Mummy & I Aviation Edition

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Aviation Edition 2019

Celebrating N5,000




Birthday to you!


THE AVIATION INDUSTRY AND ITS HEINOUS CHALLENGES. The aviation industry in our country is undergoing several challenges. It needs a kind of re-organisation and jolt. If you look at it this year, a lot of airlines have gone under. Medview has gone to one aircraft operation and a lot of other airlines have gone to one aircraft operation. Despite the fact that the passenger growth has increased, but the amount of aircraft operating in the country has reduced. Now, what inference can you draw from this? It tells you that the aviation industry is not growing. The industry is shrinking day by day just the same way a Cobra wraps itself around its prey and choke life out of it. Despite the fact that the passenger demand is high but the growth in the airlines are going down. The passenger growth is increasing; the market is expanding, but unfortunately the aircrafts are drastically reducing in numbers for the basic reason of no investment coming in. Of course, the only airline that is bringing in more airplanes is Air Peace. This year 2019 is almost crawling to the end, hence, the government need to exert influence on deliberate policy not only on the infrastructure but also in the airlines. This means that the federal government should look at the airport, runways and also look at the health of the airlines and try and see how they can encourage mergers, encourage new entrant and encourage bringing back to life those that have gone under. I am not giving up on the aviation industry, however, my desire is for the federal government not only to invest in infrastructure but also to look at the airlines meticulously. This is because, you can have a very good infrastructure but if you don't have airlines, you don't have the aviation industry.Over the years, government seems to be detached from the problems affecting the airlines; they just regulate them and the industry. This policy should be removed. Government should be worried when airlines are not doing well. We should look at it as other economies have looked at airlines in their country. United States of America looks after American airlines, supporting and also making sure they grow. Government seem to put impediments that tend to suffocate the growth of an airline through inimical policies. They don't allow the airline to grow; they don't give them the necessary impetus or the necessary support for them to grow which is one of the killer drives. Also, the federal government should give maximum support to airlines through the Bank of Industry (BOI). The best thing that they can do to the airlines is to give them money at affordable rates. And they can do that with BOI, they can do that with even the pension funds. We have so much money in pension funds. Often times, I wonder why can't they give the airlines a dollar denominated loan and the interest rate which should be in single digit, two per cent or three per cent as what other airlines in other countries get and at long term; let's say 15 to 20 years. Then, proceed to create the criteria for them (airlines) to access the fund. Guide them on what they need to do to access the fund and ensure they plough the money strictly into aviation and nothing else. You don't need to even give them money directly you can actually go and get equipment. You can decide to partner with Boeing, Airbus or any of these manufacturers and say, okay we are giving $500 million but we want it in equipment. So let's say 30 aircraft and we are giving it to airline X, Y and Z, they will pay us over a period of 10 or 15 years.This is how I see the aviation industry being transformed like the banking industry as well. But if we decide that people should bring their money from their pocket to buy new airplanes and invest in the industry, I think it will not be the best as these will create lesser opportunities for teeming population of youths in Nigeria who have interest in the aviation industry. ESTHER IJEOMA NNAMDI Editor-in-chief LinkedIn: Esther Ijeoma Nnamdi Instagram @esther_nnamdi Phone number: 09051697564 MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 2

Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka Editor Michael Sampson .N Page Editor Oluwayemisi Fashola Editorial Adviser Benjamin Uwakwe Head of Sales Department L. Brown Graphics Designer




Uche Anyanwagu MD, PhD is a Public Health Physician and Clinical Epidemiologist. He had his undergraduate Medical training in Nigeria before leaving to the United Kingdom under the Commonwealth Scholarship for his Masters and PhD degrees at the University of Nottingham. Uche is an Associate Research Fellow at The School of Medicine, University of Nottingham and a Specialty Trainee at the Durham and Tees Valley, UK. He is a motivational speaker whose audience cuts across academic, political and spiritual circles. He is a prolific writer and has authored 4 books alongside many research papers in medical journals.

Dr. Prince Williams Njoku is a renowned Oncologist and a World Health Researcher for World Health Organiza on.

Martin White-Ufuah is an Abuja based Public Speaker, Teacher, and Writer. He is the President of Mar n White Organiza on and Publisher, Ecumenical review. You can contact him via mar or call 08163771261.

Onalo Joy Ajuma is an experienced Journalist and Informa on officer for Ministry of Informa on and culture. She worked with ITV 2012 as a News reporter. Year 2014-2016, She was a Poli cal reporter, Member Editorial team ,Teleprompter operator and News Director with Nigerian Television Authority (NTA). She is the News reporter, Environment Africa Magazine and Ass. Public Rela ons Officer, UNESCO REF 2019.














Air Peace offers free flights


to Nigerians in South Africa

Here's Why Flying Is the Safest Mode of Transportation Don't let fear of flying keep you from booking a trip abroad.










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Jet lag, also called jet lag disorder, is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Your body has its own internal clock, or circadian rhythms, that signals your body when to stay awake and when to sleep. Jet lag occurs because your body's clock is still synced to your original time zone, instead of to the time zone where you've traveled. The more time zones

crossed, the more likely you are to experience jet lag. Jet lag can cause daytime fatigue, an unwell feeling, difficulty staying alert and gastrointestinal problems. Jet lag is temporary, but it can significantly reduce your vacation or business travel comfort. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent or minimize jet lag.


Symptoms Symptoms of jet lag can vary. You may experience only one symptom or you may have many. Jet lag symptoms may include: ·

Disturbed sleep — such as insomnia, early waking or excessive sleepiness · Daytime fatigue · Difficulty concentrating or functioning at your usual level · Stomach problems, constipation or diarrhea · A general feeling of not being well · Mood changes Symptoms worse the farther you travel Jet lag symptoms usually occur within a day or two of travel if you've traveled across at least two time zones. Symptoms are likely to be worse or last longer the more time zones that you've crossed, especially if you travel in an easterly direction. It usually takes about a day to recover for each time zone crossed.

At night, when the light signal is low, the hypothalamus tells the pineal gland, a small organ situated in the brain, to release melatonin. During daylight hours, the opposite occurs, and the pineal gland produces very little melatonin. You may be able to ease your adjustment to your new time zone by exposing yourself to daylight in the new time zone so long as the timing of light is done properly. 3) Airline cabin pressure and atmosphere Some research shows that changes in cabin pressure and high altitudes associated with air travel may contribute to some symptoms of jet lag, regardless of travel across time zones. In addition, humidity levels are low in planes. If you don't drink enough water during your flight, you can get slightly dehydrated. Dehydration may also contribute to some symptoms of jet lag.

When to see a doctor Jet lag is temporary. But if you're a frequent traveler Risk factors and continually struggle with jet lag, you may benefit Factors that increase the likelihood you'll experience jet lag include: from seeing a sleep specialist. Causes 1) A disruption to your circadian rhythms. Jet lag can occur anytime you cross two or more time zones. Jet lag occurs because crossing multiple time zones puts your internal clock or circadian rhythms, which regulate your sleep-wake cycle, out of sync with the time in your new locale. For example, if you leave New York on a flight at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, and arrive in Paris at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, your internal clock still thinks it's 1:00 a.m. That means you're ready for bed just as Parisians are waking up. And because it takes a few days for your body to adjust, your sleep-wake cycle, along with most other body functions, such as hunger and bowel habits, remains out of step with the rest of Paris. 2) The influence of sunlight A key influence on your internal clock is sunlight. That's because light influences the regulation of melatonin, a hormone that helps synchronize cells throughout the body.


Number of time zones crossed. The more time zones you cross, the more likely you are to be jet-lagged. 2. Flying east. You may find it harder to fly east, when you "lose" time, than to fly west, when you gain it back. 3. Being a frequent flyer. Pilots, flight attendants and business travelers are most likely to experience jet lag. 4. Being an older adult. Older adults may need more time to recover from jet lag than do younger adults. Complications Motor vehicle accidents caused by drowsy driving may be more likely in people who are jet-lagged. Prevention A few basic steps may help prevent jet lag or reduce its effects:

Arrive early. If you have an important meeting or other event that requires you to be in top form, try to arrive a few days early to give your body a chance to adjust. Get plenty of rest before your trip. Starting out sleepCertain cells in the tissue at the back of your eye (retina) transmit the light signals to an area of your deprived makes jet lag worse. brain called the hypothalamus. MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 8

Gradually adjust your schedule before you leave. If you're traveling east, try going to bed one hour earlier each night for a few days before your departure. Go to bed one hour later for several nights if you're flying west. If possible, eat meals closer to the time you'll be eating them at your destination. Regulate bright light exposure. Because light exposure is one of the prime influences on your body's circadian rhythm, regulating light exposure may help you adjust to your new location. In general, exposure to light in the evening helps you adjust to a later than usual time zone (traveling westward), while exposure to morning light can help you adapt to an earlier time zone faster (traveling eastward). The one exception is if you have traveled more than eight time zones from your original time zone, because your body might mistake early morning light for evening dusk. Your body might also mistake evening light for early morning light. So, if you've traveled more than eight time zones to the east, wear sunglasses and avoid bright light in the morning, and then allow as much sunlight as possible in the late afternoon for the first few days in your new location. If you have traveled west by more than eight time zones, avoid sunlight a few hours before dark for the first few days to adjust to the local time. Stay on your new schedule. Set your watch to the new time before you leave. Once you reach your destination, try not to sleep until the local nighttime, no matter how tired you are. Try to time your meals with local mealtimes too. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight to counteract the dehydrating effects of dry cabin air. Dehydration can make jet lag symptoms worse. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these can dehydrate you and affect your sleep. Try to sleep on the plane if it's nighttime at your destination. Earplugs, headphones and eye masks can help block out noise and light. If it's daytime where you're going, resist the urge to sleep.





Lower abdominal or pelvic pain, refers to discomfort that occurs at or below your belly bu on. Most women will experience pain in the lower abdomen from me to me. ... The most common lower abdominal pain causes are: A urinary disorder, such as bladder or kidney problems and we can also say that Abdominal pain

can be caused by many condi ons. However, the main causes are infec on, abnormal growths, inflamma on, obstruc on (blockage), and intes nal disorders. ... Cramps associated with menstrua on are also a poten al source of lower abdominal pain, but more commonly these are known to cause pelvic pain.


Cramps associated with menstrua on are also a poten al source of lower abdominal pain, but more commonly these are known to cause pelvic pain. Other common causes of abdominal pain include:


organ rupture or near-rupture (such as a burst appendix, or appendici s)


gallbladder stones (known as gallstones)


cons pa on


kidney stones




kidney infec on


gastroenteri s (stomach flu)

Types of abdominal pain

acid reflux (when stomach contents leak Abdominal pain can be described as localized, crampbackward into the esophagus, causing like, or colicky. Localized pain is limited to one area of the abdomen. heartburn and other symptoms) This type of pain is o en caused by problems in a par cular organ. The most common cause of localized · vomi ng pain is stomach ulcers (open sores on the inner lining of the stomach). · stress Cramp-like pain may be associated with diarrhea, cons pa on, bloa ng, or flatulence. In women, it can Diseases that affect the diges ve system can also cause be associated with menstrua on, miscarriage, or chronic abdominal pain. The most common are: complica ons in the female reproduc ve organs. This pain comes and goes, and may completely subside on · gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) its own without treatment. · irritable bowel syndrome or spas c colon (a Colicky pain is a symptom of more severe condi ons, disorder that causes abdominal pain, such as gallstones or kidney stones. This pain occurs suddenly and may feel like a severe muscle spasm. cramping, and changes in bowel movements) ·




Crohn's disease (an inflammatory bowel WHEN TO SEE A DOCTOR.... If the pains persist, it could be linked to more serious condi ons in the stomach, disease) heart, lungs, aorta and other organs. 'If it doesn't se le lactose intolerance (the inability to digest down a er a few days, or if antacids don't seem to lactose, the sugar found in milk and milk work, see a doctor,' products) Causes of severe abdominal pain include:




HAND SYNDROME When Your Hand Develops A Will Of Its Own, And Becomes A Stranger In Your Own Body! by Chibuike Joseph Chukwudum

This article is lengthy and complex, delving deep into the field of Neurology. However, it explains the amazing phenomenon of alien hand ✋ syndrome in such away that the uninitiated can easily follow.

Once again, he took a deep breath, and tried to focus on the book before him. "It's all in my head," he tried to reassure himself. Slowly he reached for the book and opened it to the page of interest, but almost immediately, his left had instinctively reached for it and closed it back.

I hope you enjoy reading. ___________________________________________

It must be from the village,he thought; they have finally remembered him. How else could he explain this-- the fact that he is 24 hours from his final exams and the rest of his SCENARIO 1 life; and suddenly he could no longer read because his left He sat at the library sweating profusely, looking at his had wouldn't let him! Shit is crazy. "disobedient" left hand, scared. Dude has been behaving as In frustration he stormed out of the library to find a place to if it has a mind of its own since morning-- his left hand. MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 13

smoke and calm his nerves in order to figure out what to _____________________________________________ do next. However, dude still won't let him; immediately he stuck the cigarette into his mouth, it instinctively reached DISCUSSION for it and threw it away-- the smouldering cigarette. The above two scenarios depicts a clinical condition He stood there rooted to the ground, shocked beyond his known as the Alien Hand Syndrome [AHS], in which one's wit ends. They have bewitched his left hand. Now he has hand develops "a mind of its own", and acts involuntarily, performing purposeful or semi-purposeful actions, an enemy in his own body fighting him. without the owner being aware of it, or consciously initiating such actions. “A house divided against itself ….” In alien hand syndrome, while the sufferer recognises the "estranged hand" as his own, he doesn't feel responsible for the actions it performs, as he SCENARIO 2 looses conscious control of said hand-- there's a sort of dissociation between action and thought. They sat in the coziness of the dimly lit cinema hall, seeing a movie, with her leaning on his strong shoulder. It started slowly, his right hand snaking its way on her body. This could happen in a number of medical conditions including corticobasal syndrome, stroke [ especially First her laps, then her hips, and up, up it went until… bilateral anterior cerebral artery stroke], certain brain infections, tumors, following a surgery [used to cure Initially she was enjoying it, until his errant hand grabbed her breast, squeezing it tightly, and wouldn't let go. She temporal lobe epilepsy] separating the two brain was alarmed, more so when she saw that he wasn't even hemispheres, and in some neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jacob diseases. looking, as he was still deeply engrossed in the movie.


"Honey! You're hurting me," she whispered with a sense of The burning question is how can someone who is FULLY CONSCIOUS be unaware, or not be in control, of urgency in her voice. PURPOSEFUL [this rules out purposeless actions like "What…." he was beginning to ask as he turned, until he tremors, muscle twitches, jerks, and choreo-athetoid saw where his right hand was, and an expression of movements] actions performed by a part of his body? Must be the work of an external force, a spirit perhaps? genuine shock displayed itself on his face. Ashamed, he hurriedly tried to wrench his right hand free from the breast it was cupping. In the next 30 seconds or so, she watched surprised, as he genuinely tried to release his grip on her breast. He had to peel each finger off with his other hand before the hand lost its grip on her breast. "This is what I have been trying to tell you, honey ; I find my right hand reaching for, and grasping things, without my knowledge. And when my attention is drawn to it, I find it extremely difficult to release the grip, unless I use my left hand to release it. I am so sorry"

Well to answer that, I would like to introduce two perceptions used in neuropsychology, the sense of ownership [SOO] and the sense of agency [SOA]. ____________________________________________ THE SENSE OF OWNERSHIP, AND SENSE OF AGENCY.

The sense of ownership is a faculty that enables one to recognize an action to have been performed by him, or as the case may be, a part of him. It is more or less sensory, and depends on re-afferent feedback generated by the moving part to the brain. Not knowing whether to believe him or not, she readjusted her disheveled jacket, got up and left. And he was on her The sense of agency on the other hand is the faculty that tail, begging and explaining, clearly frustrated. enables one to recognize an action as being consciously Passing by the toilet, he was forcefully drawn back [pulled back, more like] by something. When he looked he saw though out, planned, executed and controlled by him that his right hand was holding tenaciously onto the door throughout the course of the action. Hence it's otherwise handle. He started the whole "peeling off" exercise again. called "sense of PERFORMANCE," in that it enables you to By the time he was done, and succeeded in incarcerating recognize yourself as the performer of the action. the revolting hand inside his side pocket, she was long gone. And he stood there exasperated. MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 14

In, AHS, there's a dissociation between these two senses; the sufferer retains his sense of ownership of the alienated hand, but loses sense of agency over the performed action. To throw more light on this, imagine you are lying still on your bed and someone passively moves your hand. Of course you will recognize the part being moved as a part of your body [sense of ownership], but you won't have a conscious control over the action, nor would you have a memory of you planning and initiating the movement [sense of agency]. Get that? The next big question is, how is this possible in the human body with out an external influence? _____________________________________________ THE SEQUENCE OF VOLUNTARY MOTOR ACTION Every volitional [voluntary] motor action is well thought out and planned before being embarked on, and certain brain parts are sequentially activated before such a thought can be successfully translated into an action. Functional neuroimaging [imaging of the brain to map out areas of activity during an action in order to understand how the brain works] shows that the flow of information during a motor activity is in this order: from the supplemental motor area [A], to the premotor cortex [B], thence to the primary motor cortex [C], which in turn controls actual body movement through the spinal cord [D]. [NB: Don't bother yourself with the names, just remember the alphabets tagged to each name]. Actions are planned in A and B, and executed in [or rather through] C. Now, bearing in mind that the brain is a network of interconnecting neurones [wires] powered by electricity, and considering A, B and C as a circuit in series [Engineers in the house praise the Lord!], if for any reason there's a lesion interrupting flow of information from A-B [where action is planned] to C [where it is executed], one would retain sense of ownership, but lose his sense of agency.

____________________________________________ BRINGING IT HOME [TYPES OF AHS] The FRONTAL Variant Of AHS This usually manifests in the dominant hand, the hand one uses to perform tasks requiring high dexterity, like writing. It is usually due to a lesion in the frontal lobe of the brain, involving areas A and B, separating them functionally from C as described above. It manifests as instinctive reaching, grasping, groping and other related purposeful movements. And once the alienated hand grasps an object, it holds tenaciously onto it, and it would be difficult to release the grip, so difficult the owner of the hand may resort to peeling off the fingers one by one to release the grasped object [compare to Scenario 2 above]


There's also the option of learning to control the alienated hand, which is however very difficult, and rarely rewarding.

The CALLOSAL Variant Of AHS.

The brain has two hemispheres, the right and the left, both of which has identical areas connected in the middle by a ______________________________________________ bundle of bundle of nerve fibres called the Corpus QUESTIONS Callosum. The Corpus callosum, by sharing information between the two hemispheres of the brain-- the right and the left, enables the two of them to be aware of what each other is doing for the sake of HARMONY, among other things.

Do you think sufferers of the AHS should be held accountable for criminal actions performed with [ more like "performed BY" ] their alien hand-- the stranger in their body?

Also, of the two parts of the brain, one-- the one that controls the dominant hand [the hand you use more often to perform tasks requiring high dexterity like writing], is the dominant hemisphere. The A and B of this dominant hemisphere is usually charged with planning motor functions. And the Corpus callosum ensures that the other hemisphere's A and B is intimated of its plans.

Answer this bearing in mind that for an action to pass as a crime, it requires both the "actus rea" and "mens rea" -- the act, backed up by a conscious intent. Hence the legal maxim "non facit reum nisi mens sit rea." Meaning "the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty." _____________________________________________

Now, if for any reason the Corpus callosum is severed [ example on purpose during an operation to treat severe epilepsy], or loses its function [for example after a stroke involving the artery that supplies it], the two parts of the brain will basically be functioning unaware of, and independent of each other. And this may lead to the type of AHS described in scenario one above, in which one hand- the alienated hand, controlled by the non-dominant hemisphere, ANTAGONISES the other hand-- the one controlled by the dominant hemisphere.

DISCLAIMER The scenarios painted in this article, even though FICTIOUS, were based on what is OBTAINABLE IN REAL LIFE. The stories were synthesized from the most commonly reported real life presentations of the AHS. Good morning ____________________________________________


© Originally written by me, Chibuike Joseph Chukwudum, in 2016.

TREATMENT OPTIONS There's presently no cure for the AHS, given that the causes are mostly permanent injuries to the brain. However, there are treatment options to RESTRAIN the actions of the alienated hand. For example, someone with the frontal variant could wear thick, wooly gloves without space for the fingers [just like an oven glove] to "muffle" the hand, and its ability to grasp things instinctively. Also, the alienated hand could be gotten occupied with a walking stick, a briefcase, and what have you. While sitting, like in both scenarios above, one can form the habit of wedging the hand in between the laps, to keep it from "misbehaving".



Submitting her salary shouldn't be because you insist on it as a mark of your headship over her. That's oppression! The reason God put a wife under her husband's leadership is hardly understood by most men. God did that for accountability and leadership. Being a husband means you're accountable for her and must guarantee her back to God in faith. It is like being handed a precious treasure and instructed to ensure its safety. It is in the sense that God gave husbands a wife. In John 17 where Jesus prayed for the church the the cross, he told the Father that he kept us safe and that none of us were lost except the one doomed to destruction (Judas Iscariot) so that Scripture would be fulďŹ lled. This statement by Jesus, in exactness, captures the responsibility of husbands to their wife. They must guarantee them to God as a trust given to them. This is part of the reasons God instructed wives to submit to the leadership of their husband.

BIGOTED MEN, TERRIBLY OPINIONATED! Some men have outrageously bigoted point of view concerning submission. They obstinately hold the view that their wife's submission to them is inclusive of her submitting her salary to them to prove their headship over her. Oga, your wife is not your abject slave. Her life is not owned by you. If you are a Christian, your wife, like yourself, is a heir of God and joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17). Meaning, she shares the same right as you in Christ. So, being a wife to you does not make her your private possession. Okay?

Also, if I'm to account for a people, then it means that the people must acknowledge and yield to my leadership, isn't it? This is what this submission and headship is all about. For a woman, it means for her to defer to the leadership of a "head" so he could account for her and give her leadership. So submission does not comprise submitting one's salary as a wife. But couples could agree on ways to manage resources coming to them as a family based on what each of them earns. But to insist that your wife must give you her salary as a proof of your headship over her is to be dictatorial. God bless you immensely. Martin White-Ufuah




The above heading was a question by a reader who seeks to know the extent one could go with their pastor. I really appreciate this question because it gives me the leverage to address some errors in pastoral ministry. Firstly, intimacy or details of the sexual relations between a man and his wife is their confidence. It must be secluded from public discourse or debate. Secondly, the office of a pastor is not the same as that of a counselor. Being a pastor does not confer on the title holder the authority to therapeutic skills to sex-related issues. Thirdly, sex secrets between couples must remain a secret communication between them and their spouse. Fourthly, if your spouse's sexual performance does not conform to your standard, discuss it with him or her and be patient to educate him or her until your standard is attained. Lastly, sex secrets and your intimacies with your spouse are private information of trust that no one is qualified to know. The absence of fences in some people's marriage make their union a public spectacle in which no one knows privacy. Save your marriage; shut your mouth! So, it is inappropriate to discuss your spouse's sex secret with your pastor. No pastor is qualified to be privy to such details. Pastors, no your boundaries in people's union. Martin White-Ufuah



Air Peace offers free flights to Nigerians in South Africa

Nwonye said Air Peace has volunteered to send an aircraft to evacuate Nigerians who wish to return to Nigeria “free of charge.” Due to the xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa, Air Peace has offered free flights to Nigerians who are willing to return home from the country. This was announced in a statement on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, by Ferdinand Nwonye , spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs. In the statement, Nwonye said Air Peace has volunteered to send an aircraft from Friday, September 6, 2019, to evacuate Nigerians who wish to return to Nigeria “free of charge.”

He said, “The general public is hereby advised to inform their relatives in South Africa to take advantage of this laudable gesture.” ”Interested Nigerians are therefore advised to liaise with the High Commission of Nigeria in Pretoria and the Consulate General of Nigeria in Johannesburg for further necessary arrangement.” Recall that some Nigerians were attacked in the recent spate of violence that erupted in South Africa on Sunday, September 1, 2019. South African mobs launched attacks on foreigners, including Nigerians, and looted and burnt their places of business in suburbs of Johannesburg and surrounding areas.


A report from "The world and all it's voices" says; Several hundred Nigerian citizens living in South Africa will be repatriated on flights operated by the private airline Air Peace following a wave of xenophobic violence which sparked sharp exchanges between the two countries. "As of Friday 400 Nigerians living in South Africa have requested to be repatriated," Nigeria's presidential spokesperson Shehu Garba told RFI. That number has risen to 600 according to Adamu Godwin the consul general of Nigeria's embassy in Pretoria. More than 100,000 Nigerians are estimated to live in South Africa. Johannesburg and surrounding areas were rocked by a series of violent attacks on foreigners last week, including many directed against Nigerian-owned businesses and properties. At least 420 people were arrested people last week after hundreds of foreign-owned shops were destroyed. Air Peace poised Nigerians will be evacuated on Wednesday 11 September on a Boeing 777 operated by Air Peace, a private airline owned by Allen Onyema. "Our chairman has a long history of peace building through his Foundation for Ethnic Harmony in Nigeria," Air Peace spokesperson Tonye Olajide explained by telephone from Lagos. PUBLIC NOTICE The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has conveyed the generosity of a patriot Nigerian airline operator and philanthropist Chief Allen Onyema to evacuate distressed Nigerians in South Africa who wish to return to Nigeria. The evacuation is already scheduled for 7/09/2019 Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (@nidcom_gov) September 6, 2019 It is unclear what assistance the returnees will receive once they arrive back in Nigeria on Wednesday. Many lost everything during last week's rioting. "They are citizens of Nigeria so they will be taken care of by family members," Garba told RFI. Diplomatic missions Foreign workers in South Africa, the continent's second largest economy after Nigeria, are often victims of anti-immigrant sentiment in a nation where almost one in three people are unemployed. The violence prompted reprisal attacks against South African firms in Nigeria and the temporary closing of South Africa's diplomatic missions in Lagos and Abuja. Nigeria last week summoned the South African ambassador to condemn the violence while sending an envoy to meet President Cyril Ramaphosa. The envoy returned to Nigeria over the weekend, the presidency said. After a week of hardening rhetoric against South Africa, Nigeria pledged to "work as brothers" with Pretoria on Thursday.


Here's Why Flying Is the Safest Mode of Transportation Don't let fear of flying keep you from booking a trip abroad. BY ELIZABETH PRESKE

Catastrophic events in air travel, like the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (which disappeared along with its 239 passengers and crew) may explain why 1 in 3 Americans either feel anxious or scared to fly. Flight phobics are some mes so afraid of air travel, they'll even find alterna ve routes to their chosen des na ons. But is it really safer to drive or to take a boat than it is to fly?

compare the rela ve safety of each mode, we looked at the most recent set of data published by the Bureau of Transporta on.

Safety on the Highway Driving on the highway is, sta s cally speaking, the most dangerous way to travel. Drivers have a 1 in 114 chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash, and a 1 in 654 chance of dying as a car occupant. Out of the 35,092 highway fatali es in 2015, 12,628 were passenger car occupants, 9,813 were Spoiler alert: it's not. Every year, the United States Department of occupants in small trucks (e.g. pickups, vans, u lity Transporta on (DOT) shares sta s cs on the vehicles), and 4,976 were motorcyclists. number of fatali es by mode of transporta on. To MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 23

Safety on the Railroad In 2015, 749 people were killed in railroad accidents. Sixty percent of these accidents were a result of trespassing, so train travel is mostly safe for those who take a train to work or use Amtrak to venture from one part of the country to the next. Safety in the Water Traveling by boat also comes with li le risk. There were 692 boa ng fatali es in 2015; however, 90 percent of these cases were caused by recrea onal boa ng, and were not passengerrelated. Safety in the Air Since you only have a 1 in 9,821 chance of dying from an air and space transport incident, flying is actually one of the safest forms of transporta on. The DOT and the Na onal Transporta on Safety Board only have preliminary sta s cs for 2015, but for 2014, they reported 444 avia on-related deaths. To put that in perspec ve, the Bureau of Transporta on Sta s cs recorded some 848.1 million airplane passengers on flights to and from the U.S. that same year. Safety on Public Transporta on If it's available to you, public transporta on is the safest op on out there. The DOT reported only 30 passenger-related deaths in 2015. So why are people more afraid of flying? Chalk it up to risk percep on. Devasta ng events such as plane crashes grab our a en on, induce fear, and tend to s ck in our minds, giving us the false impression that these events are common occurrences no ma er how infrequently they happen. Research also shows that people generally feel more anxious when facing an uncontrollable or involuntary threat, as opposed to one is under their perceived control. Despite the fact that speeding accounted for 9,557 deaths in 2015, drivers may feel less anxious behind the wheel because they believe they are in complete control of their safety. Air travelers, on the other hand, must cede that power to flight crew, and cannot choose how unforeseeable threats and dangers are dealt with. If you have a fear of flying, you can combat that fear by equipping yourself with knowledge (like how rela vely safe it is) and with a variety of techniques ahead of your next flight. Choose a seat at the front of a plane for a less bumpy ride, or face that fear head on with a flying lesson. Bri sh Airways, for example, offers classes that aim to reduce anxiety by teaching you how planes stay up in the air. Another op on is to download the SkyGuru app to know exactly what's happening (and what to expect) on your flight in real me. By learning how safe it is to actually fly, you can spend your next flight thinking less about the plane and more about the trip.



Most people aren't born savvy travelers. It's something that only comes with on-the-road experience . In the beginning, you make a lot of travel mistakes. Travel savviness is a process born of missed buses, foolish behavior, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny errors. Then, one day, you begin to seamlessly move through airports and integrate yourself into new cultures like a ďŹ sh to water. I want to help speed up the process and help you avoid my mistakes ( and I often make a lot of them), so I put together this giant list of my best travel tips that cover everything under the sun to help you

reach your full travel ninja potential. I've learned these tips over the last twelve years. These tips for traveling will have you saving money, sleeping better, getting o the beaten path more, meeting locals, and just being a better traveler. Without further ado, here are the best 61 tips in the world: 1. Always pack a towel It's the key to successful galactic hitchhiking and plain common sense. You never know when you will need it, whether it's at the beach, on a picnic, or just


to dry off. While many hostels offer towels, you getting used to if you've never done it before but do never know and carrying a small towel won't add it at least once. Make yourself uncomfortable and surprise yourself. You'll learn valuable life skills that much weight to your bag. when you push yourself! 2. Buy a small backpack/suitcase By purchasing a small backpack (I like something 8. Don't be afraid to use a map. around 35/40 liters), you will be forced you to pack Looking like a tourist isn't as bad as getting really light and avoid carrying too much stuff. Humans lost and ending up in the wrong neighborhood. Don't have a natural tendency to want to fill space so if be afraid to use a map or ask for directions and look you pack light but have lots of extra room in your like a tourist. After all, you are one! I always use a bag, you'll end up going “well, I guess I can take map when I travel. It helps you get to where you need to go! more” and then regret it. 9. But don't be afraid to get purposefully lost. 3. Pack light Wandering aimlessly through a new city is a good It's OK to wear the same t-shirt a few days in a row. way to get to know it, get off the beaten path, and Take half the clothes you think you will need…you away from the tourists. You might be surprised by won't need as much as you think. Write down a list of the hidden gems you find. I like to wander around essentials, cut it in half, and then only pack that! Plus, and try to find my way without using Google Maps! since you bought a small backpack like I said, you won't have much room for extra stuff anyways! 10. Always visit the local tourism office. They know about everything going on in town. They can point you to free activities, special events 4. But take extra socks You'll lose a bunch to laundry gremlins, wear and happening during your stay, and everything in tear, and hiking so packing extra will come in handy. I between. They even offer discounts on attractions only take a few more than I need. Nothing beats a and transportation. It is their job to help you fresh pair of socks! experience the destination better. It's amazing how many travelers skip this when they are visiting somewhere but, as a savvy traveler, you know to use 5. Take an extra bank card and credit card with you Disasters happen. It's always good to have a backup this resource! This is probably one of the most in case you get robbed or lose a card. You don't want underused travel tips in the world. Use the tourism to be stuck somewhere new without access to your board! Save money! funds. I once had a card duplicated and a freeze put on it. I couldn't use it for the rest of my trip. I was very 11. Don't buy a money belt — they're stupid. happy I had an extra and not like my friend, who Thieves know they exist and being seen with one didn't and was forced to borrow money from me all basically shouts, “Look at me, I'm a tourist with the time! money! Rip me off!” The more you can blend in and act like a local, the easier it will be to get deals and avoid touts. If you're worried about pickpockets, 6. Make sure to use no-fee bank cards Don't give banks your hard-earned money. Keep keep a better eye on your stuff! that for yourself and spend it on your travels. Get a credit card and debit card that doesn't charge a 12. When you go out, take only what you need. foreign transaction fee or an ATM fee. Over the Limit the amount of cash and bank cards you carry course of a long trip, the few dollars they take every with you, so if something does happen, you can time will really add up! easily recover. Never take more than one credit card or ATM card with you. My rule for cash is to limit what I carry to $50 USD. 7. Travel by yourself at least once You'll learn a lot about yourself and how to become independent. It's a cliché, but it's true. Traveling solo 13. Always carry a lock. taught me how to fend for myself, talk to people, and They come in handy, especially when you stay in handle unfamiliar situations with ease. It's made me dorms and need to lock your stuff up. Carry a small comfortable with myself, helped me learn about combination lock with you when you travel. Don't what I'm capable of, and allowed me to be super use one with keys because, if you lose the keys, you're screwed! selfish and do whatever I want! It can take some MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 27

14. Make extra copies of your passport and important documents. Don't forget to e-mail a copy to yourself too. You never know when you might need to have some sort of documentation with you and might not want to carry your original. Additionally, if your passport gets stolen having a copy will come in handy for your police report. 15. Ask hostel staff for information — even when you aren't staying there. Hostel staff deal with budget travelers all day, every day. They know exactly where to go for cheap meals and attractions. They also tend to be locals so they know the city very well. Ask them for all sorts of information. Even if you aren't staying in one, just pop in and ask for help. They'll usually give it. 16. Learn basic phrases in the native language of your destination The locals will appreciate it and it will make your interactions easier. You don't need to master the language but learning a few things like “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Thank you!”, “Where's the bathroom?” will go a long way to endearing yourself with the locals. They'll like that you tried.






Crew Training Institute (CTI) the first of its kind in Nigeria, was launched Nov 18, 2016.This foremost institute will train and impart the prerequisite knowledge and soft skills needed for aspiring cabin crew individuals. The aviation industry in Nigeria is constantly faced with several challenges which include little or no training opportunities for aspiring cabin crew members across the country. According to the CEO of CTI Katheryn Tsaro E., the idea of Crew Training Institute was birthed out of the need to bridge the gap between individuals who require training as a crew member and the actual cabin crew job. The training platform is equipped with several tools that would inculcate the right attitude, aptitude and the finer details in a prospective cabin crew member. Over the years, Katheryn has observed that a significant number of Cabin Crew aspirants in Nigeria lack the requisite training to take on the job professionally. Many applicants have little or no knowledge of what comes with the rigorous career path as they have been highly deluded by the promises and excitement that come with the job hence forgetting the needed ethics and procedures?


Having been trained in the UK by the Virgin Group, Katheryn has put in several years as a flight attendant with the prestigious Virgin Nigeria Airways, serving both on the regional and international flights, Katheryn understands what it takes to not only get your desired cabin crew job but to be become a successful cabin crew professional. CTI was founded in 2016, to provide a platform for aspiring flight attendants to improve their chances at getting their dream job and to simplify the rigorous recruitment process for airlines by preselecting and recommending applicants who have successfully gone through the CTI trainings and performed excellently.

employment in the industry of their dreams. Showcase the ingenuity of our young population. Improve and provide clarity on Airline recruitment standards Our system is proven to prepare applicants in the shortest possible time, utilizing the most experienced and reputable airline cabin crew hiring professionals and networking channels. Our passion is to help individuals from all walks of life cultivate the highest global standards practice of etiquette.

Our finishing school course, customer service course, and other training courses will put your airline steps ahead of others. Amongst many courses offered at CTI is the one Visit to know more. month cabin crew training, the 3 day cabin crew 1) May we know you, Ma? Bootcamp and our biggest project which is the My name is Kathryn Tsaro. I am a Cabin Crew cabin crew contest. Trainer. I was a former Cabin Crew with Virgin Nigeria. Presently, I run my own training school, The Cabin Crew Contest is an initiative of CTI. 'Crew Training Institute.' Cabin Crew is such an Created and designed by her CEO, Katheryn Tsaro interesting career. The incentives are just too much E., herself a former cabin crew. It mirrors the you get allowances, you get to travel for free, you interview process for new cabin crew at world class meet different people from diverse background. level. 2) From your experience, what can you say as the down side of being a Cabin Crew? This Contest is a reality show that chronicles the It has its down side. As a Cabin Crew, you work interview process for the employment and training irregular hours, you'll miss important holidays, your of Cabin crew. Contestants are tested with different family. Sometimes during Christmas, you may not tasks at different stages and at the end of the be available. You'll also get to face angry competition, a winners are chosen by a panel of passengers almost everyday. You have to be very judges who award scores at the end of every task. diplomatic in your dealings with them because The winners are chosen on the basis of the scores you're in a confined space, you need to keep your they have amassed throughout the competition. cool at every point in time. As interesting as it may This individuals will go home with, among others, seem, it is also one of the most difficult jobs to do. It immediate employment with a prestigious airline, a is one of the most difficult jobs to get as well. short holiday trip, immediate enrolment in a Cabin 3) What is the major requirement for the position of Crew Training Program and the position of CTIs Cabin Crew? Surprisingly, the major requirement is just O'level. Cabin Crew Ambassadors for a year. Even at that, it's still very difficult to get a Cabin Crew Having already successfully carried out the first job. season of the Cabin Crew Contest, the second season which is scheduled to hold in November 4) Why did you start Crew Training Institute? 2019 promises to be bigger and better as our As a Cabin Crew, what we do most of the time is to partnering airline will in this season will be giving out interface with customers, serve them, ensure their safety. In our society, there is this misconception a five jobs as against one job in the first season. lot of people have that the job of a Cabin Crew is to Part of our objective with the Cabin Crew Contest is serve tea and coffee in the plane. The job of the Cabin Crew is to ensure the safety and security of to: the aircraft and the passengers. They go through a lot of training to achieve that. Before I got the job, I Provide its viewers with top notch entertainment went through a six weeks training, writing exams Generate employment for winners with actual


everyday with a pass mark of 88%. When you finally get to fly, you get interviewed before you fly. You must answer your questions correctly. You can't fly if you don't get the answers to your questions. Many don't know what happens behind the scene. That's why it's one of the most difficult jobs to get. This job focuses on your personality not your degrees or career. I worked with an airline Virgin Nigeria. When I left the job, I found it very difficult to get a regular job. Of course, as a Cabin Crew, the kind of job I'll most likely go for is Customer Service. I applied to a lot of companies and all people could say is " Cabin Crew - is it not just tea and coffee you people serve. What else can you people do?" It was as though we didn't have anything to offer. For me, it was embarrassing. I spent 5 years in the university, worked as a Cabin Crew for 6 years with lots of experiences. I know the kind of effort I put in all these years to pass these exams. Just because you're serving Tea and Coffee, people just look down on you. I was really angry about people's perception. A point came when I became pretty much exhausted about the whole job searching thing. I told myself, "It's time for me to put my experience into practice and change this notion that one being a Cabin Crew is just serving tea and coffee. There are so many young ladies that want to be Cabin Crew. What seems to attract them is when they see very beautiful ladies, wearing beautiful uniforms. Why? Because it's a standard. As a Cabin Crew, you need to check your makeup, your dressing and touch up every 20 minutes. That's the grooming standard for most airlines. You could be grounded if your makeup is not in place. Sometimes, you may not want to but you just have to look good. That's part of the criteria. Since a lot of people don't know what happens behind the scene, I decided to set up Crew Training Institute 5) What are the specific things you do at CTI? There are two major things we do at CTI. We prepare aspiring Cabin Crew by teaching them everything they need to know. We teach them what actually it is to become a Cabin Crew, what happens behind the scene, the intricacies involved. By the time you come for our training and have this exposure, you can decide if actually you want to be a Cabin Crew or not. We also teach them what it takes to pass the Cabin

Crew interviews. The Cabin Crew job is one of the most difficult jobs to get. You can get just one invitation for interview once in 5 years after sending hundreds of interviews to different companies. Once you have that one in 5 years interview, you're expected to give it your best shot because you may never get such an invitation again. What we do at CTI is to prepare you for that interview, should in case it comes. We have been Cabin Crew before, so we have the experience. We also train you on steps you need to take in order to pass that interview which has to do with soft skill training. There are two types of Cabin Crew training - The ab initio training which is the aircraft training. We don't do this at CTI. It is a month training where you go on air for the aircraft type training and learn about the aircraft. You do what is called SOP (Standard Operations Procedure) and SIP (Standard Emergency Procedure). You get to learn about the aircraft and get certified. You'll also get a license. That license is valid for one year. Which means within one year, you should get a job with that license. The license is restricted within Nigeria. Aspiring Cabin Crew who wish to work with international airlines cannot use that license. After getting this license which is valid for just one year, if you get a job with an airline, that airline will also train you on their aircraft type. because the aircraft training you did to get your license is not the same aircraft of this airline. The aircraft differs. So, the airline recruiting you will need you to undergo their own aircraft training. At CTI, we make you understand it is important to get that license, but it doesn't give you an advantage to get the job. Why? For you to become a Cabin Crew, you need to pass the Cabin Crew interview. It's very critical. The fact that you have the license doesn't mean you have passed the interview. Some people renew their license every year, yet, they can't pass the interview. The don't know what it takes. We focus on how to pass the Cabin Crew interview because when you pass the interview, the airline that recruited you will train you on their aircraft for free. So, you don't need to spend hundreds of thousands to run an aircraft training. The second thing we do here is we make it easier for airlines to recruit. Instead of putting job vacancies out there, they


contact us to hire our trainees. So, we minimize the stress of going out there to get a job. It's like a shortcut. At CTI, we are trying to change the misconceptions people have about the role of a Cabin Crew in our society. Nigerian aviation system is still trying to balance. There's so much struggling. There are so many people who have passed through the training but yet to get a job because of how the aviation system works. Airlines are dying and new airlines are not coming up, however, we still have hope that things will be better. I believe the aviation system will boom again just like years ago. I work with my partner Emmanuel who was also a Cabin Crew. He was my boss while I was working for Virgin Nigeria. He's the managing partner of CTI. We work together to ensure people's dreams come true. 6) When did you start the Crew Training Institute? When we started CTI in November 2016, it was very promising. People were happy about it because it was something very different. It is the only institution in Nigeria that does soft skill training for Cabin Crew. Our kind of training is totally different. I n f a c t , i t ' s n e w. We ' v e g o t t e n a l o t o f recommendations abroad. Our trainings are very practical, more like a stimulation of what happens in the Cabin Crew interview. What we do at CTI is global standard. It is the same as what we do at Emirates, Virgin Atlantic. We want to ensure we have a global standard of recruitment of Cabin Crew in Nigeria. Sometimes, you see passengers complaining about the nasty attitude of some Cabin Crew and their poor customers service. Why? Because those crew members didn't go through the necessary trainings. Here at CTI, we give a global standard of training to aspiring Cabin Crew. 7) What did you study in school? I studied foreign languages. French was my major. I speak French fluently. 8) What challenges did you and your team face while establishing CTI? Initially, I didn't know where to start from. I knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know how to put it together. I notified about 5 of my colleagues to brainstorm with them because you can't achieve a quality training alone. Some criticized the idea while others got discouraged about it. If we had listened to all that, we wouldn't be here by now. Absence of the market was one of the major challenges. Secondly, it

was difficult convincing people that they can do the Cabin Crew Training without doing the ab initio training (Aircraft) training or licensing training to get recruited in Nigeria which is actually true. If the airlines really want to be far, you don't have to do the Cabin Crew licensing training because when you finally get recruited, the airline is still going to train you. I was a Cabin Crew for Virgin Nigeria for 6 years. I was recruited fresh. I didn't have a license before I was recruited. You know why? The aircraft wasn't Nigeria registered. So, I didn't need a Nigerian license to work on the plane. The initial challenge was convincing people that they don't need the license because it's a waste of time since the aircraft training is mandatory once you're recruited. It took a lot of effort to explain this to people. Another challenge is the aviation industry itself. There are very few Cabin Crew opportunities. So, people were asking what the future holds in stock for them after the training since job vacancies for Cabin Crew are few. We had to be honest with our clients - The Cabin Crew training doesn't guarantee you a job. It only makes you eligible to have a job. You can use whatever you learnt from CTI to bag a Cabin Crew job. Should you get called for interview, we are here to help you tackle any form of question that will help you during the interview. At CTI, we have a standard. We have one day training and three days training. These trainings is not just about the money. It's about getting a good value for your money. Our clients leave the training with a whole lot of new ideas and everything they need to know about what Cabin Crew job is all about. We faced some challenges with the one day training because people kept asking, " if it's possible for them to learn everything in just one day considering the fact that the ab initio training takes a month to complete?" The Cabin Crew assessment and interview is just for a day. So, you don't need more than one day for your training. It was very challenging passing this message across to people. We had to come up with a strategy - running a day training for people who don't mind and introduced a three-day boot camp training for those not comfortable with one day training and we slashed the price to the barest minimum which is #40,000, (which comprises of accommodation, feeding and the training). We made it so affordable. You can imagine paying #40,000 for all these in Lagos.


Another challenge is the question, "will I get a job after the CTI training?" People gain admission into the university without worrying about getting a job at the end of their bachelor's degree but you see people being worried about getting a Cabin Crew job after few days training. We had to come up with a competition in which the ultimate winner gets a job opportunity with an airline. We call it the Cabin Crew Contest - where people compete to win the Cabin Crew job and we're in partnership with DANA Airline. The ďŹ rst season of the competition was in November, 2018 and the winner is currently undergoing training with DANA. So, it's an annual competition and we hope to get more airlines involved in this. Cabin Crew contest is not a beauty contest. It comes in ďŹ ve stages; - Audition stage - The Written test stage - The Swimming test stage - The Physical Fitness test stage At the ďŹ nal stage, our trainees were asked many questions from the audience and they answered it passionately to the amazement of all. It was really an emotional moment for me watching them perform extremely well. It was an amazing moment. At the end, we had a winner who got an opportunity of a lifetime with Dana Airline. 9) With all these retinue of activities, how do you strike a balance between work and family life? Well, I have two children. Daniel and Jordan. Daniel is 15 and Jordan is 10. I'm a Single Mum. My children give me the strength and the drive to do this and I know I can't disappoint them. I can't live a pity-party-life. I want my children to see me working really hard so they can learn to work hard. Life is not rosy. If they don't see me working hard, that's probably what they'll learn too. All through the contest, my son Daniel was with me coordinating some things just to help ease my burden. He got paid for it as well and we still monitor the money. I do this to inculcate a sense of responsibility into him. There's something that comes with being a Single Mother. Our society doesn't really give them the chance. My children give me the strength to pull through and become successful in life.


10) Africa is so patriarchal, most especially, Nigeria. What message do you have for single mums who wallow in excuses and self pity due to how our society perceive single mums to be? For single mothers, it depends on your circumstances. If you're a widow, it's not easy losing one's husband who's probably the breadwinner and has been supporting. If the woman wasn't working before her husband's demise, it's going to be challenging but it's doable. Your children should be your strength. Your children should be your driving force because you need to take care of them. Also reach out to other single mothers working so hard and learn from them. You don't need to beg anyone for support. Once you're hardworking, devoted to your business, people will patronize you because they see you working hard as a Single mother. Your circumstances should push you. It should be your motivation and if you're focused, you will push through. If you can push a child out, what else can be more diďŹƒcult? 11) What challenges do women face as Entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Ever y entrepreneur needs a network of people to actualize their dreams and most of these people are the male folks. As a woman, there's seventy per cent chances that when you meet a man for business purposes, he m a y wa n t t o m a k e s e x u a l advances at you. All you need to do as a woman is to remain steadfast and stand your ground. When they make those advances, politely decline and remain focused on discussing strictly business. MUMMY & I MAGAZINE 37

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