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Hors Série AUTOMNE 2021

Bernard Michel

Song Min Jie

Daniel Chacon

Frank Weber

Manuel Aguilar

Jacques Levinet

Alex Damatov

Didier Ameer


Page 4 - Las perlas del guerrero Page 6 - Real Operational System by Captain Jacques Levinet Page 12 - Academy Jacques Levinet Shanghaï with Song Min Jie Page 18 - Academy Jacques Levinet Russia with Alex Damatov Page 24 - Academia Jacques Levinet Costa Rica con Daniel Chacon Rodriguez Page 28 - Academy Jacques Levinet Germany with Frank Weber Page 32 - Academia Jacques Levinet Mexico con Manuel Aguilar Perez Page 36 - Journée Européenne de l'Académie Jacques Levinet à Bruxelles Page 38 - Academy Jacques Levinet South Africa with Feroza Hippert Page 39 - New worldwide AJL reprentations Page 40 - Bernard Michel, un grand champion et un grand Docteur nous a quitté Page 44 - Académie Jacques Levinet Ile Maurice avec Didier Ameer

Page 46 - Fiches techniques Self Pro Krav par le Capitaine Jacques Levinet Rédacteur en Chef - Capitaine Jacques Levinet Photographe du magazine - Édith Levinet Abonnez vous gratuitement A ce jour - Près d'un million de "followers" 22

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ACADEMY JACQUES LEVINET SHANGHAI Eskrima Eskrima is a short-stick fighting technique originated from the Philippines. It is also called ARNIS or KALI. Eskrima's self-defense characteristics of "effective control and limited killing" are currently more suitable for personal defense needs in a legal society. Practitioners can use simple personal items such as keys, hard pens, magazines, walking sticks, and selfie sticks to fight close in a small space. It effectively protects oneself and creates the possibility of subduing violence. Doce Pares Doce Pares, the oldest Philippine martial arts genre, was founded in 1932 by 12 of the most famous Eskrima masters in Cebu, the birthplace of Philippine martial arts. As its reputation grew, its members quickly reached 24 in the year of its establishment. Doce Pares is also a style that many genres are vying to imitate and pay tribute to, covering various rich techniques of the Philippine baton. During the Second World War (1941-1945), some members of Doce Pares joined the American Far East Armed Forces. (USAFFE). After the surrender of the US troops in the Philippines and the low tide of the anti-Japanese struggle, another group of members secretly organized guerrillas behind enemy lines to continuously attack and resist the Japanese aggressors and deal heavy blows to the Japanese invaders. Reliable letter history records the sacrifices of many masters in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and became the cold weapon fighting system used by the Philippine Army, Air Force and Special Forces. It was promoted to 35 countries and regions and is currently one of the most influential schools.



The name Doce Pares has two meanings: 1, Originated from the commemoration of the famous 12 Templars under the command of Charlemagne in Europe (AD 768814). These 12 men were all top swordsmen at the time. Legend has it that hundreds of enemies were killed in the battle of Charlemagne. 2: Doce Pares also means "12 pairs" in Spanish, corresponding to the first 24 people who founded the organization, and it is true to the name. Doce Pares China Branch was established in 2020. Song Min Jie instructor is one of the only three Chinese black belt instructors of Doce Pares. Two bronze medals in the ESKRIMA world competition. He started to practice Kyokushin Karate in 2006, and then practiced Kickboxing, Kendo, Krav Maga and many other martial arts and Self-defense system. 15





ACADEMY JACQUES LEVINET RUSSIA For the urban struggle IT HAS NO FORMS OF ATTACK - It is designed strictly for counterattack defense and it should be executed in areas where death does not occur (at least quickly) because our goal is not to kill but to survive in the event of an attack with this weapon. Removing and using this pocket weapon for survival does not make us have an advantage but to balance the advantage of our attacker. Motto - Precise - Fast - Efficient It is a real fighting system that is learned quickly and is effective in a real fight when the situation requires using the knife. There are many beautiful and practical styles but also complicated and with a lot of study time until those techniques are applicable. In our courses we teach Tactical Knife Combat students but after KCS - TC Concept

The KCS-TC system is a very simple but effective one that can be used successfully if you are faced with such a fight ever in your life. It is designed for one of our deepest feelings, namely fear Yes, you read that right, fear. Fear that she actually keeps us alive. But fear must be mastered and relayed not to block our brains and muscles becoming a safe target. It has no forms of attack, only defensive with counterattack. The KCS is designed to achieve a balance of forces between the attacker and us, essentially aiming to get the attacker out of the fight without killing him but only injuring the limb in which he holds the weapon that was to take our new life. 18



ACADEMY JACQUES LEVINET RUSSIA It has two study segments, one civilian and one military. The civil study segment is designed for urban combat. It is designed to achieve a balance of forces between the attacker and us, essentially aiming to get the attacker out of the fight without killing him but only injuring the member holding the weapon that would take our new life and if forced by circumstances to continue the fight by we will counterattack starting from the same basic principle, namely trying to avoid areas where death occurs quickly, just trying to hurt the opponent to get him out of the fight. For military combat: Only in the military segment does it have the form of attack and the rapid annihilation of the opponent is pursued. No exercises required for study (like kata) are just a waste of time and energy. There are no predetermined combinations, there are only quick and adaptable reactions. Adaptability and quick response depending on the intensity and form of the attack or counterattack of the opponent and the environment.


ALEX DAMATOV - Director AJL WKMO IPC PRINCIPLES 1 - Always be on the move but not chaotic (A dynamic target is harder to hit than a static target) 2 - Attack for the first time only the part of the body that is closer to your weapon 3 - Retreat as far as your counterattack allows 4- Involves the passive hand only when you have to close the distance 5 - Adapt and improvise (No combination 5 page 7) 6 - Involves kicks, arm kicks only when you are sure you cannot be cut or imposed when performing the technique 7 - Execute a ground design for finality only when you have control










i formación en las áreas de Métodos Policiales y Balística la inicié en el año 2006 llevando capacitaciones en Técnicas de control, dominio de personas y manipulación de arma corta de fuego entre otras áreas policiales y militares, varias de estas áreas enseñadas y heredadas por mi amigo Salvador y otras llevando algunos cursos en la universidad (estudié la carrera Criminología, en donde obtuve el grado de Licenciado), sin embargo, hasta ese momento el Krav Maga no estaba dentro mis planes, ni siquiera tenía conocimiento ni noción de este término. Mi carrera profesional y pasos en el Krav Maga los inicié en el año 2012, de la mano de uno de mis maestros, el Grand Master Dr. Jaime Ortiz Blanco, reconocido maestro costarricense, quien llegó a ser coronel de la Fuerza Pública de Costa Rica, él fue uno de mis mentores y del cual aprendí varias cosas, tanto en la defensa personal así también para la vida.


i formación profesional como Criminólogo, así como las capacitaciones adquiridas en las áreas de Métodos Policiales y la Defensa Personal hicieron que en el año 2018 iniciara y creara un proyecto fusionando las áreas de los Métodos Policiales, la Defensa Personal y la Prevención del Delito y de dicha fusión nace en octubre del año 2018 Tactical Police System Operations – Costa Rica (T.P.S.O – CR), una organización y sistema que se encuentra registrado a nivel legal en mi país con su respectiva cédula jurídica y está trabajando en países de primer nivel como Alemania, España, Italia, Croacia, Inglaterra, Rusia, Eslovaquia, Francia, Estados Unidos, Canadá, India, Irán, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brasil, México, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Perú y en mi natal Costa Rica, en donde se han nombrado directores, representantes e instructores que trabajen el sistema TPSO en estos países. 24



reo y considero que si no se practica y entrena constantemente de esta forma, se crea un sesgo en el practicante, por cuanto no se puede actuar ante lo desconocido, con esto me refiero a que si una persona que practica defensa personal no ha entrenado bajo presión y estrés y en condiciones semejantes a como actuaría un delincuente en la vida real, y sólo se limita a trabajar en un ambiente de práctica y lucha totalmente controlado (como lo son las prácticas rutinarias en un tatami o dojo) muy probablemente se quede paralizado o reaccione de una forma no adecuada (aplicando la defensa primitiva) lo que puede poner aun en mayor peligro su vida de lo que ya está en ese momento.




e visto que la mayoría de instructores cuando enseñan una técnica de desarme de cuchillo, pistola u otro, enseñan a los estudiantes a desarmar y a utilizar dicha arma inmediatamente para cortar y/o disparar al agresor, siendo que esta práctica dependiendo del país puede llevarte a enfrentar un proceso penal por homicidio o lesiones culposas, al no configurarse de una forma adecuada los preceptos de la Legítima defensa, siendo que de lo legal a lo ilegal hay una línea muy delgada que divide cada actuación que realicemos para defendernos y el tiempo o momento en que se decida actuar y crear daño al agresor va depender en la mayoría de los casos si se actúa de forma legal o ilegal.


o es correcto para la mayoría de leyes y jurisdicciones de muchos países el hecho que le dispares o cortes a un delincuente al cual acabas de desarmar y ya no representa un peligro inminente para uno; muchos países no ven este acto como legítima defensa, sino como un ensañamiento, sin embargo, algunos instructores siguen enseñando a desarmar y disparar o cortar (en caso de cuchillos) sin importarles si lo que les está enseñando a sus practicantes los vayan a comprometer a nivel legal.



iempre he sido una persona que empieza lento en el aprendizaje de cualquier cosa, de hecho, siempre era el más lento del grupo y de mis compañeros, los cuales eran mucho más ágiles y mejores en técnica y aprendían más rápido que yo, por lo que a veces me frustraba y sentía que no era bueno para hacer varias cosas. Un día, estando acostado en mi cama luego de un entrenamiento me puse a pensar que esto (el Krav Maga) no era para mí porque era lento para aprender y me plantee dos opciones: la primera era desertar diciéndome a mí mismo que no iba a poder y que eso no era para mí, y la otra opción era seguir adelante y trabajar más duro para demostrarme a mí mismo que yo podía y que era capaz de vencer mi propia mentalidad, por lo que practicaba mucho más que los demás para tratar de alcanzarlos, luego lo hice para superarme a mí mismo y demostrarme que era capaz de lograr lo que quisiera, de eso han pasado ya varios años por lo que ya deben deducir por cual opción me decidí.


mpecé a utilizar por consejo de un muy buen amigo y compañero de carrera de nombre Julián el análisis en mis prácticas tanto estudiantiles, de capacitación y cotidianas con el fin de encontrarle el sentido lógico y la génesis a las cosas que hacía y me di cuenta que eso me ayudaba a asimilar la información en mi cerebro y por ende la procesaba mucho más rápido y también me di cuenta y me mentalicé en que ser lento para aprender no era malo, ya que en cierta forma me hacía detenerme para analizar los movimientos que ejecutaba y llegué a darme cuenta que aunque era más lento para aprender que los demás una vez que aprendía algo lo aprendía de por vida, pero esto fue gracias a la perseverancia , constancia y esfuerzo diario, a entrenar cuando los demás hacían cosas de ocio, empezando a foguearme dando entrenamiento al grupo, cuando me di cuenta avancé mucho más que todos mis compañeros que eran más ágiles que yo y actualmente de todos los que empezamos que éramos como 30 personas sólo yo estoy dando clases como profesional en Krav Maga, Defensa Personal y Métodos Policiales, lo que me hace sentirme orgulloso de los logros que he obtenido con esfuerzo y sacrificio de toda índole, pero al mismo tiempo siento la responsabilidad de seguir haciendo las cosas por y para mi provincia, mi país y dejar una huella en el exterior.


Breathing in Martial Arts Correct breathing is important Our brain depends on oxygen to function properly. In a martial arts context, the brain must constantly function at a high level to enable practitioners to focus on their environment and opponents in battle. Without this focus, a martial artist's reaction is slow, and consequently, achieving victory in combat becomes unlikely. Breathing is one of the most important things for maintaining our health. Every cell in our body needs air to produce energy. Without air, cells die or become sick, and these cells can ultimately cause harm to the entire body. Air is necessary to have a fast and efficient metabolism, which enables every cell to produce higher amounts of energy. Without sufficient air, cells can still produce energy through an alternative metabolic process that does not require oxygen. However, this process creates lactic acid as a waste product, which slows an athlete down. Breathing is strongly related to the human body’s natural methods of conserving and manifesting energy. Martial artists should understand the ways in which breathing affects the body so they can incorporate strategies in techniques and movements that fully maximize its benefits. Breathing theory and how it works Many organs, body parts, and bodily functions are involved in the breathing process. Understanding how air flows through the body is the first step in understanding breathing. First, air passes through the nose and the mouth. The nose filters incoming air, while also heating and moisturizing it. Next, air passes through the larynx. This body part ensures that food and air each go to separate parts of the body—the stomach and lungs, respectively. After the air passes through the larynx, it flows through the trachea, an airway which is located in front of the esophagus. This airway is a pipe, which is about 12 centimeters long with tiny little hairs. These hairs help to catch any debris that was not filtered by the nose. The debris is redirected to the mouth, where it is swallowed instead of inhaled. At its end, the trachea divides into two smaller pipes (bronchial tubes) which lead the air into the bronchia, a series of progressively smaller tubes. The purpose of this system is to spread the air into smaller sections. Finally, air ends up in the smallest component of the lungs, the alveoli, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.



The lungs have no muscles. The diaphragm, a large muscle below the rib cage, controls the movement of the lungs. According to Wikipedia, the lungs are connected to the pleura, a serous membrane which folds upon itself and forms two layers. One layer is connected to the ribcage and the other to the lungs. In between the layers is fluid, which comes from the pleura itself. This reduces friction when the ribcage and the lungs expand. Breathing is a complex process. It is assisted by a variety of different muscles. The diaphragm, one of the most important muscles, performs about 80 percent of the work. It is shaped like a dome and connected to the rib cage. When you inhale, the muscle drops down. This causes the lungs to expand, resulting in the lungs having less air pressure and more room in the chest cavity. Because the lungs have a lower level of air pressure, they draw in air from the outside. A helpful analogy to understand this air movement is thinking of two bottles connected by a pipe. One bottle represents the lungs, while the other represents outside of the body.. Imagine that both bottles are filled with water to the same level. When one bottle gets bigger (when the lungs expand) the water level will drop in that bottle. When this happens, water will travel from the other bottle (outside) through the pipe to the other bottle. This same flow happens with air when the volume of the lung increases. Air flows into the body when the diaphragm expands the lungs. On the exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and goes back to its starting place, pressing air out of the lungs. The intercostal muscles are also part of the breathing process. The muscles are made up of layers. One is outside of the ribcage, which assists with inhaling. Another is on the inside, which assists with exhaling. Exhaling is also supported by gravity because the weight of the lungs helps these muscles drop as the diaphragm drops. Once oxygen enters a cell, the chemical process that creates energy initiates. Glucose and oxygen are converted into water and carbon dioxide, producing 686 kilocalories of energy. In this reaction, air and sugar (which are gained through food and water) are converted into energy, producing water and carbon dioxide as waste products. If cells do not have enough oxygen for this reaction, they will utilize an alternative energy pathway called anaerobic fermentation. In this process, which is much less efficient, cells do not require oxygen. This fact is important to note in martial arts training or any type of exercise, because if the body is forced to use anaerobic fermentation, cells will produce lactic acid as a byproduct. This acid negatively affects physical performance, often times slowing an athlete down and tiring them out quicker. Air is a crucial key for supplying the body with energy—not just for energy but also for endurance.


ACADEMY JACQUES LEVINET ALLEMAGNE Theory of oxygen absorption and abdominal breathing

The theory behind abdominal breathing is quite simple. As previously discussed, the human body has different muscles for breathing. These muscles, located near the lungs, consume some of the oxygen they help to bring in. The idea behind abdominal breathing is to use the organs and muscles of the breathing system as efficiently as possible so that more of the incoming air supply is available for the rest of the body. This is best accomplished by using the diaphragm to breathe instead of the intercostal muscles. Whenever the diaphragm drops, it essentially has a massaging effect on these organs, enhancing the production of fluids, hormones, and Qi circulation in these organs. Through efficient breathing using the diaphragm, the organs ultimately function better and more efficiently, benefiting the overall health of the body. Through deeper breathing, the diaphragm moves and massages the organs more effectively. Another benefit of deep breathing is activating more of the lower lung areas, which are often underutilized by normal, average people. Deep breathing activates more alveoli such that more air can be captured for use in energy production. The rate of breathing slows down because your body gains more oxygen from longer, deeper breaths as opposed to quicker, shallow breaths. With an increased air supply and slower breathing, the body is able to relax. When the body is more relaxed, it requires less energy to function. Deep breathing initiates a cycle of energy conservation that is beneficial for both martial arts and health. Deep abdominal breathing results in more energy, contributing to longer endurance. The body's muscles can take advantage of an efficient and increased oxygen supply without having to switch to anaerobic fermentation. Energetically, abdominal breathing is beneficial because you move the abdomen. This means that more fat is converted into Qi, which can be used in training or combat. Normal abdominal breathing With each inhale, the diaphragm drops down and the abdomen pushes out. With each exhale, the abdomen withdraws and the diaphragm moves back up to push air out. This breathing technique is mostly used for relaxation purposes and is a very natural and familiar way to breathe. Babies naturally breathe abdominally. However, most people develop the habit of breathing more and more with their ribcage as they grow older. Reverse abdominal breathing Reverse abdominal breathing is the opposite of normal abdominal breathing. With each inhale, the Huiyin and abdomen draw in. With each exhale, theHuiyin and abdomen push out. This breathing method helps to lead and buildQi more efficiently. Reverse abdominal breathing occurs naturally quite often, such as when laughing or crying. Reverse abdominal breathing also helps to energize muscles to a higher level, so it is also naturally used when power or strength is needed, such as, for example, when pushing heavy objects.


NATIONAL DIRECTOR FRANK WEBER Breathing as a strategy Since different ways of breathing create different effects in the body, a martial artist can strategically utilize specific breathing techniques for different purposes. For example, to neutralize an attack, inhaling can help a combatant take in and absorb the incoming energy and lead it elsewhere. When a fighter exhales during an offensive technique, he can manifest more power. If he wants to manifest even more power he can use the sound “ha,” which you use while laughing, this will lead the energy even more efficient to the surface. Or you can use the sound “hen,” which comes from crying, to lead the energy faster inward. You can further apply breathing strategy to energize the muscles during times of great need. People who lift heavy objects naturally employ this breathing technique; they hold the breath to maintain tension during the movement. Day-to-day and martial arts breathing The main purpose of day-to-day breathing is to supply the body with enough oxygen to operate smoothly. Normally, people are not consciously aware of how they breathe. As a result you will find that people take quick and shallow breaths, which leads to tension, stress and an unbalanced mind. They would be better served by taking deep elongated breaths, which will relax the body and result in higher states of focus that can be utilized in all aspects of life. One of the goals for breathing in martial arts is to generate as much power as possible. Martial arts’ breathing emphasizes deep, smooth, and controlled breathing, leading to a relaxed yet energetically efficient state for training and combat. Deeper breathing also helps expand the lungs' capacity and consequently allows the body to bring in more oxygen with each breath. Through specific lung conditioning exercises it is possible to focus on increasing the capacity of the lung in specific areas, allowing for more efficient breathing and greater levels of relaxation.

How to practice martial arts breathing Correct breathing in martial arts requires practice. As previously discussed, the greater the capacity of the lungs, the more energy the body can produce. To increase the capacity of the lungs, breathe deeply to utilize the entire lung. Relax one side of the lungs and tense the other to focus on specific areas. You can do so by lifting your arm over your head or by shifting your shoulder forward or backward. This will cause the air to be led into the relaxed part of the lungs when you breathe. Another important skill to practice is leading energy with each breath. Four Gates Breathing is a traditional martial arts technique for practicing this skill. In Four Gates Breathing, first inhale deeply, and then exhale while imagining that you are pushing a heavy object with your hands and pressing your heels through the floor. It is important to stay physically relaxed. This causes energy to flow through your arms and legs, but it won’t consume the energy the way tensed muscles do. Continued practice will build up your nerves' sensitivity, and eventually this technique should create an electric, tingling sensation through your limbs. It is possible to accomplish this without breathing, but using breathing to lead energy makes this process much easier. Breathing is deeply interrelated with the energy that flows throughout the body. Regulation of breathing leads to regulation of energy. Martial artists can use breathing to harness the power of energy to enhance and improve their training. In a fight, the right exhale at the right time can generate explosive power. The right inhale at the right time can allow a martial artist to properly redirect and control an opponent's energy. Though often overlooked, breathing has a vitally important role in our lives. Correct breathing can lead to increased calmness and relaxation, which facilitates greater focus and endurance. For martial artists, success in combat depends largely on high levels of energy and concentration, so proper breathing is absolutely essential. 31


Presidente de la WKMO-Organización Mundial de Krav Maga en México y Máster Fundador de Koa System.

Además de Representante en México de AJL-Academias Jacques Levinet y IPC-Confederación Internacional de Policía.

Nacido, en Cd. Delicias, Chihuahua, México. En el año de 1970, de profesión licenciado en derecho, entrenador deportivo por la comisión nacional del deporte, con un diplomado internacional en criminología y una maestría en Reiki. Con 35 años, en la práctica de las Artes Marciales, Lima lama, Shoto kan, Imua Lima lama, Armas Orientales y Kyusho Jutsu (arte de atacar los puntos energéticos del cuerpo humano). Inicio una carrera laboral, en el ámbito Policial, donde se desempeño, como Cmte. De la Unidad de Investigación Preventiva y Director de la Academia de Policía y Tránsito, con una etapa como Catedrático, en la Universidad, en la carrera de Criminología y se ha desempeñado a nivel privado como Asesor, en Análisis de Riesgo y Seguridad. Actualmente, imparte clases, cursos y seminarios, con los principios de; la Neurociencia, aplicada en la Defensa Personal y la Seguridad.



QUE ES? Es una organización de Defensa Personal y Protocolos de Seguridad, la cual mediante recursos humanos debidamente capacitados y certificados, se contribuye a la formación integral de los practicantes. Ofreciendo a la sociedad una opción sería en los sistemas de Defensa Personal, a través de programas, herramientas y acciones, con las que se da respuesta a la necesidad y exigencia de los tiempos actuales. Koa System proporciona un espíritu de bienestar, salud y superación personal, en lo físico, emocional y espiritual. Capacitando a hombres y mujeres con las herramientas, medios y conocimientos necesarios para reaccionar de forma positiva ante las amenazas o ataques a su integridad personal, reaccionando siempre dentro del marco de los valores universales, con el objetivo de hacer de Koa System, uno de los mejores sistemas de defensa personal. 33


7 PILARES IMPORTANTES QUE HACEN DE KOA SYSTEM UN SISTEMA REAL, PRÁCTICO Y EFECTIVO. I.- Sus entrenamientos están basados en PRINCIPIOS; los estilos y sistemas cambian, los PRINCIPIOS PERDURAN. II.- Estructura sus entrenamientos en base a las actividades de sus practicantes. III.- Quitar de los entrenamientos los movimientos rebuscados y fuera de la realidad. IV.- La utilización de dinámicas situacionales que generan en el practicante reacciones en base a sus emociones, en las cuales podamos trabajar como área de oportunidad. V.- La aplicación de técnicas sobre los puntos energéticos del cuerpo humano, para incapacitar a su atacante. VI.- La aplicación de sus técnicas tiene como base los principios de fuerza. Fuerza Técnica (la adecuada aplicación de las partes del cuerpo al movimiento) Fuerza Física (tensión muscular al momento del impacto) Fuerza Interior (expresada a través del grito) Fuerza Expresiva (expresión en el rostro el sentimiento del movimiento), haciendo de esto un ARTE. La aplicación de los principios de fuerza son los que hacen que las técnicas de defensa personal realmente funciones y sean efectivas. VII.- Es un sistema estructurado en rutinas técnicas, facilitando el aprendizaje y el desarrollo gradual del practicante.











Daniel Chacon Rodriguez

Alex Damatov







Bernard Michel, un grand champion et un grand Docteur nous a quitté. RIP


Bernard Michel, un g



grand champion et un grand Docteur nous a quitté. RIP


ACADEMIE JACQUES LEVINET ILE MAURICE Le club de Didier Ameer, qui représente l'Académie Jacques Levinet (AJL) dans l'Océan Indien basé à Maurice, a opéré en asociation pendant 10ans et aujourd'hui en fédération locale le Close Combat et Disciplines Associées. Une fédération, toujours sous la conduite de l'Académie Jacques Levinet et en collaboration avec d'autres instances internationales. Une histoire de passion pour les Arts Martiaux que Didier Ameer continue de développer avec la Self-defense, en particulier le Self Pro Krav et le Close Combat. Avec son expérience en différent styles de combat Didier Ameer commence à organiser des petits stages avec des techniques personnalisées. Durant les stages il présente ses techniques pour ne pas mélanger les différents styles et garder l'originalité de chaque style qui est pratiqué dans les clubs.








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