Senior Times (October 2018)

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Malta’s monthly newspaper for the elderly

Ir-rużarju Ejja nerġgħu napprezzaw il-ġmiel tar-rużarju, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia. SEE PAGE 7

KIf Konna ngħaddu ż-żmIen Joseph Scicluna jiftakar fil-passatempi tal-antik. SEE PAGES 8 & 9

Interview with Max Farrugia

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Reading between the lines


ooks are dangerous. They always have been. In the days of the Inquisition, the Church had its index of prohibited books and interrogators noted carefully which books the accused had read. Later, during the Victorian age, various titles were banned in Britain and its empire under the Obscenity Publication Act of 1857, including James Joyce’s Ulysses, D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles – all books which nowadays are considered masterpieces in their own right. The fumes from piles of burning books have long settled. But until recently – certainly during my childhood – a child described as a “bookworm” was encouraged to “take your head out of that book” and go outside to play. Learning poems by heart was a punishment and reading out loud in front of a classroom, an embarrassment. Books are dangerous – and that is what makes them perseverant. The written word survives, and will continue doing so, because it will always scamper beyond the clutch of every political hand that would control it, and readers will always seek the written word for purpose, pleasure and knowledge. There is nothing better than reading a good book. Good books are dark and stormy, or a biscuit-tin landscape on a spring day. They are dark and foreboding, or redemptive. They expand beyond their soft or hard cover and become a universe. And they embrace you like a long-lost friend. In this issue of Senior Times, Fiona Vella interviews Max Farrugia, winner of the academic section of the Premju Anzjanità Attiva. Having started out his working life as a night reporter with the Times of Malta, Farrugia went on to work in archiving. And when he retired, he did not archive his love of words, documents and photos – in fact, during a work experience at the National Archives, he pursued research into various areas and went on to write and publish a number of titles. And he still researches and writes because, as he says, this gives him purpose and precious experience which he can then pass on.



4. L-esperjenza tal-anzjani hija imprezzabbli Fiona Vella titkellem ma’ Max Farrugia, rebbieħ tal-Premju Anzjanità Attiva, sezzjoni akkademika.


6. Bogħod mill-għajn, bogħod mill-qalb

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stanley Borg E-mail: seniortimes

Tonio Bonello jagħmel appell għall-anzjani familjari tagħna.

CONTRIBUTORS Carmel Baldacchino Tonio Bonello Tony C. Cutajar Dun Jonathan Farrugia Louis Gatt Joseph Scicluna Fiona Vella

7. Ir-rużarju għadu jiswa? Jeħtieg li nerġgħu nibdew napprezzaw il-ġmiel tar-rużarju, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.

8. Kif konna ngħaddu ż-żmien Joseph Scicluna jiftakar fil-passatempi tal-antik.

PUBLISHERS Allied Newspapers Limited Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000 DESIGN Christian Busuttil SALES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Marion Muscat Tel: 2276 4331 E-mail: marion.muscat © 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers is prohibited.

10. Right royal time As a colony for over 150 years, Malta’s relationship with Britain was complicated. But the island always held a special place in its heart for Queen Elizabeth II. Senior Times and Bay Retro do a royal salute.

14. The very last act Louis Gatt reviews Atturi Theatre Group’s final years.

15. L-Antikrist Mattew Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.

16. Pictures of the world This month’s news highlights captured in show-stopping photos.

18. A global awareness-raising campaign against ageism Fighting ageism should be everyone’s concern.

20. Ball brothers The Samuel brothers wrote a great chapter in the history of local football, says Carmel Baldacchino.




Fr Hilary Tagliaferro, a lifetime of achievements


he Parliamentary Secretary for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, Anthony Agius Decelis, presided over the award-winning ceremony Premju Anzjanità Attiva 2018, under the distinguished patronage of the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. This prestigious prize is presented to older persons who are active in various sectors within their community or who work hard for the elderly. There are seven categories for this award, for which winners are selected by an independent board. Moreover, the Parliamentary Secretary presents Premju Lifetime Achievement. This year, Hon. Anthony Agius Decelis presented Premju Lifetime Achievement to Fr Hilary Tagliaferro, especially since his passion and drive to contribute to the well-being of young persons through various efforts has shone throughout his life and is still reflected in his day to day endeavours at the age of 84.

Born in 1934, Fr Hilary first joined the Augustinian Order at the age of 16. He was later ordained priest in 1958 in Rome. In 1982, he started a new school of football called Inħobb il-Futbol for children and youths between eight and 17 years of age. Throughout the years, he formed part of the executive committee of the Malta Football Association, and held the role of chairperson of the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport. In 2000, Fr Hilary founded the Millennium Chapel, an oasis of peace, open day and night and offering respite and tranquillity to many youths. Fr Hilary was also appointed as United Nations Representative by the Augustinian Order. In 2002, his great contribution in the field of sports was awarded the Order of Merit by the President of Malta. Today, Fr Hilary is still active as President of the Youth Football Association and Director of the Millennium Chapel. He is also very active in giving lectures on the value of sports, and in the character formation of young students and football players.

Today, Fr Hilary is still active as President of the Youth Football Association and Director of the Millennium Chapel. PHOTO: CHRIS SANT FOURNIER






‘L-esperjenza taL-anzjani hija imprezzabbLi’ Fiona Vella titkellem ma’ Max Farrugia, rebbieħ tal-Premju Anzjanità Attiva, sezzjoni akkademika.


inħabba li ġejt nominat għall-Premju Anzjanità Attiva, flimkien ma’ għadd ta’ anzjani oħra, dan l-aħħar attendejt għall-preżentazzjoni tal-premijiet. Wieħed wara lieħor, ir-rebbieħa bdew jiġu msejjħa biex jitilgħu fuq ilpalk ħalli jirċievu l-premju. Ismi kien l-aħħar wieħed li ġie mħabbar, bħala r-rebbieħ tassezzjoni akkademika. Meta ndunajt li rbaħt, lanqas naf x’ħassejt. Niftakar biss li qomt emozzjonat u ħarist lura nfittex lis-sindku tal-Ħamrun, Christian Sammut, li kien innominani,” stqarr Max Farrugia, anzjan ta’ 72 sena. Din is-sena, bħas-snin ta’ qabel, is-Segretarjat Parlamentari Għal Persuni b’Diżabilità u Anzjanità Attiva organizza dan l-avveniment taħt il-patroċinju tal-President ta’ Malta, MarieLouise Coleiro Preca.

Kif stqarr is-Segretarju Parlamentari Anthony Agius Decelis, l-għan tal-Premju Anzjanità Attiva huwa li tiġi rikonoxxuta l-ħidma varja tal-anzjani fil-komunità. Anki għal dis-sena, kien hemm konkorrenza qawwija mingħand diversi persuni li ġew nominati minn għaqdiet u NGOs differenti biex juru l-abbiltajiet tagħhom. Bord indipendenti għażel u immerita lill-individwi partikolari li kienu ‘role models’ fis-soċjetà tagħna. “Meta s-sindku tal-Ħamrun għarraffni li kien innominani għal dan il-premju, kont diġà kuntent ferm. Il-fatt li jinnominak sindku juri li dan japprezza x-xogħol li tagħmel int fir-raħal,” lissen b’emozzjoni Farrugia. Farrugia beda jaħdem fil-volontarjat mill-età ta’ 16-il sena, meta kien imsieħeb maż-Żgħażagħ Ħaddiema Nsara, u hemm kien jgħin fit-

Rebbieħ tas-sezzjoni akkademika.

tagħlim u fl-organizzazzjoni tal-attivitajiet. “Wara li temmejt l-edukazzjoni tiegħi, applikajt bħala night reporter mat-Times of Malta u ntagħżilt. Kien xogħol interessanti ferm li kompla saħħaħli kitbieti. Hemmhekk kelli l-opportunità li naħdem mill-qrib ma’ Mabel Strickland. Mhux darba u tnejn li akkumpanjajtha l-Parlament sabiex nagħmlilha traduzzjoni. Spiċċajt naħdem ma’ dan il-ġurnal fl-1968, imma bqajt nirrispetta lil Strickland sa mewtha għax dejjem ġid rajt minnha. Kienet waħda li tagħtik parir u li tinkoraġġik. Kienet tasal tirrabja miegħek jekk tiżbalja, però mbagħad ma kienetx tiddejjaq tfaħħrek jekk tagħmel xi ħaġa tajba.” Minn hemm, Farrugia kompla bl-istudji tiegħu fejn kiseb Diploma mal-British Institute u speċjalizza fil-ġurnaliżmu fit-turiżmu. Għalkemm ilħsieb tiegħu kien li jidħol

jaħdem fil-qasam tat-turiżmu, ma rnexxielux, u eventwalment applika biex jidħol maċ-Ċivil. “Dħalt mal-Malta Electricity Board li aktar tard saret magħrufa bħala l-Enemalta. Bdejt fl-istores bħala skrivan u minn hemm bdejt navvanza. Finalment, fl-1996 sibt ruħi responsabbli mit-twaqqif talarkivju u l-librerija tal-Enemalta. Kelli nibda kollox millbidu għax ma kien hemm xejn ħlief kamra kbira b’400 kaxxa ippakkjati bid-dokumenti. “Tlabt xi mwejjed u persuni biex jagħtuni daqqa t’id u wara xogħol qatiegħ u bla waqfien, ġibna kollox kif kellu jkun. Biss biss, ikklassifikajna iktar minn 4,000 ritratt li kienu juru l-kostruzzjoni talpower stations f ’Malta. Kien hemm ukoll għadd ta’ pjanti antiki u disinji relatati ma’ dan il-qasam li kienu interessanti ħafna.” Waqt li kien qiegħed jagħmel dax-xogħol, huwa ġie rakkommandat biex isaħħaħ l-istudji tiegħu, u din l-opportunità fetħitlu bibien oħra. “Kelli 55 sena meta ggradwajt b’Diploma in Library and Information Studies. Bħala parti

Kelli l-opportunità li naħdem mill-qrib ma’ Mabel Strickland

Max Farrugia flimkien mas-sindku tal-Ħamrun, Christian Sammut.

mill-kors kelli nipparteċipa f ’ħidma ta’ 100 siegħa f ’xi arkivju jew librerija, u jien għażilt l-Arkivju Nazzjonali. Hemmhekk laqgħani l-Arkivist Nazzjonali, Charles Farrugia, u dan stedinni biex nagħmel ilklassifikazzjoni u l-indiċjar ta’ għadd ta’ dokumenti tal-ħabs li kienu għadhom kif waslu flarkivji. Aċċettajt u bdejt inqassam kollox għalih. “Ma domtx ma nnutajt anomalija u mort niddiskuti mal-arkivist dwarha. Filwaqt li l-parti l-kbira tal-volumi kienu mqassma rġiel u nisa għalihom u ma kienu akkumpanjati bl-ebda ritratti, żewġ volumi minnhom kienu juru rġiel u nisa mħalltin u kien hemm anki r-ritratti tagħhom! Larkivist infurmani li dawk kienu l-individwi li kienu ġew internati f ’Malta u aktar tard fl-Afrika, minħabba li ġew meqjusa b’fehma kontra l-Imperu Ingliż. “Bdejt nifli dawn id-dokumenti b’interess u ħaġa ġġib lill-oħra. Bqajt skantat meta ġurnata minnhom jitfaċċa f ’idejja r-ritratt taz-ziju t’omm marti, ħu San Ġorġ Preca. Imbagħad sibt ukoll ritratt ta’ qassis li kien jiġi minn missieri. Minn hemm, kibirli l-interess f ’dan is-suġġett, sakemm finalment ħriġt il-


ktieb L-Internament u l-Eżilju Matul l-Aħħar Gwerra.” Bħala parti mir-riċerka għal dan il-ktieb, huwa saħansitra mar il-Palestina peress li hemm kienu jinsabu xi Maltin miżżewġin Taljani li kienu ġew internati f ’dan il-post. “Inħobb nikteb ħafna dwar il-perjodu Brittaniku peress li jagħmel parti mill-istorja riċenti ta’ pajjiżna, u huwa żmien li jien għext u għadni niftakar sewwa. Barra minn hekk, għad hemm affarijiet ta’ dak il-perjodu li tista’ tara u tmiss b’idejk.” Infatti, anki l-ktieb l-ieħor tiegħu Enrico Dandria – Qassis, Politiku u Patrijott jitratta dan il-perjodu. “Kelli diġà ‘l fuq minn 60 sena meta ġejt rakkommandat biex nistħarreġ il-ħajja ta’ dan il-Monsinjur li ħadd ma kien għad kiteb dwaru. Kien lewwel Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni f ’Malta fl-1921. Għex żmien politiku mqalleb u kellu sehem importanti f ’għadd ta’ avvenimenti sinifikanti, fosthom: it-twaqqif tal-Assemblea Nazzjonali, l-irvellijiet tas-Sette Giugno, it-twaqqif tal-partiti politiċi, l-ewwel elezzjonijiet parlamentari fl1921, l-ewwel Self Government u t-tilwima politiko-reliġjuża

bejn il-Partit ta’ Strickland u l-Knisja. “Ħajjet Dandria ma kinetx nieqsa mill-kontroversji. Bejnu u bejn l-Ordni Franġiskan Konventwali kienet qamet kwistjoni dwar twaqqigħ ta’ parti mill-knisja ta’ San Franġisk fi Strada Reale fil-Belt Valletta. Dan il-każ spiċċa lQorti u wara kienu saru liġijiet ġodda dwar il-kultura u l-antikitajiet. Huwa miet f ’qasir ilgħomor fl-età ta’ 40 sena.” Biex saret ir-riċerka għal dan il-ktieb, Farrugia ngħata għajnuna sinifikanti mill-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona li fetaħlu lbieb tal-arkivji tal-Knisja f ’Malta u saħansitra rranġalu permess biex juża l-arkivji talVatikan f ’Ruma. Huwa għamel ukoll stħarriġ fil-British Archives. “Meta niddeċiedi li nagħmel xi ħaġa, nidħol b’ruħi u ġismi għaliha. Nemmen li jekk trid tagħmel xi ħaġa, trid tagħmilha sew.” Meta rtira bil-pensjoni, Farrugia deherlu li kellu jsaħħaħ is-sehem tiegħu fil-volontarjat. “Fost xogħol ieħor, bdejt intella’ programm ta’ siegħa bl-isem 20:30 fuq l-istazzjon televiżiv lokali Xejk. Kien programm kollu kemm hu ddedikat lill-patrimonju kulturali u fih kont ninkludi bosta

intervisti mas-Sindki tal-Kunsilli Lokali. Aktar tard, dan il-programm mexa għal fuq l-istazzjon F Living Channel.”



Qoxra tal-ktieb Enrico Dandria.

Qoxra tal-ktieb L-Internament u l-Eżilju Matul l-Aħħar Gwerra.

Għalkemm Farrugia hu millĦamrun, huwa dejjem kellu interess fl-irħula u l-ibliet kollha tal-gżejjer tagħna, partikolarment fir-reġjun tan-Nofsinhar ta’ Malta. Dan wasslu biex jagħti sehem f’diversi għaqdiet. “Meta kont qed nattendi għall-kors tad-Diploma in Library and Information Studies, flimkien mal-lekċerer tagħna Hella Jean Bartolo, waqqafna l-NGO Friends of the National Archives. Wara li Bartolo ħallietna, jien sirt il-President ta’ din l-Għaqda u għadni sa llum nagħti ħafna kontribut.” Huwa msieħeb f ’għadd ta’ għaqdiet, inkluż il-Malta Railway Foundation. Kull sena, għadu jikteb diversi artikli għall-

kotba tal-festi ta’ bosta rħula. Jgħin ukoll biex jitfasslu mixjiet kulturali ġewwa l-Ħamrun. “Nistqarr illi llum ġieli nkun okkupat iktar milli kont fiżżmien meta kont impjegat! Fil-ħajja huwa importanti ferm li jkollok skop għax b’hekk ilħajja tkompli. Nemmen li meta l-anzjani jirtiraw mix-xogħol, għandhom xorta waħda jibqgħu attivi f ’xi ħaġa jew oħra. L-esperjenza tal-anzjani hija mitqlu deheb u l-pajjiż għandu jkun għaqli biżżejjed biex jiggwadanja minnha. Min-naħa l-oħra, l-anzjani jirbħu għax jibqgħu jħossuhom involuti u utli fil-komunità. Huwa tajjeb li tibni fuq iż-żgħażagħ iżda l-esperjenza tal-anzjani hija imprezzabbli!”





Bogħod mill-għajn, bogħod mill-qalb Tonio Bonello jagħmel appell għall-anzjani familjari tagħna.


l-ħajja ironija, mill-bidu sat-tmiem. Il-bniedem ironija, bl-istess qies. Hawn fostna persuni, illum anzjani, f ’solitudni taqta’ b’sikkina, jinsabu jgħixu kemm jieħdu n-nifs, jieklu u jorqdu bla ma jkollhom, l’anqas żjara waħda mill-istess uliedhom jew familjari tagħhom fid-dar tal-anzjani fejn jgħixu. Għandna fostna anzjani, li bil-kontra, għal grazzja t’Alla sabu l-imħabba lura li huma taw f ’ħajjithom l’uliedhom u llum qed jgħixu ħajja kuntenta, serena fil-kumpanija tal-istess uliedhom u wlied uliedhom. Fil-parti kbira ta’ dawn, anke jekk mgħobbijin bl-eta, għadhom isibu l-ħin jgħinu l’uliedhom, mhux biss fid-dar, jew fit-tisjir, iżda saħansitra fittrobbija tal-istess uliedhom bħala nanniet. Hawn minn dawn in-nanniet li jieħdu kull opportunità li tiġihom biex ikunu mal-istess ulied u wlied uliedhom kull fejn possibbli li jkunu magħhom. Dan inkluż xi ikla l-Ħadd, xi passiġata filgħaxija, dawra bilkarozza, ġurnata fil-kampanja jew fejn il-baħar, u saħansitra, anke jekk ikunu offruti biex isiefru mal-istess ulied u wlied uliedhom. Din hi tassew grazzja minn Alla. Għaliex qed ngħid dan? Għaliex hawn ġenituri, illum nanniet, li tajbin kemm tajbin, illum, huma stess, iddistakkaw irwiehom minn l-istess uliedhom u l-familji tagħhom għal raġunijiet li, xi drabi jkunu jafu huma biss. L-aktar risposta komuni ta’ dawn għal atteġġjament tali tkun; “Biex ma ndejjaqhomx”. Waqt li nifhem li kulħadd għandu ħajtu x’jgħix, pero’ nifhem ukoll li sakemm persuna ma tkunx sikkanti, iżżomm ċerta distanza, tagħraf tkun edukata u tuża l-etika kollha possibbli, għal familjari tagħha din mhix se tkun ta’ xkiel, iżda, anzi, bil-kontra, ta’ gost u pjaċir. Waqt li jeżistu ulied li, litteralment ma jridux jafu

Huwa tajjeb li l-anzjani jirrealizzaw kemm għad huwa importanti u fundamentali s-sehem tagħhom fil-ħajja ta’ wliedhom u wlied uliedhom.

bil-ġenituri tagħhom la darba kibru, u ħafna drabi jkunu dawn l-istess anzjani li jkunu mixteqin mill-presenza u limħabba ta’ wliedhom, jeżistu wkoll tant ulied li jixtiequ jkomplu ħajjithom bil-presenza tal-omm u l-missier li

darba kellhom, iżda li dawn, għal raġunijiet diversi ma jħossux dan l-obbligu. Ironikament imbagħad jibdew il-problemi ta’, għaliex per eżempju anzjan ma jafx sew jew għax ma jarax regolarment lit-tifel tat-tifla. Skużi, mhux

Jinħtieġ li jkun hawn kuxjenza nazzjonali, qawmien ġdid biex dik li darba f ’pajjiżna kienet tant popolari u magħrufa, jiġifieri s-sens ta’ familja estiża, terġa’ tidħol ftit ftit u tkun suċċess

bil-fors, jekk il-parti tiegħek li tkun nannu jew nanna attiva m’intix tagħmilha! Quddiem din ir-rejalta’ li qajla nisimgħu u nitkellmu dwarha, jinħtieġ li jkun hawn kuxjenza nazzjonali, qawmien ġdid biex dik li darba f ’pajjiżna kienet tant popolari u magħrufa, jiġifieri s-sens ta’ familja estiża, terġa’ tidħol ftit ftit u tkun suċċess. Nerġa ntenni, dan mhux jingħad f ’sens ta’ appell biex in-nanniet jieħdu ħsieb ulied l’ulied. Qed ngħid dan f’sens li listess nanniet għandhom iħossuhom responsabbli li jkunu parteċipi fil-ħajja ta’ wliedhom, anke meta jikbru, anke meta dawn jieħdu l-istat tagħhom, anke meta dawn jiffurmaw ilfamilja distinta tagħhom. Meta koppja tiżżewweġ, firrit tas-sagrament fost l-oħrajn jingħad; “fit-tajjeb u fil-ħażin, fil-ferħ u fin-niket, fis-saħħa

u fil-mard, sa mal-mewt tifridna”. Forsi jkun tajjeb dawn l-anzjani familjari tagħna, li xi drabi, aktarx biss b’intenzjoni tajba, jirrealizzaw ukoll kemm għad huwa importanti u fundamentali s-sehem tagħhom fil-ħajja ta’ wliedhom u wlied uliedhom bilgħan li l-familja tkun waħda tassew sħiħa, kompluta u b’dik id-diversità li tant persuni b’tant idejat u tant etajiet differenti jistgħu jagħtu lejn xulxin b’risq il-ġid komuni tal-istess familja. Tonio Bonello hu l-editur midja kif ukoll Information and Communications Executive responsabbli mill-Corporate-Wide Media and Com munications fl-Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti fi ħdan il-Ministeru għallFamilja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali.





Ir-rużarju għadu jiswa? Jeħtieg li nerġgħu nibdew napprezzaw il-ġmiel tar-rużarju, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.


in iżur id-dar tal-kittieb Taljan Alessandro Manzoni (17851873) f ’Milan jinnota li mattustiera tas-sodda għad hemm imdendla l-kuruna tar-rużarju li kien juża biex jitlob. Manzoni kien ħa ħsieb li fil-kapolavur tiegħu I Promessi Sposi jippreżenta lill-protagonista Lucia titlob ir-rużarju fl-aktar mumenti ebsin ta’ ħajjtha. Il-mużiċista Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) kien magħruf li waqt il-festi fil-palazzi ta’ Vjenna fejn kien idoqq, kien iwarrab għal ftit ħin waħdu fil-ġnien biex jgħid ir-rużarju. Contardo Ferrini (1859-1902) li kien ġurista u professur flUniversità ta’ Pavia meta kien jistieden in-nies id-dar jew meta kien imur hu għand ilħbieb kien jibda billi jistedinhom jgħidu r-rużarju flimkien. Koppja ħbieb tiegħi li kelli x-xorti nżewweġ f ’Mejju li għadda, kull meta kienu jlaqqgħu lil kull min kellu xi sehem fit-tieġ kienu jibdew ittaħdidiet bir-reċita tar-rużarju. Forsi tgħidu, la qegħdin f ’Ottubru ġejja xi prieda oħra fuq ir-rużarju? Mhux dak li għandi f ’moħħi. Aktar kmieni din is-sena kien seħħ fatt li kien imdaħħal fih irrużarju li fetaħli għajnejja fuq kemm din it-talba – li llum tant nies warrbuha għax m’għadhomx jifhmuha – tista’ faċilment tiġi abbużata biex tirbaħ is-sentimenti tan-nies. Fl-istess ġimgħat meta fil-Parlament ta’ Malta kien għaddej id-dibattitu fuq il-‘protezzjoni’ tal-embrijuni – liema dibattitu spiċċa b’leġislazzjoni li tat permess biex ilħajja tal-bniedem fl-ewwel mumenti tagħha tiġi użata jew friżata skont il-bżonn – l-istess

Gvern li għadda din il-liġi nefaq madwar €32,000 f ’kuruni li tbierku mill-Papa biex jitqassmu fi djar tal-anzjani f’Malta. Kien sar ħafna diskors dwar l-importanza li l-Knisja ma tindaħalx f ’affarijiet li jikkonċernaw il-politika, imbagħad f ’daqqa waħda naraw ġest bħal dan li jwaqqa’ l-argument kollu mill-istess entità li kien fl-interess tagħha li dan jimxi ‘il quddiem. Hija ħasra li talba bħal din ġiet ridotta għal għodda biex tintrebaħ is-simpatija tan-nies (f’dalkaż, anzjani) f ’mument meta kienet qed tgħaddi liġi immorali. Hija ħasra wkoll li f ’pajjiżna (għad) hawn ħafna li jdubu meta tingħatalhom kuruna bla ma jagħtu każ ta’ min hi l-id li qed tnewwilhielhom. Dan huwa sinjal ċar tal-immaturità reliġjuża li tiddomina fostna l-Matlin, għax nieqfu ma’ dak li jidher minn barra bla ma aħna kapaċi naħsbu u nifhmu xinhi l-motivazzjoni vera. U dan iwassalna għall-punt li nixtieq nitkellem ftit dwaru llum: huwa possibbli li rrużarju nerġgħu nibdew napprezzaw il-ġmiel tiegħu biex nevitaw li jiġi użat biex nilgħabu bis-sentimenti? Ir-raġuni għala r-rużarju jinsab f ’din il-qagħda huwa għax it-talb kollu daħal fi kriżi. Forsi r-rużarju huwa l-unika talba li tiegħu għandna għodda – il-kuruna – u hu għalhekk li din tintuża bħala simbolu għat-talb kollu. Illum kulħadd huwa kompletament aljenat bl-interessi materjali u ftit li xejn għad hemm min jagħti każ ta’ ruħu. L-istorbju sar ħaġa waħda mależistenza tagħna u fejn hemm listorbju huwa diffiċli ħafna għar-ruħ biex issib ftit mumenti ta’ skiet fejn titkellem ma’ Alla.

Il-familja għandha tkun l-ewwel skola tal-fidi għat-tfal.

150 sena ilu t-teorista politiku Spanjol Juan Donoso Cortés kien qal “Id-dinja tinsab filqagħda li fiha narawha għax illum hawn aktar ġlied milli hawn talb”. Mur ġibu jgħix illum. Issib min jgħid li r-rużarju huwa talba tal-vavi u li aħjar nitolbu bħal ‘adulti’. Il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu I, meta kien għadu isqof, darba kien ta risposta għal dan il-kumment: “Meta jien nitkellem ma’ Alla u mal-Verġni mbierka, nippreferi nkun tifel milli adult. Lill-isqof bid-dinjità kollha li jġorr nibgħatu passejn biex jien inkun bħal tifel li qed jifraħ m’ommu u missieru. Ir-rużarju hija talba sempliċi u faċli, ‘tal-vavi’, li tgħinni nsir tifel mill-ġdid u din il-ħaġa m’għandix għax

nistħi minnha”. L-impressjoni li tingħata minn min ‘kiber’ (jew ‘laħaq’ kif ngħidu bilMalti) hi li issa m’għandux aktar bżonn ta’ Alla (imma xorta tarah fil-bankijiet riservati tal-knisja f ’xi festa!). Dan jurina li dawn il-‘kbar’ fejn jidħol it-talb għadhom qishom adolexxenti għaddejin minn kriżi li ma jafux fejn qegħdin imma kuntenti li jirribellaw kontra dak kollu li flimgħoddi kienu tgħallmu li għandu valur. Allura meta naraw kif qed jispiċċa kollox, kif nistgħu ndawru r-rotta tar-rota? Jien nemmen li dan jista’ jsir biss jekk il-familji nsara jieħdu ħaġa bħal din bis-serjetà. Ilfamilja għandha tkun l-ewwel skola tal-fidi għat-tfal. Il-Papa

Pawlu VI, issa qaddis, kien qal li l-pedagoġija spiritwali talfamilji hija ħaġa delikata, leġittima u li xejn ma jista’ joħdilha postha. Delikata għax jekk ma ssirx l-ambjent seklulari li għeriqna fih faċli jiblagħha u jeqridha; leġittima għax hija parti mill-missjoni li Alla ta lillġenituri fit-trobbija ta’ wliehom meta ġabuhom fil-knisja biex għammduhom; xejn ma jista’ joħdilha postha għax huwa meta t-tfal ikunu għadhom żgħar li huma jidraw u jibdew iħobbu d-drawwa tat-talb. Il-ġenituri li jiġbru lil uliedhom biex flimkien jitolbu rrużarju jkunu qed jiċċelebraw forma ta’ liturġija familjari. Jalla kull wieħed u waħda minna jara kif jista’ jagħti sehmu biex dan jibda jsir kif suppost.





Kif konna ngħaddu ż-żmien Joseph Scicluna jiftakar fil-passatempi tal-antik.


att ġibtu quddiem għajnejkom x’kontu tagħmlu, jew kif kontu tgħaddu l-ħin, kieku qegħdin tgħixu l-bogħod miż-żmien tal-lum, ngħidu aħna għall bidu tas-seklu dsatax? Il-ħajja ma kinetx kif inhi llum. L-ambjent fejn wieħed jgħix meta jkun għadu żgħir, u ma min jgħix, jista jkollhom effett fuq il-ħajja tagħna, u bosta drabi jfasslu d-drawwiet tal-bniedem.

It-terramaxka fIt-toroq Fit-toroq tal-ibliet u rħula tagħna, in-nies kienet drat tisma ġejja mill-bogħod it-terramaxka. Din kienet kaxxa Għall-kaċċa tal-fniek. RItRatt: Bay REtRO Għas-sajda ġo Għar Lapsi. RItRatt: Bay REtRO

tad-daqq, tidher qisha pjanu u mgħobbija fuq karettun birroti miġbud minn ħmara. Sidha kien idawwar manku li kien imqabbad ma’ ċilindru fuq ġewwa, bil-ponot, li meta jdur, imiss ma biċċa azzar li magħha kien ikun hemm martell idoqq kordi ta’ pjanu, qniepen u strumenti oħra. Fuqha jew mal ġnub tagħha, kien ikollha figorini jew statwetti, iżommu strumenti tal-banda, li kienu jduru malħoss tal-mużika li tkun ħierġa mill-kaxxa. Kienet tkun imżejna bi bnadar u żigarelli. It-tfal il-gost tagħhom iduru madwarha, u waqt li l-mużika tkun għadejja, sidha kien idur bi plattina f ’idu biex forsi idabbar xi ftit ħbub. Dawn il-kaxxi tad-daqq kienu iġibuhom minn Franza u l-Iżvizzera, u għalkemm għadda żmien, sa snin ilu konna għadna naraw waħda fit-toroq tal-Belt.

NIsa jIlgħabu t-tombla Fil-passat kien hawn aktar ħajja fit-toroq. Min ma kienx ikollu x’jgħamel kellu ħin biżżejjed biex jehda f ’xi passatemp. In-nisa kont tarahom miġbura ma’ ġenb xi bieb, jew bil-qegħda fuq l-għatba jilgħabu t-tombla. Il-logħba li kienet tintlagħab f ’Napli, daħlet Malta għas-sena 1820, u ma damitx ma saret popolari. Il-każini tal-baned bdew jorganizzaw attivitajiet fejn kont issib in-nies jinġabru fi

pjazza bil-qegħda mal-imwejjed u erħilhom jimmarkaw il-kartelli biż-żibeġ u buttuni. F’xi bliet u rħula in-numri kellhom il-laqmijiet tagħhom u l-aktar magħrufa kienu it-tlettax ta’ Ġuda u l-ħamsa u għoxrin il-Milied. L-ewwel darba li bdiet tintlagħab it-tombla, kien fit-Teatru Rjal, il-lum il-Manoel, waqt l-intervall tal-opra.

Id-delIzzju tat-tajr Dari kien ħawn ħafna dillettanti itellgħu it-tajr minn fuq il-bjut. Meta t-tajra tkun għadha fil-baxx, dak li jkun kien irekkem jew jagħti skossi ma l-ispaga,u t-tajra tibda tiegħla mar-riħ sakemm tilħaq l-għoli. Fl-inħawi taż-Żejtun u Birżebbuġa, in-nies mhux tajra jsejħulha imma manuċċa.

Fl-inħawi taż-Żejtun u Birżebbuġa, in-nies mhux tajra jsejħulha imma manuċċa


Tfal jibnu kamp f’San Ġiljan. RiTRaTT: RobeRT Dingli/bay ReTRo

Ġejja mill-Isqalli ‘manu uccello’ li tfisser għasfur bl-idejn. Dan il-passtemp kien aktar popolari fl-istaġun tas-sajf. Maħduma b’sengħa kbira, kien ikun hemm spettaklu sħiħ tara dawk il-gzuz ta’ tajr bi lwien u għamliet differenti. Meta tiġi biex tinħadem ittajra, kien jitfassal id-disinn fuq il-karta u tiġi inkullata fuq qasba forma ta’ qaws. Flimgħoddi ħafna kienu blimħatra ta’ min tkun l-isbaħ tajra u kont tara għamliet ta’ skorfini, stillel, figuri ta nisa u irġiel, armi tal-każini talbanda u ta’ xi partit politiku.

Il-logħba talbullarI fIl-bIrgu Din il-logħba bdiet tintlagħab fil-Birgu, għalkemm hemm min jgħid li xi nies minn naħa t’isfel tal-Belt kienu jilagħbuha qrib Sant Iermu. Fil-Birgu, bosta żgħażagħ kif ukoll xi barklori kienu jqattgħu il-ħin jilgħabu lbullari mal-ħajt tal-monasteru tas-sorijiet Benedittini fuq issur tat-toqba. Wara nofsinhar, il-barklori kienu jinżlu it-toqba, jitilgħu fuq id-dgħajjes, jersqu lejn ilbastimenti tan-Navy u jniżżlu

l-baħrin l-art. Il-logħba tixbaħ ħafna dik ta’ lis-squash u żewġ irġiel kienu jħabbtu ballun talkamoxxa mal-ħajt. Kien jinżebagħ sinjal mal-ħajt xi tlett filati għoli, u min minnhom kien iħabbat il-ballun taħt issinjal, jew jolqot il-ballun wara li jkun mess mal-art aktar minn darba, kien jitlef punt. Il-logħba kienet tispicca meta l-ewwel wieħed kien jitlef ħdax-il punt, u dak li jirbaħ kien jieħu xi ftit soldi li kienu joħorġu l-irġiel qabel ma tibda l-logħba.

In-namra tas-sajd Is-sajd minn dejjem kien passatemp popolari mal-Maltin. Għal-dan id-delizzju jrid ikollok il-ħin u l-paċenzja. Tkun ilek tistad għal ħin twil, kultant il-ħut imiss, mingħajr ma taqbad xejn. Għalkemm il-lum għadek tara sajjieda, dari kont tara ħafna aktar bil-qasba f ’idejhom, fuq ix-xatt, jillixkaw u jwaddbu x-xlief fil-baħar. Jieħdu gost meta jmiss, jagħtu skoss il-qasba u itellgħu xi ħuta. Bħala lixka jużaw il-ħobż magħġun mal-ġobon jinten, kultant jitfgħu l-għalf fil-baħar

ħalli l-ħut jersaq qrib is-sunnara. Kien hemm min joħorġ jistad fuq frejgatina, u minn kien jista, kien jixtri l-gambli jew dud tal-imperjal bħala lixka. Minn kien imur jagħmel il-gambli, kien ikaxkar xibka għamla ta’ lembut b’nofs ark tal-ħadid, nofs il-fuq u nofs milwi l-isfel. Dawk dilettanti kienu jistadu bir-rixa għal lampuki u kavalli. Il-lum ħafna mis-sajd inqata u biex forsi jkollok ix-xorti li jmissek, trid tmur sew barra x-xtut tagħna.

Il-kaċċa u nsIb u t-trobbIja tad-dud tal-ħarIr Id-delizzju tal-kaċċa u nsib ilu magħna għal sekli twal, u nistgħu ngħidu li dan huwa parti mill-ħajja tagħna. Fi żmien qabel ma l-bniedem beda jrabbi l-annimali, il-kaċċa kienet ilmod biex huwa setgħa jgħajjex il-familju tiegħu. Sa minn qabel ma waslet l-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann f ’pajjiżna, dan id-delizzju kien għallklassi għolja, u meta ġew ilkavallieri, bosta granmastri kienu joħorġu għall-kaċċa talfenek selvaġġ. Maż-żmien in-numru ta’ kaċċaturi żdied, bil-kaċċa tkun

l-aktar dik għas-summien u l-gamiem. L-insib kien u għadu l-aktar għall-għasafar tal-għana. L-istudjużi f ’dan ilqasam jgħidu li l-insib beda meta ġew l-Għarab f ’Malta. Dan nistgħu ngħiduh peress li kliem bħal ‘insib’, ‘mansab’ u ‘xibka’ huma mnissla millilsien għarbi. In-naħa ta’ fuq ta’ Malta, ngħidu aħna, IlPwales, il-Wied ta’ San Martin u l-Wardija, kienu popolari ħafna fl-imgħoddi. Xi wħud kienu jrabbu d-dud tal-ħarir. Dilettanti ta’ dan iddelizzju kienu jqattgħu siegħat sħaħ jaraw d-dudu jinseġ il-fosdqiet tal-ħarir, u meta l-baħrija toħroġ millfosdqa, tbid il-bajd li kien ifaqqas is-sena ta’ wara. Kien delizzju sabiħ imma ta’ paċenzja, għax meta jfaqqas, wieħed ried jitmagħhom weraq tal-ħass u wara kien weraq taċ-ċawsli.

l-għana – tradIzzjonI tal-maltIn Nistgħu ngħidu li l-għana filpassat kien aktar popolari milli huwa llum. Dari, l-għannejja kienu jiltaqgħu f ’xi maħżen u erħilhom iqabblu strofa waħda wara l-oħra,



akkumpanjati mid-daqq talkitarri. L-għana hu l-mużika tradizzjonali ta’ Malta, li filpassat kien jitkanta millbdiewa jew raħħala, f ’kelma waħda minn nies komuni. Hemm l-għana ‘spirtu pront’, l-għana fl-għoli jew ‘la Bormliża’ u l-‘għana tal-fatt.’ Kienet id-drawwa li n-nies tmur toqgħod tisma l-għana f ’xi ħanut tal-inbid. Sikwit l-għannejja kienu jgħannu fuq ‘spirtu pront’ fejn il-kliem jivvintawh dak il-ħin stess, wieħed iwieġeb lil ta’ warajh u jitfgħu botta u jinbxu lil xulxin. Min jgħanni ikun jesprimi dak li jkun qiegħed iħoss, kemm ferħ, kemm dwejjaq, u fl-istess ħin isib kliem li jaqbel mar-rima meta ikun qiegħed ikanta. Mill-banda l-oħra, lgħana tal-fatt huwa kważi dejjem dwar storja pjuttost ta’ niket, li tkun ġrat fl-imgħoddi, jew rakkont ta’ xi leġġenda li tkun ilha margħufa minn ġenerazzjoni għal oħra. L-għana tal-fatt ilu magħna għal ftit aktar minn ħames mitt sena, u l-ewwel għanja li nafu biha, L-Għarusa talMosta, hija rakkont meta tTorok niżlu Malta fis-sena 1526 u serqu xbejba mill Mosta waqt il-jum tat tieġ tagħha. Illum il-ġurnata l-għana tindaqq fuq il-kitarri, għalkemm flantik kienu jintużaw strumenti oħra fosthom it-tanbur, iż-żafżafa, iż-żaqq, iż-żummara u flejguta. Sorsi Ruben Abela, Wirt Iż-Żejtun, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Viġilo, April 2012 Guido Lanfranco, Ħajjitna flImgħoddi, Wise Owl Publications, 2004 L-Opri tas-Sajd matul iżŻminijiet, It-Torċa Sept 2004 Maria Cutajar, Id-delizzju talkaċċa u nsib, UOM teżi, 2015 Ftit storja fuq it-terramaxka, Mużajk Joseph Scicluna, It-Teatrin – mgħodija taż-żmien fil-passat, It-Torċa, Awwissu 2017 Charles B Spiteri, Tifkiriet u Xogħolijiet ta’ l-Imgħoddi, PIN publications, 2011 Fiona Vella, Ġabriet itTifkiriet – Leħen il-Passat millPreżent, 2014 Anthony Valletta, Mit-Tfulija tan-Natura, Imprint Ltd, 1983 Pawlu Zammit, L-Introduzzjoni tat-Tombla f ’Malta, Awwissu 2017 Eric Brockman, Last Bastion – Sketches of the Maltese Islands, 1961 Mario Azzopardi (Ed), Kitbiet Dwar it-Teatrin, Malta Drama Centre, 2010





King’s Gate is decorated to celebrate King George V and Queen Mary’s visit to Malta in 1912. PHOTO: BAY RETRO Crowds gather in Valletta to watch a Royal Navy parade in St George’s Square in the 1930s. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Carmelo Sultana’s hat shop in Prince of Wales Street, Sliema is decorated to celebrate King George V’s Silver Jubilee in 1935. PHOTO: BAY RETRO Floriana flies the flags in St Anne Street for King Edward VII’s royal visit to Malta in 1903. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

The Duke of Edinburgh with Princess Elizabeth at Villa Guardamangia in 1949. PHOTO: BAY RETRO


Princess Margaret and Princess elizabeth turn on the glamour on a visit to the Union Club in Sliema in 1950. Photo: heCtoR BoRG CaRBott/Bay RetRo

Girls in their smart uniforms enjoy a tea party at Ħamrun Primary School to celebrate Queen elizabeth II’s visit to Malta in 1954. Photo: Bay RetRo

Right royal time As a colony for over 150 years, Malta’s relationship with Britain was complicated. But the island always held a special place in its heart for Queen Elizabeth II. Senior Times and Bay Retro do a royal salute. PhotoS CoURteSy of Bay RetRo

King’s Gate in Valletta is fitted with a crown as Malta marks the Silver Jubilee of King George V and Queen Mary in 1935. Photo: Bay RetRo Queen elizabeth II presents the colours to the King’s own Malta Regiment during trooping the colour in Valletta in 1967. Photo: Bay RetRo

Princess elizabeth chats to Karmena agius, who wears a traditional Maltese għonnella outside Bighi hospital in 1949. Photo: Bay RetRo




























17 19











25 26



29 30





26.Cut (5) 27. Prickly plants (5) 28.Money-bag (5) 29.Tumbler (7) 30.Parts of speech (5) 31. Poor (5)














28 29


ACROSS 1. On paper, a try (5) 6. She shows there’s nothing very soft in Paisley’s exterior (5) 9. Name or part of the number on a passenger vehicle (7) 10. One’s personal box of vital possessions (5) 11. In public transport, they are not unparalleled (5) 12. A penetrating product long handled (5) 13. Poetry the boy sent astray (7) 15. He robs tyrants of lots of money (3) 17. Scheme to keep the allotment holder busy (4) 18. A strong, firm fellow (6) 19. Food painfully taken? (5) 20.Getting back in less than a day is tiresome! (6) 22. To cheat some people is a bad thing to do (4) 24. He likes a drink, so starts tippling (3) 25. Generous politician? (7) 26.Great enthusiasm of a chap for a piano piece (5) 27. Good man, though he made a bad start in wrecking a boat (5) 28.Figure the general’s about surrendered! (5) 29.Being quite elderly, they’ve left school (3,4) 30.Thin and weak, yet growing strong? (5) 31. My tea cannot possibly be vegetarian! (5)



ACROSS 1. Fish (5) 6. Domesticated (5) 9. Happening slowly (7) 10. Honour (5) 11. Loans (5) 12. Yields (5) 13. Consents (7)

15. Age (3) 17. Action (4) 18. Rocks (6) 19. Insects (5) 20.Lazers (6) 22. Lake (4) 24.Also (3) 25. Tablet (7)

DOWN 2. Royal residence (6) 3. Tallied (6) 4. Attempt (3) 5. Borders (5) 6. Flairs (7) 7. Beers (4) 8. Last (6) 12. Prison rooms (5) 13. Own (5) 14. Stringed instrument (5) 15. Go in (5) 16. Poplar (5) 18. Feeling (5) 19. Gambols (7) 21. Give (6) 22. Tiny (6) 23. Washed out (6) 25. Performer (5) 26.Knife (4) 28.Criticise (3)

SEPTEMBER ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Fracas 7. Perverse 8. Peri 10. Reason 11. Arcade 14. Cat 16. Armed 17. Tier 19. Reply 21. Coral 22. Habit 23. Pets 26. Kebab 28. Sad 29. Erotic 30. Parade 31. Atom 32. Dungeons 33. Saying. DOWN: 1. Ferret 2. Caesar 3. Spin 4. Overall 5. Dream 6. Ceded 8. Pace 9. Rot 12. Cry 13. Debit 15. Peril 18. Inter 19. Rob 20. Pat 21. Cabinet 22. Hat 23. Parody 24. Edam 25. Seeing 26. Kendo 27. Bound 28. Sat 30. Pass.


DOWN 2. Instructive group of artists? (6) 3. Away somewhere, like a sailor mending nets (6) 4. Still the old-fashioned shirt style (3) 5. Discontinue operations on the street (5) 6. When held up, it keeps airborne troops on the cool side (7) 7. Is he honoured for his warm heart? (4) 8. Dusty substance found in bloomers (6) 12. Just a yarn, so try to edit it (5) 13. Colorado beetle’s favourite veg (5) 14. Saw up a piece of music! (5) 15. Out East, knotted cord used for furnishings, etc. (5) 16. The way a swimmer is often termed “cold” (5) 18. Her insurance liability is much reduced (5) 19. Some atlases are grey covered, very largely (7) 21. Money around which troubles are centred? (6) 22. Think up a way for Sid and Eve to get together (6) 23. Father torn from mother, maybe (6) 25. Such dancers bend over backwards to succeed (5) 26.The way one feels about a low number? (4) 28.Jim’s sound place of exercise (3) SEPTEMBER ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Si-MP-le 7. Turn-over 8. Lion 10. Vienna 11. Lionel 14. Ace 16. SWE-LL 17. Ride 19. Gogo-L 21. Minor 22. Tang-O 23. L-ads 26. Me-ter 28. Sic 29. A-RR-est 30. Jo-kin-g 31. Owed 32. Can-nab-is 33. Ho.-yden. DOWN: 1. Solver 2. Prince 3. Etna 4. Incisor 5. O-Vi-ne 6. Dr-ill 8. Lead 9. One 12. Owl 13. Eland 15. C-ongo 18. Idler 19. Gin 20. Go-O 21. MarsHal 22. Tee 23. Likely 24. AC-I’d 25. Sign on 26. Match 27. Trunk 28. Sow 30. Josh.

Affluent Arraign Bubbly Bunks Coincide Constrain Corny Crayon Cynic Flint

Green Guppy Hourly Hubbub Huffy Inhaling Insect Lankier Lunacy Misuse

Needs Oasis Option Paunchy Pined Plain Scars Scopes Skimp Speck

Spice Steam Taken Understandings Unison Unite Unsung Waifs Wrens Yearn




Ngħidu kelma


QWIEL MALTIN U XI JFISSRU Min ma jġarrabx il-ħażin ma jafx it-tajjeb. He who has had no experience of evil cannot know the worth of goodness.

L-Imnara – Folklor minn Malta Vol. 10 by BDL

Biża’ u Kuraġġ by Karmenu Mallia

Iz-zakak jaqbez u jitfarfar, iżda l-ħamiem iżoqq u jgargar. The wagtail hops and flaps its wings, but the male dove feeds and coos.

Historic Times This month, we are giving away three bestselling paperbacks. To win, tell us the date when this Times of Malta front page was published. Send your answers via e-mail to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first three correct answers that we receive win a paperback each. Last month’s winners are Arthur Micallef, who wins a copy of Imħabba Għamja by Emmanuel Portelli, Joyce Borg, who wins a copy of Tisjir fi 30 Minuta by Anton B Dougall and Timothy Calleja, who wins a copy of Previous Convictions by A. A. Gill. The correct answer to last month’s question was September 19, 1993.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9

2 1 4 7 6 3 8 9 5

8 9 7 5 1 4 6 2 3

7 8 9 6 3 5 2 4 1

6 5 1 2 4 8 9 3 7

L-Imnara – Folklor minn Malta Vol. 11 by BDL

Agħlaq il-bieb qabel ma taħrab id-debba. Shut the door before the mare bolts. Aħjar bl-aptit inkella bit-tabib. It’s better to have an appetite than to need a doctor.

SUDOKU 5 6 3 8 9 2 1 7 4

Qatta żergħa araha filgħodu u xebba araha filgħaxija. See a sheaf of corn in the morning and a young woman in the evening.

4 3 2 9 7 1 5 6 8

3 2 6 1 8 7 4 5 9

9 4 8 3 5 6 7 1 2

1 7 5 4 2 9 3 8 6

2 7 9 5 4 7 8 1 3 5 8 1 2 5 2 7 7 9 1 4 2 3 7 1 4 5 8

Qabbilli waħda Ħanini Ħanini mar Buġibba, W’minn hemm ma jiġix b’ġibda Ħanini mar Bufies, Minn hemm ma jiġux nies. Tad-demolition Iqallbu il-ġebel, Jisirqu l-enemel, Tad-demolition. Jidħlu ġol-kċina, Jisirqu l-għaġina, Tal-Victory Kitchen.







Louis Gatt reviews Atturi Theatre Group’s final years.

fter Malta’s first and only repertory company, the Atturi Theatre Group stopped producing plays at the Deporres hall in Sliema, there was a hiatus of some years when they went into hibernation. But you can’t keep a good unit down forever. So it was perhaps no surprise when the group reformed in the late 1980s. It was based in a new headquarters and rehearsal space in Floriana and the committee was further rejuvenated with the addition of some younger theatre people like Hubert Puglisevich and Anthony Bezzina. The chairman of the committee was still Chevalier Paul Naudi and Karmen Azzopardi stayed on as its star actress and driving force. Also remaining and providing continuity were leading actress Antoinette Soler and the company’s excellent artistic director Lino Farrugia. It is quite a sobering thought to realise that in his time with Atturi and beyond, Farrugia has directed work by, among others, Henrik Ibsen, Alan Ayckbourn, Ugo Betti, Eduardo de Filippo, Luigi Pirandello, Tennessee Williams, John Osborne and Georges Feydeau. Bezzina owned the lease of Atturi’s new base, which later became the first home of the Masquerade Theatre and Arts Academy and theatre company. The availability of Malta’s National Theatre to the Atturi opened up a number of strong possibilities to the company – a very popular centrally situated theatre, over 600 seats available and the Atturi’s already fine reputation, to name but three. So it should come as no surprise to note that it was during this final phase in the Atturi’s life that some of its most spectacular and successful productions were staged. And it is at this point that I feel that a nod in the direction of the company’s long serving backstage crew is appropriate. Most of these stayed with the Atturi from its first production to the very last and their loyalty alone is pretty exceptional. This, plus the fact that they were all extremely good at their various backstage jobs, deserves a long delayed group pat on the back. So, in no particular order, prosit Andrew Ciappara and his set construction crew which included his brother Frank plus Carmel Delia and other assistants from time to time. For nearly all of their productions, the operation of the sound equipment was in the more than capable hands of Tony Parnis. The lighting of any show is one of the most important aspects and this was handled variously over the years by Johnny Borg and Carmel Delia. The person in charge of provid-

Lino Farrugia

A very young Manuel Cauchi.

The late Madeleine Attard Montalto in character as Claire Zachanassian from Friedrich Durrenmatt’s epic play The Visit.

ing and handling stage properties for the Atturi was nearly always female and over the years the most consistent props mistresses have been Sue Fletcher, Elizabeth Fenech and – in the dim and distant past Ruth Hurst. The Atturi was always keen for accuracy when it came to wardrobe and the most enduring wardrobe mistress was the late Lina Galea. This formidable lady together with her assistant Mary Falzon ruled the wardrobe department for many years. Most of the performers who worked for the Atturi were experienced enough to apply their own make-up, but for those less schooled in the art the late Lina Galea Cumbo was invariably on hand. Closely related to make-up is hairdressing – and for many years this was done professionally and without fuss by Jane Attard. Stage management is an art in itself and the Atturi were indeed fortunate to have the services of Victor Soler for its entire existence, while Nicky Rosser was usually in the corner calling the show as assistant stage manager. And finally, although not strictly backstage the front of house manager to endure the longest was the personable and efficient David Micallef. This late period in the life of the Atturi produced a memorable largecast production of Tennessee William’s masterpiece Sweet Bird of Youth with Karmen Azzopardi, yet again outstanding in the leading role of Princess. This play was very well directed by Anthony Bezzina who was rapidly garnering a reputation as an exceptional director. Other stand-out productions during this period were Joe Friggieri’s epic production of Bertholt Brecht’s Mother Courage with, yet again, Azzopardi as

the eponymous lead. A part, some might say, she was born to play. It was during this late period in the company’s life that Azzopardi cemented her reputation for playing Italian matriarchs, usually under the direction of Lino Farrugia. Filomena Marturano by Eduardo De Filippo and other plays by the same writer come to mind. Another distinguished leading actress, the late Madeleine Attard Montalto starred in the Atturi’s production of Friedrich Durrenmatt’s epic work The Visit, opposite one of Malta’s finest ever actors Manuel Cauchi. This was another large cast production confidently staged by the company. It was in 1988 that the Atturi branched out into TV, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture. Farrugia’s sensitive work as director of the teleserial Wirt (Heritage) marked a complete departure for Atturi and was a very big hit, both technically and culturally. Intelligent, well-written scripts were – and are – at a premium on our local TV channels and Wirt was something of a welcome novelty at the time. Although the late 1980s-1990s marked the swansong of the Atturi Theatre Group, it was during this time that the company actually took two plays on the road. In the first, it was a trip to Moscow, where their chairman Paul Naudi later served as Malta’s ambassador. One of the plays performed was an English translation of De Filippo’s Saturday, Sunday, Monday directed by Anthony Bezzina, while the other was a play directed by a Russian director. It often makes me rather sad to realise that this once dominant theatre company is no more, but in its three separate incarnations it arguably

The late Charles Thake.

The great Karmen Azzopardi.

achieved a status that many better financed and more prestigious theatre companies could only dream of. It certainly brought a lot of pleasure to a great many people. Who could ever forget the great Charles Thake and his talented co-star Joe Izzo in their many comedy incarnations. Then there was the unseen talent and dedication of the people behind the scenes, from the directors to the stagehands. Gone the Atturi may well be, but certainly not forgotten.





L-Antikrist Mattew

“Kien jaqralna mill-kotba ta’ Martin Luteru u aħna konna lesti biex nemmnu fihom ukoll.”

Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.


hux l-Isqof Cubelles biss kien tefa’ għajnejh b’suspett fuq ilqassis Franċiż Gesualdo iżda wkoll il-Gran Mastru D’Homedes. Huwa għażel kummissjoni magħmula mill-kappillan konventwali ta’ San Lawrenz u tliet Kavallieri biex jara jiffurmax xi għamla ta’ tribunal tal-inkiżizzjoni fi żmien meta l-inkiżizzjoni ma kenitx għadha mwaqqfsa f ’Malta. Fost il-Kavallieri magħżula kien hemm il-Kavallier Francesco Nibbia. Wieħed li tela’ jixhed quddiem il-Kavallier Nibbia kien in-Nutar Jacopo Baldacchino li kien jiffrekwenta l-iskola ta’ Gesualdo. Nibbia ħa miegħu lill-Kavallier Alessandro Bracelli, li kien ħabib intimu tiegħu, bħala xhud. “X’wasslek biex tagħmel rapport kontra l-qassis Gesualdo?” staqsieh il-Kavallier. “Għax għalkemm mort kemm-il darba għal-laqgħat li kien qed jorganizza, fl-aħħar intbaħt li kien qed jiżbalja fittagħlim tiegħu.” “X’kien dan it-tagħlim?” “It-tagħlim tiegħu kien iwassal għad-diskussjoni bejn dawk li kienu jattendu. Kien jaqralna mill-kotba ta’ Martin Luteru u aħna konna lesti biex nemmnu fihom ukoll.” “Imma x’kien dan it-tagħlim ta’ Luteru?” “Fost ħafna suġġetti jaħarqu oħra, huwa nnega l-awtorità tal-Knisja li taħfer id-dnubiet u anke d-duttrina tal-eżistenza tal-purgatorju.” “Dak kollox?” “Le, mhux dak biss. Kien jgħid li l-Papa huwa sinjur biżżejjed biex jibni l-katidral ta’ San Pietru minn butu…” “Għaliex kien jgħid hekk?”

“Għax kien jattakka l-bejgħ tal-indulġenzi mill-Vatikan biex jinbena l-katidral ta’ Ruma. Kien jgħid li dik kienet skuża biex jakkwista flus kemm jiflaħ u kien qed jidħaq bl-Insara.” “Taħseb li kellu raġun Luteru jitkellem hekk?” “Ngħidlek is-sew, iva, filbidu qbilt miegħu, iżda meta mbagħad bdejt narah jattakka d-duttrina importanti talKnisja, ma stajtx inkompli nagħtih raġun.” “Inti tidher bniedem kolt u taf x’int tgħid. X’kien jgħidilkom dwar Luteru u l-ġustifikazzjoni? U inti x’tifhem b’din il-kelma?” “Għalija din il-kelma tfisser li Alla lest li jaħfer il-midneb. Luteru jgħallem li l-bniedem isalva biss bil-grazzja t’Alla permezz tal-fidi f’Ġesù Kristu.” “Int taqbel ma’ din id-definizzjoni? Jekk le, għaliex?” “Għax il-Knisja dejjem għallmitna li l-fidi waħedha mhix biżżejjed. Magħha jrid ikun hemm ukoll l-azzjoni, lopri tal-karità. Jiena ma nafx kif Gusualdo kien jaqralna mill-kotba ta’ San Pawl u ta’ San Ġakbu u din tal-fidi flimkien mal-opri tajba qatt ma qraha meta San Pawl isemmiha kemm-il darba.” “Qed timpressjonani kemm int mgħarraf tajjeb dwar ittagħlim tal-Knisja. Iva, fil-Ktieb ta’ San Ġakbu nsibu miktub li l-fidi mingħajr għemil hija fiergħa. U nerġgħu nsibu miktub ‘Il-bniedem ikun iġġustifikat bil-għemil u mhux bil-fidi biss.’ Ċara daqs il-kristall, hux veru?” “Iva, ma jistax ikun ċar iżjed minn hekk. U hemm isemmu wkoll il-fidi ta’ Abraham.” “Bravu, il-Bibbja tafha sewwa. Imma x’ġegħlek tinġibed lejn dan il-qassis Franċiż u tattendi għal-laqgħat tiegħu?”

Qed timpressjonani kemm int mgħarraf tajjeb

“L-isem li taw lilhom infushom ta’ Konfraterija talInsara Tajbin laqatni u anke meta rajt li anke xi qassissin kienu qed jattendu. Jien minn dejjem kont inħobb nitgħallem.” “Dak hu l-eżempju ħażin. Dawk il-qassisin se jieħu ħsiebhom l-isqof. Smajt li magħkom kien jattendi wkoll il-Ħakem tal-Imdina, Mattew Falson. Sewwa qed ngħid?” “Iva, sewwa.”

“X’għandek xi tgħidli dwaru? Kien jaqbel ma’ Gesualdo?” “Il-mod kif kien jargumenta waqt id-diskussjoni, tani limpressjoni li kien jaqbel f ’kollox mat-tagħlim ta’ Luteru.” “U inti x’taf dwar dan Mattew Falson?” “Jgħidu li ibnu huwa saħħar. Lili t-tnejn li huma ma tantx tawni impressjoni tajba tagħhom infushom. Donnhom nies negattivi ħafna fejn għandha x’taqsam il-Knisja tagħna.”

Nibbia rringrazzja lin-Nutar Baladacchino għax-xhieda tiegħu u faħħru għas-sinċerità tiegħu. Wara, hu u Alessandro qablu kemm dan in-nutar kien ta xhieda tajba u kemm deher li hu Nisrani tajjeb li jaf sewwa t-tagħlim tal-Knisja. Din is-sena huwa l-40 anniversarju minn meta l-awtur Tony C. Cutajar ippublika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu, Id-Dubbien l-Abjad (Klabb Kotba Maltin).





Waves crash on stilt houses along the shore due to Hurricane Michael at Alligator Point in Franklin County, Florida, US on October 10. PHOTO: STEVE NESIUS/REUTERS

Pope Francis embraces Rosita Celentano as she cries during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter’s square at the Vatican on October 10. PHOTO: TONY GENTILE/REUTERS

Pictures of the world

This month’s news highlights captured in show-stopping photos.

Bayern Munich’s Arjen Robben warms up before a Bundesliga match on October 6. PHOTO: ANDREAS GEBERT/REUTERS

The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) is seen over the sky near Rovaniemi in Lapland, Finland on October 7. PHOTO: ALEXANDER KUZNETSOV/REUTERS

An Atlantic seal pup lies among the rocks at St Martin’s Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales, Britain on October 8. PHOTO: REBECCA NADEN/REUTERS


Youth perform Georgian martial arts during the annual Tbilisoba festival, celebrating the City Day in Tbilisi, Georgia on October 7. PHOTO: DAVID MDZINARISHVILI/REUTERS

Britain’s Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank kiss as they leave after their wedding at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Britain on October 12. PHOTO: TOBY MELVILLE/REUTERS A red deer stands in the early morning mist in Bushy Park in London, Britain on October 10. PHOTO: HENRY NICHOLLS/REUTERS

US President Donald Trump addresses supporters during a campaign rally at Mayo Civic Centre in Rochester, Minnesota, US on October 4. PHOTO: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS







A global awareness-raising campaign against ageism Fighting ageism should be everyone’s concern


he Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. AGE Platform Europe, with partners active in the promotion of human rights, is seizing this momentum to launch a 70-day awareness campaign for Ageing Equal. Testimonies and research from around the world prove that ageism is the most widespread discrimination. As we are all getting older, ageism affects or will affect all of us. And yet, because it is often more socially accepted, ageism is one of the least known form of discrimination. Fighting ageism should be everyone’s concern: it is time to take action against it. Globally, the number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to increase more than threefold between 2017 and 2050, rising from 137 million to 425 million (World

Population Ageing United Nations Report 2017). Ageist attitudes lead to the marginalisation, poverty and abuse of older persons and have negative impacts on their health and well-being. Research has shown that people with more negative age stereotypes live on average 7.5 years less than those with more positive attitudes to ageing. Pervasive ageism is embedded in our cultures, institutions and policies. It prevents us from enjoying our human rights when we reach older age and from recognizing the harmful effects of discrimination in older age. For example, age limits that hamper the participation of older workers in trainings are still widespread today. For unemployed over 55, it is more likely that they will not be employed again. In some EU member states, older people above the age of 70 are denied the right to rent a car regardless of their

driving abilities. If these discriminations were based on sex or race, we would find them unacceptable – why are they permitted on the ground of age? The momentum launched by the United Nations to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UDHR is reminding us that human rights are rights that everyone enjoys, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or race, belief or religion, sexual orientation or property. For 70 days, the Ageing Equal campaign will invite you to reflect on the prevalence and gravity of ageism and on the importance to stand up for your rights no matter what age you are. The campaign kicked-off on October 1, the International Day of Older Persons, and will culminate on December 10, the International Human Rights Day. It will be structured around 10 thematic weeks reflecting the diversity

of experiences in older age and the multiple discrimination experienced by different groups as they grow older. The campaign will invite everyone to become vocal about this

unrecognised denial of human rights, and hopefully will draw a path to create a society for all ages. To follow the campaign blog visit

Not just hot air People look at hot air balloons decorating a plaza, during a tourism event in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou province, China on October 14. PHOTO: REUTERS





Kind gestures for the MSPCA

Every animal deserves a second chance to have the right loving family. If you want to know true kindness, look into a dog’s eyes when it greets you or feel the gentle purring of a cat as it settles down on your lap. But in return, not every animal receives love and care. Every animal deserves a second chance to have the right family. At the Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (MSPCA), our mission is to work very hard to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals, through rehoming, neutering and microchipping, education, advocacy and other activities.


HELPING US HELP ANIMALS We do not receive any funds from Government. We manage to sustain our mission thanks to our hardworking volunteers, our three charity shops, fundraising initiatives, and funds from a combination of private donors and Dogs Trust UK which has a long standing relationship with the MSPCA. We also depend on your kind donations. You can help us by sponsoring: the organisation of one of our major fundraising events; the annual rent for

the opening of a new charity shop; a kennel; the MSPCA annual report; yearly internet and landline services; a cat pen; the salary of an animal care and adoption officer; yearly cost of one of our three vans; yearly food supply for a dog or a cat; yearly veterinary care for a dog or a cat; urgent projects that pop up from time to time. For further details contact our Business Development Manager on


KLAUS and PUPA We’re very gentle and sweet. We are also neutered, vaccinated and chipped. The MSPCA is currently assessing our pair bond to see whether we are in need of a home together or whether we can live in separate homes.

Who doesn’t like a good bargain? And when the money goes to a good cause there is even added value to your purchase. Whether you are looking for something specific or just bargain hunting we have lots to offer. Of course this wouldn’t be possible without people’s donated goods and the wonderful team of volunteers who sort, pick and organise our stock. We would like to thank everyone who has been part of our successful charity retail outlets. Our three charity shops are in Naxxar Square, Naxxar, Triq il-Greċja, Naxxar, and Ġorġ Borg Olivier Street, Sliema. Check out our FB page to find latest stock, offers, updates, etc.

We depend on voluntary donations from kind people like you. Leaving us a gift in your will helps us continue the work we do and is extremely important for our mission. By leaving us a gift in your will, you will help us make the difference. The best way to support us in your will is to leave us an unrestricted gift, which we can then use for the most urgent matters. However, you can also specify how your gift should be used by leaving us a restricted gift. Your gift will help us rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals that have been abused or neglected. Let your love of animals live on with a gift in your will. A legacy is a gift which assists every animal entrusted to our care, our long-term viability and something which will be remembered.

SHREK Just like the movie character Shrek is, or rather was, our gentle giant. We have watched him grow and mature over the 10 years he has been a permanent resident in our kennels. Always hopeful but overlooked because there was some other dog that stood out more. Shrek’s only faults are that he is a large dog and is well behaved, making him essentially boring. We didn’t give up and as long as his quality of life was acceptable we continued to love and care for him. We were over the moon when a person who asked if she could sponsor him then accepted him into her house as her pet. He deserves better than to live his remaining time in a prison. As much as we do to make the place peaceful and welcoming to animals, kennels are still very much a prison. We wish Shrek the best of luck in his new life and have already welcomed another hopeful dog in his old kennel.

EVERY SECOND COUNTS: HOW TO BECOME AN MSPCA VOLUNTEER LOVE LIVES ON Many people wonder what will happen to their beloved pets when they pass away or are no longer able to care for them. Friends and family may not be able to take on the added responsibility. As a responsible owner, you want to be sure your pets are well taken care of. Apart from leaving us a gift in your will, you can also include provisions for your pets in your will. We can take care of your pets after you pass and will make sure to find them a loving home through our rehoming centre. For more information call us on 9921 1208 or e-mail

▪ Do you love animals and have some free time? ▪ Would you like to meet new people and make new friends? ▪ Would you like to help make a difference to our cats and dogs? If you answered yes to any of the above, we would love to hear from you. We have three busy charity shops in Sliema and Naxxar that provide much needed funds to cover the cost of neutering, microchipping, rehoming and for the

protection and care of the animals entrusted to our care. We urgently need volunteers for a variety of tasks. If you would like to find out more and or want to apply to join us: ▪ visit our website: or e-mail for more information. Call us on 2123 0468 (Wednesday to Sunday) if you would like to know more. ▪ if preferred, we can arrange delivery of a volunteer application form. Contact our manager on 7923 0468.

Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN1231, Malta





Ball brothers

Salvu Samuel

The Samuel brothers wrote a great chapter in the history of local football, says Carmel Baldacchino.


he Samuel brothers are very well known among the old timers of Floriana. There were three of them, Salvu, Ġużi and Harry. Each of them was a fine footballer in his own right whose name has since been written in letters of gold in the history of Maltese football. Ġużi Samuel was born in Floriana in 1894. He started playing football in the streets of Floriana with Floriana Victoria. This was a youth team founded by his elder brother Salvu in 1908. This club formed the basis of the great Floriana team of the pre-World War I era. It was the start of a great era for Floriana. Between 1909 and 1913, the ‘Irish’ won the Championship three times in succession and the Cup twice. The secret behind this success was Floriana’s great forward line, which read like a fairy tale. Jack Herbert, Salvu Samuel, Jack Holland, Alex Semini and Ġużi Samuel were all specialists in the art of scoring goals. Before settling down with Floriana, Ġużi played for Columbia FC and St Barbara FC of Valletta. He made his debut for Floriana on the left wing in 1910 when he was still 17 years old. He soon settled down in the side and before long he formed a deadly partnership with Jack Herbert. Ġużi took part in all the League and Cup competitions held in Malta between 1910 and 1918. Competitive matches in those days were few and far between but Ġużi also played in many prestigious matches against the best Service teams of that era. Between 1914 and 1918 Floriana did not form a team. Ġużi therefore, was forced to seek other pastures. During this period, he played for Ħamrun Spartans and Sliema Wanderers. Unfortunately, the records for this period are very sketchy and we do not know the exact number of competitive matches played by this great player. In 1952 Emmanuel Spiteri asked him in an interview to name the best game of his career. Ġużi chose the 1909 encounter between Floriana and HMS Russell. It was a tough and exciting game full of fair but full-bloodied tackles. Games like this nearly always finished in trouble in those days. Floriana lost 1-0 after an unfortunate mistake by goalkeeper Karmenu Psaila. Usually so safe and reliable, Psaila mis-kicked a clearance and the ball trickled behind him and over the fatal line. That evening, the players of HMS Russell and a bunch of their supporters

went to Balzunetta to celebrate their victory. Floriana enjoyed an awesome reputation in those days. Their supporters did not take kindly to this defeat and much less to the celebrations. Tempers rose to fever pitch and the evening ended with a big punch-up outside the British Flag Bar. Ġużi, like his brother Salvu possessed a terrific shot. Once, when Floriana were playing against HMS Bacchante he nearly broke the arm of the goalkeeper with one of his famous cannon shots. In 1919, when still at the height of his career, Ġużi immigrated to the United States together with his brother Salvu. On the way to America, they stopped for a short while in England where Ġużi was given a trial with Southport United against Liverpool. For a time, it seemed as if he might play professional football for the English club but in those days the life of a professional footballer was very difficult. Abandoning perhaps, a chance of a soccer career in the top league of the World, he resumed his journey for the United States. Upon settling down in Detroit he started playing for Solvay FC. In 1921 he helped form the famous Maltese club, Sons of Malta FC that was composed solely of Maltese emigrants. Ġużi captained the team until 1924 when he left the club to join the Hungarian team, Magyar FC of Detroit with whom he stayed up to the end of his career in the late 1920s. To most footballers there is nothing sweeter than the thump of the ball against the net and for Salvu Samuel it was no exception. To beat a goalkeeper either with a crisp drive or a well-placed header made him tingle with joy. Salvu Samuel was born at Għarghur on May 7,1892 but he was brought up at Floriana. He started playing football at a very tender age when in 1906 he joined St Barbara FC. In 1907 he entered the Lyceum of Valletta and it was here that his goal-scoring prowess started being noticed. In 1908, together with Salvu Tabone and other Floriana stars of the future he formed the youth club, Floriana Victoria. This club had both a football team and a cricket team. They played against the teams of Service Garrison Schools, the Drummers of Service teams and other Maltese youth teams of the era. They must have been quite good because in the two years of their existence they never lost a match!

Floriana Victoria formed the nucleus of the famous Floriana team of the preWorld War I era. Other future Floriana stars who started their career with Victoria were Ġużi Samuel, Alex Semini and Jack Herbert. In 1908, although barely 16 years old he played for Floriana in the famous Imtarfa Cup Match. He was by far the youngest player in the ground and he was marked by the great Lawrence Busuttil. Balolu was a typical tough fullback of the era and he must have cut a fearsome figure for the Floriana youngster. It was the start of a great era for Floriana. Between 1909 and 1913 the club won the League Championship three times in succession and twice the cup competition. During this period

To beat a goalkeeper either with a crisp drive or a well-placed header made him tingle with joy

Floriana never suffered a goal in the league. On the other hand, their forward line made up of Jack Herbert, Salvu Samuel, Jack Holland, Alex Semini and Ġużi Samuel was the terror of the land. Salvu was twice league top-scorer during this period. A natural rightfooted player he could play with ease either at inside right or inside left. In 1913 he went with Ruġġieru Friggieri and other Floriana stars to play some matches in nearby Sicily. It is reported that he scored in all the eight matches he played in Palermo. In 1914, when Floriana did not form a team he joined Valletta United and although it cannot be proved he probably won the League Championship with the Citizens. He did not stay long at Valletta however, and in 1916 his work at the Dockyard took him to Mudros in the Greek Archipelago. In Mudros he played for the Naval Camp XI where it is reported that he scored 25 goals from 35 matches. An expert penalty taker it is said that he never missed a kick. Salvu was known for his cannon-ball shots, which terrorized goalkeepers. Once in Mudros, in a game against HMS Europa, he let go a terrific shot, which hit one of the posts and sent the whole contraption tumbling to the ground! In 1920 like many Maltese of his era he caught the emigration bug and





I am active

Ġużi Samuel

First walk and run organised by Simblija Care home in collaboration with K9 Urban Search and Rescue Malta.


Harry Samuel

together with his brother Ġużi he emigrated for America. His career was relatively short, but one should not judge him by his competitive record. In those days, competitive matches were few and far between but in the gaps between competitions many first-class matches were played against Services XI’s, which in those days were always full of British professionals. Salvu was the product of another era. It was an age of great teams and great footballers. Born in 1903, Harry Samuel made his league debut for the Irish at outside left on November 6, 1920 against Paola United. He scored two goals that day, showing from the start all the skills and prowess of his famous brothers. It was not long before his skills were fully acknowledged, and he was moved to the inside-left position from where he could stamp his class on the team. He stayed with Floriana all his life. Between 1920 and 1929 he won five championship medals, one cup and three Cassar cup medals and was picked to play for the Amateur XI five times. A great amateur player he never made a penny from the game, and at least as far as can be ascertained he was never even cautioned by a referee for ungentlemanly conduct. In 1922 he helped to form the famous Floriana Tigers team which dominated amateur football in the

1920s. Samuel was not only a prominent member of the team, but he also coached the side. Under his guidance the Tigers were Amateur Champions four times and Amateur Cup Winners twice. Samuel’s biggest disappointment was perhaps that he was never picked to play for the full MFA XI. It is a fact however that he spoilt his own chances when he chose to play for the Tigers in the Amateur League rather than for Floriana in the First Division. In those days, before the final unification of the game in Malta there existed a great rivalry between the Malta Football Association and Malta Amateur Football Association and there was very little co-operation between the two bodies. On his retirement from the game in 1929 he did not give up football. He was elected on the Floriana committee where he served faithfully until 1935 when he was elected Council Member of the Malta Football Association, a role which he kept up to the end of the Second World War. It is also possible, although this cannot be proved, that he was one of the founders of the famous Constitutionals FC of Paola which later changed its name to Hibernians FC. Harry Samuel died in 1992 and with his demise went the last shreds of the great Amateur era of Maltese football.

ver 150 people took part in this activity held on October 7 in order to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. Simblija Care home general manager Charmaine Attard said that as we grow older an active lifestyle becomes paramount to our health. “As the general manager of Simblija Care home I recognise more the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle especially as we grow older. We need to keep exercise as part of our daily routine. The more we get used to being active as part of our everyday timetable, the more we can maintain it as a part of our lifestyle even in the long term.” Simblija Care home encourages all types of activities in the elderly lives’ daily routine, starting from physical activities within its facilities like pool therapy or even walks in the gardens, surrounding the premises to mental stimulating activities like crossword competitions, reminiscence or bingo, which are organised regularly at the Care Home. “It is for this reason that we have partnered with K9 Malta to come to Simblija Care Home and organise activities with the residents through what they refer to as ‘pet therapy’. The residents now look

forward to the dogs visiting and always eagerly wait for their scheduled visits, which bring joy and smiles all around. “Therefore, together we have organised this walk/run in order in order to raise awareness about the importance of being active, especially as we grow older. It was truly satisfying to see people of all ages come together and raise awareness about such an important topic,” Ms Attard continued. Donations collected from the event went towards K9 Urban Search and Rescue Malta. Simblija Care Home is part of the AX Care.





Ilma nadif għal komunitajiet iżolati fil-Missjoni Mons Valent Borg, direttur nazzjonali, Missio


inkejja għexieren ta’ snin jitħabtu ma’ libertajiet reliġjużi limitati, Sor Mary Hoaian u s-Sorijiet Missjunarji talImmakulata Qalb ta’ Marija f ’Nha Trang il-Vjetnam, jaħdmu bla heda biex jipprovdu riżorsi skarsi lill-komunità, bħal ilma tax-xorb nadif għallfamilji ta’ bdiewa minsija filVjetnam li jgħixu fir-reġjuni kostali tal-muntanji. Fil-pajjiż jgħixu mal-95 miljun ruħ, b’aktar minn 12-il miljun familja li għad m’għandhomx aċċess għal servizzi bażiċi tas-saħħa, bħall-ilma tax-xorb nadif u kura medika. Sfortunatament, fil-pajjiż kollu tfal żgħar taħt l-età ta’ ħames snin huma darbtejn aktar probabbli li jmutu qabel jagħlqu l-ħames snin, meta mqabbla ma’ tfal f ’pajjiżi żviluppati, u terz tat-tfal kollha li jitwieldu fir-reġjuni kostali muntanjużi, ibatu minn żvilupp ħażin minħabba l-impatti ta’ malnutrizzjoni, ilma mniġġes u nuqqas ta’

aċċessibiltà għas-servizzi tassaħħa. Bis-saħħa ta’ Missio Malta, is-sorijiet qed ifittxu li jinstallaw sistema ġdida nadifa ta’ filtrazzjoni tal-ilma taxxorb fuq wara tal-iskola tagħhom tal-kindergarten. Sor Mary flimkien mal-orfni u mat-tfal żvantaġġati li jattendu l-programm ta’ Ikla Ta’ Kuljum, li jgħixu f ’din il-komunità, qegħdin jitolbu biex jirċievu dan is-servizz ġdid, għax jafu li ser itejbu ħafna s-saħħa u l-benesseri ġenerali tagħhom ta’ kuljum.

Biex ikollhom futur mimli bit-tama

“Jekk nistgħu, sempliċiment nixtiequ niksbu dan il-bżonn ġdid ta’ ilma għal din il-komunità iżolata. Dan ser jippermettilna naqtgħu b’mod drammatiku r-riżultati negattivi tas-saħħa fost it-tfal u l-familji li jinsabu taħt il-kura tagħna,” tgħid Sor Mary. Hemm aktar minn 12 -il miljun familja ta’ bdiewa minsija madwar il-Vjetnam li jeħtieġu b’mod iddisprat aċċess għal ilma nadif u ikel nutrittiv peress li jbatu biex jgħixu b’inqas minn €2 kuljum. Flimkien nistgħu nipprovdu lill-komunità riżorsi bażiċi bħas-saħħa, l-edukazzjoni u t-tkabbir spiritwali essenzjali biex ikollhom futur mimli bit-tama. Jekk jogħġbok ingħaqad ma ħafna ohrajn f ’dan ix-xahar ta’ Ottubru biex tappoġġja missjunarji bħal Sor Mary Hoila permezz tat-talb tiegħek u għotjiet finanzjarji. L-appoġġ tiegħek ser jiżgura ilma tax-xorb nadif għall-familji ta’ bdiewa minsija fil-Vjetnam, u għall-komunitajiet simili madwar id-dinja kollha.

The elderly: social justice or exclusion?


he National Council for the Elderly (KNA) successfully held a half-day national conference at the Catholic Institute Floriana on Saturday, September 29. The theme was ‘The Elderly: Social Justice or Exclusion?’ The President of the Council welcomed the numerous attendees and invited the Parliamentary Secretary for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing to deliver his opening speech. He described what the Government was doing to promote social justice and was followed by the speaker from the Opposition for Social Accommodation, the Fight Against Poverty, Solitude and Social Exclusion, who spoke about his view of exclusion. The other speakers were Prof. Marvin Formosa, Head of Gerontology at

the University of Malta who delivered the keynote speech, Carmel Mallia, President of Alliance of Pensioners Organisations who spoke about the sustainability and ade-

quacy of State pensions, Etienne Caruana, Director General NSO, who spoke about the elderly and statistics and Anthony Gatt, director of Caritas Malta, who spoke about the risk of

exclusion for the elderly. This was followed by an open floor discussion about the subject. The President of the Council delivered the concluding speech in which he expressed his satisfaction for the huge success of the conference and thanked all those who had participated to make it so. He also invited the attendees to contact the Council with any further comments and asked them to look out for the report about the conference on the Council’s website at When the conference ended, several of the attendees were observed speaking to council members to congratulate them on the success of the conference. For more information, contact the KNA on 2124 3860 or 2735 0271 or e-mail





Holy moment A nun participates in a procession prior to the canonisation of the late Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Arnulfo Romero in San Salvador, El Salvador, on October 13, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS





Implant-retained overdentures


ome people having conventional dentures often don’t wear them, as they don’t stay in place when in use or may even cause pain due to movement on chewing. The use of dental implants to stabilize dentures has proven to be a very successful treatment modality for many people worldwide. The number continues to grow as word spreads about the effectiveness and longterm durability of the treatment. In fact, it has been reported that dental implants have the highest success rate of any implanted surgical device in the body.

PROBLEMS WITH LOOSE DENTURES There are still millions of people around the world who are missing enough teeth to require the use of a denture. Many of them have problems in keeping their dentures secure, particularly in the lower jaw. The increase in mobility of the lower jaw denture is due to the fact that unlike the hard palate in the upper jaw, the lower jaw has less surface area and therefore less support and retention. The lower denture also has a tendency to be displaced by the tongue on talking and chewing. On the other hand the disadvantage of the upper denture is the middle plate, which covers the palate reducing taste and affecting speech. Patients with a strong gag reflex cannot tolerate any palatal coverage of the denture further reducing the ability of the denture to stay in place! “No matter how good your dentures are you will still be subjected to a reduced ability to chew all types of food reducing your quality of life”

Unfortunately as time goes by, we tend to put up with the situation which we come to believe is our only option with no way out. If you have this problem, you already know about the embarrassment of moving dentures. There is however a way to stabilize your dentures enough to feel like fixed teeth but still be left with the advantage of removing the denture maximizing denture hygiene and comfort. All this with the help of dental implants.

CONCLUSION Dental implants used for over-denture stabilisation: ▪ Restore more efficient chewing, allowing a better diet and improved health ▪ Improves speech and confidence ▪ Increases comfort with close to no irritation of gum tissue ▪ Replaces lost hard and soft oral tissue propping up facial features reducing creases and improving appearance. ▪ Ends the cost and inconvenience of denture adhesives Ask your dentist! Intra-oral view of bar.

A CASE SCENARIO A middle-aged man presents with a very mobile upper denture causing him to gag heavily. Having been in this situation for a short time and determined not to put up with it, he plucks up the courage and opts for an overdenture. The treatment plan included:

Underside of implant over denture.

1. Placement of four implants in his upper jaw using his previously fabricated conventional denture as a temporary measure until complete implant healing. 2. Construction of an implant bar attached to the previously inserted implants in order to retain a newly constructed overdenture.


Over denture in situ.

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