SHARE Magazine April 2019

Page 1 Of Vows - Honour them!

“At this the men greatly feared the LORD, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows to him” Jonah 1:16. REFLECTION: A vow is a solemn undertaking and should not be rashly made. Vows are promises that can be made to oneself, to another and of course, to God. Desperate and life-threatening situations favor persons making serious promises to God and it is usually a pledge of grateful and faithful service to Him for the rest of their lives. How sad it is, therefore, that when the danger passes, the ‘solemn’ pledge evaporates with it and the promise to God becomes void. A man and woman vow in the presence of God to be faithful to each other, but as the relationship enters into foul weather that vow often goes under, never to surface again. Then there are parents who fail to honor their promises made to their children, who on being abandoned are unprepared for the harsh realities of this world. All vows made in the presence of God are binding and He will hold us accountable for our utterances. “Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few... When you make a vow to God do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin.” Ecclesiastes 5:2-6 God delivered you out of your trouble when in desperation you called upon Him, therefore now honor your promise to Him. PRAYER: Lord, help me to fulfill the promise I made to you now that the danger has passed. Amen WISDOM: A promise made is a debt to be paid. Devotion For April 1st 2019 By Winston Wilson

inside EDITORIAL 4

TESTIMONY 20 From addict to Child of YHWH.



Obedience: the language God understands 6 Obedience is better than sacrifice.

#YouthSHARE 22 Gospel drill, is it legit? How does this honour God?

Choices 8 How do you choose between God and your husband?

THINK - Dignity Matters! Living out Romans 12:10.


World in View The European Union, what it means for us?


The Story Teller Living from the inside out.


A new Way of Living 10 Examining the benefits of The New Covenant. About Worship 12 How do we Biblically approach God? When The Gift Upstages The Giver 14 Honouring God with our gifts Did You Know Children Have a Ministry Too? 16 There is no baby Holy Spirit He is grown up in all of us. Vessels Of Honour How do we live honourably in God’s House?



God at Work 30 Coming to grips with what our calling will require of us. In Praise Of Hymn 32 Reviewing Great Christian Hymns: – Take Time to Be Holy. Poem: Time Keeper By Sharon Bett


Note to Self




10 12

Garbage In - Garbage Out!



April - June 2019






Spring Cleaning Time Again!


It’s finally Spring and the buzz will be Spring Cleaning. The long winter has passed we’ve been cloistered in doors for months, hibernating like bears, munching away at comfort food. We are so happy to fling the windows wide open and let the fresh air in and catch coveted rays of sunshine that come flooding in, radiating our homes and lives. In Jamaica we have an old expression that says, ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ and I’ve often thought it was a Bible verse. It was so emphatically spoken to us by our elders as to suggest that if you were given to being untidy and messy you were not Godly. It got us children into doing our chores, thinking, ‘God really hates this mess’. Guess what? As I’ve grown in my relationship with God I think our older folks were onto something. I’ve come to realise, God really doesn’t like clutter, mess and disorder but loves things to be well placed and has a special knack for placing things according to their purpose so as to optimise their function. To that end He is perfecting us until we become: Vessels of Honour. In time it got me thinking of how many things in my life need to be optimised, how 4



April - June 2019

much clutter and junk is in my life that may be contributing to my ineffectiveness and inefficiency. If God’s house is a household of honour, then I am also intended to be a vessel of honour to sit among other such vessels securely and knowingly do my part towards proclaiming the Kingdom of God and establishing God’s purposes in the earth. Clear Out the Clutter Let’s keep it simple and practical. If my life is a temple then I need to keep the temple fit for purpose so that God dwells within me contentedly. Anything that does not help me to fulfil my purpose in God does not belong in my life, it is clutter and the devil loves it there as it is a distraction and detour off route, I may even get lost at times, from my true destination. My Practical Spring cleaning list: (All things are lawful but not all are helpful) Regularly do an inventory - Remove junk, idols and outdated, stale, broken, toxic things/relationships.

Volume 7 - Issue 2

About Us

SHARE MAGAZINE is a FREE Christian quarterly that deals with challenging Christian topics that have been mostly ignored or left unanswered. The magazine includes written articles, poems and thoughts etc. Read our online version at www. where you can go to our blog to discuss articles or order a printed version. If you would like to submit articles, join our writers group, or to get involved in any other way kindly email us. SHARE MAGAZINE is produced by Select Arrow, the publishing arm of United In Christ charity number 1140448.


Throughout this magazine the editor & contributors seek to present a balanced and accurate view of Scripture’s teaching. We are all on a journey of studying and understanding God’s Word. Because of this, all we can offer is as balanced an understanding as the Holy Spirit has offered us at this time. The views or opinions represented in this publication are personal to each of our contributors and may not fully represent those of any other contributor or editor. Some writers may use UK spelling while others may use US spelling as our writers are from different regions.

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Regularly do maintenance - Repair, clean, polish, dust, preserve, nurture the remaining things/relationships that are of value to The Kingdom.

Regularly restock resources - Keep ample supply of spiritual and natural


resources that help you get your mission done-keep them fresh and throw out the stale) Regularly do introspection - keep balanced accounts with God- flourish in forgiveness, operate in love, grow in faith, promote peace, persevere in prayer, desire & demonstrate discipline. Keep your signs clean of graffiti - if you can’t read the signs when you need them later then you will be liable to go off course. Preserve and pursue purity - No more mixture and cross contamination; if it’s not Godly leave it out.


Don’t remove the landmarks - How will you navigate/orientate successfully if you don’t have tested, standard directions to follow? Making it up as you go along is no way to guarantee a successful journey in life. God has laid out the way to walk and has promised to be our guide, so follow only Him as our trusted Shepherd in life. Finally let God’s purpose preserve and propel you We need to be impassioned and motivated to move forward into our destiny by the purpose that God has designed us for. We are alive because we were created for a purpose and so it’s our reason for being



The fingers of the organist glided gently over the keys. He took what appeared to be the deepest breath he could muster up in preparation for the moment. It had to be perfect - flawless and seamless in every way, for Kimone was about to take the leap of her life. He then glanced over at the professionally dressed woman in the corner who nodded to signal the beginning. The organ began belting out the classic ‘Here Comes The Bride’ tune. The audience stood, turned facing the entrance of the chapel and out of the shadows emerged Kimone in a gorgeous white gown. She smiled and took a step forward gripping her father’s arm as he nervously provided strength for her, realizing that in that moment, he too was about to make a bold step. Near the end of the ceremony she affirmed, “I Kimone Jeffery, take you, Ricky Thompson, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in

here at this time in history. Our purpose gives us meaning and passion for living. It means that we are intentional in our living and the choices we make because we know our worth and the value we bring. God has called us and has set us apart from the ordinary for extraordinary things. Never accept the burden of being ordinary now that you know that you were created and called to be a: Vessel of Honour within God’s Household of Honour. p

Angela Slack

Editor and Co-founder

You have questions we’ve got answers

What is honour and what does it look like in today’s society? health. I will love and honour you all the days of my life.” But what did she really mean? What do you mean when you use the words love and honour?

“I will love and honour you all the days of my life.”

Author of ‘The New I Do’ Susan Pease Gadoua, believes that because people love differently, a common trap is to assume that love means the same thing for everyone. The same might be true for you too but for us who live according to the principles of the Bible, any definition of love and honour in marriage must come from God’s Word. You might even be wondering why I’m discussing the matter of love in an honour related question. Interestingly enough though, throughout Scripture, love and honour are used interchangeably. According to the Bible, love is selfless and not self seeking, it concerns exercising patience, kindness and rejoicing in the truth. It promotes the other above self. Honour, on the other hand, according to Continued on pg 34 April - June 2019




Obedience Exactly What God Requires


The apostle Paul states in his letter to the Galatians, that he is in terrible pain until Christ is completely and permanently formed within them. (Galatians 4:19) The Heavenly Father wants this too. He wants you to be just like Jesus.




April - June 2019

This will continue until we are united by our faith and by our understanding of the Son of God. Then we will be mature, just as Christ is and we will be completely like him. (Eph 4:13) The





Christ to be the first of many brethren, (Romans 8:29) you being the second, the third, the thousandth, the millionth brethren/sibling of Christ, thinking and acting like Christ. Becoming like Christ is a process that involves a dying to one’s

self: to one’s desires and thoughts and an embracing of the will of God, that is, His desires and thoughts. This death to self is impossible without God’s direct intervention. God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him. (Phil 2:13) God supports the believer but it is our responsibility to do what the Word says we are called to do. ...So work with fear and trembling to discover what it really means to be saved.

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing. Then you will be the pure and innocent children of God. You live among people who are crooked and evil, but you must not do anything that they can say is wrong. Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.” Philippians 2:13-15 Living as the above states, honors God. He is encouraging you to be aware of the world you live in and to set out to be obviously different and recognizable, as light is in darkness. There are some things that you have been told to do. Pray without ceasing. Put on the whole armour of God so that you may stand. Love the Lord God with all that you are and your neighbour as yourself. Obey parents for this is right. Wives, respect your husbands as is fitting in the Lord submitting to them as the church submits to Christ. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Obey the rulers who have authority over you, for to disobey is to disobey God and heap condemnation upon yourself. Even Jesus showed obedience by coming and suffering on earth for our sins. Obedience to the Word of God is critical to our relationship with God.

Obedience is compliance with an order, request, law or submission to another’s authority. (Why obedience is important to God? A few years ago our electricity bill was consistently going up. What is worse, we could not understand why. Others in our community had larger electric loads but paid one third of the bill we had. I was encouraged by a friend to illicitly pay an employee of the power company to “fix” my meter so that the bill would not go above $6500. Our bill was tending toward $20,000. She explained that she does it and so do many other persons because the power company often overcharges those of us who pay our bill to make up the shortfall of others who for some reason cannot be made to pay their bills. Situations like this are rife in my country. Christians and nonChristians give in to the pressure to pay bribes to get things done without hassle. There are many situations like this where it has become the norm to carry out or condone acts that are clearly out of step with God’s standard. Having sexual relations outside of the confines of marriage is no longer an issue of note to many, so Christian parents ignore or are silent about their adult children’s sexual encounters. There is also the belief in some circles that you have to see how the fiancé is “in bed” before the marriage. These examples are obviously out of step with God’s character and are clear acts of disobedience. My pastor and his family were in an accident where their aged vehicle was hit by what seemed to be a taxi driver. The damage to their car though substantial for them, was less than the damage to the taxicab and the taxi driver was the one who erred. They decided to extend grace to him, “you fix

your car and we will fix ours,” they told him. “Bear ye one another’s burden,” is another of Jesus’ commandments that directly hangs from the second greatest commandment “love your neighbour as yourself.” Our only response to an all knowing, all powerful Creator is obedience. He places value on your situations based on His plans and knowledge. While you look at outward appearances, God looks at hearts. Jesus Christ knows that, “The heart of men is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9 Doing what God wants, despite what you want and no matter how well intentioned or how difficult it seems to be, is the requirement of Scripture. This is difficult in a body that struggles to do what is right. Your old nature is now dead but your degenerate body still wants to do its own thing and must be mastered everyday, as you work with fear and trembling to find out what it means to be saved. In Psalm 119, the writer expounds on his love for the Word and its effect on the lives of those who seek to know and do the Word, (also called, the law, testimonies, commandments and righteous judgements)

“How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart. They also do no unrighteousness; They walk in His ways.” Psalm 119:2-4 (CEV) It is a perfect example of the fact that reading, meditating and doing the word is critical to making decisions inspired of and by the Holy Spirit. p By Lorraine Rainford Women’s Pastor and Integrative Nutrition Health and Lifestyle Coach.

April - June 2019




Ch oic es... 8



April - June 2019


Sometimes in life we have to make choices, sometimes good and sometimes bad but we always have to live with the consequences. Please read through the book of Esther, it won’t take long as it is only 10 chapters long. Now we can examine some of those aspects of choice. King Ahasuerus When you look at this man he was a conqueror of 127 states, the largest area of conquered land ever, he had spent most of his life fighting, now he was king he became a show off and a tyrant. He was easily swayed by the people around him that he chose to advise him but he was unaware of those consequences. The scene opens with him spending 180 days flashing his wealth off to those who would look. Six months’ worth: he must have been very satisfied with his lot. He then had a 7-day banquet drinking and feasting during which time he called for Queen Vashti to show her off. It says that she had to come with her royal crown, was that all she was to wear? No wonder she didn’t want to come! She had to make a choice

and she suffered for that choice, she chose not to be paraded in front of the presumably, well fed, rowdy drunken men. Then there is pressure by his advisors again. Let’s get rid of Queen Vashti, we can’t have the women thinking that they can disrespect us! This seems very alien to us in this day and age but actually is it? To take Vashti’s place, all the beautiful young girls in this vast area of conquered land now called Persia, must undergo a year’s worth of preparation to go before the king. He would take their virginity as if it is no consequence, to see if he thinks they are worthy enough to be queen. If they were not they were then kept in a harem for the rest of their lives to do his bidding. No marriage or children is mentioned but I presume there must have been children from various women. What choice did those young girls have? Not a lot I would presume, I can only feel sorry for them in a way. Yes, they probably lived in luxury but at what price? Esther was chosen, a humble, beautiful, young common girl. She was to please her master in whatever way he chose and she just had to wait until he called, obey the rules and stay beautiful. Not a life I would envy. Esther did have to make a choice, she was pushed into risking her life for her people and although she didn’t want to go to the king she was persuaded by her cousin Mordecai to save their people who were surely under threat. Although God is never mentioned in this book, she must have had a lot of faith to trust in her loving God. “If I perish, I perish,” she stated. (Esther 4:16) What a choice! It seems that whenever the nation

of God’s chosen people choose a King, they come at a cost. They must be supported financially, taxes are normally harshest to those who could least afford them. Kings are advised by others, often wrongly and cruelly affecting all the nation. They must constantly fight to maintain their position and if they lose they are finished and another cruel taskmaster takes over. The nation is governed by rules that suit the king but not necessarily the subjects. We today all have to choose a king or a governor in our life, we can choose the ruler of this godless world: a harsh tyrannical king who has his best interests at heart, just like all the kings and leaders we read about in the Bible, who are influenced by the great enemy of God, his name is satan. Alternatively, we can choose The King over everything, He knows what we need before we need it, He knows what is going to happen before we were born, He is eternal, He is kind, He is loving and caring for His people. His heart breaks for His people. Quoting from some of S. M. Lockridge’s, That’s My King: “He is the King is the King of the Jews. He’s the King of Righteousness. He’s the King of Heaven. He’s the King of Glory. He’s the King of kings, and He’s the Lord of lords. He is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love. He’s enduringly strong. He’s entirely sincere. He’s eternally steadfast. He’s immortally graceful. He’s imperially powerful. He’s impartially merciful.

He’s the sinner’s Saviour. He’s the centrepiece of civilization. He’s unparalleled. He’s unprecedented. He is the loftiest idea in literature. He’s the highest personality in philosophy. He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology. He supplies strength for the weak. He’s available for the tempted. He sympathizes and He saves. He strengthens and sustains. He guards and He guides. He heals the sick. He forgives sinners. He discharges debtors. He delivers the captive. He defends the feeble. He serves the unfortunate. He rewards the diligent. And He beautifies the meek. He’s the key to knowledge. He’s the wellspring of wisdom. He’s the doorway of deliverance. He’s the pathway of peace. He’s the roadway of righteousness. He’s the highway of holiness. He’s the gateway of glory. His life is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His love never changes. His Word is enough. His grace is sufficient. His reign is righteous. And His yoke is easy. And His burden is light. He’s indescribable! He’s incomprehensible. He’s invincible. He’s irresistible. You can’t get Him out of your mind. You can’t outlive Him and you can’t live without Him. Well, the Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him.” watch?v=yzqTFNfeDnE

p By Teresa L. Randle Missionary, Preacher and Bible Teacher

He’s the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world. He’s God’s Son. April - June 2019




The old has gone the new has come.

A New




As we entered 2019 we would have made our ‘New Resolutions’ usually trying to stop bad habits and make new ones. We feel good about ourselves when we’ve done this and determined to keep that promise. Unfortunately in a few days many of us will break that resolution and feel a failure in the process. When the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt (Exodus 11) God gave Moses the 10 commandments and laws to live by. Laws for living to keep them healthy and to worship Him. They had been captive for 400 years and had been under Egyptian rule and oppression. Now they were free, they had God Himself as their provider and lawgiver, but the laws that God gave only served to show up their sin. They were unable to keep most of the laws and eventually God made them a




April - June 2019



“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord... After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts.” (Jeremiah 31:31-33) Jesus accused of Blasphemy Jesus said some astonishing words from the cross especially this from Luke’s gospel. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Why

did He say that? Under the old law they were right to kill a man who blasphemed and according to their law He had done just that as He claimed to be the ‘Son of God’. According to their law this was the penalty. They had no idea what they were doing, they didn’t know that the New Covenant (a new way of living) was just beginning. Jesus understood why they were doing it, IT WAS THE LAW (John 10;33) “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.” Jesus did not blaspheme, He was indeed God. It was the same when Stephen was stoned to death. (Acts chapter 7) Stephen accused of Blasphemy And Stephen, full of faith and

power, did great wonders and signs among the people. Of course this produced many arguments between the different sects, disputing with Stephen. But they were “...not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. So they secretly induced men to say, ‘We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.’ And they stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council. They also set up false witnesses who said, ‘This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.’” It was not true what they accused Stephen of, he had never blasphemed. Nevertheless, this gave him a grand opportunity to preach the gospel to them proving from Abraham to their present time that Jesus was the Messiah. His face was as the face of an angel as they sentenced him to death for the false accusation of blasphemy. And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God asking these people to be forgiven saying, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” In both of these accounts we see that the religious leaders, scribes and elders were present. The ones who should have been aware of what was happening. The ones

who should have known that all the events of Jesus which were foretold in the Old Testament were being fulfilled right before them. People of faith were now being ‘born’ into a new way of living. No more sacrifices of bulls and goats because Jesus had paid the ultimate price with His own Life. Hebrews chapters 8 & 9 They were FREE from the condemnation and burden of fulfilling the Law because of Jesus but they couldn’t see it.

you it is safe. Paul was previously a religious leader of his day and really zealous for God to the point where he executed many Christians as he believed that they were blasphemous, but he had an amazing encounter with the risen Lord Jesus as he was on his way to execute more Christians. (Acts chapters 8 & 9) From then on he knew Jesus was alive and that he was forgiven and loved by God and because of this he was extremely upset with those who were trying to keep the people under the old way of life. He travelled the known world spreading the good news of this New Way. He suffered many trials, beatings, rejection and humiliation whilst trying to warn the Church against returning to the old laws but he counted it pure joy to gain Christ.

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” In Luke’s gospel 22:20 “Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new When I gave my life to Jesus Christ covenant in My blood, which is immediately scales fell from my shed for you.’” eyes, so to speak, to see the Holy That time has now come, the old Spirit, who also wrote the word of has gone the new has come. For God in my heart. As I have read if that first covenant had been God’s word He has fed my Spirit and faultless, then no place would have built my faith. He has kept me on been sought for a second. Hebrews the narrow road. There was nothing left for me to do. The price for sin 8:7 It did not stop there though. has been paid by Jesus at Calvary. Paul one of the greatest Apostles I no longer live but Christ lives in that ever lived had the same problem me. I no longer have to make New with the Jewish people; they wanted Year resolutions as Jesus strips away to cling on to the law of Moses, the old habits and gives us a new even though they could not keep life. He has written His laws in my them. Read the book of Galatians heart. I am a new creation, no more and just see how disappointed he in condemnation (of the law) here in was with them for having begun in the grace of God I stand. the Holy Spirit and then gone back into the old law. Men had secretly There is therefore now no got in among them adding to the condemnation to those who are work of Christ as if His death and in Christ Jesus, who do not walk resurrection to Life was not enough. according to the flesh, but according Paul was disappointed in them and to the Spirit. Romans 8:1 p rebuked them sternly.

By Barbara Payne intercessor, evangelist, minister, holds Women Unite events in the UK

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for April - June 2019




About Worship W Worship is giving reverence unto God, not for what He can do for us but for who HE IS. He is the almighty, all powerful, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God who created all things for His glory. It is out of our flow of relationship that worship comes. We can’t but help to give Him adoration if we truly know Him in an intimate way. Worship, though it may happen in a gathering of believers and can be expressed in song and music, is not just related to a service but it is a way of living. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”




April - June 2019

Worship is not about how we feel, because if we depend on how we feel we will live in the realm of being soulish and live as carnalminded Christians.

When we look at the Old Testament, whenever God gave instructions for the building of the temple it was very specific. There was detail in even the type of cloth, the colours of the cloth, the oils, the number of candlesticks and so much more intricacy in the detail of the temple. All items used and those in service were sanctified and set apart for the Master’s service. Each item was of spiritual significance and pointed to worship in our modern day. The temple was constructed

with the Outer Courts being the place of thanksgiving. Here is God’s instruction concerning thanksgiving: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18. (KJV) Thanksgiving is really an attitude of gratitude, no matter what is going on in our lives we have lots to give thanksgiving for. Proceeding into the Inner Courts we find the place of praising God. Praise is sometimes sacrificial, as sometimes we don’t feel like it but yet, we bring the sacrifice of Praise.

Job stated: “Though he slay me YET WILL I PRAISE HIM...” Job 13:15 Will you bring Him ‘a yet praise’ no matter what surrounds you? God inhabits the praises of His people. After the Outer Court and the Inner Court comes the most Holy of Holies, the place of WORSHIP. Worship is deep calling unto deep, in worship we lose ourselves in the adoration of God, everything else loses significance and He is magnified. “Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!” Psalm 96:9 KJV Tremble before Him, all the earth. Worship is intertwined with total surrender to God. We see at all times in the Word, God giving specific instructions why? He is a God of order, He is never the author of confusion. Though there is liberty in God’s presence, always when God is present there is order. Order will flow out of the reverential fear of God. Some say they get out of control because they may be so excited about God, oftentimes these individuals may be operating out of the soulish realm, that is the realm of the emotions and not necessarily be connected to the heart of God. I have often gone to Praise and Worship services and felt so good and seen people get so excited, lifting hands and all. We need to ask ourselves how was this different from those wonderful West Indian carnival parties we have. What is the difference? When one truly gets into the place of deep worship, worship in Spirit and Truth, with all our heart... we cannot come out of God’s presence the same way that we went in. We have been broken, filled, strengthened, changed, moulded, refreshed and so much more. Do you recognize the voice of God – it is a still small voice, the Holy Spirit is like a dove, so sometimes these “manifestations of the spirit” and excitement in these worship services may just be pure emotionalism. A part of 1 Corinthians 14, verse 26 speaks of the order for coming together in fellowship, “How is it then, brethren? when ye come

together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.” And the last verse gives specific instruction, verse 40 states clearly. LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECENTLY AND IN ORDER. Here are some other verses: Ephesians 5:19. “...addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” We have a responsibility in coming together: 1. To come with reverence and absolute total surrender to God. The sanctification and consecration should have already been done. One comes to God’s house to pay Him the obeisance He is due; to give Him our best. 2. The coming together with other believers has an overflow out of our relationship with God and should be one of Agape love, covering sins, flaws and faults of others. Esteeming others more highly than oneself. This all happens to protect the unity. Unity is a place of fellowship with imperfect people just like ourselves but for Christ’s sake we die to our own selves so that God can have His way and God’s shekinah glory can come. Psalm 133 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing-Life forevermore.” Let us truly do all for God’s glory. This is our true worship! p By Jacqueline Chin-Depass Leadership team member at Lifespring Church, broadcaster UKCC radio

April - June 2019







I should begin with a disclaimer regarding the title of this article. I do not believe that within the context of God’s Kingdom it is possible for the gift to upstage the Giver; certainly not in the way that this would typically be seen. Our Creator God is awesome and Sovereign. No gift that He could bestow could ever be larger than Him. That being said, let me share with you the thoughts that have come to me as I explored the world of gifts, gifted and Giver. Everyone loves to receive gifts. If your family celebrated Christmas growing up, it is likely that you have fond memories of the excitement of opening presents, and the ensuing delight when what was wrapped and presented to you was exactly what you had hoped for. Of course, there were those times when you were sadly disappointed, and if you were one of those ‘well brought up’ children, you would still smile and say “Thank you!” The thing with a gift is, as my mother




April - June 2019

used to say, you didn’t give anyone anything to put down so you should be grateful for whatever is given. There are others who will say “It’s the thought that counts!” In other words, even if the gift isn’t what you wanted, or isn’t considered to be valuable from a worldly perspective, the giver should be appreciated, along with the thoughtfulness that led the person to give the gift.

likeness of God, our Creator!

Were there ever times when your parents or a loved one gave you a gift and you were so enthralled by this gift that you didn’t even remember to say thanks, and all your time after that was spent playing with or using the gift? There was a time in my childhood when our mom would give us books every Christmas. We knew they were books, so we didn’t have to spend time feeling the packages to try to figure out what they were. We just didn’t know what titles she had chosen. Well, we could hardly wait to open them at the appointed time. Immediately after opening, we would each disappear to our rooms to read.

The gifts most readily recognized are the artistic ones like singing, dancing, playing an instrument, fashion designing, painting, sculpting, acting, writing… and the list could go on and on. The receiver of these gifts are often on display both in obvious ‘worship’ spaces, and in the more indirect worship arenas. The gifted ones are often referred to as ‘stars’. Could this be because they So all being said, here is what I think shine brightly, potentially drawing - it is not the gift that can upstage attention to themselves? the Giver. It is the gifted who can Thinking about ‘stars’ led me to think - consciously or unconsciously of satan, aka Lucifer, the morning do this in one of these three ways Star that rebelled when his gift of mentioned in this article: taking worship couldn’t upstage the Giver. the glory for themselves, operating satan sought to exalt himself above outside of purpose and performing Elohim, rather than to play his role below par.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17, NIV) If we are encouraged to give thanks to the mortal giver for the gift, how much more should we be grateful to God who only gives perfect gifts!

of exalting Elohim and facilitating communication between God and man. According to Arts Director for the International Lausanne Movement Byron Spradlin, in a presentation at an Arts Consultation in Dallas in 2013, artists have been given the capacity “to create the environment wherein lies the mysterious transaction of the Divine God communicating with finite humans and communities.” https://

This is a perfect example of the gift upstaging the giver, isn’t it? But wait! Are we sure of this? Let’s look at it again. My mom’s greatest joy was to see her children reading. She also knew that we loved to read. How would she have felt if we didn’t appreciate the books and never read them? In a sense, in this context, the only way in which the gift can upstage the giver is if the receiver does not acknowledge that the gift What an amazingly significant came from the giver. responsibility! In fact, this communication between God and What a blessing to know that God has given each human being gifts of man can occur whether the gifted all kinds. Those gifts include gifts of one is consciously participating in the creativity and imagination, because process or not. Within this context, I we were made in the image and see two ways in which the gift can be

thought to upstage the Giver: 1. When the gift is being used outside of the purpose for which the gift was given. For example, you are a gifted visual artist but you use your gift to depict addictive pornographic material. 2. When the giver is not demonstrating the gift at an optimal level of excellence. The irony of it is that persons may think that excellence would draw too much attention to the gifted and so they dumb down their performance in fear of being seen as a ‘show off’. Unfortunately, what is happening here is that the inadequacy of the demonstration of the gift becomes the focus instead of the majestic awesomeness of the Giver!

Let’s look at this from a positive perspective. Let us glorify God through our gifts by: 1. Acknowledging Him as the Giver. 2. Using our gifts according to the purpose for which they were given. 3. Working hard to maximize on the level of excellence with which we manifest our gift. Above all else, let us build a relationship with the Holy Spirit, so that we operate fully under His anointing alone. p By Jo-Ann Richards Goffe Cultural Advocate, Ethnodoxologist, Singer/ Songwriter, Speaker, Teacher, Author.

April - June 2019




Children Have a Ministry Too? Awakening worship and reverence for God in our children


Jeremiah 1:4-7,18,19 states; “The word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’ “Ah, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child. But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not say, I am only a child. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land – against the kings of Judah, its officials, its




April - June 2019

priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you.’ ” (KJV) Before Jeremiah ever prophesied to the nations, the divine blueprint was within him. This design was in his DNA before the foundation of the world. Psalm 139:16 & 17 says this, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book all my days were recorded, even those which were purposed before they had come into being. How precious are

and look at them in a holistic manner, they are spirit, soul and body. For many the emphasis seems to be on the development of the body-the brain. Take for instance Jabneh Christian Academy, a schooling alternative in Jamaica which seeks to develop the whole child: spirit, soul and body, with the spirit as the main drive through which divine connection is made. Using as its mantra, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations,” our aim in educating children is to pull out of them their God given deposits. Every child knows that he or she is an icon, absolutely special, set apart by God and filled with the treasure of God’s purpose. Parents are encouraged to find God’s heart for their children, then the nurturing, enlightening and building process takes place. When the Holy Spirit comes into the lives of individuals, the Spirit revives and reforms them. There is no doubt that God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can revive and transform even the lives of children. Here are two examples of such moves of God.

your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the number of them!” The fullness of the Holy Spirit in potent measure is locked into a child and must be pulled out and developed. Jeremiah was called and sanctified before he was conceived. Every child has been called and sanctified to be and to bring worship and glory to the Creator. We must be cognisant of children

1. Clifferson, an elevenyear-old from Brazil attended a children’s meeting and was inspired to start a small group ministry in his community. He gathered his school friends and neighbours to his gathering. It must have been the Holy Spirit unction to which this 11-yearold small group ministry leader responded. 2. During the 1700s, Lutherans were marginalized and oppressed by the Roman Catholic authorities of Silesia (the borderland of Poland and Czech today). It was

children who decided to retaliate. The children of Sprottau, modernday Szprotawa started to meet and pray up to three times daily in the fields outside the town. They unitedly cried out to God for religious freedom and peace in the land. These children read Scriptures, sang praises, laid prostrate under the open heavens trusting the hands of a sovereign God. Their response to the Holy Spirit sparked a revival. To this effect, even the Catholic children joined this prayer force. Eventually, the adults joined in and they all obtained the desired results. Awakening worship and reverence for God in our children, is of critical importance. As the child’s purpose is revealed, it must be developed as was the case with Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet who was transformed – no longer a child but a strong bulwark with new authority in God to ensure that no purpose of the enemy would prevail. In the examples sighted above, it was the Holy Spirit that led to such powerful moves of God in children. We must never underestimate the potential of children. I have always believed that in the same way the devil can use and mess up children’s lives. God through the power of Holy Spirit will use any child, as long as that child’s purpose is defined and destiny aligned to the direction of God through the Holy Spirit. This is the role and responsibility of parents and guardians natural and spiritual alike. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) p Rev. Dr. Kirk N. Campbell Pastor, bible teacher and educator

April - June 2019




Vessels of

Honour A

As I write this article, the story is still breaking news, a cleaner handed in more than £300,000 cash that they found in a brown envelope on a London bus.1 Even the worst among us must admit that this was a very honourable thing to do. It shows that though, in general, honest men and women are in the decline still there remains a honourable few. What is honour? So, what do we mean when we speak of honour? The word honour though used in different contexts to mean different things has the general connotation of something or someone who is respected and held in high esteem. Their lives and deeds cause them to stand out from the rest in a good and positive way. We say such a person is honourable. Made for honour Paul spoke about honour in Romans 9. “Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honour and another for dishonour?” Romans 9:21 It is believed that the vessel of dishonour mentioned here by Paul refers to vessels that were used to collect human excrement. In this context the vessels are set apart based on what they are used for. The dishonoured vessel’s job is to collect and carry messy and unhygienic waste. No vessel wants that job and no one boasts of such a vessel and gives it centre stage for all to admire.




April - June 2019

If you had the choice to drink from a clean clay vessel or a really filthy golden one which would you choose?

[1] article-6763677/Cleaner-300-000-cash-brownenvelope-London-bus-handed-police.html

Again Paul speaks about honour and dishonour. “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor.” 2 Timothy 2:20 In this context vessels are set apart based on what they are made of. Vessels made of gold and silver are honoured over those made of wood and clay. No doubt these vessels too are further distinguished based on what they are used for. The king or lord of the manor, when at their best, should be seen drinking from a clean shiny and beautiful gold or silver vessel. Not one that’s dull and made from wood or clay. To get to the King’s table and be used by Him is more likely if we are made of gold or silver but that’s not the only criteria for securing such a place. Paul continues, “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. Flee also youthful lusts…” 2 Timothy 2:21-22

Attaining honour In Romans 9, Paul highlighted the sovereignty the potter has over the clay to make with it what He so desires. This obviously is out of our control. The good news is that to be a believer under the New Covenant is an indication that we were made to be vessels of honour, but it doesn’t stop there. Our intended use and what we are eventually used for can be quite different. Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 2 places the responsibility for the next stage squarely at our feet. Here he clarifies what vessels the Master will use and it’s not only determined by the material the vessel is made from. As important as this may be, how clean we are is even more important. If you had the choice to drink from a clean clay vessel or a really filthy golden one which would you choose? Time to clean up your act It is good that you are gold or silver, it is good that you are a born again believer but it doesn’t end there. Don’t be surprised if the Master passes you over or doesn’t use you because you are defiled and filthy. Now you know, do something. If you are to have any chance of being used by the Master you must clean up yourself by turning from youthful lust and repenting of your sins. p

By Homer Slack author, preacher, Bible teacher, IT tutor, programmer & graphic designer

April - June 2019




TESTIMONY By Paul Vivian, Pastor and Founder of Truth Fabric

“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.” Galatians 6:14-15

life was a mess: doors were open to pornography, masturbation, shoplifting, heavy metal music and I had no idea what life was about. Why had I been born? Why was I alive? It would be some time before these and many more questions would be answered.

By September 1971, age 7, my parents had divorced. At this young age I had already been sexually abused and my life seemed to be going nowhere, despair flooded into my life.

By 1981, age 17, I had the onset of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. I walked out of Sixth Form college, spending most of my time alone gorging, throwing up, wearing makeup, a real personality crisis was emerging that lasted about 4 years.

By late 1979-1980, age 16, to the public eye, I was the perfect pupil. I was a Prefect, taking 10 GCE ‘O’ levels but already my private 20



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1982 now aged 18, my personality crisis deepened, I therefore joined

the R.A.F. in an attempt to find an identity, a sexuality, a purpose and a meaning for my life. By 1992, I had left the RAF, I had tried several jobs, including working at an Oil Refinery and running an antique shop. I had now traded bulimia for exercise addiction and marijuana. I had been to California, had my passport stolen and stayed in a drug dealer’s house for several months. When I eventually returned, smoking pot on the return flight, I commenced a degree course at Humberside University. After completing my degree, I tried to escape from the problems of life but discovered that I couldn’t escape from myself!

By 1994, at the age of 30, my life was full of turmoil and brokenness. I had ended up living at the local Y.M.C.A. I had a constant craving for marijuana, been involved in several broken relationships, had no job and everywhere I turned I couldn’t escape from the drug culture I was engaged in. I decided to run away and start over again, get a few qualifications, references (that would stand me in good stead of finding a job) and so I hitchhiked to Mallorca, to escape the rubbish and deadness that I was surrounded by. I wasn’t coming back! However, what I didn’t realise was that the problems that I had in England, were of my making since the roots were in me. I soon began to recreate the drug and sex culture I was trying to leave behind. I spent my first winter of 1994 living in ‘my cave’, at the foot of a mountain, living by candlelight, cooking on an open fire, drawing water from a well, living with a dog called Grimsby and two cats. By 1996, I was working building houses, for which payment was in drugs. Loneliness caused me to open my life to people and things that were harmful. I got involved in several destructive relationships with women. The emotional hurts of my past kept on affecting my relationships in the present. I was a hurt person hurting others and very much back on drugs. Then in 1997, I walked into the Vineyard Church, Cala Major, where I met Pastor Miguel and his wife Cheryl. When I met them they were living in the garage of their home because they had given a Romanian couple a bedroom after they had left Romania to seek out a new life and had ended up living in the Red Cross refuge. They had given their

spare bedroom to an ex- heroin addict, whose wife had literally blown up herself and their house with a gas cylinder. Basically, pastor Miguel and Cheryl were living the Gospel. They were living the life of Jesus. They were the real Mccoy! I listened as they told me about Jesus, how He had already carried all my sin, my shame, all my guilt, all my perversions, all my addictions, all my destructive habits in His own body on the Cross and had died for me, poured out His blood so that I could be forgiven and have a new life free from the hurts and disabilities and addictions of the past! What was I waiting for? My life had been going around in circles. What I had tried to escape from was in me and the only way I could escape from myself, was if I died! Yet, these people were telling me from the Bible that I had died in Christ! By accepting who Jesus is – the Son of God – the Holy Lamb of God – and His sacrifice for me, asking His forgiveness for my sin, He would forgive me and give me a brand new life, with Him in the driving seat of my heart. Of course, that was it, the chance I had been waiting for! That Sunday, I was ‘born again’ and a new life started that moment. At this time I was living with a woman and the pastors told me that we needed to stop living together and having sex if we were to obey God and do things His way! I did and found that very soon I had my own flat! Accepting Who Jesus is and what He did for me on the cross, changed my life and was the beginning of finding out why I had been born and what my purpose was on this planet.

In 1999, I married Blanca and in 2000 the LORD blessed us with our first daughter Emily Grace. From the moment I gave my life to the LORD my life started to be transformed. From being a lonely, abused, unstable, ‘porn and pot’ addict, a hurting drifter, hurting others, to being a loving and stable husband and father, who is filled with peace, hope, love and security. All this came about from simply accepting who Jesus says He is, accepting what He says He did for me on the cross at Calvary, asking Him to forgive me of my sin and asking Him to come into my heart to make me a child of God. It was so simple really. But no one had ever told me about Jesus when I was a boy! I wish they had! I now say, thank you to Jesus everyday, not only for what He saved me from but for the life I now have and the future He promises me. Knowing Christ is the most exciting life ever. And when I eventually die, I know I will live forever with Him. Do you know Him? If not, please ask Him into your life, you won’t ever regret it I promise. On which side of the cross are you living? Paul Vivian, the person you see today is a new creation, the old Paul Vivian died on the cross at Calvary with Jesus Christ. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

“The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 p

April - June 2019




youth # SHARE Gospel Drill is it Legit?

How does this honour God?


In the Christian community of South London, there has been an emergence of a new wave of evangelism and music. This wave has been dubbed, “Gospel Drill”. Drill music is a sub-genre of Trap music, which is in itself a sub-genre of Gangster Rap and Hip-Hop. An outstanding feature of this genre is the wearing of a balaclava hiding the features of the artiste.

Drill music in the UK has been the voice of many social debates; among them was the commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police, who blamed the violent lyrics in drill music for the rise in knife crime.1 Personally, I think drill music is symptomatic of innercity communities that the police and government have neglected. Their statement uses this music as a scapegoat for the steady decline of such areas where there is a generation of hopeless and 22



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desperate youth looking for a way out. There is a vacuum left to be filled by good role models who are willing to come alongside these youths.

This is where I’m saddened to say that some churches have not filled this gap, are not leading these young men and women to Jesus and their lives, therefore, have not been changed for the better. Instead, some churches are using base level marketing strategies that peddle ‘pipe dreams’ like; expensive clothing, sports cars and jewellery, to replace the need to sell drugs, rob or steal. “Jesus will give you all of these things if you come to our church.” The most prominent of these churches is the ‘Salvation Proclaimers Anointed Church’ more popularly known as ‘SPAC nation’. Their version of Drill is dubbed, “Gospel Drill”. Gospel drill has become a Youtube sensation with viral hits like ‘Trap Mash’ and ‘Postcode Gods and God’. Don’t let the cheesy name of this subgenre fool you; this movement has

picked up some serious traction. Furthermore, it isn’t just the music from SPAC nation that is interesting, they also have a self-named foundation dedicated to mentoring and aiding young aspiring inner-city entrepreneurs into businessmen and women. Statistics from the foundation’s website claim to have invested over £360,000 into young business. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I personally don’t think so. Caucasian, Chinese and Indian communities have been investing in their youth for at least a century but those organisations are called investment groups or hedge funds, not churches. So what does the Bible say? In Luke 18:18-29 Jesus famously has a conversation with the ‘Rich Young Ruler’. Throughout this conversation the Rich Young Ruler tells Jesus how he has dedicated his life to religion and wants to be assured of his salvation, Jesus then says that he has only one thing left to do; sell all his possessions and give them to the poor, for in doing so he will have treasure in heaven. The Rich Young Ruler could not give up his riches and power, Jesus then went on to say “ is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” So what is the takeaway from this, rich people can’t go to heaven? Of course not! Jesus says after this, “that what is impossible for man is possible for God.” However, in Matthew 6:21, Jesus also said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The fact that this man was rich wasn’t the issue, the real issue is that his money and power had the highest value in his heart and not a hunger for God.

In Luke 5:1-11, the account of the day the first disciples followed Jesus is told, where the biggest catch of their fishing career was recorded, a catch so big that it was sinking two boats. They decided to walk away from it all to follow Jesus. Their love of God took more priority than money or success even if it came at a great sacrifice. This decision is asked of all who want to follow Christ. The requirement of God is that we turn away from greed, lust and pride of life. The example of the Rich Young Ruler, is the opposite. The rhetorical question is this. If you drove home one day and your home and all your possessions were swallowed up in a sinkhole, would your reaction be gratitude that you are alive, and more importantly your assurance of salvation, or would you curse your life and/or God? If Jesus asked you to give away all your hard earned goods, work, friends, accolades, respect, power etc… would you do it? So back to SPAC nation, if Christ Himself allowed the Rich Young Ruler to walk away because of his love of money and worldly things, why are churches using worldly things to attract youths to Christ? “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Luke 9:58) Jesus the standard of our faith was Himself homeless, so why do we praise excessive behaviour in our churches? The only account of

Jesus being aggressive was when He saw the temple grounds being used as a marketplace, His father’s house (a place of worship) being desecrated into a place of business and profiteering (Matt. 21:1213), so why are we not angry when our churches value the accumulation and power of money over the discipleship and power of Christ? Lastly, if Jesus (God incarnate) did not assure the Rich Young Ruler of salvation because of the idols in his life can the “converts” in churches such as SPAC nation be assured of their salvation? In the parable of the foolish rich man (Luke 12:16-34) God called this such because he put his faith in his hard work and his earthly riches and not in heavenly ones. We can’t have faith in the treasures of the world and expect to see a heavenly return. The message we have to send to the desperate youth and people of this world isn’t one of flamboyance and pride of life but like Jesus and the apostles before us, our message should be one of humility, kindness, authenticity, integrity and an overflow of love that comes from a deep relationship with our Father in heaven. In conclusion, the true gospel makes it clear that Christ must take preeminence in the believer’s life. It is Christ that we must love, follow and honour above everything else, cost it what it may. p [1] crime/drill-music-stabbings-londonyoutube-violence-police-knife-crimegangs-a8373241.html By Dorian Slack Sports therapist, musician, enthusiastic believer in Christcenttric Church culture change.

April - June 2019






Time to


Protect My Dignity




April - June 2019

Defining the thin line between spiritual ministry and manipulation, spiritual authority and abuse is not a very easy thing to do when we consider that people behave within the context of their cultural upbringing. What is acceptable in one context is atrocious in another. The important thing is that the person on the receiving end and the one initiating the situation both have to come to a place of congruence - that is a mutual trust and a common agreement that they are both happy with the terms of the relationship. It’s how we make others feel about themselves that is critical. This is the core offence in all types of abuse. The diversity of global culture is vast and leaves lots of room for learning as people are the sum total of all

their experiences, good and bad and their behaviour is shaped by these experiences. So, we have to be open minded, kind hearted and willing to learn from each other what is the preferred way of interacting as per the context we are in. Do not presume ourselves upon people, certainly never in the name of God (Yahweh) who is the least intrusive and overbearing of all. Step back, ask permission, do not violate people’s rights to privacy, personal space, conscience, freedom and dignity etc.. Spiritual abuse is... where persons who have a leadership role, authority and responsibility in a faith community overstep the line and assume power and take liberties that they do not have and impose themselves upon their

congregants/disciples causing distress, harm or injury. We addressed the issue of Spiritual abuse in a previous issue of SHARE, (see January 2017 issue page 14) follow the link for more reading.

How then do we ‘in honour prefer each other’? God is honourable and if we are His children then His nature is at work in us; we are compelled by His Holy Spirit to behave as He does.

What is the ethos of Kingdom Society? I found the answer summed up nicely in, Romans 12:10, Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; (KJV)

Honour is a quality that... • combines respect for others and being proud of others. • compels you to act honestly because it is morally right. • makes someone proud and happy by doing or being something. • addresses or refers to elders or officials in a deeply respectful manner.

“Death before Dishonour” is a code of the Greeks/Romans/Japanese/ Chinese and many ancient civilizations that never allowed the dignity of their cherished or revered empire to fall to the ground, the Chinese call it, ‘Saving Face’. They would rather die trying than live to see it happen. I have been reflecting on this very deeply as I am learning some lessons about how I ought to live in the Kingdom of God. Do I love my God and His people enough to die for the sake of upholding the honour of His Kingdom? What Romans chapter 12, tells me is that rather than being motivated by vain pride and the need to ‘save face,’ the more honourable motivation is the love of God that is unconditional and relentless in its intention to preserve, edify, strengthen, embolden and celebrate the object of His love, i.e. you and me. The Golden Rule: “Treat others as you would be treated,” is so simple but hard to do without the love of God motivating us. Human love is self indulgent and motivated by self gratification. I worked in the Health and Social Care Sector and I can tell you that I have seen the underbelly of human love. Family members will do the most callous things to each other for selfish reasons. Never mind strangers! Thankfully, we have an antidote to human selfishness - God’s sacrificial love that is spoken about in, Romans 12:10. honour 21/02/19

Dignity is... • a calm, serious and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you. • the importance and value that a person has, that makes other people respect them or makes them respect themselves. dignity

How do we commonly violate others dignity? We:• Assume we know what is best for them. • Act without their permission. • Impose our preferences upon them. • Force them to comply with the popular will. • Take them for granted. • Fail to reward/acknowledge their contribution. • Belittle their efforts. • Repress the expression of their gifts, talents and voice. • Breach trust/confidentiality. • Shame/rebuke them in a public forum. • Trample on other people’s dreams. • Constantly fix others/expose their errors. • Throw others ‘under the bus’ to save

ourselves. • Behave just plain nosey. I am sure you are getting the drift and you will agree that this list is by no means exhaustive. We have the Holy Spirit to tell us all the rest if we would but yield; He will do a marvellous work of transformation within us. Here is some affirmative action to replace the destructive habits mentioned in the previous list. The biggest area of offence is in our speech. Cure for Verbal Diarrhoea - what are you really saying and why? What is your motive? Think before you speak! Always:• Judge prophecy - what’s fit for public announcement and not. Did God tell you to make it public or to pray privately? • Consider, is it really your truth to speak, when speaking the truth about personal matters? • Give the benefit of the doubt, do not assume anything until you know all the facts. • Do not repeat what you cannot personally corroborate. • Be as responsible in what you listen to as you are in your speech. • Cover your brother’s/sister’s mistakes publicly while supporting them privately. • Check, does everyone need to know how much you know? • Ask yourself, when you have left will you leave a wreck behind? • Mind your own business. • Season you words with grace and act in kindness. Finally, in our relationships are others better off for having known us; have we reflected God’s honour by preserving their dignity? p By Angela Slack educator, curriculum/ literacy specialist, technical author and editor

April - June 2019




World Is the EU in Bible Prophecy? Britain’s withdrawal of membership from the European Union is creating much interest and debate nationally and worldwide. David Hathaway asks, why is there pressure to create a European Empire which has never existed previously? “Of course,” he says, “that does not mean it should not exist but I ask what is the reason behind it? Is there some hidden purpose in creating it?” The European Union was supposedly an attempt to prevent war in Europe as well as unify Europe

Exiled in Babylon, after he had survived the lions’ den, Daniel’s vision of successive earthly empires spanning history, including the date of Messiah’s birth, led to a tradition of interpreting world history in the light of the Bible. Daniel started his own ‘school’ of study in this field and his successors were wise men called the Magi, the prophetic king-makers of the Middle East. Hence Herod’s terror when they arrived in Jerusalem, a small army on horseback (not camels and many more than three!) ready to welcome the King of the Jews The fifth and final kingdom, depicted in the vision as the toes of mixed clay and iron, has remained unfulfilled until current times. In the film’s first two parts, David 26



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politically, socially and economically. However, history has shown us that neither Charlemagne, the Romans, Napoleon or Hitler achieved this aim and that the desire to create a united Europe may have deeper and more sinister connotations. Referring to the book of Daniel and the prophetic interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, David Hathaway states that the first four empires depicted in the statue in the dream had all been fulfilled by 5AD.

Hathaway examines the roles of the centres of EU power, Strasbourg and Brussels, then in part three he argues that Berlin is the third centre of historical and prophetic significance in Europe and may, indeed become the major centre of the European Union in the future. This is certainly being borne out ten years after the film was made, when so much appears to hinge on what the German Chancellor decrees. Beginning with Strasbourg, he unravels the design and architecture of the European parliament building, modelled on the tower of Babel painting by Pieter Bruegel. The significance of this will not be lost on those of us who know the story from the book of Genesis.

In View Babel was built as a symbol of humanistic achievement and pride in direct rebellion against God and it was there that God confused their language and disrupted their attempts at secularist unity. Similarly David Hathaway presents the backstory behind the statue at the EU in Brussels of Europa riding the beast. Zeus, ruler of the Greek gods, sees the beautiful woman Europa and lusts after her. He transforms himself into a bull for her to ride upon and then rapes her. The prophecies of Revelation regarding ‘mystery Babylon’ – the woman riding the beast – tie in closely with the Daniel prophecies and are presented as being hugely significant in deciphering the symbolism of the European Union. Turning his attention to Germany, Hathaway points out that the ancient seat of Satan, found in Pergamum as mentioned in Revelation, still exists and can be seen in Berlin’s Pergamon Museum (constructed, significantly, between 1910-1930) where it was brought from Turkey. In Revelation 2:12 we read: “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘I know your works, and where you dwell… where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.’” In 1934 Hitler commissioned a grand reconstruction of the Pergamum gate for his rallies. In the same museum is the original Ishtar Gate, known as the ‘gateway to hell’, brought from the ancient temple of Marduk in Babylon. The Hebrew exiles would walk the pathway and through the gate covered with 337 snake gods, 337 being the Hebrew number of hell or Sheol. Tracing the history of the great awakening in

The Europa symbolism can be found in plain sight on the Euro, on stamps, flags and artwork in Strasbourg and Brussels. The horns of the bull or beast are crescent horns, the symbol of the ancient gods Baal or Jupiter and also the symbol of Islam and Allah, the moon god. David Hathaway goes on to show the historic alliances of Islam with the enemies of Israel and current alliances with secularist Europe. Secular Europe seems happy to accommodate the building of mosques and tolerance towards Islam while Christians cannot even own a Bible in Muslim nations and are not free to practise their faith. In the post-Christian void in Europe, Islam is growing fast. Europe supports a state of Palestine and the interfaith movement.

America and the Welsh revival, Hathaway argues that rather than embracing this move of God, German evangelicals declared in The Berlin Declaration of 1909 that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the revivals was from ‘below’ and of the devil. The German Church became increasingly apostate in the 1920’s and subsequently anti-Semitic, thus paving the way for the rising of Hitler and the Holocaust. In 1996 the German Evangelical Alliance revoked the Berlin Declaration and signed an agreement to pray and work together for revival. So to explore the Europa metaphor, is Europe being raped, politically, spiritually and financially? Many believe our huge financial contributions to the EU do not give us a good return, that politically we are losing our sovereignty to EU ‘directives’ and spiritually we are embracing an increasingly antiChristian genda and losing our freedoms of speech and religion.

Taken from ‘The Rape of Europe’ by David Hathaway - - The DVD is also available from the website. April - June 2019




From the inside out The

Story Teller


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April - June 2019

My favourite way to make a hot chocolate drink is to put two parts milk to one part water in my mug then add two teaspoons chocolate powder on top before microwaving. The problem with this method however, is that if the milk to water ratio is not correct or if it is microwaved a bit too long the milk could boil over the edges of the mug. Chocolate powdered milk, boiled over the edges of a

mug is not a pretty mess to clean up. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.� Matthew 23:25-26

We live from the inside out so whatever is on the inside eventually gets to the outside.

as well. Who we are on the inside flows over to affect who we are on the outside. Although a person may try desperately hard to mask what’s on the inside, time will soon expose it. “Think for a moment of a clock and of what its hands mean. The hands tell me what is within the clock, and if I see that the hands standstill, or that the hands point wrong, or that the clock is slow or fast, I say that something inside the clock is not working properly.” Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray, Pg 23 How a person visibly lives and speaks gives away what’s hidden in their hearts and thoughts but the wise and discerning can sift through it all to expose the real person. This was the very thing Jesus was trying to teach us when He said we should test those who come as messengers from God (prophets).

I remember also the many times, while cooking, things boiled over and got on the outside of the pot and made it a much more difficult task to have washed up. It’s usually what is on the inside that overflows to the outside not the other way around. A clean glass with pure clean water flowing over the edges needs no washing. Very different however, for a mug with boiled over hot chocolate. This principle rings true to our lives

“You will know them by their fruits… Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.” Matthew 7:16-17 The fruit that a tree produces is a true reflection and a natural overflow of the sap that flows within it. In Matthew 23, Jesus taught the Scribes and Pharisees how to have a truly sustained and wholly clean cup. Their futile attempts resulted in a cup that was at best half clean. Half clean is no better

than fully dirty in God’s eyes. It is only fully clean that pleases Him. “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.” Exodus 19:10-11 In other words, God is coming to visit so, see to it that you are sanctified, consecrated and clean because He doesn’t do filthy. Fully clean can only be realised if clean is achieved on the inside first. We live from the inside out so whatever is on the inside eventually gets to the outside and trying to reverse that principle is hard, futile work. The better way is to submit to God and allow Him to clean us up on the inside and soon our new regenerated and purified heart will be reflected in our speech and actions. “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” Titus 2:11-14 p

April - June 2019




God Work at


I once worked at a college that was preparing for a complete rebuild. The plans were now all done and approved and along with the flat geometric blueprint of how the new build would be laid out was also an amazing miniature model. It seemed so real, complete with trees, roads and night lights etc. a miniature version done in amazing detail and sitting on the top of a table. God too is doing a complete rebuild and the standard/blueprint/ model is Jesus. Jesus is the one, the corporate man/the church/God’s people must model and become 30



April - June 2019

an exact replica of. A lot of work is needed to get us there. “ out your own [take responsibility for your own life] salvation with fear and trembling; [do not treat it casually] for it is God who works in you [it is a divine work of noble purpose] both to will and to do for His good pleasure. [His Spirit gives us the desire and ability to please God]” Philippians 2:12-13 So many times I’ve heard this passage quoted without contextual understanding. We struggle to

understand why we need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling as if the answer is not right there. The very same passage goes on to tell us that God is at work in us. The frightful thing that will no doubt induce trembling is the fact that God is at work. Where God is doing nothing, people might be at ease and untroubled in sin but not so when God turns up. At first thought, one would think that we should be elated and ecstatic when we discover that God is at work in or around us and to some extent we should be. The

problem however, is that when God turns your life into a construction site the first thing He will do is bring in His demolition equipment. God cannot build on our former foundations cemented into worldly habits and mentalities. God must first demolish these strongholds before laying His own foundations. “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:9-10 God’s foundation is Christ. His death and burial represents the laying of the foundation of the church. As we further investigate the context within which Paul wrote Philippians 2:12-13 we will discover that he earlier spoke of Jesus’ sacrifice of obedience. What was required of Jesus was going to be very painful. It would be very humbling and include physical scourging and one of the most cruel forms of death every invented by men. Paul describes Jesus’ acts of obedience, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:5-8 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…” What mind? A mind to obey God and

a willingness to do what He asks, despite the cost. God required Jesus’ very life and He gave it willingly. Paul had intimate knowledge of the suffering he was describing. He too was required to suffer much for the sake of the gospel. God told him beforehand. God speaking of Paul to Ananias said, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” Acts 9:15-16 What God is building in us and with us will no doubt cause suffering. It is the extent of the suffering that might be required of us that causes us to fear and tremble. Some are to suffer loss of jobs, some loss of status, others will have to walk away from fame, be mocked and beaten, still others will be put in prison while some may be killed. What difficulty must you endure for the sake of Christ? Are you willing? May God give you grace. “Without doubt this generation has become too soft to scale great spiritual heights. Salvation has come to mean deliverance from unpleasant things. Our hymns and sermons create for us a religion of consolation and pleasantness. We overlook the place of the thorns, the cross and the blood. We ignore the function of the hammer and the file.” The Root of the Righteous by A W Tozer, Pg 137 On discovering what we must suffer for Christ may we not be overwhelmed with terrifying fear [that is the portion of unbelievers who know not the love of God] but instead with a reverent fear. One that will help us embrace our portion knowing that God will supply us with the grace we need to successfully get to the end. We must contemplate and resolve within ourselves to get to the end,

the glorious end. Suffering for the sake of Christ is a privilege and not bad news. Those who embrace the sufferings of Christ will at the end receive a glorious reward. A reward, the joys of which will dwarf the sadness of our present momentary sufferings. If we allow God’s work to be completed in us we will come to that place where we no more resist Him but willingly do what pleases Him and with that comes unspeakable glories. “‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ the things God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV)


Further Reading “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…” 2 Corinthians 4:17 “...and when they had called for the apostles and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name.” Acts 5:41-41 “For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake...” Philippians 1:29 “...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…” Hebrews 12:2 By Homer Slack author, preacher, Bible teacher, IT tutor, programmer & graphic designer

April - June 2019




Take Time

To Be Holy n I

Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word. Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak, Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

n m y

H f o e is a r P

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone. By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see. Take time to be holy, let Him be thy Guide; And run not before Him, whatever betide. In joy or in sorrow, still follow the Lord, Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul, Each thought and each motive beneath His control. Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love, Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.

Reviewing Great Christian Hymns

This beloved devotional hymn comes to us from British layman William Dunn Longstaff (1822-1894). Son of a wealthy ship owner, he was a generous philanthropist, and was influential in evangelical circles. He married Joyce Burlinson in 1853 and together they had seven children.




April - June 2019


Tick, tock goes the timekeeper’s clock Time, time, I need more time. I have given all the time you need, What is it? 24 hours is required, Nothing more, nothing less. Up and down around and around. My time or your time? Who is the boss of time? Figure this in or figure this out, Wasted time or fruitful time? Time gained or time wasted? “Who is the keeper of time?” Says the time keeper, “It took me 33 years and I wasted no time.”

Remember when I spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees? They never knew the signs of the time. Where are you in your time watching? You ask me, “what are the signs that we should look out for?” Everyone is waiting but no one is watching, Dont be decieved, by what you see.

Have you seen what is around you, have you not heard the rumors of wars, Increase in heresy, increase in hate and lawlessness amongst humanity? Intensification of your warfare. Everyone is waiting for me but I have set in motion what is going to be revealed, In the coming months, be watchful, Don’t miss what I am doing in this season, Watch for the signs of the time. The city is covered in the blood oh my beloved, Tick, tock, there goes the time, Can you stop it? Can you stop it! I come, I come, I come but who will be ready? Alas! It will be too late to get ready, The time keeper is ready. Look up, your redemption draws near, Look at the season, watch the trees they are putting on their leaves, Recognise the time, you ticking time bomb! © Sharon Bett 2019

April - June 2019




Note To Self

Garbage IN - Garbage OUT Remember the Sesame Street Muppet, Oscar the Grouch? His grumpiness chased his friends away, he always blamed them for his predicament but never realised that his life inside a giant trash can was his own choice and was repulsive. What he put in was what he got out of relationships. Take the trash out of your life and invite Jesus in today! You may also find that people will begin to warm to you more.

Continued from pg 5 Romans 12:10 can be defined as devoting one’s self to the other for their benefit. We can safely assume then that honour and love are one in the same. In today’s society, especially with the rise of feminism, you might not take kindly the use of the word honour, even in a marital vow. The word often times connotes, to a greater extent, a form of subservience. Women are portrayed as always giving but never receiving and so women’s rights groups and activists have drawn much inspiration to launch their marches, promote their causes and protest in city streets. It is said that it is a man’s world so honour of any form will more than likely be understood as demeaning and damning to women. Men deserve to be respected and revered but women deserve only what her respected husband gives to her. Even in first world countries, honour is rarely ever used as instruction for men on how 34



April - June 2019

to operate as husbands. Definitions of honour include respect, hold in high esteem and the like. A Christian man who intends to honour his wife must, according to Ephesians 5:25-28, do so sacrificially. He must love her as his own body, for a man who loves his wife is actually showing love for himself. A Christian woman who intends to honour her husband must show him respect. Together, they must equally be submissive to each other. (Ephesians 5:21) Has the Bible been your standard of honour? Honour in ancient societies had more to do with fulfilling one’s duty to a spouse rather than selflessly seeking the greater good of the other - not that husbands and wives never acted in a selfless manner but more emphasis was placed on simply doing what the law and custom required one to do. It wasn’t a ‘bad’ thing per sey. It was just different from

I’m responsible for everything I do, G. I - G. O! I cannot put the blame on you, G. I - G. O! What I listen to, What I watch, What I sniff, What I touch, G. I - G. O! What I eat, What I do, Where I go. What I know G. I - G. O!

Rap lyrics by H. Slack © 1987

what we in modern society know and understand from our lived realities. Take Genesis 38: 1-29 for example. If we attempt to make sense of the narrative without fully understanding levitical laws on marriage, we might run with the assumption that Tamar was being dishonoured when in fact, the law of the land justified the decision to pass her from husband to husband. Tamar was willing to go along with the law in honour of first husband Er. Honour in marriage meant something different to Tamar than it does for the modern woman. Let us, who live by the Spirit and according to His Word, chose the template of honour that is pleasing to God. May we, in all our loving and honouring of each other, seek to please God - the Creator of marriage. p Answer by Janice Wilson Transformational Speaker, Author, Teacher

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Stephanie walked into Hell unknowingly, she was naive. How did she manage to walk out alive? “Little did I know that my well guarded life was only a mask to hide the dark side of my marriage, only to be unveiled after the sudden death of my husband. Who was he?”

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Stephanie Meakin is a passionate people person for whom life has delivered its fair share of ups and downs. Today she combines her life experiences, her writing with the development of a dedicated Justice Advocacy Project [] to help others through their struggles. She may be small in stature, but she is big in heart and voice. When you read her book you will discover the twists and turns that occur in what on the outside was a very normal respectable family. Behind closed doors however, another life was being played out. © SHARE Magazine - Produced by SelectArrow Publishing

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