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Presentation of the Academic Units: Institutes and Centres

Institute of Spirituality

Dean: Fr. Pavulraj Michael, S.J. www.unigre.it/spiritualita


The Institute of Spirituality promotes study, research and education on the subject of Spirituality, focusing on various dimensions: theological, biblical, historical and psychological. It prepares students to become teachers, writers, spiritual directors, animators and other ministries according to the spiritual needs of today’s world.

The academic programme offers students a comprehensive theological and spiritual overview, marked by sapiential and spiritual discernment, thereby fostering and promoting their integral formation. Such training, in accordance with Ignatian spirituality, its pedagogical paradigm and activity, is directed towards the integral maturity of the student’s intellectual, human and spiritual potentials.

The courses to obtain a Diploma in Spirituality take place over four semesters, leading up to a final paper under the guidance of a Faculty member. T he twoyear Licentiate is intended for the study and in-depth analysis of the fundamental subjects required for all candidates in the first two semesters, followed by the possibility of tailored curriculum. Students who obtain this degree at the Gregorian University are not required to attend further courses or seminars for the Doctorate. ACADEMIC DEGREES Licentiate in Spiritual Theology Doctorate in Spiritual Theology Diploma in Spirituality

Ignatian Spirituality Centre

Director: Fr. James Grummer, S.J. www.unigre.it/spiritualita-ignaziana

The Centre is addressed to lay people, priests, and religious men and women. It promotes Ignatian spirituality through various modalities: learning pathways, cycles of conferences, courses, interdisciplinary round tables and events. In two semesters students can obtain the Diploma in Ignatian Spirituality – or over a longer period with a programme tailored to the candidate’s needs – with a final examination consisting of a synthesis essay under the direction of a faculty member. Educational offering: • Formation Course for Spiritual Mentor. The “long track” learning pathway consists in a residential course (three modules of 4 days each) open to a limited number of students; • “Fast-track”: held at the Gregorian, offers in-depth study of a single aspect of Ignatian spirituality . ACADEMIC DEGREES ■ ■ Diploma in Ignatian Spirituality Training Course for Spiritual Accompaniment

The conference cycles revolve around different aspects of Ignatian spirituality, along with the works and history of the Society of Jesus. Some optional academic courses of the F aculty of Theology and the Institute of Spirituality are also included in the Centre’s activities. The Centre has interdisciplinarity at its heart, an example of which is the Ignatian Spirituality and Transcendental Method research group, formed by Gregoriana professors specialised in the transcendental method in Philosophy and Theology.


Institute of Psychology

Dean: Fr. Stanisław Morgalla, S.J.

The purpose of the Institute is to prepare specialists in Psychology who integrate the spiritual and psychological dimensions into the apostolic and educational activities under their responsibility, and to promote the progress of these disciplines through scientific research. The academic degrees obtained at the Institute are officially recognised by the Italian competent authorities. The curriculum includes a Propaedeutic Year, the Second Cycle, Practical Internship and a Third Cycle.

ACADEMIC DEGREES Licentiate in Psychology Doctorate in Psychology • The Propaedeutic Year provides students with comprehensive training in psychological and religious disciplines in an interdisciplinary perspective, leading up to their admission to the Second Cycle (Licentiate). T he program offers students an introduction to the methodology of scientific research. • The Second Cycle, which lasts two years, provides students with the skills to employ the acquired notions for both practical application and research activity • Practical Internship, lasting two semesters, is aimed at the consolidation of professional skills, offering the student the oppor tunity of additional supervised practical experience. • The Third Cycle, aimed at the preparation and discussion of a scientific project, leads to the completion of a Doctorate in Psychology. T he dissertation must reflect interdisciplinary competence and a focus on the religious dimension of human reality. Given the sensitive nature of the task that students are trained for, the Institute of Psychology reserves the right to evaluate and to decide – even during their studies –whether the student is eligible to continue the programme. The Institute’s over 450 alumni work as formators and teachers as well as in other positions of responsibility throughout the world.

Centre for Child Protection


President: Fr. Hans Zollner, S.J.

The focus of the Centre is to protect children and vulnerable people by promoting measures against sexual and other forms of abuse. Education is at the forefront of its activities.

ACADEMIC DEGREES ■ ■ Diploma in Safeguarding of Minors Licentiate in Safeguarding of Minors • • E-learning Programme. The education programme offers the knowledge required to professionally and adequately relate to victims of sexual abuse and to their families and to take action for safeguarding minors. Its blended learning programme combines online resources with face-to-face classroom sessions by local institutions. It is available in five languages: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Diploma in Safeguarding is a multidisciplinary , academic programme, intended for professional promotion of safeguarding children and vulnerable people in the students’ home countries. Students from world countries learn the practical application of the skills gained through a range of real-life tasks pertaining to their specific cultural backg rounds. The Licentiate in Safeguarding, is a two-year academic prog ramme with two specific specialisations tracks: prevention and intervention. Prevention specialists are able to perform risk assessments, train others and develop safeguarding guidelines, policies and programmes in conjunction with multidisciplinary teams. Intervention specialists focus on addressing disclosure and allegations of abuse; they can identify the appropriate measures for intervention with regard to victims, perpetrators, affected institutions, parishes, families, etc.