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Miss Debby's Best-Loved Children's Books: Todd Parr Is Visiting PJ Library Charlotte

Charlotte Jewish News March 2022

By Debby Block

PJ Library Charlotte is excited to be bringing Todd Parr to Charlotte on March 26 as part of the Jewish Book Festival. Mr. Parr, who is visiting Charlotte virtually, will share some of his books, and attendees will participate in special Todd Parr craft activities.

Todd Parr is a three-time New York Times best-selling author and illustrator of more than 50 books for children, including “The Thankful Book,” “The Shalom Book,” “It’s Okay to Be Different,” “The Kindness Book,” and the recently released “Be Who You Are.” He has inspired and empowered children around the world with simple, hopeful, and powerful messages such as to be kind, love yourself, and be who you are, all set with vibrant images using eye-catching primary colors. His books have received numerous awards and are available in nearly 20 languages. Todd’s books have won several awards, and his TV show, “ToddWorld,” was nominated for three Daytime Emmy Awards.

Todd Parr is certainly one of my favorite children’s author/illustrators! The first time I picked up one of Mr. Parr’s books, I was immediately drawn in by his joyous use of primary colors as well as his unpretentious, accessible illustrations. I was truly smitten with Todd Parr when I discovered that almost every Todd Parr book shares a message of self-acceptance and inclusion.

I recently had the opportunity to interview him. Below are excerpts from our conversation:

Your books are so bold and colorful; have you always loved expressing yourself through art?

Yes, ever since second grade. I have dyslexia (discovered later in life), but in school I was just labeled as slow. I had to repeat second grade once they found out I could not read. And instead of reading books, I found that my interest was tracing the outline to Snoopy. My first memories of this were drawing Snoopy for a contest when I was in second grade. It was Snoopy who made me realize my passion for art.

How did you “grow up” to be an illustrator?

I’ve always loved to draw. As far as advice — be yourself, find your own style, and perfect it. I developed my style by not holding myself back. I basically started painting on anything I could find. The best part of my job is helping others and basically setting my own schedule.

How did you become involved with PJ Library and Jewish books?

Several years ago, PJ Library optioned one of my books. It was “The Peace Book,” which became “The Shalom Book” for PJ Library. A few years after that, PJ Library asked me to create a special book for Harold Grinspoon’s* 80th birthday surprise party. “The Harold Book” was a hit, and Harold and I have been friends ever since. I created the “I Love Camp!” about Jewish camps for PJ Library as well.

Many of your books are about accepting every person despite their differences and accepting oneself. Judaism believes that each human being has a spark of the Divine in them. Do you have a goal for your messaging in children’s books?

Yes: to help other kids who were like me — struggling in all aspects of life and learning. I want to help others feel good about who they are, be confident and kind, and learn about differences.

Register now to share a wonderful afternoon with Todd Parr. Spaces are limited. Register at www.jewishcharlotte.org.

Todd Parr visits PJ Library Charlotte as part of Jewish Book Festival