Mummy & I December Edition, 2017

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December Edition 2017

There is no safe amount of alcohol during

CHOKING Hazards:


Ways to ensure your baby don't get choked to death.

What the mum drinks, the baby drinks




The ring isn't enough. Don't be deceived.



How dangerous is Yeast Infection? Does it affect your baby?

Caring for your infant's mouth to avoid mouth odour later in life.




What Are the Symptoms of Thrush in Men and How Is It Treated?


Oghene CEO, House of GMYT


EDITOR'S Let's walk down this storyline… It's 6:40 p.m. and Juliet Martins, a Web developer and Computer Engineer , is totally exhausted after the strains of programming all day. Thankfully, her neighbour was able to pick up her 8 year old daughter and 10 year old son from their after- school program, since she wasn't going to make it there in time. As if that wasn't bad enough, she was getting on the Lekki Conservative toll gate at the height of rush hour. It took her a 65-minutes commute and a near collision before she finally pulled into her driveway. Frazzled and drained, she trudged through the back door, greeted her kids and sighed. Now that she was home, all she wanted to do was put her feet up on the bed and take a hearty rest. However, Juliet will not dare to rest after the day's exhaustion, at least, not yet. There was dinner to prepare, her children wanted help with homework—ideally before her husband was due home from work around 8: 00 p.m. when the family would eat dinner together. After that, she would have to clean up the kitchen, paperwork from the children's' school to go through, lunches to pack for tomorrow and a mountain of laundry needing attention. Even on normal days when she leaves work by 4:15 p.m. that gives her just enough time to make it to her children's' school before closing time. This scenario, could be a figment of imagination definitely, but not far from reality. Juliet is one busy woman! But as packed as her life seems to be, her imaginary story is not out of the ordinary. Millions of other women and mothers all over the world live the same kind of hectic lifestyle. They're scrambling to run two lives—one at home and one at work. They want to be good wives and mothers, but they also want to be intellectually stimulated by a challenging career or at least bring in a second income to help their households get by. For some, it's a full, exciting life. Others feel overwhelmed with having so much to do, never feeling like they are doing any one thing really well. In some ways it's an old story. Nevertheless, I have a good news… As stressful as it can be for a woman to work outside the home, many women find a lot of pluses in this recent turn of events. Most working women see their careers as

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personally fulfilling, or at least that is the kind of jobs they hope for. Women want to be able to help and serve others, be productive, solve problems, use their creativity, meet challenges and learn new concepts and skills. Even though a lot of these things can be achieved at home, having some additional growth opportunities outside the family unit can be much appreciated. Of course, the extra paycheck for the family is also a huge motivator for wives to work. For some it may be to buy “wants” rather than “needs.” Permit me to equally address the minuses, because they are starring to us at the face… The main challenge of working mothers is getting so busy, worn-out, burned-out, psychologically drained that they let more important priorities slide. Issues like marital tension could arise when not addressed, negligence which links the “parenting deficit” to a variety of problems plaguing the country's youth( moral decline, drug and alcohol use, promiscuity, anxiety, depression and teen suicide) is bound to happen. Deteriorating physical and mental health could arise since the gorgeous pretty Mum is always busy. So what can a woman do if she either needs or would like to work? Can a woman combine a career and family and not short- change either? With the right job opportunity and a supportive husband and children, a woman may be able to manage quite well with a full-time job and still have a smooth-running household. PRINCESS KELECHI OGENE is one of such women that have skillfully mastered the secret of striking a balance. She comes in all shades of a productive modern woman. This edition of Mummy & I will teach you the mastery of these life changing secrets. ESTHER IJEOMA OGBUKA Editor LinkedIn: Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka Instagram @estherogbuka Twitter @estherogbuka Phone number: 09051697564

OUR EDITORIAL TEAM Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka Editor Benjamin Uwakwe Head of Sales Department Ada C. Onyeforo Editorial Assistant/Administrative Personnel Page Editor Michael Sampson .N Editorial Adviser Oluwayemisi Fashola Graphics Designer L. Brown CONTRIBUTORS Vera Uchechi (Nigeria) Dominic Adam Marchiano, MD (United States of America) Daniel Pendick (United States of America) Kimberly Holland ( U.S.A) KoďŹ Appiah (Ghana) Nwachukwu Fiona Onyedikachi (Nigeria) Kalu Igwe (Nigeria) Jerry Iwu (Nigeria) Ikemsinachi Nwafor (Nigeria)

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Mothers: How Is Your Influence On Your Child?




How dangerous is Yeast Infection.

HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR 08 HUSBAND HAS THRUSH: What Are the Symptoms of Thrush in Men and How Is It Treated? 7 Great Tips for Getting Rid of Vaginal Odour




THE KIDS ARE WATCHING : Be mindful of your acts








KIDS SAFETY: "First aid kits" are a must have for every home.


The ring isn't enough.


Keep showing love to your spouse.




Caring for your infant's mouth to avoid mouth odour later in life.




Oghene MUMMY & I Magazine 04

Mothers: How Is Your Influence On Your Child? By Vera Uchechi


ear mother, how is your influence on your child? What are your values and preferences? Do you teach your child by precept or preference? How would one describe the power and strength of a mother’s influence on her child? How would you explain the life long impact such would have on the shaping of a child’s mind and character? The first and best way, is to stress that the home, not the church, school or community is the school of training for every child. It is there, the child receives training for moulding of the character. Mothers are the most powerful influence for good, on the earth today. Within your hands lies the very future of the world. In all the world, there shall not be, a greater being than a "Mother." For she alone holds her child’s heart within her hands, and shapes it, into what it will someday be. And so the whole world goes, moulded and shaped by Mothers. In their hands, the tender lives of children are formed in such a way, as to be magnificent and great. For the Mother’s rich abode, lies within her arms and every child safe there.

For the words of mothers gently shared, caressed upon the mind, find their way into the whole wide world, as the children find their way and thus become, all that they were meant to be, because she cared, took enough time to share her wisdom and her grace, passed on through generations for all time, to benefit thereby and thus lift up the mother’s overflowing heart, to serve the future by her love. Mother stands as a role model for her child. she has a stable and steady influence on her child because there is an unchallengeable cord binding them together and also she spends most of her time with the child than the father and any other person around. A mother has such a strength and power to keep in the right path or lead astray. She is the home maker, the life moulder and indeed the nation builder. A story was told of a murderer, who was to suffer the penalty of his crime. Speaking of his reckless career, he said, “How could it be otherwise, when I have such a bad training? I was taught these things from my youth.When I was four year old, my mother poured whisky down my throat to see how I would act." On the morning of his execution, the wretched mother bade goodbye to the son whom her influence had help to ruin his life. MUMMY & I Magazine


In the same vein, another man while a youth, often blamed his mother for taking him to church on Sundays. On one occasion, the preacher had sent someone into the balcony to wake him up, he had no interest in the sermon. In the real sense, he thought it was hard and disturbing to have worked all through the week and on Sunday be forced to church. He consoled himself that he wouldn’t go to church anymore when he get away from home. To his surprise, however, he discovered that he had so formed the habit of going to church that he couldn’t stay away. There, he finally found Christ and got saved. So many mothers must have come across these scenarios, but I prefer the influence of the second mother to the first. Let’s take a look at Hannah’s step in raising a godly child that became one of Israelite great prophets, so disciplined that no pressure in Eli’s house (his children) was able to influence him negatively. There is a conventional adage that says, “Like mother, like daughter." As a mother, you make a positive impact in the society by raising godly children who know and will take their stand in good issues like the three Hebrews. Our children are the letters you are writing to the society which in no time will bring positive or negative change to the society depending on your influence on them. Mothers need to cultivate healthy and functional homes for children. What happen in an individual’s homes can affect the society both positively and negatively. MUMMY & I Magazine 06

As William Shakespeare rightly says, “what-e-er thou art, act well thy part”. In other words, “Whatever your circumstances maybe, do the best you can as a mother to influence your child positively. Children look up to their mothers and often imitate their behaviour. It is of paramount importance for mothers to set a positive example for their children. Children often repeat whatever behaviour they observe, regardless of what they are told. Mothers have a powerful influence on children and therefore must use that influence to the glory of God. If homes around the world are failing, the result is a failing society. We need to raise children who are strong enough to withstand the inevitable temptations and trials they will face. It is an individual as well as a collective effort. So, Dear Mother, influence positively.

Vera Uchechi English and literary studies University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Writer and Women Empowerment Coach. contact her for your Women Empowerment Programs. Email address:




How dangerous is Yeast Infection. By Dominic Adam Marchiano, MD What Causes Candidiasis? Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a yeast or fungal infection of the vulva and vagina. The most common causative organism is Candida albicans. Candidiasis occurs when the normal number of microorganisms that reside in the vagina increases and causes symptoms. The most common factors that predispose a woman to yeast infections include: Pregnancy; Diabetes; Use of birth control pills, broad spectrum Antibiotics, or corticosteroids (prednisone); and Immunodeficiency disorders (HIV infection).

aggravate your condition and affect your sexual partner. Also, talk to your doctor about treatment options, such as oral fluconazole (Diflucan), for your partner. If you prefer not to use topical medications, ask your doctor about fluconazole (Diflucan), which is taken orally in a single dose. This drug is slightly more expensive than the standard topical agents. About one-fourth of all pregnant women approaching term have candidiasis cultured from their vagina, though many do not experience symptoms or require treatment. However, the discharge may be irritating enough to warrant treatment. It is common during pregnancy to have recurrences and to require repeated treatment. Typically, the recurrences subside at the end of the pregnancy.

What Are the Consequences of Candidiasis? How Is Candidiasis Diagnosed? In non-pregnant patients with a normal immune system, yeast infections rarely result in serious complications. Even in pregnancy, yeast infections usually do not cause adverse effects for either the mother or her baby. However, when a patient is immunocompromised (for example, HIV infected), yeast infections may cause severe gastrointestinal tract infections and may even spread to the bloodstream. Blood-borne infections also may occur in patients who are receiving long-term nutritional supplements. If spread throughout the body, candidiasis can be a serious and potentially fatal disease. What Are the Usual Signs and Symptoms of Candidiasis? 1) If you have candidiasis, you will most likely experience itching within the vagina and on the vulva. 2) You may also notice a white, curd-like (almost cottage cheese-like) vaginal discharge that adheres to the wall of the vagina. When this discharge is removed from the vaginal lining, tiny "pin-point" bleeding may occur. 3) In newborn babies and in immunocompromised patients, candidiasis may occur in the mouth (thrush). 4) This type of infection is relatively common and results in the same type of discharge described above.

During infection, most women's vaginal pH (acidity) remains normal-between 3.8 and 4.2; therefore, an acidity test cannot determine the presence of candidiasis. The most cost-effective means of diagnosis, then, is a microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge. Your doctor uses a cotton swab to take a sample of the vaginal discharge. She mixes the sample with a small amount of potassium hydroxide, places it on a glass slide, and views it under a microscope. The presence of hyphae (branching tubular cells of fungi) and budding yeast clusters indicate a positive finding. In certain cases your doctor may want to culture (grow in a lab) a sample of your vaginal secretion in order to rule out the presence of less common organisms, such as C. glabrata and C. tropicalis. What Is the Usual Treatment for Candidiasis? Most cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis can be treated easily and relatively inexpensively. A short course of topical, anti-fungal medications can relieve your symptoms in three to seven days. These preparations are available as vaginal creams or suppositories. Meet your physician to prescribe drugs for you. How Should Recurrent Candida Infections Be Treated?

DoYou Know? You can reduce your risk of future candidiasis infections by: Using corn starch to keep the perineal area dry; Avoiding bubble baths and medicated douches Wearing cotton undergarments.

If you are experiencing recurrent infections, talk to your doctor.

Dominic Adam Marchiano, MD is the Residency Program Director Pennsylvania Hospital Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is passionate about Health issues. MUMMY & I Magazine




What Are the Symptoms of Thrush in Men and How Is It Treated? By Daniel Pendick The following key points are very important to kindly note;

Causes of thrush

1) Thrush in men is caused by yeast, and it may affect the genitals. This is also known as a male yeast infection. 2) Uncircumcised men are at greater risk for this condition. 3) It may be possible to treat this condition at home with an over-the-counter antifungal cream. In some cases, you may need a prescriptive cream or an antibiotic.

Most cases of male yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. Yeast is a type of fungus. Candida albicans is a natural resident of your body. In a warm, moist setting, the opportunistic fungus can grow faster than your body’s immune defenses can keep it in check. That can lead to overgrowth of yeast. Places that yeast infections commonly take root include:

Thrush is a type of yeast infection, caused by Candida albicans, that can develop in your mouth and throat, on your skin, or specifically on your genitals. Yeast infections on the genitals are more common in women, but they also happen to men. Male yeast infections can target the head of the penis. Genital yeast infections are more common in uncircumcised men. That’s because conditions under the foreskin encourage colonization by the fungus. Yeast infections on the skin can typically be cured by using an over-the-counter antifungal cream. Symptoms of thrush in Men Male yeast infection leads to balanitis , which is inflammation of the tip (glans) of the penis. The typical symptoms of male yeast infection include the following: Redness, itching, and burning on the head of the penis, and under the foreskin White discharge from the site of the infection Unpleasant smell Difficulty pulling back the foreskin Pain and irritation when you have sex Pain when you urinate

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the throat and esophagus, commonly referred to as oral thrush folds in the skin, in the armpits, or between the fingers underneath the foreskin and on the head of the penis Factors that increase the chance of a yeast infection include: Poor hygiene Obesity, as folds in the skin create a good environment for thrush to take hold Diabetes mellitus, because the high levels of blood sugar and excessive sweating associated with it can help yeast infections get established Weakened immune system, result from severe infections such as HIV infection , cancer treatments, or taking immune- suppressing drugs, for example prolonged use of antibiotics Is thrush a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Thrush isn’t considered an STI, but men can sometimes contract thrush from having intercourse with a woman who has a yeast infection. In this case, both partners will need treatment to prevent each other from continuing to have problems with genital thrush.

Diagnosing the condition If you suspect thrush, see a doctor. Your doctor will be able to rule out the possibility of an STI and confirm that the problem is a yeast infection. The infection can usually be diagnosed based on the symptoms and the appearance of the infection site, as well as with a potassium hydroxide prep to look at the yeast under the microscope. If your doctor suspects an STI in your genital region, you may also need lab tests. Treatment for thrush If you’ve had a yeast infection before and you recognize the symptoms, you can treat it yourself with over-the-counter topical antifungal cream. Application of the antifungal cream is usually twice a day. A corticosteroid cream in addition to antifungal cream may help with itchiness and swelling, but you may want to ask your doctor about using one before doing so, as the corticosteroid could allow for the yeast infection to linger and even worsen. The usual first choice option to treat male yeast infection not involving the penis is a topical cream containing clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF, Desenex) or miconazole (Baza). These are the same medications used to treat athlete’s foot and female yeast infections and are available over the counter. If you have any type of adverse reaction to these, your doctor may prescribe to you a nystatin cream. Men with severe yeast infections or those involving the penis may need to take an antibiotic in pill form, like fluconazole (Diflucan), which is available by prescription from your doctor. Ø Above all, meet your physician for drug prescription. Recovering from this condition · Using an antifungal cream should get the infection under control within a couple weeks. · Avoid sex to keep from irritating the area or spreading the infection to a partner. If you do have sex, use a condom. · After the infection clears up, take these steps to prevent another yeast infection: · Make sure to pull back the foreskin and thoroughly wash the head of your penis every day. · Don’t use deodorants, talcum powder, scented soaps, or body wash on your penis and foreskin, since these can cause irritation. · Wear loose-fitting cotton undergarments so you don’t create a warm, moist environment for yeast to thrive. Avoid tight-fitting spandex or nylon shorts, and tight jeans.

Daniel Pendick is a Professional Writing Program lecturer and a science writer, University of Maryland, Executive editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch.

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7 Great Tips for

Vaginal Odour Getting Rid of

By Kimberly Holland

Vaginas have natural odours. Each woman’s vaginal odour is different. If the unusual odour worsens, consult your doctor. Unusual vaginal odour happens from time to time. Even when you’re taking good care of your body and your vagina, you may experience unfamiliar smells. What’s not normal, however, is persistent or strong odours.

3. Change your underwear If you normally wear satin, silk, or polyester panties, make the switch to 100 percent cotton. Cotton is breathable and does an excellent job wicking away sweat and fluids from your body. Excess moisture can upset your natural bacteria levels.

The first question you should ask yourself if you consider your vaginal odour abnormal: What’s normal?

4. Consider a pH product Over-the-counter (OTC) products may be helpful in restoring your vagina’s natural pH. If you try one and the odour remains or grows worse, make an appointment with your doctor. You may need to use a different product or look for a stronger prescription alternative.

Vaginas have natural odours and each woman’s odour is different. A healthy vagina’s typical scent may best be described as “musky” or “fleshy.” A menstrual cycle might cause a slightly “metallic” scent for a few days. Intercourse may change the smell temporarily. Your vagina cleanses itself naturally. If you leave your vagina to its own devices, it can naturally maintain a healthy pH and keep unhealthy bacteria at bay. But if you notice a stark difference in your odour, then you may be experiencing a sign of a potential problem. Strong odours, itching and irritation, and unusual discharge are all signs you may have something other than just unusual vaginal odour.

7 ways to get rid of vaginal odour Occasionally, you may need a little help getting rid of an odour. The following techniques may help you naturally eliminate unusual vaginal odors: 1. Practice good hygiene Clean the outside of your vagina regularly with a washcloth and mild soap. Loofahs may cause small tears and expose the area to possible infection. Cleansing will wash away dead skin, sweat, and dirt. Don’t use perfumed soaps or body washes. The scents and chemicals may upset your vagina’s natural pH. Toilet soaps may be more gentle than body wash. 2. Use only exterior deodorizing products If you want to use any sprays or perfumes, only use them on the outside of your vagina. Don’t insert them. They can upset your natural chemistry and lead to bigger problems.

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5. Try essential oils This treatment has very little medical research to support it, but anecdotal evidence suggests tea tree oil , a type of essential oil, helps eliminate vaginal odour. This essential oil has natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which may help reduce and eliminate bacteria. First, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water. Then, apply a drop or two to the outside of your vagina. Repeat this for three to five days. If symptoms don’t improve or worsen, discontinue use. 6. Soak in vinegar Frequent hot baths and hot showers can upset your natural pH, but one type of bath may be useful. Pour a cup or two of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. Vinegar may naturally reduce bacteria. 7. Prescription treatments Prescription treatments can help eliminate underlying causes that are contributing to the odour. If your home or OTC treatments aren’t successful, it may be time to seek treatment from your doctor.

When to see a doctor If this odour is accompanied by unusual symptoms, you should skip the home treatment and consult your doctor. For example, if your vaginal odour is stronger than normal

and seems to be getting stronger, you may need an appointment. Likewise, a “Fishy” smell is a reason to seek out an appointment. These odours could be signs of a problem that is not improving. You may need a medication or prescription treatment from your doctor. Some discharge is normal. If you notice an increase in discharge or if the fluids are no longer white or translucent, you may have an infection . Occasional itching is also normal, but if you develop a frequent itch or one that is painfully irritating, you may be experiencing signs of a bigger problem.


Avoid douches and scrubs. You might think they’ll help eliminate bad bacteria, but they also eliminate the good bacteria. Let your body work out the bacteria ratios, and skip these unnatural washes.


Wash your vagina before and after intercourse. Sex introduces bacteria, as well as foreign substances like lubrication and spermicide from condoms. Wash before and after sex to help maintain natural bacteria levels.


Cut out tight clothes. Clothes that are too tight don’t let your vagina and groin area breathe. Getting plenty of oxygen is vital to good vaginal health.


Wear cotton panties. Cotton panties wick away excess moisture from sweating or discharge. Synthetic fabrics are not as good at this.

Tips for preventing future odour Once you eliminate the unusual vaginal odour, keep these tips in mind for preventing another problem later: ·

Consider probiotics. Probiotics, which are good- foryou bacteria , can help maintain the pH balance in your vagina. Probiotic-rich foods include yogurt , kombucha , and unpasteurized sauerkraut.


Maintain a healthy diet. Aim to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. A balanced diet makes for a healthy body, and that includes your vagina.


Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is good for more than just your skin. It can help your vagina’s overall health , too, by encouraging healthy sweating and fluid release.

Conclusion Home treatments usually help reduce unusual vaginal odour in about a week. If the odour isn’t gone, or if it becomes stronger, you should see a doctor. A strong vaginal odour can be a sign of a larger problem, one that you may be unable to treat on your own. It’s better to see a doctor early, before the problem grows worse. Medically reviewed by

Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D, MSN, RN, CRNA

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MOUTH ODOUR: Caring For Your Infant's Mouth By Vera Uchechi.

It's pretty clear your baby doesn't have teeth, but you should still clean his or her mouth. It is a good idea to get in the habit of cleaning your baby's gums soon after birth. Although there may be a little fussing at first, your infant will get used to having the mouth cleaned like other parts of the body. Many children grow to enjoy toothbrushing as part of their daily routine.

Teething can go by almost unnoticed or can be stressful for parents and children alike. It may make your child irritable or fussy and may cause restlessness, drooling or loss of appetite. However, teething has not been shown to cause other childhood symptoms such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea. You can ease your child's teething discomfort by:

To clean your baby's mouth: · Lay your infant on your lap. The head should be close to your chest so you can look down directly into your child's mouth.

· Giving him or her a hard or cold teething ring to chew on. · Applying pressure over the gums by rubbing them with a clean finger.

· Clean the gums by rubbing a clean, damp, washcloth along the baby's upper and lower gums. · When the teeth come into the mouth, switch to a softbristled, infant-sized toothbrush. Unless your dentist recommends otherwise, start using a toothpaste with fluoride. For children who are younger than 3 years, use only a "smear" of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice) on the bristles of the toothbrush. · Follow these steps at least twice a day — once after breakfast and once after the last feeding of the day.

Teething Between 3 and 9 months, your infant's baby teeth will begin to erupt (emerge into the mouth). The process starts with the lower two front teeth (incisors). Timing varies considerably among children. However, the order is very predictable. After the four incisors come in on both the lower and upper jaw, the first molars erupt. They are followed by canines (eye teeth) and then the second molars further back in the mouth. Most children have a full set of 20 baby teeth by age 2½ or 3. MUMMY & I Magazine 12

Sucking Habits It is completely normal and healthy for your baby or young child to suck on a thumb, finger or pacifier. It's not something you need to be alarmed about or discourage. Sucking is a natural reflex. It's something your baby did in the womb. Children usually give up sucking habits on their own by the time they are 3 to 4 years old. If they stop the habit at this age, the shape of the jaw is usually not affected. The teeth should grow in normally. However, some children find the sucking habit hard to break. Children who are still sucking on a pacifier, finger or thumb when their permanent (adult) teeth start to come in are more likely to have bite problems. Sucking can cause: The top front teeth to slant out The bottom front teeth to tilt in The upper and lower jaws to be misaligned The roof of the mouth to be narrower side to side The amount of distortion caused by sucking depends on how often, how long, and how intensely the child sucks. It also is affected by the type of object that the child is sucking on.

To help an older child break a sucking habit, it is important to explain clearly why the habit can be harmful. Be supportive and encouraging, and praise your child's efforts to end the habit. If the child sucks a finger or pacifier because of a stressful situation, it can be very helpful to address the source of the stress. When needed, dentists can provide appliances that correct distortions created by the sucking habit and help the child stop the habit. Here are a few ways parents can encourage their child to quit sucking a finger or thumb. Use positive reinforcement. Track progress by noting every successful day using a sticker or star on a chart. Put an adhesive bandage on the finger as a reminder, or have your child wear a mitten when sleeping. Take the finger out of your child's mouth after he or she falls asleep.

Pacifier Tips

Never fasten a pacifier on a string or necklace around your child's neck. Your child could accidentally be strangled.

Choose a pacifier that: Is one piece rather than several parts Has ventilating holes on the sides Is large enough so that your child can't swallow it Is made of a flexible, nontoxic material Has a handle that is easy to grasp Always check the pacifier before giving it to your child. Make sure there are no rips or tears. If there are, replace it. Never dip a pacifier in honey or any other sweet substance before giving it to your baby. This could lead to serious tooth decay. Ekpemu Uchechi studied English and literary studies in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is a Writer and Women Empowerment Coach. Email address:

If your child uses a pacifier, make sure it is always used safely.

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WATCHING Be mindful of your acts

By Ada C. Onyeforo.

Parental lifestyle affects the behaviour of a child in ways beyond what we could ever think.You are your child's first role model. Your child learns from you and hence, you should be careful of what you say in front of him. I once heard a Doctor say “Children learn a lot through observation." Couples need to be aware of this fact and resolve differences behind closed doors. "Things like how marriages are, how to behave with the opposite sex, etc. are learnt through the way the child sees the parents' relationship." Don't try to make your child a good person rather try to be one yourself. A child will pick up on that more than any sort of teaching. There is as much to learn for parents from their children, as child has to learn from his/her parents. The following are things you should totally avoid in the presence of your child.

1. Abusive words You must be careful and think twice before using any abusive language on your children. Children, especially of the age 5 to 16 years, learn it quickly. To them, it would just be a word to make fun of someone or use when angry. Children pick up the “F-word” and such language pretty quickly and many parents will vouch for this. They learn everything first from you. So, first train yourself to use safe language at home.

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2. " No, Never, Can't " Children are great observers Parents should be aware of this fact and the impact of their actions or conversations on children. These negative words (NO, NEVER, CAN'T) have more influence than the abusive words. These words restrict our capabilities to do our best. Let your child grow up in a positive environment where he or she has the freedom to make mistakes and learn from it. When you tell your child, "No, you can't do this, or you can never do that," you're limiting your child.

3. Be careful while reacting angrily If parents are angry with their spouse over something and react angrily by shouting in the presence of children, they are projecting that shouting is what is to be done when angry. Your children might react in that particular manner in front of their friends, or worse, with you or other elders of the house.

4. Gossiping in front of the kids Let your children enjoy their innocence. Yes, they need to know a lot of things but there are also things that they should know only after reaching a certain age. Don't turn your kids into gossip mongers. If your child is in the 12-16 age group, he knows and understands things that you don't want him to. Spare them the gossip, they don't need it.

5. Don't put a label on them Do not say things like “Santa won't buy you gifts if you're a bad boy this year" or “God will punish you for being a bad boy." Don't put a label on him saying he is bad, stupid or a moron. No normal human being can be all good. So, let them make their own mistakes and learn to live with their flaws. They should definitely work on their flaws, but without letting it hurt their self-esteem. Calling them bad or stupid can affect their self-confidence.

6. Don't fight in their presence Have you ever been in the company of couple that has been fighting? It's super uncomfortable. Nannies feel the exact same way when their employers fight. They don't know whether to stay, to go, to pretend like nothing is happening, or to take sides. Either way, fights are usually about private matters, and the kids shouldn't be involved in or privy to that information. Keep them away from that awful sight.

7. Don't belittle your House maids or Nannies in front of your kids Belittling an employee— especially one who lives in your residence or close confines of your house—is disrespectful and abusive. It also sets a bad example for the kids with whom she works. It teaches them that it's okay to treat her (and others) in a disrespectful manner.Expectations and specific instructions should be clear in advance so that there is no confusion or room for misunderstanding and if you must shout or correct her, the kids shouldn't be aware. 8. Constantly Looming around your child Childhood is the formative years of a child. Hence, children need to start learning things on their own. But some parents think that their child is just too young or too weak to

do things they're meant to be doing on their own and hence looms around. They are outside the classrooms, in the playground, outside the school, and everywhere all to frustrate the teacher. Learn to give your child some space. It helps them to be independent and not clingy or too attention seeking.

9. Bossing around your child Parents need to be polite towards children as well as ought to keep a hard-face when children do something immoral. This is important to teach discipline to the children . Hence, parents that are always bossing around their children, teachers, house maids, nannies are not so much fun, both for the children as well as people around them. 10. Don't romance in front of the kids Occasional peeks and affectionate kisses on the hand or forehead is decent enough. Intimacy, romance or smooching in the presence of the kids is immoral. Parents should no go extreme right there in the front of the kids. Intimacy or romance should be behind closed doors.

Advice to first-time parents Each and every new thing in life comes with both positive or negative consequences. So when in the phase where things are unpleasant, take your time and relax. Resolve the issues patiently and communicate effectively. You just need to keep these few things in mind, and you can win all the challenges. Children are like little sponges, they are constantly watching your every move and reflecting on what you do or say. Even though your child seems young right now, what you say or do in front of her as a profound impression on her psyche and affects her emotional as well as mental growth. 15 MUMMY & I Magazine 03


By Kofi Appiah

The eruption of your baby's first tooth is a milestone event. Most babies will develop their first tooth around six months of age and have a complete set of primary teeth by three years. Although the most common signs of teething are irritability and excessive drooling, there are a number of other signs that may signal your child is teething. It can be a painful process, and all babies will deal with the discomfort differently. Familiarizing yourself with common indicators can help you keep your baby comfortable during this process.

1) Decreased sleeping. Have you noticed a significant change in the sleep pattern of your baby? Teething may be the culprit. While going through this process, many babies will find it more difficult to fall asleep and will wake up more often because of the pain caused by gum discomfort. 2) Excessive biting or gnawing. A baby who is teething is likely to bite or gnaw on anything he can find. The pressure that biting or gnawing causes can help to relieve some of the pressure from the gums and provide temporary pain relief. Giving your baby a teething ring is a great way to help him through these times.

3)Rubbing of the ear or cheek area. Signs of teething can also include pain that spreads to the ears and cheeks. When babies are experiencing these discomforts, they tend to pull at their ears or rub on their cheeks to find comfort. Although this behavior can indicate teething, it may also be an indicator that your child is suffering from an ear infection. If that is the case, a visit to the doctor is essential.

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4) Loss of appetite. When a child is teething, their gums become tender and sore. As a result, they will typically refuse food. Naturally, the process of chewing can cause even more discomfort for the baby, resulting in a loss of appetite. Ensure that you are cleaning and caring for your baby's teeth properly. Remember, good oral hygiene practices should begin even before the eruption of your baby's first tooth.

Kofi Appiah is a Health writer and Public Health Practitioner.


Here are ten things every parent should make a point to do in front of their kids to build and maintain healthy relationships at home:

at home with your partner in front of your child, which includes plenty of family leisure time as well, you are teaching your child positive qualities of stability and consistency.

1. Be Affectionate to Your Partner

4. Appreciate and Applaud Each Other's Efforts

When children see their parents being affectionate and loving to each other though suitable forms of affection, the mental images of what a healthy relation stays in their mind and helps them when they are older. It is important for a child to see her parents behaving affectionately with each other. However, sexual display of affection should be avoided. Through appropriate actions, you children should know that both of you love and respect each other.

Try to appreciate and applaud each other's hard work and success in front of your child to show her that a healthy relationship involves both giving both positive and negative feedback, when needed. By praising each other's good work in front of your children, she learns the value of hard work and being considerate to other's feelings.

5. Disagree Considerately and Responsibly

Parents should always help each other in front of their children to build and maintain an image of a good relationship and teach them how important it is to help out each other in daily tasks and home activities. By helping out in cleaning dishes or the garage in front of your child, you also teach her the qualities of being compassionate to one another and being kind enough to offer help.

You and your partner can have a deep and loving relationship but disagreements can crop up in a marriage almost anytime. It can be something as small as changing thermometer settings or deciding on a spending budget, arguments in a marriage will inevitably occur. How your child sees you disagreeing and arguing with your partner can shape their behaviour, emotional maturity and future relationships. Hence, it is important to be considerate of each other's feelings and handling arguments responsibly in front of your child.

3. Make a Stable Routine

6. Sharing Each Other's Interests

To show your child an indicator of a healthy and loving relationship, it is important to show her how essential maintaining a routine at home is. By preparing a schedule

Love is not the only thing you share when you get hitched to your partner. You might come from different background and with different interests, but it is important to show your

2. Be Helpful to Your Partner

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child that you two share each other's interests and spend valuable time on them together to encourage a healthy relationship. You can go on a run together, take up a hobby like painting, pottery or cooking together, to show your kid the importance of spending quality time together.

7. Giving Each other Space When Needed You and your partner share a loving and affectionate bond but when minor arguments occur, it is best to give your partner the space they need, especially in front of your child. Even if it is not an argument, and your partner has had a rough tiring day, it is essential to show your child that giving your partner does not necessarily mean that you do not care about them, but it means that you are giving them the space they need to heal and relax themselves.

throwing a pebble in a pond, the ripple effect it generates is considerably significant. Similarly, if you and your partner apologize when wrong and adopt a good behaviour concerning apologizing, your child will take note and internalize it. To be a responsible human being, learning the skill to apologize is very important. Your child will grow up into a well-behaved person when she notices that her parents are not afraid to say “I'm sorry” when required.

10. Work Through a Difficult Problem Together While managing a family, you can face various obstacles like money, health issues, jobs and responsibilities to family. Children who see their parents handling a difficult family problem together will watch and learn about valuable problem solving skills and feel secure when they can contribute.

8. Handling Conflicts Smartly In a scientific study published in the Journal of Child Development, children who watch their parents yelling, fighting or being physically and verbally abusive to each other are more likely to suffer from low self confidence, emotional instability and depression in later stages of life. It is important to handle conflicts and arguments smartly in front of your child to show them that conflicts can be dealt in a constructive and courteous manner. when you fight in the presence of your child, he learns how to fight and act accordingly.

9. Apologize When Wrong Never underestimate the power of a sincere apology. Saying sorry and meaning it in front of your child is like MUMMY & I Magazine 18

As a parent it is your duty and moral obligation to make sure that your behaviour and habits do not have a negative impact on your child. Build a positive environment where your child can grow into a healthy and cheerful person. Help your child to be a better person. A broken child makes a broken parent.

Ekpemu Uchechi studied English and literary studies in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is a Writer and Women Empowerment Coach. Email address:

There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy;



hi. Fiona Onyedikac

Women face many difficult challenges in life, none more important than the care of their unborn baby while they are developing in the womb. Even before a planned or unplanned pregnancy, women must clearly understand that unhealthy decisions made prior to their baby’s birth could lead to potential negative consequences for the future arrival of their baby. A clear example of this, is that women who smoke or use tobacco products, drugs and/or alcohol prior to a pregnancy may have difficulty discontinuing their use once they find out they are pregnant. Additionally, when one examines the facts regarding perinatal drug and alcohol use, abuse, and addiction, it further demonstrates why this article is so important. There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. There is also no safe time during pregnancy to drink. All types of alcohol are equally harmful, including all wines and beer. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, so does her baby. Women also should not drink alcohol if they are sexually active and do not use effective contraception (birth control). This is because a woman might get pregnant and expose her baby to alcohol before she knows she is pregnant. Since, nearly half of most pregnancies in the world are unplanned. Most women will not know they are pregnant for up to 4 to 6 weeks. FASDs are completely preventable if a woman does not drink alcohol during pregnancy. Why take the risk? This leads to the big question- What is FASD? Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) This is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with possible lifelong implications. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a birth defect syndrome caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The prevalence of FAS is estimated to be 1 to 3 per 1,000 live births. This is roughly equivalent to the prevalence of down syndrome. FAS is the leading known cause of intellectual disabilities and is entirely preventable.

Characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Attention deficits, impulsivity, hyperactivity Poor sleeping patterns Poor social skills Poor judgment Easily influenced by peers Explosive response to changes Ability to repeat rules, but not practice them general cluelessness Abnormal facial features, such as a smooth ridge between the nose and upper lip (this ridge is called the philtrum) Small head size Shorter-than-average height Low body weight Poor coordination Hyperactive behavior Difficulty with attention Poor memory Difficulty in school (especially with math) Learning disabilities Speech and language delays Intellectual disability or low IQ Many individuals with FASD are smaller than their peers; some have distinctive facial characteristics. However, brain damage can be extensive even if the facial features are minimal or not present.

Why Alcohol is Dangerous Alcohol has existed for at least 10,000 years. I am by no means taking a position that alcohol should be abolished, or that if you drink alcohol you are doing something wrong. Everyone has the right to make their own choices. I just want to make people aware of the truth…Alcohol Kills More Than All Drugs Combined. While the “War on Drugs” portrays the message that drugs like heroin and cocaine are the dangers, it fails to mention that alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths per year ,while all other drugs combine to contribute to 20,000 deaths per year. Alcohol is especially cruel because it kills people slowly. Most alcohol related deaths are due to liver problems that occur after years of alcohol use. In most MUMMY & I Magazine 19

cases, alcohol leads to three types of liver problems. Fatty Liver Disease is the build up of extra fat in liver cells. Almost all heavy drinkers have fattyliver disease. However if you quit drinking, the liver can heal itself and the fatty liver disease will go away. Alcohol Hepatitis causes the liver to swell and become damaged. Alcohol hepatitis can be mild to severe. Up to 35% of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis. If it is severe, it may occur suddenly and lead to serious complications including liver failure and death. Alcoholic Cirrhosis is the scaring of the liver which leads to poor liver function. It is the last stage of chronic liver disease. When we look at the short term dangers of a drug, heroin and crack cocaine are the most acutely dangerous. However, when we combine social, financial and long term effects of alcohol compared to heroin and crack, alcohol is by far more negatively impacting. How Much Alcohol is Dangerous There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant. Immediately you drink alcohol no matter how little, your developing baby drink same because both of you are connected via the placenta. When Alcohol is Dangerous There is no safe time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause problems for the developing baby throughout pregnancy, including before a woman knows she is pregnant. Drinking alcohol in the first three months of pregnancy can cause the baby to have abnormal facial features. Growth and central nervous system problems (e.g., low birthweight, behavioral problems) can occur from drinking alcohol anytime during pregnancy. The baby’s brain is developing throughout pregnancy and can be affected by exposure to alcohol at any time. If a woman is drinking alcohol during pregnancy, it is never too late to stop. The sooner a woman stops drinking, the better it will be for both her baby and herself. Get Help! If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant and cannot stop drinking, get help! Contact your healthcare provider, local Alcoholics Anonymous, or local alcohol treatment center.

Nwachukwu Fiona Onyedikachi is a Pharmacist. You can contact her via

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Hazards: Ensure Your Baby Don't Get Choked By Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka.

Putting things in their mouths is one of the ways that babies and small children explore their world. Choking is usually caused by food, toys, and other small objects that can easily lodge in a child's small airway — anything that fits can be a danger. Pay special attention to the following to protect your kids from choking:

grapes caramels These soft foods, except caramels, can be served if they're chopped into small pieces or peeled if they have skin. Spoonfuls of peanut butter and chewing gum also should be regarded as potential choking hazards. TOYS, BALLOONS, AND OTHER SMALL OBJECTS.

FOOD Encourage kids to sit when eating and to chew thoroughly. Teach them to chew and swallow their food before talking or laughing. Be especially vigilant during adult parties, when nuts and other foods might be easily accessible to small hands. Clean up promptly and carefully, and check the floor for dropped foods that can cause choking. Never let kids run, play sports, or ride in the car with gum, candy, or lollipops in their mouths. Be sure to read all manufacturers' food labels carefully to determine choking risks. Don't give kids younger than 4 years old any hard, smooth foods that can partially or completely block the windpipe, such as: nuts of any type seeds sunflower seeds watermelon with seeds cherries with pits raw carrots, peas, and celery popcorn hard candy raw apples and pears Some soft foods also can cause choking and should be avoided: cheese cubes hot dogs

Get on your hands and knees and check the floors, under rugs, and within grabbing range (on shelves, in cushions, under sheets, etc.) for small parts or items that could pose a choking hazard, including: · · · · · · · · · · · ·

balloons toys with small parts and doll accessories coins safety pins small office supplies (paperclips, tacks, etc.) marbles and small balls nails, bolts, and screws erasers batteries broken crayons jewelry (rings, earrings, pins, etc.) small caps for bottles, including chocolate syrup, pancake syrup, and soda (kids may try to lick the sweet drops out of the caps, which can become lodged in the airway)

CAUTION Ø Always follow all manufacturers' age recommendations when buying toys . Some toys have small parts that can cause choking, so heed all warnings on a toy's packaging. Ø Never buy vending-machine toys for small children; these toys do not have to meet safety regulations and often contain small parts. Make sure small refrigerator magnets are out of your child's reach.

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Check toys often for loose or broken parts — for example, a stuffed animal's loose eye or a broken plastic hinge. Warn older kids not to leave loose game parts or toys with small pieces in easy reach of younger siblings. Safely dispose of all batteries, especially button-cell batteries (like those used for remote controls and watches). Encourage kids not to put pencils, crayons, or erasers in their mouths when coloring or drawing. Put away all breakable objects and those that are small enough to fit in small mouths.

Be Prepared If you're expecting a baby or already have a child, it's a good idea to: · Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the age-appropriate Heimlich maneuver. · Make a first-aid kit and keep emergency instructions inside. · Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Maintaining a Safe, Kid-Friendly Environment To check your childproofing efforts, get down on your hands and knees in every room of your home for a kid'seye view. Be aware of your child's surroundings and what could be dangerous.

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Completely childproofing your home can be difficult. If you can't childproof the entire house, you can shut the doors (and install doorknob covers) to any room a child shouldn't enter to prevent wandering into places that haven't been properly childproofed. Doorknob covers and childproof locks for sliding doors are also great for keeping little ones from leaving your home. Of course, how much or how little you childproof your home is up to you. Keeping a close eye on kids is the very best way to protect them from injuries. Whether you have a baby, toddler, or school-age child, your home should be a safe place for your little one to explore. After all, touching, holding, climbing, and exploring are the activities that develop your child's body and mind.


AVOIDING INTIMACY WITH YOU, BEAR WITH HER By Ikemsinachi Nwafor As a gentle man and an irresistible husband, there are ways you should conduct yourself. Many husbands get annoyed when their wives refuse them sex. Some behave irrationally and this is because most women don’t know the right way to say “NO” to their husbands’ advances without hurting him. Let us look at 7 reasons your wife may avoid having sex with you 1. Anger or bitterness: If she is angry and bitter towards you, she will not feel like following you to bed or she could even put up a very bad performance in bed. To get the best from h e r, m a k e s u r e y o u s e t t l e a l l d i s p u t e s a n d misunderstandings. 2. Tiredness: If your wife has worked all day for more than eight hours, got back home to cook, take care of you and the children, while all you do is to rest and watch television after the day’s work. To be sincere with you, your wife’s daily schedule can be tiring, which is why you need to be understanding and even support her at home so you can both enjoy your bedtime. 3. Child delivery: It takes weeks after delivery of a baby for a woman to be ready to have sex. It is important to make sure the birth canal is healed before any intercourse can be done. Give her time to regain her strength; bearing in mind that she lost so much blood during the delivery of the baby.

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4. Sickness: If your wife is sick, the last thing on her mind will be sex. Please understand and bear with her when this happens. 5. Her Job: The kind of job your wife engages in can affect her, you need to understand her schedule and plan love making together. 6. Children’s sickness: When any of your children is not feeling alright, your wife will be emotionally down. 7. Previous ill-treatment: If you treated your wife badly in the afternoon don’t expect her to feel loved and romantic at night. Women are not like that. If you embarrass her before visitors, harass and shout at her, giving her a massage at night will definitely not make up for it. If you don’t treat her well during the day, your hands will be like SAND-PAPER on her body at night. If you are not a daylight lover, you will be a midnight “robber”. You need to understand that when your wife denies you sex, she is not doing it to punish you. Unlike what most men think, what has been listed above may be the reason behind her actions. So, I plead you bear with her and try to know the reason behind her actions.

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Single's Column The Ring Isn't Enough By Jerry Iwu

“Its quite funny because someone proposed and I didn't even get to have a baby for the person and this person who hasn't proposed, I'm having a baby for him, So it's a vibe; it's friendship, it's understanding, it's how happy the person makes you" ~ Yvonne Nelson.. NOTE: The purpose of this write up is not to talk about Yvonne Nelson's private life.

However, The ring is a symbol of agreement and change of status, but is not the source of happiness. If your relationship is lacking those factors aforementioned, it means you're dating for the ring.. What will happen after the ring may not keep the ring.

Avoid The Following: The ring isn't enough, there are things you MUST consider before you accept the ring. Friendship.. Understanding.. Your happiness..

√ Relationship without friendship. It makes relationship too official. Your partner ought to be your best friend too. √ Intimacy without Understanding. Communication is an attribute of intimacy, intimacy without understanding ends in lust.

Friendship It's like the oil that sustains the engine of every relationship. It gives you a leveled playing ground to study each other and get to know each other in a normal atmosphere.This is why you must marry your friend. Is a sine qua non of every marriage… Understanding Compatibility is one of the attribute of a healthy relationship. Lack of understanding and misunderstanding, brings conflict in a relationship. How do you relate with each other? Do you give listening ears? How about freedom of expression and opinion? Is not about the ring but character… Your happiness You must understand that this feelings and love is all about your happiness. If your partner does not make you happy, then there is no need to continue. But we must show empathy and avoid selfishness…

√ Romance without love.. Its just another means of dating for lust not love. √ Dating without feelings, its not advisable, because you will end up hurting yourself. √ I Love You without Action, love is a verb and must be proved in action. √ Dating without communication, it must be avoided because without communication there is no relationship HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Ø Seek friendship not Sex, sex is not love. Ø Seek Understanding not romance, the flesh is selfish in nature.. Ø Seek your happiness not what people will say. Your happiness should be your primus. Jerry Iwu is a Counsellor by profession and Founder of "Clinic Love with Jerry." Contact him via Jerrynnams12, 08136335516( WhatsApp for online counselling) and 08034444508( Direct line).

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showing love yourspouse to

By Kalu Igwe

Do you know; It’s the love that you have for your spouse that makes you want to change to please them. When you are truly in love, you most certainly will want to do everything to please the one you love. That’s why I encourage couples to stop seeking to change their spouse when they come into the marriage. Make effort to change yourself first. It’s this love in action which you exhibit that will work the miracle in your spouse. Your love in action is what changes your spouse. Now that you are married, it’s your love for your wife that will make you want to spend less time hanging out with the boys and more time with your wife. It’s the love you have for your husband that will make it easy for you to respect and adore him. Stop trying to change your spouse. Allow them to see your love displayed by those little changes you have made in your life just so that you can please them and make them happy. A time will come in your marriage when it seems like all hell has been let loose. Pressure coming from every side and you will just feel like you want to crack. It may even seem as if your spouse is insensitive to what you’re passing through. Watch it now because there is always a tendency now to pass on this anger to someone who is close to you without you even knowing you are doing so. In this instance, its most likely going to be your spouse who will feel the immediate impact of this pressure. Whatever you may be passing through, please, don’t allow it to affect your relationship with your spouse. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your spouse will give you the mental strength and stability to go through that difficulty you are experiencing right now and to deal with whatever that comes your way. You are better off riding every storm of life together with your spouse. This is not a time to allow those long periods of silence where neither speaks to each other because of tension in the marriage. Make up with your spouse, pray together, stick together and face life together like the great teammates you are. When you play together, you win together! Sometimes, just when you think you have known everything about your spouse is when they suddenly show you another side of them you have never known before. Yes, you can never ever finish studying your spouse, but you don’t give up. You must grow with your spouse as they grow. Grow with them in their faith, career, expectations and most of all in their walk and relationship with God.

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Each time you discover another side of them that takes you by surprise, pause, listen and with patience and love, work out whatever difference that may arise out of this discovery. It is important that you live with this reality that you are better off living together as friends and partners instead of as enemies under the same roof. Sometimes, discovering something new about your spouse gives you another perspective about them and another reason to fall in love with them once again. We ought to maintain an active love with our spouse. Love that is not static or dormant but love that is always evolving staying fresh and always embracing the present challenges and realities of whatever the couple is going through at any time. Just keep studying your spouse so that you will not wake up one day to find out that your spouse is now a stranger to you. When couples work their faith together on any issue, it will always end in praise. Don’t allow those quarrels and disagreements pollute the love in your marriage. Learn to resolve issues quickly with your spouse. Make it a lifestyle. The more you resolve issues quickly with your spouse, the more it becomes a lifestyle and the more marriage becomes sweeter because you now have more happy moments shared than down times. Forget not the days of little beginning! Those days you did not have enough. Most great endings had a

humble beginning. Those financial challenges you are facing together as a couple all have an expiry date. When couples work together in exercising their faith as a team, it always does wonders producing great results and transforming marriages. Do away with all strife that will not allow you to support your spouse and to call forth that greatness that belongs to your family. Don’t rob your family their breakthrough and success by the fact that you have closed your heart to forgiveness and looking for every opportunity to cause trouble because you are still bitter and hurting. Kindness is always very far from a relationship where there is bitterness and hurt. You can’t give it and you find it difficult to receive it. Break this chain off your family today and allow this sweet smelling breath of fresh air to seep into your relationship with your spouse. Expunging hatred, bitterness and grudges from your relationship with your spouse keeps love fresh in your marriage and helps create a natural habitat for your desire and prayers as a couple to come to life and be fruitful. You may have married an angel but she is still a human being whose physical attributes may not remain the same forever. When you got married to him, you never anticipated that one day he may be bedridden because of sickness. As both of you travel together on this marital journey, don’t let the physical changes you see in each other make you to value your spouse less or make you to begin to look outside. Your spouse may have put on some pounds since you got married and in some cases extra-large pounds. They are no longer as fresh as they were when you first met each other. Your spouse who was so vibrant in bed some years back may no longer be as energetic as they used to be. Long story short, your spouse physical attributes has seen a lot of change since you got married and most likely, you never bargained for it. Please as you two grow older, let your love for each other also mature. Balance your expectations with who your spouse is right now. Does your wife have a pot belly now? Still love her! Is he underperforming in bed now? Still love him! Love the one you are married to. A lot of things can change in life but never allow the love you have for your spouse to be one of them. If you notice that your love for your spouse has been polluted in any way, reboot and fall in love again with your spouse. Keep falling in love with yourselves, over and over again.

Kalu Igwe is a Marriage Counselor, Author of " Marriage is Beautiful " and " Pursue your Passion." MUMMY & I Magazine 29




By Esther Ijeoma Ogbuka

" I started this program because I'm so passionate about fashion and most importantly, I earnestly desire to empower a lot of women out there with my passion, so that they can be skilled and independent. The progress has been amazing so far, quite surprising in fact. The core purpose of establishing 'House of GMYT Fashion Academy' is to provide education and services for the development of the society. We are committed to excellence, innovation, student satisfaction and development through shared eorts."

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These are the words of Princess Kelechi Oghene, a pulchritudinous personality which is made manifest not just on her attractive facial appearnce but mostly through her lovely heart , filled with an ever burning desire and unquenchable passion to empower women by equipping them, with long lasting entrepreneurial skills. Her captivating outfits, warm disarming smiles alongside her charismatic aura simply suggest an addition of two extra adjectives- Elegant and Vivacious to our own description of her as "Young, graceful, intelligent and phenomenal." She is the lady whose stunning and alluring image graces our cover befittingly, in all ramifications.

Fashion Academy/Foundation. I am also the Creative Director of GMYT coutour Ltd. So, House of GMYT is the parent company for all these subsidiaries I have mentioned. The GMYT Foundation is an empowerment platform for under privileged women to learn various aspects of fashion illustration, design, and manufacture via scholarship provisions to the GMYT Fashion Academy. The foundation not only desires to train and equip women with skills in fashion design but also seeks to provide business knowledge for its beneficiaries to enable them start and grow sustainable businesses and in turn serve as vehicle for empowerment and employment.

To a highly interesting extent, she has been, and still is the brand ambassador of Delta Soap, a product of Orange drugs for close to a decade now. This, simply means she is a rare breed, who understands her onus, having it constantly at heart to make a record of not just excellence but equally maintaining an unbeatable record in all her endeavours . These great demands, notwithstanding, she has proved to have stepped up to the standard and has distinguished herself even in the world of entrepreneurship and women empowerment.


"The rate of unemployment in the country is alarming," and for Kelechi, teaching of various skills will advertently go a long way to take care of those who are not privileged to have a white collar job. Her fashion academy "House of GMYT" is here with us in the nick of time, to bridge the wide parallel lines between the teeming population of unemployed women and the limited corporate jobs available in the country. She teaches, grooms and ensures she emancipates her students, causing a paradigm shift in their approach to fashion business, as well as make them thrive effortlessly in this highly competitive business. Apart from being a "Business woman" in her own rights with unbreaking limits to what she can do, Kelechi, is also a wife and an amazing mother which made "Mummy & I" interested to know how she was able to rise to her present citadel over these years, having been married for nine years , passed through "Lagos Business School," discharging her duties as a mother, managing and directing as the "CEO, House of GMYT Fashion Academy," and maintaining her position as the beautiful Face of Delta Soap. What a very interesting personality, isn't it? So, join us, as we profile Princess Kelechi Oghene who seems to be a clear description of a balanced - great home maker, business woman and an entrepreneur who empowers other women in the same line. One wonders how she has been able to pull through all these stunts in the business world and at the same time kindly giving attention to her home behind the scene. Let us find these and other things out in "Mummy & I".

For the coutour department, we do pure coutour, bespoke tailoring. We also have a vendour that supplies us fabrics. You can either buy fabrics from us, then we make your outfit or you can bring your fabric, then we tailor it to fit you. The couture department handle that. That's one of the advantages the academy students have because they get to do their internship in-house as well. For the academy, people come, mainly aspiring fashion designers, people who want to start and manage their own fashion businesses. They come, we teach them how to be the best in their area of interest, we teach them how to sow, we teach them how to manage their own business, and we teach this every month. We run entrepreneurial classes where we invite established entrepreneurs (people that have been in the game for a very long time). We don't restrict our motivational speakers to fashion alone. We bring people from different fields which is equally an amazing way of networking and in the process, we get clients for them. Our students have the opportunity to get the contacts of these established entrepreneurs before they leave the lecture venue. House Of GMYT is like a mini factory and we have bosses (our students) managing their own businesses in the fashion industry but still work for us when our hands are full. Presently, we are doing something for RMD production. So, when we have too many clients, rather than reject clients, we extend the work to our students because I know they are capable and equal to the task. House of GMYT Foundation is for those so passionate in fashion business but lack money to enrol into our academy. We have given scholarships to five students and we will give more scholarship this December, 2017 as well. As the graduands graduate, we admit students who can't foot their bills in GMYT Foundation. It's my way of giving back to the society. 3) HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR BUSINESS?

1) TELL US MORE ABOUT YOURSELF. My name is Princess Kelechi Oghene. I am the Director of House of GMYT Fashion House, Founder of GMYT

I take it one day at a time. You can imagine, since I walked into my office, I've been very busy. This is what I practically

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do every day Sometimes, we leave here by 11 p.m, while sometimes, we sleep here. As a fashion designer, this is what we do. It's not easy and we are in fashion season. I equally did Owner Management Program from Lagos Business School and I'm still going to take up more courses because we need to learn everyday. Personally, I learn everyday from my clients, my staff, in women empowerment conferences, even in the entrepreneurship classes I organize for my students, I still learn a lot from my guest facilitators. We once had Rev. Laura Idahosa- she taught us "How to balance life and work." We equally had other powerful speakers who taught us about having the right attitude. There is this popular adage, "Customers are always right" which is not totally true." They could be wrong, however, they pay you for your services, you have to massage their ego and make them feel good because if you lose a customer, you've lost #10,000. However, like I earlier said, I am taking it one step at a time. 4) SO, DID YOU JUST GO INTO FASHION BUSINESS BECAUSE THAT IS THE MOST CONVENTIONAL THING CELEBRITIES VENTURE INTO? I always tell my students not to venture into anything because others are doing same. They should do whatever they have passion for. Fashion is something I started right from childhood. My Mum was a seamstress. Despite the fact that we were in school, my Mum insisted we must learn a skill. I started fashion at a very young age and if someone had told me I'll feed from fashion, I will not believe it. While in Delta state, aside learning from my Mum in the house, I enrolled into a local fashion school, though I never took it as serious as i'm taking it now. Putting all these together, this December is my 12th year in the fashion business. Aside studying at the University of Lagos, I was running a boutique. That is one of the numerous things I learnt from my Mother who was a Chartered Accountant and equally a seamstress, she had a supermarket and a catering store. She had the grace of multitasking and even when she passed on, she left a legacy for her children both financially and otherwise. That's exactly what I love, she left an indelible mark for her children. Presently, my daughter is 5 years old and she is already making beautiful beads. Sometimes, they come to my office after school and she gets busy with her beads. I don't like to always leave them with the Nanny. I just want to watch them, fix my gaze on them and direct them right here in my office. The fact that she loves bead making makes me very happy. I bought a toy sewing machine that really sews for her and she is doing great with it. I'm so proud of her and her interest in fashion. I am really looking for ways to encourage and support her just like my mothe did. My son dislikes fashion but he is in love with computers. So, fashion has been my passion and my growth has been systematic, from one step to another. I started from a boutique for 9 years at Ikota Shopping Complex. I used to travel and buy different designs like

Gucci e.t.c and other well known 5) WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR PRODUCTS AS LUXURY? I think the impact that I have created in the lives of women is worth more than luxury. I have grown past selling products. I have empowered a lot of women through fashion. I can say that I am a product of God's blessing in my life. 6) WHY SHOULD PEOPLE GO FOR YOUR PRODUCTS INSTEAD OF JUST WALKING INTO AN OPEN MARKET TO PICK A HANDFUL ? We need to get something straight. I do not sell products. I am past that. Asides being the Director of GMYT FASHION ACADEMY, I run a Foundation single-handedly called GMYT FOUNDATION where we train women to become fashion designers for free. Every year, we train more than 10 students for free to start their own businesses. Because it is strongly my passion, I go out of my way to train these ones and they also enjoy the many benefits that those of the academy enjoy. 7) WHAT'S YOUR CLIENTELE BASE HERE IN LAGOS? DO YOU HAVE OTHER BRANCHES? Well, I also own a Fashion House called GMYT COUTURE which deals mainly with custom-made and bespoke apparels. Because of the quality and standard of outfits we produce for our clients, our clientele's is topnotch clients. About having other branches…Not yet. But with the way the academy is running as well as the couture, I will soon be planning for that. 8) YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT BY 10TH DECEMBER, WHAT IS THE EVENT ALL ABOUT? The event is a Ball Event titled, FROZEN. It is aimed to celebrate the journey of our students so far and especially produce another set of graduates and alumni from the academy. The event is going to be juice of grandeur and glitz. Our students also gets the opportunity to showcase their collection on the runway before VIP guests. There will also be music performances from the big music guns in the industr y, comedy, runway, graduation, talks, refreshments and loads of other things. 9) HOW MANY STUDENTS WILL BE GRADUATING FROM YOUR ACADEMY IN DECEMBER? 16 students will be graduating in December. 1 0 ) YO U G I V E O U T P R I C E S FO R T H E B E ST GRADUATING STUDENTS. WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR SELECTING THE BEST GRADUATING STUDENTS? Well, we give out an award for the best graduating student which is the best honor we can ever give such a student. However, one of the criterion for such an honour to any MUMMY & I Magazine 35

student that wins it, is that such student must perform excellently well in all facets of her school project. Another criterion is that such a student must be of good behavior, creative, exemplary and obtains good comments from her instructors. 11) ASIDES BEING THE CEO, HOUSE OF GMYT, WHAT OTHER THINGS ARE YOU INTO? I also run a modeling company called GMYT MODELLING. Asides that, I run an event company called GMYT EVENTS. 12) BEYOND HERE AND NOW, WHAT MORE DO WE HOPE TO SEE OF YOU, BUSINESS WISE? With the increase in students each and every day, there will more need for expansion. Also as my vision states, myself and my team are working so hard to fulďŹ ll our mission and vision to be one of the most prestigious fashion academies in the whole world. My greatest assignment is to touch the lives of more and more women around the world. 13) HOW DO YOU COMBINE YOUR WORK WITH FAMILY LIFE? HOW DO YOU STRIKE A BALANCE? Well, I have learnt over the years to put things in their proper place. It's not been easy. However, I take it one step at a time and it works for my good. 14). WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT MOTHERS WHO ARE NEITHER ENTREPRENEURS NOR INTO 9-5 STYLED JOBS? Well, they are doing great and should always put GOD in all that they do. Home making is already a job on its own, taking care of the children is not easy at all. They simply have to ensure they are happy. They also need to balance their work/career and family properly , when they become entrepreneurs because that is True Success. 15. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR MOTHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD? That God takes notice of their good works and he will not hesitate to reward them super-abundantly. I advise that they use every opportunity to be empowered and stay busy with anything that can be a value addition.

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m r every ho st have fo u m A s it First Aid K buka. Ijeoma Og r e th s E y B

First aid can reduce infections from open wounds and injuries. It can also reduce the severity of an injury. You cannot always keep your family from getting hurt but you can protect them when they get injured with a first aid kit. What you need to create a complete" First aid kit." First aid kits are necessary so that you can treat ailments and injuries that happen at home. From the minor ailment to the more serious injury a first aid kit can help reduce the risk of infection or the severity of the injury. It might benefit you and your family to attend a first aid class through the Red Cross in order to know how to utilize all the supplies in a first aid kit. Another good place to have a first aid kit is when you go out with your family. You can store it in your vehicle so if something happens when you are out somewhere you can start treating the problem immediately. First aid kits include a variety of items that will help treat cuts, scrapes, injuries including sprains, burns, and supplies for a variety of ailments that are common. You can either buy a prepared first aid kit from the internet or you can prepare your own first aid kit using a list of common items that are in first aid kits. If you make your own first aid kit, make sure to put it in an easy to access place so that anyone can access the kit in the case of an injury. Also make sure the first aid kit is easy for everyone to open so when an emergency occurs it is not about where the kit is but that it can be used for the situation. First aid kits should include items like how to treat certain conditions and also explain what each item in the first aid kit treats and how it is used to treat that ailment. Make sure to include a wrap in case there is a sprain. If you take a first aid class you will feel comfortable wrapping a sprain appropriately. Also include gauze to cover open wounds. Include a medical tape that can be used to keep a wrap or gauze on the skin. Another important item is Band-Aids that can be used in case of minor scrapes and cuts. Also include rubbing alcohol to clean out some open wounds. Hand sanitizer can be used to wash the hands of the person that will be treating the injury. Antibiotic cream is also good for cuts and scrapes. The list goes on for what is used in a first aid kit and those were just some of the important items needed for one. First aid kits are necessary for every household no matter the age of who lives in the home. Injuries can happen anytime and anywhere. When you have a first aid kit within easy access of wherever you are you will ensure the safety of everyone. MUMMY & I Magazine 38

Include the following in each of your first-aid kits: first-aid manual sterile gauze pads of different sizes adhesive tape adhesive bandages in several sizes elastic bandage a splint antiseptic wipes soap antibiotic ointment antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide) hydrocortisone cream (1%) acetaminophen and ibuprofen extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation) tweezers sharp scissors safety pins disposable instant cold packs calamine lotion alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol thermometer tooth preservation kit plastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs) flashlight and extra batteries a blanket mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross) your list of emergency phone numbers blanket (stored nearby) After you've stocked your first- aid kits: Read the entire first- aid manual so you'll understand how to use the contents of your kits. (If your kids are old enough to understand, review the manuals with them.) Store first-aid kits in places that are out of children's reach but easily accessible for adults. Check the kits regularly. Replace missing items or medicines that may have expired. Check the flashlight batteries to make sure they work. If you're flying, be sure to pack the first-aid kit in your checked luggage. Many of the items won't be permitted in your carry-on bags.

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