The Changing Future

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The Changing Future

Kathryn Marker

The Changing Future I don’t think that anyone can dispute that technology is changing how we live very quickly. Think about where we were twenty years ago. Now fifty, now one hundred, five hundred years ago? Yes a lot is happening. The more technology we have, the more is being created, thus creating an exponential growth.

The Changing Future is both exciting and scary. I personally can’t wait for them to create robots to do my housework. But then… what about all of the cleaners who make their income from this industry? Actually, what does it mean for a lot of people? In 1997 Clayton M. Christensen wrote the book, “The Innovator’s Dilemma” where he talks about “Disruptive Technology”. So, imagine you lived when Henry Ford’s time and you were getting around in a horse and carriage. You wanted to get from A to B faster. Most of us would think to improve the horse or the carriage to create better performance. But Henry Ford came up with a completely new idea and made it available to the masses. The car was a Disruptive Technology. Now, the horse and cart is all but obsolete, at least in Developed Countries. A more recent example of a Disruption Technology is Uber. Taxi drivers who have paid an incredible amount for their licence and training are now being undercut by a simple app. And we will be seeing more of this in the future as technology really takes off. Have a look at this website from The Five Most Disruptive Innovations At CES 2015. Here is a fantastic short video that goes into more detail about Disruptive Technology. This picture was created from a report in 2014 as possible job losses in the future to computerization:

The Changing Future - Women Seeking Wisdom

The Changing Future

Credit: I believe one of the challenges of the future is going to be not becoming obsolete. Expanding your skill set and staying up to date with the news is important. With systems becoming more automated, and some of the biggest companies in the world jumping on board to make Artificial Intelligence a reality, it is so important, now more than ever, to keep ahead of the changing future and technology.

The Changing Future - Women Seeking Wisdom

The Changing Future I’m not saying this to create concern where there doesn’t need to be, but you do have to be aware. Personally, I’d rather be qualified and in position with a stable income and profession when some of these above jobs are being phased out, than wait for the big rush of unemployment and fighting with other people for positions. The future is being able to use these systems and create a secure financial income by using these technological advancements, rather than being pushed out by them. You can learn how to create multiple income streams, gain skills that are in demand right now and will increase in the future, as well as be a part of a community that is on the cutting edge of staying up to date with an education that’s actually going to make a difference in your life. You can do this by creating an online business – one that you really love – around your current job, so that you can rest easy knowing that you are ready for the changing future. Click here and enter your email on the next page to learn more from my mentors – who have been successful in this for many years. Take Care. Kathryn.

The Changing Future - Women Seeking Wisdom

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