The Landscape of Tomorrow: Art Exhibit

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Art Exhibit



What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schreck invites us to examine our relationship with the U.S. legal system and to ask ourselves, “What does the Constitution mean to me?” Syracuse Stage, in collaboration with the North Side Learning Center and La Casita Cultural Center, developed workshops with the intention of inviting community members to create artistic responses to this question.

Through this artwork you will witness the different perspectives and complex feelings that arise from exploring the U.S. Constitution. As you witness the artwork on display, we ask that you question your relationship to the Constitution, consider the relationship others have with the Constitution, and imagine a tomorrow where the Constitution reflects the diverse communities it serves.



The exhibit’s opening event is made possible by the SU Humanities Center’s Symposium Landscapes grant program.


The Honorable Thérése Wiley Dancks, United States Magistrate Judge for the Northern District of New York, and Bennie Guzman, visual artist, and master’s student in the Department of Creative The Landscape of Tomorrow | 3
Art Therapy at Syracuse University, led a two-part workshop. During this time participants were able to learn more about the U.S. Constitution and how it works, using artwork to respond, reflect, and imagine a tomorrow. Participants were asked to dream a future where Health Care, Immigration, or Environmental Protection were included in the U.S. Constitution.

“Dream a little dream”

This collage represents women’s space in a leading role. I believe this is very important and wish that laws would support women a lot more. The color blue, the moon, the dancing are symbols I used as a representation of me as a woman and my voice.

Este collage representa a la mujer ocupando un espacio protagónico. Pienso tiene mucho importancia y desearia las leyes apoyaran mucho más a la mujer. El azul, la luna, la danza son simbolus que utilize como mi representaciôn de la mujer que soy y que suena.

Age: 34

Masters from Syracuse University

“Safe the Future”

The constitution means to me justice. In this generation, the constitution is outdated. The old generation that created the constitution will not understand what’s justice and what is old and not. At the end of the day, laws are made to give everyone equal opportunity and the constitution does not do that.

Rayan Abdulahi Mohamed II

Age: 19

Sophomore at Syracuse University

“It’s time…”
The everchanging right to Freedom.
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Luz Marina Trilla (Luma)


To have rights like everybody else whether you’re a man or woman.

Yammy Santiago

Age: 19

12th Grade at Manlius Pebble Hill

“Master Piece 5 star rating”

Monarnod Ali

Age: 14

10th Grade at Henninger High School

“The beauty of nature”

The Constitution means power.


Age: 16

11th Grade at George Fowler High School

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“Climate Change”

The Constitution means nothing at all.

Chirack Ndegeye

Age: 16

11th Grade at George Fowler High School


To be able to have rights of your own.


Age: 18

12th Grade at Corcoran High School

“Climate Change”

How the earth is drying up.

Julienne Adolphe

Age: 15

10th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler

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“Dream world”

This is a picture of world living inside my mind.


Age: 15

10th Grade at Henninger High School

“The Future”

The future of me, Constitution, and history.


Age: 17

12th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler


Court of Law

Abdulghani Adam

Age: 16

11th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler

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“Save Earth”

Nasteno Abdullahi

Age: 15

Grade: 10th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler

“Climate Change”

There should be a constitution that prevents us from climate change, like littering.

Hamdi Ali

Age: 16

10th Grade at Henninger High School


I did immigration because it tells my story like how it started from Africa to here.

Aksa Sikuzani

Age: 15

10th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler

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“The End”

The Constitution means the laws of the government and for us!


Age: 15

9th Grade at Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central


Jybud 10th at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler “Healthcare”

Healthcare is important for everyone.

Hadia Kamwar

Age: 16 11th Grade at Henninger High School

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The Constitution means a set of rules I would have to follow.

Halwa Maow

Age: 17

12th Grade at Public Service Leadership Academy @ Fowler

“World on Fire”

The Constitution means to me a group of people trying to change the world.

Zeitwa Maow

Age: 15

10th Grade at George Fowler High School



Age: 14

9th Grade at Henninger High School

“How the earth would look without climate change”
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Don’t throw trash outside

Ahmed Age: 14 9th Grade at Henninger High School

“American Forest”

The Constitution means freedom rights

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