Four Mistakes Every CDR Writer Needs to Avoid

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Four Mistakes Every CDR Writer Needs to Avoid Australia has one of the most potential job markets for professional engineers. And that's the reason why thousands of foreign engineers visit Australia, hoping to get a significant job and build a prosperous career. But before you can apply for an engineering job in Australia, you need to become a CDR writer to receive permission from Engineers Australia. CDR or competency demonstration report is your ticket to a prosperous professional career in Australia as an engineer. However, your CDR needs to be on par with the standard requirements of the regulatory body – Engineers Australia. If your CDR does not match the requirements of EA, you cannot start your career as an engineer in Australia. As a CDR writer, you must avoid these following mistakes to turn things in your favour.

1. Dividing a single project into two different career episodes: While drafting the career episodes, you must use different projects for each episode. Engineers Australia generally recommends that an applicant should describe an entire project in each career episode. Besides, if you are describing the same project in two different episodes, it shows that you don’t have enough achievements to describe. 2. Writing career episodes about group activity: Group activities may sound great when you are presenting yourself as a team player. But CDR is about demonstrating your skills and achievements. So, if you are writing about group activities in the career episodes, it won't actually help your cause. In fact, it may look like you aren't capable of achieving anything on your own. 3. Simply copying from the online samples: Since you are submitting your CDR for the first time, it is possible that you may not know how to draft it on your own. If that is the case, you can always get CDR to help online and learn how to prepare original CDR that highlights your skills and achievements in the best light. But if you copy the CDR from existing online samples, the committee will identify the plagiarism and may bar you from applying in the future. 4. Writing CDR in a different language: Every CDR needs to be written in the English language. It is better if you use the Australian convention while writing the CDR. But if you cannot do that, at least try to use the English language. If you draft the report in your native tongue that is not English (such as French, German, Urdu, or Hindi), your application won't be accepted. If you can avoid these mistakes, you may get to have a career in Australia as an engineer. However, you also need to make sure that the CDR you are presenting does not have any grammatical or spelling errors in it. Also, ensure that you are following the correct format for CDR that is issued by Engineers Australia.



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