Prepare To Receive - Living Abundantly

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Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly

Kathryn Marker - Women Seeking Wisdom

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly The idea of having it all sounds heavenly. Never fearing lack of money, love, friendships and so forth. No wonder so many people are attracted to the idea of abundance. But what is living abundantly really? How do we truly live abundant lives? Can we bring more abundance into our lives? Let’s find out!

It’s kinda not what you think Abundance is more of a state of mind really. You can live in a mansion and still feel like you are lacking. Imagine how a homeless person looks to someone with a stable job and a home, pretty abundant right? Positively Positive says that abundance is: “…that you are solidly happy with who you are and no external event or situation —whether good or bad—can add or subtract from that happiness. No one is happy all the time, but when you are truly in a mindset of abundance, you live with balance, hopefulness, and unlimited possibility.”

So abundance is really actually all in your head. Was that what you were expecting? This is actually a very good thing, because it gives us power over our own abundance.

Scarcity Mindset This is the constant feeling that you never have enough. It’s the opposite of Abundance and makes you really miserable. It’s focusing on debt, hardships, heartbreaks and expecting more of it in the future. Nothing destroys abundance like these thought patterns.

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly Retrain Your Brain For Success There are lots of different methods you can do this, but essentially we have to rewire bad thinking, and it can take time. A lot of concepts with success are simple, which is probably why people don’t tend to do them so much… or it’s the fact you have to stay consistent for the long haul. Always remember – success is not a destination, it’s the journey you take every day, it’s who you are at this moment. So how do we create more Abundance in our lives? Gratitude

Yes. I said it again. And it’s because it comes back to this so much. If you want more, you have to love what you have right now and send out those positive vibes to the universe. This is why prayer can be so good. It’s thanking God or the universe for what you have been given. Here is a little video with Oprah interviewing Eckhart and they talk about gratitude bringing abundance. A Vision Board

It’s fun. Get a cork board and be really specific with what you want. I do one for the year. Here is a really great website with some ideas for you. Take Action

This is so important. So different people say different methods of bringing what you want into your life, but they all essentially follow this pattern.

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly 1. Be clear with what you are asking for. If you want to ask the universe for a new car, write down what it looks like, what colour it is, what it smells like, how it feels to be in it. Really engulf your senses. Write it down and really visualise it. The universe wants to give you what you want so be clear. 2. Take time every morning to look at your vision board and ask the universe for what you want to receive. Spend time feeling the emotions of receiving it. Picture yourself where you want to be. Live in that moment. Do this every day. Set a time frame when you want to receive it by. 3. Take action that will lead you towards what you want, but be open to possibilities of it coming to you in an unexpected way. 4. Let go of what you have asked for and live every moment with gratitude for what you have now. Using the car analogy, love the car you have right now as if it were that new one. Treat it well. Love your life right now in this moment and be grateful for it. By doing these things, we are rewiring our subconscious minds to allow these things to come into our lives. Instead of self-sabotaging our efforts like so many of us do, we are being clear with ourselves what we truly want. To read more about subconscious rewiring, check out some work by Bob Proctor and Bruce Lipton. Here is a really great Tony Robins Video too!

Sooo… One thing I’m really finding is that a lot of processes for success, abundance and happiness are quite simple, but not necessarily easy. They can take creating new habits, which is challenging I guess which is probably why so many people don’t do it. But it is achievable! It’s a paradox really, bringing more into your life by being grateful for what you have, but that’s how it works.

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly

Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly And it’s empowering to know that it starts in our minds really. You can roll your eyes, but it really is the truth, but that’s a good thing! Because we can have some element of control over ourselves and what we allow in our heads as opposed to everything outside our bodies. I want to challenge you today to take up a positive habit that will bring abundance into your life – like a gratitude journal. It’s one of those fundamental things that will impact your life in a very profound way – this one small habit. You deserve a happier, more abundant life. If you liked reading this, please share it on Facebook and other social media

Take Care, Kathryn.

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Prepare To Receive – Living Abundantly

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