April 2013

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Gensha Publishing Maxine Byers Lazy Witch Ingrid Jeffries CraftyWitch Patti Wigington Siobhan See Lady Ti-Eagle Peta Panos Mackenzie Wright Alena Orrison Brant Florist Gertrude Moon Brad Austen Crafty Witch Maxine Byers Janie Bass http://elementalmagick.wetpaint.com/



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PRACTICING PAGAN .. by Siobhan See


















The Astrological Moon as Significator of Your Soul’s Journey

Questions? Comments? Ideas? If you have something to say, we want to hear it! Letters to the editor can be sent to elementalmagick@hotmail.com


Embracing Change…Sounds like a reasonable thing to do, right? After all, the only true constant in life is change. I have to tell you though, it is much easier said than done. I’ve personally struggled with change throughout my life. You see, I’m a Scorpio with a moon in Aries…this tends to make me relate to situations with a great depth of emotion. Letting go and moving on when change occurs?? Not so easy, lol. Over the years I have come to realize that some people and some situations are only meant to be with us temporarily. We have lessons to learn from everyone and every situation, whether pleasant or not. “Meet this transient world with neither grasping nor fear; trust the unfolding of life, and you will attain true serenity”. ~ Bhagavad Gita I’ve learned that whenever a change occurs, it’s best to feel the feelings, reflect and then look to the future. Whether it’s loss of a friendship, a job, a coven member striking out on their own, a death (friend, family, pet, beloved celebrity, etc…), or finding out you’re going to sell everything you own and go to live on a boat! Take some time to breathe and focus on the change(s) and no matter how many negative thoughts come flooding at you, search until you find a nugget of positivity. Cling to this nugget, or “Happy Thought” and let it fill you up and help you to fly out of the doldrums and into the next exciting phase of your life. How does this relate to us as Pagans? That’s simple…it relates to EVERYTHING. Life is Change, and we spend our little Pagan lives celebrating it. The Wheel of the Year, The Cycles of The Moon, Maiden/Mother/Crone, Life/Death/Rebirth, all of these are things we learn about and can talk to people about, and mark on our calendars (mostly). We don’t truly “get it” though, until we can apply the same reverence to the changes we can’t plan for.


A prime example is the loss of a job. As difficult as it can be to be out of work, it can also be an enormous gift! It can wake you up to the fact that you needed some “down time” to save your sanity, or the “wake up call” to get you to pursue your dreams that you were to chicken to go after while you were stuck in the safety of your day job. “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.” ~ Buddha I’ve plopped two quotes in this post, and I urge you to jot them down and keep them somewhere they are easily seen. I think they are both fabulous reminders that it is in our best interest to do just as the title of this post says, and Embrace Change.

“April showers bring May flowers” isn’t just a rhyme. It’s an

Things to Help Pass the Time

example of the spring cycle of renewal that many parts of the Earth go through, and can be scientifically analyzed. There are many contributing factors to the appearance of flowers in May: Rain – The trademark of April showers bring May flowers, the rain is definitely at the forefront of positive stimuli bringing about floral displays in May. Increased levels of moisture in the soil help plants to grow faster and healthier. The water can also help nutrients reach the roots faster as well, which is another side of the coin as far as rain is concerned. Temperature – Another contributing factor to making “April showers bring May flowers” reality is the temperature. As the days grow warmer, plants find it easier to grow. They are genetically hard-wired to begin growth as the soil thaws and the frost becomes more distant. This combined with the rain is a perfect signal to the plant that it’s time to return to life (or begin life in the case of a seed or bulb). Wildlife – The springtime sees the return of many animals, birds and insects. The renewed ecosystem involving things eating and being eaten provides nourishment for new plants in the form of fecal matter and decaying organic compounds. The presence of insects also helps to pollinate the plants, which in turn allows them to reproduce. This combines well with the April showers to Bring may flowers we can all enjoy.

If you’re having a hard time enduring April showers, bring May flowers into your home early by purchasing bouquets and arrangements from your florist. If you’re finding it difficult to wait for the growing season, this is a good way to secure a sneak peek of things to come. You can use the florist’s online shop to browse various pre-made arrangements or to get ideas for customized ones. You can also make purchases and arrange for delivery this way, saving you from having to go out in the middle of a storm. It works well with gifts, as well, since you can send a taste of spring to friends and family without needing to leave your home (perfect if they need a reminder about how April showers bring May flowers as well). You may wish to use this time to plan your garden for later months, or to do some basic maintenance on the nicer days. It’s good to get ahead of schedule, because then it lets you do some experimenting.

Sources of Information If you’re bummed out and waiting for the April showers to bring May flowers, why not spend some time researching various species of plant, landscaping techniques and general gardening advice? There are plenty of resources at your disposal, including your florist, the internet, and books at the local library. By studying this material you can come up with great ideas to work with after the April showers bring May flowers.

Conclusion As you can see, the benefits of waiting for the April showers to bring May flowers are great. May heralds the beginning of the warmer months and leads into summer, when the highest concentrations of plants can be found blooming about the world. So next time you’re gloomy about the weather, keep in mind the classic rhyme, April showers bring May flowers.

~ by Brant Florist


Climate change has many faces. A man in the Maldives worried about relocating his family as sea levels rise, a farmer in Kansas struggling to make ends meet as prolonged drought ravages the crops, a fisherman on the Niger River whose nets often come up empty, a child in New Jersey who lost her home to a superstorm, a woman in Bangladesh who can’t get fresh water due to more frequent flooding and cyclones… And they’re not only human faces. They’re the polar bear in the melting arctic, the tiger in India’s threatened mangrove forests, the right whale in plankton-poor parts of the warming North Atlantic, the orangutan in Indonesian forests segmented by more frequent bushfires and droughts… These faces of climate change are multiplying every day. For many, climate change can often seem remote and hazy – a vague and complex problem far off in the distance that our grandchildren may have to solve. But that’s only because they’re still fortunate enough to be insulated from its mounting consequences. Climate change has very real effects on people, animals, and the ecosystems and natural resources on which we all depend. Left unchecked, they’ll spread like wildfire. Luckily, other faces of climate change are also multiplying every day. Every person who does his or her part to fix the problem is also a Face of Climate Change: the entrepreneurs who see opportunity in creating the new green economy, the activists who organize community action and awareness campaigns, the engineers who design the clean technology of the future, the public servants who fight for climate change laws and for mitigation efforts, the ordinary people who commit to living sustainably… On April 22, 2013, more than one billion people around the world will take part in the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day. From Beijing to Cairo, Melbourne to London, Rio to

Johannesburg, New Delhi to New York, communities everywhere will voice their concerns for the planet, and take action to protect it. We’ll harness that power to show the world The Face of Climate Change. And we’ll call on our leaders to act boldly together, as we have, in this pivotal year. 2012 was marked by many climate change milestones. Arctic sea-ice cover reached a record low in September, a new high-water mark in a long-term decline. The United States experienced its hottest year ever; this, after the World Meteorological Organization announced that the first decade of this century was the hottest on record for the entire planet. Public perception of extreme weather events as “the new normal” grew as unusual super storms rocked the Caribbean, the Philippines and the northeastern United States; droughts plagued northern Brazil, Russia, China, and two-thirds of United States; exceptional floods inundated Nigeria, Pakistan, and parts of China; and more. Meanwhile, international climate change talks stagnated. But glimmers of hope for a political solution began appearing in recent months, perhaps most notably in U.S. President Barack Obama’s high-profile promises to tackle climate change during his second term. This is why organizers say that 2013 is ripe for a major push to confront climate change. Each year, more than one billion people participate in Earth Day-related activities, making it the largest civic observance in the world. On and around April 22, communities across approximately 192 countries voice their concerns for the planet and take action to protect it. “We’ll harness that power to show the world The Face of Climate Change,” said Russell. “And we’ll call on our leaders to act boldly together, as we have, on this critical issue.” To learn more about Earth Day 2013 and The Face of Climate Change, go to www.earthday.org/2013.


EARTH DAY RITUAL What you will need;     

White or Yellow candle (Air) Red candle (Fire) Blue candle (Water) Green candle (Earth) Goddess candle

Set up your altar, with the colored candles at the four cardinal points. Purify with salt water or sage incense. Light your Goddess candle and cast your circle. Light the other four candles. Take a moment, stand peacefully until their flames burn slowly and steadily. Sit or lie down so you are relaxed, with a pillow under your knees if that helps your back to be straight and comfortable. Look at the five candle flames. Breathe slowly and deeply, not straining. With every breath in, take in relaxation and calm. With every breath out, release tension and worry. Feel gravity gently pressing against your body, pressing you to the ground, to the earth, and then slowly, feel yourself sink into the earth. Slowly, slowly sink slowly into the earth. Send your consciousness down through the grass, down through the soil and down, deep down, into the earth. Be aware of the mass of rock that lies beneath the soil- shale, quartz, sandstone, granite; the black, white, and red-shot through with bands of minerals, darkly glittering; crystals that shine like stars within the stones ....Let your consciousness become one with the earth: You are a mountain as old as the planet itself, once part of the seabed, thrown up by unspeakable forces now stilled, silent, enormously, timelessly rooted in the earth, your head in the stars.........or perhaps a minute grain of sand, one among trillions and trillions, endlessly shifting, sifting, with the ocean tides ... Forever a part of the earth ….

The Celebration of Earth Day is of great importance to the Pagan community. It is after all Mother’s Day. Although this was written as a group meditation ritual it can easily be modified for a solitary ritual as well.

Now shift your consciousness and become aware of the plant kingdom: algae and seaweeds, forests of kelp, grasses blowing gently in a savanna wind, yellow and orange lichens on a rock in a woodland, prickly pears, an ancient oak wood, a rain forest blooming with delicate orchids, vines hanging heavy with fruit ... You are the earth, the soft green moss on a rock by a stream, a mountain strawberry, a wild rose...........do you feel the wind blow your petals ever so softly. Again alter your consciousness to become aware of the animal kingdom.... listen to the voices of the wild: the roar of the tiger, the belling of the stag, perhaps the howl of the wolf; the cries of owls and the tap, tap, tapping, of woodpeckers, the whirring of a birds´ wings as it passes over head, the padding of soft paws .........become one now with the animal kingdom, with the salmon leaping upstream, the fox gliding silently through the night, or the snake shedding its skin...feel what your new body is like and what it feels like to creep, or walk, climb, run or fly in free motion.... And now once again alter your consciousness and become aware of the human kingdom ...mankind, human, you are standing on two feet ...notice how different that feels: you can stand like a stone, grow like a plant, move like an animal, but you can now create with your mind and your hands and you can sing and you can dance and you can dream in your heart and make that dream real upon the earth ...for you are a Goddess/God on this earth. You are a part of the Mother. Now when you are ready, slowly open your eyes .

Mother Earth, We have seen your rocks and layers We have been the dust storm, the ancient volcano’s lava; We have Swum in your oceans, and flowed in your streams. Run with the wild brothers and sisters, and howled at the Moon. We have spun amongst the comets and asteroids, Burned with creation’s fire, frozen in ice in the void. We have been music, the song of the spheres, the frequency of the stars. We have been a human being and feel our connection Our connection to every other thing that lives; for everything has life. Mother Earth we pray to love You and protect You. So Mote it Be

Feel the Earth under you, draw up power, raise it up fully, feel it streaming out of your hands and your third eye. Hurl the power over your head to close the hole in the ozone layer; to shower down and bring understanding to those who do not know our Mother; to heal and to bring peace. May my heart be gentle; My mind still and open; My spirit unshackled; My awareness keen; My conscience clear; My nature giving. May I be a healing energy; May I be of benefit to all; May my life enrich others; May I know what matters; And live in harmony with Nature. Close the Circle and thank the Mother


vs. In our human experience we have chosen and been gifted with free will. We have the choice to do what we please in life. Often our choices are determined by our beliefs and our state of mind and emotions. Spirit wishes to teach humanity that we have two choices, a higher choice guided by spirit, or a lower choice guided by the ego. Spirit does not judge us by the quality of choices we make in life but on a higher level we essentially do. When you walk the spiritual path, gradually your will becomes aligned with the will of spirit, god, or whatever you perceive it to be. Often this is a gradual process over many years, we still have an ego, but it becomes less of a driving force in our lives. You have probably heard the parable of a good angel and evil angel perched on each shoulder. This refers to both the ego and soul, whilst living in duality on this planet. Duality is the opposite expressions on both sides of the spectrum.

Over time walking the spiritual path, you gradually become light infused with more of your soul and higher self. This can be referred to as enlightenment, which is more a journey than a destination. Negative aspects of our ego gradually become balanced with more positive aspects of our ego. The swings of duality become less. Eventually you reach a level where you ascend both matter and spirit together. The positive aspects of your ego remain, but your main driving force becomes that of god or spirit. It is important to realize that things don’t just happen to us; we are not just victims in life. Often we need to look at our situation from a higher perspective, and that is what walking the spiritual path gives you. Things always happen for a reason, and you have agreed to experience this from a soul level. Often there are other factors at play, such as karma and cause and effect. Humanity and the planet itself are re-birthing into a new state of being. Like any transition, it is not always a smooth ride. However if you trust your intuition or the promptings of spirit, things become easier. Your vibration begins to change; you begin to feel greater levels of peace and wellbeing in your life. You begin to realize that you are a powerful spirit, choosing to experience being a human being for a period of time. Angels operate from divine will, the will of God. They do not have free will like humans; their will is completely aligned with spirit. You could say that your higher self is like an angel and an aspect of your soul is here pretending to be human. Humans learn from their choices and actions in life through free will. If ever you are faced with a difficult decision, ask God or your higher self, what would you do in this situation? Silence your mind and go within for the answers. Often the best way to receive guidance from spirit is to ask a question just before drifting off to sleep at night. As the saying goes “the night brings counsel� you will often awake with renewed clarity about your situation, or even receive an answer in a dream. Remember that free will is a gift, and like any gift it needs to be nurtured and respected. Treat other with respect and may spirit enlighten your path in life. ~ By Brad Austen


Many Paths To Enlightenment ~ By Brad Austen

There are many paths to enlightenment and no particular right or wrong way to get there. Essentially it is about going within, working on your thoughts and belief structures and tapping into your subconscious mind. There becomes a time where the conscious and sub conscious minds merge; whereas before the sub conscious was hidden, yet still influencing your thoughts and day-today living. To me this defines what enlightenment means, to have greater awareness. One-way of accessing your sub conscious is by meditation and daily affirmations. Affirmations are stated in the now, as if it has already happened. Use words such as “I am” and “I am now”, rather than “I will be” or “Try to be”. Essentially affirmations can be used on any area of your life that you feel needs improvement. Think of your sub conscious mind as simply something running in the background on “auto pilot”. It is only when we start going within, does the unknown begin to become the known. Meditation is essentially focusing your mind and intent on something you desire. There are no short cuts to enlightenment and it takes many years of practice and diligence. It is about becoming a master over your body, mind and spirit and feeling empowered with this knowledge.


The ego is quite happy for us to play the victim through life, as it does not know any better. In a sense our soul has to teach our ego and this is where many people feel resistance. To become enlightened does not mean to ignore our ego, hoping it will go away. It is about acknowledging our lower emotions, balancing them and keeping them in check. The only way to do this is through intent. We have all been in situations, where we have let others influence our emotions and reactions. But over time, one realizes that we also have a choice how we respond to situations. There are only two emotions in the universe, love and fear. As a free-will human being we have the choice whether we react out of love or fear. With practice, we become more in control of our thoughts and less likely to react to situations in our life. It is okay to feel fear, as we all do at certain times of our life. The trick however is not to feed the fear with negative thoughts and anger.

Being enlightened means to have greater awareness of yourself and the life around you. You simply don’t just wake up one day enlightened. It’s a conscious choice and a gradual process of processing and releasing lower emotional states. It is work in a sense, because you have to peel away layers of pain and hurt in order to be rewarded with a higher awareness. This pain can be very old, carried from previous lifetimes or early childhood. It remains trapped in time in a sense, until we are ready to deal with it again. With the release of old wounds, we can be rewarded with new healing abilities and psychic abilities from spirit.

Brad Austen is an insightful and creative meditation teacher and a valued member of The Guided Meditation Site. Please follow this link to explore Brad Austen's guided meditations.

The Ram March 21 to April 20 Aries Traits

On the dark side...

Adventurous and energetic Pioneering and courageous Enthusiastic and confident Dynamic and quick-witted

Selfish and quick-tempered Impulsive and impatient Foolhardy and daredevil 12

The spring equinox, March 21, is the beginning of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is therefore that of new beginnings. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. They welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results. Aries subjects are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they command, being responsible people, it is rare that they will use their subordinates to obtain their own objectives as leaders, but occasionally it does happen. They do not make very good followers because they are too "take charge". They may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. They are much concerned with self, both positively and negatively - self-reliant but also self-centered (sometimes) and concerned with their own personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong, quick tempered, easily offended and capable of holding grudges if they feel themselves affronted. As the first sign in the zodiac, you, as an Arian (as you are referred to), is to simply "get something started and lead the way". The Sun in this zodiac position gives your will free rein to express itself. You could be doing this in the form of some leadership role, or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You can accomplish this by knowingly carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause that moves you. A negative effect of this sun sign is that you could sometimes unknowingly make it hard for others to relate to you, as you really are. In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate but fastidious lovers. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live.

You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in the entire zodiac. It is preferable to be aware of your pioneering spirit and not disregard it. For in acknowledging it you not only enjoy life more, but you avoid being pushed around by others. Your nature is usually push or be pushed, with little middle ground. This can at times be objectionable to others, but you must have the freedom to act, rather than just thinking about it, getting pent-up in the process. At all costs you need to avoid negative emotions such as resentment, regret and self-pity, for they would deny you what is essential to your nature: straightforwardness. Mentally Arians are intellectual and objective, but can be in rare situations bigoted and extremist in religion and politics. They are good champions of lost causes and last-ditch resistance. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties in the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively. The great need of Aries natives is to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move. As an Arian, you like a challenge that will stir you to action. This challenge may just be frustration; or at a more controlled level, you may have clear direction and know what or whom you're fighting for. If your direction is not clear, then ask yourself and listen to your inner voice. You will come up with an answer. An Arian without a direction in which to go, or a without a cause to fight for, would be against your nature and make you more a "sheep" then a ram! Arian, do not be afraid to be forceful, for this is the very core of your nature. If you feel fear in your heart, then look for a history of negative events in your personal history, such as violence or abuse from others. Being fearful may also indicate a household in childhood that negated independence and personal initiative in you. This could have inhibited your natural urge to go forward into life as the leader and champion you were born to be. Conversely, such bad influences could also have led you to be overly forceful, or to be unsympathetic to your own need and sensitivity. You make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers (of new ideas as well as uncharted territory, the latter in these days including adventuring into outer space), soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics. Much as you are the Ram, there is still the little lamb in you, which means that at times you would attain your goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting your horns entangled in something larger and more powerful than yourself. This is a talent akin to knowing the difference between what you can change, and what you cannot. This of course takes patience, the acquiring of which is definitely your greatest achievement, along with your sense of your own inner softness.


The Bull - Taurus April 21 to May 21 The characteristics of Taurus are solidity, practicality, extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever drive them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are stable, balanced, conservative good, lawabiding citizens and lovers of peace, possessing all the best qualities of the bourgeoisie. As they have a sense of material values and physical possessions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt, they will do everything in their power to maintain the security of the status quo and be somewhat hostile to change. Mentally, the characteristics of Taurus are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in their opinions through their preference for following accepted and reliable patterns of experience. Taurus character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion, such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire. On rare occasions a Taurus may be obstinately and exasperatingly self-righteous, unoriginal, rigid, ultraconservative, argumentative, querulous bores, stuck in a self-centered rut. They may develop a brooding resentment through nursing a series of injuries received and, whether their characters are positive or negative, they need someone to stroke their egos with a frequent, "Well done!" Most Taurus people are not this extreme though. They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured and modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding illfeeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun. Although their physical appearance may belie it, they have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent, beauty (recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. They may have a strong, sometimes unconventional, religious faith. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food and wine and they may have to resist the temptation to over indulgence, leading to drunkenness, gross sensuality, and covetousness.

In their work, Taurus is industrious and good craftspeople, and is not afraid of getting their hands dirty. They are reliable, practical, methodical and ambitious, within a framework of obedience to superiors. They are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change, and a pension at the end. Yet they are creative and good founders of enterprises where the rewards of their productiveness come from their own work and not that of others. They can flourish in many different trades and professions: banking, architecture, building, almost any form of bureaucracy, auctioneering, farming, medicine, chemistry, industry Taurus make good managers and foremen surveying, insurance, education and, perhaps surprisingly, music and sculpture. They make an ideal trustee or guardian, and can attain eminence as a chef. Some Taurus is gifted enough in singing to become opera stars or to excel in more popular types of music. They are more than averagely amorous and sensually selfconscious, but sexually straightforward and not given to experiment. They make constant, faithful, home loving spouses and thoughtful, kindly parents, demanding too much of neither their spouses nor children. They can be over possessive and may sometimes play the game of engineering family roles for the pleasure of making up the quarrel. If anyone offends their amour proper they can be a determined enemy, though magnanimous in forgiveness if their opponent makes an effort to meet them halfway. No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. The main objective in leading a Taurean life is primarily (though not entirely) to maintain stability and physical concerns. Your inner spiritual sense longs for earthly harmony and wholesomeness. When you fully understand this, and work toward this end, you will no longer need to blindly reassure yourself with external possessions and comforts. A realization that finding this inner peace will cause all of the above mentioned positive things will overtake you and your life will be very full. Ultimately the Taurean needs to discover their truest, deepest and highest values. When they know what is truly valuable, they are no longer chained to people and to things that have to do with lesser values. The greatest indication of value to a Taurean is beauty, which cannot be owned, only appreciated


April 1 - April Fool's Day April 3 - Waning Moon April 6 - Dark of the Moon April 10 - Daytime Gathering, 11:30am - 2:30pm. Rathdrum, Id. Bring a luncheon item to share. Discussion Tarot Card designs. Also discussion on plants for Fairy Container Gardens. Contact Janie at 208-964-4396 for directions to location and/or other information. April 10 - New Moon April 18 - Waxing Moon April 22 - Earth Day April 24 - Evening Gathering, 5:30pm - 8:00pm. Spirit Lake, Id. Bring a dinner item to share. Making Cauldron Fuel. Bring jars/bottles with lids or stoppers. Bring your 2 or 3 herbs (dried or fresh) to use in making the fuel. Bottles and alcohol will be provided. Contact Janie at 208-964-4396 for directions and/or other information. April 25 - Full Moon April 25 - Partial Lunar Eclipse April 27 - Metaphysical Research Society of Spokane (MRS) Spring Psychic Fair. Unity Church, 29th & Bernard, Spokane WA. Admission - $20. Readings and Body Workers, Sales Booths. 10am - 4pm. For more info call 509-838-8155.

Beltane History - Celebrating May Day

Beltane kicks off the merry month of May, and has a long history. This fire festival is celebrated on May 1 with bonfires, Maypoles, dancing, and lots of good old fashioned sexual energy. The Celts honored the fertility of the gods with gifts and offerings, sometimes including animal or human sacrifice. Cattle were driven through the smoke of the balefires, and blessed with health and fertility for the coming year. In Ireland, the fires of Tara were the first ones lit every year at Beltane, and all other fires were lit with a flame from Tara. Roman Influences: The Romans, always known for celebrating holidays in a big way, spent the first day of May paying tribute to their Lares, the gods of their household. They also celebrated the Floralia, or festival of flowers, which consisted of three days of unbridled sexual activity. Participants wore flowers in their hair (much like May Day celebrants later on), and there were plays, songs, and dances. At the end of the festivities, animals were set loose inside the Circus Maximus, and beans were scattered around to ensure fertility. The fire festival of Bona Dea was also celebrated on May 2nd. A Pagan Martyr: May 6 is the day of Eyvind Kelve in Norse celebrations. Eyvind Kelve was a pagan martyr who was tortured and drowned on the orders of King Olaf Tryggvason for refusing to give up his pagan beliefs. A week later, Norwegians celebrate the Festival of the Midnight Sun, which pays tribute to the Norse sun goddess. This festival marks the beginning of ten straight weeks without darkness. The Greeks and Plynteria: Also in May, the Greeks celebrated the Plynteria in honor of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle, and the patroness of the city of Athens (which was named after her).The Plynteria includes the ritual cleansing of Athena’s statue, along with

feasting and prayers in the Parthenon. On the 24th, homage is paid to the Greek moon-goddess Artemis (goddess of the hunt and of wild animals). Artemis is a lunar goddess, equivalent to the Roman moon-goddess Diana – she is also identified with Luna, and Hecate. The Green Man Emerges: A number of pre-Christian figures are associated with the month of May, and subsequently Beltane. The entity known as the Green Man, strongly related to Cernunnos, is often found in the legends and lore of the British Isles, and is a masculine face covered in leaves and shrubbery. In some parts of England, a Green Man is carried through town in a wicker cage as the townsfolk welcome the beginning of summer. Impressions of the Green Man’s face can be found in the ornamentation of many of Europe’s older cathedrals, despite edicts from local bishops forbidding stonemasons from including such pagan imagery. Jack-in-the-Green: A related character is Jack-in-the-Green, a spirit of the greenwood. References to Jack appear in British literature back as far as the late sixteenth century. Sir James Frazer associates the figure with mummers and the celebration of the life force of trees. Jack-in-the-Green was seen even in the Victorian era, when he was associated with soot-faced chimney sweeps At this time, Jack was framed in a structure of wicker and covered with leaves, and surrounded by Morris dancers. Some scholars suggest that Jack may have been an ancestor to the legend of Robin Hood. Ancient Symbols, Modern Rites: Today's Pagans and Wiccans celebrate Beltane much like their ancestors did. A Beltane ritual usually involves lots of fertility symbols, including the obviouslyphallic Maypole dance. The Maypole is a tall pole decorated with flowers and hanging ribbons, which are woven into

intricate pattern by a group of dancers. Weaving in and out, the ribbons are eventually knotted together by the time the dancers reach the end. In some Wiccan traditions, Beltane is a day in which the May Queen and the Queen of Winter battle one another for supremacy. In this rite, borrowed from practices on the Isle of Man, each queen has a band of supporters. On the morning of May 1, the two companies battle it out, ultimately trying to win victory for their queen. If the May Queen is captured by her enemies, she must be ransomed before her followers can get her back. There are some who believe Beltane is a time for the faeries -- the appearance of flowers around this time of year heralds the beginning of summer and shows us that the fae are hard at work. In early folklore, to enter the realm of faeries is a dangerous step -- and yet the more helpful deeds of the fae should always be acknowledged and appreciated. If you believe in faeries, Beltane is a good time to leave out food and other treats for them in your garden or yard. For many contemporary Pagans, Beltane is a time for planting and sowing of seeds -again, the fertility theme appears. The buds and flowers of early May bring to mind the endless cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth that we see in the earth. Certain trees are associated with May Day, such as the Ash, Oak and Hawthorn. In Norse legend, the god Odin hung from an Ash tree for nine days, and it later became known as the World Tree, Yggdrasil. If you've wanted to bring abundance and fertility of any sort into your life -- whether you're looking to conceive a child, enjoy fruitfulness in your career or creative endeavors, or just see your garden bloom - Beltane is the perfect time for magical workings related to any type of prosperity.

By Patti Wigington, About.com Guide


Solitary Beltane Ritual Items Needed:  One tall Green candle (for God)  One tall White candle (for Goddess)  4 corner candles  Cauldron for Balefire (if performed outdoors, make a Bonfire)  Ritual candles - different shades of green  Rose incense to burn with sage in cauldron  cup of water  bowl of salt  chalice of wine or juice  bread  Athame (for The Great Rite) and/or wand  Spring and Summer flowers to decorate altar (optional) (Cast circle and call the corners then light the incense) INVOCATION OF THE GOD: (light tall Green candle) “I now do call upon the eternal God in the ancient way, as Young Lord and Oak King - Horned One of the Forests. I bid Ye welcome and ask Thee to come forth and join Thy Lady Goddess in the Holy Rite of Sacred Union. As it is willed, so mote it be!” INVOCATION OF THE GODDESS: (light tall White candle) “I now do call upon the eternal Goddess in the ancient way, as Lovely Maiden, Mother and Crone – Three-fold Goddess be. I bid Ye welcome and ask Thee to come forth and join Thy Lord God in the Holy Rite of Sacred Union. As it is willed, so mote it be!” “Blessed be this day of Beltane, Wedding day of the Goddess and God; Holy day of sacred marriage, Holy night of sacred union.” Light the surrounding green rituals candles and say – “Tonight I celebrate the union of our Mother Earth to Her consort, our Father God, the Green Man and Great Lord of the Forests, as nature rejoices in a blaze of color and life.” Go to the altar and pick up the cup of water, hold upwards and say – “Blessed be the sacred union which manifests all creation! Behold the womb of the Mother, The entity from which all life flows, Blessed be the Lady!” Go to the altar and pick up the athame, hold upwards and say “Behold the phallus of the God, Fruitful principle of the universe, Blessed be the Lord!” THE GREAT RITE (Pick up chalice of wine or juice then say): “Blessed be you, my Lady, The Holy Bride of Heaven and Earth, Come unite with Thy Lord in the ancient rite of sacred marriage!”

(Pick up athame and then say): “Blessed be you, my Lord, The Holy Groom of Heaven and Earth, Come unite with Thy Lady Goddess in the ancient rite of sacred marriage!” While slowly dipping the athame into the chalice, repeat: “Chalice to athame, As Goddess is to God; Father is to Mother, As man is to woman, Behold the sacred union of The One!” Replace the chalice and athame back on the altar and say: “By this act of love, all life comes to be; By this act of faith, I proclaim my place on the eternal cycle of life, The Lord and Lady reign eternal!” Now toast to the Lord and Lady by drinking from the chalice and breaking off a piece of the bread – setting aside a portion to give back to the Earth later. “I am a child of deity, I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe; I am part of all that is – Though we are apart we are always together, For we are one in the spirit of our Goddess and God; Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again – Blessed be!” (Close ritual, thank the deities and remember to give back to the Earth)


Plant of the Month;


I've always love this name for magickal plant!!! Since we're going into Beltane, I felt this is the perfect time to introduce this interesting little gem. Aplectrum hyemale is a species of orchid in the family Orchidaccae and the sole species of the genus Aplectrum. The generic name comes from Greek and signifies "spurless". The species is commonly referred to as Adam and Eve or putty root, the latter refers to the mucilaginous fluid which can be removed from the tubers when they are crushed. Adam and Eve can be found from southern Canada south to Arkansas, Tennessee and Georgia. (I believe I have seen it here in North Idaho in undisturbed wooded areas). The roots occur in a string of globular corms (a type of root system) from which new leaves and flower stalks appear. It possesses a single, broad, parallel-veined leaf four to seven inches long in the summer and (in warmer areas) through the winter, which disappears when flowers develop. Flowers appear May through June. They are tinged with yellow, green, or purple, with a whitish, crinkly-edged lip. WARNING: This plant is becoming increasingly rare!! If you find this in the wild, leave it alone! Traditions: none noted. This may be because it is a New World plant and way magically used only by Native Americans. Effects: varies Planet: Venus Element: Water Associated Deities: none specific but assume any deity in charge of loving unions Gender: Masculine and Feminine Power: Love and Happiness Magick: Representative of love and partnership, carry a pair of roots with you to attract deep and lasting love. Give to a couple to ensure their continued happiness. The roots may be carried at all time to attract love. Adam and Eve root may be given to couples to ensure continued happiness. To ensure fidelity, the husband receives the female root, while the wife accepts the male root.

To get rid of competition in love, carry the roots sewn into a small bag. Another way to disperse the competition for someone's affection is to split a walnut, remove the meat. Place the roots and a spider's web inside, and seal it with wax. Wrap it in a new handkerchief, and place this charm in your lover's pocket. So long as he or she does not find it, no rival will bother you. This, of course, borders on manipulation, which some paths may find offensive and morally objectionable. Known Combinations: none noted Medical Indications: Parts used: none noted Nutrition: Adam and Eve Root may be used as an emergency food, in other words, if you are truly starving. The corms are edible if boiled for twenty minutes. They are poisonous if eaten raw and you eat too much. Mercatile Uses: none noted Other Information: The name "Adam and Eve" comes from the roots which grow intertwined. The new growth (Eve) produces the leaves and flowers while the previous year's growth (Adam) is still present, partially cupping "Eve" as if in mild protection. As with all loves and love spells, Adam and Eve Roots will either survive or vanish. Please never take it from the wild. They can be ordered from several companies off the internet, if you so desire one. Here are three contacts, the first two I know nothing about while the third is a long-time "friend" of mine!! Wisdom Products - http://www.wisdomproducts.com/ The Wiccan Way - http://www.wiccanway.com/ Lucky MoJo Curio Co. - http://www.luckymojo.com/ References: Wikipedia, "//en.wikipedia.org" Herbal Encyclopedia, "//paganroots.com" The Magi's Garden, "//www.angelfire.com" "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs", Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publishing 2003


.….No wrong turns, only slight detours,…… A few years ago I was staying in a small town in the Sacred Valley, outside Cuzco, Peru. I have no idea how the topic came up, but various people told me that I MUST meet Susan, an American lady that was studying to be an Andean Shaman. That sounded like a great connection, as I was attracted to the area and thought it would be nice to talk to her. At first she was very receptive, but unfortunately it didn't take her long to realize that I was a poor backpacker and couldn't do a paid "metaphysical tour" of the area. I couldn't fault her, as tours of the area were her way to make money she needed to live, as well as build a spiritual retreat Centre on her property. She invited me to stay at her place, however, as she was between clients, and we could talk. A day or two later, new clients arrived and I was welcome to stay, but was pretty much on my own. She had written a small book, and lent me a copy to read. Also, before she left on the tour, she said that I needed to climb the hill behind her house, where I'd get some information that I needed. I climbed the hill the next day, about 200 feet above the farmland outside the small town. The view was incredible, the river flowing out of the Andes, the occasional farm worker, a few animals, just total PEACE! It was a wonderful experience, very calm, but no great epiphany. I went back down to the house, wondering a bit why I was told to go up there. Oh well, no matter, maybe I'll find out someday, but the view was nice and it was a great place to meditate for a while. That night I read her little book. She's had some great experiences with the Shamans that she was working with, but something was missing. I had the feeling that she was just giving enough information to make the reader envious, but nothing that could help him or her along their path of self-discovery, or discovery of the unseen forces. I woke the next morning, being a bit frustrated, like I'd just been talked down to. I had a little kitchen in my room, and decided to make a cup of coffee and take it outside. It was a beautiful sunny day, a bit cool as it's high elevation. I started to write on a page in my journal and decided to put that page aside and start a fresh page to make the first draft, and then put the final, edited work on the page I'd started. I left the paper inside on the table while I went outside to write. I was still feeling a bit sensitive about feeling I'd been talked down to, and that I was such an inexperienced newbie. (Nothing wrong with inexperience, nothing wrong with starting something new and being a "newbie", I just didn't like feeling I'd been talked DOWN to). In her book, one of the things she'd talked about was walking along the shore of a river and finding lots and lots of heart shaped stones.

This was evidently a sign from the universe that she was Loved. So, with my bad attitude, I started to write……"My journey has been an Earth Path. There have been influences from many philosophies, from different parts of the world. My heartfelt thanks to all my wonderful guides and teachers." I wrote for maybe an hour, remembering what I'd accomplished on my journey. When I started this article, I had intended to write what I'd written that day in my journal. I realized that I would be doing what Susan had done in her book, bragging about accomplishments and experiences, with little help to the reader. That's not my intention. I am a teacher and healer. I want to share with the reader that experience comes from life, knowledge comes from within. Listen! Ask your guides for guidance. I LOVE to ask my guides to bring people into my life that can teach me or people that I can teach (you teach what you need to learn), then sit back and watch who comes in. It's GREAT! So, I'll climb off my soap-box and finish up. After I had written the rough draft, I went back into the room to retrieve the first paper. Remember the heart-shaped rocks that she's found on the riverbank, and feeling it was a sign that she was loved? Now, you have to realize that I didn't have the coffee pot nor coffee cup anywhere near the table where I'd left the paper. When I got back to the paper, there was a perfectly symmetrical heartshaped water mark about 1" in diameter on it. I got my answer! The Universe was communicating with me, too. I had said earlier that no great epiphany had come while sitting on the hill. I was wrong! I discovered just now in my journal pages what I had written when I returned to my room. "From the Hill behind Susan's House…… You have made no wrong turns, only slight detours. You are exactly where you need to be." If you would like to contact me with any feedback or questions, please write me at ladyti_eagle@aol.eom Blessings, Lady Ti-Eagle


Flora is the Roman Goddess of flowering plants, especially those that bear fruit. Spring, of course, is Her season, and She has elements of a Love-Goddess, with its attendant attributes of fertility, sex, and blossoming. She is quite ancient; the Sabines are said to have named a month for Her (which corresponds to our and the Roman April), and She was known among the Samnites as well as the Oscans, where She was called Flusia. She was originally the Goddess specifically of the flowering crops, such as the grain or fruit-trees, and Her function was to make the grain, vegetables and trees bloom so that autumn's harvest would be good. She was invoked to avert rust, a nasty fungal disease of plants that causes orange growths the exact color of rusting iron, and which was (is) an especial problem affecting wheat. Hers is the beginning of the process that finds its completion with Pomona, the Goddess of Fruit and the Harvest; and like Pomona, Flora had Her own flamen, one of a small number of priests each in service to a specific Deity. The flamens were said to have been instituted by Numa, the legendary second King of Rome who succeeded Romulus; and whether Numa really existed or not, the flamens were undoubtedly of ancient origin, as were the Deities they served. In later times Flora became the Goddess of all flowering plants, including the ornamental varieties

Her name is related to Latin floris, meaning naturally enough "a flower", with the additional meaning of "[something] in its prime"; other related words have meanings like "prospering", "flourishing", "abounding", and "fresh or blooming". In one story, Flora was said to have provided Juno with a magic flower that would allow Her to conceive with no help from a man; from this virginbirth Mars was born. A late tale calls Flora a courtesan and gives Her a story similar to Acca Larentia: Flora was said to have made a fortune as a courtesan, which She bequeathed to Rome upon Her death, and for which She was honored with the festival of the Floralia. As Flora was originally a Sabine Goddess, and as the Sabines were a neighboring tribe whom the Romans conquered and assimilated into Rome, perhaps this is an acknowledgement of the land so acquired, put into legendary terms. Flora had two temples in Rome, one near the Circus Maximus, the great "stadium" of Rome where chariot races were held, and another on the slopes of the Quirinal Hill. The temple on the Quirinal was most likely built on the site of an earlier altar to Her said to have been dedicated by Titus Tatius, King of the Sabines, who ruled alongside Romulus for a time in the very early (hence legendary) days of Rome. Her other temple was built quite near to the Circus Maximus, though its exact site has not been found, and was associated with a neighboring temple dedicated to the triad of Ceres (the Grain Goddess) and Liber and Libera (God and Goddess of the Vine). These Deities and Flora were all concerned with the fertility and health of the crops. Flora's temple by the Circus was dedicated on the 28th of April in 241 (or 248) BCE in response to a great drought at the command of the Sybilline books, and this day became the starting date of Her great festival, the Floralia. In Imperial times (1st century CE) this temple was rededicated (I assume after some restorations were made) on the 13th of August, and this date was given to a second festival of Flora, coinciding with the ripening of the grain, whose flowers She had set forth.


The Floralia of April was originally a moveable feast to coincide with the blossoming of the plants, later becoming fixed with the dedication of Her temple on the 28th (or 27th, before the calendar was reformed--I mention this because holidays were almost always held on odd-numbered days as it was considered unlucky to start a festival on an even-numbered day), though ludi or "games"--horse-races or athletic contests-were not held every year. By the Empire the festival had grown (or should I say, blossomed) to seven days, and included chariot-races and theatrical performances, some of which were notoriously bawdy. It was given over to merriment and celebrations of an amorous nature, much like that northern

flower-and-sex festival Beltane whose date neatly coincides. Prostitutes considered it their own special time, and the Floralia gained a reputation as being more licentious and abandoned than the Saturnalia of December, whose name is legendary even now. At the chariot-races and circus games of the Floralia it was traditional to let goats and hares loose, and lupines, bean-flowers and vetch (all of which have similarly-shaped blossoms and are a sort of showier version of wheat in bloom) were scattered, symbolic of fertility. Brightly colored clothes were a must, as were wreaths of flowers, especially roses; and the celebrations drew great crowds. Of the two nationalized chariot-teams who shared a deep rivalry, the Greens and the Blues, the Greens (of course) were Hers, and She had been invoked at chariot-races from ancient times. The last day of the festival, May 3rd, was called Florae; it may be a special name for the closing day of the Floralia, or it may refer to a separate ceremony conducted in Her temple on the Quirinal. Flora was depicted by the Romans wearing light spring clothing, holding small bouquets of flowers, sometimes crowned with blossoms. Honey, made from flowers, is one of Her gifts, and Her name is said to be one of the secret (holy) names of Rome. She is sometimes called the handmaiden of Ceres. Ovid identifies Her with the Greek flower-nymph Chloris, whose name means "yellow or pale green", the color of Spring. The word flora is still used as a general name for the plants of a region.


Most correspondence charts and spell books are based on a consensus of the majority and on the experience, implementation and experimentation of those who practice magick. However, you may find in your personal practice that a color that works well for others does not for the same purpose for you. A general guideline is well and good, but the more personal the better and therefore, it makes sense for the practitioner to put together their own list of color correspondences. It is advised to do some experimentation of your own and to write the findings down in your own BOS. The following exercise is from Arin Murphy-Hiscock's book, Power Spellcraft For Life: The Art Of Crafting

And Casting For Positive Change

Exercise: Create Your Own Color Correspondences Create your own color chart to accurately reflect the power which color holds for you. On your next trip to the hardware store, grab a handful of paint chip cards. Make sure you have at least the basic colors such as blue, green, red, yellow, orange, purple, brown, pink, white, and black. Bring them home and cut them up into separate chips. Glue the chip to the blank side of an index card. Meditate on the color for a while. Gaze at it and write down all the feelings it evokes and the associations the color has for you on a blank piece of paper. Don't do the whole pile of chips at once; do one or two per day. When you're finished, copy the feelings and meanings each color has on the lined side of the appropriate index card. You now have a set of reference cards for your own personal color correspondences. Keep them in a recipe box decorated to your taste, or punch a hole in a corner of each card and string them onto a ring or tie them together with a cord.


Magick is more than just saying a few words over a lit candle; the real magic is in your ability to raise energy. Experienced witches know that spells are never something to rush through. Every step, from the moment you begin planning a spell, lends energy to it. One important step in candle magic is dressing a candle, which helps to charge and consecrate the candle to match your intent Carve symbols into your candle based on your spell’s intent. This can be ancient symbols or runes that have been passed down through the ages, or modern symbols such as a dollar sign for money. The symbols you choose should be meaningful to you. You may also wish to carve in your name, or the name of the person you are casting the spell for. If the spell is for a specific event, such as luck for a night out gambling or a court case, carve in the date for it. Prepare oils for anointing your candle. Put about 1/8 cup of olive oil into a pot as a base oil. Put the heat on low. Add 20 to 40 drops of essential oils that coordinate with your intent. You can use more than one kind of oil; just research the oil’s properties. If you are trying to draw something toward you, stir the oil clockwise. If you are trying to repel something, stir the oil counter-clockwise. If you do not have essential oils, you can infuse the oil with herbs from your kitchen. As with oils, herbs should be researched for their magical properties so that the energy aligns with your spell’s intent. Allow the olive oil to warm but not simmer. Take it off the heat and allow it to cool. Strain it if you used herbs. You will only need a little of the oil for dressing a candle, so you can put it into a container and store it in a dark, cool place for future use. Sit with your candle and your anointing oil, preferably at your altar. Hold your candle and meditate a few moments on your intent. Place some oil in your hands and begin to rub the oil on your candle. If you are trying to attract something, rub from the top of the candle to the bottom. If you are trying to repel something, rub from the bottom to the top of the candle. Start rubbing slowly while thinking of your intent. Gradually pick up speed. Feel the energy you are raising be absorbed into the candle. Continue thinking of your intent. When you feel the candle tingling and pulsing with energy, it is ready. Set your candle into the holder until you are ready to cast your spell. When you light the candle, the energy that you have poured into it will be dispersed into your circle to aid your magic.


The POWER of INTENTION Intention within your mind is the key for your ultimate reality. If you never have an intention within your mind, you won’t have a direction within your life. If you don’t enjoy the life you are living, it is because you are not reading your reality sufficiently and most likely because you haven’t structured the creation of your future within your mind. Everything starts inside your mind and is then reflected out to become your reality. If you never start anything within your mind, you will never start anything in your reality. To master this creation, you need to master being fully present in the moment and to be consciously involved in creating your reality. Too many people state; “I don’t know what to do with my life! My mind is blank!”, and that’s just it, if their mind is blank, then so is their reality - it will not progress into anything. You will constantly live your life in the same pattern, over and over again. In order to change, you need to take responsibility and change the way you structure and process information within your mind. You need to hold a vision, take physical action to move towards it and trust in the process of creation. Remember, there are two factors at work – the conscious and the unconscious. Let them function together in harmony. Energy follows intention and the more energy you put behind the intention, the faster it will be manifested into an experience. But there needs to be a balance between polarities; if you reject one then you only strengthen it as it needs to be recognized as a part of the whole. Learn to live within acceptance of all that is and how to let go of emotions that no longer serve you. you’re going to think, you may as well take conscious control of it, right!? What does your future look like? Does it have a direction or is it all disorganized? Do you have goals? If you don’t, begin to structure that future in your minds imagination- a goal without a plan is just a dream. Write down all the things you want and why it is important for you to create them.

What are your strategies? Picture your future in front of you; tell your mind what you want! This is the most important thing you can do. Think about what you are good at. Don’t tell yourself you’re not good at anything because that’s not true. Everyone has that certain something they are good at, whatever it may be, and if you’re good at it you will have a passion and dedication to do it. Leave whatever you are not good at up to people who are good at it. Create who you want to become with enough intensity and you cannot help to get that experience. And remember to listen to the heart. The heart carries your purpose – it will speak to you if you are willing surrender to it. Thank yourself for having that past and all the lessons, knowledge and resources it has given you. Don’t make it dark and useless; make it bright, interesting and useful! The past only exists within the imagination of your mind. With the use of conscious modification you can change the way the past is represented so it supports you and begins to move you towards who you want to create yourself into being. This identification you have as a human being isn’t who you truly are; it’s only an experience; so create the being that you want to become. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask; who am I? Do you like who you are? If you don’t, then create the you inside of your mind that you do like and become that you. Act as if you already have achieved your goals and desires; what can you see, hear, feel, smell and taste when you have achieved them? Where are you? What do you look like? This way the mind will begin to modify and match the frequency of the reality you are resonating through your emotional and vibrational state. The mind cannot tell the difference between what is vividly imagined and what is actual reality so use your imagination because it will get you anywhere you want to go. If you want to have the reality you desire you also have to drop the belief of failing. Failure does not exist if you believe everything is a learning process. Every successful creator looks at life this way. It took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 attempts before he finally invented the light bulb. He said: “Every time I fail, I am one step closer” which was the reason why he didn’t quit. Richard Bandler refers to failing as ‘simply not giving yourself enough time’. Failure is a learning process, not an end. So expect failure to happen, make it a part of your life, it shows you how to do things differently. Truly, there is no way you can fail at what you are doing; you can only learn how to do things differently! The last thing I want to mention is to never, ever limit your beliefs.


Keep an open mind and only have an understanding of what possibilities can potentially exist. Expand your consciousness and make everything an opportunity to grow and evolve. The challenges in your life are there to serve you in order for your consciousness to expand. Find your own subjective experience and build your own path in life. Awaken from your dream and understand there is nothing to truly learn, only to experience and create. It’s time to stop fighting the current in the lake and simply let go and surrender to be brought back to the vast ocean. One can only show you the door, but you have to walk through it. This takes courage, dedication and patience. I know you have all three as this is what you were born to do. You were born to create …You are all there is, has been and ever can be, the creator of all possibility

A working definition for intention is: “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” Lacking intention, we sometimes stray without meaning or direction. But with it, all the forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible, possible. My intention is to transform the conversation around dreams from fear and doubt, to hope and possibility, followed by action and results. Some might say this is not the right time to dream. The media and masses say, “It’s time to be realistic.” Consider this. Without our dreams all we have is our present reality. Reality is not a bad thing. We have to know where we are so we can design the appropriate strategy for getting to where we want to be. The challenge is our attitude around “reality” and being “realistic” and what being realistic has cost us. Often that’s our passion and joy, our hopes and dreams. Given the unknowns and sometimes craziness of life, there’s never been a more important time to dream and setting your intention is the first step. When should you set an intention? You could set an intention every day. Your intention could be to work less and make more, or to find a new career that you are passionate about. It could be to get healthy and physically fit, or to spend more quality time with loved ones or alone. It can be specific and about something in particular or more like a quality, such as to be more relaxed or involved with life. At seventy, Bessie set an intention to become a world famous photographer. Although many thought she was too old, she didn’t. She entered a photo contest where she won the first prize of $10,000. Her prize-winning photo toured around the world with a Kodak exhibit. She told me, “We’re never too old to make a dream come true.”

People set intentions on all kinds of dreams; to get married or have children, to get a job or make a career change, to write a book, lose weight, or move to a foreign country. When you set an intention and then act on it to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things occur. Intention can also give us fortitude for dealing with tough times. I am currently rebuilding my home. I simply wanted to add on a new bathroom, but with all the surprises an old (and charming) house can offer, every turn has been a shock, sometimes even a nightmare. It looks like the entire building may need to be rebuilt. My intention is to live through this process with dignity and grace. I am tested daily. It’s often not easy, but this intention has helped me maintain composure, sanity, and on a good day, a sense of humor. Intention can be used for community or social issues, global events or (literally) in your own backyard.

The face of unlimited abundance is one of my favorite laws that works in the power of intention or attraction. You were probably taught all of your life about limitations and about what is "not possible." Fortunately, this came from well-meaning people who believed in limitation and not abundance. This law does not require you to be intellectually perfect in order to receive the benefits. Believing in unlimited abundance has no downside, so why not take another look at your life after you answer this question, "What if I could have it all?" 25

Dear Gertrude Dear Gertrude, I want to grow a Witching Garden but I don't know what to grow. What plants would give me the broadest use. I have limited space because I live in a rented house with a really small yard that I can't dig up. I do have a small flower bed in the front of the house but the neighborhood cats have taken it over!! Help - What can/should I grow? Signed New Witch Needing Knowledge Dear New Witch, I understand your dilemma!! For years and years I lived in small rental homes, moving often (usually in spring or summer) and had to leave my gardens behind. I still fall prey to the neighborhood cats that fall in love with my newly dug garden space thinking it's the best cat box in the world!! This is what I've done! I have decided on 5 to 10 Basic plants that are useful in almost any type of magick I might wish to perform. These are simple to grow and can take cold weather (I live in North Idaho) down to US Growing Zone 4 (where I live is really considered a Zone 5 but I go with a Zone 4 just in case it gets really cold). Also as I own the property on which I live my really basic plants are perianal and in the ground. Renters should ALWAYS plant in pots/containers that can be moved when they move!! Plants I MUST HAVE: 1) SAGE - I have Sage Officinalis but White Sage (also known as Sage Brush for you desert livers) will do. Sage is good for Smudging as well as using in Spell Work. Good for cleansing, immortality, longevity, wisdom, exorcism and more. 2) LAVENDER (English) - I use the English type because it seems to be harder than French. I've never noticed any difference in the two types except French seems to prefer warmer weather than I have. Good for protection, love, sleep and lots more.

3) MINT - This can be just about any type of mint plant BUT MINT CAN BE VERY INVASIVE!! Unless you have a very large yard ALWAYS PLANT IN A POT/CONTAINER!! Good for money, healing, lust, protection and more. 4) VIOLET - Johnny Jump Ups, Blue Violet, Sweet Violet. These are outdoor verities though African Violets can also be used for some things. Johnny Jump Ups can be sprinkled in and around other potted plants as fillers and are very "friendly" little neighbors. Good for healing, love, peace and more. 5) ROSEMARY - I must grow this in a pot so it can be moved indoors where I live and I'll be really honest, this is a plant I'm still trying to master! Good for love, mental powers, healing and more. (I usually get mine from a jar) Plants that you might have access to but you don't grow: 1) ROSES - I love roses but they should never be planted next to your door or close to your walk (unless you are wanting to keep people away from your home!!). Roses can be happily grown for a few years in a large pot/container but miniature roses work well, too. Good for psychic powers, healing, divination, luck and more. 2) ROWAN - Mountain Ash, Wild Ash (there are several other names) grow pretty much all across the U.S. If you don't have one in your yard or neighborhood try your local or city park or garden center. Good for psychic powers, healing, success and personal power as well as protection. 3) NORFOLK ISLAND PINE - This is an unusual choice and is mostly found as an indoor plant BUT important as it offers protection against hunger and evil spirits when grown in the home or near it. I haven't had one for many years because of the lack of floor space and my cats BUT I do recommend it. They can be grown out of doors in warmer climates but for much of the U.S. I recommend growing in a pot/container. 4) MAPLE - Maples are beautiful and


5) LILAC - Ahhh, one of my very favorite of shrubs and perhaps one of the easiest to recognize particularly when in flower. It drives away evil when planted in your yard and will, for a while, grow in a large container. Dwarf Lilacs are available in garden centers and on line. The fragrance is heavenly and lilacs in the home will guard against hauntings. Okay, here are my 10 favorites to grow. I do use lots and lots of purchased, bottled cooking herbs and spices for my spell work. I bless the herb before I use them (be it for cooking or magickal use). If you don't already have a copy of "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" by Scott Cunningham, I recommend getting one as it is the most used book in my personal library. You can also use "The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire" found on the internet on Squibd until you can get a copy of Cunningham's book. I use both OFTEN!! I hope this helps you. If you have any questions, please feel free to forward them through this E-Zine. The same goes for anyone else with questions.

ar Gertrud e

Many Blessings Gertrude Moon, CC


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Beltane Festival Beltane is a joyful festival of growth and fecundity that heralds the arrival of summer. It is the festival of the 'Good Fire' or 'Bel-fire', named after the solar deity Bel. Bel was also known as Beli or Bile in Ireland, with Bile meaning 'tree', so Beltane may also mean 'Tree-fire'. Beltane is the counterpart of Samhain (and is sometimes referred to as Cetsamhain, the 'first Samhain'), and these two important festivals divide the year into summer and winter halves, just as the two equinoctial celebrations, Ostara and Mabon, divide the year into light and dark halves. Lighting fires was customary at Beltane, and traditionally a Beltane fire was composed of the nine sacred woods of the Celts. All hearth fires were extinguished on Beltane Eve and then kindled again from the sacred "need fires" lit on Beltane. People would leap through the smoke and flames of Beltane fires and cattle were driven through them for purification, fertility, prosperity and protection. Beltane is a time to devote energy to growth and integration. It is a time of celebration, exuberance and hope, when we should enjoy and appreciate the gifts of nature.

May Wine  1 bottle of white wine (German is ideal)  1/2 cup strawberries, sliced  12 sprigs of woodruff, fresh Pour wine into a wide mouth jar or carafe. Add the sliced strawberries and woodruff, and let sit for an hour or more. Strain and serve chilled

Beltane Incense 3 parts Frankincense 2 parts Sandalwood 1 part Woodruff 1 part Rose petals a few drops Jasmine oil a few drops Neroli oil

Fried Honeycakes These cakes were left in the garden to please Faery visitors. If you plan to leave an offering to the Faery, double the recipe to keep some for your family. They're scrumptious.         

1/2 cup sweet white wine 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg 1 cup honey 2/3 cup flour 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon Oil for frying 1/8 teaspoon salt

Beat the wine & egg in a medium bowl. Combine the flour, cinnamon, salt & sugar in a small bowl. Stir into the egg mixture. Let stand 30 minutes. Combine the honey & nutmeg in a small bowl. Heat 1/2-inch of the oil in a frying pan until hot, but not smoking. Drop the batter into the oil 1 tablespoon at a time; fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Dip into the honey.


Dandelion Salad     

In terms of the God and Goddess cycle, Beltane marks the union of the two deities, bringing new life to the earth. It is a traditional time for Handfastings (marriages), and was a time for couples to make love outside to bless the crops and the earth. Maypoles were often danced around at Beltane to bring fertility and good fortune. The later addition of ribbons which were wrapped around the pole by the dancers brought a further sense of the integration of male and female archetypes, mirroring the union between the God and the Goddess. Beltane lore also includes washing in May-day dew for beauty and health, and scrying in sacred waters, such as ponds or springs. The festival is sometimes referred to as Roodmas, a name coined by the medieval Christian Church in an attempt to associate Beltane with the Cross (the Rood) rather than the life-giving symbol of the Maypole. Beltane was also appropriated by the Church as the Feast Day of Saint Walpurga, who was said to protect crops and was often represented with corn.

Nine Sacred Woods of Beltane Birch - The Goddess, or female energy Oak - The God, or male energy Hazel - Knowledge and wisdom Rowan (Mountain Ash) – Life Hawthorne - Purity and fairy magick Willow - Death, sacred to Hecate Fir - Birth and rebirth Apple - Love and family Vine - Joy and happiness

1/2 pound torn dandelion greens 1/2 red onion, chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped 1/2 teaspoon dried basil salt and pepper to taste

In a medium bowl, toss together dandelion greens, red onion, and tomatoes. Season with basil, salt, and pepper

Candied Violets   

1 Egg White Granulated Sugar Violets

Whip your egg white until it is frothy, but does not peak. Gather the Violets, washing them quickly in cool water and allowing them to drip-dry. Then, dip each Violet in the egg white and roll the flowers in the sugar to coat them evenly. Be careful not to put the sugar on too thick. Finally, leave the petals on waxed paper to dry for 1 day. These may be stored for several months in an airtight container (waxed paper between each layer.) without losing fragrance or flavor.

"Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow. But - Elder be the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be."



Beltane, and other Pagan Spring fertility celebrations found round the world, contain many, many gods and goddesses; Artemis, Bes, Bacchus, Flora, Hera, Kokopelli, Pan, Priapus, Shiela-na-Gig and Xochiquetzal just to name a few. By the time of Beltane, the snow had melted, fields were plowed and most, if not all, the spring and early summer crops had been planted. Beltane was a brief rest period. A time for giving thanks for the planting season and for asking for good crop fertility. It was a time for dancing and merry-making for everyone. The Celtics (Irish, British, Scottish as well of Western European), over the years, have come down to the King and Queen of the May, previously known at The Green Man or Stag and The Mother Goddess. A young virgin was cleaned, dressed and given to the young man who, by whatever competition the tribe or village had agreed upon. He was usually dressed either in leaves (The Green Man) or wrapped in dear skin and antlers (The Stage). Often this was staged either on a special platform or area next to the fire for all to see or off, away from the main group attended by a few individuals to insure the performance of the fertility act which was necessary to assure a good growing season and abundant crops. It was also a time that the tribe or village, to participate in the celebration. After dancing around the bonfire and eating and drinking their fill, off everyone went into the moon-lit meadows or woods (or where ever) to dance the eternal dance of the replenishment of human life. Young and old would sneak off into a secret place for a few wonderful hours lying in each other's arms, doing what nature had in mind, and getting a little unencumbered sleep. At or just before sunrise, couples would return to the fire to continue their celebrating.

This sexual ritual was a rite of passage for those reaching puberty as well as those passing out of childbearing. Customs varied from place to place and tribe to tribe but this is pretty much what our ancient ancestors did in celebrations. The villagers themselves BECAME their own Gods and Goddesses. Dresses in leaves and flowers, cleaned and scrubbed, looking for a new mate or just one for a lustful night, everyone took part. Very young children would follow their parents into their hiding place and slept in the new grasses and leaves. Older children as well as the very old stayed close to the fire, telling stories of Beltane’s Past and singing ancient chants and songs to the children. Everyone was involved in some way but it all was to celebrate and honor the Turning of the Wheel to another season; to celebrate the continuing fertility of the tribe or village; to celebrate another Spring. This Beltane, what if you became YOUR OWN GOD OR GODDESS for just one night. Dance the Ancient Dance and become the Great Earth Mother or the Ancient Green Man or Mighty Stage. Renew life! Renew love! Many Blessings Gertrude Moon


Over the last few months, I've found myself drawn to this wonderful stone. You see, I enjoy buying bulk lots of jewelry from thrift stores, dismantling it and reusing the components in my own designs. In a couple of these lots I've purchased some truly beautiful "marcasite" and sterling silver pieces. These two items are financially worth more than what I paid for the entire lot BUT the strength and energy found in them is worth even more!! I decided I needed to do some research into "Marcasite" to see just what was going on. This is what I found out (I know, the article is entitled "Hematite" but just follow my train of thought here): - Marcasite, though a regular stone, is not hard enough to be used in jewelry. There are a few other stones and man-made "stones" that are often named such as such, but without proper testing, it's almost impossible to tell which stone you really have, though the more expensive the piece of jewelry seem to use Hematite at it is a very strong and dense stone that can handle the abuse seen in rings, bracelets and other jewelry (see, I told you to hang in there). Other "marcasite" stones such as Pyrite (Iron Sulfide which is too soft and Obsidian which crazes easily and will break like glass (which it is)) are, by their nature, unsuitable for jewelry. - "Marcasite" is known by several names such as "black diamonds" which is actually a man-made stone, Hematine. - Inexpensive "Marcasite" is often bits of cut steel and sold as "Marcasite" or even black cut glass. - Expensive "marcasite" is usually silvery Hematite which will carry Hematite energy. Okay, now to Hematite: Folk Name: Volcano Spit Energy: Projective Planet: Saturn Element: Fire Powers: Healing, Grounding, Divination The literal translation of Hematite is "bloodstone," though there are other stones known as such. The ancients believed that the stone could bleed, because of the red fluid it produced when mixed with water for the purpose of cutting or grinding. Massive hematite can be silvery, reddish brown, or black, but its streak is always blood-colored.

The earthy form of Hematite, red ocher, was often used to line Stone Age graves and colored everything in them to imitate the blood-filled womb of rebirth. Red ocher is still used by primitive peoples as a sacred blood imitation. Egyptian mummies were usually provided with headrests made of Hematite. A gem treatise by Archalias of Babylon in 63 B.C. said that amulets of Hematite obtained the favor of kings and judges. In addition to its time-honored association with sacred blood, with rebirth, with Rome's red god Mars, and with the protection of warriors, Hematite is a primary ore and was considered almost as valuable as gold during the early Iron Age. Much later, high-ranking Nazis during the Hitler era in Germany used Hematite as their symbol of "blood and iron." Crystal mystics now prescribe amulets of Hematite for high blood pressure, bloodshot eyes, muscle cramps, ulcers, inflammation, and bladder and kidney troubles. It is also recommended for menstrual difficulties, anemia and other blood conditions even though iron oxide and blood really have nothing in common except color. Hematite brings mental organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. It decreases negativity and can help balance the body/mind/spirit. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra. Hematite is imitated by an artificial substance, hematine, made of stainless steel with chronium and nickel sulfides. Hematine is magnetic, natural hematite is not. When cut as gems, hematine is called "black diamond." One confused crystal mystic insists that hematite, rhodonite and magnetite (loadstone) are garnets. This makes about as much sense as saying that tulips, gardenias and chrysanthemums are all roses!

Reference: "The Book of Sacred Stones," Barbara G. Walker, Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco, 1989 "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystals, Gem and Metal Magic," Scott Cunningham Crystal Meanings and Metaphysical Properties of Stone by Robyn Harton, "//meanings.crystalandjewelry.com"


Designing Children and Family Rituals Alena Orrison Over the past few months I've given you sample rituals that you can do with your children and families. But I've never told you how to go about making your own ritual that will hold children's attention and that children can participate in. Writing a ritual with intent that is short enough to keep your child's attention yet encompasses everything you want to have can be challenging. In my experience, it's best to keep things simple; don't have long speaking parts or elaborate dances. It is best to prepare your children for the ritual by having a discussion about what you'll be doing ahead of time, preferably a day or two in advance. Also, having a short conversation after the ritual to answer any questions your children might have is recommended. To keep children engaged, think of things they can do with their hands (like last month's planting ritual) or motions they can make like dancing or acting. My favorite reference book is Circle Round by Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill. If you don't have it yet, I strongly suggest you pick a copy up. Purifying the Space Have the children run around in a circle beating drums or spoons on pots, play bells, tambourines or any other age-appropriate musical instrument. They can also sprinkle prepared salt water around the area. Grounding Lead the children in a simple meditation that helps prepare them for the ritual and calms their spirit. Should be no more than a few minutes. You can also lead them singing “My Roots Go Down” by Sarah Pirtle. Another good grounding exercise for them to pretend to be trees; have them imagine their feet as the roots and their arms as the branches. Casting the Circle Use simple methods such as hand-to-hand (“Hand to hand, the circle is cast”) or sing Circle Around. Calling the Directions Sing a chant such as “Air I Am: by Andres Corban Arthen. Let each child call in a direction by imitating an animal sound or movement for that direction. (Air could be a bird, Earth could be a worm, etc.). Have a candle for each of the Elements, each in a fireproof holder. Short, fat pillar candles work best, last longest, and are definitely the safest choice. As each candle is lit, recite the meaning for the directions as follows:

Yellow: Air is for new knowledge and skills Red: Fire is for the imagination Blue: Water is for compassion and feelings Green: Earth is for prosperity and the outdoors White: Spirit is for deeper knowledge Invoking the Goddess and/or God Place an image of the deity(ies) on the altar and say something along the lines of, “We welcome you [name of God/dess] to our circle, please be with us now.” The Offering If you are outdoors, allow each child to spill a little milk or juice from their cup and drop a crumb from their cake on the ground and say something along the lines of, “As we eat, so will you.” You can get more elaborate on the offering as children get older. Opening the Circle If the children used animal sounds and movement to call the elements, allow them to say goodbye to their animals. If you used a chant, sing it through one time. Then say something along the lines of, “The circle is open but unbroken. May the love of the Goddess be forever in our hearts. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.” Obviously this is a very basic outline of a ritual, but like I said, keeping things simple is key. Giving each child a part to perform is also key. Don't force your child to participate, but offer every time. If they see it as fun, they will be more likely to join in again. Doing a craft activity in the ritual can serve as the intent behind the ritual. Daily Rituals My family has a blessing before meals and a bedtime prayer. Food Blessing Lord and Lady, watch over us. Bless us as we eat. Bless this food, this bounty of earth. We thank you. So mote it be. Bedtime Prayer Now I lay me down to rest, I pray that all the world be blessed. Lady Moon and Sister Star, watch over me from afar Mother Earth is always there, And keeps me safe within her care. The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing, And happy dreams to me will bring. And when I wake to greet the day, Brother Sun will light my way.


OSTARA FOR KIDS Alena Orrison So I know it's late, but I did promise a pretty cool article for Ostara for this issue of the magazine. Last month I provided you with a few fun Ostara crafts, including using foods to dye Ostara eggs. Not only can it be a fun and educational experience to boil foods to get colors for the eggs, but you can also use the time to teach your children about runes or symbols. We use crayons to write on the eggs before dying them. I tell my children to write a word that symbolizes something they want to happen during the year, or something they want to change. Eggs are symbols of birth and renewal, so it's the perfect time to encourage your children to set goals, even small ones.

Older children can begin to learn runes and meanings behind symbols. Encourage them to look up the symbols that correspond with their goals. Allowing children to learn without telling them all the steps gives them the opportunity to think for themselves and discover their learning style. Definitely be there to answer questions and help them find resources, though!

Once the symbols/words are on the eggs, dye them and as your children pull their colorful eggs out to dry, ask them what they wrote and why. This will be a good time to share goals and allow you to help them come up with a plan to meet their goals. Don't forget to make your own Ostara egg as well. In our family, each person has one special Ostara egg that is eaten during our ritual. The focus is on manifesting our desire to reach our goals. And, of course, having a good old fashioned egg hunt is a must! It's fun for me to hide the eggs and watch the kids find them. And I know the kids have fun hunting all over for the hidden eggs.



OSTARA RECIPIES By Alena Orrison Egg-Lemon Soup (Avgolemono Soup)      

12 cups chicken broth
 1 cup long rice
 salt to taste
 4 medium eggs, at room temperature 2 Tbsp. cold water
 1 1/2 lemons, juiced

Make your favorite chicken soup. Strain broth. Bring to boiling point, stir in rice. Cover and simmer over moderate heat until tender. Salt to taste. Cool soup slightly and blend with the sauce ingredients listed above. Separate the eggs. Beat egg white until stiff. Blend in egg yolks which have been lightly beaten. Then add water and lemon juice, beating until thick. With ladle, add a small amount of hot broth to egg mixture, blending quickly. Pour this into soup and stir well. Serve at once.

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OSTARA CRAFTS for KIDS By Alena Orrison

Seed packet cards

These are super easy, inexpensive and make a good gift instead of candy.


Card stock paper Seed packets Glue or tape Pens/Pencils/Markers Take some card stock and cut it to twice the size you want for each card; fold in half. Decorate the outside of the card and write a message on the inside. Even something as simple as Ostara Blessings, Love, Me. Glue or tape the seed packet to the front of the card. Alternatively you can get small (2” or so) resalable craft bags and divide seed packets into several bags, making your own blend of flowers for the card. If you do this, it's nice to write on the card what seeds are in the bag.    

Eggshell Pictures

You can make pretty pictures using the small pieces of left-over egg shell from the eggs you dyed for Ostara, or follow the instructions below!


Eggshells Poster board Glue Food Coloring Vinegar Paper Towels Newspaper In a small dish, mix a few drops of food coloring with about a 1/2 cup of vinegar for each color you want to use. Soak the eggshells in the food coloring until they are the color you want. You will want to crush the shells in to small pieces before doing this. Remove the colored shells and spread on paper towels (covering the newspaper to protect the work surface from staining!) to dry. Draw a picture on the poster board. (**hint** coloring book pictures are also good for this!) Spread glue in each area of your drawing. Place the pieces of egg shells in the different sections of the drawing. Allow to dry completely before moving the picture.       


Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a trend in that many friends and clients have spoken to me about difficult situations they are facing, and how their lives would be wonderful if even one aspect of their lives could change. Yet all saw the solution as something external to themselves and out of their control: all I need is a new job and THEN my life would be perfect... if my partner, friend, colleague, boss would just act/treat me in a different way, THEN I would be happy... if I could just lose 10 lbs., I would find the perfect partner and THEN I would be happy... The truth is, we subconsciously create, attract our external worlds as a reflection of what is really going on inside us. Every-thing is energy and the law of attraction shows us that our core beliefs (what we believe to be true about ourselves, others and the world) direct our thoughts, which give rise to our feelings. Our thoughts and our feelings influence our energy or vibration (the vibe people pick up from us) and as like attracts like, we attract experiences that resonate with our vibration. If we have a low vibration (heavy; blocked; dense; murky; rigid; dark; needy) it is because our core beliefs are negative (inadequate; unworthy; incompetent; unlovable; powerless; useless) leading to negative thoughts. I am not good enough; I am not smart enough; nothing good ever happens to me; I never have enough money, everyone has it so much

better than me; I am alone, unloved and unlovable) and we experience negative feelings (fearful; lonely; powerless; scattered; overwhelmed) attracting more negative experiences leading to the validation of negative core beliefs in a vicious circle. If we have a high vibration (light; flexible; calm and harmonious) it is because our core beliefs are positive (abundant; balanced; lovable; selfaccepting) leading to positive thoughts (I am the perfect me in my imperfection; I love and accept myself: I deserve; I give and receive graciously) and positive feelings (happy; joyful; excited about life; peaceful; calm; unconditional love; interconnected to the world around us) and we experience greater joy and less struggle: We manifest more positive experiences easily, enjoy meaningful relationships, a high level of vitality, abundance and satisfaction in life and this perpetuates more positive core beliefs. If you ask yourself honestly – whom would you rather be around? And who would you rather be? I have no doubt that it would be to live in the positive realm. So, how do we get ourselves there? As feelings and experiences are a result of core beliefs and thoughts, the simple solution is: When you change your core beliefs and thoughts into the positive, your vibration shifts and rises and your life changes into a more positive expression. Of course when we are feeling centered and grounded, this is all quite obvious to us. However, it is in the face of adversity that we move into fear, forget the truth and go straight back to our old way of negative thinking. It is precisely at these times that we need to go back to basics and shift our perception of the situation. When you realize that you have subconsciously created, attracted every experience you have had to date, you can draw a line in the sand and step into your own power. The key is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for where you are now (all the good and the bad) and accept that the choices you have made have brought you to this point in your life (even when you thought you had no choice, you still made a choice). You can then start to consciously co-create your life from this moment on. Intention + thoughts + words + action = a shift in vibration. although if there was a one-fit – all solution, we would all be using it.

I find I use a multitude of techniques in my spiritual counselling depending on the situation or belief that needs shifting. You have to find what resonates and works for you personally and in the spirit of life being a journey not a destination, it is often a combination of things depending on what issue you are dealing with at the time. Whilst identifying and working on core beliefs is trickier and may need more attention; you can make immediate changes just by being aware of your thoughts. If you do this on a daily basis until it becomes a habit, you will notice positive results and ultimately shift your core beliefs. It is as simple as noticing when you are thinking negatively, catching yourself and immediately saying: “I dissolve that thought in light and love” and affirming a positive statement like “I completely love and accept myself” or “all is as it should be”. I found a beautiful daily affirmation by Maureen Moss recently that you might enjoy using: I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance; the abundance of God/the universe is my infinite source. The river of life never stops flowing and it flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God/the universe works in a myriad of ways to bless me. I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true and with God/the universe as my source, nothing amazes me. I give fearlessly and freely into life and life gives back to me with fabulous increase. I am indeed grateful and blessed and so it is and so I let it be. My suggestion would be to adapt the words to suit you, print out a few copies and carry on in your purse, paste one to your mirror and another to your computer.


The CrafTy WiTCh’s Book Review The Magic

by Rhonda Byrne This is the most amazing book, by the amazingly popular author, Rhonda Byrne, famous for bringing us "The Secret" and "The Power"; she completely blows my mind with this book. You don't need to have read any of her previous works to benefit from this book, you really don't. Rhonda begins with a rather wonderful first few chapters giving you the basics of the law of attraction, but doesn't rely too heavy on this, as the theme for this book is my favorite thing of all time: GRATITUDE! It is SO important to live your life full of gratitude and have gratitude for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your life, even the negative stuff! I know it can sound hard and at first you may wonder "Why would I be grateful for having no money?" or "Why would I be grateful for living in this house with horrible neighbors?" I have asked myself both of those questions at some point in my life ... A LOT of times! But whilst reading this book I have the answers! I really have the answers to some of the most soul searching questions of my life so far (bear in mind I’m in my early 50’s). So what are my answers? I am grateful to have what money I do have as it helps me focus on what is important for me to have in my life. I am grateful for the money I have in my life because it allows me to prioritize my purchases. I am grateful for the money I have in my life because I have learnt the true value of money. I am grateful for the home I live in because I have so many happy memories here. I am grateful for the home I live in because it keeps me warm, and safe.

I am grateful for the home I live in because it allows me to fill it with objects that fill my heart with joy. I am grateful for the home I live in because it helps me mentally, and emotionally clarify what my dream home will be like when I move into it. Do you see how I've instantly turned a very negative situation into a blossoming positive one? And the magic key to this is not just saying the magic words "Grateful" or looking on the bright side of life (although this really does play a huge part in the process), it's explaining WHY you are grateful for the things in your life. It's this simple yet hugely effective process that has helped turn my life around even more that I thought it already had. I'm happier, I'm more grateful for EVERYTHING in my life; I'm living life not existing in life. I also feel so in control of my life and the experiences I have. I can either do what I used to do and focus on the negative side to it, even situations where people have truly hurt me more than I thought they ever could, or I can do what I do now, and say "OK, You want me to feel negative about it, that's fine. But I WANT TO FEEL LIKE THIS about it! And then I reel off my positive gratitude's for the situation and/or person. I could tell you more about this and how it can help with your health, and relationships and even more ideas about how you can live a RICH life in ALL areas of your life. But, that's not very magickal at all. :) You need to experience *The Magic* for yourself!


The Astrological Moon North Star Astrology By: Ingrid Jeffries AAFA

Ingrid Jeffries is a counseling astrologer, writer, teacher, and retreat facilitator working in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. She's provided individual, relationship and career counseling for over 20 years. She teaches classes on Astrology, Tarot, Dream Interpretation and Carolyn Myss’ Sacred Contracts. She offers phone and in office sessions. For more information on her classes or sessions go to: www.NorthStarAstrology.net

The Astrological Moon as Significator of Your Soul’s Journey

Most Westerners know what sign the Sun was traveling through on the day of their birth, but only a small number are aware of the Moon’s sign. Two people born on the same day can have completely different Moon signs depending on the time and place of birth. Interestingly the natal Moon reveals your earliest life experiences and what you as a newborn needed to feel safe. In astrology you are born your Moon sign, you are taught your Rising / Ascending sign and you become your Sun sign. The Moon representing the reflected light of the Sun reveals what is past. It is considered the vehicle of your tribal history, biological karma, and is the significator of your souls journey…. who you have been, what skills / talents you innately carry, the life lessons you continue to work on, and the tribe you are drawn to. It is believed to act as a container for previously alive thought forms, emotional experiences and energies. From our earthly perspective the Sun and Moon appear to be of equal size (though scientifically we know the Sun is larger) indicating that from a geocentric perspective they must be given equal importance in astrological interpretation. Your natal Moon in your birth chart describes your earliest emotional orientation, which is believed to be representative of your former life’s orientation. It also represents the people / tribe you feel most comfortable with. Connections between your natal Moon and another’s Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Jupiter are indicative of an instant recognition of an ally. The Moon due to its magnetic relationship to the Sun is highly influential in terms of personal magnetism, forming and focusing our needs and desires based upon our subjective links to our past. It represents: Ø What activities support feeling secure Ø Motivational style defined by the “Element” and “Mode” of the Moon sign Ø How you nurture others and what nurtured you Ø How you establish ‘belonging’ Ø It also reveals what makes you feel most ‘vulnerable’. Ø The qualities another must have for you to trust them Qualities of the Fire sign Moons; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Ø Spontaneous, energetic, emotional risk takers, meets needs negatively through aggressive and sometimes inconsiderate behavior Qualities of the Earth sign Moons; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Ø Reliable, pragmatic, solution orientated, meets needs negatively through persistent and sometimes fussy behavior. Qualities of the Air sign Moons; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Ø Curious, communicative, interactive, meets needs negatively through indecisive sometimes-unreliable behaviors. Qualities of the Water sign Moons: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces Ø Intuitive, protective, comforting, meets needs negatively through clingy sometimes fear –filled compulsive behaviors. How the different Moon signs attract: Ø Aries: Attracts by challenge and confrontation. Desires action and one on one engagement Ø Taurus: Attracts through a promise of comfort, security and dependability. Desires stability permanence, reassurance, preferably with material proof


Ø Gemini: Attracts through with, cleverness, mobility, and versatility. Desires stimulation, variety, needs acknowledgment of their fine mind. Ø Cancer: Attracts through protectiveness, materialism, nurturing. Desires home, roots, needs someone to fit into the family photo album. Ø Leo: Attracts through flamboyance, chivalry, generosity, and nobility. Desires loyalty, gratitude, congratulations, and a true fan. Ø Virgo: Attracts through modesty, integrity, skill, and patience. Desires to feel useful, needed. Ø Libra: Attracts through beauty, harmony, impartiality, fair play. Desires to be admired, needs to be in love. Ø Scorpio: Attracts through sexual power, intensity, and mystery. Desires a powerful, transforming and overwhelming experience. Ø Sagittarius: Attracts by freewheeling expansive nature, philosophical outlook, and adventurousness. Desires movement, exploration, and a fellow traveler. Ø Capricorn: Attracts by sophistication, achievement, worldliness, and responsibility. Desires a serious commitment, recognition, a reward for efforts. Ø Aquarius: Attracts through rebelliousness, uniqueness, individualism, and difference. Desires friendship, equality, ind4ependence and novelty. Ø Pisces: Attracts through compassion, yielding, and spirituality. Desires a soul-connection, a total dissolution of boundaries, and a gateway to another world. Astrologers often identify the Moon as reflective of our reigning needs. According to astrologer Noel Tyl the requirements for each sign are as follows: Ø Aries needs to be number one, to be important and thrives on leading & exerting force, Ø Taurus needs to keep things as they are or are supposed to be and thrives on building and maintaining Ø Gemini needs to be bright, clever, informed, intense, and thrives on diversity & communication Ø Cancer needs to be emotionally secure. Cancer thrives on creating security. Ø Leo needs to be respected, loved and honored. Leo thrives on being recognized Ø Virgo needs to be correct, exact, and insightful. Virgo thrives on refinement Ø Libra needs to be appreciated; to be fair, attractive and popular. Libra thrives on pleasing & appreciation Ø Scorpio needs to be significant, reliable and selfsufficient. Scorpio thrives on control through knowledge Ø Sagittarius needs to have ones opinions respected. Sagittarius thrives on the ability to affect thought Ø Capricorn needs to administrate progress. Capricorn thrives on strategies and ambitions Ø Aquarius needs to be socially significant, unusual. Aquarius thrives on innovation & intellectualization Ø Pisces needs to identify the ideal, understand impressions, and work with the intangible. Pisces thrives on feeling, understanding & sacrifice. If you would like to find out what sign the Moon was in on your birthday go to www.astro.com this site provides free natal charts as well as other interesting tools to explore.

The Maiden Within By Wiccan Moonsong

The Maiden aspect of the Goddess is curious and loves to discover. She is creative, energetic, and carefree and has a true joy of living. She can be very confident and independent. The Maiden aspect is typically associated with a woman in her 20's before she has reached childbirth. When one is finding her way in this world and is on the path of self-discovery but still enjoying life with more of a carefree attitude, as she has not yet taken on the responsibilities of being responsible as a mother for her children. I see the Maiden aspects most clearly in myself on nights that I have someone to watch my children and I am out on my own. For those few hours I am responsible just for myself and I feel "younger" again. It is amazing the amount of responsibility that you have when having children. However it is something I would not change for the world as I am very blessed to have two absolutely amazing children that I love with all my heart. On nights when I have a sitter for both of them I find myself full of wonder and excitement. I typically want to go explore someplace new, or do something fun. I am full of joy and have a more carefree attitude knowing at that time that I am free to go where I want and do what I like without worrying if it is appropriate, or too late at night etc. Some Maiden aspects that I see in myself in a day to day basis is my absolute love of learning. I am very curious about the world and how things work and I love learning as much as I can. I have been so excited and full of joy since I have begun my Wiccan journey here at the Mists. My discovery here is self-empowering. I am becoming more of a person who stand on her own two feet rather than following or being who others want me to be just to make them happy. I am not afraid to be different anymore. I am more accepting that I am who I am, and am following my intuition on a path to self-discovery and I am loving every minute of it.

My Grandmother is a woman who has always been my role model. She passed on 8 years ago and I have most definitely missed having her here in my life. My grandmother was my second mother. She definitely had some Maiden aspects. She had an energy and joy of life that was absolutely contagious. She would always lead me on paths of discovery, and teach me new ideas, and show me new things. My grandmother loved learning as well. The love and patience she had was absolutely amazing and I can only hope to be that loving and patient one day in my life. My grandmother had a pure love of life. You could see it every day that she spent here. She almost always was smiling and had a positive outlook on what was happening. She taught me that everything happens for a reason. No matter how sad a situation may seem, if something bad happens you need to find what you are to learn from the situation and take it as a positive influence in your life. My grandmother always had time to play with me as a child. She helped fuel my imagination when I was little. She was also one that never disregarded the sightings I had as a child but tried to help me to see them in a not so threatening light. I will forever be grateful to her for the impact that she had on my life. I live most of my days aspiring to be as happy as she was in life.


April Wind Moon

The Man in the Moon


Hear now the word of the Witches, the secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destinys pathway, That now we bring forth in the light. Mysterious Water and Fire, The Earth and the wide-ranging Air, By hidden Quintessence we know Them, and we will keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all Nature, the passing of Winter and Spring, We share with the life Universal, rejoice in the Magical Ring Four times in the year the Great Sabbat, returns, and the Witches are seen, At Lammas and Candelas dancing, on May Eve and old Halloween When daytime and nighttime are equal, when sun is at greatest and least, The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, again Witches gather in feast. Thirteen silver moons in a year are, thirteen is the Covens array, Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, for each golden year and a day. The power has passed down the ages, each time between woman and man Each century unto the other, ere times and the ages began. When drawn is the Magickal circle, by sword or athame of power, Its compass between two worlds lies, in the land of shades of that hour. Our world has no right to know it, and the world beyond will tell naught, The oldest of Gods are invoked there, the great work of Magic is wrought. For two are the mystical pillars, that stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are the powers of Nature, the forms and the forces divine. And do what thou wilt be the challenge, so be it in love that harms none, For this is the only commandment, By Magick of old be it done. Eight words the Witches Rede fulfill: If it Harms none, Do what Thou Will!


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