HealthSpectra Magazine November 2019

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The Value Of Intuitions For Good Health WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM



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Editor Note We are delighted to be back with yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine highlighting the importance of The Value Of Intuitions For Good Health in the cover story. We have also covered some important insights about Taking Care Of Disabled Family Member. In addition to that, we have also share some Reasons of Your Body Feels Swollen ‘Out Of The Blue’ and the Interesting Things Fit People Do To Stay Toned. You can get better understanding about the ways to maintain a healthy relationship and some latest researchers in the field of health. We hope you like reading through the articles as much as we loved writing it. Make sure to share some of your valuable reviews and comments for us to work on.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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November 2019 06


VO L 1 | ISSUE 11

HEALTH Follow 6 Habits To ircumvent Night Sweating



Set Of Simple Beauty Tips For Healthy Skin And Hair



10 Healthy Habits Women Should Have


8 Reasons Your Body Feels Swollen ‘Out Of The Blue’


The Value Of Intuitions For Good Health


Type-2 Diabetes remission can be achieved with weight loss


14 Interesting Things Fit People Do To Stay Toned



Know Everything About Zinc For Your Body!



10Tips To Stand Rock Strong On Your Beliefs 4

48 48 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE About Chiropractic Care


Blue light exposure can accelerate aging


What To Know About Yeast Infection In Men?


Butter Corn And Sprouts Salad


A Guide On Naukasana


5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Disabled Family Member


Do and Don’ts Before Bed Time- For Good Sleep


68 5

Zika Virus And Its Negative Effects!



Follow 6 Habits To ircumvent

Night Sweating Stop All The Bad Accessories From Getting Wet! If you are facing concerns about sweating at night, there are solutions or habits that you should practice to find a way out from your pillowcase and clothes getting wet.


Causes Of Night Sweating Knowing the causes of night sweating will help you understand and co-relate

with what is going wrong with your body. Take a look! l Hypoglycemia l Obesity


when it comes to paying heed to clothes before you sleep at night is the weather and your comfort. Avoid wearing tight clothes, sleep in loose clothes and cool fabrics at night. Be cautious about the weather conditions and accordingly choose a night suit, during the winter you can wear synthetic fabrics and in the summer you should go for cotton and soft clothing.

l Cancer-related issues l Neurological disorders l Hormonal Imbalance l Sleep Apnea If not finding a permanent solution, perhaps, following healthy habits can help overcome the problem of night sweating. Here is what you should take a look at!

No 1: Pay Heed To Your Clothing Two things are essential 7

Following these minute details can prevent night sweating. Besides wearing comfortable clothes, try and sleep on comfortable bedspreads and pillowcases.

No 2 : Beware Of What You Eat And Drink At Night If you are sweating at night then it is natural that there must be a problem with what you eat or drink that is causing a problem. Having said, you should refrain from eating processed foods, sweet food and too many spices. Besides, you should avoid

having alcohol and caffeine drinks because they can affect the nervous system and hinder with the temperature of your body causing excessive sweating at night. Therefore, try being conscious with what you drink and eat at night to stop sweating.

No 3: Adjust The Temperature In Your Room By making arrangements to set right the temperature in your environment, you are taking a positive step towards reducing heat to avoid night sweating. Here are a few steps you can take to improve the temperature in your room. Take a look! 1. Adjust the temperature of your air conditioner or fan. 2. Keep your room windows closed in the day. Keep them open for ventilation and fresh air early in the morning. 3. Have neutral-colored curtains in your room. 4. Try and use flannel sheets on your beds, it helps with


making you feel cool. 5. Choose to use a gel mattress.

No 4: Do The Internal Hydration You need to internally keep yourself hydrated if you want to avoid sweating at night. To do so, you need to drink sufficient water during the day and whenever you sip some water when you sweat at night can help you feel cool and better.

No 5: Sleeping Without Clothes Helps You will be amazed by the health benefits of sleeping WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

naked. In short, it helps with improving your skin’s quality and keeps your body away from sweating. You should adopt this habit because it will serve your purpose as well as benefit your body. No 6 : Manage Stress The possibility of sweating at night is sometimes due to stress. Everyone is going through some form of stress, it is necessary that you indulge in activities such as exercising, meditation and eating healthy food to survive stress so that you can avoid sweating in the night.

Final Word

If you are sweating too much at night it is either due to stress, warm temperature in your room or either because you are suffering from one of the health concerns that cause night sweating. The only way to get over this problem is by following the right habits to avoid night sweating. 8

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Set Of Simple Beauty Tips For Healthy Skin And Hair WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


Beauty is not just god’s gift but also something you mould and maintain. Your habits and treatment of your skin and hair do something better or worse even. Some of the beauty habits that you are skipping is the main reason for losing the charm of your skin and hair. Some of the habits and treatment are logical enough to convince you and follow for healthy skin and hair. Some may sound silly but definitely worth following for unfading beauty. Beauty Tips For Healthy skin and hair Keeping your skin and hair safe is not just with skin care and makeup products. Not even the home remedies that you are bored of. But it is about your concern and love for yourself. Having proper food and sleep is the very basic need for healthy skin and hair. You cannot even think of natural beauty without healthy diet and good sleep. So, you get intake good food and get tight sleep.



BEAUTY Do you wonder if we say that you are the spoiler of your beauty? But never mind! Count on few beauty tips which are life changing for you.

Beauty Tips For Healthy Skin

and cheeks. It also effects neck and upper back. The acne and redness, inflammation on your face can be due to dandruff. So, you must first encounter your dandruff problem to save your facial skin.

3. DO NOT POP THE ACNE AND PIMPLES Are you targeting to pop every pimple on your face? You are not saving your face from damage but creating more.

2. JUST PAT DRY YOUR FACE 1. PROTECT YOUR FROM DANDRUFF Dandruff is hair problem, how come it falls under skin category? Is that you question? Then you need to know that dandruff also effects skin and it is termed as Seborrhea . The dandruff that is flaking on your scalp also comes on to your face. You know this but you are not aware of the effect. Though this is a common skin condition, it ruins your facial skin. It generally effects on upper part of your faceforehead, eyebrows, nose WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

Every time, your washing and cleansing your face gently with the cleanser. But that is not the end. When you are try to dry your face, you must be gentle. Choose a soft cloth that can easily absorb the water on your face. The harsh wipe and rub on your face makes your skin rough. If your skin is sensitive, it results in redness and peeling. If you were wondering why your skin burning after cleansing, this can be the reason. So, be careful while cleaning your face.

The pimples and acne is full of bacteria. When you are popping them, the bacteria spreads on and then pimples and acne too. You are not only letting the pimples and acne spread but also giving your face the nasty acne scars. The acne scars are tough to go. Once you realize that you arte committing this big mistake, you must stop it all for healthy skin.


4. THROW AWAY THE EXPIRED SKIN PRODUCTS Do you have any expired skin care products? Then, you better throw it away and not use them anymore. When you are using the skin care products which are expired, it inflames your skin with bacteria. This irritates and burns your skin.

face wash, moisturizer and face cream to your face without cleansing your hands first. Remember that you are not just massaging your face with skin care products but also along with some harmful bacteria of your hands.

So, before using or choosing the product, check the product expire date.

7. SAY NO TO CHEMICAL FILLED SKIN PRODUCTS You need to be double careful with skin care and makeup products. The skin care products which are pure and chemical free must be your choice. The harmful skin care products can ruin the skin forever. So, you must give several thoughts before using a skin products. We suggest you to use the organic products which can


5. DIRTY HANDS ARE NOT WORTH TOUCHING YOUR FACE Yes! Your hands are not worth touching your facial skin until cleaned. You hold and run your hands on many bacteria filled objects on everyday basis. The bacteria that your hands are taking may effect your face when you touch without cleaning.

When you want to repair your damaged skin, you tend to apply anything that sounds good. But everything is not that good for your face. So, you need to make a test before applying it on face. As facial skin is more sensitive, nothing can be directly applied. Apply the creams and other products on your hand to test. The home remedies may also come with some side effects. Everything natural is not for you. So, before using anything for your face, check if it is suitable for your skin.

do good to your skin mostly. You can also consult a skin specialist or expert before choosing a skin care product or makeup product. People with sensitive skin need to be extra mindful before choosing any product for face.

You even cannot apply the 13



Beauty Tips For Healthy Hair 1. HOT OIL TREATMENT

oil treatment at least twice a week which is very much possible at home

2. REGULAR HAIR TRIM Trimming regularly for healthy hair may sound silly. But this is something that is proven scientifically for hair growth. Trimming also removes the split ends if any. You keep checking your hair length and volume but it stays the same without any

You must not forget the hair oiling method during the school days. You strictly followed the rule of oiling hair during schooling. After growing up, people follow hair oiling least. But your hair needs it the most still. Hair going through core damage is common with styling, pollution and various other causes. So, you must retain the hair health with regular hot oil treatment. When the oil is hot, it nourishes your hair better and from deep. Your damaged roots regrow with the hot oil treatment. Not only that your hair tips also shine naturally. Hot oil treatment is the best and beyond any other way. So, we suggest you have hot WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

Your hair washing habits are also effecting your hair health. The shampooing and rinsing is nothing harmful.

All this seems easy to do and all good. But you must see the way you are treating your hair while doing it. l Do not rub your scalp with nails while washing your hair. Let your finger tips do the job.

growth. This is because your hair is stuck with the damage. The care and nourishment that you are giving to your already dead hair is of no use. When you are trimming your hair regularly, you are also cutting of the damage. Then this will let your hair grow newly. This hair trimming process is crucial for hair growth.


l Do not rinse your hair with hot water which strips of natural oils. Instead use lukewarm water for proper cleaning. l Do not use chemical oriented shampoos. Use milk shampoos for hair washing and cleansing. l Dilute the shampoo with water to reduce the chemical dose if any. l Do not wash your without oiling it. washing without oiling make your scalp dry then damage.

hair Hair may and


l Post washing your hair, try to natural dry your hair. Blow drying is not good for everyday.

colouring. So, all these are not be go on often. Your hair goes through damage when


you are styling your hair. Gorgeous looking hair styles tempt you to do it again and again. But check your hair health too, before styling often. You are also committing mistakes while combing your hair. And it can damage your hair to the core. The simple way of running the comb from roots to ends has the benefits and can damage your hair too. Check out more from belowl Do not comb or brush your wet hair as it is more fragile. This results in more hair fall. l Use wooden comb for hair health. l Be gentle when combing your hair.

5. HAIR STYLING TIPS Hair styling is of many ways like- heat styling, sprays, 15

Here are some of the hair styling tipsl Do not apply too much of heat for styling your hair which will make your hair dry. l Stay away from harmful hair colour products.


The shampoos and conditioners are always secondary. You must give your hair some natural care with home remedies. You hair needs the natural nourishment which lasts longer. Some of the home remedies for hair are egg mask, fenugreek, hibiscus which are proven for hair growth and natural shine. You may not have time to rely on home remedies for healthy hair but you should try to follow them once in a while. When you are aiming for healthy skin and hair, you must take these great tips as habits. Living up with beauty is not tough when you have the passion take care of.

Moreover, the beauty tips are not strange but known and proven. So, it all these beauty tips are just reminders for health healthy hair and skin. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

10 Healthy Habits

Women Should Have

Strengthen your muscles, alter your smile and know your worth! Are you taking care of your health enough? Health refers to your physical, mental and psychological stability. If you are, then you are doing well and if you are not sure then you should begin right now. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019





You should be serious about your health. It is a sound mind, healthy body and a happy face that can make you feel good from the inside out.

all, there are the fluctuating hormones that often disturbs a woman’s health. To overcome every challenge and stay healthy, here’s a healthy habits list you should tick off as a part of your life. Are you game to make this work?

Women are pre-occupied in the mind and body, it is either work or thoughts that keep them active round the clock. Above

Habits For A Healthy Body No 1 - Sodium Intake? Be A Miser!

Even if you like the extra salt in your french fries, hold on! Keep a check on your salt intake if you want to be health-conscious. Don’t exceed more than 2300 mg in a day. WHY IS IT BAD? Here are the health concerns sodium can cause

No 2 - Say Goodbye To Meat Once In A Week

Welcome vegetables and enjoy their nutritious value once in a week, resist your craving towards eating meat for just one day. Meat is required. However, overeating meat can make the body suffer. WHY IS IT BAD? It is acidic

High blood pressure

It isn’t as nutritious as plants

Kidney diseases

Increases diseases


While watching a movie or completing an assignment you might crave to munch on crunchy and tasty snacks. Keep a collection of healthy snacks instead of junk.

WHAT TO DO? Keep dates to keep away from anemia Chew some almonds and cashews



No 3 - Binge On Healthy Snacks


It has several toxins

Keep a box of fruits at your desk

heart 18

You don’t have to be committed to exercises for hours, you just need to do it 30 minutes a day.

No 4 - Cross Out Excess Sugar From Your Diet Chocolate donuts and sugary candies are no doubt delicious and mouthwatering. However, if you want to stay healthy and fit you need to compromise with the number of sweets you eat.

Habits For Health WHY SHOULD YOU DO THIS? It aids better digestion It has antioxidant, antiinflammatory and detoxifying properties



No 7 - Keep Your Cool

It purifies you entire system

No 6 - Don’t Marry Exercises! Just Date Them! WHY IS IT BAD? It increases the risk of diabetes It is bad for the heart It can make your obese

No 5 - Sip On Anything Warm - Do It Twice! The running about and stress during the day call for something warm. The moment you wake up you can adapt to a healthy habit of sipping on green tea or honey water with pepper cons. 19

Your body needs to be active and flexible if you want to stay super-strong and healthy. That being said, not just physically but you will start to feel mentally fresh with exercising. Do what you love the best, if it is running down the stairs then just do it and if it is dancing to your favorite music then just go along.

At times it can get difficult to keep your calm through disappointment and frustration. Well, why burn your blood over a temporary phase? Anger is not good for your health because it makes one look unhappy and drained out. Do you want to feel mentally ill? No, right? WHAT TO DO? Count 1 to 10 and sip on some water Avoid talking when you are angry the most Walk out of that place and breathe in some fresh air


don’t forget to make time for the most important person and that is for yourself.

No 8 - Stop The SelfBlame Game

You need to do this because it helps you understand who

The blame game is the mind’s worst monster. When you keep blaming yourself and forget forgiving yourself, it is bad for your mental health. You know your true strength and weakness only when you make mistakes. So, it is okay, make them, and move one. Stop beating yourself more than needed.

meditation seems, it is a good practice. You don’t have to dedicate hours on it, just take out ten minutes and stay silent with your eyes closed. WHY DOES IT? Your mind is peaceful and happy You get control unwanted thoughts


It is a multi-vitamin for your mental health

No 9 - You Should Meditate

No 10 - Make Time For Yourself


Work and family life goes on,





you really are, your strengths, weakness and how you want to live every day of our life. This understanding contributes to building your mental health.



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That being said, what if you notice a swelling in your body for no reason? Well, those reasons are not visible to you and here is what you should know about the strange reasons that cause your body to swell up

NO 1 - ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ARE DECEIVING You might find joy in having the sweet stuff in colored wrappers and the fizzy drinks. The momentary sweetness is one of those strange reasons to cause swelling in your body. Soda tends to decrease the fluid in your blood vessels and hits on the way your kidney functions, further, this causes your body to swell and the only way to find a getaway to this is to avoid having soda drinks. This will do good for your metabolism as well.

NO 2 - WHEN YOUR BODY DOESN’T RESPOND TO INSULIN There are cases when your body doesn’t respond to the insulin hormone and a few reasons are lack of exercise, excess body fat and being irregular with your meals, etc. This condition is known as insulin resistance. When your body is resistant to insulin it absorbs sodium and this, in turn, increases the fluid and causes your body to swell unknowingly.



WEIGHT LOSE The only solution to come in terms with this condition is by regularly exercising, eating the right food and sleeping well.

NO 3 - FACE SWELLS WHEN YOU ARE HARSH When you witness too much swelling on your face for no good reason you need to check with how are you treating your skin. That being said, there has been a study that proves your skin can swell if you rub it too much or use harsh face scrubs to clean it. Thus, if you want your face to be in shape, stop being harsh with your skin and clean your face slowly clockwise and anti-clockwise.

NO 4 - EXCEEDING YOUR SODIUM INTAKE As you are aware that accumulated sodium is going to cause your body to swell because it ends up increasing the fluids in your blood vessels, you should avoid eating foods that have too much salt in them. To be on a healthy side, eat light food before you go to bed and if at all you are consuming foods high in sodium, make sure to exercise and compensate for the swelling it can cause to your body.

NO 5 - BEING ON YOUR FEET FOR LONG Every move of ours is interconnected to our health. Having said, when you stand for too long every day and take your health for granted, it can cause swelling in your feet because your valves get affected and fail to pass blood to your heart effectively. Refrain from standing for hours together and treat your feet with care.



NO 6 - NEGLIGENCE TOWARDS DENTAL PROBLEMS Whenever you experience pain in your tooth or you can feel a cavity, you should immediately get it checked and treated by a dentist. Reason being, it causes an odd swelling on your face. Although this is an evident sign of a swollen face, most of us neglect it and wonder as to what’s happening to our face.

NO 7 - BLOOD CONGESTION DUE TO CLOTHING When you don’t give your skin the space to breathe, it is sure to affect your blood flow and restrict it. That being said, wearing tight clothes continuously can cause a swollen body. Therefore, avoid wearing tight clothes regularly, it is okay to wear them occasionally.

NO 8 - SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDICINES If you begin to notice a swelling in any part of your body, it could be because of the medicines you are taking. All medicines do have side effects. It has been studied that BP medicines are known for causing congestion in the blood flow causing swelling in your body. Thus, check for the side effects of the antibiotics you take, the only way to be wise is to check with your doctor about the side effects of all the medication you take so that you are aware of its effects on the body.

FINAL WORD : Your body can swell up if there is a problem in your hormones because of your disturbed eating habits or how you treat your body. Thus, thoroughly understand the problems linked to the causes of swelling and work on its solution. 25



The Value Of Intuitions For

Good Health A sense of being able to know more and describe less! The way we take care of our mind and body has its impact on several factors such as our day to day activities, our performance


at work, moods, the way we deal with our relationships, our interest in sex and the kind of thoughts we get.

In a way, our intuition functions the best only when our mind and body are at ease and healthy. Try to relate it, when you


eat healthy food and get good sleep you are happier and you welcome good thoughts into your mind. Right? To gain great intuitive power, you need to cheat toxic habits that can cause an imbalance in your mind and body. Intuition is an instant thought that clicks in one’s mind. In a way, it is a strong feeling about an event that could possibly happen and somewhere unknowingly there is logic to why that thought would have sprouted in the mind. Although intuitions consciously lack logic, yet they have a subject to ponder over and discuss. When a person is sick, he/she does have intuitions on certain concerns in the body. For the most part, it is not shared with the doctor and doctors must take it seriously. There is a part in the brain known as the Reticular Activating System that brings up intuitive thoughts, this has been researched about.

Relationship Between Brain And Intuition Our emotions, thoughts, memory, and decisionmaking are being influenced by the RAS in our brain and this, in turn, makes up for intuitive thoughts. All our five senses are being monitored by the RAS and this information that comes into the brain is matched with a memory in the past and 27



comes to use when there is a goal in the mind. For instance, you have a goal to lose weight, the RAS takes this and tries to match it with a memory in the past, this paves way for the intuition to start working. So the brain is made to work in a way that it catches patterns that it sees. Do you hear people telling you to write down things that you want to do or aren’t students asked to write what they read? The reason this is told is that the brain recollects patterns and tries to match this information with a memory in the past forming an intuition and this intuition goes and knocks at the door of your decisions. Therefore, studies suggest that intuitions should be used, unknowingly we are all using our intuitions, we aren’t consciously aware unless a situation comes up when we have to make a decision and our innerfeeling has something to tell us about it. Even if you try to keep your


intuitive thought away, the brain is made in a way that the intuitive part of your brain will work and stay in form.

The Connection Between Intuition And HealthCare The intuitions of a doctor and patient usually go hand in hand. Both the patient and doctor would have a certain thought in the mind, the only difference is that a patient might not say it. However, if the doctor ends up using his intuition and directs it towards the patient, it helps the patient open up and start using his/her own intuition as well. Therefore, intuitions play a role in understanding the body and help the healthcare provider and patient connect as well.

coincidence is nothing but your intuition. The same way, when you have to take medicines, you will know about how much dosage would suit your body, this random guess that you make, is where your intuition comes into the picture. Therefore, every doctor should allow a patient to rely on their intuitions because it helps them accept themselves and their present health condition better. This, in turn, helps patients feel better quicker and motivates the person to stay healthy. So in a way, all of us use our intuitions to take care of ourselves!

For instance, if you visit the doctor because of a headache and deep down you might analyze that avoiding chilled water can help you and you hear the same from your doctor, this


Ways To Make The Most Of Intuitions When You Meet A Doctor Here are sure ways that can keep your hesitation at its place and help you use your intuitions when you meet a doctor. Take a look! NO 1 - SPEAK UP When you are having an appointment with your doctor and your intuition says something, immediately discuss it with your doctor. You don’t have to win a contest of being right or wrong, you just need to express yourself.

NO 2 - SELECT A GOOD TIME TO MEET Whenever you fix an appointment with your


doctor, ensure to have it at the right time when you have completed all your work, so that you can talk to the doctor with all ease and during this time your intuitions will work better.

NO 3 - TRY NATURAL WAYS Before you get on to fullfledged medication, it is essential that you try natural remedies and eat food packed with nutrients, this will help your body gain

strength and you can, later on, pick up on your dosage with the natural remedies alongside.

NO 4 - MAKE HEALTH GOALS Only a goal can help you take good care of your intuitions, select a list of health goals. Then your mind starts to work on making those intuitions and your mind think good for your mind and body.


COVER STORY Effects Of Intuitions On The Mind Intuitions can be wrong at times, it is not necessary that they will go based on what you felt. Therefore, it is necessary that you understand the importance of not taking intuitions too much to your heart. Let it come as a thought and you need to be smart to use it for the right reasons and not stress over it. What is the negative impact of intuition on the mind? 1. Intuitions can deepen the desires in your mind. How? the moment you intend to achieve something and if it doesn’t happen, it will end up leaving that desire in your mind. 2. When you believe the fear intuition without having a logical reason the hold on to, it can affect your state of mind. Say for instance you got an intuition of your close one losing their life, it is understood if you feel this way when the person is terribly sick. However, if the person is quite fit and you had a strong gut feeling, you need to ignore the intuition because it may or may not turn out right. Why bother now? 5 Ways To Use Your Intuition WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

For Better Health! Take a look at doable and interesting ways to use your intuitions and improve your health NO 1 - LISTEN TO YOUR BODY The biggest and the simplest example is to listen to your intuition when the person within your says, ‘enough, for now, don’t eat more’ you must be experiencing this every second day, isn’t it? Thus, excess food craving can come in control by listening to your intuition that is stopping you from eating beyond what is needed. NO 2 - AVOID STRAINING THE BODY You need to know that your intuition will tell you when your body needs rest. Does this happen? Say suppose you are a runner and you are almost done with your target of running and a little more would help you complete it. But, something from within lets you know that you are done for the day and that’s your intuition speaking. Listen to it when it tells you to rest your body, don’t strain more than required.

NO 3 - KEEP A CHECK ON YOUR SLEEPING HABITS If you have this bad habit of staying up late even though you feel drowsy, you really need to listen to your intuition when it tells you to keep everything aside and hit the bed. Your body needs sufficient sleep to carry out all its functioning. Depriving yourself of sleep can disturb your hormones and affect your health cycle. NO 4 - OBSERVE YOUR BODY Closely observe all your body reactions, notice how you feel when you sleep well, feel your heartbeat, notice the physical changes in our body once in a week and understand how your body feels when you start eating a healthy diet vs heavy food. NO 5 - CLOSE YOUR EYES AND INTROSPECT Keeping your eyes closed and sitting in meditation for 10 minutes will help you understand your intuitions better. How? When you get used to sitting in peace every day, your mind gets tuned to calm down and being able to derive peace indirectly helps your intuitions work better.


Conclusion : To be able to listen to your intuitions, you need to take good care of your mind and body. Similarly, you need to listen to your intuitions to have a healthy body and mind. For the most part, if you want to make your intuitions effective, it will require you to be observant and focus on your mental health a little more than your physical health. Don’t get misguided by your intuitions! Just take it as it comes and always try and reason out your intuitions.




Type-2 Diabetes remission can be achieved with weight loss WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


Obesity and overweight are two of the common markers behind the developing risks of Type-2 diabetes. With so many possible risks, especially the ones associated with our lifestyle, it is quite important to note that managing your weight successfully can solve more than half of the problems. In such cases, it is thus best that you focus on losing weight. A new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Cambridge suggest that people who do achieve weight loss of 10% or more in the 5 years following the first diagnosis of Type-2 diabetes have the maximum chance of witnessing the disease go into remission. According to the study, it is suggested that it is quite possible to recover from the disease without any kind of intensive changes to the lifestyle of the individual. The same also ensures that you don’t have to undergo restrictive calorie restrictions as well. If the statistics are to be believed, it is said that around 400 million people across the world suffer from Type-2 diabetes. The 33

condition enhances the risks of developing heart disease, stroke, amputations and even blindness and a consequence. While we have the basic notion that an extreme lifestyle and dietary change can impact the condition of type-2 diabetes, the new study suggests that it is possible to manage the high blood glucose levels with proper calorie restriction along with weight loss. Eating a low calorie diet including around 700 calories consistently for 8 weeks was found to put the participants of the study suffering from type 2 diabetes into remission. Nine out of ten people were found to have a steady recovery with the condition with such a diet. The only setback was the fact that the research fails to point out whether the same effect can be achieved with the less intensive interventions as well. These kinds of approaches are a lot easy to scale and access by a wider population across the world. To find better answers, a group of researchers

conducted an additional trial including 867 people who have been diagnosed with diabetes recently. Following the completion of the research, they found that 257 participants were in remission during their 5 year follow up. The people who had a 10% or more weight loss were twice as likely to go into remission in comparison to the ones who didn’t. Dr Hajira Dambha-Miller from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care said that they have known for a while now that it is possible for the diabetic patients to stay in remission with some drastic measures like extensive weight loss and calorie restrictions.

The only issue with such conditions is the fact that these processes are quite challenging. But, the results from the study do suggest that if put in the extra efforts, the same can most definitely provide with amazing results beyond words for the Type-2 diabetes patients.




Interesting Things Fit People Do To Stay Toned



Well - you should know that you are heels over in love with being fit and staying toned no matter what. The good news is it is a good habit to be addicted to it and it clearly states that worship for you is fitness. Fitness is about instructing, toning and being disciplined with your body. Here are a few interesting things all fit people do. Taking a look at these things could be an add on to your motivation as well. See what they do!

No 1 - Fit People Resist Food Cravings They are happy to sacrifice their cravings to keep their bodies healthy and fit. Fit people train their minds in such a way that they can walk over all junk that accumulates as junk on their body. Fit people would always choose fitness for all cravings. For it might seem strange to people who aren’t fitness freaks.

No 2 - Fit People Are Alert Eaters Do you experience goosebumps the moment you think of your fitness routine?


Fit people are the most alert and conscious before they serve a meal. They have a structure and plan on how to go about eating the right food. They will measure how much to eat, what to eat, what not to eat and the best part is they are stubborn about sticking to it.



No 3 They Gulp Water The Most A fit person can forget carrying anything but a water bottle in their hand, it is like their ally for life. For the people who don’t exercise of the ones who aren’t conscious about being in shape is a rare affair to gulp water. However, for fit people it is the other way round, they don’t have to track the amount of water they drink. They are happy drinking water every 15 minutes.

No 4 They Cling To Black Coffee Hold on! It is not the color that they are obsessed with. They love black coffee just because it has no artificial sweeteners. This is good for them because their body is saved from too many calories. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

Lesser the calories better for their bodies!

No 5 Their Wealth Flows Out For Their Health While this can seem tricky, unlike the others who spend wealth on eating lavish food in the best of food joints, a fit person will never do that. Fit people invest in their biggest wealth that is ‘time’ in exercising instead of spending on food. So now you know how their wealth flows out for their health.

No 6 Protein Is All They Know Whether you find people building their body and staying fit or the ones who are just fit without too many

muscles are fond of eating protein. It is their biggest source of survival. Proteins help you stay fuller for long and at the same time it helps build and protect muscles. It is not that they don’t eat other food. But, what they are most crazy about is protein food. They don’t crib to eat it either!

No 7 Exercise Is Worship For Fit People For the ones who aren’t fitness freaks, cheat days for not exercising are valid. That’s not the case with fit people. They will ensure to exercise every day and keep themselves pumped up and warm. Metaphorically, for fit people exercise is worship because their day either begins or ends with exercising.

No 8 36

Starving Is Not In Their Dictionary Starving is restricting calories and this results in weight gain. Fit people never believe in this policy, they eat their meals, they exercise and ensure to sleep well. No 9 - Fit People Are Focused To be driven by something one needs to be focused. Fit people always set a goal in mind and they put in all blood and sweat to achieve their fitness goals.

No 10 They Are Always On Tracking Mode If you think fit people are only conscious about their weight then that’s not true. Fit people track every move of their body to every bit of


what they eat. They track the strength in their body, they see if there is an improvement in their muscle and bone weight, they schedule exercises for themselves each day and they are keen on quantifying what they eat.

Themselves From Stress Stress is a common factor present in everyone’s life and each one has its own way of dealing with stress. Talking of fit people, they make sure to keep themselves de-stressed otherwise it interferes with their fitness goals, this is something they will never want.

No 11 - They Believe In No 13 Breaking They Live Limitations In The Fitness Land Fit people have an extraordinary attitude of ‘Nothing is impossible’. They always push their body to do more than it can and that’s how they build determination and strength to perform a workout that’s tough. All they foresee for themselves is a fit body. They are dedicated to their health and they make it work by breaking every limitation that stands in their way.

No 12 They Detox

Fit people don’t just live their fitness goals by exercising every day, they have fitness on their mind 24/7 and it is seen in their lifestyle which is enough to say that they are always in the fitness land. All the time they look for an opportunity to stay fit. For instance, they prefer going by stairs instead of the elevator, they like walking when they find free time and they engage themselves in an activity or sport.



No 14 They Make Time To Rest Fit people can compromise on everything else except rest. Having said, a fitness freak will always rest when he/she finds the time. If a fit person fails to take rest there are chances of falling sick. Therefore, fitness comes with equal resting time. They sleep well at night and take necessary power naps when needed.


No 15 - They Practice Being Happy Fit people believe in being mentally fit along with their workouts, healthy meals, and good habits. One of the means to be mentally fit is to be happy.

For the most part, their workouts keep them happy. Having looked at all the interesting things fit people do, what’s your take on fitness? Are you encouraged to be a fitness freak too? If you want to be happier, stronger and healthier it would be great to start being fit!

Mental fitness has a direct relationship with physical fitness and fit people never step back from being happy.









Know Everything About Zinc For Your Body



One of the nutrients that makes the body healthy is zinc. It is quintessential for women to have 11 mg Zinc and men to have 8 mg Zinc in the body. Zinc can be consumed through your diet or supplements and it is not healthy to have a zinc deficiency.

Read through everything you need to know about Zinc for your body! The Role Of Zinc On Your Body Here is how zinc contributes to certain activities in the body. Take a look! l In the process of taking care of the immunity l It plays its role in healing wounds l Zinc is partly essential for the body’s development and growth l It is essential in helping the body cells perform better l Zinc is needed to cater to the chemical reactions that happen in the body l Zinc exists in every cell in your body l This nutrient is an essential mineral l It tops the place after Iron in the body l Zinc majorly contributes to activating the senses such as smell and taste All in all, zinc is needed to take care of your cells, DNA, senses and the immunity in your body. Pros Of Having Zinc In Your Body Improves Your Immunity Your immune system cannot perform to its best without sufficient zinc in the body.




There was a study done on the effectiveness of zinc in treating cold and it was found that the ones taking zinc supplements will recover faster.

There was a study done on the effectiveness of zinc in treating cold and it was found that the ones taking zinc supplements will recover faster.

Zinc helps with protecting your cells and keeps your body away and safe from oxidative stress.

Zinc helps with protecting your cells and keeps your body away and safe from oxidative stress.

There is a risk of chronic inflammation due to oxidative stress which slows down the process of fighting against free radicals in your body and this has a direct impact on all the healthy cells.

There is a risk of chronic inflammation due to oxidative stress which slows down the process of fighting against free radicals in your body and this has a direct impact on all the healthy cells.

When you boost your body with zinc, your body can fight the free radicals. Zinc Takes Care Of Collagen If you want any of your wounds to heal quickly, it is essential to have sufficient zinc in your body. That being said, zinc helps with improving the collagen on your skin and this nutrient has an active response towards treating inflammation in the body. This nutrient has been tested and proved beneficial in treating wounds or ulcers on the skin. Makes The Acne Disappear


Either through application or intake, zinc helps with reducing the acne on your skin by fighting against the bacteria and oil glands that cause problems on your skin.

zinc helps boost the immune system and its oxidants helps with improving the eye tissues.

For the most part, people who have a zinc deficiency in their body might have acne problems.

All the inflammation and oxidative stress come down when you have sufficient zinc in your body.

Zinc Helps Fight Against Macular Degeneration

When your body fights against inflammation, you could be saved from the skin and health-related diseases. Cardiovascular diseases is one such example.

At old age, there are chances for your vision to get poor and you may tend to get affected by macular degeneration. If you have enough zinc in your body, there are chances of this concern getting postponed. The fact that

Zinc Helps Reduces Inflammation Problems

Best Zinc Foods For The Body Eat the below mentioned plant and animal-based zinc


boosting foods that will suit your body needs. Take a look at them! Beet Greens Kale Mushrooms Peas Milk Yogurt Cheese Oats Cashews Hemp seeds Kidney beans Turkey Chicken Beef Pork Egg Lobster Bison Signs Showing Zinc Deficiency In The Body For the most part, usually, there are fewer chances for someone to have a zinc deficiency. However, mentioned below are the signs showing zinc deficiency in the body Rashes on the skin Lack of sexual maturity Wounds remain unhealed for long Issues in behavior Having alcohol addictions


Besides the signs that show zinc deficiency, there is a risk of witnessing the ill-effects of zinc deficiency too. See when! A person suffering from anorexia Infants who are excessively breast-feeding Women who are pregnant and breast-feeding People who don’t consume meat Anyone having kidney diseases


Ill - Effects Of Excessive Zinc In The Body 1. If a person consumes more than 225 mg zinc supplements it can make the person feel nauseous and cause vomiting. 2. It has been studied, if your body gets more than 20 percent of Zinc Chloride, you are at risk of suffering from Gastrointestinal problems.

diseases. Thus, excessive consumption of zinc supplements is bad for your body. 5. When you take in too much zinc, it ends up affecting your taste buds leaving a strong taste of zinc metal in your mouth.

It is vital to have the required amount of zinc in the body as it takes care of DNA functions, plays a role in developing cells in the body and improves the functions in our immune system. On the contrary, having an exceeded amount of zinc is bad for your body as it causes infections, spoils the taste in your mouth and causes gastrointestinal problems. Let your zinc intake be accurate so that it can have a positive effect on your health!

6. The risk of being affected by infections is the highest when you consume too much zinc.

3. Excessively taking zinc can cause flu, cold, cough and fever. 4. If the good cholesterol levels in your body diminish, you can end up having heart



10 Tips To

Stand Rock Strong On Your Beliefs

A life without beliefs is lifeless! Strengthen your beliefs and live them well!

What do you think about traveling without having a clue of the direction you want to go in, would that make sense to you? That’s exactly how a life without beliefs and not living on them would be. It often happens when most of us get confused with our beliefs and lose track of what


is right and wrong for us. It is a part of life to get to that confusion. That being said, one must not stay there for long and get clarity to every confusion. Sometimes our beliefs change either because of experiences opposite to our beliefs or a new perspective to things that brings change.

Nevertheless, only if you are rock strong about what you believe in, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and know of your ultimate path in life. What happens if your beliefs aren’t strong? You will always be in search of an answer You will never know who you really are


You have no clue about who believes in God or what you want you might be an atheist or if not either of them, you You won’t understand the must be having some vague real meaning of limiting thoughts. Right? yourself Therefore, the baby step Your behavior will be you need to take is, make unpredictable a list of all the beliefs you have, gather all of them Why in the first place would and then think of what you you want to experience a strongly feel, that’s what situation of being oblivion makes your beliefs. You in a way? Wake up and look are through with the major at ways that can make your part! belief strong! Ways To Stand Strong On Your Beliefs

No 2 Face Your Confusions

No more confusion! No more wandering thoughts! Look at the ways to We get to a conclusion only strengthen and stay firm on when we go through every your beliefs step of the procedure. Likewise, go through all your stages of confusion, in order to come to a conclusion of what you believe in. Makes sense? It is not possible that you don’t have any belief at all, For instance, if you want at some point, in some way, to believe in the fact that you must have made a belief plants have a source of for yourself. For instance, communication, then you you might be someone must be having some ideology to that, isn’t it?

No 1 - Build Your Beliefs



LIVE LIVEHAPPY HAPPY Now you will break down all your ideologies and get to the depth of what you are seeking.

agree? After you get your confusions cleared, that’s when you start to believe in your beliefs.

A few tips to face all your confusions while building your beliefs

However, the story is not over there, you will come across situations and will be put in places when you will need to live up to what you believe or choose to get carried away. That’s the trick, at times you will never know about how it just happens.

l Whether sensible or not, just make your point l State the reason as to why is that point on your mind l Research over the perceptions linked to it l Analyse and understand what have you derived out of your research When you go step by step and get clarity to all your confusion, you would have at least come in terms with your confusion. Half of your job is done.

No 3 Decide Before Getting Carried Away Most of us have this tendency to sort of fly with the wind. Right? Will you


Therefore, listen to what you are told, look around, explore. In the end, you should go back to the time when you struggled to make your beliefs and remind yourself that you aren’t here to get influenced.

your entire day. That being said, you need to stay positive and infuse positive energy into you to be able to sustain and stand firm on your beliefs. Surrounding yourself to motivation can be through friends, people, inanimate objects and you yourself. At times the magic is all in you to motivate yourself and you might be looking all around for it. If you are seeking motivation from friends, then be around people who can be real with you for the good and motivation from inanimate objects is none other than books and videos.

For all you know, maybe the new perspective is what will make sense to you. Just decide before you get carried away, give it a lot of thought.

No 5 Fight The Conflicting Thoughts

No 4 Surround Yourself With Motivation

Our mind is a mere dustbin when we don’t clean it enough and segregate between trash and good thoughts. There is a chance for beliefs to shake and break when we are not getting a hold or finding a means to fight with conflicting thoughts.

Motivation is more of necessity like a routine in

Conflicting thoughts are a part of the play, in a way it is


good that it comes, this way you get to understand and analyze about your beliefs even better. Isn’t it? Thus, don’t get upset, influenced, or give your mind the stress it doesn’t deserve over the conflicting thoughts. Here are tips on how to get immune to the conflicting thoughts that can destroy your beliefs l Let the thoughts get in l Calm down for a while l If negativity has trespassed your mind, drive it out with a positive thought l Don’t push thoughts out of your mind, they will go on their own l Be sure of what you want l Fact the reality in your thoughts

No 6 Believe In Yourself To be able to stay firm with your beliefs, you need to start believing in yourself first. Conflicting thoughts, confusion, influencing thoughts will always come


by and bother you.

influenced by yourself.

However, listen to your inner voice and work on your intuitions, they will never mislead you. Focus on this aspect and you will notice a difference in how you stay to your beliefs.

No 9 - Look At The Bright Side

No 7 - Keep Emotions Aside When you have to stand up to what you believe in, it will call for a lot of challenges to face. Your biggest challenge will be your emotions. Never mix emotions with your beliefs. Let your emotions and beliefs stay independent of each other.

No 8 Avoid Preaching On Your Beliefs It is always better to stay firm on what you think and keep it to yourself, your belief might not be convincing to the opposite person. It is not right to try and influence someone else when you don’t want to get

Always look at the bright side of your beliefs. There might have been a compelling and positive factor that got you to believe. Right? To look at the bright side of your beliefs you need to see how is it doing good to you as an individual. When you keep looking at the good, you will automatically stay firm on your beliefs.

No 10 - Be Brave ems silly or invalid to the world, you should know about what makes you have immense faith in what you feel. Be brave to stand to it even if it doesn’t seem sensible to the world. Always remember that this is what you think and how you feel, no one else will understand it and their judgment should not make any difference to you. Staying in your beliefs is wonderful! Always stay firm and sure of why you believe in what you believe! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019



Chiropract An effective medical treatment to get rid of back and sciatic pain!

If you take a look at the statistical study, there are millions of people who rely on chiropractic treatment to find a solution for severe pain in the back.

576 patients who opted for chiropractic care and it took about 43 days to treat this condition. Further, there are studies yet to be made over this subject.

There made have pain.

What Is Chiropractic Care?


was an observation on the people who sciatica and back There were about

Chiropractic care is a method of getting relieved


tic Care from pain in the tendons, bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, connective tissues and cartilage through an effective hand massage.

a few tests and diagnoses to get details about the pain. 2. The doctor will manually treat the pain by adjusting and manipulating one’s joints. Additionally, exercises and counseling is also a part of chiropractic care.

It believes in a concept of aligning the skeletal structure in the body that will, in turn, heal all the pain in your body without having to operate. 3. The main motto of chiropractors is to see to Usually when someone it that the patient doesn’t hurts themselves because suffer from back pain and of stress, lack of support they ensure not to let the to the back and trauma. back pain come back again. This condition of the body can be treated through 4. The pain caused because chiropractic care. of muscle pulls doesn’t last long, however, massages This method of treatment and spinal manipulations is beneficial to treat pain help with getting over the in the neck and joint for pain. people who are old as well. 5. Osteoarthritis and About Chiropractic Care fibromyalgia can be treated with chiropractic care. 1. The chiropractor checks with old medical reports, do 6. All in all chiropractic care




is good to eliminate all the pain in the back and neck that is caused because of moving, pushing or pulling things in the wrong direction.

choosing this treatment.

Chiropractic l It helps solve problems associated with prenatal health l It helps in making your muscles and joints flexible l Relieves your body from Risk Of Chiropractic Care stress l It strengthens your nerves The chiropractic care is not and improves the nerve Side Effects Of Chiropractic recommended for people impulses Care who have problems such as inflammatory arthritis, l It focuses on improving Chiropractic care might spinal cord compression your immune system work well for a few people, and those who take bloodhowever, it does have a few thinning medications. l It helps with decreasing side effects you should take the stress in your body a look at The patients who have been diagnosed with cancer in l All your organs start to l It is not an effective method the past should avoid going perform and function well of treatment for the one’s for chiropractic care. having osteoporosis or l It helps your joints function nerve damage concerns There could be a risk of well spinal cord misalignment. l This method of treatment It is better to take care of l This method of treatment is slightly expensive based before this situation occurs. can save you from having on the amount of time you degenerated arthritis spend with the doctor There is a chance of the nervous system getting l If you are an athlete, it l It can cause weakness and affected as you would be helps you perform better may lead to a person having trying to align the spine. And a severe headache mismatch in arranging the l It helps with reducing back spine can directly impact pain l There can be a herniated your nervous system. disk or aggravated l It improves strength in herniated disk There would be risk involved your body in this method of treatment l The nerves in the lower such as spinal cord injury, l It is a good medication spinal cord can get pain in the neck and slip for you if you are sleep compressed disc problems. Thus, to be deprived on a safe side, it is better to consult a doctor before l Improves infant and


Benefits Care

children’s health






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Blue light exposure can accelerate aging

a new study suggests The impacts of blue light and health hazards have been highlighted from time to time. With so many available mediums of blue light exposure, it is very much possible for one to feel connected through with this. Whatever the circumstances are, it is important to ensure that you prevent the prolonged blue light exposure if you don’t want to accelerate the process of aging.

A new study conducted by the researchers from the Oregon State University found a connection between the prolonged blue light exposure with that of acceleration in the aging process. The same can happen even if the blue light isn’t reaching your eyes. The study suggests saying WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

that the blue wavelengths of the light-emitting diodes is what ends up damaging the brain as well as the cells in the retina. The Drosophila melanogaster was the primary subject used in this study because of the cellular and the developmental mechanisms it has similarities to the humans.

The flies were subjected to a daily cycle of 12 hours of exposure to the light followed by 12 hours in the dark. These flies were found to have a shorter life span in comparison to the ones who were kept in darkness the entire day. The observations found that the flies had damage caused to their brain as well as the retinal cells as 52

have negative impacts on one’s health. The same could further impose derogatory impacts on one’s life span, causing overall chaos that could be prevented if the exposure to the blue light is minimized. The human lifespan has drastically been pulled down because of the advancements in the technological and medical field. But, along with that, people are also simultaneously spending more time in front of the blue and artificial light.

well as impaired locomotion. Even the mutant flies which didn’t develop eyes experienced the same kind of negative impacts on brain activity and vision. Giebultowicz, a professor of integrative biology said that the fact that the blue light exposure was associated 53

with the aging process was a shock. The exposure to a persistent blue light was found to have negative impacts on shortening their life span as well. Prior studies have shown the impacts that blue light has on the sleep and circadian cycles, further eliciting a possible connection as to why it could

As science is progressing, so are the hazards associated with it. Having a proper sleeping cycle is important more than anything else. Sitting in darkness isn’t necessarily the way to go around with it but if required, it is important to cut down on the prolonged exposure to the blue light. Using filters and blockers for the blue light emissions is a necessity above anything else. There needs to be further studies to be conducted to find better ways to combat that unnecessary issue and not let it become a consequence altogether. If you have exposing yourself to prolonged sun exposure, it is definitely time to make alternative choices.



Losing Weight In Obese Migraine

Patients Can Cure Headaches, Study Suggests

Suffering from migraine is a painful experience in itself. For the obese patients, it seems like the symptoms tend to get worse with time. If you have been struggling with obesity and migraine at the same time, study suggests that losing weight can manage mitigate the extent of the headaches.



some weight can actually help mitigate the problem effectively. It is also believed to help improve the quality of life as well. Pagano further added saying that the successful weight loss in the adults as well as the children with obesity does help in improving the overall migraine headache by helping in accentuating the symptoms that one experiences with the condition. In order to investigate the condition of the weight loss with the help of the bariatric surgery or the behavioural intervention on the overall migraine frequency. Pagano, along with his colleagues did assess the medical research database considering some of the factors including pain, headache frequency, the duration of the attack, disability as well as the BMI of the individual. For the study, the researchers conducted Meta analysis of around 473 patients spread across 10 different studies which met up well with the inclusion criteria. The researchers did find that the weight loss was the primary criteria that were associated with the reduction in the intensity of the headaches as well as the duration of the attack. A new study conducted by the researchers from The Endocrine Society suggested saying that for the migraine sufferers who are obese, the best way to reduce the intensity of the headache is by losing weight. Claudio Pagano, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Padova in Padova, Italy who is also the lead author of the study suggested saying that if you suffer from the consistent migraine headaches and are obese, losing 55

Weight loss does manage some of the risk factors associated including diabetes, hypertension as well as the coronary heart disease the many often tend to struggle with. It is common that obesity and migraine to come along nicely through and through. Ensuring proper weight loss helps ensure that you can lead a healthy life which is key when it comes to the overall management of the symptoms exerted by this condition. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


What To Know About

Yeast Infection In Men?

It isn’t just women who are affected with yeast infections, even the men go through this trouble. What Is Yeast Infection In Men? The bacteria responsible for causing yeast infection in men is known as candida balanitis. This means that there is an infection on the head of the penis. To give it a precise name, it affects the glans penis. This infection is even known as a penile yeast infection.


Candidal balanoposthitis is the

yeast infection spreading on the foreskin.


There are other infectious sources

of the balanitis known as strepto cocci, Herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus, and a sexually transmitted bacteria.


The studies on how many men get

affected every year are still ongoing. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


The bacteria of this infection


There are several women who


As per studies, it is about 20 per-

reside in the gastrointestinal tract and warm regions of the body.

have this bacteria in their vagina and they are unaware of it. Basically, this bacteria doesn’t make its presence evident.

cent of men who get to know of the symptoms while the rest of them don’t experience the symptoms. 56


This infection is trans-

ferred to a man through sex. If the woman he has having sex with has this infection, even he is likely to get it. However, this infection is not termed as a sexually transmitted disease because there are chances for a man to get affected even without sex. 57


Few factors that increase the risk of being diagnosed with penile infection is because of antibiotics, HIV, diabetes, and corticosteroids


For the most part, this infection is largely seen in men whose penis lacks moisture under the foreskin.

10 As per one of the

studies performed by the Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 18 percent of men who have crossed 40 are suffering from candida balanitis and 26.2 percent of men who have crossed 60 are suffering from candida colonization. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


11 Candida has the ability

to multiply.

What Are The Causes For Penile Infection? Lack of hygiene Use of perfumed gels and soaps on the skin Cleansing the pe nis too much What Are The Symptoms Of Penile Infection? The area around the head of the penis starts to burn and itch excessively There is a swelling around the penis and it gets red Pus forms on the penis, it can even be named as papules Excessive pain while urinating and having sex WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

There is an odor and sticky like substance from the foreskin

It is better to avoid having sex with multiple partners

Pulling back the foreskin gets tough Ulcers form around the penis

In the case of men who have a dry penis, it is essential that they use soap to clean the foreskin and then pull it back after sex

Ways To Prevent Penile Infection

Diagnosis Of Penile infection

It is necessary to wear a condom while having sex It is a must to keep the penis clean

The thick substance that is formed under the foreskin is tested under a microscope and the doctor will look through the symptoms linked to the genital area. 58

Problems Related To This Infection


If the infection is not treated it can cause excessive pain and swell in the penis. This makes the penis weak.


If the man’s immune system is weak then the bacteria can enter into the blood as well.


If this infection gets worse then it can cause serious problems. 59

Important Things To Know About This Infection

How To Treat It?

A woman having sex with a man who has this infection needs to be given medication as well.

Hydrocortisone cream is recommended as the best in times when the infection aggravates

If this infection persists for more than a week even after taking antifungal medications then it needs to be taken care of immediately.

Circumcision is the last option in case the infection doesn’t get healed through creams

Usually, men aren’t prone to get this infections as much as women.

Anti-fungal creams and ointments will help

It is essential to get it checked by a doctor before you make a decision to choose a method of treatment. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


Butter Corn And Sprouts Salad

Munch on a healthy salad for breakfast! Servings

For 2 people

Ingredients > Corn - 1 cup > Butter - 2 tbsp > Chaat Masala - 3 tsp > Red Chili Powder - 2 tsp > Black Pepper Powder - 2 tsp > Salt - As per your requirement


Lemon Juice - 3 tsp Tomato - 1 chopped Onion - 1 chopped Boiled sprouts - 1 cup Finely chopped green chilies - 2 > Coriander leaves - 1 bunch

> > > > >


How to prepare: Follow these simple steps and enjoy a healthy and tasty breakfast STEP 1

Boil the corn in water for a few minutes. Strain the water and let the

corn cool down.


Transfer the corn and boiled sprouts into a bowl. Mix them well.


Heat the butter and once it melts, mix it in the corn and sprouts.


Add the finely chopped green chilies, tomato, and onion and give this a stir.


Now add salt, pepper, chili powder, chaat masala, and lemon juice.


Garnish this mixture with fresh coriander leaves.


Check if it tastes fine and add salt if required.

Why is this salad healthy?

1. Corn is rich in nutrients such

in control and makes your body energetic.

as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

5. Corn is effective in correcting faults in

2. It has three effective antioxidants

6. Sprouts effectively improves the

named lutein, carotenoid, and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants improve eye health and shield your skin from oxidative stress.

3. Corn is a tasty and nutritious plant food that is rich in fiber. The presence of fiber aids good digestion.

4. Corn is a gluten-free food which

means it keeps the cholesterol levels 61

the reproductive system.

metabolism in your body.

7. It is one of the healthy options in

curing anemia as it is filled with copper and iron that helps with boosting the red blood cell count in the body.

8. As sprouts is rich in fiber, it is a good food if you want to lose weight. It keeps the hunger hormone in



A Guide On Naukasana The term ‘Naukasana’ is a Sanskrit word when you split the two of them, the word ‘Nauka’ means the boat and the word ‘ Asana’ means Pose.



Naukasana is even known as Navasana and it is an invigorating yoga posture to strengthen the abdomen as well as your back as there are two ways of performing this asana. In this posture, your body is in a V-shape and the entire weight of your body is balanced on your legs, torso, and buttocks. 63



Benefits Of Naukasana Read through the plus points of practicing this asana

No 1 -Aids Better


Naukasana is sure to improve the process of digestion when you practice the asana on your stomach.

No 2 - Invigorated

Abdominal Muscles By rolling up and down on the abdomen, you tend to strengthen your abdominal organs and it is important to have a strong abdomen in order to improve your endurance and keep your abdominal muscles strong.

No 3 - Improves

Your Nervous System When you start practicing Naukasana, any issues with your nerves get corrected and this helps with keeping your nervous system good.


No 4 - Good For

All The Organs

As you know Naukasana is a strengthening asana and it helps all your organs function well. When all the organs in your body are doing well, your body is active and energetic.

No 5 - Betters

Blood Circulation The body movement in Naukasana helps in improving the blood circulation in your body. When the blood in your

body circulates well, all the organs get enough supply of oxygen, this is healthy and a must for the body.

No 6 - Refreshes

Your Mind

When you constantly practice Naukasana, all the stress, anxiety, depression and tiredness quickly disappears. You get to feel relaxed and eased out. 64

Whether you do this asana on your stomach or by lifting your body, it helps with cutting down fats in your belly.

No 10 - Good In

Treating Hernia

Naukasana is good at treating hernia and it helps with getting it back to the right position in the abdomen. Thus, it is necessary to practice this asana for good health. Understand the good in this asana and regularly practice it!

How to do this pose

Your Hormones

No 7 - Prevents


Naukasana is an excellent workout that helps with keeping your body’s blood sugar level in control. It is essential to practice this asana to save your body from getting diabetic.

No 8 - Balances 65

It is necessary that all the hormones in our body are balanced otherwise you can suffer from several diseases and feel mentally disturbed. Having said, naukasana helps with keeping your hormones well-balanced.

No 9 - Melts Fats

In Your Belly

Belly fat makes the body look out of shape and one of the ways to get rid of belly fat is to practice Naukasana.

You can do this asana once every day and repeat it 8-10 times

Step 1 -

Roll a mat on the floor and lie down flat on your stomach.

Step 2 -

Join your heels and toes. Keep your hands close to your ears stretched out and straight.

Step 3 - Join both your

legs and keep your hands close to your body.


Step 4 -

Raise the elbows, chin, palms up and look in front raising your lower body up. Let your hands remain stretched out in the same position.

Step 5 - Slowly lift your

thighs and legs up and ensure to stay on your belly button and stretch as much as you can.

Step 6 -

Steps to do Ardha Navasana Step 1- Roll a mat on the floor and lie down flat on the ground.

Step 2 - Join both your legs and keep your hands close to your body.

Step 3 - Exhale and slowly lift your legs up (make sure to keep your feet joined and head straight).

Stay in this position for a few seconds and then move forward and backward like a boat. Make sure to let your hands and legs remain stretched. It is only your body that will move.

Step 4 - Slowly lift your upper body(your back

Step 7 -

Repeat this asana 8-10 times.

Slowly bring your legs and hands down. Relax in this position for a minute.

should be in an inclined position), extend your arms forward and keep them straight.

Step 5 - Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly put your legs and upper body down.

Repeat this asana 8-10 times.

Variations There are two variations to this asana, half boat pose, and one-legged boat pose. The Sanskrit names to these asanas are Ardha Navasana and Eka Pada Navasana.



Precautions of Naukasana The asana is no doubt a great workout. However, one needs to adhere to a few rules while performing this asana. Take a look at them!


This asana is not recommended for people suffering from the following health concerns

Steps to do Eka Pada Navasana Step 1 -

Roll a mat and sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward.

Step 2 - Fold your right leg in a way that the sole of

a) Asthma b) Pain in the joints c) Ulcers in the stomach d) Heart diseases e) Blood pressure f) Insomnia 2. Always ensure to do this asana

your right leg touches your left thigh.

without straining your body as it can cause a severe back injury

Step 3 - Extend your hands forward and slowly raise


them up.

Step 4 -

Slowly lift your left leg up(make sure it is 10-15 inches above the ground). Let your right leg remain folded and in the same position.

Step 5 -

Repeat the same process of lifting your right leg up.

Step 6 -

Remain in this position for about a minute.

Women should avoid practicing this asana during periods. It is a big no-no to do it on the first and second day.

Conclusion Naukasana is effective in strengthening your lower back, abdomen, legs, arms and helps with toning your body well. It helps your body stretch well.

Step 7 -

Bring your hands and legs down. Relax for a few seconds. 67



5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Disabled Family Member When you are living with a family member who is disabled, you need to be quite alert in taking care of him/her as he/she needs that extra support unlike you do. You need to take care of that family member with utmost care, love, and patience. It can be stressful at times, thus, don’t forget to take care of yourself alongside.





Here are useful tips that can help with taking care of your disabled family members mentally and physically. STEP 1



Only when you understand the concerns of your disabled family member, will you be able to assist the person. So, the primary step is to collect all the information from the doctor and ask questions in case you need guidance. Talk to people who have a similar experience and get to know their inputs on how you should be handling the situation of your disabled family member. Gain awareness about physical and mental abuse you are likely to experience.

Open Yourself To Receive Support STEP 2

Only a family or close friends will be there with you in times of need, agree? That being said, take the assistance offered to you. There is no question of being hesitant. You need not be dependent, however, a little help will make a difference.


As you are the one taking care of the family member to feel better and get better exposure, reach out to social media and be a part of groups going through a similar situation. Keep your options open and look into groups across the globe provide services to the disabled.

Be Disciplined And Have A Plan STEP 3

To prioritize the disabled family member and yourself you will need to be disciplined. You can’t afford losing out on time, it is way too precious for you. Always plan your day and be proactive about your 70

plans for the disabled family member.

will reach out to them in case of an emergency.

Say, for instance, if you are planning on taking the disabled family member for a picnic, you will need to check if he/she is feeling fine on that given day and then arrange for a transport facility that can accommodate your disabled family member.

Get educated with information on the Disabilities Act and understand when to make the most of it at the right time.

Keep the doctor in loop and let him/her know that you 71

Be Positive And Encouraging STEP 4

As a family member and caregiver, it is your duty to

keep the disabled person happy and motivated. Before that, keep yourself positive and motivated. Spend quality time with the disabled family member Teach him/her to manage to be independent Talk to the other family members and see what best the two of you can do for the disabled family member WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

Teach the disabled family member to communicate with the others and be confident with answering questions to them

Don’t Ignore Other Family Members

Never make the disabled family member feel isolated. Enjoy and celebrate moments of joy. Avoid making him/her feel any different

It is a little tough to manage too many priorities at the same time. Especially when it comes to balancing between all your family members.

Always focus on the person’s health, be as careful as you can

No doubt that you have to prioritize the disabled family member, however, don’t forget the other family members, spend time with them and get to know about



their whereabouts as well.

Make Your Home A Positive Place STEP 6

Always make an effort to keep a happy environment at home. It is good for the disabled member and the others at home. What best you can do is to let go of arguments and hard talks if you have had 72

any, see to it that everyone is bonded and they meet for 5 minutes everyday, plan outings or dinner together every weekend. Therefore, these are a few ways to keep the love and respect going!

Grab Time For Self-Care STEP 7

Since you have to live for yourself as well as someone relying on you, you need


to take care of the most important person and that is none other than yourself. Stay healthy - eat the right food and exercise regularly Make time for what you love doing Be a good caregiver, you don’t have to be perfect and strain yourself Give a little of your responsbility to the other members at home as well

Take out time to stroll out in the open and get some ‘me time’

Final Word To take care of a disabled family member you need to be patient, healthy and positive to the best you can. Teach the disabled family member to be independent so that you don’t make him/her completely dependent, which is not healthy for the family member and you as well.



Do and Don’ts

Before Bed Time- For Good Sleep Do you find any difficulty in getting a good sleep? You must check the activities you are doing before bed. Lack of sleep continuously is not something you can ignore. As sleep and health is very much closely connected, you need to follow some dos and don’ts. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019





The dos and don’ts are before bed time are not something different and tough to follow. Let your good sleep be refreshing, relaxing and restful for you the next morning.

Dos and Don’ts Before bed time The dos and don’ts before bed impact your body, senses and mind. Some of the dos and don’ts are not just said but scientifically proven. These tips to follow before bed give you peaceful and sufficient sleep. Remember that you need to get 7-8 hours of sleep which keep you active and happy the next day. You can also check out for the reason behind these things to and no to do before sleep.

1.Do- Meditation Your mind struggles and takes the fatigue. Meditation is the proven way to get good sleep. You need a clam and peaceful mind before going to bed. And one the best ways to



makes your mind stress free is meditating. Focusing on your mind than anything else around you is the magic in meditating. Meditation is also not easy as it seems. Getting the focus for meditation is the key here. You need choose a calming focus like your breath, any pleasant sound, a short prayer, a positive

2. Don’t- Use your phone/laptop

Maximum of the people would raise their hands if this question is asked- Do you use your mobile before bed time? You also go deep in browsing and socializing on your phones and laptops.


your heart rate, breathing and can also relax your muscles. Your heart rates must be slowed before few minutes of your bed time. All these body and mind functions with music and calms your mind. Choose a playlist that of slow and melodious songs. That is how your heart rate slows and you fall asleep happily and instantly.

4. Don’t- Don’t

consume caffeine Did you know that coffee is not for bed time? Even it is too early to have coffee during lunch time.

This is going to harm your sleep not only the day you use your phone before bed but it can affect you in future as well. It is a kind of stress that your brain and eyes are straining unknowingly. The very reason behind asking you to stop using your phone before bed is- it stimulates your brain. And not only that but it also disturbs the sleep 77

hormone melatonin.

3. Do- listen to soothing music

If you feel meditation and focusing is not for you, then you can for soothing music for good sleep before bed time. You need to know what all music can do to you- can slow

The caffeine in coffee can stimulate your nervous system and don’t let your body relax naturally at night. The reason of mentioning that coffee is early at lunch time is, it stays in your body for 6-8 hours.

5. Don’t- Consume alcohol

Drinking alcohol can affect the hormones and disrupts your sleep cycle. Alcohol may let fall asleep early but it makes it tough for to wake up easily in the morning.


Good sleep is not only falling asleep quickly and able to snooze for longer time. Sleeping hours must fill in energy in your body. You must find it easy and feel light when you get up the next morning.

6. Do- Clear your bed

You need to keep your bed clear and neat before bed time. Your bed may contain dust and some objects. But it is better you don’t go for sleep on the unclear bed. It may create disturbance and ruin your sleeping hours. Sometimes, you sleep in the bed of any condition. But it may disturb your sleep in between. This is how your good sleep ruins and becomes a bad night for you. So, it is always important to keep your bed clean and tidy. In clear words, we can call it sleep friendly space for good sleep.

7. Don’t- Do any cardio exercises

Doing cardio is for day time which can energize and keeps you active. As you need to calm down, you must avoid WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

doing cardio before bed. Instead keep doing cardio during morning time which helps you to sleep better in night.

8. Do- Take a

lukewarm shower You keep taking toxins and dust that may make you feel irritated. You can take a shower before sleeping. Not right before sleeping but a

few minutes before. This can clam down and release all the stress your body takes. A refreshing bath always encourages for refreshing mind. You must take lukewarm shower which can loosen your muscles and tighten your muscles. This way your stress can be relieved. As your body temperature falls and makes you breath easier. 78

before you sleep. You must try to be a peaceful and happy soul before going to bed. So, see that you do something that you love. It can be your favourite hobby like reading books, writing or painting. Anything but not something that disturbs your mind before bed. We have included everything that counts for a good sleep. Calm all your senses and be a peaceful soul before bed time by following the above dos and donts. These tips before bed also make you feel good the next morning.

9. Don’t- Have heavy meals

Heavy meals can make you feel tight and uncomfortable. Heavy meals can also cause heartburn and insomnia. So, is always better to avoid heavy meals before bed. If you feel hungry at night time, particularly before going to bed, then you can have something is lighter like 79

a snack. Again, the snacks must not be sugary. You must include something that is of low fat for night diet.


Do- Something you love Yes! You must start your day with a bright smile and it is same before going to bed. Don’t create a negative or disturbing atmosphere WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019


Zika Virus And

Its Negative Effects! Aedes Mosquito carries the Zika Virus. This mosquito is the main cause for dengue, chikungunya infection and yellow fever. This mosquito was found in Uganda in the ’90s.

This infection spreads when the Aedes mosquito peck on different people. This virus was noticed in the year 2007 when it widely spread in South Africa. This infection is easily transmitted from one body to another after having sex or it can be passed on from a pregnant mother to her baby as well. Therefore, it is not necessary that a person gets attacked by this virus only after getting bit by the mosquito. It has been studied and found out that this virus spreads through the following ways

Saliva Urine Semen Liquid in the eyes WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

Transfusion of blood Organ transplantation In total, 86 countries have reported being affected by the Zika virus infection.

Signs And Symptoms Of Zika Virus This infection takes 3-14 days to spread in the body and the symptoms are usually mild and they last for 7 days. Here are its signs

Fever Conjunctivitis Rashes Malaise 80



Headache Joint and muscle pain Zika is complicated during pregnancy and it shows signs of stillbirth, premature birth, and fetal loss There are studies going on about Zika causing neurological disorders Usually, the intensity of the infection even depends on the area where Zika has been transmitted.

Diagnosis For Zika Infection This infection can be diagnosed only in the laboratories by taking samples of the blood, urine or semen.

Treatment For Zika Virus There isn’t a specific form of treatment for the Zika virus. However, to reduce its effects, one should be on fluids, take sufficient rest and have fever medicines. In the case of aggravated symptoms, one WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2019

should see a doctor. It is necessary for pregnant women to seek medical care in the laboratories of the place where they got the infection.

repellents in the morning and evening, keeping the doors and windows closed, wearing covered clothes while stepping out of the home can help.

Ways To Prevent Zika

Young children, breastfeeding and pregnant women should be most aware of the mosquitoes around.

No 1 - Protection From Mosquitoes

No 2 - Cleanliness

It is essential to keep yourself protected from mosquitoes as none of us are aware of which mosquito we are getting bit by. Right? Using mosquito

Mosquitoes love to breed in places that are filthy. That being said, it is essential to stay away from places that have contaminated water, flower pots should be 82

monitored and kept clean and it is necessary to clear trash bins. Additionally, even a community can take initiatives in cleaning up the mess all around and the use of insecticides can help with keeping the localities clean. Together everyone has to contribute if it is about keeping the locality clean.

No 3 - Vaccinations Can Help It is necessary to have vaccinations for Zika Virus. However, there isn’t anything come up yet. The research on vaccination is still on.

Zika Infection Through Pregnancy Microcephaly is a condition after Zika infection is transferred from a pregnant lady to her baby. This term can even be referred to as Congenital Zika Syndrome.

Effects of the infection Issues with develop ment in the brain High muscle tone Abnormal eyes 83

Tight limbs Problems with hearing There is about a 5-15 percent chance for a baby to get affected by Zika Virus when the mother is pregnant.

Zika Infection Through Sex Zika infection is transmitted through sexual activity. Therefore it is essential for sexually active men and women to know whether the partner they are going to have sex with is Zika infected or not.

It is important to take contraception and practice safe sex in that case.

Final Word : The World Health Organization hasn’t yet come up with a cure for the Zika virus. However, in the time being care and support are given to the members affected by this virus and the laboratories that test the Zika virus are being developed worldwide.




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