TPC September'17 Issue12

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Pg 2 Magic lifted me up and I Founded ROTA Magic Wands - By Seshat Netzach Aubi Pg 8 Welcome To The Herbal Cat Blog - By Winter McKelvie Pg 12 New Books For Pagans - By Nimue Brown Pg 14 Hopeless Witchcraft - By Nimue Brown Pg 18 Villages Around Pendle: Whalley - By Penny Robinson Pg 20 Blog: Between Worlds - By Yvonne Reeves Pg 22 Crafty Work - By Sheena Cundy Pg 24 A Story Of Truth - By J Craig Melia

September 2017

Pg 26 Poltergeist - The Disappearing Cross - By Keith Linder Pg 28 Growing A Relationship With Plant Spirits - By Janey Colbourne Pg 34 Beyond The Veil - By Dawn Ryan Pg 40 Tinklers Farm - By John Robinson Pg 42 Alius Sanctus - By Kev Wilson-Byrne Pg 46 The Turning Of The Wheel - By Dorothy Workman Pg 47 Samhain Recipes

Pg 48 Greek Pantheons - By Dot Workman Pg 50 Falling Out Of The Broom Closet: An Autobiography - By Aurielle Sage Pg 53 Tincture Talk - By Aurielle Sage Pg 54 Divination Dictionary - By Monique Reichert Pg 58 Butterfly Exhibit Pg 60 How To Attract Butterflies To Your Garden Pg 61 Colouring Pages 4 You Pg 64 Mabon Pg 68 Soap Making From Scratch

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Front & Back Cover Images By John Robinson of Frameousfotos. Model: Stacy Grech

We reserve the right to abridge any content and edit for grammar, style, etc. The editor’s decision is final. We allow all differant styles of work from polytheism, philosophy, esoteric, folklore, political, religious, events and moots, book reviews, artwork, informative, fiction and non-fiction pieces. But within reason. We also aim to be a platform for writers, be it new and upcoming writers or those who write as a hobby wishing to publish their work in the public forum.

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This Month’s CONTRIBUTORS Seshat Netzach Aubi

Winter McKelvie

J Craig Melia

Keith Linder

Aurielle Sage

Janey Colbourne

letter from the editor Hello everyone and welcome to the September 2017 issue of TPC. We have a number of new contributors telling us their stories along with our regular team. I hope everyone enjoyed the Summer break for those in the Northern hemisphere and to those in the Southern hemisphere I hope you stayed warm in front of your cozy fire places. We at TPC would like to send out our prayers and thoughts to those who have suffered from the horrific natural disasters throughout the world. We hope you enjoy this issue, if you wish to contribute in any way please do not hesitate to contact the staff at

s g n i s s Ble Tasha

, p u e m d e t f i d l e c d i n g s u a d o f M n I a d W n c a i bi u g A a etzach M A eshat N T O R yS B

I hope that this finds you dear reader well and in good spirits. Like everyone I enjoy talking about myself. You could ask anyone that knows me, and they would tell you that I could go on from now until the end of time with all of the things that I think are important to discuss. But when I was invited to share how I came up with the ROTA Magic Wand and write a piece on it, I suddenly got writer’s block. Where do I start? What should I focus on? Will people actually read it? All of that came to mind, so I figure I will just start at the beginning and see where it will lead. Just over a year ago the day before “Mother’s Day”, I had an accident. Not one of those horrible accidents that you


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read so much about, but for me it was pretty bad, and I found that I was unable to walk. This accident left me bedridden for a year! Sparing you dear reader the gory details, I will say that it left me wondering what I was going to do with my life, my family, and my work? How can do the things that I used to that made me happy? Will I be truly happy ever again? After the accident the emergency room immobilized my leg, and sent me home and this is where my story begins, from my sick bed. In between seeing doctors, getting X-rays and MRI’s I wondered how I ended up in this mess? I consider myself intelligent, and

spiritual, a dynamic kind of person. I feel genuine empathy for others and I was always available for advice, to give a shoulder, and friendship. I worked out everyday, sang vocals in a band, and worked hard as an Advertising Executive for the local newspaper. I thought I was doing everything right. I was happy, so why was I being set back like this? I was wracking my brain for an explanation but there really wasn’t one. “It is what it is”. I needed change, and I needed some hope. My faith in God, and Spirit, was strong and I believed that I was going to be ok, that I might have a chance at a regular life. I finally came to the conclusion that I would have to live my life differently from now on. But this time I was going to do what I wanted to do before I exited this plane of existence for good. I had always researched and intellectualized spirituality and the occult, but I never quite let it all the way in. Like most people I have had many unusual experiences in my life, some would call them ‘paranormal’, mystical, and even metaphysical. So like any inquisitive person I drank in occult esoteric data like a vampyre getting its fill of its lifeblood. And I learned a lot about every subject, but I never quite got it. This was probably because I didn’t live any of it in a practical way. You know like an ‘alternative’ lifestyle. Now here I was stuck in my sick bed thinking that I somehow missed the point of it all. Something very vital, a sense of belonging, or a confidence in what I believed, because at this point it seemed that I believed in everything! One day my daughter came over to do her laundry and show me her new tarot

card deck. She didn’t do readings she is an Artist and she liked the pictures. But when I flipped through those cards, something seemed to click. Next thing I know I am on obsessed with Tarot cards! (I now own 24 decks) One day I looked around my bedroom, and there were these lovely little clues, a little altar on the table with crystals and stones in a dish, a statue of Kwan Yin, a bronze bell, and little Buddha tucked here and there. I had a crucifix, a pentagram, prayer beads, and a Dorji necklace, all on my bedpost. I had candles, incense and essential oils in my bathroom. Now I know that most people have these things and it doesn’t mean anything in particular, but for me it was all of the things that I was grouping together organically, that were my clues as to my true identity and my new life. So after buying all of those Tarot cards, I dared not open a pack until I knew how to consecrate them. I had read that you must do this to protect the deck and yourself from bad influences that may be hanging around just waiting for an opportunity to grab you and drag you into the dark world like an Alice in to a strange wonderland. I needed to do my homework. I thought really hard about it, what was it that fascinated me about these things? And then it dawned on me, I liked the idea of having control over my life, being in a powerful partnership with God and Spirit, being able to enact my intentions and dreams bringing them to life, making them come true. Being a more mystical being meant being connected to the wonders of nature and her secrets. It would be a means by which I could actualize what I wanted and felt in my heart. A means by which I could create something that would benefit not just me, but my loved ones as well. And   Email:  3

maybe just maybe I could be happy again. Yes, I am an overachiever, you could blame it on all of those occult books, but I saw an interesting opportunity to experiment with spiritualism in a way that would work for me. And then my quest to find the perfect spiritual lifestyle began. With the help of my husband and daughter, who just wanted to see me interested in something other than the fact that I couldn’t get around, helped me created my ‘secret temple’, my fortress of solitude. I needed a temple! It was my own spiritual laboratory! Working in a ‘holy’ space would make everything feel right, real, and legit! I thought it best that I make a commitment with the God I already knew first. So I made that commitment by becoming an ordained as a Minister, then I began my self-initiation as an Adeptus Minor in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. At the same time I began studying Hermeticism, Occultism, Esoteric Text, the Kabbalah, Rosicrucian and Freemasonry texts, the Knights Templar, Paganism, and the ways of the solitary witch. I set out to find social media groups, to learn how other people were living out their own ‘spiritualism’. Every morning I performed my ritual ceremonies, my breathing, yoga, and psychic exercises, carefully documenting everything I did. I was on a fast track now to absorb as much as I could to become a Magician! Everything seemed to be falling into place effortlessly. This is how I always imagined life would be growing up as a kid. You just ‘knew’ what to do, where you were going, now at 52 years old my confidence was growing because it all made sense. I needed to live what I had learned. I desperately needed to really let it in


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and let it find its own way. I needed to connect with my Guardian Angel, and the spirit world. I felt empowered as I was becoming “The Priestess”, and I found that I had a natural talent at divining and precognition. When I read the Tarot in the morning, I would also write automatically. And it was on a morning in February 2017, ten months after I started my quest that I finally made contact! First let me tell you that my daughter’s old room was re-christened: Temple D’ Los Tortolos, The Temple of the Turtledoves. My new pillars of mercy and severity, Jachin and Boaz were at either side of my altar and at the Northern wall was my Tarot reading desk. That morning I was feeling a little weird, kind of distracted, but in sync, like I was driving the bus from my peripheral vision instead of looking straight on. I did my exercises and ritual bath but when I went up the stairs to my Temple I got a terrible hot flash! I was all prickly and tingling, I could feel every bead of sweat forming over my entire body. I have a fan on my desk and started trying to cool off. Finally I did while I was centering in the Middle Pillar exercise, so I started to perform the Lesser Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram. I always divined in a circle of protection I just felt it necessary and I always reconsecrated my Tarot deck (My favorite one is Crowley’s Thoth Deck) each morning to the Great Work and the greater good. But this morning that tingling and bigger than life feeling was overwhelming, I could see wisps of vapor coming off of the tip of my wand, and I felt like I was in a trance. I sat at my desk, said hello to my deck and spread the cards out wide, moving them in circles and then making a deck again and shuffling. I then spread them with my left hand into a long line and I float

my hand over the deck looking for the day’s COD (Card of the Day). Finally my hand settled and I drew a card, the Ace of Wands. This is a powerful card the second most powerful card after the SUN card in the THOTH deck. I had started making wooden wands at this time following the Golden Dawn constructions suggestions for the Lotus Wand and the Fire wand. Like the cards I got obsessed about magical tools and weapons. Wands are so beautiful and empowering and just a few weeks earlier I had bid on a mysterious wand on eBay that the seller said he would reveal the provenance of the wand only to the winner. It was a lovely wand 26” long with large Quartz and Amethyst at either end. The deal was that the crystal rod had broken so the winner would get a deal but they had to repair the wand. It was calling to me and I had to have it. You know that feeling? You just can’t stop thinking about something? And the Seller’s mystery had me perplexed. I wasn’t sure I would win, I even asked my husband Ben, if I could get it because our budget was getting tighter while I was out of work and recovering. He was so sweet when he said that it would be perfect for me and that I should and that I should get it. The auction ended in a few days, and everyday I looked at that wand. I didn’t know if I would win, but I wasn’t surprised that I did! And just a few days later I received it…Siegfried and Roy’s broken wand! Yep it came from their estate and the seller said it needed to be whole again. I called a few places since I am near The Corning Glass Factory but the quotes were more expensive than the cost of the wand! It just

continued to bug me. The wand wanted to be repaired. That morning when I drew the Ace of Wands, I knew it had to do with “Siegfried” so I wrote in my journal with the question in my mind “How do I repair Siegfried?”. Before I realized what was happening I was scribbling a wand in my journal. and I wrote the words “Copper redo the soldered gems”. I was so excited later that day I measured the broken glass ends. Just under ½”, so I had Ben pick me up some precut ½” copper pipe, I was hoping that the glass ends would fit so I did not have to break them completely off. Ben brought home several pipes one like I asked, and 2 additional ones. ”Ben, what’s with the extra pipe?” “Oh you have to buy a minimum of 5 feet so I figured you could make a couple more”, I just laughed. But I couldn’t wait to try it out, and I could have about jumped when the broken ends slid right into the pipe! Like it was made to fit! Now this story is not really about Siefried’s repair, it is about what happened when I thought about those two extra pieces of pipe. That night I was wondering about them, how could I make a wand of them? I was sketching when that prickly sweaty feeling came over me again, and I started drawing a schematic, I wasn’t thinking of anything actually my mind was blank, my hands kept moving, I drew the pipe with a sphere at one end and a point at the other, I drew a line through the center of the pipe and curlicues over it. At each end I scribbled a black little square with the sphere and the point touching it, that is when my mind woke up. I began thinking and drawing at   Email:  5

a fast pace, “Magnets! The body is magnetic the wand needs to be magnetic too!” “I need an electrical cord inside so the energy can move, and then power from the sphere can move along the rod to the point.” “Wait it will need a way to pull the energy through”, “wait the coil could accelerate it quickly”, “OMGod! I could have it float in a condenser like, wait, wait, salt!” It was like I was an innocent bystander while my mind was inspired. While I was following these quick rambling thoughts, I was also drawing it all out. When I finished I had the first design of the ROTA Magic Wand. But this was a turning point for me, as I was becoming a spiritual ‘scientist’, everything was important, nothing was discarded. I still didn’t quite know what I would need or want. There were so many books and schools, teachers, mentors, mystery schools, covens, heck it would overwhelm anyone. I was like WTF? Wow! This is weird I can’t wait to tell Ben! I was about to find out why all of the occult books say… “KNOW-WILL-DARE-KEEP SILENT” because you should keep some stuff to yourself so you don’t alarm people. Many of you dear reader probably learned this lesson too. First you learn that most folks don’t know what the heck you are talking about, and will look at you like you are speaking a foreign language! If they have not experienced anything remotely similar, you are just asking for a cup of tea while they call an ambulance because you must have had a stroke! The second reason is that some experiences are for you alone. They do not need to be analyzed or put out there to face the scrutiny of people who do not know nor understand me. The very attempt in trying to explain what you experienced puts you on the defensive trying to convince someone


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that a ‘miracle” had happened. The attempt just weakens your resolve, makes you question your sanity and reality; there is really no reason to share. But I tried anyway, would I try now in the future knowing what I know…Nope, I am not a glutton for punishment. And hey, unless you are in the ‘club’ I won’t bother explaining myself. I did realize that I have a natural talent and passion for building tools and weapons. Finding the correct configuration, and time to design and create them. I love the feel of carving wood, soldering, and wondering if I will get the chance to smelt a sword. I am also attracted to Alchemy and the study of both physical and psychological alchemy my passions for all things magic was blossoming and my home was filling with joy and love. I also began learning more about electro magnetism, the astral current and the human body. I realized that my science was not only correct but also necessary. We are surrounded by all kinds of electrical appliances, microwaves, magnetic fluxes, and the like, none of which are working for us but instead they are damaging. The ROTA Magic Wand is first and for most a balancing tool, stabilizing the practitioner by offering a benchmark one can springboard from and enabling control and focus. Eliphas Levi tells us in his book Transcendental Magic “A lucid will can control and influence the Astral Light”. Ahhh, the Astral Light, that universal mystical agent that moves our intentions forward, bring our dreams to reality, comes more into our reach with The ROTA Magic Wand. Just after fine-tuning the ROTA internal design after several mishaps including creating a corrosive fluid condenser, I had a vision. During one of my morning readings I asked the cards if the wands would be popular and instead I was shown

a very prophetic vision of the world coming into harmony, and it was then I realized that everyone should have the opportunity to explore their own personal power. And the cards reflected that telling me that I needed to share what I knew. And it is my hope that I can do just that. For my part I am just finishing a website that will provide the DIY instructions for the alchemical fire wand for free and then everyone will have the chance to benefit from it. You will be delighted to know dearest reader, that the copper “portion” of the ROTA Magic Wand is exactly 13” in length, the 12” rod and the (2) ½” end caps which are inverted. The overall length depends on the size of the crystal point and sphere you choose. So the average length is between 16” and 20+” Now it was explained to me in my meditations that in length of the device is unimportant. Inside the copper pipe is a magnetized Iron rod that runs the length of the wand, it is wrapped loosely in a highly conductive alloy coil beginning and ending with a Fibonacci Spiral that connects with two neo dynamic silver coated magnets at either end. One end is set to attract (Sphere) and the other Induct (Point). The rod and coil ‘float’ in a solid fluid condenser. This imprintable solid fluid condenser consists of a mineral blend of 7 essential alchemical elements. Gold and NaCl (Earth Salts) are the two primary elements. The practitioner can imprint this condenser making the wand uniquely their own. I construct my designs on the appropriate day and hour in a state of meditation focused on the astral current and I wear gloves, keeping as much with traditional wand

construction as possible. I have found that the crystals act as a transformer and the effects greatly depend on the type of crystal and the skills of the practitioner, so a neophyte can grow with their wand. As I write this I am happy to report that after surgery, my pain and ability to walk unaided has returned. I just finished physical therapy and I am back on the road to health. My doctors like to think that the onus was on them, and I am just another miracle wonder story to be walking and almost healed a month after surgery. In some respects it was them, but in others it wasn’t a ‘miracle’ it was magic! -By Seshat Netzach Aubi A Ceremonial Magician.

Images For This Story Provided By Seshat Netzach Aubi

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Welcome To The By Winter McKelvie

There was a young lady with so many cat health issues she did not know what to do? So begins our story the adventures of the witch in cat land. It has been 4 years now that I have had the Clan, well colony is the real term for it. With over 25 cats all related many have health issues due to being related. That is not including the other 7 rescuers that literally show up at the door. Don’t ask how I ended up with so many, that’s for another day. I somehow ended up with a colony of cats, yes that is right a COLONY! Despite my intentions to keep the cats healthy or regain their health, I have cats with chronic problems that I could not “fix” with just drugs. More and more of the cats were on one or more prescription drugs and/or diets to try to help them with the diseases -urinary problems, obesity, seizures, chronic vomiting and/ or diarrhea, chronic constipation, and allergies. As I concern pet owner many of the drugs have long time serious side effects and just not a good choice for the cats’ long term. I have run into complications and side effects from the


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drugs themselves, and my worry is when will then no longer help? So with each visit (seem to live at the vet office) I would ask my vet about alternatives treatments for the cats. I have to admit I am lucky to have vets that are willing to give me credit and willing to look into the benefits of other treatments. Every time I came in she kept saying that I should write about this, so that is exactly what I am doing. Why Did I Become Interested In Raw Food? I have had a long history of using naturopathic medicine (I studied to be certified) on myself and a small bit on the cats. Then last fall, 4 cats developed serious urinary track blockages. After thousands of dollar and many emergency midnight visits, enough was enough. Either I found how to deal with this or the cats would have to die. That was not an option with me. For the last 5 months they have been on prescription food, but with the bags being a $100.00 each and need 2 just for a month plus other special diet food - something had to change.

Herbal Cat Blog

Since I run the Sanctuary with my own funds, I do not have the so called $700.00 a month to spend on them. Plus, the food themselves caused problems. The Problems With Dry and Canned Cat Foods Grain based dry foods are the worst possible thing to feed the cats since 90% of them have grain indolence. Cats and dogs are designed to eat a meat/whole prey (bones, organs, etc) diet. Grain-free dry foods, while perhaps a bit “better” than “regular” dry foods, are extremely high in calories and do not have the water content of a flesh-based diet and again are really expensive when you have these many mouths to feed. Many cats, when on a dry food diet, do not drink enough water to keep their bodies optimally hydrated and I have had several life threating situations where the food lumped in the stomach causing blockages that the cats could not eat. Canned foods are better than dry, but all canned foods are high heat processed resulting in breakdown of many natural nutrients. These need to be replaced with

added supplements. Many, but not all, canned foods also contain grain based ingredients. I have problems, with these many of the cats a lot have allergies to the preservatives in the food. So this is why I am turning to raw food and natural remedies to treat the cats. There are so many different choices when it comes to deciding what to feed our cats. Each cat is unique and responds to each diet differently. There are a number of benefits to feeding raw, whether you’re preparing your own homemade raw meals or buying packaged raw from the feed store, your cat is likely receiving some amazing benefits. #1 – Improved Oral Health Raw diets are probably the best way to keep your cat’s oral health in tip-top shape. Chewing on raw, meaty bones will scrape plaque and tartar off of your cat’s teeth, and did you know the enzymes found in raw meat can help keep their mouth clean.

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#2 – Better Digestion Raw meat and bones are easy to digested dry foods and other commercial foods. The gnawing needed to chew raw meaty bones activates the digestive tract before the food even gets inside, making it easier to digest the food once it’s eaten. By cats being on a raw diet improvements in bowel movements, making them less frequent and less smelly. The reason is because the cat are digesting a lot more nutrients and has much less waste to get rid of later. #3 – Stronger Immune System Unlike commercial foods the nutrients and naturally occurring essential fatty acids that strengthen the immune system are not cooked out in raw food. Trials have found that some sick pets have improved greatly even after a short time of being fed a raw diet. The reason is that essential fatty acids ease inflammation and infection often brought about by weak immune systems.

a leaner body mass as they are lower in fat and higher in protein, gives cats longlasting energy. Raw diets will reduce inflammation from immune diseases, such as arthritis. #5 – Improved Coat Health Since raw diets are so full of essential fatty acids and other nutrients, these building blocks improvement cats skin and coat conditions. Cats that suffer severe allergies have seen improvements in their skin and coat condition. Healthy skin and coat are obvious signs improvement in health going on throughout the body. So begins the story of how raw food and alternative health remedies are going to be used to treat the ailments of all the cats. Not only will this blog cover the transition from canned pet food to raw diet it will also give insight on what may or may not work for your pet. I have cats with bad gums, seizures, urinary tract problems, cancer, digestive problems, arthritis, allergies and bowel issues.

The Herbal Cat of #4 – Increased Energy Healthier food means healthier cat. A Bastet’s Cat Sanctuary lot fresher nutrients are in a single meal with a raw diet. Raw diets help provide


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New Books for Pagans Reviews By Nimue Brown

There are three books I’d like to draw people’s attention to. They’re all really interesting titles breaking new ground.

Pagan Portals: Australian Druidry,

by Julie Brett. This is great little book, ideal for Australians, but well worth considering regardless of where you live. Australian Druidry is all about the process of making a calendar for seasonal celebration that properly reflects where you live. Even those of us in north-west Europe often find that lived experience of the seasons isn’t always a neat match with the wheel of the year. There’s no room in conventional approaches for local seasonal features. Working in her own climate and landscape, Julie has created a map for striking out and celebrating what’s around you. It’s a fascinating read.


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Reclaiming Civilization by Brendan Myers.

Brendan is an academic philosopher who writes really accessible books. In this latest title, he explores what civilization means, how and why we do it, and whether there are any alternatives. This is ultimately a very optimistic book. I particularly recommend it for weary activists and anyone feeling emotionally exhausted by world politics. The ideas are deep and far reaching, but come in small, manageable portions making it really easy to dip in and out.

The Shaken Path by Paul Cudby.

Paul is a Pagan-friendly Christian vicar who has spent considerable time meeting Pagans to try and understand us, and to help other Christians to do the same. For the Pagan reader, it’s an interesting look at us from the outside, and I found the Christian material in the book to be the most engaging part. However, where this book comes into its own is as a gift for others. We’ve all been there, with troubled relatives, uneasy school teachers, and other people we need to deal with who feel threatened by our Paganism. Having Paganism explained by a Christian in this way will be a great tool for getting people to understand what we are, and what we aren’t. Pagans doing interfaith work may also find it helpful as a basis for talking to Christians as well.   Email:  13

Hopeless Witchcraft A short tale from Hopeless Maine, by Nimue Brown.

Nimue Brown is the author of assorted Pagan non-fiction books, several novels with Pagan themes and graphic novel series Hopeless Maine. She blogs most days at 14 

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Hopeless Witchcraft There have always been witches on Hopeless, Maine. The name has of course changed over time, but the job description is pretty reliable. Deal with the dead when necessary. Fix the broken things. Break the troublesome things. Dispense wisdom that will largely be disregarded until it’s too late to be of much use anyway. Take in unwanted cats. Redistribute unwanted children. Provide potions for unwanted lovers. Be discernibly more odd than anyone else. This last one tends to be the biggest challenge. They were sat in a corner at The Crow, a crystal ball on the table between them, mostly empty cups of brewed leaves on either side. Salamandra preferred not to read leaves, because it meant taking a long, hard look at what you’d been drinking, and that tended not to be a comforting process. They made a peculiar scene - two young women, one in black, the other one looking like an exercise in mummification gone somewhat awry. There was no wind, in The Crow, but the strips of cloth and the hair belong to the young witch were all very slightly in motion. “So, basically, you’re saying all the omens are really bad for me getting married next Tuesday?” Perspicacity Jones shook her head. “But I’ve invited everyone.” “So, why didn’t you ask me for a reading before?” Salamandra asked. Perspicacity failed to correctly interpret the fixed smile, and made a telling glance towards her own middle. “It suddenly became rather important.” Being The Witch, Salamandra had long since discovered, meant telling people things they did not want to hear, and would try to pretend you hadn’t said. Not that Salamandra self-identified as a witch. She preferred ‘experimental occultist’. After weeks of being asked ‘what’s that, then?’ whenever she said it, and then explaining, and being told ‘sounds just like a witch to me’ she had mostly given up. The job, after all, had many names, and all of them led to


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trafficking with the uncooperative. “I really wouldn’t have a wedding on that day,” Sal tried. Her client did not look entirely surprised by this. “It’s not really that bad, is it?” “I’m seeing a terrible storm.” Perspicacity smiled, and nodded. “That’s not so unusual.” “And an earthquake.” Perspicacity paused to consider this, before asking, “Do any buildings fall down?” “Three.” “Anyone I like?” “Guess not.” Salamandra shrugged. “Bits of cliff falling into the sea, small tidal wave, the usual.” “Fine.” “Sea monster washing in though.” “But not in the church, right?” “Well, obviously not in the church, no. Rain of blood all afternoon.” Perspicacity shrugged her black-clad shoulders. “I’m hardly going to wear white.” “Taken as a whole, I would say these are not omens favourable to commencing a long and happy union,” Salamandra pointed out. Perspicacity gave her a long, hard look. “Got any favourable days for that coming up, have we?” Salamandra contemplated the crystal ball for a bit. “Not soon,” she admitted. “Thought as much,” Perspicacity said. Salamandra heaved a sigh of warningsign proportions. “Why did you even bother to ask?” “Well,” said Perspicacity, “I always think you can’t be too careful about these things.” For more adventures on the island of Hopeless Maine, visit Hopeless Maine is a graphic novel series by Tom and Nimue Brown, there’s a wider creative community project that’s currently spawning all kinds of extra tentacles, including a tarot set. Images For This Story Provided By Nimue Brown   Email:  17

y e l l a Wh

As the saying goes, save the best till last. In my opinion, the title goes to the village of Whalley, which is a beautiful, bustling area, not far from Clitheroe. It is some what smaller as the main shopping area is on one street, King Street. But what it lacks in size, it makes up for by the wonderful types of shops available. There is an excellent coffee shop, restaurants, a wine shop, antique shop, clothes shops, all of which are individual. You won’t find a McDonald’s, or a Starbucks or any of the high street shops found in every other town!! Then every year, usually in the first week in December, all the stops are pulled out as Whalley hosts its annual Pickwick festival, where the atmosphere is truly that of a Victorian age. This festival has been so successful it celebrated the 25th anniversary in December 2013. I would advise for anyone interested in attending to get there early as in recent years there have been up to 5,000 visitors!

As with all the villages featured, Whalley is also home to some wonderful places of interest. First of all is Whalley Abbey the building of which was begun in 1296, and was finally finished in 1380. It was built for the Cistercian monks who moved there from Stanlow Abbey found on the banks of the Mersey. Unfortunately a series of mishaps caused the destruction of Stanlow abbey including fire and flood! A royal licence was obtained for a crenellated wall to be built round Whalley Abbey in 1339. The Abbey finally closed in 1537 as part of the dissolution of the monasteries. Today only the foundations of the church remain although the remains of the former monastic buildings are more extensive.

Villages Around P en

By Penny Robinson


back to the 13th century as their are 3 Anglo -Saxon crosses found in the churchyard, which have been attributed to St Augustine, as well as fragments from that time in the walls of the current building. The nave is from the later part of 13th century, and the tower was added in 15th century. The church is popular with tourists as it is included in the book “England’s thousand best churches”, with one of the outstanding features being the choir stalls in the chancel. These were carved for the Abbey around 1430. One spectacular sight is that of the Whalley viaduct, known locally as Whalley arches. It is a 48span railway bridge which crosses the river Calder, and is a listed structure. It was built between 1846 - 1850 and formed part of the Bolton, Blackburn, Clitheroe and West Yorks railway. It is believed over 7 million bricks were used in the construction, not to mention the stone and timber also used which were for the arches. Unfortunately during construction of the 41 arches, 2 collapsed resulting in the loss of 3 lives. The river Calder is approximately 15 miles long, running through several towns before arriving at Whalley. December 26, Boxing Day 2015 will long be remembered by the inhabitants of this village, because that was the day the river burst its banks, causing severe flooding and devastation as people were evacuated from their homes as the floods poured into properties throughout the streets. Hopefully this year will be a peaceful one for all those affected.

Hopefully over the last few issues I have piqued a bit of interest in visiting some of my favourite places. I promise it As well as the Abbey, Whalley also boasts really would be worthwhile. a beautiful Anglican Church - St Mary and All Saints. The original church dates


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Images For This Story Provided By John Robinson

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Between Worlds Blog By: Yvonne Reeves

Image By Tim Dutton - altered by TPC with text& portait

When I am shamanic journeying and a lot of the time in my every day life I am actually walking between worlds, more often than not with one foot in ordinary reality and one foot in non ordinary reality. I’d like to think I dance like the graceful jaguar in the photo but in reality I probably stumble along in the dark sometimes making quite a lot of noise. Which is quite possibly why one of the most useful things my shamanic guides have ever given me is a cloak of invisibility, at least then they may hear me coming but they can’t see me.

just the special energy there, one that everyone was drawn to whether they were aware of why or not. Then the land asked for a labyrinth and so one was created. Then later still it asked to be returned ‘as it was’ and so the labyrinth was uncreated as it were. This was not enough however for the land wanted a stone circle and now it has one and it is at peace. I understand that through creating the labyrinth energy was cleared and then by re-creating something that the land tells had been lost I have restored the balance of this space.

I do though believe that what I do shamanically is to be a balancing force between the seen and unseen worlds, or at least I try to anyway. By being able to walk back and forth, to shift easily I am able for example, to listen to the land and the spirits there and by doing so can make changes that the land needs. One example of this is what happened in an area of my garden. Originally there was

This is also what I do when I work with clients. Through working with my guides and allies I create a space in which balance can be restored between what we see physically and what is unseen or energetic. Dancing or walking between worlds makes this possible.


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Crafty Work Blog By Sheena Cundy

I like making things from scratch. Magical things that is, if we’re talking domestics then I need all the help I can get. But when it comes to a spiritual tool whatever it is - you can’t beat something you’ve made yourself. The time spent, the effort made and the energy you have put into creating a tool for magical work is worth every minute of labour. And none so rewarding as that which is done with love...and so how can it not be anything other than an act of magic? I made a pact with myself at the beginning of the year to learn something new divination-wise. Usually I work with cards - creating with my sister was a real golden milestone in that territory - but I like to try out new things... I’ve got a bit of a fetish for stones. They have a habit of finding their way into pockets and on dashboards and with so many of them adorning window sills in the house I thought maybe I could find a proper use for some of them...


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So with the intention of creating my own set of Runes, I spent about two months looking for them along the shoreline of the beach where I walk most days with my dog. It wasn’t easy. There are so many of the blighters for a start. Not only all shapes and sizes but so many different colours... in so many shades. It was a real dilemma. That 21st century - spoilt for choice - dilemma. We get used to blaming the trappings of the modern day for that, or at least I know I do! But there she was, Mother Nature, right under my nose - literally - taking the mickey. Now... what colour? What shade? How big? Same shape or not? You can imagine the turmoil. Eventually, I settled into some kind of system and picked a few every day... all different but gradually they evolved into groups and grew. And no, I don’t mind telling you that I did have a chat with them, indeed I did.

Not all of them, otherwise I wouldn’t have lived to tell the tale... but I asked the chosen few - those who would be magical - to make themselves known. And they did. Eventually. So the work was harder than I imagined it would be. A couple of months doesn’t seem a lot now, but at the time, I never thought I’d finish the task I’d set myself. But the end result, now I have them, was worth it. They are quite beautiful and I love them, so much so that I almost couldn’t bring myself to paint them. What if it all went wrong? I’m not much of a painter really but hey, I’d spent weeks collecting the little buggers - it would’ve been downright rude not to finish the job. So I did. The painting was not without it’s perilous moments I’ll admit, but I have to say, it’s could’ve turned out a lot worse. The black on the pale sandstone, worn smooth by the sea is a striking contrast I

think. And now I have a new magical tool and slowly but surely getting the hang of it, or them I should say. They do seem to have a mind of their own but like an oracle will do, they are speaking to me, one stone at a time. So much information in each symbol alone is enough to focus on but I feel the connection goes deeper because I picked them or, let’s think about this... did they pick me? I’ll keep you posted, maybe do some generic readings here on the blog and with a bit of magic they will resonate on some level for you as an individual. That is my intention. Blessed be )O( Website: Images Provided By Sheena Cundy’s Blog

Email:  23

A Story of Truth By J Craig Melia

Once, a Druid called Baedd Bach was returning to Ynis Mon when he was forced to seek refuge from a storm. Climbing a hill, he entered a citadel where he was led into a Great Hall. The smell of roast meats filled the air. `Greetings to you, traveller, and welcome to Caer Golau,` spoke a regal looking bearded man, dressed in elegant clothes and seated upon an ornate throne, `I am Nefol Niwloedd, Lord of this place. Come join the feast.` `May the blessings of our Lady be upon you and yours for your kind hospitality, My Lord, for it is a cruel night to be a traveller. My name is Baedd Bach and I am a Druid of Ynis Mon.` `Then it is a good season for Druids, for you are the second to seek refuge here this very night,` laughed Nefol Niwloedd, indicating a small, dark man, seated close by. The man rose, and acknowledging Baedd with a nod, greeted his fellow traveller, `Blessing to you Brother Druid. I am Airgead Teanga of Emhain Macha, though your people know me as Cigfran Ddu.` The two Druids smiled and bowed to each other.


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`Good,` smiled Nefol Niwloedd, `Now that we have exchanged greetings we may continue with our feast.` Roast pork and duck was served on silver plates, with spiced dumplings and loaves. Tankards of ale were poured, and cider and mead. After much feasting and laughter Nefol Niwloedd rose from his throne and clapping his hands together, silenced the court. `Tonight,` he said, `Is Beltaine-eve and we have all enjoyed our wondrous feast. We have been blessed with the presence of two Druids. Come now, I pray that one of you will do the honour of singing for us.` `Brother Cigfran,` said Baedd, `You must take precedence, as you do in years and knowledge.` `Brother Baedd, true is it that I am your elder and should have the honour, however I feel that you would be better

suited to serve the taste of your countrymen. Come, sing for us.` Baedd Bach thanked his fellow Druid, and opening his bag, took out his harp of carved oak and began to sing. To the mellow tones of his harp he began to sing of the birth of Lleu, of Gwydion and Arianrhod, of how he received his name, was granted arms and how a wife was made for him from the flowers of the wood. The court remained hushed as he sang of how Gwydion returned Lleu to his true form after his wife’s betrayal, and how Lleu and Gwydion took part in the Battle of Goddeu.` Baedd Bach finished his song and returned to his seat to rapturous applause.

Nefol Niwloedd smiled and leaning forwards in his seat said, `Now there is a question! But tell me how do you define `truth`? Clearly you both consider your seperate viewpoints as the truth. But `truth` is not subject to the viewpoints of men. Truth is that which illuminates the Universe. In the searching for truth, man may seek illumination, but know this, the path to learning most about truth is through experience....` Nefol Niwloedd’s voice trailed off as the walls of the Great Hall began to shimmer, becoming transparent until dissolving into nothing. The two Druids found themselves sitting atop a desolate hill, watching as the first rays of the dawn edged over the horizon.

`Brother Baedd, I must congratulate you on your most eloquent song,` said Cigfran Ddu, `Though it is interesting how our stories of Lugh differ from yours.` `How so?` asked Baedd Bach. `I will show you,` said Cigfran Ddu, taking from his bag a golden harp. As his fingers moved effortlessly across the strings he began to sing of the birth of Lugh, of Cian and Ethniu, how he was named Ioldanach, how the sons of Tuirenn were punished for the murder of Cian, and of the war with the Fomors and the death of Balor. The hall echoed with thunderous applause as Cigfran Ddu carefully put away his harp. Baedd Bach lowered his head and said, `It is an honour to be in the presence of a Master Bard.` `Thankyou,` said Cigfran Ddu, looking embarrassed, `But now do you not see that our versions of the story are different to yours. The question is, which version is the truth?`   Email:  25

Poltergeist - The Disappearing Cross True Story I will always remember the events of this day. It was the weekend “Captain America, the Winter Soldier came out,” April 2014. A month before this movie premier, my cousin, wanting to enjoy her spring break, (she was a school teacher), came for a visit. Fully aware of some of the problems we were having prior to arriving. I kept her apprised of some of the events my girlfriend and I were experiencing. One Bible had gone missing for over a year, returned one night on fire. Loud bangs, loud thuds, phantom footsteps, even a flying Armoire. It was for those reasons she brought a cross with her when she arrived. A gift she wanted us to hang on the bedroom wall for protection. Written on the cross was the Bible verse, Joshua 1:9, Phil 4:13, Psalm 28:7 and Matthew 19:26; each verse spoke about maintaining one’s strength and one’s faith during troubling times. The cross was prayed over and immediately hung in our bedroom. The bedroom at that time was the third most active place of the house. A cross positioned high up on the wall, seemed like a great idea. This was Mid-March; April arrives.


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By Keith Linder A week before the Captain America movie came out, the cross went missing. Missing objects in our home were not new. Things were taken all the time and sometimes they’d return; sometimes they didn’t. The items that did return, were never found in their original spot. This cross would be no exception. I woke up one morning, my girlfriend was beside me - I looked at the wall and the cross was missing. Immediately I tell my girlfriend. Other religious objects had been previously been taken; some broken, some turned upside down, other relocated or completed vanished. Our reaction was always the same; “What the heck is going on?” The cross was gone, still missing. My girlfriend and I had already given up on the notion of even looking for it. No use looking for it, no one else lived with us, and objects were taken all the time, this was the norm. Whatever object we set out to look for, would simply not be found. This cross would be no exception. My girlfriend and I talked about the missing cross. I emailed my cousin the next day to tell her, she was shocked to say the least. In comes the weekend; It’s Saturday morning (movie day), and the cross is

still missing. Like most Saturdays in my house, it was laundry day. I started doing my laundry earlier in the day, so I could meet up with one of my friends for drinks and movie. Started my first load of laundry, no big deal. My girlfriend, Tina, is walking around the house doing her own thing. While my clothes were washing, I decide to go into my office and watch some TV. About an hour later, I noticed something odd; my first load of clothing was still washing. Now, I know there are long wash cycles, but this was weird. So, hanging out in my office, I glance toward the wash room; hoping to hear the beep – beep; you know, the noise the washing machine makes when the cycle is complete. An hour has passed; this was getting ridiculous, it doesn’t take this long for the machine to wash a load of clothes; “what’s taking my clothes so long to wash?” A few minutes later, I hear this knocking sound. The sound a washing machine or dryer makes when something big is inside, like a shoe or something bulky. The noise I’m hearing is clearly, coming from the washing machine. Once again, I’m glancing up from my PC and look at the washroom. What could be making that noise? At this point, the wash cycle had been running for well over an hour, far too long. Normally, I would get up and see what the commotion was about. It was very uncharacteristic of me to not stop was I was doing to investigate. It was very weird for me to not be proactive and check it out; especially with the previous experiences in this house; objects being thrown, writing on walls, Bibles catching on fire, furniture rearranged and loud banging noise. Finally – the washing machine beeps. Time to go remove the clothing I had put inside. Taking my time as I was pulling out clothes and tossing them into the dryer. I immediately grabbed hold of something solid. Not clothing, not shoes. It was that metallic-wooden cross. There in my hand, in two pieces is the cross my cousin gave me. Now some might say, “Well maybe the

cross was in there to begin with.” NopeThe thumping noise would have been heard from the beginning. The knocking noises I heard, began 15 minutes before the washing was complete. When my machine is done it beeps. Secondly, the washing machine was empty when I filled it with my clothing. Some would say, “Maybe you accidentally put the cross in the machine when you loaded in the clothes.” Nope. I sorted my clothing carefully; items went into the machine almost one at a time. A cross this size was not going to be grabbed by mistake. I’m talking about an eight-to ten-inch cross; 8 inches long and 3 and 1/2 inches wide. One might also think, maybe the girlfriend put the cross in the machine. My girlfriend was nowhere near the washing machine that day, and I never left my office. The washroom sits right outside my office. And she wouldn’t stop my wash load regardless. I do my own laundry; she does hers. It’s important that I get those out of the way, for fear of people gravitating towards the obvious explanation. And that is understandable. Now allow me to paint the picture near perfect as possible, because it even hasn’t begun to get weird yet. In my hand is the cross my cousin gave me. Having taken a sort of beating in washing machine, it’s now broken up. I call my girlfriend to the room, we both examined the cross from top to bottom. Now it’s been gone for about a week, now its back – reappearing in our washing machine. A paranormal team came to the house a few days later to investigate and conducted EMF readings on the cross. The readings were off the charts. What wooden item do you know, gives off a high electromagnetic reading? Ours did. Something above ten milliGaus. A few weeks later a second Bible goes missing. There would be two additional bibles that would go missing. All of them came back; scorched and burned. The last one to go missing; remains missing. Image provided by Keith Linder

Email:  27

Growing A Rela Plant Spirits I have always had a close relationship with plants. Green nature is my safe place, my source of comfort, nourishment and inspiration. I revel in immersing myself in the present moment, reaching out with my heart to the plants and trees. I find great comfort and peace in this simple act. My ability to work with plant spirits has been enhanced and nurtured through the study and integration of various approaches, along with my natural sensitivity, inclinations and other life skills. We can all access a deeper level of communication with the world of plants. The key thread is to slow down and immerse ourselves in the sensory experience of being in their presence with an open heart, followed by expression of our observations and deeper contemplation and connection. If we open to the idea that plants are living, sentient beings that can communicate, how does that change our experience of the world? There are myriad ways we can explore and deepen our relationship with plants. Each of us can find a way that is most accessible and meaningful to us, making use of our unique talents and strengths. There is no right or wrong way. It does not matter so much what technique or tools are used. No specific beliefs are pre-requisites, only the humility of an open mind. What matters is the open-hearted connection, respect, and honourable intention. My training and experience as a herbalist has developed my observation skills


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and already sharp eye for detail. This is a useful skill in working with plant spirits; closely observing their characteristics enables greater understanding and begins the development of a deeper, authentic relationship, rather than a conceptual one. Goethian science encourages this detailed observation and description of the growth and development of plants. This is a starting point for getting to know them. In the Goethian methodology we observe every detail of the living plant, including how the roots grow, and the expression, the ‘gesture’, of the plant from first leaves through to flowers. One technique I learned was to pick a whole plant (we used groundsel), then bring it indoors and carefully remove each leaf, and then the flowers, from the stem, starting at the bottom and keeping them in order. These were then arranged in a line or a spiral to show the development of the leaves, and how the growth culminates in the flowers. Close observation of the expression of the plant’s character is easier when the parts are all laid out in this manner. We can consider how different all the leaves are, and yet we have a sense of the identity of the plant, its character, almost as if there is an archetypal leaf. Yet if all the leaves were the identical, it would not look like a real plant; it would, in fact, lose some of its character. This observation can be enhanced by group discussion, detailed written descriptions and drawing. Studying medicinal plants in the field, we were guided to dig around the roots so that we could see how the plant grew

ationship With By Janey Colbourne

below the ground. After much detailed observation and drawing, followed by harvesting and consuming the plant, we did a group meditation to meet the energy or spirit of the plant. To spend a full day, or preferable several, connecting to this extent with one species of plant, begins a deep relationship. My studies only served to increase my wonder at the majesty of nature. The beauty and intricacy of the patterns in nature, the awesomeness of plants providing for human needs, and the direct experience of their healing powers left me blown away. For me science and spirituality seamlessly enhanced each other.

caravan on a rural site, and here I was daily immersed in close contact with nature. Wildlife was on our doorstep and the simple life was very grounding for me. Attending to basic survival needs in such a direct way was somehow fulfilling and connecting. It gave me a real appreciation of the simple things in life. This lifestyle necessitated much time out of doors. Simultaneously I was transported into a magical world, daily discovering new plants, encountering animals at close quarters. In a semi-permanent shamanic state of awareness, each encounter was a bless-

For a few years I lived in a small old

Grounsel Plants

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© 2015 Zakeena. Licensed under CC-BY.

ing, an honour. Nature was vibrant, alive and conscious. Each animal and plant was a fellow being with a story to tell. After qualifying as a herbalist I studied shamanism. The training mainly involved working with animal spirits, and some in human form. I read Eliot Cowans’s book ‘Plant Spirit Medicine’ and attended an introductory course. Eliot’s method is to meet the plant in physical form, followed by a shamanic journey to meet the spirit of the plant. The personal relationship with the plant is the significant factor in being able to do healing work with plants, rather than empirical knowledge. We have to ask the plants if we can work with them. Eliot discovered that it is not necessary to have the physical plant medicine. Healing can be achieved through channelling the energy of the plant by the laying on of hands. Since then, there have emerged an increasing number of books and courses of study on working with plant spirits. Pam Montgomery is a notable teacher and practitioner. I rec-


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ommend her book ‘Plant Spirit Healing’. I often have the experience of becoming or being possessed by a plant spirit. I feel the plant grow up through me. I do not choose the plant; it comes to me. It is often then interesting to look up the properties or stories surrounding that plant, although it is not necessary. The plant spirit will tell us or show us how it wishes to work with us. It may be best to hold back from research until we have a clear message. If that does not happen, further connection in physical form or some reading may clarify. I was privileged to attend a weekend course with Stephen Harrod Buhner, learning his technique of communicating with plants through the heart. Stephen has a wealth of knowledge and insight. He is an Earth poet, herbalist and author of many books. My two favourites are ‘The Secret Teachings of Plants’ and ‘The Lost Language of Plants’. He entreats us to put aside what we think we know, visit plants in wild

places, and immerse ourselves fully in the sensory experience. Stephen’s technique is a form of mindfulness; to immerse ourselves fully, using all the senses, quietens the analytical, critical mind and opens the heart perception. Plant communication is subtle. It may take the form of feelings, intuitions and images that arise when we are in their presence. This is why mindfulness is so important. We cannot distinguish the plant’s communication if our own thoughts and emotions are too busy. As David Abram has observed, literate culture is strongly self-reflective. Reading is an abstract concept. When we learn to read, we also learn to reflect on our own minds. We may lose the ability to ‘read’ the natural world around us. Techniques such as Stephen’s help us to rediscover and integrate this ability. I must make a mention of the Druid Plant Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. This is a set I love working with, which can be mutually enhancing to your own direct relationship with plant spirits, whilst bearing in mind that the plants may have their own specific messages for each individual, and that this may evolve over time. After all it is a relationship, which is dynamic, not static and immutable. Each person can find their own way to express their relationship with the plant spirits. In recent years I have been doing plant photography. I love to do close up, macro shots, immersing myself in getting close to the plants. Spending time being still and quiet in nature in this way is, for me, a blissful experience and creatively satisfying. I had wanted to paint a picture of how I felt, of this awesome connection, this revelation that we are never alone. I enjoy drawing plants, and this was another means to connect and express my love, but my artistic skill and patience is not sufficient to express my true vision and my passion. So I turned to words, which streamed out

without hesitation. I surprised myself with the creative flow, the stream of consciousness, that burst forth. Suddenly everything made sense. I knew the plant spirits wanted me to help people reconnect with them. Words are now my primary healing tools, my means to bring connection. I am a poet-seer, a plant seer. The plants speak to me, though not always in words. I feel their presence, their awareness looking back at me. I see their souls expressed in their physical form. I feel their magnificent, potent, unstoppable life force, the power that pushes back the concrete. It seems apparent to me that this deep connection is what is missing from modern Western culture. Our noisy haste drowns out so much. In silence and solitude from urbanity we can rediscover a rich life. Green nature is not inanimate scenery. The slow movements of plants belies their vibrancy, their vitality. They are the source of life; the ultimate magicians, converting sunlight to matter. They are intelligent and communicating. Humanity has been blind to this, since our society lost the trust of our intuition and began to rely so heavily on a mechanistic scientific paradigm. Only now is science beginning to reveal again the consciousness of nature and the mind-boggling magic of quantum reality (see ‘Thinking Like A Plant’ by Craig Holdrege and ‘Life on the Edge’ by Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden) . We are returning intellectually to what we once knew on an intuitive level, but we need to feel it again. This reconnection is the only way to truly awaken to what we are doing to the world. People will work to save those they love. Note: Obviously if harvesting or consuming plants, please ensure correct ID, that it is safe to take, and not a protected species. Consumption is not essential for the relationship.   Email:  31

Image By John Robinson


Model: Phillipa James

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Image By John Robinson

Model: Paul Anthony

Email:  33

Beyond The Veil Dawn Ryan

The blizzard’s sharp winds and blinding snow compounded by ice hurtled down from the Northlands, it’s ferocity, the likes of which had never before been seen; this was not your typical winter storm. It was a storm that was crippling the realm, like a hungry beast, it ravaged its way across the barren landscape covering everything it touched into a world of white ice. For a fortnight the cold winds reigned, temperatures plummeted below freezing, making it dangerous to venture outside. Superstitious and


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scared the inhabitants of the land barricaded themselves inside their warm homes to wait it out., praying to the gods to see them through the end of times at the edge of the village, the ocean waters battered the rugged coastline, making the dark craggy terrain look like polished gems. Gale force winds whipped up beige and white sea foam, spewing it up into the air, only to cling to branches, bushes or anything it could attach it spidery grip to. Above the angry swells that contin-

ually pummeled the coastline was Dalathra keep. The imposing stone structure built by the Romans was strategically perched high above the black churning waters, erected to intimidate and strike fear into any seaward raiders. Eventually, the Romans left and the tower was taken over by the mystic order of the Wode. At this hour of the night most of the occupants of the school were fast asleep, except high above on the top floor of the tower, a flicker of yellow flame could be seen through the small lancet window, shadowing a lone figure, gazing at the elements. His dark eyes watching the seething, foaming waves collide with the coastline below, just then lightning ripped across the sky and illuminating the night, skittish, the figure turned away, as his stained fingers securing the latch on the wooden shutter

against the storm and went back to work. Inside the cold, shadowy chamber, a small fire burned in the small fireplace, vainly trying to keep the cold out. Sweet smelling dried herbs of sage, rosemary and others were hanging from the rafters, mingled with the pungent reek of sulfurous odors. Old books, metal pots and precious ceramic jars filled with ink and oils cluttered the room. Brittle and aged scrolls were haplessly strewn across uneven wooden shelves that were leaning against the thick cold stone walls. On the far side of the room, a small wax candle flickered in its iron holder on the wall, it’s tiny white glow barely giving any light off. Every few minutes the cold wind would blow in from the poorly covered window trying to extinguish the life of weak light. In the corner, a heavy oak chest was pushed against

  Email:  35

the stone wall and lying upon the lid, a small cat slept mindless of the occupants. In the center of the barely lit room two young apprentices stood working earnestly, their hush toned voices echoing throughout the room. They were dressed in dark green- knee length tunics that covered their lean bodies, black woolen trousers and boots identified them as students of the sacred order of Dalathra. The taller of the two was called Magrine, he had black curly hair and blue eyes. His friend, Torbin was the complete opposite in looks with a lithe body, shoulder length blond hair and eyes the color of dark green moss. Suddenly, the silence of the night was broken by Magrine, “Torben, get the scrying bowl, while I finish the herbs.” as he reached up for the dried sage hanging above his dark head. The lanky, blond haired boy turned around, his eyes ferreted the shelves behind him, glimpsing it, he snatched it. Returning, he placed it on the table, then he started looking for the pottery jug that held the snow, he collected earlier. Spotting it in on the floor near the hearth, he went to fetch it, just as his friend’s voice once more rang through the air, “Do not forget the water, Torben.” Arching his straw-colored eyebrow, he responded, “Aye, Magrine, I ken” as his long fingers grasped the handle, he swiftly pivoted to go back, just as another brilliant shaft of lightning streaked across the semi-dark room, followed by a loud clap of thunder reverberate above them, which unnerved him some more. A tremor raced down his spine, he started to get an uneasy feeling about what they were attempting, Torbin frowned and voiced, “We have better hurry Maurine. This storm is getting stronger, and I dinnae want to get caught by Mage Dagogin,” he said as he poured the water into the empty bowl, when he finished he then placed it on the floor. Heeding his friends tone, His dark head nodded in agree-


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ment, finished cutting the herbs he set aside the small paring knife he was using and gathered up a handful in his stained hand, then passed it to Torbin, “Here, are the herbs, let’s hurry.” He then organized the tools on the table while speaking, “Remember Tor, add the herbs after I say the spell.” looking at him, “It is vital that you do this. Understand?” Nodding his blond head, he replied, “Aye, Mag.” His dark head glanced down at the table, making sure everything was set, noticing a candle missing, he quickly turned, his long tunic flaring out behind him as he made his way to small wooden cabinet against the wall, grabbing the wooden handle he swung the door open and began for taper. “Ah, there it is” he mumbled grabbing it he went back to the table, setting it next to the bowl. Looking at Torbin he asked, “Are ye ready?’ “Aye” he replied evenly, trying to mask the nervousness he was beginning to feel about attempting this level of their training in the mysteries. “Let us begin” he said confidently, “And god’s blood don’t forget the herbs.” Torbin nodded his golden head reply as he went to stand next to his friend in the darkened chamber. With both facing the table, they raised their hands with palms up, the candle cast their young faces into shadow. placed around the bowl. Standing still in the darkened Magrine fixed his

large brown eyes at the candle and started chanting, with Torbin joining in. Slowly, he raised his hand, waving it over the candle and a small glint of a yellow flame shimmered to life, it’s light glimmering on the water in the bowl. Both started chanting in the forbidden language of the Queurus, forgetting it was only to be spoken by elders and not novices. Engrossed with what they were doing, they were not aware of anything else, except accomplishing their task at hand. Unbeknownst to them the energy in the air started to build. Although the ferret who was sleeping immediately alert to the changes, its beady black eyes gazed into the air, he squeaked and then scampered down from its cozy bed, hiding behind the trunk, as he sensed the power in the room. Their chanting continued and then only Magrine’s young voice could be heard throughout the room, conjuring forth the gods of old, while Torben dropped the herbs in the fire. The black smoke rose from the burning herbs, filling the air, both focused on the bowl. Not sure what he was seeing, Torbin blinked his eyes a couple of times, “Do you see that?” he said. “Aye,

I do, it is a vision of the future.” Magrine answered. In the bowl, bits of images appeared before them, showing the villages and villagers throughout the realm, in times of prosperity. Two powerful Royal houses of the land, joining together in celebrations of births, marriages and then the images started to blur. They were both watching intently, but Magrine wondered if the enchantment was done wrong. Tobin raised his blond head and asked, “Where did it go, Magrine?” “I dinnae know” he said, “We invoked the words correctly, the herbs were correct” he stated more to himself. “We did everything that Degrey taught us, naught was wrong.” , Torbin pronounced “Yes, but something doesn’t feel right.” feeling anxious he closed his eyes going over the ritual, seeing all the steps performed while he waited. An uneasy feeling overcame Torbin at this point. Master Degrey taught him to listen to intuition. His inner senses were screaming at him, he closed his eyes and tried to ground himself to listen. He then felt a chill down his back, even though he was wearing all the clothes he owned. Opening his eyes, he glanced at the stone hearth, thinking it went out but a small fire still glowed. Baffled, he put his hands up to his mouth proceeding to blow warm air into them warming them. Spying, a wispy white vapor escape through his fingers, his thin lips formed a circle and he blew out air. His eyes watching as a cloud formed in front of him, “Tis cold.” he murmured to himself getting a sinking feeling in his belly. Suddenly, a blast of cold wind blew open the shutters that crashed against the stone outer wall of the tower, along with blowing out the candle on the table, both jumped   Email:  37

at the intrusion. “What the heck is happening” Torbin shouted to no one. Spooked, Magrine hastened to the window, he grasped the shutters, as his brown eyes scrutinized the storm’s wrath. His brow furrowed at the gathering clouds, he pulled the shutters closed and he locked it securely. Turning around an uneasy feeling gripped his body, at the same time the hairs on his nape stood up. Cautiously, he looked around the darkened room, “Everything looks the same, yet something is off... he thought, growing increasingly anxious not being able to discern what was wrong. Once more he slowly scanned the room. “C’mon Mag, we need to be finished its getting late.” Torbin whispered frantically as he re-lit the candles. “Aye, I ken” as his gazed flitted past the corner missing the tiny red eyes belonging to a cloaked stumped figured watching the pair. His lipless mouth grinned as spittle slid down its pointed chin, Magrine ignorant of the creature tried


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to ignore the uneasy feeling and returned to the table. Behind Magrine the creature raised his finger towards the table and whispered unintelligible words. Suddenly the water in the bowl started swirling. Stopping, his eyes widened, “Tobin, Look!” Confused, Torbin green eyes followed where his friends finger was pointing at the table. Magrine hurried to the where Torbin was standing, as they both watched mesmerized. In the bowl, the water was swirling and turning darker, in seconds it began to go faster and quickly began to rise upward, growing larger and larger. Magrine and Torbin stumbled back from the table. They looked at each other, then back to the wall of water forming a huge funnel before them. It reminded Magrine of another time. It was a hot summer day and his father decided they should go to the water’s edge to cool off, as his father watched him from his perch on the sand, he continued playing in the surf, getting his feet wet. When all

sudden, he heard his father’s frightened voice calling him, he turned to his father, seeing his father waving his arms frantically, then come running down to him.” Oi, boy, come hither!” he screamed as he pointed towards the water. At that moment Magrine noticed the wind was blowing faster and harder and the sun was gone, to be replaced with soft drops of water upon his bare head. He turned around and before him on the ocean’s surface was the most incredible sight - a funnel of water rising from the water all the way to the heavens; intrigued, his little bare feet scampered into the water. Despite his efforts, his father grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the water and all the back home, though he tried resisting his father’s attempts, not wanting to miss the most spectacular sight he ever seen. Hearing his friend’s panicked voice, Magrine shook off the memory and gazed upward at the funnel, then turned white.   Email:  39

Built in the early 1700s, Tinklers farm has changed very little. It was built as a Quaker meeting house and working farm which is now owned by brother and sister Tom And June Carr who moved in as children in 1944. The farm is winding down as they are now too old to manage it, which Is the end of an era. The few cows they had left have now gone to market which leaves them with about 100 sheep with lambs. They will go when the lambs are old enough. I went to capture in picture what the farm is like before the next chapter in its life begins. The front door leads into the main room. This was the meeting room for the Quakers. Now it’s the living room. June tells me that when they moved in they didn’t have electricity or running water. The water was collected in a large tank from the rain water from the roof. When the tank ran dry she had to collect water from a near by stream in buckets. Now the water is pumped from a nearby well, but unfortunately the pressure isn’t good enough to run any modern appliances. She still washes the clothes by hand. There’s a door to the left of the main entrance. This was the door to the small house when it was built. We can’t tell how many room were upstairs but two were down stairs. There’s a barn to the right of the meeting rooms big enough for about eight cows. Round the back of the


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y Images & Stor son By John Robin

building are two milking rooms. June remembers her father sitting on a three legged stool milking the cows. He always squirted some for the cats who sat eagerly waiting. He would fill a metal bucket then add it to the already collected milk in the large churns. Originally the water was collected from a large stone trough which was situated so the water would run down to it. This dried up years before they moved in. High in the building walls are two door that open to hay lofts. The horse drawn carts would come up under them and the workers would fork the hay up into them. The house has only one source of heating. An open fire in the main room which has a small built in oven beside it. This is where their mother would bake the daily bread, but unfortunately it no longer is functional. Tom sits beside the fire telling what it was like before the electric, how dark it was when you stepped out the door. The old wooden windows are very much as they would have been when the place was built. The whole family were musicians. They travelled around the area entertaining people and got quite a good reputation. All in all it’s not very hard to imagine the place three hundred years ago. Apart from the electric and running water the place is very much as it was.

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Our company was incorporated in 2016 by Kev Wilson-Byrne & Chris Wilson Byrne through our passion for the paranormal that has existed since our formative years. The growth of our team is organic and we are very fortunate to work alongside our very gifted Resident Medium Kevin, his wife Jan and their best friend Janet. We first came together about 5 years ago in completely different roles to the ones we now have in the field. All of us previously attending Ghost Hunting events either as guests, team members or hosts. Collectively this breadth of experience helps us to learn from each other as we plan an exciting years events diary. The bond as friends helped us define our roles & responsibilities as part of our own natural progression. Our name Alius Sanctus is latin for Another Being or Spirit. Our logo is stylised representation of Medusa, a gorgon from classical greek mythology. We think it symbolises tradition with a desire to astonish guests with someone they remember as striking – our style or method is what distinguishes us and gives our brand its own identity. We


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want to be known and noted for our friendly, fun and professional events, it we this is where we find ourselves today thanks to the friends and guests that form our “paranormal family.” It is important to note that very little is still known about the Paranormal, which is basically why it has that name. We believe there are no experts and best answers will always be opinion. Technology has come a long way but real answers can only come tried and tested hypothesis and methodologies. The Paranormal by its own nature can also be very controversial, putting personal or group beliefs, purpose aim or even ego’s aside, we all whoever we are should be openly sharing our experiences, standardising the recording of anomalous data to identify or solve so the paranormal mysteries we have knowledge of. Its diversity also drives our passion to be the best we can and for all others. What underpins how we operate is our underpinning methodologies and overarching beliefs. Sounds more complicated than it is. Simply put we want everyone who comes on an Alius Sanc-

1 St Briavels Castle tus event to truly be part of the investigation or ghost hunt. Guest participation can only ever come through consistency and always engendering trust, honesty and integrity in everything we do and event we host. Our customer & guest experience from point of contact to the end of a ghost is central to everything and always our priority, our ability to educate, rationally investigate/participate and evaluate, empowering the all people who join from all corners of the British Isles to have their own memorable and authentic experience. We are not bigger or better but what is unique to Alius Sanctus is our dedicated passion to absolutely everyone has a positive, safe and enjoyable experience that we can guarantee, no one on the planet can guarantee paranormal phenomena. We have investigated hundreds of reputedly haunted locations as a team over the years and Alius Sanctus has investigated and plans to host ghost hunts at high profile or world renowned haunted locations like the Ancient Ram Inn, Leap Castle to Poveglia Island. We want to keep our portfolio diverse, interesting and within range accessible to all, hence we go to smaller, lesser known or never previously investigated locations like Stanley Palace, Walton Hall or Alltwallis Chapel.

2 Ancient Ram Inn

3 Oxford Castle

Our top three favourite places because of the level of phenomena reported by our guests and the astonishing things we personally have experienced with them, with defy anyone’s, immediate logical or rational reason are: St Briavels Castle, the Ancient Ram Inn and most recently Oxford Castle. In all my years I have never seen a table and glass thrown to floor and across the area (the Crpyt) with such violent force. All guests & vigil leaders accounted for at that moment and who could not have   Email:  43

CEO Chris Wilson-Byrne

directly or indirectly had a kinetic impact on these objects. That’s one of the best examples why we love spending our weekends sitting in the dark and talking to dead people!! We use most equipment that countless teams have, also encompassing traditional methods to attempt to have contact or communication with a spirit on location dating back to the start Spiritualist movement. Guided what new or regular guests want we consistently use a combination of primary sceptical based experiments and secondary metaphysical or ‘psychic’ methods to determine or experience anything paranormal in all the wonderful places or local, national locations of interest or significance. The best piece of equipment is ourselves and all our senses. We all have an ability, whether latent or conscious to attune to the universal energy in and around us


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to help us achieve spirit contact and see for ourselves if they are real, tangible or there is life after death. The overarching emphasis will be about sharing experiences providing rational evaluations, making comparisons to others who have gone before. Anyone in our paranormal community will testify it’s the best way of turning an ordinary weekend to an extraordinary one. We’ve all made so many lasting good friendships, shared some amazing moments, made some unforgettable memories and had so much fun. Highly addictive for sure!! Its lovely seeing a first time ghost hunter come to a location, scared they need even more emergency pants, relax, try, participate, share and laugh they don’t want the night or experience to end and cannot wait to book another. The demand for our events has been

CEO Kev Wilson-Byrne

nothing short of phenomenal! It can behind the scenes be a lot of hard work, worry or even melodrama – explaining the question why put yourself through it then? A cycle of continuous highs, lows, peaks and troughs that I’ve every confidence all regular paranormal investigators will too experience. Where or what’s next? Who can say for certain but my bucket list overflows with ideas, locations but sadly not enough of another ingredient, money. For the moment and looking towards the end of this decade, the team, like our guests and growing ghost community, want to continue to enjoy the thrill of not knowing, the fear of the unknown and the adrenaline pumping buzz we all feel when something really does go bump in the night!! Everyone is welcome to visit our website to find out in detail about all our upcoming planned ghost hunts & paranormal weekends for 2017 & 2018, and read what guests think of us and their own

personal experiences. We can also be found on all the main social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…. We’d love them to say hello, contact us, ask a question or give us a like or follow. “Seeing is Believing,” best regards – Kev Wilson-Byrne (Alius Sanctus Ltd CEO)

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The Turning of the Wheel By: D. Workman

Many of todays Wiccan and pagans say that their favorite time of the year is Autumn. It is the time of year when many are busy preparing for Samhain; also known as Halloween. Sometimes we get caught up in the excitement of Samhain planning, that we sometimes forget the Autumn Equinox Mabon, is upon them and is the beginning of the season. The Autumn Equinox is the dark sister of the Vernal Equinox, meaning “equal night”. The Autumn Equinox is a direct earth related holiday or more literally a planetary holiday. It is because of its reference to the earths position relative to the sun. That time when sunlight is hitting directly on the equator, making day and night virtually equal, in the Northern Hemisphere. Most pagans mark it as the second harvest, with the first one known as Lammas and the last; Samhain. Mabon is the time of the full harvest. The fruit hangs ready from the trees, and so begins the harvesting of the crops before colder weather swoops in, destroying the bountiful gifts. Pagans honor the deities of the harvest by cele-


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brating the seasons rich, and abundant harvest of foods with friends and family. Giving thanks for the crops and bounty of blessing they received throughout the year. Samhain..

October 31- November 1

Even though many of us honor our ancestors year round, for varying reasons Samhain is most known for being the time of year and the season for honoring our ancestors. We also call upon our ancestors for their guidance, strength, and support. Samhain is a major celebration for today’s modern pagans and witches. It marks the ending of an old year and the beginning of the new. During this time there are many celebrations, events, and gatherings. Parties for both adults and kids, there are coven gatherings and witches balls to attend. While we are busy celebrating, it is important to remember, no matter how you celebrate Samhain always include your ancestors in some way, into your festivities and remember that someday you to will be an ancestor and you also will be honored.

Samhain Recipes Low- Fat Pumpkin Bread Prep time: 20 minutes. Cook time: 50 to 60 minutes. Makes: 2 loaves. 2 cups sugar... 1 can 15 oz solid pack pumpkin... 1 cup unsweetned applesauce... 1/2 cup egg substitute or (2 eggs)... 1 teaspoon vanilla extract... 3 1/2 cups of all purpose flour... 2 teaspoons baking soda... 1 teaspoon baking powder... 1/2 teaspoon salt... 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon... 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg... 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves... In large mixing bowl, combine the sugar, pumpkin, applesauce, egg substitute, and vanilla until ingredients are mixed well. In a seperate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and spices. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the pumpkin mixture, and mix well by hand.

Dairy Free Pumpkin Smoothie Prep time: 5 minutes. Serves: 2.

1 frozen banana. 1/2 cup pumpkin puree. 1/2 to 1 cup vanilla almond milk. 1/2 cup ice. 5 dashes pumpkin pie spice. Pour all the ingredients except pumpkin pie spice into a blender. Blend to desired consistency. Start out by adding the smaller amounts of almond milk. After the smoothie is blended, add the dashes of pumpkin pie spice. Blend for a few seconds again and taste to check seasoning level. You may add more pumpkin pie spice/ almond milk or ice to your preference....

Pour into two 8 inch x 4 inch loaf pans coated with nonstick cooking spray. (You can also use 6 mini loaf pans). Options: You may also add raisins or 1 cup of chopped nuts to the bread... Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 to 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center of the loaf comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes befor removing from pans to finish cooling...Enjoy...

  Email:  47

GREEK By Dorothy Workman


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PANTHEONS Zeus: Divine god.

Helios: God of the sun.

Hera: Wife of Zeus, Mother Goddess.

Hephaistos: God of sun,fire, and forge.

Apollo: God of prophecy, archery, and music.

Hermes: Messenger to the gods(male).

Aphrodite: Goddess of love. Ariadne: Goddess of the labyrinth. Aries: God of action and war. Artemis: Goddess of the hunt and protection.

Hestia: Goddess of hearth and home. Melpomene: Muse of tragedy (female). Mertis: Wisdom. Moerae: Three goddesses of fate(a) Clotho (b) Lachesis (c) Atropos.

Athena: Goddess of war and wisdom.

Mnemosyne: Goddess of memory, mother of Muses.

Calliope: Muse of epic poetry (female).

Nike: Goddess of victory.

Clio: Muse of history (female).

Pan: God of the forests.

Demeter: Earth goddess.

Persephone: Queen of the underworld.

Dionysus: God of wine and ecstasy.

Phoebe: Goddess of the moon.

Eileithia: Goddess of childbirth.

Polyhymnia: Muse of singing (female).

Erato: Muse of love poetry (female).

Poseidon: God of the sea.

Eros: God of love.

Psyche: Goddess of the soul.

Enterpe: Muse of music (female).

Terpsichore: Muse of dance (female).

Gaia: Primal earth goddess.

Tethys: Goddess of the sea.

Hecate: Goddess of Witchcraft,ghosts,and the dead.

Thalia: Muse of comedy (female).

Hades: God of the underworld.

Theia: Goddess of light. Urainia: Muse of astronomy (female).

  Email:  49

Aurielle is a third generation hedgewitch, learning from a very young age. She has more than 25 years first hand experience in the craft, with a heavy concentration in apothecarial arts and homeopathy. A former licensed nurse turned educator, she has found her calling in teaching. On a professional front, she educates youth by day, and other witches and young witchlings by night. “By reading alone, you will find knowledge. With another, caring patient hand, you find wisdom.”


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Falling Out of the Broom Closet: An Autobiography By Aurielle Set Scene: Late Winter Morning in Early March Winter was on it’s last legs. Bright and sunny, mild temps reaching a high of just above seventy degrees, it seemed as though that bitter winter was finally over. A petite blond woman rushes across the parking lot of an accountant’s office, heavily pregnant. She was trying to get that year’s tax returns filed, before her baby came, she would be successful, by only a matter of hours. After turning in W-2’s and receipts for the 1978 fiscal year, and answer the million and one questions from the accountant, she would leave the office, and her water would break in the parking lot. Three hours later, the cold front moved in. The temperature dropped steeply, the rain began to fall. It seemed with each contraction, there was a clap of thunder. By 8pm that evening, a severe thunderstorm warning was issued for the area. At 8:30, a tornado was spotted. As the young woman pushed for the last time, crowning her newborn, a win-


dow in the front lobby of the hos ital shattered due to high winds. At 8:45, the doctor handed the newborn baby girl to the first time mother, and the storm stopped. By midnight, the ground was covered in snow. She should have known… Set Scene: 13 years later…

Warning: Some Expletives

My very submissive, ultra-conservative, very devout Christian mother, struggled to raise a teenager, that was the complete antithesis of her entire personality. Ever the hard-head, over confident liberal young woman I had become, I announced wildly, that I would not be taking part of this “first communion.” I would not dedicate my life to serving a figment of the imagination of my superstitious sheep of a mother. I was hit. Not for the first time, and not for the last. Strike as she might, she would never make me live under her thumb, I would never condone her overtly racist and hateful ways. I would rather burn in her God’s hell than participate in the farce of her religion. Five years later, I left for college. My mother no longer spoke to me. I had turned down my acceptance to Liberty University, in favor of somewhere else, because quite simply, I wanted a valuable education, without indoctrination. I had disgraced her. I was not the daughter that she wanted. I am not entirely convinced she ever wanted children of her own, let alone what she got. All I knew was that 200 miles of interstate later, I still didn’t feel far enough, or free. Current Times For a majority of my life, I was able to maintain the belief amongst my family, where I was already the black sheep, that I was a simple atheist. Convincing them that I believed in nothing, was an easier

Email:  51

pill to swallow than trying to explain to them what I actually believed in. Once, during a visit to the city I was now living in, my mother found a dark cloak in my closet, while “cleaning.” As it was November, I simply brushed it off and told her it was leftover from my company’s Halloween Party. The truth, was that it was my ceremonial robe for sabbat. She threw it away. When I was 24, I met a beautiful man. Long blond hair, deep green eyes, and a Thor’s Hammer around his neck. It was lust at first sight. Two years later he was my husband and we had our first child, a beautiful little carbon copy of her mother. Two and a half years later, her brother, a carbon copy of his father, made our family of four complete. But alas, it was not meant to be. Shortly after our son’s first birthday, we separated and later divorced. There were many reasons why, but the main being an age difference. I was older and ready for a family and children. The strong headed Odinsman still had wild oats left to sow. At this point, I was a single mother. Not having many options, I had to turn back to my family, those who had ostracized me for being an atheist. I needed a support system. While my mother was a horrid old hag of a mother, she had turned into a rather doting grandmother, at least where one of the children was concerned. She then began her indoctrination of them. While discussing church, and how God made the sky and clouds, trees, and ground, my daughter did the unthinkable. “What are you talking about? God? We don’t believe in God. My mommy says he’s an imaginary sky person that hate mongers use to control stupid people.” Well fuck kid. I didn’t fall out of the broom closet, I was shoved out by a five year old. After


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her divulging the secret that God wasn’t real, she then gave my mother a brief overview of how Brighid created the Universe (the child’s version, of course). She then explained how we lit our candles at night, and said our blessings to the Goddess, and that we make potions, and what Mommy really does with that knife on the mantle. My mother at this point has made every attempt to take them to church, talk about God at every turn, and attempt to convert them, and has gone so far to say, “I think your mommy is possessed by the devil, so you should come live with me.” Since my son is the stereotypical “mama’s boy” my mother has no love for him. She is hell bent on converting my daughter, my little adorable empathetic witchling, against me. None of my family will speak to me anymore. Periodically I get home visits from the Division of Child Services. At no point have they ever filed anything against me, but should they do so, I would in fact lose my children to my mother, as I would lose my job in the process. For years I tried to keep my Broom Closet locked, and I had successfully done so, and now, my broom, potions, cauldrons, and black cat have fallen out. I’m not angry anymore, I take it one day at a time. At least now I am free. Although I am not a publicly walking Pagan billboard, I am not afraid for anyone to know who or what I am anymore. The biggest part in this, was finding a local group of my own kind. I have been working for the last year, to help get our group off the ground and moving, and in the process, have become less afraid of anyone knowing what I am. I have one regret; my fall did not happen on my own terms, and it didn’t happen sooner. I could have spent the last 25 years so much happier, and free. She may have pushed me out of the broom closet, but I took that damn broom, and flew with it.

Tincture Talk with Aurielle

Let's talk about herbal tinctures. A tincture is a medicinal supplement made by using either alcohol or a glycerite, to draw chemical compounds out of herbs, flowers, and fruits.

compounded in, only make a single ingredient tincture. You can always blend them after they have matured. You can always add more of something, but you can't take it out.

*Alcohol versus Glycerites. Alcohol is better for tinctures, hands down, but may not be the best choice in all cases. If you're making a tincture for say a pet, or a child, you won't want to use alcohol. *Glass is king. Glass is non-reactive Glycerite is also naturally sweeter, and and the favorite container to use for the tastes better. There are things you need maceration process. This will keep any to know though. Glycerite is a natural unwanted components from leeching laxative, so use it sparingly, and it will into your tincture. need a longer period of maceration to *Fresh is not necessarily best. When us- extract the full benefits of herbs and ing fresh herbs and plant matter to make fruit. Many herbalists will make both, and use the glycerite tincture to sweeten your tincture, you will need double the and flavor their alcohol tinctures. amount you would need of something that has been dried. Tinctures made *Maceration. The maceration process from dried herbs, will produce a strongis the 4-8 week period where the magic er tincture, so make sure to label whethhappens. Fill your glass jar, and make er or not your plant matter was dried. If sure to leave at least 1 inch of space at so, you will need to diffuse it with water on a 3:1 ratio. 3 parts water to 1 part tinc- the top. Turn them every 1-2 days, and top with alcohol or glycerite as needed ture. as plant matter begins to poke above *Know your herbs. Unless you know that the surface. Alcohol takes 4-6 weeks, for Glycerite I recommend 6-8 weeks. herbs are safe to compound together, When preparing to make your own tinctures, there are a few rules to remember.

and what exact ratios they need to be

  Email:  53

Dictionary Of Divination kephalonomancy divination

baked ass’s head keraunoscopia divination


using a


margaritomancy divination

pearls mathemancy divination

by counting

meconomancy divination knissomancy divination

ing incense

meteoromancy divination

ing meteors metopomancy divination

lampadomancy divination lecanomancy divination

in a basin or pool libanomancy divination

incense smoke

by flame

using water

by watching

by stones or

of algorithms

using words

macromancy divination


using large

maculomancy divination


by means

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using the

fortune-telling or judgement of character by the lines of the forehead micromancy divination

myomancy divination

using small

from the

narcomancy divination

using sleep

necyomancy divination

by summon-

ing Satan nomancy divination

letters of name using spots

by study-


movements of mice

logarithmancy divination

logomancy divination

forehead or face


lithomancy divination


using sleep

using burn-

labiomancy lip reading


by examining

odontomancy divination

using teeth

There are a vast number of divination techniques, many being unheard of. Here is the last instalment of our Dictionary of Divination K-Z

By Monique Reichert

oenomancy divination

appearance of wine oinomancy divination ololygmancy

howling of dogs

by studying

using wine

by watching

ophiomancy divination


ornithomancy divination

ing flight of birds

fortune-telling by the

using exca-

oryctomancy divination

vated objects

by observing cracks in burning scapulae

by observ-

omoplatoscopy divination

omphalomancy divination

knots in the umbilical cord

from the

ossomancy divination

using bones

osteomancy divination

using bones

ouranomancy divination

by dreams onomancy divination using a donkey or ass oneiromancy divination

onomancy divination


using proper


by the fin-

by the finger-


by springs or

using pebbles

phyllomancy divination

or tea leaves using eggs

ophidiomancy divination


the soles of the feet


using the

by examining

pessomancy divination

onymancy divination

oomancy divination

pedomancy divination

pegomancy divination

onychomancy divination



using leaves

physiognomancy divination

ying the face psephomancy divination

by stud-

by drawing

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lots or markers at random spodomancy divination psychomancy divination

spirits pyromancy divination

by means of

using fire

retromancy divination

over one’s shoulder

by looking

rhabdomancy divination

or stick

using a rod

rhapsodomancy divination

ing works of poetry at random

by open-


by means of

stercomancy fortune-telling

studying seeds in dung

by picking passages from books at random stichomancy divination

stolisomancy divination

ing how one dresses oneself

ining burnt shoulder blade scatomancy divination


by ashes

by examtheomancy divination

by studying

scatoscopy divination

excrement; scatomancy

by studying

the human form sciomancy divination


using ghosts

scyphomancy divination

a cup

the moon

by means of

by studying

using stars; divination by burning straws sideromancy divination

by drawing lots

by twitching or convulsions of the body spasmatomancy divination

spatilomancy divination

of feces spheromancy divination


using pebbles

thumomancy divination

by means

topomancy divination


using land-

trochomancy divination

tyromancy divination

the heavens urimancy divination


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by studying

by observing

xenomancy divination

strangers xylomancy divination

zoomancy divination


by study-

using cheese

uranomancy divination

wood found in one’s path using a

by means of

using cheese

tiromancy divination

ing wheel tracks

selenomancy divination

crystal ball

by means of

one’s own soul

schematomancy divination

sortilege divination

oracles thrioboly divination

by observ-

using fig leaves

sycomancy divination

tephromancy divination scapulomancy divination



by examining

by observing

Photo: John Robinson

Model: Stacy Grech

“My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage….” Practical magic   Email:  57

Butterfly Exhibit All species of butterflies require full sun to warm their wings for flying, long summer days for maximum nectar-gathering, and mud puddles to furnish minerals essential for sperm and egg production.

Monarch butterflies (seen below) can be found on many species of milkweed plants which are also food for their caterpillars

Planting native perennials, trees and shrubs in a garden will bring many beautiful butterflies to feed and reproduce on the plants which have evolved with them. Native trees are hosts for many coastal butterflies. Tiger Swallowtail butterflies prefer black cherry and tulip tree but will also use willow, ash and birch. Henry’s Elfin lays eggs on Redbud and American Holly, whereas the Hackberry Emperor, prefers the Hackberry tree. A Viceroy butterfly will search for willows. While butterflies gain quick energy from sweet nectar, when it comes time to lay eggs, they will only select plants that will be food sources for their growing larva. Some butterflies will lay eggs on a number of host plants, but many other butterflies are specialists, requiring only one species of plant for reproduction.


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Specialists butterflies, include the Black Swallowtail. This particular butterfly requires members of the carrot family; like parsley, dill and fennel to complete development. Other specialist butterflies, like the Zebra Swallowtail eats only pawpaw and the Spicebush Swallowtail, which develops on spicebush and sassafras.

Images by: Monique Reichert

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How To Attract Butterflies To Your Garden


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Images by: Monique Reichert


Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 21st or 22nd The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year’s crops. The Druids call this celebration, Mea’n Fo’mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth. Various other names for this Lesser Wiccan Sabbat are The Second Harvest Festival, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed (Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time from the Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter’s Night, which is the Norse New Year. At this festival, it is appropriate to wear all of your finery and dine and celebrate in a lavish setting. It is the drawing to and of family as we prepare for the winding down of the year at Samhain. It is a time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest, relaxation, and reflection. Celebrated on the Fall Equinox. Celebrated with wine, apples, garlands,


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gourds and cornucopias. With decorations of orange, russet and maroon. Honoring the aging Gods and Harvest deities. Mabon (May-bawn) is also known as the Feast of Avalon and the festival of the Wine Harvest. To the Celts, Avalon is the mysterious place for the land of the dead. and literally means the “land of apples”. Thus, this is a holiday for celebrating the bounty of the harvest and the desire for the living to be reunited with their deceased loved ones. But the holiday is also named for the Welsh God Mabon. Mabon means the “great son”. He was the son of Modred, kidnapped at the age of 3 and later rescued by King Arthur. His life represents the innocence of youth, the strength of survival and the growing wisdom of the elderly. Perhaps it is this view of the cycle of life that brings Mabon to his most popular role, the King of the Otherworld and the God of Darkness. His myths overlap with other Gods such as the Welsh God Gwyn Ap Nuad, which means “white son of darkness”. He is seen as the God of war and death, the patron God of fallen warriors. Once again this is a representation or connection to the Land of Avalon. https://c

History/Mythology History/Mythology — Celtic/Welsh: The tale of Mabon ap Modron, the Welsh God, (the “great son of the great mother”), also known as the Son of Light, the Young Son, or Divine Youth, is celebrated. The Equinox is also the birth of Mabon, from his mother Modron, the Guardian of the Outerworld, the Healer, the Protector, the Earth. Mabon was taken after he is a mere three nights old (some variations of the legend say he is taken after three years). Through the wisdom of the living animals — the Stag, Blackbird, Owl, Eagle and Salmon — Mabon is freed from his mysterious captivity. All the while Mabon had rested within his mother’s womb; a place of nurturing and challenge. With strength and lessons gained within the magickal Outerworld (Modron’s womb), Mabon is soon reborn as his mother’s Champion, the Son of Light, wielding the strength and wisdom acquired during his captivity. Also, (from a variation in legend) the Equinox is the day of the year when the god of light, Lugh, is defeated by the god of darkness, Lugh’s twin and alterego, Tanist. The night conquers day. The tales state that the Equinox is the only day which Lugh is vulnerable and the possibility of his defeat exists. Lugh stands on the balance (Autumn EquinoxLibra) with one foot on the goat (Winter Solstice-Capricorn) and the other on the cauldron (Summer Solstice-Cancer). He is betrayed by Blodeuwedd, the Virgin (Virgo) and transformed into an Eagle (Scorpio). Two events occur rapidly with Lugh’s defeat. Tanist, having beaten Lugh, now takes over Lugh’s place both as King of our world and lover to the Goddess Tailltiu. Although Tanist now sits on Lugh’s throne, his official induction does not take place for another six weeks at Samhain, the beginning of Winter, when he becomes the Dark King, the Winter Lord, the Lord of Misrule. He

mates with Tailltiu, who conceives, and will give birth nine months later (at the Summer Solstice) to her son, another incarnation of Tanist himself, the Dark Child. Lugh’s sacrifice represents not only the sun’s dying power, but also the cycle of rebirth, his energy remaining within the corn we have since harvested. A incarnate (of Lugh) corn spirit was thought to specifically reside within the last stalk (or stock), which was traditionally dressed in fine clothes and decorations, or woven into a wicker man-shaped form. This symbolic decoration was then harvested and carried from the field to be burned with rejoicing for the spirits release and Lugh’s upcoming rebirth. *Mythology — Greek: In Greek mythology, Autumn begins as Persephone returns to the Underworld to live with Hades, her husband. The myth says that Demeter’s daughter, Kore, had taken a day to pick flowers in a meadow when the Earth opened up, and Hades pulled the girl into the Underworld to become his bride. Kore’s name became Persephone when she married Hades. For nine straight days, Demeter searched for Kore, with no success. In misery and despiration, Demeter questioned Helios, the Sun God, who informed her that her brother, Zeus, had given the girl to Hades. Furious, Demeter left Olympus to roam the Earth disguised as an old woman, ending up settled in her temple at Eleusis. Soon after, she cursed the Earth so it would yield no crops. Zues sent her a frantic message inquiring as to why she had prevented growth on the planet. She replied that there would be no regeneration of vegetation on the Earth until her daughter, Kore, was safely returned. Zeus immediately dispatched Hermes into the Underworld to retrieve the   Email:  65

girl. Hades, not wanting to relinquish his bride permanently, convinced Persephone to eat some pomegranate seeds before she returned to her mother, Demeter. Demeter was yet again distraught when she learned of this trickery! Finally, Zeus declared that Kore-Persephone would live with her mother during one half of the year and return to her husband, Hades, during the other half. In thanks, Demeter lifted the curse on the Earth, creating Spring. Every year hence, during her time of greatest sorrow, Demeter renews the curse, as her daughter returns to Hades and the Underworld.

*Mythology — Wiccan: Day and night are equal and the God prepares to depart and begin the journey back to the strength and development within his mother’s, the Goddess’, womb. Both sad and joyful, the Goddess lovingly awaits her God’s rebirth. ma... http://thegoddesswithinapaganplaceforwomen. yuku...


Meanings: Mabon is very much like Thanksgiving. Most of the crops have been reaped and abundance is more noticeable than ever! Mabon is the time when we reap the fruits of our labor and lessons, both crops and experiences. It is a time of joy, to celebrate that which is passing (for why should we mourn the beauty of the year or dwindling sunlight?), looking joyously at the experience the year has shared with us. And it is a time to gaze into the bright future. We are reminded once again of the cyclic universe; endings are merely new beginnings. Since it is the time of dying sun, effort is also made to celebrate the dead with joyous remembrance. It is considered taboo to pass a burial site and not honor the dead. Natural energies are aligned towards protection, wealth, prosperity, security, and boosting self-confidence. Any spells or rituals centered around balance and harmony are appropriate. Symbolism of Mabon: Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance. Symbols of Mabon: wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.


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Herbs of Maybon: Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon’s seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables. Foods of Mabon Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. Incense of Mabon: Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage. Colors of Mabon: Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold. Stones of Mabon: Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates. Activities of Mabon: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over. Spell workings of Mabon:

Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also, those of harmony and balance. *sources of information:

year/mabon html

The Purpose of Mabon

As a holiday, Mabon represents the time of honoring the dead, visiting burial sites, giving thankfulness for the end of the harvest season and the bounty it provides. These are the themes of closing, letting go and remembering. For the year, the harvest and for those who were lost to land of Avalon during the year. Although many view the Harvest season as a celebration of life, it is also a celebration of death. The bounty you gather from your garden provides nourishment for you, family and friends. But it is also the death of those plants and vegetables which have been harvested from that garden. Thus, Mabon is a celebration of the cycle of life Mabon marks the Second Harvest, the end of the grain harvest (which begun at Lughnasadh), and rests on the Autumn Equinox. The Equinox mirrors dwindling of life (and eventual progression to rebirth), as well as the struggle for balance; day and night are equal for a single day. The pagans of antiquity didn’t have the ability to determine astrological positions as we do today. The European peasantry, therefore, celebrated this Sabbat on September 25th; actually, the Celts marked their days from sundown to sundown, so the Mabon celebration actually started on the sundown of our September 24th. Today, with the help of our technology, we can calculate the exact day of the Equinox; the date when the sun enters the sign of Libra, the Balanced Scales, which appropriately fits the Equinox. September 25th is a medieval holiday which the Church Christianized under the label of “Michaelmas,” a feast in honor of the Archangel Michael. It

is thought that the Roman Catholic Church at some point considered assigning the quarter dates to the four Archangels, since they had assigned the cross quarters to the four gospel-writers. Making the Vernel Equinox a holiday called “Gabrielmas” was taken into consideration in honor of the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary on Lady Day. This Sabbat can also be known as: The Second Harvest Festival, Feast of Avalon, Cornucopia, Wine Harvest, the Fall Equinox, Harvest Home, the Autumnal (or Autumn) Equinox, Festival of Dionysus, Alban Elfed (Caledonii, Druidic), Winter Finding (Teutonic), or Equinozio di Autunno (Strega). The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is called the Harvest Moon, and farmers would harvest their corps by this moonlight as part of the Second Harvest celebration.

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Soap Making from scratch • The Soap Making Oils

PART A 1) Put your soap pot or glass pitcher onto the scale and zero out the weight. 2) Following your recipe carefully, weigh the oils one by one into the pot or pitcher. Be sure to zero out the weight after you've measured each oil. 3) Pour slowly. You can always add a tad more...but once the oil has been added, it's part of the mix, and can't be backed out. Tip: Weigh your solid soap making oils like Coconut, Palm, Cocoa Butter or Shortening into your soap pot. Weigh the liquid oils like olive, sunflower, canola or castor separately into the glass pitcher or pot.

• Heating and Mixing the Soap making Oils

PART B 1) Place your soap making pot with the solid oils onto the stove over medium heat. 2) Slowly melt the oils while stirring gently. 3) Monitor the temperature. 4) Turn off the heat when the oils get to about 110 degrees. 5) Keep stirring until all the solid oils are melted. 6) Once the solid oils are melted, add the (room temperature) liquid oils to the soap pot. This will bring the overall temperature down. 7) You want the oils to be at about 100 degrees when you add the lye-water.

• The Actual Soap Making Process Begins

PART C - Here's where things start "cooking!" 1) Make sure all your soap making additives, color, and fragrance are ready to go, and readily at hand. 2) Make sure you've got all the spoons, measuring cups, spatulas and whisks you're going to need nearby 3) Grab your handy stick blender, and let's roll. 4) Slowly add the lye-water mixture to the soap pot. The oils will immediately start to turn cloudy. Using the stick blender as a spoon (not turning it on,) blend the lye-water into the oils. 5) This is the true beginning of the soap making process. 6) Set the lye pitcher aside (in a safe place,) and we'll begin blending.

• Soap making in your Soap Pot

PART D 1) Once the lye is added to the oils, the soap making chemical reaction begins, and you'll need to move steadily. 2) While stirring the lye-water-oil mixture with the stick blender, turn on the blender in short bursts. 3) To start with, blend for 3-5 seconds and then stir some more.


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4) Once you start using the stick blender, you will immediately see the soap mixture begin to come together. 5) Keep blending in short bursts until the oils and lye-water are completely mixed together. 6) Once they are completely mixed together, you are nearing trace. 7) If you were to hand-stir the pot of soap, like soap makers used to do, it might take an hour or more to reach trace. 8) With the advent of stick blenders to soap making, trace can be reached in under a minute.

• Adding Fragrance or Essential Oils to Your Soap

PART E 1) Once the soap mixture is completely blended, but before it begins to get too thick, slowly add your fragrance or essential oils to the mixture. 2) Stop stick blending the mixture and just use the end of the stick blender like a spoon. For this recipe, I'm using an original essential oil blend of lavender, patchouli, and orange essential oils. This is one of the most fun steps - where your soap making becomes fragrant - and you start to get a real preview of what your homemade soap is going to smell like.

• Customizing Your Soap Recipe with Additives

PART F 1) If your soap making recipe calls for any additives like spices, natural exfoliants, flower petals, or special moisturizing oils (as your super fat oil), now is the time to add them. 2) As you did with the fragrance, gently stir them into the pot using the stick blender as a spoon. 3) Before you move on to adding the colorant, give the mixture a brief blend with the stick blender to make sure that the fragrance oil and additives are well blended in. For this soap recipe, I'm adding some lavender buds to the soap. The soap making process will make them turn brown, but, even brown; they add a nice texture and interest to the soap.

• Color for Your Soap

PART G - If you want to add color to your soap, now is the time. If you want the soap to all be one unified color, add the colorant to the pot and stir. If you want to achieve more of a swirl effect: 1) Ladle about 1/2 to 1 cup of the soap mixture into a measuring cup. 2) Add the colorant to that bit of soap. 3) Holding the measuring cup several inches above the pot, slowly pour the colored soap into one corner of your soap pot. 4) Then, using a rubber spatula, swirl the colored soap through the pot. Don't stir too much or you'll end up just blending the color in with the entire batch. Color is one of those variations where soap making becomes truly an art - and where you can create your own custom homemade soaps.   Email:  69

• The Homemade Soap Takes Shape

PART H - You're almost done making your soap! 1) By now the soap will have thickened quite a bit. 2) Pour the raw soap into your mold using a back and forth motion to make sure that the soap evenly spreads out. 3) Scrape the last, thick bits of soap out of the pot with a rubber spatula. 4) If the top of the soap in the mold is uneven, smooth it out with the spatula. 5) Pick the mold up and gently tap it on the counter top to dislodge and air bubbles that may have been trapped. 6) Set the soap in a warm, safe place to set up and begin curing. 7) The soap mixture will begin to get hot as the soap making process starts. 8) Depending on the temperature of the room, it often helps to lay a towel around or over the mold to help keep it warm, and keep the reaction going strong.

• The Soap making is Done (for today at least)

PART I 1) Set your soap in a safe place and leave it alone until tomorrow. 2) It will take about 24 hours for the soap to harden enough to take it out of the mold and slice it. 3) Put all your ingredients and equipment away. 4) Keeping your gloves and safety goggles on, wash all your utensils and soap pots with hot, soapy water. (Note: The oily raw soap residue that's left in the pan is still a bit caustic, and can cause irritation and burns. 5) After your soap has set for about 24 hours, it should be hard enough to unmold and slice. 6) Pop or slide the soap out of the mold. 7) Slice it into whatever size bars you like, and set it aside to cure. 8) While the soap making process will have stopped in several days and the soap will technically be safe to use, it really needs to cure for approximately four weeks until it's ready to use. 9) Once the soap is cured, grab a bar and head to the bath! Congratulations! You've made a batch of cold process soap from scratch...and, I'm sure, are just beginning your soap making addiction!


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Esbat Soap This takes the cleansing recipe a step further. This soap is designed to prepare you for the working element of ritual and magic. 1 tbsp Rosemary Leaves 1/2 tsp ground Cinnamon 6 drops Frankincense oil 6 drops Sandalwood oil 4 drops Jasmine oil 4 drops oil of Orange (you can scrape the oil from the outside of an orange using a blunt knife)

Sabbat Soap The Sabbats are less a time of working and more the time of celebration, hence a different. You can course, make different soaps for different Sabbats, if you choose, just alter the ingredients to match the key points of the festival and the season. You will want to make a smaller quantity of this soap and use it daily, for the seven days prior to the Sabbat, in preparation for it. 1 tbsp Rosemary Leaves 1/2 tbsp Jasmine Flowers 6 drops Sandalwood oil 6 drops Frankincense oil 3 drops Cinnamon oil

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