Fashioned Magazine, January 2016, Issue No. 5

Page 1


hello 2016! Do-Over, Page 6

best year yet? Yes, Please!, Page 8


fit & fab

[Re] Defined, Page 11

Inside & Out, Page 12



WHAT’S GOIN’ ON WITH FASHIONED MAG? We might be new to the world of publication, but one thing is for sure--we love having fun! Our team is also growing! Be sure to meet our newest team members on pages 10 & 11... & don’t forget to follow us @fashionedmag on ig...we’ve got some contests & trendy give-aways comin up. So be on the lookout!

Watch FM’s YoutTube Channel (picture below) as Cyndi Galley & Janae Klatt, along wth others, get chatty about what to expect in 2016! The journey may be surprise you, but keep your best fashion foot forward!

Watch FM’s Youtube Channel as Cyndi & Janae get chatty about the new year and what to expect in 2016!

Fashioned Mag editors, Cyndi Galley & Janae Klatt, head to Nordstrom’s MAC counter at LA’s The Grove to try new colors for the New Year! Yo creo que SI!

(Photo, left): FM’s team member’s Virtuous Arevalos keeps it fun, shrug and cozy piecing together a look for any student or gal that wants a look that is just as sassy as Social it is comfy! Of her @VanityisVain Media Madness: Brittany patiently ig posting Virtuous shares, “I absolutely love gold and it has made showing Cyndi how to use Snapchat. a comeback, so I decided to go all out with@Fashionedmag the gold accessories. They also compliment the olive green jeans! My favorite accessory of this outfit are the headphones, which I found to be modern, trendy and perfect for any music-loving fashionista! I chose a comfy striped sweater to give the outfit a casual-but-stylish look. It can be worn for different occasions, but the one I had in mind was school. The headphones are perfect for when you’re studying or doing your homework, and the mug is for that necessary coffee or tea that keeps you going in class; and then of course, the signature red lipstick, to tie it all together!”

(Photo, right): FM Team members and sisters in the faith doing what they love--producing, hosting, directing and taking a quick minute for a quick on the set of a studio in Anaheim, CA (From left to right: Pat LeBeuf, Kalan Jackson, Brianne Richardson & Cynd Galley).


When I Say “World Change,”... I Mean It! BB BY

EDNA DELEON Fashioned’s writer and team-member, Edna, doing what she loves--spending time with one her little ones in the projects.

We see that girl hashtag “world changer” on her Instagram, and sometimes we roll our eyes. I’m a personal victim of both the eye roll and the hashtag. Outside of my annoyance with the “basic girl” of Instagram, I am infatuated with this idea of taking this world and flipping it upside down. So what does world change mean? And what defines a world-changer? We can all agree that the world is not at its best, however when was it really, right? There is a need, no doubt. One in nine people are considered malnourished in the world, 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, and nearly 21 million people are considered trafficked both sexually and labored. With the perpetual increase of execrable activity in the world, there exists an unremitting need for light. We need to know that there is hope. I overthink and analyze every situation logically, and most times without emotion. However, the minute I see a homeless person or some girl who just got her heart broken, I cry on the inside like Colin Farrell in Phone Booth (2002). I am undoubtedly in love with the world and its inhabitants. So I could sit here and cry about the need (and I do), but in order to see change, friction in the spiritual and natural are needed. I can honestly say without a doubt that I am a world-changer. I get to volunteer my time hanging out with the most amazing kids who live in the projects of South Central (LA). I get to talk to homeless people on Skid Row who have lost every bit of light in their eyes. Okay, calm down self-righteous woman, we hear you roar. Hear me out, world— change is susceptible to your own world. So LA and OC is my hood. Your world is wherever you’re called. Think about this for a second…what are you passionate about? So, do that. Look at it – not for just your own gain, but for how you can use what you love to do for the betterment of the world. It’s not glamorous most of the time. I get people who tell me that they live vicariously through my pictures and that they love what I get to do. Which is great; however, follow my Snapchat Story and you will see that 70% of the time I am behind my Mac, forever working to finish my Bachelors in Audio Arts Engineering and my major in Humanities. In short, I will be in school for the next 12 years—give or take my patience. At the end of my education I plan to create a space for underprivileged people to use studio time for free! Find what brings life OUT of you, and do just that. Take a chance. Be brave. Use what you have within you, because you too can change the world around you. But it is a choice. I hope with all sincerity, that you choose to partner with me in the aid of humanity.

Edna DeLeon is a humanitarian, student and writer who lives in Orange County, CA. Spending most of her free time to do her part in changing the world, her love for mankind goes deep...very.







2016 !

Sparkly Green Blouse available on

I like the start of the New Year. Not only does it give you the chance to start a new, it is new, giving you an actual fresh start over again. No matter what happened last year it’s a“Do Over” for everyone. While we can of course, set out each day for an overhaul, there’s just something about the New Year that says, “Goodbye to the old and drab...and hello to the new and fab!” Something about this new season can cause one to think or say, “This time I can and will.” And you know what? You absoutely can! This is a time where many people set out to make this year better than the last. There is fresh new vision and new hope for the New Year! For everyone, it’s different. Many set out to be better to themselves. Others make a decision to let go of a gruesome and toxic relationship that they’ve been working at for years. Some determine to be healthier, commiting to excercise and a better diet. Whatever


this New Year of 2016 inspires you to achieve, start or perhaps even finish, let nothing (or no one) stand in your way. It may require work, and in most cases, it will, but if not now, when? The good news is there are so many resources and tools to help you succeed! And while there may be times you need to be your biggest cheerleader, don’t avoid the idea of leaning on someone, or someones for reinforcement. There is power in numbers. Know of a good author on the subject? Read their book or article! Don’t like to read, find a trust-worthy person on YouTube who has fought (and won) that very battle. And don’t ever underestimate the power of prayer. No matter how things may seem, keep your goals and vision in front of you. There is nothing you can’t achieve! So, let this NewYear spark new vision and hope for you, seeing what great things you can do! New Year, new YOU? Why not?!?

“No matter what happened last year, it’s a “do-over” for everyone... let nothing stand in your way...let this new year spark new vision” --Alisha Phalen







Last year as we entered 2015, I joked with my friends and family that my new year’s resolution was to find a new year’s resolution for 2015. This year I pretty much am saying the same thing. My New Year resolution is to find a New Year resolution for 2016… And so it goes on each year. As the another new year rolls around yet another time in our lives, we stop to thank God- first of all- that we are alive to even start another brand new year. The world does not seem to be a safe place anymore, and nowadays, it is so much more real when you leave your home in the mornings, and you do not know if you will return home at all. Kissing your friends, family members or even pets as leave home in the mornings and saying routinely “ “See you later when I get home” cannot be taken for granted anymore. Family becomes more important; friends become more important, knowing that life is proving to be more and more of a challenge when we watch the news reports and also when we experience personal tragedies from time to time. But… we are talking about celebrating a brand new year, right? What is at the top of your list for the New Year? For some, what is number one on the list is not family or friends. For some weight loss is top priority, for others finding the right partner, finding the right apartment or home, finding the right church, the right job, etc….are top priorities. Don’t get me wrong. Nothing is wrong with those things! God is just as caring about those details of our lives as He is about us knowing Him and having a relationship with Him. Whatever your priorities are they are just as important to God. I think they are an amazing part of his master plan in making each of us unique for our unique purpose in life. Let us reflect: Are the


inner changes in one’s life more important than the physical looks of a person? Some would say ‘inner’ change is more important, others would say ‘outer’ change, and maybe those on the fence would say both are equally important. Depending on where you are in life, your response would be right for you. But what would God say is important to Him? Jesus died for us and if we believe and accept Him, He is concerned about us bearing fruits that show we are his children, reflecting Him in our thoughts, words and deeds. So what does this mean for us as we celebrate the New Year? Well, it simply means that we should be resolute in living our lives all year round being more like God’s children. God loves us so much He sent his Son to demonstrate and give us the ultimate gift called Love. In accepting this powerful gift, we are able to accept ourselves more and accept others with more ease. It is on this premise that I think we should make decisions that reflect His character and build a lifestyle of living life to the fullest all year round. What does that mean for us and making New Year promises to us? I would encourage us to make a decision to: 1. LOVE GOD PASSIONATELY -- Maybe try church more than just twice a year (Christmas and Easter); if the Bible is too lofty for you, start with reading daily devotionals; when you wake up in the mornings, thank God for waking you up and ask Him to keep you through the day; try thanking Him for allowing you to reach home safely every evening ….If you do continue to do this, Good are actually developing a prayerful life! (Continued on Page 14)

Kenzie’s trip to New York Fashion finds: Furry Head-Piece, wal-Mart, $5; Black gloves, Target, $25; Checkered coat, Forever 21 (Friend’s Closet); Black Long-sleeved dress, Express, $30; jeans, c2 at mall, $10; black coach boots, burlington coat factory, $35.

Life is too short to stay stuck in the yesterdays! Reliving the past or worrying about what happened, won’t change it.


NEWYear...NEW TEAM Members!

ASHLIE Jennifer As we keep moving forward, Fashioned Mag continues receiving some of the brightest and best! Here are six more brilliants & creatives that just recently joined our already-fabulous team. From the Top Row, L to R and then the Bottom Row, L to R on Page 10 and then to Page 11, meet: Ashlie Allen, Jennifer Vargas, Zowie Murillo, Micaela Ricaforte, Samantha Salazar and Olivia incredibly talented group of gals! To say we feel blessed is an understatement! We are so thankful!

Zowie 10




Beauty [Re]defined by Ashlie Allen “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ We have heard this said so many tines before. But have we [women] actually beheld the beauty that looks straight at you every morning in the mirrors’ reflection? Let’s just ponder on that for a minute. How beauty is described by Webster’s Dictionary is: beau·ty ‘byo͞odē/ noun: beauty; noun beau·ty \ˈbyü-tē\ Simple Definition of beauty : the quality of being physically attractive : the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind : a beautiful woman; a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. “I was struck by her beauty” Now, what is your definition? Let me add, this is ALL you, but this beauty does not define you as a woman. You are more than just a pretty face or a nice body. Inside of you there’s valve that pumps blood to every artery and supplies life to our bodies - this is your heart! Your heart, which is hidden within, is what breeds the most beauty. The belief [in your heart] of what you have to say about yourself is what will pump life (or death) into the veins of your soul. A beautiful person is beauty from the inside out. Let your the eyes of your heart behold [YOUR] beauty within, allowing it to naturally flow. Let me say this aloud-- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Believe it. Behold it. You are beauty. Take a look within, you might be surprised at what you find.

Ashlie is a hair-stylist who works at a hair salon in Southern California. She loves people and thoroughly enjoys working out.


FIT & FABULOUS...INSIDE AND OUT! BY KELSEY LEE HOLLENBECK It is an all-too-common mistake that the outward image, the superficial appearance, is the primary consideration for a person’s value, or qualificationespecially in regards to how we think of ourselves. At some point in time, we’ve all taken notice of a magazine or movie image and in some shape or form, compared ourselves to it, planting the seed that “maybe we just aren’t enough”- and if only we could more closely resemble that image, we would be. If this rings a bell, or stirs something in your heart, know you are not alone, and this battle is something that millions of others throughout the world truly struggle with; some on such levels that they have contemplated taking their own life. Be encouraged that you are enough, because He who created you made no mistakes. There are a few things to deeply consider when finding a balance in honoring the One who created you, and the temple you live in. We are reminded in 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” A particular shape, size, height, color, weight, charisma or overall “look” does not determine the value or capability of any individual; what does determine their value and capability is who God intends for them to be, what He intends for them to


do, and the condition of their heart. If our life revolves around our outward appearance, or judging the outward appearance of others, we so badly miss the boat that we will never feel fulfilled. Each of us have a certain grace on our life, and are called to live victoriously in it for His purpose; we were not created to compare ourselves to one another and run in circles of insecurity, fear, envy or pride- so why is it that the world promotes such a trend? Because, it is easy to buy into what the world refers to as ‘ideal’, and the revenue brought in by both men and women chasing after that ‘ideal’ drives the financial bottom line of companies throughout the world. People from all walks of life are being destroyed by the lack of knowledge of what is real and what is not, in terms of physical aesthetics, and the drapery of deception our world’s standard deploy through visual media and advertising. We must realize that we are imperfect people, and chasing after the world’s criteria/s of ‘perfection’ is an endless, unfulfilling, empty pursuit. If we desire genuine health (physically, emotionally and spiritually), the confidence that comes with it, and to live as the very best version of ourselves, first things must be put first- “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” –Matthew 6:33. Living with genuine resolve to seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) in all things is truly foundational in being free of the lies that ‘self-image’ is-

sues can entrap us in. It is one consider that even thoughts thing to be aware of deception, and actions, which may not but to be armored fromregina’s its en- Engagement be considered wrong,finds: in Newsin, YorkorFashion become and become chantment requires something can black coat,sin, macy’s; if we h&m, allow$17; them to have greater than ourselves; His wrongscarf, power name is Jesus Christ. boots,over kathyus. jean,An$50;example being taking of rest, excercise pants,days the gap, $25; and foods“sin”, we$17. love that When we begin to understand enjoying mac lipstick, who we are in Christ (2 Corin- may not be beneficial to eat thians 5:17), we live more in- consistently, becoming a routentionally, and take greater tine habit, resulting in laziness consideration into being good and gluttony. Another example stewards of ourselves, and the is someone who intends to inchoices we make in every area corporate healthy eating and of our lives. Unhealthy, unpro- exercise into their daily rouductive thinking and habits be- tine becoming obsessive and come a thing of the past, and driven solely by those activities healthy, productive thoughts, and the tangible results they behaviors, and refreshed con- produce, rather than being fidence flow through our ev- driven by living in a way that eryday lifestyle. Being the best honors the Lord. We are once you that you can be entails again encouraged to consider responsible stewardship over the condition of our heart; the what God has given you, and intentions of why we do what being responsible stewards of we do reflect greatly on our our bodies makes living undis- relationship with God and our tracted by what the world tells willingness to die to ourselves us we should be less challeng- and live for Him. ing. If we truly live as Matthew 6:33 The importance of having a instructs, we will be able to behealthy and able body goes come the best version of ourfar beyond feeling confident selves we can be, and the lie in our clothes or performing that we aren’t enough, or must better physically. It allows us to meet a worldly criteria to belive and operate more efficient- come more, will no longer hold ly, and effectively, in whatever us back. it is we are designed to do. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 reminds us that responsible stewardship About the Writer: of our body is vitally important Kelsey Lee is a health & fitness to the Lord, and for the sake of guru, who has infiltrated the ourselves. 1 Corinthians 6:12 fitness world as wellness coach, suggests the liberties we have personal trainer and Boot that are not inherently wrong, Camp instructor. Through somay also not be advantageous, cial media, her reach has grown either: “All things are lawful for globally, being acknowledged me, but all things are not help- from a variety of sources inful. All things are lawful for me, cluding NY Times and The Exbut I will not be brought under aminer. For more information, the power of any.” We should visit



Makeup Haul by

Alisha Phalen

Happy New Year 2016!!!! I am so excited for this New Year—new goals, new adventures, new endeavors all make for an exciting year! There are so many possibilities when it comes to your makeup routine. It’s a brave thing when we step out of our comfort zone and explore new things. In a recent exploration, I came across some new items that I added to my makeup routine. Stepping out and trying new things has brought me to experiencing a new way to apply my makeup. I came across perfecting primers, namely the “NYC Smooth Skin”, which help minimize pores and also helps with balancing out complexion. Some will help with oil if u have oily skin or can help with hydration if your skin is dry. Another new find I came across was a “mattifying foundation,” which is one of my new fave finds! This is good for those who have oily skin, yet likes the matte look. I wasn’t sure what the end result would be, but it worked wonderfully for those wanting a matte look all day long. Another great find was the new lipstick line called, “Flower,” which I found at Walmart for $3.50. An added plus is that carry gorgeous colors! Here’s where the fun begins! I encourage you to try new colors to explore--especially when it comes to lip color. Have fun with it. Just like we shouldn’t wear the the same shoes with every outfit, we should try new colors that haven’t been tried before; And with prices like these, it’s even more fun to mix it up for a custom color of your own.

their eye shadows are very pigmented with beautiful hues for every skin type—especially if you want that facial iridescent glow! Their baked blushes they will definitely give you that!! You may really enjoy make-up, or perhaps not very much. Either way, I encourage you to get out there and add some new products to your routine. The New Year brings many different possibilities, so start exploring and find out what can be some of your new faves! Alisha writes and edits for Fashioned Magazine. She also is a stylist and the mother of four beautiful babies. Alisha lives in Orange County, CA and enjoys cooking new dishes for her hubby and children.


Another awesome find I came across is a new favorite called, “Manga,” which was on sale at Walgreens for $4.99. I have tried many different ones and I have to say, Manga really takes your eyelashes to a whole new level, but like I said, find what works best for you! The last treasure I came across is that has been sold out just about everywhere, because of how popular it’s become! I had been on a hunt “Milani”—both, baked and regular blushes. I came to find that


These great finds and new faves of Alisha’s are just the beginning! From NYC, to Milani, Manga and Flower, you can’t to wrong!



’ve been walking about life somewhat despondent, without direction. I’ve tried just about everything to fill the emptiness I wake up to every morning. By everything, you know what I mean; But if I’m completely honest with myself, I realize that I still feel empty. How is that possible? may have casually referenced You before, but this time, I am serious. I’ve heard about a God who is real, kind, loving, forgiving and Who can pull me out of even the darkest of places. If you are real, then I take a step towards You & give my life to You.


f You are real, I accept that Jesus took my place on the cross so many years ago, so that I would come to this place and meet You here. If I’ve ever done anything that has broken your heart, forgive me. Hurting you is the last thing I want to do. I need You and receive Your forgiveness & love. My heart and life is Yours. Make me new, right here, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

If you felt this was speaking to you & want to chat with someone, email us at or fill out the “Contact Us” on our web at We are here for you!

Something to RAVE About!

Buying on a budget is rarely fun...unless you know the hot spots to hit! Try Nordstrom Rack for both, Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer ($6) and Eyeliner ($10), at a price that can’t be beat! Ever shopped at a Dollar Store? Don’t knock it ‘til you try it...We found an eyeshadow by L’Oreal with GORGeous colors. Key word being gorg...I’ll take that for a dollar! Need a quick music pick-me-up? Try Mike & Kristy Gerbrandt’s “Seek and Find,” by checking out for originals that feel like they span the 80’s test of time! By the time the CD is done, you’ll be humming a tune.

Purchased at Nordstrom Rack: Urban Decay E/S Primer, Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner, “Lush”; L’Oreal E/S, $1. Plum n/p, Walmart.


(Continued from page 8) 2. LOVE YOURSELF DEEPLY — Want to be more active? If you love dancing, join a Zumba class, or spinning, yoga, Pilates, or just nature walks will do; make better eating choices, find more time to have moments of relaxation-go to the spa, get massages, join an art group ( this can be therapeutic if you like to draw); create realistic goals in weight loss- Caution: Don’t go overboard with goals! Losing 30 lbs in one week is NOT a realistic goal-not happening! 3. LEARN TO LOVE OTHERS THAT YOU INTERACT WITH ON A DAILY BASIS -- Even the ones who drive you crazy! The aunt who complains about your outfit every time she sees you, give her a hug as often as you can. When the guy who is a tad bit shorter than your ideal height for the man of your dreams says Hello to you, say hello back. He just may BECOME the ideal man of your dreams when you get to know him. The girl in the office or at school who is so critical of everything- leave a note of encouragement on her desk. You would be surprised that in making these the foundation of who we are, we do not have to be scrambling for New Year promises that fail us everytime. Be prayerful and make God our New Year promise. We just might be living the year of our lives.

I Debbie Campbell holds her Masters Degree in Christian Counseling and is author of the book, “Writings of the Soul, Volume 1”.hoto Credit: Charles

Here’s to the brand new year of our lives! Cheers!

THE CHANGE-UP BY JENNIFER MORALES-SEGOVIA I’m so in love with curly hair! I enjoy the fact that you can add curl cream as soon as you are out of the shower and just “go” on about your day with gorgeous curls. But there are times curly hair can be down right unruly. You may even be bored with those precious curls of yours. If you want a change up, try this new look. Cutting the length on your hair has it’s advantages. Besides using less product, it helps to shorten your hair for a quicker low out, it cuts down on styling time. KJ has a sleek new flirty look that won’t drag her down. Layer ad shape to accent her already-beautiful facial features. *Remember when straightening hair to take clean sections one at a time for a thorough blow dry. Once style is complete, it can last a few days in comparison to a natural-curl style where you may have to wash daily. Regardless, this particular cut, will look great both ways! Jennifer, a native-Californian, is a hair-stylist and blow-out expert who has been making clients look and feel their best!


already-adorable KJ had a gorgeous mane, full of body and curls (right). To give herself a new “look” for 2016, her stylist went for a shorter, sleeker, layered look, keeping the body, but giving her hair shine, health, definition and some sass (below). Way to go, kj!

faux vintage jackets & crossover body purse available at


New Year’s Must-Have’s for friends...or for you!

lauren Conrad’s Book, Beauty, found at Nordstrom, target or Amazon;

Wear your winter whites while you still can! Even with february around the bend, go on...we dare you!


January has some of the best clearance prices and deals: This comfy, cozy & soft sweater, found at anthropologie. Sale price: 40% off of$29.00. ...Now that’s a steal!


Cooking Single... & THE CITY BY


Cooking single or married, we all need to eat! So this corner will be a fun take on cooking for all! For the most part, recipes will be included, and other times, it might be a fun story that took place while…Cooking (Single) the City! So yes it’s true! A little music goes a L-O-N-G way! Meaning to be up to good, I threw on a little Grecian music early in the a.m. to get my artistic juices flowin’! It did a little more than just that, in that somehow the Mexican breakfast bug hit me...hard. The problem is that first-off, there was nothing Mediterranean about my meal, and secondly, I wasn’t even at home. Not to worry. Sure sign of a true girlfriend? Having the ingredients needed to cook the meal you are craving! LoL. Okay so that’s not a definition of a true friend...but it sure helps, none-the-less. The wonderful thing about this particular morning is that there were not one, but a group of three of us all in the mood to dance, eat and chatter over the perfect steaming cup of Keurig’s Donut Shop Coffee


(thanks, Coffee People!), homemade tortilla chips, guacamole spread (yes, spread), tortillas and papitas (Spanish, for “little potatoes)! This meal was enough to throw anyone over—both, over the “full” limit and definitely over their waistband, which I’ve definitely been seeming to do a little well the older I get. So outdo ourselves we did! All through my 20’s, I never quite understood the joy of making something you were gonna polish off in less then 20! Now, it’s a totally different story! When we had finished making brunchfast, the three of us served ourselves our portions, sat ourselves at the granite counter, let out a sigh as we took our seat on the barstools and ate ‘til our hearts were full of love, joy and the slight feeling of remorse that’s just enough to let you know you ought not eat this way at least for the remainder of the day... or what entire day of Gray that would turn out to be. Even with the sun shining in all of her glory! For recipes, additional meals and the occastional amateur video, visit the cooking blog on

FASHIONED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cyndi Galley CREATIVE, DESIGN AND FASHION DIRECTORS Cyndi Galley, Janae Klatt, Alisha Phalen & Brittany Treglia EXECUTIVE PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR & CULTURE EDITOR Brittany Treglia SENIOR EDITORS Janae Klatt & Lorie Radina PHOTO EDITORS Cyndi Galley, Samantha Salazar, Brittany Treglia & Liz Taylor JUNIOR EDITORS Micaela Ricaforte & Brittany Treglia CREATIVE TEAM Edna Deleon, Cyndi Galley, Janae Klatt, Alisha Phalen, Lorie Radina, Brittany Treglia & Jennifer Vargas JANUARY WRITING TEAM Ashlie Allen, Debbie Campell, Edna Deleon, Cyndi Galley, Chris Genin, Janae Klatt, Kelsey Lee Hollenbeck, Alisha Phalen, Lorie Radina, Jennifer Segovia, Susana Szarko & Brittany Treglia GUESTS DESIGNERS & WRITERS Debbie Campell, Ashley Lord LAYOUT DESIGN Cyndi Galley & Samantha Salazar JANUARY’S FASHIONED GIRLS Olivia Couture, Regina Crosby, Janae Klatt, Kenzie McMurren, Ashlyn Pike, Lauren ThorneyCroft & Jennifer Vargas SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR/EDITOR Ashlyn Pike SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM Virtuous Arevalos, Olivia Couture, Cyndi Galley, Zowie Murillo, Ashlyn Pike & Brittany Treglia FM WEB-HOSTS Cyndi Galley, Brittany Treglia, Edna DeLeon, Janae Klatt, Lauren ThorneyCroft & Alisha Phalen SPECIAL PROJECTS Olivia Couture, Michelle Dorsey, Kalan Jackson & Zowie Murillo EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Cyndi Galley & Alisha Phalen WWW.FASHIONEDMAGAZINE @FASHIONEDMAGAZINE (FB & YOUTUBE) @FASHIONEDMAG (IG & TWITTER) Jan/2016

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