1 minute read

Some mornings are so foggy, even the

Memorial a los Detenidos Desaparecidos de Fox-Hodess | Digital Photography

You see she is the girl that has it all, while I have very little. Her name is Sally or Sue or Megan, while mine is hard to pronounce and underlined in red on the computer.


In falling down rabbit holes and meeting the mad of this world, I find then that I see blonde hair instead of brown. white skin instead of brown skin. And then I see that girl who seems to have it all together, The same prototype of girl I come across most days, And suddenly she is plastered on the cover of every movie of my childhood. I see that girl who has it all, and I realize that as a little girl, she was what I envisioned me being. But yet, that girl is not me. And I am angry I ever wanted it to be. A flash of insight, this world crashes to an end, I see how unjust these differences can be, And I realize most days, I'm not just fine with it being that way.