One Tribe Magazine - March/April 2020 - Issue 29

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Mar/Apr 2020 29

The definitive style magazine for





Join the world’s most inspirational creative writers living their lives in technicolour.

Wherever YOU are in the world, this is YOUR TRIBE, we together we are ONE TRIBE. Soften Women,Soften – It Looks Good On You Linda Liv Doktar A Work Of Art And A Masterpiece Lenny Hadassah Zulu A Painful State Is Only Temporary Vanessa When You Are Thinking About Calling It Quits, This Game Changer Is All You Need Joanna Intara How We Can Use Perspectives To Understand Other People Charmaine Barber Rantings Of A Passionate Writer Samantha Caroline Lavallée Working 9-5 As A Sensitive/Empath Nicola Debley-Richardson Next Year Christine Saunders A Fable Burt Kempner How To Find Balance When Everything Around You Is Out Of Balance Kelsey Ward Putting The Nomad Into Digital Nomad Dawn Bates Personal Development And Community Andy Ferguson Why Failing Is A Good Thing Robert Landau When You Tell Yourself That You Are Not Lovable Liva Levica Don’t Respond To Rudeness. When People Are Rude To You, They Reveal Who They Are Not Who You Are. Don’t Take It Personally Ingrid Meijerink The Hero’s Journey – A Roadmap For Personal Development Larry Rosenberg & Andy Ferguson

Louise Birt

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If you do not see yourself as a masterpiece, you will sell yourself short on the black market of life because you do not know your value. – Lenny Hadassah Zulu

Our cover features the fabulous Lenny Hadassah Zulu (above), a Blogger / Writer who is Passionate about empowering young women in Zambia. You can read Lenny’s inspirational article ‘A work of ART and a MASTERPIECE’ on page 10. One Tribe Magazine will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you. So, get ready to LOVE YOUR LIFE, as our creative writers share fresh perspectives, inspiring stories and simple, easy-to-follow steps that will help you FIND YOUR HAPPY. We would like to thank our fabulous creative writers for their amazing insights and you, our wonderful readers for your continued support over these 29 issues. Have a fabulous month and remember to share the love and live your life in glorious technicolour. – Kenny Ball (Editor and Creative Director) Please note our writers are from all over the globe where there are variations in English dialect, to preserve authenticity we have retained these variations throughout the magazine. Photos and text are Copyright to the respective authors and OTM. Articles in this magazine are for entertainment and do not substitute any medical advice. ©2020 One Tribe Magazine | | OneTribe.Media

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Contents Soften Women,Soften – It Looks Good On You Linda Liv Doktar | 4 A Work Of Art And A Masterpiece Lenny Hadassah Zulu | 8 A Painful State Is Only Temporary Vanessa Louise Birt | 10 When You Are Thinking About Calling It Quits, This Game Changer Is All You Need Joanna Intara | 12 How We Can Use Perspectives To Understand Other People Charmaine Barber | 14 Rantings Of A Passionate Writer Samantha Caroline Lavallée | 16 Working 9-5 As A Sensitive/Empath Nicola Debley-Richardson | 18 Next Year Christine Saunders | 20 A Fable Burt Kempner | 23 How To Find Balance When Everything Around You Is Out Of Balance Kelsey Ward | 24 Putting The Nomad Into Digital Nomad Dawn Bates | 28 Personal Development And Community Andy Ferguson | 30 Why Failing Is A Good Thing Robert Landau | 32 When You Tell Yourself That You Are Not Lovable Liva Levica | 34 Don’t Respond To Rudeness. When People Are Rude To You, They Reveal Who They Are Not Who You Are. Don’t Take It Personally Ingrid Meijerink | 36 The Hero’s Journey – A Roadmap For Personal Development Larry Rosenberg & Andy Ferguson | 38


thank you , u yo k n a h t d “Thank you, s writers an u lo u b a f r u o to all One tribe g in k a m r o f today readers menon it is o n e h p e h t Magazine u all!” – Kenny Ball (Editor and Creative Director) - we love yo


Subscribe TODAY | 3

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– IT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU! Linda Liv Doktar | Feminine Embodiment Coach | 5

We now live in a world where women have taken on more of masculine roles in life. We have turned into ‘lady bosses’, ‘boss babes’, and powerful leaders and said - “I’ll do it all myself, I don’t need a man in my life.” This in turn has emasculated the men and created imbalance and disharmony in relationship dynamics. Men have felt unworthy and not needed, and feeling needed is naturally part of their essence of masculinity. Women have lost touch of their femininity, sensuality and magnetism. We have lost touch of our natural essence and radiance. We have disconnected from our playfulness and pleasure, and as a result we have began to find it difficult to receive. So many women now live life completely disconnected. We run around multi-tasking and doing everything for everyone else, and we put ourselves last. We take care of the children, the housework, the bills, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning and all the rest. The moment we wake up we attend to everything else apart from our own needs. And now, the day already runs us. It also saddens me to see women empowerment being spread with a masculine approach. It saddens me to see so many women empower other women about feminine embodiment while being out of alignment with their own true natural essence. Where did it get so twisted? Where did we get it so mixed up? There is nothing feminine about being so “empowered and sure about ourselves” that we tell the rest of the world to get lost. There is nothing feminine about a potty mouth that sends a ‘get lost’ vibration into the world. There is nothing feminine about such posture that reflects changing the world with superhero attitude. It is time for a paradigm shift where us women do the work to return to our natural state of being. It is time for us to soften and return to 6 |

our divine essence and nature, to embody feminine magnetism and open up to receiving. It is time for us to do the deep work to re-align and bring more balance and harmony back into relationships so that we can be better mothers, daughters, leaders and partners for our men. It is time to embody all that it means to be a woman, so that we can be women and the men can be men. It is time to soften, and as a result allow the feminine and masculine to merge back into perfect harmony. Being a woman is about gentleness, humbleness and leaning into softness. It is a power that stems from BE-ingness and IS-ness, not from try-HARD-ness. Yet so many women are now taking a stance in this world to show and prove the world how powerful they are. Being a powerful woman is not about proving ourselves or taking a stance with a sword in the ground. The divine feminine superpower is her IS-ness. She doesn’t have to try, she just IS. She receives from flow and she is empowered from within, and not led by external validation or approval. She owns and embodies her essence and archetypes equally. She is a nice girl, wild girl, queen, mother and maiden. She is a huntress, goddess, warrioress and a sensual lover. She is a mystic, a healer and a wise woman. And now, it is time for us women to soften and return to our natural

essence of the divine feminine. Our softness is what heals, holds and changes the world. Our gentleness is what leaves a true mark. Our humbleness is what attracts magic into our life. Our magnetism is what allows us to receive from flow. Our IS-ness and BE-ingness is what allows us to receive. Women are creators. We birth life into this world. We already are powerful beyond measure. There is no need to prove our power. Our softness IS our power and our magnetism is what allows us to receive in life, business and relationships. It is time to crack open the hard shell and hang up the masculine bossy boots. It is time to return to our natural state of being and embody our true divine feminine essence. Because when we return to our softness and connect to our sensuality we become magnetic and regain our confidence. It is time for us to play, be present, and connect to the art of surrender and receiving. And from this place we return into perfect balance, and as a result we allow the feminine and masculine to merge back into perfect harmony in this existence. Soften women, soften – it looks good on you.


It is time to return to our natural state of being and embody our true divine feminine essence.

– Linda Liv Doktar

Keep up to date with Linda Liv Doktar | 7

A work of ART and a MASTERPIECE Lenny Hadassah Zulu | Blogger / Writer Passionate about empowering young women to discover their worth and value.

nothing will ever be good enough for you, you will always see the cup as half empty, you will always see yourself as just plain old art and not the masterpiece that you truly are.

You are a work of art. A masterpiece. You’re one of a kind because there’s only one you. You are unique, everything about you is unique; your voice print, fingerprints, DNA, eye print, yes you’re that special. You’re a very special and unique human being, now these are some real super powers.

When you realize you’re a masterpiece, you will come to know that you are enough. Yes, just you without any additions. What this means is everything you will ever need to become who you’re supposed to be is inside you; you don’t have to go searching for it in others because it’s right inside you. So, search deep within yourself. Get to know yourself, discover you, go on an adventure to conquer new territory within yourself. Discover the treasure buried deep within you. Chart uncharted places inside you.

You need to come to the full knowledge of just how special and unique you are, the world needed one of you. When you finally come to the knowledge of who you really are, you will feel good about yourself, you will walk with your head held high, you will want everyone you have an encounter with to feel good about themselves too. Bitterness begets bitterness, when you are bitter and angry that is what you will give birth to, something that’s exactly like you. Therefore, when you’re sweet on the inside that is what you will give to others because that’s exactly what you have on the inside. Since you are a work of art, it’s hard to compare you to anyone else, because they can never be you. Have the sense that you are irreplaceable because we can never find another you, no matter how hard we try, even identical twins are not exactly the same. If you do not see yourself as a masterpiece, you will sell yourself short on the black market of life because you do not know your value. Valuable things are sold for less on the black market. Being a work of art has nothing to do with how others see you, what matters most is how you see yourself. This all starts from your head, your mind; who are you really in your mind? Do you beat yourself up in your mind? Do you talk down to yourself in your 8 |

mind? Are you a pauper in your mind? You need to understand that you can never outrun your mind, you may try to but eventually it will catch up with you. Your mind runs faster than your good intentions ever will; have you ever come across the saying that goes like “Where the mind goes, the man follows”? This is so true, you will always end up where your mind goes. Endeavor to work on how you see yourself in your head. Once your mind is free, the rest of your life will follow. The good news is, you can control your mind, because it’s yours, so own it, never allow your mind to own you. It’s not the best master, especially if it’s a negative one. With a negative mind,

Becoming a work of art will require work on your part, inner work. Like a diamond you’ll need to be polished. Never shun inner work. That’s what conquering new territory within yourself entails, inner work, that’s how you become a work of art. So we’ve established the fact that there’s only one you, now don’t you think that’s worth celebrating? We should probably throw you a party, or maybe there’s no need to because “you are the party”.

Keep up to date with Lenny Hadassah Zulu

“So, search deep within

yourself. Get to know yourself, discover you, go on an adventure to conquer new territory within yourself. Lenny Hadassah Zulu | 9

A painful state is only temporary. It’s a painful place and I’m living proof it’s only temporary Vanessa Louise Birt | Transformational Mentor & Speaker.

Sitting and reflecting in awe amongst a myriad of sunshine yellow buttercups, I am reflecting on my gratitude for this moment, feeling on top of the world. However, I know not everyone feels this good. Earlier today as I was sat in the hair dressers and I spotted a lady in my mirror as she was on the other side of the salon. She was sat explaining to her stylist how she didn’t like her curly hair, I think she was a new client to the salon, and that could he do this with it or that with it. She then stopped and looked at him and said “I just don’t feel great about myself at the moment” and she broke down in tears. “Self-worth is so vital to your happiness – If you don’t feel good about YOU, it’s hard to feel good about anything else!” – Mandy Hale I watched this woman sit there with her head in her hands, clearing crying about how bad she felt. The stylist was a young man, Alex, in his early twenties, he’s a gorgeous young man, very sensitive and he got up to get a box of tissues and sat back down next to her. She took a tissue, wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and carried on explaining how she would like her hair. I personally thought this was remarkable as I am not sure there are many women who could carry on explaining what they wanted done with their hair, after having broken down in front of a young man, telling him that she didn’t feel good about herself. They carried on their conversation and I continued to read my book as I didn’t want to seem like I was being nosey. I had total admiration for this woman and my heart went out to her. My heart started beating and my inner voice said ‘I just want to give her a hug’. I wanted to catch her on her own and that was going to be tricky in a salon. Alex carried on styling her hair and they were chatting away. I delved in my handbag and I pulled out a postcard. I had 3 postcards each with a different message on and the one I picked, with my eyes closed said, ‘Loveable, Unique and simply the best – That’s you!’ with my website on the bottom and I wrote

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her a message on the back which said – “Hi, my name is Vanessa Louise, and I am a woman just like you. A woman who has experienced the pain you’re feeling right now. A woman, who just like you, reached outside of myself for acceptance for what I was missing… Until I realised that all I was looking for was already within me. Please know that how you are feeling right now, is only temporary! You are wonderful just as you are. I can see it from the other side of the salon. Begin to look for what you are grateful for and what you love and as if by magic you will begin to appreciate and love yourself too. Xx”

darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognise our shared humanity” – Pema Chodron She looked at me and with a warm smiled said “Thank you – can I have your number?” “Of course - As and when you feel ready, I would love to hear from you and we can go for a coffee. Do you live locally?” “Well, that’s the other thing” she said while wiping her tears, “I’ve just moved here from London and I live up the road” I exclaimed enthusiastically “Great, I’m 10 minutes away, that’s not far at all”

My heart is still really pounding at this point, as all I want to do is jump up and give her this card and a hug.

She thanked you me again. We exchanged names and an even bigger hug and off she went.

I waited until she was on her own. I had even prepared to say to my stylist, if I am busy or having my hair washed when that lady leaves, please could you give her this card but there was no need because her stylist walked away.

I sat down in my chair and I carried on reading with the HUGEST smile in my heart…with the realisation that how I once felt and living through my own pain, was all for a reason.

I felt compelled to get up, walk across the salon and give her the card. I looked into her eyes, smiled and said “Hi, I have noticed you from the other side of the salon and I just want to give you this. I’ve written a note on the back just for you”. I lovingly rubbed her arm, left her with the card and I sat back down. I carried on reading my book and two minutes later the woman appeared by my side and said “Thank you” and broke down in tears. I jumped up out of my chair and put my arm around her, gave her a hug and she quietly sobbed on my shoulder. I put my book down with my other hand and I put both my arms around her, I hugged her until her sobs subsided. When I felt she was settled and was calm, I pulled back, I had both of my hands on the tops of her arms, I looked at her weeping eyes and I said to her “YOU are wonderful, It’s a very painful place you are in right now, and I am living proof that on the other side of that pain, it feels GREAT, everything is absolutely fine!!” “Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded, it’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well, can we be present with the

As I sat back in my chair, it dawned on me that all six of my values were expressed and at play throughout this whole experience. 1) LOVE coupled with gratitude – My intention in all I do is to live, speak, think and behave from my heart. What is the most loving thing I can do for them/myself in this moment? How can I give love to this situation? Love and gratitude are the highest and most healing emotions we can feel. Love and gratitude, literally saved mine and someone else’s life – I’ll save that for another time. 2) Trust and Faith – To have faith in my inner calling, the voice within and trust that it knows what’s best for me, because it does and it’s the reason I am here. 3) J oy – Joy, for me, is that intense feeling of inner happiness. The feeling that feels like it could fuel you forever. Joy is experienced from deep inside and fans the flames of your burning desire. Fun is a crucial part of Joy too.

to be the connection between the invisible power and another person, the result being we are all Divinely connected. 5) Kindness – kindness for me is love in action – it’s loves little sister and the power an act of kindness has, can transform the world. It speaks volumes about what our intention is and how we view ourselves, others and the world. 6) Contribution – to be of service – has always excited me, ever since I was a little girl. It gives me great pleasure to give back, I see ‘being of service’ offering my gift of ‘who I am’ to this world, as what I am here to do. Just be me. I now choose to, intentionally, live my life by my value set knowing that this is living as the authentic example and truest expression of myself and how I am able to make the biggest impact and be a game changer in a world that’s crying out for more LOVE and more of us living from our values. Can you say you are consciously aware of living from your values? Do you know what your values are? How do you see this makes a difference whether you do or you do not? Whether that beautiful lady makes contact with me or not, I do know one thing for sure… If she experienced what I did, it will be something she will never forget and just maybe what she felt in that moment will be something that she will share, she could pass on – to make a difference in her own unique way!

Keep up to date with Vanessa Louise Birt

4) Connection – as human beings, we long for connection and belonging. For me connection begins with self, then I am able | 11

When You Are Thinking About Calling It Quits, This Game Changer Is All You Need. Joanna Intara | The Intimacy Genius

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I remember one day that my mom told me that kids don’t come with an instruction manual. At the time, I’m pretty sure I was pushing her to be a better parent because my child-self knew that I needed that. I don’t regret pushing her to be a better parent, I took her wisdom further and of course, realized that it’s true... they don’t exactly hand out parenting custom-designed manuals at the hospital for each child that you gave birth to. And in the same way, there’s not an instruction manual or a customized guide as to how to navigate the unique realms that show up in your relationship that can create stress or disconnection. Like you, I realized this path by walking it, and for a long time it was easy to compare myself to others, and to what relationships I perceived that they had, and to feel bad or criticize myself for not having the tools and resources I needed to make mine better. So after the honeymoon phase was over in my own relationship, the deeper karma and soul work emerged... and my husband and I found ourselves in a place of confusion, overwhelm and uncertainty as to what steps to take to proceed. We knew that we loved each other very much... we were bound together in a beautiful way... by choice, but without some of the deeper resources that were needed to navigate things from a place of slow ease and simplicity. He’d say to me, “Why do humans make things so complicated, why must relationship bring up so many things to consider?” I agreed with him, and it made me inquire and go deep into my own part in this.... that knows what we can create when we are in close proximity with another human. Because we are relentless for truth and for liberation... we meet on the evolutionary path, the path of what’s going to bring us transformation, liberation, freedom and all the intimacy, love, sex, closeness between us that makes for a very rich intimacy and potent soul connection.

If only there could be a way to organize it more easily, to bring heart sense to the matters of the heart, I’m pretty sure you didn’t connect to fall in love with each other’s minds only… This is exactly what we had to do, find the systems that underlies all the others, and get those grounded, and foundation aligned in our relationship so that things could get organized when it got difficult. We started practicing emotional IQ deeply.. and practiced all the skills.. we learned to bring awareness, practiced self-regulation, built empathy, right motivation, and social skills. These things really matter because they affect all of us in the relationship no matter what stage you’re at, but especially if you want more Hot Sex, Love, and Closeness. You can’t have the skills, and you can’t keep growing them, we must if you want the kind of Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that feels amazing.. and I can’t tell you how good it feels to make that amazing feeling non-negotiable. This is what produced the greatest results. You probably want your own version of those, I’m guessing it’s why you’re reading this, you got lots of dimensions to you... you need more openness in the stuck places, more depth of connection, more understanding but you’re stuck in selfprotection and can get reactive. And, if you admit it, sex is feeling lackluster if it’s even happening at all. You’ve got some skills and you work really hard at it, it’s amazing the work you’ve already done, and you know there’s more because you’re humble and because your deep desires will not go away no matter what you do. I’m so glad we put in the time to do this, because the foundation, grounding, and anchoring we have into the systems, that we know work to govern all the different dimensions and realms that can come up in a relationship, I wouldn’t have the relationship I have today without it.

This is something you can learn and that will benefit you so much. Sometimes in my difficult moments, when I’ve felt deeply lost or not in control, I would pick one thing that I could do, like have more empathy. I’d practice it, especially in places I felt tight or contracted and what a huge shift it would be in partnership, genuine foundational empathy, all from embodying emotional IQ skills like this... imagine what can come from it and sense into the connection, the closeness, the hotness. I want you to have this so much and I want you to imagine one step you’re going to do this week, to bring this closer to you both.. oh, of course first starting with yourself. For me, I’m going to take a thorough inventory of my progress in each one of these things, and when I will do that I’m going to share it with my partner and have an honest open conversation about it and then see what shifts need to be made. And... I’ve got ONE spot (https:// open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love, and intimacy in their love relationship.....even if you haven’t been having it for a while... get on this while there are openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you. I can’t wait to hear what comes up for you.

Keep up to date with Joanna Intara

And we keep growing it and it continues to produce more beautiful closeness loving results. Not to mention the family goodness as well. Developing emotional intelligence is a really important practice, art, skill and it is central to relationship success. | 13

How We Can Use Perspectives

To Understand Other People. Charmaine Barber | Transformational Coach & Writer.

Perspectives are simply positions from where we view things, people, conversations, situations. We can have a “Me View,” which is what most of us have pretty much all the time because this is our world which we inhabit and no-one elses. A great perspective to have for being in touch with ourselves and our feelings, as well as standing up and supporting our own interests. The downside of having this “Me” view is that we don´t take into 14 |

account other people and their feelings and perspectives. Probably because we as a human race are selfish in certain ways and also, it´s about species survival. What is this “Me View”? It´s all about seeing only our point of view to the exclusion of all else. A bit like walking around with blinkers on instead of opening ourselves up to the world of possibility, both pain and joy, and understanding around us. Many people live this perspective

their whole lives. The danger of having only a “Me View” is that every now and then we bash into a wall of resistance, quite literally. We clash with others; we may get frustrated with situations and ourselves and we beat ourselves up big time because we can´t see the “Bigger Picture.” That resistant wall you just bumped into was more than likely a conversation which escalated into an argument which pulled the rug

out from under your feet and left you wondering, “What the hell was all that about?”

and imagine unzipping their “Body Suit” and step into their body and their shoes.

It was about you. Us. Yes, we are the ones at fault, not the other person. Give it some more thought.

Comfy? Good. Or maybe not! Wriggle around a bit so you do feel better and then start to imagine.

As soon as we become more aware of us, ourselves and our reactions, responses, conversations, communications and connections with others, then we can start to change and dissolve those walls of resistance.

Imagine looking through their eyes at yourself where you were before you stepped into their shoes. Listen to what you said and listen to their reply.

The “others out there,” they can´t do it. Not unless they´ve already learnt what to do and how. Who can you help? Only yourself. In order to see the “Bigger Picture,” we need to accept and take on another view we can use, which is the really helpful “You View.” What I mean by the “You View” is whenever we find ourselves bumping into the invisible yet energetically vibrant wall of resistance, we need to step back, rub our foreheads and apply a different way of thinking about the situation. It´s called stepping into someone else´s shoes quite literally. It takes some visualisation and is doable. I do it often now I´ve found it as a useful tool for my toolkit when I´m helping others to find peace. You can also do it as a practice for yourself when you´re on your own. If something´s bothering you, take a moment to gather yourself together in a quiet place and think about what´s just happened. Imagine that particular person is in front of you and go over the conversation you had. Feel that conversation again and everything you saw and did. If it´s a very heavy argument, don´t try to get too involved in it, or else choose a less evocative one so that you don´t start to feel upset by it. Feel it. See it and hear it. When you´ve got yourself into the visualisation, just look down at your feet and step out of your shoes. You can even do it literally if you want. Go over to the other person in your visual memory and go behind them

How do they feel? Listen to what comes through for you and start to re-think that situation so that you can get better clarity. If you don´t want to visualise in this exercise, then do the following. Take 3 sticky notes and write on the first one: “Me View,” then write on the second one “You View.” Stick them in two separate places on the floor, making sure you have enough space between them to allow you a walking distance so that they feel separate. Follow the above instructions for stepping into their shoes and feeling and understanding what happened for more clarity in your life. The last perspective, is what I call the “Cinematic Helicopter Effect.” We´ve exhausted the “Me View” and we´ve used the “You View” to gain understanding about the other person and what our conflict with them was about. Now it´s time to explore the CHE! This time I´d like you to step back from your “Me View” and from your “You View” and close your eyes and visualise again. Imagine you´ve gone outside and as soon as you get out of the front door, there´s a whole camera crew, lightbulbs flashing etc. OMG you cry, but I´m not an extrovert or famous or anything! It´s fine, nor am I! Just stick with me, I´ve nearly finished. They follow you as you walk to your very own helicopter. Imagine the colour of it, the smell of the leather seats and the whirring of the blades as you buckle yourself into your seat and your pilot starts to take off.

I turn around and say, “We´re going for the “Cinematic Helicopter Effect Perspective.” “Oh! you say in a puzzled voice.” Keep imagining and as we fly (I´m with you this time to hold your hand but in future you have to do this on your own), you look down at the building you live in. With your ex-ray vision which I just gave you! You look into the room where you felt this resistance and you see two people. One of them is you and the other one is the person you fell out with, had an argument or whatever. Look closely at both of them and feel and hear what each of them are saying/shouting/yelling, to/at each other. Start to think about what is happening in that scene and bring clarity to it and vow to try to be different in the future. Lastly, before I land you with your helicopter perspective, ask yourself a question: “What have I learnt from this?” Sometimes, we just need to distance ourselves in order to understand better.

Keep up to date with Charmaine Barber

“Where are we going?” You ask. | 15

Rantings of a passionate Writer. Samantha Caroline Lavallée Writer & Lover of all things soul at Beautiful Disaster.

Words hold a space for a love making that is an intimate creation in the making... Words hold a capacity to enliven the psyche with a spellbinding dizziness that moves through the haze as one gazes the lines before them with a brilliance felt anew... A blurring of reality and fantasy that lifts the veils of limitations with an open invitation to seduce the illusions of the mind by lulling the imagination to the delights of endless creations. A seductress of the sultriness felt lapping from within. The echoes from deep down begin to rush upwards as she reads onwards through every engraving of the lines reflecting back at her...

Stories of past, present and future that writes of lost and lack collide as they try to no avail write the words of the love it has failed to live in experienced translations. Live, I scream! Love, I shout! For the writing comes to life with a tangible pulse once written by the hand that holds the pen that lived. Live, I plead! Love, I beg! For writing is felt with an audible frequency once written from the pen who’s heart has been held and has bled. Live, I invite! Love, I ignite!

She weaves through time in timelessness as she abandons her grip to delve deeper Into her surrender that enlivens the forces of life that courses throughout her as she dances to the cursive of the pens whip as it lashes its furry of passion without care or worry.

For writing is to experience the expressions of the experience a second time with the soul’s clarity for the one who holds the pen to rewrite a revised ending that halts as it comes to realize it is, but yet again, only another beginning if she is indeed living...

For it is there between the written & the unwritten she comes back to life with breaths of fire that has risen from the ashes of stagnant silence.

Writing is love making.

An inferno that cannot be tamed but is to be set ablaze as she reads the writings of life’s passions expressed from story to story. Her’s & Your’s. Misery transformed... Suffering admitted... Pain translated... Ecstasy tormented... Health omitted... Pleasure refuted... 16 |

A graceful gritty intimacy that endlessly spells the Beauties of Awakened Allowing through Vulnerabilities that is Courageously Braved by those who Dare to Live & those who dare to Love with faith until their ultimate faith... “The End” well not really... “The Beginning”...well actually...they are the same difference.

To receive weekly inspirational reminders and heartfelt reflections straight to your inbox from Samantha’s heart to yours SUBSCRIBE HERE

For the writing “ comes to life with a

tangible pulse once written by the hand that holds the pen that lived. Samantha Caroline LavallĂŠe | 17

Working 9-5 as a Sensitive/Empath. Nicola Debley-Richardson | Author of Natural Mystic (Down to Earth & Spiritual) One day I might work it all out. One day I might know how to coexist as a Sensitive in a world that doesn’t support or encourage sensitivity. Until I work out - the path that suits my sensitivity, I will continue to struggle. Constantly I find myself in situations that bruise my Aura. Causing me to feel jaded and exhausted. As a sensitive I literally absorb the feelings and emotions of those that surround me. I suck up the stresses and anxieties of those that come within sniffing distance of my personal space. Friends, family, work colleagues and even strangers. As a highly intuitive person, I not only hear the words spoken, I hear the words that are unspoken. I hear the quickening breaths of anxiety, I hear the beats of a lonely heart. I see the panic and stress deep within the eyes. I feel the worry that weighs heavy in repetitive, racing thoughts. I see the grey dense negative energy that surrounds a person’s outline. My stomach will echo the tension and feelings of unease. I listen, I see, I hear; and I absorb. Not long ago, and like many Highly Sensitive folk, I had a need to emerge myself in the 9-5. Money Talks. I was on the rebound from a Love affair with Self Employment. I loved it and I hated it. I enjoyed my work, working as an Empath in the NHS, it was challenging but very rewarding. Waiting for the invoices to be paid and the promised work to materialise, not so great. So out of survival, I found myself conforming and going to the office every Monday to Friday and sitting at a desk 9-5. I wore the obligatory Black office trousers, and any other 18 |

pieces of black clothing I could find, to go with them. Struggling to find the enthusiasm to bring anymore colour into my wardrobe. I’d go in, I’d shuffle paper and get myself absorbed in the whirlwind and chaos that I’d found myself in. My major problem here, is that with respect, I do not think this was unique to the office I was in. You see I have experienced this situation with every office I have found myself in (except one). With respect and honouring the empire that has been orchestrated, I have much admiration for this particular Business. However, It was me, and I know it’s me. (This is not a cheesy break up line). I am too flipping sensitive. Please do not think that I cry all the time – because I certainly do not. Maybe if I did, it might help to release all that I absorb?? The Boss you see, was…… very different to me. Very hectic, very erratic, angry, lots of effing and jeffing, un-organised, high energy, fuelled on coffee and fags. HOWEVER, these traits penetrated my energy field, and literally left me feeling totally and utterly fried. For the Boss, there was no time for a lunch break – just another Coffee and cigarette. I would try and escape for a moment to take in some fresh air, a moment to centre myself and stare at the sky, asking for help and protection. Feeling guilty for the time spent away from the mayhem. I would leave at the end of the day, with my head pulsating, I felt drained, unable to think clearly, unable to make clear decisions, with a whirlwind of thoughts, feelings and emotions being processed and repeated again and again on a loop, all the way home.

I would replay the day, the atmosphere in the office. The feelings of highly charged adrenalin, galloping along at 100mph. Work having to be processed at lightening speeds, whether it be done correctly or not. That is irrelevant. It just had to be done – actioned – off the freaking desk – pronto! As an Empath, I feel and absorb every part of this RAAAAAAHHHHH. Part of me wanted to run away. The other part of me was cross at myself for being so sensitive. Why can’t I just be normal? When will I ever conform? I know I am not alone in this struggle, as statistics say that at least 20% of the population also have a highly evolved nervous system, and will be just like me. For those of you finding your way in this frantic world - take solace in knowing, your sensitivity is special and needs to be embraced. Without us Sensitives there would not have been so many great achievements and breakthroughs. We are the thinkers and the creative types, who have a constant battle between our heads and our hearts. Embrace your uniqueness, we are just sensitive little souls.

Keep up to date with Nicola Debley-Richardson

“Without us Sensitives there would not

have been so many great achievements and breakthroughs. We are the thinkers and the creative types, who have a constant battle between our heads and our hearts. Embrace your uiqueness Nicola Debley-Richardson | 19

Next year… Christine Saunders | Empowerment Coach at Wholehearted Life.

Get your ducks in a row. Are you like others? Do you tell yourself, “I’ll do that tomorrow” or “I’ll get that done later” or “I promise I’ll do that later” or “we’ll do that next year”? Even better, “I’ll start/stop tomorrow”. I’m going out on a limb and guess most of the time “it” doesn’t happen tomorrow, next month or next year. I would like to share four strategies that helped me and will help you live in the present by honoring today. These strategies will help you stop procrastinating and live your life in and from your whole heart. Living your life in and form a whole heart is simple. I’m inviting to take a little time to explore what that really means for you. It will differ from person to person, that’s the beauty of this amazing life. Let’s start with four proven strategies to help you get started. Proven? Yes, I have used these myself with success. Know your purpose. What legacy do you want to leave on this world, or better yet, what is your purpose in this beautiful life? Why do you do what you do? It is crucial to know what makes you feel passionate about life. How do you find your purpose? Let’s begin here. My favorite way to explore this is to take a deep dive into the future, yep I said the future. “But Christine, you just wrote, we are living in the present moment!” Yes, and this is simply an exercise in visualization. Visualize what legacy you have already left on the world, with you kids, or in your community. This will give you a destination. You can now work backwards by chunking out what it would take to be where you visualize your future self. If that is too much, visualize your tomorrow and doing one thing 20 |

you have determined will meet the vision of your future. There is one thing to keep in the forefront of your mind, you must believe in you! You must know in your whole heart you deserve happiness, fulfillment, and the life you envision. You are enough! The next step is understanding your why. “One of the most powerful, enlightening and liberating moments a person can experience is the realization that it’s not about what we do, it’s about why we do it and the impact that has on others and the world around us.” – Craig McHugh. So, of course I’m going to ask you why? Why are you climbing that mountain? Why are you losing that weight? Why are you starting that business? Understand your purpose and your why! IT’S NEVER ABOUT WHAT! Now you know your why, you can be intentional about your actions.

Once you know your why, purpose, or mission, your driven desire, and you know how it fits into your purpose, you will make it a priority. If you are uncertain, it makes it a bit trickier. I find it best to map out what you know and what you think you might need to do to make your vision a reality. There might be thousands of things on your map, now is the perfect time to prioritize them. I call this “chunking”. I would suggest this be something you do with another person. Why? Well, we as humans tend to sabotage our own plans, or doubt our abilities. We find reasons things won’t work etc. So, enlist a helper that fully supports your vision, that you trust and can challenge you if they feel you are sabotaging your own vision. (believe me it happens more times than not.) Focused energy Building on the first two strategies, it is important to focus energy on your vision. How aggressive should you be working on your vision? It is personal for everyone. I like to put a plan in place. My plans consist of usually at least an hour a day working toward the vision I have created. (ps it’s better to make progress than to be perfect!) Any amount of progress is still progress. So how to make your hour a priority. It’s about discipline and honoring yourself and your journey. Calendar you time. Declare your vision to your family and friends. If they know and support, you they will help you carve out that hour. This is also be a great opportunity to ask if they would be willing to be your accountability partner. The idea of this type of relationship is to challenge your limiting beliefs, and to keep you focused in the right direction. I would also make sure you

“One of the most powerful, enlightening and liberating moments a person can experience is the realization that it’s not about what we do, it’s about why we do it and the impact that has on others and the world around us.” express how you would want any feedback and to challenge beliefs. If these standards are not set up front, your accountability partner, may deliver information in a way that could derail the process. Be open, ask for what you need, and remain flexible. They are here to help. If you are not getting your needs met, it is ok to find a more suitable accountability partner. During this journey there will be times we fear failure, rejection, or even success. It is necessary to be aware of these feelings. Acknowledge them and keep going. If we sweep them under the preverbal rug, it can be debilitating and boom we are stuck… again. Lean in and keep going. This is one thing we must avoid if we are seeking to live in and from a whole heart. These things are not weakness, in fact acknowledging them is an act of strength and courage. To acknowledge the feelings of doubt and fear and move through them. It will make your journey to your vision that much more rewarding and beautiful. It’s today, not yesterday or tomorrow. If you stress or overthink something, two things happen. Remember you

are in fact human and your mind is powerful. When you are surprised with an event, or have decisions to make, and if you are not aware of our own rules, values, and beliefs, you will create a version in your mind of how you think the outcome will be before it happens. By the way, this happens to most every single one of us. If you create fear in your head, your journey will be full of fear and doubt. When it is all said and done, most likely you will have convinced yourself it’s not worth all the fear and doubt and you will quit. We want to avoid quitting. Remember any progress is, well progress. We are alive right now. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities. To live in the present moment, you must understand that there may not be a tomorrow, there may not be a next week, heck, there may not be a next year, we must live for today. Yes, it’s scary (if you let it be scary) if we’re going to take risks. If you spent too much time thinking about the outcome and not strategically thinking about it being amazig, it can be that you experience the negative outcome twice. Once in your mind and then in your own reality. You want to avoid this unnecessary trauma.

Procrastinating is putting self-fulfillment on hold. With these 4 strategies, you can avoid procrastinating as you have a purpose, a plan, and an accountability partner. Believe that today is your day. We tend to wait for the right time and the right space. That is today! So, we make plans we say were going to do things, we aren’t held accountable to ourselves or to each other and we let it slide, and guess what? We wait for tomorrow, or next year. And here is the truth; You can’t beg, steal, borrow, or make up time. Know your purpose, stay focused, and remain present and in no time, you will be at your destination and you can begin the next journey.

Keep up to date with Christine Saunders | 21

Become the storyteller of your own destiny.

Are you ready to share your awesomeness? One Tribe Media merge imagination and technology to help brands tell their stories and grow their tribes in an age of digital transformation through collaborative website design and branding.


22 |

Burt Kempner | Independent Writer/Producer & Author

A Fable. “Settle down, children. Tonight I’m going to tell you the story of and the giraffe and the Tree of Life.” “What’s a giraffe, grandfather?” “An animal with a very long neck. Quite beautiful and gentle, they were.” “Where did they live, grandfather?” “In a place called Africa, alongside lions and elephants.” “What’s an elephant, grandfather?” “A wondrous beast, young ones. Very large but graceful. Their noses were like a long piece of rope and they had growths like curved spears growing from their faces.” “Were they the biggest animals that ever lived?” “No, that honor went to the whales.” “What are whales, grandfather?” “Giants of the sea, my beloveds. They could dive practically forever and sang songs of stunning beauty and complexity” “What happened to them, grandfather?” “Their homes became impossibly polluted and those who survived that were hunted to extinction by humans.” “What are humans, grandfather?” A long silence, punctuated by the sound of spinning wheels and meshing gears. “That’s a story for another time, my sweet, steely darlings. Now switch yourselves off. It’s late.” “Good night, grandfather.” For the love of Creation. what we do to them, we do to us.

Keep up to date with Burt Kempner | 23

How to Find Balance When Everything Around You is Out of Balance Kelsey Ward | Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Claircognizant, and a Medium.

Since the start of 2020, we as a collective have undergone a massive energy shift. We’ve experienced significant upgrades of energy in addition to clashing of energies since the start of this new decade. We as a society are currently shifting from third dimensional energy to fifth dimensional energy. Meaning, shifting from thinking we need to give our power away to creating our own reality within ourselves because the power we hold is always within us. In addition, we are currently in the midst of experiencing the 2020 “shift” as many of us light workers have mentioned prior to the start of 2020. This 2020 shift has perpetuated many mixed feelings surrounding alignment and balance. The 2020 shift consists of the collective energy upgrading to both the fifth and seventh dimension to bring us all into a deeper level of consciousness and awareness. However, in order to shift into a higher level of both awareness and consciousness, we must be willing to embrace and let go whatever is no longer serving us. This will usually present itself in the form of loss. For example, being laid off from jobs, close relationships ending, sudden changes in purpose in this lifetime, interests, hobbies, and even diet. Since the start of 2020 we have experienced great loss and negativity within the media, further perpetuating the distance between most; thus, creating a divide and lack of balance. How do we find balance in these instances and how do we make it 24 |

last? This is an imperative question for us to ask ourselves right now. A lot of times we see content on social media encouraging us to eat healthier or workout to find balance. While I don’t disagree with these because they do play an imperative role, I believe what plays an even larger role in finding permanent balance is pinpointing any subconscious traumas and conditioned beliefs whether that be from childhood or present day. If you are an empath, this energy shift has been extremely intense for us and the energy has been feeling incredibly dense and heavy since the start of 2020. How we handle or react to these energies stems a lot from any subconscious conditioning we have been exposed to at any point in our lives. One significant way to find balance during these times is to dive deep and silence yourself from all of the noise around you. This noise can be anything from personal distractions, social media, jobs, or even sometimes family. Quiet your mind. Go to a place that feels grounded and safe. If you’re able to go out in nature daily, do so. It is times like these where we are able to step outside of our comfort zones to find there is better waiting on the other

side because sometimes our comfort zones are simply old repressed traumas that have unknowingly created a subconscious security blanket for us. This is the perfect time to take a shot at doing things differently and stepping away from any and all distractions. Finding peace within yourself, your journey and starting from there. Once we are able to fully quiet the mind and find a stable sense of peace and grounding, we can evolve quickly from lack of alignment to being fully in balance and aligned with the highest versions of ourselves. In order for us to get to where we need to be, we have to be willing to take a risk and step into the unknown. Sometimes the unfamiliar and uncertainty is exactly what we need to find the balance we are deeply craving. Becoming certain in uncertainty and creating a sense of safety within ourselves to find full balance. Creating safety within ourselves requires us to step away from what we know to fully get in touch with our souls’ path and find the balance we need during these dense energetic times. Finding and creating that safety will always lead us back home to ourselves. Namaste.

Keep up to date with Kelsey Ward


Sometimes the unfamiliar and uncertainty is exactly what we need to find the balance we aredeeply craving – kelsey Ward | 25


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A tribe is a group of people connected to one another and connected to an idea. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. – Seth Godin | 27

Putting the Nomad into Digital Nomad. Dawn Bates | International bestselling author, coach and speaker

Work from wherever. Digital Nomad. Location free life. All very trendy phrases at the moment; and both the phrases and the possibilities have been increasing thanks to those of us who choose to travel the world working from our laptops. Now whilst this lifestyle may seem glamorous or exciting, let´s just bring it back a step or two and get really present to what it actually means to be a Digital Nomad, and have a location free life working from wherever we choose. Now first of all, being a digital nomad is very different from being a freelancer who gets to take their laptop to the local café or beach, work there for the day and then return home. (As is the case with quite a few “Digital Nomads” I have met over the past two years). Working from wherever is also a 28 |

very different concept to being a Digital Nomad, and being location free kind of likes to dance between the two concepts. Working from wherever is simply a concept which was born with the invention of a laptop and hand-held device, which back in the 1990´s only a lot of top executives could achieve. They would walk into their local electrical store buy a Psion Palm Pilot, a laptop the connecting cables and for up to 2 hours be able to get work done on the train between meetings. No data. No WiFi. Just reading reports and writing notes; and perhaps make a start or finish the report or presentation they too were creating. Working from wherever isn´t a new thing. It´s now at least 30 years old. Location free is the next step up because not only do we now have

data connectivity on all our tech, but most towns, cities and some beaches have their own local WiFi provider. Normally for locals who live there, but still, if you are lucky you can tap in for free from a nearby café. Location free isn´t the same as a Digital Nomad. Location free means you have the options available to you travel for extended periods of time, always returning to a certain place or town called home. Many of the online entrepreneurs jumped on this band wagon of being Location free, when in fact all they did was go on holiday for 2-3 weeks taking their laptop with them, took loads of photos of them chilling out on the beach and by the pool, ready to upload to their social media profiles whilst they sat at back at home freezing their faces off in jumpers and thermals. Being a Digital Nomad however is something very different; and something I have become without

actually intending to become. Here’s why. As a self-published author, I wanted to do a global book tour. I also wanted to travel the world in the most environmentally friendly way possible, i.e. no flying, only sailing and only using public transport. And when I say sailing, I mean actually sailing, with sails not a motorised sea caravan. Not on one of those awful cruise ships which create more pollution that this article can go into right now. (Richard Branson take note with your Scarlet Lady!) I have also wanted to live at sea for a very long time, so packing up all my things, handing over my old apartment to my ex-husband so our boys and my dogs didn´t have to move, was the next natural step in a serious of steps to take to be able to fulfil many goals. I have been referred to as “homeless by choice” which I guess some people would find horrifying, but which I found quite amusing. One, because I am not homeless; and two, well… it´s just an interesting comment to make about someone else’s lifestyle when said lifestyle doesn´t compute into a certain set of parameters in someone´s mind. Being nomadic isn’t a new concept either. Humans have been nomadic since man first walked the earth. Romany Gypsies have been travelling around the world, exempt from tax and the law, living under Gypsy Law for decades, if not centuries. Sailors have been travelling the world for centuries living life out on the high seas where there is no law other than Mariner’s law, which actually underpins a lot of the laws on land. Go out far enough to sea as I like doing and there really is no need for laws at all. Baring all this in mind, and given that free spirits tend to think differently, is there any wonder yours truly became a Digital Nomad who simply travels the world, as close to the water as she can, writing

articles such as this, and reading and writing as many books as she can get her hands on? Being a Digital Nomad brings together the modern and the ancient ways of living, and really taps in the core value of freedom; so long as you are not trapped by work and social media for the whole time you are travelling. Because then really, all you’ve done is given yourself a self-imposed prison with a great view. The life of a Digital Nomad takes a lot out of you energetically in many ways. You have to be able, and willing, to change plans at a moment´s notice. You have to become self-disciplined so you can “work from wherever” and still enjoy the countries you visit as you go. What would be the point of going to the country if you didn´t explore it?

Interesting times ahead for all those involved and will make you realise just how great you really do understand culture and communication, as well as cultural communication.

Unless of course it is on the way to another place you are heading to and you need to re-provision the boat you are sailing on; or you have visa issues, which brings me onto my next point.

Life as a Digital Nomad is a great way of life, but it takes courage. It takes logistical skills to the extreme, and a level of self-belief and trust to a whole other level.

Making sure you understand immigration law is one of the most important things you are going to have to understand as you travel, especially if you have a passport which attaches you to a country in the midst of a huge political problem. Keeping your eyes on current affairs may not have been something you wanted to do when you “escaped the rat race” but it is certainly something to keep in mind when losing track of time and entering new countries. The laws of the land are as different as the people, as are the cultures and the ways in which you communicate. We all like to think we are great communicators but you try being a really enthusiastic person who uses really excitable words, who comes from a hierarchical culture and spending 6 weeks on a sailing ship with someone who thinks excitable words are only for major life events such as having a baby and buying your first home, and who comes from an egalitarian society.

There is also a lot of alone time, and when you are not alone the level of conversation can become very tedious as the questions you get asked tend to be the same ones over and over again; hence why I have developed my own Digital Nomad webinar (which you can access via visiting Being alone is great for the mind, body and soul because it allows you to get present to who you truly are, enables you to discover what you really want out of life and makes you realise who and what is important to you. But then again, if you are not willing to go deep, you´ll never discover the hidden treasures which lurk beneath the surface.

Keep up to date with Dawn Bates | 29

Personal Development And Community Andy Ferguson | Reimagineer.

Following multiple conversations about the Personal (individual) side of Personal Development over the last few weeks, I got to thinking about how often we overlook the important role our community and our environment play in any personal development journey. Without a supportive community and a favourable environment, it’s unlikely we will ever reach our true potential, no matter how hard we try. There is an old saying “it takes a whole village to raise a child.” But actually, it takes a whole village (or community) to do just about anything worthwhile if you’re a human. Let’s start at the beginning; human babies are born “premature”, why? Here’s a quick bit of biology. Humans have enormous heads to carry our oversized brains around in. This big brain gives us a huge advantage over other species when we are old enough to fully utilise it, but it comes at a cost. To have any chance of fitting through the birth canal, human babies have to have soft heads and still be very early in their physical development when they are born: in effect, premature. Even then before surgery came along, Mothers and Babies used to die at alarming rates. Childbirth was a deadly business. Still, bigger brains, greater capacity to learn, that’s a huge advantage in the long term both for individuals and groups. So apart from dangerous births, what other cost does this big brain create? Well, we have a long maturation period for one thing. For years after they are born babies need to be nursed and protected, they need to learn useful skills and gain knowledge of the world around 30 |

incredible civilisations that explored and exploited the world with ever greater understanding and reach. These civilisations fought internal and external battles but evolved and slowly the human-dominated world we see today emerged.

them, and they need to grow strong enough to survive. Children don’t contribute much for quite a long time, quite frankly when we are young, we are a burden. Over hundreds of generations, humans developed “communities” that among other things spreads the cost of this burden: Keeping enough children alive and able to reach maturity so they can look after themselves and help the community survive and thrive. A community provides many many other advantages for humans over “going it alone”, but this is one of the most vital. This cycle of investment and return on investment is vital for the survival of any and all human communities. Children mature and take over from their parents, and the cycle continues. Around ten thousand years ago, humans started to put down roots, literally sowing seeds, domesticating plants and animals alike. Over the next ten or so millennia, they said farewell to the old ways of Hunting and Foraging and developed

So here we are in 2020 with over seven billion of us all in all sorts of places, living what can appear to be very different lives but essentially they are the same as they’ve always been. Our survival and hopes for a happy and productive life depend on the goodwill and good health of our community to sustain us. Personal Development won’t get far if our community and our environment can not provide adequately for us.

Elsewhere in this magazine, you’ll find an article, a discussion between myself and Larry Rosenberg, regarding the Hero’s Journey. Interestingly it looks at the roots of the “mythic journey” found in stories like Star Wars, of an individual leaving home to discover new things about the world and in the process discovering new things about themselves. The third part of this adventure normally requires the Hero to return home with something of great value which they can share with the folks (community) they left behind. This myth suggests a stage in Personal Development where for the good of the individual and the community, a person must continue their journey beyond the safety of the community. What they discover about themselves, their virtues and attributes, coupled with what they learn about the world out there

beyond the community and its immediate environment, becomes something of the great value. To me, this model signals the fact that whatever journey we are on as individuals, we realise our greatest value when we return to our community. Yet in the 21st Century, we can become a part of more than one community, more than one tribe. This is the nature of the paradox of the world we find ourselves in today. We, mostly our young people, are becoming more nomadic and less settled. They seem happy to shift between tribes. But where does this leave our physical, geographically based communities I wonder? Young people seem to understand and embrace this new world and a new way of living, but that creates problems for the communities that raised them. The older generation seems to want to close down the Global Village and perhaps we can understand why. Who could blame them when they wonder what happened to their investment. So has the social contract between generations been broken? “We raised you, but you don’t want anything to do with us now” is a not uncommon experience for those in many communities around the world. The unrest seems to also affect whole communities that feel they are being left behind too. The future has never looked so challenging for so many yet each tribe (community) feels a different threat, experiences it in a unique way. And it’s interesting to reflect that before the 1950s there were no teenagers, there were no separate generational tribes. It is a source of real concern if all the young people leave the village who will look after the generation that created the community and managed the environment for the youngsters to develop in? And it can seem to the older generation that instead of the young understanding their debt, they dismiss their endeavours and blame them for messing up the environment. The younger generation for their part wonders how the hell their elders managed to screw up their environment so badly and why they are so concerned with local

issues when the whole world/planet is going to rack and ruin. It’s a misunderstanding wrapped in limited perspectives and garnished with dislocation. And too little empathy.

For me the only way out of this dilemma seems to be that we begin to understand that Personal Development can’t be thought of as a purely individual endeavour it has to be understood as a contract between those that came before us, who created our communities and gave us our opportunities - those that gave us our chance, and those that will come after us and who will look to us for their chance. To me Personal Development and indeed One Tribe isn’t just about our own needs; Mind, Body and Soul but also about the communities we are building and the environment we have a responsibility to understand and look after.

an Omnicentric Perspective - one that integrates Ego, Ethno and Eco Centric viewpoints. I want to leave you with an image, one created by our publisher, Kenny Ball. It’s a symbol that our global community is made up of individuals and all individuals are part of our global community. We are indeed One Tribe, One Community and our personal development, therefore, can not be purely for ourselves. These are topics I hope to return too in future editions. Because the future depends on all of us getting this right, for connected ideas check out The Hero’s Journey by Larry and I and the article by Dawn Louise Bates on Digital Nomads in this edition of One Tribe Magazine.

Keep up to date with Andy Ferguson

I believe more people are beginning to understand that Personal Development requires us to embrace | 31

Why Failing IS A GOOD THING Robert Landau | National Motivational Speaker, Certified Life Coach.

get to where you want to be. If you fail the first time, so what! You pick yourself up and do it again. As you keep repeating the same task, you gain strength and new insight each and every time you put your foot on the starting line and run the race. Each time you run the race, you have a better understanding of how you can get to the finish line in the best and most effective way possible. You are empowering yourself each time you try again. Succeeding often means running the race more than once. In order to succeed, sometimes you need to fail first.

How do you feel when you hear the word, “Failure”? If you’re like most people, the feeling and emotion evoked when one hears this word tends to err more on the negative side of things than the positive. Is feeling negative when you hear that word our fault? If you asked me, I’d say, “No”. Our culture and society have already decided that answer for us. Compare a winning grade, “A”, to a failing grade, “F”. When something has failed, the effort is all but abandoned and terminated. Bad feelings are associated with failure. We’re ashamed and afraid to admit that this has happened to us. We’re afraid to tell loved ones that we didn’t make the cut. “I failed at that job”, “I failed in that relationship”, “I failed as a teacher”, “I failed my employees”, or even worse, “I totally failed myself.” Tired of feeling down? Let’s change course and sail towards smoother waters. Let’s get out of the dark storm clouds and into the clear, warm blue sky of who and what you really are. I’ve got a question for you; Do you really think the idea of failure is that bad? I don’t. Instead of a dead end, I look at failure as a beginning. Failure is just another chance to get things right. Just because it doesn’t work the first time doesn’t mean you can’t try again until you feel satisfied with your efforts. Why should one shot determine everything? When you fail, you’ve learned so that when that same issue appears once again further down your path, you have a better idea of how to not let it affect you… and move on. 32 |

Such is life. We may only get one chance in the body we currently have been gifted with, but it’s up to us to make the best of what we do with ourselves once we’re here. If that means failing 50 times before we get it right, who is to judge if you are the one who is in control? The only judge is yourself.

Sometimes we don’t realize how much control we have in any given situation. When I speak of control I don’t mean the negative connotation of that word. Control, just like failure, can be a very positive thing. Positive control means that you are using all your energy to see a task through. You are owning the situation. When you reach the finish line, you are the one who feels jubilant because you were the one that got yourself there, no one else. It may have been a bumpy journey of failure after failure but nevertheless, you crossed the finish line. When you have positive control over a situation, then it’s up to you to

You can be your own worst enemy. Your Inner Judge can often be quite harsh with you. But here’s a secret; You have control over that too. You are the only one that chooses to let your Inner Judge be as harsh as it wants to be. So remove that part of you from the race and just enjoy the run. Your Inner Judge may always be there but you don’t have to agree with what it may tell you. Are you really your Inner Judge? No! No matter how many times you have to do it, have a blast each and every time you find yourself placing your foot on the starting line. Is that failing? Only if you choose to think so. There’s a key word in the last sentence of the last paragraph. Can you guess what it is? Answer; “Choose”. Could it be that failure is a

the finish line is just as special, just as important, just as worthy, just as loving, just as great a human being as the very last person to cross the very same finish line. Time means nothing in the race of life. Crossing the finish line when any challenge presents itself is what it’s all about. In this case it’s truly the journey that matters, not the destination. Failing has everything to do with living life to its fullest potential. So in effect, couldn’t we really say that failing is really winning? If we don’t choose to see failure as something bad, the sky’s the limit. Even if it takes more than one try to get there. Consider the possibility that you’re a winner simply because you’ve failed so many times.

We are all winners. Winning is a choice. It’s an attitude and a mindset that’s totally up to us.

choice you make? Even if someone says you’ve failed, isn’t it your choice to buy into that belief or not? Even if the whole world thinks you’ve failed, who cares! What you think and feel about any situation is totally up to you and no one else. Just think how much more productive any educational situation would be if the polarities of passing and failing wouldn’t hang over the proceedings? Learning has nothing to do with succeeding or failing. Learning is, well, learning! When one learns, one doesn’t succeed or fail. Learning is like breathing. It’s a natural part of being here each and every day. As long as we continue to learn, we continue to grow. Who cares about how we got there? So it could very well be that failing is a vital part of the learning process. We are all winners. Winning is a choice. It’s an attitude and a mindset that’s totally up to us. Getting there is what’s important, not how many times it took to win the race. The fact that we ran in the race is what’s important. The first person to cross

Keep up to date with Robert Landau | 33

When You Tell Yourself That You Are Not Lovable. Liva Levica | Rapid Transformational & Emotional Detox Therapist.

We all want to be loved and accepted, be a part of something, belong in something bigger than us. For a very long time in my life I was feeling not worthy of love so I convinced myself that I didn’t want to be in love relationships. As a child, I learned that I am not “LOVABLE” and I developed this belief even stronger growing up. I was always a family “black sheep”. My dreams were bigger than other peoples dreams, my wishes were more fearless and grand than my family could imagine, so I became a “dreamer of impossible”. As a teenager, my mother used to put me on any new diet that she would find in books or magazines. She also used to tell me that no one would love me the way I am. Meaning lose weight or forget about being loved or being in relationships and don’t even imagine that someone would commit to spend his life being with you. Well guess what? I actually started to believe in it! As my mind was accepting thoughts of not being lovable I also managed to make myself believe that I DIDN’T WANT LOVE. A perfect combination for avoiding relationships and keeping myself away from one. For a very long time I was telling myself: • I am fine on my own. • I am happy being alone. • I am fully satisfied to spend my life just with me. All of that was beliefs I had been trying to make myself believe in for long, long time! 34 |

And YES it was painful, depressing and exhausting! I actually felt more hurt by telling myself that I do not want love than being heart broken by unsuccessful relationships. But whenever I would try to convince myself that I AM LOVABLE I would eventually give up and go back to my - “UNLOVABLE” state! It took me some time to understand that the feeling of being loved was not about being loved by someone it was about being in love with myself and who I am. Accepting myself just the way I am at the moment. Yes, I have all the rights to have (or at least dream off) slimmer body, more fulfilling career, live a more happier life. But at this moment, here and now I accept and LOVE myself for who I am no matter what. I don’t need anyones approval or valuation of my worth or am I good enough to be loved I know I am!

While gaining back and establishing my beliefs about being LOVEABLE, I was meeting people who were reflecting my development on this journey. In the beginning it was dates with low self confidence, not sure what they would like to do with their life and so on. Just now I see and feel how men that are surrounding me, even just in day to day life, are changing. They are more confident, more certain about their wishes of life and also they do LOVE who they are and what they do. And it’s all because I have changed my life views and the way I treat myself and my life. People who come in my life are just mirror reflections of who I am and how far I have come. BE THE ONE that gives soooooo much wanted LOVE to yourself! You have to LOVE yourself before someone else can love you. Also in that way, you will take full responsibility for yourself and your wellbeing, and no one will be able to take it away from you. People who love themselves and know their worth will not suffer so much as people who don’t as they will always know that they are LOVABLE no matter what happens around them. LOVE yourself so that others would know how to LOVE YOU!

Keep up to date with Liva Levica | 35

“Don’t respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don’t take it personally. Be silent.” – Is one of the rules from Budda. Ingrid Meijerink | Mindfulness & Creatieve Art Therapist There are some days that are completely crazy. You have so much to do and outside it is raining cats and dogs, your kids are yelling and you forget some groceries – especially bread for the kids. They need the bread for school. And by the way – you are close to your period! You went back to the groceriestore in order to buy the bread but then a lady steps in front of you, grabs the last piece of bread. Suddenly you feel overwhelmed and give the lady a not repeatable yell: “who do you think you are and why is the bread for you?” “I need the bread more for myself and kids otherwise they have nothing to take for school”. The lady looks up and gives the bread directly to you. You put the bread and some other things you forgot in your basked and you are walking to the cash desk to pay. They are playing your favorite music on the background. Suddenly you realize what just happened but the lady is already gone. You just realized that you had offending this lady to make her feel bad, but actually you are revealing a big part of your own personality. The lady walked outside the groceriestore. Her coat is damaged and dirty. She walks step by step, shuffling and searching for a place to sit down. People are looking at her but she doesn’t mind. She realized that what others say or think about her has nothing to do with reality. It’s just their perception. A view years ago she would liked it to be around people who are kind 36 |

and loving, but the harsh reality is that rudeness exists. She was married to a millionaire and had everything she wished for. A least, that was what she was thinking. Her daily life was filled with glitter and glamour and attention but one day she realized that she was missing something: Love and affection. At the moment she tried to talk about it with her husband he told her that he found a younger version of her and she had to leave. There she was - no home, no job, no income. From that day on she was living on the streets. Trying to find a job but the people looked at her and had their opinion. It became worser and worser. Days and months passed by. Her clothes became dirty and damaged and her face and hair looked terrible. She became 10 years older in just a view month. Time passed away. She found her self again. There was a person who believed in her. She found a job and start living her own life. She

felt happy and also found a new love in her live. Her love has his birthday to come so she went to the groceriestore to back him the most wonderful chocolate cake of the world. Thinking about all the ingredients she walked trough the store and bumped to a lady who was desperately surging for bread. She started to laugh and a smile came on her face. She remembered and recognized the lady who was yelling at her some years ago when she needed that bread only this time she took the bread from this lady back and asked her if she needed something else. The lady looked at her and said: no, thank you – this is the only thing what I can afford. “Please, follow me the other lady said.” The two ladys went out of the store and site down on a little bank outsite. “Don’t be angry of me – I would love to give you this bread” she said. The other lady looked up. Her close where really so terrible dirty and damaged. Suddenly she started to smile. She recognized the lady who bought her the bread. “You where the younger version of me…and I had to leave my husband – what happened to you?” “Well, she said – he found another younger version of me too.. but – I wanted to apologize for my behavior because I didn’t know you where the lady who left him because of me and I remember you when I was yelling to you because of the bread!” ”I am so sorry”! The lady laughs – please stand up and come home with me. It was not your fold. I understood later that I

was married to a narcicist. He can only love himself. And I forgive you because yes, you where rude to me but I let it be – as you remembered – at that time it was not my business, it was yours! I honestly felt sorry for you at that time because I have been there too. But just realize that any emotion that you express is born inside you. If you spread hate, you feel hatred. If you, however, spread love and joy, these are the emotions you feel more inside. I needed this to become a strong, confident and independent women and I have learned so much – she said. You see, if you have confident, you don’t need to tear others down but you empower each other! Therefor I didn’t react in the store when you took the bread away when I really needed it. I learned at that moment that I loved myself enough in order to feel love for you. I knew you took my place but it was your greatest gift to me. Now I know that you can’t be rude to a person if you don’t also think and feel poorly about yourself. “But…”the lady in the poor clothes looked at her and asked her…how did you managed to get back on track? “Well, I realized that I did not have to take the rude reactions personally because they aren’t. I started to practice selfreflection to re-discover my dreams again and get back to who I really am. I do not have to listen to what others think about me because it is their perception. I only get a lot of feedback from others who intend to support me. You start to recognize solicited feedback, harsh and rude comments. What do you prefere? The two lady’s became best friends and helped other lady’s who suffered from narcisticic abuse. And their logo? The smiling Budda!

Keep up to date with Ingrid Meijerink | 37

The Hero’s Journey A Roadmap for Personal Development? Larry Rosenberg PhD, Inspirational Edutainer, The Larry Show, Sedona, Arizona. Andy Ferguson Reimagineer, Linlithgow, Scotland.

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What Is The Hero’s Journey? Andy Larry, I was intrigued when you suggested The Hero’s Journey as a topic of our conversation in print. I had heard of it before of course, as the basis of things like Star Wars and even Homer’s epic The Odyssey. But I guess I didn’t think about it as a tool for personal development.

So, since it’s your topic, would you explain what it’s all about? Larry Gladly, Andy. I want to start my explanation by posing these two questions: • D o you consider yourself the hero in your life’s story – past, present and future? • D o you see yourself on a life journey leading to personal development and holistic growth? If your answers are yes to both questions, there is a good chance that your life can be characterized by The Hero’s Journey, and thus you can leverage your grasp of this Journey to evolve your personal power and consciousness level. In comparative mythology (and narratology), The Hero’s Journey (also called the monomyth) is a widely accepted model for a variety of myths and legends – throughout recent millennia and from diverse cultures. Influenced by Carl Jung’s approach to myth, Joseph Campbell, in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), described the general theory of The Hero’s Journey, as having three basic stages: • Departure (or Separation) Stage. The protagonist (hero) lives in an ordinary world, receives a call (externally and/or internally) to leave and go on an adventure, and does so. • Initiation Stage (which may be preceded by Descent). The hero crosses the threshold to an unknown or special world, where they confront tasks and trials, either alone or with the assistance of guides. This process involves one or more key crises (obstacles and

adversaries), which the hero must overcome, thus gaining one or more valuable rewards (tangible and/or intangible). • R eturn Stage. As the hero returns to their ordinary world with rewards, they may be pursued by the guardians of the special world, may resist the return, and may be rescued or forced to return by outside intervention. The hero again crosses the threshold between the two worlds, returns to the ordinary world with the treasure gained, which may be used for the benefit of others living there. The hero has been transformed during this adventure, possessing wisdom or spiritual power in both worlds. The Hero’s Journey model basically fits a variety of familiar fictional works, such as The Odyssey and Star Wars as you mentioned, but also Joan of Arc, Wizard of Oz, Rocky, The Matrix, Superman and The Hobbit. With some personalized modifications, the Journey tends to describe my own life’s 76-year span: • I started out in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a family, place and culture that to me seemed dull and limiting, full of unsatisfying beliefs about my life path ahead. An inner voice screamed in me to escape and experience the bigger, more stimulating world. At 22 years, I did so. • M y series of special worlds lasted the next 34 years. I lived/worked in several locations (Columbus, Ohio; New York, New York; Tokyo, Japan; and Washington, District of Columbia), tried out new identities (marketing professor, international educator, management trainer, university administrator, and business consultant and coach), and confronted various challenges (job changes, relationship turmoil, culture shocks, and health crises). • A t age 62, I returned to my home; not back to my Philadelphia hometown, but to a place and community where I could now feel at home, namely Sedona, Arizona. My treasures included explicit lessons learned and wisdom acquired – physical, mental, emotional, cultural and spiritual. These provided a platform for

my accelerated personal growth – as a spiritual seeker, nature enthusiast, visionary coach, and inspirational edutainer (infusing higher-consciousness content into a one-person musical show format). My passion, mission and legacy became helping others to heal, grow and share, in order to create a better world.

How does the Journey illuminate your story, Andy? Andy Thanks Larry, that’s a great introduction and summary. Before I answer your question, let me say, as you know me so well, it will come as no surprise to you: I have an issue with the whole Hero’s Journey thing – in the same way I have an issue with telling fairly stories to kids that end, “and they all lived happily ever after”. Life is complex and messy, and simplifying it too much to create easily digestible and understandable lessons may be counter productive. It may inhibit our deeper comprehension of complex issues, slow down real growth and development, distort our view of the world, and limit our grasp of the complex evolving nature of our world – which is actually a thing of great depth and beauty. Yet whilst I’m a fully paid-up member of the society that believe that “simplicity on the near side of complexity is trite and facile,” I also subscribe to the notion that “simplicity on the far side of complexity is wisdom worth learning.” So, following that logic: As long as we don’t make Hero’s Journey overly simplistic, I do believe it is an interesting model, as long as we accept what it’s useful for and recognise its obvious limitations. About my journey: When I was 18 years old, I left home and travelled from Stirling, my home town in Scotland, down to London to be a student of electronics, or to be precise the design and make-up of electronic musical instruments. London felt big, cold and foreign to me at first; yet in time it became my new home. Or my home from home. I returned to my first home several | 39

years later a changed individual, and it would be easy to put that episode of my life into the template of The Hero’s Journey. I think it fits really well. There were the challenges, temptations, setbacks, revelations, triumphal moments, and near disaster, magical happenings and magical teachers, romances and love – they were all there: The Hero’s Journey writ large.

many, in practice and in articulation, believe that life is simply a series of random events, conscious evolution folk realize that we create meaning to our life that enriches and enlarges the experience. In the Journey, it is implicit that we are seekers of meanings that contribute to internal self-knowing and generate external endeavors that deepen the nature and broaden the scope of one’s life.

During that period, the trials and challenges I faced built qualities and developed attributes that, although present in my younger self, became realised to a much greater degree. Resoluteness, inventiveness, confidence and perhaps most important of all a greater knowledge of the world beyond my home. Yup, it followed the Journey template to a tee, almost exactly; and I was still a young man at the start of a lifetime of adventure. That was merely episode one.

Second, the model is about seeing oneself as a hero. A hero may be defined as a person engaging in courageous acts, showing nobility of character, and possessing great abilities and strengths. Having a hero self-concept reminds us that we can access the power and potential to deal with the unpredictable slings and arrows of life. And can muster what it takes to live a better life, taking on the role of the captain of our own ship.

How Can the Journey’s Model Work for Personal Developers? Larry Andy, while you and I are emotionally and spiritually compatible, I savor the differences in our experience and perspectives. Thus, our takes on The Hero’s Journey will naturally contrast, in terms of happenings and interpretation. Besides being the situation for us, it would also apply to people from different cultures and indeed for each individual. As especially it will for our readers, who are aware of personal-growth stages and intent on ascending to their higher levels. While you have already started to comment on the usefulness of the Journey framework, I want to further focus our conversation in that direction. I have heard that “life is lived forward, but we make meaning of it by looking backward.” Actually, the “lived forward” part is most often a series of muddled steps and trials and errors, although some planned moves may be involved. This is how I regard the Journey’s attributes helping us lead a full, dynamic and fulfilling life: First, the Journey model highlights that life can be purposeful. While 40 |

Third, the framework states that we are on a journey. A journey involves traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time. In our Journey context, the places are states, stages or levels of consciousness. Life is a series of elevations of awareness, commitments, accomplishments and learnings. When after easy or considerable effort we arrive at a new place that we can enjoy and celebrate, we also realize that there are higher mountains to climb and new vistas to behold. Fourth, the core of the Journey is that it is an adventure. This means an unusual, exciting and typically dangerous (risks unknown) experience. It calls us to a bold style of living; where the more we are challenged and can access our courage, the more we gain in terms of life’s substance. This is the adrenalinpumping life space found only outside of one’s comfort zone, where the big and most valuable gains are achieved. Fifth, the Journey allows us to choose among different worlds that we want to inhabit. After recognizing that one’s life context – enabling us to have certain experiences and learn from them – may feel like an ordinary world, we can understand and embrace the growth opportunities of a special world, of which many

are available to discover and explore. While most people feel stuck in one world, which increases the perception that it is ordinary, the dynamics of the Journey can immerse us in worlds that have extraordinary potential to affect and transform our beliefs and being. Finally, the model points out the ultimate value of what a treasure is. While some people consider a treasure to be a tangible asset – such as money, real estate, antiques and jewelry (as in “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”) – the genuine yield of the Journey is typically intangible – such as knowledge and wisdom. While it is wonderful to find a magic lamp, it is what the nature and power of the magic, rather than the container of the lamp, wherein lies its core value. So, built into the Journey framework are various attributes that urge us forward and guide us to higher levels of information, insight, inspiration and ultimate life success. Andy Hum, interesting. It’s good that you have described a model that makes explicit many of the things we learn on our individual journeys. What I find fascinating is that the journey often seems to repeat itself. The odyssey that was my experience in London, described above, was only the first episode. A couple of years later I went on an even more challenging journey, when I ran away to or perhaps ran towards a new life in France. This new journey had many twists and turns. I had actual lifeand-death experiences – as in, I had a few moments that almost cost me my life, and I mourned the death of friends who weren’t so lucky. Life was rich and the stakes were high. And this is where I believe we have to be careful in applying the Journey model too precisely. After that second episode, I only briefly returned home, with no hero’s return, before embarking on yet another phase of the adventure. When I met the woman who would become my wife, a whole new chapter began. Nicki became my guide and companion – as in a guardian of a myth – on a new phase of adventures

in places and ways I could never have imagined. When I became her life partner (husband) and then a father, we created a whole new home from home together. These further life chapters proved to be no less challenging but equally as rewarding, yet I’m not sure I ever returned home from them. My Hero’s Journey is as yet incomplete, perhaps. Talking of heroes, one of mine is Robert Louis Stevenson. He, like yours truly, never returned to his original home. His adventures took him further and further away, until he died on the other side of the world: A life full of travel and adventure, yet over at age 44. Larry, you never returned home. You live in Arizona on the other side of the U.S. from your hometown of Philadelphia. So, do you really think the Journey model holds water? Larry Yes, plenty of water, even if a bit polluted. While both of us have had major overseas working and living experiences, we did return to our home countries, even if not to our birth cities. Hey, a model is only a model. The Hero’s Journey theory is based on the analysis of extensive content of myths, across history and cultures. I think we can benefit from regarding our lives as empowered by mythical concepts in these ways:

life more profound, expansive and rewarding. • F inally, the noble substance and style of the Journey process and outcome can serve as inspiration. Amid life’s trivia, struggles, disappointments and losses, the grand structure and higher path of the Journey can enhance the attitude and outlook concerning one’s life – over time and even daily. Over to you, Andy. Andy

and enables us to live a worthy life – full of insights, inspirations and wisdom. Hoping that you the reader see yourself as the hero of your life’s journey, and expand your consciousness along the way. Andy Okay, Larry, I’ll buy that. You’ve won me over on this one. Thanks for providing such a fruitful idea for us to discuss. Where are we headed next in helping people develop themselves?

Larry, I think you make a good case for the model. It has its limitations, which even the best models do, but the basic principles seem to offer something useful. As you know, I’ve recently retitled what I do as Reimagineering, and you could say this is using The Hero’s Journey as a way to create a new outcome for the people I work with. We go on an adventure to places (yet) unknown, to discover a prize worth having, and in the process learn so much more about ourselves and the world around us. And you’re right, often the prize we win is not the one we expected at the journey’s beginning. And sometime we never return to our original homes, instead coming home means creating a new home (from home). Yet it’s still a homecoming.

A Final Note... Larry

• W ith enough decades under our belt, we can look back and reflect on the meaning of our life, what we have experienced, the talents and gifts we now embody, and the trajectory of our lives (and if we want to change it). Using the lens of the Journey helps us identify turning points and meaning shifts that give greater clarity to the direction of our life and the wisdom acquired from it.

To those of us pursuing personal growth, viewing life as a journey is a given. During this journey, with its ups and downs, why not make it as positive, invigorating and valuable as possible. And enjoy the benefits of the adventure – with its vitality, surprises and fascinations. I believe that this is what is strongly useful for surmounting the barriers, challenges and resistances that make the personal growth path as difficult and demanding as it is.

• W e can specifically emulate key aspects within the three stages of the Journey – such as leaving a place that no longer serves us, and accepting risky challenges (and none have no risks attached) that have the potential of making our

While there are various journey model, The Hero’s Journey offers us a roadmap of sorts, however murky it might be concerning what lies ahead, that helps us discover greater meaning, keeps us in an elevated yet realistic frame of mind,

Keep up to date with Larry Rosenberg

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Andy Ferguson Personal Development Reimagined

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