarded for his work, Viktor Schauberger’s life ended in despair.

Copy Nature

nature underlies the efforts of many of the inventors you will meet on the science frontier

Schauberger warned that society’s retechnology (exploding the atom for power, and motors that operate by burning and explosions of fuel) is a destructive path. Explosion-based technologies create heat, friction, noise and wastes. Burning Earth’s oil reserves, destroying wild rivers with hydroelectric mega projects and splitting

His understanding of the processes of temperature change and the two types of electromagnetism found in nature, ordinary and diamagnetism, were crucial to many of the technological improvements he

atoms in nuclear reactors also bequeaths havoc to the next generations Nature does have a breakdown cycle that i nvo l ve s h e a t a n d d e c ay — re a n d composting—but nature uses the opposite principles for enhancing life and rebuilding. Schauberger showed how to switch technologically from using explosive to nature’s implosive—inward-spiraling— motions. His suction-turbine for instance used a rediscovered ancient principle. “Understand nature’s ways,” he said. Implosion-based or vortex technologies work silently in comparison to today’s technologies. Instead of heating, they more often cool materials, and, if water is part of the energy-converting system, some inventions even vitalize the water Schauberger’s speci c inventions have proven to be more dif cult to reproduce












than other variations of new energy systems. However, his philosophy of working with nature instead of against

discovered.⁵⁸ With ecosystems degenerating on Earth today, we believe the human family needs to learn from Viktor Schauberger how to restore water to its natural life-force functions. In the opinion of his followers, dam-building must stop because it obstructs the formation of complex vortexian patterns found in the swirling ow of natural rivers, impedes sh migration, damages the quality of water and leads to widespread degeneration in surrounding ecosystems Wherever new hydroelectric dams will be built and old ones remain intact, ecosystem damage can be minimized by using Schauberger’s breakthrough turbine. He built and patented⁵⁹ a small turbine that used vitalizing centripetal (inward-spiraling) motion instead of conventional centrifugal motion. It needed only ten per cent of the volume of water that a conventional turbine would need to generate an equal amount of electricity

Schauberger’s gentler, centripetal- ow, turbine design could be widely employed today if hydrologists and other decisionmakers were aware of its value, but his more advanced energy converters seem to require a research and development task force. New energ y researchers are cooperating internationally in building prototypes of his “free energy” designs, but nd it a dif cult challenge to get implosion motors to work as well as had the original models In Canada, the late William Baumgartner worked with “applied vortex mechanics” for thirty years. He taught workshops about the creative processes of nature and the universal background mechanics of nature— the transparent universe. He said, “There actually is an invisible universe, and it’s in charge of the visible universe. We can learn how Nature manifests its creations by understanding the background space geometry. Once you recognize Nature’s thinking, you can imitate it in detail. This is how we become co-creators—learn what is behind the known electromagnetic universe.

“Why have we ignored the vortex, the workhorse of the universe?”









William Baumgartner, vortex researcher



Carrying the torch

“Every living creature, every physical form in the act of bringing forth its visible form out of its archetype idea, passes through the swirling vortex motion in order to manifest. How could we have missed this universal machine? Russian scientists did not miss the chance to use the energy-concentrating power of vortices in water. Teams in or from the former Soviet Union are doing advanced research. Breakthrough Power co-author Jeane Manning met physicist Vladimir Vystoskii, from Kiev National Shevchenko University, at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. He expressed pride in working on technology that mimics nature’s way for amplifying energy by way of vortices in fastowing uids. He had worked with the late Alexander Ivanovitch Koldamasov, who rst did the experiments using water as the uid. In an inter view with Steven Krivit, Koldamasov said he had put one kilowatt of power into the system and got twenty kilowatts out. Vystoskii declined to reveal how close his team may be to presenting a commercial energy-generating device

Man at the Crossroads

Mexico City. Palacio de Bellas Artes: Mural "El Hombre en la encrucijada" ( 1934 ) by Diego River GNU 1.2/3. Author Wolfgang Sauber






An American private research effort in Nevada focuses on vortex power concentrating energy in air. Again, problems with nancing have stopped the work for years at a time. Their air turbine engine was originally built in the 1960s by Haskell Karl. Aerospace machinist Ron Rockwell re-designed it in recent years. A paper titled “Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine – Vortex Implosion Technology” has the tag line

“There are no compressed air tanks that run the engine.” It runs on the ordinary air surrounding it. A battery and starter set it in motion, then no fuel other than the energized air is used Excerpted from the book Breakthrough Power, 2011 edition. by Jeane Mannin

"a great primer for newcomers to the eld, it can help the well-seasoned veteran round out his knowledge "It's not just educational, but it is a call to action to galvanize the public into awareness of these breakthrough technologies and to instill in them a cry to bring down the barriers that have hitherto kept these game-changing technologies from making it to market. Sterling Alla Pres., New Energy Congres November 18, 200

The Clock is ticking. We need new, clean, safe energy sources NOW What can you do Real Solutions do exist today Will the People demand their development and release

It's the reader-friendly book for introducing revolutionary clean energy systems, Tesla devices and other zero-pollution prospects for sourcing nearly free energy Alternative energy abundance is humankind's birthright, according to scientists interviewed for Breakthrough Power. They point out the rich variety of clean energy inventions that the public usually doesn't hear about. Yet these topics directly relate to both climate change and the world economy and humanitarian projects.












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A Giant Leap for Mankind

Victory stele of Naram-Sin/p/photo by Rama

"The Baptism of Christ", by Dutch painter Aert De Gelder, 1710

Sun Chariots Greek, India, Hebrew, Japanese, Celtic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, African, South American


The Wolves Pursuing Sol and Mani

ALL cultures from China, Africa, Australia, the America's, Egypt and India speak of gods descending from the heavens and gifting knowledge to advance civilization.

The Pushpaka chariot that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will .... that chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere. - Ramayana

The gods of ancient times seem to have descended from the ‘open sky’. In Sanskrit “div’, means sky, day, shine. It also relates to the word divine and divinity. ‘Deity’ is derived from the Latin world ‘dea’ (goddess) and ‘deus’(god). The Japanese word for Emperor, means ‘heavenly sovereign’. The yellow wheel icon= rising sun. Tawa for the Hopi = Sun Spirit.

Are they looking at the sun and/or a golden “disc”?Anyway you look at it there seems to be a “God figure” inside the “chariots of light”.

Abraham, Monotheism, and the Alphabet Excerpt from “The Alphabet That Changed the World” by Stan Tene If we are right that the ancients were in their own way aware of the topological / geometrical principles of creation (i.e., in modern terms, “It from Bit”— information as the source of physics), it is possible to imagine how the emergence of monotheism was actually the consequence of growing knowledge that the universe and all of being were in fact organized around a single system that could be investigated and construed rationally. The story of Abraham’s encounter with God can then be understood as his vision—his rational vision—of


the unity of creation on what were really mathematical principles.

We, the Meru Foundation, propose something like this. The ancient world is often erroneously thought to have been devoid of what we know today as science and mathematics. To the contrary, the ancients, and most particularly the Babylonians (and the Indians, the Chinese, and the Egyptians as well) were developing the rudiments of the very sciences and mathematics on the basis of which Greek and later European exact science was to thrive. Their knowledge of the basic facts of astronomy—the periods of solar, lunar, planetary, and other astral cycles—already aimed at exactitude and must have derived from untold millennia of careful and critical observation of celestial motions.

China, Mexico, Egypt, yet found all over the world




Similarly the rudiments of mathematics: basic arithmetic was very familiar, and many propositions of geometry which Euclid was later to bring under axiomatic rule were known very, very early. They applied these observational sciences to the greatest mystery of all: the life-cycles of vegetation, animals, and humans, the anatomy of the human body, and the mysteries of the mind— i.e., life itself Knowledge, however, was part of nature, and by imposing order on what otherwise would be chaos, when knowledge was acquired, the reality to which it was believed to apply naturally belonged to the gods. A polytheistic system of existence—a multiplicity of gods—meant that knowledge itself was heterogeneous. Men gathered their observations and reasonings into crafts and techniques but for the most part never thought to arrange them into a single order—to think of existence as governed by a uni ed set of laws

One exception would have been astronomy/astrology, for the apparent powers that were understood as gods were also taken to be the celestial bodies. As mathematical exactness was sought for the complex periods of planets, stars, and the cycles of life, something like a uni ed system of existence must have been in the o ng

Astronomical Cycles and Torus Knots

The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction cycle (as depicted by Johannes Kepler). This appears equivalent to the 12,40 torus knot, which loops around its toroidal frame (not depicted here) twelve times, and through its center hole forty times.




The 3,4 torus knot, looping around the toroidal frame (not shown) three times, and through the center hole four times.

The Venus cycle, equivalent to the 3,5 torus knot. E The annual path of Mercury around the earth, equivalent to the 2,3 torus knot. F The path of Mercury around the earth, diagrammed geocentrically, is similar to the 7,22 torus knot

Today we think of science and mathematics as epitomizing such knowledge and its universal content. Mathematics belongs exclusively to no nation, no race, no tradition. Though traditions and nations pride themselves or fail to pride themselves on the work of their mathematicians and variously support and reward research, the results of that work belong in a sense to existence itself. To discover a theorem is to unveil a feature of What Is that is the possession of no one or everyone, and the capacity to understand and apply it has therefore the potential of being the basis for the true unity of all peoples. Mathematical abstraction, not religious chauvinism, is the basis of the claim of universality





The evidence that the Meru Foundation nds for a mathematical intention underlying the letter-text of the Torah speaks to this proposition that what is being expressed in this text are the principles for a vast ecumenical project, nothing less than the ultimate unity of the human race, its harmony and even identity with the spiritual reality that is its source, the harmony and identity of material creation and the intellectual order that subtends it, and the harmony and identity of knowledge and faith.

An Idealized Embryonic Fruit and a Dancer’s Exchange of Angular Momentum

“Fruit tree yielding whole seed inside itself” Genesis 1.11

Geometry & Gesture

“First Light” Video Excerpts http://www.meru.org For more details and reviews of The Alphabet That Changed the World, please se http://www.tatctw.com.

Transcending th Wheel of Karma




http://www.youtube.com/user/ lmguy2121#p/u/ 11/1GNUadL_gHU



Genesis Preserves a Science of Consciousness

In this book, Tenen examines the Hebrew text of Genesis and shows how each letter is both concept and gesture, with the form of the gesture matching the function of the concept, revealing the implicit relationship between the physical world of function and the conscious world of concept Using over 200 color illustrations, Tenen establishes geometric metaphor as the best framework for understanding the deepest meaning of the text. Such geometry models embryonic growth and self-organization, and also the core of many healing and meditative practices. As presented in The Alphabet That Changed the World, Tenen’s research demonstrates how many subjects from contemporary science were appreciated through the methods and means available millennia ago.

Born in 1942 and raised in a nonreligious home in Brooklyn, Tenen says that he “has always been driven by c u r i o s i t y. ” A n a t u r a l recognizer of visual patterns, he has a BS in physics and holds numerous patents. In 1968, while examining the Hebrew text o f G e n e s i s , M r. Te n e n noticed what appeared to be a pattern in the arrangement of the letters. This observation prompted forty years of research into the history and tradition of the text, and has led to a meaningful understanding of traditional teachings in a m o d e r n c o n t e x t Stan . T h eTenen Alphabet That Changed the World makes this authoritative recovery of the science of consciousness in Genesis accessible for the first time to contemporary readers.

Email inquiries to: meru@meru.org http://www.meru.org


Duality In this ancient worldview, Nature was commonly described using the principles of music harmony that integrated the Arts and Sciences into a uni ed system of meaningful study. Passed down from Egyptian, Babylonian and Indian Brachmane mystery schools to the Greeks, the study of astronomy, geometry and harmonic proportions formed an educational system of natural philosophy. Some of mankind’s greatest discoveries were inspired by this system, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, astronomy, calendar making, and music itself. In Western Europe, this pedagogy evolved into the Roman school and later Catholic quadrivium system during the Middle Ages.


The Garden of the Hesperides by Frederick, Lord Leighton, 1892.

Circle of the 5th


Richard Merrick

As Christianity replaced pantheism, the harmonic duality system was replaced with a belief in an intrinsic error of Nature, clearly separated from the concept of a perfect God. Discovery of this error, often attributed to Greek philosopher Pythagoras, originated from the musical discovery that a single tone produces harmonics that align perfectly in octaves while a stack of equal tones (e.g., perfect 5ths) never aligns with a higher octave to the bass. This small misalignment in music harmony, called a comma, is attributable to the logarithmic spiral of pitch frequency. Theosophically, it was considered proof positive of an irreconcilable error,







Inherited from

Greek mythologies of Persiphone, with her apple of knowledge in the Underworld, and goddess Harmonia’s deadly necklace, this error in Nature

became known simply as “original sin”.

In Western civilization, the idea of “original sin” had the e ect of splitting the ancient duality of God in Nature into two independent singularities - God in Heaven and Man in Nature.

From this, the central project of Western

religion became the missionary work of God in Heaven, enforcing the non-dei cation of Nature and routing out anyone who still believed in the old harmonic duality. With the idea of symmetrical balance gone, Nature became an asymmetrical study of “the limited” entirely detached from the in nite. To mend this schism between God and Nature an Intermediary was added, creating what became known as a “holy trinity”.


Our body has two sides

Two eyes

Two nostrils

Two ears

Two hemispheres’ of the brain

Two hands

Two feet

Two knees

Two private parts...

...and two sexes.




The other “nature” is the same

Galileo_before_the_Holy_Of ce

By the 17th century, the study of Nature was di cult at best, proceeding under threat of imprisonment, torture and death at the hand of the Inquisition. In Italy, this threat was surely felt most by astronomer Galileo Galilei. In an attempt to minimize con ict and eliminate religious interpretation of his work, Galileo recommended the separation of natural philosophy from natural science. He argued science should simply observe, prove and report on Nature’s mechanics in the hope that objective truth might speak for itself without threat to the regime in power. Galileo nonetheless su ered ridicule, discredit and imprisonment for his support of the Copernican heliocentric theory of the solar system. But his idea of a science devoid of meaning took root. From this point on, science chose to limit itself to an asymmetric model of Man in Nature, de ning everything in terms of mechanical interactions. The old harmonic worldview was gone, replaced by the independent projects of God in Heaven by Western religion and Man in Nature by natural science. Dropping from the middle of these two modern pillars of thought like an unwanted child was the harmonic science of music. Landing in the nostalgic study of history and accepted conventions, music joined the “humanities” of

ne art, language

and grammar, literature, dialectic (logic), rhetoric and other such liberal and philosophical arts. Science, once a direct threat to the Church, had reformed







itself into an ally of Western religion.

By the 20th century, the idea that music harmony could inform scienti c endeavor had become as laughable as any suggestion to the Greeks that music did not describe Nature. Yet as the industrial revolution gained a full head of steam, the comfortable mechanistic methods of science started to unravel. It began with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity followed by the discovery that light itself exhibited a dual nature as both a wave and a particle. This led to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and discovery of “spooky” action at a distance, otherwise known as entanglement. Together, these revelations demonstrated that the study of Nature could not be entirely objective nor described in full by mechanical interactions.


human observer had become a participant in the equation,


a ecting




experiments at the lowest levels of energy and matter. Georges Lemaitre, a Catholic priest who developed the Big Bang theory in 1927, dealt yet another blow to mechanistic science. By reversing the expanding nebulae backward in time to the precise moment the Universe began, he concluded that everything must have t into an in nite point of space comprising an in nite amount of energy. Ironically, he called this primordial moment The Singularity. We might expect from these discoveries that science had at last found its way back home to natural philosophy, ending happily ever after in a marriage of spirituality and science. But strangely nothing happened.

Big Bang






Original version: File:CMB Timeline75.jpg

Photo by Sven Hoppe GFDL

Lacking a grand theory of everything, science continued its mechanical drill down in search of truth at the bottom. As paradox after paradox piled up, only a few scientists had the courage to question the conventional scienti c model. British physicist David Bohm was the

rst to declare that

Nature was no machine and there was certainly no bottom to be found. He pointed out that the mechanistic approach considers only foreground structure while ignoring the role of an in nite background from which structure emerges. It is this in nite and irrational background that Bohm said proved the Universe was not a giant machine after all, but in fact

something closer to a holonomic-vibratory projection of energy. To understand this post-Newtonian vision of reality, a basic understanding of holography is helpful. Laser holography, discovered accidentally by Dennis Gabor in 1947 while working on the electron microscope, depends on the intersection and interference pattern of two beams of coherent light energy. These two beams must be frequency-locked and perfectly inphase, so are usually produced from a single beam split in half with a mirror. Both beams are then in the form of two synchronous standing waves of light, never changing phase or frequency. As one such beam bounces o

an object (the “object beam”) and intersects with the other (the

“reference beam”), the resulting interference is exposed onto lm, creating odd swirling patterns. When a laser or pinpoint of light is then projected through the hologram, it aligns with the reference beam fringes to project a 3-dimensional image from the 2-dimensional surface. David Bohm







proposed that the same thing happens with energy in the Universe.

In Bohmian physics, a new duality is proposed for Nature called the implicate and the explicate. The explicate is what we normally experience, a 3-D holographic materialization of crystallized energy in space-time. The implicate is then like the 2-D

lm, an interference pattern without any energy

projected through it. The implicate is a sort of template - Nature’s “holy ghost” if you will - for what might become, unseen with our physical senses yet still very much a part of our reality. And just as a small piece of a hologram displays a fuzzy version of the entire scene, an atom represents a fuzzy version of the whole Universe.

In this model, it’s easy to see how everything

must be entangled and a ect everything else, no matter how small or far away. Of course, this includes thoughts and dreams as well.

We can

nd in this neo-duality the same harmonic worldview of the ancients. The

standing wave of a musical tone really is the same as a standing wave of laser light. A musical tone resonates sympathetically at higher frequencies to produce harmonics or overtones, as does laser light when injected with extra energy. The harmonics of a musical tone form at whole number multiples (2X, 3X, 4X, etc.) of the bottom frequency, as does laser light harmonics. Music harmony even creates an interference pattern on the surface of our eardrums to form auditory geometries in our brain just like those of a visual object in a hologram or a material object in Bohmian space. In each case, there is a fundamental duality existing between the harmonic foreground structure and in nite background. Given that the foreground is composed of energy and matter (i.e., condensed energy), what shall we say is the composition of the in nite background?






Photo by Bjorn Christian Torrissen/CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Counter to what we have been taught, the ancients knew something modern science is







in nite

background to be the fractional space between whole number harmonic proportions as they intersect and interfere with one another.

They knew this background space was as

important as the foreground structure itself. They knew it was, in fact, related to the golden ratio. The golden ratio, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is approximately equal to 1.61803. Like Pi, it is an irrational and in nite number - however, Phi actually plays a very special role within a standing wave of energy. Around Phi spirals a special set of proportions called the Fibonacci series. These proportions are produced by adding preceding pairs of numbers, such as {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.}, then taking the ratio between adjacent pairs, {1:1, 2:1, 3:2, 5:3, 8:5, 13:8, 21:13, etc.}. The more this sequence is extended, the closer it gets to the value of Phi, though never reaching it. Known by the Indian Brachmanes in 450 BC as Maatraameru, the Fibonacci series was believed to be a way to reach for God without actually looking him in the face. They found these proportions everywhere in Nature - wherever

coherent periodic

activity emerged - in the growth patterns of plants and animals, mineral structures and the orbital patterns of




Amazingly, it is little known today that the central function of the golden ratio and Fibonacci series in Nature is to suppress destructive resonance and provide order. For instance, the near-Phi (and inverse) dimensions of 1.62 X 1 X 0.62 are used in rectangular speaker enclosures and music halls to cancel, or damp, unwanted sound wave re ection. In fact, any fractional sound frequency inside the Fibonacci “vortex of silence” converging to Phi will be damped, which is why a near value like 1.62 does the job.

We nd Phi’s “perfect damping” central to Hermetic

wisdom and its “sacred geometry” dating back to the Egyptians.

This is nowhere more evident than in the Great Pyramid whose

dimensions are based on Phi-damping proportions sqrt(Phi) X 1 X Phi, otherwise known as the Egyptian triangle. The Egyptians were well aware that the in nite background underlying harmonic structure was the golden ratio and so used Phi as a launch pad for King Khufu’s after life.

Inside all standing waves, whether in sound, light, electromagnetic energy or matter, there are always two such Phi-damping frequency locations per wave cycle. Around these locations a little space is carved out by Fibonacci ratios, canceling all fractional vibrations and providing the needed space for whole number harmonics to oscillate without collision. A standing wave will simply cease to exist without this policing action.




Waves by Ploufandsplash/GNUF

In this way, Fibonacci damping is really an anti-harmonic force between harmonic structures. It is the reason electrons orbit their nucleus in whole number proportions. It is the reason that spacing of planets in our solar system conforms to a mean proportion of Phi. It is the reason a musical octave divides best into 12 steps and why we are able to anticipate the directional energy

ow in music harmony. But most

importantly, it is the reason the carbon-12 atom, as the most stable element and standard measure of atomic weight, is found abundantly in all life

Carbon 12 Ato 12 Cycles in a Yea 12 perfect fths in 7 octaves

At the bottom of everything, inside the vacuum of space itself, we in nite and all-pervasive background

nd an

eld. Since atoms spontaneously

organize as harmonic structures inside this

eld, we can only conclude that it

is really a tightly packed matrix of tiny swirling Fibonacci vortices – pairs of in nitesimal black holes circling Phi – perforating everything in support of standing wave structure. Whether we call this a Quantum Chromodynamic Lattice (“Lattice QCD”), a holonomic universe, a crystalline space lattice or the “divine matrix,” this is where the “resonance of an all-pervasive energy

eld” produces the Casimir

E ect and free Zero-Point Energy. And it is through this background


where we might connect with whatever we like to think of as God. While mainstream science is only beginning to acknowledge the idea of the discrete lattice structure of space and the idea of harmonic resonance and damping in the vacuum, it must sooner or later come to terms with this grand scienti c musical reality. When it does, it will bring about the dramatic reform of science and religion, returning us to Nature as a uni ed harmonic duality passed down by ancient civilizations.
















Tags: duality, dualism, religion, philosophy

? A portals to other

Orbs in a Torsion dimensions?


Miceal Ledwith on Orbs with Stunning Images http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=objaZDFmosgs

Water Image by Roger McLassus/Surface Wave on Water/Roger McLassus/Cc by-sa 3.0/Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus Bosch/Public Domain

Four Seasons (book "Liber Divinorum Hildegard of Bingen)

The seasons punctuate the passing of time and remind us to take notice of the cycle we are presently within. We do nothing in this dimension without reference to the rotation of our earth. Any multi-cultural calendar shows how festivals are tied in to many solar, lunar and planetary aspects. We think we dislike repetition, yet our life is a series of repetitive patterns in thought and circumstance. The Ancients measured cycles on a galactic scale. The Everything is determined by

Vedic, the Mayans, the Chinese and the Egyptians each

forces over which we have no

had their own calendars to address the evolutionary and

control. It is determined for the

cyclical nature of existence. The Chinese regarded this

insect as well as for the star.

belief as a dragon eating its tail; referring to one being

Human beings, vegetables, or

caught in a karmic cycle of “cause and effect” or endless

cosmic dust — we all dance to a


“Time renews all things, time like a circle is

mysterious tune, intoned in the

where all points link, past, present future revolving in

distance by an invisible piper.

the heavens....The cosmos is constantly changing but in

Albert Einstein

a measured way.” - Herme Perhaps we are to experience all the cycles for a reason, a season and time. Until we study this ‘university of life’ from various angles and seriously begin to examine how our ‘tails get caught,’ the path of suffering is inevitable. It is much like the idea of a snake shedding its skin and then getting a new one as it evolves. Maybe we are multi-dimensional beings on this feedback loop in time


and space


Seasons Give Reason to Time

By Jeffrey Armstrong The Greek Blunder It is worth repeating that though I am pointing out a mistake which has entered into Tropical Astrology, it is with great respect for anyone who is pursuing our relationship with the cosmos. If you study history, you will see how easy it is for knowledge to get buried or repressed. Just like in our daily life we struggle to remember our purpose and vision amidst so many competing forces, so great wisdom can get lost in the transformative pressures of time. In this discussion of Astrology what is at stake is our link with the Stars. Astrology means: “astro-star and logos or logic.” Just as we have a relationship with the Earth that is sacred and has a purpose, so we have a relationship with the stars that is important, sacred and essential to our well being. Recently, in the rush of modern scientific knowledge, the importance of these sacred relationships has been ignored for the sake of gaining strictly material knowledge. Now and forever that new knowledge

needs to be integrated into an emotional and meaningful relationship to the Earth and the Cosmos.

Robert Fludd's 16th century illustration of man the microcosm within the universal macrocosm

The Greek Blunder!

Claudius Ptolemäus, Picture of 16th century book frontispiece

Imagine you were madly in love with someone and had just made love. If you said: “What did you just experience during our lovemaking?” and they replied with a scientific analysis of the experience, “My temperature rose to 99 degrees, my shin, became flushed, my blood pressure was 80 over 120 and my pulse became quite rapid, etc., etc.” Would that report explain what you were really experiencing? Is the emotional content and mystical experience of immense love and devotion less important than the facts of what was taking place? On the other hand, if your lover was so ignorant of the physical that they were incompetent to even touch you, that would also be a problem.

If you will, think of Astrology as existing in the balance between two extremes. Any mystical or religious experience can be valid just because it is true for you in the depths of your heart. There is no use in arguing or using facts to prove its reality. It is a special kind of perception and love which does not rest upon facts relating to matter. On the other hand, empirical science at its best is only concerned with the provable facts pertaining to the laws of matter. These two experiences do not need to be in competition, though all to often they have been. Astrology is somewhere between the two forms of experience. It uses Astronomy to have an accurate picture of the heavens at the moment of birth and then uses that map to discuss the relationship of the individual to the cosmos and Earth during that birth. You could say that first the Astrologer is a scientist erecting a correct image of a physical event, the stars and planets positions at the time of birth. Then using that image as a tool, the Astrologer as an artist, tries to see pre-existing patterns of destiny which are connected to the person. This of course is where the strictly scientific person gets frustrated. They are not yet comfortable making a level shift of that kind. But to the Astrologer, Eastern or

Western, the Universe is alive, conscious and fully capable of communicating both emotion and meaning. Unfortunately, the Tropical Astrologers have drifted away from using the actual positions of the stars by over 23 degrees now, which is the subject that we are discussing. But that does not invalidate their intuitive and emotional relationship to the cosmos or the gifts of intuition and insight which they may be given and share with their clients. I would say to them they are out of balance on the side of correct relation to the stars and on some levels that will effect their accuracy. It is after all Astrology, so it is best to use

the actual positions of the stars as the ancient Astrologers intended.

As for Astronomers, they are like the lover who has loads of information about the symptoms of love but are missing the emotions. If they gave up their fear of the emotional, it would seem as interesting to explore as the outer world of facts. The two are mysteriously connected, as any experienced lover knows. The real excitement would be to explore the connections between their extensive database of facts and the subtleties of human behavior and the patterns of weather, epidemics, culture etc.

Now having said that, I would like to explore how Astrology came into Western culture from the Greeks and how the error of deviating from the stars came in with the translation of Greek culture and knowledge. The knowledge of this error has only really surfaced within the last 40 years, and especially the last 25 with the wave of knowledge coming to the West from India. Most of us were taught in school that culture, as we know it started from the Greek period in history. There is some truth to that view but in recent years we have gained a lot of previously lost knowledge of which of the older cultures contributed to the Greeks. From

500 BC to 300 BC the Greek culture was in a tremendous state of growth. It was a melting pot for influences from Egypt, India, Babylon, Africa, China, and many others. Socrates lived and taught his famous student Plato who in turn was teacher to the great Aristotle who in turn was to teach Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered Babylon in 331 BC and brought many books on ancient Astronomy and Astrology from there to Greece. He built the city of Alexandria, which became a major center of learning. He even went as far as Northern India and made significant connections with the Indian culture. There were many talented Greek Astronomers during this period. One, named Erasthones, was the head librarian at Alexandria. He measured the size of the Earth and was accurate within 400 miles. Another, named Aristarchus, worked out a correct map of the solar system which proved that the Sun and not the Earth was at its center. This shows just how easily such knowledge can be lost, for great thinkers who followed him still thought the Earth was the center of the solar system until the time of Copernicus. Another Greek Astronomer, Hipparchus, using the Babylonian and Indian Astronomical information, was able to calculate the Earth’s wobble and thus figure the precession of the Equinoxes. He lived from 130 to 60 BC. This knowledge would also be forgotten in the chaos

of history, resulting in the error that was passed on to Tropical Astrology.

An example of that tendency for great knowledge to get lost in history took place in 47 BC, when the Roman emperor Julius Caesar was storming the city of Alexandria. He conquered the city but in the process burned the great library to the ground, causing the loss of tremendous knowledge.

The point of all this is how an important Astronomical and Astrological truth could get lost or mixed up in the course of history. The last important Greek Astronomer, who also happened to be an Astrologer, played a part in creating the circumstances of this mistake. Claudius Ptolemy lived in Alexandria in 150 AD. He was the most influential of the Greek Astronomers and wrote a book called The Almagast. In fact, his astronomical opinions prevailed until the 15th century when Copernicus finally proved that the Sun is the center of the solar system. Ptolemy wrote a

four volume astrology book known as Tetrabiblos. Now it so happened that during the time of Ptolemy, the Vernal Equinox, or first day of Spring, was still taking place in Aries. So his book, written in Greek of course, states that the first day of Spring occurs in the constellation of Aries, which at that time

was true.

Ptolemy had no idea that his book would come forward in history as an Astrological textbook. After his death and the fall of the Roman Empire, European culture remained very stagnant in a time usually called the Dark Ages. However, starting in the 7th century another religion arose and developed a great empire. Founded by Mohammed, Islam spread and developed a great culture. By the 9th century, Baghdad was the new cultural center. Arabic scholars translated many Latin and Greek classics into Arabic. Among these were the Almagast and Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy. After they were translated into Arabic they eventually were translated into English by clerics of the Catholic church. The

church fathers were not Astrologers, so when they translated Ptolemy’s astrological classic into English they translated “… on the Vernal Equinox the Sun is in Aries.” By the time Tetrabiblos was translated the first day of Spring had been occurring in the star group Pisces for hundreds of years. But at that time, no one in Europe understood the Astronomy or Astrology to catch the error. This became the biggest blunder in the history of Astrology. Prior to that time all Astrologers in all cultures had used the stars actual positions when creating a horoscope. To further compound this confusion, since the first month or March had coincided with the star group Aries during the Greek time, they named the months Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. This is the core of the great confusion. Aries is not a month or time of year, it is a group of stars, a constellation. To better understand this, imagine two great apparent wheels in space around the Earth. The outermost wheel is the circle of the 12 signs of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces. This is the 360 degree circle of the fixed stars as they appear 8 degrees either side of the ecliptic. That wheel moves very slowly due to the Earth’s wobble at the rate of one revolution in 25,870 years. The other wheel is the cycle of the year as the Earth travels once around the

Sun. The seasonal wheel is the ecliptic, the Earth’s path around the sun.

Think of the big wheel of the constellations as a star cycle and the year as the seasonal cycle. Those two wheels are not the same. It was only an accident of history that the Greeks called the first month of the year Aries. Aries is actually a group of stars in the star wheel. That Aries group coincides with Spring in the seasonal wheel for 2,160 years out of every 25,920. Once that time is past, it is no longer correct to say that on March 21st the Sun is in Aries. This year on March 21st the Sun is in Pisces, no matter where on Earth you are, and it has nothing to do with any season. In the future, Sun in Aries will occur at Christmas, during Winter in the Northern latitudes, which will be Summer in Australia down South. Remember, it is not the seasons which determine your chart, it is the planets actual position in the circle of the stars! Hopefully, the Astrological community will look carefully at this error and then return to the original system of star based calculations. You may not be the sign you think you are, and Sidereal Astrology can give you a more accurate chart based on the stars. The seasonal chart of Tropical, Astrology may also have some uses but it should not be confused with the star chart. A more accurate tool for explaining your path of destiny and the nature of your body/mind complex of energies, the Sidereal chart is the blueprint of your body type and leads to a very important connection for your health and well being – your Ayurvedic

constitutional body type.


The Monad and the Dyad are called the parents of numbers and are the source from which all numbers multiply. This also represents the coming together of two forces. • Force and motion • Magnetism and electricity • North and south • Light and dark • Female and male • Electron and proton • Hot and cold • Yin and Yang

Spin is what makes everything go around and generates the conductive nature of our universe and its life force. Through this joining we can compare and contrast, creating friction and tension, which is the tantra of life.

Mater is the Latin word for Mother, which gives rise to matter. Pater is the Latin word for father, which evolves pattern. The marriage of Mater and Pater

creates form out of matter and pattern.

Is there a Time Code Calculator that can predict the future? Is 2010 the year in which the fate of humanity might hang in the balance? Can we work together to address the critical issues facing our world in time to re-write the 2012 doomsday scenarios and create a better future? The man behind the questions (and their provocative answers) is scientist and seer, Gregg Braden. “The best minds of our time are telling us and the science is telling us that we are facing a time unlike any other in 5,000 years of recorded human history. The greatest challenges that human civilizations have ever faced are converging on a single generation. We’re faced with problems that have to be solved within the next 8–10 years for us to survive.” he says A former geologist and aerospace computer systems designer, Braden has devoted the last 22 years to researching ancient wisdom traditions, studying the ice cores in Antarctica and working for Global Coherence. Time is running out, he says, as we approach one of the most pivotal periods in the history of civilization. Braden is the New York Times bestselling author of such groundbreaking books as The Divine Matrix and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and others. Now he adds yet another paradigm-shattering book to his impressive resume: Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age



I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Gregg Braden three times previously, but have never found him more focused and passionate about rewriting the future as he was on this occasion.

It’s About Time for a New World Age An Interview with Gregg Braden Linda M. Potter

Gregg Braden

GB: Speci cally, those were changes in climate, in temperature, in seasons which impacted their ability to do simple lifesustaining things like growing food. So they started to ght each other for the vestiges of these disappearing resources, and in their ghting everyone lost — no one won – and the civilizations collapsed and disappeared. We’ve got to ask ourselves, are we making the same mistake today? Are we ghting one another in our fear of a changing world? And, if so, can we recognize it and change things before we go the way of those past civilizations? This is the value of understanding the past. What I’m seeing happening — and I admit I’m an optimist — is the changes in our world are driving the governments and nations of our planet to work together with greater levels of cooperation because we need to to get through the cycles. I think the outcome is that we’ll continue to work together even though the cycles no longer demand it, because we nd that we’re better people and we have a better world when we work together. In that way, I think we will ful ll the 2012 prophecies that say the world will never be the same again, that it’s the end of the world as we’ve known it.



















LP: You talk a lot about cycles and their importance in determining our future. How




LP: What kinds of planetary changes are we talking about, and how did they lead to the destruction of earlier civilizations? Can we escape that same fate

does science explain these cyclic patterns and the resulting planetary changes GB: There are two key scienti c discoveries that have helped us understand what is happening. The rst is the discovery that there is a powerful source of energy at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. It is a powerful magnetic eld that ebbs and ows and has a profound effect upon life on Earth. Some peer-reviewed scienti c journals are now linking what they call biodiversity, the rise and fall of life on earth and the changes in life on earth with this powerful eld of energy The second discovery is that our location (proximity) to this eld of energy determines how strongly we are in uenced by it. Our orbit around the core of Milky Way Galaxy is not a perfect circle. If it were, the energy would be the same all the time. Rather, it is an ellipse, an elongated circle. When you see an elongated circle drawn around the point of energy at the core, you can see that there are places along that orbit where we’re closer to that source of energy than others. When we are closer, the in uence of that energy is more pronounced than when we’re at points that are further away. We happen to be at a point in the cycle right now where the magnetic eld is lessened, and we have more energy from the sun in uencing our planet. That energy heats up the ocean, heats up the atmosphere, melts the ice, causes sea levels to rise, and triggers changes in weather patterns. As a result, the climate changes

Sunken Cities off the Coasts of Japan, Cuba, and Dwarka in India


http://www. ickr.com/photos/47254367@N02/4332348124/in/photostream/

Lost Civilizations

LP: Is this the recurring pattern that is responsible for what we are experiencing on Earth at this time GB: Yes. What looks like radical changes occurring on the Earth right now are actually changes that are perfectly aligned with the changes the Earth has always seen when we reach this point in the cycle. In the past, the warming seems to be intense but brief, and it’s followed by a cooling period that lasts longer than the warming period. If we look and compare where we are now with the cycles in the past, we’re right on track with the changes that come with the end of what the Mayans called a World Age Cycle. LP: Can we meet the physical challenges on the planet and survive the end of this World Age? GB: I’m not that concerned about our ability to meet the challenges of the physical changes. We’re already doing it and I think we’re doing a good job. My concern is how we deal with the personal, social and cultural changes that are presented to us as a factor of the cycle. How do we respond? How do we treat one another as we go through the changes? We’re answering that question right now.






LP: You have created a very intriguing tool you call the “Time Code Calculator” that

can predict when cycles will repeat. How exactly does it work GB: The cycles occur on a rhythmic, regular basis that we can calculate using very simple mathematics that govern much of our natural world. The same mathematics that govern the orbits of planets and the life cycles of many forms of life governs the cycles of time. Knowing that, when I wrote Fractal Time, I wanted to share with our readers that the cycles follow simple mathematics we can calculate at home on our own. We don’t need big computers to do it. What I found was that people don’t like a lot of math in their books (he laughs). So, I moved the math to appendices at the end, and I found that they didn’t even like math at the end of their books. So what I did w a s a u t o m a t e t h e s e ve r y s i m p l e mathematical calculations into an interactive calculator that’s available on my website. The calculator works with cultural, global and personal cycles following any one of three modalities: Mode 1: When can we expect something in the past that happened to happen again Mode 2: What date in the past holds the conditions we can expect for the future Mode 3: When can we expect the conditions of a personal experience— either positive or negative — to repeat in our lives

Linda Potter: Let’s begin by talking about your new book, Fractal Time. Could you give us some insights into how it came about? Gregg Braden: First, a little background. Ancient texts and traditions have always viewed our lives, our relationship to the earth and the cosmos in terms of cycles. They viewed time as a great wave of energy that pulses through the universe on a regular, cyclic rhythmic basis. Each time it reappears, the pulse carries patterns of energy from the past which we experience time and time again. What modern science now is beginning to understand is that the ancients were right and we do, in fact, live cycles within cycles within cycles. Fractal Time was an opportunity for me to marry the best science of the day with the wisdom of our past to give a greater depth and meaning to the changes we are seeing today It’s no secret that something is happening. We all sense that life is not business as usual on planet earth. We’re living unprecedented changes in our civilization. Many individuals tell me they are living unprecedented changes in their personal lives as well. So my question is, “Could these two things be related?” Is it possible that the changes that come with the great cycles on the planetary level could be triggering cycles of changes in our personal lives as well?

Milky Way Rift

LP: Where do we begin looking for those answers? GB: I think it is important to begin with facts, and it is a fact that we are living the end of a rare and mysterious cycle of time that began 5,125 years ago in the year 3114 B.C. and completes with a rare astronomical event that occurs on December 21, 2012 A.D. It’s a fact that this 5,125 year cycle has occurred in the past a number of times. Ancient and indigenous traditions, speci cally Mesoamerican traditions, identify at least four of these cycles leading up to the cycle that we’re experiencing now. It’s a fact that each time cycles were completed and new cycles began, they were accompanied by conditions of change that were catastrophic for the people living during that time. It is a fact that when we overlay cycles of time on the archaeological history of our planet (gleaned from studying the ice cores of Antarctica and the sea oor sediments in the oceans), what we nd is that some civilizations in our past collapsed when they reached the point in their cycles where we nd ourselves in our cycle today. We nd that the cycles are intense, and we’re de nitely living in one of those intense cycles. However, they also appear to be brief We are a rare generation living at an equally rare period of time where we’re straddling the world that has been in one cycle with the world that is emerging because of the birth of the next cycle. We’re the generation that is living that transition. I think it’s helpful to know, to be able to go into the past and see we what we can realistically expect.









Milky Way and Dark Rift/ Sclipse.sx/CC 3.0

There are brief instructions on the website that are intended to go with the more detailed instructions that are in the book By entering [into the calculator] an event from the past that became the seed event for a particular cycle, you can nd when that cycle will repeat (again and again). Those are the fractal cycles LP: The calculator relies on “Seed Events” to forecast the future. How do we identify a seed event GB: What we know is that each cycle begins with a seed event — an event that sets in motion a pattern of energy that will continue on a rhythmic basis, again and again, until the pattern is changed. For example, in our personal lives, the rst time we experience loss, hurt or betrayal, it leaves an intense emotional imprint. That rst experience becomes the seed event that sets into motion a pattern of energy that will repeat again. So the cycle of that hurt, loss or betrayal — the conditions that led to that experience will show up again and again in our lives on this rhythmic, predictable basis until something changes our pattern. That doesn’t mean that the experience has to repeat, that we must be hurt, or we must be betrayed; it means the conditions are in place to make it more likely LP: Is the calculator’s purpose, then, to warn us of what may lie ahead GB: In part. But, the patterns aren’t just about bad things. They work for good things also, like success, abundance, love, caring — all of those things. But, rarely do we get stuck in patterns of joy or patterns of abundance! Mode #3 on the Calculator helps us determine those personal cycles.









Linda M. Potter is a popular speaker and the author of If Only God Would Give Me a Sign! available at Barnes & Noble, independent book stores, through Amazon.com or at wordkeepersinc.com.You can contact her through her website, www.lindampotter.com or at linda@lindampotter.com.

!"#$ %&''( Fractal Explorer and Digital Image Synthesist Science to Sage Magazine would like to acknowledge Dan Wills and his amazing fractal Art. His work has graced many of our issues enhancing and enlivening the written words of innovators and world thinkers - thank you Dan.


Dan’s Work, Authors Words, Karen’s Desig

Bruce Lipto Gregg Brade Lynne McTaggart Jack Can eld William Gladston John Won Paul Scot Symphony of Soun Science to Sag

Sample of work as articles

Sample Portfolio











Fractal Explorer and Digital Image Synthesist

Are images of )*"+,"'($"*,-$

It's up to each

individual to decide what they believe about that. I would suggest that they are only partially artistic. Some might say that a photo of a tree was artistic, however the beauty in it has come from a natural process. The photographer has used a combination of luck and skill in order to get the image, the same is true of fractals Unless you're inventing new formulas yourself, it's most fair to liken the process of generating fractal imagery to a kind of mathematical photography. The subjects of the work are the formulas, and it's di cult to add any deeper message to a fractal work. Certainly there is lots that you can control in terms of how the landscape is dressed and presented, but most of the lay of the land is already de ned by inescapable mathematical (or, more generally: computational) fact I personally believe that the universe is here because of selforganization (or self-synthesis, you could say). Fractals are tied to self-organization, as the automatic processes of self-organization help to build linkage across scale levels that gives rise to selfsimilarity. If we look into the natural world we see that selforganizing systems often do generate fractals. Perhaps this scaleinvariance is caused by the action of a central 'story' - like a proto-self, that governs self-generation spanning many scale levels Perhaps we love looking at fractals because we feel related to them? They resemble things within us and surrounding us - and they abstractly illustrate the primal story of imaginary things becoming real








Dan Will

I have been generating digital fractal images for many years

- going back to a glorious day on which I un-deleted an archive of

Fractint (an old DOS fractal program) from a

oppy disk. For some years now I

have used a Windows application called UltraFractal. I run it under the Linux operating system (using an emulation software called 'Wine'). UltraFractal is essentially a 'photoshop'-like layering and compositing software for fractals. Fractals are de ned and colored by iterated transformations of complex numbers - in short - by formulas. UltraFractal has a large, diverse and actively developed formula collection I've done a very small amount of formula authoring, not enough to say that I've really mastered it, besides my math is not strong enough to really do it properly. I tend to focus my programming abilities elsewhere, I've written (in python) and released a little software tool called 'uprMash' that manipulates UltraFractal UPR

les (saved fractals). The idea behind uprMash is to explore

motion-blur in fractals: The concept that the virtual 'shutter' could be left open while one of the fractal parameters is varied, leading to a range of states being blended together. It was quite refreshing to see fractals which didn't have everything perfectly in focus, some nice results from uprMash can be seen on






my Picasa galleries (http://picasaweb.google.com/gdanzo)

The activity of the formula authors and the wider UltraFractal community is one of my inspirations. Many excellent insights and fascinating new ideas, suggestions and pointers from fellow fractal explorers have led me to delve into these beautiful, bizarre, intensely abstract fractal places. I share credit with the community for bringing these images into reality for all to see Another thing that spurs me on in creating these images is the satiation of a peculiar curiosity about the

ner structures in an existing fractal image.

Zooming in, resolving more detail, the desire to nd out what something looks like closer up. Looking towards a literally-in nite micro-scale horizon. The use of fractal software in discovery, manipulation and focusing to resolve certain features or textures in fractals is a thrill that is mostly reserved for the person using the fractal software (who you would normally call the 'artist'). I agree with the Orbit-Trap bloggers about this at least: A major part of the 'art-experience' that happens to-do-with fractals, is the actual experience of exploring. The operator of the software IS the audience, at least in part The desire to share the beauty of the exploration experience for this universe of image synthesis is something that encourages me to take these photos along the way. To let others see what I saw on the journey. I also explore fractals to discover unique aesthetic qualities. There is occasionally the exciting possibility that one might be the

rst human to have

discovered some of these places. Indeed there is in nite variability in the shapes and textures in the vast universe of computationally de nable images. The kinds of in nity you're dealing with are way beyond astronomical, and this











is mind-boggling in a very pleasant way

Ode to the Brain! by Symphony of Science


Symphony of Science - the Quantum World! Symphony of Science - the Quantum World

Evolve to


This one force of Eternal Energy pervades our en re Universe, lling In nite Space, underlying and sustaining all crea on. We live in a constant sea of vibra ng energy.






Dan Wills Fractal Art - http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

The over 30 trillion cells of our body are

des and

rhythms of this Crea ve Pulse of Uni ed Consciousness resona ng, dancing, and forming constantly shi ing pa erns that shape us physically, emo onally and mentally. Both scien sts and mys cs now agree that all of existence comes from the same Source and that everything is interconnected.

Similar to an instrument, as we move

and vibrate the Universe moves and vibrates with us...even our thoughts, are silent sounds of electromagne c vibra on. We are, in essence, a consciously aware, bio-electric, magne c eld of energy















that ows, vibrates and creates.

Consciousness of the Age of Aquarius. Every 26,000 years our sun, at the center of our planetary system, cycles around and for a window of me lines up directly with the Milky Way system, the very core of our Galaxy. At this me, a highvibra onal eld is emana ng from the centre of the Galaxy, bathing our planet in Unity Consciousness. With the help of this Ascension Pulse of Cosmic Energy, now is an opportune me for humanity to take a Quantum Leap in Consciousness. It is also a me of great change and ux. Our community, in Vancouver, BC, along with thousands of others worldwide, gathered together on 11.11.11 to welcome in the new Aquarian Age with an 11-minute OM star ng at 11am, OM being the Vibra onal Sound of the Crea on of the Universe Itself. And the highest vibra on of energy we can a une to here. It was a Uni-Verse, collec ve chant directed right to the very core of our Galac c Mother in Remembrance of our deepest connec on and truest nature. A Collec ve A unment of Sound Vibra on aimed at entraining humanity to Unity Consciousness. We are now beginning the Great Re-Turning to Source Energy and the Eternal Iden ty of our True Nature.




















Evolve ti


Human kind has now just entered into the Uni ed

Later that night, at 3am, I was awoken with a resounding voice in my mind, saying


In my heart I recognized this to be humanity’s new call to personal freedom and crea ve expression. That inner ac vism hold the key to our evolu on here and that in order to grow into our full poten al as human BE-ings,

we must

Evolve – to THRIVE. Our evolu on requires that we realize that we are the Guru we have been wai ng for and that the “what” in “what now” can and will come from each one of us. We are all being asked to be Soldiers for Inner Peace – be-coming, within, the change we want to see in the world.

Photo by James Scott

Flower ti







We are being called to FULLY Occupy Our Selves with Compassionate Awareness and full Self Acceptance – forgiving and accep ng all previously unaccepted aspects of ourselves with love, un l all shadow has been shone away and only the Highest Truth of our Nature remains.

Holding uppermost in our minds

would be, as so eloquently stated in A Course in Miracles, the goal of removing the blocks to the Awareness of Love’s Presence, which is our Natural Inheritance. It is clear that if this new de of change is to be e ec ve it must be faced consciously. That in order for true las ng change and sustainability to occur we will need our spiritual evolu on to meet our technological advances.


need to be an inner ac vism to match the ideology of a new consciousness movement from one of an economybased mentality to a humanitarian and planetarian one. This is going to require a great change in the way we’ve been doing things. The complete reversal of a fear-based lack mentality to an abundant thought system based on love and inclusion. Einstein’s quote rings true here – that you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it – we will need a shi in consciousness to evolve and thrive as a species.

Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love











When Quantum Physics discovered the world of Quantum Quarks Energy the old Newtonian mechanis c duality system was turned upside down and a New World Paradigm of Thought was birthed. We now know there is no material reality and everything is actually light-wave informa on contained in magne c elds.


interes ngly enough, when 18 di erent scien sts around the world studied this new phenomenon of Quantum Quark Energy they got 18 di erent results in the way these

elds were behaving.

The Quantum Fields were behaving

exactly as each scien st expected them to! This is the now well-known “observer e ect”. It became apparent and quan

able that energy at a Quantum Quark

level is so small that it easily a ected by the consciousness of the one observing it! We can apply this same formula to a very simple and yet powerfully e ec ve medita on technique.

Over the years, as a

Transpersonal Therapist, I have found that assis ng clients to view their thought pa erns and emo ons as energy elds in the body has been quite e ec ve as a natural healing phenomenon.

In previous

ar cles I have referred to the “I am” consciousness as likened to the centre of the eye of a hurricane. A quiet centre of calmness and s llness where the external ac vity can be observed without entering into the fray. Eckhert Tolle, in his book the Power of Now, refers to this as a background of silence where it is possible to view or observe oneself, to become the silent watcher of your thoughts and emo ons. A process where you are no longer iden fying yourself as your thoughts or emo ons. It is as though the thoughts or emo ons are like clouds passing through and you are the sky that contains them.































Bjørn Christian Tørrissen/GNU 3.0

Or like the silent background of a movie screen that is allowing the movie to be seen. A remote-viewing process from a place of pure awareness; a new vantage point of percep on. When thought pa erns, anxiety, stress are viewed as energy

elds from the

juxtaposi on of pure awareness or the observer, a natural healing process can take place.

What is transpiring is very similar to the observer e ect, place where

consciousness can a ect a change and any change that occurs from here comes from a higher and truer state of being. This silent background of pure awareness can be found or experienced as the gap that exists between words or thoughts. You can train yourself to focus on this silent background on a scale similar to a scien st observing a Quantum Quark. The healing can become as easy and as automa c as your own natural ability to heal a cut. We don’t have to think about healing a cut, it just occurs through our natural healing intelligence. A new state of consciousness is now viewing the problem as an energy eld from another level of consciousness. As Einstein was referring to, real change can now occur, new solu ons can be accessed and new informa on becomes available.

Pure Awareness, remote-

viewing energy elds, is one more example of another valuable tool for raising vibra on and clearing energe c blockages. From this eld of Pure Poten ality, all possibili es exist, and anything becomes possible - for living your life and for the transforma on of our beloved planet. This is an e ec ve and very simple technique for accessing a state of Pure Awareness.

Another wonderful example of the many spiritual

technologies becoming available to use in evolving into a new state of consciousness. Remember all your answers lie within – in your own Inner





















Wisdom and Innate Ability to heal and transform.

A Time-Space Theory


Involving the Ear and Listenin

By Billie M. Thompson, Ph.D.

We start the same way, two cells mee ng in a womb, deciding to s ck around and develop. Maybe someone wants us, maybe not. It’s

the result of cycles

of menstruation, ovulation, psychological desires, chance meetings, smells, fears, love. It could be many things, how we were created. And during development, a master plan unfolds through our genes and energies and hormones that are created by our mother and



even ourselves.

That’s the start. Then we learn about the world outside from an inside perspec ve. No television, not much light. But we have movement and we know when we are moving. And no later than halfway through our development in this warm bath inside a woman, we begin to hear and then to listen. To her body’s pulses, her breathing and heart pumping, and eventually to her voice. How di erent! And how unusual compared to the other sounds. And some mes a loud enough sound comes from the outside into our inner womb world, and we listen to its frequencies and rhythm, to its pitches. It has no meaning, yet. And it is recorded and kept in our rapidly growing brain, layers on layers on layers of pa erns of data captured to build our brains. Gene cs and brains and one more part of us, the heart, endowed with magne c energy 500 mes greater than that of our brains, and 100 mes greater electrical energy than









the brain, too.

some circumstance interrup ng our

9 month cycle of fetal prepara on for human life. When

we are born, we already have a history, a memory, a desire to listen, perhaps to learn, to connect with others, having begun our connec on with an innate mother child rela onship. We begin developing our senses and learning to organize what we see, hear, touch, taste and now smell. What we sensed in the womb now loses its protec ve layer of esh, and we are in the world rst hand. It takes some days to orient our ears to listen with both the bone conduc on hearing inside the womb and the newly added air conduc on (there was no air conduc on in the wet womb). Our movements are no longer con ned to a fetal posi on. Our limbs can stretch. With air, our hearing changes and our voice begins to emerge, telling when we have needs, or even when we have feelings. Are we warm, cool, hungry, wet, hurt in some way? One moment leads to another, and another, through me and space, se ng up pa erns of our lives that we can observe if we are taught how and which we can change if we are conscious and choose to change.

We have atomic, gene c, synap c, and fractal me codes. In every way that we experience life, we are bound by or extend beyond these codes. How can we extend beyond these codes? Each age of humans nds a way to complete a life cycle of many forms throughout a space me of 5,250 years, beginning and then ending one age through 250 genera on cycles of human life. We learn how to make and leave records that can be interpreted so that we can learn from truths of cycles personal and world that we can observe. Our taking from and giving to the world and the life forms in it leaves stories and interpreta ons of life, all from unique perspec ves of those who create them. Unique because each of us has a singular perspec ve, a unique brain processing unique sensory input, laid down in unique folds in our brain, mixed with decisions of interpreta on, tasted with synesthesia
























mixtures of senses.



When we come out to experience the world, we begin in a place determined by our mom or

As beings, and also doings and havings, we explore our natural and created and simulated universes, discovering collec vely and individually what life is, what death is, and what war and peace and joy and sadness and all the other paradoxical feelings alert us to know in our brief individual and longer species presence on earth.

Only now in the last part of the end of a 26,000 year cycle that includes five 5,200 year cycles that puts us in a different relationship with our solar system energy forces will we be entering unrecorded space-times with a new opportunity for human kind to make new and beneficial choices, both for the individuals and the species. How we get into and through this me near in the future is unknown. And for those who search and those who listen, the mee ng of our sciences of the 21st century and the myths and calendars of the ancient Mayans comes into alignment. The rest that follows is about listening, a human ability that uses our ears and our skin and our hearts and brains, our feelings and emo ons, and every part of our bodies and energies and minds to know the paradox that we are separate and unique, and we are part of everything. We get how we are connected to ourselves, others, the earth, and the cosmos.

Question 1:

How do we know we are connected to ourselves, others, the earth, and the


Question 2: By what means can we “know?” Questions 3 and 4: If we each have a unique view and we are part of everything, by what means do we receive data from which we can form our views? and By what means do we share our view? The answers to these ini al ques ons have one element in common. We have ears. And we have voices, which turn out to depend on our ears for rhythm and tone and frequency responses and









ini ated ques ons and comments.

speak, how func onally accurate they process incoming informa on and link it with visual input ul mately gives us our experience of me-space. Our ears analyze movement two ways. The ves bular system analyzes large movements of muscles in order to maintain an upright posture in space, while the cochlea and saccule analyze smaller movements of sound waves. Another sense, visual, links with the ear with its analysis of sta onary and moving color, distance, size and light forms. These three integrators working together give us space- me. When they work well, that is when we process how we listen, move, and see without distor on, we have an opportunity to think and speak well. The sharing and collec on of each person’s unique view of life experience allows the broadest understanding of all of life in me-space and the cycles that can be discovered from the smallest pa erns of movement in an atom to the solar system movement in the cosmos. And beyond. In every way, we must learn to listen, value its development, and seek the voice of each person’s u erance. We must discover the cycles of life on and in our world, understand our

collec ve decisions and our individual

contribu ons to either con nuing to choose them, once made aware of them, or choose to change them. It will take many of us to do this, not any one in par cular, instead many. Maybe me, maybe you, will be part of the transforming me of ending one age and beginning another one. Maybe we can be part of choosing how to make the future, as an equal partner, one who gets and begets, gets a sperm, produces a child, gets an educa on, produces knowledge and imagina on for children and adults, one who speaks up to say, “I’m in! I have much to contribute! You and I can accomplish even more working together, in mutual respect and with mutual




















contribu ons.”



How well our ears and voices work, how mo vated we are to listen and to Photo by Bengt Nyman/CC Attribution 2.0

Chris 73/WikimediaCommons




Lif wit


public domain

And so it is for me, I’m in. I can contribute some ways to consider listening as integral to our success, and a way to do this for everyone who responds and wants to listen and speak. This is our work, our life, our family of humankind, and we can listen and learn and succeed in changing the ending of the present world age and beginning our next world age.

Answer 1: Our ears connect us to

me-space, and our voice gives back

our views.

Answer 2: We know through the input we get through our senses. How well the senses work and how well the body is balanced and able to at least adequately process this informa on impacts how we interpret our life experience and use our voices.

Answers 3 and 4: We receive informa

on through our senses, and we

send informa on of life from our view through our voice. Listening is the means by which we transform our rela onship with






ourselves, others, the world, and the cosmos.

W kin Wheel

Bedini’s Wheel





See Next Issu Article by Jeane Manning

The spinning wheel has found its way into the folk tales







Rumpelstiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, The Three Spinners,

The Twelve Huntsmen, and Little Women.

Tibetans say that: “When you are born you cry, but the whole world is overjoyed. When you die the world cries, but you may find the great liberation.”

The Bardo of Death & Rebirth They also say that before the soul settles into their new non-physical state of weightlessness after death, there is a 49-day transition period called the bardo. During this time, the soul decides whether to re-incarnate into a new body or stay on in the spirit world for a longer time. Each soul decides on the timing of their next incarnation depending on how attached they are to their mind, emotions, people, and the physical world. Some souls take a longer and others take a shorter time to be reborn. Those who have attained liberation form the illusion of life and death may never incarnate into

another physical body.

During the bardo state between death and re-birth, it is of utmost importance for those who are still living to let go of their attachments to the departed soul so that soul can move on in their own journey. Though it is difficult to say "goodbye" to those we love and have known throughout our life, we need to understand that our grieving is only a projection of our own ego-mind that says, “I will not see this person again.” Our grieving, in fact, is not shared by those who have moved on, and has nothing to do with their journey. It is helpful to understand that what we truly grieve is our past memories associated with the person, and the future that will no longer have them physically present in our life. We must remind ourselves that our attachment to our past memories neither helps the one who has passed on, nor helps us. These memories pull the soul's energy and attention back into the gravitation field of the physical world and prevent them from moving on. To let go of your attachments, it would be helpful to practice letting go of the past. The following exercise may help:

Letting go of the past Write a letter to the one who has passed on. With an open heart and mind communicate fully and truthfully what you had held back on saying while this person was alive. If you prefer, you can also communicate verbally, instead of writing, but make sure you express out loud as though you are actually talking to them. You can use their photo while doing this. Next, light a candle to illuminate their path. Let go of the past by forgiving them and yourself in love and understanding for anything that was left uncompleted. Send your love and good wishes for their next incarnation so that what is unconscious in them can be transformed into light. Celebrate their life as well as their death. Eliza Mada Dalian, affectionately known as Mada, is a modern day mystic, selfrealized spiritual guide, best selling multi-award winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness, and founder of the light-speed Dalian Method™ for Health and Consciousness. www.madadalian.com

Check out: www.healingintoconsciousness.com/store.php#transcending

iam Glad one




By Jack Can eld and Wi

Oh, what glorious beings they were! Flying through the universe on their magni cent golden motorcycles, the cosmic wind in their hair, going wherever they chose, traveling at light speed, sometimes even faster. Their bodies were ephemeral yet de ned, and they enjoyed the ageless youth gifted to their species. Only a few thousand years old, they were considered adolescents, not yet the elders of their planet or their universe—elders who each had tens of thousands of years of experience in dealing with complex worlds and the moral di culties that arose from engaging those worlds.

The following is excerpted from the new book The Golden Motorcycle Gang: a Story of Transformation (November 11, 2011) and is reprinted with permission of Hay House and the authors Jack Can eld and William Gladstone. © 201





Fractal Art in Article by Dan Wills - http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/



e Golden Motorcycle Gang

The beings traveled through this beautiful, endless day, which was much like the many they’d enjoyed together on their annual solstice











Enlightenment, they were fast approaching the time when they would graduate and be given assignments to ensure the balance and stability of the universe for eons to come, much like their elders before them. Today, however, was a day to enjoy the carefree exhilaration of their youth and freedom Dozens of them rode together, sharing their boundless joy through their thoughts, for they communicated only with thoughts. Their thoughts shaped words, which they immediately understood; yet communication was instantaneous, faster than words could ever be, and in nitely more clear. It was a perfect day and they were in high spirits. Suddenly Jack noticed a small bluish planet o

to his right. It was about 50,000

miles below but clearly visible to him. “Hey, look over there. That planet seems to be in trouble. I can sense the energy coming from the surface—and it’s full of turmoil, sadness, anger, even rage. I’ve seen this planet before; I have sensed its people and their growth and their struggles. Although there have always been some discordant sparks from this world, I’ve never felt such sorrow as I’m feeling today.” Such was Jack’s instantaneous thought to his riding friends, or as they liked to call themselves, the Golden Motorcycle Gang On that magical motorcycle ride through the universe, Jack and his friends had easily picked up on the negative energy coming from planet Earth. The su ering radiating from the dazzling blue ball was







The year on Earth was 1943, and great con ict was raging on much of the planet. The battles engulfed a great deal of its middle band, from one great ocean to the next. The planet was divided into groups called “nations,” which were sometimes the result of geography but oftentimes the result of human choice. Many of the largest and most militarily well-armed nations were focused on the

ghting. Almost all the human beings on the

planet at that time were thinking about this great con ict, whether their nation would exist if and when the battles ever ended, and if their loved ones would survive and return from the battle elds around the world. Jack looked around and realized that for perhaps the only time in his existence, he had no explanation for the energy being emitted by this planet. What was this “war,” as the humans called it? What in a human’s life could happen that would convince him or her that it was right and good to





end the lives of millions of other identically created life-forms?

Attribution: RIA Novosti archive, image #44732 / Zelma / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Jack decided he needed to learn as much as he could, as quickly as he could, about this concept of “war.” War was not a reality in the outer reaches of the universe where he lived, and although he lacked the understanding of the impulse to hate and kill, he knew he would not be able to help planet Earth unless he learned more about war and the decision to kill others. “Yes, what a tragedy,” his close friend Michael thought back. “Such a beautiful blue planet, so full of life, creativity, and joy despite the clear tumors that seem to be infesting it now. “Tumors? I never thought of these ills as tumors, but that planet needs some help,” Jack thought back to Michael. “I think we should do something. All our decades of training at the Academy of Enlightenment have prepared us for our roles as masters of harmony. I think we should stop by this planet and see what we can do to help. Mark, another member of the Gang, looked at Jack in disbelief. “Jack, this is the

rst day of our solstice break. We have a great voyage ahead of

us. We can go anywhere and everywhere, no responsibilities, no


agenda, just experiencing all that the universe has to o er and the solidarity of great friends. Do you know how long it might take to get that little blue globe back on track? It could take us several human lifetimes or




more, and that would certainly put a damper on our fun.

“That may be so, but look at them,” Jack replied. “They’re slowly destroying themselves. They’re in real trouble. Think how great it would be to get that planet back into balance. I have tuned in to it, and it is a really special place—with many di erent species and lots of variety with respect to geography, climate, and creative ideas. It could be a really fun place. And, what’s most ironic is that it’s their wonderful diversity that is dividing them into opposing factions and threatening their continued existence. What makes them so special is also what’s causing them to face extinction. “The people there call their planet ‘Earth.’ There has only been intelligent life on Earth for ten or twenty thousand years. That planet is not much older than we are. We should take a little time to see if we can prevent the catastrophic events that we can sense are ahead for them. I think it would be an adventure . . . and when we get back to the Academy, if we can get this Earth back to health, we would probably get all kinds of extra credit for it.” Jack added this overly optimistic goal, knowing it would probably appeal to his fellow riders. “Well, since you put it that way, I can’t let you go alone,” Mark shot back. “So if you’re bound and determined to go down there, I guess we’re all going to have to join you.” “Absolutely,” beamed Michael and Janet; along with Steve, Bob, Martin, and Marcia. The rest of the Golden Motorcycle Gang silently voiced their approval.



Mission accepted



M sion Accepted

In what seemed to them no more than the blink of an eye, each had taken form as new beings—“human beings,” born on planet Earth. The Gang had failed to mention one critical element of their mission of intervention and redemption: once they were born into human bodies, they would forget that they were cosmic beings with unlimited lifetimes. In order to grow and develop as human beings on Earth, many years would pass before they would remember who they truly were and why they had chosen to be born into a body And so our story of the Golden Motorcycle Gang and their adventures on planet


Earth begins.

Fractal Art - Dan Wills

The voice in my head that speaks to m Whispered these words “particle accelerator” It's the nudge for me to go seek.. --------------------As we pass through the photon belt The center of ligh Our Milky Way galaxy We are sprinkled with pixy dust and it’s golden ligh In truth this is the particle accelerator We all should be talking abou For every 25,920 thousands year We aline at this rif And on this rotation It’s accelerating our vibratio Alining us to higher consciousness







































These epic tales of old These ancient myths has us trans xe And have manipulated and stolen our sou

Don’t get stuck in the old feed-back loo The old records and tapes that run in your min This is the dragon chasing its tai And the old reptilian min

One can feel its intensit Its laser precisio As it casts out our shado And brings it to ligh


Its time for the light saber (savor To ght for the heart spirit withi

Note their message is one of fea So stay clea Remember that God too resides within yo Will protect yo And guide you throug

It’s called the shift of the age A moment of illuminatio


To much dark matte The Darth Vader, The invader of our sou

These energy vampire Have every resource in their purs For they have mined your mind and even the gol

This brings us back to cente From our inner to outer spac


This golden light has a conductive desig Jolting our mind Leaving us jittery Re ecting on our loa

This is the time for Self Master For this is the true test of this ag To nd our saintly grace and return to our love spac So as we pass through this particle accelerato The more coherent we ar Body, mind and spirit we ar The less bumpy the ride through the wave will b Remember your pure chemistr And what you have been bonded t Will detach if it does not serve yo This is pure alchemy More radiation, a higher vibratio Recalibrating and mutating our DN So do not cling to the stories of ol It’s time to let go and get in the o As the parts and particles of our life detac And there is nothing to hold, or bond t Within this gap it can be a touch frightenin So remember what the Hopi’s sa Do not cling to things of ol Flow into the rive As your molecules let g For there is a promise of a Golden Ag Which was predicated by the sage

So what has been “Hermetically Sealed” Must be reveale This is YOUR time to rais The last test of this ag WILL our great spirits raise For this is the awakenin The remembering God has implanted a galactic center in u For as above, so withi And as we experience this poler shift And we are all of one min It will be a cosmic i To a new transcrip Where the new polarity is ligh So shift into gea Rise your vibratio And clean out your fear This is where the static The old mind game is designed Past illusions to just survive A matrix trip... here is a ti If it’s not serving yo It will put you into servitud And keep you frozen to THIS tim FOCUS on YOUR LIGH

This is no time for judgement but to for-GIV For the stories of old we were meant to so

























































It’s all part of this realit A world of dualit Where shadow meets ligh The shadow side we playe Was all part to the gam The old crusad Our battle for ligh A perfect metaphor for lif

by Karen Elkin


Through the Lens of Karl Herrmann

Vancouver and Beyond THE BEAT

What is Happening About Town

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Resources from Chapter 3 of “InsideOUT” the book by Karen Elkin www.insideOUTbook.com


Resources from “InsideOUT” the book by Karen Elkin www.insideOUTbook.com





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