Mummy & I Celebrity Edition 2019

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January Edition 2019

Letter from Editor "Happy New Year 2019" Amazing facts about pregnancy you never knew. Why you need a luxurious feminine perfume.


Have you changed your wardrobe? Read this first!


The most fashionable Actress, Brand Ambassador and Mother of Two. Her advice to Nigerian women on determination and power of persistence.

January Edition 2019



The most fashionable Actress, Brand Ambassador and Mother of Two. Her advice to Nigerian women on determination and power of persistence.

4 Reasons You Should Delay



Your Vacation Pics On Social Media





With A Stubborn Child

25 Three Reasons Why You Should

Wear good





Better Sex and


More Orgasm


Table of



Mercy 31



Letter from the Editor.


re you making a resolution for 2019? Warning: More than half of all resolutions fail, but this year, they don't have to be yours. Here's how to identify the right resolution to improve your life, create a plan on how to reach it, and become part of the small group of people that successfully achieve their goal. You Need To Pick The Right Resolution! You'll give yourself your best shot at success if you set a goal that's doable — and meaningful too. A lot of resolutions fail because they're not the right resolutions. And a resolution may be wrong for one of three main reasons: 1) It's a resolution created based on what someone else (or society) is telling you to change. It's too vague. You don't have a realistic plan for achieving your resolution. Your goals should be smart — and SMART. That's an acronym coined in the journal Management Review in 1981 for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound. It may work for management, but it can also work in setting your resolutions, too. - Specific. Your resolution should be absolutely clear. “Making a concrete goal is really important rather than just vaguely saying 'I want to lose weight.' You want to have a goal: How much weight do you want to lose and at what time interval?” “Five pounds in the next two months — that's going to be more effective.” - Measurable. This may seem obvious if your goal is a fitness or weight loss related one, but it's also important if you're trying to cut back on something, too. If, for example, you want to stop biting your nails, take pictures of your nails over time so you can track your progress in how those nails grow back out, said Jeffrey Gardere, a psychologist and professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. Logging progress into a journal or making notes on your phone or in an app designed to help you track behaviours can reinforce the progress, no matter what your resolution may be. - Achievable. This doesn't mean that you can't have big stretch goals. But trying to take too big a step too fast can leave you frustrated, or affect other areas of your life to the point that your resolution takes over your life — and both you and your friends and family flail. - Relevant. Is this a goal that really matters to you, and are you making it for the right reasons? “If you do it out of the sense of self-hate or remorse or a strong passion in that moment, it doesn't usually last long,” said Dr. Michael Bennett, a psychiatrist and co-author of two self-help books. “But if you build up a process where you're thinking harder about what's good for you, you're changing the structure of your life, you're bringing people into your life who will reinforce that resolution, then I think you have a fighting chance.” - Time-bound. Like “achievable,” the timeline toward reaching your goal should be realistic, too. That means giving yourself enough time to do it with lots of smaller intermediate goals set up along the way. “Focus on these small wins so you can make gradual progress,” Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit” and a former New York Times writer, said. “If you're building a habit, you're planning for the next decade, not the next couple of months.”

ESTHER IJEOMA OGBUKA Editor LinkedIn: Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka Instagram @estherogbuka Twitter @estherogbuka Phone number: 09051697564 05

OUR EDITORIAL TEAM Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka Editor Michael Sampson .N Page Editor Oluwayemisi Fashola Editorial Adviser Benjamin Uwakwe Head of Sales Department Ada C. Onyeforo Editorial Assistant/Administrative Personnel L. Brown Graphics Designer




Understanding Strong- Willed Children By Mrs. Amarachi Ugwu, RN


ealing with stubborn children is a challenge for parents as getting them to do even basic chores like taking a bath, eating a meal or going to bed is an everyday battle. Parents inadvertently encourage adamant behavior in children, by giving in to their tantrums. The best way to deal with a stubborn child is to show him that his behavior doesn't work. Pay attention to his good behavior for the desired outcome. Mummy and I has listed down a few tips that child psychologists and parenting experts recommend to deal with a stubborn child. Characteristics Of A Stubborn Child Not every kid that exercises free will is stubborn. It is important to fathom if your child is stubborn or determined, before taking any strong action. Strongwilled children can be highly intelligent and creative . They ask a lot of questions, which may come across as rebellion. They have opinions and are “doers�.


A few other characteristics that stubborn children may display are: They have a strong need to be acknowledged and heard. So they may seek your attention often. They can be fiercely independent. They are committed and bent on doing what they like. All kids throw tantrums, but stubborn ones may do so more often. They have strong leadership qualities – they can be “bossy” at times. They like to do things at their pace. Managing a strong-willed child may be difficult, but it is not all bad. Research has proven that children who break the rules often and defy the norms end up as high achievers in education and their chosen field of work. They are less likely to follow their friends down the wrong path.

1. Listen, Don't Argue Communication is a two-way street. If you want your obstinate child to listen to you, you have to be willing to listen to him first. Strong-willed children may have strong opinions and tend to argue. They may become defiant if they feel that they aren't being heard. Most of the times, when your child insists on doing or not doing something, listening to them and having an open conversation about what's bothering them can do the trick. So how do you teach a five- year-old stubborn child to listen to you? You approach him or her sideways, in a calm and practical manner and not head- on. 2. Connect With Them, Don't Force Them

Stubborn Child Psychology: Understanding StrongWilled Children If determination is one of your strong suits, you'd love to see that in your kid as well. But the tricky part is to know the difference between determination and stubbornness. So how do you tell one from the other? The dictionary meaning of determination is 'firmness of purpose'. Stubbornness or strong-will is defined as having an unwavering determination to do something or act in a particular way. Simply put, it is refusing to change one's thoughts, behaviors, or actions regardless of the external pressure to do otherwise. Stubbornness in children can be genetic or an acquired behavior. It is possible that you have inadvertently taught your kid to be stubborn. On a positive note, you can now consciously help your child unlearn or change his behavior for good.

When you force kids into something, they tend to rebel and do everything they should not. The term that best defines this behavior is counterwill, which is a common trait of stubborn children. Counterwill is instinctive and is not restricted to children alone. Connect with your children. For example, forcing your six- year-old child, who insists on watching TV past her bedtime, will not help. Instead, sit with her and show interest in what she is watching. When you show you care, she is likely to respond. Children who connect with their parents or caregivers want to cooperate. Establishing an unshakable connection with defiant children makes it easier to deal with them, says Susan Stiffelman in her book Parenting Without Power Struggles. Take that first step of connecting with your kid today – give them a hug! 3. Give Them Options

TIPS TO DEAL WITH STUBBORN CHILDREN You may have a stubborn child who refuses to stay in her crib or brushes aside her cereal spoon every time you try to feed her. Or you may have a bullheaded sixyear-old who insists on wearing the same clothes every day and stomps his foot to defy every rule or instruction you give him. Here are ten tips that you can rely on to curb their stubborn behavior.

Kids have a mind of their own and don't always like being told what to do. Tell your four-year- old stubborn child that she has to be in bed by 9pm, and all you will get from her is a loud “No!”. Tell your five-year-old stubborn boy to buy a toy you chose and he will NOT want that. * Give your kids options and not directives. Instead of telling her to go to bed, ask her if she would want to read bedtime story A or B.*


qYour kid could continue to be defiant and say, “I am not going to bed!”. When that happens, stay calm and tell her matter- of-factly, “well, that was not one of the choices”. You can repeat the same thing as many times as needed, and as calmly as possible. When you sound like a broken record, your child is likely to give in. That said, too many options aren't good either. For example, asking your kid to pick one outfit from his wardrobe could leave him confused. You can avoid this problem by minimizing the options to two or three outfits picked by you, and asking your stubborn kid to pick from those. 4. Stay Calm Yelling at a defiant, screaming kid will turn an ordinary conversation between a parent and a child into a shouting match. Your child might take your response as an invitation to a verbal combat. This will only make things worse. It is up to you to steer the conversation to a practical conclusion as youare the adult. Help your child understand the need to do something or behave in a specific manner.

6. Work With Them Stubborn or strong willed children are highly sensitive to how you treat them. So be watchful of the tone, body- language, and vocabulary you use. When they become uncomfortable with your behavior, they do what they know best to protect themselves: they rebel, talk back, and display aggression. Changing the way you approach a stubborn child can change how they react to you. Rather than telling them what to do, partner with them. Use statements like “let's do this…”, “how about we try that…” instead of “I want you to do … ”. Use fun activities to get your kids to do something. For example, if you want your stubborn kid to put his toys away, start doing it yourself and ask her to be your “special helper”. You could also time the activity and challenge the kid to put the toys away faster than you can. This is a sneaky trick that mostly works. Remember that the purpose of working with your children is to become their friend. 7. Negotiate

Do what it takes to stay calm – meditate, exercise, or listen to music. Listen to soothing music, play calming or relaxing music at home so that even your kids can listen. Once in a while, play your kid's favorite music. That way, you can gain their 'vote' and also enable them to unwind. 5. Respect Them

Sometimes, it is necessary to negotiate with your children. It is common for kids to act out when they aren't getting what they want. If you want them to listen to you, you need to know what's stopping them from doing so. Start by asking a few questions like “What is bothering you?”, “ Is something the matter?”, or “Do you want anything?” to get them to talk about it.

If you want your children to respect you and your decisions, you need to respect them. Your child will not accept authority if you force it onto him. Here are a few ways you can model respect in your relationship: Seek cooperation, don't insist on adherence to directives. Have consistent rules for all your children and do not be lax just because you find it convenient.

This tells them that you respect their wishes and are willing to consider them. Negotiation need not necessarily mean that you always give in to their demands. It's all about being considerate and practical. For example, your child may not be willing to go to bed at the set hour. Rather than insisting, try and negotiate a bedtime that suits both of you.

Empathize with them – never dismiss their feelings or ideas. Let your children do what they can for themselves, avoid the temptation to do something for them, to reduce their burden. This also tells them that you trust them. Say what you mean and do what you say.

8. Create A Congenial Environment At Home

Lead by example is the mantra you should follow here because your kids are observing you all the time, according to Betsy Brown Braun, the author of "You're Not The Boss Of Me."

Children learn through observation and experience. If they see their parents arguing all the time, they will learn to imitate that. Marital discord between parents can lead to a stressful environment in the house, affecting the mood and behavior of the kids. According to a study, marital discord may lead to social withdrawal and even aggression in children .


9. Understand The Child's Perspective To better understand your stubborn kid's behavior, try to look at the situation from their perspective. Put yourself in your child's shoes and try to imagine what they must be going through to behave in such a way. The more you know your kid, the better you can deal with their stubborn streak. For example, if your child is not willing to do his homework, it is possible that he or she is overwhelmed by the task. If there is too much to do or if your child is not able to focus, you can help by breaking the homework into smaller tasks that can be completed in short time. You could include short, one or two-minute breaks between the tasks to make the activity less stressful for him. 10. Reinforce Positive Behavior There will be times when you would not know what to do with stubborn children, to control their anger and aggressive behavior. But if you react without thought, you may develop a negative attitude towards the problem and even reinforce his negative behavior unwittingly. For example, your kid may be saying “No!” to almost everything you say. Think about it – do you say “No” a lot? If yes, you are reinforcing negative behavior by example. One way to change your stubborn kid's negative responses is the “Yes” game, a clever strategy recommended by marriage and family therapist Susan Stiffelman. When playing this game, your kid has to say “yes” or “no” to everything. Questions like “You love ice cream, don't you?”, “Do you love playing with your toys?”, or “Do you want to see if your dinosaur floats in the bath tub tomorrow?” You are likely to get a “Yes” from your child. The more your kid responds positively, the more he is likely to feel like he is being heard and appreciated.



Problems With A Stubborn Child

by Ifeanyi Ugwu. 1. How To Potty Train A Stubborn Child? Potty training is diďŹƒcult as it is, but when you are dealing with a stubborn child, it can become a pain. You can potty train your three-year-old stubborn and aggressive child by: a) Talking about it. b) Explaining him how it is done. c) Making it fun – don't get serious if your kid refuses to use the toilet. Remember that a stubborn child may take longer to learn to use the toilet than an obedient one. It is important that you remain patient and work with your kid to help him reach the goal, rather than push him towards it. 2. How To Get A Stubborn Child To Eat? Children tend to be very fussy when it comes to food. That said, you cannot always feed your kid what he or she wants. The best way to make sure your stubborn kids get what is good for them is to make dinner time fun. Use creative ways to present the food to your little one. Get them involved at the dinner table (ask them to set the table up, serve, etc.). Encourage them to try the food (just one bite) before rejecting it. Serve them small portions of everything and let them choose.

Reward them with a dessert or treat if they ďŹ nish their meal 3. How to punish a stubborn child? Children need rules and discipline. Your kids should know that there will be consequences, good or bad, for their actions. Make sure that they are fully aware of the consequences of breaking the rules. Consequences should be immediate, especially when you are dealing with kids so that they can connect their actions to the result. Time-outs, cutting down playtime, or TV time and assigning little chores can be a few ways to discipline the kid. You could also get creative with consequences, based on the problem. Remember that the idea is not to punish the child, but make him realize that his behavior is wrong. If you have other tips on how to handle a stubborn child and want to share your story with other mummies, feel free to send or share your experiences via We'd love to hear from you! Get them involved at the dinner table (ask them to set the table up, serve, etc.). Encourage them to try the food (just one bite) before rejecting it. Serve them small portions of everything and let them choose.



Three Reasons Why You Should

Wear good


Perfume by Yi-Di Ng

n a scale of one to ten, how vital is your perfume when you're getting ready to go out? To some, a spray of perfume is a nice, but unnecessary, topping. Others feel positively naked without at least a spritz. If you've been trying to decide whether you should add a few bottles of perfume to your beauty routine, here are three convincing reasons for it. 1. It makes you confident Recent research suggests that pheromones in your perfume may not be doing anything after all, but that doesn't have much impact on how perfume can positively affect your love life. So why do people have more romantic success when they've doused themselves with perfume? Perhaps believing that you're wearing a love potion gives you a nice confidence boost, and it's that extra confidence that's really sexy! It's a sexy, confidence-boosting self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. 2. It makes you memorable Our sense of smell is linked closely to memory, perhaps more so than any of our other senses. Researchers think that this could be because the part of your brain that processes smells is located very close to the part that processes memories. This is why a whiff of a familiar scent can easily bring back waves of memories– both good and bad. So wear a signature scent , and you can bet that it'll make people remember you! 3. It completes an outfit Perfume isn't like makeup or clothes– you can't see a scent the way you can see the gleam of a perfectly-highlighted cheekbone, or the cling of a tailored evening gown. Perfume is all about how it makes you feel . To sell a perfume, perfumers sell an idea– they tell a story, which allows a perfume to conjure up a desired image that makes you feel a certain. I never go for a fancy dinner without a little spritz of Diptyque's Volutes– it's a sweet, smoky scent that's sophisticated, glamorous, and just mysterious enough to make me feel perfectly dressed up and mysteriously glamourous myself. What if you don't want to wear perfume? That's okay too. Perfume isn't for everyone, especially those with sensitive skin or who tend to get overwhelmed by strong scents. You can always let your own natural scent do the talking! Even if you aren't aware of it, humans are super in tune with the scents of potential partners. That hot guy smells amazing not just because of his pheromones, but because his immune system is different enough from yours– which means you two will make amazing, healthy babies. And you can smell that . “Your major histocompatability."


Better Sex and

More Orgasm by Oluwayemisi Fashola

The scientific results suggest a variety of behaviours couples can try to increase orgasm frequency.”

We've long known that there is a distinct difference between the likelihoods of women and men orgasming during sex. It's a phenomenon so established it has a name– the orgasm gap. It can sometimes feel like simply being a woman makes it harder for you to orgasm during sex. Now, new research suggests your gender may not matter as much as the gender of the person you're having sex with, and what they do. In a study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour , researchers analysed the responses from over 52,000 participants in an online survey about sexual orientation and satisfaction. So who has the most and least orgasms? Straight women have it the worst, with only 65% of them saying they always or usually orgasm during sex. Compare this to the whopping 95% of straight men who say they do, and the orgasm gap starts to look like the orgasm Grand Canyon. Interestingly, this figure is 86% for lesbian women, but drops down to 66% for bisexual women. For gay and bisexual men, it's 89% and 88% respectively. So your best bet if you want to orgasm during sex? Don't have sex with a man. No, we're kidding. Sort of. The survey also asked participants about their sexual practices to determine which moves were more likely to lead to orgasm, so here are some actual sciencebacked tips that might help. 15

1. Make the right moves Lesbian women had much higher rates of orgasm than their straight counterparts. And compared to straight men, homosexual women were more likely to report that their partners orgasm during sex. So why are women so much more likely to orgasm when they have sex with other women rather than with men? Are women just better than men at making other women orgasm? The researchers say this could be due to other women having a better understanding than men that female orgasms are not just about penetrative vaginal sex. Although a third of men surveyed believe that penetrative vaginal sex is the best way to lead a woman to orgasm, 80% of heterosexual and 91% of homosexual women disagree. The winning combination for more orgasms for them? A “combination of genital stimulation, deep kissing, and oral sex in addition to vaginal sex”. Tell that to your husband, okay? Orgasm frequency according to combinations of behaviours engaged in during last sexual encounter: note that vaginal sex is not a requirement in ensuring orgasm! ( source ) (As for length? 15 minutes to an hour seems to be the sweet spot, according to the study.) 2. Mood matters Playing music, changing positions, or saying “I love you” during sex also increases a woman's chances of achieving orgasm. Women who had done these things during their last sexual encounter were 20% more likely to say they usually or always achieve orgasm during sex, as opposed to women who didn't. Perhaps not surprisingly, mood-setting affects a woman's probability of orgasm much more than a man's.

3. Use your mouth To communicate, we mean! According to the study, women who were more comfortable with talking to their partner about sex were more likely to have frequent orgasms. This means telling your partner what you want in bed, praising them in bed, and flirting with them throughout the day. “Women really are tremendously variable in how readily they orgasm and what makes one woman orgasm can be quite different than what makes another woman orgasm,” the researchers told The Guardian . “Explicit and direct communication with one's partner is key.” 4. Be good out of bed too Another thing women who orgasmed more often had in common: they were more satisfied in their relationships. This is veering on chicken-and-egg territory – does better sex lead to a better relationship or vice versa? – but research seems to suggest the latter. Simple but loving acts like giving and getting massages, going on regular date nights, wearing lingerie, and even showering or bathing together are all helpful in leading to a satisfying time in bed. There's nothing new about this advice, but now we know they really work. After all, data doesn't lie. Conclusions As handy as these tips may be, we believe that orgasms are not the be-all-end-all marker of a good romp. They're great, but there's a lot more to love about sex than just orgasms. Getting all caught up and feeling too pressured to climax can lead to anxiety, resulting in the complete opposite effect. So try these tips, but don't forget to relax, enjoy the moment, and have a good time. If it comes, it comes!


4You Reasons Should Delay Posting

Your Vacation Pics On Social Media by Vasenta Selvanayagam


guess there was some truth when LebaneseAmerican writer, Kahlil Gibran said travel and tell no one, and live a true story . But before anyone beats me up, let me come clear by saying that no, I'm not telling you to completely stop posting up your holiday pictures but all I'm suggesting is that maybe you should delay it for a bit instead of posting it on the spot! “As much as most of us are aware that we shouldn't share our personal info, very few are aware that sharing vacation pics and making plans on social media is equally dangerous as there are hackers and thieves out there who might be watching us." For instance, you never know who's watching your feed to check that your home is empty and unguarded! So, besides just posting up pics later so that your social media followers aren't aware when you are at home and not at home, here are 4 other things you should do just to be safe.

Choose to share your frustrations with your family members and close friends instead of doing it online– especially if you have a public account. Imagine putting up a status that says 'Two days to go before my beach vacay!' and have someone break into your home when you're gone? You never know who is actually keeping an eye on your social media so it's better to just keep things private instead of asking for trouble.

1. Avoid connecting to unsecure Wi-Fi networks

4. Protect your location

Yes, most of us do connect to any Wi-Fi hotspot available because we want to save our own precious data, but be careful to not connect to any that are unsecure. This is because these networks are where hackers usually position themselves to steal your data.

Keep your whereabouts private using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which hides your IP address and location. For example, when you connect to another country's server using NordVPN, you can set your location to virtually any place in the world to keep your data and location safe.

increase the visibility of our posts and followers. But in the end, we don't even know who are those who are following us. If you're one of them, create groups of friends especially on Instagram so that you can choose to share your then and there pics and experiences with people who are your actual friends. 3. Don't over share your feelings on social media

2. Make sure your social media settings are private Some of us are into the latest trend whereby we post up everything (and every hashtag possible) to


MORE ON CHOOSING A RESOLUTION by Ada Onyeforo Create Your Plan Your end goal won't just magically appear. Here are ways to figure out how to get there. Because you won't just wake up and change your life, you not only need a plan for what to do, but also for what roadblocks you'll come across along the way. If you're trying to form or break a habit, Mr. Duhigg suggested breaking down that habit into its three parts: a cue, a routine and a reward.

Bad Habit: I don't get enough sleep at night. Cue: I feel like I need time to myself in the evening. Routine: I stay up too late watching TV. Reward: I'm entertained..

For example: Bad Habit: I check Twitter too often. Cue: I feel isolated. Routine: I check Twitter. Reward: I feel connected.

MAKE IT PERSONAL Of course, the cue and routine for a common bad habit, like smoking, is as individual as the person trying to quit. You may need to do some work to figure out what the real cue for the habit you want to change is, and then what will replace it.

Way to change the behavior: Instead of staying up late to watch TV, carve out special time each day to spend by yourself, even if that may mean asking for help with your children or taking a break from work each day.

Way to change the behavior: Instead of checking Twitter, get up and talk to a colleague. What about if you have a really bad health habit? Bad Habit: I smoke. Cue: I'm tired. Routine: I smoke a cigarette. Reward: I'm stimulated

Both the cue and reward should be easy and obvious. Let's look at one example in depth. For running, a cue could be just putting on your running clothes, even if at first you don't do anything after that. “Oftentimes when people have never exercised before, and researchers are working with them to get them to exercise, the first week is: You should just put on your Way to change the behavior: Instead of smoking a running clothes. Don't even leave the house,” Mr. cigarette, replace the stimulus with something else, Duhigg said. Then add the first step in the new routine: Put on running clothes, walk around the block. “You like coffee. want to create an environment where you're making very slow progress that is guaranteed to deliver Or if your habit affects your whole day? victories to you,” he said. 20

And then the reward at the end of the action must be an actual reward, too, so that it reinforces the routine and makes you want to do it. “Otherwise your brain won't latch onto the behavior,” Mr. Duhigg said. For example, if you run in the morning then rush through your shower and your commute, you might end up at your desk sweaty, so in effect “you're punishing yourself for running,” he said. Your brain will pick up on that punishment and push back against the intended activity. Your resolution didn't necessarily fail because you failed, but because you were trying to do it at the wrong time, which resulted in a punishment instead of a reward at the end. For running, a reward can be a nice long shower, a piece of chocolate or indulging in a feeling of pride, which can be reinforced by tracking your running in a journal and writing that down. But while your plan should be realistic and encouraging, it should also allow for inevitable hurdles that are going to crop up. Pauline Wallin, a psychologist and author of “Taming Your Inner Brat,” said any resolution plan should include room for mistakes. “You're there for the long haul. You have to expect slip ups,” she said. “There will be times when you will say, 'I'll make a mess of things and I'm just going to start again tomorrow.' Don't berate yourself. Focus on what you're doing good for yourself rather than what mistake you made,” she said. MORE TIPS FOR KEEPING YOUR RESOLUTION Leap Over Resolution Hurdles No one's perfect, and your quest for your resolution won't be either. But you can get back on track. What's the best way to tackle problems that arise on your way to success? First, remember no matter how well you plan, change is hard. “You're up against a part of yourself that's never going to change. It's always going to push at you in certain directions that are unhealthy. You're going to have to really create something step by step in order to manage it,” Dr. Bennett said. So before hurdles get in your way, make sure you have a plan to jump over them. Here are a few common problems people face in achieving their goals: It's too much and I have so far to go. A perceived lack of progress can be frustrating. Dr. Wallin suggested focusing on whatever the smaller number it is: your progress, or how much you have left to do.

This “small number” technique is based on a 2012 study published in The Journal of Consumer Research that found that focusing on the smaller number in reaching a goal kept people more motivated. So, for example, if you want to run five miles, which of the following thoughts is more likely to keep you going? I've already run one mile and in another mile I'll double it I've run just one mile and I still have four more to go According to this theory, you're likely better off with the first one. So when you are first starting on your journey toward your resolution, instead of looking at the big number left to get there, look at what you've already achieved. Toward the end when that goal number shrinks, it's perfectly fine to look at your progress, but zero in on what little remains before you hit your goal. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's not working. Positive thinking isn't going to be enough, said Gabriele Oettingen, a professor of psychology at New York University and author of “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation.” In fact, positive thinking may be the thing holding you back. In her studies, she's found that “the more positively people fantasize and daydream about their future success, the less well they do in terms of having actual success,” she said. “They already experienced it positively in their minds, and then they relax,” she said. “These positive fantasies are helpful for exploring the different possibility for the future, but they are a hardship when it comes to actually putting in the effort and the energy that wish fulfillment actually needs. They sap energy.” A better technique than positive thinking? Try to be positive, but realistic. Yes, imagine the goal or positive fantasy, but then look at what obstacles are in the way and how to get over them. Dr. Oettingen calls this technique W.O.O.P. — Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. Wish: What do you want? Outcome: What would the ideal outcome be? What will your life look like when you hit your goal? Obstacle: You know yourself. What will try to stop you? What has sidelined you before? Plan: How will you get around it? 21

Answering these questions doesn't need to take a lot of time. Dr. Oettingen suggested three to five minutes to start; make sure you're in a place where you won't be interrupted. (Want to try it? STATE YOUR GOAL You don't necessarily need to find a special group, but you should let a person or two know that you're setting a goal. “Tell them your plan and ask them to hold you accountable,” Dr. Milkman said. That way it's a public commitment, and you might feel like you have a community supporting you that wants to see you succeed. You can also use social media to make your goal public, like posting on Facebook that you will learn to cross-stitch by July 1, along with updates of your hobby in progress. But that can be a double-edged sword, Dr. Wallin said. You might get a boatload of sympathy at a time when you really need a strong push, or even worse, you'll get unsolicited feedback from someone you haven't spoken to since seventh grade. “You'll get a lot of advice, which most people don't want but are going to get anyway,” she said. STAND TO LOSE SOMETHING Namely, money. That could mean you give your brother $100 and you can't get it back until you reach your goal. Or, for something more formal and formatted, Dr. Milkman recommends, a website where you make a financial pledge that you'll lose if you don't reach your goal. “If there's money on the line, the consequences are much larger,” Dr. Milkman said. “There are really stakes in the game.”

CUT BACK ON BAD INFLUENCES While some friends and family want to help, others can hold you back, especially if your resolutions to cut back on a bad behavior means you can't participate in that behavior with them or they see your wanting to change as a rejection of the way they live their lives. For those who push back against your decision to change – your happy hour buddies, the smoking crew at work – Dr. Bennett suggested creating a script that says what you are trying to do without any shame behind it. Look at it like a memo to the people in your life about the change you hope to make. “You're trying to take an administrative position on the issue with yourself and with others. You're not trying to get emotional about it,” he said. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking and getting ribbing from a group of people you usually smoke with at work, try this: “I really enjoyed our time outside, but I'm really sorry that I have to back off now because stopping smoking is so important to my health. Hanging out with the gang during the smoke sessions would be more than I could tolerate. Again: My regrets.” If you clearly state what you're trying to do, and that person continually pushes back, it could be a sign that the relationship isn't a good one for you. This can often be an issue in a relationship where one partner continues with a destructive habit when the other is trying to quit. “You really need to ask yourself whether this is a red flag about something in a relationship that can be very dangerous for you that you want to be prepared for in advance,” Dr. Bennett said. RESOLUTION STORIES

FIND LIKEMINDED RESOLVERS You may find online support groups and forums (on Facebook or not) full of people who are reaching for the same goal. But real life groups can help too. Mr. Duhigg said that one reason Alcoholics Anonymous (and other Anonymous groups) works for a lot of people is, first because it's a community, but also because there's a belief in something else that isn't necessarily God. For example, people have used a belief in a general higher power, even in nature, to help them achieve their goals. “Belief is a metaphorical muscle that with practice gets strong and easier to use,” he said. “Ultimately people who are looking to change a really alluring and destructive behavior like alcoholism need to believe in the capacity to change.” Support groups can help because it's a group setting with a lot of social reinforcement and features examples of people who have changed.

If You Miss Your Goal You didn't fail. You're your own experiment, so here's what to try on your second, third or 20th attempt. First and foremost: If you fail at your resolution attempt, don't beat yourself up, and know you're not alone. After all, Dr. Milkman points out, “we struggle to do the things that we know are good for us because we give into impulses for instant gratification.” FEEL FREE TO START FRESH Want to try again? Remember, a resolution doesn't need to be tied to New Year's. “It can be following a weekend, following a birthday,” she said. So if you missed your New Year's goal, you can start again tomorrow, on a Monday, after Valentine's Day or any marker that means something to you, just as long as 23

you're ready to give it another go. It won't guarantee success, but you don't need to wait until another year comes around on the calendar to give it another go. And be kind to yourself. “We talk in much harsher tones to ourselves than we would to other people,” said Dr. Wallin. “We wouldn't say to a kid trying to learn something 'that's so stupid' but that's how we talk to ourselves.” When resolutions run off the rails or fall apart but you still want to try again, talk to yourself like “a child who's feeling discouraged. You wouldn't say 'that's because you're an idiot.' You would say 'come on you can do it.'” Dr. Wallin offered a few more common self-put downs, and ways to flip the script: Instead of “I blew it. What's the point now?” …say, “That was a bad decision, but a good learning opportunity. What's my next step?” Instead of, “I'm SO hungry!” …say, “I'm hungry, which means it's working! It's a bit uncomfortable, but I've gotten through worse.” Instead of, “My legs are SO sore. I can't possibly work out today" …say, “Let's give my leg muscles a rest today. What can I do to work my arms?” or: “Of course my muscles are sore. They're supposed to be. It will get easier." Instead of, “This is too hard!” …say, “Making it through today is going to really build my confidence.”


WHY DO YOU WANT TO MARRY HIM? By Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka.


've discovered that most ladies marry a man for different reasons likewise some men marry a lady for retinue of reasons which most of the times, are purely physical except for some men that think way beyond the physical and go for more long lasting qualities and virtues. I'm writing this directly to young single ladies of marriageable age in other to help them evaluate their intentions towards that man you want to marry. When you marry a man for the wrong reasons, you will regret it. This adage, "Marry a man that is ready not the man you love" have destroyed many homes. Some ladies end up marrying a man they are not interested in, a man they are not sexually attracted to, a man that don't inspire nor support them in any way just because they think he's ready or maybe he is the most eligible bachelor. How can you invest the whole of your emotions, your forever, you entire lifetime on someone JUST because he is ready? Like seriously! That's way too much for a joke. He needs to have other wonderful impressionable qualities that goes far beyond him being ready before you'll take such a huge decision to entrust your lifetime to him. You need to marry him for the right reasons because marriage is a journey that you know how it starts but you'll NEVER know how it ends. Only God knows the end from the beginning. Many homes are broken because both partners married each other for the wrong reasons. A woman may marry a man because he works in Shell and drives an SUV. What if he gets fired? Or his health deteriorates? If a man marries a woman because

she's working in a reputable firm. What happens if her boss starts assaulting her sexually and she wants to resign? A woman once told me some unprintable things she did just to keep and secure her job because she knows her husband loves her because of her job. Have you sat down to analyze your intentions for saying 'Yes' to that proposal? Hope you're not in that relationship because of condition? Hope you truly and sincerely appreciate that man for who he is? Hope your feelings for him is genuine and divinely driven? Hope you're not with him because he spoils you with money and even handed one of his ATM cards to you in case you're stranded. If you're with him because of what you stand to gain, what happens when his pockets become unavailable to dispense cash? Also, if you know you won't marry a man, don't place financial demands on him. Don't request for anything. Be contended with whatever you have and live within your means. Don't milk a man dry knowing fully well the relationship lacks substance and won't make any headway. Some people are suffering Karma because of their misdeeds. Whatever you sow is what you'll reap. So, don't just marry a man just because he's ready. What if he's not ready, would he still be your taste? What if his pocket is dry, would he still be your King and Lord? There is no selfishness in love. Love is the most beautiful thing on planet earth. I remain yours in this race of life, Esther.




his is the part two of the post: "What Should I Do And any marriage based on trickery is not in conformity with the idea of scriptures concerning If I Discover That I Married The Wrong Person."

Marriage, aside it being an adumbration of our union with Christ, was also designed to be an emotional support system, for sexual satisfaction and bearing offsprings. This means that before anyone consent to marriage, he or she must be sure he can dutifully perform these responsibilities of marriage. There is a clause in the wedding liturgy which asks prospective bride and groom if any of them knows any just cause why they should not be joined. The idea is to ensure that all things necessary for each of them to make an informed decision is laid bare so that personal discretion is exercised. Now, If a prospective bride or groom refused to disclose before marriage that he or she is sexually impaired, have a sexual orientation to persons of same sex, barren, infected with a fatal disease, without womb, a cult member, or lied about any vital detail of his or her life that violates the marriage and its functions, then that is not a marriage in the first instance. It is fraud! Let me break it down to simpler English. If you got married to someone who didn't tell you that he or she will be unable to have sex with you, impregnate you or become pregnant, marriage never really did take place. That was fraud! If you mind, move on to marry again! That is a marriage by trickery. It violates the intent of scriptures for marriage. 1 Corinthians 7:3 says, "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband." If you got into marriage and discover that your spouse lied to you and he or she is incapable of fulfilling his or her conjugal duty to you, you have the right to walk away from that marriage. You would not be breaking the scripture if you do so. And if you remarry, you're not sinning. Such a marriage is by trick and it never really took place; it was a fraud - obtained by trick.

marriage. If in the past you had your womb removed and you are married now but lied about your ability to conceive to your spouse before marriage, if he finds out and walks out of the marriage, he's not divorcing you. He's only stepping out of lies. Every intent to mislead, deceive, or manipulate a prospective bride or groom imperceptibly to marriage is fraud. We have seen situations where people got into marriage to discover that their spouse is married to someone else. Usually, people who do this do not go to the bride's family during the marriage ceremony with their real family members. Sometimes, some go with some family members that are willing to be used to perfect this kind of fraud. Some lied about their faith before marriage but were later discovered to be members of a deadly secret cult. So what should the partner do? Leave! If it is discovered that a party tricked the other into marriage and lied about certain vital detail that should aid the functions of the marriage, that marriage should be annulled. In our court of law, once a judgment is fraudulently procured, the ruling could be set aside. The judge has the power to revoke his judgment if it is discovered that the court was misled. So once a marriage is discovered to have been obtained by trick, it should be annulled. It's a fraud, not marriage. God bless you richly. Martin White, a teacher, writer and speaker, writes from Abuja. He is the president, Martin White Organization and publisher, Ecumenical Review




hy are people extremely cautious with their decision when it comes to marriage? Is marriage one of the most important decisions of one's life? Marriage is an important decision, but it isn't the most important to most prospective bride or even married people. I will explain why I said so. If marriage is an important decision to a prospective bride, then it wouldn't be reached through random sexploitation or the illicit experimentation of sex. Marriage is not a decision we reach as a retirement plan after fruitless sojourns from bed to bed with dierent people. Such is not the divine conceptualization of marriage. No sane person wants to use his or her body that should be the oďŹƒcial resource assigned to just one person (spouse) as the playground to others. That is not the wisdom a person who sees marriage as one of the most important decisions of his or her life wants to do. Understand? Apart or aside this, premarital sexual indulgences is the most viable means of getting married to the wrong person. I will explain why people say or think that they are married to the wrong person, but before that I just want to state some important facts as a foundation to this discourse. Sex is not just an act done by two people; it's also an action that validate their bond and express their intent. 28

When two people of different academic, social, financial, or religious compositions constantly indulge in sex, a mutual adhesiveness to a decision on marriage could be reached accidentally (pregnancy) or willingly as an influence on each other. We see these things happening everywhere. Just look at some of the married people around you to see this truth. When a husband and his wife are two different people with extreme and conflicting views on life, most times it was sex that brought them together. So in marriage they fight a lot because life and family means different things to the two of them. Most times the guy is career-driven, but the wife isn't. She prefers to hawk stuffs to sell as a way of life. He speaks literal English, but she is a professor in pidgin or vernacular. They are running in opposite directions because sex was the validating bond that landed them in marriage! But unfortunately, the daily practicalities of life in marriage is opening their eyes to realities. So they are now beginning to see that marriage by accident (through pregnancy) or as an influence on the premise of sexual bond was the illusion that shut their eyes to facts or issues that should have informed their decision on this important phase of their life! This is just an angle to this issue of marrying the wrong person. This is not absolute or to say that some people aren't smart enough to evaluate a sexmate before indulgence. But the bottom-line is that sexual indulgence usually colours or influences people's decision of marriage. So what should you do if you discover in your marriage that your perception of your spouse before marriage was wrong or probably shaded by premarital sex? This is where the job is. You have not entered "one chance," but you will have to be studious and deliberate in your approach in the marriage if it must work.

In this case, divorce is not an option. Why? Firstly, this discourse is to Christians, not nonChristians. Secondly, when it comes to marriage for Christians, whoever you got married to automatically becomes the will of God for you. God's will is his Word. And his Word says, "Husband, love your wife; wife, submit to your husband." Meaning, leaving your spouse translates to a violation of God's Word. So God's will is for you to work out that marriage until it meets the image that suits or satisfies you. Consciously begin to pay attention to your spouse and begin to seek ways to improve his or her life. This means that your love walk and patience would have to reach its very penetrating depth. It's hard and almost impossible to change people, I hope you know that? So if you must attempt to influence your spouse to change his or her ways, then you will have to give them time to alter their personality on their own. Most times, it takes a lifetime to form certain habits. So it is possible most of the habits that you aren't comfortable with in your spouse were built from the family they grew up with. So while praying, correcting him or her in love must be adopted as a damage control approach to either foster a good image or curtail a total loss of his or personality to ruins. If he smokes, womanizes, or she flirts with guys, can't cook, or she's disrespectful, aside prayers, you will need to engage the professional services of a counselor for them to rewire them. I hope this helps. This subject is too large to discuss here, but you can meet me privately inbox. Your confidence will be treated privately with utmost regard as usual. God bless you richly. Martin White, a teacher, writer and speaker, writes from Abuja. He is the president, Martin White Organization and publisher, Ecumenical Review







ercy Aigbe is one of the gifted actresses in this part of the world. As we all know, a dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work to achieve one's life dreams and this beautiful mother of two has proven to the world that all you need to rise to the citadel of your career is excellence and Zeal. She has become a strong voice in the movie industry through hardworking and persistence. Her aura, elegance and style have not only earned her mouth-watering deals that ran into millions of naira, but also, they have made her the favourite of producers of both Yoruba and English movies. Her interview with Mummy & I magazine will inspire you to go for gold. She reminded us that "To be a champion, You have to see the big picture. It's not about winning and losing; it's about every day hard work and about thriving on a challenge. It's about embracing the pain that you'll experience at the end of a race and not being afraid." Mercy Aigbe so much love her two children and she's committed to giving them nothing else but the best. 1) May we know you, Ma? My name is Mercy Aigbe. A lot of people know that I am very hardworking, passionate, humble and playful. 2) Which movie projects have you have you handled since 2018? I have a movie titled 77 bullets which I released before the end of year 2018 and I assure you that people love it. The cast members in the movie include myself, Yinka Quadri, Abimbola Ogunlowo and other A-list actors. And I have other movies that I featured in including a ďŹ lm titled," That which binds us" by Dayo Amusa, which hit the cinemas , and another one with Uche Jombo and Ini Edo, Heaven on my mind, will be in cinema anytime soon and a couple of others. Apart from movies, I am a fashion entrepreneur and my daughter also launched her makeup line.

5) What is the secret, you don't look your age? I try to live a healthy lifestyle, I try as much as I can to stay away from fatty food. I love eating vegetables and drinking a lot of water. I also exercise when I have the time because of my busy schedule, but anytime I'm free I hit the gym to burn some calorie 6) How will you explain the joy of motherhood? It's a beautiful thing (laughs). Though it's not easy, she's gone to school outside the country. We've been together for 17 years. She's my best friend, we gist and talk like friends. Letting her go was so emotional for me, I still miss her a lot. But it is her life, she's a big girl now and she has started her own journey of life. I have brought her up well by imbibing the values that I want her to live with and I've given her everything and I wish her the best. The joy is unexplainable. 7) You were recently named as the brand inuencer of a skincare product, what made them choose you among all other actors? I think, the producer of Mary Mak Skincare product is in the best position to answer this question. But all I can tell you is that I represent a very credible brand and I do my investigation very well. When they approached me, I made sure my team did their proper investigation by making sure that their brand is what I can identify with because of the feedback I will get from people I am marketing these products to; I will want it to be real and genuine. I won't want bad feedback, so I make sure that before I go into any sort of partnership or deal with any brand they have to have integrity. Also, what I can say is probably Mary Mak saw in me an enthusiastic and business-minded woman, because I know what marketing is all about and I know how to push brands. So, they must have seen how I push other brands and the energy I put into making sure that those products get to a wide audience and target market. They must have their reason for choosing me. I am actually inuencing some of their products, including skin body scrub, facial cleanser and cream and Glutathione patch.

3) Is your daughter also into acting? No! She is not showing interest in acting. It's my son that loves acting. As I usually say, whatever my children want to do, I am going to give them my 100% support. My daughter is a teen model and she's also 8) Yoruba movie and going to cinema, which is a new the face of "Michelle Beauty Lippies." development? I don't agree with you. Yes, it's being revived because 4) What drives your passion? I remember when I was young, we used to go see I always want to be successful in anything I set out to Hulbert Ogunde and others at the cinema. So, the do. As an actress, I'm passionate about acting and also culture has been revived, which is a welcome the business aspect too, which my fans can attest to. development and thank God that people are I'm a trending fasionista. I'm very hard working. I like to accepting because it serves as another avenue for movie makers like myself to make more money. So, make my own money. we are happy about it. 32

9) Home video and cinema, which one generates more revenue? Both are rewarding, it is just dierent channels to make money from your work. People are of the opinion that movie screening at the cinema has expiry date or period Yes, you might have a stipulated time but as long as people are asking for the movie, it will continue to be shown for as long as the demand is high. So, then maybe DVD sells for N200 or there about and a movie ticket sells about N2500, N1000, N500 just do the mathematics. So, it is an avenue to make money. I cannot say, per se, which one fetches more money for us. Putting your movie online also can sell; IrokoTV and the likes are just dierent media through which you can get revenue for your work. 10) As a movie producer and actress, what are the challenges the industry is facing? It is still piracy and now they've taking it to online. Like my movie, 77 bullets, one day somebody sent me a poster that said 77 bullets was showing on Youtube with my picture. And I was like 'I've not even ďŹ nished editing this movie.' I quickly went to check on Youtube channel, lo and behold, it was another movie entirely. All these things are not good for us as actors and movie producers. This piracy is still there, so it is a huge challenge. But gradually with the cinema and online, we can explore other ways of getting our money back. Any regrettable roles so far? No, there has been none. 11) What message do you have for mothers all over the world? I'll encourage every mother to remain strong for their children. I cherish my children a lot and I can't imagine life without them. I want them to have a good life and get to the top of their careers in life.



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