UFO Encounter #286

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the COMMITTEE President : Sheryl Gottschall Vice President : Tino Pezzimenti Secretary : Alan Reading Treasurer : Michael West Membership : Gale King Sightings & Encounters : Sheryl Gottschall Public Relations : Tino Pezzimenti : Gem Regan : Sheryl Gottschall Librarian : Alan Reading Webmaster : Nate Odger Film Production/Editor : Barry Taylor Editor, UFO Encounter : Lee Paqui Officers : Roy Kalecinski : Colin Philips : Bron Parnis : John Conlon

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Public Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month [except December] at 7.00pm sharp at the Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3, Kenmore Village Shopping Centre, 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore.

2016 Meeting Dates: Friday April 29, 7.00pm Friday May 27, 7.00pm Friday June 24, 7.00pm Friday July 29, 7.00pm Friday August 26, 7.00pm Friday September 30, 7.00pm Topics will be advertised at http://uforq.asn.au/ meetings/, on Facebook, or how about joining our email list for all the latest updates? Email us at info@uforq.asn.au for more information. If you can’t make it to our public meetings tune in to the Witching Hour on 4ZZZ (102.1FM) Saturdays 1012pm. Stream or listen on demand: www.4zzzfm.org.au/program/thewitching-hour

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from the


In late 2015, MUFON received a message from a supposed extraterrestrial stranded on our planet (see news item page 14). In broken English, the entity described how he/she/it was an electromagnetic wave that ‘hijacked’ human bodies, and that he/ she/it and some fellow electromagnetic waves were stranded on Earth owing to a planetary disaster on their home world of Matif. As reported in the UK Express, the message from the electromagnetic wave, who called himself/herself Mogay, is brief, but there’s enough there to get a feel for the situation – somebody is contacting MUFON in what seems to be a last-ditch effort at obtaining some kind of assistance on what is, without doubt, a very hostile world to strangers. MUFON’s response is understandably sceptical, with the organisation outright suggesting it is a hoax. And very likely it is. If any UFO investigation body received a contact like this, they would likely assume it was a hoax, too. But… …what if it isn’t? There are a thousand tangents to this seemingly simple situation, and not enough space in this editorial to do a single one of them justice. But let’s work on the premise that this situation is real, and that this might not be the first time an extraterrestrial has reached out to a UFO organisation for help. Because, let’s be realistic – if you were an ET in trouble on Earth, who would you go to for help? Assuming you had enough language skills, and that you had spent some time observing the social structures of Earth, you might assume you could contact a government organisation of some kind. After all, you are seeking asylum – when a human is stranded in a foreign country they go to the nearest embassy, or the police, or the local government for assistance. The same principle applies here, even though in this case it’s interplanetary asylum that is being sought.

needs. They’ll be the only people on this miserable and uncaring planet who will believe his/her sad and sorry tale of woe. Er…. won’t they? Think again, Mogay. It’s a sad and sorry fact that, when it comes to UFOs, UFO researchers are amongst the most sceptical people on the planet. They’re the first to dismiss a UFO photo, the first to suspect the witness of nefarious motives, and the first to doubt the tale of the abductee. They’ve completely lost their sense of wonder, their open-mindedness, their ability to ‘feel’ the truth (or otherwise) in a UFO report. They’re so busy proving to the invisible but watchful eyes of ‘science’ that they can be ‘scientific’ too, that it’s killing UFO research. It might even have killed an extraterrestrial named Mogay. This scepticism isn’t healthy for UFO research. It’s an unfortunate knee-jerk reaction to the criticism that has been heaped on UFO researchers since UFOs first entered our awareness in the 1940s-1950s. Back then the researchers were, paradoxically, too open-minded, gullible even, which left them open to public ridicule. They were so eager to grasp the reality of the UFO phenomenon that they literally believed everything they were told. If Mogay had walked into a UFO group in the 1950s he/she/ it would have been received with open arms. He/she/it would have been feted, and paraded with fanfare around community halls as the willing believers hung onto every word he/she/it said. These days if you declare yourself an extraterrestrial you are declaring yourself a lunatic, because in the 60 years since the unhelpful term ‘flying saucer’ was coined, UFO research has unfortunately tread a trail of instability. The field does attract lunatics. It does attract hoaxers. It attracts criticism and negative labels and a relentless parade of fallibility. And the only option available to the serious researcher is to take a step back. To regard everything with a critical eye. To use their own labels and criticisms and, in many cases, to approach the phenomenon with a mistrustful and negatively-skewed eye. But maybe it’s time to forget all that. Maybe it’s time to rediscover our innocence and our wonder, and to embrace the openmindedness that got us into this field in the first place. Because, as it stands, it’s highly probable we are missing opportunities and that the Mogays of the universe are passing us by. And I, for one, want to know what the Mogays have to say.


No doubt most readers are by now thinking ‘Nooo! Don’t go to the government – they’ll dissect you!’ And maybe they will. But according to what little of the report we have access to, it seems Mogay did go to the government… and he/she/it got nowhere. Yep. That’s right. Nowhere. Which is not surprising. Whenever any of we humans contact the government for assistance we get the run-around, shunted from pillar to post as helpful but brain-dead functionaries try to find somebody who might understand what we are talking about. Consider what must have happened the day Mr/Mrs/Ms/Master Mogay walked into the nearest government offices: ‘Hello, my name is Mogay and I am an electromagnetic wave trapped on your planet.’ Even if he/she/it could have explained it in less confronting (and dare we say, insane) terms, who would the nice lady at the counter have referred he/she/it to? Poor Mogay was probably given a number and told to sit down, and six hours later returned unfulfilled back to whatever place it is he/she/ it is currently calling home. It’s not like he/she/it was trying to hide from people – on the contrary, he/she/it was reaching out. But he/she/it was having trouble finding people in positions of authority to believe his/her story. But wait! Aren’t there organisations out there full of ‘believers?’ The UFO groups, of course! Why didn’t he/she/it think of that in the first place? The UFO groups will surely believe him/her. They’ll surely be able to provide him/her with the kind of support he/she/it


Project Newsprint. . . 4 Spaceship Earth . . . 6 From the Archives . . . 7 UFOs and the Burragorang Base . . . 13 Not the Headlines . . . 14 UFO ENCOUNTER



QUEENSLAND Sheryl Gottschall

This is the second update for Project Newsprint wherein I sent well over 100 emails to Queensland regional and rural newspapers appealing for readers to send their UFO reports to our association. At the time of writing this report (27th February, 2016) we received 99 reports in total, 46 by phone and 53 via email. Following is the next instalment of that report. I have included the newspaper source in brackets through which readers contacted us as a matter of interest. For the first update of Project Newsprint please refer to the previous issue of UFO Encounter Issue 285, Feb/Mar 2016. Brisbane 1957 (Noosa News) A man was aged 5 at primary school. At midday, or soon after, the school bell had rung to go back to class. He began running and saw a silvery metallic saucer-shaped object. He didn’t see any other features. He tried to get some of the other children’s attention but no one else saw it. He estimated the UFO was as high as a 6 or 8 storey building, maybe a bit lower. It moved off and disappeared above a big group of pine trees some distance away, possibly half a mile. The same witness reported staying in a hotel at Southbank in Brisbane in 2015. It was sometime between 9pm and 10pm when he observed a helicopter that flew past high above the hotel building, disappearing to the South. He then observed a string of yellow lights soon following, travelling in a line. The last light broke away at a right angle from the others, flew over the city, then stopped. It hovered for a couple of minutes, then within a short time it shot back to the others and they kept on going. On another occasion the witness and his son were out shooting at night 6 or 7 years previously. They had a fire burning and the witness son went to get more firewood. The witness saw a bright white light travelling fast which lit up the whole area like a full moon. Then it turned dark again. They then heard two ‘massive sonic booms’. The father and son later drove off and when they reached Gayndah they were told that others had heard the sound too. Sydney (beach), 17 December, 2015 A woman was stargazing at the beach. She watched the sky for one hour when it started to get cold. She then saw 2 flashes in the sky but was tired and went to bed. The next day about lunch


time she looked out to see something flashing. It kept flashing as she watched but thought something wasn’t right. She picked up her phone and suddenly began to feel happy. She then asked the mental question – are you from last night? The flashes then seemed to respond to her thoughts. In July 2014 the same witness woke at 5am to see a black mass in her room near her window about the size of her bichon frise dog. The mass contained multi-coloured vivid lights within it tapering to a ‘casper ghost shape’ at the bottom. It floated at window height for 15 seconds while she screamed at it 4 times to get out of her room, which it did by disappearing through her closed window. Following she got out of bed and checked her dog that was sleeping peacefully during her screaming. She woke her dog gently to check her but her dog seemed to be dazed. Derby, Western Australia, 2am, year unknown One evening, many years ago, a woman received a call from her friend who was having problems sleeping. So she and her daughter met up with him and they went for a walk along Roebuck Bay. Sometime during the walk they found themselves in a column of light. The next thing they knew they were walking into an encampment at 10am. The following day they had a vague recollection of the event but they couldn’t talk about it at the time. It took them 3 years to be able to remember the details of the event and begin to discuss it. On another occasion as a child, while living at Wynnum (Brisbane), the same witness was awake at 3am with her mother, who was caring for the witness father who was ill. The witness and her mother were looking out the window to the rear paddock and saw a bright light like a headlight. Over the next 20 minutes the light changed into a perfect square. During this time the object was totally silent but their fox terrier dog was ‘going berserk’. The object then lifted up into the sky, hovered momentarily, then took off at an ‘amazingly fast’ speed. The witness also reported that recently she was driving from Sunnybank in Brisbane at 4.30pm in peak hour traffic when suddenly she found herself in a yellow fog. She wondered what it was and momentarily thought she had veered off the road. The next thing she remembers is being back in traffic exactly where she was previously. She arrived home and was met by her husband asking where she had been as she should have been home 5 hours earlier. Her trip should have only taken 40 minutes.


On another occasion approximately 12 years ago, she had a friend who was flying a small plane to meet her family and friends at a property. She didn’t arrive so Search and Rescue undertook a search to find where her plane had gone down. Her friend eventually arrived in her plane 2 days later expecting to meet everyone at the planned time, only to discover she had been missing for 2 days, yet could not account for the missing days. At another time the witness was renting a house at Cleveland near Brisbane, when her son visited her. He had a new telescope and when she looked through it into the sky she could see a slowly rotating ball with rings on it. She called the airport in an attempt to discover what it might be and was passed on to someone else to report the sighting to. The next day two men visited her at her home with “a lot of gear” and after some inspection told her it was a weather balloon. She had no idea who the men were but they seemed overly friendly to her which left a lasting impression. After they left she wondered who they were and how they knew where she lived as at no time did she give her address while reporting the incident. *These were the only notes taken of this witness accounts which require deeper investigation, but the witness did not want to leave her number or talk any longer. She was departing for an overseas trip and advised she would call back when she returned. To date we have not heard anything more from her. North Maclean 1997 (Tamborine Mountain News) A woman living on acreage went out the back of her house where she had a stand of trees one hundred feet tall. She observed 3 lights coloured red and white, one on top of each other, about 20 to 30 ft above the ground, then they disappeared. She thought they might have been lights from the Greenbank military camp. One week later she saw another 2 lights. Then days later she was awake in the early hours of the morning, when she observed another light for 20 to 30 seconds, about 6 to 8 inches across in front of the trees. The light was shining on the trees then it shrunk down to the size of a pen light and disappeared.

Some years later when living at Mt Tamborine the witness observed the same lights over her property while looking down from the top of a hill. The lights always stayed one on top of the other. This happened two weeks in a row and the witness described them as being too high off the ground to be lights shining from torches being held by someone. Bundaberg 1974 In 1974 during the Queensland floods, a woman and her husband were visiting her parents. As it was a hot night, the family were sitting around after dinner chatting. Suddenly they smelt a horrid smell and heard a huge noise. They all rushed outside expecting to see taillights of a plane or something but saw nothing. Then they looked up and saw a little light dancing in the sky which they watched for about one minute. It disappeared so they came inside. The witness husband stayed outside to watch the sky and 55 minutes later it appeared in the sky dancing again. There was no noise but the acrid smell reappeared. Again it disappeared, but the family remained outside searching for it to reappear, which it did exactly 55 minutes later. This time the light flew from one hemisphere to another in seconds before disappearing once again. This happened 3 times in total. Childers, Queensland area. January 1, 2016 4.30am A young woman was camping with friends and family when they observed a huge white light in the sky moving up and down, back and forth in the distance. The light was 10 times bigger than a star and round. It was a clear sky at the time. The following night the witness saw what she thought was a Min Min light. Two weeks later the same witness was with 2 friends at a beach when she observed a huge orange glowing orb in the distance. Two weeks later she was at the beach when she saw a glow in the water. As she walked towards it blue glowing orbs came out of the water and floated around her. 5 of them settled on her skin and she felt calm which she later thought was strange.

James Gilliland James Gilliland was our guest at the special February meeting held recently. Our rooms were packed out on the night with an enthusiastic audience all poised on their seats eager for James’ presentation. A man of many talents, James told us of his fascinating life living at the base of Mt Adams, Oregon, on the world famous Eceti Ranch.

meeting review by Alan Reading He also revealed how a Military General called him and asked him to stop “lying” to the public. Gilliland replied, “Can you even spell ‘civilian’?”

A master of the ancient eastern art of “Yi Gong”, James uses his energy healing system to raise his vibration to enable him to contact and see UFOs… and see them he does! In fact he delivered hundreds of photos and videos of strange light phenomena above and around his property as well trafficking in and out of Mt Adams, which is something of a mountainside portal for UFO travellers.

With Australia’s very own Peter Maxwell Slattery and Solreta Antaria in tow, the evening proved a hit with everyone who attended. Our special guests hung around for the supper and mingled with everyone until late.

As well as UFO footage, James showed video of unmarked black fighter jets flying low over his land to which he commented: “black ops”.

left to right: Solreta Antaria; Peter Maxwell Slattery; James Gilliland; Sheryl Gottschall (UFORQ); Barry Taylor (UFORQ)




MICROSCOPE The question of whether hypnosis is a useful tool for UFO research has once again raised its head due to the piece floating around the web recently about how the memories of Barney Hill’s close encounter changed while under hypnosis. Questions around this dilemma were the catalyst for me training to become a qualified clinical hypnotherapist in 2000. I thought the only way I could understand the efficacy of hypnosis as a tool for UFO research was to educate myself in the subject, and so I did. It was a one year course where I attended face to face for a full week-end once a month with PLENTY of assignments and practice in between. My trainer was an ex-priest of 40 years, and I liked that because he approached the subject with Soul to boot. However he didn’t accept that missing time in someone’s life may be due to them having a much larger experience in the background, but I figured I could live with that because after all we can’t all go down that track at the same time, can we? So I finally finished my course after 18 months (busy busy busy) but the education I’d received about hypnosis was now causing me to have plenty of doubts about people reporting close encounters even though I was interviewing people fairly regularly who were reporting just this. (Yes it really did!) Once I’d had the experiential training and understood the real power of the subconscious mind, I could see how the mind could generate anything. Now here’s the confronting bit to my story. In 1990/91 I’d had my own close encounter and told myself it was a hallucination for 15 years. So I could see the converse of what I was now doubting and that is, not only can the human mind convince itself that something did happen, it can also convince itself that something didn’t happen. Unfortunately hypnosis is not a lie detector or a truth serum. It can’t guard against expectation and beliefs, confabulation, leading questions, pseudo memories, memory hardening or just plain lying. But does that mean that recalled memories due to hypnosis are untrue? Well yes, no, maybe. When I relax my clients to the theta level of brain wave activity which is where most hypnosis is performed, they can access the doorway in their subconscious mind where inner images and visions can occur.


If they reach the delta state, which is the most challenging state for a hypnotherapist to move their clients into because its associated with deep sleep, the subconscious can be held open without any interference from the conscious mind at all. It’s here where people can describe simultaneous realities, multidimensional manifestations and experience what lies beyond all manifestation. Enlightenment! No wonder its a challenge. Of course that’s a matter of perspective and usually clouded with beliefs and expectations, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide. But that’s exactly my point, you just don’t know whether the memories recalled while under hypnosis are accurate which I always tell my clients when they call. That’s why it’s so important to place missing time experiences in the context of the persons greater story and where possible corroborate it with details from normal conscious reality. Hypnosis alone won’t give you all the answers, but for some maybe it’s a start. Sheryl Gottschall is a UFO and paranormal researcher who has had her own ET contact experience and UFO sightings, as well as a near death experience and many other experiences with the paranormal. She is also the president of UFO Research Queensland Inc and you can contact her on 07 3376 1780 or info@uforq.asn.au. You can also message her via Facebook.


from the


compiled by lee



As far as UFO reports were concerned, the 1970s in Brisbane followed much the same pattern as the 1960s. There were years of many reports, and years of hardly any. I suspect the amount of sightings wasn’t much changed from year to year, but no doubt UFO Research Queensland was still struggling to increase public awareness of the UFO phenomenon – or the desperate lack thereof. The pattern of sightings for the decade ran as follows: 1970 – 3 sightings received; 1971 – 11; 1972 – 7; 1973 – 11; 1974 – 15; 1975 – 20; 1976 – 13; 1977 – 37; 1978 – 17; 1979 – 19. 1977 was the standout year in this decade, and probably it was no coincidence that this was the year that the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released. Not that this would have incited people to suddenly see things that weren’t there, but given the more serious tone of the movie as it presented the possibility of ET contact – contact that was based on a clever amalgamation of real-life events – it’s likely that witnesses were now more willing (or less afraid) to come forward, knowing that their experiences did indeed have a precedent and that somebody, hopefully, might take them seriously. The movie release also may have precipitated a larger awareness of UFORQ as a reporting body, hence the spike in reports during that year. While critics and sceptics may cite the release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind as a precipitating factor in the upturn of UFO reports in the late 1970s, along with the caveat that people were probably encouraged by the movie to make some sightings up, it is important to bear in mind that 1977 was also the year that Star Wars was released, and there was no sudden upturn in the reports of wookies, jawas, or TIEfighters speeding through the atmosphere – reports of such encounters remained at a steady zero. Also, a large majority of the sightings received in 1977 came from country Queensland – places that generally didn’t have a cinema, and the crusty old farmers in those areas would hardly be inclined to see a science fiction movie even if they could. And remember – movies and television shows about UFOs and invading aliens have been around since the Flash Gordon days of the 1930s, and seem to have had little to no effect on the number and types of UFO sightings reported in any one year. Of interest is the report included on page 9 from Grafton in 1974, which is accompanied by a detailed drawing. The witness had some time to observe this object, and the sighting


may or may not have been associated with an earlier car accident on the same spot in the road. The object was close enough for the witness to experience physical effects, in this case burns, that later required medical attention. The report is brief but the sketches are detailed, and it’s the first report in the UFORQ archives so far to describe detrimental physical effects on a human – effects (burns) that were echoed three years after this event in the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Which brings us full circle from cause to effect and back to cause again.

1970-1979... Roma, April 3 1971, 3.00am At 3.00am on April 3 1971, a woman had stopped her car in an unmade section of the Injune-Rolleston road while searching for a property gate. She had her two children with her, and as the car was running low on fuel she began flashing her lights on and off and sounding the horn hoping to attract the attention of her husband, who was somewhere on the property. After 15-20 minutes of this she decided to lock the car doors and sleep in the car with her children. After another five minutes, the daughter noticed a bright white light approaching from the mountains. The woman got out of the car and could hear a noise that was not that of an approaching car. Then she saw that the light was now above the trees. In her report she said ‘I’m thinking to myself I’m mad, I might be tired, I’m seeing things.’ Jumping back in the car the woman headed back towards Injune at high speed with the object following close behind. There seemed to be a strong wind affecting the grass and trees, and what sounded like ‘a loud electric drill’ accompanied by a loud drumming noise. ‘We had the windows up in the car, but it was drumming and pressing into our ears.’ The whole area was lit up as brightly as daylight by the brilliant white light from the craft. ‘It was not like our light. It was terrific,’ she said.

Kenmore, October 7 1971, 8.00pm A saucer-shaped object that had a dark body with revolving yellow lights was observed in a mostly clear sky. It travelled silently north-west at a ‘terrifically fast’ speed before heading straight up. A yellow glow was observed on the underside of the UFO.


Seven Hills, October 9 1971, 11.45pm

Brownsleigh, October 20 1973, 8.45pm

Myself and four friends were travelling east on Stanley street when a strange object was pointed out. The object appeared to be high over the Seven Hills area. The object had a soft red glow and was shaped something like a zeppelin. We turned into Milsom street, glimpsing the object all the way. As we moved further along Milsom street the object seemed to be moving away. I lost sight of it as we turned into Bennett’s road and it was hidden from view by houses.

On the night of October 20 1973 my wife and myself were reading magazines when we heard what sounded like several trucks in the distance. This noise enticed me to look out the window. Approximately 25 degrees from the horizon west/south-west a bright star object was observed moving south, stopping and starting, climbing and descending, the object extinguishing approximately three times during the sighting which lasted one minute.

Gladstone, January 15 1972, 9.30pm A bright amber object was seen by a husband and wife and some of their relatives. It was travelling from the horizon in the north and in a westerly direction. It made a curve to the right and in approximately half a second had gained altitude and disappeared.

Richlands/Inala, October 16 1973, 8.57pm On leaving my mother’s house by car my wife and I saw what we thought was a plane in trouble. We followed in case it was, but in driving into the bush at Richlands we realised it was not a plane but an unidentified object which was now hovering above us. It had a very warm and bright glow about it. We decided not to continue our pursuit and did a U-turn, and as we did so the object appeared to do likewise. We proceeded to my mother-in-law’s house in Inala, and when we stopped our car this object stopped also and seemed to just hover. My mother-in-law also observed this object. We returned to my mother’s house, and as we stopped the car the object seemed to hover over the house next door. My mother also came out to view this object, which seemed to rise straight up into the air. We then left, and my mother informed me this object remained there for 20-30 minutes after we left the area.

Brighton, May 4 1972, 6.30pm At 6.30pm Mr H went to his back door and saw a red light out over the sea. It was steady and pulsating. Thinking it was an aircraft he went back into the house. Fifteen minutes later the object was still there, only brighter. He discerned it to be a definite saucer, traveling south-southwest at terrific speed. It was about the size of a shirt button at arm’s length and left a white trail as it went. Mr H and his friend went out onto the road where another object was observed ascending very slowly. Below this, and almost on the water, the first object was hovering. Looking around the witnesses observed a third object hovering over the Brisbane river. This object disappeared without movement, as did the object observed hovering over the sea, about two minutes later. The only object remaining was the one at great height, which vanished about an hour later. All objects had a red pulsating light that was very strong and bright and went from the left to the right of the object. A greenish-blue strip of light was visible around the edge of all the objects.


Miami, April 4 1974 A black object shaped like two plates stuck together was observed travelling from the horizon towards the Gold Coast airport.

Parkes (NSW), April 16 1974, 7.00pm I was driving between Melbourne and Brisbane. As I approached a rise in the road outside Parks, I noticed a bright light appearing on the top of the rise. The light seemed to get stronger and soon it had illuminated the whole sky. I could even see some clouds in the otherwise starry and black sky. Suddenly in the north-east a greeny-blue thing appeared. The exact colour is very hard to describe as I have never seen it before. The thing made no noise that I could hear and it did not interfere with the radio in the car. I couldn’t take my eyes off the road for too long, and when I glanced back to have another look it was gone, and so was the bright light that had lit up the whole sky. The thing was oval or football shaped, and it was definitely not the moon or Jupiter or Venus. Nor was it a plane or a balloon and I was not drunk or hallucinating.

Jindalee, 1974 A silvery-blue triangular light was observed from Jindalee. The light was very blue and bright and lit up the ground. ‘An Italian girl also saw it and was quite disturbed by it.’ The sighting was reported to the RAAF who called back and said they had a number of other reports from the same area.

Margate, November 29 1974, 11.30pm Arriving home late from work a man noticed a lot of dogs barking and howling in the neighbourhood. ‘When I reached for the rope to pull the Tilt-a-Door down from the inside, I noticed three illuminated lights across the street at tree-top level, and travelling from west to east and evenly spaced from each other.’ At the same time all three lights changed to a soft white colour to a soft pink to a soft blue.

Warwick, May 20 1975, 6.30am A disc-shaped object with a tail was seen at around 6.30am from Warwick, just after sunrise. It appeared to be a shining white object, and through binoculars it appeared as a fuselage of a plane with some sort of indistinct tail section and made of an aluminium-like metal. There was no indication of wings or windows.


Grafton, June 14 1974 About three or four hours after a fatal accident involving a VW on the coast road from Grafton, a spinning top-shaped UFO was observed hovering over a paddock off the road adjacent to the accident site. The object had a rotating cylinder that spun opposite to the direction of the spin on the outer rim, and it made a series of electronic ‘clicks, beeps, squeaks’ and ‘oscillating sounds, like a broken-down ambulance sound (whirring and whooping).’ The object was described as hot on the witness’s face, burning their eyes and hair, which required medical treatment after. The witness felt the object was remote controlled and not manned, and did not link it to the accident that had happened some hours earlier (though in hindsight it probably was a related event - Ed).

Annerley, January 19 1975, 7.55pm

Mt Gravatt, June 14 1976, 10.30pm

My father and myself were walking to the milkshed when something incredible attracted my attention. It was unbelievably large and we watched with amazement. It only lasted about 2 seconds, but then came the incredible part. The object ‘started up’ again, but only this time sparks and flames appeared to come out of it. this lasted about 3-4 seconds.

The witness was observing lightning during a storm when they noticed a large bright light come down from the mountain (Mt Gravatt). They at first thought it was a plane that had been struck by lightning and was crashing, but then it stopped and headed back up the mountain. It passed close to the TV tower on the mountain, close enough for its light to illuminate the left half of the aerial. It passed the mountain and continued heading west, moving at a faster pace than when first observed. The witness noticed the lightning was much reduced in the object’s presence.

Gold Coast, November 1975, 6.30am A former London police officer living at the Gold Coast observed a small star-like object streaking across the sky at tremendous speed and in an easterly direction. It covered 45 degrees of sky in under 2 minutes and gave the impression it was under its own power. Ten minutes after the sighting, the witness was overcome with the feeling he had seen something he shouldn’t have, and became quite disturbed by it.

Everton Park, March 28 1976, 11.20pm The occupant of a house was awakened at 11.20pm by a loud ‘whoosh’ sound with associated lights. She jumped to the window but could see nothing. About 25-20 minutes later the witness was lying awake in bed when another ‘whoosh’ sounded, as though a highly powered engine was directly over the house. The room was lit by a reddish glow and a hot dry wind rushed in through all the windows. There was also a momentary vibration in the house. With ‘great fright’ the witness jumped again to the window, but again could see nothing.


Cunnamulla, February 1976, 4.30am

This sighting by my wife and myself occurred while driving on a lonely strip of dirt road in the early hours of the morning. At first sight I thought it was a semitrailer parked on the side of the road with its red and green side lights on. As we got closer it seemed to rise into the sky, changing into an orange glow with a sort of vapour trail for a short period. It then moved away from us but kept pace with us, and we could see its light was more reddish in colour at tree-top level. It kept us fascinated until Ballan, a distance of about 12 miles. Upon going through the town the object changed direction and became a brilliant white ball. It was most terrifying as it is lonely out there, and at one stage the light seemed to be directly above us and a little to the front. I did at one stage turn off the headlights to see if it was a reflection, but the light did not alter. When we were near St George the light rose slowly into the sky and eventually vanished.


Margate, April 1976, 8.00pm It was about 8pm on a Wednesday when my mother asked me to burn some rubbish in the paddock. After I had set fire to it, the dogs in the yards around the district began to bark. The next thing I did was look up and saw three luminous saucers slowly flying across in a northerly direction. They didn’t make any sound and were flying in a triangular formation. They were too low for aircraft and seemed to float across the sky. They sped upwards at high speed and within three seconds they were out of sight.

Dalby, November 4 1976, 9.22pm A private plane travelling from Dalby to Brisbane was followed by a large light until it landed at Eagle Farm.

Seven Hills, June 15 1977, 7.02pm A woman waiting in her driveway observed a light in the north-east travelling at aircraft speed to the west. When the object passed the Story Bridge it stopped. After a pause of 30 seconds it accelerated at a terrific rate, leaving a ‘shower of sparks.’

Burpengary, July 5 1977, 6.05pm My mother and I were driving from Burpengary to Brisbane when she suddenly called my attention to an object on the left hand side which was the size of a big star and was growing larger. In no time the object was the size of the full moon, but the light was white. The light was coming closer and

bigger, but the light was shining nowhere. We could see a dark body behind the white light. The object had the length of an airliner, was just above the trees, and at close distance (about 200 meters) to us. I slowed the speed of the car down – it looked like the object kept speed with us, going up a little bit like avoiding the top of a tree, going a bit down again, always the same distance from us until we came to the small forest along the road. The object turned north-west and sped away, keeping the same distance from the ground as before. We could see enormous windows in the craft as it moved behind the trees.

Wynnum, October 2 1977, 11.30pm I observed four bright golden lights arranged in a square. I stopped the car to have a look at what it could be. After about one or two minutes the lights became brighter (not unlike a nova) and moved off in a vertical direction, accelerating to a speed never observed by me before.

Mansfield, December 24 1977, 9.30pm My wife and I went out on the patio for a cigarette. I saw a spinning blob of light and said ‘look, a flying saucer,’ and my wife replied ‘no, it’s the moon.’ Then we realised the moon was plainly visible – behind us. The ‘saucer’ got larger and appeared to approach us, surrounded by a greenish cloud. It seemed to tip up slightly, revealing a dark stripe through the middle. The it shot upwards, along with the cloud, at great

Gayndah, September 4 1978, 8.20pm My mother, myself and my seven-year old daughter saw an unidentified object as we walked around the side of my farm house. We all heard a humming sound and looked towards the small hill where the road runs and saw two red lights. At first we thought it was the tail-lights of a car, but you cannot see the road from the house. The humming stopped. The lights became a very slow-moving object coming down towards us with no noise at all. It had a row of red lights along it. Then I saw the whole complete shape of it. At the same time, my little girl hid her head in my mother’s dress and said ‘I don’t like flying saucers.’ We did not mention anything about a flying saucer at the time. The object moved to within fifty feet of us and then stopped. I yelled out ‘Oh my God, mum!’ and it was as if it had heard me. It took off over the wheat field, just above the wheat, with a terrible loud noise like a big jet. At the same time a very bright red light came on at the side of it and it flew away with a speed I’ve never seen before. The object did not spin and none of the lights were flashing. It was a dull silver in colour. The next morning I looked to see if there were any marks in the wheat but there were none.



Ipswich, February 24 1979, 9.15pm J and M were driving from Lowood to Ipswich. Just after passing through Fernvale the road swung to the right and up a hill. As J and M were going up the hill they could see a bright white light high in the sky and directly in front of them. As they were watching it, it flashed, and everything for about half a mile was lit up, similar to the effect of lightning. The sky was clear and all stars could be seen.

speed. Upon later reflection, we thought that the only thing the object resembled was the head-on view of a drill-bit.

Murgon, April 19 1978, 5.30pm My eleven-year old son and I were approaching our home by car when he drew my attention to an unusual light in the western sky. It was a thin strip of light which at times appeared to be stationary, would almost fade from sight, and then brighten again. The Sun had just disappeared over the horizon and the sky was cloudless. We lost sight of it for some minutes but sighted it again some distance to the north. The object then began to manoeuvre and was at times vertical to the horizon. It then changed its direction to move south, seemed to speed up, and in a flash of brilliant orange-red light, including a short trail of light, disappeared completely.

Wynnum, June 15 1978, 03.05am I had been up feeding the baby and was walking past the window when I noticed a large yellow light hovering over the bay between Green Island and Darling Point. It was too large to be an aeroplane, and there were no port or starboard lights and no sound. It began moving across the bay towards St Helena Island, and as it did so the light changed to orange, and just as it was about to go behind the tree blocking my view it became very red in colour and began pulsating. It was at this stage that I noticed a long vertical shaft of light coming from beneath it through the shaft of light. I woke my husband and he also saw the light, and we were able to see the rippling of the water through the shaft of light as it came out from behind the tree, at which time it changed back into its original yellow colour. It then travelled due north, seemingly following the shore of the mainland and we lost sight of it behind another tree. It would have taken three or four minutes to travel from the south-east to the north.

Rose Hill Station (St George), September 29 1978, 8.30pm At around 2030 hours three boys (young men), Murray, Tony and William, were out shooting kangaroos. They did not have


a fixed spotlight on their car, but a handheld light was used by Tony on the passenger side. Murray was driving, and William sat between them. The car was travelling north when Tony spotted a light directly out of his side window, to the west. Murray immediately stopped the car, and they sat watching for a couple of seconds. The light appeared to be coming towards them at treetop level. Murray turned the car around and drove it slowly so they could observe the UFO. The UFO had stopped and was moving up and down with a 3-4 second cycle. Murray then sped up and the UFO moved to overtake the car. At the end of the road there was a gate and it was necessary for the car to stop for the gate to be opened. While the car was stationary, not only at this gate but at the other two gates further down the road, the UFO also stopped its motion, seemed to come closer, and then rose into the air. A couple of hundred metres from the homestead the car passed over a cattle grid and immediately the engine died. Murray stated that the engine was not good and often gave trouble. Coming to a halt the boys decided to have a shot at the object with their guns. Tony and Murray got out – Tony had a 44 Magnum and Murray a 303 with a scope. Through the scope the object looked little different than it appeared to the naked eye. Murray fired a shot at it. The UFO moved sideways with what was apparently a spinning motion about its vertical axis. Tony fired a shot and the UFO responded by temporarily reversing its motion and then shooting upwards. The UFO was still moving upwards when Tony fired a second shot. No immediate response by the UFO occurred. A couple of seconds later the UFO stopped its rising and move away in a westerly direction. Upon reaching the house the boys beckoned the rest of the family outside (five people), who were all able to see the UFO heading into the south-west. John, the father, and the three boys got back into the ute and went to the road to follow it, observing it as a light in the south-east. Returning to the homestead the rest of the family then got into the family


Eudlo, July 20 1979, 6.30pm A 31-year old farmer reported that he was coming home on his tractor when he looked up and saw a flashing light. He kept watching it until he reached home, then called his wife outside to see it. He described the object as a small flashing light with a large flash underneath. The object came over towards the house, reasonably close, before moving off in a northwest direction. While the object was now much clearer to the naked eye, the large bright flash was no longer visible as it moved away. Up close the object appeared to be rotating, and the top section was described as looking like a ‘lighthouse.’ station wagon and drove 10 miles south to Boolba to have a look. Arriving at the main road they observed the light for about five minutes, during which time no movement occurred. They returned home and some of them maintained a vigil on the light, which they reported appeared to rise in a path curved to the left and covering a distance of 5-10 degrees in about one and half hours. The family went to bed about 11.00pm.

St George, October (date unknown) 1978 Mr GW was driving along the Mitchell Highway towards St George. Coming to an intersection he noticed what he thought to be a car driving from the Bollon direction. Mr W attempted to beat this car to the intersection but saw that he couldn’t and so slowed down as he approached the intersection. It was night time and the approaching vehicle seemed to be a car with one headlight, but as it approached the intersection it veered off the road and travelled parallel to it. Mr W could now see that that it was not a car but a silver-coloured eggshaped object flying very low. It was about 15 feet long and 6 feet high, and it followed W’s car for several miles until the golf course turn-off, where the object moved off and became lost to sight. On a separate occasion, Mr W’s daughter, V, claimed that the appearance of a UFO at Belingra Station coincided with a temporary improvement of television reception. At 7.30pm (date unknown), reception on the television (normally very snowy) improved remarkably. At this point V went outside and saw an object in the sky about half a mile away. No shape was visible, but V described the light as changing colour in the sequence green-red-silvery blue-orange, and she watched it for some time. At 8.30pm television reception returned to normal (ie, snowy). V checked outside again and the UFO had gone.

Bribie Island Road, May 6 1979, 12.30am Two couples were driving from Bribie Island to Brisbane. The wives were asleep in the back seat. The two men in the front seat could see a group bright orange lights ahead of them in the road, and the surrounding area was brightly lit. The air itself appeared to be luminous, and the inside of the car was lit up. The bonnet of the car also seemed to be a different colour. At this same moment the car’s alternator light went on, the dash lights dimmed, and and the motor started chugging as if it were only firing on two pistons. Almost immediately the group of lights left the ground, flying directly upwards at great velocity. The lights were not seen again.

Caboolture, April 13 1979, 2.00am The night was fine and we were driving at approximately 40 miles per hour. Ahead the road turned right, and as we cut the corner we noticed a light which we thought was a car with only one headlight. I expected the vehicle to turn the corner any minute, when much to our amazement the light appeared over the cane field on our right. We then saw it was a bright, orange-coloured dome. It came down towards us in the road, hovered for a few seconds, then took off at great speed to the left, just clearing the cane. We slowed the truck down and looked around, but could see no lights at all. There was no traffic on the road, no houses nearby, and not a sign of light.

Daisy Hill, October 24 1978, 8.00pm I left my house at approximately 7.45pm to walk to the Slacks Creek State School. Upon arrival some friends drew my attention to a large light in the sky in the vicinity of Mt Tambourine. The light appeared stationary and very bright. While we stood watching it we noticed three smaller lights appear near the main one. The lights seemed to join up and the main light became brighter. The light showed red then returned to white. This sequence kept on recurring. We watched the light for about half an hour.




In the late night of Sunday 3rd January, 2016 at approximately 2.00am I walked my dog Andy up to Cliff Drive, Katoomba for his daily walk as Heather and I had been too busy to do it earlier that day. The night was dark and the roads were quiet with no traffic around. I walked him as far as the turnoff to Narrow Neck Plateau [Glen Raphael Drive] before turning back. At the corner of Oak Street and Acacia Street [and the adjacent corner of the old Katoomba Golf Club grounds], I stopped to look back up Oak Street to its junction with Cliff Drive. The time was 2.05am and at this moment I spotted a goldenglowing object descending behind the trees on the opposite [Megalong Valley] side of the road. The descending object lit up the bush. There was no sound. As this occurred, all the street lights suddenly blacked out. As the mystery golden glow faded as the craft descended into the valley behind the scrub, the street lights suddenly came back on again. I rushed home to tell Heather what I had just experienced.

Rex Gilroy © 2015

Golden-glowing UFOs seen at night are nothing new across the Blue Mountains, and they have been seen to move high over the towns, sometimes over the horizon, or else some have been reported seen descending into Grose Valley and also Burragorang Valley far to the south of Katoomba, apparently into underground landing sites of the Underground Space Travel Research Base. Over the past two years it appears that new Base entrances have been established, one on the west side of Megalong Valley [which has been the scene of nightly landings and takeoffs], and another in the depths of Wollondilly Valley south of Burragorang Valley. At this locality the sounds of underground machinery, and also vehicle movement along underground roads, have been reported In past accounts I have reported on people making night time, even daytime sightings of saucer-type craft either emerging from out of the Kanangra wilderness, or else descending into it, indicating the existence of flight entrances With the recent change of name, “Blue Mountains UFO Research Club and National Australian Underground Space base investigation Network” plans are afoot to carry out expeditions to hopefully locate and photograph Base entrances. These searches will be carried out with new research team members and there will be an increase in Club Skywatches, and there will be advertising to this effect. Underground Space Travel Research Bases are the theme of another soon-to-be- published Gilroy book, with two more to follow. As my readers know, the Australian-American joint underground Base network’s flight entrances are protected by Time-Window camouflage technology, which prevents non-Base aircraft from spotting them, and hidden cameras in certain areas warn the Base operators of campers, or even groups of would-be Base discoverers approaching too close. There are, however, ways of penetrating at least close enough to obtain photographic evidence, virtually impossible for large groups of searchers, thus if anyone obtains this photographic evidence it will be achieved by the Gilroys Investigation Network. Looking west up Oak Street to the junction with Cliff Drive. The trees at the far end are those behind which the goldglowing object descended. [Photo taken mid-afternoon.] At the time of the incident all the street lights were momentarily blacked out. Photo © Rex Gilroy 2016



what didn’t make it to...



Warning Space Aliens: Earth’s UFOHunting Satellite Is Coming For You http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/cubesat-hunt-forufos_us_56afbc67e4b0b8d7c2302aa2?section=australia Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone launched a satellite into Earth orbit with the specific mission of trying to detect and prove unknown objects are actually out there? Get ready for ‘CubeSat for Disclosure,’ a team of researchers brought together by software engineer Dave Cote, who have a common purpose in launching their own satellite: To find and verify a real extraterrestrial craft. “We have former astronauts, military personnel, police officers and the former defense minister of Canada come forward stating that extraterrestrial UFOs are real, and that we are being visited,” Cote said in a press release. “How can this be ignored and brushed off as nonsense?” On the ‘CubeSat for Disclosure’ video, Cote says his project “aims to use a low-orbit satellite controlled by us, the individuals, to study potential objects in our Earth’s atmosphere.” “Maybe we’ll get data readings and pictures of solar flaredcaused auroras; maybe we’ll capture images of some very interesting meteors; and maybe, we’ll actually capture a verifiable craft. All we can do is try, and by doing this our way, we can open-source the data to you, the individuals,” said Cote. Current technology allows private citizens to build small, relatively affordable satellites, launch them into Earth orbit and perform various experiments. CubeSats are about the size of a shoebox, into which a variety of scientific equipment can be placed. These nano-satellites can reach a height of around 195 miles above Earth for around $20,000, and have orbital lifespans of about three months before they burn up on reentry. For its UFO hunt, the ‘CubeSat for Disclosure’ team will load the little satellite with infrared, electromagnetic and radiation sensors, as well as two cameras set to photograph a full 360 degrees.

First contact? Stranded ‘alien being’ pleads with UFO investigators for help http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/642184/First-contactStranded-alien-being-pleads-with-UFO-investigators-for-help MUFON has received a report from someone alleging to be an alien stranded on earth. The US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the world’s biggest organisation for logging and investigating UFO sightings and alleged alien encounters, so is used to its fair share of weirdness. But this is believed to the first report made to it alleging to be from an intelligent alien life form. The ‘alien’ said in its bizarre report to MUFON it usually existed as an electromagnetic wave which hijacked physical bodies or even human beings. It said: “I’m an extraterrestrial being adopted by humankind. You can call me Mogay.” It went on to say in broken English that a disaster on another celestial body had caused it and others to seek refuge on Earth. It said: “We were stay as electromagnetic wave and normally use replaceable bodies to work. A celestial body made most of our equipment can’t work. We tried to make it get away from Matif, but we failed and that celestial body hit the Matif. Although the adverse effects of celestial body had gone when it knocked out of its orbit, but it’s no more time for us to took refuge with transfer system. “The disaster on Matif made us arrive on the Earth.” The report went on to say the beings arrived last September but “were not like the aliens” humans imagine. It added: “We’re extraterrestrial beings without enough protection on the Earth and we need your help. I live in a human body now and that’s also why your people adopted me. I learned your languages in this body, so I can talk to you. I tried my best find help from earth’s people since September 2015 and I noticed the governments will not negotiate with

“We control what the images are. We will have the images,” said project coordinator Dave Shock. “If you’re watching a live feed from the International Space Station, it can suddenly cut out and they’ll say, ‘Oh, we lost the signal.’ But we will have total control of everything. Nobody will alter or corrupt our data so that the government can’t cover up what we may find. This is all ours,” Shock told The Huffington Post. ‘CubeSat for Disclosure’ doesn’t have a launch date yet, and they’re raising money to pack as much instrumentation into the satellite as possible. “We’re using the air and space port, Interorbital Systems, out of the Mojave Desert,” Shock said. “We got the satellite through them and they’ll do the launch. It’s a whole package: You buy the satellite, you also get the launch. The more money we get, the more scientific equipment we can pack on board.”



me without your help. I hope to get help from this platform.” According to the MUFON website, it is often plagued by hoaxes or misidentified sightings. MUFON investigator Peter Davenport said: “One of the greatest burdens that UFO investigators have to bear, in the course of their collecting and investigating sighting reports submitted by members of the public, is the deluge of apparently false reports and cases of mistaken identity that have to be waded through, and eliminated from, the stream of incoming data. “What prompts people to create and submit bogus reports is unclear, save for the apparently widespread lack of selfdiscipline, and lack of concern for others, that seems all too common in mankind. However, the fact remains that such deception takes place constantly, and that it probably will continue in ufology, and elsewhere, until long after we have finally laid to rest the mystery of UFOs.” [But one wonders… what if this were a real plea for assistance? – Ed]

Lost Tapes Reveal Apollo 10 Astronauts Heard Unexplained ‘Music’ On Far Side Of The Moon

The conversation between the three astronauts indicated they heard sounds like they had never heard before:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/apollo-10a st r o n a u t s - r e p o r te d - u n ex p l a i n e d - m u s i c - a t- m o o n _ us_56c80662e4b0928f5a6c0679

“You hear that? That whistling sound? Whooooooooo!”

The crew of an Apollo mission to the moon were so startled when they encountered strange music-like radio transmissions coming through their headsets, they didn’t know whether or not to report it to NASA, it’s been revealed. It was 1969, two months before Apollo 11’s historic first manned landing on the moon, when Apollo 10 entered lunar orbit, which included traversing the far side of the moon when all spacecraft are out of radio contact with Earth for about an hour and nobody on Earth can see or hear them. As far as the public knew, everything about the mission went smoothly. Almost four decades went by before lost recordings emerged that revealed something unsettling that the three Apollo astronauts had experienced while flying above the far side of the moon. The taped recordings contained “strange, otherworldly music coming through the Apollo module’s radio,” according to the upcoming Science Channel series, “NASA’s Unexplained Files.”


“It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music.” “Well, that sure is weird music!” The unexplained “music” transmission lasted almost an hour, and just before the astronauts regained radio contact with Earth, they discussed whether or not to tell Mission Control what they had experienced: “It’s unbelievable! You know?” “Shall we tell them about it?” “I don’t know. We ought to think about it.” “The Apollo 10 crew was very used to the kind of noise that they should be hearing. Logic tells me that if there was something recorded on there, then there was something there,” Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden says on the Science Channel program. “NASA would withhold information from the public if they thought it was in the public’s best interest.” The transcripts of the Apollo 10 mission were classified and untouched in NASA’s archives until 2008, producing an ongoing debate as to the nature and origin of the strange sounds heard by the astronauts.


“You don’t hear about anything like that until years after the incident occurs, and then you kind of wonder, because it’s such an old memory of those things that you get concerned about if they were making something up or was there something really there? Because you never really know,” Worden told The Huffington Post. Apollo 15 command module pilot Al Worden says he has a very open mind about what could’ve happened. “If you’re behind the moon and hear some weird noise on your radio, and you know you’re blocked from the Earth, then what could you possibly think?” Worden said. “We’d had a lot of incidents where guys who flew in space saw and heard things that they didn’t recognize, and you wonder about all of that. I have a very open mind about what could’ve happened. It’s somebody’s hearsay evidence -- it’s only a visual or audio event, which is hard to pin down. Recollection is one thing, but actual proof is something entirely different.”

Footage filmed in skies over Russia prompts heated debate http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3431430/UFOslow-meteorite-spotted-sky-Kemerovo-Russia.html A video shot in Russia has got UFO watchers excited after some claimed it was an alien vehicle plunging into the earth. The video was shot by Russian man Mikhail Litvinov who said he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Kemerovo. The video quickly attracted thousands of views as people debated what it could be, with many pointing out it was too slow to be a meteorite, but producing too much of a gas trail to be an aeroplane. The gas is off-white in colour at the tail end but becomes blacker closer to the object. Journalists from Russian news site Bloknot contacted Russian airborne forces who said that there were no registered incidents in the skies over Kemerovo at the time involving either crashed craft or meteorites.

reckon it was a Russian Rouble.’ While another observed: ‘It is certainly too slow to be a meteorite implying it is mechanical in origin.’

UFO watchers blame blinding light in Russia that turned day into night on extraterrestrials http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/ u fo - w a tc h e r s - b l a m e - b l i n d i n g - l i g ht- i n - r u s s i a - t h a tt u r n e d - d a y - i n t o - n i g h t- o n - ex t r a t e r r e s t r i a l s / n e w s story/41e0a3a6c0043d1d10b3a1d1fb646791 A huge and blinding flash that lit up Russia for a fraction of a second is causing heated debate. UFO watchers have already turned out in force to blame it on extraterrestrials after government officials admitted they had no explanation for the flash. But CCTV cameras across the region around the city of Petrozavodsk in Russia’s Republic of Karelia all captured the blinding flash as it lit up the night sky. Members of the astronomic club Asterion believe that it may have been caused by an electrical problem at a nearby railway station, but this has been denied by representatives of the local October Railway. Another suggested it could have been a single lightning strike but this was also rejected by meteorologists. But for UFO watchers the source was clear, and that it was provoked by something above the clouds bursting into the Earth’s atmosphere. They were given some encouragement by a local professor of astronomy, Andrey Mezentsev, who said: “There are two possibilities, it could had been space garbage or a space bolide (an extremely bright meteor). We need time to collect all the recordings and put them together in order to get a bigger picture of what actually occurred.” UFO watchers have also asked people with cameras to send video footage if they managed to capture the flash.

One online commentator said: ‘It was going down so fast I

Russians To Launch ICBM At NearEarth Asteroid And Nuke It In 2036 http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/russians-want-to-launch-anicbm-at-a-near-earth-asteroi-1758697417 Russian scientists want to modify existing intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver a nuclear warhead that will supposedly obliterate near-earth asteroids that measure up to 50 meters across. They want to test this capability against Apophis, a well-known near-earth asteroid that will pass close to Earth in 2036.



Sabit Saitgarayev of the Kakeyev Rocket Design Bureau’s is the leading researcher on this, and recently told TASS News why an ICBM is their asteroid plinking platform of choice: “Most rockets work on boiling fuel. Their fuelling begins 10 days before the launch and, therefore, they are unfit for destroying meteorites similar to the Chelyabinsk meteorite in diameter, which are detected several hours before coming close to the Earth. For this purpose, intercontinental ballistic missiles can be used, which requires their upgrade,” the scientist said. The improved missiles could be used as the killers of the Apophis asteroid, “which will come dangerously close to the Earth in 2036,” he added. Basically he’s saying that solid-fueled ICBMs, designed to be launched at a moment’s notice in order to send a pack of nuclear warheads across the globe, are much better suited for dealing with “surprise asteroids” that pose a threat to mankind.

unconscious with severe injuries on his face. A student, identified as Santhosh, and two gardeners, identified as Sasi and Murali, sustained injuries. Santhosh reportedly lost his hearing ability following the explosion. College staff members rushed Kamaraj to Vaniyambadi Government General Hospital where doctors on duty declared him brought dead. The explosion occurred during class hours when the students, teaching and non-teaching faculty members were inside the building. Several window panes, including those in the top floor of the college building, were damaged in the explosion. The windscreens of the buses parked near the explosion site were also damaged.

Now the Kakeyev Rocket Design Bureau’s asteroid blasting project is seeking seven million dollars and the OK from the Ministry of Defense to modify one of their ICBMs. As far as which ICBM type they want to use remains unclear, but Russia is working to rapidly upgrade its land-based ICBM arsenal so there are surely hand-me downs available. Some scientists say the nuclear option is the way to go, while others are firmly against it and want to use gravitational tugs, kinetic impacts or even the solar wind to push killer asteroids off course. The fact is that these other options take time which we may not have, especially for attempting to deflect smaller asteroid impacts. Although we are now tracking the 10,000 largest “earth killer” asteroids, 100 times more exist that we do not track but can still do horrific damage to life on our planet. No matter what, we really needed get moving on a plan for such an event yesterday, and this one may be the simplest way for dealing with at least some of the asteroids that we won’t see coming until it is too late. When you think about it, it is pretty strange that we spend over half a trillion dollars a year on defense against other humans, when we could all just as easily be wiped out, or at least partially, by a giant rock just going about its business in space. It shows just how near-sighted the human race is, especially considering we have the technology to protect ourselves.

Meteorite explosion killed bus driver, Tamil Nadu government says http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Meteoriteexplosion-killed-Vellore-college-bus-driver-Tamil-Nadugovernment-says/articleshow/50889270.cms

Bizarre worm-shaped object on Red Planet sparks claim it is 100% proof of life on Mars http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/642444/Bizarreworm-shaped-object-on-Red-Planet-sparks-claim-it-is-100proof-of-life-on-Mars A strange shape said to resemble a segmented worm found in a NASA images taken on sand dunes in Mars has prompted claims it is proof of life on the Red Planet. The unusual shape was caught on camera by the NASA Curiosity Rover - a 4WD droid which is scouring the Red Planet surface for the US space agency - on January 29. The rover, which beams the images back to earth before NASA posts them online, is currently exploring sand dune areas of the Red Planet. The weird shape appears to be on a slope in the dunes and across at a right angle to a ridge of sand down the drop. NASA has made no observation on the small object, but UFO buff Scott C Waring is convinced it is 100 per cent proof of life on Mars.In a video posted on his website UFO Sightings Daily he

Mystery over an explosion in the Vellore district has been solved after the Tamil Nadu government confirmed that a meteorite fell on a private engineering college premises on Saturday killing a bus driver and injuring two gardeners and a student. Police said Kamaraj (the bus driver) went to wash his face near the water tank located at the parking lot in the college premises when the explosion occurred around noon on Saturday. Thick smoke engulfed the area following the explosion, which created a crater of five feet deep and two feet wide. A bus cleaner, identified as Guru, rushed to the spot after hearing the loud explosion and found Kamaraj lying



said he believes the agency should explain what it is. He said: “There is life on Mars and this is absolute 100 per cent proof of life on Mars. It is a worm with an exoskeleton. It is an armoured, segmented worm.” He speculated it had crossed the ridge by coming out of the dune then going back in and could be seven inches or longer. Of course, there is nothing to suggest the shape is a life form just from the picture, but it certainly looks unusual. Some viewers commented that it was like the huge sand worms from the 1980s sic-fi movie Dune starring Sting. “It looks like it could be a pipe or tube for that matter. This could be as simple as an exposed stretch of rock.” Others said it looked more like flexible metallic tubing used in electrical construction, with one suggesting “if you accept that alternate explanation it brings up all kinds of other possible scenarios.” NASA says the rover has found no evidence of life yet and the anomalies found in pictures are the effects of pareidolia when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar shapes and objects in patterns and textures.

Elon Musk Says SpaceX Will Send People to Mars by 2025 http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/elon-musk-saysspacex-will-send-people-mars-2025-n506891 Nobody can accuse Elon Musk of not shooting for the stars. The SpaceX and Tesla founder said this week that he personally wants to visit space within the next five years and thinks that his company will launch a mission to Mars by 2025. Speaking at the StartmeupHK Festival in Hong Kong this week, Musk said that he had already taken parabolic flights to prepare


for space, but had not done much else. “I don’t think it’s that hard, honestly,” he said. “It’s not that hard to float around.” Personal space travel ambitions aside, Musk also talked about how important it was for mankind to reach Mars. He said that SpaceX is planning to reveal its next-generation spacecraft at September’s International Astronautical Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico. That could be the next step toward eventually sending human beings to the Red Planet — something Musk said he thinks will happen by 2025. It’s an ambitious goal considering that NASA’s current plan is to send humans to Mars in the 2030s. [Just watch out for those Martian Rock Snakes – Ed]


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