Women Seeking Wisdom: Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself body part 1 of 4

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Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? BODY (Part 1 of 4) kathryns-blog.com /what-petrol-body/ Kathryn

Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? BODY (Part 1 of 4) We all know that we have to eat healthy and take care of our bodies, you can’t escape that message. Standing back and really looking at ourselves though, if we actually kept a diary of what we ate, how often we exercised and so forth, I know a lot of us wouldn’t probably come up to par. Being stressed particularly can strip us of those vital vitamins and minerals our bodies crave. Making sure we take care of ourselves first is so important, and our bodies are machines, if you don’t put the right petrol in our tanks then we aren’t going to perform the best. This is the first part of a four part series I am doing this week looking at Body, Mind, Spirit and Relationships – a holistic view of what we put into ourselves so that we can get the best out of what we want to achieve. So today, our physical bodies!

Your body is like a car It’s true. If you put crappy petrol in, you are not going to get good results back. About a month ago I burnt some chicken for dinner (oops) and so we ended up eating pizza. I went to the gym the next morning and I was really quite shocked at how profound the difference was in my performance. Now I consider myself fairly middle of the range when it comes to eating healthy, so imagine how much better you could be performing if you are the kind of person who indulges in things like pizza or other “poor quality petrol foods” regularly? You aren’t getting the best out of yourself, and trust me, you only have one body. If it fails there is no swap or anything.

Stress sucks the vitamins out of you like the vampire it is!!! Yep. If you are stressed all you are probably craving is sugar, which activates dopamine in our brains which in turn releases endorphins, which will reduce your stress in the short term. Staying away from


Very cute vampires sugar is ridiculously hard with some studies recently saying it is more addictive than cocaine. It’s also everywhere you look. So combine that sugar craving with low vitamin storage in your system, a more acidic body pH (from stress too), and you are a haven for whatever lovely virus decides it wants to make your life just that little be more peachy. You can go to a naturopath and find out exactly what you are lacking so you can target exactly what your body needs, but if you want a try it yourself solution: get obsessed with veggies. People get freaked out by how many veggies we should be eating, but it actually doesn’t really fill you up. It’s just a whole lot of chewing… which you may be probably doing snacking anyways. What I’ve started to do is twice a week I make a veggie platter and I made this one today :) I keep it in my fridge (or you can take yours to work). It’s essentially a salad, and I just snack on that all day. There are next to no calories so you can go berserk (I add a little dressing though). I also blanche some broccoli, asparagus and beans and I heat that in the microwave and eat that. When you are on the computer, it’s like coffee – you look down and it’s suddenly gone. If you are going to snack, you may as well try that. If you are struggling with sugar cravings then I suggest you check out this article here by Body and Soul.

Exercise – do you really want to look like Michelle Bridges? Seriously, if you want to look like her, then you have to eat like her, think like her, train like her and so forth. It won’t happen overnight


Credit: krock.com.au/ because that woman has been kicking butt for years, but it will happen. No? So then what is your goal? Have a good think about what you really want to do. What I found is that if I set my goals too high then I struggle to maintain it, and exercise is a lifelong habit, so you need to make it fun. Maybe you just want to get out of the house and get moving around? A lovely powerwalk somewhere green may be perfect for you! You don’t have to go to the gym and do yoga if that’s not what you love! There are lots of reasons to exercise, not just to lose weight but also for your heart, get your lymphatics working (drain toxins and help that immune system), release endorphins (good for your mind), and so forth. Exercise should not be associated with guilt – if it is then you are doing it for the wrong reasons. It’s that nasty word SHOULD again! Do it because you know it is going to make you feel great, not because you feel like you have to.

Get your body serviced!! This made me giggle because I have a dirty mind… but I’m not being dirty! Servicing your body is like going to the dentist ladies! You schedule in your 6-12 monthly check ups and you brush your teeth every day etc. Our beloved dentists have us in good habits brushing and flossing daily (well we tell them we are), but what about the rest of our bodies? Keep a list of what you should be getting check-ups for and schedule them in in advance. Even if that’s in 6 months time, you can put it in your calendar. If you don’t you will probably forget and then it could be years – which can potentially be dangerous. This includes things like mole checks (yes my Aussi ladies we know we should), talking to a naturopath or someone about your diet, eyes if necessary, muscles especially if you work at a desk or you play sports/have injuries, immunisations…. Pap smears (yes I actually said it), and anything else you can think of. It doesn’t hurt to check in with a psychologist too if you have a history of anxiety or any such thing, just as a check.

Sooo…. Wisdom starts with taking care of our most important tool, ourselves. You aren’t going to get the most out of this beautiful, wonderful machine called “you” if you don’t take care of it before other people. Treat yourself right and focus on giving yourself the best you can. Treat your body like the Ferrari it is and you will get so much more back from it! Get obsessed with veggies, find some fun ways to get moving around and get regular check-ups. Stay tuned for the rest of this week I’ll be posting about what we put into our Minds, Spirit and Relationships too so you can have a comprehensive holistic perspective of putting good into yourself.


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