Austin Spotlight - August 2020

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06 12 16 22 RACHEL ZIERZOW

CELEBRATE THE END OF SUMMER WITH 3 EASY RECIPES! Check out these 3 eay recipes


PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOR Choosing the color that is right for you and your room.



Understanding the costs to build the custom home of your dreams


WHAT THE LOWEST MORTGAGE RATES IN HISTORY MEAN FOR YOU Rates are at historic lows. Is now the time for you to take advantage?


30 32 35 38 BRYNNA CONNOR, M.D.

MY "GO TO" SUPPLEMENTS TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Use these supplements to keep your immune system running at peak levels.


YOUR GUIDE TO PREVENTING UNWANTED PESTS Used these tips to keep pests at bay.



Try this face mask for rejuvinated skin.



Check out our list of the top BBQ joints in Central Texas and tell us how we got it wrong.

C R E D I T S Photo Credits Megan Markham on Unsplash David Libeert on Unsplash Alberto Castillo Q on Unsplash Jaye Haych on Unsplash Kra Eads on Unsplash JeShoots on Unsplash Bruce Mars on Unsplash Steve Zbransek Sarah Ross Rachel Zierzow Jimmy Chan from Pexels Sam Forson from Pexels Carly Mazur Angel Sinigersky on Unsplash Jon Tyson on Unsplash Style switch BBQ


August has brought the heat to Austin and while we can't do some of our normal group activities to keep cool this summer we are all finding ways to make the best of the long daylight hours and extra time we get to spend with our families. Hopefully you and your family have been able to enjoy these unique times together and get the chance to make some special memories as summer (but not the heat) comes to an end.

Troy Schlicker


End of summer in Texas is definitely something to celebrate, when you’ve spent several hot months in quarantine! It’s my favorite time to enjoy cooking on the grill and eating fresh salads. It keeps things cooler, to keep most of the cooking outside of the house. And eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables has a cooling effect on the body. I’d like to share one of my favorite summer meals with you. It’s perfect to make toward the end of summer, when wild salmon and fresh sweet corn are in season. The recipes are all gluten-free and nutrient-dense, great for keeping your immune system strong. To spend the least amount of time in the kitchen, I recommend making the salad first, the salmon second, and the corn can steam while the salmon cooks. Altogether it should only take 3040 minutes tops (less time if you have help)!

End of Summer Menu

Baked Wild Salmon with Fresh Rosemary Steamed Corn on the Cob with Basil Butter Summer Nectarine and Arugula Salad with LemonWhite Balsamic Vinaigrette


Baked Wild Salmon with Fresh Rosemary Flavors of rosemary, garlic, and maple give this salmon dish superb flavor. And the recipe is so simple, you’ll be able to make it again and again without measuring a thing. Serves 4. Salmon - 1 - 1 1/2 pound fillet wild-caught salmon (such as Coho or Sockeye) - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil unrefined sea salt

Baked Wild Salmon with Fresh Rosemary Flavors of rosemary, garlic, and maple give this salmon dish superb flavor. And the recipe is so simple, you’ll be able to make it again and again without measuring a thing. Serves 4. Salmon - 1 - 1 1/2 pound fillet wild-caught salmon (such as Coho or Sockeye) - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil unrefined sea salt Topping - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped finely - 2 teaspoons maple syrup (optional) a few pinches unrefined sea salt

Preheat oven or toaster oven to 325° F or heat grill (for 3burner grill, keep middle burner off and the other 2 burners on high; for 2-burner grill, heat one burner on high, the other one off; for charcoal grill, put coals on one half of the grill and leave one half of the grill empty; oil grates off the heat). Keep skin on salmon. Rinse and pat dry with a paper towel. Place salmon fillet in glass dish or metal baking sheet. Coat both sides of salmon with a thin layer of olive oil, then sprinkle both sides with sea salt (~1/2 tsp).

Steamed Corn on the Cob With Basil Butter

Bake 12-15 minutes or grill over indirect heat for 15-20 minutes. Fish is done when white albumin protein shows on the outside of the fish, when fish easily flakes with a fork, or when internal temperature reaches 140-145° F. Remove from the oven or grill, place on plate or baking sheet, and cover with foil until topping is ready. Prepare topping. Heat small, heavy-bottomed skillet over medium heat for one minute, then add olive oil. Turn heat to low and add garlic, rosemary, and sea salt. When garlic softens, turn off heat and add maple syrup. Whisk to combine and pour over cooked salmon. Return to the oven, if desired, for a minute or two or serve as is.

 This recipe is a take on corn on the cob with pesto, but without the fuss. The corn is lightly steamed so it is not overcooked. Make this when corn on the cob and basil are both fresh and in season! Serves 4.  - 4 ears of sweet corn, husked and trimmed - 1/4 cup grass-fed butter or vegan spread, softened - 1 spring fresh basil, chopped finely Bring about two inches of water to a boil in large skillet or pot with a lid. Add corn and place lid on. Turn heat to low and steam for 2 minutes. Using tongs, turn each ear of corn over to cook evenly on both sides. Place lid on again and steam for 2 more minutes. Remove corn to a large bowl and keep covered until time to serve. In a small bowl, combine softened butter and basil. Mix well. Serve with corn at the table, or spread on while corn is still hot.

Summer Nectarine and Arugula Salad with LemonWhite Balsamic Vinaigrette If you are lukewarm about arugula, this salad will change your mind! The sweetness of nectarines and white balsamic are the perfect counterpart to baby arugula. Basil, mint, and lemon zest give the salad a fresh, lovely taste. Serves 4. Dressing - juice of 2 lemons (~6 tablespoons) - 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar

- 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil - sea salt and black pepper, to taste Salad - 5 ounces baby arugula (about 5–6 handfuls) - 1/2 fennel bulb or 1 cucumber, thinly sliced - 1 cup fresh basil leaves, torn or sliced - 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves - zest of 1 lemon (yellow part only) - 2 nectarines (or other fruit), pitted and sliced - 1 cup baby tomatoes, halved or left whole

In a mixing bowl, whisk together lemon juice, white balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a couple large pinches of sea salt, and a few grinds of black pepper. In a large prep bowl, toss together arugula, fennel, basil, mint, and lemon zest.

Using tongs or salad forks, lightly dress salad with some of the prepared dressing. Place salad onto individual salad plates or one large salad bowl or platter. Decorate the salad with fruit slices and tomatoes. Drizzle with a little extra dressing, if desired.

Enjoy your simple summer meal! Serve with your favorite rosĂŠ, white wine, or iced tea. Article by Rachel Zierzow Rachel is a certified natural foods chef, culinary instructor, healthy living expert, and nature lover in Austin, Texas. She's on a mission to help people find balance in their lives. You can join her Wednesdays at 12 Central on Facebook Live for healthy cooking inspiration. Try out Rachel's recipes, health tips, and online course at

Psychology of Color

Have you been stuck at home more than usual? Of course we all have and while this situation has been vital to our communities health there are impacts and consequences we are still understanding. One of these has been a potential change in mood as we are unable to go to the gym, socialize with friend, and carry out our normal routines. What are things you've done to lift your spirits? Ever thought about changing the color on your walls to help with this? Color is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. Color makes a tiny room feel larger, or a spacious one feel more intimate, without the time and expense of actually moving walls. You can make a den feel cozy by painting the walls with a warm color, or make a narrow space

feel wider by using different colors on opposing walls. The paint colors you choose, as well as the color of the furniture and accessories, all create a mood. Color is all around us and even in our vocabulary… for example, we may say we feel “blue”. It's part of our being, but for many years color has been excluded from our homes. If I asked you what your favorite color is, I doubt the answer would be gray or beige, so why do we fill our homes with these two colors? It comes down to finding the colors you respond to and that make you feel good.

Deciding on colors for your home can feel like an overwhelming chore, but many paint companies offer online tools and paint collections that help you create a cohesive color palette. One to try out is the ColorSnap Visualizer from Sherwin Williams. Don't be afraid to experiment and use color. With some planning, you can find the colors that will make your home an expression of your style and transform your mood. Red isn't for the faint of heart. Considered the color of romance and passion, stimulating red is a design tool that heightens the senses. Is Red to bold… what

about Pink? A bright, vivid tone like fuchsia suggests energy and glamour. A soft and restrained pink, like blush, or a beige with pink undertones creates a soothing feeling. If your home needs a jolt of energy, Orange might be what you need. Orange conjures images of citrus fruit or a summer sunset, and represents happiness and innovation. Yellow adds optimism to your home, prompting feelings of happiness in all who enter. Yellow activates memory, stimulates the nervous system, promotes communication and sparks creativity.

Green represents growth and renewal. You associate the color with grassy fields, luscious leaves and other gifts of nature, so it lends a calming feel to a room. Green comes in many shades, so you can create various moods and use its versatility to pair it with a range of other colors. Blue evokes feelings of calm and freshness, and represents strength and dependability. Think of the sky and

ocean. The beauty of blue is the elemental color's amazing versatility. Color can even have an affect on the way other critters react. Have you heard the theory that bees, wasp, and other insects won’t build nest on porch ceilings painted sky blue? If you’d like to test out this theory, try the Sherwin Williams color 9063 Porch Ceiling.

Article by Sarah Ross Sarah is the owner of FreshCoat Painters, providing professional painting and disinfecting services in the Austin and Hill Country area. 830.468.5320 |


If the last couple of months of being stuck at home have told you anything it's that we are having to envision how we use our homes in a whole new way. Turning dining rooms into offices, living rooms into schools and garages into gyms may be leaving your dreaming about the perfect home for you and your family.

Like most people your dream home probably involves a lot of customization for your unique tastes and needs. All of these customization carry a cost and need to be paid for which can be one of the more stressful parts of building a custom home. Examining the three most common custom home pricing

structures offered by builders will give you an idea what to expect when building your dream home. Let's begin by understanding the difference between "funding and pricing" Funding is how a client pays a builder for the services that they provide. Bank loans are the most common. Lenders fund the construction costs of the home to the builder through progress payments and the borrower only pays interest on the drawn funds. In other words, if someone borrows $500,000 to pay for the construction of a home, the builder will request payment for completed work in stages. Initially the interest charges are very low, and increase as the home progresses through completion. These are typically short term (2 years or less) loans and are repaid by a long-term mortgage when the home is completed. Some lenders offer a one-time close program where buyers sign once and only incur one set of closing costs. When the construction loan is funded it automatically becomes

a mortgage. There are advantages to both one and two time close programs and borrowers should consider each for their circumstances. Less typical but getting more common with retirees is a cash contract. In this case, the owner's funds are disbursed according to a draw schedule for completed work. Buyers unfamiliar with construction might consider hiring a bank inspector to verify work in place for each payment requested. It is important to point out that to the builder, every deal is cash. Whether from borrowed funds or from the buyers checking account, the funds arrive to cover requested construction draws. This is why there is not a "cash discount" on custom built homes even through every builder has stories requesting them. If a loan is to be used for a new home the best first stop is with a banker or mortgage lender. Prequalifying for a desired amount helps everyone involved

design and build a home within budget.

Fixed Fee vs Cost Plus vs Fixed Price Once the funding source is confirmed and builders are being considered, the next step is to understand the three main pricing mechanisms that home builders use. Specifically they are "Fixed Fee", "Cost Plus". and "Fixed Price" Fixed Fee A “Fixed Fee” builder proposes a monthly “Fee” for his services such as $5000 to $10,000 per month throughout the building process. For that fee they bid the project, schedule the vendors and contractors and supervise the work. The buyers (or lenders) pay all of the costs directly to the suppliers and workers. In this scenario, the only amount that a client is sure that will remain constant is the builder’s fee. The job costs will be what they are and the buyers pay those costs. Fixed

Fee builders will provide a preliminary budget but are not contractually bound to those numbers. The advantage of a “Fixed Fee” arrangement is that the client essentially gets a home for cost, plus the builder’s fee. The disadvantage is that the cost will not be known until a couple of months after the home is completed. Fixed Fee builders are usually one or two man shows who only take on a project or two at a time. If it is someone that you know and trust this could be an acceptable arrangement.

compare the builders progress one line item at a time. The disadvantage again is that the costs are not fixed. A budget is a targeted financial goal. In the ebb and flow of the construction market sometimes there are winners and things can be bought for less (usually in a declining economy such as in 2008).

Cost Plus Next is the “Cost Plus” builder. This is similar to the “Fixed Fee” builder except the buyer and builder agree on a percentage upfront (typically 12% – 18% depending upon the difficulty of the job) that the builder may mark up All Costs to cover his company’s profit. The advantage of this process is that the buyers are able to see every cost in the home, and,

In a strong economy, supply and demand dictate costs along with fuel prices, updated government regulations and more. For a “Show me the numbers” personality the cost-plus relationship may seem more transparent and comforting. Fixed Price The final pricing mechanism is “Fixed Price”. A fixed price contract is exactly what it implies. The buyers receive a fixed price at the time the contract is signed and it doesn’t change. The exceptions are change orders, upgrades or other decisions made by the owners outside of the original scope of work.

With Fixed Price contracts, buyers are provided with allowances to cover decorator items that they select for the home. These include lighting, appliances, plumbing fixtures, cabinets, countertops, flooring, tile hardware, etc. These allowances represent the amount added to the construction budget for each line item. During construction amounts spent over these allowances are charges, amounts spent less are credits to be used in other areas. There are many stories about allowances so here is the straight answer. First, builders budget these line items as though they were building a speculative home, in the given price range. In a spec home, the selections are made by the builder’s staff and are always within the budgeted allowance. And, these homes turn out beautiful, however, often when home buyers go “shopping” for their own home they see things that cost more. To tell a builder that they should

have allowed more for a given line item is essentially telling them that they should have charged more upfront, and added it to the price then. Remember the spec home selections, always on budget. That’s not to say that there are no selections that can cost more and it always depends on individual tastes. We tell clients that a $500K home can become a $650K home without adding any more square footage. After 41 years in the business the best way I have found to match allowances (line items in the contract before final pricing) is to ask clients to make some of the larger selections with vendors upfront. We then use those numbers for the allowance items they have selected. Back to pricing, the advantage of a “Fixed Price” contract is that you know the total cost to you in advance. This is very important for buyers who will not be in town during construction. A disadvantage is that the individual line items are not visible to the client. To lock in a price for a year

or more, the builder does budget for some contingencies and hopes to do better on some items and expects to do worse on others. Most builders around the country agree that there is more "client stress" when they monitor each line item throughout the process. This is one of the main reason we used fixed price contract.

When interviewing home builders for your project, ask early in the process which pricing system they use, then decide the mechanism that best fits your personality and stress tolerance level. The end result of a successful custom home project should be an excellent home, a happy client, and a fun process to get there.

Article by Steve Zbranek Steve Zbranek is the Co-Owner of Zbranek & Holt Custom Homes. He is a two time National Master Builder of the Year, an Austin Builder Hall of Fame Inductee and his firm has been recognized three times as the Austin Business Journal's Custom Home Builder of the Year. 512.261.0344 | |

What the Lowest Mortgage Rates in History Mean for You.

The 30-year fixed rate mortgage average fell below 3% in July for the first time in history. The drop in interest rates lead many home owners to refinance their mortgages as they looked to take advantage of this unprecedented

opportunity. So, are today’s rates truly a bargain? Average rates on mortgages have bounced between 4-5% for the past couple of years, however they haven’t always been that low.

Since 1971 Freddie Mac has been tracking 30-year mortgage rates. A 7.31% rate was the national average then but as inflation started to rise in the mid-1970s there was a surge in mortgage rates as well. It may seem incomprehensible given today's rates but in 1981 mortgage rates reached their U.S. average high at 18.63%. Fortunately, inflation started to normalize by late 1982 and mortgage rates had a downward trajectory bringing them to a low in 2012 of 3.31%. Since then 30year fixed rates have risen modestly with the rate reaching as high as 4.94% in 2018. What’s been the cause of the unprecedented low rates we’re seeing today? Economic uncertainty. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate typically follows the 10-year U.S. Treasure bond because most mortgages are packaged together and sold as bonds. With the global health pandemic continuing to

impact the global economy there has been increased volatility in the stock market which has led to a growing number of investors pulling money out of stock and into lower risk bonds. The increased demand in bonds has led to a reduction in rates as companies and governments have a larger pool of people willing to invest which as also reduced mortgage rates. However, possibly the largest factor in sending mortgage rates to unprecedented lows is the U.S. Federal Reserve and their stance to keep rates low by buying up mortgage-back securities. According to Lawrence Yun, the Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors, “we will see mortgage rates stay near this level for the next 18 months because of the significance of the Fed’s stance.” What Benefit Do Current Home Owners Get from Low Rates? The primary benefit homeowners can take advantage of with lower

interest rates is to capitalize with a refinance of their current mortgage if they plan to stay in the home for at least a few years. In fact, homeowners have been taking advantage of these rates for the last couple of months as refinance applications have surged. Reducing the interest rate on a current mortgage can save both by lowering the monthly payment as well as the total payments over the life of the mortgage. Based on your current mortgage

rate and loan amount your total savings could be truly significant. For every $100,000 in loan balance and 1% decrease in your interested rate you can expect to save a minimum of $55 a month over a 30-year mortgage or a total of $20,000. This means on a $400,000 mortgage you would save $80,000. Now you must be sure to factor in any refinance costs which will usually run 1-2% of the loan mount. It’s also important to factor in how many years you have

left on your current mortgage as refinancing to a new 30-year loan could add a significant amount of time to your mortgage however there are shorter loan terms available and they come with the benefit of even lower interest rates. For a more precise calculation of your potential saves reach out to your real estate advisor or mortgage professional to get specifics for your situation. On top of the monthly and total payment savings of refinancing for home owners, lower interest rates will benefit them in other ways as well. Low interest rates increase home buyers purchase power which increases demand. This is welcomed news if you are considering selling now or in the near future. If you don’t have any

plans to sell the benefit of increased demand for homes should continue to increase home prices and help the investment you’ve made continue to gain value. What Benefit Do Low Mortgage Rates Provide Home Buyers? As we’ve discussed lower interest rates will save you money on the monthly mortgage payments that come with a home. This savings will also boost your budget when buying a home and give you increased purchase power. If you’re budget is $2000 and interest rates are at 5% the maximum loan you can afford is $372,000. However, if rates are at 4% this increases your loan amount to $419,000 without increasing your $2000 monthly payment. With rates dropping down to 3% this will allow you a loan amount of $474,000 without changing your monthly payment. All of this is strictly due to the decline of interest rates and would put you in a better position

mortgage rates might fall or when they will start to rise again. A lot will be dependent on the global health pandemic and the subsequent trajectory of the economic impact. Freddie Mac and the Mortgage Bankers Association economists predict 30-year mortgage rates to average in the low 3% range into 2021. However, economist at Fannie Mae see rates dripping to an average of 2.8% next year.

to afford your dream home. On the other hand, rising mortgage rates with have the reverse effect and will erode your purchase power. Waiting to buy might force you to settle for a smaller home or one in a less desirable neighborhood. If you’re planning to move acting soon will let you take advantage of historically low rates and get a phenomenal discount on your dream home. Will Mortgage Rates Continue to Drop? No one can know how long

Most experts agree that waiting to take advantage of historically low rates could mean missing out on the deal of a lifetime. Positive news about a vaccine or a faster than expected recovery of the economy could send rates back to pre-pandemic levels. With rates at unprecedented lows, it’s unlikely there is a benefit to holding out for something better. Tips for Securing the Best Available Mortgage Rate A quick search online will show that while the average 30-year mortgage rate is around 3% it is

possible to find interest rates that are even lower. Consider a 15 Year Mortgage Taking a 15-year mortgage will lock in the lowest rate. This will result in a higher monthly payment for most homeowners but if you can afford it the lower interest rate and shorter term will have you mortgage free in half the time. Boost Your Credit Score The best interest rates are reserved for those with the best

credit. This is even more true as the economic downturn as caused lenders to be more cautious. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix for bad credit but there are things you should look at doing prior to applying for a loan. Check your credit report for any inaccuracies and dispute them Catch up on any miss payments and continue to pay your bills on time Hold off on applying for any new credit Keep your credit card balances low and consider paying down debt

Hold off on paying off debt or closing credit cards as this can actually adversely affect your credit score. Make a Larger Down Payment The more equity you have in your home the better interest rate you will receive. This is because the more equity in your home the less likely you are to default on the mortgage or go into foreclosure. This decreased risk to the lender is passed on to you with a lower interest rate. Additionally, if you can put down at least 20% you can avoid having to pay mortgage insurance and save additional money.

Consider Paying Points One of the closing costs associated with a new mortgage is discount point. This is a fee you can pay the mortgage company and in return they will give you a lower interest rate. It’s important to look at the brake even analysis of paying for these points as it often takes years to make this cost up, but the invest can pay off over time if you will be in the home long term. Shop Different Lenders Rates, fees and terms will vary between lenders so make sure you check out at least a few. Checking with several lenders will

let you see who will provide the best deal. Don’t stop with who is offering you the lowest interest rate however, as thing like fees and discount points have an impact on which deal will be the best for you.

With mortgage rates being at historic lows you don’t want to miss out on your chance to buy your dream home or refinance your existing home. Consulting with a real estate advisor and mortgage professional will ensure you’re making the best decision and getting the greatest savings.

Article by Troy Schlicker Troy Schlicker is a Real Estate Advisor & Broker with Reserve Realty. He is also the host of the Austin Spotlight Podcast. 512.809.6166 | |

My "Go To" Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

When counseling my own patients about taking the right supplements to boost immunity, which has become an even more important topic since the rise of Covid-19, these are what I tell them are my own "go to" supplements. Vitamin C: I recommend 1-2 grams per day for most of my patients in my practice as this

vitamin helps to repair tissue, heal skin, boost immunity and maintain normal cell function. Vitamin D: It is often forgotten vitamin D is actually a hormone and not really a vitamin at all. Vitamin D, as with all hormones, is helpful for many functions and works as a signaling molecule to cells. Vitamin D assists with respiratory health and immunity.

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): While further research on elderberry is ongoing, it has been shown to be helpful to boost the immune system and appears to allow the body to recover faster, if and when, people are sick. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): The supplement form of the amino acid, cysteine, known as NAC, helps clear mucous. It is such a gem that the World Health Organization has actually deemed it an ‘essential medicine.’ B Vitamins: All B vitamins assist in stress response, especially B6 and B12, and this includes the immune response but many patients are deficient in various B vitamins. For example, vegetarians in my practice are often found to be low in vitamin B12 which can easily be added into their diet with great effects and improvement to their

energy levels as well. Echinacea: Part of the daisy family, this plant may help the immune response with viruses, including the many rhinoviruses that can cause the common cold. The research shows mixed results but it definitely warrants further study and many of my patients swear by it. Astragalus: This is an herb used in Chinese Medicine that never seems to get the attention I believe it is due. Nonetheless, the herb's extract can help with the body’s immunerelated response. Speak with your physician about how to boost your immune system. Please discuss all supplements or integrative wellness regimens you are taking, or considering taking, so that interactions and side effects can be reviewed, and to ensure the coordinated, safe and top-notch medical care you deserve.

Article by Brynna Connor, M.D. Dr. Connor is a physician who specializes in family medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine and is board certified in both; she can be reached at 512.382.9500 I

Your Guide to Preventing Unwanted Pests

Austinites aren't the only ones trying to stay cool during Central Texas hottest months. Pests, from ants to rodents, are also seeking refuge from Austin's scorching temperatures While bugs and pests thrive during warmer weather here are some of the best preventative measures you can use to keep your home bug-free.

Small openings and cracks are major highways for insects to enter your home. Take a close look at your screens, windows and doors and seal up any cracks or holes you see. Using caulk or adding new weather stripping not only keep helps to keep the pesky bugs out but can benefit your electric bill as well by keeping the cool air inside. You’re not the only one who has been perusing the kitchen more

often as you work from home. Pests love an easy food source. One of the easiest ways you can keep pests at bay is by ensuring your kitchen is clean and all food is properly sealed. Storing goods in plastic containers eliminates the scent that draws critters in and regularly cleaning and wiping down surfaces ensures there is no food residue that may seem minuscule to you but is a bonanza for pests. Along with food, water is a top consideration for pests. Many prefer damp cool spaces and with the soaring temperatures and lack of rain even small amounts of moisture or water can be an oasis. Faucets, drains and pipes should be inspected to insure they are not leaking which could cause other house damage along with attracting bugs and pests. Don’t forget to check the attic for roof leaks or cracks that can be an invitation. After you’ve scanned the inside of your house take a walk around the exterior. While you want to look for cracks and openings in the

items like tree branches, fire wood, mulch, plants, bushes and even your trash and recycling receptacles are not touching your home as this allows an easy bridge for ants, termites and other pest to access your home.

usual places don’t forget about larger openings like under a deck or porch that might be a cool living area for larger animals as well. Make sure gutters are working properly so water is running away from your home. It’s also important to make sure external

Generally, the cleaner your home and property are the less attractive it is to pest. Keeping up with mopping, vacuuming, dusting, mowing the lawn and disturbing areas where pest might try to set up camp will assist with stopping any issues before they start. This also gives you the opportunity to inspect areas around your home and spot potential trouble spots before they’ve become a problem. If you’re past the prevention stage there are DIY solutions as well as professionals that can help you get back ahead of the pest to ensure a clean, comfortable home for you and your family to enjoy.

Article by Kyle Morgan Kyle is the owner of Care Pest Pros. 512.792.9520 | customerservice@carepestpros


I am a sucker for chips and guacamole, who isn't? Avocados are delicious and they are good for you. Nutrient rich, healthy for the heart, great for vision, improve digestion, a natural detox, the list goes on and on. Did you know this fruit has skin benefits? Avocado oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D & E. Benefits include: Contains potassium, lecithin and other lutein that moisturizes, nourishes and promotes skin elasticity Hydrating properties reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and keeps skin smooth and boost skin's immunity against stress and environmental factors Helps reduce redness and inflammation from acne

Antioxidants and vitamins help heal dry, irritated and flaky skin associated with eczema and psoriasis Essential fatty acids and oileic acid promotes collagen synthesis which helps firm up your skin Supports healing and soothes skin, so it can treat sunburned skin.

Guess what product is rich in avocado oil? Rodan+Fields Recharge Detox mask! 100% of all clinical study participants experienced more luminous, translucent skin after only 4 uses and 89% experienced more revived skin only after 1 use! I am also a sucker for a vitamin rich mask so

the Recharge mask is my go to for a mommy/daughter at home skin detox that includes volcanic sand, fortified charcoal, mango seed butter, and coconut oil, to nourish, brighten, exfoliate, and draw out impurities from pores. When is the last time you treated your skin to some pampering?

Article by Carly Mazur Carly Mazur is the CEO of Team Aspire for Rodan + Fields. 773.330.9984 |

Top 20 BBQ Joints in Central Texas

Any time you put a list together you are bound to get disagreements. When it’s a list of favorite BBQ joints in Central Texas the arguments will be extra passionate. Stiles Switch is now my #1 favorite BBQ joint in Texas. They consistently smoke great BBQ and their sides are fresh & super tasty. I love that they have 4 pits going most all of the time. They don’t plan on selling out. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Every time I take friends there, they are blown away by the perfectly smoky moist brisket, tasty sausage, pork ribs, their amazing big beef ribs. Keep up the great work boys!! Here are my top 20 BBQ Joints in Central Texas. 1. Stiles Switch BBQ – Austin, 6610 N. Lamar, 512-380-9199 (PM Lance Fitzpatrick, Bill Dumas) 2. Franklin’s BBQ – Austin 512653-1187 (PM Aaron Franklin) 3. It’s All Good BBQ – Spicewood 512-264-1744 (PM Frankie Hoch)

1. Stiles Switch BBQ – Austin, 6610 N. Lamar, 512-380-9199 (PM Lance Fitzpatrick, Bill Dumas) 2. Franklin’s BBQ – Austin 512653-1187 (PM Aaron Franklin) 3. It’s All Good BBQ – Spicewood 512-264-1744 (PM Frankie Hoch) 4. Snow’s BBQ – Lexington, 979773-4640 (PM Kerry and Ms. Tootsie Tomanetz, open Saturday Only) 5. Kreuz BBQ – Lockhart, 512-3982361 (PM Roy Perez) 6. Valentina’s Tex Mex BBQ– 11500 Manchaca, Austin, 512221-4248 (PM Miguel Vidal) 7. Black’s BBQ – Lockhart, 512398-2712 (PM Kent Black) 8. Creekside Cookers BBQ – Wimberley, 512-947-1609 (PM Kelly Evers) 9. Miller’s BBQ – Belton 254-9395500 (PM Dirk Miller) 10. Brown’s BBQ – Austin 512-5178520 (PM Daniel Brown) 11. The Switch BBQ– Dripping Springs, 512-212-7211 (PM Bill Dumas, Lance Kirkpatrick) 12. La Barbecue – 1200 E 6th, Austin, (512) 605-9696

10. k 11. l 12. m 13. Inman’s Kitchen BBQ –Llano, 325-247-5257 (PM Grant Morgan) 14. Salt Lick BBQ – Driftwood, 512858-4959 (PM Scott Roberts) 15. City Market BBQ– Luling, 830875-9019 (PM Joe Capello) 16. Louie Mueller BBQ – Taylor, 512-352-6206 (PM Wayne Mueller)

875-9019 (PM Joe Capello) 16. a 17. Southside Market – Elgin, 512281-4650 (PM Bryan Bracewell) 18. Kenny’s Smokehouse – Plano, 972-473-7478 19. Sonny Bryan’s BBQ – Dallas 214-357-7120 20. Micklethwait Craft Meats –1309 Rosewood Ave, Austin, 512791-5961 (PM = Pit Master)

Article by David Sheehan David Sheehan is the owner of Sheehan Farmers Insurance in Lakeway, TX 512.812.3000 |

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