1 minute read

Pico Naiguata, Mark Burwick

Wont you take your socks off? [Tip toeing temptations still creak when stepped on]

by Ayoosh Pareek '12


I. Walk into Spanish bodegas [because no one knows you there] There you will buy a cheap bottle of beast, uncork the madness that has been plugged up far too long

II. this is the first time in a long time the thoughts dripping out of your thinking during gondola rides absorbing the steam of fresh dumplings in Cantonese restaurants I speak in absolutes often and there is nothing better right now than your thoughts surrounding me like roots keeping me anchored into place

HI. the city I live in is so magnificent do you want to burn it with me? [until it bleeds skyline blues] and howl at the night sky together, there are beasts within us and we should let them out for a little while

IV. do you like how we sat together on the cold floor a couple of days ago, huddling in the shade like two butterflies, or two forks in the dishwasher you can't quite untangle? 1 don't know if our ends were supposed to tie knots

V. our attraction is merely conceptual like the theory of fission, we will shake ourselves until we break ourselves and create new people who've learned not to care about the old

VI. Even slowly speaking asterisks sounds like aster-risks aster, radiating flower heads of fear risks, you radiating hands out to reach those who might not reach back because it's not words which hold true meaning (it's imagery) and asterisks are at the end of our every exchange endnoting the finish line of our mentality