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My heritage with sofa making begins with my Dad who started his journey to creating Habitat with a sofa making business based intially in London in the late 1950s. By the time I was born in the mid 1960s, he was employing many hundreds of craftsmen making sofas from his workshops in Norfolk. As the business grew, he helped many of his employees to set up their own businesses and supply Habitat and later The Conran Shop. Dad was passionate about how things were made and completely loved his favourite sofas and I am following in his footsteps.

I learnt from a very young age how a really good sofa is made and how they can literally last a lifetime if they are made properly, so it feels wonderful to be producing sofas of such a high quality and from within the UK as well.


Stripes are very refreshing and can bring a real sense of fun to a room. This lovely fabric is woven in the UK by a company that first started supplying fabric to my family over 40 years ago.



There’s something very reassuringlly confident about a red and white stripe and this one really seems to know what enjoying life is all about! I love the red trim detailing as well on the edge of the box cushions . Our box edge cushions are available in all our sofa sizes.

Another thing that high quality sofas traditionally had was springs in the base. And the best sofas still use these springs, so ours naturally have them too. They make a real difference to how comfortable your sofa is but also, they ensure your sofa has a much longer lifespan.

Though human genius in its various inventions with various instruments may answer the same end, it will never find an invention more beautiful or more simple or direct than nature, because in her inventions nothing is lacking and nothing superfluous.

Leonardo Da Vinci